Charging the Future: Challenges and
Opportunities for Electric Vehicle
Faculty Research Working Paper Series
Henry Lee
Harvard Kennedy School
Alex Clark
Climate Policy Initiative
September 2018
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the Future
Challenges and Opportunities
for Electric Vehicle Adoption
Henry Lee
Alex Clark
Environment and Natural Resources Program
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs
Harvard Kennedy School
79 JFK Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
The authors of this report invites use of this information for educational purposes, requiring only
that the reproduced material clearly cite the full source: Lee, Henry, and Alex Clark, “Charging the
Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption. Belfer Center for Science and
International Aairs, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University, August 2018.
Statements and views expressed in this report are solely those of the authors and do not imply
endorsement by Harvard University, the Harvard Kennedy School, or the Belfer Center for Science
and International Aairs.
Design and layout by Andrew Facini
Cover photo: A Tesla Model 3 charges using a Mobile Charger 2.0, 29 July 2017.
(Steve Jurvetson/CC BY 2.0)
Copyright 2018, President and Fellows of Harvard College
Printed in the United States of America
the Future
Challenges and Opportunities
for Electric Vehicle Adoption
Henry Lee
Alex Clark
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
About the Project
e Environment and Natural Resources Program at the Belfer Center for
Science and International Aairs is at the center of the Harvard Kennedy
School’s research and outreach on public policy that aects global environ-
ment quality and natural resource management. Its mandate is to conduct
policy-relevant research at the regional, national, international, and global
level, and through its outreach initiatives to make its products available to
decision-makers, scholars, and interested citizens.
More information can be found on ENRP’s web site at www.belfercenter.
org/enrp or from assistant director, Amanda Sardonis (amanda_sardonis@
hks.harvard.edu) at ENRP, Harvard Kennedy School, 79 JFK Street, Cam-
bridge, MA 02138 USA.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
About the Authors
Henry Lee is the Jassim M. Jaidah Family Director of the Environment
and Natural Resources Program within the Belfer Center for Science and
International Aairs at Harvards John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Faculty Co-Chair of the Sustainability Science Program, and a Senior Lec-
turer in Public Policy. He also serves on the board of the schools Middle
East Initiative. Before joining the School in 1979, Mr. Lee spent nine years
in Massachusetts state government as Director of the States Energy Oce
and Special Assistant to the Governor for environmental policy. He has
served on numerous state, federal, and private boards, and advisory com-
mittees on both energy and environmental issues. His recent research
interests focus on energy and transportation, Chinas energy policy, and
public infrastructure projects in developing countries.
Alex Clark is a climate nance analyst at the Climate Policy Initiative, cov-
ering a range of topics including low-carbon transport, blended nance
and tracking of climate nance ows. He is Senior Advisor to the Sustain-
able Development Solutions Network - Youth, and was the 2016-17 Henry
Fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. He hold an
MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy from Oxford University, and
a BA(Hons) in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of
Warwick. Alex provides informal coordination support to the Galvanizing
the Groundswell of Climate Actions initiative, supporting non-state and
subnational climate action eorts globally. He is also an Associate Fellow of
the Royal Commonwealth Society.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
is paper beneted from the assistance on data access and analysis from
William Hogan, Raymond Plank Professor of Global Energy Policy at the
Harvard Kennedy School, and Mauricio Salles, Laboratory of Advanced
Electric Grids - LGrid, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, São
Paulo 05508-010, Brazil, and from data collected by PlugShare (formerly
Recargo). e authors are particularly thankful to the following individuals
for their insights and contributions:
Will Carry New York City Department of Transportation
Abdellah Cherkaoui Volta
Larry Dickerman Landis+Gyr
Ryan Harty American Honda Motor Company
Paul Hibbard Analysis Group
Steve Kosowski Kia Motors America
Nick Lembach Recargo
Kevin Miller ChargePoint
Salim Morsy Bloomberg New Energy Finance
Mike Nicholas International Council on Clean Transportation
Terry ODay EVGo
Parina Parikh San Diego Gas & Electric
Qinyu Qiao Harvard Kennedy School
Jonathan Raab Raab Associates
Michael Replogle New York City Department of Transportation
Robert Scholer Kia Motors America
Cal Silcox Pacic Gas & Electric
Mark Simon New York City Department of Transportation
Patrick Smith New York City Department of Transportation
Dean Taylor Southern California Edison
None of the individuals listed have any responsibility for the content of this
paper, nor do they necessarily endorse its ndings. We would also like to
express our appreciation to Julie Gardella for her assistance in formatting
and preparing numerous dras of this paper.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...........................................................................1
Introduction ....................................................................................... 4
1. Battery Technology ...................................................................... 6
1.1 Challenges to Wider Deployment ......................................................... 9
1.2 Subsidies ............................................................................................. 10
1.3 Lifetime Costs ...................................................................................... 11
2. Charging Infrastructure ..............................................................17
2.1 The Charging Challenge ...................................................................... 18
2.1.1 Types of EV Charging Equipment .................................................................. 19
2.2 Understanding Charging Economics ..................................................24
2.2.1 Fixed Costs ......................................................................................................24
2.2.2 Variable Energy Costs ....................................................................................28
2.3 Modeling Charging Economics ...........................................................34
2.3.1 Results of the Analysis .................................................................................. 36
2.3.2 Commercial Charging ................................................................................... 38
2.3.3 Pricing models ............................................................................................... 45
2.3.4 Summary ........................................................................................................47
2.4 Load Management for Large-Scale EV Integration ...........................48
3. Conclusion ................................................................................... 52
4. References ...................................................................................54
Appendices ......................................................................................59
A.1 Lifetime EV Cost Modeling ..................................................................59
A.2 Charging Infrastructure Base Case Model Assumptions .................60
Cover Image
A Tesla Model 3 charges using a Mobile Charger 2.0, 29 July 2017.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
Executive Summary
Electric vehicles (EVs) have advanced signicantly this decade, owing
in part to decreasing battery costs. Yet EVs remain more costly than
gasoline fueled vehicles over their useful life. is paper analyzes the
additional advances that will be needed, if electric vehicles are to sig-
nicantly penetrate the passenger vehicle eet.
Battery Prices
Cell costs have plummeted to $145 per kWh or lower, and are
expected to continue falling with technological improvements and
returns to large-scale production. While cells are only one component
of the cost of an installed battery, the cost of installed batteries has
declined from around $1,000 per kWh in 2010 to an estimated $250-
350 per kWh in 2018. Total battery costs are falling more slowly, as
consumers demand EVs with longer ranges and thus larger batteries.
Meanwhile, governments are nding it increasingly dicult to scally
justify large subsidies to attract buyers.
Will Declining Battery Costs Make EVs Competitive?
is paper compares the lifetime costs of battery-only cars (BEVs),
plug-in hybrids (PHEV) and gasoline-fueled internal combustion-en-
gined vehicles (ICE), using a range of gasoline prices, discount rates,
and battery costs. e PHEV is more expensive than the ICE in
almost all scenarios, while the BEV is robustly cost-competitive, once
installed battery prices reach $200-$250 per kWh. Hence, further
reductions in battery costs will still be needed for BEVs to be a viable
alternative to ICEs.
e paper compares the lifetime costs of the Chevrolet Bolt BEV to
the costs of an equivalent PHEV and ICE, using a range of gasoline
prices, discount rates, and battery costs. e PHEV is more expensive
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
than the ICE in almost all scenarios, while the BEV is cost-competitive
once battery prices reach $200-$250 per kWh.
Will Charging Infrastructure Support EV Adoption?
Commercial success for EVs will require installing charging infrastructure
that is accessible, easy to use, and relatively inexpensive—whether at home
or in public locations. e form this infrastructure will take is still uncer-
tain, with a range of charging technologies currently available and more
expected to emerge over the next ve years. e current range of equip-
ment spans slower alternating current (AC) chargers best suited to home
or oce locations and short trips (Level 1-2 in this paper), and much faster
direct current fast chargers (DCFC) for rapid refueling in public locations,
best suited for recharging on longer journeys (Level 3-5). e time taken
to add 100 miles of range varies from 26 hours for the slowest AC charger,
to six minutes for the fastest DCFC charger—still far slower than the 300
miles-per-minute enjoyed by a 30 mile-per-gallon ICE.
e costs of charging infrastructure are both xed (installation, utility
service, transformers, and equipment) and variable (electricity charges).
For chargers on commercial electricity taris, demand charges can domi-
nate operating costs. As a result, the total cost of power from fast charging
stations is higher than slower residential chargers unless the former can
achieve suciently high utilization rates.
Modeling dierent types of charging infrastructure and comparing them
with the operating costs of an ICE suggests that simple home charging
is competitive with today’s more ecient gasoline cars and could be sig-
nicantly cheaper if a time-of-use electricity tari, with lower prices in
o-peak periods, is in place. More powerful home charging is sensitive to
capital costs, but is competitive with moderately ecient ICEs and sub-
stantially cheaper under a time-of-use tari. For commercial chargers
(Level 3-5), the price of electricity required for investment in the system
to break even falls sharply at progressively higher utilization rates. At 30%
utilization, all variants are cheaper than fueling an average ICE, and at 40%
utilization, they are competitive with an ecient ICE.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
At current levels of utilization (optimistically, 10%), commercial chargers
are almost universally not economically protable, suggesting a signicant,
sustained increase in demand will be needed for commercial charging
infrastructure to deliver nancial returns, and compete with both ICEs and
cheaper residential charging.
Managing additional power demand from EVs is both a challenge and
an opportunity for distribution utilities. High concentration of EV home
charging during peak periods can overload local transformers. Utilities
may have to procure additional peak capacity, unless they are able to shi
demand to o-peak periods. Time-of-use electricity pricing, along with
smart metering, have already been deployed in some states to incentiv-
ize o-peak charging and manage peak loads, respectively. It is unclear
whether they will be sucient to oset demand increases. Vehicle-to-grid
technology, allowing EVs to serve as mobile electricity storage units, could
complement these eorts but will need adequate incentives, which are not
presently available. Overall, electricity tari reforms will be essential, if
today’s power systems will be able to serve the additional demand from the
signicant deployment of electric vehicles.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
Over the past decade there has been a growing interest, bordering on
enthusiasm, for electric vehicles. Is the American motorist on the cusp
of replacing gasoline-powered cars with electric versions? Will gasoline
stations be superseded by fast charging stations? Will the transportation
sector of the future be electried? ese questions are at the core of the
energy and transport debates. Governments have enacted subsidy pro-
grams, supported the installation of a charging infrastructure, and are
starting to develop regulatory initiatives to support and manage an electric
vehicle eet. In fact, some governments—including the United Kingdom
and France—have announced that they will not permit the sale of new fos-
sil-fueled automobiles aer 2040.
e car manufacturers that were initially
skeptical about electric vehicles are now committing billions of dollars to
their production. By 2022 there will be 127 dierent fully battery-electric
car models available for purchase in the United States.
Is this euphoria justied by the state of the technology and by economic
and nancial realities? Six years ago, a Harvard paper attempted to address
this question.
Its conclusion was that under most business-as-usual sce-
narios, ecient fossil-fueled automobiles would continue to have a cost ad-
vantage over electric vehicles. At the time, the future of electric vehicles de-
pended largely on a combination of high government subsidies, extremely
high gasoline prices (over $4.50 per gallon), and dramatic improvements in
battery technology. Today, the outlook is more positive, but several of the
same unresolved questions remain. Will battery powered electric vehicles
be competitive with conventional gasoline-fueled vehicles in the next ve
to ten years? Will a cost-eective charging infrastructure emerge? What are
the economic and nancial challenges that must be overcome?
1 Ryan, C. and J. Shankleman. 26 July 2017. “U.K. Joins France, Says Goodbye to Fossil-Fuel Cars by
2040”. Bloomberg. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-07-25/u-k-to-ban-diesel-and-
2 Naughton, K. 19 December 2017. “The Near Future of Electric Cars: Many Models, Few Buyers”.
Bloomberg. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2017-12-19/the-near-future-of-electric-
3 See Lee, H. and G. Lovellette. 2011. “Will Electric Cars Transform the U.S. Market?” Harvard Kenne-
dy School Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP11-032. https://research.hks.harvard.edu/
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
First, over the past six years, battery costs have fallen signicantly, but the
size of battery packs has increased. In other words, in the course of ad-
dressing range anxiety, the total cost of an EV battery pack has declined
more slowly than the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh). As a result, installed
battery costs continue to be a barrier to widespread consumer acceptance.
is paper reviews the status of these costs and the levels that must be
reached if electric cars are to become cost-eective alternatives.
Second, while battery costs have attracted the interest and the pocket
books of both car manufacturers and the electronics industry (Samsung,
LG, Panasonic etc.), the challenges around designing and operating a -
nancially viable charging infrastructure to serve EV batteries remain. ere
are dierent types of home-charging equipment, and multiple commer-
cial-charging station congurations, with no clear winner in the current
market. Who will develop a commercially protable plan to charge the
electric cars of the future—the electric utility companies? e automobile
manufacturers? e equipment manufacturers? Or third-party investors?
None of these candidates has yet to implement a sustainable long-term
business plan. e good news is that manufactures, utilities and other
parties are moving quickly to develop inter and intra-city charging options,
but signicant regulatory and nancial complexities may retard widespread
economically sustainable deployment. is paper examines these com-
plexities, and how they aect the cost of fueling and operating an electric
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
1. Battery Technology
Improvements in battery technology over the past six years have been
impressive. Today’s battery cells have higher energy densities and are much
less expensive on a per kWh basis than they were just a few years ago.
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) cells enjoy the bulk of investment, and remain the
preferred technology for LG Chem, Panasonic, and Samsung, the three
largest producers. Lithium-metal technologies with much higher energy
densities are in development, but currently lack the production scale and
established supply chain advantages of Li-ion.
Veriable information on battery costs is dicult to obtain, owing to both
intense commercial sensitivity and confusion over the denition of “bat-
tery”—which can apply to the cost of individual cells, the battery pack, or
the battery pack once installed in the vehicle itself, or indeed the nal cost
to the consumer once any manufacturer markup is applied. ese distinc-
tions are explained below, and unless otherwise stated, “battery costs” in
subsequent sections of this paper refer to the total cost to the consumer.
e sharp downward trend in the cost of Li-ion cells, however, is clear.
From a baseline of about $1,000 per kWh for an installed battery. Cell
manufacturing costs have declined about 70% since 2010 due primarily to
economies of scale.
is holds across dierent congurations and chem-
ical compositions, and is the largest contributor to observed cost declines,
with an average of 8% cost reduction for a doubling in volume every year
since 2010.
Compounded from 2010-2015, this equates to a 35% real
decline in cost due to economies of scale, accounting for almost half of
the total cost reductions seen since 2010. Nykvist and Nilssons (2015)
study concurs with this nding, attributing 30% of cost reductions from
2013-2017 to economies of scale, and the remainder to declines in material
4 Samsung, among others, has been developing graphene-based battery technologies. Despite
recent research advances, the technology is still focused on mobile device applications. It remains
some distance from commercialization in any form, and further away from deployment at the scale
required for a car battery. Jung-a, S. 27 November 2017. “Samsung hails “graphene ball” battery
success”. Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/5a6693f0-d349-11e7-8c9a-d9c0a5c8d5c9
5 Boston Consulting Group. 2010. “Batteries for Electric Cars: Challenges, Opportunities and the
Outlook to 2020. Boston, MA: Boston Consulting Group.
6 Faguy, P. 2015. “Overview of the DoE Advanced Battery R&D Program”. U.S. Department of Energy.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
costs and learning rates, with an estimated combined annual cost decline
(including both learning rate and returns to scale) of 12-14%.
As noted already, cell costs are only a part of the total installed cost of the
battery. Using available information on battery sales to manufacturers,
McKinsey’s 2017 Electrifying Insights report implies an underlying Li-ion
cell cost of approximately $150 per kWh at the end of 2016, and an addi-
tional cost of roughly $70-100 per kWh to convert cells into battery packs.
McKinsey’s gures correspond with the more optimistic end of projec-
tions from earlier studies, citing an installed battery pack cost (to the car
manufacturer) of $227 per kWh in 2016.
is is roughly in line with U.S.
Department of Energy trend estimates that put battery pack costs for 14
kWh plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEVs) at $289 per kWh in 2015, with poten-
tial for economies of scale alone to push this down further to $200 per
By McKinsey’s estimate, battery pack costs are projected to fall to
$190 per kWh by 2020.
e McKinsey report implies that these decreases
will come primarily as a result of further technological advances in the
production of the cells themselves, rather than reductions in capital costs
stemming from scaled-up eciency, but the report does not explain where
specically these advances will be made.
e International Energy Agency’s 2018 Global Electric Vehicle Outlook
estimates cell costs at $145 per kWh, and gives its range of estimates for
installed battery pack costs at $155-$360 per kWh, depending heavily on
production scale and battery size. eir mid-range estimate of the total
cost to the consumer is $274 per kWh, based on comparing pricing of
models with ICE and BEV powertrains.
is in turn implies the dier-
ence between cell cost and total cost to the consumer is in the vicinity of
$130 per kWh. Given the inherent uncertainties in these estimates, we
assume this dierence is between $100-$200 per kWh, implying a total
cost to the consumer of $245-$345 per kWh (see Table 1.1). is additional
cost reects an additional manufacturer mark-up over the cost of materials
7 Nykvist, B. and M. Nilsson. 2015. “Rapidly falling costs of battery packs for electric vehicles”. Nature
Climate Change 5: 329-332. doi:10.1038/nclimate2564.
8 McKinsey & Company. 2017. “Electrifying Insights - How auto makers can drive electrified vehicle
sales and profitability. New York, NY: McKinsey & Company.
9 Faguy, P. 2015. “Overview of the DoE Advanced Battery R&D Program.
10 McKinsey & Company. 2017. “Electrifying Insights.
11 International Energy Agency. Global EV Outlook 2018: Towards cross-modal electrification. p.66.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
and assembly to recover capital investment and research and development,
and to achieve a rate of return. In the latter case, there may be substantial
variation across manufacturers, depending on whether their electric vehi-
cle sales are intended to be prot-making. Assuming that the existing price
ranges reect some form of manufacturer discount to boost demand, we
contend that nancially sustainable pricing is currently in the $300-$400
per kWh range.
Table 1.1 Battery cost estimates across stages of production
Stage of Production Estimated Cost per kWh
Cell cost
Purchasing Lithium-ion cells from the cell
Pack assembly
Arranging cells into a battery pack
(combined cost implied from dierence
between cell cost and installed cost, using
McKinsey $70-$100 estimate)
Pack covering and preparation
Wrapping battery in protective materials
ready for installation
Installed pack
Installation into the vehicle. Includes wiring,
circuitry and inverters
Total cost to consumer
Price markup between capital cost to man-
ufacturer and price charged to consumer.
Covers additional labor and capital costs to
(total cost implied from dierence between
cell cost and total cost to consumer, using a
$100-$200 estimate implied from IEA $274
mid-range figure)
Battery pack prices are generally dicult to ascertain with any precision
and the ultimate cost to the consumer depends on supply chain dynamics,
manufacturer mark-up, and scale. In Table 1.1, we break down estimates
of the various components of battery costs. While the gures for cell cost,
installed cost, and nal cost (including markup) are roughly consistent,
the largest information gap is in the stages between purchasing cells and
installing the battery pack into an EV drivetrain (including pack assembly,
covering it with protective material, wiring, circuitry, safety measures, and
an AC/DC inverter). Allowing for a wide margin of error, it is reasonable
12 As noted below, the Chevrolet Bolt is an example of a loss-making vehicle. It is often unclear in
these cases whether discounted pricing is applied to the batteries or the vehicle as a whole, and
whether it is part of a strategy to stimulate demand, or to avoid penalties for non-compliance with
clean vehicle regulations.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
to conclude that the total cost of an EV battery by the end of 2017 was in
the region of $250-$350 per kWh, and likely to fall as competitive pressure
builds, technology improves, and large-scale production continues to pro-
duce returns to scale.
1.1 Challenges to Wider Deployment
e declining per-kWh cost of batteries is happening at the same time
that battery pack sizes are increasing. In search of increased range, man-
ufacturers are augmenting the size of battery packs on new models. e
base-model Nissan Leaf powertrain grew from 24 kWh to 30 kWh for the
rst generation, then to 40 kWh for the second generation (announced in
September 2017),
while Teslas Model S base model has grown from oer-
ing 60 kWh, to 70 kWh, with a 100 kWh model released in August 2016.
e delicate balance between using larger batteries to improve perfor-
mance and range, and keeping costs aordable, is not lost on an industry in
which “unfavorable battery economics will remain a protability barrier for
the next two to three product cycles.
Nonetheless, OEMs are investing heavily in building up EV production
capacity. In addition to oering a PHEV version of every model it makes,
Volkswagen Group expects to oer 30 battery-only electric vehicles (BEVs)
by 2025, making up 25% of all new sales,
while Ford plans 13 BEV
models by 2022. e Chinese government has a target of 8% of all sales
being BEVs or PHEVs in 2018, and a coalition of eight U.S. states, includ-
ing California, is aiming for a total of 3.3 million EVs on their roads by
In Norway, BEVs and PHEVs accounted for a third of new sales in
2016, with a target of 400,000 BEVs by 2020. Norway’s success is at least
13 Nissan USA. 2017. “Build your 2018 Nissan Leaf. https://www.nissanusa.com/electric-cars/2018-
14 Lambert, F. 2016. “Tesla’s new Model S P100D is not only quick, it’s the first all-electric car with
over 300 miles of range.” Electrek. https://electrek.co/2016/08/24/tesla-model-s-p100d-first-all-
15 McKinsey & Company. 2017. “Electrifying Insights.
16 Campbell, P. 26 July 2016. “Electric cars see range, battery and ease of charging as barriers
to mass adoption.” Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/8f79ae6e-2400-11e6-9d4d-
17 The Economist. 18 February 2017. “Volts wagons: Electric cars are set to arrive far more speedily
than anticipated.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
partly due to exceptionally low hydroelectric power costs for charging, and
eective policy measures oering a host of additional benets to EV driv-
ers (including free parking and charging) and exemptions from purchase
taxes that typically double the cost of a gasoline powered vehicle.
Meeting this expected EV demand will require an unprecedented build-up
of battery procurement capacity and capital investment, with the transition
likely to be loss-making in the short term as established OEMs shi cap-
ital and labor resources rapidly towards EV mass-production. U.S. bank
Morgan Stanley projects Volkswagens entire automobile business may be
loss-making from 2025-2028 as a consequence.
Aordable supplies of
critical materials for battery manufacturing, notably cobalt, may be placed
under pressure, while assembly plants will require large capital investments
to scale up EV production suciently.
1.2 Subsidies
e U.S. federal credit instituted by the Obama Administration of up to
$7,500 per car, depending on the capacity of the battery, is valid for up
to 200,000 PHEVs or BEVs sold and registered with the Department of
Transport by each independent manufacturer, regardless of model. From
the 200,000
vehicle onwards, the program is phased out so as not to dis-
rupt the market or confuse consumers. e full $7,500 credit continues
through to the end of the nancial quarter in which the 200,000
is produced, and through the following quarter. e maximum credit falls
to $3,750 for the following six months, and $1,875 for the next six months
aer that, before expiring completely. Between selling the 200,000
cle and the credit’s expiration, the manufacturer can build and sell an
18 The Economist. 18 February 2017. “Northern light: Sales of green vehicles are booming in Norway.
19 The Economist. 18 February 2017. “Volts wagons: Electric cars are set to arrive far more speedily
than anticipated.
20 Lithium market dynamics are certainly an area for further exploration in terms of geopolitics, trade
and economic scarcity, but not expanded upon here because lithium typically only comprises 1-3%
of battery costs, so even in the event of large demand spikes, is unlikely to aect battery prices very
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
unlimited number of EVs, receiving the applicable incentive for all cars
produced within the authorized period.
Additional subsidies are available in some states. Californias existing pro-
gram is three times higher than most other states, but most EVs are not
eligible for the full amount, typically enjoying a maximum rebate of $2,500.
Unfortunately for California EV buyers, the allocated funds were exhausted
as of June 30, 2017, at which point only low-income applicants remained
e California Air Resources Board is scheduled to release a
study in early 2019 on the appropriate size of any future subsidy. Else-
where, governments have found subsidies for electric vehicles to be scally
unsustainable. China, Denmark, Norway, and France, amongst others, are
in the process of replacing direct nancial subsidies with increased regula-
tory programs, such as exemptions from highway tolls or excise fees.
While subsidies may provide benets in terms of learning, a sustainable
transition to electric vehicles will not be driven by generous govern-
ment subsidies, but rather by fundamental economics and technology
1.3 Lifetime Costs
e fully-electric Chevrolet Bolt, with an approximate 238-mile range
and list price of $37,495, is priced at $27,500 once the $7,500 federal sub-
sidy and an average $2,500 state subsidy are accounted for. e list price
of the Tesla Model 3 (with a range of 200 miles), starting at $33,000, is
reduced to $23,000 once subsidies are accounted for, but this discount
will not continue much longer, as Teslas eligibility for the full federal
subsidy starts to expire.
21 Internal Revenue Service. 2017. “Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicle Credit (IRC 30D). https://www.irs.
22 California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project. 2017. “Vehicles and Eligibility.https://cleanvehiclerebate.
23 Hertzke, P., Müller, N. and S. Schenk. July 2017. “Dynamics in the global electric vehicle market.
McKinsey & Company. https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/automotive-and-assembly/our-in-
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
We constructed a simple nancial model to compare the net present cost,
over a ten-year lifetime, of a Chevrolet Volt (PHEV), Chevrolet Bolt (BEV)
and a comparable ICE, the Chevrolet Impala.
e results are summarized
in Table 1.2. To provide some indication of the true comparability of EVs
with ICEs, federal or state subsidies are not included in our calculations of
the total cost of ownership. e Swiss bank UBS estimates that General
Motors will lose $7,400 on the sale of each Bolt, implying it would have to
price the car at $44,895 to break even.
Other sources quote the loss to
be as high as $9,000 per vehicle, implying a breakeven price of $46,495.
However, for each Bolt sold in California (its largest market), GM receives
four Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) credits valued at about $4,000 each,
meaning it can still ultimately make a prot on each sale. In the absence
of independent verication of the loss estimates, we assume these loss
estimates are exaggerated and that the actual loss is half of the maximum
quoted gure (i.e. $4,500)—implying a breakeven price of $41,995. We
compare the ICEs total cost of ownership at list price ($27,095) to the Volt
at list price ($33,220), and the Bolt, at its list price ($37,495), and its sug-
gested breakeven price ($41,995), to understand what it might take for the
Bolt to be protable.
24 The Impala is chosen as it is likely more representative of mass-market models being produced
by major European and American manufacturers in the next 5-10 years than the more luxurious,
upmarket models favored by Tesla.
25 UBS. 18 May 2017. “Q-Series: UBS Evidence Lab Teardown—Disruption Ahead?” http://www.advan-
26 Welch, D. and J. Lippert. 2016. “GM’s Ready to Lose $9,000 a Pop and Chase the Electric Car
Boom. Bloomberg. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-30/gm-s-ready-to-lose-9-
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
Table 1.2 Net present cost comparison of representative BEV (Chevrolet
Bolt) and PHEV (Chevrolet Volt) models, without subsidies and
assuming cars are charged at home on residential rates. ICE
(Chevrolet Impala) is basis for cost comparison.
Gas = gas price per gallon, r = discount rate.
Battery: $400/kWh
Additional cost (savings) vs. ICE
(list price)
(list price)
(breakeven price)
Gas $2.10, r = 10%   
Gas $2.50, r = 10%   
Gas $3.00, r = 10%   
Gas $2.10, r = 15%   
Gas $2.50, r = 15%   
Gas $3.00, r = 15%   
Gas $2.10, r = 20%   
Gas $2.50, r = 20%   
Gas $3.00, r = 20%   
Battery: $300/kWh
Additional cost (savings) vs. ICE
(list price)
(list price)
(breakeven price)
Gas $2.10, r = 10%   
Gas $2.50, r = 10%   
Gas $3.00, r = 10%   
Gas $2.10, r = 15%   
Gas $2.50, r = 15%   
Gas $3.00, r = 15%   
Gas $2.10, r = 20%   
Gas $2.50, r = 20%   
Gas $3.00, r = 20%   
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
Battery: $200/kWh
Additional cost (savings) vs. ICE
(list price)
(list price)
(breakeven price)
Gas $2.10, r = 10%   
Gas $2.50, r = 10%   
Gas $3.00, r = 10%   
Gas $2.10, r = 15%   
Gas $2.50, r = 15%   
Gas $3.00, r = 15%   
Gas $2.10, r = 20%   
Gas $2.50, r = 20%   
Gas $3.00, r = 20%   
e analysis accounts for fuel costs and maintenance costs, calculated and
discounted annually. Maintenance costs are highest for the two-engined
PHEV, and lowest for the BEV which has a comparatively simple elec-
tric motor. Assuming a $400 per kWh nal battery cost as the base case
(the higher end of our estimates), we varied nal battery costs, gasoline
prices, and discount rates to assess their eect on EV competitiveness.
We assume all EV charging takes place at home and is billed at $0.1759
per kWh, the average 2016 domestic electricity rate in California (the U.S.
largest EV market).
Average annual mileage is derived from the 2016
U.S. gure of 13,476 miles per year, or 36.9 miles per day.
e combined
average energy consumption of a BEV on the market today, according to
the U.S. EPA, ranges from 0.27 kWh per mile for the Volkswagen e-Golf
and BMW i3, to 0.32 kWh per mile for the Tesla Model S.
Unless oth-
erwise stated, this analysis assumes a higher gure of 0.37 kWh per mile
27 Recent research has identified an implied discount rate for individual vehicle purchases of 15%.
See Allcott, H. and N. Wozny. 2014. “Gasoline Prices, Fuel Economy, and the Energy Paradox.The
Review of Economics and Statistics. Vol. 96, No.5. 779-795. doi:10.1162/REST_a_00419
28 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2017. “Electricity data browser. https://www.eia.gov/elec-
29 Federal Highway Administration. 2016. Average Annual Miles per Driver by Age Group. U.S. Depart-
ment of Transportation. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ohim/onh00/bar8.htm
30 U.S. Department of Energy. 2017. “2018 Best and Worst Fuel Economy Vehicles. http://www.fuele-
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
to accommodate systematic downward bias in ocial fuel economy esti-
and more aggressive driving styles. We vary the gasoline prices to
cover a range from the low and high prices of the last three years, and we
use three discount rates 10%, 15% and 20% (designated by “r” in Table 1.2).
Most economists and most OEMs use the higher discount estimates, since
American car buyers tend to hold their cars for less than the useful life of
the vehicle. See Appendix A1 for a full list of assumptions.
e gures in Table 1.2 suggest that at battery prices greater than $300
per kWh, hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) are more costly than ICEs, and only
cheaper at $200 per kWh under high gas prices and low discount rates. At
the (ICE) Chevrolet Impalas 26 miles per gallon (mpg), gasoline fuel costs
range from $0.08 per mile ($2.10 per gallon) to $0.11 per mile ($3.00 per
gallon), while the (PHEV) Volt averages 42 miles-per-gallon equivalent,
or $0.05-$0.07 per mile, for the 70% of the time it is assumed to run as a
gasoline-electric hybrid, for the remaining 30% of the time, running on
electricity alone, it costs $0.1759 per kWh, or $0.065 per mile.
BEVs are more competitive. e Chevrolet Bolt, on 100% battery power
and assuming residential charging rates, costs $0.065 per mile to run—sig-
nicantly cheaper to fuel than the ICE. If the installed battery costs are
reduced below $200, the BEV will be less expensive than the ICE and will
be close to cost competitive at battery prices below $250 per kWh. It is
important to remember that these cost gures are for installed batteries
and are without subsidies. e BEV price is more sensitive to lower battery
prices than the PHEV. It also incurs lower maintenance costs than a PHEV
having just one motor rather than two, with few moving parts. Unsurpris-
ingly, then, at a battery cost of $200 per kWh, the BEV’s net present cost is
$4,600-$8,800 cheaper than the ICE, and even more so when compared to
the PHEV.
However, there is strong evidence to suggest that the electric vehicle manu-
facturers list price is set signicantly below actual costs. Once the assumed
$4,500 loss is accounted for (i.e. applying the breakeven price), the BEV has
a $7,700-$11,900 higher net present cost than the ICE at $400 per kWh. At
31 Tanaka, S. 2018 forthcoming. “Mind the Gap! Tax Incentives and Incentives for Manipulating Fuel
Eciency in the Automobile Industry.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
$200 per kWh, the BEV is cheaper in every scenario by between $80 and
$4,300. is suggests that while selling BEVs at a loss may make sense to
gain market share, experience in the BEV market, further reductions in
nal battery costs, or lower electricity prices, will still be needed for BEVs
to be a viable long-term alternative to an ICE. Further, as ICEs and PHEVs
are becoming incrementally more fuel-ecient, the competitive pressures
on BEVs are not likely to abate.
Our analysis would benet from more reliable cost data to gauge with pre-
cision which factors will be important in driving down the present cost of
installed batteries and thus BEVs. Consumer research indicates that poten-
tial EV buyers price in other factors into their purchase decision (including
persistent, if not necessarily warranted, concerns over vehicle safety and
range anxiety).
PHEVs, while appearing less competitive than BEVs in
the gures above, may have practical advantages over BEVs not reected in
our cost analysis.
On the other hand, trends in battery costs and the prices of EVs are declin-
ing. If these trends continue, electric vehicles could be cost competitive
with gasoline power cars over their lifetime early in the next decade. is
does not mean that ICEs are in danger of losing their markets, since it will
take time for consumers to become comfortable with electric vehicles and,
as we discuss in the next few sections, the absence of a charging infrastruc-
ture remains a major barrier.
32 McKinsey & Company. 2017. “Electrifying Insights.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
2. Charging Infrastructure
Without an accessible infrastructure that can re-charge an EV in a reason-
able period of time, most motorists will be unwilling to purchase one, even
if it is cheaper and its performance is better. Admittedly, the risk of being
stranded without power is small, but it is one that today’s motorists have
not faced in the vehicles that they have driven throughout their lifetimes.
e commercial success of the electric vehicle will require the development
of a charging infrastructure that is accessible, easy to use, and relatively
inexpensive. While there are many charging technologies available and
more in the pipeline, there is no consensus on what an eective infrastruc-
ture will look like thirty years from now. In fact, there is less certainty in
2018 than there was six years ago, when BEV batteries were smaller, and
relatively inexpensive to charge. Plugging a 24 kWh Nissan Leaf into a
normal “Level 1” 1.4 kW residential outlet in the evening and unplugging
it the next morning would recharge half the battery, require no additional
capital outlay, and the electricity would cost approximately $60 per month,
assuming the vehicle was charged every day. Impatient or heavy users
could install a “Level 2” 220-volt (6.6 kW) system for $1,500-$2,200 and
fully recharge their Leaf in seven hours.
ese options become less attractive when the BEV has a 70-100 kWh
battery, which will be more common as the BEV industry attempts to
overcome consumer range anxiety. It would take y hours to fully charge
a 70 kWh Tesla Model S from a normal wall outlet, and almost eleven
hours with a 220-volt, 6.6 kW line. Tesla has developed a home charging
system that can triple the electric output of a 220 volt line,
recharging time down to under four hours, but total installed costs of the
charging equipment can reach $4,000-$6,000 depending on the buyers
specic requirements.
If these newer BEVs are being driven long dis-
tances between charges, home charging technology will have to improve
33 See Lee, H. and G. Lovellette. 2011. “Will Electric Cars Transform the U.S. Market?”
34 See detailed footnote in “Level 1 and 2: Alternating Current, under section 2.1 below.
35 Tesla has been willing to assume all or part of this cost depending on individual circumstances, but
whether it will continue to do so in the future, and to what degree, is uncertain and the financial
sustainability of such a policy depends on cross-selling of other Tesla products, such as home
battery storage systems.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
dramatically or commercial fast-charging stations will have to be widely
deployed if electric vehicles are to compete with gasoline-fueled cars.
Owners of a conventional vehicle are unlikely to switch to an electric car, if
the fueling process is more dicult, time consuming, and uncertain. Com-
mercial fast-charging stations are beginning to emerge in locations across
the U.S., Europe, and Asia, but, in Teslas case at least, they are intended to
facilitate the sale of the vehicle, as opposed to being a commercial stand-
alone operation. If these facilities are to be deployed at scale, they will need
to be accessible to all electric car models, and will require viable business
plans—plans that will provide an opportunity for investors to make a posi-
tive return on their investments. All of this is possible, but the uncertainties
around technologies, regulations, and costs will have to be substantially
e following section addresses several questions: What are the charging
options that are, and may become, available? What are their costs? How
does the speed of charging infrastructure aect its commercial viability?
To answer these questions, we present a simple nancial model to quantify
the underlying economic factors aecting charging. Our focus is on the
capital costs of building and installing charging equipment, the variable
costs of supplying it with electrical power, and the revenue required for
charging infrastructure to break even, including a discussion of the oppor-
tunity cost of time spent waiting for EVs to charge. We conclude by briey
addressing the economic challenges around load management in scenarios
with high EV penetration, and suggesting avenues for further research.
2.1 The Charging Challenge
Energy eciency, distributed energy resources, and shiing demand pat-
terns have been a challenge to American electric utilities for some time.
Since 2010, annual electricity demand has been at or declining in many
regions. In the Southwest alone, annual electricity demand in 2016 was 2.7
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
million MWh less than forecasted.
Rapid EV deployment will increase
the demand for power, but the existing generating capacity should be able
to meet that demand in most areas of the country, assuming that a percent-
age of that incremental demand occurs in the o-peak hours. Utilities are
less concerned about the eventual magnitude of this incremental demand,
than the form that EV charging might take—how fast, where and when,
and how the power will be priced. ese parameters will be critical deter-
minants in the evolution of the EV charging market.
2.1.1 Types of EV Charging Equipment
Charging equipment, henceforth denoted by “electric vehicle supply equip-
ment” (EVSE) comes in two basic varieties. e rst, comprising “Level
1” and “Level 2” EVSE, operates using alternating current (AC), and can
draw electricity directly from the local distribution system.
All BEVs
and PHEVs carry an on-board inverter with limited capacity, to convert
AC power to direct current (DC), which is required to charge the battery.
e second variety, “Level 3” and above, uses DC charging, which bypasses
the need for an inverter by charging the battery directly and can therefore
deliver much more power. ere is otherwise no relevant dierence in the
AC and DC charging process. Chargers in public or commercial locations,
typically Level 2 and above, (henceforth “commercial chargers”) may be
standalone devices, or stations comprised of multiple chargers.
Level 1 and Level 2: Alternating Current
Level 1, providing 1.4 kW of power in the U.S., is simply a conventional
wall socket, and requires no additional circuitry, aside from the adapters
required to connect the EV to the socket. In theory, Level 1 charging can
36 Salisbury, M. and W. Toor. 2016. “How Leading Utilities are Embracing Electric Vehicles. Boulder,
CO: Southwest Energy Eciency Project. http://www.swenergy.org/data/sites/1/media/docu-
37 In the U.S., the standard frequency of AC power (the amount of times per second the current re-
verses itself) is 60 Hertz, at a potential of approximately 110 volts. In most other parts of the world,
including Europe, the corresponding values are 50 Hertz and 220 volts, providing twice the power.
This is only relevant for Level 1 (wall-plug) charging, which can take place twice as fast on a 220V
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
be used anywhere, although in practice it takes place primarily at the EV
owners’ homes.
Level 2 charging operates on the same upgraded 220-volt outlets, required
by washing machines and clothes driers, and can easily be installed.
More modern houses typically have these outlets, while older houses may
require electrical upgrades. Depending on the homes electrical infrastruc-
ture, this can involve upgraded circuitry, wiring extensions to reach the
charging location, or, even in rare cases, an upgraded transformer. Level
2 charging can also be provided at workplace locations, other business
locations (hotels, gas stations, private parking lots), and public locations
(on-street parking space, garages, streets, public parking lots—wherever
cars are likely to be stationary for hours at a time). Level 2 charging starts
at a power rating of 6.6 kW, increasing to 19.2 kW depending on the level
of current that the supporting circuitry can sustain. Most home Level 2
charging, and almost all commercial Level 2 charging, is limited to 6.6
kW because (a) the onboard inverter on most existing EVs cannot handle
signicantly more than this level
and (b) boosting the current typically
requires the installation of more expensive higher-capacity circuitry.
Level 3 and above: Direct Current
Because direct current charging bypasses an EV’s onboard inverter to
charge the battery directly, it can deliver much higher levels of electrical
power. is type of charger is commonly referred to as a Direct Current
Fast Charger (DCFC) and is typically used only in commercial locations.
While studies demonstrate that consistently high DCFC usage can accel-
erate deterioration in battery capacity over time, capacity degradation for
38 Additional inverter capacity can be installed, but it will increase the cost of the vehicle.
39 Tesla EVs are one of the few exceptions. The Tesla High-Powered Wall Connector (HPWC), a product
sold separately from its cars, can boost Level 2 charging up to 16.8 kW depending on the available
circuitry and inverter capacity (out of a theoretical Level 2 maximum of 19.2 kW). Being able to use
the HPWC is one of the benefits of driving a Tesla Model S or X, which come with one 10kW onboard
inverter as standard, with an additional 10kW inverter as optional. Being able to take advantage
of the full potential of the HPWC usually requires some form of circuit upgrade from the standard
20-30 amperes, to 60-100+ amperes. Most publicly-subsidized Level 2 EVSE are limited to 6.6 kW
because of federal grant conditions linked to the cost of power and equipment (higher amperage
increases the capital and operating costs of charging). Further, for public Level 2 EVSE subject to
commercial rate schedules and therefore demand charges, it can be in the operator’s interest to
limit peak power.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
the vast majority of users is more closely associated to overall usage than
charging patterns.
“Estimated Direct Current Fast Charger utilization
rates,” an NREL study concludes, “do not appear frequent enough to sig-
nicantly impact battery life,” suggesting that the thermal management
systems of the battery itself are a more important determinant.
ported survey data from Tesla drivers suggests that even for the most
frequent users of fast charging, battery capacity is highly unlikely to fall
below 90% of its original rating even aer 150,000 miles of usage.
For the purposes of this paper, DCFC charging is classied as follows:
Level 3 charging is used to refer to a power delivery of 50 kW;
Level 4 corresponds to 150kW;
Level 5 (ultra-fast DCFC) corresponds to 350kW.
Most third-party DCFC chargers are Level 3, operating at about 50kW.
Teslas proprietary network of Superchargers, with a typical power output
of 120 kW, is designed to serve Tesla vehicles exclusively and corresponds
most closely to Level 4. Level 5 ultra-fast DCFC, which requires heavy-
duty insulation equipment, has not yet been deployed on a commercial
basis, and no mass-produced EVs can currently handle this level of power.
EVSE operator ChargePoint announced a 400kW charging platform in
January 2017
and a consortium of OEMs (Porsche, Ford, Daimler and
40 Shirk, M. and J. Wishart. 2015. “Eects of Electric Vehicle Fast Charging on Battery Life and Vehicle
Performance. Presented at SAE 2015 World Congress and Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan. 21-23 April
2015. https://avt.inl.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/vehiclebatteries/FastChargeEects.pdf
41 Neubauer, J., E. Wood, E. Burton, K. Smith and A.A. Pesaran. “Impact of Fast Charging on Life of EV
Batteries. National Renewable Energy laboratory. Presented at EVS28, KINTEX, Korea. 3-6 May
2015. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy15osti/63700.pdf
42 Teslarati. 2017. “Tesla battery degradation analysis reveals how long a battery might last. http://
www.teslarati.com/how-long-will-tesla-battery-last-degradation/ Tesla Model X and S variants
include an eight-year or 100,000-120,000 mile warranty for the battery itself, while the more recent
Model 3 includes a guarantee for 70% of battery capacity over the full eight-year warranty period.
See Lambert, F. 2017. “Tesla releases Model 3 warranty with new 70% battery capacity retention
guarantee”. Electrek. https://electrek.co/2017/12/20/tesla-model-3-warranty-new-battery-capaci-
43 ChargePoint. 5 January 2017. “ChargePoint Enables the Future of Mobility with Express Plus Electric
Vehicle Charging Platform. https://www.chargepoint.com/about/news/chargepoint-enables-fu-
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
Volkswagen Group) is involved in a joint venture aiming to install a 350kW
network across Europe.
Table 2.1 presents each charger type, its nominal power rating (in kW),
the time taken to replenish the expected average daily usage of 13.65 kWh
described above, the time taken to replenish 100 miles of charge (i.e. 37
kWh, just under half of a 75 kWh battery), and the miles of range added
per minute of charging. Charging time is assumed to depend entirely on
the power rating of the charger, although in practice, technical limitations
on the battery, electrical supply, and inverter capacity (for AC charging)
can add time to the process. It is assumed that the rate of charging is linear
(i.e. does not slow down signicantly over the course of the session).
is is a reasonable simplifying assumption, since the rate of charging does
not diminish signicantly until the battery reaches approximately 90% of
and most public charging sessions are used to partially recharge
batteries rather than fully recharge them. Users of EVGos Level 3 network
in California, for instance, average just 5-12 kWh per session (or enough
to drive an additional 15-36 miles).
e reference battery size of 75 kWh
reects a reasonable expectation of average battery size of BEVs over the
next ve years—larger than the current Chevrolet Bolt (60kW) and smaller
than the top-end Tesla Models S and X (90-100 kWh).
44 BMW Group. 29 November 2016. “BMW Group, Daimler AG, Ford Motor Company and Volkswa-
gen Group with Audi & Porsche Plan a Joint Venture for Ultra-Fast, High-Power Charging Along
Major Highways in Europe”. BMW Group. https://www.press.bmwgroup.com/global/article/detail/
45 Li-ion batteries, also used in cell phones, do not actually charge in a linear fashion; the rate
of charge declines as the battery approaches full capacity. This means that an EV putting a
full charge on an empty battery charges the first 80% more quickly than the remaining 20%.
The rate of decline varies according to the specific EV model. Since the typical user does not
usually charge a battery from completely depleted to completely full, this non-linearity should
not have a significant impact on average charging speeds.
46 Van der Put, R. 2016. “How fast charging works. https://fastned.nl/en/blog/post/how-fast-
47 See Fitzgerald, G. and C. Nelder. 2017. “EVGo Fleet and Tari Analysis. Phase 1: California.
Boulder, CO: Rocky Mountain Institute. https://www.rmi.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/
eLab_EVgo_Fleet_and_Tari_Analysis_2017.pdf. EVGo’s data also reveals significant dierenc-
es in average charge sessions across commercial locations. Charging in retail locations draws
an average of 5.7 kWh (about 15 miles) per session and customers arrive with batteries that
are already 30-50% charged, suggesting they are using the stations to “top o the battery.
Charging in car dealerships deliver 11.5 kWh (31 miles) per session, and motorists tend to
arrive with less charge on their battery, suggesting a more premeditated usage pattern or lon-
ger average stay, or a combination of both—but still topping up, rather than fully recharging.
The averages for gas stations and hotels are 9.3 kWh and 10.2 kWh respectively: somewhere
in-between. As newer cars have ever larger battery packs, these numbers are likely to rise.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
Table 2.1 Variants and charging characteristics of EV chargers, assuming
power usage of 0.37 kWh per mile.
Time taken
to replenish
daily usage
(13.65 kW)
Time taken
to charge
100 miles
(37 kWh)
Level 1 AC  9h 45m 26h 26m 
Level 2
AC  2h 4m 5h 36m 
Level 2
AC  43m 1h 55m 
Level 3 DC  16m 44m 
Level 4 DC  5m 15m 
Level 5 DC  2m 6m 
As Table 2.1 demonstrates, even ultra-fast Level 5 charging still takes six
minutes to half-ll a 75 kWh battery, and would take twelve minutes or more
to fully recharge from empty. As batteries become larger, moving towards
100-150 kW, these charging times will lengthen. Even with Level 5 charging,
producing 15.8 miles of additional range per minute, the time it takes to
repower an EV, is not comparable to conventional gasoline refueling. Reduc-
ing refueling time to the 300 miles per minute enjoyed by a 30 mpg ICE
refueling at 10 gallons per minute
would require a charger 19 times more
powerful, or 6.7 MW.
is is far beyond the scope of what is possible today
and likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Under almost every sce-
nario, charging an electric vehicle will take more time than fueling an ICE.
Refueling a gasoline car is so quick and easy, that almost any other option is
less convenient. Journeys over 300 miles will require at least one charging stop.
Adding just 100 miles of range with a Level 4 charger—the fastest charging
option currently in service—would take at least een minutes. Refueling
completely (about 300 miles) would take about 45 minutes. Further, the ow
of vehicles through gasoline stations is much greater, owing to the rapidity of
48 Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. 2017. “Title 40 §80.22—Controls and prohibitions. https://
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
refueling. In areas with charging station congestion or stations where custom-
ers typically leave their car to charge while they do something else (shopping,
for example), there may be an additional delay waiting for a space to open up,
extending the wait for a 100 mile recharge to 30 minutes or more.
2.2 Understanding Charging Economics
2.2.1 Fixed Costs
EV users will pay for two costs: the equipment to recharge the vehicle (xed
costs) and the power that is consumed (variable or energy costs). e xed
costs associated with dierent types of electric vehicle supply equipment
(EVSE) have three main components: (1) the cost of installing the equipment
and where relevant the cost of site preparation; (2) utility system upgrades,
such as new transformers; and (3) the cost of the charging equipment. e rst
two can be jointly described as “make-ready” infrastructure, which includes
everything except the charging equipment itself. Table 2.2 below summarizes
estimates of the dierent xed cost categories for each level of charging.
e rst component is the cost of installation and site preparation (which
includes electrical service extension, permitting, labor costs, and trenching to
lay cables). ese costs are generally non-existent for Level 1, and minimal for
residential Level 2 unless the installation of new circuitry is required. Installa-
tion costs are substantially higher for commercial or public Level 2 chargers,
which usually consist of a physical “tower,” akin to a gasoline dispenser or a
street parking ticket machine.
Commercial Level 2 EVSE usually require
some form of wiring extensions, the installation of signage and trenching to
install the additional connections to the grid. Installation costs are highly loca-
tion-specic, since each EVSE has unique requirements. us, the range of cost
estimates is very wide. A comprehensive Idaho National Laboratory review
nds installation costs ranging from $600-$12,700 for Level 2 (across residential
49 This is not always the case—Level 2 EVSE in hotels and parking lots, for instance, may be simpler.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
and commercial),
and $4,000-$51,000 for DCFC commercial installations.
Further, the labor costs vary signicantly and contribute, on average, 55-60% of
the installation cost.
Table 2.2 Fixed cost estimates for each type of EV charger
Capital Costs
Residential Commercial
Level 1 Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
(per charger)
     
Site preparation
(per charger) 
 
Utility service
(per station)  
 
(per station) 
(per charger) 
 
A Idaho National Laboratory. 2015c. “Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles. Findings
from the largest plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure demonstration in the world.” https://avt.inl.gov/
B Logios Consulting. 2013. “Lessons From Early Deployments of EV Charging Stations: Case Studies from
the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions. Prepared for the Transportation and Climate Initiative. https://
C, D Clint, J., et al. 2015. “Considerations for Corridor Direct Current Fast Charging Infrastructure in California.
E ChargePoint. 25 November 2015. “Northern California Express Corridor Project Corridor 1.” Submission
in response to California Energy Commission GFO-15-601: DC Fast Chargers for California’s North-South
F, G Clint, J., et al. 2015.Considerations for Corridor Direct Current Fast Charging Infrastructure in California.
H M.J. Bradley & Associates. 2013. “Electric Vehicle Grid Integration in the U.S., Europe, and China: Challeng-
es and Choices for Electricity and Transportation Policy.” Prepared for Regulatory Assistance Project and
International Council on Clean Transportation. http://www.theicct.org/sites/default/files/publications/
I Smith, M. and J. Castellano. 2015.Costs Associated with Non-Residential Electric Vehicle Supply Equip-
J Clint, J., et al. 2015. “Considerations for Corridor Direct Current Fast Charging Infrastructure in California.
50 Idaho National Laboratory. 2015a. “How do Publicly Accessible Charging Infrastructure Costs Vary
by Geographic Location?” The EV Project, INL/MIS-15-35319. http://avt.inl.gov/pdf/EVProj/How-
51 Idaho National Laboratory. 2015b. “What is the Impact of Utility Demand Charges on a DCFC
Host?” INL/EXT-15-35706. http://avt.inl.gov/pdf/EVProj/EectOfDemandChargesOnDCFCHosts.
52 Smith, M. and J. Castellano. 2015. “Costs Associated with Non-Residential Electric Vehicle Supply
Equipment: Factors to consider in the implementation of electric vehicle charging stations. New
West Technologies. Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Oce.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
e second major cost (in which a number of chargers are typically
connected to the same local network and transformer), is the utility infra-
structure upgrade required to provide the EVSE with power. In some
circumstances, these upgrades will be minimal or unnecessary; in others,
they will be a major component of the overall costs. Where more than
one charger is located in the same place, the infrastructure requirements
may be correspondingly greater, since the peak demand will be larger. A
single Level 2 EVSE is unlikely to require a transformer upgrade, but sev-
eral operating simultaneously on the same circuit (for instance, several EV
owners in the same neighborhood, charging at the same time) may place
the existing transformer at risk of overload, and require an upgrade.
As EV penetration increases, some utilities will face the need to invest in
upgrading their distribution infrastructure. e rate of investment will be
inuenced by the design of the tari schedule and the commercial penetration
of smart-charging systems to optimize the temporal demand on the system.
Costs will be much higher for Level 3-5 fast charging installations. For
example, these facilities typically require a new transformer at a cost of
$30,000-$40,000, although increasing the number of chargers per station
can reduce the per-charger cost of a transformer to $10,000-$25,000, and
the per-charger cost of service extensions to $3,500-$9,500.
e third cost is that of the equipment itself (i.e. the EVSE). Once again,
these costs will vary across charger types, and several estimates are avail-
able for each type. A typical Level 1 home charger requires no additional
equipment. Level 2 home EVSE can cost up to $1,000, while commer-
cial Level 2 EVSE “towers” can cost $3,000-$4,000 for a charger with an
electronic interface, payment system, and network connection.
(Level 3-5) EVSE is signicantly more expensive, typically costing about
$30,000-$40,000 for a single-port charger and $50,000-$60,000 for a dual-
port charger. ese cost estimates will vary across manufacturers and
53 Smith, M. and J. Castellano. 2015. “Costs Associated with Non-Residential Electric Vehicle Supply
54 Mims, C. 28 August 2016. “Why EVs will be here sooner than you think.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
Alternative Energy Systems places the total cost of a four-DCFC system at
$205,000 budgeting approximately $30,000 apiece for each DCFC, $20,000
for installation, $17,500 for utility service extensions, and $40,000 for a 500
kVA transformer.
Other estimates suggest that the installation and equip-
ment costs could be even higher.
Returns to scale on capital costs are, therefore, possible for larger DCFCs
organized into multi-charger stations, but these returns would be depen-
dent on the ability of the station to maintain suciently high utilization
rates (i.e. the percentage of time that the EVSE is actually dispensing
electricity) to ensure that revenues recover the outlay for each additional
By means of comparison, the average utilization rate of gasoline
stations in the United States—many with multiple pumps—is approx-
imately 34%, while those of commercial EVSE are typically closer to
A ten percent utilization rate for an asset costing $160,000 is not
a nancially viable proposition, as the modeling below will illustrate. e
charging events required to maintain a high level of utilization will increase
proportionally with the number of chargers in any given station. Any
time in which a car has completed charging, but remains idly plugged in
to the charging cable, is using up space without generating revenue. us,
achieving even a modest 20% utilization target on a daily basis may prove
challenging, even in areas with high EV penetration.
55 Clint, J., et al. 2015.Considerations for Corridor Direct Current Fast Charging Infrastructure in
56 Total costs for a single DCFC can easily total $150,000 or more. California utility Pacific Gas &
Electric (PG&E) proposes building 50 standalone DCFCs at a total present cost of $248,000 apiece
(although this includes a financial rate of return that it is legally required to provide for). See Pacific
Gas & Electric. 2017b. “PG&E & Clean Energy Programs. Presentation, April 7
, 2 0 17.
57 Clint, J., B. Gamboa, B. Henzie, and A. Karasawa. 2015. “Considerations for Corridor Direct Current
Fast Charging Infrastructure in California. Alternative Energy Systems Consulting. Prepared for
California Energy Commission. CEC-600-2015-015. http://www.energy.ca.gov/2015publications/
58 Keeney, T. 2016. “Update—Supercharger: A Charge Could Cost Half the Price of Gas. ARK Invest.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
2.2.2 Variable Energy Costs
Residential Charging
In most cases, the electricity drawn by Level 1 and Level 2 chargers at home
would be charged at a xed, residential rate per kWh consumed, although
some utilities already oer EV-specic time-of-use (ToU) rates designed
to encourage owners to charge at night or during o-peak periods. ese
rates oer low prices at o-peak times (usually at night) and signicantly
higher prices during peak times (mid-aernoon and early evening). Users
can choose to charge in the aernoon at a premium rate, or overnight at a
discounted rate. ToU rates can have multiple price brackets depending on
the utility and service area, with mid-range prices for partial peaks, and
higher peak prices in the summer than the winter.
Each BEV can be expected to increase a households electricity demand
(hence also its electricity bill) by between 25-40%.
A University of Cen-
tral Florida analysis estimates that on a levelized basis, charging a car at
home will cost a BEV owner $0.18 per kWh on average. is is in line with
the average California 2016 residential electricity rate of approximately
$0.1759 per kWh,
and accounts for the modeled impact of ToU pricing,
in which a percent of charging is shied to lower-priced o-peak hours.
At a xed residential electricity rate of $0.1759 per kWh and 13.65 kWh
daily usage, corresponding roughly to 36.9 miles a day—the average dis-
tance a U.S. motorist drives—the cost of electricity for residential users
would be $72.04 per month, or $0.065 per mile traveled. e average fuel
eciency of light-duty short wheel base U.S. vehicles in 2015 was 24 mpg,
which at a relatively low gasoline price of $2.50 per gallon, would cost
$0.104 per mile traveled. A comparatively ecient ICE achieving 40 mpg
(more representative of the competition EVs will face) would cost $0.063
per mile traveled, roughly the same as an EV charged at residential rates.
is implies that the average electricity cost for an EV should be equal to,
59 Salisbury, M. and W. Toor. 2016. “How Leading Utilities are Embracing Electric Vehicles.
60 See U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2017. “Electricity data browser.
61 U.S. Department of Transportation. 2016. “Table 4-23: Average Fuel Eciency of U.S. Light Duty
Vehicles. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. https://www.rita.dot.gov/bts/sites/rita.dot.gov.bts/
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
or lower than, the $~0.17 per kWh benchmark to compete with an ecient
ICE. Table 2.3 compares these costs. e rst column lists the price in cost
per mile and the second, the equivalent cost per kWh.
Table 2.3 Illustrative fuel costs for BEV vs ICE for residential charging
without ToU rates applied, at 0.37 kWh per mile and $2.50 per
gallon of fuel.
Fuel cost
Implied equivalent
cost per BEV kWh ($)
BEV  
ICE (24 mpg)  
ICE (40 mpg)  
Commercial Charging
Electricity used by commercial chargers is usually metered using com-
mercial and industrial electricity rates, which in the majority of cases
incorporate a per-peak-kW demand charge plus a volumetric per-kWh
energy tari. Commercial taris typically oer lower volumetric charges
(an average of approximately $0.145 per kWh in 2016 compared to $0.1759
for residential
), but also employ demand charges of approximately $10-
$17 per peak kW (set by the highest level of demand over any 15-minute
period over the course of one month). Demand charges reect the pro-
jected cost to the utility of providing the generation and distribution
infrastructure required to meet peak demand on both a system level and
a local distributional level. It is not a penalty charge, but rather a method
62 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2017. “Electricity data browser.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
by which the utility can recover its xed costs of serving that customer.
ese are the same utility upgrade costs described in the previous section.
Since the charge is incurred based on maximum, not average, load, it favors
heavy, consistent loads and penalizes the short bursts of high power that
DCFCs usually demand. Flexibility on demand and energy charges is of
greater consequence the more powerful the charger, since the full demand
charge is set by a single instance of high usage, regardless of the average
level of utilization. Demand charges can be higher during the summer,
and may also be layered into non-coincident charges (reecting maximum
demand at any time) for recovering local distribution system costs; and
additional coincident charges (applied during peak times) for recovering
infrastructure and generation costs incurred in meeting system peaks.
e average demand charge for commercial customers in the U.S. is $8.62
per kW of peak demand.
In California, investor-owned utility Southern
California Edison (SCE) sets an EV-specic demand charge of $13.20 per
k W,
while Pacic Gas and Electric (PG&E) sets a winter peak demand
charge of $10.47 and summer charge of $17.84.
An independent study
estimates the average demand charge faced by EVSE operators at $13 per
k W.
Using this latter gure (applied throughout the rest of the paper),
a single Level 3 50 kW charger at a commercial station would incur a
demand charge of $650 per month, a Level 4 150kW charger, $1,950 per
63 The assumption of direct causation between an individual consumer’s peak demand per month,
and system capacity, is a controversial one; but less so for distribution capacity. Critics argue
that since (a) demand charges typically have no time-of-use component and (b) individual peak
demand does not necessarily correspond to system peak demand, there is not necessarily any cor-
respondence between individual peak demand and the cost of distribution or generation. As noted,
some utilities employ non-coincident versus coincident demand charges to dierentiate between
system peaks and individual peaks, but typically the non-coincident charge is higher (because it is
unpredictable and falls outside the system peak for which the utility has contracted for, meaning it
may have to purchase additional power on the spot market at higher prices or invest in additional
local distribution infrastructure). This results in a perverse incentive for heavy users to keep their
individual peak demand within the system peak demand, exacerbating the overall peak. Regulators
in certain states, such as California, are exploring alternatives to demand charge that more accu-
rately reflect the cost of individual peaks to system costs.
64 Kettles, D. and R. Raustad. 2017. “Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies Analysis and Standards.
Electric Vehicle Transportation Center, University of Central Florida. http://fsec.ucf.edu/en/publi-
65 Southern California Edison. 2015. “Electric Car Rate Options—Rate Option 2: TOU-EV-4. https://
66 Pacific Gas & Electric. 2017b. “PG&E & Clean Energy Programs.
67 Clint, J., et al. 2015.Considerations for Corridor Direct Current Fast Charging Infrastructure in
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
month, and an ultra-fast Level 5 350 kW charger, $4,550 per month (see
Table 2.4).
Table 2.4 Monthly demand charges ($) for each commercial charger type
(on a commercial electricity tari)
Charger Type
Total demand
charge ($/month)
at U.S. general avg. of
Total demand
Charge ($/month)
at U.S. EVSE avg. of
Level 2 (standard)   
Level 2 (maximum)   
Level 3   
Level 4   
Level 5   
e demand charge rises proportionally for additional chargers, since it
depends only on maximum demand. Four 50kW EVSE at a single station
will incur a charge of $1,724, assuming that all four EVSE are delivering
maximum power simultaneously at least once a month (200 kW). Four
50kW EVSE operating in dierent locations, all with separate contracts,
would incur four individual demand charges (4 x 50kW) of $531 each—
again, a total of $1,724. A Level 5 station with ten charging poles, all of
which are simultaneously in use for at least one 15-minute period each
month, would incur demand charges alone totaling $45,500 per month or
$546,040 per year.
e marginal cost incurred by an EVSE owner, who also purchases electric-
ity for other purposes on the same contract, is more complex. It depends
on knowing the dierence between the demand charge that would be
incurred without the EVSE (i.e. during the owners regular operations), and
the demand charge incurred with it. is gure is determined by whether
the site host’s peak demand with the EVSE coincides with peak demand
without it. Consider a newly installed 50kW EVSE that reaches peak capac-
ity at least once a month. If the EVSE peak demand, and peak demand
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
from other operations, are coincident (Figure 2.1a), the site host would
simply add 50kW to its peak demand. If it is not coincident (Figure 2.1b),
because charging is only permitted outside business hours, or on days
when air conditioning is not in use, the marginal demand charge would
be less, and could even be zero if the peak demand with EVSE is less than
the peak demand without it. A site host might incur consumer backlash
and lose revenue by restricting charging to o-peak periods, however, our
model assumes the two loads are fully coincident (i.e. that the marginal
demand charge is 100%), but this scenario may not always be the case and
the actual impact on costs can be lower.
Figure 2.1 Marginal peak demand from adding EVSE to an existing demand
How much of the cost of demand charges can be recovered depends not
only on the percentage of time the charger is utilized, but also on the rela-
tive size of xed and variable electricity costs. Very high demand charges
can dominate the economics of underutilized DCFC stations, while oper-
ators’ marginal revenues depend on the kWh of electricity sold per unit
time—which is higher for more powerful stations. us, the cost of the
power itself as opposed to the demand charge is comparatively small for
a high-powered DCFC operating on a tari with high (xed) demand
charges (per peak kW) and low (variable) electricity rates (per kWh). e
revenue ow depends on utilization, exposing the operator to substan-
tial downside risk of not being able to recover the xed demand charge
through revenues. Conversely, a charger with low demand charges and
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
high electricity rates would suer proportionally less from low utilization
rates, since the monthly bill would be more closely correlated to the actual
volume of electricity used
Commercial EVSE are typically self-service devices, meaning that in most
cases they include some form of secure authentication system, payment
system, and Internet/network connection (which can also provide the
equipment operator and/or utility with real-time utilization data). ese
services come at additional costs—network connection fees and payment
processing fees—which may vary from $100-$900 per charger, per year,
depending on the equipment manufacturer, charger type, and service
Other incidental costs of ownership include maintenance and warranty/
insurance costs, which vary according to charger type and location. Level
2 chargers are subject to both warranty and maintenance costs of about
$400 each per year, according to documentation from EV Connect
Maintenance and warranty are typically more expensive for faster,
commercial chargers with components under greater physical strain and
at greater risk of vandalism or other physical damage. DCFC maintenance
costs are estimated at $300-$3,000 annually, averaging $2,500 per year.
ChargePoint documentation places a 5-year warranty and maintenance
package for 9 DCFC and 8 Level 2 chargers at $269,269, or $53,854 per
Documentation from Recargo puts maintenance for 11 DCFC
and 7 Level 2 chargers at $95,000 over 5 years, implying $19,000 per year
and $1,473 per DCFC.
In light of the substantial variation, this analy-
68 Fitzgerald, G. and C. Nelder. 2017. “EVGo Fleet and Tari Analysis. Phase 1: California.
69 Smith, M. and J. Castellano. 2015. “Costs Associated with Non-Residential Electric Vehicle Supply
70 EV Connect. 25 November 2015. “Electric Charging Highway Corridor 1. Submission in response
to California Energy Commission GFO-15-601: DC Fast Chargers for California’s North-South Corri-
71 NRG. 25 November 2015. “Electric Charging Highway Corridor 1. Submission in response to Cali-
fornia Energy Commission GFO-15-601: DC Fast Chargers for California’s North-South Corridors.
72 Neubauer, J. and A. Pesaran. 2013. A Techno-Economic Analysis of BEVs with Fast Charging
Infrastructure”. Presented at the 27th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition,
Barcelona, Spain. 17-20 November 2013.
73 ChargePoint. 25 November 2015. “Electric Charging Highway Corridor 1.” Submission in response
to California Energy Commission GFO-15-601: DC Fast Chargers for California’s North-South Corri-
74 Recargo. 25 November 2015. “Electric Charging Highway Corridor 1. Submission in response to
California Energy Commission GFO-15-601: DC Fast Chargers for California’s North-South Corri-
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
sis assumes relatively high maintenance and warranty/insurance costs of
$2,500 each per year for DCFCs.
Once the demand charge, electricity charge, network fees, insurance and
maintenance are taken into consideration, making an operating prot on
EVSE (i.e. excluding capital costs) can require marking up the per-kWh
price of electricity substantially at the point of sale. Ensuring life-cycle
protability (including capital costs) will require a further markup to
cover the installation, equipment, and utility upgrade costs described in
the preceding section. Returns-to-scale may help to oset some capital
costs: while facilities with greater numbers of chargers incur proportion-
ally higher demand charges, a multi-charger station might incur lower
per-charger capital costs than a standalone charger, since utility service
extensions and transformer upgrades will typically only be required once
for the whole facility.
In summary, the cost of power from a fast charging station will be higher
than that from a Level one or Level 2 unit, unless the owners of the fast
charging stations can nd ways to drive up utilization rates and maintain
those rates across time.
2.3 Modeling Charging Economics
We will now use a simple nancial model to take a closer look at the eco-
nomics of charging. We use xed cost estimates from the available literature
and variable costs from actual electricity rates. Revenue estimates are a
function of utilization rates and load prole, and measured in $ per kWh.
Note that not all EVSE operators will choose to bill their customers by kWh.
ey may, for instance, establish an hourly fee, or oer a monthly subscrip-
tion service, or a combination of both. Since the variable cost of electricity
is expressed in $ per kWh terms, however, revenues are denoted similarly. A
markup is applied by the EVSE owner on each kWh of electricity at the point
of sale. is is described below as the “nal price.” For instance, if electricity
costs the EVSE owner $0.14 per kWh on average and the markup required
for the project to cover all her costs is $0.13 per kWh, he will need to charge
a minimum nal price of $0.27 per kWh to break even.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
Residential EVSE refers to Level 1 (1.4kW) and Level 2 (here assumed to
be 6.6kW, i.e. with no upgrade), and is subject to residential electricity
rates. e results below present the net costs/savings of residential EVSE
over 10 years relative to the cost of fuel for an average ICE (24 mpg) and an
ecient ICE (40 mpg), estimated $2.50 per gallon, which is admittedly low
compared with June 2018 prices.
Commercial EVSE refers to Level 2 (6.6kW), Level 3 (50kW), Level 4
(150kW), and Level 5 (350kW), and is subject to commercial electricity
rates. e summary gures for commercial EVSEs in Figures 2.2 and 2.3
chart breakeven nal electricity price needed for the charging system to
post a net present value (NPV) of zero, for various estimates of utilization
and the number of chargers per site. In Figures 2.4a and 2.4b, the NPV of
charging stations under base case assumptions is calculated for dierent
capital cost scenarios.
Base Case
e base case assumptions (see Appendix A.2) are calibrated to represent
realistic, but conservative estimates, erring on the side of higher EVSE
costs. e base case scenario for residential charging assumes uniform
electricity rates with no ToU rates, no smart charging and no seasonal
pricing, and a utilization rate that reects the daily average electricity con-
sumption of one EV (see Table 2.1). e base case scenario for commercial
charging assumes third party ownership of charging infrastructure, and the
owners assume liability for grid infrastructure upgrades; utilization rates
are low at 10% (equivalent to 2 hours 24 minutes of charging per day); we
use mid-range capital costs; and existing federal and state subsidies are
ere have been other eorts to assess EV penetration and their impact on
energy use.
A Rocky Mountain Institute study of EVGo data use a similar
methodology, ranging from “business as usual” scenarios with low- and
high-EV growth, to high-EV growth scenarios with increased autonomous
75 National Grid. 2017. “Future Energy Scenarios. http://fes.nationalgrid.com/media/1253/fi-
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
vehicle penetration.
While the scenario approach may be useful in this
context for understanding “the big picture,” it provides limited insight into
the underlying economics. e approach taken here, therefore, is to manip-
ulate key variables independently with a view to understanding which
factors are most important.
For residential charging, the model is run for the base case; and for several
alternatives including: ToU rates with an o-peak rate of $0.08 per kWh,
and various partial-peak and peak rates ranging between $0.22-$0.35 per
kWh (adapted from PG&Es EV Rate A
), accompanied by a 90% shi in
the load prole to o-peak periods; and for higher and lower capital costs.
For commercial charging, the model is run for a range of utilization rates;
numbers of EVSE per site, and higher and lower capital costs.
2.3.1 Results of the Analysis
Level 1
Level 1 charging is modeled using both (a) uniform electricity rates and
(b) ToU rates in which the consumer shis 90% of demand to o-peak
periods, beneting from lower o-peak rates. ere are no capital costs
associated with Level 1 charging. e cost of electricity under uniform
rates is $0.1759 per kWh; and the average cost of o-peak electricity under
ToU rates is considerably lower, at $0.1245 per kWh. e resulting 10-year
savings vis-à-vis “ecient” (40 mpg) and “average” (24 mpg) ICEs are
detailed in Table 2.5. In the base case scenario, a Level 1 user would pay
$305 more for power than an owner of a 40 mpg ICE would pay for fuel (a
$2.50 monthly premium), but $4,622 less than an owner of a 24 mpg ICE
(saving $38.50 per month). If the Level 1 user pays ToU rates for their elec-
tricity, the average rate paid for their EV charging falls as a result, saving
almost $2,000 over a 40 mpg ICE and almost $7,000 over a 24 mpg ICE.
76 Fitzgerald, G. and C. Nelder. 2017. “EVGo Fleet and Tari Analysis. Phase 1: California.
77 Time-of-use rates adapted from Pacific Gas & Electric EV Rate A. 2017a. https://www.pge.com/
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
Taken together, these results demonstrate that Level 1 charging is compet-
itive with fueling today’s ecient ICEs, assuming a uniform tari. If we
assume ToU rates, Level 1 charging provides signicant savings over even
the most ecient ICEs. is analysis, of course, ignores the opportunity
cost of slow charging relative to other, faster-charging, options, and to the
comparatively fast refueling of an ICE at a gasoline pump. As noted above,
there is clearly a value associated with refueling a car more quickly—and
it is quite possible that this value will negate some or all of the cost advan-
tages of slow, or even fast, charging. One of the challenges for future
analysts will be to determine this value.
Table 2.5 Residential Level 1 charging competitiveness of a BEV
Level 1 Uniform Rates ToU Rates
Lifetime savings vs.
40mpg ICE
($305.50) $1,945.36
Lifetime savings vs.
24mpg ICE
$4,622.58 $6,873.45
Level 2
Table 2.6 examines the equivalent analysis for residential Level 2 charging,
this time including variations in capital costs (lower for newer houses that
require no circuitry upgrades, higher for older houses that require exten-
sive infrastructure upgrades). e base case assumes $1,000 in equipment
costs, and $1,354 in installation costs, with no other associated costs except
the purchase of electricity. Of immediate note is that Level 2 charging is
not presently competitive with an ecient 40 mpg ICE regardless of capital
cost (ranging from $1,300 to $14,000 more expensive, depending on capital
costs). It is $2,200-$3,600 cheaper than a 24 mpg ICE for low or medium
capital costs. If higher capital costs are included, that result ips and Level
2 charging is more expensive. As with Level 1 charging, with a 90% shi
to o peak periods, ToU rates combined with low capital costs bring down
the average cost of electricity, such that Level 2 charging is almost $1,000
cheaper than running a 40 mpg ICE and almost $6,000 cheaper than a 24
mpg ICE. On a levelized basis, a Level 2 residential system under base case
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
assumptions costs $0.23 per kWh. When ToU pricing is available, the level-
ized cost falls to $0.15 per kWh.
Table 2.6 Residential Level 2 charging competitiveness
Level 2
Uniform Rates ToU Rates
(Low Capital
(Moderate Capital
Older House
(High Capital
House with
ToU Rates
savings vs.
40mpg ICE
   
savings vs.
24mpg ICE
   
2.3.2 Commercial Charging
Commercial charging is more complex, since the model must account for
the cost of electricity to the operator of the charging facility, as a function
of energy and demand charges, as well as the revenue generated through
electricity sales. As detailed in Appendix A.2, electricity prices are assumed
to rise at a rate of 3% per annum. e cost of nancing is given as 8%, a
realistic assumption, given the potentially high-risk nature of investment
in charging infrastructure. Fuel costs for a 40 mpg ICE are $0.169 per
kWh-equivalent and for a 24 mpg ICE, $0.282 per kWh-equivalent.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
Figure 2.2 Response of breakeven price ($ per kWh, zero NPV) to various
levels of utilization, compared to equivalent cost for 24mpg
and 40mpg ICEs. L2 Res = levelized electricity cost for a Level 2
Residential system.
Figure 2.2 charts the “breakeven price” per kWh that the commercial
operator must charge in order to break even on their investment (i.e, zero
NPV) for dierent levels of utilization. Level 4 and Level 5 EVSE perform
far better on breakeven price ($0.30 - $0.50 per KWh) than Level 2 and
3 ($0.80 - $0.90 per KWh) for lower levels of utilization. is is because
revenue from greater kWh electricity sales for a given level of utilization
more than osets the higher capital costs and demand charges associated
with higher-powered equipment. At Level 5 (350kW), 10% utilization cor-
responds to 420 kWh of energy sold per charger per day; seven times more
than Level 3 (50kW) at just 60 kWh per day. For higher levels of power, a
given level of utilization produces more additional revenue than additional
cost, hence lowering the average margin the operator must make to break
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
At progressively higher levels of utilization, the breakeven electricity price
falls steeply. is is in line with ndings in other studies that utilization
rates are a key determinant of protability in the absence of alternative
or indirect sources of revenue.
At 20% utilization, the breakeven price
for Level 4 and Level 5 is comfortably below the equivalent for an average
24 mpg ICE and competitive with home charging. At 30% utilization and
above, all varieties of public charging are cheaper than the 24mpg equiva-
lent, and at 40% utilization, Level 4 and 5 are very nearly competitive with
an ecient 40 mpg ICE.
No form of commercial charging is competitive with home charging under
ToU rates. e shape of the curve (albeit with only ve data points per charger
type) suggests decreasing returns to utilization. is is because for higher levels
of variable revenue, the marginal prot from each additional kWh sold osets
a decreasing proportion of the total cost of the charging infrastructure.
e analysis in Figure 2.2 is not representative of reality in two ways. First,
it models only breakeven pricing, with no nancial return on the invest-
ment. For EVSE to be a viable investment in private capital markets, a
higher rate of return would be required. Furthermore, at 5% utilization,
most analogous to today’s market, the breakeven prices are worryingly
high—from $0.44 per kWh (Level 5) to $0.87 per kWh (Level 2). Twenty
percent utilization (4 hours 48 minutes per day) is more dicult to achieve
than it sounds, particularly for higher-powered chargers. A single Level
4 (150kW) charger operating at 20% utilization and delivering an aver-
age of 13.65 kWh per charge (the average EV owners daily usage) would
need to deliver 53 such charges a day. Level 4 and 5 commercial charging
are not cost competitive with Level 2 home charging, for utilization rates
below below 20%. Commercial fast-charging stations will therefore need
to develop business strategies that will keep utilization rates above the 20%
threshold, if they are to draw customers away from their home chargers.
Second, the analysis does not include the opportunity cost of time spent
waiting for the vehicle to charge—a potential, but important concern for
78 Snyder, J., D. Chang, D. Erstad, E. Lin, A. Falken Rice, C.T. Goh and A. Tsao. 2012. “Financial Viability
of Non-Residential Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. UCLA Luskin School of Public Aairs. See
also Bryant, J and B. Luxenburg. 2017. “The Role of Charging Infrastructure in Electric Vehicle Adop-
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
many consumers. Rather than seeking to empirically measure the opportu-
nity cost, we opted to estimate the maximum value of time consistent with
an individual preferring commercial EV charging over (a) gasoline refuel-
ing and (b) residential charging, in cases where commercial EV charging
is cheaper. We assume there is no opportunity cost of time for residential
charging, since overnight charging in a home garage places almost no
constraints on the user’s alternative uses of that time. To calculate this max-
imum, we nd the dierence between the cost of commercial charging ($
per kWh) and cost of refueling/residential charging for dierent levels of
utilization, then scale it by the charging rate (minutes per kWh) to arrive
at a $ per minute threshold above which commercial EV charging ceases to
make economic sense due to the length of time it takes.
Table 2.7a Maximum cost of time (in $ per minute) for a user to prefer
commercial EV charging to refueling a 24 mpg ICE, at breakeven
charging prices
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
5% - - - -
10% - - - -
20% - -  
30%    
40%    
Table 2.7b Maximum cost of time (in $ per minute) for a user to prefer
commercial EV charging to Level 2 residential charging with no
ToU rates, at breakeven charging prices
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
5% - - - -
10% - - - -
20% - - - 
30% - -  
40% -   
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
In Table 2.7a, comparing against a 24 mpg ICE, Level 3 charging is only
viable if the consumer values time at less than $0.02-$0.05 per minute
depending on the level of utilization. In other words, a motorist who
considers their time to be more valuable than this would prefer to avoid
spending time charging their vehicle and simply use a gasoline car instead.
Since a 50 kWh Level 3 charge can take over an hour and gasoline refu-
eling takes just a few minutes, the motorist valuing their time at $0.05
per minute may be willing to pay over $3 extra per session to refuel with
gasoline and recover the time lost in waiting for their EV to charge, even
though EV charging is nominally cheaper. For Level 4, the motorist valu-
ing their time above $0.11-$0.23 per minute would theoretically pay a
premium of $1.65-$3.45 per 15-minute session to refuel with gasoline
instead. For Level 5 charging, those valuing their time above $0.37-$0.59
would pay $1.85-$2.95 per ve-minute session to be able to refuel with
gasoline. e analogous gures when comparing against residential Level
2 charging (with no ToU rates) are $0.00 for Level 3, $0.06-$0.10 for Level
4, and $0.07-$0.28 for Level 5 (see Table 2.7b). While entirely theoretical,
this nding suggests that for motorists placing a signicant premium on
their time, commercial fast charging may still not be the preferred option,
even when cheaper than the gasoline equivalent, due to the time taken to
recharge. Further, as might be expected, the lower time-value thresholds
associated with residential Level 2 charging hint that it might be an even
greater competitor to commercial fast charging than fueling an ICE at
gasoline station. A useful avenue for future research would be to gather
empirical data on the value of time from actual and potential EV users to
establish whether it is within the ranges given here and assess the impact
on charging economics.
Another avenue for cost reduction is simply reducing per-charger costs of
each EVSE by adding more chargers to a given station to take advantage of
the already-sunk investment in transformers and utility service upgrades.
is will occur if the per-unit cost savings are greater than the costs from
the larger demand charges and inclining block rates incurred by adding
another charger (see Section 2.2).
Each new charger must have equal or
greater utilization than the existing charger(s). At base case assumptions
79 Hall, D. and N. Lutsey. 2017. “Literature Review on Power Utility Best Practices Regarding Electric
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
(with utilization at 10%), there are indeed returns to scale. Since for less
powerful chargers, utility service extension and transformer costs are a
greater proportion of total capital costs, sharing those costs across multiple
chargers brings down the average cost proportionally more, as observed
in Figure 2.3. e eect is not as dramatic as in the high utilization cases,
and scale alone is not sucient to bring breakeven prices below $0.37 per
kWh for Level 2 and Level 3 for 8 units. At 8 units, Level 4 and Level 5 are
roughly competitive with a 24mpg ICE, but nowhere near the $0.18 per
kWh comparable with a 40mpg ICE, or the $0.23 per kWh comparable
with the levelized cost of a Level 2 residential system.
Figure 2.3 Response of breakeven price ($ per kWh, zero NPV) to number of
units in EV charging station. L2 Res = levelized electricity cost for a
Level 2 Residential system.
e need to increase the number of daily charges at larger stations of 4+
units in order to bring breakeven cost down will be challenging. A 4-unit
station of Level 4 chargers would need to attract 211 average (13.65 kWh)
charges a day, or seventy 100-mile (37 kWh) charges a day, to undercut the
levelized cost of Level 2 residential charging. While this may be likely in a
high-BEV penetration future, in the short-to-medium term it will remain a
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
challenge and suggests that investments in multi-unit high-powered EVSE
stations today will likely face net losses, in the next decade as EV deploy-
ment remains low.
Figure 2.4a NPV for commercial charging infrastructure at $0.169 per kWh
(competitive with 40mpg ICE). In high, medium and low capital
cost scenarios.
Figure 2.4b NPV for commercial charging infrastructure at $0.282 per kWh
(competitive with 24mpg ICE). In high, medium and low capital
cost scenarios.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
Breakeven price analysis does not tell the full story. At 10% utilization,
almost all varieties of commercial charging post a negative NPV for low,
medium, and high capital costs, and for electricity sales priced at $0.169
per kWh (40 mpg ICE equivalent) and $0.282 per kWh (24mpg ICE
equivalent)) (see Figure 2.4a and 2.4b). e energy charge for electricity is
$0.1447 per kWh and demand charges are applied as an additional cost.
2.3.3 Pricing models
Williams and DeShazos (2014) Monte Carlo simulation suggests that Level
2 commercial charging, at 6.25% utilization, and a nal price of $0.33 per
kWh, recovers only $1,000-$2,000 in capital investment over the lifetime
of the facility. e investor would need to quadruple utilization to 25%
to recover $9,000 in capital investment. While Williams and DeShazo
use dierent assumptions than those used in our analysis, their results
are approximately the same. ey also use a Monte Carlo simulation to
compare pay-per-kWh systems to pay-for-time and monthly subscription
pricing strategies, as an alternative means of recovering costs. In the sim-
ulations base case, setting prices by kWh yields an average Level 2 NPV
of $264 per unit. Setting prices by time ($1.50 per hour) yields a negative
average NPV of -$1,387. Setting a relatively high $45 per month subscrip-
tion fee yields an average NPV of -$910.
So, not only does per-kWh
charging appear more economically sustainable, fee structures with a larger
xed component favor heavier users with larger batteries; under a sub-
scription or time-based model, lighter users with smaller, slower-charging
batteries may confront much higher per-kWh charging costs.
A subscription fee alone appears insucient to replace per-kWh pricing.
Assuming the owner must charge $0.30 per kWh to break even, a $45 per
month subscription fee would allow for the subscriber to use a maximum
of 150 kWh per month. At 13.65 kWh per day daily usage, this would cover
only 11 days. To cover the monthly electricity consumption of 409 kWh
implied by average daily usage, the subscription fee would have to be over
80 Williams, B. and J.R. DeShazo. 2014. “Pricing Workplace Charging: Financial Viability and Fueling
Costs”. Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2454: 68–75. doi: 10.3141/2454-09.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
$100. Even then, customers would have an incentive to charge as much as
possible past that point, given the marginal cost to them would be zero.
While uncertainty in day-to-day utilization rates at low EV penetration
levels remains a large problem, the use of a subscription fee combined with
lower cost-per-kWh pricing may be sustainable, depending on the size of
both the fee and the total demand. In principle, combining the two would
serve as a hedge against the uncertainty around utilization rates, and assure
EVSE operators of a xed minimum monthly revenue stream to help
recover the cost of demand charges.
Selling per-kWh electricity, in some jurisdictions across the United States,
requires the company in question to be registered and approved as a reg-
ulated utility, a potentially long and bureaucratic process. Furthermore, it
is not at all clear, how utility regulators will set prices at commercial fast
charging stations. Heretofore, these stations have been used as loss leaders,
to attract consumers to purchase electric vehicles, but at some point in the
future, they will have to be able to stand on their own commercially.
Further research is clearly needed to understand how charging stations will
price their product. Studies to date have relied on stated preference meth-
ods that are likely to suer from cognitive and strategic biases, such that do
not reveal true willingness-to-pay for EV services.
Prospective EV owners, in the U.S., rank availability of commercial
charging infrastructure as second only to (subsidized) pricing when con-
sidering a purchase.
While the above analysis has shown that commercial
Level 4 and 5 EVSE can be competitive on breakeven electricity cost with
residential Level 2 charging at utilization levels above 20%, commercial
Level 2 and Level 3 EVSE do not meet this threshold until utilization
reaches 40%. is suggests that commercial charging, as it is currently
available, (predominantly Level 2 and Level 3) will not be able to compete
with residential charging on price. e advantage of residential charging
increases under most ToU taris. As forementioned, some consumers
may place a high value on the time taken to refuel their vehicles in public
81 Carley, S. and Krause, R. “Intent to Purchase a plug-in electric vehicle: A Survey of early im-
pressions in large U.S. cities. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/24b8/f4ea90b2f034c4-
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
places (as opposed to overnight, at home) and may not be willing to meet
the breakeven price for even the fastest charging options. e size of the
market for fast charging, and the prospects for increasing utilization rates
at Level 3-5 stations, will remain uncertain until this time value is better
understood. is is an important question for further research to address.
2.3.4 Summary
e economics of commercial EV charging are not straightforward, owing
to the number of parameters that can change from site to site, a lack of
standardized data on capital costs, demand charges and load proles, and
persistent uncertainty on the determinants of utilization. e sheer varia-
tion in circumstances in which commercial EVSE are installed means that
there is substantial variation in the costs associated with equipment instal-
lation, wiring, trenching, signage, permitting, labor costs, utility service
upgrades, and transformer upgrades that are highly context-dependent.
Although comprehensive studies of Level 2 charging behavior are avail-
able, there is much greater uncertainty around the predictors for Level 3-5
stations, due in part to the proprietary nature of most load prole and utili-
zation data. e variation in costs from one location to another could make
it extremely dicult, for governments looking to promote EV ownership,
to articially regulate prices at commercial charging stations.
82 While beyond the scope of this paper, this is a potentially crucial subject for public utility com-
missions to address in the coming years. It would be administratively costly to regulate prices at
individual stations, and it would be equally problematic to set one kWh price for all stations given
the sensitivity of charging station economics to utilization, which itself varies widely. Options open
to regulators include the regulation of retail charging prices, allowing market competition or a
combination of both. The regulatory approach taken will aect the viability of these stations, partic-
ularly for fast chargers competing against both gasoline and home charging.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
2.4 Load Management for Large-
Scale EV Integration
In the preceding section, we pointed out that ToU taris could signicantly
reduce the cost of Level 2 home charging and that regulators will be pushed
to develop sophisticated versions of ToU rates to encourage the penetration
of electric vehicles. Further, advocates describe scenarios in which eets of
BEVs serve as electricity storage units for the grid—repowering their bat-
teries during o-peak time and then selling a portion of this power back to
the grid during peak hours. Electric vehicles could theoretically become
an integral part of grid management. We examine rst the potential impact
of EVs on electricity demand patterns and then briey assess the factors
that will aect the use of EVs as sources of power storage.
In much of the U.S., regional Independent System Operators (ISOs) coor-
dinate and oversee electricity markets, in which power is purchased by
distributors through day-ahead bidding and/or spot markets through a
system of locational pricing that reects generation and transmission costs
for dierent nodes in the power network. e cost of electricity, usually at
its lowest in the early hours of the morning, varies throughout the day, typ-
ically rising to a peak from roughly 4:00-8:00 p.m. (earlier, in the summer)
as customers return to their homes and turn on lights, heating/air condi-
tioning and appliances. Figure 2.5 plots median hourly prices across all
nodes from 2008/9-2014 for the four ISOs for which relevant data was
available—NYISO (New York), MISO (Midcontinent), PJM (East), and
ISONE (New England). Winter peaks occur between 4:00-8:00pm and sig-
nicantly higher summer peaks occur around 3:00-4:00pm.
83 ISO New England is a special case. While there is indeed a muted summer peak around 3:00-
4:00pm, the winter peak at around 6:00pm is much higher. Reasons for this might include dierent
demand patterns and pricing rules, cheaper summer peaking units and winter fuel supply con-
straints (primarily natural gas) driving higher prices.
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
Figure 2.5 Median hourly locational marginal prices (LMPs) for four
Independent System Operators (ISOs) in the United States.
High concentrations of EV home charging during peak periods (e.g. late
aernoon in a residential neighborhood in which 25% of residents charge
their EVs daily) can overload local transformers. Without measures in
place to shi individual charging loads away from peak times, utilities
would nd themselves having to purchase ever-greater peak capacity to
meet EV demand, and increase their local distribution capacity. Not only
would this increase the cost of electricity; it would also hamper eorts to
decarbonize the grid by increasing the use of highly-responsive, high-ca-
pacity peaking generators—typically natural gas-red.
ere are several potential solutions to this problem. e most obvious
are policies designed to incentivize customers to shi demand away from
peak times as a means of (a) reducing the need for utilities to purchase
peak capacity and (b) taking advantage of excess base-load capacity at
84 Based on locational marginal price data (some unpublished) from Electricity Power Markets LMP
Dataverse. Accessed August 2017. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/EPMD. Raw data is
publicly available from all ISOs.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
night and in the early morning. is is distinct from dynamic/real-time
pricing, which varies continuously (usually on an hourly basis) and reects
changes in the wholesale price of electricity and network congestion in real
time. e most compelling argument against ToU rates is that they do not
reect the actual cost of power at any given time. If EV penetration grows
there will be growing pressures to move to dynamic pricing to reect actual
rather than projected costs. In a world seeing 20-30 percent EV deploy-
ment rates, both real time pricing options and alternatives to present day
demand charges will be a primary focus of utility regulators. is is an
important question, but one to be addressed in future research.
Another element in successfully managing EV loads is smart metering,
allowing communication between EVs and utilities/ISOs. ese meters will
complement the use of price signaling by allowing the charging of multiple
EVs in the same network to be sequenced over time to avoid overload-
ing the local transformer, while still meeting the requirements of the EV
owner. If we assume that a BEV owner charges his vehicle every evening,
only drives the average number of miles per day, and uses a 6.6kW Level
2 charger, the car will only need two hours to charge over an eight-hour
window. In such a case, “smart” charging (facilitated by smart meters
communicating with a central load management system) could provide
signicant system benets by smoothing the demand over the entire eight
hours to reduce peak load on the local distribution circuit. In turn, utilities
can make more ecient use of generation resources and reduce pressure
on local distribution systems, particularly over the “last mile” of distribu-
tion in which transformer overload and congestion are more likely.
BEVs doubling as storage options for the grid using Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G)
technology is technically a possibility, especially if average battery sizes
increase, as we suspect they will. However, technical feasibility is not by
itself sucient to conclude that this scenario will happen. Owners of EVs
with V2G capability would charge their cars during the night when the
cost of power is low and sell it to the grid in the late aernoon and early
evening when demand for power is highest. For this to occur, the BEV
must be plugged into the distribution grid system during that time. Fur-
ther, the vehicles battery must be at least partially charged and the inverter
will need to be run in reverse, since the battery’s power would be DC and
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
the local grid will only accept AC power. Finally, the car owner will not be
selling power for free, since she will have paid something to recharge and
will want to both recoup her investment and earn a prot or rate of return.
Hence, the grid or local distribution utility will have to oer the equivalent
of a feed-in-tari for that power. If the tari is set too low, BEV owners
may forego this opportunity. All three conditions would need to be present
at the same time: an EV plugged in at peak hours; a battery with surplus
power; and an attractive feed-in tari that will make the sale of power from
the battery worthwhile.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
3. Conclusion
e challenges facing EV deployment have become more tractable in
recent years, but they are still considerable. e life cycle cost of ownership
of BEVs has fallen substantially; further declines in installed battery prices
below $300 per kWh may lead to genuine parity with ICEs in the next 5-7
years. Of far more consequence for sustainably scaling EV ownership is the
cost-eective, ecient deployment of charging infrastructure. Standalone
economic analysis of dierent charging options suggests that residential
Level 2 charging, where available, can be the best option for most of an EV
owners charging needs, and that ToU rates (mostly for overnight charging)
can bring down the average cost of electricity to below the equivalent fuel
cost for an ICE. Unprecedented levels of investment and product devel-
opment planned by almost all major OEMs clearly indicates that a much
larger EV market is forthcoming.
e picture is less rosy for the commercial charging infrastructure required
to serve this expanding market. DCFC charging (Levels 3-5) is exposed to
much higher monthly demand charges and greater need for consistently
high utilization to break even. e analysis has demonstrated that for levels
of utilization above 20%, DCFC breakeven electricity prices can be com-
petitive with gasoline prices. is is an important nding—but is made in
the context of many unresolved regulatory and public policy issues, and
very signicant downside risks for underutilized infrastructure.
e debate over utility ownership of EV infrastructure is ongoing. e
criteria for deciding whether public ownership and rate-basing the cost of
charging infrastructure is the appropriate tool for developing this market,
or whether charging infrastructure should be le entirely to the private
sector, are unresolved. A further question is how utilities, third parties,
and OEMs can most eectively coordinate/pool their respective expertise
in a manner which preserves competitive dynamics, but optimizes EVSE
charging decisions in the most socially ecient manner possible.
While there are uncertainties around the commercial penetration of elec-
tric vehicles, a future scenario in which governments agree to substantially
decarbonize their economies will involve partial electrication of the
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
transportation sector. ere are dierences of opinion on the rate at which
this transition will occur, but there is clear technological and economic
traction towards much greater reliance on electric vehicles. New rate
designs, better smart metering and charging equipment technologies, and
a charging infrastructure that is convenient and price competitive will need
to be developed and implemented. ese are dicult but achievable tasks.
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
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Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
A.1 Lifetime EV Cost Modeling
Miles per year 13,476
Useful life (years) 10
Electricity price ($ per kWh) $0.1759
kWh used per mile (BEV/PHEV) 0.37
List price ($)   
Conventional fuel economy (mpg)   -
Electric fuel economy (kWh/mile) -  
Annual maintenance costs ($)   
Battery capacity (kWh) -  
Electric-only mode (%) 0% 70% 100%
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
A.2 Charging Infrastructure Base
Case Model Assumptions
Cost of capital 8%
Electricity price, annual increase 3%
Demand charge, annual increase 0%
Fuel price, annual increase 3%
Electricity Prices ($/kWh)
Residential time-of-use (o-peak) 
Residential time-of-use (peak May-October) 
Residential time-of-use (peak November-April) 
Residential time-of-use (partial peak May-October) 
Residential time-of-use (partial peak November-April) 
A, B Energy Information Administration. 2017. “Electricity data browser.
85 Time-of-use rates adapted from Pacific Gas & Electric EV Rate A. 2017a. https://www.pge.com/
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs | Harvard Kennedy School
EV Charger Specifications
L1 Res. L2 Res. L2 Comm. L3 Comm. L4 Comm. L5 Comm.
Power delivery (kW)      
Full charge (hours)      
Daily usage recharge
     
41% 9% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Utilization growth/yr 0% 0% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Total chargers per station 1 1 1 1 1 1
Charge sessions/month 1 1 3 18 53 124
Load Profile L1 Res. L2 Res. L2 Comm. L3 Comm. L4 Comm. L5 Comm.
12am-6am 25% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0%
6am-9am 0% 0% 5% 5% 5% 5%
9am-12pm 0% 0% 10% 10% 10% 10%
12pm-3pm 0% 0% 15% 15% 15% 15%
3pm-5pm 0% 0% 15% 15% 15% 15%
5pm-7pm 25% 25% 30% 30% 30% 30%
7pm-9pm 25% 25% 20% 20% 20% 20%
9pm-12am 25% 25% 5% 5% 5% 5%
Charging the Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption
EV Charger Specifications, cont.
Capital Costs ($) L1 Res. L2 Res. L2 Comm. L3 Comm. L4 Comm. L5 Comm.
Equipment (per charger) 
 
Installation (per char-
    
Site preparation (per
charger) 
 
Utility service  
 
Transformer 
Variable Costs ($)
L1 Res. L2 Res. L2 Comm. L3 Comm. L4 Comm. L5 Comm.
Maintenance (per year)    
Insurance (per year)    
L1 Res. L2 Res. L2 Comm. L3 Comm. L4 Comm. L5 Comm.
Equipment    
Tax Credit    
A M.J. Bradley & Associates. 2013. “Electric Vehicle Grid Integration in the U.S., Europe, and China.
B Smith, M. and J. Castellano. 2015.Costs Associated with Non-Residential Electric Vehicle Supply Equip-
C Clint, J., B. Gamboa, B. Henzie, and A. Karasawa. 2015. “Considerations for Corridor Direct Current Fast
Charging Infrastructure in California.
D Idaho National Laboratory. 2015c. “Plugged In: How Americans Charge Their Electric Vehicles.
E Logios Consulting. 2013. “Lessons from Early Deployments of EV Charging Stations: Case Studies from
the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions.
F Clint, J., B. Gamboa, B. Henzie, and A. Karasawa. 2015.Considerations for Corridor Direct Current Fast
Charging Infrastructure in California.
G Ibid.
H ChargePoint. 25 November 2015. “Northern California Express Corridor Project Corridor 1.
I Clint, J., B. Gamboa, B. Henzie, and A. Karasawa. 2015. “Considerations for Corridor Direct Current Fast
Charging Infrastructure in California.
J Ibid.
K Smith, M. and J. Castellano. 2015.Costs Associated with Non-Residential Electric Vehicle Supply
Environment and Natural Resources
Belfer Center for Science and International Aairs
Harvard Kennedy School
79 John F. Kennedy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
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