Literature Journals
Literary Devices
1. Define and illustrate the following literary devices using examples and text from your
literature novel. Be sure to put definitions first, illustrations second, and in the following
sequential order in your journal.
a. Setting 1 or more example
b. CharactersMain character (protagonist), 1 example, Supporting 2 characters, 1
example of each, include the antagonist if appropriate
c. Mood – 1 example
d. Point of View – 1 or more quotation for an example, include (Page #)
e. Theme 1 or more examples
f. Genre 1 example
g. Plot – 5 examples and label them according to the plot diagram
i. Conflict – 1 or more examples, include (Page #)
4. Options for illustrations include
a. collage
b. painting
c. sketching
d. fine felt tip pen drawings
e. colored pencil drawings
d. computer images printed, cut out, and mounted
e. quotes from the literature book, typed, printed, cut out, and mounted,
include the page number, example (page 32)
f. glitter on drawings
Plot Definition
Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story or the main part of a story.
These events relate to each other in a pattern or a sequence. The structure of a novel depends on
the organization of events in the plot of the story.
Setting Definition
Setting is an environment or surrounding in which an event or story takes place. It may provide
particular information about placement and timing, such as New York, America, in the year
1820. Setting could be simply descriptive like a lonely cottage on a mountain. Social conditions,
historical time, geographical locations, weather, immediate surroundings, and timing are all
different aspects of setting.
Theme Definition
Theme is defined as a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated
directly or indirectly.
Literature Novel Questions
Week #1
1. What is the title of the book?
2. Who is the author of this book? What do you know about them from the book or Internet
research? (3 facts)
3. Describe the setting(s) of the novel for the pages you have read already.
4. Who is the main protagonist? A protagonist is the main character of a story. It could be a
“good guy”, but it doesn’t have to be. A protagonist is whoever the story is mainly
5. Describe the protagonist. Physical description (1 Paragraph)
6. Describe the protagonist’s personality. (1 Paragraph)
7. Name three supporting characters and explain their individual roles in the novel.
8. Describe each supporting character. Physical and personality descriptions. (1 Paragraph each)
9. Identify 8 vocabulary words that are new to you from the reading. 1) Define each word; 2) Use
each word in your own sentence to show that you understand the meaning; underline the word.
Literature Novel Questions
Week #2
Characters - Continued
Point of View
1. Who or what is the main antagonist of your book? Antagonist defined: The adversary of the
hero or protagonist of a literary work. It can also be an opposing force. Example: nature
2. Describe the main antagonist in your novel. (1 Paragraph)
3. What is the mood of your novel? Explain your answer by citing evidence from the text.
4. Whose point of view is the story told from?
5. Is this 1st person point of view or 3
person point of view?
6. Identify 8 vocabulary words that are new to you from the reading. 1) Define each word; 2) Use
each word in your own sentence to show that you understand the meaning; underline the word.
Literature Novel Questions
Week #3
1. Identify and explain one theme of your novel. (1 Paragraph)
What Is Theme?
Theme is an underlying message or the 'big idea' of a story. This message could tell more about human
nature or life in general. Many stories have more than one theme.
There are several ways a reader can piece together the story's theme. The reader can ask himself or
herself these questions:
Do the characters learn anything throughout the story?
Do the characters change at all?
Do the characters have any beliefs about life or people in general?
Why do the characters act the way they do?
The theme of a story is never directly told to the reader. It needs to be figured out by making an
inference. An inference is putting together puzzle pieces to determine a larger picture.
If your mother started putting on her galoshes and raincoat, what could you infer the weather is like?
You could infer that it is either raining, or it will rain soon. No one needed to tell you the weather
forecast. You can infer that by putting the information together.
What Are Some Common Themes?
There are several themes that typically show up in stories. These include:
Growing up
2. What is the genre of your novel?
3. Identify 8 vocabulary words that are new to you from the reading. 1) Define each word;
2) Use each word in your own sentence to show that you understand the meaning;
underline the word.
Literature Novel Questions
Week #4
1. Using the plot diagram, list five events of your novel and correlate them to the diagram.
a. Exposition beginning; where the characters and setting are established
b. Rising Action - series of relevant incidents that create suspense, interest and
c. Climax - it is the decisive moment or a turning point in a storyline; maybe a crisis
d. Falling Action - occurs right after the climax, when the main problem of the story resolves
e. Denouement final outcome of the story; loose ends are tied up
2. Conflict Describe the main conflict of your novel. (1 paragraph)
3. Identify 8 vocabulary words that are new to you from the reading. 1) Define each word;
2) Use each word in your own sentence to show that you understand the meaning;
underline the word.