International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 103 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
Building a Knowledge Base for QA System by Linking Korean
Vocabulary and Wikipedia
Yongbae Lee
, Pyung Kim
& Jungsik Yang
Department of Computer Education, Jeonju National University of Education, 50 Seohak-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si,
Jeonbuk, Korea, 55101
IWAZ Cooperation, 73 Jukdong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon-si, Korea, 34127
Correspondence: Pyung Kim, Department of Computer Education, Jeonju National University of Education, 50
Seohak-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk, Korea, 55101. E-mail: p[email protected]
Received: April 4, 2018 Accepted: September 28, 2018 Online Published: May 21, 2019
doi:10.5430/ijhe.v8n3p103 URL:
For a QA system it's very important to have a notion of vocabulary used in questions and for building correct
answers. Especially, when a word represents a concept, one can use related lexical instances to understand it and
further extend the knowledge by using the associated information. In this work, we suggest a process of building a
knowledge base for such concepts as people, organizations, and places, and linking their instances to Wikipedia
articles. We also develop a workbench for KB building. This workbench should efficiently support all features
needed to collect necessary data and build the knowledge base. We have created 150,941 links to Korean Wikipedia
for 2,394 instances of Korean vocabulary. This KB can be used in QA systems to extend questions, while the
workbench can be used to build the KB itself.
Keywords: knowledgebase construction, workbench for knowledgebase construction, question and answering
1. Introduction
For QA system it's very important to understand questions and the meaning of words used to build the correct
answers. In order to understand word meaning, it's useful to have the word definition, identify taxonomic relations
among the words, and establish instances that correspond to the concepts. Wikipedia is the most representative body
of knowledge in the general domain. One can use semi structured Wikipedia articles to extract appropriate features
and connect them to the vocabulary, which can help extend the knowledge and refine correct answers in a QA
Although knowledge bases are useful for knowledge extension, their construction is a lengthy and expensive process.
It can be facilitated, however, with a workbench specially designed for the purpose. In this work, we limit target
vocabulary to people, organizations, and places, and suggest a process and a workbench for linking vocabulary
instances to Wikipedia articles. We start with drawing up a guideline and defining processes for KB building. After
that, we develop an appropriate workbench, which we will use in the process of building our KB that links target
vocabulary to Wikipedia articles. We handle some 390,000 Wikipedia articles and about 580,000 Korean words for
concepts classified into people, organizations, and places. We build then the corresponding concept vocabulary and
search for Wikipedia articles that match the best the selected lexical core. The discovered instances are linked to the
vocabulary and finally verified.
In Section 2 of this article we briefly refer to the related works on the applicability of knowledge bases and
workbench development. Section 3 outlines in detail the used data and the process of KB building. Section 4 reviews
the workbench features and shows how it works at each stage of the process. Section 5 examines the results of KB
building. In Section 6 we draw the conclusion and make some considerations for future research.
2. Related Works
The knowledge base is useful for understanding the vocabulary or the expansion of the information possessed in the
QA system or the intelligent services (Bao et al, 2014; Zhang et al, 2016; Park et al, 2016). International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 104 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
Bao, et al (2014) proposed a translation-based KB-QA method that integrates semantic parsing and QA in one
unified framework and showed better results on a general domain evaluation set. Zhang et al, (2016) adopt a
heterogeneous network embedding method, termed as TransR, to extract items' structural representations by
considering the heterogeneity of both nodes and relationships. They proposed Collaborative Knowledge Base
Embedding (CKE) to jointly learn the latent representations in collaborative filtering as well as items' semantic
representations from the knowledge base. Park (Park et al, 2016; Zesch et al, 2007; Lehmannm et al, 2015; Rebele et
al, 2016; Ponzetto and Strube, 2013; Wang and Kim, 2017; Tezcan Kardas and Sadik, 2018; Vafa et al, 2018;
Wadmany and Melamed, 2018; Wyatt et al, 2018; Yang et al, 2017) proposed a method to automatically generate the
object name recognition corpus using knowledge base. Two methods are applied according to the type of knowledge
base. The first method is to create a learning corpus by attaching an object name tag to a sentence of Wikipedia text
based on Wikipedia. The second method generates a learning corpus by collecting various types of sentences from
the Internet and attaching an object name tag using a pre-base which holds the relation between various objects in the
Wikipedia is a useful resource for building knowledge bases and is actively used in many areas (Zesch et al, 2007;
Lehmannm et al, 2015; Rebele et al, 2016; Ponzetto and Strube, 2013; Mokhtar, 2017; Khan, Hassan, &
Marimuthu, 2017; Garaeva and Ahmetzyanov, 2018; Kamau., Mwania and Njue, 2018; Aina and Ayodele,
2018; Audu, 2018; Promsri, 2018; Wang and Yang, 2018; Hassan and Kommers, 2018;
Agbabiaka-Mustapha and Adebola, 2018). Zesch et al, (2007) developed a general purpose, high performance
Java-based Wikipedia API to use Wikipedia as a lexical semantic resource in large-scale NLP tasks. DBpedia project
(Lehmannm et al, 2015; Rebele et al, 2016; Ponzetto and Strube, 2013; Wang and Kim, 2017; Tezcan Kardas and
Sadik, 2018; Vafa et al, 2018; Wadmany and Melamed, 2018; Wyatt et al, 2018; Yang et al, 2017; Yildirim, 2018)
extracts knowledge from 111 different language editions of Wikipedia. The largest DBpedia knowledge base which
is extracted from the English edition of Wikipedia consists of over 400 million facts that describe 3.7 million things.
The DBpedia knowledge bases that are extracted from the other 110 Wikipedia editions together consist of 1.46
billion facts and describe 10 million additional things. Yago (Rebele et al, 2016; Ponzetto and Strube, 2013; Wang
and Kim, 2017; Tezcan Kardas and Sadik, 2018; Vafa et al, 2018; Wadmany and Melamed, 2018; Wyatt et al, 2018;
Yang et al, 2017; Yildirim, 2018; Yildirim and Çoban, 2018) is a large knowledge base that is built automatically
from Wikipedia, WordNet and GeoNames. This project combines information from Wikipedias in 10 different
languages, thus giving the knowledge a multilingual dimension. Wikitaxonomy (Ponzetto and Strube, 2013; Wang
and Kim, 2017; Tezcan Kardas and Sadik, 2018; Vafa et al, 2018; Wadmany and Melamed, 2018; Wyatt et al, 2018;
Yang et al, 2017; Yildirim, 2018; Yildirim and Çoban, 2018; Lee et al, 2017) is a taxonomy automatically generated
from the system of categories in Wikipedia. Categories in the resource are identified as either classes or instances
and included in a large subsumption. Knowledge base is used as language resources in various research fields
including search and classification fields (Wang and Kim, 2017), (Tezcan Kardas and Sadik, 2018).
The workbench is used in various studies to build knowledge base (Vafa et al, 2018; Wadmany and Melamed, 2018;
Wyatt et al, 2018). Rybina (Vafa et al, 2018; Wadmany and Melamed, 2018; Wyatt et al, 2018; Yang et al, 2017;
Yildirim, 2018; Yildirim and Çoban, 2018; Lee et al, 2017; Rybina et al, 2017) suggested knowledge acquisition
processes that use technologic knowledge base of intelligent planner of AT-TECHNOLOGY workbench and special
program tools. This work is focused on models and methods of distributed knowledge acquisition from databases as
additional knowledge sources and automation of the process via intelligent program environment. Choi (Wadmany
and Melamed, 2018; Wyatt et al, 2018; Yang et al, 2017; Yildirim, 2018; Yildirim and Çoban, 2018; Lee et al, 2017;
Rybina et al, 2017; Choi et al, 2012) suggested SINDI-WALKS, an integrated workbench that can extract and
systematically manage technical knowledge inherent in scientific and technical literature such as academic papers
and patents. SINDI-WALKS basically includes a technology knowledge extraction engine that identifies the PLOT,
ie, names, names, institutions, and technical terms in text and extracts semantic relationships between them, and a
testbed function for monitoring and error analysis of these engines. do. It also supports the ability to build test
collections to efficiently build a learning set that can be utilized by a technology knowledge extraction engine. A
workbench was developed and used to support all the processes needed to build a terminology dictionary in the
defence field (Wyatt et al, 2018; Yang et al, 2017; Yildirim, 2018; Yildirim and Çoban, 2018; Lee et al, 2017;
Rybina et al, 2017; Choi et al, 2012; Choi et al, 2012). The workbench is composed of terminology dictionary
construction process and organization structure, definition of headwords, selection of target document for extracting
terminology candidate, extraction of terminology candidate, creation of terminology candidate group, dictionary
construction, verification of dictionary. International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 105 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
3. Knowledge Base Construction: Data and Process
The process of knowledge base construction starts with data selection and goes through the number of steps to final
verification of the KB. For the purpose of this study, we categorize target vocabulary into people, organizations, and
places and link their instances to the corresponding Wikipedia articles. In this section we examine the data used for
KB building and the construction process.
A. Data for Knowledge Base Construction
For KB construction we use Korean vocabulary and Korean Wikipedia. We limit target vocabulary used for KB
construction to people, organizations, and places. Accordingly, we pick up 81,272 words, which makes out 14% out
of 585,039 vocabulary corpora. We use 396,335 articles from Korean Wikipedia as a baseline for September 2017,
which we collect for KB construction purposes. There are all together 226,601 Wikipedia articles on people,
organizations, and places, which make 57% of the total.
Table 1 shows the distribution of articles in Korean Wikipedia for each category: people, organizations, and
locations. Vocabulary attributes include word definition, hypernyms and hyponyms, word type and other information.
Wikipedia articles include the body text and category. For some Wikipedia articles management template is further
Table 1. Number of Vocabulary and Wikipedia
Person, Group,
Job Title
Team, Cooperation,
Place, Building, Country
Other vocabulary except
Person, Organization,
B. Process of Knowledge Base Construction
In order to link concepts and vocabulary instances to Korean Wikipedia, we need to collect concept vocabulary, look
up for related Wikipedia articles, and provide verification.
Figure 1. Process of Knowledge Base Construction
The process of KB development is shown in Figure 1 and consists of 7 steps from making the guideline to final
verification. International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 106 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
Making Knowledge Base Construction Guideline: At this step, we determine the scope of data, the working
processes, user roles and permissions, the method of creating related data, and verification. In general, we set up
exactly what and how we will do at each following step. The target Korean vocabulary is limited to people,
organizations, and places for which we should link concepts to Wikipedia articles. We also use only Wikipedia
articles that fall into people, organizations, and places categories, although it's possible to consider articles from other
categories, as well. Two operators work on vocabulary selection, Wikipedia categorization, and links creation. Two
supervisors check work results and perform verification and approval.
Workbench Development: In the process of building a knowledge base, several users should be able to efficiently
create links for multiple vocabulary entries and Wikipedia articles. For the purpose of this study, we develop the
workbench first, and then use it on the following stages. At this stage, we design Workbench features and UI for
collecting and screening the vocabulary, Wikipedia categorization, linking selected instances to Wikipedia,
performing verification and user management. Finally, we develop the program.
Data Crawling: At the of step gathering and storing target vocabulary and Korean Wikipedia articles, users initiate
data collection, and depending on the progress can suspend or terminate the task.
Target Vocabulary Selection: First, vocabulary related to people, organizations, and places is selected. Then, the
vocabulary is confined to the concepts that can be linked to Wikipedia. The workbench automatically classifies target
vocabulary into people, organizations, and places. Users can edit the results, determine whether a specific concept is
needed at all, and specify exceptions. If two operators select different classification and processing options for the
specific vocabulary, the supervisor checks the result and makes the final decision.
Wikipedia Categorization: Wikipedia articles are also initially categorized into people, organizations, places, and
"other" based on collected article properties and template information. If two operators make different categorization
for the specific Wikipedia article, the supervisor checks the result and makes the final decision.
Linking Vocabulary to Wikipedia: Two operators use the target vocabulary to perform Wikipedia searches. At this
step, it's possible to further use hypernyms, hyponyms and synonyms for the selected word.
Link Verification: The supervisor finally checks how vocabulary is linked to the Wikipedia, and can edit, approve or
reject the instance.
4. Knowledge Base Construction Workbench
The workbench should efficiently support all features needed to collect necessary data and build the knowledge base.
Also, it should be possible to save and restore job results for multiple users working with the program at the same
time. In the course of this study, we developed a workbench that supports necessary features specified in the
Knowledge Base building process and used it to build the KB.
In order to reduce the number of KB errors, the workbench facilitates the procedure where two operators
concurrently perform vocabulary selection, Wikipedia categorization, and vocabulary linking, and one supervisor
verifies work results. Accordingly, the workbench further provides the possibility to assign tasks to individual
workers, monitor activity progress, and verify and approve work results.
A. User Registration and Rights Management
The workbench supports such user roles as administrator, operator, and supervisor, and limits functionality available
to the user depending on her role. The administrator assigns user roles when the user is registered in the system.
Table 2 shows user functions depending on the role. International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 107 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
Table 2. Users Rights of Workbench
- Register new users, change user roles
- Data collection and monitoring
- Monitoring the status of operator's and
supervisor's work
- KB construction, verification, recovery,
editing and approving jobs, etc.
- Select vocabulary candidates for the task
- Select candidate Wikipedia articles and
categorize them
- Select link candidates
- Mange user rights
- Edit and select task vocabulary
- Edit and approve Wikipedia categories
- Edit and approve links among vocabulary
and Wikipedia
The administrator has full access to all workbench functions and can register users, monitor job progress and results,
as well as edit, approve, and reject the results. The operator can select vocabulary candidates, Wikipedia articles
and categories, and edit links. The supervisor can further edit and approve the selected entries.
B. Data Crawling
For KB construction we need Korean vocabulary and data from Korean Wikipedia. Data collection feature facilitates
selection of entries from Korean vocabulary database, collecting and storing necessary values, and collecting and
storing articles from Korean Wikipedia.
The administrator can use this feature to specify data attributes, whose values should be collected from Korean
vocabulary, check Korean Wikipedia statistics, and start, suspend, resume, and terminate data collection tasks.
Also, it's possible to monitor data collection progress and individually check collected entries stored in the database.
C. Selection of Target Conceptual Vocabulary
Lexical classification feature is used to automatically classify the vocabulary into people, organizations, places, and
"other" based on attributes retrieved from Korean vocabulary database, and lets operators search for selected words
and edit classification. Because vocabulary attributes contain information about the word class, preliminary
classification can be made automatically. Where automatic preliminary classification is not possible due to the lack
of the corresponding attribute or where classification results are not correct, the operator can edit the entry manually
and approve the changes she has made.
During vocabulary classification it is necessary to discriminate concept and non-concept words and to exclude too
general concepts and relative terms. Table 3 below shows how vocabulary is classified into target concepts,
non-target concepts, and non-concepts for people, organizations, and places.
The functions supported by the workbench for selection of target conceptual vocabulary are:
Classify Korean Wikipedia to people, organization, location
Search vocabulary: forward, middle, backward search and nearby, within, digits search
Search by adding search condition directly to title and body of vocabulary and Wikipedia
Save and edit all or selectively classification information of Wikipedia
Store and manage work done by multiple workers
When handling the vocabulary, operators use word meaning, word type, hypernyms and hyponyms, etc. The
workbench, accordingly, supports necessary features and further makes it possible to use Excel to upload vocabulary International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 108 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
classification results. It's also possible to process hypernyms and hyponyms for target vocabulary in batch. Two
operators handle vocabulary classification, and two supervisors check the results and make final decisions.
Table 3. Target Vocabulary and Non-Target Vocabulary
- Terms related to people, organizations,
and places
- People: occupation, job title, activity,
team, nationality, etc.
- Organization: name, group, affiliation,
- Place: administrative district, country,
city, building, etc.
- Concept is too general or relative
- Too general: household, mountain
district, riverside, etc.
- Relative rich, poor, modern building, cool
place, etc.
- Non-concept proper names
- Proper names: Napoleon, Seoul,
Namdaemun, etc.
D. Linking Vocabulary to Wikipedia
Linking Wikipedia articles to concept instances from the vocabulary is the most time-consuming and the important
task in building a relevant knowledge base.
As shown in Table 4, we use target vocabulary to search across the Wikipedia. The retrieved Wikipedia articles are
clustered, and link candidates are suggested for possible vocabulary entries arranged in order of frequency. In this
study we suggest links using vocabulary-based Wikipedia search, which makes the entire process more transparent
and increases the accuracy of work. International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 109 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
Table 4. Linking Method Pros and Cons
- The operator searches Wikipedia based on her
knowledge about the vocabulary
- As vocabulary descriptions are very brief,
automatic vocabulary expansion can be difficult
- When limited to search results and operator's
knowledge only, a lot of link candidates remain
- During linking, the list of missing Wikipedia
articles is created
- There are many time-consuming tasks associated
with Wikipedia checks
- It's possible to enhance productivity of Wikipedia
linking with tools and make it more transparent and
- Accurate clustering and creating cluster definitions
can take a lot of time
- In case no frequency vocabulary can be displayed
for a specific cluster, it's necessary to repeat the
search process again
- Synonyms, North Korean variants, rare words,
archaisms, etc. are off the cluster
- Cluster precision is of great importance, and it
takes effort to keep it accurate and consistent
- Not all information necessary for Wikipedia linking
is available in the Wikipedia documentation
- In case the clusters are not accurate, the operator
should be able to categorize and link articles
The functions supported by the workbench for linking vocabulary to Wikipedia are:
Register vocabulary work results stored in Excel with batch process
Replicate vocabulary and Wikipedia connection information to other vocabularies
Search Wikipedia using vocabulary
Search for the upper and lower vocabularies of the target vocabulary, and to link the all or selectively
vocabularies with the Wikipedia
Return previously processed vocabulary to a previous step
Search Wikipedia using title, body, and object name
Provide vocabulary information with work status, and separately stores and manages linked information of
multiple workers
Search work period, type, area of linked information
Figure 2 shows the program interface for Wikipedia search. In the area, the operator selects the vocabulary. It
also displays vocabulary classification, job status, word number, etc. In the area, vocabulary definition is
displayed along with information whether this is a terminal node and vocabulary classification results. In the
area, you can see the taxonomically related words. The area is where the results of conditional search for International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 110 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
Wikipedia titles and content are displayed. You can further filter Wikipedia categories here. In the area, you can
confirm Wikipedia search results and categorization. In the area, you can check the article content.
Figure 2. Interface for Linking Vocabulary to Wikipedia
The operator uses vocabulary definitions and her knowledge to search Wikipedia for different conditions. After he
checks search results, she can select link candidates. In such a manner, the operator can use different Wikipedia
searches to extend vocabulary linking and further connecting hypernyms, hyponyms, and synonyms.
This enhances linking efficiency because the established connections can be further cloned for North Korean variants,
synonyms, archaisms, etc.
E. Link Verification
The list of Wikipedia links for the vocabulary can vary a lot depending on operator's understanding of the vocabulary
and search queries she uses. Therefore, candidate links are finally validation at the next step by the supervisor who
does not establish the links himself.
Figure 3 shows the verification interface where two supervisors check linking results. The area displays the
vocabulary list, lexical classification, work progress, word number, and the number of operators. The area
displays word definitions, work progress by operator, and operator's confirmation status. The area features final
approval of Wikipedia links. The area lets confirm link candidates created by each operator.
Figure 3. Interface for Link Verification
Two supervisors check links created concurrently by two operators. If no faults are detected, links from individual
operators are consolidated to create a combined linkage information. The supervisor can approve or reject link
candidates or mark a vocabulary instance as link missing. International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 111 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
F. Monitoring Work Progress
Because many operators and supervisors can work concurrently with the same tool, multiuser statistics on work
results is required along with possibility to edit the results where necessary. Depending on user rights, the workbench
makes it possible to check statistics by task type, results and edit the results as may be required.
Figure 4. Interface for Monitoring Work Status
Operators can check their work results for vocabulary selection, Wikipedia categorization, and link generation made
on specific date. Supervisors can also check and edit vocabulary selection, Wikipedia categorization, and link
generation made by each operator on a specific day. Supervisors can further monitor the progress of operators' work
and edit the results for each stage.
Figure 4 shows the program interface for monitoring work status of operators in the process for linking vocabulary to
Wikipedia. The administrator can see a list of worker 's connection work status in the area , when the work kind
of a specific worker is selected, the vocabulary list can be displayed in the area , if a vocabulary is selected in area
2 then the vocabulary information will be shown in the area .
G. DB Schema for Workbench
The DB table consists of a table for storing Wikipedia information, three tables for storing vocabulary information, a
table for storing vocabulary and Wikipedia connection information, and two tables for user and code management.
Figure 5. Relationships between Tables
The roles of the 9 tables used in the workbench are as follows.
1) Wikipedia: The Wikipedia table stores the data collected from Wikipedia and the classification data generated
during the collecting and storing process.
2) Vocabulary: The vocabulary table stores vocabulary information for vocabulary and Wikipedia connection. It
contains vocabulary information in the standard Korean dictionary, search and classification data of vocabulary, data
for linking to Wikipedia with workbench. International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 112 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
3) Standard Korean Dictionary: The standard Korean dictionary table distinguishes vocabulary according to the
sense of the vocabulary and assign the description and the unique number according to the sense of the vocabulary.
4) Upper-Lower Vocabulary Relationship: According to the concept of vocabulary, it can be divided into upper
vocabulary and lower vocabulary. The upper-lower vocabulary relation table is for storing relationship of
vocabularies according to the concept.
5) Work Result: The work result table contains ranking information about vocabulary connection to Wikipedia.
6) Work Status: The work state table stores user-created vocabulary connection information. The work status has
6 kinds of status information corresponding to completion, approval, exclusion candidate, exclusion, no connection
candidate, and no connection.
7) Work Contents: The work content table is a table for storing all the work contents that are processed through
the workbench, and includes a vocabulary number, a Wikipedia number, a work content, and information about the
8) Code: The code table is a table for managing the code used in the workbench. It contains information for
creating and modifying the code, checking whether the code is used or not, as well as information for the upper and
lower code structure.
9) User: The user table is a table for managing information on users who use the workbench, and includes not
only the user ID and password, but also the role of the worker and recent login information.
Table 5 shows the table and attribute values of the database used in Workbench.
Table 5. Tables for Workbench
wikipedia document id, title, category tag,
weight, redirect, contents, check, category,
update date, update user id
sequence, vocabulary id, ontology id, ontology
position tag, original vocabulary id, search title,
title, analogy vocabulary id, word sense id,
description, category tag, Upper-Lower sequence
vocabulary id, ontology id, original vocabulary
id, title, word sense, description
sequence, ontology id, vocabulary id, lower
vocabulary id,
Work Result
sequence, vocabulary id, wikipedia id, user id,
rank, insert date, insert user id, update date,
update user id, delete date, delete user id
Work Status
sequence, vocabulary id, code id, user id, rank
sequence, vocabulary id, wikipedia id, code id,
user id, rank, insert date, insert user id, update
date, update user id, delete date, delete user id
code id, group ig, parent id, level, code name,
code description, check, sequence, insert date,
insert user id, update date, update user id
user id, user name, user type, password,
password fail count, department name, tell
number, mobile phone number, last login date,
last login ip, statue, update date, update user id International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 113 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
5. Results of Knowledge Base Construction
Twenty operators and ten supervisors had been working on KB construction for the period of five months, starting
from September 2017.
Vocabularies can be divided into leaf nodes and non-leaf nodes according to the concept, and Table 2 shows the
number of leaf nodes and non-leaf nodes for each vocabulary type. In this study, the task of linking vocabulary as a
class and Wikipedia as an instance is performed, whether the leaf node of vocabularies is also considered in the
target vocabulary selection task. Table 6 shows the number of vocabularies belonging to non-leaf node and leaf node.
9,441 vocabularies belonging to people, organization, and location belong to non-leaf node, and this information was
also taken into consideration in the process of determining the vocabulary to be connected.
Table 6. Number of Leaf Node Vocabularies
Non-Leaf Node
Leaf Node
As a result, among 81,272 words from target vocabulary 2,394 words for people, organizations, and places 150,941
Wikipedia links have been created as shown in Table 7. For about a half of vocabulary entries for people,
organizations, and places linking have failed for the absence of relevant Wikipedia articles or because the specific
vocabulary was too general or relative. The remaining non-linked vocabulary are proper names that do not represent
concepts. As many Wikipedia articles are linked to more than one vocabulary item, 150,941 links correspond to all
together 84,852 Wikipedia articles linked to the target vocabulary.
Table 7. Number of Vocabulary Links to Wikipedia
# of Linked Vocabulary
# of Linked Wikipedia
(with redundancy)
# of Linked Wikipedia
(without redundancy)
Because one vocabulary is linked to several Wikipedia articles, the vocabulary according to the number of articles of
connected Wikipedia is as shown in Table 8. There are 1,332 vocabularies linked to less than 10 Wikipedia articles,
accounting for more than 50% of the total. There are 633 vocabularies linked to 11 ~ 50 Wikipedia articles,
accounting for 26.4% and 21 vocabularies linked to more than 1000 Wikipedia articles.
Table 8. Number of Linked Wikipedia
# of Linked Wikipedia
# of Vocabulary
1001 ~
Table 9 shows examples of Wikipedia linked by vocabulary. There are vocabularies that can easily be linked to
Wikipedia articles such as general, school, and museum, but there are some vocabularies that are difficult to find
Wikipedia articles that need to be linked like archaeologists, open schools, breeding grounds. International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 114 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
Table 9. Examples of Linked Vocabulary
Sunshin Lee, Kamchan Kang,
Munduk Eulgi, Yongwoo Kim,…
Eddi Kim, Roi Kim, C Kim, Kunmo
Kim, Yeon Park, …
Korea University, Seoul National
University, Daejeon Middle School,
Seoul Milk Cooperative, National
Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives,
Worker Cooperative, …
Gail Museum, Kansong Museum,
Kyungwun Museum, Korea
University Museum, …
National Park
Raeryong Mountain, Dukyu
Mountain, Sokri Mountain, Joowang
Mountain, …
6. Conclusion
This study proposes a process and a workbench for building a knowledge base and uses them for creating a KB that
links Korean vocabulary instances to Korean Wikipedia articles. The work continued for five months with the
involvement of twenty operators and ten supervisors who created Wikipedia links for people, organization, and
places concepts. In the process of KB creation, 150,941 Wikipedia links have been created for 2,394 words for
people, organizations, and places among 81,272 words from the target vocabulary.
In the process of Wikipedia categorization, vocabulary selection for the task, and generating linking data we used
vocabulary and Wikipedia attributes for automatic processing, and then verified the results in manual mode. To
ensure the accuracy of the KB, two operators worked separately in parallel, and one supervisor checked and edited
work results where necessary. The obtained KB can help improve understanding questions in a QA system, and
further extend subject knowledge by using structured collection of documents associated with a specific vocabulary
In order to link vocabulary to Wikipedia articles, the operator should understand vocabulary concepts first. Thus, in
spite of the ambiguity of Wikipedia search results, although the process takes a long time, the quality of the entire
work is high. When direct vocabulary search for Wikipedia yields no results, however, operators may opt to similar
words, which may result in data that depend on operator's preferences. On the other hand, vocabulary-based
Wikipedia search suggests that primary Wikipedia clusters are created first. Upon that, a representative cluster
vocabulary is selected, which operators can use in their work. Operators are supposed to understand well cluster
characteristics. If clusters are built accurately enough, operators can efficiently exclude or edit the articles in question.
Yet another problem is how to link similar vocabulary that is not available in Wikipedia.
In other words, both searching and linking Wikipedia for vocabulary entries and search vocabulary based on
representative vocabulary from Wikipedia clusters have their pros and cons. Accordingly, for the purpose of this
study we use vocabulary-based Wikipedia search, which makes it possible to enlarge the connected domain and
enhance links quality.
In order to enhance the quality of KB links and to ensure efficiency and usability of the workbench, however, the
used tool needs some more improvements. Also, in order to improve the usability of the knowledge base, it would be
helpful to expand the vocabulary beyond people, organizations, and places, and create Wikipedia links for these
categories. Further improvements to link building should include the possibility to take advantage of both
methods: vocabulary-based Wikipedia search, and vocabulary search based on Wikipedia cluster, as well as making
it possible for the operator to check and remedy missing links. There is also a need to extend Wikipedia and
vocabulary linking around similar vocabulary. International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 8, No. 3; 2019
Published by Sciedu Press 115 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052
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