THIS AGREEMENT has been entered into between The Kroger Co.,
Cincinnati/Dayton Marketing Area (KMA), doing business as Kroger, its successors and
assigns, hereinafter designated as the "Employer" and the United Food and Commercial
Workers Union Local No. 1099, chartered by the United Food and Commercial Workers
International Union AFL-CIO, CLC, hereinafter designated as the "Union".
1.1 The Employer and the Union each represent that the purpose and the intent of
this Agreement is to promote cooperation and harmony, to recognize mutual interest, to
provide a channel through which information and problems may be transmitted from one to
the other, to formulate rules to govern the relationship between the Union and the Employer,
to promote efficiency and service and to set forth herein the basic agreements covering rates of
pay, hours of work and conditions of employment.
2.1 The Union shall be the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all employees
in each of the Employer's stores, and the Meat department only of the Batesville, Indiana
store, located in the counties of Clermont, Hamilton, Warren, Butler, Clinton, Highland, and
Brown in the State of Ohio; Boone, Campbell, Kenton, Mason, Kentucky; Dearborn and
Ripley, Indiana, excluding Store/Unit Managers, Co-Managers, Chefs, Drug/General
Merchandise Managers, Human Resource Coordinators, Photo Lab Managers, Professional
Pharmacy Department employees, Security employees and employees covered by the Dayton
2.2 Vendor Stocking
- The present practice of outside vendors stocking shelves
shall not be expanded during the term of this Agreement, except that, if a brand of
merchandise now being stocked by outside vendors is discontinued and another brand
substituted or a new brand is added, representatives of vendors may stock all brands of the
same type of merchandise. For example, if a new brand of potato chips is added or
substituted, representatives of vendors may stock the new brand.
The understanding in the paragraph immediately above shall not apply in new
or remodeled stores during the first two (2) weeks prior to opening.
It is understood that the rotation of merchandise, taking inventory or ordering
shall not be considered stocking. It shall not be a violation of this provision for a vendor to
perform the work necessary to accomplish are allocation of product in his commodity section.
This work is to be done under the supervision of the department head. (This provision does
not alter 11.12, Scheduling Resets.)
The following guidelines shall apply:
1. An "allocation" will refer to the number of facings or placements of a particular item.
2. A "reallocation" refers to the changing, positioning, and/or the discontinuance of an
item, and/or the addition of a new item.
3. Vendors may perform work necessary to reallocate an item within a commodity
section in a given aisle. Should an entire commodity section (i.e., coffee) need to be removed
to accomplish a reallocation, bargaining unit employee(s) will assist in the reallocation, where
it would not cause the addition of hours to the schedule.
4. When an item will be relocated in a new aisle, vendors will be permitted to pull the
block and set the block.
5. Vendors will not stock any product from the back room other than a new item.
6. Vendors must sign the daily log "in" and "out" and state the reasons for being in the
store (i.e., reset, inventory, etc.). If the steward questions a vendor's actions, he may verify the
vendor(s) presence and reasons for being in the store.
7. Department heads will better supervise vendor work.
The following items only shall be stocked completely or partially by representatives
of vendors or rack jobbers: magazines, books, outside bakery goods, non-alcoholic beverages
and snacks; i.e., potato chips, pretzels, etc.; and cookies, crackers, greeting cards, and party
items. It is understood that merchandise delivered on Kroger trucks will continue to be
stocked by members of the bargaining unit. Bottled water ordered through Peyton's shall also
continue to be stocked by bargaining unit employees.
In stores with a distinct Drug/GM department, the Employer may utilize any vendor
store assistance on Drug/GM merchandise products which are available to the trade without
additional cost.
2.3 Management Work
- In stores having both Manager and Co-Manager(s) the
Employer agrees that they will not perform work normally done by members of the bargaining
unit, including office functions normally performed by the Front-End Manager and Assistant
Front-End Manager(s). This does not preclude the Manager and Co-Manager(s) from doing
the above due to employees being absent where no one is available to do the work or
circumstances beyond the control of the Employer. It is further understood that work
incidental to handling customer's requests, inventorying product(s) and bakery merchandise
markdowns are not a violation of this Section. It is understood that this language does not
apply to the Drug/GM department.
For Meat Department the following shall apply:
It is understood that work performed due to the absence of a member of the
bargaining unit while attempting to bring in additional help (during a breakdown,
demonstration, during training, experimentation, reallocation of product (using stock on the
shelves) will not be considered a violation of this paragraph).
2.4 In the event of a proven violation of Sections 2.2 and/or 2.3, the Employer
will pay to the employee filing the grievance the amount of time spent in such proven
violation at the premium rate of time and one-half (1 1/2), but no less than one hour's pay at
the employee's regular rate of pay. It is understood that this language does not apply to the
Drug/GM department.
3.1 Union Shop
- It shall be a condition of employment that all employees of the
Employer covered by this Agreement who are members of the Union in good standing on the
execution date of this Agreement shall remain members in good standing, and those who are
not members on the execution date of this Agreement shall, on the sixty-first (61st) day
following the execution date of this Agreement become and remain members in good standing
in the Union. It shall also be a condition of employment that all employees covered by this
Agreement and hired on or after its execution date shall, on the sixty-first (61st) day following
the beginning of such employment become and remain members in good standing in the
Union. The Employer may secure new employees from any source whatsoever.
During the first sixty (60) calendar days of employment, a new employee
shall be on a trial basis and may be discharged at the discretion of the Employer, and such
discharge shall not be subject to the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure.
3.2 Check-Off
- The Employer agrees to deduct weekly Union dues and/or
service fees and uniform assessments from the wages of employees in the bargaining unit who
individually certify in writing, authorization for such deduction in a form authorized by law.
The Employer agrees, in the case of new Union members, to deduct the Union initiation fee
and in the case of a non-member, an initial service fee from the wages of any new or non-
member Union employee who certifies in writing authorization for such deduction in a form
authorized by law.
In the event no wages are then due the employee, or are insufficient to cover
the required deduction, the deduction for such week shall nevertheless be made from the first
wages of adequate amount next due the employee and thereupon transmitted to the Union.
Upon written request by an authorized representative of the Union, the
Employer agrees to dismiss any employee within five (5) days from receipt of such request for
failure to comply with Article 3, Section 3.1, limited only by the Labor Management Relations
Act of 1947.
3.3 Active Ballot Club - The Employer agrees to transmit the Local Union
contribution deductions to the UFCW Active Ballot Club from employees who are Union
members, and who sign deduction authorization cards. The deductions shall be in the amount
specified on the political contribution deduction authorization card and shall be deducted not
more than once each week.
3.4 New Employees
- The Employer agrees to give the Union a list of new
employees weekly showing employee's name, residence address, social security number, store
number, date of employment, and birth date.
3.5 Union Visitation
- Any accredited Union official of Local No. 1099 shall be
granted access to the store at any time that the store is open for business for the purpose of
satisfying themselves that the terms of this Agreement are being complied with. It is
understood, however, that the Union representative will, upon entering the store, make their
presence known to the store manager or their representative. It is further understood that there
will be no unreasonable interference with efficient store operation.
3.6 Other Agreements
- The Employer, through any part of the management,
agrees not to enter into any agreement or contract with their employees, individually or
collectively, which in any way conflicts with the terms and provisions of this Agreement.
3.7 Bulletin Board
- The Employer agrees to provide a bulletin board in each
store and will permit the Union to post and maintain any notices pertaining to Union business,
provided that such notices are approved by the Human Resource Manager before posting.
3.8 Union Steward
- The Union shall have the right to designate a grocery
steward, meat steward, and a drug/gm steward in each store.
In the top fifty percent (50%) of the stores (based on sales volume), the Union
shall have the right to designate a grocery steward and alternate grocery steward, a meat
steward and an alternate meat steward.
The Employer shall send a letter to the Union each February to update the
stores by sales volume. The Union shall notify the stewards and alternate stewards of any
A list showing the names and store addresses of all stewards and alternate
stewards is to be submitted to the Employer.
3.9 Union Counselor
- The Union shall have the right to designate a Union
Counselor in each store.
3.10 Union Card
- The Employer agrees to display the Union Store Card and/or
decal in a prominent place at the discretion of the employer in its store. The Union Card
and/or decal is and shall remain the property of the Union.
4.1 Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to violate any federal and/or
state law, rule or regulations made pursuant thereto. If any part of this Agreement is construed
to be in such violation, then that part shall be null and void and the parties agree that they will,
within thirty (30) days, begin negotiations to replace said void part with a valid provision.
4.2 The Employer and the Union agree to continue to uphold the principles of
non-discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, Union
activity, and veteran status.
5.1 The management of the business and the direction of the working forces,
including the right to plan, direct and control store operations, hire, suspend or discharge for
proper cause, transfer or relieve employees from duty because of lack of work or for other
legitimate reasons, the right to study or introduce new or improved production methods or
facilities subject to the provisions of Article 20 of this Agreement, and the right to establish
and maintain reasonable rules and regulations covering the operation of the store, a violation
of which shall be among the causes for discharge, are vested in the Employer; provided
however, that this right shall be exercised with due regard for the rights of the employees, and
provided further, that it will not be used for the purpose of discrimination against any
employee or for the purpose of invalidating any contract provision.
6.1 During the term hereof, the Union agrees that there shall be no strike or any
other interference with or interruption of the normal conditions of the Employer's business by
the Union or its members. The Employer agrees that there shall be no lockout.
Following a work stoppage, it shall be the employee's responsibility to advise
the store manager of their store, within a reasonable period of time, of their availability for
return to work. The Employer will then direct employees to start work on an orderly basis, as
needed for the type of work being considered.
On the first full day following the end of the stoppage, employees will be
placed in needed categories on a "first come, first served basis" considering the type of work
to be performed. On the second and subsequent days, employees who have made themselves
available will be placed in accordance with the seniority and available hours provisions of this
Agreement for the type of work being considered.
It is the intent of this Section that temporary employees will be replaced in an
orderly and expeditious manner.
7.1 No employee shall be required to cross a legal labor picket line which has
been officially recognized by the Union. Before the Union gives official recognition to any
picket line, it will discuss such action with the Employer prior to the establishment. In the
event such discussion does not take place prior to the establishment of such picket line, at least
twenty-four (24) hours notice will be given during which time employees will work as
8.1 Grievance Procedure
- Should any "grievance" arise over the interpretation or
application of the contents of this Agreement, there shall be an earnest effort on the part of
both parties to settle same promptly through the following steps. The term "grievance"
comprehends any complaint, difficulty, disagreement or dispute between the Employer and the
Union or any employee covered by this Agreement, and which complaint, difficulty,
disagreement or dispute pertains to the interpretation or application of any and all provisions
of this Agreement.
STEP 1. By conference between the aggrieved employee, the job steward or both
and/or a representative of the Union and the manager of the store. If the grievance is not
settled, it shall be reduced to writing with copies to the Union and Employer and referred
within ten (10) days to Step 2, unless such time period is mutually extended by the Union, and
the zone manager.
STEP 2. By conference between the representative of the Union and the zone manager.
If this Step does not settle the grievance, it shall be referred within ten (10) days to Step 3,
unless such time period is mutually extended by the Union and the zone manager.
STEP 3. By conference between the business representative and/or the executive
officer of the Union, the Human Resource Manager and/or a representative delegated by the
In the event the grievance is not settled in this Step, a written response will be
exchanged by the parties within twenty (20) days from the Step 3 conference unless otherwise
mutually agreed to.
STEP 4. In the event that the last Step fails to settle satisfactorily the grievance, and
either party wishes to submit it to arbitration, the party desiring arbitration must so advise the
other party in writing within forty-five (45) days from the Step 3 written response, or the
grievance will be considered settled in Step 3.
8.2 Timeliness of Grievances
- No grievance will be considered or discussed
unless the outlined procedure has been followed, and the grievance presented within ten (10)
days, except a grievances arising from an error in the rate of pay may be presented within two
(2) years.
Grievances may arise of a general nature affecting or tending to affect an
employee or employees. Such grievances may be initiated at any of the above steps deemed
appropriate by the parties.
8.3 Arbitration
- The Board of Arbitration shall consist of one person appointed
by the Union and one person appointed by the Employer.
Said two (2) persons shall, within ten (10) days after disagreement, unless
mutually extended, select a third (3rd) arbitrator from the agreed panel of twelve (12)
permanent arbitrators as provided for in Appendix "D", each of whom has agreed to act in this
capacity. The decision of the third (3rd) arbitrator shall be binding on both parties. The
expenses of the third (3rd) arbitrator shall be paid for jointly.
The Board of Arbitration is not vested with the power to change, modify or
alter this Agreement, but only to interpret the provisions of the Agreement.
It is agreed that the panel of permanent arbitrators will remain at twelve (12)
during the term of this Agreement, and if for any reason an arbitrator would withdraw from
the panel, the Union and the Employer agree to meet within thirty (30) days to select a
Grievances shall be submitted to the permanent arbitrators in rotation;
provided however, that the parties may select an arbitrator in deference to rotation if the
arbitrator otherwise called upon to hear the grievance is unavailable. The party requesting
arbitration shall notify the arbitrator in writing of their appointment with a copy to the other
8.4 Expedited Arbitration
- The parties agree that in lieu of following procedures
outlined above in Section 8.3 of this Article, by mutual agreement, a special expedited
arbitration process may be utilized.
In such case(s), the parties agree that no attorney will serve as the
representative of either party, briefs will be waived, and no stenographic or mechanical
transcript of the proceedings will be made.
It is further agreed that an arbitrator mutually selected to hear such a case
must agree in advance to render a short form, written decision within forty-eight (48) hours of
the date of hearing. Although it is not anticipated that such cases will involve substantial
questions of contract interpretation, the decision of the arbitrator will have the same force and
effect as an award rendered pursuant to the more formal Arbitration Procedure detailed in
Section 8.3. The arbitrator shall, in no event, have the power to disregard or modify any
provisions of the Agreement.
The parties agree, in such expedited cases, to present a stipulated issue to the
arbitrator in advance of the hearing. Either party may withdraw its consent to submit an issue
to the expedited process up to but not after the time at which the hearing is convened.
8.5 Suspension or Discharge
- The Employer may, at any time, suspend or
discharge any employee for proper cause. The Employer shall send a copy of the constructive
advice records setting forth the suspension or discharge to the Union. The Union may contest
the suspension or discharge by filing a written complaint with the Employer at the Step 2 level
of the Grievance Procedure within ten (10) calendar days following the receipt of the notice of
suspension or discharge. Such complaint shall be discussed between the Union Representative
and the Zone Manager within ten (10) calendar days.
Any monetary settlement to a grievance shall be paid within three (3) weeks
from the date of settlement.
Failure of the zone manager to issue a Step 2 position regarding the
suspension or discharge within the ten (10) calendar day period shall automatically refer the
Union's written complaint to the Step 3 level. If the Union and the Employer then fail to agree
on the written complaint within ten (10) additional calendar days, it shall be referred within
forty-five (45) calendar days to the Board of Arbitration, if the Union desires to arbitrate the
suspension or discharge. Should the Board determine that it was an unfair suspension or
discharge, the Employer will reinstate the employee in accordance with the findings of the
third (3rd) arbitrator.
8.6 Constructive Advice Records
- All constructive advice records shall be issued
and signed by non-bargaining unit employees only. Disciplinary action causing lost time shall
be at the direction of non-bargaining unit employees or the person designated in charge of the
During any investigation which may lead to disciplinary action, the employee,
upon request, shall have the Union steward or Union representative present.
Constructive advice records used by the Employer shall not affect the
employee's right to file a grievance, and upon signing such constructive advice record shall
receive a copy thereof. Any probationary period resulting therefrom shall be limited to a
period not to exceed thirty (30) days. Additional periods of thirty (30) days may be imposed if
necessary improvement is lacking, and the employee and the Union will be advised.
Constructive advice records will be issued and discussed with the employee
no later than ten (10) days from the date of the incident. If this is not done by management in
the specified time period, it will be considered null and void.
Any such constructive advice record not received by the Union or an
appointed Union Steward within ten (10) days shall be null and void.
This will not preclude discipline for an offense which would warrant a
discharge. (Serious offense shall not be considered as a circumstance which normally results
in progressive discipline.)
Any such constructive advice record not received by the Union or an
appointed Union Steward within ten (10) days shall be null and void.
Any such constructive advice record which does not involve a disciplinary
suspension after which twelve (12) consecutive months have elapsed without a recurrence of
the same nature shall be null and void.
Any constructive advice record which does involve a disciplinary suspension
after which twenty-four (24) months have elapsed without a recurrence of the same nature
shall be null and void.
8.7 Authority of Executive Board
- At any Step in the Grievance Procedure, the
Executive Board of the Local Union will have the final authority in respect to any aggrieved
employee covered by this Agreement to decline to process a grievance, complaint, difficulty
or dispute further, if in the judgment of the Executive Board, such a grievance lacks merit or
lacks justification under the terms of this Agreement, or has been adjusted or justified under
the terms of this Agreement to the satisfaction of the Union Executive Board.
8.8 It is the intent of the parties to this Agreement that all employees within the
bargaining unit covered by this Agreement exercise all their rights, privileges or necessary
procedures under this Agreement, International or Local Constitution, in the settlement of any
and all complaints or grievances filed by such employee before taking any action outside the
scope of this Agreement for the settlement of such grievance.
9.1 Overtime and Sixth (6th) Day Worked
- All work in excess of forty (40) hours
per week shall be paid for at time and one-half (1 1/2). For full-time employees time and one-
half (1 1/2) shall also be paid for work over eight (8) hours in a day and on the sixth (6th) day
in the work week. For pay purposes, the sixth (6th) day shall be the employee's normally
scheduled day off, unless the employee is scheduled to work six (6) days in one work week, in
which case, it shall be the sixth (6th) day in which work is performed by the employee. If
employees volunteer to work a sixth (6th) day, the time and one-half (1 1/2) premium shall not
apply. This shall not be used to circumvent the normal scheduling of hours.
For current and future part-time employees, all work in excess of forty (40)
hours in a basic work week will be paid at time and one-half (1 1/2). They will not receive
daily or sixth (6th) day overtime. This applies to full-time employees by mutual agreement*.
* Mutual Agreement - When referred to in this contract “mutual
agreement” means when both the employee and the Employer jointly agree to the benefit of
both on a specific subject. Any dispute arising from the application of mutual agreement,
subsequent situations will require the use of documentation between the employee and
9.2 If a full-time food employee is scheduled more than two (2) evenings in a
week, they shall be paid time and one-half (1 1/2) for work after 6:00 p.m. and until 12:00
midnight on the third (3rd) and subsequent evenings worked in such week, except as otherwise
provided in Section 9.6 below for night shift work; and except for those full-time employees
who are desirous of additional hours of work within the work week; and who have indicated
this desire (and availability) in writing to the Employer's store manager with a copy to the
Union, in which case such employees may be scheduled for more than two (2) evenings per
week without regard to the time and one-half (1 1/2) requirements of this section being
honored for more than two (2) evenings of work in the work week. Such written notice of
intent under this Section shall stand for thirty (30) days and then until revoked in writing to
the parties with one week's notice. It is understood, however, that it is not the intent of the
parties that frequent changes in this status be invoked. Third night overtime will not apply to
any full-time status 3 employees and all full-time employees hired on or after October 27,
2004 with the exception of department heads. This language does not apply to Drug/GM
9.3 Section 9.2 above shall not apply to work on Sundays and holidays where
those employees receive time and one-half (1 1/2) for such work.
9.4 Sunday Premium
- When work is performed on a Sunday, it shall not be
considered as part of the normal work week, and time and one-half (1 1/2) the employee's
regular hourly rate shall be paid for all hours worked that day. Sundays shall begin at 12:01
a.m. and end at 12:00 midnight. (The above provisions shall not apply to night shift
employees between 9:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight on Sundays.)
Effective with employees hired after November 10, 1986, Sunday work shall
be considered as part of the normal work week, and such employees shall be paid at their
regular hourly rate for hours worked that day. However, it is understood if any employee
elects not to work on Sunday (seniority permitting), they may elect to do so with the
understanding it may result in a reduced work week.
The Employer agrees that the elimination of Sunday premium pay for
employees hired after November 10, 1986, as specified above is not intended to reduce the
work hours that employees hired prior to November 10, 1986 are working during the normal
work week. The parties understand that this is not intended to be a guarantee of hours and
schedules which can be affected by business conditions or factors beyond the control of the
9.5 Holiday Premium - When work is performed on a holiday, it shall not be
considered as part of the normal work week, and time and one-half (1 1/2) the employee's
regular hourly rate shall be paid for all hours worked that day. In the case of a holiday, this
shall be in addition to the holiday pay provided for elsewhere in this Agreement. Holidays
shall begin at 12:01 a.m. and end at 12:00 midnight.
9.6 Night Shift Premiums
- All employees working from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
will receive a one dollar ($1.00) premium in addition to their regular rate except for the head
night lead clerk. The provisions of this Article 9, Section 9.2 above does not apply to such
employees. The definition of a night shift employee is contained in Article 14 of this
The night shift rate will apply on a holiday and vacation pay to those regularly
employed on night shift; that is, in holiday weeks if fifty percent (50%) or more of the hours
worked are on night shift and on vacation pay if fifty percent (50%) or more of the hours
worked in the twelve (12) weeks just prior to vacation are on night shift.
A Drug/GM clerk who is a member of the regular night stocking crew will
have their night stocking premium included in the calculation of their vacation and holiday
pay as well as in the calculation of any contractual overtime.
An employee who works a night shift for fifty percent (50%) or more of their
working hours in any week will receive the night shift rate for the full week and shall be
considered a night shift employee for the purpose of this Article and Article 14.
When a night shift employee is scheduled to work fifty percent (50%) or more
of their scheduled work shift prior to 6:00 a.m., they will receive the night stocking premium
for the entire shift. Any other employee who is scheduled to work less than fifty percent
(50%) of their scheduled shift prior to 6:00 a.m. will receive time and one-half (1 1/2) for the
hours worked prior to 6:00 a.m. and the night shift premium will not apply to such hours. Any
other employee, on a mutually agreed basis, who works less than fifty percent (50%) of their
work shift prior to 6:00 a.m. will receive the night shift premium for the hours worked prior to
6:00 a.m.
Any employee who is scheduled two (2) consecutive weeks or more on night
shift work shall be considered a night shift employee and shall be subject to the provisions
under Article 14, Night Shift Provisions, except for those employees who are doing relief
work for vacation and/or sick leave; provided management has given advance notice of such
schedule change.
9.7 No Pyramiding - Premium pay will not be pyramided, and any hours paid for
at premium pay will not be used in the computation of any other premium pay.
10.1 Basic Work Week
- The work week for full-time employees hired prior to
November 10, 1986 shall consist of up to forty (40) hours in not more than five (5) days, not
necessarily consecutive, Monday through Saturday unless mutually agreed* upon.
For full-time employees hired after November 10, 1986, the work week shall
consist of up to forty (40) hours in not more than five (5) days, not necessarily consecutive,
Sunday through Saturday unless mutually agreed* upon.
For all part-time employees, the basic workweek shall consist of up to forty
(40) hours, Sunday through Saturday.
10.2 Daily Guarantee
- Any employee who is instructed to report to work shall be
guaranteed four (4) hours work if the employee is available for four (4) hours work. It is
understood, however, that the payment of four (4) hours shall not apply to part-time
employees whose hours of work are restricted by circumstances beyond the control of the
Employer. Such scheduling guarantees shall not apply if the hours are not available due to
Article 11, Section 11.3 or would violate state or federal laws.
10.3 Meal Period
- One-half (1/2) hour (unless prohibited by law) on the
employee's own time shall be allowed for a meal period on each working day. The meal
period shall not be scheduled until an employee has worked three (3) hours, and an employee
will not be required to work more than five (5) hours prior to the beginning of the meal period.
Such meal period shall be scheduled as near to the middle of the work day as possible.
Employees working six (6) hours or less will not be scheduled for a meal period, unless
prohibited by law, and this provision shall not be utilized to circumvent the available hours
provision of this Agreement.
10.4 Rest Periods
- All employees who work more than three (3) hours up to and
including five (5) hours in a day, shall receive a fifteen (15) minute, uninterrupted rest period.
An employee who works more than five (5) hours in a day shall receive two (2), fifteen (15)
minute, uninterrupted rest periods.
No rest period may be scheduled until an employee has worked at least one
hour; however, the Employer will make every effort to schedule the rest period as near to the
middle of the work shift as possible.
10.5 Business Meetings
- Hours spent at business meetings called by the Employer
before or after business hours shall be counted as hours worked and shall be paid for
accordingly. If an employee is called in for a meeting, they shall receive call-in pay as
provided in Article 10, Section 10.2.
10.6 Time Off For Overtime
- No employee will be allowed or made to accept time
off as compensation for overtime.
11.1 Posting Work Schedules
- The hours for each employee shall be scheduled by
the Employer, subject to the provisions of this Agreement. A working schedule for the
succeeding week shall be posted in ink not later than 3:00 p.m. Friday of the current week
with the employee's full name listed by seniority and the employee's seniority date. One work
schedule shall be posted by department in all stores with the scheduled hours of employees
totaled at the end of the column and the Union steward will receive a copy of the work
schedule. In the event such schedule is not posted, the schedule for the preceding week shall
prevail, except in the week preceding or the week of a holiday. After the schedule is posted, a
full-time employee's schedule will not be changed and full-time food employees working their
scheduled day off will be paid time and one-half (1 1/2) for such hours. Hours added to the
schedule will be done within the seniority, available hours and earlier starting times provisions
of this Agreement, except as provided in Section 11.15 - Additional Hours - will be reflected
on the posted work schedule.
Schedules will be arranged by the following departments: meat department,
deli/bakery department, grocery department (which shall include dairy and frozen foods),
produce department, front-end (cashiers), sackers/carryout, salad bar department, floral
department, demonstrators, liquor shop department, floor maintenance, fuel center, coffee
shop, drug/gm, cosmetics, and photo lab.
11.2 Full-Time Ratio
- It is the intent of the parties that fifty percent (50%) of the
hours in the contract area, including non-foods, excluding hours worked in the classifications
of sacker, demonstrator, floral clerk and liquor clerk, will be offered as forty (40) hour
schedules to full-time employees. No employee will be reduced from full-time status to part-
time status in order to meet the ratio.
Ratio exclusions: sacker/carryouts, demonstrators, floral attendants, salad bar
clerks and liquor shop clerks. These classifications will no longer qualify for full-time
benefits. Individuals promoted to lead floral, lead salad bar and lead liquor shop will be
eligible for full-time benefits except if a clerk moves to one of these positions and retains their
clerk status and rate.
The Employer will review the ratio on a quarterly basis. The ratio will be
administered in accordance with the ratio operational guidelines as follows:
1. Once each period (four (4) weeks), the number of full-time hours to part-time hours will be
determined in the contract area for the upcoming period. Total eligible hours, including
Sunday hours, will be divided by forty (40) in order to determine the number of forty (40)
hour schedules to be offered. When the required number exceeds the number of full-time
status employees, the senior part-time employees desiring full-time will be offered the full-
time schedules required to meet the ratio.
2. Employees hired prior to November 10, 1986, who are eligible to claim Sunday hours at
time and one-half (1 1/2) may continue to do so in addition to their forty (40) hour schedule.
3. Vacation schedules and schedules not worked (including sick leaves at a maximum of one
year) count for the ratio purposes.
4. The ratio will not apply to a new store for the first six (6) months of operation. There shall
be a minimum full-time ratio of thirty percent (30%).
5. The ratio will apply for the determination of eligibility for full-time benefits.
6. (a) When a part-time employee is promoted to a department head, assistant department
head and/or lead, they shall receive full-time benefits the first of the month following such a
promotion in accordance with Article 22.
(b) If the aforementioned employee is demoted and/or voluntarily reduces himself/herself
in the classification, such employee shall not continue to receive full-time benefits unless they
have the seniority to maintain them under the ratio.
11.3 Available Hours
- Employees shall receive available hours up to and
including eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week in accordance with seniority,
within the individual store, provided that this does not conflict with another provision of this
Agreement. Available hours may only be exercised for the five (5) highest hour days in the
week, excluding Sundays and holidays. Employees may claim any and all portions of a less
senior employee's schedule up to eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week,
excluding training hours, consistent with other provisions of the Agreement. Part-time
employees may claim or be scheduled a maximum of forty (40) hours in a week and will not
gain full-time status or benefits except in accordance with the full-time ratio. Part-time
employees may claim schedules of six (6) days in a week and up to and including ten (10)
hours in a day at straight time.
Employees within the meat department, deli/bakery department,
seafood/service department, sacker/carryout, liquor shop department, floral department, salad
bar department, demonstrators, coffee shop, drug/gm, cosmetics, and photo lab can claim
available hours in order to maximize their schedule up to and including eight (8) hours per day
and/or forty (40) hours per week in their respective department ONLY.
It is the intent of the parties that grocery department employees (which shall
include dairy and frozen food department employees), produce department employees, front-
end department employees, and fuel center employees must claim all additional available
hours within their department schedule in order to maximize up to and including eight (8)
hours per day before claiming additional available clerk hours in other department(s), first
among clerks and then among sackers.
Employees on the payroll of the Employer as of July 20, 1976, except in meat,
deli/bakery departments, will be scheduled and/or allowed to claim any and all portions of the
available hours of a sacker/carryout employee's schedule in order to extend their scheduled
shift(s) to eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week at the employee's current rate of
clerk's pay. However, such employees shall not be permitted to claim earlier starting times of
sacker/carryout employees. Employees classified as clerks and hired after July 20, 1976 will
not be allowed to claim any hours in the sacker/carryout classification.
Twelve-Hour Minimum
- Employees will be scheduled for a minimum of
twelve (12) hours if employees are available for said hours and their hours may not be claimed
below this twelve (12) hour minimum. (The intent of this language is not to circumvent the
available hours clause, nor to reduce current full-time and/or part-time employees. Hours will
be scheduled by seniority.)
It is the intent of the parties that employees cannot use this available hours
clause to claim hours of work that will cause the payment of premium pay at time and one-half
(1 1/2) during that week.
Clerks cannot claim hours or earlier starting times of department heads,
assistant department heads, and lead clerks as provided in this Agreement.
Store manager trainee assignments will not be utilized to circumvent the
available hours provision of this Section.
In order for an employee to claim available hours within the office, the
Employer agrees to and shall train such employee within ten (10) days.
Training Period
- Newly hired employees shall receive training by a qualified
individual within the department who has been selected by the store manager.
Training shall begin upon assignment to the position. The number of training
hours per job classification shall be as follows: Front-end, floral, salad bar, and
sacker/carryout shall receive twenty-four (24) hours of training. Grocery and produce shall
receive thirty-six (36) hours of training. Meat, deli and seafood shall receive seventy-two (72)
hours of training.
Specialized Training
- Employees selected by the store manager will receive
training by a qualified individual within the department designated by the store manager.
These hours are not to be claimed by any other employee. These hours will not reduce the
regularly scheduled hours in the department where training hours are assigned. Any
grievance/dispute arising from the scheduling of these designated training hours shall proceed
directly to Step 3 of the grievance procedure.
All training hours shall be posted and noted on the weekly department
schedule. Training hours shall be scheduled consecutively and within the minimum
scheduling guidelines.
11.4 Earlier Starting Times
- The Employer shall recognize earlier starting times,
i.e., a shift commencing at 6:00 a.m., available in the store on the following basis: Earlier
starting times will be assigned on a continuing basis to the more senior employee within their
respective job classification as defined in Appendix "A" where such scheduling does not
conflict with other provisions of this Agreement or would cause the Employer to pay overtime
as a result of such schedule. (This paragraph shall not apply during the first forty-five (45)
calendar days of a new store operation.)
Assistant department managers will be scheduled to perform the procedures
and supervision of their department (assistant department managers will not be scheduled to
begin a shift for the purpose of relieving the first break). In the event there is no need to
schedule assistant department managers out of seniority for such coverage, they will be
scheduled by their seniority. If such application necessitates more than two (2) nights in a
work week, such employees may exercise the option provided in Article 9.2 in order to
maximize their hours up to eight (8) per day and forty (40) per week.
Whenever an employee(s) is scheduled for work hours in more than one
department within the grocery clerk group in the store, the department containing fifty percent
(50%) or more of such employee's total weekly hours will be considered such employee's
basic weekly department for the purpose of achieving earlier starting times.
Any more senior grocery clerk, front-end clerk or produce clerk may claim a
five (5) day schedule in other departments within the seniority group within the store for the
purpose of achieving earlier starting times. Such employee claiming a five (5) day schedule in
another department must have been originally scheduled for a weekly schedule which
contained fewer earlier starting times than that of the five (5) day schedule which he intends to
claim. After a senior clerk(s) has claimed into another department for the purpose of
achieving earlier starting times, such clerk(s) shall then be recognized by seniority within such
department on subsequent weekly work schedules for available earlier starting times.
This Section shall not preclude those employees the opportunity of claiming
available hours in any other department as provided in Section 11.3.
Notwithstanding the above, the Employer agrees to continue to recognize
seniority for non-food employees for preferential daily work shifts only when, in the
Company’s discretion, it is possible.
11.5 Employee Waivers
- At the employees' discretion, an employee may indicate
to the store manager in writing (with a copy to the Union) that pertinent contractual clauses
notwithstanding, with respect to available hours and earlier starting times, such employee may
waive such application of seniority and request scheduled weekly shifts, which are regularly
available, based on personal preference for earlier or later starting times even if such
scheduling results in a lesser number of hours than seniority would normally indicate. Such
written notice of intent under this paragraph shall stand for thirty (30) days and then until
revoked in writing to the parties with one (1) week's notice. It is understood, however, that it
is not the intent of the parties that frequent changes in this status be invoked.
11.6 Regular Day Off
- The Employer will, where the needs of the business are not
adversely affected, schedule employees regularly working a five (5) day weekly work
schedule, a regular day off by department on a seniority basis.
This provision shall not be construed to obligate the Employer to recognize a
senior employee's demand to be scheduled off on any particular week day, unless such
requested day off is available based upon the scheduling needs of the department(s).
The language in this Article 11.6 does not apply to Drug/GM employees.
11.7 When work is performed on a Sunday, it shall be on a voluntary basis, for
employees hired prior to November 10, 1986. The Employer shall post a voluntary Sunday
work sheet near the time clock in each store by 3:00 p.m. Friday of each week to cover the
Sunday which occurs eleven (11) days later. Any above mentioned employee who desires to
work on this Sunday shall sign the Sunday work sheet no later than Tuesday after the posting
of the voluntary work sheet. A completed Sunday work schedule shall then be posted on
Friday prior to the Sunday. Claims will be allowed on the Sunday work schedule on Friday
immediately preceding the Sunday. An employee may volunteer for not less than four (4)
hours and not more than eight (8) hours on Sunday/holiday.
If the Employer needs additional help on Sundays/holidays, he may schedule
employees beginning with employees hired after November 10, 1986, and then draft
employees hired prior to November 10, 1986, on an inverse seniority basis. Employees who
are drafted or scheduled may be required to work up to and including eight (8) hours on
Sundays/holidays, with the provision that a senior employee who is drafted or scheduled will
not be required to work more hours than a less senior employee.
On Sundays/holidays, the Employer may elect to schedule a department head
or assistant department head (out of seniority) in grocery/head night lead clerk, produce, front-
end, meat and deli to run their respective departments and/or manage the store. Any
department head and/or assistant department head designated to manage the store and/or run
their department on a Sunday/holiday shall be placed on the work schedule and listed as being
in charge of the store or department for that particular Sunday/holiday. In store 301, clerks
qualified to perform department head or assistant department head duties will be scheduled on
a seniority basis with the department head and assistant department heads.
11.8 When work is performed on a holiday as mentioned in Article 12, Section
12.1, it shall be offered by seniority on a voluntary basis.
The Employer shall post a voluntary holiday work sheet near the time clock in
each store by 3:00 p.m. the second Friday prior to the beginning of the week in which a
contractual holiday occurs, and such list shall remain posted through Monday of the following
week. Any employee, regardless of date of hire, who desires to work on a holiday, shall sign
the holiday work sheet within five (5) days, and a completed holiday work schedule shall then
be posted by 3:00 p.m. Friday the week preceding the holiday week.
11.9 No employee shall be scheduled/drafted for less than four (4) hours work on a
Employees who work on Sundays and/or holidays have the right, based on
seniority, to claim all available hours in the store on that day, up to and including but not to
exceed eight (8) hours, excluding the meal period. Furthermore, the provisions pertaining to
earlier starting times, as provided for in Section 11.4 above will be applicable to Sunday
and/or holiday work.
11.10 Any employee who is scheduled for a vacation week(s) shall not be permitted
to volunteer and/or shall not be drafted for Sunday work in the Sunday(s) immediately
following the beginning of their vacation period. Any employee shall be permitted to
volunteer for the Sunday immediately following the end of their vacation period. However,
such employee shall not be drafted/scheduled for such Sunday.
11.11 Scheduling Claims
- Any dispute over the application of the terms of this
Agreement to the posted work schedule must originate no later than the times specified below
on Friday of the week in which the schedule is posted in order to be a valid grievance:
(a) Claims against the work schedule will be submitted in writing and
initialed by a member of management or an employee so designated by management prior to
3:00 p.m. Saturday. Valid claims shall then be promptly posted to the work schedule and
initialed by a member of management or an employee so designated by management.
(b) Employees who have had their hours claimed as a result of paragraph (a)
above, and who wish to initiate a claim for available hours or earlier starting times shall
submit claims in writing and initialed by a member of management or an employee so
designated by management prior to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday. Valid claims shall then be
promptly posted to the work schedule and initialed by a member of management or an
employee so designated by management.
Hours may be claimed on the Employer's time.
Proven violations of available hours and earlier starting times scheduling to
the final posted work schedule shall result in penalty pay (does not apply to Drug/GM
employees) if not resolved in Step 1 of the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure as follows:
(a) Available Hours - time and one-half (1 1/2) the employee's rate of pay for
the hours involved.
(b) Earlier Starting Times - Time and one-half (1 1/2) for the hours
between the end of the earlier shift and the end of the scheduled shift.
11.12 Scheduling Resets
- Employees within the grocery clerk classification
working less than eight (8) hours per day, and who are interested in enhancing their daily
schedule will be offered the opportunity to increase their hours by performing work on
"resets" within the employee's store on the following basis.
(a) The Union and the store employees will be notified of "resets" two (2)
weeks in advance.
(b) Eligible employees interested in working on "resets" will evidence such
interest by signing a sign-up sheet posted by the Employer within the store.
(c) Employees signing the sign-up sheet will be offered the opportunity to
increase their daily scheduled hours to a maximum of eight (8) hours and work some or all of
their daily schedule on the "reset".
(d) The Employer may use the necessary number of outside vendors in any
manner to supplement available bargaining unit employees so as to complete the "reset" by the
end of the week, unless a different time frame is agreed upon between the Union and the
The language in this Article 11.12 does not apply to Drug/GM employees.
11.13 Split Shift/Time Off Between Shifts
- No employee shall be required or
permitted to work a split shift. A split shift is defined as two (2) work periods separated by
more than a normal meal period. For any violation of this provision, the employee shall be
paid as time worked between the two (2) work periods at the applicable rate of pay.
There shall be a minimum of eight (8) hours between scheduled work shifts
for all employees, excluding Sundays, holidays, and overtime. For employees hired after
November 10, 1986, there shall be a minimum of eight (8) hours between scheduled work
shifts, excluding holidays and overtime.
11.14 Replacement Hours
- The Union recognizes the Employer's problem with
respect to rescheduling in cases of employee absenteeism. Accordingly, the parties have
agreed upon the following application of this intent in such situations.
When hours (which are on the posted work schedule) become available due to
absenteeism of a scheduled employee(s), and the Employer elects to replace any or all of the
vacated hours, the Employer will first offer by proper notification and by seniority the most
senior employee(s) in the department already on the posted work schedule for that day and
having a later reporting time the earlier schedule of hours. As a result of this process, if hours
are still required, the store's most senior employee(s) working less than eight (8) hours on the
day(s) will be properly notified by seniority and offered the available hours up to and
including eight (8) hours.
Following proper notification and the employee(s) acceptance or rejection of
the change, the Employer will have the right to call in other employee(s) and/or increase the
hours of employee(s) already on the schedule in order to take care of the Employer's business
in the most expeditious manner possible and with a minimum of disruption to the already
planned schedule. However, an employee shall not be obligated to stay beyond the period of
time it requires for the next senior employee(s) called in to arrive and replace the absent
employee. In the event no such employee is available, the least senior employee working shall
be required to work the necessary time to maintain the efficient operation of the store. It is
understood that this paragraph shall not obviate the provisions of Sections 11.15 and 11.16 of
this Agreement.
The language in this Article 11.14 does not apply to Drug/GM employees.
11.15 Additional Hours
- Employees shall retain the right to refuse call-in hours and
refuse hours beyond the employee's scheduled quitting time, except as provided in Section
11.14 above. However, in the event the Employer finds it necessary to add hours to the work
schedule, due to circumstances beyond the control of the Employer, and all efforts have been
exhausted to offer such additional hours by seniority, the least senior employee(s) shall then
be required to remain for not more than one hour's work beyond their scheduled quitting time
provided they are notified two (2) hours priors to their quitting time. It is understood,
however, that employees may volunteer to stay additional time in excess of the minimum one
hour referred to above.
When proper notification involves telephone calls, such calls shall be limited
to a total of fifteen (15) minutes and made by:
a. The Union Steward, if at work
b. The Alternate Steward, if at work
c. Two (2) members of the bargaining unit
It is understood that replacement hours or additional hours, as provided for in
Sections 11.14 and 11.15 above, will not necessitate the payment of overtime as provided for
elsewhere in this Agreement.
The language in this Article 11.15 does not apply to Drug/GM employees.
11.16 Scheduling Overtime
- Scheduled overtime will be assigned on the basis of
seniority within the classification where such overtime is needed. Such scheduling will be in
accordance with the provisions of this Article.
Non-scheduled overtime shall be offered to employees who are presently
working at the time the overtime occurs to employee(s) on the basis of seniority. In the event
the Employer cannot fill their needs by seniority, the Employer shall have the right to require
such employees on an inverse seniority basis to work such non-scheduled overtime in
accordance with Section 11.15 above.
The language in this Article 11.16 does not apply to Drug/GM employees.
11.17 For Drug/GM employees:
The schedule for full-time Drug/GM employees
shall not be changed during the work week except in case of employee's absence or
emergency beyond the control of the Employer. The schedule for part-time employees may be
changed by notification to the employee prior to his/her leaving home to report to work for
his/her scheduled work time. Claims against the work schedule will be submitted in writing
and initialed by a member of management or an employee so designated by management prior
to 3:00 p.m. Saturday to be a valid grievance.
The Employer agrees to continue to recognize seniority for preferential daily
work shifts whenever/wherever possible.
12.1 Legal Holidays
- The following shall be considered holidays: New Year's
Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
When one of these holidays falls on a Sunday, the holiday shall be celebrated on the Monday
immediately following.
12.2 Personal Holidays
- In addition to the holidays called for in Section 12.1, an
additional paid holiday shall be granted all employees on the same basis as other holidays on
the employee's anniversary date of employment. Such holiday shall be celebrated during the
week in which the employee's anniversary date occurs, except in the case of a holiday week, in
which case it shall be celebrated in the first non-holiday week that follows.
All employees shall be entitled to the Monday or the first scheduled day
within the basic work week following the employee's first week of vacation as an additional
holiday which is not to be construed as part of the employee's vacation. Consequently, as
provided in Article 11, Section 11.10, an employee may volunteer to work the Sunday
immediately following his vacation even if such Sunday occurs before this scheduled
additional holiday. Such additional holiday shall be noted on the posted vacation schedule.
Full-time Drug/GM employees hired prior to June 4, 1987 shall have sixteen
(16) hours straight time added to their first week of vacation pay. Part-Time Drug/GM
employees hired prior to June 4, 1987 shall have four (4) hours straight time added to their
first week of vacation pay.
12.3 Eligibility for Holiday Pay
- In a week in which one of the above holidays
occurs, a full-time employee who works their scheduled work day before and their scheduled
worked day after the holiday will receive eight (8) hours straight-time pay in addition to the
hours actually worked. Absence during a holiday week caused by illness substantiated by a
doctor's certificate or absence approved in advance by the Employer, shall not disqualify the
employee for holiday pay, provided they have performed some work in the holiday week.
Such doctor's certificate must be presented during the week in which the employee returns to
It shall not be mandatory for the Employer to require a doctor's certificate in
each and every case if the employee's store manager has knowledge of an illness (where the
employee has performed some work in the holiday week) that, in their opinion, would make
the requirement of such certificate unnecessary.
A part-time employee who has worked in twelve (12) weeks or more shall be
entitled to holiday pay for the holidays mentioned in Article 12, Sections 12.1 and 12.2 above,
provided they were scheduled for work in the holiday week and worked their scheduled hours
in the holiday week.
12.4 Computation of Part-time Holiday Pay
- Holiday pay for part-time employees
shall be figured on the average hours worked for the four (4) consecutive weeks immediately
preceding the holiday week on the following basis:
20 hours or less 2 hours
over 20 hours to and including 30 hours 4 hours
over 30 hours to and including 32 hours 6 hours
over 32 hours 8 hours
12.5 Holiday Work Week
- In any calendar week in which one of the holidays
mentioned in Article 12, Sections 12.1 and 12.2 occurs, the basic straight-time work week
shall consist of thirty-two (32) hours to be worked in four (4) days, not necessarily
consecutive, exclusive of the holiday. In such holiday weeks, all work in excess of thirty-two
(32) hours or work on the fifth (5th) day, exclusive of the holiday, shall be paid for at time and
one-half (1 1/2) the employee's regular hourly rate.
All hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours will be paid at time and one
half (1 1/2). Holiday pay shall not be considered time worked. This shall apply to part-time
employees and to full-time employees upon mutual agreement*.
12.6 Emergency Conditions
- In the case of an emergency caused by fire, flood or
an Act of God, the Employer may request such employees as it deems necessary to perform
such work as may be necessary. Employees will be paid as provided in Article 9, Section 9.5.
12.7 Christmas Eve
- No employee shall be required to work beyond 6:00 p.m. on
Christmas Eve except in cases of emergency. Employees working beyond 6:00 p.m. in cases
of emergency will be paid double (2 times) the employee's straight-time hourly rate of pay.
13.1 Vacation Schedule
- Employees will be entitled to vacation pay based upon
the following schedule:
*Years of Continuous Service
Weeks Vacation
1 year 1 week
3 years 2 weeks
7 years 3 weeks
14 years 4 weeks
18 years 5 weeks
25 years 6 weeks
*Continuous service shall include all service as a part-time and/or full-time
employee without a break.
13.2 Eligibility for Vacation
- Eligibility for an employee's first vacation (one
week) and for any increase in vacation will be determined by their anniversary date.
Arrangements must be made to permit employees to enjoy such earned vacations between the
actual anniversary date and the end of the year in which it occurs. Where necessary, vacations
due in the 12th and 13th periods may be carried over to the first period of next year.
Employees who completed the required service prior to January 1 of any year
are eligible for vacations as of that date.
After an employee has qualified for the amount of vacations as stipulated in
Section 13.1 above, they automatically qualify for that amount of vacation as of January 1 of
each year, provided the employee has worked one scheduled work day up to eight (8) hours in
that year.
Lay Off Status - Employees who are on lay off or leave of absence at the end
of a calendar or anniversary year will not be entitled to vacation and vacation pay for service
for said year until their return to work. Their vacation will be subject to the reductions
outlined under paragraph 13.6.
13.3 Computation of Vacation Pay
- The weekly rate of pay for vacation purposes
will be determined as follows:
(a) A full-time employee who has worked forty (40) hours in at least
forty (40) weeks, or who was not laid off for more than thirty (30) working days during the
anniversary or calendar year in which their vacations were earned, will be paid their current
straight-time earnings for their regularly scheduled work week. In determining whether an
employee has worked forty (40) or more weeks on a forty (40) hour basis, count weeks not
worked because of paid vacation or approved leave of absence (including sick leave) as weeks
(b) The weekly vacation pay of a full-time employee who worked on
a full-time basis (as defined in paragraph (a) above) in fewer than forty (40) weeks, or who
was laid off for more than thirty (30) working days in the year, will be computed at their
current hourly rate for the average number of hours per week they worked during the
anniversary or calendar year in which the vacation was earned. To determine the average
number of hours worked per week, divide the total hours worked during this anniversary or
calendar year by the number of weeks in the year; exclude from this divisor the weeks off the
job because of paid vacations, sick leaves or other authorized leave of absence.
(c) A part-time employee will be entitled to vacation under the same
general rules as for a full-time employee; and part-time vacations will be figured on the
number of hours worked in the year in which the vacation is earned divided by fifty-two (52).
If a holiday occurs during a part-time employee's vacation, they shall receive four (4) hours
straight-time pay in addition to their vacation pay for such week.
Vacation pay will be paid with the employee's last paycheck prior to the
vacation week.
13.4 Scheduling Vacation
- Choice of vacation dates will be granted on the basis of
seniority by classification (clerk, floral attendants, salad bar clerks, sacker/carryout,
demonstrators, liquor shop clerks, meat department (which shall include journeyman and meat
clerks), and deli clerks; except that the Employer reserves the right to grant vacations to any
employee when absence will least affect the operation except for the following stores will be
done by seniority within the grocery group – store #301.
The Employer will post a vacation schedule in each store effective December
1 of each year. The employees will exercise their preference by January 15 of each year. A
complete vacation schedule shall be posted in each store within fifteen (15) days. Vacation
dates for employees indicating their preference will be scheduled by the Employer. Once
finalized, no employee will be permitted to change their vacation at the expense of another
employee's scheduled vacation. Employees will be allowed to take a maximum of three (3)
consecutive weeks vacation during the summer if so eligible, provided further, that the
Employer will recognize additional consecutive weeks during the summer vacation period
when employee(s) can verify additional consecutive weeks are required.
Vacations must be taken during the calendar year unless, due to an
emergency, the management finds it necessary to request postponement.
No employee shall be permitted to take pay in lieu of vacation unless you
have 4 weeks of vacation or more and are eligible to sell it as outlined below.
Employees performing work during their scheduled vacation will receive
double time (2 times) their rate of pay for all hours worked during scheduled vacation.
Employees may take vacations beginning in the middle of the week and
ending in the middle of the following week.
Employees with four (4) or more weeks of vacation may elect to schedule one
(1) week of vacation a day at a time. Employees must notify the store manager of their desire
to schedule this week of vacation days at the time of vacation selection. The individual days
will be scheduled, by mutual agreement, to be taken Monday through Thursday by October 31
of each year. Unused days as of October 31 will be scheduled at the discretion of the
Employer, which will be done by year-end.
Any employee who is eligible for at least four (4) weeks of vacation or more
may "sell" vacation weeks as follows: Employees eligible for four (4) weeks vacation may
sell one (1) week of vacation. Employees eligible for five (5) weeks and six (6) weeks of
vacation may sell up to two (2) weeks of vacation. The "selling" of vacation weeks shall be at
the employee's option only and must be submitted to store management when vacation
selections are due as of January 15 of each year.
13.5 Holiday Occurring During Vacation
- If one of the holidays set forth in
Article 12, Sections 12.1 and 12.2 occurs during any week of an employee's vacation, they
shall receive holiday pay as set forth in Article 12 of this Agreement, in addition to their
vacation pay for such week.
13.6 Effects of Leaves on Vacation Pay
- Leaves totaling less than ninety (90) days
in any calendar year shall not affect vacation. Any type of leaves totaling more than ninety
(90) days in a calendar year shall have the following effect upon vacation earned in that year:
Leaves of more than ninety (90) days but not over 180 days shall reduce
vacation and vacation pay by one-fourth (1/4); leaves of more than 180 days but not over 270
days shall reduce vacation and vacation pay by one-half (1/2); leaves of more than 270 days
shall disqualify for vacation and vacation pay. (The above ninety (90) days shall be amended
to 120 days in the event of a leave of absence due to illness, on or off the job injury or
pregnancy leave.) Employees will be scheduled the number of weeks vacation earned by their
Company length of service at reduced pay. Employees at their request may reduce their
vacation time so that they do not suffer a reduction of their weekly pay.
13.7 Vacation For Employees Returning From Military Leave
- Vacation for
employees with one year or more of continuous service as a full-time employee, who returns
to Kroger employment from military leave within ninety (90) days after discharge from the
Armed Services shall be as follows:
a) Continuous service as full-time employee includes time on military leave
of absence.
b) Those who return to Kroger service and thereafter work for ninety
(90) days or more before the end of the year are eligible for vacation in that year based on
their length of continuous service as defined above.
c) Those who do not return early enough in the year to be employed
ninety (90) days are not eligible for a vacation in that year, but are eligible for a vacation in
the next calendar year upon completion of ninety (90) days of employment following their
return from military leave of absence.
13.8 Effects of Termination on Vacation Pay
- If any employee who has not taken
their vacation earned by their service leaves (regardless of whether they give notice) or is
separated for any reason other than dishonesty, they will receive their vacation pay at the time
of leaving.
13.9 Retirement Bonus
- Employees with twenty (20) or more years of continuous
service who are eligible to retire will receive a retirement bonus. This bonus will not count as
time worked; no other contractual obligations will apply to this bonus.
This bonus will be calculated as follows: the number of vacation
weeks as determined by years of service divided by 52, times the number of weeks worked in
the retirement year, equal the number of weeks of this bonus. The weekly payment is equal to
the current hourly rate, times the average hours per week (not to exceed 40 hours) in the
retirement year.
14.1 A night shift employee shall be defined as any employee who is scheduled in
a manner which requires the night shift hourly premium specified in Article 9, Section 9.6 of
this Agreement.
For those night shift employees whose starting time commences at 9:00 p.m.
or after, the provisions of Article 9, Section 9.2 shall not apply.
14.2 Transfers to Day Shift
- Night shift employees with one year or more of
service as a night shift employee, who certify in writing of their desire for day shift work, will
be assigned such work within their store on the basis of seniority, but not to exceed one such
employee each ninety (90) days. Employee(s) within the store may volunteer to fill the
vacancy by seniority. However, if employee(s) do not volunteer for such vacancy, then the
least senior full-time employee, including status 3 employees, within their respective
classification within the store may then be assigned to fill the vacancy on the night shift.
14.3 Right to Transfer
- When a store discontinues a "night shift", the head night
lead clerk may displace the least senior head night lead clerk within the zone. The displaced
head night lead clerk has the option of remaining in their store or accepting a transfer to the
store from which the new head night lead clerk was previously assigned.
14.4 Other Provisions
- Night shift employees will be allowed to leave the store
during the meal period.
The Employer must designate an employee as head night lead clerk whenever
three (3) or more clerks are scheduled for night shift unless a classified department
head/assistant department head is scheduled for the night shift, as defined in Section 14.1 of
this Article.
If such employee is designated as head night lead clerk for fifty percent (50%)
or more of their working hours in any week, they will receive the applicable rate for the full
week. If such employee is designated as head night lead clerk for less than fifty percent (50%)
of their working hours in any week, they shall receive the applicable rate of pay only for those
hours for which they are designated. However, it is understood that the Employer at their
discretion may assign a department head in the store to supervise the night shift. Such
department head will be paid a night shift premium of one dollar ($1.00) per hour according to
the provisions of Article 9.6 of this Agreement.
15.1 Application
- In lay offs, recalls, transfers, scheduling and the reduction of
hours, the principle of seniority shall apply. In the matter of promotions, the Employer shall
have the right to exercise their final judgment after giving due regard to seniority. This shall
not preclude the Union from questioning through the Grievance Arbitration Procedure whether
or not the Employer has given due regard to seniority.
15.2 Determination
- For the purpose of lay offs, recalls, transfers, scheduling and
the reduction of hours, the Union #1 seniority date shall apply. The Union #1 seniority date
shall be determined as follows:
(a) For full-time employees, Union #1 seniority date shall be the
employee's adjusted seniority date as determined in (b) below or their date of entrance into the
bargaining unit if they are a full-time employee when they enter this bargaining unit.
(b) For part-time employees, the Union #1 date shall be their most
recent date of hire. A part-time employee who qualifies for full-time shall have their seniority
date as a full-time employee determined on the basis of one week's credit for each two (2)
weeks of part-time work. The Union #1 seniority date in this case will be this adjusted date.
(c) In the event the Employer transfers an employee from any other
store or unit which is not covered by this bargaining unit, such employee's Union #1 seniority
date shall be their date of entering this bargaining unit for the purposes of lay offs, recalls,
transfers, promotions, the scheduling of hours, which shall include Sunday and holiday work.
Any food employee hired after October 16, 1989, and any Drug/GM
employee upon mutual agreement* between the employee and management, may be
transferred between seniority groups covered by this Agreement and retain all seniority. Any
such transfer would be subject to a thirty (30) day "trial period" and could be rescinded by
either the employee or the Employer during that time. Any employee interested in transferring
to another seniority group, as outlined in this Section, should make such desire known in
writing to the store manager with a copy to the Union steward. In order to provide customer
service in an extreme situation, the Employer may utilize any such employees to work in any
other department. The Employer recognizes that all hours must be maximized within a
department before exercising this option.
(d) Eligibility for holidays as provided in Article 12, and vacations as
provided in Article 13 or any other benefits as provided for in this Agreement shall be based
upon the employee's length of employment with the Employer.
(e) If two (2) or more employees have the same seniority date, the
employee having the lowest social security number shall be considered to have the greatest
amount of seniority. This paragraph shall apply to meat employees hired after October 16,
1989. Established seniority dates for meat employees hired prior to October 16, 1989 (initial
of the last name) shall stay the same, provided they remain in their seniority group. This
paragraph shall apply to Drug/GM employees hired after September 11, 1990. Established
seniority dates for Drug/GM employees hired prior to September 11, 1990 (initial of the last
name) shall stay the same, provided they remain in their seniority group.
(f) No employee shall acquire any seniority rights until they have
been in the bargaining unit sixty (60) calendar days and provided further that their seniority
date after sixty (60) calendar days will revert to their most recent date of hire or to the date the
employee entered the bargaining unit.
There shall be three (3) separate seniority groups as follows:
Group A Meat
- Meat, Deli/Bakery
Meat - Meat Dept. Mgr., Asst. Meat Dept. Mgr., Journeyman, Meat
Seafood/Service Meat - Lead Seafood Clerk, Seafood/Customer
Service Att.
Deli/Bakery - Dept. Head, Asst. Dept. Head, Lead Baker, Clerk
Coffee Shop – Lead Coffee Shop, Coffee Shop Clerk
Group B Grocery
- Grocery, Produce, Front-End, Demonstrator,
Liquor Shop, Floor maintenance
Grocery - Dept. Head, Night Lead Clerk, Clerk
Back Door – Lead Back Door Receiver
Dairy - Dept. Head, Clerk
Frozen Food - Dept. Head, Clerk
Produce - Dept. Head, Asst. Dept. Head, Clerk
Floral – Lead Floral Attendant, Floral Attendant
Salad Bar – Lead Salad, Salad Bar Clerk
Front-End - Dept. Head, Asst. Dept. Head, Clerk, Sacker/Carryout
File Maintenance – Lead File Maintenance Clerk
Fuel Center – Lead Fuel Clerk, Fuel Center Clerk
Demonstrator - Demonstrator
Liquor Shop - Lead Liquor Clerk, Liquor Shop Clerk
Floor maintenance - Floor maintenance clerk
Group C Drug/GM
– Cosmetics, Drug/GM, One-Hour Photo
Cosmetics – Cosmetician I, Cosmetician II
Drug/GM – Head Drug/GM Clerk, Assistant Head Drug/GM Clerk,
Drug/GM Clerk
One-Hour Photo – Photo Lab Clerk
Seniority shall be exercised by employees listed in Groups A, B, and C above
as follows:
- Full-time, Part-time within the store
- Within the respective seniority area
- Adjoining seniority area within the same zone
- The store in the zone closest to the employee's residence
- Union jurisdiction covered by this Agreement
Seniority zones will be set forth in Appendix "C" attached.
If a full-time employee loses their full-time status by an involuntary reduction
of hours, they shall retain their date on the full-time list for a period of six (6) months, after
which time they shall have top seniority on the part-time list in their store. If a full-time
employee loses their full-time status by voluntary reduction of hours, they shall be transferred
to the part-time list and their seniority date on the part-time list shall be their most recent date
of hire.
15.3 Any full-time employee who elects to voluntarily reduce themselves to part-
time classification shall submit a written statement to that effect to the Human Resource
Department of the Employer. Such statement shall be signed and dated by the employee, the
store manager and the Union steward of the store. The Human Resource Department shall
send a copy of such statement to the Union Office.
A part-time employee who has a written request on file for part-time
classification will not be considered for full-time status until such time as the employee
rescinds the written request.
15.4 Department heads, assistant department heads, and lead clerks shall have
separate seniority based on length of service as a department head within the classification,
except for Sunday and holiday work.
When a department head, assistant department head, or lead clerk is reduced
in classification, their service as a department head will be considered as a clerk for seniority
If a department head, assistant department head, or lead clerk voluntarily
reduces himself/herself in the classification, he/she shall have the option to remain in the same
store or be transferred to another store. Such store shall be mutually agreeable to the
employee and Store Manager/Zone Manager. Such transfer shall be finalized within sixty (60)
days of the reduction in classification. Any department head, assistant department head, or
lead clerk who elects to voluntarily reduce themselves in the classification shall submit a
written statement to that effect to the Human Resource Department of the Employer. Such
statement shall be signed and dated by the employee, the Store Manager and Union steward of
the store. The Human Resource Department shall send a copy of such statement to the Union
Employees in the sacker/carryout, demonstrator, salad bar and floral attendant
classifications, who are promoted to the clerk classification, will be inserted on the part-time
seniority list based upon the date of hire for the purpose of lay offs, recalls, transfers, claiming
of available hours, earlier starting times, which shall also include Sunday and holiday hours.
When a position within the Grocery group clerk classification becomes
available within the store, such position will be offered to the most senior employee in the
combined classification of sacker/carryout, demonstrator, salad bar, floral attendant, and in the
combined classification of Drug/GM within the store. This provision shall not preclude an
employee within these classifications from refusing such promotion. However, any employee
who does not qualify or fails cashier training within thirty (30) days after promotion shall
revert to their previous classification and seniority date and shall not re-qualify for promotion
to an available opening in the clerk classification until six (6) months have elapsed.
Employees refusing such promotion shall effectuate a statement that such position was offered
to them by seniority and refused, and such statement shall be signed by the employee, the
Union steward and the manager on the date such employee refused the promotion to the clerk
classification. However, in the event a clerk is reduced to their previous classification, their
seniority date shall be their previous Union #1 seniority date in that previous classification.
Sacker/carryout employees may be upgraded by seniority within the store to
the clerk classification on a temporary basis during the four (4) weeks prior to Christmas
(including Christmas week).
Seniority will be determined on the basis of the employee's Union #1 seniority
date. However, only those sackers who are currently eligible for promotion (not those who
have in the past six (6) months failed register school or failed to qualify) will be temporarily
Any employee in the combined classifications promoted to the Grocery Group
clerk classification may subsequently request to voluntarily reduce themselves to their
previous classification. Employees wishing to exercise this option shall present their request
in writing to the store manager. Such requests shall be signed by the employee, Union
steward and the store manager. Such employee shall be reduced on the next posted work
schedule following Saturday of the week in which the request was made. These employees
revert to their previous Union #1 seniority date in their classification for scheduling purposes
and shall be paid the applicable rate based on their length of service. Any employee who
exercises this option shall not re-qualify for promotion to the Grocery Group clerk
classification for six (6) months.
15.5 A Union Steward in the grocery seniority group, regardless of their date of
employment, shall have seniority, except for earlier starting times, over all other employees
within their classification within the store in which they work, and accordingly shall be the
last employee to be reduced in hours and/or laid off and shall have the right to claim all
available hours over all other employees within their classification within the store in which
they work, excluding all department head classifications, assistant department head
classifications or head night lead clerk. It is further understood that alternate Union steward(s)
shall not have super-seniority.
15.6 Termination
- Seniority shall be considered broken if an employee is duly
discharged by the Employer, if they voluntarily quit, if they have been laid off continuously
for a period of more than one year, if they fail to notify the Employer within ten (10) days of
recall that they will return to work, or if they fail to return to work after recall from a lay off
within ten (10) days of the date of issuance of notification of recall by certified mail to the last
known address of the employee, if they fail to return to work in accordance with a leave of
absence provided herein.
Promotion to Non-Bargaining Unit Position
- Seniority rights of an employee
within the bargaining unit shall be protected for a period not to exceed one year in the event of
a promotion to a non-bargaining unit position. The Union shall be notified when such
promotions occur. If returned to the bargaining unit within one year, the employee shall return
to their previous job classification in accordance with their seniority.
15.7 Reduction of Hours
- A full-time employee regularly working thirty-six (36)
hours or more during the basic work week, and who averages less than thirty-six (36) hours
for more than four (4) weeks shall have the option to transfer and displace, considering the
type of work, the least senior full-time employee in their seniority area who is working the
largest number of hours per week more than the hours per week to which they are reduced, up
to and including forty (40) hours.
If the least senior full-time employee in the seniority area is working a lesser
amount of hours than the full-time employee who has been reduced, then that reduced full-
time employee has the option to transfer and displace, considering the type of work, the least
senior full-time employee working the largest amount of hours per week up to and including
forty (40) hours in the adjoining seniority area. If the least senior full-time employee in the
adjoining seniority area is working a lesser amount of hours than the full-time employee who
has been reduced, then that reduced full-time employee has the option to transfer and displace
the least senior employee working the largest amount of hours per week up to and including
forty (40) hours in the zone closest to the employee's residence.
If the least senior full-time employee in the zone closest to the employee's
residence is working a lesser amount of hours than the full-time employee who has been
reduced, then that reduced full-time employee has the option to transfer and displace the least
senior full-time employee working the largest amount of hours per week up to and including
forty (40) hours in the Local Union's jurisdiction. The employee who is finally displaced may
claim all available hours in their store and will retain seniority rights as provided in the last
paragraph of Section 15.2 - involuntary reduction.
"Regularly working" shall be defined as the four (4) week average
immediately preceding the four (4) weeks of reduced hours. For example:
Regularly Working Weeks Reduced Weeks
Week 1 38 hours Week 5 38 hours
Week 2 37.5 hours Week 6 24 hours
Week 3 39 hours Week 7 30 hours
Week 4 36.75 hours Week 8 32 hours
Average hours: 37.81 hours Average hours: 31 hours
In the above example, weeks (1) through (4) determine the average hours
regularly worked, and weeks (5) through (8) determine the average hours reduction.
Before exercising their rights under this provision, the employee must
exercise all available hours in their store, except employees will not be required to claim hours
between 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. to fulfill the "all available hours" criteria.
However, employees will be required to work more than two (2) evenings to
fulfill the "all available hours" criteria.
A full-time employee eligible for transfer as provided above must request
such transfer in writing to the Store Manager with a copy to the Union steward no later than
the end of the week in which the schedule for the fourth week of reduced hours is posted.
The Employer will arrange the transfer at the beginning of the week following
the fourth week of reduced hours. The employee must complete the transfer on the date
scheduled by the Employer or forfeit all rights to transfer. Employees regularly working
thirty-two (32) hours who are reduced to an average of less than thirty-two (32) hours for
more than four (4) weeks shall be eligible to follow the same procedures as outlined in
paragraphs 1 through 6.
Any employee who does not elect to exercise their seniority to transfer as a
result of reduction of hours, as outlined above, will be given one additional opportunity to
request a transfer. This transfer must be exercised within ten (10) days of March 1, June 1, or
October 1 of the year in which the original transfer was requested.
When an employee exercises this option, the transfer shall take effect on the
next posted work schedule following such request.
15.8 Any employee with three (3) months or more of seniority, whose hours are
reduced during the basic work week to less than sixteen (16) hours within their basic work
week, through no fault of their own, shall have the opportunity to transfer and displace the
least senior employee on the same basis as specified in Section 15.7 of this Article, pertaining
to full-time employees, provided the employee exercises this opportunity in writing to the
store manager with a copy to the Union steward not later than Monday immediately following
a reduction in hours, as specified above. The Employer will arrange the transfer at the
beginning of the next week after the request. The employee must complete the transfer on the
date scheduled by the Employer or forfeit all rights to the transfer.
15.9 Store Closing
- In the event of store closing, department heads shall be
eligible to transfer and displace (on the basis of seniority as a department head) the least senior
department head in the same classification and volume bracket in another store within first,
their seniority area; second, adjoining seniority area in their zone; third, volume bracket store
in the zone closest to their residence; and fourth, the volume bracket store within the Local
Union jurisdiction.
In the event that the department head in the closing store is the least senior in the
classification and volume bracket, they shall be eligible to transfer and displace the least senior
department head in the same classification in the next lower volume bracket.
Department heads who are displaced as a result of the above process shall be
eligible to transfer and displace the least senior department head in the same classification in
the next lowest volume bracket until the least senior department head is reduced in
As an alternative to the above, a department head with seniority in a closing
store may elect to displace the least senior department head in the lowest department head
classification in the seniority area and/or adjoining seniority area, as determined by rate of pay
in which they were previously a department head and shall retain first option to return to this
original classification based on volume brackets when such opening becomes available. In
this event, the displaced department head may exercise the option to transfer as specified
Department head employees eligible for transfer, as provided above must
request a transfer in writing to the store manager with a copy to the Union steward within ten
(10) days. The Employer will arrange the transfer no later than the second week after the
request by the eligible employee is made with no loss in pay until the transfer is completed,
and the employee must complete the transfer on the date scheduled by the Employer or forfeit
all rights to the transfer.
15.10 Before the application of the procedures called for in this Article, Sections
15.7 and 15.8, the Employer will attempt to place the affected employees so that the need for
employee displacement is eliminated and/or minimized. The Union will discuss these
possibilities with the Employer when requested to do so, and any mutually agreeable decisions
on placement reached between the Employer and Union shall supersede the other procedures
called for in these paragraphs.
15.11 New Store Openings
- When a new store is opened under this Agreement, a
notice of such opening will be posted approximately fifty (50) days prior to the opening of the
new store in the existing stores in the zone. Those employees wishing to transfer to the new
store for available job openings will sign the notice within ten (10) days.
Where a store or stores are closed in conjunction with the opening of the new
store, such employees will be transferred to the new store to fill available job openings in the
new store before employees from other stores in the zone are transferred. Additional job
openings will then be filled on a seniority basis from those employees in the zone who sign
the notice before the Employer hires new employees.
Where no store is closed in conjunction with the opening of the new store,
available job openings will be filled on a seniority basis from those employees in the zone
who sign the notice. Additional job openings will then be filled on a seniority basis from
other employees in the bargaining unit who have indicated their desire in writing to the
Human Resource Department to transfer to the new store in order to work closer to their
residence. Such written request must be submitted by such employee approximately fifty (50)
days prior to the opening of the new store. Only those employees whose written requests are
on file will be recognized on a seniority basis before the Employer hires new employees.
On permanent transfers at the Employer's request, only the least senior full-
time employees and the least senior part-time employees in the store may be required to
transfer and then only if necessitated by a new store opening.
15.12 Full-time Openings
- When a full-time job becomes available, it shall be
offered to part-time employees in the store in accordance with the available hours provisions
of this Agreement.
15.13 Department Head, Assistant Department Head, and Lead clerk vacancies
- If a
vacancy occurs in a department head, assistant department head, or lead clerk classification
not resulting from vacation, leave of absence, etc., it shall be filled within thirty (30) days after
the vacancy occurs.
15.14 Seafood/Service Meat employees will be offered Meat Clerk positions by
seniority as they occur before Meat Clerks are hired off the street. Seafood/Service Meat
employees will keep their seniority date if they become a Meat Clerk.
If the coffee shop closes, the coffee shop employees have the right to transfer
to the Deli/Bakery and will keep their seniority date.
15.15 Seniority Lists
- Seniority lists shall be established and maintained and such
lists shall be available to the Union at all times.
Each three (3) months - on February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 of
each year - the Employer agrees to send the Union office two (2) copies of a list of employees
by store, specifying job classification, rate of pay and seniority status.
The Employer also agrees to notify the Union of lay offs, leaves of absence,
permanent transfers, promotions, and terminations on a weekly basis.
15.16 Definition of Full-Time Employee
- The term "full-time employee", wherever
it appears in this Agreement only, shall be as follows:
(a) An employee shall be classified as "full-time" at the end of the first
twelve (12) consecutive work weeks, during which the average hours worked equal or exceed
eighty-five percent (85%) of the hours in the basic work week. Work performed on Sundays
and holidays shall be counted for the purpose of qualifying as a "full-time" employee.
Example, in a store with the basic forty (40) hour work week, the employee worked 408 hours
in twelve (12) consecutive weeks, an average of thirty-four (34) hours, eighty-five percent
(85%) of the basic work week, this employee qualifies as a "full-time" employee.
(b) Time not worked because of a holiday shall be counted as time worked
toward qualification or continuity as a "full-time" employee, regardless of whether or not the
employee is entitled to holiday pay.
(c) For an employee who meets the aforesaid requirements, continuous
service as a "full-time" employee shall be dated back to the first day worked in the first of the
twelve (12) qualifying weeks.
(d) Once an employee has qualified as a "full-time" employee, status 1 and
status 3, the employee shall be removed from "full-time" status if the employee has been
reduced to part-time at the employee's voluntary written request in accordance with Section
15.3 above of this Article the week following request for demotion to part-time status, and the
employee's seniority shall be dated from the original date of hire or the date the employee
enters the bargaining unit, or an employee involuntarily reduced to less than twenty (20) hours
for twenty-six (26) consecutive weeks.
(e) If separated from "full-time" status in accordance with paragraph (d)
preceding, an employee has suffered a break in service which cannot be bridged or eliminated
by subsequent employment. To qualify as a "full-time" employee, the employee must again
meet the requirements set forth in (a) above.
(g) Definition of Full-Time Employee Status 3
- The term "full-time
employee status 3", wherever it appears in this Agreement only, shall be as follows, an
employee that averages thirty-four (34) hours in twelve (12) consecutive weeks in a basic
work week. These employees must be available to work any and all hours up to forty (40).
After qualifying for full-time status 3, if an employee limits their availability, they will be
returned to part-time status and part-time pay by the next posted work schedule. While a full-
time status 3 employee, the employee will not have full-time dependent benefits.
16.1 Sick Leave
- Any employee shall be granted a sick leave (illness, injury,
pregnancy and occupational) not to exceed ninety (90) days, upon written request supported
by medical evidence provided by the attending physician(s) which specifies that the employee
is disabled and cannot perform regular work duties. Extensions of ninety (90) days at a time
to a total of two (2) calendar years shall be granted upon written request supported by medical
evidence. Two (2) additional ninety (90) day extensions may be granted if mutually agreed to
by the Union and the Employer and supported by medical evidence which indicates the
likelihood of the employee returning to work.
In the case of a workers compensation leave of absence, extensions of ninety
(90) days at a time to a total of three (3) calendar years shall be granted upon written request
supported by medical evidence.
Upon written notice to the store manager and Human Resources Department
no later than Wednesday by noon of availability for work following absence because of a bona
fide sick leave (illness, injury, pregnancy, and occupational), the employee shall be restored to
the job previously held (in accordance with seniority) and shall begin work not later than
Monday following the next posted work schedule. The notice to the Employer must be
accompanied by a doctor's release which specifies that the employee is able to perform fully
all assigned work duties, and such release must be presented to the store manager prior to the
posting of the work schedule as referred to above. However, it is the intent of the parties that
nothing in this provision shall affect any rights of the Employer to consider light duty work
when available for employees whose physician specifies such employees are partially
16.2 Union Leave
- The Employer shall grant the necessary time-off without
discrimination or loss of seniority rights and without pay to any employee designated by the
Union to attend a labor convention or serve in any capacity on other official Union business,
provided the Employer is given seven (7) days notice prior to the next posted schedule
specifying the length of time off, but in no case shall the cumulative length of time off exceed
one (1) year.
It is understood that the number of employees so designated, requesting this
leave, will not be so great in total or on an individual store basis so as to adversely affect the
prudent operation of the Employer's business.
It is understood that the Employer shall grant the necessary time off with pay
for each Union steward and alternate steward(s) for the purpose of attending the Stewards'
Seminar, provided the steward and alternate steward(s) do attend the Seminar on the date(s) to
be selected by the Union. It is also understood that the pay shall be eight (8) hours at straight-
time, and the Stewards' Seminar shall be limited to one (1) Seminar each year. Three (3)
stewards in each store will be paid to attend the Stewards' Seminar. In the top fifty percent
(50%) of stores (by sales volume), two (2) alternate stewards will also be paid provided they
attend the Seminar.
16.3 Personal Leave - Any employee who has had one year of continuous service
may be granted a leave of absence up to ninety (90) days for an urgent or compelling reason,
but not for the purpose of engaging in gainful employment elsewhere.
16.4 Military Leave
- Any employee coming under the provisions of the Federal
Selective Service Training Act of 1940 shall be returned to their job and retain their seniority
according to the provisions of that Act and its amendments.
16.5 Securing Permission for Leave
- Any employee who is qualified for a leave of
absence as set forth in this Article, and who desires a leave of absence for more than fourteen
(14) days shall secure written permission from the Human Resource Department of the
Employer with a copy to the Union, the length of absence to be agreed by the Employer and
the employee. The length of leave shall be commensurate with the need. Failure to comply
with this provision shall result in the complete loss of seniority of the employee involved.
16.6 General Provisions
- Time spent on leave of absence will not be counted as
time worked for the purpose of wage computation and seniority will continue to accrue while
on leave of absence. Failure to report back to work at the end of a leave of absence shall result
in employee being considered a voluntary quit. Any employee accepting employment
elsewhere while on leave of absence shall be considered a voluntary quit, except in a case
where such employee works for the Union.
The employee shall be made whole by the Employer for any loss in pay
caused by non-compliance with this Article.
16.7 Funeral Leave
- The Employer agrees to pay an employee for necessary
absence on account of death in the "immediate family" up to and including a maximum of
three (3) scheduled work days at straight-time (a maximum of four (4) scheduled work days at
straight-time in the event of death of the employee's spouse or child), not to extend beyond the
day of burial, provided the employee attends the funeral, but in no case will they receive more
than the basic weekly pay.
The term "immediate family" shall mean spouse, parent, child, employee's
step-parent, step-child, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, employee's grandparents,
grandchildren, or any other relative residing with the employee or with whom the employee is
residing. In the event the death in the "immediate family" is the death of a relative who lives
out of town and additional time is necessary, the Employer will grant additional time off
without pay for the purpose of attending the funeral. Proven falsification of the above shall be
cause for discharge.
16.8 Jury Duty
- If any employee is required to serve on a jury, they shall be paid
for hours necessarily absent from work because of such service in addition to jury fee
The schedule of part-time employees shall not be altered solely for the
purpose of avoiding jury duty pay. All employees, including night shift employees, shall be
listed on the posted work schedule as "jury service" and the combined hours of work and jury
duty will not exceed eight (8) hours in any one day with the further understanding that, upon
release of jury service, such employees will report to work to complete the remaining portion
of the employee's schedule, not to exceed eight (8) hours.
16.9 Subpoena
- Any employee who is absent from scheduled work hours due to
being subpoenaed (for reasons having to do with the operations of the Employer's business)
shall be paid for such hours at straight-time in addition to subpoena remuneration.
Any employee who is subpoenaed (for reasons having to do with the
operations of the Employer's business) during unscheduled work hours shall be paid for such
hours at straight-time (but not less than one hour at straight-time) in addition to subpoena
However, any employee working five (5) days, who is subpoenaed on their
day off (for reasons having to do with the operations of the Employer's business) shall be paid
for such hours at time and one-half (1 1/2) their regular hourly rate of pay in addition to
subpoena remuneration.
16.10 The parties will comply with the terms and conditions of the Family Medical
Leave Act.
16.11 Union Counselor
- The Union shall have the right to designate a Union
Counselor in each store. It is understood that the Employer shall grant the necessary time off
for each Union Counselor to attend conferences and/or training sessions.
16.12 Educational Leave
- An educational leave of absence may be granted to
employees for the purpose of attending college or specialized training. Employees must
provide the Employer documentation verifying their attending college or specialized training.
Employees on such leave shall retain seniority and time absent will not count as time worked
toward wage progressions.
17.1 Employee Dress
- Any uniform deemed necessary by the Employer for its
employees shall be furnished by the Employer.
The Employer has the right to establish a reasonable dress code for
employees. In stores where uniforms are provided by the Employer:
(a) The Employer shall have the right to require the return of, or payment for,
clothing supplied by the Employer upon an employee's termination.
(b) The Employer shall have the right to limit accessory items worn to those
in the catalogue and those similar in type and color.
Name badges are required.
Employees' shoes must be white, tan, brown, or black and must be clean and
appropriate and adequately protect the feet (cloth sneakers and/or sandals are not permitted).
If sweaters are worn, they shall be neat and presentable and of a solid,
subdued color.
17.2 Time Clocks/Computerized Recording
- The Employer shall continue to
provide time clocks in each of their stores throughout the life of this Agreement for the
purpose of recording hours worked by each employee covered by this Agreement.
In stores where computerized recording of hours is used, the Employer shall
furnish a weekly computer print-out sheet, upon request, to employees showing the payroll
ending date, name of employee, total hours worked (straight-time hours, overtime hours, and
premium pay hours).
The Employer and the Union agree that a proven violation of established
recording of hours, whether hours are recorded by a time clock or computer, including
working before or after recording time, may subject such employee to disciplinary action, up
to and including discharge.
When requested to do so, the Employer will make such records available to an
authorized representative of the Union for examination.
Time will be figured on the basis of an eight (8) minute break; up to eight (8)
minutes, no pay; eight (8) minutes up to and including fifteen (15) minutes, fifteen (15)
minutes pay. Employees will not be scheduled to work the seven (7) minutes after the quarter
For the purpose of this Section, no employee will be required to work the
seven (7) minutes before or after their schedule. Employees are expected to work according to
posted work schedule unless changes are approved by management.
17.3 Payday
- The Employer shall establish a regular payday and furnish to each
employee on such payday a wage statement showing the payroll ending date, name of
employee, total hours worked, total amount of wages paid, and itemized deductions made
17.4 Polygraph Test
- No employee will be required to take a polygraph or related
17.5 Employees on Duty - The Employer agrees that there will be a minimum of
two (2) employees, not necessarily members of the bargaining unit, in the store at all times
when work is required.
17.6 Travel Expense
- In case of temporary transfer at the request of the Employer
involving additional transportation cost, employees will be reimbursed at the same rate per
mile as is applicable to management.
17.7 The Employer shall furnish any or all tools necessary to bargaining unit
employees to perform the job required. In addition, a first aid kit will be furnished and
maintained by the Employer at all times.
17.8 Coverage - Meat Departments
- A Journeyman (this includes a Meat
Department Manager and Assistant Meat Department Manager) of the meat department shall
be on duty between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. provided sufficient Journeymen who
were on the payroll as of November 12, 1986 are available to cover such schedules. A
member of the bargaining unit will be used to cover the meat market from 5:00 p.m. until
11:00 p.m. No other employee will be hired or promoted to fill the coverage provision as
outlined above.
Journeymen Meat Cutter
- (Effective January 11, 1987)(on the payroll as a
Journeyman as of November 12, 1986) Journeyman meat cutters will be scheduled in their
store up to eight (8) hours a day before a new hire meat clerk (hired after November 8, 1981)
may be scheduled on that day.
It is further agreed that, if it becomes necessary to reduce Journeymen (as of
November 12, 1986), the market coverage shall revert back to the former coverage that was in
effect prior to November 10, 1986.
18.1 The Union agrees to uphold the rules and regulations of the Employer in
regard to punctual and steady attendance, proper and sufficient notification in case of
necessary absence, conduct on the job and all other reasonable rules and regulations
established by the Employer.
18.2 The Union agrees to cooperate with the Employer in maintaining and
improving safe working conditions and practices, in improving the cleanliness and good
housekeeping of the stores and in caring for equipment and machinery.
18.3 The Union recognizes the need for improved methods and output in the
interest of the employees and the business and agrees to cooperate with the Employer in the
installation of such methods, in suggesting improved methods and in the education of its
members in the necessity for such changes and improvements.
18.4 The Union recognizes the need for conservation and the elimination of waste
and agrees to cooperate with the Employer in suggesting and practicing methods in the interest
of conservation and waste elimination.
19.1 Any food employee classified as full-time who is separated for incompetence,
or who is permanently laid off due to reduction of the work force, shall be entitled to one
week's notice or one week's pay in lieu of notice. Such notice or pay in lieu of notice shall not
apply to an employee discharged for proper cause.
20.1 In the event that the Employer contemplates the introduction of major
technological changes affecting bargaining unit work, advance notice of such change will be
given to the Union. If requested to do so, the Employer will meet with the Union to discuss
the implementation of such changes before putting such changes into effect.
20.2 The Employer and the Union recognize that technological change
involving certain automated equipment is now available to the food industry. In recognition
of this, the parties agree that:
(a) Where installation of any such equipment will materially affect
bargaining unit work, the Union will be pre-notified by the Employer.
(b) The Employer has the right to install such equipment.
(c) Any training or necessary retraining will be furnished, expense
free, by the Employer to affected employees.
(d) Where any employees would be displaced by such installation,
the Employer will make every effort to affect a transfer in accordance with the transfer
provisions of the Agreement.
(e) If a full-time employee who has averaged at least thirty (30) hours per
week for the eight (8) weeks preceding displacement is not retrained or transferred and would
be displaced as a direct result of major technological change, as defined above, then the
employee would qualify for separation pay if:
1. The employee had two (2) or more years of full-time service;
2. Does not refuse a transfer within the bargaining unit area as
outlined in the Agreement;
3. Does not refuse to be retrained or reassigned;
4. Such action does not occur more than six (6) months from date of
5. Does not voluntarily terminate employment.
(f) Severance pay (for those employees covered in Section 20.2 (e)
above) would be paid at the rate of one week's pay for each year of continuous full-time
service not to exceed six (6) weeks.
(g) Severance pay would equate the average number of hours worked
the eight (8) weeks preceding displacement, not to exceed forty (40) hours straight-time pay.
21.1 In the event that the Employer permanently closes or sells a store and/or meat
fabricating plant, and employees are terminated as a result thereof, separation pay will be paid
under the conditions detailed below.
An employee who has averaged at least thirty (30) hours per week for the
eight (8) weeks preceding their separation due to the sale or closing will qualify for separation
pay if:
(a) The employee had two (2) or more years of service
(b) Does not refuse a transfer within the bargaining unit as outlined in the
Agreement, or retraining or reassignment in connection therewith
(c) Does not voluntarily terminate employment
Such employees will be paid at the rate of one week's pay for each year of
continuous full-time service, not to exceed six (6) weeks.
Severance pay will equate the average number of hours worked in the eight
(8) weeks preceding separation, not to exceed forty (40) hours straight-time pay.
The Employer shall continue contributions to the Pension and Health and
Welfare Trust Funds for three (3) months following the termination of those employees who
are eligible for such payments, and who receive separation pay, except for those employees
who secure employment with an already contributing Employer.
Employees who receive separation pay shall also be entitled to holiday pay as
prescribed in the contract for any holiday that falls within a period of thirty (30) days after
All monies due employees shall be paid in a lump sum upon termination.
Any employee who is terminated, and who is eligible for and accepts
severance pay, forfeits all seniority and recall rights. An employee who does not accept
severance pay shall retain their recall rights for a period of six (6) months, and if still not
recalled by the Employer, shall then receive their severance pay and have no further recall
If a store is sold and the successor Employer offers employment to an
employee who is otherwise eligible for severance pay under the terms of this Article and the
new job is comparable, then no provisions of this Article shall apply.
The Employer agrees to give employees and the Union at least sixty (60) days
notice in advance of a store closing or sale. When such notice is given, employees shall
remain with the Employer until the closing or forfeit their rights under this Article, unless an
exception is mutually agreed to in writing by the Employer and the employee with a copy to
the Union.
No benefits shall accrue under the terms of this Article, unless the Employer
makes a business decision to close or sell a store. If a store closing is caused by fire, flood,
storm, land condemnation, then this Article shall not apply.
Any vacation pay or holiday pay paid to the employee at termination will be
based on the highest rate of pay paid to the employee during the one year prior to the receipt
22.1 The Employer agrees to pay the monthly contributions to provide a PPO Plan
for eligible full-time employees and part-time employees. The contribution rate shall be
adjusted annually in accordance with the guidelines established by the Trustees of the Plan.
Contributions shall be submitted to the Fund by the tenth (10th) day of each month.
One Employer contribution rate per month per eligible employee, inclusive of
employee contributions (current practice):
Effective January 1, 2008 - $289.31
Effective January 1, 2009 - $409.84
Effective January 1, 2010 - $446.59*
*January 1, 2010, Employer contribution rate may increase up to this amount
in order to meet total operational expense and maintain a Fund asset level at the end of the
period as calculated by the Fund consultant of at least equal to the projected IBNR plus three
(3) months of total expenses.
All eligible and enrolled employees will pay the following weekly
Employee - $5.00
Employee/Child(ren) - $10.00
Employee/Spouse - $15.00
Employee/Family - $15.00
Spousal Fee- If a spouse is eligible for health care from his/her (non-
Kroger) employer and does not elect this coverage, a $25.00 per week fee will be charged to
the employee.
Benefit improvements effective January 1, 2008, January 1, 2009, and
January 1, 2010 has been documented in the Trust agreement.
Opt-Out Provision
– Employees that meet the eligibility requirements
will be given the option to waive coverage through a yearly enrollment. The Employer will
make full contributions on behalf of every employee who waives coverage. Employees who
waive coverage will be eligible for life insurance and sick pay. Employees will be provided
the opportunity through the yearly enrollment to re-enroll into the Plan.
22.2 Eligibility For Dependent Coverage
– The term “eligible employee” shall
mean an employee whose seniority date is within the ratio structure and who has worked an
average of thirty-four (34) hours or more (including Sunday and/or holiday hours worked
and/or paid) for twelve (12) consecutive weeks immediately preceding the first day of any
month. Employees who attain full-time status 1 through the ratio operational system shall
receive dependent coverage as of the first of the month following such status change.
22.3 Contributions to the Trust Fund shall be discontinued as of the first day of the
month following:
(a) Approved leave of absence (personal)
(b) Voluntary quit
(c) Termination for cause
(d) Employee's request for change in status from full-time to part-time
(e) Part-time and full-time employees ceasing to be an eligible employee
because of failure to work an average of twenty-five (25) hours per week for the twelve (12)
consecutive weeks immediately preceding the first of such month.
22.4 Contributions to the Trust Fund shall be continued under the following
In case of absence from work due to illness, pregnancy, and/or injury, six (6)
months contributions following the month in which illness started or accident occurred.
22.5 Employer contributions which have been discontinued as provided for in
Section 22.3 and 22.4 above will be resumed on the first day of the month immediately
following return to work on the Employer's active payroll after illness, injury, pregnancy or
leave of absence. However, if an employee has been disqualified as provided in Section 22.3
(e) above, he must again qualify as an eligible employee as provided in Section 22.2 above
before a contribution will be made in his behalf.
22.6 Full-time to Part-time Benefit
- When a contribution is discontinued as
provided in Section 22.3 (e) above, and the employee qualifies as provided in Section 22.7
below, the applicable contribution provided in such Section will be made when the
contribution provided in Section 22.1 is discontinued.
22.7 Eligibility for Part-Time Employees
- Eligible part-time employees are those
who have worked an average of twenty-five (25) hours or more per week for the twelve (12)
consecutive weeks. No Contributions will be made on a part-time high school student under
18 years of age or an employee who has another full-time job.
Part-time employees, after eighteen (18) months of service, may elect to
utilize their part-time plan for dependent coverage. Once a part-time employee makes a
selection, it can only change at the yearly open enrollment.
22.8 Commencement of Contributions
- Contributions for eligible full-time
employees shall commence after six (6) months of employment. Part-time employees shall
receive contributions on the following basis: on the first of the 13
month of employment for
dental, vision, S & A, life, and prescription drugs effective January 1, 2008 and on the 19
month of employment for medical.
Part-time employees hired after October 27, 2004 will be placed in
the new part-time health care plan. Effective January 1, 2005, newly qualified full-time
employees under the ratio will be placed in the new full-time health care plan.
Part-time Drug/GM employees hired after October 25, 2005 will be
placed in the new part-time health care plan. Effective January 1, 2006, newly qualified
Drug/GM full-time employees under the ratio will be placed in the new full-time health care
Employees migrate to the higher benefit plan after five (5) years (Plan B to
Plan A) (Plan B is for employees qualified on or after January 1, 2005).
22.9 Retiree Health Care
– The Employer will contribute to the UFCW Unions and
Employers Benefit Plan of Southwest Ohio on behalf of each employee who retirees and is
eligible for pension benefits, as defined in Article 23 of this Agreement.
Health and welfare and Kroger prescription drug coverage will
continue until such time that such retiree is eligible for Medicare coverage in accordance with
applicable federal law. Such retiree coverage shall cover the spouse until the spouse is
eligible for Medicare.
Effective January 1, 2005, employees must have twenty (20) years of
service to be eligible for retiree health care.
Effective January 1, 2005, retiree monthly contributions are listed
35 yrs. and over 15% of the total health care costs.
30 – 34 years 20% of the total health care costs.
25 – 29 years 25% of the total health care costs.
15 – 24 years 30% of the total health care costs.
Effective January 1, 2005, anyone with less than twenty (20) years of
service will pay fifty percent (50%) of the total health care costs, if and when they qualify for
Article 22.9 does not apply to Drug/GM employees. Drug/GM employees
will continue to qualify for the eligible retiree benefits as defined in the Company’s Plan and
all changes thereto.
22.10 Opt-Out Provision
– Retirees that meet the eligibility requirement
will be given the option to waive coverage; however, the Employer will be required to make
their contribution on behalf of those individuals.
Article 22.10 does not apply to Drug/GM employees.
22.11 Prescription Drug Plan
- Coverage for prescription drug card is based on
employee eligibility for full-time and part-time employees as per Section 22.8.
This drug card will be valid at any Kroger Pharmacy.
Full-time employees who qualify under the ratio will have coverage for
eligible dependants.
Part-time employees will have coverage for the employee only effective the
first of the 13
month of employment effective January 1, 2008.
A deductible charge will be paid by the employee for each
prescription as follows:
Co-Insurance Minimum Co-Pays
Generic 10% $10 $20 cap effective
January 1, 2008
Brand 20% $20 $50 out of pocket
Non-Formulary 30% $30 $50 out of pocket
Mail order maintenance – Co-Insurance with minimum co-pays at 2x
retail, $100 maximum.
Step Therapy applies and Specialty Drugs apply. Annual changes in
Formulary and non-co- pay cost containment initiatives are aligned with Company plan.
Special maintenance drug categories (medication includes hypertension, high cholesterol,
diabetes control drugs, asthma, glaucoma, osteoporosis, and related supplies which require a
30 day supply
90 day supply
Generic $7 $14
Brand $15 $30
Non-Formulary $25 $50
Any employee who works in an outlying area where Kroger Pharmacy is not
readily available, provisions will be made:
1. Mail in
2. Network Local Pharmacy
3. Area to be defined
Employees not now covered by the prescription drug program will become
eligible for the Prescription Drug Card Program when they become eligible for benefits as
outlined in Article 22. (Health and Welfare) of the current Agreement.
The Employer may not make changes to the program without prior notice and
consent by the Union. Any such changes must be communicated to the plan participants at
least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the change. This includes, but not limited
to, changes in the formulary program. The Employer will meet and discuss any changes with
the Union before the changes are communicated to the plan participants.
The Employer will present reports to the Union on the cost and operation of
the plan at least semi-annually in a format mutually agreeable to the Employer and the Union.
The Employer shall also provide information reports to the trustees of the Southwest Ohio
Health and Welfare Fund annually.
The Employer agrees that the drug plan administrator and Health and Welfare
Fund administrator must coordinate and share information to maximize operational efficiency,
including data coordination with any program established by the Fund, such as disease
management or other enhanced services provided to plan participants.
It is agreed that no monies paid into the UFCW Local Unions and Employers
Benefit Plan of the Southwestern Ohio Area Plan on behalf of the employees covered by this
Agreement will be used by the trust to provide a prescription drug card benefit.
The Prescription Drug Plan will be known as the Local 1099 Plan and will
contain the Local 1099 designation as agreed upon.
If a generic drug is legally available as a substitute for a brand name drug, the
generic must be purchased. If the employee purchases the brand name drug in lieu of the
generic the employee must pay the difference in cost.
22.12 Additional and/or optional benefits may be added by agreement between
UFCW Local 1099 and the Employer on a voluntary basis.
23.1 Grocery Pension Hourly Contributions
- The Employer agrees to make a
contribution of one dollar and eleven cents ($1.11) per hour on all straight-time hours worked
for employees hired on or before October 16, 1989. (Tier I) Effective for employees hired
after October 16, 1989, the contribution rate shall be eighty-five cents (.85¢) per hour after
eighteen (18) full months of employment. (Tier II) The contributions requirement will begin
on the first of the month following the individual employee having completed the required
period of employment. Contributions shall also be made on hours for which employees
receive holiday pay and vacation pay. No contribution shall be made on hours worked in
excess of forty (40) per week. Employees hired after October 27, 2004 shall have a forty-five
cents (.45¢) per hour contribution made on their behalf based on the above eligibility
requirements. (Tier III)
Kroger and UFCW Local 1099 have agreed to a set of pension contribution
and benefit changes. This includes an increase in the Employer contribution of .10¢ per hour
for participants in all three tiers effective January 1, 2008, and a new benefit accrual rate of
$17.11 for Tier II participants effective for service on and after January 1, 2008.
1/1/07 1/1/08
Tier I 1.01 1.11
Tier II .75 .85
Tier III .35 .45
These changes are made with the understanding that:
1) The same .10¢ pension contribution changes will be made effective January 1,
2009 for Columbus and July 1, 2009 for Dayton Kroger employees, that is Tier I $1.11, Tier II
.90¢, and Tier III .45¢.
2) Kroger representatives for Columbus and Dayton are in agreement with these
changes for employees in those respective UFCW agreements and will abide by these terms,
as signified by their written agreement to this Letter of Understanding. It is understood that
this agreement does not require any change pertaining to current Columbus and Dayton
accrual rates, nor does it require any change pertaining to current Tier I and Tier III accrual
rates in Cincinnati.
3) The bargaining parties in Cincinnati recommend that Pension Fund trustees will
approve a change in actuarial methods, namely, the combination of bases, provided that co-
actuaries recommend such a change based on the terms of this agreement.
This agreement is predicated upon actuarial analysis and assumptions by Fund co-
actuaries, including actuarial projections that show appropriate “green zone” status for
purposes of the Pension Protection Act.
In addition, the co-actuaries shall perform projections of the plan’s zone status under
the PPA on an annual basis. If at any time the annual projections show that the plan will
remain in the “green zone” for eight years, the Board of Trustees is authorized and directed to
restore all or part of the reductions (including retroactive application) which were put in place
during the 2004 agreement, subject to the following conditions:
1) After the restoration, the plan will be projected to remain in the “green zone” for
eight years (that is, to be “green” in the eighth year means the projection shows a positive
credit balance for the following seven years); and
2) The co-actuaries agree that the actuarial basis for the annual projection is
appropriate after reviewing the recent experience under the plan and reasonable expectations
as to anticipated experience.
Status of Grocery Pension Fund
- Contributions shall be made to the United
Food and Commercial Workers Unions and Food Employers Pension Plan of Central Ohio
which shall be administered by an equal number of trustees representing the Employer and an
equal number of trustees representing the Union. The Pension Trust Fund shall be established
pursuant to a Pension Trust Agreement and Pension Plan to be hereafter entered into by the
parties hereto for the sole purpose of providing pensions for eligible employees as defined in
such Pension Plan.
Contributing employers shall report all hours worked for employees who
would be participants on a monthly basis submitted by the 15
of the month.
23.2 Meat Pension Employer Contributions - Employer contributions: The
Employer shall continue to pay one hundred seventeen dollars and thirty-eight cents ($117.38)
per month for employees who work an average of twenty-eight (28) hours for the four (4)
consecutive weeks immediately preceding the first of the month into a jointly administered
Employer-Union Pension Fund. The contributions under this section shall be due and payable
by the tenth (10th) day of the month. Effective December 1, 1986, no contribution shall be
made for the first twelve (12) months of employment.
Effective with employees hired after October 16, 1989, no contributions will
be made for the first full eighteen months of employment after which thirty cents (.30¢) per
hour will be paid into the Central Ohio Pension Fund (Clerks) in accordance with paragraph
one above.
A. Continuation of Payments
- In case of compensable injury, the
Employer shall make six (6) monthly contributions including the month in which such
compensable injury occurs.
B. In case of illness or pregnancy, the Employer shall make two (2)
monthly contributions after the month in which the illness occurs or after the month in which
the employee begins her pregnancy leave of absence.
C. In case of non-compensable injury, the Employer shall make one
(1) monthly contribution after the month in which the illness or injury occurs.
D. In case of termination, the Employer shall make one (1) monthly
contribution after the month in which the termination occurs.
Paragraphs A through D do not apply to employees hired after October 16,
Jointly Administered Meat Pension Fund
- The jointly administered
Employer-Union Pension Fund shall be administered by an equal number of Trustees
representing the Employer and an equal number of Trustees representing the Union. Said
Pension Fund shall be used to provide benefit pensions for eligible employees of the Employer
as provided in a Pension Plan, the terms and provisions of which are to be agreed upon by the
parties hereto. Said Pension Plan shall, among other things, provide that all benefits under the
Plan and costs, charges and expenses of administering the Plan and all taxes levied or assessed
upon or in respect of said Plan or Trust or any income therefrom shall be paid out of the
Pension Fund.
A copy of the Trust Agreement and any amendments thereto shall be made a
part hereto, as herein at length set forth. Trust Agreement and Pension Plan shall in all
respects comply with all applicable legal requirements.
It is understood that the "jointly administered Employer-Union Pension Fund"
referred to in Section 23.2 above shall be the United Food and Commercial Workers
International Union-Industry Pension Fund.
23.3 The above said Pension Plans and Trust Agreements establishing the Pension
Trust Funds shall be submitted to the United States Treasury Department for the approval and
rulings satisfactory to the Employer, that said Plans are qualified under I.R.C. Section 401, et.
seq., and that no part of such payments shall be included in the regular rate of pay of any
23. 4 Pension contributions shall begin on the first of the month following the
individual employee having completed the required period of employment
Articles 23.1 to 23.4 do not apply to Drug/GM employees.
23.5 Drug/GM Pension
- Drug/GM employees will continue to be covered under
Company sponsored pension plans and all changes thereto.
24.1 This Agreement shall be effective October 7, 2007 and shall continue through
October 9, 2010 and shall automatically be renewed from year to year thereafter unless either
party serves notice in writing to the other party sixty (60) days prior to October 9, 2010 or any
October 9
thereafter of a desire for termination of or changes in this Agreement. Changes
will become effective the first full week of operation after October 7, 2007except as otherwise
specified herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties have caused duplicate copies
hereof to be executed by their duly authorized officers this
day of March
BY: ____________________________ BY: ________________________
BY: ____________________________ BY: ________________________
BY: ____________________________ BY: ________________________
BY: ____________________________ BY: ________________________
BY: ____________________________ BY: ________________________
A.1 Rates of Pay
- Rates of pay as set forth in Appendix "A" attached hereto shall
remain in effect for the life of this Agreement and shall constitute the basis for determination of
Previous Experience
: Previous, proven retail experience from the date of present
employment shall be the basis for the determination of the employee's rate of pay. However, an
employee's rate will not exceed the top rate negotiated for the employee's classification.
1. Previous experience must be shown on the employment application; or
otherwise documented in writing.
2. The Employer will notify the Union, in writing, when an employee is a
candidate for previous experience credit, stating the employee's
classification, rate of pay, and the reason for recognizing special
3. Experience Credit Guidelines
A. Credits are done in terms of months, not $ per hour (i.e., grant
employee 18 months experience credit rather than .50¢ per hour
experience credit.)
B. Experience must be job-related and must be shown on the
employment application.
C. Experience credit will not exceed the months of actual experience
shown on the application.
D. Store managers will be responsible for submitting requests for
credit to Human Resources. Such requests will be made at the time
a new employee is hired or within one (1) year of hire date and
will be accompanied by a copy of the new hire's application
showing relevant experience.
E. Experience credit will be applied when approved by Human
Resources. The Company may review experience credit within one
(1) year of an employee’s date of hire, with a retroactive limit of 60
days of pay.
F. All employees who have completed their probationary period shall
be eligible for a one-time merit increase based on overall
documented performance. Such an increase may be a maximum of
two levels from the employee’s current rate within the employee’s
current pay bracket. No one-time merit increase can exceed the top
rate of the classification.
A.2 New Job Classification
- Rates of pay shall be established and shall become part of
Appendix "A" attached hereto for any new job classification which involves new job duties,
responsibilities or skills which may hereafter be established and which job classifications are not
now covered by Appendix "A".
The Employer agrees to notify in advance and negotiate with the Union the rate of
pay for the new job classification.
A.3 Department Head/Assistant Department Head/Lead Relief
- Employees assigned to
relieve a classified position as defined in Appendix "A" Wages for one week or more shall receive
the appropriate hourly rate for the all work performed at this position. This provision shall also
apply to relief required for a full midweek to midweek vacation.
A.4 Other Work
- Employees shall perform any work in and about the store and on or
around the premises connected with or incidental to the operation of the Employer's retail
establishment which may be assigned by the store manager or zone manager, except as otherwise
provided for in Appendix "B" - Job Descriptions.
It is further understood that, when an employee is assigned to a job with a lesser
rate, they shall be entitled to their regular rate of pay unless the employee is permanently assigned
to a job with a lesser rate of pay.
A.5 Progression Increases
- Progression increases in pay rate which are effective
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of the current week shall be effective for all hours
worked in the current week. Progression increases in pay rate which are effective Thursday, Friday
or Saturday of the current week shall be effective the following week.
A.6 Any employee in the clerk classification who changes from part-time to full-time
shall receive the rate in the full-time clerk progression scheduled based upon the employee's length
of service in the clerk classification. Any employee who changes from full-time clerk to part-time
clerk shall receive not less than the full-time clerk rate established by length of service within the
clerk classification.
Any employee promoted to a higher paid classification will receive the next
highest rate of pay in that classification in the part-time/full-time classification whichever is
applicable at the time promotion takes place.
A.7 The following number of assistant front-end managers will be utilized within these
store volume brackets:
0 - $150,000 - One (1)
$150,001 - $250,000 - Two (2)
$250,001 - and over - Three (3)
A.8 All wage rates based on store volume as provided for in this Appendix "A" will be
determined by establishing the average weekly store sales (except meat department which will be
based on the sales of the Meat Market only) over the prior calendar year (52 weeks) effective the
first week of the first period. The calculation of sales volume brackets for all departments will not
include fuel sales.
In new or remodeled stores, the average weekly sales for the first twelve (12)
weeks, excluding the first two (2) weeks, the third (3rd) through the fourteenth (14th) week will be
The Head Grocery Clerk, Head Produce Clerk, Front End Manager, Meat
Department Manager, Deli/Bakery Manager and Drug/GM Manager, Red-Circled Head Non-Foods
(if applicable) in stores with an average sales volume of one (1) million or more per week
excluding fuels sales will receive an additional premium of fifty cents (.50¢) per hour on their rate.
This will only be given to one of each of the above listed positions per store.
The Head Dairy, Head Frozen, Night Leader, Assistant Head Produce, Assistant
Front End Manager, Assistant Meat Manager, Seafood Manager, Assistant Deli Manager, Assistant
Drug/GM Manager, Lead Baker, Lead Floral in stores with an average sales volume of one (1)
million or more per week excluding fuels sales will receive an additional premium of twenty-five
cents (.25¢) per hour on their rate.
The Lead Salad Bar, Cosmetician 1, Lead Liquor, Lead Coffee, Lead Pizza, Lead
Back Door Receiver, Lead File Maintenance Clerk in stores with an average sales volume of one
(1) million or more per week excluding fuels sales will receive an additional premium of fifteen
cents (.15¢) per hour on their rate.
A.9 Night premiums as provided for in Article 9, Section 9.6 will not be applicable to
the head night lead clerk classification.
A.10 There shall be one head grocery clerk, one head produce clerk, one front-end
manager, one head dairy clerk, one head frozen food clerk, one head non-food clerk (if applicable)
or one drug/gm department head, one head night lead clerk, one assistant head produce clerk, lead
floral clerk, lead salad bar clerk, lead liquor shop clerk, lead coffee shop clerk, lead file
maintenance clerk, one lead back door receiver in each store for the volumes indicated in each of
the classifications, and one Lead Fuel Clerk in each store with a fuel center. There shall also be
one meat department manager, one assistant meat department manager, one head deli clerk, one
lead seafood clerk, one lead baker and one assistant head deli clerk, and one lead pizza in each
store for the volumes indicated in each of the classifications. For training purposes, more than one
department head or assistant department head may be assigned to a department for a maximum of
four (4) weeks. This paragraph does not apply to new store openings or major resets.
The Employer may appoint additional department heads and assistants as follows:
An average of one (1) per store per zone in total. Example: In a zone with fourteen
(14) stores, the Employer may appoint up to fourteen (14) additional department heads and/or
assistant department heads.
In stores with an average annual sales volume of $250,000 per week or less, the
Employer shall maintain a department head in meat, grocery, produce, front-end and deli/bakery.
The appointment of other department heads and assistant department heads is at the option of the
Company. No present department head or assistant department head will be reduced in their
classification or forced to transfer solely because of this change.
A.11 Assistant deli managers and lead bakers whose rate of pay (base rate plus current
contract premium) exceeds the new classified rate for their job will be grandfathered and will
receive their base rate plus premium adjusted for contract increases to the base rate until such time
as the classified rate exceeds their personal rate.
10/7/07 1/1/08 10/5/08 1/1/09 7/20/09 10/4/09
Head Grocery, Head Produce, Front End
Mgr., Deli Mgr.
(Total store sales excluding fuel)
200,000 and less $16.47 $16.47 $16.77 $16.77 $17.12 $17.12 $17.12 $17.47
200,001 - 400,000 $16.62 $16.62 $16.92 $16.92 $17.27 $17.27 $17.27 $17.62
400,001 - 600,000 $16.80 $16.80 $17.10 $17.10 $17.45 $17.45 $17.45 $17.80
600,001 - 700,000 $16.90 $16.90 $17.20 $17.20 $17.55 $17.55 $17.55 $17.90
700,001 - 1,000,000 $17.00 $17.00 $17.30 $17.30 $17.65 $17.65 $17.65 $18.00
1,000,000 + $17.50 $17.50 $17.80 $17.80 $18.15 $18.15 $18.15 $18.50
Head Dairy, Head Frozen, Head NF
200,000 and less $15.45 $15.45 $15.75 $15.75 $16.10 $16.10 $16.10 $16.45
200,001 - 400,000 $15.55 $15.55 $15.85 $15.85 $16.20 $16.20 $16.20 $16.55
400,001 - 600,000 $15.70 $15.70 $16.00 $16.00 $16.35 $16.35 $16.35 $16.70
600,001 - 700,000 $15.75 $15.75 $16.05 $16.05 $16.40 $16.40 $16.40 $16.75
700,001 - 1,000,000 $15.85 $15.85 $16.15 $16.15 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.85
1,000,000 + $16.10 $16.10 $16.40 $16.40 $16.75 $16.75 $16.75 $17.10
Head Night Clerk
200,000 and less $15.91 $15.91 $16.21 $16.21 $16.56 $16.56 $16.56 $16.91
200,001 - 400,000 $16.05 $16.05 $16.35 $16.35 $16.70 $16.70 $16.70 $17.05
400,001 - 600,000 $16.10 $16.10 $16.40 $16.40 $16.75 $16.75 $16.75 $17.10
600,001 - 700,000 $16.20 $16.20 $16.50 $16.50 $16.85 $16.85 $16.85 $17.20
700,001 - 1,000,000 $16.30 $16.30 $16.60 $16.60 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95 $17.30
1,000,000 + $16.55 $16.55 $16.85 $16.85 $17.20 $17.20 $17.20 $17.55
Asst Front End Manager $15.24 $15.24 $15.54 $15.54 $15.89 $15.89 $15.89 $16.24
Asst Front End Manager
in $1m + total store sales w/o fuel $15.49 $15.49 $15.79 $15.79 $16.14 $16.14 $16.14 $16.49
Lead Floral $15.28 $15.28 $15.58 $15.58 $15.93 $15.93 $15.93 $16.28
Lead Floral in $1m+ total store sales w/o
$15.53 $15.53 $15.83 $15.83 $16.18 $16.18 $16.18 $16.53
Asst Produce $15.24 $15.24 $15.54 $15.54 $15.89 $15.89 $15.89 $16.24
Asst Produce in $1m+ total store sales
w/o fuel
$15.49 $15.49 $15.79 $15.79 $16.14 $16.14 $16.14 $16.49
Clerks/Meat Clerks
(Hired before 11/09/81) $14.68 $14.68 $14.98 $14.98 $15.33 $15.33 $15.33 $15.68
10/7/07 1/1/08 10/5/08 1/1/09 7/20/09 10/4/09
Clerks/Meat Clerks
(Hired after 11/8/81)
First 175 hours $6.60 and
$6.85 and
$6.85 $7.00 $7.00 $7.15 $7.25 $7.25
Next 350 hours $7.00 $7.15 $7.15 $7.30 $7.40 $7.40
Next 500 hours $7.10 $7.10 $7.15 $7.30 $7.30 $7.40 $7.55 $7.55
Next 600 hours $7.25 $7.40 $7.40 $7.50 $7.65 $7.65
Next 600 hours $7.35 $7.50 $7.50 $7.60 $7.75 $7.75
Next 600 hours $7.45 $7.60 $7.60 $7.70 $7.85 $7.85
Next 600 hours $7.60 $7.60 $7.60 $7.70 $7.70 $7.80 $7.95 $7.95
Next 800 hours $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $8.05 $8.05
*Next 800 hours $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.45 $8.45 $8.45 $8.50
Next 1000 hours $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80
Next 1000 hours $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50
Next 1000 hours $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00
Next 1000 hours $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50
Next 1000 hours $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30
Thereafter $12.60 $12.60 $12.95 $12.95 $12.95 $13.30
Salad Bar and Floral Shoppe
First 175 hours $6.80 and
$6.85 $6.85 $7.00 $7.00 $7.15 $7.25 $7.25
Next 350 hours $7.00 $7.15 $7.15 $7.30 $7.40 $7.40
Next 350 hours $7.15 $7.30 $7.30 $7.45 $7.55 $7.55
Next 600 hours $7.25 $7.40 $7.40 $7.55 $7.65 $7.65
Next 600 hours $7.35 $7.50 $7.50 $7.65 $7.75 $7.75
Next 600 hours $7.45 $7.60 $7.60 $7.75 $7.85 $7.85
Next 1000 hours $7.60 $7.70 $7.70 $7.85 $7.95 $7.95
Next 1000 hours $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.95 $8.05 $8.05
Next 1000 hours $8.05 $8.05 $8.05 $8.05 $8.15 $8.15
Next 1000 hours $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40
Thereafter $8.70 $8.70 $9.05 $9.05 $9.05 $9.40
Floor Maintenance
First 600 hours $6.95 and
$6.95 and
$7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50
Next 600 hours $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00
Next 600 hours $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50
Next 600 hours $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00
Next 600 hours $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50
Thereafter $9.80 $9.80 $10.15 $10.15 $10.15 $10.50
10/7/07 1/1/08 10/5/08 1/1/09 7/20/09 10/4/09
Sacker and Demo
First 175 hours $6.70 and
$6.85 $6.85 $7.00 $7.00 $7.15 $7.25 $7.25
Next 250 hours $6.95 $7.10 $7.10 $7.25 $7.35 $7.35
Next 250 hours $7.05 $7.20 $7.20 $7.35 $7.45 $7.45
Next 250 hours $7.15 $7.30 $7.30 $7.45 $7.55 $7.55
Next 500 hours $7.25 $7.40 $7.40 $7.55 $7.65 $7.65
Next 500 hours $7.35 $7.50 $7.50 $7.65 $7.75 $7.75
Next 750 hours $7.35 $7.35 $7.45 $7.60 $7.60 $7.75 $7.85 $7.85
Next 750 hours $7.55 $7.70 $7.70 $7.85 $7.85 $7.95
Thereafter $7.65 $7.80 $7.90 $8.05 $8.15 $8.25
Meat Dept Manager
(Total store sales excluding fuel) $17.08 $17.08
$17.28 $17.28
200,000 and less $17.58 $17.58 $17.88 $17.88 $18.23 $18.23 $18.23 $18.58
200,001 - 400,000 $17.88 $17.88 $18.18 $18.18 $18.53 $18.53 $18.53 $18.88
400,001 -600,000 $18.15 $18.15 $18.45 $18.45 $18.80 $18.80 $18.80 $19.15
$18.32 $18.32
600,001 - 700,000 $18.48 $18.48 $18.78 $18.78 $19.13 $19.13 $19.13 $19.48
$18.78 $18.78
700,001 - 1,000,000 $18.88 $18.88 $19.18 $19.18 $19.53 $19.53 $19.53 $19.88
1,000,000 + $19.38 $19.38 $19.68 $19.68 $20.03 $20.03 $20.03 $20.38
Assistant Meat Dept Manager
(Total store sales excluding fuel) $16.23 $16.23
$16.53 $16.53
200,000 and less $16.58 $16.58 $16.88 $16.88 $17.23 $17.23 $17.23 $17.58
200,001 - 400,000 $16.63 $16.63 $16.93 $16.93 $17.28 $17.28 $17.28 $17.63
400,001 -600,000 $16.68 $16.68 $16.98 $16.98 $17.33 $17.33 $17.33 $17.68
$16.73 $16.73
600,001 - 700,000 $16.78 $16.78 $17.08 $17.08 $17.43 $17.43 $17.43 $17.78
$16.83 $16.83
700,001 - 1,000,000 $16.88 $16.88 $17.18 $17.18 $17.53 $17.53 $17.53 $17.88
1,000,000 + $17.13 $17.13 $17.43 $17.43 $17.78 $17.78 $17.78 $18.13
Journeyman (cancels letter of
$16.18 $16.18 $16.48 $16.48 $16.83 $16.83 $16.83 $17.18
Clerk Cutter Premium $1.50 $1.50 $1.50
10/7/07 1/1/08 10/5/08 1/1/09 7/20/09 10/4/09
Lead Seafood Clerk
(Total store sales excluding fuel)
200,000 and less $13.30 $13.30 $13.60 $13.60 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $14.30
200,001 - 400,000 $13.60 $13.60 $13.90 $13.90 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $14.60
400,001 -600,000 $13.80 $13.80 $14.10 $14.10 $14.45 $14.45 $14.45 $14.80
600,001 - 700,000 $14.00 $14.00 $14.30 $14.30 $14.65 $14.65 $14.65 $15.00
700,001 - 1,000,000 $14.20 $14.20 $14.50 $14.50 $14.85 $14.85 $14.85 $15.20
1,000,000 + $14.45 $14.45 $14.75 $14.75 $15.10 $15.10 $15.10 $15.45
Asst Head Deli / Lead Baker $13.85 $13.85 $14.15 $14.15 $14.50 $14.50 $14.50 $14.85
Asst Head Deli / Lead Baker
in $1m + total store sales w/o fuel $14.10 $14.10 $14.40 $14.40 $14.75 $14.75 $14.75 $15.10
Seafood and Service Meat
First 175 hours $6.75 and
$6.85 $6.85 $7.00 $7.00 $7.15 $7.25 $7.25
Next 350 hours $7.00 $7.15 $7.15 $7.30 $7.40 $7.40
Next 500 hours $7.05 $7.05 $7.15 $7.30 $7.30 $7.45 $7.55 $7.55
Next 600 hours $7.25 $7.40 $7.40 $7.55 $7.65 $7.65
Next 600 hours $7.35 $7.50 $7.50 $7.65 $7.75 $7.75
Next 600 hours $7.45 $7.45 $7.45 $7.60 $7.60 $7.75 $7.85 $7.85
Next 600 hours $7.55 $7.70 $7.70 $7.85 $7.95 $7.95
Next 800 hours $7.65 $7.80 $7.80 $7.95 $8.05 $8.05
Next 800 hours $7.85 $7.85 $7.85 $7.90 $7.90 $8.05 $8.15 $8.15
Next 1000 hours $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40
Next 1000 hours $8.70 $8.70 $8.70 $8.70 $8.70 $8.70
Next 1000 hours $9.30 $9.30 $9.30 $9.30 $9.30 $9.30
Next 1000 hours $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30 $10.30
Thereafter $10.60 $10.60 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $11.30
Deli Clerks
(Hired before 11/9/81) $13.00 $13.00 $13.40 $13.40 $13.85 $13.85 $13.85 $14.30
10/7/07 1/1/08 10/5/08 1/1/09 7/20/09 10/4/09
Deli Clerks
(Hired after 11/8/81)
First 175 hours $6.70 and
$6.85 $6.85 $7.00 $7.00 $7.15 $7.25 $7.25
Next 350 hours $7.00 $7.15 $7.15 $7.30 $7.40 $7.40
Next 500 hours $7.15 $7.30 $7.30 $7.40 $7.55 $7.55
Next 600 hours $7.20 $7.20 $7.25 $7.40 $7.40 $7.50 $7.65 $7.65
Next 600 hours $7.35 $7.50 $7.50 $7.60 $7.75 $7.75
Next 600 hours $7.45 $7.60 $7.60 $7.70 $7.85 $7.85
Next 600 hours $7.60 $7.70 $7.70 $7.80 $7.95 $7.95
Next 800 hours $7.75 $7.75 $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $7.90 $8.05 $8.05
Next 800 hours $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40 $8.40
* Next 1000 hours $8.60 $8.60 $8.60 $8.60 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80
** Next 1000 hours $9.40 $9.40 $9.50 $9.50 $9.55 $9.55 $9.55 $9.60
Next 1000 hours $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00
Next 1000 hours $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50
Next 1000 hours $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30
Thereafter $12.60 $12.60 $12.95 $12.95 $12.95 $13.30
Lead Coffee Shop $10.05 $10.05 $10.35 $10.35 $10.70 $10.70 $10.70 $11.05
Lead Coffee Shop in
$1m + total store sales w/o fuel $10.20 $10.20 $10.50 $10.50 $10.85 $10.85 $10.85 $11.20
Head Drug / GM
200,000 and less $13.30 $13.30 $13.60 $13.60 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $14.30
200,001 - 400,000 $13.30 $13.30 $13.65 $13.65 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.35
400,001 - 600,000 $13.30 $13.30 $13.70 $13.70 $14.05 $14.05 $14.05 $14.40
600,001 - 700,000 $13.30 $13.30 $13.75 $13.75 $14.10 $14.10 $14.10 $14.45
700,001 - 1,000,000 $13.30 $13.30 $13.80 $13.80 $14.15 $14.15 $14.15 $14.50
1,000,000 + $13.80 $13.80 $14.30 $14.30 $14.65 $14.65 $14.65 $15.00
Asst. Drug/GM Receiving Clerk
First 350 hours $8.05 $8.05 $8.05 $8.05 $8.05 $8.05 $8.05 $8.05
Next 350 hours $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15
Next 600 hours $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25
Next 600 hours $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35
Next 600 hours $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50
Next 600 hours $8.65 $8.65 $8.65 $8.65 $8.65 $8.65 $8.65 $8.65
Next 1000 hours $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80 $8.80
Next 1000 hours $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00
Next 1000 hours $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50
Next 1000 hours $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80
Thereafter $10.10 $10.10 $10.45 $10.45 $10.45 $10.80
10/7/07 1/1/08 10/5/08 1/1/09 7/20/09 10/4/09
Cosmetician I $11.50 $11.50 $11.80 $11.80 $12.15 $12.15 $12.15 $12.50
Cosmetician I in $1m+
Total store sales w/o fuel $11.65 $11.65 $11.95 $11.95 $12.30 $12.30 $12.30 $12.65
Drug GM Clerks hired before 6/4/87 $10.10 $10.10 $10.40 $10.40 $10.75 $10.75 $10.75 $11.10
Asst. Drug GM Clerks hired before
$10.85 $10.85 $11.15 $11.15 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.85
Asst. Drug GM Clerks hired before
6/4/87 in $1m + total store sales w/o fuel $11.10 $11.10 $11.40 $11.40 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $12.10
Drug GM Clerks, Photo
First 175 hours $6.80 and
$6.85 $6.85 $7.00 $7.00 $7.15 $7.25 $7.25
Next 350 hours $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.15 $7.15 $7.30 $7.40 $7.40
Next 500 hours $7.15 $7.30 $7.30 $7.45 $7.55 $7.55
Next 600 hours $7.25 $7.40 $7.40 $7.55 $7.65 $7.65
Next 600 hours $7.35 $7.50 $7.50 $7.65 $7.75 $7.75
Next 600 hours $7.45 $7.60 $7.60 $7.75 $7.85 $7.85
Next 600 hours $7.55 $7.70 $7.70 $7.85 $7.95 $7.95
Next 800 hours $7.75 $7.80 $7.80 $7.95 $8.05 $8.05
* Next 800 hours $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.05 $8.15 $8.15
Next 1000 hours $8.20 $8.20 $8.20 $8.20 $8.25 $8.25
Next 1000 hours $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35
Next 1000 hours $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50
Next 1000 hours $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75
Next 1000 hours $9.05 $9.05 $9.05 $9.05 $9.05 $9.05 $9.05 $9.05
Thereafter $9.35 $9.35 $9.70 $9.70 $9.70 $10.05
Full Time Liquor Shop
First 350 hours $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35 $8.35
Next 350 hours $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95
Next 600 hours $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80
Next 1000 hours $10.70 $10.70 $10.70 $10.70 $10.70 $10.70
Next 1000 hours $11.70 $11.70 $11.70 $11.70 $11.70 $11.70
Next 1000 hours $12.10 $12.80 $12.80 $12.80 $12.80 $12.80 $12.80
Next 1000 hours $13.90 $13.90 $13.90 $13.90 $13.90 $13.90 $13.90
Thereafter $14.20 $14.20 $14.55 $14.55 $14.55 $14.90
10/7/07 1/1/08 10/5/08 1/1/09 7/20/09 10/4/09
Part-Time Liquor Shop
First 175 hours $6.20 $6.85 $7.00 $7.00 $7.15 $7.25 $7.25
Next 350 hours $7.00 $7.15 $7.15 $7.30 $7.40 $7.40
Next 350 hours $7.20 $7.20 $7.30 $7.30 $7.45 $7.45 $7.55
Next 600 hours $7.40 $7.45 $7.45 $7.55 $7.55 $7.65
Next 600 hours $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80
Next 600 hours $8.20 $8.20 $8.20 $8.20 $8.20 $8.20
Next 600 hours $8.65 $8.70 $8.70 $8.70 $8.70 $8.70 $8.70
Next 1000 hours $9.20 $9.20 $9.20 $9.20 $9.20 $9.20
Next 1000 hours $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80 $9.80
Next 1000 hours $10.25 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40
Next 1000 hours $11.70 $11.70 $11.70 $11.70 $11.70 $11.70 $11.70
Thereafter $12.00 $12.00 $12.35 $12.35 $12.35 $12.70
Lead Salad Bar Premium $0.25 $0.25 $0.25
Lead Salad Bar Premium in $1m+
Total store sales w/o fuel $0.40 $0.40 $0.40
File Maintenance Clerk Premium $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
File Maintenance Clerk Premium in
$1m + total store sales w/o fuel $0.65 $0.65 $0.65
Back Door Receiver Premium $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
Back Door Receiver Premium in
$1m + total store sales w/o fuel $0.65 $0.65 $0.65
Cheese Steward Premium*** $0.50
Cheese Steward Premium in $1m+
Total store sales w/o fuel*** $0.65
Wine Steward Premium*** $0.50
Wine Steward Premium in $1m+
Total store sales w/o fuel*** $0.65
Nutrition Clerk Premium*** $0.50
Nutrition Clerk Premium in $1m+
Total store sales w/o fuel*** $0.65
Cake Decorator Premium*** $0.50
Cake Decorator Premium in $1m+
Total store sales w/o fuel*** $0.65
10/7/07 1/1/08 10/5/08 1/1/09 7/20/09 10/4/09
Lead GM Premium (Marketplace) $0.50
Lead GM Premium in $1m+ total
Store sales w/o fuel (Marketplace) $0.65
Lead Liquor Clerk Premium KY only $0.25 $0.50
Lead Liquor Clerk Premium in $1m+
Total store sales w/o fuel KY only $0.40 $0.65
Lead Fuel Clerk $0.50 $0.50 $0.50
Lead Fuel Clerk Premium in $1m+
Total store sales w/o fuel $0.65 $0.65 $0.65
Night Crew Premium $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
* Experience Credit Cap
** Coffee Shop Cap
***In stores as determined by the Company, employees will be eligible for the above premiums upon
completion of training and certification programs as may be established and modified by the Company. (The
above premiums do not immediately qualify an employee for health insurance, consistent with the current
practice for clerk cutter and night crew premiums).
Effective October 7, 2007, Marketplace cashier rate will increase .10¢, effective October 5, 2008 .20¢, and
effective October 4, 2009 .20¢.
Method for Transfer from the Months Progression to the Hours Progression
a. Each associate presently at a rate greater than $6.85 will remain in the months progression until
his or her next regularly scheduled increase in the months progression. Once the associate receives that
increase, he or she will transfer to the new hours progression at that rate.
b. Each associate at the rate of $6.85 or less will immediately move to the $6.85 rate in the hours
Ohio Clerks currently at the $6.85 pay rate who have 18 months or more of service will receive a
$100.00 Kroger Gift Card.
A violation of the following "Job Descriptions" sacker/carryout, floral, and salad
bar attendant, will result in penalty pay for a proven violation at the premium rate of time and one-half (1
1/2), but no less than one (1) hour's pay at the employee's regular rate of pay for the employee filing the
A violation of the intent of this section is defined as the knowing performance of
job duties outside the above classifications by the direction of or with the permission of the store manager,
co-manager(s), department head or assistant department head.
- A sacker/carryout employee's work is restricted to the following
1. Maintain the area of the checkstand and customer entrances in an orderly
condition through clean-up work and the stocking of supplies in the checkstands (also the distribution of
supply orders throughout the store), which shall not include merchandise for sale, except for product to shelf
price checks requested by a cashier and the return of all perishable merchandise to stock from the checkstand
area and misplaced throughout the store.
2. Assistance to customers in the bagging and unloading of their orders and in
transporting merchandise purchased by them to their automobile in the store's parking lot.
3. The collection of shopping carts.
4. Sort empty returned containers (i.e., bottles, cans, etc.) and put in proper area
for return.
5. Cleaning up "spills".
6. General cleaning, including the moving and replacing of shelf product and
backroom product in order to engage in general cleaning, baling and loading of salvage, as well as the
necessary removal and reposting of window signs while washing windows.
7. Sign and decorate the store.
Reshop/restock all misplaced merchandise.
- Demonstrators' duties shall be limited to securing, preparing and
demonstrating product, but will otherwise not perform any bargaining unit work.
Salad Bar
- This classification is to be used in produce departments to operate salad bars.
The salad bar section will be considered a distinct part of the produce department and as part of the
responsibility of the Head Produce Clerk.
Salad bar clerks' duties shall be limited to performing duties directly related to the salad bar
only. It is not the intent of this section to expand salad bar clerk duties; however, only at the customer's
request, will it be permissible for a salad bar clerk to weigh items that are not part of the salad bar
Clerks may be required to work in the salad bar section at their current rate of pay.
Salad bar clerks shall order, prepare, display, price, arrange, care for, sell and inventory
those items specifically sold by the salad bar section. They shall also be responsible for maintaining
sanitation in their work and sales areas.
Clerks working primarily in salad bar as of November 12, 1986 may continue to work in
the salad bar at their clerk rate of pay. Their hours may not be claimed by other clerks. Should any of these
clerks accept an assignment to other duties, they will be replaced by a salad bar attendant.
Floral Shoppe Attendant
- Floral Shoppe attendants' duties shall be limited to performing
duties directly related to the floral shop only.
This classification is to be used in produce departments to operate floral shops. The floral
shop will be considered a distinct part of the produce department and as part of the responsibility of the Head
Produce Clerk.
Clerks working primarily in floral shops as of November 12, 1986 may continue to work in
the floral shop at their clerk rate of pay. Their hours may not be claimed by other clerks. Should any of
these clerks accept an assignment to other duties, they will be replaced by a floral shop attendant.
Floral shop attendants assigned after November 12, 1986, will have separate seniority
among floral shop attendants only and benefits under the same conditions described in the appropriate
articles of this Agreement.
Clerks may by required to work in the floral shop on special occasions such as Mother's
Day, Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day, etc. to assist the Floral department.
Clerks may be required to work in floral shops to fill in for vacations, emergencies, and/or
In all instances mentioned above, Floral attendants must be scheduled all available hours
according to their seniority and availability, FIRST, before requiring clerks to work in the Floral Shoppe.
The floral shop attendants shall order, prepare, display, price, arrange, care for, sell and
inventory those items specifically sold by the floral shop. They shall also be responsible for maintaining
sanitation in their work and sales area.
Department Trainer: The Employer may designate a maximum of one (1) employee per
major department (i.e. grocery, front end, produce, meat, and deli) to work with new hires for the purpose of
facilitating their training. This employee will not be subject to the provisions of Article 9. 9.2 or Article 11,
11.4. This employee will receive an additional $.75 per hour above their base rate. This premium shall not
apply to department heads and assistant department heads who facilitate training as part of their normal job
When a department trainer is scheduled to facilitate training and works 50% or more of
their scheduled hours training, they shall receive the department trainer premium for the entire shift.
Department trainers scheduled to train less than 50% of their scheduled hours shall receive the department
trainer premium for those hours actually spent training.
In no case will a department trainer be scheduled for a shift earlier than their seniority
would otherwise allow. NOTE: Department Trainer premium shall apply on holiday and vacation pay in the
same manner as night crew.
Liquor Shop Attendant
1. The Employer has a classification - Liquor Shop Attendant. This classification is to be
used in grocery departments to operate wine and liquor shops (within stores located in the States of Kentucky
and Indiana).
2. The job duties of a Liquor Shop Attendant shall normally include customer service and
transactions, ordering and inventory of merchandise and supplies, product receiving, pricing, stocking and
displaying, and operation of the department in accordance with the Employer's operations merchandising
policies and applicable state laws. It is understood that employees in such classification shall not perform
work outside of such department - a violation of which shall be considered a grievance within the scope of
Article 2 of this Agreement.
3. Employees classified as Liquor Shop Attendants will have seniority under the same
conditions as provided for in the appropriate Articles of this Agreement, but seniority shall be applied only
among themselves in such classification.
4. When a liquor shop(s) is open under this Agreement, a notice of such opening(s) shall
be sent to the Union Office and simultaneously posted in all of the Employer's stores in Zone E, four (4)
weeks in advance. Such notice shall specify the rates of pay (beginning at the starting rate); that the
employee must be 21 years of age; that separate seniority and work duties are involved. Those clerk,
sacker/carryout, demonstrator, floral and salad bar employees who are desirous of being considered for such
position shall submit a letter of such intent to the Human Resource Department (with a copy to the Local
Union Office) within two (2) weeks of such notice posting.
The Employer shall have the right to exercise final judgment as to the selection of
employees to classify as Liquor Shop Attendants after giving due regard to seniority. This shall not preclude
the Union from questioning through the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure, whether the Employer has
given due regard to seniority.
5. Any clerk or sacker/carryout, demonstrator, floral and salad bar employee(s) who
transfers into a Liquor Shop Attendant position shall have the right to voluntarily return to their prior position
in the event the Liquor Shop is closed within eighteen (18) months of the date of such transfer. Furthermore,
if a forty (40) hour work week becomes unavailable to any "full-time" Liquor Shop Attendant within
eighteen (18) months of the date of such transfer, they shall have the right to voluntarily return to their prior
position with no loss of seniority and/or benefits.
6. In the event the Employer elects to operate Liquor Shops in State(s) other than the State
of Kentucky, it is understood and agreed that advance notice shall be furnished to the Union in order that
both parties can negotiate rates of pay and conditions for same.
7. Part-time liquor shop attendants who average thirty-four (34) hours of work per week
for twelve (12) consecutive weeks shall qualify for the full-time rate (but not for benefits).
Meat Department Manager
- Shall be qualified to perform all the duties in the meat
department. Because of the greater skill and experience Meat Department Managers must possess, they
shall, in the performance of their work, be responsible for the operation of the Meat Department in
accordance with the Employer policy and direct the movements and operations of all employees in the Meat
Assistant Meat Department Manager
- Is a skilled Meat Department employee, who shall
do any work assigned by the Meat Department Manager, including ordering (assisting in ordering with the
Meat Department Manager), wrapping, rewrapping, weighing, pricing, and displaying meat in forms
acceptable to the Employer and in a manner that will yield the maximum profitable cuts from the carcass.
An Assistant Meat Department Manager will see that the products are being taken care of through the request
of the Meat Department Manager in the cutting room, take charge when the Meat Department Manager is not
on duty, and carry out the Employer's policy, the same as the Meat Department Manager.
No employee will be assigned to the Assistant Meat Department Manager classification
who does not have at least one (1) year of seniority in the bargaining unit. Employees who desire
consideration for a promotion to Assistant Meat Department Manager or Meat Department Manager shall
make their wishes and availability known in writing to their Zone Manager and a copy to the Union. If there
are no letters on file to fill a particular store, then one (1) year prohibition in the above paragraph shall not
In stores with a sales volume of $175,000 per week or less, the appointment of an Assistant
Meat Department Manager is at the discretion of the company (Assistant Meat Department Managers in such
stores on October 10, 1992 shall not be reduced because of this change). Volume changes shall be based on
the procedure outlined in Appendix "A" - A.8.
- A Journeyman is a skilled Meat Cutter who shall do any work assigned,
including ordering (assisting in ordering), wrapping, rewrapping, weighing, pricing, and displaying meat in
forms acceptable to the
Employer and in a manner that will yield the maximum profitable cuts from a
Meat Clerk
- A Meat Clerk is an employee in a market who is engaged in wrapping,
weighing, pricing, cleaning and displaying all product assigned to the operation of the department. If no
Journeyman as of November 12, 1986, is reduced in hours, a Meat Clerk on duty in a market may perform all
necessary duties in the department. No Meat Clerk will be required to operate the saw until the Company
provides a training program and a standardized test.
Any employee in the Meat Clerk classification who has the ability, qualifications and
desires to perform the work to qualify for the Meat Clerk Cutter's list will indicate this desire in writing to the
zone manager with a copy to the Union and Human Resource Department. Such individuals will be
considered for available openings as they occur.
Upon passing a training program and standardized test, the cutter will receive $1.50
premium over their personal rate, not to exceed the journeyman rate. This test will be conducted by the Meat
department manager and Employer's Meat M.R.
Such cutters will qualify to receive vacation relief pay for the Meat Department Manager
and the Assistant Meat Department Manager.
Service Meat/Seafood Clerk - Will be used only in those markets having service meat and
seafood operations in whole or in part. Service Meat/Seafood Clerk employees are those employees engaged
in service meat and seafood operations, waiting on customers by suggesting purchases, displaying, weighing,
wrapping, and pricing of meat and seafood product assigned to the service meat and seafood operations.
Such employees will not use the tools of the trade in the cutting room, but may perform
such incidental work in waiting on customers as is necessary to complete the transaction at the customer's
request. Examples of this type of customer service are trimming, grinding, cubing, slicing, and other such
incidental work.
In addition to the duties enumerated above, Service Meat/Seafood employees may be used
for cleaning and sanitation assignments in Service Meat and Seafood Departments.
Definition of Status 1
- An employee who is eligible under the benefit ratio shall be
classified as Full time status 1 at the end of the first 12 consecutive weeks during which the average hours
worked equal or exceed 85% (34 hours) of the hours in the basic workweek. Work performed on Sundays
and holidays shall be counted for the purpose of qualifying for status 1 full time. The employee who
qualifies under this definition through the ratio operational system shall receive dependent (family) medical
benefits as of the 1
of the month following the status change. Full time status 1 employees have scheduling
over all less senior full time employees and all part time employees.
Definition of Status 3 - The term full time status 3 is an employee who averages 85% (34
hours) of the basic workweek over any 12 consecutive week period. Work performed on Sundays and
holidays shall be counted for the purpose of qualifying for status 3 full time. Status 3 applies to all
classifications excluding sacker carryout, demonstrator, floral, and salad bar. An employee who accepts
status 3 must be available for full time work up to 40 hours per week. Any employee who limits their
availability on a regular basis shall be disqualified for status 3 full time. Status 3 full time employees are
eligible for all contractual provisions pertaining to full time except Article 9.2 and Article 22.2 (dependent
health care coverage). Contributions under Article 22 for status 3 full time employees shall commence after 6
months of employment. Full time status 3 employees shall have scheduling seniority over all less senior full
time employees and all part time employees.
Definition of Status 4
- Any employee classified as part time status 4 is an employee who
limits their availability on a regular basis. Status 4 employee’s seniority date will be their most recent date of
hire. They will not have seniority over any full time employee. Status 4 employees includes employees in
all classifications.
A-1 A-2
Westwood 310 Lawrenceburg, Ind. 363
Monfort Heights 370 Batesville, Ind. 406
Price Hill 382 Whitewater, Ohio 445
Mt. Airy 400 Harrison 916
Ferguson 432
Dent 436
Northgate 908
Delhi 944
Western Hills 948
B-1 B-2
Middletown/Trenton 335 Landen 376
Monroe 336 West Chester 383
Oxford 412 Maineville 408
Liberty 430 Mason 426
Middletown 441 Mason Montgomery Rd 448
Hamilton (W) 909 Beckett Ridge 919
Hamilton 934 Fairfield 939
Forest Park 943
Tylersville 945
C-1 C-2
Harper’s Point 304 Norwood 371
Montgomery 351 Brentwood 384
Hyde Park 355 Hillcrest 388
Maderia 402 College Hill 390
Kenwood 414 Hartwell 405
Mariemont 421 Queen City Center 428
Sharonville 429 Woodlawn 433
Blue Ash 942
D-1 D-2
Mt. Carmel 305 Goshen 344
Hillsboro 380 Amelia Station 368
Blanchester 395 Amelia 396
Mt. Orab 442 Milford 411
Lebanon 447 Loveland 413
Wilmington 817 Cherry Grove 431
Eastgate 902 Miami Township 435
Mt. Washington 438
Anderson 915
E-1 Mulberry 921
Ft. Mitchell 277
Bellevue 359 E-2
Mt. Zion 364 Vine Street 301
Florence 366 Walnut Hills 379
Covington 381 Corryville 407
Latonia 392
Alexandria 410
Maysville 420
Union 424
Independence 425
Burlington 434
Erlanger 901
Cold Spring 946
1. Earl Curry
2. Barbara Doering
3. James Duff
4. Theodore High
5. Jonas Katz
6. Fred Kindig
7. Thomas P. Lewis
8. Edwin Render
9. Stanley Sargent
10. John Murphy
11. (to be determined)
12. (to be determined)
In January 1995, employees hired prior to November 10, 1986 will be offered a one-time
opportunity to receive a lump sum payment equal to the amount of money earned by the employee for
hours worked on Sundays in the year 1993. In return for the payment, the employees will agree to forfeit
future Sunday premium and the provision for Sunday being outside of the work week. For employees
accepting this option, Sunday work will continue to be voluntary and they will not be required to work
Sundays in order to maximize their schedules for the week.
Mr. Lennie Wyatt
United Food and Commercial Workers
Union Local 1099
913 Lebanon Street
Monroe, Ohio 45050
Dear Lennie:
During our recent negotiations the following was agreed upon:
A Labor/Management Committee shall be established to discuss mutual problems. Such meetings will take
place on a quarterly basis (January, April, July and October), if needed. If a problem would occur of an
urgent nature, then meetings will take place sooner than as mentioned above.
The Committee shall be comprised of representatives of the Union, representatives of the Employer and
rank and file members.
Both parties agree to participate in FMCS training program. This training will include union stewards and
store manager. The Company will provide the necessary unpaid time off for the stewards to participate.
An agenda will be agreed upon prior to the meeting.
For the Union: For the Employer:
Mr. Lennie Wyatt
United Food and Commercial Workers
United Local 1099
913 Lebanon Street
Monroe, Ohio 45050
Dear Lennie:
During our recent negotiations we reaffirmed the understandings set forth in the October 17
, 1989 letter
attached to the expired contract. Those understandings are:
1. Liquor Shop at Store 363, Lawrenceburg
– As we discussed in negotiations, the Liquor Shop
at the Lawrenceburg Store (#363) will be handled like the Kentucky Liquor Shops and the
same rates of pay shall apply.
2. Job Descriptions/Customer Requests
– It is our understanding that people who work in the
Sacker/Carryout, Salad Bar, Floral Attendant and Customer Service Attendant classifications
are to be limited to performing work as outlined in their job description.
Should any grievance arise regarding application of the above, it may proceed directly to the
Step of the grievance procedure.
3. A. It is understood and agreed that no commodity classification handled by food employees
in any future SavOn conversion stores opening during the term of this Agreement will be
transferred to non-food employees.
B. The Head Non Food clerk classification will be maintained in a conversion store until an
opening in this classification occurs in the appropriate seniority area or a transfer is accepted
to another store.
C. Non Food clerks may only be utilized to handle new commodity classifications until four
(4) weeks prior to completion of the conversion after which they will handle all items as
provided for above. The restriction shall not apply to the restaurant clerks, lobby clerks, head
receiving clerks or cosmetician classification.
D. The Union shall be advised at least ninety (90) days prior to the start of any conversion
Signed this_______day of _____________________, 2001.
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