Missed Event Insurance Policy
Important contacts
Policy cancellations: missedeventinsurance@allianz-assistance.co.uk
Customer services: missedeventinsurance@allianz-assistance.co.uk
0845 641 9726
Claims: ticket.claims@allianz-assistance.co.uk
0845 641 9727
All calls may be monitored or recorded for quality control and training purposes
Summary of cover 1
Important information 1-2
Definition of words 3
Conditions 4
Making a claim 5
Making a complaint 5
Missed eventSection 1 6
Summary of cover
The following is only a summary of the main cover limits. You should read the rest of this policy for the full terms and
Limit (up to)
Missed event
£ 1,000 per ticket
(Cover only applies to the tickets for which the policy was specifically purchased)
Important information
Thank you for choosing Missed Event Insurance which covers you in case you are unable to attend your specific event
in the UK.
Your policy does not cover everything. You should read this policy carefully to make sure it provides the cover you need.
If there is anything you do not understand you should email missedeventinsurance@allianz-assistance.co.uk call
0845 641 9726 textphone 020 8666 9562, or write to Missed Event Insurance, 102 George Street, Croydon, CR9 6HD.
Your Missed Event Insurance is underwritten by AGA International SA and administered in the United Kingdom by
Allianz Global Assistance.
How your policy works
Your policy and confirmation email is a contract between you and us. We will pay for any claim you make which is
covered by this policy and happens during the period of insurance.
Unless specifically mentioned, the benefits and exclusions, apply to each event ticket.
Certain words have a special meaning as shown under the heading ʻDefinition of wordsʼ. These words have been
highlighted by the use of bold print throughout the policy document.
Cancellation rights
If your cover does not meet your requirements, please notify us within 14 days of receiving your confirmation email for a
refund of your premium.
If during this 14 day period you attended the event, made a claim or intend to make a claim then we can recover all costs
that you have used for those services.
You can contact Missed Event Insurance by emailing missedeventinsurance@allianz-assistance.co.uk calling
0845 641 9726 textphone 020 8666 9562 or writing to Missed Event Insurance, 102 George Street, Croydon, CR9 6HD.
Please note that your cancellation rights are no longer valid after this initial 14-day period.
Data protection
Information about your policy may be shared between Ticketmaster UK Limited, us and the insurer for underwriting and
administration purposes.
You should understand that the sensitive health and other information you provide will be used by us, our
representatives, the insurer, other insurers and industry governing bodies and regulators to process your insurance,
handle claims and prevent fraud. This may involve transferring information to other countries (some of which may have
limited or no data protection laws). We have taken steps to ensure your information is held securely.
Your information may be used by us, the insurer and members of The Allianz Global Assistance Group and shared with
Ticketmaster UK Limited for marketing and research purposes or to inform you from time to time about new products or
services. If you do not want to receive marketing information please write to us at Customer Support, 102 George Street,
Croydon, CR9 6HD. You have the right to access your personal records.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
For added protection, the insurer is covered by the FSCS. You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if the
insurer cannot meet its obligations. This depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim.
Insurance cover provides protection for 90% of the claim, with no upper limit.
Further information about the compensation scheme arrangements is available from the FSCS, telephone number
0800 678 1100 or 0207 741 4100, or by visiting their website at www.fscs.org.uk.
Governing law
Unless agreed otherwise, English law will apply and all communications and documentation in relation to this policy will be
in English. In the event of a dispute concerning this policy, the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
We, the insurer and you do not intend any term of this contract to be enforceable by any third party pursuant to the
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
Definition of words
When the following words and phrases appear in the policy document or confirmation email, they have the meanings
given below. These words are highlighted by the use of bold print.
Area of cover
You will not be covered for events outside the UK.
A legally qualified doctor holding the necessary certification in the country in which they are currently practising, other than
you or a relative.
Including but not limited to an official sporting occasion, music concert, exhibition, educational / cultural tour, cinema,
theatre, theme park or military display, or a visit to any other tourist attraction, that is due to take place at a venue in the
UK where admittance tickets are sold in advance by Ticketmaster UK Limited.
Your usual place of residence in the UK.
AGA International SA.
Period of Insurance
Cover begins when you purchase your Missed Event Insurance policy. All cover ends once the event begins or a claim
has been made
Your mother (in-law), father (in-law), step parent (in-law), sister (in-law), brother (in-law), wife, husband, son (in-law),
daughter (in-law), step child, foster child, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, cousin, partner (including
common law and civil partnerships) or fiancé(e).
A person who has their main home and is registered with a doctor in the UK and has not spent more than six months
abroad during the year before the policy was issued.
United Kingdom (UK)
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
We, our, us
Mondial Assistance (UK) Limited trading as Allianz Global Assistance which administers the insurance on behalf of the
You, your, person insured
The person, for whom the appropriate insurance premium has been paid.
The following conditions apply to the whole of your policy. Please read these carefully as we can only pay your claim if
you meet these:
1 You are a resident of the UK.
2 You take reasonable care to protect yourself and your property against accident, injury, loss and damage and act
as if you are not insured and to minimise any potential claim.
3 You purchase your event ticket through Ticketmaster UK Limited
4 You accept that we will not extend the period of insurance beyond the event date, unless the event has been
postponed and you still intend to go on the rescheduled date. This extension will only apply if you have not
recovered costs from either Ticketmaster UK Limited or the event organiser.
5 You contact us as soon as possible with full details of anything which may result in a claim and give us all the
information we ask for. Please see section ʻMaking a claimʼ for more information.
6 You accept that no alterations to the terms and conditions of the policy apply, unless we confirm them in writing to
We have the right to do the following
1 Cancel the policy if you tell us something that is not true, which influences our decision as to whether cover can be
offered or not.
2 Cancel the policy and make no payment if you, or anyone acting for you, make a claim under this policy knowing it
to be dishonest, intentionally exaggerated or fraudulent in any way, or if you give any false declaration or deliberate
mis-statement when applying for this insurance or supporting your claim. We may in these instances report the
matter to the police.
3 Take over and deal with, in your name, any claim you make under this policy.
4 Take legal action in your name (but at our expense) and ask you to give us details and fill in any forms, which will
help us to recover any payment we have made under this policy.
5 With your or your personal representatives permission, get information from your medical records to help us or
our representatives deal with any claim. This could include a request for you to be medically examined or for a
postmortem to be carried out in the event of your death. We will not give personal information about you to any
other organisation without your specific agreement.
6 Only refund or transfer your premium if you decide that the policy does not meet your needs and you have
contacted us within 14 days from the date you receive your policy and confirmation email. We can recover all costs
that you have made a claim or intend to make a claim.
7 Not to pay any claim on this policy for any amounts covered by insurance. In these circumstances we will only pay
our share of the claim.
8 Ask you to pay us back any amounts that we have paid to you which are not covered by this policy.
Making a claim
Please phone 0845 641 9727, textphone 020 8666 9562 and ask for a claim form or write to: Missed Event Insurance
Claims Department, PO Box 1900, Croydon CR90 9BA or email ticket.claims@allianz-assistance.co.uk giving your
policy number and details of the event you are missing.
You should fill in the form and send it to us as soon as possible with all the information and documents we ask for. It is
essential that you provide us with as much detail as possible to enable us to handle your claim quickly. Please keep
photocopies of all information you send us.
Below is a list of the documents we will need in order to deal with your claim.
Your original unused event ticket.
Where appropriate travel tickets showing the dates and times of travel.
Details of any other insurance you may have that may cover the same loss.
As much evidence as possible to support your claim.
For claims relating to illness or injury a medical certificate will need to be completed by the treating doctor. A
certified copy of the death certificate is required in the event of death.
If your claim results from any other circumstances, please provide evidence of these circumstances.
If the transport you are using to get to the venue is delayed and you miss the event, a detailed account of the
circumstances causing you to miss your event together with supporting evidence from the public transport provider
or accident / breakdown authority attending the private vehicle you were travelling in.
Making a complaint
We aim to provide you with a first class policy and service. However, there may be times when you feel we have not
done so. If this is the case, please tell us about it so that we can do our best to solve the problem. If you make a
complaint your legal rights will not be affected.
In the first instance, please:
Write to:
Customer Support,
Allianz Global Assistance,
102 George Street,
Croydon, CR9 6HD
Telephone: 020 8603 9853
Email: customersupport@allianz-assistance.co.uk
Please supply us with your name, address, policy number and claim number where applicable and enclose copies of
relevant correspondence as this will help us to deal with your complaint, in the shortest possible time.
If you are not satisfied with our final response you can refer the matter to the UK Financial Ombudsman Service for
independent arbitration.
Missed event - Section 1
If you think you have to miss your event, we must be told immediately - see under the heading ʻMaking a claimʼ for more
We will pay you or your Personal Representatives up to £1,000 but no more than the face value of your event ticket that
has been paid for and that cannot be recovered from anywhere else.
We will provide this cover if you are unable to attend the event because one of the following necessary and unavoidable
circumstances happens during the period of insurance:
The death, serious injury or serious illness of you or a relative;
You are called for jury service in the UK or as a witness in a court in the UK;
You are needed by the police following a burglary, or damage caused by serious fire, storm, flood, explosion,
subsidence, vandalism, fallen trees, impact by aircraft or vehicle at your home;
The public transport (including scheduled flights) that you are using to get you to the event venue does not run to
its timetable; or
The vehicle you are travelling in has an accident or breaks down or is delayed in a traffic jam for more than 3 hours,
when there is no alternative route available.
Anything caused by:
- cancellation, abandonment, postponement or relocation of the event by the artist, performer, organisers or
promoters of the event;
- bankruptcy or liquidation of the artist, performer, company organising or promoting the event, their agents or any
person acting for you;
- anything the company providing your transport or accommodation, their agents, any person acting for you or your
conference organiser is responsible for;
- you not wanting to travel or not enjoying the event;
- you travelling in an aircraft (except as a passenger in a fully-licensed, passenger-carrying aircraft);
- your suicide, self-injury or deliberately putting yourself at risk (unless you were trying to save another personʼs life);
- you being under the influence of drugs (except those prescribed by a doctor but not for the treatment of drug
- the direct or indirect effect of you using alcohol or solvents;
- the death of any pet or animal;
- the withdrawal from service of an aircraft, cross-channel train or sea vessel (temporarily or permanently), on which
you are booked to travel, by the carrier or on the recommendation or order of any government, civil aviation
authority, port authority, rail authority or other similar authority in any country.
Any claim arising from, or consisting of, the following:
- War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war is declared or not) civil war, civil commotion, rebellion,
revolution, insurrection, military force, coup dʼetat, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction;
- Any epidemic or pandemic;
- You not following any suggestions or recommendations made by any government or other official during the period
of insurance;
- Ionising radiation or radioactive contamination from nuclear fuel or nuclear waste or any risk from nuclear
- You acting in an illegal or malicious way;
- Any loss caused as a direct or indirect result of anything you are claiming for, for example loss of transport or
accommodation costs that are not part of the event package, unless it says differently in the policy.
Claims relating to:
- Financial circumstances or work commitments;
- Annual passes or season tickets;
- Something that you knew about at the time of booking this insurance;
- Event tickets purchased for business purposes;
- Event tickets not purchased from Ticketmaster UK Limited
- Event tickets that include transport or accommodation costs;
- Delays or failure of public transport caused by strike or industrial action, which began or was announced before you
left home or where you could have reasonably made other travel arrangements.
Any claim unless you:
- Get a letter from the public transport provider (if this applies) confirming that the service did not run on time;
- Get confirmation of the delay from the authority who went to the accident or breakdown (if this applies) affecting the
vehicle you were travelling in;
- Have allowed time in your travel plans for delays which are expected.
Please refer to the Conditions and Making a claim sections that also apply.
Ticketmaster UK Limited, Registered address 48 Leicester Square, London WC2H 7LR Registered No. 02662632.
Ticketmaster UK Limited is an Appointed Representative of Mondial Assistance (UK) Limited.
Missed Event Insurance is underwritten by AGA International SA and is administered in the UK
by Allianz Global Assistance. Allianz Global Assistance is a trading name of Mondial Assistance (UK) Limited,
Registered in England No. 1710361. Registered Office 102 George Street, Croydon CR9 6HD.
Mondial Assistance (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
AGA International SA is authorised by Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel in France
and authorised and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority. Details about the extent of our
authorisation and regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request.
Allianz Global Assistance acts as agent for AGA International SA for the receipt of
customer money, settling claims and handling premium refunds.
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This policy is available in large print,
audio and Braille.
Please contact us on
Phone 0845 641 9726
Textphone 020 8666 9565
and we will be pleased to organise an
alternative for you.