(Turn into Human Resources)
I, ________________________, (print name) voluntarily request to use the City of De Pere (“City”) fitness equipment and/or participate
in City sponsored fitness class(es) (collectively referred to as “fitness use”) in the lower level police department training room located
in City Hall (335 S. Broadway St.) and/or in the basement of the Municipal Services Center (925 S. Sixth St.) (“ facilities”).
I understand that my fitness use of the facilities is voluntary and I do so at my own risk. I understand that use of the facilities is restricted
to only those off work/duty times designated by the City as open for use and that any injury or loss suffered shall not be covered under
the Worker’s Compensation Act or the City’s general or other liability. I further understand that the facilities are available to City
employees, elected officials, and their spouse only and that other non-City employees are not permitted in the facilities for any reason,
even while I am utilizing the facilities. I understand that the employee or elected official must be with their spouse at all times while
the spouse is accessing the facilities. I further understand that I shall only access the facilities and the area of the building necessary to
access the facilities but no other area of the building unless I am an authorized employee.
I understand and am aware that strength, flexibility and aerobic exercise, are potentially hazardous and dangerous activities. I understand
that individual workouts with or without supervision can be dangerous. I also understand that fitness activities involve a risk of injury
and even death and that I am voluntarily assuming any risk in participating in these activities, engaging in fitness use, or accessing and
using the facilities with knowledge of the dangers involved. I hereby agree to and expressly assume and accept any and all risk of any
injury, damage, or death.
I hereby declare myself to be physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment, disease, infirmity or other illness that would
prevent my participation or use of the facilities or my fitness use. I hereby acknowledge that I have either had a physical examination
and been given my physician’s permission to engage in fitness use and utilize the facilities for fitness purposes, or that I have decided
to assume any risk and participate without the approval of my physician and do hereby assume all responsibility for my fitness use and
utilization of the facilities.
Finally, I understand that the City is voluntarily allowing the facilities to be used for fitness/exercise purposes only. I understand the
City could determine in the future that the facilities are needed for some other purpose or no other purpose, in its sole discretion, and
eliminate the fitness use.
In consideration of being allowed to utilize the facilities and participate in fitness use, I hereby agree, on behalf of myself, my heirs,
executors, representatives, agents and assigns to waive, release, absolve, defend, indemnify and hold harmless and forever discharge the
City of De Pere, its officials, officers, employees, agents and all others from any and all responsibility or liability for any injuries,
including death, damages, loss, from and against any and all manner of actions, claims, causes of action, suits, debts, demands, or
damages, losses, liability or expense (including without limitation reasonable attorney’s fee) arising by reason of any actual or claimed
negligent or wrongful act or omission whether caused or allegedly caused by, in whole or in part, either myself, any third party, or any
party indemnified herein, regarding any loss suffered by me as a result of my participate in or use of the facilities. The City of De Pere
DOES NOT provide accident insurance for use of the facilities or engaging in fitness use.
Nothing contained herein is intended to be a waiver or estoppel of the City or its respective insurer to rely upon the limitations, defenses,
and immunities contained within Wisconsin Statutes Sections 345.05 and 893.80. To the extent that indemnification is available and
enforceable, the City or its insurer shall not be liable in indemnity, contribution or otherwise for an amount greater than the limits of
liability of municipal claims established by Wisconsin law.
I acknowledge that I have had the opportunity to discuss and bargain the terms of this Agreement. I acknowledge that this is a voluntary
activity on my own time and is not required by my employer. I understand that I assume full responsibility for any injury that may occur
to me while using the facilities and engaging in fitness use. I understand the terms and conditions of this release and sign voluntarily.
_________________________________ Employee Spouse Elected Official
_________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date
_________________________________ ___________________________
Emergency Contact Person Emergency Contact Phone