Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Occupational Services to Industry
Independent Assessment Partners Delivering Excellence
WAIS IV IQ Report – M. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Completion Date: 30
xxxxxxx 2020
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Participant Details
Date of Birth:
Date(s) of
Examiner’s Name:
Date of Report:
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Background to Referral
The proceedings concern an application by…………………
Os2i have been instructed to undertake a cognitive assessment of M. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in relation to
the above proceedings.
Psychologist Statements
1. I have read the Letter of Instruction presented to me and confirm the summary above.
2. I can confirm that I have no conflict of interest of any kind in this case.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Experience and Qualifications
Mike Crimes – Competence Certification & Professional Narrative
B.Sc. (Hons) Applied Psychology – Liverpool.
M.Sc. Occupational Psychology – Hertfordshire.
Full member of the Division of Occupational Psychology.
Entry on the Register of Chartered Psychologists.
Chartered Scientist.
Practicing Certificate from the Health Professions Council.
Associate Fellow Status.
Certificate of Competence in Occupational Testing, Level A & B – Progressing
towards Assessor Status.
Consultant practitioner across the following Level B Instruments - 16PF5, 15FQ,
Registered Level A test user with ASE, AQR, OPP, Psytech International, SHL, Test
Agency, Psychological Corporation and OPC.
European Test User Certified across 35 European Countries.
Principal Member of the Association of Business Psychologists.
Mike Crimes is a Principal Business Psychologist and has been on the UK leading specialist register across four
global areas of Occupational Psychology since 1999, and is a Principal Member of the Association of Business
Psychologists.  He is the founding partner of Os2i, where the primary goal is to help individuals become
aware of their own potential through assessment practice, in order to optimise their effectiveness. He is also
the author of ADEPT® – Assessment and Development Event Portfolio for Talent.
He has over eighteen years experience in psychometric profiling across Public and Private sector
organisations, covering a wide range of ability and behavioural characteristics. He has extensive knowledge of
culturally fair psychometric assessment, structured observation and interviewing techniques. He has further
specialist expertise in occupational interests, behavioural assessment, emotional intelligence, mental toughness,
and team and relationship profiling.
Mike has worked successfully within CAFCASS, and with senior Social Workers across Local Government
Children’s departments where ‘Ofsted Improvement Notices’ have been served.
Mike has operated as a senior business practitioner, working for over seven years as Head of Occupational
Psychology Services for the Carlisle Group, where he was also Principal Consultant for Psychometrics across
the business group.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
In the legal sector, Mike’s expertise may be of particular value in relation to cognitive assessments and the
of memory, attention, and problem solving. Mike is also working in the Occupational Health arena
undertaking fitness for work assessments from an Occupational Psychology perspective, looking at cognitive
capability, behavioural capability, and environmental/cultural fit.
From a strategic perspective, Mike has over fifteen years organisational development experience, focusing on
individual, team and organisational performance, as well as over fifteen years experience of designing and
implementing assessment and development centres across central government and FTSE 100 companies.
Within these broad business environments, he has served as a senior business partner responsible for the
development of actionable talent management strategies and solutions aligned with strategic HR objectives. He
has been directly involved in talent planning, acquisition, retention, learning and development strategies to
support a culture of high performance. He has used extensive psychometric practice to support behaviours
required for individual, team and organisational success.
He has extensive understanding of business goals in the current economic climate and applies a wealth of
Business Psychology expertise to aligning people to business objectives. This is achieved through engaging in a
consultative manner with multiple stakeholders delivering change, employee engagement, resourcing and
wellbeing solutions in the UK and across Europe. Mike also acted for two years as Chief Science Officer for
nclusion Limited – a people technology company.
Specialties Summary
Psychological profiling for recruitment and development.
Cognitive assessments.
Inclusive talent management.
Designing competency/behavioural models.
Leadership and interpersonal skills development.
Wellbeing at work coaching and mentoring.
Conflict management.
Skills gap analysis.
Assessment and development centres.
Performance management solutions.
Organisation effectiveness and change management.
Identify, develop and track potential.
Succession planning.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Assessment Methodology
The WAIS 4
Edition was used to assess the Intelligent Quotient (IQ) of M. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, age 25.
The model of assessment is shown below.
Individual Administration and Caveat
Assessment of cognitive functioning in Adults Aged 16 – 90 Years.
Any interpretation of psychometric instruments should be treated cautiously, and where possible, further
validated with other psychological/behavioural evaluations/observations.
Scale Composition
10 Subtests to Obtain IQ Scores.
10 Subtests to Obtain Index Scores.
Indices and Scales Summary
There are four index scores:
Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)
Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI)
Working Memory Index (WMI)
Processing Speed Index (PSI)
Supplemental subtests may be used to provide additional psychological information or may be used as
acceptable substitutes for core subtests. Where these subtests have been used, this will be referenced in
analysis with full rationale.
Overall, two broad scores are also generated, which can be used to summarise general intellectual abilities:
Full Scale IQ (FSIQ), based on the total combined performance of the VCI, PRI, WMI, and PSI.
General Ability Index (GAI), based only on the six subtests that the VCI and PRI comprise. The GAI
provides an estimate of general intellectual ability, with reduced emphasis on working memory and
processing speed relative to the FSIQ – this scale is optional.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Index Definitions
Verbal Comprehension:
The Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) is a measure of general verbal skills, such as verbal fluency,
ability to understand and use verbal reasoning, and verbal knowledge.
Perceptual Reasoning:
The Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) is a measure of non-verbal and in-the-moment reasoning. It
assesses ability to examine a problem, draw upon visual-spatial skills, organise thoughts, create
solutions, and then test them.
Working Memory:
The Working Memory Index (WMI) assesses ability to memorise new information, hold it in short-
term memory, concentrate, and manipulate that information to produce some result or reasoning
processes. It is important in learning, and achievement. It is important for cognitive flexibility and
planning ability, as well as learning and ability to self-monitor.
Processing Speed:
Processing Speed Index (PSI) assesses skills focusing attention and quickly scanning, discriminating
between, and sequentially ordering visual information. It requires persistence and planning ability, but is
sensitive to motivation, difficulty working under a time pressure, and motor coordination.
Appearance and Behaviour During Assessment
M. xxxxxxx arrived promptly to undertake the cognitive assessment. S/He was casually dressed. S/He
maintained tentative eye contact, but answered questions clearly. Hxx mood and effect were calm and
reserved. During the assessment s/he remained concentrated and compliant, so rapport was establis/hed
easily. S/He maintained motivation throughout the assessment. M. xxxxxxx responded well to encouragement,
but demonstrated confused responses in relation to the verbal subtests.
The testing environment was conducive to effective performance in the various tasks, i.e. there were no
distractions such as outside noise and there were no interruptions to the assessment. There were no barriers
to the assessment in terms of language, i.e. English is hxx first language.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Cognitive Assessment (IQ) Numerical Results
Since chance factors such as variations in a person’s performance over time can influence any cognitive
assessment, it is more accurate to speak in terms of a range of scores when assessing a person’s level of
cognitive functioning (see Confidence Interval column below).
Taking these factors into account, the probability that M. xxxxxxx’s true IQ score falls within the ranges
stated below is approximately 95 out of 100.
95% Confidence
Full Scale IQ
58 - 66
Extremely Low
1. M. xxxxxxx’s Full Scale IQ is at the 0.5
percentile; meaning 99.5% of hxx norm group, i.e. 25 -
29 year olds would score above this score.
Index Assessment
IQ/Index Score
57 - 68
62 - 75
61 - 75
70 - 87
Extremely Low
Extremely Low
Extremely Low
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
1. M. xxxxxxx’s Verbal Comprehension Index is at the 0.5
percentile; meaning 99.5% of hxx
norm group, i.e. 25 - 29 year olds would score above this score.
2. M. xxxxxxx’s Perceptual Reasoning Index is at the 1
percentile; meaning 99% of hxx norm
group, i.e. 25 - 29 year olds would score above this score.
3. M. xxxxxxx’s Working Memory Index is at the 1
percentile; meaning 99% of hxx norm
group, i.e. 25 - 29 year olds would score above this score.
4. M. xxxxxxx’s Processing Speed Index is at the 5
percentile; meaning 95% of hxx norm group,
i.e. 25 - 29 year olds would score above this score.
Observations on M. xxxxxxx
Verbal Comprehension Summary
M. xxxxxxx’s verbal comprehension is extremely low. The primary factor in poor comprehension for most
adults is inadequate word identification skills. It is very likely this will impact M. xxxxxxx’s interpretation of
Research indicates that individuals who have adequate word identification skills but poor comprehension
usually have some impairment in language comprehension that includes listening as well as reading
comprehension. M. xxxxxxx may exhibit problems in responding to verbal and written instruction, appearing
distant and unable to comprehend verbal and written information/tasks.
M. xxxxxxx may exhibit problems in relation to:
Letter and word recognition.
Expressing certain words and ideas.
Reading speed and fluency.
General vocabulary skills.
M. xxxxxxx:
May often misread information communicated.
May have problems with syntax or grammar.
May have difficulty writing ideas and/or organising thoughts on paper.
May have problems with sentence structure, writing mechanics and organisation.
Additionally, M. xxxxxxx may demonstrate:
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Difficulty following more complex discussions.
Difficulty understanding information without visual and concrete cues.
Difficulty in understanding abstract concepts.
Poor organisational skills.
Activities to develop M. xxxxxxx’s verbal comprehension skills could include:
Reward after completion of task.
Using yes or no – true or false statements in activities.
Applying sense or nonsense activities.
Everyday questions about life activities.
Time sequence – draw a flow chart of activities.
Perceptual Reasoning Summary
The PRI is designed to measure fluid reasoning in the perceptual domain, and uses visual organisation and
coordination, as well as assesses the ability to separate figure and ground in visual stimuli. Perceptual reasoning
is unaffected by educational background. People with high perceptual reasoning tend to be very good at
assembling furniture and other objects, map reading, drawing designs, and overall demonstrating a stronger
practical orientation. Contrastingly, people who demonstrate low perceptual reasoning scores often have
problems driving from one location to another, estimating distances, drawing accurate designs and assembling
M. xxxxxxx’s perceptual reasoning skills are extremely low. Due to a very low capability in relation to
managing verbal instruction, M. xxxxxxx may well demonstrate a preference to learn about the world around
hxx by picking up information and clues from images or from observation, rather than being heavily reliant on
verbal instruction.
Given hxx performance in this area, it is likely M. xxxxxxx will have a weak practical orientation, and
demonstrate minimal competence in relation to practical tasks involving visual judgement and visual problem
solving. It is likely s/he will require support and intervention with more complex tasks. M. xxxxxxx is also
likely to require support in relation to tasks requiring visual learning and adaptation. Overall, M. xxxxxxx is
likely to show moderately more adeptness with practical problem solving as opposed to tasks requiring verbal
and written comprehension. However, s/he is still likely to require support in relation to more complex
practical tasks requiring visual problem solving and judgement. Using visual representations where possible
may help drive hxx understanding, i.e. simple flow diagrams or other visually representative material may
support learning application.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Working Memory Summary
Working memory is important because it provides a mental workspace in which we can hold information
whilst mentally engaged in other relevant activities. The capacity to do this is crucial to many learning
M. xxxxxxx’s working memory is extremely low. People with very small working memory capacities will
struggle with certain activities, simply because they are unable to hold in mind sufficient information to allow
them to complete the task. Losing crucial information from working memory will cause them to forget many
things: instructions they are attempting to follow, the details of what they are doing, where they have got to in
a complicated task, and so on.
Activities that impose heavy storage demands typically involve the retention of significant amounts of verbal
material with a relatively arbitrary content. Some examples of activities with working memory demands that
are likely to exceed the capacities of an adult with working memory deficits include:
Remembering sequences of three or more numbers or unrelated words.
Remembering and successfully following lengthy instructions.
Remembering lengthy sentences containing some arbitrary content to be written down.
Keeping track of the place reached in the course of multi-level tasks.
M. xxxxxxx may well need more support in relation to basic arithmetic calculations and in manipulating
numbers. S/He may work better with visual information than verbal/written information when under pressure.
However, M. xxxxxxx may still take more time to:
Recognise simple visual patterns, and complete visual scanning tasks.
Make simple decisions, especially when under pressure.
Make decisions that require understanding of the material presented.
Potential behavioural manifestations that may need to be managed include:
Easily distracted.
Difficulty starting and following through with projects.
Inability to get organised.
Interrupting conversations to check understanding.
Reserved in group activities, rarely volunteering answers and sometimes not answering direct
Not seeing tasks through to completion.
Frequently losing hxx place in complicated tasks that s/he may eventually abandon.
Forgetting the content of messages and instructions.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
M. xxxxxxx may have difficulty in relation to:
Remembering plans or instructions of what to do next.
Comprehending long sentences, which is needed for reading comprehension.
Maintaining attention particularly when there are a lot of distractions.
Keeping information in memory when problem-solving.
Useful learning strategies evolve around minimising memory-related failures, and supporting hxx mental
processing as follows:
Look out for warning signs of memory overload in M. xxxxxxx such as incomplete recall and task
Use visual cues to support working memory, i.e. different colours to represent different components
of written material.
Regularly repeat information to M. xxxxxxx that is crucial to on-going activities.
Ask M. xxxxxxx to repeat an instruction back in order to check hxx understanding.
Allow M. xxxxxxx longer response times in verbal and written tasks.
Reduce the amount of work M. xxxxxxx needs to complete in complex tasks, i.e. bite size.
Processing Speed Summary
Processing speed generally refers to the varying speed with which individuals are able to perform cognitive
activities such as the recognition of simple stimuli. Higher speed in cognitive processing usually allows more
information to be acquired in a shorter time span enabling the individual to absorb and master materials of
higher levels. Processing speed measures abilities to focus attention and quickly scan, discriminate between,
and sequentially order visual information. It requires persistence and planning ability, but is sensitive to
motivation, difficulty working under a time pressure, and motor coordination. It is related to working memory
in that increased processing speed can decrease the load placed on working memory, while decreased
processing speed can impair the effectiveness of working memory.
M. xxxxxxx’s processing speed is borderline, and combined with hxx extremely low working memory, s/he is
likely to show minimal adeptness in relation to remembering instructions presented to hxx. S/He is likely to
demonstrate a moderately effective decision making capacity in relation to practical tasks presented to hxx.
S/He is likely to respond well to either/or options and simply worded instructions in development and learning
M. xxxxxxx may take a lot more time to:
Recognise simple visual patterns in visual scanning tasks.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Undertake certain tasks that require quick simple decision making.
Perform basic arithmetic calculations and manipulate numbers, since these operations will not be
automatic for hxx.
Perform reasoning tasks under a time pressure.
Make decisions that require understanding of the material presented.
Copy words or sentences correctly or to formulate and write passages.
To support both processing speed and working memory, the key instructional strategy for M. xxxxxxx should
incorporate, as a primary, the following:
Allow M. xxxxxxx longer response times in more complex tasks and keep any written instruction
Reduce the amount of work M. xxxxxxx needs to complete in complex tasks, i.e. bite size.
Possible Causes of Significantly Low Subtest Scores
1. Vocabulary: Poor verbal facility or limited educational background.
2. Similarities: Poor reasoning ability; weak abstract reasoning and thinking skills; poor logical thinking
skills; poor verbal facility; concrete thinking skills or inability to deal with ideas on a symbolic level.
3. Arithmetic: Poor calculation skills; poor short-term verbal memory; distractibility; poor concentration
or low facility with numbers.
4. Information: Poor memory or limited educational background.
1. Please carry out a cognitive assessment of M. xxxxxxx and advise on hxx overall level of functioning.
95% Confidence
Full Scale IQ
58 - 66
Extremely Low
M. xxxxxxx’s Full Scale IQ is at the 0.5
percentile; meaning 99.5% of hxx norm group, i.e. 25 - 29 year olds
would score above this score.
Please refer to pages 8 and 9 for full numerical analysis.
2. Please advise as to how information should be given to M. xxxxxxx, taking into account the findings of
hxx cognitive assessment.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
In relation to M. xxxxxxx’s cognitive assessment, overall, hxx level of cognitive functioning is extremely low.
Therefore, in the context of litigation instruction, M. xxxxxxx may need to be given more time to process the
information, advice and options presented to hxx.
It will also be important to gauge hxx understanding, in hxx own words, of what has been presented to hxx, in
order to ascertain what components of instruction have been retained and understood.
Finally, it may be important to check, through simple questioning, that M. xxxxxxx appreciates the pros, cons
of the various options presented to hxx.
There are a number of factors that may impact hxx information processing, and these may well need to be
compensated for in meetings with M. xxxxxxx, i.e. s/he may demonstrate one or more of the following during
Short-term memory problems.
Question repetition requirement.
Forgetting what has been discussed within a short timeframe.
Cannot remember events of past few days.
Communication and Language
Comprehending long sentences, which is needed for reading comprehension.
Difficulty finding words frequently.
Trouble staying on topic.
Comprehension problems.
Flexibility and Adaptability
Difficulty comparing alternatives.
Difficulty adjusting to strategy changes.
Given M. xxxxxxx’ extremely low FSIQ, it is likely s/he is able to demonstrate only a minimal capability across
the following:
Attention to detail.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Planning and organisation.
M. xxxxxxx may well exhibit problems in responding to more complex verbal and written instruction. It may
be necessary to allow longer response times when working with written and/or complex verbal instruction.
Repetition will be important when presenting written materials.
Comprehension strategies may prove necessary to help support M. xxxxxxx’s understanding of written
Monitoring and checking hxx comprehension and understanding through questioning will be important
when interacting with M. xxxxxxx.
The following may also prove useful:
Reducing the overall amount of material to be stored (e.g. shortening sentences to be written or
number of items to be remembered).
Increasing the meaningfulness and degree of familiarity of the material to be remembered.
Simplifying the linguistic structures of verbal material.
The following interactional contingencies may go some way to support M. xxxxxxx within due process:
1. Begin any interview with simple questions requiring brief responses to assess M. xxxxxxx’s
understanding and optimal pace.
2. Conduct business at a slower pace to allow M. xxxxxxx time to process and digest information.
3. Allow extra time for responses to questions, as “word-finding” may decline with an extremely low
4. Break information into smaller, manageable segments.
5. Discuss one issue at a time, to avoid divided attention between two simultaneous tasks.
6. Provide cues to assist recall rather than expecting spontaneous retrieval of information.
7. Repeat, paraphrase, summarise, and check periodically for accuracy of communication and
8. Provide simple summary notes, and go through these with hxx. Include key points, decisions to be
made, and documents to bring to next meeting.
9. Schedule appointments for times of the day when M. xxxxxxx is at peak performance this will need
to be monitored.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
On the basis of M. xxxxxxx’s extremely low level of function, I would conclude, given the evidence, it is likely
M. xxxxxxx will require the reasonable interactional adjustments within due process outlined above, and an
intermediary would be necessary to assist in this regard.
The statement referenced above represents a summary in relation to M. xxxxxxx’s capability when working
within complex environments and any consequent reasonable adjustments that may need to be made are
contained within my report. It is in no way intended to represent a formal or informal statement of capacity in
absolute terms.
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Statement of Truth
"I confirm that insofar as the facts stated in my report are within my own knowledge I have made clear which
they are and I believe them to be true, and that the opinions I have expressed represent my true and
complete professional opinion."
Mr. Mike Crimes B.Sc. (HONS) M.Sc. C.Psychol. C.Sci. AFBPsS
Chartered Occupational Psychologist & Chartered Scientist
Cognitive Assessment Court Report
Mike can also be contacted via LinkedIN – Os2i.