DeBordieu Colony
Rental Policies,
Procedures &
Table of Contents
Section 1 Purpose & General Information ............................................................ 1
1.1 Purpose................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Applicability ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.3. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 1
Emergency Contact ................................................................................................................ 1
Gate Pass ................................................................................................................................ 1
Gate Pass System ................................................................................................................... 1
Guest and/or Visitor............................................................................................................... 1
Renter and/or Tenant ............................................................................................................ 1
Short-Term Rental .................................................................................................................. 1
Short-Term Renter ................................................................................................................. 1
Short-Term Renter Guest ....................................................................................................... 1
Long-Term Rental ................................................................................................................... 2
Long-Term Renter .................................................................................................................. 2
Property ................................................................................................................................. 2
Property Owner ..................................................................................................................... 2
Property Owner in Good Standing ......................................................................................... 2
Rental Pass Portal .................................................................................................................. 2
Rental Registry ....................................................................................................................... 2
Security Verification Code (SVC) ............................................................................................ 2
Sheriff's Deputy ...................................................................................................................... 2
DCCA Officer .......................................................................................................................... 2
Property Owner/Self-Managed Rental .................................................................................. 2
Rental Management Company .............................................................................................. 2
Property Management ........................................................................................................... 2
Section 2 Gate Pass System Account & Rental Registration ................................... 2
2.1 DCCA Gate Pass System Account ........................................................................................... 2
2.2 Rental Property Registration Required .................................................................................. 3
2.2.1 Rental Registry Expiration ............................................................................................... 3
2.2.2 Transfer of Rental Registration ....................................................................................... 4
2.2.3 Enforcement ................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.4 Documentation and Disputes ......................................................................................... 4
Section 3 Renter Gate Passes ................................................................................. 4
3.1 Long-Term Rental Gate Passes ............................................................................................... 4
3.2 Short-Term Rental Gate Passes .............................................................................................. 4
3.3 Requesting Passes .................................................................................................................. 4
3.4 Purchasing and Distributing Gate Passes ........................................................................... 5
3.4.1 Gate Pass Fees ................................................................................................................ 5
3.4.2 Rental Management Company Gate Passes ................................................................... 5
3.4.3 Property Owner, Self-Managed Rental Gate Passes ...................................................... 5
3.4.4. Long-Term Renter Guests Gate Passes ........................................................................... 6
3.4.5 Short-Term Renter Additional Gate Passes .................................................................... 6
3.4.6 Refunds ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.4.7 Gate Pass Limits .............................................................................................................. 6
3.4.8 Gate Pass Display ............................................................................................................ 7
Section 4 DCCA Rules & Regulations and Roles of DCCA Officers ........................... 7
4.1 Authority ................................................................................................................................ 7
4.2 Enforcement ........................................................................................................................... 7
4.3. Property Owner Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 7
4.4. DCCA Officer Responsiveness and Assistance ....................................................................... 8
Section 5 DCCA Rules & Regulations ...................................................................... 8
5.1 Renter Education/Orientation ............................................................................................... 8
5.2 DCCA Rules & Regulations Summary ..................................................................................... 9
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Section 1 Purpose & General Information
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to gather all rental-related policies into a single, owner-friendly
document. The objective in creating rental policies is to balance the economic needs of owners
who offer their property for rent with a quality of life expected by owners who do not, while
ensuring the behaviors of one group do not adversely impact the other. By doing so, the goal of the
policies is to help maintain the overall character and desirability of DeBordieu Colony for all who
live, visit and vacation in the community. In the event of any conflicts between this document and
the DCCA Covenants or Bylaws, the Covenants and Bylaws take precedence.
1.2 Applicability
The DCCA Rental Policies are applicable to all properties within DeBordieu Colony that are subject
to the Covenants, unless a property has more restrictive rules governing rentals.
1.3. Definitions
Defined terms used in this document shall have the meanings set forth in DCCA's Covenants and
Bylaws and Rules & Regulations. Defined terms used herein that are not defined in DCCA's
Covenants and Bylaws or Rules & Regulations shall have the definitions set forth below:
Emergency Contact: The Property Owner or agent or individual designated by the Property Owner
to be a 24-hour local contact. The Emergency Contact must be located within 50 miles and able to
respond to the property within two hours of receiving notice of a violation or emergency situation.
Gate Pass: A paper pass, barcode, or any other device issued by DCCA to facilitate entry to
DeBordieu Colony.
Gate Pass System: The DCCA access software system and mobile app or process setup to manage
entry to DeBordieu Colony.
Guest and/or Visitor: Persons invited by a Property Owner or long-term Tenant to visit within
DeBordieu Colony. Guest has the same meaning as Visitor. The term Guest does not include Short-
Term Renter Guests.
Renter and/or Tenant: Shall have the definition set forth by the Rules & Regulations “Rental
Guests”. The term Renter shall also mean the same as Tenant.
Short-Term Rental: Any rental or other occupancy arrangement that does not exceed thirty-one
(31) consecutive days.
Short-Term Renter: A Renter under a Short-Term Rental Agreement.
Short-Term Renter Guest: A guest of the Short-Term Renter who is expressly identified as the
Short-Term Renter in the rental agreement.
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Long-Term Rental: A rental or other occupancy arrangement pursuant to a lease or other written
agreement for a period exceeding thirty-one (31) consecutive days.
Long-Term Renter: A renter under a long-term rental lease agreement.
Property: Refers to the lands in Georgetown County, SC, known as DeBordieu Colony, as shown on
Exhibit “A” attached to the Covenants; or to any specific platted lot or residence within the
Property, as the sense of the sentence shall require.
Property Owner: Shall have the definition set forth in the Covenants “Owner”.
Property Owner in Good Standing: Shall have the definition set forth in the Bylaws “Association
Member in Good Standing.
Rental Pass Portal: Refers to a feature of the DCCA Gate Pass System which allows Rental
Management Company/Owner/manager to enter renter names via manual entry or spreadsheet
Rental Registry: DCCA required annual registration of any property that will be available for rentals.
Security Verification Code (SVC): A confidential, unique word and/or number assigned to each
property, which identifies the property owner in the DCCA Gate Pass System and gives DCCA Safety
& Security Officers an ID code.
Sheriff's Deputy: Any officer employed by Georgetown County Sheriff's office or other
governmental policing authority having jurisdiction within DeBordieu Colony.
DCCA Officer: Any employee of the DCCA Safety & Security department or contractor of a third-
party private security company engaged by DCCA.
Property Owner/Self-Managed Rental: Refers to a Vacation Rental by Owner, Airbnb or other similar
property rental system used by Property Owners who self-manage their rentals.
Rental Management Company: Is a company a Property Owner contracts with to manage rental of
their Property.
Property Management: This includes management of a Rental Property, both Property Owner/Self-
Managed Rentals and Rental Management Company.
Section 2 Gate Pass System Account & Rental Registration
2.1 DCCA Gate Pass System Account
Each Property is assigned a unique residential Security Verification Code (SVC) in the Gate Pass
System. This confidential SVC is assigned to Property Owners upon purchase of a Property. The
SVC can be changed by the Property Owner upon request to DCCA. The SVC identifies the user in
the Gate Pass System and to DCCA Officers. The SVC is strictly confidential.
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Property Owner information maintained within the Gate Pass System includes the Property Owner
name, contact address, telephone number, email address, motor vehicle information and
Emergency Contact information.
The accuracy of Property Owner information is critical in the event of an emergency. Therefore,
Property Owners are required to provide DCCA with Emergency Contact information upon rental
registration, and must review this information at least annually for accuracy to keep their Gate Pass
System account records up to date.
2.2 Rental Property Registration Required
All Property Owners who rent their properties as either long-term or short-term rentals must
register their Property with DCCA for the Rental Property Registry prior to the first rental and
update this information as prescribed by the DCCA. This allows DCCA to enter information on the
Property, Property Management Company and/or Property Owner into the Gate Pass System so
renter reservations can be uploaded or manually entered into the system.
If a Property is used for rental and is sold or transferred to a new Property Owner who intends to
rent the property, that new Property Owner is required to register the property with DCCA for the
Rental Property Registry prior to the first rental event. Registration is at no cost to the Property
The purpose of the Rental Property Registry is to provide DCCA with information to expeditiously
contact the Property Owner, Rental Management Company or both regarding any incident if a
Sheriff's Deputy or DCCA Officer is summoned to a Property. It is also the validating process for
situations where Property Owners allow other persons or companies to manage the property on
their behalf.
At a minimum, a Property Owner who rents their Property is required to provide the property
address, Property Owner's name, email address, telephone number, Emergency Contact
information and Rental Management Company name, telephone number and email address. If the
Property is owned in whole or part by a legal entity (trust, corporation, LLC, partnership, etc.), the
identifying information prescribed above for individual owners shall be provided for each natural
person having an ownership or beneficial interest in the owning entity. In addition, a copy of any
registration document or good-standing certificate required for the owning entity to operate in
South Carolina shall be provided as a condition of registration in DeBordieu Colony.
2.2.1 Rental Registry Expiration
DCCA Rental Registrations are valid for a term of one calendar year. All registrations expire annually
on December 31 and must be renewed annually. Prior to expiration date, the DCCA will issue an
email reminder enabling the Property Owner to review all information, make any revisions and
complete an online renewal within 30 days. The DCCA is not responsible for Property Owners who
fail to update their email contact information.
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2.2.2 Transfer of Rental Registration
Rental registrations are only valid for the Property Owner who registered the Property. Rental
registrations are non-transferable.
2.2.3 Enforcement
Failure to register a Rental Property or renew a Registration shall result in non-issuance of gate
passes for Renters, Short-Term Renter Guests or Visitors for that Property until registration is
2.2.4 Documentation and Disputes
Rental registry or non-response violations will result in DCCA providing a written communication to
the Property Owner and Rental Management Company detailing the incidents and violation
assessments, if any. If a dispute arises, the Property Owner may appeal to the Grievance
Committee per DCCA Bylaw provisions.
Section 3 Renter Gate Passes
3.1 Long-Term Rental Gate Passes
Long-Term Renters are entitled to obtain a Gate Pass in the form of a barcode. Barcodes for Long-
Term Renters are valid only for the term of the lease and expire on the last day of the lease unless a
signed lease extension is presented to DCCA. Long-Term Renters identified on the lease are
entitled to one barcode per vehicle (see Appendix 1), based upon number of bedrooms, registered
at that property address, with a maximum of four vehicles. Upon presentation of the lease, DCCA
will create a unique Gate Pass System account and SVC specifically for the Long-Term Renter. Long-
Term Renters are not permitted to use the Property Owner Gate Access Account or SVC number.
3.2 Short-Term Rental Gate Passes
Short-Term Renters are required to obtain a Gate Pass for each vehicle used by the Short-Term
Renter and Short-Term Renter guests. Gate passes issued to Short-Term Renters cannot be used
for any other purpose, such as, but not limited to, Rental Management Company entry, commercial
contractor work, Short-Term Renter guests, deliveries or domestic cleaning. Failure to comply with
these rules may result in a citation/violation assessment to the Property Owner and/or the Short-
Term Renter. In the event of repeated or extreme violations the Renter’s access may be revoked.
For the Short-Term Renter's education purposes, some community/rental rules are included with
the Short-Term Renter’s Gate Pass.
3.3 Requesting Passes
Short-Term Rental Gate Passes (Rental Management and Self-Managed)
Self-managed Property Owners or Rental Management Companies are required to obtain Short-
Term Renter gate passes a minimum of one week in advance of the arrival date for distribution to
their Short-Term Renters. In order for self-managed Property Owners or Rental Management
Companies to request Short-Term Rental gate passes, the Property Owner must be a Property
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Owner in good standing and have a current valid DCCA rental property registration. During the
registration process, if managed by a Rental Management Company, the Property Owner must
designate the Rental Management Company as an authorized representative of the Property
Owner and grant them permission to enter rental gate passes into the online Gate Pass System.
Gate passes for Short-Term Renters must be entered into the DCCA Gate Pass System via the online
Rental Pass Portal. Short-Term Renters MUST be designated as "Short-Term Renters" in the Gate
Pass System. The first step for the Rental Management Company or self-managed Property Owner
is to ascertain the number of vehicles that are anticipated for each Short-Term Rental, and enter
that number into the Gate Pass System with the initial reservation.
The number of Short-Term Renter gate passes permitted must not exceed the number of
bedrooms in the rental property. Some sub-associations may have more restrictive parking
regulations; it is the responsibility of the Rental Management Company to comply with these
Enforcement actions may be taken against the Rental Management Company and/or Property
Owner for failure to use the Rental Pass Portal to designate Short-Term Renters.
3.4 Purchasing and Distributing Gate Passes
3.4.1 Gate Pass Fees
Short and Long-Term Renter gate passes are subject to a fee schedule (see Appendix 1) established
by the DCCA and must be paid prior to the Renter gaining access to the community. Failure to
make timely payment for issued gate passes will be subject to enforcement action including but not
limited to suspension of Gate Pass issuance, and other remedies available under South Carolina
3.4.2 Rental Management Company Gate Passes
Rental Management Companies are required to obtain Short-Term Renter gate passes a minimum
of one week in advance of the arrival date for distribution to their Short-Term Renters. This will
allow the rental company to provide the Short-Term Renter with the QR code for the DCCA officer
to print the Gate Pass and expedite the entry process at the Gatehouse. Any Short-Term Renter
arriving without a printed Gate Pass or the QR code for their rental will be turned away and
directed to contact the Rental Management Company or Property Owner.
Payment of all applicable fees must be made to DCCA for each Gate Pass based on the date the
Gate Pass request was entered into the Gate Pass System (not the date of Short-Term Renter
arrival). Failure to make timely payment may result in non-issuance of gate passes for all DCCA
properties managed by the Self-Managed Rental or Rental Management Company.
3.4.3 Property Owner, Self-Managed Rental Gate Passes
Property Owners who rent their Property without the assistance of a rental company may elect to
pick up their Short-Term Renter Gate Pass(es) a minimum of one week in advance of the arrival
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date and provide personal delivery to their Short-Term Renter. This will provide the Short-Term
Renter with a Gate Pass prior to arrival and expedite the entry process at the Gatehouse. Payment
of all applicable fees must be made to DCCA for each Gate Pass based on the date the Gate Pass
request was entered into the Gate Pass System (not the date of Short-Term Renter arrival).
Alternatively, the Property Owner may choose to have their Renter pick up the Gate Pass at the
Gatehouse. The Short-Term Renter must be provided with and present the QR code generated by
the Gate Pass System for each Renter vehicle going to the Property.
3.4.4. Long-Term Renter Guests Gate Passes
Long-Term Renters who are expressly identified in rental documents may authorize entry of Long-
Term Renter’s guests as an implicit right delegated by the renting Property Owner. Long-Term
Renter guests should be entered by contacting the DCCA Gatehouse. DCCA recommends that
Property Owners who rent their Property include terms of Long-Term Renter guests' access in their
rental agreements. The Property Owner (if property is self-managed), or Rental Management
Company is responsible for enforcing the terms of their contracts.
3.4.5 Short-Term Renter Additional Gate Passes
Occasionally, Short-Term Renters may need additional gate passes to accommodate their Short-
Term Renter guests. In some cases, gate passes are needed for additional vehicles that were not
planned during the rental booking. In other cases, gate passes may be needed for people visiting
the Short-Term Renter. Short-Term Renters are not authorized to request gate passes themselves
through the DCCA Gate Pass System. A Renter may request up to four (4) daily Renter Guest Passes
by contacting the rental company who coordinated their rental. Day passes must be visible in any
visitor guest vehicles. Enforcement action may be taken against the Rental Management
Company/Renter, and/or Property Owner for abuse of the visitor day pass policy. DCCA
recommends that Property Owners who rent their Property include terms of Short-Term Renter
guests' access in their rental agreements. The Property Owner (if the property is self-managed), or
Rental Management Company is responsible for enforcing the terms of their contracts.
3.4.6 Refunds
If a Short-Term Renter cancels their reservation prior to the arrival date, both Property Owners and
Rental Management Companies should immediately remove them from the Short-Term Renter list.
Refund requests for unused vehicles will be considered by DCCA on a case-by-case basis for passes
that are not utilized.
3.4.7 Gate Pass Limits
No parking is permitted on any landscaped portions of improved properties. Parking is limited to
only those designated driveway, garage, and guest parking areas whose surfaces are designed to
accommodate vehicles and have been approved by the DCCA Architectural Review Board.
Therefore, Property Owners and Rental Management Companies must designate a maximum
number of gate passes that may be issued for each property. The maximum vehicle pass limit shall
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be specified in the rental agreement for the specific property and enforced by the Property Owner
or Rental Management Company, but must not exceed one per bedroom.
3.4.8 Gate Pass Display
Gate passes for renters and for guests of renters shall be prominently displayed in vehicles at all
times. When a vehicle is parked at any location inside the main gate, gate passes shall be
prominently displayed on the vehicle’s drivers side dashboard so that all information is clearly
visible from the outside of the vehicle. Failure to display a Gate Pass for entry and/or parking may
result in a citation and violation assessment.
Section 4 DCCA Rules & Regulations and Roles of DCCA Officers
4.1 Authority
The DCCA Covenants and Bylaws provide the authority for DCCA Officers to enforce DCCA Rules &
Regulations and provide access control for the DCCA. DCCA Officers are authorized to observe and
take reasonable steps to prevent trespass, property damage, personal injury, theft, vandalism,
nuisance or disturbance. Failure to abide by the DCCA Rules & Regulations may result in DCCA
Officer requests for assistance of Sheriff Deputies as circumstances warrant. DCCA Officers may
issue citations for any violation of the DCCA Rules & Regulations. Violations may result in fines as
outlined in the DCCA Fine Schedule.
4.2 Enforcement
DCCA values and emphasizes the safety of Property Owners, their family members, guests and
renters. DCCA Officers are authorized to enforce DCCA Rules & Regulations created to maintain
safety. To that end, DCCA Officers may conduct radar speed controls, perform traffic stops for
moving violations (such as speeding, operating a golf cart without a license and failure to stop
where indicated), enforce parking rules on DCCA property, and issue citations for violations of any
DCCA Rules & Regulations. DCCA Officers are not responsible to respond to incidents/violations
outside DeBordieu Colony.
4.3. Property Owner Responsibilities
Property Owners are responsible for the conduct of their family members, guests, renters and
contractors, whether or not the Property Owner is present at the time violations occur. If any
family member, guest, renter or contractor violates the DCCA Covenants and Bylaws or any Rules &
Regulations, the Board may take enforcement action, including but not limited to imposing fines
and assessments. Fines shall first be imposed on such violator. The Property Owner will be notified
of violations or fines related to rental guests. If the violator does not pay the fine within the time
set by the Board or its designee, the Property Owner shall be liable for payment of the fine as an
assessment upon notice from the Board. Failure to pay the assessment may result in a lien against
the property and/or other legal action as specified in the Covenants.
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4.4. DCCA Officer Responsiveness and Assistance
DCCA Officers may need to visit a property under a wide range of circumstances to help address
noise, parking, DCCA Rules & Regulations violations, assist emergency responders, etc. For any
medical or other emergency, Property Owners, family members, guests and renters should contact
911, not the Gatehouse.
DCCA Officers will continue to address routine situations without the need for Property Owner or
Rental Management Company involvement. In the vast majority of cases, DCCA Officers are able to
resolve issues without the need for Property Owner or Rental Management Company assistance.
Sheriff’s Deputies are a backup resource and can be summoned if needed. In the event Sheriff's
Deputies and/or DCCA Officers are summoned to a Property, the Rental Property registry contact
information is used as a proactive courtesy to notify the Property Owner and Rental Management
Company of the findings and outcome.
There are also situations where DCCA Officers need the assistance of the Rental Management
Company or Property Owner to resolve matters in a timely manner. Examples include: Renter,
Guest and Short-Term Rental Guest lockouts, lost Renter, Guest and Short-Term Renter gate
passes, repeated and excessive rules violations, changing flat tires, providing jumpstarts, taking out
or replacing trash cans, rendering personal assistance inside a residence, carrying groceries, and
house checks unless connected with alleged crime in progress, vandalism or on-going sounding
In those limited situations when a Property Owner and/or Rental Management Company is
contacted by DCCA through use of their Rental Property Registry and DCCA is unable to
immediately reach the Property Owner and/or Rental Management Company, the Property Owner
and/or Rental Management Company must return the call to DCCA within two hours to provide as
rapid a response as possible. If there are more than three separate instances of non-responses
within the required two-hour period, the Property Owner or Rental Management Company shall be
required to speak with a DCCA representative. If DCCA is not satisfied with the ability or willingness
of the property owner to conform to the response policy, the issuance of rental gate passes to that
property may be suspended.
Section 5 DCCA Rules & Regulations
5.1 Renter Education/Orientation
To promote DCCA's ongoing emphasis on safety and to foster a positive experience for Renters, it is
important that Renters are educated and aware of community rules and regulations and behavioral
expectations. To facilitate the process, DCCA provides informational materials to Renters upon
arrival. To that end, DCCA continues to develop educational materials specifically geared to
Renters booking via Rental Management Companies or Property Owner will be required to view a
short video that provides information on DCCA Rules & Regulations. A link that can be emailed to
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renters will be provided to Rental Companies and Property Owner. The software will allow renters
to acknowledge that they have reviewed the DCCA Rules & Regulations prior to their arrival.
5.2 DCCA Rules & Regulations Summary
Listed below is a summary of the most important community regulations and policies that apply to
all who live, visit, or vacation within DeBordieu Colony. Rental Management Companies and
Property Owners are requested to provide this information to their Renters as part of the rental
agreement. A complete copy of DCCA Rules & Regulations can be found on the DeBordieu Colony
Property Owners are required to register with the DCCA for short and long-term rentals.
Signage inside short-term rental property shall show telephone access to local Property
Owner or Rental Management Company.
Rental management Companies and Property Owners are required to provide this
information to their Renters as part of their rental agreement.
CALL 911, not the Gatehouse, for medical and other emergencies.
Rental gate passes issued to Short-Term Renters and their guests must be prominently
displayed when entering DeBordieu and when a vehicle is parked.
Rental gate passes issued to Short-Term Renters are not valid for commercial work, Rental
Management Companies, domestic cleaners, short-term rental guests.
Garbage and trash must be kept in sealed bags and placed in closed containers on rental
Do not hang towels or clothing where visible from the street or other properties.
Parking is permitted in driveways, guest parking areas, and garages. Parking is not
permitted on landscaped areas, lawns, pine straw or mulch. Parking on the roadside is
discouraged and prohibited overnight (11:00pm 7:00am).
Pets only permitted in pet-friendly rentals and must be leashed when outdoors. Pet owners
are responsible for clean-up of their pet’s waste. Pets are required to have owner
identification tags and must also have current vaccinations against rabies.
Speed limit is 25 mph unless otherwise posted.
Motorcycles, mopeds, go-carts, campers, recreational vehicles, gasoline powered golf
carts/hybrids, ATV's or comparable vehicles, farm or utility type vehicles and similar
motorized vehicles are prohibited within DeBordieu Colony.
Golf cart operators must be at least 16 years of age and hold a valid driver’s license. SC
code of law permits operation during daylight hours only.
State licensed low speed vehicles (LSV) are permitted and may only be operated by licensed
drivers on roads. SC code of laws permits operation on roads with a 35 mph maximum
speed limit during daylight hours and at night.
No parking within 15-ft. of a fire hydrant.
Pedestrians have the right-of-way. Pedestrians walk against traffic, cyclists ride with the
flow of traffic. Cyclists must ride single file and observe all traffic regulations.
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Excessively noisy or nuisance behavior is prohibited.
Georgetown County Noise Ordinance quiet hours (11:00 pm - 7:00 am) will be monitored
and repeat offenders will receive citations or fines.
Fireworks and discharge of weapons or firearms are prohibited.
Beach fires are prohibited.
Don't disturb, harass or feed wildlife.
Keep off sand dunes and do not disturb sea oats and other dune vegetation as protected by
SC law.
Between May 1 to October 31, all exterior lights on any structures visible from the beach
must be turned off for sea turtle protection.
Do not dig holes any deeper than two feet and fill them in before leaving beach. Do not
leave any items on the beach overnight.
Do not disturb turtle nests on beach.
Littering within DeBordieu or on the beach is prohibited.
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Appendix 1: Fee Schedule
DCCA Renter Gate Access Pass Fee Schedule
Refer to Section 3 “Renter Gate Passes” of the “DCCA Rental Policies, Procedures and Guidelines”
for further information.
Short Term Rentals: 1-31 nights = $20.00/week per vehicle pass
Long Term Rentals: 32-365 nights = $50.00 per barcode
DeBordieu Colony Community Association Rental Policies, Procedures & Guidelines
This document is filed in compliance with S.C. Code of Laws, Section 27-30-110 (“South Carolina
Homeowner’s Association Act”). These Rental Policies, Procedures & Guidelines are applicable to
property located within DeBordieu Colony, and are in conjunction with the Covenants and
Restrictions dated May 9, 1986 and recorded in Book 235, at page 805, and the Bylaws recorded
February 13, 1998 in Book 235, at Page 805, Georgetown County Registrar of Deeds.