of Absence/Other Leaves With Pay
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Benefits and Privileges: APM - 758 - Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves With Pay
In addition to the special types of leaves listed in APM - 700 through 752, leaves of absence
with full pay for other good cause may be granted to academic appointees. Academic
appointees may use available paid leave options during an approved bereavement or
reproductive loss leave, as described below. Leaves of absence to perform service for an
outside agency (including corporations, individuals and institutions) when such service is
compensated by the outside agency are not granted with pay except for leaves that come
within APM - 750.
Bereavement Leave
A leave of absence of up to ten (10) working days per death may be granted in the event of
the death of an appointee's child, parent, spouse, domestic partner, sibling, grandparent, or
grandchild. In-laws or step relatives in the relationships listed, including relatives of the
domestic partner who would be covered if the domestic partner were the appointee's spouse,
are also covered. This provision also covers other persons residing in the appointee's
household. A leave of absence of up to five (5) days per calendar year may be granted for
the death of an individual who is not a family member. Bereavement leave does not need to
be taken consecutively.
Academic appointees may use accrued sick or vacation leave for pay during an approved
bereavement leave. For academic appointees who do not accrue sick leave, Chancellors may
grant leave with pay up to the maximums above.
Reproductive Loss Leave
An eligible academic appointee may take up to five (5) days of reproductive loss leave following a
reproductive loss by the academic appointee, by the academic appointee’s current spouse or
domestic partner, or by another individual if the academic appointee would have been a parent of a
child had the reproductive loss not occurred. “Reproductive loss” means a failed adoption, failed
surrogacy, miscarriage, stillbirth, or an unsuccessful assisted reproduction.
1) To be eligible for reproductive loss leave, an academic appointee must have been
employed by the University for at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the
commencement of the leave. An appointee must complete the reproductive loss leave
within three months of the reproductive loss, but if the appointee is taking leave (under the
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the California Family Rights Act (CFRA),
California’s Pregnancy Disability Leave Law (PDLL), or any other leave entitlement
under state or federal law) prior to or immediately following the reproductive loss, then the
appointee must complete the reproductive loss leave within three (3) months of the end
of Absence/Other Leaves With Pay
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date of the other leave.
2) If an eligible academic appointee experiences more than one reproductive loss, the
appointee may take up to a total of twenty (20) days of reproductive loss leave within a
calendar year (up to five (5) days for each reproductive loss). Reproductive loss leave
need not be taken on consecutive days.
3) Reproductive loss leave is unpaid, but appointees may elect to use accrued vacation leave,
sick leave, and/or paid medical leave (if applicable) for pay during a reproductive loss
For academic appointees who do not accrue sick leave, Chancellors may grant
leave with pay up to the maximums above.
4) The University will maintain the confidentiality of any academic appointee requesting
reproductive loss leave and will not disclose such information except to internal personnel
or counsel, as necessary, or as required by law.
Jury Duty Leave
An academic appointee shall be eligible for a leave of absence with pay when serving
required jury duty. Appointees shall promptly notify their department chair (or other
designated individual) of their required jury service. If selected for a jury, the appointee shall
continue to receive pay for the period of actual service, at the appointee's regular rate and
appointment percentage. An appointee who serves required jury duty on a holiday observed
by the University is normally eligible for holiday pay but does not receive an alternate day
off. Verification of actual service for jury duty shall be provided by the appointee to the
appointee's department upon request. During the period of jury duty, the appointee is
expected to be in service on regularly scheduled days on which the jury is excused from
Administrative Leave in Lieu of Sabbatical
An appointee who holds an administrative position and who is eligible for a sabbatical leave
may be eligible for an administrative leave with pay in lieu of a sabbatical leave. The
purpose of this leave is to allow administrators to devote effort to their research that may
have been interrupted by administrative service.
The length and percent time of the leave depend on the amount of sabbatical leave credits
accrued. All the provisions of APM - 740 governing sabbatical leave apply, with the
addition of two provisions regarding the calculation of an appointee's "regular salary" as
defined in APM - 740-18-a.
The regular salary rate includes an administrative stipend or administrative salary of
an appointee who, immediately before the administrative leave, holds an
administrative post to which the appointee will return immediately following the
leave for a period equivalent to at least one academic year.
of Absence/Other Leaves With Pay
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The regular salary rate is based on the administrative salary of an appointee who has
held a full-time administrative position that is eligible to accrue sabbatical leave
credit as is listed in APM - 740-11-c for five years or more, who has not taken a
sabbatical leave or an administrative leave in those years, and who takes an
administrative leave of up to one year immediately after the end of this
administrative service. The pay and term for the administrative leave in lieu of
sabbatical, whether fiscal or academic year, will be based on either the current
administrative or faculty rate contingent upon when sabbatical leave credits were
accrued. The salary rate for that portion of the leave compensated at the
administrative salary rate is ineligible for any increase. The faculty salary rate is
subject to any change that may result from salary scale adjustments or academic
personnel review during the period of the leave. For the requirement to return to
University service after the leave, see APM - 740-16-d.
In all cases the required number of sabbatical leave credits are forfeited upon
receipt of an administrative leave.
758-16 Restrictions
No leave of absence with pay shall be granted to a fiscal-year appointee for more than 30 days for
the purpose of attending international conferences and related scholarly activities. Time required
beyond 30 days for this purpose by fiscal-year appointees will be charged against accrued vacation.
Should it be necessary for a fiscal-year appointee to be away from campus for a time beyond that
allowed by the 30- day leave with pay plus accrued vacation time, such further leave, if approved by
the Chancellor, shall be granted only as a leave without pay. (See APM - 759.)
758-24 Authority
Authority to approve leaves of absence under this policy, not including the particular types of leaves
covered in APM - 700 through 752, is as follows:
a. Leaves for 12 months or less
Chancellors are authorized to approve leaves of absence under this policy for 12 months or
less for academic appointees in accordance with the general policy on leaves.
Leaves for more than 12 months
Leaves of absence under this policy for more than 12 months, other than sick leave, require
approval of the President.
Revision History
January 1, 2024:
Technical revisions to add reproductive loss leave consistent with California Government
Code section 12945.6.
of Absence/Other Leaves With Pay
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Language revised to clarify that bereavement leave does not need to be used on consecutive
July 01, 2021:
Substantive revisions to clarify intent of language and to add bereavement leave and jury
duty leave.
Technical revisions to remove gendered language and to correct minor grammatical errors.
For details on prior revisions, please visit the Academic Personnel and Programs website.