Q: Why is jury service important?
A: The right to trial by jury is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the California Constitution.
Jury trials cannot be held unless people, such as you, perform their jury service.
Q: What should I do if I receive a Jury Summons in the mail?
A: Please read the Jury Summons thoroughly. It informs you where, when, and how to report or call
in for jury service and provides contact information for our office.
Q: What will happen if I do not respond to a jury summons?
A: You may be found in contempt of court, punishable by fine and/or incarceration pursuant to
California Code of Civil Procedure Section 209.
Q: Why did I receive a Jury Duty Notice” postcard instead of a Jury Summons letter?
A: As of November 7, 2014, the Orange County Superior Court began issuing a double-sided postcard as
its Jury Summons in place of the Jury Summons letter. The new postcard format will reduce the cost of
printing and postage.
Q: What if I don’t have access to a computer and need to respond to my Jury Summons by submitting
my biographical information or a request for an excuse or disqualification?
A: If you don’t have access to a computer and cannot get access through a family member, friend, public
library or otherwise, please contact the Office of the Jury Commissioner by calling 657-622-7000.
Assistance with postponements and biographical information can be provided over the phone.
Requests for excuse, disqualification or exemption must be made in writing; a hard copy form can be
requested over the phone. If you prefer, you may visit the Jury Commissioner’s Office at any one of our
four court locations (Santa Ana, Westminster, Fullerton, or Newport Beach) prior to your service date to
make your request. Our normal business hours for counter assistance are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m.
Q: Where can I find my Jury ID and Group Number?
A: The Juror ID and Group Number are located on the back of your Jury Summons on the left hand side.
Q: What should I do if I lost my Jury Summons?
A: Please contact the Office of the Jury Commissioner at 657-622-7000 to obtain your service
Q: What do I do if I need special accommodations?
A: Please send an e-mail to juryservi[email protected]g with “ADA Request” in the subject line or contact
the Office of the Jury Commissioner at 657-622-7000 prior to your service date to inform jury staff of
any accommodations you will need such as a sign language interpreter, hearing amplification,
assistance with a wheelchair, special seating, closer parking, etc.
Q: What if I am a student?
A: Full-time students, including those living on campus at a school outside Orange County, are not
exempt from serving on jury duty. You may reschedule your jury service during quarter or semester
breaks through the eJuror online application at no later than five days prior
to your service date.
Q: What if I do not speak English?
A: You do not need to speak fluent English to serve as a juror. The court uses common, everyday
language that most people can understand. The work done by the courts affects all people, so it is
important that all communities be a part of our justice system. If you think you do not have sufficient
knowledge of the English language to act as a juror, you may submit a request for disqualification
through the eJuror online application at no later than five days prior to your
service date. Your request will be reviewed, and you may still be required to serve. If you have any
questions, you, or a friend or family member who speaks English, may contact the Office of the Jury
Commissioner at 657-622-7000 for assistance.
Q: How do names get selected to be summoned for jury duty?
A: Names are drawn randomly by computer from lists of registered voters, Franchise Tax Board and
Department of Motor Vehicles driver's license and identification card holders for Orange County.
The law requires a fair cross-section of each county's qualified residents to be available each day for
jury duty.
Q: How often can I be summoned for jury service?
A: Jurors may be summoned for jury service once every 12-month period. If you receive more than
one summons, this includes a summons from the Federal District Court, in a 12-month period,
please contact the Office of the Jury Commissioner at 657-622-7000.
Q: May I postpone my jury service to a more convenient time?
A: Jury service may be postponed for approximately 4 to 6 months, through the eJuror online
application at , no later than five days prior to your service date, or by calling
the Office of the Jury Commissioner at 657-622-7000.
Q: Why are prospective jurors instructed to call in for instructions?
A: Members of the public are randomly selected to serve as “call in” prospective jurors. All prospective
jurors call a prerecorded message starting on a Friday after 5:00 PM and continue to call in for no more
than 5 court days. Most prospective jurors will continue to call for morning reporting instructions after
5:00 PM while others may be asked to call mid-day for possible afternoon reporting instructions.
Prospective jurors are randomly selected for either group.
All call-in groups that are not asked to report by the end of their service week will have their service
deemed complete.
Q: How many days will I have to serve as a juror?
A: Jury service in Orange County is for one day or one trial. If you are not selected to serve on a trial by
the end of the first day and are not ordered by the Court to return for a second or subsequent day of
jury selection, your service will be complete. If you are selected to hear a case that continues beyond
one day, you will be required to serve until the trial is complete.
Q: How late will I be at the courthouse?
A: The Court's normal hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Prospective jurors should make
arrangements to remain the entire day.
Q: How can I request to be excused from jury service?
A: Prospective jurors may be excused from jury service only for extreme hardship. Requests to be
excused must be in writing and submitted to the Office of the Jury Commissioner prior to the
prospective juror's service date. The Court will only notify you if your request has been denied or if you
failed to report. Information regarding requests to be excused from service can be found on our
website at , and then click on Jury Service. You may also submit a request for an
excuse through the eJuror online application at, no later than five days prior
to the service date.
Q: Must I serve if I am not a United States citizen?
A: You are disqualified from jury service if you are not a U.S. citizen. You may submit a request for
disqualification through the eJuror online application at , no later than five
days prior to the service date, or in writing.
Q: I have moved and no longer live in Orange County. What do I do?
A: You are not eligible for jury service if you are not a resident of Orange County. You must inform the
court that you are not a resident of Orange County. You may submit a request for disqualification
through the eJuror online application at, no later than five days prior to the
service date, or in writing. Please change your residence information with the Department of Motor
Vehicles and Orange County Registrar of Voters so you will no longer be summoned for jury service in
Orange County.
Q: Do I have to perform jury service if I’m over 70 years of age?
A: There is no age exemption for jury service. If you are 70 years of age or older, the California Rules of
Court allow you to be excused due to a medical condition without a doctor’s note. You must inform the
court that you are not able to serve. Requests to be excused must be in writing and submitted to the
Office of the Jury Commissioner prior to the prospective juror's service date. You may also submit a
request for an excuse through the eJuror online application at , no later than
five days prior to the service date.
Q: Will I be paid for jury service?
A: Starting with the second day of service, jurors are paid $15.00 per day and 34 cents for each mile
traveled, roundtrip. Mileage is computed by an automated system based on your zip code. The system
computes the straight-line distance from your home to the court to which you have been summoned.
Jurors employed by a federal, state, local government entity, school district, Regents of the University of
California, public authority or by any public entity as defined in California Code of Civil Procedure section
481.200 who receive regular compensation and benefits while performing jury service, are not paid
juror fees.
Q: Does the Court reimburse for public transportation?
A: Per California Code of Civil Procedure Sec. 215(d)(2), jurors may request to receive reimbursement of
up to $12.00 (daily maximum) for the cost of public transit incurred. Public transit includes buses,
subways, light rail, commuter rails, trolleys, and ferries. Rideshare services such as Uber, Lyft and taxis
are not eligible. Jurors who choose this option will no longer be eligible to receive payment for mileage
and, if applicable, validation to cover parking fees.
To request reimbursement, please speak with a Jury Clerk on your first day of jury service.
Q: How soon will I receive my jury payment after I’ve completed my jury service?
A: Jurors generally will receive their payment checks 5 to 21 days after they complete their service.
Depending on dates of jury service, you could receive more than one check for total payment of all your
jury service dates.
Q: Does my employer have to pay me while I perform my jury service?
A: Employers are not required by law to compensate employees during their jury service. Once you
receive your summons, you should inform your employer regarding the date of service and ask what (if
any) written policies your employer has regarding jury service pay.
Q: Can my employer prevent me from serving as a juror?
A: California Labor Code Section 230(a) prohibits an employer from discharging or discriminating against
an employee for taking time off to serve as a juror. The employee, prior to taking such time off, must
give reasonable notice to the employer of the requirement to serve as a juror.
Q: May I be transferred to another court location?
A: Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 191, prospective jurors are randomly selected
to serve at a designated court location. Transferring jurors from one court location to another alters this
random selection. Therefore, only a true hardship is considered for transfer. The Office of the Jury
Commissioner considers each request on an individual basis.
Q: Are jurors subject to search when entering a court facility?
A: All courthouses are equipped with airport style weapon screening. Please do not bring any knives,
metal forks (plastic forks are permitted), scissors, handwork needles, metal fingernail files, tools, metal
chains, handcuff keys, or any items that may be deemed dangerous by the Sheriff’s Department.
Q: What should I wear to court?
A: Business casual attire is suggested. Shorts and tank tops are not appropriate courtroom attire. As the
room temperature of the jury assembly areas and courtrooms can be unpredictable, you may want to
bring a sweater or jacket.