Defense Information School
6500 Mapes Road
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-5620
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Digital Multimedia Course Prerequisite Verification
Potential DINFOS Digital Multimedia Course (DMC) Student:
We have received your request to register for the DMC. This course is open to military and civilian
personnel with a fundamental knowledge of, and currently involved in daily operations in visual
information (VI) and public affairs (PA) career fields. A fundamental knowledge is defined as two years
of experience within the last five years, including operational skills in the following types of software:
Raster-based graphic design, Vector-based graphic design, and Digital page layout. Experience using
these fundamental skills is necessary to prepare you for this fast-paced, intermediate level course.
Prerequisites for the DMC will not be not waived and must be verified as well as approved in order for
you to be enrolled in the course. International students are strongly encouraged to comply with the course
prerequisites as listed above. However, for international students, the prerequisite verification requirement
may be waived.
Below is a checklist that must be completed with your supervisor’s signature. Please email or fax the
completed and signed form to the DINFOS Registrar at or
301-677-4290 within three working days of receipt of this letter.
udent Name: Unit:
structions: Complete the skills inventory below. Check all that apply and list examples of products
you have created.
Raster-based Graphic Design: Design and create original graphics products that are pixel-based,
resolution-dependent, such as photo-illustrations, magazine covers, posters or other layouts comprised of
multiple photographs or other bitmaps. Using Photoshop or other raster-based software for image-editing
or captioning purposes does not constitute raster-based graphic design.
Software Type
Products Created
Adobe Photoshop
ector-based Graphic Design: Design/create original resolution-independent illustrations using points
and paths, such as logos and stylized art, as well as technical diagrams and non-raster-based designs.
Software Type
Products Created
Adobe Illustrator
igital Page Layout: Design/create original digital layouts comprised of combinations of vector art, raster
graphics/images, and typography into such products as magazines, newspapers, brochures, change- of-
command or other programs.
Software Type
Products Created
Adobe InDesign
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Student Acknowledgement and Signature
I cer
tify that, within the last five years, I have had at least two years of daily operational experience in the
VI or PA career fields using the above forms of graphic design software as indicated.
(Print Last Name, First Name, Rank)
(Signature) ( Date)
visor Acknowledgement and Signature
I attest that, within the last five years, the above named potential DMC student has had at least two years
of daily operational experience in the VI or PA career fields using the above forms of computer software,
as indicated.
(Print Last Name, First Name, Rank, Title) (Signature) ( Date)
pervisor Point of Contact information:
Phone number:
For Official Use Only.
sed upon a review of the above information, the student is _____ qualified _____unqualified for the
Digital Multimedia Course.
erequisite Verification Evaluated by:
(Print Last Name, First Name, Title)
(Signature) (Date)
Clear Form