© Kevin MacCuish 2010
Mountain Bike
Timekeeper & Finish Judge
Course Manual
Provincial ‘C’ Level Mountain Bike Commissaire Course
Kevin MacCuish
Loyal Ma
Claire Bonin
Jason Howard
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Module 1: Preparing to Officiate at a Mountain Bike Event ......................................................................... 6
Lesson 1: The Role of Commissaires at Mountain Bike Events ................................................................. 6
Commissaires – Referees for Cycling Events ........................................................................................ 6
Typical Commissaire Roles .................................................................................................................... 6
Skills and Knowledge You Need to Work as a Commissaire ................................................................. 6
Administrative Structure of Cycling ...................................................................................................... 7
Training and Certification Process for Mountain Bike Commissaires ................................................... 8
Lesson 2: Traits and Ethical Responsibilities of Effective Commissaires .................................................. 9
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations .............................................................. 9
Lesson 3: Team Work and the Commissaires’ Panel .............................................................................. 11
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 11
Lesson 4: Roles of Key Race Organization Volunteers ............................................................................ 13
The Race Organization and the Race Organizer.................................................................................. 13
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 13
Lesson 4 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 15
Module 2: Types of Mountain Bike Races and Rider Categories ................................................................ 16
Lesson 1: Rider Categories ...................................................................................................................... 16
UCI Age Categories .............................................................................................................................. 16
Ability Categories ................................................................................................................................ 17
Ability Categories in BC ....................................................................................................................... 17
Rulebook Review – Rider Categories .................................................................................................. 17
Lesson 2: Types of Mountain Bike Races ................................................................................................ 18
Cross Country Races ............................................................................................................................ 18
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 18
Downhill Races .................................................................................................................................... 19
Rulebook Review – Types of Mountain Bike Race .............................................................................. 19
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 19
Module 3: Preparing to Officiate at a Race ................................................................................................. 20
Lesson 1: Advance Information Needed About the Race ....................................................................... 20
The Race Schedule .............................................................................................................................. 20
Location of the Race and Travel Planning ........................................................................................... 20
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
The Weather Forecast ......................................................................................................................... 21
Lesson 2: Basic Personal Equipment ....................................................................................................... 21
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 21
Lesson 3 – Commissaire Uniform and Clothing ...................................................................................... 23
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 22
Lesson 4 – Forms and Paperwork ........................................................................................................... 24
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 23
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 24
Module 4: Basic Timekeeping Principles..................................................................................................... 25
Lesson 1: Stopwatch Operation .............................................................................................................. 25
Difference between Elapsed Time and Time of Day ........................................................................... 25
Choosing a Stopwatch ......................................................................................................................... 25
Where to Buy a Stopwatch ................................................................................................................. 26
Basic Stopwatch Operation ................................................................................................................. 26
Stopwatch Batteries ............................................................................................................................ 30
How to Synchronize Two or more Stopwatches ................................................................................. 30
Lesson 2: Basic Calculations with Times ................................................................................................. 31
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 31
Common Notation for Recording Times ............................................................................................. 32
Adding Times ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Subtracting Times ............................................................................................................................... 35
Converting Hours, Minutes and Seconds to Hours and Fractions of Hours (Decimal Format) .......... 38
Calculating a Percentage of a Time ..................................................................................................... 39
Calculate Average Speed ..................................................................................................................... 40
Predict the Finish Time Given a Distance and Average Speed ............................................................ 40
Lesson 3: Time Precision ......................................................................................................................... 42
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 42
Rulebook Review – Time Precision by Discipline ................................................................................ 42
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 42
Module 5: Preparing to Give the Start or Record the Finish Order ............................................................ 43
Lesson 1: Preparing to Record Times or the Judge the Finish ................................................................ 43
Rulebook Review – The Finish............................................................................................................. 43
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 2 – Finish Area Setup ................................................................................................................... 44
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 44
Rulebook Review – Finish Area Specifications .................................................................................... 44
Lesson 3: Staging and Start Area Setup .................................................................................................. 45
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 45
Staging Area for XC Races ................................................................................................................... 46
Staging and Start Area for DH Races ................................................................................................... 46
Staging and Start Area for 4X and DS Races ....................................................................................... 47
Positioning of the Start Judge ............................................................................................................. 47
Rulebook Review –Start Area Specifications ...................................................................................... 47
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 47
Module 6: Starting the Race ....................................................................................................................... 48
Lesson 1: XC Race Staging and Start Procedures .................................................................................... 48
Staging ................................................................................................................................................. 48
Call-Up ................................................................................................................................................. 49
The Start .............................................................................................................................................. 51
Lesson 2: The Downhill Start Procedure ................................................................................................. 52
Rulebook Review –Cross Country Staging and Start Procedure ......................................................... 52
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 52
Other Responsibilities of the DH Start Judge ...................................................................................... 54
Rulebook Review –Downhill Start Procedure ..................................................................................... 54
Lesson 3: The 4X Start Procedure ........................................................................................................... 56
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 56
Rulebook Review –4X Start Procedure ............................................................................................... 57
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 57
Module 7: Recording Race Passing Order, Finish Order and Race Times ................................................... 59
Lesson 1: Working as the Finish Judge at XC Races ................................................................................ 59
Judging Circuit Races ........................................................................................................................... 59
Lesson 2: XC Finish Order Recording Strategies and Verification ........................................................... 63
Finish Order Recording Strategies ...................................................................................................... 63
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 63
Verifying Results.................................................................................................................................. 64
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 64
Lesson 3: Time Keeping and Verification for DH Races .......................................................................... 65
Timekeeping at a DH Race .................................................................................................................. 65
Verifying and Correcting DH Results ................................................................................................... 66
Lesson 4: Finish Judging and Timekeeping 4X Races .............................................................................. 70
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 70
Lesson 4 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 70
Module 8: Preparing Race Results and other Classifications ...................................................................... 71
Lesson 1: Preparing Results for 1-Day Races .......................................................................................... 71
Race Results ........................................................................................................................................ 71
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 72
Lesson 2: Preparing Results for Stage Races ........................................................................................... 74
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 74
Lesson 3: Breaking Ties ........................................................................................................................... 75
Lesson 4: Preliminary Results ................................................................................................................. 75
Rulebook Review – Breaking Ties ....................................................................................................... 75
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 75
Lesson 5: Dealing with Errors in the Race Results .................................................................................. 76
Verifying the Results ........................................................................................................................... 76
Lesson 4 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 76
Dealing with Errors once the Results are Verified and Published ...................................................... 77
Rulebook Review – Corrections to Results ......................................................................................... 77
Next Steps ................................................................................................................................................... 78
Lesson 6 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations ............................................................ 78
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Module 1: Preparing to Officiate at a Mountain Bike Event
This section of the course deals with the background information you need to understand the role of
Commissaires in Mountain Bike races. Topics found in this section include:
The role of Commissaires
The administrative structure of Cycling
The importance of interpersonal communication skills
Ethical responsibilities of Commissaires
Teamwork and the roles of members of the Commissaires’ Panel
Roles of key Race Organization volunteers
Lesson 1: The Role of Commissaires at Mountain Bike Events
Commissaires – Referees for Cycling Events
Like other sports, Mountain Bike races are supervised by a group of referees. In all of the Cycling
disciplines, these referees are called “Commissaires”. The main job of the Commissaires is to watch each
race and penalize any illegal activity which has the effect of disadvantaging one or more other riders. In
doing so, the Commissaires are responsible for controlling the sporting aspects of the race.
Typical Commissaire Roles
Commissaires at Mountain Bike races perform many jobs, each contributing to the sporting control of
the race. Some of these roles, depending upon the sub-discipline of the race, include:
Supervising registration (all sub-disciplines)
Inspecting the course and other technical zones of the race venue (all sub-disciplines)
Race staging and starting (all sub-disciplines)
Rider supervision on the course (all sub-disciplines)
Rider and coach supervision in the feed zone (XC)
Recording the finish order of each race (all sub-disciplines)
Dealing with the impact of any race stoppages (DH)
Supervising the practice (DH & 4X)
Dealing with lapped riders (XC)
Backup time keeping (all sub-disciplines)
Three very important tasks involve race staging and starting, time keeping, and finish judging. The goal
of this course is to introduce you to the skills needed to successfully perform all three of these tasks.
These basic officiating skills must be learned and practiced before you learn how to do other
Commissaire jobs.
Skills and Knowledge You Need to Work as a Commissaire
You need to know the basic skills required for your level of certification, and the expected level of
performance for those skills. You also need to know the rules that apply to the roles that you will be
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
certified to perform. Throughout this course, the rules of the sport that you need to know for these jobs
are identified. Therefore, in order to complete the course successfully, you will also need a copy of two
parts of the UCI Regulations, available from the UCI Web Site.
These documents are:
Part I, “General Organization of Cycling as a Sport”
Part IV, “Mountain Bike Races”
These documents are available from
http://www.uci.ch in the “Rules” section of the web site; they are
in Adobe PDF format.
Administrative Structure of Cycling
It is important for you to understand the basic administrative structure of your sport. The structure of
the other Cycling sports is similar to that of many other sports.
All Olympic sports are represented internationally by an “International Sport Organization”. In the case
of the Cycling Sports, this body is known as the UCI, or International Cycling Union (Union Cycliste
Internationale, in French). The UCI headquarters are in the town of Aigle, in Switzerland. Its web site is:
The UCI represents the interests of the Cycling Sports to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and
coordinates the organization of the World Championships and other international cycling events. It also
sets the international rules for each of the Cycling Sports, including Mountain Bike. The UCI is governed
by its member National Federations.
The Canadian Cycling Association (CCA) is the National Federation for the Cycling Sports in Canada. It is a
member of the UCI; its role is to manage the national racing calendar for each Cycling Sport, coordinate
and direct the operation of the National Cycling Teams, and set the national rules for each Cycling Sport.
The CCA is governed by a board of directors elected by its member Provincial Federations. The CCA
headquarters are in Ottawa; its website is:
Cycling British Columbia is the Provincial Federation for the Cycling Sports in British Columbia. It is a
member of the CCA and by extension, the UCI. Its role is to manage the provincial racing calendar for
each Cycling Sport, coordinate and direct the provincial cycling teams, and to set the provincial rules for
each Cycling Sport. Cycling BC is governed by a board of directors elected from among its members. The
Cycling BC headquarters are in Vancouver; its website is:
Cycling BC also is responsible for developing Commissaires for each Cycling Sport. As a result, Mountain
Bike Commissaires in BC are trained, certified, evaluated, and assigned by Cycling BC.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Individual Mountain Bike clubs and teams in Canada are members of their Provincial Federation for
Cycling; in British Columbia, Cycling BC fills this role. Commissaires are sometimes members of one of
the clubs, and officiate at local races held by the club. The Commissaires belonging to each club may also
officiate at Provincial Mountain Bike races when assigned to do so by Cycling BC.
All Commissaires in Canada are also individual members of their Provincial Federation; each active
Commissaire in British Columbia must therefore have an annual membership in Cycling BC in order to
work as a Commissaire, even at local races. This ensures that all Commissaires are trained and work to
the same minimum standard throughout the sport. It also ensures that each individual Commissaire is
protected Cycling BC’s insurance policy while officiating.
Training and Certification Process for Mountain Bike Commissaires
In British Columbia, Mountain Bike Commissaires are trained and promoted through the following
1. Timekeeper and Finish Judge (Level: Provincial C)
a. Follow the Timekeeper and Finish Judge self study course (this document)
b. Pass a mail-in test based upon the material and rules presented in the self study guide
c. Experience at 6 qualifying races (races at the provincial level with a Provincial “A” or
higher certified official as Chief Commissaire; 3 races must be XC races, 3 must be DH)
d. Certified as a Timekeeper and Finish Judge (Mountain Bike Provincial “C” Commissaire)
2. Provincial “B” Level Mountain Bike Commissaire
a. Take the Provincial “B” Mountain Bike Course, and pass the examination
b. Experience at 6 qualifying races (races at the provincial level with a Provincial “A” or
higher certified official as Chief Commissaire; any combination of MTB disciplines is
accepted, however at least 2 such races must indicate experience as the race secretary)
c. Certified as a Provincial “B” Mountain Bike Commissaire
3. Event Chief Commissaire (Level: Provincial A)
a. Take the Mountain Bike Chief Commissaire Course and pass the examination
b. Job shadow the Chief Commissaire at two Provincial Mountain Bike events, on a
volunteer (non-remunerated) basis
c. Pass a practical evaluation as Chief Commissaire at a Provincial Mountain Bike event
d. Certified as an Event Chief Commissaire
4. National Mountain Bike Commissaire
a. Certified as an Event Chief Commissaire (Provincial A Level)
b. At least 2 years total experience certified as a Provincial Commissaire
c. Recommended by Cycling BC to attend the National Commissaire Course
d. Attend the National Commissaire Course and pass the written and oral examinations
e. Pass a practical evaluation as a member of the Commissaires’ Panel at a National or
International Mountain Bike event
f. Certified as a National Mountain Bike Commissaire
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Explain the responsibilities and main jobs of Mountain Bike Commissaires
Explain the basic administrative structure of Cycling
Identify the levels of certification of Mountain Bike Commissaires and how to achieve them
Identify the address of the web site where the UCI Mountain Bike rules can be found
5. International Mountain Bike Commissaire
a. Successfully follow the process outlined in the UCI Regulations concerning the training
and certification of International Commissaires
Lesson 2: Traits and Ethical Responsibilities of Effective Commissaires
In order to work effectively as a Commissaire, you need more than some experience in the sport and
knowledge of the job and the rules. The way that you perform your duties is just as important.
Effective Interpersonal Communication
A big challenge with officiating in any sport involves dealing with other people. This means that you
must be able to listen to others and to announce your decisions clearly and firmly, but in a manner that
is respectful of all involved.
Though developing interpersonal communication skills is beyond the scope of this course, two very
important such skills that you can improve with practice include:
Active Listening
Showing the other person that you are listening to them by:
Not talking while they are speaking
Using body language that shows you are paying attention (e.g. maintaining eye contact, facing
the person, maintaining an open and attentive posture)
Repeating what you think the other person has said back to them in your own words, and then
giving the other person the chance to tell you whether or not your summary is correct; the other
person doesn’t know if you have understood them unless you can accurately reflect what they
Communicating Assertively
Assertiveness is about firmly promoting your point of view in a way that maintains respect for the other
person involved. Techniques such as these can help you do this:
Active Listening; see above… this is by far the most important communication skill you can learn
Repeating your position over and over and over; known as the “Broken Record” technique
Acknowledging the other person’s feelings about the situation
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Respectfully, but firmly ending the conversation if it is clear that a situation can’t be resolved
productively in the amount of time available
Ethical Concerns for Commissaires
Amateur sport is about providing a competition that gives all participants the chance to perform at their
best. As a Commissaire, you have an obligation to help make this possible by working in an ethical
manner. There are two particularly important ethical aspects of officiating that even new Commissaires
should strive to practice.
The best sports officials are often the most consistent in their decision making. That is, they will respond
in the same way whenever a similar situation occurs. It is very important to realize that consistency
does not mean following the letter of the rules in a black and white fashion, or always making the same
decision without thinking about it. Consistency refers more to consistency in your decision making
process when deciding how to deal with an incident, rather than the substance of the decision itself.
This decision making process includes:
Thinking about the facts of the incident
Deciding which rules apply based upon the facts
Deciding whether the incident has put one or more other participants at a disadvantage
Consulting with other Commissaires if there is time
Settling on a course of action taking all of the factors above into account
A consistent, good quality decision making process consistently produces appropriate decisions.
This can be difficult to get right; it requires experience both in the sport and as an official; fortunately,
as you become more experienced, your judgment and decision making ability will improve.
Dealing with Conflicts of Interest
As a Commissaire, you need to identify and avoid conflicts of interest while officiating. As a
Commissaire, a conflict of interest occurs when you have more than one duty or interest involved in the
race where you are officiating, and one of those interests could possibly corrupt your motives or actions
concerning your other duties.
Conflicts of interest are not a problem, as long as you identify and deal with them. They only become a
problem and cast doubt on your job as a Commissaire if you ignore them.
The most common conflicts of interest happen when you have one or more close friends or family
members participating in a race where you are officiating.
This situation can put you in a conflict of interest in two ways:
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Identify two interpersonal communication skills important for Commissaires
Describe two Ethical Concerns of Commissaires
1. The perception that you might influence a decision concerning a participating family member or
2. The possibility that the time you need to provide care or support for children who are
participating in the event will interfere with your ability to perform your Commissaire duties
Fortunately, both of these conflicts of interest are easily fixed. To deal with the first situation, simply tell
the other Commissaires that you have a family member participating in the event, and that you will be
unable to participate in making any decision concerning an incident involving them.
The second situation may or may not be a problem; for most local races, the pace is slow enough that
you’ll have time to look after the kids. However when working at provincial races, most Commissaires
are continuously busy with the race. If you accept assignment to a provincial race, or are helping with a
National or International Race, then it is best to plan ahead and make arrangements to have a friend or
other family member look after any dependent children during the race while you are busy officiating.
This arrangement is also better for any of your children who are participating in the race. They can count
on having the person you arranged to care for them for the day being available to help them, which is
something you can’t do if you are busy with the race.
Lesson 3: Team Work and the Commissaires’ Panel
Commissaires Panel
Commissaires usually work together as a team; this team is usually known as “The Commissaires’ Panel”.
While each Commissaire has their own duties at the race, these duties are usually carried out together
with other Commissaires.
The number of Commissaires assigned to races depends upon the level of the event. Most provincial
Mountain Bike events in BC have a Commissaires Panel of 2 or 3 members; these officials are assigned
by Cycling BC. However, the international standard is as panel of 5 members; usually this means that
each Commissaire at a BC Provincial race will be responsible for two Commissaire jobs.
Commissaires work together as a team for several important reasons:
To delegate responsibility for important officiating tasks so that they can be done effectively and
To improve the quality of decisions by providing a forum for multiple points of view
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
To provide backup for one another in case one or more officials must divert their attention away
from the race for some reason
The Chief Commissaire
The person who is appointed to direct and supervise the work of the Commissaires’ Panel is the Chief
Commissaire (also known as the President of the Commissaires’ Panel). The Chief Commissaire’s job is to
ensure that the event is properly supervised. This is done by working with the race organization and by
managing the work of the other Commissaires. The Chief Commissaire has the final say over any
sporting aspect of the event. The skills needed to work as the Chief Commissaire are not covered in this
course; they are the subject of the “Event Chief Commissaire” Course.
The Assistant Chief Commissaire
Sometimes the Chief Commissaire must step away from the race to deal with some problem or incident.
In this situation, the Assistant Chief Commissaire fills in for the Chief Commissaire while he or she is
otherwise occupied. At international events, the Assistant Chief has particular job responsibilities for
races in each sub-discipline, and has no other job. However, at Provincial BC events, the Chief will
sometimes give one of the other two Commissaires this responsibility in addition to their other tasks.
The particular skills needed to work as the Assistant Chief Commissaire are not covered in this course;
they are the subject of the Provincial “B” Commissaire Course.
The Start Judge
The Start Judge (also known as “The Starter”) manages the race staging process and executes the start
procedure. The actual start procedure used is different depending upon the type of race. Learning how
to perform this skill is a major part of this course.
The Finish Judge
The Finish Judge is responsible for recording and confirming the finish order of each type of Mountain
Bike race. Often, this also involves time keeping, particularly in downhill races. Learning how to perform
Time keeping and Finish Judging skills is a major part of this course.
The Race Secretary
The Secretary is the Commissaire whose job is to oversee race registration, and the creation of start lists
and race results. The Secretary is usually kept very busy with these tasks; this skill set requires a detailed
knowledge of the Mountain Bike rules, great patience, excellent communication skills, and an eye for
detail. The skills needed to work as the Race Secretary are not covered in this course; they are the
subject of the Provincial “B” Commissaire Course.
Team Effort and Solidarity
The Commissaires’ Panel works best when it operates as a team. A team is group of people who,
through their individual efforts, unite to achieve a common goal.
In order for a team to be effective, it is important that each team member places the work of the team
first. It is also important that each team member should trust and respect the other team members. The
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the roles of:
o The Chief Commissaire
o The Assistant Chief Commissaire
o The Start Judge
o The Finish Judge
o The Race Secretary
Explain the meaning of the phrase “Team Work”
Identify three reasons why Commissaires work in a team called “The Commissaires’ Panel”
corner-stone of this trust depends mostly upon communication between officials. As a result, all
members of the team need to deal with each other continuously and openly.
A final point involves solidarity within the Commissaire team. That is, once the Panel has made a
decision, it is important that every member of the Panel should publically support the decision, whether
they individually agree with it or not. The time for discussion ends once the decision is made.
Lesson 4: Roles of Key Race Organization Volunteers
Just as it is important for you to understand the basic jobs of the Commissaires’ Panel, you must also
understand the function of the Race Organization and the volunteers who work within it.
The Race Organization and the Race Organizer
The best races in any of the Cycling Disciplines are the result of a team effort. One person, usually
known as “The Race Organizer”, is responsible for motivating and coordinating the work of the
volunteers that make up the organization.
While the Race Organizer is usually the face of, and controlling figure within the race organization, the
most successful race organizers are excellent managers who delegate much of the responsibility for
running the event to others.
The Race Organizer
Just as the Chief Commissaire manages the work of the Commissaires’ Panel and has the ultimate
responsibility for making decisions concerning the sporting aspects of the race, the Race Organizer
manages the work of the Race Organization. He or she has the ultimate responsibility for making
decisions regarding the organization of the race.
This person is also ultimately responsible for making sure that the event and race course(s) are
constructed in a way that complies with the rules of the sport. In doing so, it is the race organizer who
has ultimate responsibility for the safety of the participants in the race.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
The Race Organizer is also the person who is responsible to the sport’s governing body (in the case of
provincial races, Cycling BC) for organizing a race that meets the policies of the governing body. The
governing body awards a “Race Sanction” to the Race Organizer, who is then responsible for carrying
out the event in a way that satisfies the conditions of that sanction.
The Chief of Course
For larger events, this person is responsible for setting up and maintaining one of the race courses. For
local races, this may be one of several jobs done by a single volunteer. The Commissaires typically deal
directly with this person for any issues concerning a particular race course.
Volunteer / Marshal Coordinator
This person is responsible for recruiting, coordinating, and assigning the volunteers that make the race
work. For most provincial races, these are registration volunteers and course marshals. For local races,
this may be one of several jobs done by a single volunteer. The Commissaires typically deal directly with
this person for any issues concerning the positioning of course marshals, or specific tasks such as use of
red and yellow flags during downhill races.
Registration and Results Coordinator
This person is responsible for handling the race registration and results production process on behalf of
the race organization. They work closely with the Secretary Commissaire and the timing staff. Even at
local races, this person is busy enough that they this job is usually their only responsibility.
Timing Staff
Depending upon the race, the people who do the timing may be:
The Commissaires themselves
A timing company hired for that purpose
A group of volunteers trained by Cycling BC
Who-ever is responsible for timing the race, they work closely with the Secretary Commissaire, the
Finish Judge, and the Registration and Results Coordinator.
First Aid / Emergency Action Plan Coordinator
This person is responsible for positioning and calling in the first aid volunteers. They are also responsible
for serving as the “Call Person”, in case emergency services (ambulance, fire department, police) are
needed at the race. For most provincial races, this person usually has several other jobs as well.
Course Marshals
Course Marshals are the group of volunteers who are stationed at various points around the course to
help the Commissaires and the organization supervise the race. Depending upon the type of race,
Course Marshals may have a variety of jobs including:
Report any incidents to the Marshal Coordinator and Commissaires, especially if they suspect a
rider has done something illegal, such as take a short-cut on the course
Keep race spectators off of the race course
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 4 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the roles of:
o The Race Organizer
o The Chief of Course
o The Volunteer / Marshal Coordinator
o The First Aid / Emergency Action Plan Coordinator
o The Registration Coordinator
o The Timing Staff
o The Course Marshals
Notify first aid in case a rider or spectator needs assistance
During downhill races, blow a whistle each time a rider passes on the course
During downhill races, use red or yellow flags according to the instructions of the Commissaires
to warn on-coming riders of a crash
During cross-country races, write down the number plate of every rider who passes their
position, in the order that they passed
While Commissaires may occasionally deal with individual marshals, they usually do so through the
Marshal Coordinator.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Module 2: Types of Mountain Bike Races and Rider Categories
In order to learn how to work as a Start Judge, Time Keeper, or Finish Judge, it is important for you to
understand the basic types of Mountain Bike race and the method used to categorize riders.
This section of the course describes the rider categories and the basic details of each type of Mountain
Bike race.
Lesson 1: Rider Categories
As with most sports, Mountain Bike racing has wide appeal and is practiced in many different forms.
There are races suitable for beginners, experienced recreational riders, and professionals alike.
Many Mountain Bike races feature categories that appeal to all three types of rider described above.
Others, such as the Mountain Bike World Cup series are open only to professional riders. On the other
end of the scale, local club races are oriented specifically at beginners and recreationalists.
In principle, all mountain bike races offer categories that group riders with roughly the same level of
ability in the sport. At most levels, the idea behind doing this is to give most riders an enjoyable
challenge without being difficult enough to discourage people from participating.
UCI Age Categories
The UCI rules are the basis for the category system used in most countries; the UCI mountain bike
categories are based only on age. While age categories alone are sufficient for high-level international
races, they usually don’t provide a broad enough range of opportunity for recreational-level riders.
Therefore, most National Federations further sub-divide the UCI age categories into several ability
Note that for cycling races, a rider’s age on December 31 is used to determine their age category for the
entire year. For example, if a rider’s 17
birthday is on October 10, they are considered to be 17 for the
entire year, beginning on January 1. The easiest way to calculate age is simply to subtract the rider’s
year of birth from the current year.
The UCI age categories for Cross Country (XC) races are as follows:
Youth (also known as Under 17); riders ages 16 and younger
Junior; riders aged 17 and 18
Under 23; Olympic format XC only (XCO); riders 19 to 22*
Elite; riders aged 23 + for XCO, 19+ for all other XC race types
Master; riders 30+ who elect that status at the start of season when applying for their license
* Note: For provincial races and many national races, Under 23 is usually not held; such riders enter the
Elite category instead.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Rulebook Review – Rider Categories
The regulations concerning rider categories are in Parts I “General Organization of Cycling as a Sport”
and IV “Mountain Bike Races” of the UCI rules. Rules that apply in general to all of the Cycling
disciplines are in Part I (the General section of the rules); they apply to Mountain Bike races unless
they are contradicted or altered in Part IV (the section of the rules specifically for Mountain Bike
races). In Part I, articles 1.1.034 – 1.1.037 apply. In Part IV, articles 4.1.002 – 4.1.010 apply.
The UCI age categories for Downhill (DH) and 4-Cross (4X) races are as follows:
Youth (also known as Under 17); riders ages 16 and younger
Elite; 17+ *
Master; riders 30+ who elect that status at the start of season when applying for their license
* Note: For DH and 4X races at the international level, riders 17 and older are eligible to enter the Elite
category if they wish. The only exception is for World Championships; riders 17 & 18 must enter Junior
at this event. At most provincial and national DH races a junior category is held. Check the local rules to
see if juniors are also permitted to enter the Elite category at this level.
In Canada, the Under 17 age group is further divided for XC and DH as follows for both boys and girls:
Under 17; riders aged 15 and 16
Under 15; riders aged 13 and 14
Under 13; riders aged 12 and under (usually ages 10 – 12)
Ability Categories
In Canada, for XC and DH, each age category is usually divided into 3 ability categories for both men and
women. They are:
Novice; this category is suitable for riders new to racing
Sport; this category is broadly suitable for riders with some racing experience, but who don’t
have the time to train regularly
Expert; this category represents the highest level of recreational competition
Due to its nature and the number of riders needed in each category to have a meaningful competition,
categories for 4X are usually a bit different. Usually, only 3 or 4 categories are held; they are typically
similar to this:
Open Men 17+
Open Women 17+
Youth Men
Ability Categories in BC
Cycling BC sometimes changes the mountain bike ability categories used at provincial races at the start
of the season. This is done to make sure the categories reflect the number of people who usually enter
races for that age group so that the racing is challenging, but not so challenging that the fun is lost.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Explain the UCI age categories for XC races
Explain the UCI age categories for DH and 4X races
Explain the ability categories commonly used in Canada
Describe how to calculate the ages of riders in order to determine their age category
The current list of Mountain Bike categories used in BC can be found on the Cycling BC web site.
Lesson 2: Types of Mountain Bike Races
There are many different kinds of Mountain Bike race. The three main type of Mountain Bike race are:
Cross Country (XC): An endurance discipline; many riders start the race together. The outcome is
determined by the order of riders across the finish line who have completed the full distance of
the race.
Downhill (DH): In its most common form, this is an individual time trial where contested over a
steep, technically demanding downhill course. Emphasis is on power and bike handling skill
more than endurance.
4-Cross (4X): This is a mass start sprint event where heats of 4 riders at a time race head-to-head
over a short course with obstacles, jumps, and banked corners. The first and second place riders
in each heat advance to the next round of the competition, while the third and fourth place
riders are eliminated.
Cross Country Races
There are several different kinds of Cross Country Races. They are usually “mass start” events, meaning
that all of the riders in the category start at the same time. They are:
Circuit races:
o Olympic Format (XCO) Races: Take place over multiple laps of a circuit between 5 and 9
km long
o XC Criterium (XCC) Races: Take place over multiple laps of a circuit less than 5 km long
o XC Team Relay (XCT) Races: Similar to XCC races, except they are contested by teams of
4 riders, each of whom completes a lap when relayed in to the race by another team
member who has just finished their lap
Marathon (XCM) Races: Races at least 60 km in length that generally do not cover the same
terrain; they the start and finish are typically in the same location
Point to Point (XCP) Races: Races that only cover the same terrain once; the start and finish are
in different locations
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Rulebook Review – Types of Mountain Bike Race
Part IV “Mountain Bike Races” of the UCI rules defines the characteristics of the different types of
Mountain Bike Race. Articles 4.2.001 – 4.2.011 describe the types of XC races, articles 4.3.001 –
4.3.011 describe Individual DH races, and 4.4.001 – 4.4.021 describe the 4X race procedure and
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Explain the differences between the various types of XC race
Explain the differences between the various types of DH race
Explain the basics of the 4X race procedure
The Commissaire jobs for most circuit races are the same, regardless of the exact format and circuit
length. The methods used to supervise point to point and marathon races are similar to those for XC
circuit races, but as they are not run over a circuit, it is not possible for riders to be lapped; as a result,
timekeeping and finish judging is usually less complicated.
Downhill Races
There are 3 basic types of downhill race. They are:
Individual Downhill (DHI): A time trial event where riders start one at a time, racing on a usually
steep downhill course up to 3.5 km long
Mass Start Downhill (DHM): A point-to-point mass start downhill event, where all of the riders
start at the same time. The first rider to reach the finish line at the bottom of the course wins.
These races are run in much the same way as an XC race
Dual Slalom (DS): Though the rules for this event have been retired from the rulebook (replaced
by 4X), this is a downhill where two riders race side-by-side, each down their own parallel
downhill course, which may feature banked corners and various jumps and obstacles. The rider
with the best course time advances to the next round of competition. Unlike 4X, finish order is
determined based upon time, rather than the order of the riders across the finish line
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Module 3: Preparing to Officiate at a Race
As with anything, advance preparation for a race assignment is very important. This section of the
course describes how to prepare for a race. Topics covered include:
What you need to know about the race in advance
The basic personal equipment you need to officiate at a Mountain Bike race
The Commissaire uniform and suitable clothing for Mountain Bike officiating
Forms and paperwork needed to officiate
Lesson 1: Advance Information Needed About the Race
Regardless of which role you will have when assigned to officiate at a Mountain Bike race, there is some
basic information about the event that you need to find out in advance.
The Race Schedule
The race schedule is the document that describes when the main parts of the race happen. The schedule
for a Mountain Bike race usually includes:
The opening and closing times for race registration
The times when the course is open for practice (there is no official practice for some races)
The race start time for each race category
The approximate time when the awards will take place
As a Commissaire, you usually need to be available for the entire race schedule. Therefore, you will need
to know the schedule in advance in order to plan your arrival and departure times.
If for some reason you aren’t able to arrange your arrival and departure around the race schedule, then
it is important for you to contact the Chief Commissaire assigned to the event to see if is possible for you
to arrive slightly later, or leave slightly earlier, whichever the case may be. If you are unable to arrive in
time to perform your job, then you should contact Cycling BC in order to decline the assignment.
As a good rule of thumb, it is best to plan on arriving at least 30 minutes before race registration opens.
It is also best to plan your departure for at least 60 minutes after the last race is scheduled to end, in
case of a delay in the event.
Location of the Race and Travel Planning
In many cases, Mountain Bike races are held at ski resorts, or areas well away from major cities. If the
race is too far away from your home to reasonably drive there and back in the same day, then the
organizer must provide you with a place to stay for at least one night, depending upon the duration of
the event. Also, the race organizer must cover your travel costs to and from the race.
Since the organizer is responsible for your travel and accommodation costs, it is your responsibility to
plan your travel in a way that keeps those costs as low as possible. While Cycling BC tries to assign
Commissaires that live reasonably close to each race, this is not always possible.
When planning your travel, consider the following:
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Identify the four basic pieces of information contained in a Mountain Bike race schedule
Explain why it is important to find out the weather forecast before the race
Describe when you should usually arrive at and depart from the race site
Find out the current mileage rate for Commissaires; it is found in the Cycling BC Commissaire
Policy document, available on the Cycling BC web site
Find out if another Commissaire who lives close to you is also officiating at the race; if so, try to
car pool with them
For races that are more than a few hundred kilometers away, compare the cost of flying with
that of driving; sometimes it is less expensive to fly if the organizer can provide local
transportation for you while at the event
The Weather Forecast
As Mountain Bike racing happens outdoors, one of the main factors in the outcome of any Mountain
Bike race is the weather, both for the rides and the officials.
Before leaving for an assignment, you should check the weather forecast for the area where the race
will be held. This will give you a chance to arrive prepared to officiate regardless of the weather.
Lesson 2: Basic Personal Equipment
In order to work effectively and comfortably as a Mountain Bike Commissaire you need to bring some
basic personal equipment with you to every race. This lesson describes that equipment. The equipment
you need is:
A copy of the race schedule, technical guide, and any other information about the race
A Stopwatch
o To begin with, an inexpensive model that can display times to the nearest 1/100 second
with a 30 “split” memory is sufficient. However, you will eventually want to get a more
capable model capable of storing at least 100 “splits”, with the ability to recall stored
times while the clock is running.
A Wrist watch
o In order to stick to the race schedule, you need to know what time it is
A Whistle
o For starting races and gathering people’s attention
A Rule book
o At very least, you need the current version of the UCI Mountain Bike rules
A Clip-board
A Clear plastic bag (to put clip-board in when raining)
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the type of stopwatch you should have
Identify the basic items you need in order to officiate effectively and comfortably
o If you don’t have any waterproof paper, get a large clear plastic bag big enough to pull
over your clipboard and arm so that you can write in the rain without your paper getting
o Keep several spare pens; this way you will always have one that works
o Pencils are usually best for using with waterproof paper
A Black Marker, in case you need to make a sign
A Highlighter
o Graph paper or lined paper is usually best. This helps when keeping track of laps or
times, particularly if you run out of forms. It’s also a good idea to keep a few sheets of
waterproof paper
Forms (lap sheets, timing sheets, etc.)
o Samples are included in the appendix; you may photocopy or print these if you wish
A small notebook
o For notes during meetings, or as a quick reference for notes about the race
Paper Clips, Butter Fly Clips, and / or large envelopes
o Good for keeping loose paperwork organized
Some food
o The organizer is supposed to provide you with lunch; however, depending upon your
job, you may not be able to take a lunch break. It’s important to have some emergency
food so you don’t go hungry
o While most organizers supply bottled water, don’t count on it
Insect repellant
It is a good idea to keep all of this equipment in a “race bag” during the Mountain Bike season; this way
preparing for an event doesn’t take much time.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Explain what extra items of clothing you should bring to each race, and why
Describe when you should where your Commissaire uniform and when you should not
Lesson 3 – Commissaire Uniform and Clothing
It is important to dress appropriately, keeping in mind that Mountain Bike Commissaires must be able to
work comfortably in any weather. So, you should also bring the following:
Spare clothing, including rain wear
Comfortable, practical shoes
A hat and gloves
Water and snacks
Clothing should also be comfortable, neat, and appropriate. When choosing clothing, you should keep in
mind that your clothing choice can be an effective tool to help you maintain the respect of the riders.
Much of your authority as an official comes from maintaining a bit of distance from the riders; that is,
being approachable and friendly, without being too familiar (the expression “familiarity breeds
contempt” is surprisingly true). Clothing choice can do much to create the separation needed to do your
job effectively.
The most important clothing item that you need when officiating is your Cycling BC Commissaire
The Commissaire uniform consists of both a short-sleeved button-up shirt and a vest. Either or both may
be worn, depending upon the weather. Whichever you choose, it is important to wear your uniform
when officiating, so that others can easily identify you as a Commissaire. The uniform brands you as one
of the representatives of Cycling BC appointed to supervise the race.
Because the uniform identifies you as a Commissaire, it is also important that you do not wear it when
you are not officiating; only those officials appointed as the Commissaires for the race can wear the
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Identify the three forms that you need in order to work effectively as a Finish Judge or
Describe the identifying information you should record on every worksheet that you produce,
and why it is important to include it
Lesson 4 – Forms and Paperwork
Finish Judging and Time Keeping are basically about logging data about the race. Race results are the
output of the process of recording times and finish order, which is an exercise in producing and
managing paperwork.
To be effective, the best Judges and Timekeepers are organized. Several standard forms are used to help
with keeping data organized.
The forms that you will use most often are:
Circuit race worksheet
Timing log sheet
Race results sheet
It is best to keep a supply of each of these forms; some printed on standard paper, others on loose-leaf
waterproof paper if you can find it.
However, if you run out, they can be roughly created on a sheet of ruled paper. The important thing is
that for every worksheet you use or create, you do the following:
Label the top of every worksheet with:
o The name of the race
o The category
o The distance or expected duration of the race (if known)
o The time of day that the race actually started
o The number of starters in the category (if known)
On the bottom, write your name and the page number
Without the information listed above identifying each sheet, the data listed on the sheet is meaningless
if the person reading it can’t identify the race or category that it applies to.
Samples of the three forms mentioned above are available in the Commissaire section of the Cycling BC
web site; you may print or photocopy them to use at races.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Module 4: Basic Timekeeping Principles
This section of the course describes the basics of time keeping. Topics include:
Stopwatch operation
Basic timing calculations
Timing precision for each mountain bike discipline
Whether to use elapsed time or time of day
Lesson 1: Stopwatch Operation
One of the most important things a Commissaire can own is a digital stopwatch. A stopwatch is used to
accurately measure the amount of time that has elapsed since the watch was started. This is known as
“Elapsed Time”. Many digital stopwatches are also capable of storing times for later recall.
Difference between Elapsed Time and Time of Day
As noted above, “Elapsed Time” is the amount of time that has passed since the stopwatch was started.
On the other hand, “Time of Day” is literally the time of day.
Most stopwatches use Elapsed Time, although some more expensive and feature-rich stopwatches can
also record and store times in Time of Day format.
Elapsed Time can easily be converted to Time of Day; in order to do this, simply add the Elapsed Time to
the Time of Day that the stopwatch was started. Similarly, two Time of Day values can be converted into
an Elapsed Time by subtracted the earlier Time of Day from the later Time of Day.
For certain kinds of race such as Individual DH races (or other Time Trials), it is best to work in Time of
Day. This is because the rider’s start times are given on the start list as a Time of Day.
Choosing a Stopwatch
There are many different types of stopwatches. Many wristwatches have a basic stopwatch function;
also, there are many different types of handheld stopwatches, and even printing stopwatches that print
a continuous log of all the times recorded by the watch. However the most useful sort of stopwatch for
Mountain Bike Commissaires has the following features:
Memory: The ability to store several times; the more times that can be stored, the better,
however a useful watch should be able to store at least 30 times
Recall: The ability to recall stored times while the watch is still running
Display Resolution: The ability to display and record times accurate to the nearest 1/100 of a
second. Choose your watch carefully however; the most basic watches have displays that can
only show 1/10 or 1/100 of a second for the first hour of watch operation, after which the
“hours” digit appears and shifts minutes and seconds over to cover the spot formerly occupied
by 1/100’s of a second
Watch Format: Very few wrist-watch style stopwatches are able to perform the functions listed
above; however, there are many types of hand-held stopwatch that can do these things.
However, a wrist-watch with a built-in stopwatch function can make a good backup watch
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Cost: Most handheld stopwatches with the features described above can be purchased
inexpensively, usually for less than the honorarium you will earn at a single race. The cost of a
basic stopwatch with these features should be between about $35 and $60
As you gain more experience as a Commissaire and work at more and more races, you may wish to
eventually purchase a more advanced watch that can store 100 or even 300 times, or that can be
connected to a printer. However, for most officials, such a watch is not needed.
Where to Buy a Stopwatch
While sports department stores sell very basic stopwatches, they may not carry watches with the
features described above. The best place find useful stopwatches in most cities are swimming and
aquatics supply stores, or athletics / track and field supply stores. If your city does not have such a store,
then you can buy stopwatches inexpensively on the internet.
Web sites that have stopwatches suitable for Commissaires include:
http://www.jumpstartathletics.com/ (Canada – Edmonton)
http://www.team-aquatic.com/ (Canada – North Vancouver)
http://www.cei-ultrak.com/ (USA)
http://www.stopwatchcentral.com/ (USA)
Less expensive models that have or exceed the features listed above include:
EAI S-5500
Seiko S056
Robic SC-606W
Accusplit AX602
These are just a few of the watches available which will meet your needs. Always be sure to look up the
specification for any watch before you buy it to make sure that it has the features you need.
Basic Stopwatch Operation
Despite the variety of stopwatches available, the design and button functions of most hand-held
stopwatches are about the same.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
In the picture above, the watch on the left is a more basic model, while the watch on the right has many
more functions. However, the display and buttons are basically the same.
Most digital stopwatches behave as described immediately below; however, there are often minor
differences in some functions depending upon how the watch was designed. You should read the
instructions that come with your stopwatch and practice using it to become comfortable with its
Start / Stop Button
The button on the top right side of each watch is the “Start / Stop” button. This button starts the watch;
when pressed, the clock starts and begins counting up in increments of 1/100 of a second. If the watch is
running, pressing the button again will stop the clock. Note however, that stopping the clock does not
reset it to ‘0’ time. Instead, the Elapsed Time at which the clock was stopped remains displayed. At this
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
point, if you hit the Start / Stop button again, the clock will begin running from the time where it was
Care must be taken to avoid accidentally hitting the “Start / Stop” button during a competition;
otherwise, the clock will stop running. Some watches come with a “Safety” cap that can be put over the
“Start / Stop” button to prevent this from happening. More commonly, officials will start a backup watch
at the same time as their primary watch in case this happens.
Split / Reset Button
The button on the top left side of each watch is the “Split / Reset” button. This button resets the watch
to ‘0’ time if the watch is currently stopped. If the watch is running, then an intermediate time,
sometimes called a “split” is recorded.
The time recorded when the “Split / Reset” button is pressed while the watch is running is the time that
has elapsed since the watch was started.
If the watch has a memory, then the split time is recorded in the memory for future recall.
Pressing the “Split / Reset” button also changes the watch display. For watches that have multiple
display lines as both of those pictured above do, then the most recently recorded split is displayed in the
top line, while the main clock continues running on the bottom line. Less advanced watches with a single
line display usually temporarily replace the Elapsed Time with the split time for 2 to 5 seconds,
depending upon the watch. After this, the Elapsed Time is again displayed.
Both watches pictured above also assign a sequence number to each split, on the left hand side of the
top line of the display. This allows you to see at a glance how many splits have been recorded. If the
watch has a memory and a recall function, this also tells you the order in which the splits were recorded.
As you may have noticed, the watch on the right in the picture above has 3 display lines. The bottom line
shows the running Elapsed Time. The top row shows the Elapsed Time at which the last split was taken.
The middle row shows the difference in time between the last two splits; so for instance, if Split A was
taken at 10 minutes 32 seconds and 57 / 100ths and Split B was taken at 11 m 47.60 s, then the middle
line will display a “Lap” time of 1 m 15.03 s.
Mode Button
Both of the watches pictured above have “Mode” buttons. Pressing this button changes the operating
mode of the watch. The mode used most often for Cycling events is usually called “Timer” or “Chrono”.
Most stopwatches also have a mode that will display the current Time of Day.
The operation of the Mode button for the watch on the left is a bit different; this watch doesn’t have as
many features as the one on the right. The watch on the left does have the ability to recall splits while
the watch is running. But in order to access stored splits with this watch, the “Mode” button is used to
enter “Recall” mode. The watch on the right does not have a “Recall” Mode, as it has a separate “Recall”
button which can be used at any time.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Recall Button
Most stopwatches that allow memory recall of stored splits while the watch is running have a “Recall”
button. If this button is pressed, the most recently stored split is displayed, usually while the bottom line
continues to display the current Elapsed Time. The recalled split is usually displayed for 2 or 3 seconds.
Each time the “Recall” button is pressed again within this time window, causes the watch to recall splits
in order from the most recently recorded back to the very first split recorded.
If you need to take another split while in Recall mode, simply press the “Split / Reset” button again; the
watch will still be running.
As a final note, most watches store splits until the watch has been reset to ‘0’ time. Resetting the watch
to ‘0’ time usually causes all stored times to be erased.
Also, if you collect more splits than the memory of your watch can handle, the watch will either stop
storing new splits, or it will begin discarding splits, in the order that they were taken, beginning with the
first split recorded. This behavior depends upon the design of your watch.
Printing Stopwatches
As a Commissaire, you may at some point have the chance to work with a printing stopwatch. Printing
stopwatches do basically the same thing as hand-held stopwatches. However, in addition to a printer,
these watches usually have several extra features that handheld stopwatches do not. Some of these
features are:
The ability to accept inputs from remote plunger buttons, optical gates, or contact strips; when
the watch receives a pulse from such a device, it records a split
The ability to use, store, and calculate splits based on “Time of Day” formatted times instead of
Elapsed Time
The ability for the operator to manually input riders’ race numbers and associate them with split
times so that the time record reflects the riders identification numbers
The ability to output times to a digital display clock
The ability to run on either rechargeable batteries or AC power
While you will not need features like these for most Commissaire tasks, it is important that you are
aware of the capabilities of such stopwatches, particularly if you end up working with a timing company.
If you must use a printing stopwatch, be sure to read the manual for the watch before use. The buttons
and display found on printing stopwatches are usually quite different from most handheld models.
Also, if you are going to use such a watch, you should have a supply of paper for the printer and know
how to reload the paper supply. Most modern printing stopwatches use rolls of thermal paper; the
orientation of the paper is important, as only one side of the paper is chemically treated to work with
the printer.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
An ALGE Timy printing stopwatch is pictured above. It is one of the most common types of printing
stopwatch in use.
Stopwatch Batteries
Most handheld stopwatches use wristwatch batteries, usually either of the CR2016 or CR2032 sizes.
These batteries usually have the capacity to last for a full season of use, assuming that they are fresh. As
a result, you should make a habit of changing your stopwatch batteries a week or two before your first
race of the season.
Most printing stopwatches use rechargeable batteries and draw much more power; as a result, they
should be recharged before every use. Better still, if AC power is available, such watches should be
plugged in during use with the batteries available as a backup in case of a power interruption.
How to Synchronize Two or more Stopwatches
When working with other Commissaires, you often need to synchronize your wristwatch and
stopwatches with them, so that everyone is operating on the same time.
Whether you are using Elapsed Time or Time of Day, the method used to synchronize watches is the
1. Everyone who is going to synchronize a watch stops their watch and resets it to ‘0’ time (if
Elapsed Time is being used) or to the standard Time of Day that will be used
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Explain the difference between Elapsed Time and Time of Day
Explain the function of the 3 common handheld stopwatch buttons
Describe how often you should change your stopwatch batteries
Describe some features of most printing stopwatches
Explain how to synchronize two or more stopwatches
2. One of the people looking at a watch that can display seconds begins a count-down 5 seconds
before the synchronization is to occur
3. The count-down is done in time with seconds of the running watch; it helps if the countdown is
done with a deliberate rhythm. In order to give a visual cue, it also helps for the person giving
the count-down to dip their hand or shake a finger in time with the count-down.
4. Countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Now
5. When the person giving the count-down says “Now”, everybody starts their watch
6. The person continues to count upwards from ‘0’ time for a few seconds so that everyone can
see that their watch was correctly synchronized and is displaying the common time
7. In case someone missed a beat and is out of synch with the other watches, the process can be
repeated. If there isn’t enough time to repeat the process, then that person can re-synchronize
their own watch with one of the correct watches a few minutes later. If synchronizing watches
for Elapsed Time, however, they must make note that their watch will be several minutes
behind the other watches, and take account of that fact when recording times
8. If synchronizing watches to use elapsed time, watch synchronization is usually best done within
20 or so minutes of the start of a race. It is helpful if it is done at an easy multiple of minutes
before the start (say 5, 10, or 15 minutes), as this extra time gap will have to later be subtracted
from recorded times
You should always keep your wristwatch synchronized to a standard clock, and confirm that it is still
synchronized before you leave for the race. The official time of day for a race is the time of day for the
time zone where the race is held. You can find out the current time of day for your time zone on the
internet, at this web site:
Lesson 2: Basic Calculations with Times
As a timekeeper, you need to know how to do some basic mathematical operations on times. Often, you
will be able to use a calculator, or computer software such as Microsoft Excel to perform such
calculations automatically. However, you should still know how to do these calculations manually in case
a computer or calculator is not available.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Also, knowing how to calculate times will give you the ability to see at a glance whether or not the times
reported in race results are reasonable – a form of error checking. It will also help you to avoid making
mistakes when calculating times, even when using a computer.
Common Notation for Recording Times
It is important that you know how to write down and read times. There are several ways to do this; it
doesn’t matter which you use, as long as you use it consistently.
Times collected at races typically span a period of several hours. So, the most significant field in a time is
the “hours” field. The next most significant is “minutes”, followed by “seconds”, then tenths of seconds,
hundredths of seconds, thousandths of seconds, and so on.
Times are always report from left to right, with the most significant field (hours) to the far left, and the
least significant (seconds, or fractions of seconds) on the far right.
Hours may be represented with a small ‘h’, minutes may be represented with a small ‘m’ or a ‘ mark,
seconds may represented with an ‘s’ or a “ mark. Usually, a decimal point is used to separate seconds
from fractions of seconds, however, sometimes fraction notation is used. Also, sometimes the individual
segments that make up a time are not labeled as above; sometimes they are only separated with a colon
Examples of ways to write times (in this example, 2 hours, 37 minutes, 54 seconds, 304 thousandths):
2h 37m 54.304s
2h 37’ 54.304”
2 : 37 : 54.304
02 : 37 : 54.304
2h 37m 54s 304/1000
All of the above examples are valid ways of recording times.
Adding Times
The method for adding numbers that you learned in school is fairly simple; let’s review it now.
Similar to times, regular numbers are also constructed from left to right, with the most significant digit
on the far left, and the least significant digit on the far right. For example, the number 3,072 has 3 in the
“thousands” place on the left, 0 in the “hundreds” place, 7 in the “tens” place, and 2 in the “ones” place.
The number 4,969 is similarly constructed (4 in thousands, 9 in hundreds, 6 in tens, and 9 in ones).
To add these two numbers together, you place one over the other, making sure that the “ones” place
for both numbers lines up, as follows:
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
We then start from the right side and add together all of the numbers in the “ones” column. In this case,
2 and 9; if the result of this addition is 10 or greater (in this case 2 and 9 are 11), we keep the remainder
which is 1 below (11 minus 10 gives a remainder of 1), and then we carry the digit in the “tens” place of
2 + 9, which is 1, over to the “tens” column as follows:
Next, we repeat this process for the numbers in the “tens” column. In this example, 1 + 7 + 6 gives us 14.
So, 14 minus 10 gives us a remainder of 4, which is put in the “tens” column of the answer, and the 1 is
carried, as below:
Next, we again repeat this process for the numbers in the “hundreds” column. In this example, 1 + 0 + 9
gives us 10. To get our remainder, 10 minus 10 is 0; so the remainder of 0 is recorded in the “hundreds”
column of the answer, and the 1 is carried as below:
And finally, we complete the addition in the “thousands” column. In this example, 1 + 3 + 4 gives us 8, as
The process used to add two or more times together is almost exactly the same. Consider this example:
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Add two times: 3h 47m 33.81s and 2h 25m 50.32s. So, we set up for our addition as above:
3h 47m 33 . 81s
+2h 25m 50 . 32s
The main difference between adding two numbers and two times, is when carrying. In order to make
carrying easier, think of a time as having 4 segments, or fields: hours, minutes, seconds, and fractions of
seconds. When doing the addition, do the addition for an entire segment at once, and then carry over to
the next segment, if necessary.
So, starting at the right with the hundredths of seconds, 81/100 + 32/100 = 113/100, which is more than
1 second… there are only 100 hundredths of a second in 1 second, so we must carry. To carry, first figure
out the number of hundredths in excess of 1 second: 113/100 – 100/100 = 13/100; so as with the
addition above, we put the remainder (13 hundredths of a second) in the hundredths field of the
answer, and carry 1 second over to the seconds field.
3h 47m 33 . 81s
+2h 25m 50 . 32s
. 13s
Now we must be careful; as you know, seconds, minutes and hours are each divided into 60 equal parts.
This is different from the tenths, hundredths, and thousandths of seconds, which are each divided into
only 10, 100, and 1000 equal parts, each. This means that we need a different strategy when carrying
with the seconds and minutes part of a time.
Because of this, when carrying from seconds to minutes, we must carry if the sum of the seconds
column is 60 or greater.
In our example, below, we add 1 second (carried from the fractions of seconds field), 33 seconds, and 50
seconds together; 1s + 33s + 50 s = 84s. Since the result is more than 60 seconds, we have to carry over
to the “minutes” field. The process is the same as above when dealing with factions of seconds; we carry
1 minute over to the “minutes” field, and leave the number of seconds in excess of 1 minute below in
the seconds field of the answer. This remainder is: 84s – 60s = 24s; intuitively, this makes sense… 84
seconds is the same as 1 minute and 24 seconds.
1m 1s
3h 47m 33 . 81s
+2h 25m 50 . 32s
24 . 13s
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
We then repeat the process with the “minutes” fields. Again, as was done above with the “seconds”
field, 1m + 47m + 25m = 73m. Since 73 minutes is more than 1 hour, we have to carry 1 hour over to the
“hours” field, and leave the portion remaining below in the “minutes” field of the answer. So, 73m –
60m = 13m; again, this intuitively makes sense… 73 minutes is the same as 1 hour and 13 minutes.
1h 1m 1s
3h 47m 33 . 81s
+2h 25m 50 . 32s
13m 24 . 13s
Finally, to complete the addition, the hours fields are added together; 1h + 3h + 2h = 6h; this result is
recorded below in the answer field.
1h 1m 1s
3h 47m 33 . 81s
+2h 25m 50 . 32s
1h 13m 24 . 13s
To see if you have the hang of it, try adding these two times: 5h 44m 34.604s and 4h 57m 20.455s. The
answer is 10h 41m 55.059s; see if you can use the method described above to get this answer.
Subtracting Times
Being able to subtract one time from another is an important skill; this is the method used to convert
Time of Day to Elapsed Time.
Subtraction is the opposite of addition. So, it is not surprising that the method used to subtract two
numbers is nearly the opposite to that of adding them. We will use the numbers in our first example for
addition above, 3072 and 4969, to demonstrate subtraction.
As with addition, we work from left to right. So, begin by subtracting the least significant digits. In this
example, these are the numbers in the “ones” column, 9 and 2. As you know, 9 minus 2 equals 7, which
is recorded in the “ones” column of the answer.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
We then move on to the next most significant digits; the numbers in the “tens” column, which are 6 and
7. But this presents us with a problem; you can’t subtract 7 from 6; 6 is less than 7. So, we must
“borrow” from the neighboring “hundreds” column in order to create a number in the top row of the
“tens” column that is large enough to allow for the subtraction. So we borrow 10 from the hundreds
column, to turn 6 into 16; we then subtract 7 from 16 to get 9, which is recorded in the “tens” column of
the answer, as below. Notice that borrowing 10 from the “hundreds” column means we have to reduce
the number in the hundreds column by 1; so 9 is struck out, and replaced with 8.
4 9 (16) 9
-3 0 7 2
9 7
We can then move on to the “hundreds” column; 8 minus 0 equals 8, which is recorded in the
“hundreds” column of the answer, as below.
4 9
(16) 9
-3 0 7 2
8 9 7
Finally, the subtraction is completed with the “thousands” column; 4 minus 3 equals 1, which is placed
in the “thousands” column of the answer, as below.
4 9 (16) 9
-3 0 7 2
1 8 9 7
Subtracting one time from another is nearly the same as the method that is shown above for subtracting
two numbers. The method will be demonstrated by subtracting 13h 38m 50.32s (a time of day) from
13h 41m 33.21s (another time of day) to determine the amount of time that has elapsed between them.
The subtraction is first set up the same was as with the two numbers in the example above:
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
13h 41m 33.21s
-13h 38m 50.32s
As with adding times, it is also easiest to deal with complete segments (hours, minutes, seconds, and
fractions of seconds) of the times when subtracting them.
So, we start with the fractions of a second; 21/100s minus 32/100s. Since 21/100s is less than 32/100s,
we need to borrow 1 second from the “seconds” field. To do this, we add 1 second, or 100 hundredths
(100/100) of a second to 21 hundredths of a second so that we have a number big enough to allow the
subtraction; 100/100s + 21/100s = 121/100s. Now, the subtraction of the hundredths of a second field
can happen; 121/100s – 32/100s = 89/100s. This result is placed in the hundredths field of the answer.
13h 41m 33.(121)s
-13h 38m 50. 32 s
89 s
Next, we repeat the process for the “seconds” field. Because we borrowed 1 second in order to
complete the subtraction in the hundredths of a second field, we are now subtracting 50 seconds from
32 seconds. So, we must borrow again. To do this, we borrow 1 minute (60 seconds) from the “minutes”
field; the borrowed 60 seconds are added to the 32 seconds in the top row of the “seconds” field, in
order to create a number big enough to allow for the subtraction; 60s + 32s = 92s. So we can now
complete the subtraction for the “seconds” field. This 92s – 50s = 42 s; this is recorded in the “seconds”
field of the answer, below.
13h 41m 33.(121)s
-13h 38m 50. 32 s
42. 89 s
Next, we repeat the process for the “minutes” field. Again, we deal with the entire "minutes" field as a
unit. Since a minute had to be borrowed to complete the subtraction in the “seconds” column, we are
now subtracting 38 minutes from 40 minutes; as 40 is great than 38, no further borrowing is necessary.
Subtracting the minutes, 40m – 38m = 2m; this is recorded in the “minutes” field of the answer.
13h 41m 33.(121)s
-13h 38m 50. 32 s
02m 42. 89 s
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Finally, the numbers in the “hours” column are subtracted; 13 minus 13 gives 0 hours, which is recorded
in the “hours” column of the answer.
13h 41m 33.(121)s
-13h 38m 50. 32 s
0h 02m 42. 89 s
Therefore, the time that has elapsed is 2m 42.89s.
To see if you have the hang of it, try subtracting these two times: 4h 57m 20.455s from 5h 44m 34.604s.
The answer is 47m 14.149s; see if you can use the method described above to get this answer.
Converting Hours, Minutes and Seconds to Hours and Fractions of Hours (Decimal Format)
When you are trying to calculate average speed, or distance travelled, you need to be able to express
times as a number of hours and fractions of hours.
This is easy to do, as follows:
1. Divide the seconds by 60 in order to get fractions of minutes
2. Add the fractions of minutes to the number of minutes in the time
3. Divide the minutes and fractions of minutes by 60 in order to get fractions of hours
4. Add the fraction of an hour to the hours in the time
Using an example of 11h 27m 35.51s:
1. 35.51s / 60s = 0.59m
2. 27m + 0.59m = 27.59m
3. 27.59m / 60m = 0.46h
4. 11h + 0.46h = 11.46h
So, 11h 27m 35.51s is 11.46 hours.
To convert a time from hours and fractions of hours to hours, minutes, and seconds, do the following:
1. To get the number of minutes, separate the fractions of hours from the hours, and multiply it by
60 minutes
2. To get the number of seconds, separate the fractions of minutes from step one from the
minutes, and multiply it by 60 seconds
3. How, re-assemble the hours, minutes, seconds, and fractions of seconds into hours, minutes,
and seconds format
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Using the example of 11.46 hours from above:
1. 0.46 x 60m = 27.6m
2. 0.6 x 60s = 36s
3. 11.46 hours = 11h 27m 36s
Notice the result is not exactly 11h 27m 35.51s, from the original example; this is simply because some
rounding was done during the original calculation which converted it to 11.46 hours. As a result,
converting 11.46 hours back to hours, minutes and seconds format produced a time slightly less precise.
Calculating a Percentage of a Time
For some kinds of races, you need to be able to calculate a percentage of a time. For example, if the
leading rider completed a lap in 25m 42s, you might need to calculate the number of minutes and
seconds in 80% of the leader’s lap time.
In order to calculate a percentage of a time, do the following:
1. If the time is less than 1 hour, convert the time to a number of minutes and fractions of minutes;
if the time is 1 hour or greater, convert the time to a number of hours and fractions of hours
2. Once you have converted the time to a number of minutes or hours, whichever the case may be,
take the percentage
3. Once you have calculated the percentage, convert the percentage time back hours, minutes,
and seconds, or minutes, and seconds, whichever the case may be
For example: Find 80% of 25m 42s
1. 42s / 60s = 0.7m, so we have 25.7m
2. 80% of 25.7m = 25.7 x 0.8 = 20.56m
3. 0.56m = 0.56 x 60s = 33.6s; so 20m 33.6s
So, 80% of 26m 42s is 20m 33.6s
Practical Example: The Commissaires have determined that the time cut for the current stage of a stage
race will be 9% of the winner’s time; that is, any riders who finish farther behind the leader than 9% of
his time, are eliminated. If the stage winner finished in 5h 17m 52s, how many hours, minutes and
seconds do the remaining riders have to finish before facing elimination?
So, we must find 9% of 5h 17m 52s
1. Convert seconds to fractions of minutes 52s / 60s = 0.87m
2. Convert minutes to fractions of hours 17.87m / 60 = 0.30h
3. So, 5h 17m 52s is 5.3 h
4. Find 9% of 5.30h = 5.3h x 0.09 = 0.477h
5. Convert 0.477h back to hours and minutes; 0.477 x 60m = 28.62m
6. Convert 0.62sm back to seconds; 0.62 x 60s = 37.2s
7. So, 0.477h = 0h 28m 38s (rounded from 37.2)
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
So, the time cut is 28m 38s. To find the time after which riders are eliminated, now add the stage
winner’s time 5h 17m 52s and the time cut of 0h 28m 38s. This gives a time of 5h 46m 30s.
So any riders who finish after an elapsed time of 5h 46m 30s are eliminated from the race.
Calculate Average Speed
Sometimes, as a timekeeper, you may be called upon to calculate the average speed of a race.
Using the earlier example of a stage race in which the winner of a stage had a finishing time of 5h 17m
52s, let us calculate the average speed of the stage winner assuming that the stage was 112 km long.
Before we begin, you need to know the relationship between speed and time.
Speed = Distance / Time, or S = D / T
Since speed is usually given in kilometers per hour, we must first convert the time to a number of hours
and fractions of hours, as in the example above. Without repeating this calculation, 5h 17m 52s is 5.3h.
Therefore, the average speed over a distance of 110 km is:
S = 110 km / 5.3h = 20.75 km / h
So, the average speed of the stage was 20.75 km/h.
Predict the Finish Time Given a Distance and Average Speed
Sometimes once a race has begun, you will be asked to calculate an estimate finish time based on the
average speed of the first part of the race. Of course, this prediction will be more accurate for races that
take place over multiple laps of a circuit, as the average speed is more likely to remain constant than it is
for a point-to-point race.
In order to solve this problem, the relationship between Speed and Time is still used, but is re-arranged
in order to find Time, instead of speed. Recall from above that Speed = Distance / Time or S = D / T.
In this case, we want to find Time (T) instead of Speed (S). So:
Time = Distance / Speed, or T = D / S
Practical Example:
An Olympic Format Cross Country race is to be run over 7 laps of a 5.2km course. The average speed of
the race leader in lap 1 was 18.7 km / h, in lap 2 it was 18.2 km /h, and in lap 3 it was 18.3 km / h. If the
race began at 1:00 PM, predict the finish time of the winner.
First, you need to find the average speed of the race leader over the first 3 laps. This is done simply, by
computing the mathematical average of the 3 speeds. This is done as follows:
18.7 km/h + 18.2 km/h + 18.3 km/h = 55.2 km/h
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
55.2 km/h / 3 = 18.4 km/h
So, the average speed over the first 3 laps of the race is 18.4 km/h
Second, you need to calculate the total distance over which the race is run. The race is 7 laps of 5.2 km
each, therefore:
7 x 5.2 km = 36.4 km
So, the race is run over a total distance of 36.4 km
Now, using the relationship between Speed and Time, you can compute the estimated elapsed time of
the race:
Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 36.4 km / 18.4 km/h
Time = 1.97 h
Third, convert hours and fractions of hours back to hours, minutes, and seconds format:
0.97h = 0.97 x 60m
0.97h = 58.2 m
Now, convert 0.2 minutes into seconds and fractions of seconds:
0.2m = 0.2 x 60s
0.2m = 12.0s
Now, re-assemble the time:
1.97 h = 1h 58m 12s
So, estimated elapsed time of the race will be 1h 58m 12s.
Finally, add the estimated Elapsed Time to the Time of Day that the race started.
Given that the race started at 1:00 PM, this means with an expected elapsed time of 1h 58m 12s, the
race winner will probably finish at around 2:58 pm.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe several different notations for recording times
Explain how to add times
Explain how to subtract times
Explain how to convert times in hours, minutes, and seconds format to hours and fractions of
hours (decimal format)
Explain how to find a percentage of a time
Explain how to calculate an average speed given time and distance
Explain how to calculate an estimated time given average speed and distance
Explain how to synchronize two
or more stopwatches
Rulebook Review – Time Precision by Discipline
Part I, “General Organization of Cycling as a Sport” of the UCI regulations defines the time precision
that must be reported in the race results for each discipline. Articles 1.2.106 and 1.2.107 apply.
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the time precision required for Downhill Races
Describe the time precision required for other types of Mountain Bike races
Explain why when two riders finish together in a bunch race, they’re given the same time
Lesson 3: Time Precision
Using the methods described above, you can calculate times to any level of precision – to the nearest
second, tenth of a second, hundredth of a second, thousandth of a second, or beyond.
However, it is important to realize that times need only be reported to a useful degree of precision. For
a cross-country race, while it may be possible to calculate a time to the nearest thousandth of a second,
it is not necessary.
As defined by the regulations, times are taken to the nearest thousandth of a second in Mountain Bike
Downhill races, and to at least the nearest second for other races.
For bunch races, such as Cross Country races, when 2 or more riders finish in a group, they are given the
same time (a new time is only given if there is more than 1 second separating the riders); as a result,
times for bunch races need only be reported to the nearest second. As you will see later in this manual,
the results of bunch races are determined by the order the riders cross the finish line. While time is part
of the result for such races, it does not determine the result; finish order does.
However, for individual races like Downhill races, or other time trials Finish Time is used to determine
the result; therefore, greater time precision is needed.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Rulebook Review – The Finish
Part I, “General Organization of Cycling as a Sport” of the UCI regulations defines when the finish
occurs. Article 1.2.100 applies.
Module 5: Preparing to Give the Start or Record the Finish Order
This section of the course deals with the physical setup of the Start area and Finish area at a race. Also, it
describes where you should stand in order to give the start, record times, or record the finish order.
Lesson 1: Preparing to Record Times or the Judge the Finish
Before you can record times or judge the finish, there are two things you need to know. First, you need
to know at exactly which point when a rider crosses the finish line they are considered to have finished.
Second, you need to know the best place to stand to accurately judge the finish.
As pictured in the diagram below, the finish occurs the moment that the front tire cuts the plane rising
from the leading edge of the finish line. By extension, whether the bicycle is ridden, pushed, or carried,
this means that the rider must have their bicycle with them in order to be considered as having finished.
Also, as pictured in the diagram above, the correct place to stand in order to accurately judge the finish,
or record times is next to the finish line. The farther you stand away from the finish line, the greater the
chance that you might call a close sprint incorrectly.
h Line
Race Direction
Plane rising from leading edge of finish line
Best position for calling the finish order
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the when the finish has occurred
Describe the best place to stand relative to the finish line to accurate record times or the finish
Lesson 2 – Finish Area Setup
If you are working as the Finish Judge, you are partly responsible to make sure that the race organizer
has provided a good enough finish area. The basic elements of an effective finish area are:
1. There must be a finish line; this is important for both the Commissaires and the riders
2. For races that are run over multiple laps of a circuit, the finish line is sometimes separated from
the path that the riders take to begin another lap of the course. If this is the case, signs, marking
tape and / or fencing must be used to make the choice of the Finish Lane or Lap Lane obvious
3. Make sure that the finish line is positioned part way down a fairly flat (or very slightly uphill)
straight section of course that is wide enough for the number of riders in the race. The finish
should never be immediately after a sharp corner and it should be fairly smooth; at least smooth
enough that the terrain is unlikely to cause a crash
4. Make sure that there is enough braking space after the finish line. Usually more is needed for
DH races than for XC races
5. Visibility: If the finish is in an area where you can’t see riders coming much in advance of the
finish line, then ask the Race Organizer to supply a volunteer to stand 10 to 20 metres before
the finish line and call the numbers of the riders as they approach the line
6. Shelter and Services: If electronic timing is used, a power source is needed. Also, because
Mountain Bike races usually are run regardless of the weather, the organizer should be asked to
provide a tent
The dimensions described in the UCI regulations are intended for International Mountain Bike Events.
However, these dimensions should be respected as much as possible even at provincial races,
particularly if there are large numbers of riders.
Rulebook Review – Finish Area Specifications
Part IV, “Mountain Bike Races” of the UCI regulations gives specific dimensions concerning the setup
of the finish area for each Discipline. Articles 4.1.043, 4.2.030 – 4.2.032, 4.3.010 – 4.3.011 apply.
Article 1.2.099 of Part I, “General Organization of Cycling as a Sport” defines the actual dimensions of
the finish line itself.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the basic elements of an effective finish area
Describe the dimensions of finish areas as specified by the UCI regulations
Lesson 3: Staging and Start Area Setup
It is also important to understand the basics of an effective staging and start area setup.
Any Start Area has to allow for two activities. They are:
Race staging; staging is the process of assembling the riders in the correct order so that the race
can be started
Starting the race
For XC races enough space is needed to assemble a large group of riders in the correct order. Also, the
first few hundred metres of the course after the start line must be continue to be quite wide before
narrowing to give the bunch of riders a chance to thin out.
For DH races, less space is needed; usually no more than 5 to 10 riders are lined-up waiting to start.
Also, as only a single rider starts at a time, the start does not need to be nearly as wide as for XC races.
Finish Lane
Lap La
Finish Line
Finish Judge& Time Keeper Position
Example: Effective XC Finish Line Setup
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Staging Area for XC Races
For XC races with more than a few riders, it is important to have a well organized staging area. The
staging area has two purposes:
To assemble groups of riders in the order that they will start the race
To allow the Commissaires to take attendance so that they know exactly which riders have
started the race
For provincial XC races, usually several categories start the race either at the same time, or 1 or 2
minutes apart. Therefore, each category has to be staged together in the same place in the order that
they are to start the race.
Usually, the staging area is divided up into a number of “staging pens”. Each category in the race is
assigned a pen; the organizer usually creates signs which tell riders which pen they need to enter before
the race begins.
For small races, the staging pens can be as simple as a sign-post stuck in the ground, or simply the area
around that Commissaire who is taking attendance for that category. However, for larger races, it is
better if pens are constructed from posts and marking tape, or sections of temporary fencing. This
allows the Commissaires to control access to the pens, which makes it easier to take attendance before
the race begins.
The diagram found below shows the typical setup for the XC staging and start area.
Staging and Start Area for DH Races
The staging and start area for a DH race is usually quite a bit smaller than for XC. Since most DH events
are individual races, the start line need only be wide enough for a single rider to begin the race.
Also, since the start interval can range from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, very little space is needed for
staging; usually only enough space for 5 to 10 riders to line up behind the rider who is about to start.
Start Line
Pen 1
Pen 2
Pen 3
Pen 4
Example of XC Start and Staging Area
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Rulebook Review –Start Area Specifications
Part IV, “Mountain Bike Races” of the UCI regulations gives specific dimensions concerning the setup
of the start area for each Discipline. Articles 4.1.043, 4.2.029, 4.2.031, and 4.3.010 apply.
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Define the term “Race Staging
Describe the basic layout of a XC start and staging area
Describe the basic layout of a DH start and staging area
Describe the basic layout of a 4X / DS start and staging area
Explain where the Start Judge is positioned
Three things that are often overlooked at a downhill start are:
Shelter: As much as the start and staging area as possible should be covered by tents. This
makes it easier for the timers and Commissaires to do their work, and also greatly improves
conditions for the riders
Toilets: While DH races at ski areas often have washrooms at the top of the hill, other venues
often do not, meaning that the organizer should arrange to have at least one portable toilet
brought in, if possible
An assembly and warm-up area: Since the method used to shuttle riders to the top of the hill
might be inefficient, there should be enough space around the start for a large group of riders to
gather and wait for their race to start
Staging and Start Area for 4X and DS Races
The staging and start area for 4X and DS races is similar to that for DH races; the main difference is that
since between 2 and 4 riders will be starting the race at once, the start has to be wide enough to safely
allow this.
Also, for all but the most basic races, a BMX-style starting gate is used; this ensures that there are no
false starts and that all riders begin at the same time.
The same 3 things often overlooked at the start of DH races should also be supplied for 4X and DS races.
Positioning of the Start Judge
For all races, the Start Judge must be positioned at the start line. For XC races, the Start Judge also
usually helps with rider call-up (if it’s done) and staging. But once this is finished and the race is about to
begin, the starter moves to the start line to give the start procedure and supervise the start of the race.
For DH races, the Start Judge has an assistant, usually the Assistant Chief Commissaire, to take care of
rider staging. For these races, the starter is always at the start line continuously performing the start
procedure for each rider.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Module 6: Starting the Race
This section of the course deals with the procedures used to start Mountain Bike races. Samples of start
lists for each type of race are also presented.
Lesson 1: XC Race Staging and Start Procedures
The race staging and start procedure for Cross Country races is well defined by the UCI Mountain Bike
rules. For most races, this can be split into three sections:
The Start
Staging is the process of assembling the riders in the order that they will start the race, and confirming
that they are present. As described in Module 5, a set of staging pens is used to do this.
Staging usually begins up to 20 minutes before the start of a race, though for races with only a few
riders, it may begin a bit later.
If several categories are going to be racing at the same time, then a pen is assigned to each category. In
this case, the Commissaires and organizer decide the order in which the categories will start before the
race. The start order is always done with the fastest categories starting first, and the slowest categories
starting last.
Once the staging pens are opened, a Commissaire (or volunteer) is stationed at each pen in order to
take attendance. Each person who is managing a staging pen needs to have a start list for that category.
The best way to take attendance is to put a check mark beside the number plate of each rider as they
enter the pen. If you miss someone, simply call their name and number once most of the other riders
seem to have arrived.
You should know that some riders do not show up until the last possible moment; therefore if you are
not the starter, you should stay at your staging pen until the race has started in order to take note of
any people who arrive just in time.
Generally, people who are late for their start may not begin the race. Also, the start of the race is never
held for someone who is late.
Also, in order to start a race for any of the Mountain Bike disciplines, riders must be on the start list and
must have all have number plates. If a rider turns up who is not on the start list, or who does not have a
number plate, quickly call the secretary Commissaire on the rider to find out if the rider was omitted by
mistake. If no mistake has been made, the rider can’t start as they have not completed the registration
process; inclusion on a start list is the last step of the registration process and is equivalent to being
given permission to start the race. Pre-registering on the internet is not enough; they must also show up
at registration to sign in and show their license.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Once the race has begun, give your start list and the list of riders who were missing from your staging
pen to the Finish Judge. It is important that the Finish Judge knows exactly how many riders have started
the race, and who is missing.
For XC races, starting as close as possible to the front of the bunch of riders is very important. Since
most mountain bike races have at least some single-track, the farther ahead you are in the start greatly
reduces the chance that you will be held up by slower riders when the trail first narrows.
Since being close to the front is strategically important, most XC races that are part of a series or ranking
use a system to call highly ranked riders to the start line in order of that ranking. This is known as the
“call-up order”.
Not all provincial races will call riders to the line, but others such as BC Cup events, will.
If no individual call-up is done, then the riders are called as a group to the line between 1 and 2 minutes
before the race is scheduled to start. Those fortunate enough to be near the front of the staging pen will
most likely end up near the front of the bunch.
Otherwise, if an individual call-up is done, the best way to manage call-up is to ensure that the person
who is doing the call-up has a start list that is created in the order of the call-up. This list will not always
be the same as a list that is sorted in number plate order. Therefore, if the call-up list is different from a
start list in number plate order, it is important that the call-up list is labeled as a “call-up list” so that the
wrong list is not accidentally used.
The call-up is usually begun after most of the riders have assembled in the staging pens. The goal is
usually to complete call-up somewhere between 1 and 3 minutes before the scheduled start of the race.
Working backwards, if the announcer can call-up 10 riders per minute, then it will take 10 minutes to
call 100 riders; in this example, that would mean that the call-up should probably start about 12 minutes
before the race is scheduled to begin. The speed of the announcer can vary, so it is best to ask the
announcer how much time he needs to call each rider. If only the number and name of the rider are
spoken, then most announcers can call 14 or 15 riders per minute; if more details are given, then it is
It is usually the Start Judge’s job to go over the call-up list with the announcer before the race, and to
decide how many minutes before the start of the race the call-up must begin. If there is no announcer
present, then the Start Judge calls up the riders.
If a rider has not reported to staging by the time the call-up begins, and the rider does not appear until
after their name is called, then the rider who was late must take his or her position at the back of the
bunch. Space is not held in the call-up for late riders.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Sample XC Start List. This list also happens to be in call-up order.
Sometimes for international races, a start grid is drawn on the ground in order to help organize the
riders as they are called. The grid is simply a number of lines parallel to the start line, drawn on the
ground behind the start line, each a little more than a bike length apart. As riders are called, they pick a
spot on the line closest to the start line that is not yet filled with riders.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
For start areas that are as wide as the minimum defined by the regulations, 10 riders can usually be
placed on each line. Each rider usually needs a space about 75 cm wide. But, of course, if the start area
isn’t as wide as the regulation 8m, then fewer riders can be placed on each line.
The start grid isn’t often used at provincial races, but some organizers may decide to use it.
The Start
Between 1 and 3 minutes before the scheduled start of the race, the riders will be assembled at the
start line, ready to go.
Start Instructions
At some point during the start procedure, the Start Judge gives any start instructions. For Olympic
format races, the instructions are usually limited to reconfirming the number of laps that the category
will do; this should take less than 20 seconds.
Also, if some unusual circumstance has made a change to the course necessary, then that change should
also be described in the start instructions.
For provincial races, if the lap lane and finish lane are separated, then this should also be pointed out.
Other than these examples, no further instructions are necessary.
Start Procedure
The regulations describe the start procedure as beginning 3 minutes before the race is scheduled to
1. 3 minutes before the start, the announcer gives the Start Judge control of the public address
system. A 3-minute warning is given.
2. 2 minutes before the start, a 2-minute warning is given.
3. At this point, the Start Judge gives any start instructions. Usually this is limited to confirming the
number of laps.
4. 1 minute before the start, a 1-minute warning is given.
5. At this point, if a length of marking tape has been stretched across the start line, it is removed
6. 30 seconds before the start, a 30 second warning is given
7. 15 seconds before the start, a 15 second warning is given
8. As of the 15 second warning, the race may begin at any time. If you are the Start Judge, you are
now paying close attention to the line of riders at the start line, and very little attention to your
watch. The level of tension is usually quite high at this point. Any sudden noise can be mistaken
by the riders for the start signal, causing them to start moving. If the riders begin to move, blow
your whistle (or fire the gun) to officially begin the race. In this way, false starts are avoided.
9. Otherwise, start the race as close to ‘zero’ time as possible. No further count-down is given after
the 15 second warning.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Rulebook Review –Cross Country Staging and Start Procedure
Part IV, “Mountain Bike Races” of the UCI regulations describes the rules for the start procedure.
Articles 4.1.031
4.1.033 apply.
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the jobs of the Commissaires during staging
Explain why call-up is important for Cross Country races
Describe the XC race start procedure
During the start procedure, riders must have at least one foot on the ground; track-stands during the
start procedure are not allowed. Any riders who attempt a track stand should be told to place a foot on
the ground.
Lesson 2: The Downhill Start Procedure
Most downhill races are individual time trial events where riders start one at a time.
Staging for DH races is fairly simple. The start lists are drawn up in with each category racing in the same
block of time; generally categories start the race in order from the category with the slowest riders to
the fastest.
Within each category, the start lists give the order in which each rider starts the race, as well as the
exact time when each rider is scheduled to start. Riders must always begin the race in the order on the
list. Riders usually begin the race between 30 seconds and 2 minutes apart, though 1 minute tends to be
the most common start interval. Start intervals should always be multiples of either 30 seconds or 1
The DH Start Procedure is as follows:
1. One or more assistants to the Start Judge, known as “whips”, assemble the next riders in their
order of start in the staging area behind the start line, making sure to give the rider in the start
area enough room. If a rider in the start order is missing, the whip must alert the Start Judge
that a rider is missing. The number of riders lined up to start the race depends on the start
interval; as riders usually need a couple of minutes to make their final preparations, 3 to 5
minutes worth of riders should be lined up behind the current starter.
2. Warnings. The Start Judge gives the rider a series of warnings before the start. If the start
interval is 30 seconds, a 15 second warning is given; if the start interval is 1 minute or more,
warnings are given every 30 seconds.
3. Unlike cross country races, riders may decide to start with both feet on the pedals if they
choose. Most organizers provide a start ramp and platform, as well as a railing that riders can
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
lean on while preparing for the start. This is all fine, as long as the platform and railing are sturdy
enough to last for the entire race.
4. Count-down to Start: The Start Judge should quickly explain the start procedure to each rider.
For most provincial races, the Start Judge counts down from 5 seconds before the start of the
race as follows: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go
5. If no electronic timing system is used, the rider should be asked to start as close to the word
“Go” as possible. However, they may decide to start at any time after the countdown from 5
6. Some timing systems feature a set of audible tones that begin 5 seconds before the start; this
replaces the count-down. The rider may start the race at any time after the count-down tones
7. Even when electronic timing is used, the Start and Finish Judges still record back-up times. If you
are the Start Judge, record the actual time that the rider started the race on your start list (or
timing sheet). If there is no electronic timing, then the times recorded by the Start and Finish
Commissaires are the primary times used. Important: The Start Judge and Finish Judge must
always synchronize their watches, and should use the same time system – either elapsed time
or time of day. This eliminates the chance of simple math errors in when verifying (or
calculating) results.
8. Once a rider has started the race, the Start Judge should then allow the next rider in line to
enter the start area.
9. Important: If the next rider is missing, then you should walk in front of the start line and prevent
the following rider from entering the start area until the start time for the missing rider has
passed. Any gap in the start order caused by one or more missing riders must be maintained;
this is also known as “sending a ‘ghost’ rider”. Failure to do so can result in the race running
early, which may cause more riders to miss their starts. Only the Chief Commissaire may decide
to not maintain gaps for missing riders; this is only ever done if there has been a significant
delay and the race is running late.
10. If a rider is late for their start, the Chief Commissaire should be asked for further instructions.
Generally, late riders are not allowed to start unless the delay is due to something beyond the
rider’s control, such as a break-down of the chair-lift; however, only the Chief Commissaire can
make this decision. It is the responsibility of riders to plan ahead and allow enough time to get
to the start of the course.
11. If a rider appears at the start without wearing a full-face helmet which is certified for Cycling by
a standards agency, they can’t start the race. Open faced helmets are not allowed.
DH Races are quite simple. But if the start list is not followed to the letter, the probability of making
mistakes is quite high. Following the start list and making sure that any issues are discussed with the
finish line and timing staff is a recipe for success. Deviating from the start list and failing to communicate
with the Finish Line and timing volunteers is a recipe for disaster.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Rulebook Review –Downhill Start Procedure
Part IV, “Mountain Bike Races” of the UCI regulations describes the rules needed in order to work as
Start Judge at a downhill race. Articles 4.3.001 – 4.3.003, 4.3.010, 4.3.013 – 4.3.018, 4.3.021 – 4.3.023
Other Responsibilities of the DH Start Judge
The Start Judge for DH races is also responsible for ensuring that the course marshals and first aid
attendants are in place and that the course is clear before sending any riders down the course.
This is done by using the radio to ask the marshal coordinator to do a “course clear”. That is, the
Marshals are asked in order from top to bottom to confirm over the radio that they are in place and that
the course is clear in their area. A course clear should be done before beginning the race or before
starting a practice.
For some races, the organizer designates one or more “Fore Runners” who go down the course in order
to test the timing system and provide a warning that the race is about to begin. If used, the Fore
Runners usually go down the course 1 or 2 minutes apart, within 10 minutes before the race is
scheduled to begin. It is up to the Start Judge to coordinate the start of the Fore Runners with the timing
staff. The Fore Runners should not go down the course until a course clear has been done.
Another responsibility of the Start Judge is to stop the race if the Chief Commissaire decides to declare a
course hold due to a crash. In order to do this, you must constantly monitor the radio. If
Finally, the DH Start Judge is responsible to supervise the practice sessions. If a rider crashes during
practice, the Start Judge may decide to stop the practice until the rider has been carried off of the trail,
if advised by the first aid attendants that it’s necessary.
Some things to remember about supervising DH practice include:
All riders must have fully completed the race registration process and have their number plate
on their bicycle before being allowed to practice
All practice runs must take place from the start line
Full face helmets are mandatory for practice as well as racing
In BC, all riders must complete at least 1 official practice run before being allowed to race. For
international races, two such runs must first be completed. Therefore, during the practice, the
Start Judge must keep a list of all riders who have practiced on the course. If there are several
practice sessions, riders can do their mandatory practice run during any of the practice sessions
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Sample DH Start List. In this case, the start interval is 30 seconds.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the job of the whip
Explain the start procedure for DH races
Explain the role of the Start Judge during a course hold
Describe the role of the Start Judge when supervising race practice
Lesson 3: The 4X Start Procedure
4X races are run over two stages. The first stage is an individual time trial; the results from this time trial
are used to qualify a number of riders for the second stage of the competition, and to seed them into
heats of 4 riders. The time trial stage of the competition is run exactly the same as for an individual DH
race. The start procedure is mostly the same, except that it usually done with a starting gate.
The second stage of the competition is contested by heats of 4 riders racing head-to-head down the
course. In each such heat, the first 2 riders to cross the finish line advance to the next round of
competition, while the last 2 riders are eliminated from the event.
The start procedure for the second stage of competition is again handled by the start gate. But, as the
Start Judge, you still have a role in the start procedure as follows:
1. As each heat of riders is loaded into the start gate, confirm that they are correct riders for that
heat. Sometimes mistakes can happen. Within each heat, the riders are allowed to choose their
position on the gate in order of their qualifying times (from fastest to slowest).
2. Once the gate is loaded, radio the finish line and give them the numbers of the riders in the
gate, from left to right.
3. Before giving permission for the gate operator to start the race, you must first confirm with the
Chief Commissaire that the course is clear and that the start can proceed.
4. Once the gate has dropped, watch the riders on the course for as long as you can still see them.
Pay particular attention to the riders during the first 10 metres of the race. If anyone rides on or
crosses one of the white lines separating the starting lanes in the first 10 metres of the race,
that rider is disqualified. If this happens, call the Chief Commissaire on the radio immediately.
5. When the race has finished, the Finish Judge will use the radio to confirm the two riders who
crossed the finish line first and who therefore advance to the next round. Write down the two
riders who advance on your start lists in the space set aside for the next round of competition.
6. Repeat the process.
Just as with a DH race, the Start Judge always has someone to serve as a “whip” to assemble the riders
for the next heats that will race. As with DH races, riders must have a full faced helmet.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Rulebook Review –4X Start Procedure
Part IV, “Mountain Bike Races” of the UCI regulations describes the rules needed in order to work as
Start Judge at a downhill race. Articles 4.4.001 – 4.4.021 describe the 4X race procedure.
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the job of the Start Judge during 4X races
Explain the difference between the Big Final and Small Final
Explain the purpose of the Time Trial stage of a 4X race
The Small Final vs. the Big Final
Eventually, the race will reach the “semi final” round of competition; that is, two heats are left to run.
The riders who place first and second in each of these semi final heats advance to the “Big Final” (4
riders in total). The outcome of the “Big Final” determines places 1 through 4. The other 4 riders
advance to the “Small Final”. The “Small Final” determines places 5 through 8 in the competition.
Starting 4X Races without a Gate
Generally, 4X races at the provincial level or higher should not be run without a gate. However, for local
races, the same basic procedure as a XC race can be used. Riders start with 1 foot on the ground, and
are given a 15 second warning, after which the race may start at any time. The starter then blows the
whistle at some point after giving the 15 second warning.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Sample 4X Start List. Notice the spaces set aside to record the riders who advance to the next round.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Module 7: Recording Race Passing Order, Finish Order and Race Times
This module brings what you have learned in earlier sections into focus by describing the methods used
to record data about races as a finish judge and time keeper.
Lesson 1: Working as the Finish Judge at XC Races
The main job of the Finish Judge for an XC race is to record the finish order of the riders. However, the
Finish Judge is also responsible for recording the race passing order and for giving information about
how the race develops to the other Commissaires.
Judging Circuit Races
A circuit race is any race that takes place over multiple laps of the same circuit. For any circuit race, the
Finish Judge has the following jobs:
Keep a race passing order
Continuously analyze the passing order to identify the front of the race, the back of the race,
and any riders who have been lapped
Keep track of significant time gaps between leading riders
Upon request, predict the remaining duration of the race based upon average speed
Judge any close sprints for the finish line
Record the finish order and times
Assist the timing staff with production of race results based upon the finish order
Verify the race results produced by the race organization for accuracy, and have any errors
Keep a Race Passing Order
The race passing order is a complete record of the state of the race on each lap as it is passes the finish
line. It is basically a “snapshot” of the position of every rider in the race at that point along the course.
This is the main tool the Commissaires have to verify race results, identify lapped riders, and to identify
possibly instances of riders short-cutting the course.
The Finish Judge at an XC race always keeps a race passing order. The Assistant Chief Commissaire
usually does this as well for international races where the 80% rule is used. Also, the Chief Commissaire
usually selects one or two course marshals to record a passing order at various points along the course;
this additional record can be used to help verify whether or not a rider may have taken a short-cut.
The process that the Finish Judge uses to keep a race passing order is:
Write down the number of every rider in the order that they pass the lap / finish area
If you can’t see a rider’s number, instead write down an ‘X’ to indicate that a rider has passed; if
you have time, also write down a short description of the rider; for example “red jersey”
For riders in the lead of the race, write down an elapsed time (hours, minutes, and seconds) to
help you identify time gaps and the pace set by the leader of each lap
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
After the first lap, you will know the 5 or 10 riders who are at the front of the race; you can most
likely expect one of these riders to be the race leader at the start of the next lap
When the leader of the race passes you, begin recording the order for the new lap at the top of
a new column on your passing order sheet
Label the laps on your passing order sheet as laps remaining. For instance, if it is a 5 lap race,
then the first lap recorded on your passing order sheet will be “4 laps to go”, then 3, then 2,
then 1, and finally, the Finish.
When a rider comes around on a new lap, after recording his or her number, try to find the rider
in the previous lap and put a line through their number; this will help you to see at a glance
which riders have not yet passed you. Assuming that all riders in the race are in the same
category, if the race leader passes again before some of the slower riders have shown up, then
those slower riders have been lapped by the leader
Always label your passing order sheets with a page number, the name of the category, the
number of laps in the race, and the time that the race began
On the following page, an example of a race passing order is presented. In this example, is the Elite
Women’s race at the “Elmwood XC Bonanza”; it was contested over 4 laps, beginning at 13h00. There
were 17 starters (number plates 101 – 117).
Before analyzing the race, a couple of things to notice are:
No more than 5 riders are written each section of each column; this makes it easier to count the
number of riders who have passed so far
Elapsed times listed next to the riders are abbreviated as h.mm.ss (e.g. 0.21.33)
Riders who did not finish are listed separately
After the first lap (3 laps to go), rider 104 was in the lead, with an elapsed time of 21m 33s. Rider 102
was close behind with a time of 21m 45s. The last rider to arrive before the start of the next lap was
number 114, with an elapsed time of 27m 35s; just over 6 minutes behind the leader.
After the second lap (2 laps to go), the race leader has changed; notice how rider 102 has passed rider
104. Also notice how much farther behind rider 114 has fallen; she is now nearly 20 minutes behind the
race leader. She will most likely be lapped. As a matter of interest, when a rider quickly falls behind like
this, it usually indicates that they have suffered some kind of mechanical problem, or a crash.
After the third lap (1 lap to go), the race leader has remained the same. Notice how rider 109 did not go
through the lap / finish area. This rider is recorded elsewhere on the sheet as not finishing (as “DNF” or
“Did Not Finish”). Rider 109 must have retired from the race and let one of the Commissaires know that
they were not going to finish. Finally, notice that rider 114 did not appear before the race leader crossed
the finish line, indicating that they were lapped.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
The Finish Order for the race is listed to the right of the passing order sheet. As you can see, rider 114
was lapped, and appeared at the Lap / Finish area between the finish of riders 116 and 106. This rider
will be listed in 16
place in the results.
Also, in most cases rider 114 would not be allowed to go out on the course for a final lap. At this point, it
would not change the results. Also, once the winner of the race has finished, it is important to clear the
course and account for all riders as quickly as possible so that the next race can start on schedule, or if it
is the last race of the day, so that the volunteer race marshals can be released from their duties.
Dealing with Multiple Categories
For most local and provincial races, several categories are usually racing on the course at the same time.
Though each category starts the race as a group and the starts are usually separated from one another
by a couple of minutes, some mixing of categories will happen during the race.
The method for recording the race passing order and finish order is still basically the same as that for a
race with only 1 category on the course. However, some things are done a bit differently in order to
make this easier.
First, the registration staff will assign a unique range of race numbers to each category. So for example,
Category A may have numbers from 101 – 150, and Category B may have numbers from 151 to 180. So,
if you know the number ranges, you can easily identify the category to which a rider belongs.
Also, as much as possible, only categories that do the same number of laps race on the course at the
same time.
However, even with well defined number ranges for each category, the process of identifying the
leading rider of each category and any lapped riders is more difficult. Some strategies to make this
easier are:
1. Have several Finish Judges, who each track only 1 or 2 categories
2. If you are the only Finish Judge, only start a new column for the leading rider of the fastest
category. When the leading rider of another category passes you, simply mark that rider with an
3. Riders are only considered lapped if they are lapped by the leader of their own category. If you
are the only Finish Judge, it will be very difficult to figure this out on the fly. You may not be able
to do this until after the race
Marathon and Point-to-Point XC Races
Marathon XC races usually don’t happen over multiple laps of the same course, and Point-to-Point XC
races never do. While the process of recording the Finish Order is the same as for circuit races, taking
the passing order is done a bit differently.
The passing order is instead recorded at different points along the race course, often near feed zones,
since they are usually fairly easy to access.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the responsibilities of the Finish Judge for XC races
Explain how to record and analyze a race passing order for circuit races
Explain why lapped riders should be pulled from the race once the leader of their category has
Describe some strategies to make keeping the passing order easier when several categories
are racing at the same time
Explain how to take a passing order for a Marathon or Point-to-Point race
While there will never be lapped riders in such races, it is still important to record a passing order at
several points along the course as a means of verifying the finish order, and to guarantee that a rider did
not take a short-cut. Also, in case one or more riders go missing during the race, keeping a passing order
at several locations will help you to see approximately how far into the race the person advanced before
going missing.
Lesson 2: XC Finish Order Recording Strategies and Verification
Finish Order Recording Strategies
At races with large numbers of riders, recording both the finish order and times can be a challenge,
particularly if the riders maintain a high pace through the finish zone. A couple of possible strategies to
make this easier include:
Have someone stand about 25 metres in advance of the finish line, and call out the number
plates to you; this will give you a chance to write down the number and the finishing time. In
case of a close finish, if the order changes, you can easily reverse it afterwards
Remember that in the event of a close sprint, the riders are given the same time. It is the order
in which they finish that matters
If you have an assistant, have your assistant write down the finish order as you call it out, while
you record the times with your watch
An optional, but useful piece of equipment that many Finish Judges choose to own is a voice
recorder. You can use it to record your voice as you call the finish order for any particularly busy
parts of the race, while simultaneously using your stopwatch to save finish times. You can then
play the recording back later and write out the times and finish order on paper
At major races, race organization sometimes hires a timing company which may have equipment such as
chip timing systems, video camera, photo finish cameras, and printing stopwatches. If this is the case,
the timing staff will also be recording finish order and finish times.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe some strategies for helping to record times and the finish order
Describe some common sources of error in race results
Indentify who is responsible for producing race results and who is responsible for verifying
Describe the data that must be combined with finish order and times in order to create results
Verifying Results
Producing race results is the job of the race organization. Sometimes the organization will use timing
volunteers or a timing company to provide the times and finish orders. However, for provincial and local
races, the times and finish order recorded by the Finish Judge is what is often used to produce results.
Race results must account for and include the finish order, the finish times, and the impact of any
decisions made by the Commissaires such as disqualifications. They must also include a list of any riders
who did not start (“DNS”) or who did not finish (“DNF).
One of the jobs of the Finish Judge is to examine the results, whether produced by a timing company or
someone else.
If the organizer’s results are different than the finish order that you recorded, then you need to
investigate why the results are different. Some common sources of error are:
Inexperienced organizers or timers may use finish time to determine the results for an XC race
instead of finish order; times are part of the results, but only finish order is used to place riders
in the results. Be particularly careful of this in case a timing company that uses a “chip timing”
system has been hired. Such systems occasionally get the finish order wrong depending upon
minor variations in the placement of the timing chips on the riders’ bicycles
Sometimes, a timing volunteer will not be standing exactly at the finish line, and may call a close
sprint incorrectly
Sometimes, a timing volunteer will not be aware of the race passing order, and may place a rider
who was lapped as having finished on the same lap as the race winner
Also, if the organizer has arranged to record the finish with a video camera or photo finish system, do
not be afraid to consult the camera images in case of a particularly close finish. Assuming that the
camera image is of good enough quality, it can be a great help.
Whatever the case, if you are satisfied that the finish order you have recorded is correct, and the results
produced by the race organizer are wrong, then your version of the finish order is the one that should
be used – as the finish judge, your interpretation of the results and any finish order or timing data is
final. However, your decision must always be based upon evidence from that finish order and timing
data that has been collected.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 3: Time Keeping and Verification for DH Races
For DH races, the Finish Judge’s main job is to serve as either the primary or backup time keeper. Unlike
XC races, the results for DH races are determined based upon the elapsed time of the riders; the fastest
time wins.
Though some passing does occur during DH races, particularly for races with long courses and short start
intervals, finish order is not particularly meaningful other than to indicate the relative speed of the
riders. Except when one rider passes another, the order of riders across the finish line should be the
same as the order in which riders start the race.
Timekeeping at a DH Race
As described in an earlier module dealing with DH race starts, the Start Judge and Finish Judge must
communicate constantly. This way, both the Start and Finish will more easily be able to coordinate the
solution to any problems, and both be aware of any missing riders, delays, or changes to the race order
(though rare).
As the Finish Judge during a DH race, you do the following:
Record the order in which riders cross the finish line
Record the time that each rider crosses the finish line, to the maximum precision of your
stopwatch. If possible, do so in “Time of Day”, as this makes calculating elapsed times easier
since the start list is also listed in Time of Day” format. Even if your stopwatch can only store the
time elapsed since the watch was started, if you know how many minutes late or early the race
is running, you can easily add the elapsed time from your watch to the time of day the race
started in order to express a finish time in “Time of Day”. However, you may also use elapsed
times direct from your stopwatch if you wish
If the start interval between riders is at least 1 minute and you know how many minutes and
seconds late the race is running (if any), try to calculate the race time of each rider to the
nearest second as the race proceeds; this will make verification of the race results much easier
later on. However, if the start interval is only 30 seconds, then you won’t have enough time
between riders to do this. If you have enough time, the method for doing this is simple:
o Add the number of minutes and seconds that the race is running late to the time of day
that the rider was scheduled to start
o Then, subtract this from the time of day that the rider crossed the finish line
Keep a record of any riders who did not start (the Start Judge must tell you as soon as possible if
a rider is missing), and any riders who did not finish
If the organizer has provided a timing company or timing volunteers, it is their responsibility to do the
primary timekeeping and to produce the race results. However, even timing companies sometimes
make mistakes… it is essential that you always keep a set of backup times as described above. You will
need this data in order to later verify that the race results are correct.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Verifying and Correcting DH Results
DH results are based upon the time that it takes the riders to ride down the course; that is, the elapsed
time for each rider. The results are sorted in order from fastest time to slowest time; the rider with the
fastest time in each category is declared the winner.
In order to calculate the elapsed time, you subtract the time that the rider started the race from the
time that the rider finished the race. Some examples:
1. The start and finish judge’s watches are running on elapsed time. The race was due to start at
13:00; they decided to synchronize and start their watches 10 minutes before the race, so at
12:50. Rider A’s scheduled start time was at 13:41:30; however, he left the start line 2 seconds
before his scheduled start time (3 seconds into the 5 second count-down). He crossed the
finished line at 0:54:43.107 on the Finish Judge’s stop watch. To calculate his elapsed time:
a. First, since the finish judge is using elapsed time since the start of the race, and the
watches were synchronized 10 minutes before the race began, subtract the 10 minute
off-set from the finish time as follows: 0:54:43.107 – 0:10:00.000 = 0:44:43.107
b. Adjust the rider’s start time to account for the fact that he left 2 seconds early. So,
00:41:30 – 00:00:02 = 00:41:28
c. Subtract the finish time from the start time: 0:44:43.107 – 0:41:28.000 = 0:03:15.107
d. Rider A’s race time is 3m 15.107s
2. The situation is the same as above in example 1, except that the start judge is taking a split on
his stop-watch when the riders leave instead of simply recording the number of seconds early or
late that the riders leave the start. In this case, to calculate the elapsed time:
a. There is no need to adjust the finish judge’s time by 10 minutes, since both the start and
finish judge are using watches synchronized 10 minutes before the race began.
b. There is no need to adjust the start judge’s time by 2 seconds, since the judge would
have recorded the rider’s actual start time on his watch
c. So, simply subtract the start time from the finish time: 0:54:43.107 – 0:51:41.28.000 =
d. Rider A’s race time is 3m 15.107s
As the Finish Judge, it is your job to verify the results produced by the organizer. For DH races, this is
done by making sure the race times produced by the timing staff are reasonable – that is, they need to
match your backup times closely, within a few seconds at least.
Since you won’t necessarily have a chance to check with the Start Judge to see how many seconds early
or late a rider started the race, times calculated from your manual backups still serve as confirmation if
they are within about 5 seconds of the times listed in the results. If you need to calculate a back-up time
more accurately, then you should check with the Start Judge for the exact time they recorded the rider
as having started the race.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Common sources of error in DH results include:
The start line did not send a “ghost” rider in place of a rider who did not show up for his or her
In the event that a faster rider passed a slower rider on the course, the finish time keeper
accidentally assigned the wrong finish times to the two riders
Making changes to the start order without coordinating the changes with the finish line
Equipment malfunction
Accidentally triggering a start or finish pulse (e.g. someone accidently walks through a timing
gate) and attributing that pulse to a rider
Failure to synchronize the stopwatches at the start and finish of the course
Equipment failure
Errors in DH race times produced by the timing staff are usually large – that is, they are usually multiples
of the start interval, or fairly close to it. This is because most errors in DH race times are caused by
mixing up riders, or by not making proper note of riders who don’t start, or by not resuming the race
after a break in the schedule at the proper time.
Fortunately, if the Start Judge and Finish Judge stay communicate with each other constantly, most of
these problems can either be avoided or easily corrected.
Verifying results is easy if you were able to quickly calculate the approximate elapsed time for each rider
as they cross the finish line (as described above). If so, you can quickly get a sense of whether or not the
results produced by the race organization are reasonable.
If it was not possible to do this, then verify the results for each category by doing the following:
Use your backup times and the start times from the Start Judge to estimate the finish times for
the top 10 riders (or, at least 2 or 3 riders beyond the number of riders for which prizes are
awarded) listed in the draft results; verify that your times are close enough to those listed in the
results to be within the range of error caused starts a few seconds early or late (as described
Using your backup times and the start times from the Start Judge estimate the finish times for 2
or 3 more other riders chosen at random from the draft results; verify that your calculations
produce a time similar to that reported in the results for those riders
The following pages show two examples of how to record (and verify) times as the Finish Judge at a
downhill race. In the first example, the judge didn’t use a timing record sheet; rather the finish times
and estimated race times were simply written down on a copy of the start list. In the second example, a
finish record sheet was used. Notice that riders 10 and 11 finish in a different order than that in which
they started… 11 started first, but for some reason was passed by rider 10.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Explain the role of the Finish Judge at a DH race
Describe some common sources of error in DH race results
Describe the method used to verify race results
Lesson 4 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Explain the role of the Finish Judge at 4X races.
Finally, if it’s apparent that some of the race times produced by the timing staff are badly flawed, then
search to find the problem. If it can’t be found, then calculate the results that are in error manually
using the backup Start Times from the Start Judge, and your own backup finish times.
Lesson 4: Finish Judging and Timekeeping 4X Races
Working as the finish judge at a 4X race has elements common to judging both DH and XC races.
In the qualifying (time trial) stage of a 4X race, the race is run almost exactly like a DH race. Therefore,
the job of the finish judge during this stage is to record and verify the finish times of the riders, exactly
like in a DH race.
Then, during the elimination stage (the heats) of a 4X race, the Finish Judge is judging close sprints, and
recording the finish order across the finish line, just like in an XC race. For each heat, the Finish Judge is
also responsible for announcing the first and second place riders over the radio, so that the
Commissaires at the start know which riders have advanced to the next round of competition.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Module 8: Preparing Race Results and other Classifications
In the last section of the course, we build upon the things that you have learned earlier in order to
describe how to prepare race results and other classifications.
Even though it is the organizer’s responsibility to produce the race results, you should know how to
prepare results correctly and accurately so that you can assist the organizer if it is necessary.
Lesson 1: Preparing Results for 1-Day Races
There are two kinds of bicycle races: 1-Day races, and Stage Races. 1-Day races are “stand-alone” races,
usually taking place on a single day. The race results are not part of the classification of a larger event.
Stage races are races that are made up of a set of 1-Day races, called “Stages”. While each stage is its
own race with independent results, the collect of results from all of the stages are added together in
order to determine an over-all ranking for the entire stage race, called a “General Classification” or
“GC”. This lesson deals with preparing results for 1-Day races; the next lesson deals with preparing Stage
Race results.
Race Results
Race Results are the official record of the finish order of the race, including:
At the top of the results (in the header):
o The name of the race
o The category
o The type of race (XC, DH, 4X)
o The distance over which the race was run
o The name of the place where the race happened
o The date of the race
The ranking of the participants after the race, in the following order:
o The finish order of all riders who started and finished the race, as well as the amount of
time it took them to complete the race; then,
o For races run over multiple laps of a circuit, the riders who finished 1 lap behind the
leader; then,
o For circuit races, the riders who finished 2 laps behind the leader; then,
o For circuit races, etc…; then,
o The list of riders who started, but did not finish “DNF”; then,
o The list of riders who completed the registration process, but did not start “DNS”; then,
o The list of riders (if any) who were disqualified “DQ”
Note: For each participant listed, the following information is included:
o Number plate
o Name and Last Name
o UCI Code (as found on their license card; nationality + date of birth)
o Club or Team
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 1 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the information that should be included in race results for 1-Day races
Explain the order in which the ranking should be presented in the results
o Their finish time, or if they are 1 or more laps down, the number of laps behind the
o DNF, DNS, or DQ in place of finish time (if one of these applies)
At the bottom of the results (in the footer)
o The names of the Finish Judge and Chief Commissaire
o The page number
Ideally, all results sheets include the information listed above. However, sometimes all of this
information is not available. At very least results should list the name of the race, the date of the race,
and the ranking (including race number, name, team, UCI Code, and time) in order of riders who
finished, riders who were lapped (in case of a circuit race), DNF, DNS, and disqualified riders.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Sample race results from the 2009 Mountain Bike World Championship in Canberra, Australia. In this
example, notice how the times are reported; instead of elapsed time, times are instead expressed as a
number of minutes and seconds behind the race winner.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 2 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Explain what a “Stage Race” is.
Explain how the “General Classification” for most stage races is calculated.
Describe why accurate timekeeping is particularly important for Stage Races.
Lesson 2: Preparing Results for Stage Races
As mentioned in Lesson 1, above, Stage Races are races that are made up of a set of 1-Day races, called
“Stages”. While each stage has its own results and winners, the results from individual stages are
compiled into a “General Classification”, or “GC”, which gives an overall ranking for the entire event.
Another feature of most Stage Races is that riders must finish each stage in order to be allowed to start
the next; that is, they must complete all stages.
The General Classification for Mountain Bike Stage Races is usually based upon accumulated time. That
is, the race completion time for each rider from every stage is added together. The overall winner of the
Stage Race is the rider who completed all stages in fastest cumulative time.
Stage races may include both bunch races (XC events) and Time Trials (DH events, or other individual
times trials, including Hill Climbs). Race results for XC events are reported to the nearest second, while
Time Trial results are reported to the nearest 1/1000 of a second, or at least the maximum precision of
the stopwatches if it is less than 1/1000 of a second. The General Classification times are only reported
to the nearest second, unless there is a tie; in order to break the tie, the fractions of seconds from any
Time Trial stages are then included.
While time does not determine the outcome of the individual XC stages of a stage race (order of finish
does), time does determine the outcome of the General Classification; so accurate timekeeping is
especially important for stage races.
The General Classification for a stage race should include the same basic information as that found in
race results for 1-Day races. The main difference is that the inclusion of a column called “Overall Time”,
which is the sum of the times of each rider for all stages completed so far. The ranking is produced by
sorting the results on “Overall Time” from fastest to slowest.
A General Classification is created after every stage so that riders can see the overall ranking and plan
their strategy for future stages accordingly.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Rulebook Review – Breaking Ties
Part I, “General Organization of Cycling as a Sport” of the UCI regulations describes the measures that
may be taken by the Finish Judge in order to resolve a tie. Article 1.2.110 applies.
Lesson 3 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Explain how the equipment that the finish judge can use to break ties.
Explain how ties are broken in the general classification of a stage race.
Describe how the results are presented if a tie can’t be broken.
Lesson 3: Breaking Ties
For mass start races such as XC events, it should usually be possible to determine the finish order even
in the closest sprints. The decision of the finish judge in such matters is final; however, the judge may
use all means available to decide the outcome of a sprint, such as video, photo finish cameras, etc.
However, sometimes it is not possible to break a tie; an example is DH races. Despite times being
recorded to the nearest 1/1000 of a second, a tie can happen, though it is rare. The usual method used
to break ties in this situation is to use the results from any seeding or qualification run; in this case, the
rider with the highest qualifying time would break the tie. However, if there was no such qualifying run,
or if there was still a tie, then the riders would share the same place and the prizes. In such cases, the
placing immediately after that which is tied is not awarded.
For instance, suppose there is a tie for second place that can’t be broken. The results would look like
In this example, riders 15 and 11 are tied for 2
place; as a result, they share 2
place, and 3
place is
not awarded.
Lesson 4: Preliminary Results
Often, preliminary results need to be created; sometimes, even before all riders have finished the race.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 4 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe why preliminary results are sometimes created
Explain why care is needed when creating preliminary General Classification results
For major races, the award presentation for the winning riders takes place very quickly after the race
has ended, often within 10 minutes of the race leaders crossing the finish line. Because riders are
expected to attend the podium in racing clothing, it is necessary to have the award ceremony as quickly
as possible.
In order to do this, the Finish Judge and timing staff must create and verify a set of preliminary results.
For 1-Day races, this is fairly simply; results are created and verified a few rankings beyond the number
of places for which prizes are awarded.
However, for the final stage of Stage Races, more care is required. Since an award ceremony for the
results of the General Classification is usually held along with a ceremony for the final stage, a
preliminary General Classification must also be produced.
Though the riders who place near the top of the General Classification usually also do well in most
stages, it is quite possible for a rider who is in contention to win, or place on the podium for the GC to
not place particularly highly in a stage. For stage races, you must wait for riders in contention for the GC
podium to finish the race before producing the preliminary GC, or wait at least until enough time has
passed that it is no longer possible for those riders to place highly enough to appear on the podium.
If you are the Finish Judge, it is your job to work with timing staff to produce and verify the preliminary
results in time for the awards to proceed as planned. Sometimes an assistant judge may need to carry
on with recording the finish order so that you can do this. Some advance planning is needed for this; be
sure to find out the race schedule and when the organizer hopes to do the awards so that you can
Lesson 5: Dealing with Errors in the Race Results
Verifying the Results
As the Finish Judge, it is your responsibility to verify the race results before they are declared official and
sent to Cycling BC.
To review, verifying the results for XC races is done by tracking the progress of some of the riders
through the entire race to make sure that they have completed the full distance for the race. For circuit
races, a good practice is to trace the top 10 to 15 riders through the lap sheets to ensure that they are
placed correctly. Then, a random selection of other riders should also be verified using the same
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Rulebook Review – Corrections to Results
In fact, results shown to be incorrect can be corrected by the governing body up to 30 days after the
race in question. Article 1.2.111 of Part I, “General Organization of Cycling as a Sport” of the UCI
Regulations describes this.
process, including some of the lapped riders, if any. The process is the same for point-to-point races,
except that the passing orders collected at various points are the course are used instead.
The process for verifying DH results was described earlier in this manual. To recap, it involves calculating
the race times for some of the riders from the manual backup times, to make sure that the times (and
results) created by the timing staff are reasonable. As with XC results, times should be verified for at
least a few riders beyond the lowest rank for which prizes are awarded, plus a few others chosen at
Dealing with Errors once the Results are Verified and Published
Once the race is finished and the Finish Judge has verified the results, they should be posted for the
riders to see. Sometimes preliminary results are even posted before the race is completely over if some
riders are not expected to finish for a while.
Some time ago, there was an official protest period of 15 minutes after the results were first posted,
during which riders could protest the results; after this, the results were declared official. However, this
is no longer the case. It is the responsibility of the Finish Judge to verify the results before they are
posted, so that the awards ceremony can take place as soon as possible. Once the results are verified,
they are considered to be official, and are signed by the Finish Judge and Chief Commissaire.
However, sometimes mistakes are made when creating the results despite everyone’s best efforts.
If mistakes are discovered in the results, and can be proved by reviewing all available evidence (timing
records such as print-outs from printing stopwatches, or backup times; race passing orders, official video
or photo finish records), then the results should corrected. This can happen even after the results are
declared official and sent to Cycling BC.
Sometimes, riders don’t agree with the results whether there actually is a mistake or not. Riders can
always bring what they believe to be errors to the attention of the Commissaires at any time, either
before or after the awards. However, any error must be supported by evidence; if after investigating a
results claim, the Commissaires are satisfied that the results are correct, then the results are not
changed and the challenge to the results is denied.
But, if an error can be proven, then the results should be corrected, even if it means that some of the
prizes have to be taken back and redistributed.
Mountain Bike Timekeeper & Finish Judge Course Manual
Lesson 6 – Points for Review and Performance Expectations
Following this course, you should be able to:
Describe the process used to verify results
Explain the process used to declare results as “official”
Describe the circumstances under which “official” results can be corrected
Describe what to do when no error is found in the results despite a complaint
Explain what happens if an error is found in the results
Next Steps
After you have finished reading the course manual and the rules that have been introduced throughout
the text, and you are confident that you understand that material, the next step is to contact Cycling BC
to arrange to take the written test.
The test consists of several questions that you should have no trouble answering provided that you have
completely read this document and the associated rules. This test is done at home at your own pace;
once completed, you can e-mail back to Cycling BC for grading if you have completed it with Microsoft
Word; or, you can fax it or mail it if you completed it by hand.
The passing grade is 70%; once you have passed the test, you are eligible to be licensed as a “Provincial
‘C’ level Commissaire”. Once you have obtained your license you can work at local races and under the
supervision of more experienced Commissaires at provincial races. Once you have returned your
completed Practical Experience Card to the Cycling BC office, you will be certified as a “Provincial ‘C’
level Commissaire”, and are eligible to take the Provincial ‘B’ level Commissaire course if you wish.