Get Started with MariaDB TX
2.0 in Azure
A Step-By-Step Guide for Easy Deployment
Table of Contents
- About This Guide
Deploying MariaDB to the Azure Cloud
- Microsoft Azure Subscription
Step-By-Step Instructions
- SCREEN 1: Basics
- SCREEN 2: VM Conguration
- SCREEN 3: App Access Conguration
- SCREEN 4: Summary
- SCREEN 5: Buy
Monitor Your Deployment
- Troubleshooting
Connecting to MariaDB TX
- Advanced Usage
Additional MariaDB Solutions in Azure
- Do More with Your Deployment
- Planning a Production Deployment?
MariaDB the fastest growing open source database
in the world is a modern, relational database
with extensible architecture and enterprise-grade
reliability. It has more than 12 million users globally
and 500 customers in more than 45 countries.
Want a quick and easy way to experience MariaDB
for yourself?
MariaDB TX in Microsoft Azure offers an easy-to-
deploy cluster with three data nodes in the back,
along with two MariaDB MaxScale nodes to offer
Here’s a brief overview of the MariaDB TX solution in
Azure components:
MariaDB Server is a secure relational database
that combines familiar SQL interfaces with open
extensibility to support a breadth of use cases. It
supports traditional operational use cases as well
as new use cases featuring a complete set of JSON
functions and an optimized transactional storage
engine (MyRocks).
MariaDB Cluster extends MariaDB’s widely adopted
open source database with Galera clustering
technology featuring multiple active masters. It
This guide provides the step-by-step instructions
you need to set up and deploy MariaDB TX in
Microsoft Azure.
For developers and DBAs just getting started with
MariaDB, or deploying MariaDB Cluster for the
rst time, MariaDB TX in Microsoft Azure is a great
place to dip your toes in the water. Get familiar
with the topology of the offering, see how the
components work together and work through some
MariaDB’s Cluster offering in Azure does not
demonstrate the full range of capabilities of
MariaDB TX and is not intended for production
deployment. If you are planning to run MariaDB
in a production environment, please contact
MariaDB for consultative services and support.
Get Started with MariaDB TX 2.0 in Azure: A Step-By-Step Guide for Easy Deployment
Read/Write Split: Assesses the content of the query and determines whether to send it to the master
node or to one of the slaves
Write Connection Router: If you have an app that already splits trafc, all trafc sent to this port will be
sent to the master node
Read Connection Router: Again, if you have an app that already splits trafc, all trafc sent to this port
will be dynamically balanced to the slave nodes
* A-series VMs have CPU performance and memory congurations best suited for entry-level workloads like development and
test. They are economical and provide a low-cost option to get started with Azure.
achieves high scalability, scaling out on demand using automatic membership control of new nodes joining
the cluster and failed nodes dropping from the cluster, and scaling up with multi-core processors.
MariaDB MaxScale is a database proxy that decouples client applications from the complexities of a database
cluster. In this architecture, the two MaxScale nodes are A-series VMs.* They are set up behind an Azure load
balancer, congured to automatically failover if one instance of MaxScale becomes unavailable. In addition to
load balancing and failover, MariaDB MaxScale provides caching, streaming and sharding mechanisms.
The combined technology of this solution lets you read and write to any cluster nodes without slave lag.
Indeed, MariaDB MaxScale is automatically congured to provide the following services across the three back-
end nodes:
Get Started with MariaDB TX 2.0 in Azure: A Step-By-Step Guide for Easy Deployment
To get started with your deployment, go to the MariaDB TX page in the Azure Marketplace. From there, you’ll
be prompted to enter information on a sequence of 5 screens. This guide will walk you through each step of
the setup and deployment process.
Microsoft Azure Subscription
You must have an Azure Subscription to
be able to deploy this solution. If you use
minimum VM sizes, each with 2 cores, your
deployment should use 10 cores, which you
should be able to deploy under the default core
quota for a paid Azure subscription. In order to
deploy more than 10 cores in a single region,
you may need to increase your quota. See
Azure quota limitations for more information.
Payment for VMs, storage and other Azure
resources deployed as part of this solution
are the responsibility of the end user. Pricing
will depend on the options chosen during
deployment. Your subscription with Microsoft
denes the terms of payment.
Please take a few minutes to review all
sections of this guide before you begin
your deployment. Doing so will let you
know what’s in store and ensure your
deployment experience is as quick and
easy as possible.
The Azure Free Trial does not have enough core quota to
deploy this solution. However, MariaDB Test Drive lets
you deploy the solution for two hours at no charge.
Get Started with MariaDB TX 2.0 in Azure: A Step-By-Step Guide for Easy Deployment
SCREEN 1: Basics
Cluster Name: The name you choose should be globally unique, as it will be used to set up DNS and storage
accounts in Azure.
Subscription: From the dropdown list, select the subscription under which you wish to deploy the cluster.
Resource Group: In creating the resource group for your cluster, it makes most sense to give it the same
value as your Cluster Name.
Location: From the dropdown list, choose a location where the cluster resources will be deployed. Be sure
the location you choose supports the types of VMs and storage you want to use.
The "DS" series of VMs include support for "Premium" solid-state (SSD) storage, which offers greatly
improved performance over the "Standard" spinning-disk storage supported by the "A" and "D" series
The "DS" series of VMs are available in only a limited subset of locations/regions. If you want to be
able to use "DS" series VMs and high-performance premium storage, you must create your Resource
Group in a location/region that supports Premium storage.
For detailed information about Azure products by region and/or Premium storage, see corresponding
links in the Resources section of this guide.
Get Started with MariaDB TX 2.0 in Azure: A Step-By-Step Guide for Easy Deployment
SCREEN 2: VM Configuration
Data node VM size: From the dropdown list, choose the appropriate size for your budget and needs.
Azure allows you to choose from a variety of different VM types and sizes.
If you want to use SSD (Premium) storage, you must choose a DS-series VM. DS-series VMs are only
available in a limited number of regions in Azure.
For more information about Azure VM types and sizes and/or product regions, see the Resources
section of this guide.
Data node storage account name: This is set to your Cluster Name by default. You can keep that default
value if the Azure UI allows you to do so. Otherwise, choose a different name. The name you choose should
be globally unique.
Data node storage account type: From the dropdown list, choose the account type you want to use, either
Premium-LRS (SSD) or Standard-LRS (HDD). (For more information on Storage Pricing in Azure or Premium
Storage, see the appropriate link in the Resources section of this guide).
Disk size: From the dropdown list, choose the size that suits your needs. Note that each data node in the
cluster will place its data directory on this disk. When using Premium (SSD) storage, choosing a larger disk
will have an effect on the available IOPS (i.e., you get better performance if you're using a bigger device,
even if you're not using the whole thing).
MaxScale VM size: Use the default value unless you identify a CPU or memory bottleneck on the MaxScale
SSH login name: The name you create will be used to administer the nodes of the cluster using SSH.
Public SSH key: In order to facilitate administration of the cluster, you must provide an SSH public key. The
le that holds this key is often called id_rsa.pub and will typically be located in the .ssh subdirectory of your
home directory on a Linux or other Unix computer. The private key corresponding to this public key must be
used to connect to the nodes in the cluster using SSH. You are responsible for generating and maintaining
your own key pair.
Get Started with MariaDB TX 2.0 in Azure: A Step-By-Step Guide for Easy Deployment
SCREEN 3: App Access Configuration
Public IP address: The address congured will be used to connect to your MaxScale node. By default, Azure
should do this for you automatically.
Domain name label: This will form the DNS name for your MaxScale node. The UI will show the sufx
below the text box.
Load balance visibility: From the dropdown list, select “Public or “Internal” to determine whether you
want to connect to the exposed MariaDB services on the MaxScale nodes from outside Azure (Public) or
only from inside Azure (Internal).
Choose “Internal” if you intend to create additional VMs to run your application inside Azure.
Choose "Public" only if you understand the implications of sending unencrypted database trafc
across the open internet this is not a recommended conguration and should only be used for
testing or POC purposes.
App username: The name you specify will be used by database clients to connect to the MaxScale service.
Password: The name you specify will be used by database clients to connect to the MaxScale service. Use a
high-quality password.
App schema/database: This database will be created for you, and the App username you specify will have
full access (ALL PRIVILEGES) to this database.
This deployment topology does not support SSL connections from clients to MaxScale at this time (though you can
theoretically set this up yourself after deployment is complete). For better security, you should set up a VPN connection to
Azure, you should use an SSH tunnel to interact with the MaxScale node, or you should connect to the MaxScale node from
another VM in Azure that you place into the same virtual network as your MariaDB Cluster deployment. The implementation
details of those approaches are beyond the scope of this guide.
Get Started with MariaDB TX 2.0 in Azure: A Step-By-Step Guide for Easy Deployment
SCREEN 4: Summary
Here, you’ll get the chance to review the information you’ve submitted on the previous screens. If you need to
go back and make any changes, you can do so now.
When you hit the “Purchase button, you are not buying a MariaDB subscription. You are simply purchasing the virtual
resources from Microsoft Azure.
Read and agree to the text and deploy the solution!
Get Started with MariaDB TX 2.0 in Azure: A Step-By-Step Guide for Easy Deployment
It usually takes about 20 minutes for the deployment to complete, but be
patient; it can sometimes take much longer. You can monitor its progress
using the Azure Portal. Heres how:
1. Load the Resource Groups blade (access it here: https://portal.azure.
2. Click the Resource Group that you chose in the Basics step of your
3. You should see a "Last deployment" eld with today's date and
"Deploying" in parentheses. Click that.
4. You'll get a "Deployment history" blade that shows your current
deployment. Click the deployment.
5. Review all the parameters set for this deployment.
6. Scroll to the bottom and you will see the list of resources being
If any resources have
failed to deploy, follow
the Troubleshooting
instructions in the MariaDB
Knowledge Base.
After your deployment is complete, you'll be able to log in to the MaxScale node using
<clusterName>.<location>.cloudapp.azure.com. Your clusterName is the value you gave in the very rst eld
when setting up your deployment, and location is the name of the location to which you deployed the solution,
with spaces removed (e.g., West US becomes "westus" and East US 2 becomes "eastus2").
EXAMPLE: If your clusterName was "mytestcluster" and you deployed to the "West US" location, the fully
qualied domain name for your MaxScale node would be mytestcluster.westus.cloudapp.azure.com
Direct MariaDB/MySQL client access:
If you chose "Internal" Load Balancer Visibility, you will only be able to connect applications to MaxScale
from a VM running in the same virtual network in Azure. Deploying and conguring those VMs is the
responsibility of the customer.
If you chose "Public" Load Balancer Visibility during deployment, you'll be able to connect directly to your
MaxScale node using any MariaDB or MySQL client, like this:
Get Started with MariaDB TX 2.0 in Azure: A Step-By-Step Guide for Easy Deployment
a FREE Test Drive!)
TEST DRIVE: This solution gives you 2 hours of FREE
access to MariaDB TX in Azure. “Kick the tires, take
a look around and get a feel for its capabilities. With
a cluster always running, the test drive can deploy
in as little as 30 seconds. What’s more, it includes an
extra VM (WordPress) so you can see what it looks
like to connect an application to the cluster and
understand how the solution works on the back-end.
STANDALONE: Single MariaDB Server instance. VM
deploys in about 5 minutes.
Detailed information about connecting to, using and administering MariaDB TX in Azure is available on the Usage and
Administration page in the MariaDB Knowledge Base.
Do More with Your
Once you’ve deployed MariaDB TX in Azure,
we encourage you to review use cases and
create some scenarios to work through.
Want to see how MaxScale failover works?
There are two practice scenarios included on
the Test Drive user guide.
Get Started with MariaDB TX 2.0 in Azure: A Step-By-Step Guide for Easy Deployment
Azure Marketplace – MariaDB TX
Azure Quota Limitations
MariaDB Test Drive
Premium Storage in Azure
Products by Region in Azure
Storage Pricing in Azure
Usage and Administration – MariaDB Cluster in Azure
VM Pricing in Azure
Planning a production deployment? We’re here to help!
If you’re planning to deploy MariaDB in a production environment, a MariaDB TX Subscription
is recommended. MariaDB offers a combination of curated packages and comprehensive support,
including break/x, security alerts, updates, consultative services and rapid response everything you
need to condently deploy MariaDB as part of your core infrastructure and in the cloud.
At MariaDB, our consultants will help you nd the right support for your database deployment.
Contact us today.
Americas: sales-[email protected]
Europe, Middle East, Africa: [email protected]
Asia Pacic: sales-APA[email protected]
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trademark of MariaDB Corporation.