Who should use this form?
Anyone applying for either a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card – you will be assessed for both.
Did you know the quickest way to apply for either a Medical Card or GP Visit Card is online?
Apply at www.mymedicalcard.ie
How do I apply for a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card?
Step 1. Understand that this form is long, as we want to get the informaon we need to process
your applicaon as quickly as we can for you. You will have to complete the parts of the
form that apply to you. Parts 3 (unless you have dependent children), 4 and 5 do not
always apply.
The eight secons of the form are:
Part 1: Declaraon and consent (to read and sign)
Part 2: Personal details
Part 3: Your dependent children
Part 4: Applying under EU regulaons or UK agreement
Part 5: Income details
Part 6: Family expenses
Part 7: Doctor of choice / doctors acceptance of you or your partner or family
Part 8: Data Protecon Statement
Step 2. Know that we ask you for photocopies of documents and other evidence in this form,
so you need to note what you need to send us for yourself and or for others (if relevant)
along with your completed form. Please ck o evidences in the lile boxes provided
as you gather evidences for us. We ask you not to send original documents as we can’t
return them.
Step 3. Read the form and then start lling it in using a black ballpoint pen. Remember to sign
Part 1. Only include or name any child dependants who live with you full me on this
Step 4. Get your doctor and your spouse or partners doctor to complete and stamp Part 8 of this
form. The doctor(s) must have a contract with the Health Service Execuve.
Step 5. Read Part 8 about your Data Protecon rights.
Step 6. Email your completed applicaon forms and copies of all the documents we ask for to:
PCRS.applica[email protected]. For further informaon on emailing your applicaon,
please see page 20 of the application form. Or, if you wish you can post your
completed application form and copies of all the documents to the Eligibility Unit,
PO Box 11745, Dublin 11.
Need help?
Read this page and the questions and answers (Q and A) on the next two pages for help. If you need
further help, please visit www.medicalcard.ie, email [email protected] or 0818 224478.
Medical Card and GP Visit Card
Applicaon Form
Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 1
Feb 2024
2 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1
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Q1. Who can apply for a Medical Card or a GP Visit card?
Anyone who is ordinarily resident’ in the Republic of Ireland can apply. ‘Ordinarily resident means that you are
living here and intend to live here for at least one year.
Q2. How do I complete an Irish language applicaon form?
If you wish to complete an application form in Irish and receive all your correspondence in Irish, please contact
0818 224478 or visit www.hse.ie to download the Irish version.
Más mian leat foirm iarratais a chomhlánú i nGaeilge a
gus gach comhfhreagras i nGaeilge a fháil, déan teagmháil
le 0818 224478 chun iarratas a dhéanamh nó téigh chuig www.hse.ie
Q3. How do I qualify for a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card?
We will look at your household income aer tax, PRSI (pay-related social insurance) and the USC (Universal Social
Charge) have been deducted. We also look at expenses like:
rent mortgage maintenance costs
mortgage protecon house insurance nursing home
childcare travel to work costs
If the gure we see aer we take away expenses from your household income is less than the qualifying income
limits’, you and your family dependants will be sent a card. Qualifying income limits are nancial guidelines you
would need to meet to qualify for a Medical Card or GP Visit Card.
You can nd further details on qualifying income limits on www.medicalcard.ie
Q4. If I get a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card, does it cover my
family too?
If your family income falls under the qualifying income limits, the card will cover:
your spouse or partner
your children under 16 years of age
Children who are aged 16 to 25 will get a card if they are receiving weekly income less than €164, and living with you
or living away from you to aend school or college in the Republic of Ireland. They must ll out their own applicaon
form and send it to us.
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Q5. I am aged between 16 and 25. How do I apply?
How you apply depends on your income. See which applies to you from 1, 2 or 3 below.
1. Is your weekly income €164 or more? You must complete all relevant parts of this applicaon form.
2. Is your weekly income less than €164
and your parent(s) or guardian(s) do not have a current Medical Card? They
must complete all relevant parts of a separate applicaon form and send it to us with your fully completed form.
3. Is your weekly income less than €164
and your parents or guardians have a current Medical Card. You must
complete this applicaon form and include parents’ or guardians’ Medical Card number on page 7.
Q6. What if my household income is over the qualifying
income limits? (see Q3 on page 2 for denion)
If this is the case, you and your family dependants may be granted a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card where you have
dicult personal circumstances that cause you nancial pressure - for example, a family member with a chronic
illness. You need to send us evidence of these circumstances with your completed applicaon form, for example, a
medical report and medical expense receipts.
Q7. Will my savings and investments be taken into account
when assessing my income?
It depends. We will not take into account savings or investments of amounts:
up to €36,000 for a single person, or
up to €72,000 for a couple.
We will assess any savings or investments above these amounts.
Q8. How do I apply for a Medical Card under European (EU)
You can apply for a Medical Card under EU Regulaons if you meet both of the following requirements. You and or
your spouse and dependants are:
insured under the social security legislaon of another EU/EEA member state or Switzerland, so they are receiving
a social security pension from that state or working and paying social insurance in that state, and
not subject to Irish social security legislaon. (You are subject to Irish social security legislaon if you are receiving a
contributory Irish social welfare payment based on PRSI contributors or if you are subject to PRSI in the Irish State.
PRSI is pay-related social insurance.)
If you meet the above requirements, you can claim your entlement to “Health Care under EU Regulaons”. See
Part 4.
4 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1
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If you are a froner or posted worker or pensioner or dependent on a person insured in another EU/EEA country
or Switzerland, you can apply for a medical card under EU Regulaons by:
Compleng an online medical card applicaon and uploading your and / or your spouse and dependants S1 form
issued by the EU/EEA member state or Switzerland.
Compleng parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 (doctor to complete) of this paper applicaon and including a copy your and /or
your spouse and dependants S1 form issued by the EU/EEA member state or Switzerland.
If you are a froner or posted worker or pensioner or dependent on a person insured in United Kingdom, you can
apply for a medical card under EU Regulaons by:
Compleng an online medical card applicaon and uploading a copy of a leer of old age pension conrmaon
from the Department for Works and Pensions Board (if you are a pensioner) or a recent payslip if employed
instead of an S1 form from the UK.
Compleng parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 (doctor to complete) of this paper applicaon and include a copy of a leer of old
age pension conrmaon from the Department for Works and Pensions Board (if you are a pensioner) or a recent
payslip if employed instead of an S1 form from the UK.
If your spouse or partner and dependants are not covered for Health Care under EU Regulaons but require Medical
Card Eligibility, you must complete this applicaon form in full.
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Part 1 – Declaraon and consent
Signature: Date:
If you are not able to sign, your mark should be made below. Place your mark here:
Before compleng this part of the form, please read the following important informaon carefully. It is about
what it means when you give us informaon for your applicaon. Sign below where shown if you agree with the
informaon on this page and add the date.
By law, anyone who deliberately gives false informaon on this form, or who deliberately withholds informaon
relevant to an assessment of eligibility for a Medical Card and GP Visit Card, could face a ne, imprisonment or
Also, by law, anyone who does not tell the HSE about a change in their circumstances that could aect their
eligibility for a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card could face a ne.
Where appropriate, the HSE has the right to review and modify (change) Medical Card and GP Visit Card eligibility
status at any me.
Declaraon and consent
Please read these statements. If you agree with them, please complete and sign or mark the form below.
I/We declare that I/We are ordinarily resident in Ireland. “Ordinarily resident” means that you are living in
Ireland and intend to live here for more than one year.
I/We apply for a Medical Card/GP Visit Card.
I/We declare that the information given as part of this application is correct to the best of my/our knowledge.
I/We agree that the HSE, when assessing eligibility, in the absence of supporting documentation will contact
other Government Departments including the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection
and Revenue through real time systems to confirm information that should be supplied as supporting
I/We agree to tell the HSE immediately of any changes that may affect my/our eligibility for health services.
I/We agree that the HSE, when assessing eligibility, may contact other Government Departments including the
Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection and Revenue to confirm the information that I/we
have given.
I/We agree for a HSE PCRS Doctor to contact GPs or other doctors or other health professionals involved in
the care of people named on this application for further information relevant to the assessment of this
application.[PCRS stands for Primary Care Reimbursement Service. The service that deals with applications.]
I/We agree to inform the Eligibility Unit of any change in my address or other personal data so that the HSE
can keep my personal data accurate and up to date.
6 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1
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Application No.:
Date Received:
For Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 that apply
to you, please complete in CAPITAL
LETTERS and place a ck (
) where
appropriate in the single boxes
First name(s): Surname:
PPS number:
Birth surname:
(If dierent)
Date of birth: Gender: Male Female
Part 2 – Personal details (please use a black ballpoint pen to complete this form)
Eircode: Mobile phone:
(We may text about this applicaon if mobile number is provided.)
Dayme phone:
Email address:
How long have you lived in Ireland?
Are you ordinarily resident in the Republic of Ireland Yes No (This means do you live here or plan
to live here for at least a year.)
Do you live alone? Yes No If No, who do you live with?
Are you:
Single Married Cohabing In a Civil Partnership Widowed Separated Divorced
Do you or your spouse/partner have, or ever had a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card? Yes No
If ‘Yes’, please ck the type of card and write in the number:
Applicant: Medical Card GP Visit Card Card number
Spouse: Medical Card GP Visit Card Card number
Are you aged 16-25?
Does your parent(s) or guardian have a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card? Yes No
(If yes, please provide their card number below.)
Card number:
Are you aending school or third level educaon?
Yes No
(Personal Public Service number)
Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 7
Feb 2024
First name(s): Surname:
PPS number:
Date of birth: Gender: Male Female
How long have you lived in Ireland?
Are you ordinarily resident in Ireland? (Live here or plan to live here for at least a year) Yes No
Details for your spouse or partner
First name(s): Surname:
PPS number: Gender: Male Female
Date of birth: In 2nd level educaon or 3rd level educaon
Relaonship to you: Receiving a 3rd level educaon grant: Yes No
First name(s): Surname:
PPS number: Gender: Male Female
Date of birth: In 2nd level educaon or 3rd level educaon
Relaonship to you: Receiving a 3rd level educaon grant: Yes No
First name(s): Surname:
PPS number: Gender: Male Female
Date of birth: In 2nd level educaon or 3rd level educaon
Relaonship to you: Receiving a 3rd level educaon grant: Yes No
First name(s): Surname:
PPS number: Gender: Male Female
Date of birth: In 2nd level educaon or 3rd level educaon
Relaonship to you: Receiving a 3rd level educaon grant: Yes No
Use a separate sheet of paper for addional children in this category
Part 3 – Your dependent children
Dependants who are aged 16-25 in school or college or receiving an income of less than €164 per week must
be included on this applicaon. They must also complete their own applicaon form. Please do not include
dependants who are living with another parent or guardian.
8 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1
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4a. Employment – employed by another EU/EEA member state, Switzerland or UK.
Q. What do you need to provide if you are employed by another EU/EEA member state, Switzerland or
UK and applying under EU regulaons and you live now in the Republic of Ireland?
A. If you work as a froner or posted worker and you are employed by a company or organisaon based in
UK, you will need to provide your current payslip.
If you work as a froner or posted worker and you are employed by a company or organisaon based in
EU/EEA member state or Switzerland, you will need to provide E106 or S1 form.
If you are dependent on someone who lives in another EU/EEA member state, Switzerland or UK, you will
need to provide E109 or S1 form.
4b. Pension – geng a pension from another EU/EEA member state, Switzerland or UK.
Q. What do you need to provide if you are receiving a pension from another EU/EEA member state,
Switzerland or UK and applying under EU regulaons and you live now in the Republic of Ireland?
If you are geng a state pension from the UK, you will need to provide a leer from the Department
of Works and Pensions (DWP) conrming this pension.
If you are geng a pension from an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland, you will need to provide an
E121 or S1 form.
If you are dependent on someone who lives in another EU/EEA member state, Switzerland or UK, you
will need to provide an E109 or S1 form.
EU/EEA or Switzerland UK Evidence
Applicant E106 or S1 form
E109 or S1 form
Recent payslip
Spouse or partner E106 or S1 form
E109 or S1 form
Recent payslip
EU/EEA or Switzerland UK Evidence
Applicant E121 or S1 form Department of Works and Pension
(DWP) Leer
Spouse or partner E109 or S1 form Department of Works and Pension
(DWP) Leer
Part 4 – Are you applying under EU or UK agreement
Only complete secons 4a and/or 4b if applying for Health Care under EU Regulaons, please read pages 3
and 4 for help and informaon.
Do you wish your spouse/partner and/or family to be means assessed for a Medical Card
if they do not qualify under EU Regulaons? Yes No
Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 9
Feb 2024
Part 5 – Income details
(Please give details of all income that you and your spouse or partner receive)
A. Social Welfare Payment
Q. What do you and your spouse or partner (if any) need to provide if one or both of you receive a
social welfare payment?
A. If on sick leave, carers leave or maternity leave and not receiving any payment from an employer, you
and your spouse/partner (if relevant) must also send a leer from your employer(s) to conrm you are
not geng a payment.
If your or your spouse’s/partners employment ended aer 1 January 2019, you must print and send us
details of your ceased employment through “myAccount” services on Revenue’s website.
If either or both of you are sll being paid by an employer(s), you (or each of you) must send us a
photocopy of your most recent payslip(s).
Amount Payment frequency Name of payment
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Spouse or
10 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1
Wage (Aer
tax, PRSI and
USC deducted)
Payment frequency Employer name
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Spouse or
Start date Expected nish date
Start date Expected nish date
Spouse or
B. Wages
Q. What do you and or your spouse or partner (if any) need to provide if one or both of you get wages?
A. You need to provide a photocopy of your most recent payslip (dated in the last 3 months). If your
employment ended aer 1 January 2019, you can print out details of that employment through
“myAccount” services on the Revenue website. If you have more than one employment, please provide a
payslip for each one.
C. Back to employment or educaon scheme (for example, Community Employment
Q. What do you and or your spouse or partner (if any) need to provide if one or both of you are on a
back to employment or educaon scheme?
A. You need to provide a leer(s) from the scheme supervisor(s) showing the start date and expected
nish date for you and/or your spouse or partner and a photocopy of your most recent payslip (dated in
the last 3 months).
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Amount Type of employment
Spouse or
Amount Payment frequency Country that pays this
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Spouse or
D. Self-employed
Q. What do you and or your spouse or partner (if any) need to provide if one or both of you are self-
A. All pages of your most recent Noce of Assessment (NOA) or your Acknowledgement of Self-
Assessment from Revenue. These pages should include a Revenue Indicave Calculaon (RIC). If the RIC
is not included in the correspondence from Revenue, you need to include a copy of your most recent
Income Tax Return (Form 11) which you sent to Revenue.
if Revenue advised you that you have No Net tax Liability (NNL) for your self-employment income, please
provide a set of accounts signed o by your accountant
if you have recently been assessed by Department of Social Protecon, please submit means assessment
completed by same
if your income from self-employment is listed on your Statement of Liability, please send us this statement
if your business is open less than one year, please provide a set of accounts signed o by your accountant
if your business has recently ceased trading, please conrm date of cessaon
E. A social security pension from another state
Q. What do you and your spouse or partner need to provide if one or both of you receive this kind of
A. You need to provide a photocopy of your most recent payslip(s) dated in the last 3 months or a leer
from a state authority showing the amount being paid within the last 12 months.
12 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1
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(Aer tax, PRSI
and USC
Payment frequency Pension provider
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Spouse or
Amount Payment frequency Source of income
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Spouse or
F. A private or occupaonal pension
Q. What do you and your spouse or partner (if any) need to provide if one or both of you receive a
private or occupaonal pension?
A. You need to provide a photocopy of one of the following:
1) your most recent pension payslip dated within 12 months
2) a copy of your latest employment details summary which you can print out from “myAccount” services
on the Revenue website
3) a leer from pension provider conrming that pension is no longer being paid. If the pension was paid
in a lump sum, we need details of the lump sum paid from the pension provider.
G. Maintenance payment
Q. What do you or your spouse or partner (if any) need to provide if one or both of you receive a
maintenance payment?
A. Evidence of maintenance payment being received that is one of the following:
1) current court order or maintenance agreement. If the maintenance agreement is older than 12 months,
you must also send us evidence of the amount being paid, for example a bank statement dated within
last 3 months
2) signed leer from the person who pays the maintenance detailing the payment amount and frequency.
This leer must also be dated within the last 3 months
3) recent bank statement (dated within last 3 months and where account holders name is visible)
showing 3 or more maintenance payments being paid for at least 3 months, where it is clear that the
income is a maintenance payment
Feb 2024
Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 13
Current value
of savings and
shares invested
or held in
Name and address of nancial
instuon where invested or
Type of savings or investments
H. Savings and investments
Do you or your spouse or partner (if any) have investments in stocks, shares or savings with banks or
building sociees or other nancial instuons?
Q. What do you need to provide?
A. Evidence of your savings and investments that is one of the following three opons:
1) recent statements of all accounts held in all nancial instuons showing details of current savings and
or investments
2) cercates of interest for all accounts held (dated within the last calendar year)
3) a copy of your current share cercates showing shareholdings if you hold stocks or shares.
If you don’t have enough room to complete this secon, please write addional details on a separate sheet of
paper and send these with this completed form.
14 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1
Full address
of property
and land
Details of land and property
(for example, number of
bedrooms, number of acres
or if it a commercial unit
menon this)
Yearly income or
value of property
or land
Yearly costs
(for example,
Amount Payment frequency Source of income
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Spouse or
I. Property addional to the family home
Read this secon if you or your spouse or partner (if any) own any property or land other than the house
you live in, including land not personally used. Please provide the evidence sought.
Q. What do you need to provide?
A. If your addional property (other than your principal private residence) is rented to another person,
you must send us the following documents:
Current tenancy agreement and a recent bank statement (dated within last 3 months and where account
holders name is visible) showing 3 or more lodgments of rental income received for at least 3 months in a
A valuaon form from a cered auconeer if your addional property is not currently rented.
If your addional property has any costs associated with it, for example mortgage and mortgage
protecon. Please provide evidence of those costs.
J. Do you receive any other income?
Q. What do you and or your spouse or partner need to provide if one or both of you have any other
A. Evidence of your declared income (evidence we accept can be either a recent leer from the income
provider or a bank statement dated within last 3 months and where account holders name is visible
showing 3 or more payments of income being received).
Feb 2024
Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 15
Amount Payment frequency
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Amount Payment frequency
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Part 6 – Household expenses
When sending evidence of your family expenses to us, please send photocopies only please. Original
documents will not be returned.
A. Rent
Q. What evidence of rent do you need to provide?
A. You need to provide a photocopy of one of the following:
Your current tenancy agreement
Rent book
HAP (Housing Assistance Payment) agreement
Leer from landlord.
You also need to send us a recent bank statement (dated within last 6 months and where account holders
name is visible) showing payments of rent being paid for at least 3 months in a row.
If you are sending us a Rent book, it must be dated within last 6 months (where Tenants/Landlords
name is visible) showing rent being paid for at least 3 months in a row and signed by the landlord.
B. Mortgage
Q. What evidence of your mortgage payments do you need to provide?
A. You need to send us recent evidence of one of the following:
Bank statement (dated within last 6 months and where account holders name is visible) showing at least
3 payments in a row, where it is clear that the payment is for your mortgage
Mortgage account statement (dated within last 6 months and where account holders name is visible)
showing at least 3 mortgage payments in a row.
Leer from mortgage provider dated within last 3 months detailing the amount you repay and frequency
of payment.
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16 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1
Amount Payment frequency
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Amount Payment frequency
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Amount Payment frequency
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
C. Mortgage protecon
Q. What evidence of your mortgage protecon payments do you need to provide?
A. Leer from protecon provider detailing repayment amount and frequency (should be dated within
last 12 months)
Bank statement (dated within last 6 months and where account holders name is visible) showing at least 3
payments in a row, where it is clear that the payment is for mortgage protecon.
D. House insurance
Q. What evidence of your re and contents insurance do you need to provide?
A. Annual leer from insurance provider detailing repayment amount and frequency (should be dated
within last 12 months)
Recent bank statement (dated within last 6 months and where account holders name is visible) showing
at least 3 payments in a row, where it is clear that the payment is for re and contents insurance.
E. Childcare
Q. What do you need to provide?
A. Evidence of your expenses for childcare costs. This needs to be a leer, dated and signed within the last
3 months from your childcare provider detailing weekly or monthly cost.
If your child is covered under the Naonal Childcare Scheme, please provide conrmaon from your
childcare provider of the amount you pay aer the childcare subsidy has been deducted.
Childcare costs will only be considered if you and your spouse or partner (if applicable) are both working.
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Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 17
Address of employment Transport
used, for
example car,
bus or train
If you use
a car, ll in
the distance
you travel in
each week
If you get
ll in the
Spouse or
Amount Payment frequency
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
F. Travel to work costs
Q. What do you need to provide?
A. Evidence of your expenses you have for travel to work (if any). A copy of your Vehicle Registraon
Cercate or public transport ckets. Please conrm address of employment and distance travelled each
week in kilometers.
G. Maintenance costs (if relevant)
Q. What do you need to provide?
A. Evidence of maintenance payment being paid by you and or your spouse or partner.
Evidence we accept includes one of the following:
1) Current court order or maintenance agreement. If the maintenance agreement is older than 12
months, you must also send us evidence of the amount being paid, for example a bank statement dated
within last 3 months.
2) Signed leer from the person who receives the maintenance detailing the payment amount and
frequency. This leer must also be dated within the last 3 months.
3) Recent bank statement (dated within last 3 months and where account holders name is visible)
showing 3 or more payments of maintenance being paid for at least 3 months, where it is clear that the
income is a maintenance payment.
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18 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1
Name and address
of the nursing
Amount you pay Payment frequency
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Spouse or
Details of illness Expense costs in the last
12 months
Other relevant medical informaon which you feel may help with your applicaon:
H. Nursing home costs
Q. What do you need to provide?
A. Evidence of the cost of what you pay for you and/or your partners or spouse’s private nursing home
care. This can be a leer from your nursing home detailing the cost of nursing home fees.
Evidence of the cost of private nursing home care and conrmaon of you and/or your partners or
spouse’s contribuon towards the Fair Deal Scheme. This evidence could be a leer from the nursing
home detailing cost and a leer from HSE outlining Fair Deal contribuon.
I. Medical expenses
Q. What do you need to provide?
A. Please give details of your illness or illnesses, and their costs. Please provide evidence of these costs
(bills, invoices and receipts)
Feb 2024
Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 19
If your spouse or partner requires a dierent doctor of choice, please have their GP complete Part 7A.
Doctors name: Doctors pracce address:
Will your dependants (if you have
any) aend this doctor?
I agree to provide General Medical Services to the above named (and or their dependants). This is in line
with my agreement with the HSE to provide services under Secon 58 of the Health Act 1970 and Health
Amendment Act 2005.
Signature of doctor: General Medical Services stamp here:
GMS no.
Doctors name: Doctors pracce address:
I agree to provide General Medical Services to the above named (and or their dependants). This is in line
with my agreement with the HSE to provide services under Secon 58 of the Health Act 1970 and Health
Amendment Act 2005.
Signature of doctor: General Medical Services stamp here:
GMS no.
Part 7
Doctor of Choice / Doctors acceptance
Ask your doctor and your spouse’s or partner’s doctor to complete the relevant information in this part of
the form.
Important: You will need to have a GP accept you as a patient on to their panel to get a GP visit card.
It can take time to find a GP who accepts new patients. If you cannot get your first choice of GP, try
another GP in your area.
You can find a list of GPs providing medical card and GP visit card services at www.medicalcard.ie
I agree to provide medical services to this applicant and their dependants, if any.
7A. Spouse’s or partners doctor of choice and their doctors
Ask your spouse’s or partners doctor to complete the relevant informaon in this part of the form.
Feb 2024
Yes No
Will your dependants (if you have
any) aend this doctor?
Yes No
Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 20
Part 8: Data Protecon Noce
The HSE will treat all personal data you provide as part of this applicaon as condenal and store it
securely. When the HSE receives your completed applicaon form and any supporng documents, it will
make a computer record in your name(s). This record will contain the relevant personal informaon you
or your spouse/partner (if relevant) have supplied.
This rec
ord will be used and retained by the HSE, for the purposes of processing your Medical/GP Visit
Card applicaon. The HSE may also use details you provided to contact you or your spouse/partner
(if relevant) in relaon to eligibility under the Scheme, and/or in relaon to services received based
on eligibility awarded. The HSE will not disclose (share) to other people or organisaons the personal
informaon you have given unless permission has been given by the person to whom the informaon
relates or the HSE is required to do so by law.
The HSE’s priv
acy statement is available to use at www.hse.ie.
Feb 2024
PCRS is the Primary Care Reimbursement Service.
Remember to send your completed and signed form, along with photocopies of evidences needed to:
Eligibility Unit
PO Box 11745
Dublin 11
Did you know that instead of posng your applicaon and supporng documentaon, you can email
this to us at PCRS.Applica[email protected]
You can take photographs or scans of each page of your applicaon and these can be then
emailed to us. Can you please ensure the following:
1. The photo or sc
an is not blurry
2. The full page is captured with all gures/details visible
3. Email the supporng documentaon to PCRS.Applica[email protected]
We look forward to processing your applicaon as quickly as we can.