Sports Direct is the UK’s leading sports retailer by revenue and operating profit, and the
owner of a significant number of internationally recognised sports and leisure brands.
Financial Highlights
• Grouprevenueup8.6%to£1,367m(2008:£1,260m)
• UnderlyingEBITDAdown8.9%to£136.8m(2008:£150.2m)
• Underlyingprotbeforetaxdown20.1%to£68.2m(2008:£85.4m)
• Underlyingearningspersharedown7.5%to7.93p(2008:8.57p)
• Groupgrossmargindecreasedby280basispointsto40.8%(2008:43.6%)
• Netdebtatyearend£431.3m
• UKRetaillike-for-likegrosscontribution:+2.5%
• TheBoarddecidednottorecommendanaldividend
Operational highlights
• UKRetailclearmarketleader
• Successfullyexpandedinternationalretail
• Brandsdivisiongoodprogress
In a very challenging market environment, the Group’s relentless focus on the
basics of retailing has resulted in the delivery of what are very creditable, solid
results. We grew sales in both Retail and Brands divisions, and while we have
seen a decline in gross margin and a corresponding drop in underlying EBITDA,
that was caused almost entirely by the fall in the value of the pound.
We maintained our position as the UK’s leading sports retailer by continuing
to implement our back to basics strategy – offering the most comprehensive
product range, ensuring stock availability, closely controlling costs and
making efficiencies where possible. During the year the Group developed its
relationships further with our third party brand suppliers, many who have
offices within our head office at Shirebrook.
We improved stock control and sourcing within International Retail. We were
very pleased with the Group’s ability to sign an agreement, produce the goods
and roll out branded areas in 121 stores in China within a four month period
from start to finish.
During the year we opened 27 stores in the UK (excluding Northern Ireland),
nine stores in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland through Heatons,
and seven stores in Europe; including our first stores in Cyprus.
The Group continued to consolidate the Brands division management at
Shirebrook. Licensing remains the key driver of growth within the division, and
we signed 41 new licence deals during the year.
The Board has decided not to recommend the payment of a final dividend this
year as we believe reducing debt should be our priority. We will continue to keep
this under review.
We have established an excellent platform for growth, which we will build on
with our proposed EBITDA related share bonus scheme, of which there are
more details on page 24.
Our priorities going forward are to:
• Continue to strengthen our position in our core UK market
• Continue to develop our international store portfolio
• Maintain our brand market leading positions
• Reduce debt with a target of achieving below £400m in the 2009-10
financial year
Finally I wish to pay tribute to the hard work of all our people, from my
colleagues on the Board to our people in the stores, and thank them for all their
Simon Bentley
Acting Non-Executive Chairman
16 July 2009
Simon Bentley
Acting Non-Executive Chairman
Chairman’s Statement
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 3
Dave Forsey
Chief Executive
In the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009 (the Year), Group revenue was up 8.6% at
£1,367m compared with revenue of £1,260m for the 52 weeks ended 27 April
2008. At constant exchange rates the increase was 5.1%. UK Retail sales were
up 5.1% and broke through £1bn again to £1,006m (2008: £958m). Adjusted for
acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries, UK Retail sales in 2009 increased by
The Group strengthened revenues in other core business segments.
International retail sales were up 32.3% to £102.3m (2008: £77.3m); on a
currency neutral basis the increase was 12.6%. Brands division revenue rose
19.7% to £230.5m (2008:£192.6m); 4.7% on a currency neutral basis. Within the
division, wholesale revenues were up 18.7% to £203.6m (2008: £171.5m) and
licensing revenues were up 27.5% to £26.9m (2008: £21.1m), both reflecting
the full year impact of acquisitions in the prior year including Everlast, and the
effect of a stronger US dollar.
Group gross margin in the Year fell by 280 basis points from 43.6% to 40.8%. In
the Retail division margin fell by 300 basis points to 41.3% (2008: 44.3%). The
main contributor to the fall in margin was UK Retail where margin fell to 42.5%
(2008: 45.7%) as a result of the adverse movement of the US dollar and the
challenging trading environment in the UK. Had the pound/dollar exchange rate
remained at 2008 levels, gross margin in UK Retail would have been maintained
at 45.7%.
Gross margin fell in the Brands division from 40.2% to 38.3%, due to the
pressure on margins in the wholesale business in an increasingly competitive
global market.
Administration costs include a realised exchange profit of £14.2m compared
to a profit of £3.5m in the preceding year. The fair value adjustment on forward
foreign exchange contracts required under IFRS is included in finance income
(2008:costs) and this unrealised profit amounted to £12.6m as opposed to
a £5.2m loss in 2008. These amounts are excluded from the definition of
Underlying profit before tax and Underlying EBITDA used in the business and as
reported here. The Group’s holding of forward foreign exchange contracts has
greatly reduced during the Year, reducing an element of potential volatility in
reported profit, and we expect the holding to continue at or below the current
low level in 2009/10.
Group Underlying EBITDA for the Year fell 8.9% to £136.8m (2008: £150.2m) and
Group Underlying profit before tax fell 20.2% to £68.2m (2008: £85.4m), in both
cases due to the decreases in margin.
There is a significant difference between Underlying and the lower reported
profits before tax. Underlying profits before tax (and Underlying EBITDA) exclude
exceptional items, which decreased profit by £30.5m, realised exchange profit/
loss and IFRS revaluation of foreign currency contracts, which increased
2009 profits by £14.2m and £12.6m respectively, a £1.8m loss on fair value
adjustments within associated undertakings and a £52.1m non-cash loss in
the recorded value of investments previously provided for through equity and
now charged to the Income Statement as a result of the derecognition of the
investment for accounting purposes.
£m £m
Reported 151.0 10.7
Realised FX Profit (14.2) (14.2)
IAS 39 FX Fair Value adjustment on
forward currency contracts - (12.6)
Profit on disposal of listed investments - (1.0)
Derecognition of investments held
by KSF - 53.1
Exceptional items - 30.5
Fair value adjustment within
associates - 1.7
Underlying 136.8 68.2
Capital expenditure in the Year amounted to £37.8m (2008: £128.8m). This
included acquisitions of retail property, plant and equipment, including £6.4m
(2008: £90.6m) on freehold property.
The Group continues to operate comfortably within it banking covenants. Our
facilities are in place until April 2011 and we will commence discussions with
our banks during the 2009-10 financial year.
Mindful that the financial markets remain difficult, we consider it is prudent that
debt reduction should be priority. We are therefore targeting to reduce levels to
below £400m by April 2010, which will be achieved by:
• Growing EBITDA
• Working capital turning positive by the year end, as we reduce inventory
levels through the year
• Targeting a reduced level of capital expenditure, in the region of £20m, in
the current year
• Further reductions in financing costs as a result of ongoing low interest
rates (and the reduction in debt)
• Saving the cost of the final dividend
Net debt at year end decreased to £431.3m (2008: £465.2m), £20.3m of the
reduction resulted from the accounting treatment of the arrangements with
Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander (see page 11).
None of the home nations qualified for the Euro 2008 football championships.
Undoubtedly sales in 2008-09, particularly in the first half, were significantly
affected by that lack of home nations’ participation in a major international
football competition.
Gross margin in the division during the Year was adversely affected by the
weakness of the pound against the US dollar. Margin in the division fell from
44.3% to 41.3% in the Year, and in the UK from 45.7% to 42.5%, with the
greatest fall in margin coming in the second half of the Year. Almost all the
Group branded goods that we sell in our stores are bought in US dollars, and
we calculate the cost price of these goods in sterling by applying the average
exchange rate for the year. Had the pound/dollar exchange rate remained at
2008 levels gross margin in UK Retail would have been 45.7%. We expect the
percentage margins in 2009-10 to remain at similar levels to the actual level in
UK Retail like-for-like gross contribution increased by 2.5% over the 12 month
period. This is the first time we have reported this KPI.
Underlying costs in UK Retail were closely controlled, rising by only 0.7% in the
Year, in spite of significant increases in the cost of energy, the minimum wage,
an increase in floor space and a rise in sales of just over 5%.
During the Year the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) investigated our acquisition
of stores from JJB Sports, and concluded that in five locations they raised
some concerns. We are currently working with the OFT to agree undertakings
regarding divestment of five stores.
International Retail revenue for the 52 weeks was up 32.3% to £102.3m (2008:
£77.3m). On a currency neutral basis the sales increase was 12.6%. We
opened seven new stores across Europe in the period, in line with our plans for
developing our international store portfolio, and trading has been satisfactory in
those new stores.
International Retail grew gross margin by 170 basis points, largely due to
improved stock control and sourcing.
By July 2008 trial branded areas within stores had been opened in 121 of the
larger ITAT stores in China, stocked with a bespoke product range designed
and manufactured for the Chinese market. We were extremely pleased with
the execution of the roll out and merchandising of the branded areas and
feedback was that the product range was well received by consumers. We
were in discussions with ITAT management concerning the development of the
business, and some issues were proving difficult to resolve, but ITAT has very
recently been acquired by one of its largest suppliers, and those discussions are
now on hold. Accordingly, we consider it prudent to make a provision against the
cost of fixtures, fittings and stock currently held in China.
Our internet retail business continues to grow strongly, albeit from a low base,
and we continue to build systems and fulfilment capability within our Shirebrook
As of 26 April 2009, we operated 359 stores in the UK (excluding Northern
Ireland), a total retail sales space of circa 3.5m sq ft (2008: circa 3.4m sq ft).
Through the Group’s 42.5% shareholding in the Heatons chain, it has products in
eight stores in Northern Ireland and 22 stores in the Republic of Ireland.
We closed a net 16 stores in the year, with 27 new Sports Direct stores opened
in the UK including three relocations. All new stores are operating under the fascia. We closed or disposed of 40 stores (excluding the three
relocations) which were typically smaller non-core stores.
We have rigorous criteria that must be satisfied before any new store opening or
acquisition is agreed, and we will continue to apply them. We are now targeting
circa between 10 and 15 new core stores in the UK excluding Northern Ireland
this year.
Internationally, as at 26 April 2009 we operated 43 stores in Belgium, 13 in
Slovenia, four in Holland, two in Cyprus and one in Luxembourg. The stores in
Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Slovenia are wholly owned by the Group,
and those in Cyprus are within a store under an agreement with a local retailer.
We continue with our strategy to identify partners in new territories whilst
continuing to expand our operations in the countries where we currently trade.
Chief Executive’s Report & Business Review
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008 Change
(£’m) (£’m) %
Retail Revenue:
UK Retail 1,006.5 957.7
UK wholesale and other 28 31.9
International Retail 102.3 77.3
Total 1,136.8 1,066.9 +6.6
Cost of sales (667.5) (594.7)
Gross margin 469.3 472.2
Gross margin percentage 41.3% 44.3%
Brands Revenue:
Wholesale 203.6 171.5
Licensing 26.9 21.1
Total 230.5 192.6 +19.7
Cost of sales (142.2) (115.1)
Gross margin 88.3 77.5
Gross margin percentage 38.3% 40.2%
Despite tough economic conditions, revenue grew in both the Retail and
Brands divisions, but underlying EBITDA fell notwithstanding good cost control
across the Group, almost entirely due to the strengthening of the US dollar. We
continue to focus our efforts on UK Retail, where our attention to the basics of
retailing leaves us well positioned for growth.
The Group’s retail businesses performed strongly in a very difficult economic
environment. Our retail model, offering considerable value to our customers,
proved as resilient as we expected it to be both in the UK and internationally.
We focused on back to basics, offering the customer the most comprehensive
range and the best product availability, and reducing our costs wherever
possible, By way of example, in our Corporate and Social Responsibility Report
we describe some of the steps that we took to reduce our energy consumption
at a time when energy costs were increasing significantly. We continued to
review our store portfolio carefully, looking at the performance of each store
and ways of maximising it, and examined rigorously every proposal to open
or acquire a retail outlet. We continued to develop our store layout, and to
incentivise our store staff in ways that encourage better performance. Our
“state-of-the-art” national distribution centre at Shirebrook continued to deliver
Sales in the division rose by 6.6% (10.3% excluding the impact of prior year
disposals), and in the UK by 5.1% (9.2% excluding prior year disposals). In the
second half of the Year sales growth accelerated due to both the impact of
new store openings, the attractiveness of our offer compared with that of our
competitors, and product availability.
We continued to work well with our major third party brand suppliers. Nike,
Umbro, adidas, Reebok and Puma all have their own offices in our Shirebrook
head office, and that enables us to work very closely with them on a day to day
During the Year we strengthened our running category, through our partnership
with Sweatshop and the creation of a “she runs he runs” section within our UK
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 5
Total Brands revenue was up 19.7% to £230.5m (2008: £192.6m) up 4.7% on a
currency neutral basis.
Within this, wholesale revenue was up 18.7% to £203.6m (2008: £171.5m).
Revenue from licensing was up 27.5% to £26.9m (2008: £21.1m).
Gross margin decreased to 38.3% from 40.2%, due to the need to remain
competitive in a number of markets in order to retain market share in a difficult
trading environment.
The consolidation of the Brands division management into Shirebrook
continued, and costs were tightly controlled as systems and controls were
standardised. Payroll costs in the division reduced significantly.
Growth in the licensing business remains the preferred avenue for development
of the Brands business outside the UK and 41 new licensing agreements were
signed during the Year with a minimum guaranteed contract value of 60m US
dollars over their terms, including licences in the United States for Donnay
rackets and golf, Lonsdale boxing equipment, Dunlop sports apparel and Kangol
The business continues to sponsor and receive endorsements from leading
players and tournaments including Slazenger’s 107th year as the official ball
supplier for the Wimbledon championships, sponsorship of Paul Collingwood,
England’s captain at the ICC World Twenty20 cricket competition, and the
England mens and womens national hockey teams.
During the Year we greatly expanded our cycle category following the acquisition
of Universal Cycles, and launched our online cycle business,
We also acquired the 20% minority shareholding in Lonsdale Sports not
previously owned by the Group.
During the Year we made a number of small brands acquisitions such as
Operating costs increased in the division due to the full year inclusion of
acquisitions such as Everlast, and the impact of the weak pound on non-sterling
costs when translated into sterling.
During the Year we reduced our strategic investments in other related
businesses. We still believe that in the right circumstances taking strategic
investments is beneficial for the Group, and the Board will continue to evaluate
opportunities. However strategic investments compete with other priorities,
including debt reduction, for cash, and it is unlikely that further significant
investments will be made in the short term. In addition, as explained in the
Financial Review on page 11, we have for accounting purposes derecognised the
strategic investments held through arrangements with Kaupthing Singer and
The Group has long established relationships with Nike and adidas, the major
suppliers of third party branded sporting goods, particularly footwear, and
considers that continued supplies from these companies is critical to the
business of the Group.
The Group’s retail businesses will undoubtedly be affected by the economic
climate and changes in it. Changes in interest rates and exchange rates affect
the businesses directly, and consumer confidence and spending is affected by a
wide range of factors including employment, tax and interest rates, house prices
and the general ‘feel good factor’, most if not all of which the Group cannot
The above factors also influence and impact on our many retail competitors,
who may also be affected by other matters relating to the general economic
climate, such as the availability of finance, and also our suppliers may react
differently to the changing economic environment.
All of the above apply equally to our Brands businesses, both wholesale and
retail. Reduction in customer demand is reflected in the wholesaling and
licensing business, as orders and royalties are affected. Moreover, in difficult
economic times suppliers come under increasing pressure to reduce their
prices to their customers, and all suppliers run the risk of their customers
ceasing to trade, reducing demands for their products. Difficult economic
times also sometimes make it difficult for suppliers to obtain credit insurance
in respect of some customers, leaving the supplier with a difficult question of
whether or not to supply and, if they do, with the attendant risk of bad debts.
We have later in this report commented on risks and uncertainties that relate
to the Group’s businesses, and while we manage risks to reduce, where
possible, the likelihood of their occurring and their impact if they do, they are
factors that could influence the Group or part of it.
We anticipate that the football World Cup in 2010 will be a major opportunity
for the UK Retail business, but given the likely launch of new football strips
in March - a month later than in previous years - it’s impact (subject to
qualification of the home nations – and in particular England) will come later
in the calendar year than hitherto, and will be largely reflected in the 2010–11
financial year.
As previously commented, the Group’s holding of forward foreign exchange
contracts has greatly reduced during the Year, reducing an element of
potential volatility in reported profit, and we expect the holding to continue at
or below the current low level in 2009–10.
A review of the assessment of the Group’s impact on the environment, is
included in the Corporate Social Responsibility Report on page 29.
The hard work and loyalty of our employees are key to our success, and we
intend to motivate them and enable them to share in the Group’s success by
seeking shareholder approval at the AGM for a new bonus scheme.
The bonus scheme is intended to drive underlying EBITDA, and to motivate
and help improve retention of key employees, to encourage those employees
participation in the shares of the Company and to align the interests of those
employees and shareholders.
All permanent UK employees in UK Retail, Brands and Head Office with at
least one year’s service at the beginning of 2009/10 will participate. The
scheme will replace, where relevant, existing annual bonus schemes, but not
workplace based schemes. The bonus targets are stretch targets, and are net
of scheme costs.
The bonus is in two stages. The first bonus is 25% of base pay in shares at
£1.00 per share. The first bonus target is Underlying EBITDA of £155m in
2009-10. The first bonus will vest two years after the EBITDA target of £155m
is reached, and is subject to continuous employment until then.
The second bonus is 75% of base pay in shares at £1.25 per share. The second
stage of the bonus is conditional upon the first bonus target being met in
2009-10, and the second bonus targets are Underlying EBITDA of £195m in
2010-2011, and Underlying EBITDA/Net Debt ratio of 2 or less at the end of
2010-11. The shares vest, subject to continuous employment until then, 2
years after the second bonus targets are met.
The Group continues to invest in infrastructure, and the process of
consolidating the Brands business, including acquired businesses, at
Shirebrook continues.
Risks are an inherent part of the business world. The Group has identified
the following factors as potential risks to, and uncertainties concerning, the
successful operation of its business.
Any disruption or other adverse event affecting the Group’s relationship with
any of its major manufacturers or suppliers, or a failure to replace any of its
major manufacturers or suppliers on commercially reasonable terms, could
have an adverse effect on the Group’s business, operating profit or overall
financial condition.
The Group operates internationally and is exposed to foreign exchange risk
arising from various currency exposures, primarily with respect to the US
dollar and Euro.
Foreign exchange risk arises when future commercial transactions or
recognised assets or liabilities are denominated in a currency that is not the
entity’s functional currency, as exchange rates move. As explained above,
in the Group’s case, the majority of contracts relating to the sourcing of
Group branded goods are denominated in US dollars, and a strengthening
of the dollar or a weakening of the pound sterling makes those goods more
Chief Executive’s Report & Business Review
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 7
The Group historically hedged the risk of currency movements using forward
purchases of foreign currency, but has determined to reduce that hedging
The Group also holds assets overseas in local currency, and these assets are
revalued in accordance with currency movements. This currency risk is not
The Group has net borrowings, which are principally at floating interest rates
linked to bank base rates or LIBOR. The Group does not use interest rate
financial instruments to hedge its exposure to interest rate movements.
The Group could have a credit risk if credit evaluations were not performed
on all customers requiring credit over a certain amount. The Group does not
require collateral in respect of financial assets.
Funding and liquidity for the Group’s operations are provided through bank
loans, overdrafts and shareholders funds. The object is to maintain sufficient
funding and liquidity for the Group’s requirements, but the availability of
adequate cash resources from bank facilities and achieving continuity of
funding in the current financial climate could be a risk to the Group in future
The Group also holds shares in publicly listed companies and fluctuations in
their share prices will have a financial impact on the business results.
The Group is reliant on manufacturers in developing countries as the
majority of the Group’s products are sourced from outside the UK. The Group
is therefore subject to the risks associated with international trade and
transport as well as those relating to exposure to different legal and other
Some subsidiaries in the Group make contributions to certain occupational
defined benefits pension schemes. An increase in the Schemes funding needs
or changes to obligations in respect of the schemes could have an adverse
impact on the Group’s business.
The sports retail industry is highly competitive and the Group currently
competes at national and local levels with a wide variety of retailers of varying
sizes who may have competitive advantages, and new competitors may enter
the market. Such competition continues to place pressure on the Group’s
pricing strategy, margins and profitability.
Any significant disruption to the operations of the Group, divisional head
offices and the national distribution centre at Shirebrook, or interruption to
the smooth running of the Group’s fleet of vehicles, might significantly impact
its ability to manage its operations, distribute products to its stores and
maintain its supply chain.
Any long term interruption of the Group’s IT systems would have a significant
impact on the Group’s operation, particularly in the Retail division.
The majority of the Group’s revenue is derived from the UK and accordingly
any terrorist attacks, armed conflicts or government actions within the UK
could result in a significant reduction in consumer confidence, which would in
turn have an adverse affect on sales in stores.
The Group’s trade marks, patents, designs and other intellectual property
rights are central to the value of the Group brands. Third parties may try to
challenge the ownership or counterfeit the Group’s intellectual property. The
Group may need to resort to litigation in the future to enforce its intellectual
property rights and any litigation could result in substantial costs and a
diversion of resources. The Group believes that its licensees, suppliers,
agents and distributors are in material compliance with employment,
environmental and other laws. The violation, or allegations of a violation, of
such laws or regulations, by any of the Group’s licensees, suppliers, agents
or distributors, could lead to adverse publicity and a decline in public demand
for the Group’s products, or require the Group to incur expenditure or make
changes to its supply chain and other business arrangements to ensure
The Group’s retail businesses are subject to seasonal peaks. The incidence
and participation in major sporting events will have a particular impact on the
UK Retail business. Prolonged unseasonal weather conditions or temporary
severe weather during peak trading seasons could also have a material
adverse effect on the Group’s businesses.
The Group’s success and sales are dependent, in part, on the strength and
reputation of the brands it sells, and are subject to consumers’ perceptions of
the Group and of its products, which can fall out of favour. Adverse publicity
concerning any of the Group brands or manufacturers or suppliers could lead
to substantial erosion in the reputation of, or value associated with, the Group.
The Group’s success depends on the strength of the Group brands and, to
a lesser extent, the licensed-in brands. The Group’s efforts to continually
develop or obtain brands in a timely manner or at all may be unsuccessful.
The identification and management of risk is a continuous process, and
the Group’s system of internal controls and the Group’s business continuity
programmes are key elements of that. The Group maintains a system of
controls to manage the business and to protect its assets. We continue to
invest in people, systems and in IT to manage the Group’s operations and its
finances effectively and efficiently.
The Group has a credit policy in place and the exposure to risk is monitored
on an ongoing basis. Credit evaluations are performed on all customers
requiring credit over a certain amount, and concentration of credit risk is
managed. Investment of cash surplus, borrowings and derivative investments
are made through banks and companies which have credit ratings and
investment criteria approved by the Board.
The Group’s follows policies of forging long term relationships with suppliers
and of utilising two leading supply chain companies to procure much of
the Group’s own branded goods is described on page 29 in the Corporate
and Social Responsibility Report. Many risks relating to the supply chain,
reliance on non-UK suppliers, and to the reputation of the Group’s brands are
managed and mitigated by the implementation of those policies.
Close monitoring of the market, competitors, the economy, consumer
confidence, participation in major sporting events, the weather, companies
in which the Group holds strategic stakes, the behaviour of licensees, and
of possible infringement of intellectual property, and the development of
contingency plans and rapid response to changing circumstances manages
and does much to mitigate the risks caused by these factors.
The Group maintains close contact with its bank and will address the renewal
of its facilities in 2009/10.
The business continuity programme addresses the risk of disruption to
the Shirebrook campus. Accordingly the Board is confident that as far as is
practical the risks and uncertainties that face the Group are being monitored
and managed and that where required appropriate action is being taken.
Chief Executive’s Report & Business Review
The Board monitors the performance of the Group by reference to a number
of key performance indicators (KPIs), which are discussed fully in this Chief
Executive’s Report and Business Review, and also in the Financial Review,
and in the Corporate and Social Responsibility Report on pages 9 to 12 and 28
to 30 respectively. The most important of these KPIs are:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
Financial KPIs
Group revenue £1,367m £1,260m
Underlying EBITDA
£136.8m £150.2m
UK Retail gross margin 42.5% 45.7%
UK Retail like-for-like stores
gross contribution
+2.5% -
Underlying earnings per share
7.93p 8.57p
Non Financial KPIs
No. of core stores
292 272
Customer complaints %
-7.49% -
Employee turnover
29.0% 38.4%
Cardboard recycling 6,007 tonnes 5,558 tonnes
(1) The way in which Underlying EBITDA is calculated is set out in the Financial Review on page 9.
(2) Like-for-like gross contribution for UK Retail is percentage change in successive 12 month periods.
Like-for-like gross contribution is adjusted to eliminate the impact of foreign currency movements. A like-
for-like store is one that has been trading for the full 12 months in both periods, and has not been affected by
a significant change such as a refit. Store gross contribution is the excess of sales revenue (net of VAT) over
the cost of goods sold. The gross contribution would only be adjusted if a significant promotion affected the
comparison. This is the first year that this KPI has been reported.
(3) The way in which Underlying earnings per share is calculated is set out in the Financial Review on
page 10.
(4) A core store is a store acquired and fitted out by the Group or otherwise so designated.
(5) The monitoring of customer complaints is described in the Corporate and Social Responsibility Report
on page 28. Records containing complaints received prior to the beginning of 2007-08 were not retained, and
accordingly annual percentage change in customer complaints in 2008 is not available.
(6) Employee turnover was affected in both the Year and in 2007-08 by the relocation of head office, retail and
brand support functions, and warehousing and distribution activities to Shirebrook throughout these periods.
We will focus on growing the core UK Retail business by continuing to
drive efficiencies and deliver outstanding value to our customers. We have
established an excellent platform for growth, which we will build on with our
proposed EBITDA related share bonus scheme.
In order to develop our store portfolio, both in the UK and internationally, we
will continue to evaluate opportunities and will take them when we believe
there is quantifiable and significant benefit in doing so.
We have learned valuable lessons in China that we will be able to apply both
there and in other parts of the world.
Outside the UK our brands business will focus on licensing opportunities and
continue to restructuring of the wholesale businesses. We will continue to
invest in our Brands through advertising and promise to spend and develop
grass roots initiatives.
We believe that making acquisitions and taking strategic investments in
other related businesses is beneficial for the Group, and we will continue to
evaluate opportunities while, for the time being, being mindful of the priority
to reduce debt.
The Board is confident that our initiatives and hard work across all areas of
the Group leaves us well positioned for the next phase of growth. Accordingly,
at current exchange rates, we are expecting Underlying EBITDA to be at least
£140m this financial year.
Dave Forsey
Chief Executive
16 July 2009
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 9
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008 Change
(£’m) (£’m) %
Retail revenue:
UK Retail 1,006.5 957.7 +5.1
UK wholesale and property 28.0 31.9 -12.2
International Retail 102.3 77.3 +32.3
Total 1,136.8 1,066.9 +6.6
Brands Revenue:
Wholesale 203.6 171.5 +18.7
Licensing 26.9 21.1 +27.5
Total 230.5 192.6 +19.7
Total revenue 1,367.3 1,259.5 +8.6
Total Group revenue increased by 8.6%.
Retail revenue increased by 6.6%. The UK accounted for 91.0% of total retail
revenues with the balance in continental European stores.
UK wholesale and other includes income on property transactions which is
not regarded as being exceptional or non recurring totalling £Nil at no margin
(2008: £10.5m at no margin).
Retail margins in the UK decreased from 45.7% to 42.5%.
Our representation in both parts of Ireland is covered by Heatons, in which we
have a 42.5% interest, the results of which are reported as an associate.
Brands revenue increased by 19.7%, including the full year effect of prior year
acquisitions such as Everlast. Licensing income increased by 27.5%, with an
increase in wholesale revenue of 18.7%. The contribution made by Everlast in
the year for revenue and profit after taxation amounted to £35.9m and £4.4m
Brands margins decreased from 40.2% to 38.3%.
Selling, distribution and administration costs for the Group decreased as a
percentage of revenue. This was as a result of the cost and efficiency savings
offsetting inflation.
The Group manages the impact of currency movements through the use of
forward fixed rate currency purchase and sales contracts. The Group’s policy
has been to hold or hedge up to four years (with generally a minimum of one
year) on anticipated purchases in foreign currency. During the Year the holding
of forward purchase contracts has been significantly reduced.
The exchange gain of £14.2m (2008: £3.5m gain) included in administration
costs have arisen from:
a) accepting dollars and Euros at the contracted rate; and
b) the translation of dollars and Euro denominated assets and
liabilities at the period end rate or date of realisation
The exchange gain of £12.6m (2008: £5.2m loss) included in finance income
substantially represents the reduction in the mark-to-market provision made
(under IFRS) for the forward contracts at 26 April 2009 in anticipation of the loss
which may be realised in the accounts to 25 April 2010.
The sterling exchange rate with the US dollar at 27 April 2008 was $1.986 and
$1.471 at 26 April 2009.
The financial statements for the Group for the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009
are presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) as adopted by the EU.
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008 Change
(£’m) (£’m) %
Revenue: 1,367.3 1,259.5 +8.6
Underlying EBITDA 136.8 150.2 -8.9
Underlying profit before tax 68.2 85.4 -20.2
Reported profit before
taxation 10.7 118.9 -91.0
Pence per share Pence per share
Basic EPS (2.79) 12.23 -122.8
Underlying EPS 7.93 8.57 -7.5
The directors believe that Underlying EBITDA, Underlying profit before tax
and Underlying earnings per share provide more useful information for
shareholders on the underlying performance of the business than the reported
numbers and are consistent with how business performance is measured
internally. They are not recognised profit measures under IFRS and may not be
directly comparable with “adjusted” profit measures used by other companies.
EBITDA is earnings before investment income, finance income and finance
costs, tax, depreciation and amortisation and therefore includes the Group’s
share of profit of associated undertakings and joint ventures. Underlying
EBITDA is calculated as EBITDA before the impact of foreign exchange, and any
exceptional and other non-trading items.
Bob Mellors
Group Finance Director
Financial Review
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008 Change
pence per share pence per share %
Basic EPS (2.79) 12.23 -122.8
Underlying EPS 7.93 8.57 -7.5
Weighted average number
of shares (actual) 568,452,000 639,010,000 -11.0
Basic earnings per share (EPS) is calculated by dividing the earnings
attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares outstanding during the actual financial period.
The Underlying EPS reflects the underlying performance of the business
compared with the prior year and is calculated using the weighted average
number of shares. It is not a recognised profit measure under IFRS and may
not be directly comparable with “adjusted” profit measures used by other
The items adjusted for arriving at the Underlying profit are as follows:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
(£’m) (£’m)
(Loss)/profit after tax: (15.8) 78.1
Post tax effect of Exceptional items:
(Loss)/profit on disposal of listed
investments net of interest (1.0) (24.6)
Derecognition of listed investments 53.2 -
Fair value adjustment to forward
foreign exchange contracts (8.5) 3.6
Realised profit on forward foreign
exchange contracts (9.6) (2.4)
Impairment of freehold property 15.6 -
Impairment of intangible assets 10.0 -
Fair value adjustment within
associated undertakings 1.2
Underlying profit after tax 45.1 54.7
A final dividend of 2.44p per share (totalling £13.87m), in respect of the year
ended 27 April 2008, was paid on 31 October 2008 to shareholders on the
register at 3 October 2008.
An interim dividend of 1.22p per share (totalling £6.94m), in respect of the year
ended 26 April 2009, was paid on 30 April 2009 to shareholders on the register
at 3 April 2009.
Capital expenditure amounted to £37.8m (2008: £128.8m). This included £6.4m
(2008: £90.6m) on freehold property. The prior year includes a freehold office
in London was acquired for £31.9m and the purchase of freehold stores. The
remaining balance includes intangibles such as licenses.
The Group spent £6.6m on acquisitions during the Year. The principal acquisition
was the remaining 20% of share capital in Lonsdale Sports which was not
previously owned by the Group. This has been accounted for as a movement
between minority interests and goodwill.
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
(£’m) (£’m)
Impairment of intangible assets 14.8 -
Impairment of freehold property 15.7 -
The impairment of freehold property was recognised to reflect the fall in market
values of commercial property in the last year.
The impairment of intangible assets was recognised to reflect an increase in
discount rate to reflect specific risk factors and a softening in sales growth as a
result of the economic climate.
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
(£’m) (£’m)
Bank interest receivable 1.2 3.1
Expected return on pension plan
assets 2.1 2.3
Fair value adjustment to forward
foreign exchange contracts 12.6 -
15.9 5.4
The profit on the fair valuing of forward foreign exchange contracts arises under
IFRS as a result of marking to market at the period end those contracts held to
hedge the Group’s currency risk.
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
(£’m) (£’m)
Interest on bank loans and overdrafts (20.0) (33.0)
Interest on other loans (1.1) (4.5)
Interest on retirement benefit
obligations (2.5) (2.3)
Fair value adjustment to forward
foreign exchange contracts - (5.2)
(23.6) (45.0)
The fall in interest payable is a result of the reduction in interest rates during
the year and a lower average level of debt compared with the prior year.
The effective tax rate on profit before tax for 2009 was 245.6% (2008: 34.6%).
This rate reflects tax relief being unavailable on the derecognition of listed
investments and the impairment of freehold property, as well as depreciation
on non-qualifying assets and the non-relievable losses in certain overseas
subsidiaries. Excluding the impact of the derecognition of listed investments
and the impairment of freehold property, the effective rate would be 32.9%.
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 11
During the Year the Group held investments in Amer Sports, Blacks Leisure,
JD Sports and JJB Sports. Changes in the value of these shares are recognised
directly in equity, while for Contracts for Difference they are recognised in the
Income Statement, in accordance with IFRS.
26 April 2009
Total available for sale investments at 27 April 2008 65.7
Additions in the period 4.9
Disposal proceeds in the period (12.8)
Profit taken to the income statement 2.4
Fair value adjustments taken through equity (28.6)
Derecognition of shares held by KSF (26.1)
Total available for sale investments at 26 April 2009 5.5
We have previously reported that our strategic stakes were held by Kaupthing
Singer & Friedlander (KSF) and partly financed by them. On 8 October 2008
KSF went into administration and we are in dispute with the administrators
concerning the ownership of the shares they hold. We have now concluded
that, while we continue to maintain that the shares are ours and should be
delivered to us, we may not “control” the shares for accounting purposes. We
have therefore treated them in the accounts as having been derecognised. Doing
so has no impact on net assets as the value of the shares (£26.1m) has been
replaced by a reduction in creditors (£20.3m owed to KSF) and the creation of a
£5.9m debtor. It has however, had a significant impact on reported profit as the
loss in value of the Black’s shareholding which was previously charged to the
statement of recognised income and expense has now been taken to the Income
The respective shareholdings at 26 April 2009 and 27 April 2008 (not reflecting
the derecognition for accounting purposes) were as follows:
At 26 April 2009 At 27 April 2008
‘m Holding
‘m Holding
Leisure Group 12.728 29.85% 12.728 29.85%
Amer Sports Corporation 1.066 1.48% 1.066 1.48%
JD Sports Fashion 6.475 13.31% 5.955 12.34
adidas AG - - 0.398 0.02%
JJB Sports 11.944 4.76% - -
Other - - - -
In addition to the amounts invested in capital expenditure and acquisitions,
the Group received a net £8.9m cash inflow from the purchase and disposal of
strategic investments. Net debt decreased to £431.3m at 26 April 2009 from
£465.2m at 27 April 2008. £20.3m of the reduction in Net Debt resulted from the
derecognition of the loan used to finance strategic investments held by KSF.
The analysis of debt at 26 April 2009 was as follows:
At 26 April 2009 At 27 April 2008
(£’m) (£’m)
Cash and cash equivalents 32.4 25.4
Borrowings (463.7) (490.6)
Net debt (431.3) (465.2)
Financial Review
Total movement is as follows:
At 26 April 2009 At 27 April 2008
(£’m) (£’m)
Underlying EBITDA 136.8 150.2
Realised profit on forward foreign
exchange contracts 14.2 3.5
Taxes paid (25.3) (37.7)
Free cash flow 125.7 116.0
Invested in:-
Working capital and other (31.5) (90.5)
Acquisitions (including debt) (6.6) (120.1)
Net proceeds from investments 8.9 45.5
Reduction in KSF debt 20.3 -
Net capital expenditure (34.8) (132.4)
Share buy back programme - (201.5)
Equity dividend paid (25.6) (7.4)
Finance costs and other financing
activities (22.5) (36.7)
Decrease/(increase) in net debt 33.9 (427.1)
Total equity movement is as follows:
Total equity at 27 April 2008 128.4
Loss after tax for the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009 (15.8)
Items taken directly to equity:
Exchange differences on translation of foreign
operations (44.6)
Actuarial loss on pension (0.4)
Fair value adjustment in respect of available-for-
sale financial assets (28.6)
Transfer of historic losses on available-for-sale
financial assets 53.2
Tax on items taken directly to equity (6.9)
Movement in equity issues:
Movement in Minority interests -
Dividends paid/declared (20.8)
Total equity at 26 April 2009 153.7
The Group operates a number of closed defined benefit schemes in the Dunlop
Slazenger companies. The net deficit in these schemes increased from £11.7m
at 27 April 2008 to £12.4m at 26 April 2009.
Bob Mellors
Finance Director
16 July 2009
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 13
Simon Bentley
Acting Non-Executive
Mike Ashley
Executive Deputy Chairman
Dave Forsey
Chief Executive
Bob Mellors
Group Finance Director
Malcolm Dalgleish
Non-Executive Director
David Singleton
Senior Independent
Non-Executive Director
Simon Bentley (aged 54) was appointed to the board on 2 March 2007 and Acting Chairman on
31 May 2007. He is also Chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Remuneration
Committee. As Acting Chairman he chairs the Nominations Committee. Simon qualified as
a chartered accountant in 1980 and in 1987 joined Blacks Leisure Group plc where he was
Chairman and Chief Executive for 12 years until 2002. Simon chairs and is on the board of a
range of companies and organisations. Among these, he is Deputy Chairman of the solicitors
Mishcon de Reya and a Senior Trustee of The Leadership Trust. He is the Chairman of hair
product brand Umberto Giannini and the hotelier Maypole Group Plc. He has lengthy experience
of the sporting goods industry and is a Director of the UK’s leading five-a-side football centre
operator, Powerleague.
Dave Singleton (aged 58) joined the Board on 25 October 2007. Dave spent 25 years with Reebok
International Limited. He stepped down in April 2007 having helped to successfully integrate
Reebok following its acquisition by adidas Group in January 2006. For eight years he was
Vice President Northern Europe Region & UK and since 2003 he was Senior Vice President
Europe, Middle East & Africa. Dave has an extensive senior management record and brings
valuable experience of international sports brand operations. He is Chairman of the Board’s
Remuneration Committee and a member of the Board’s Audit and Nomination Committees. He
is also a director of Bolton Lads & Girls Club.
Bob Mellors (aged 59) has been the Group’s Finance Director since 2004. A graduate in
economics, he qualified with PriceWaterhouseCoopers in London before joining Eacott Worrall,
where Sports Direct became a client in 1982. He was managing partner and head of corporate
finance at Eacott Worrall before joining the business.
Dave Forsey (aged 43) has been with the business for over 24 years, during which he has acquired
significant knowledge and experience. He is Chief Executive and has overall responsibility for
the business.
Malcolm Dalgleish (57) joined the Board on 25 October 2007. Malcolm is currently head of
retail in the Europe, Middle East and Africa area at CB Richard Ellis. In 2005 CBRE acquired
Dalgleish - the leading retail real estate services specialist in the UK, which Malcolm founded in
1979 and of which he was the principal shareholder. Malcolm is a member of the Board’s Audit,
Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
Mike Ashley (aged 44) established the business of the Group on leaving school in 1982 and was
the sole owner of the business until the Company’s listing in March 2007. Mike is the Executive
Deputy Chairman and is responsible for formulating the vision and strategy of the Company.
Mike is a member of the Board’s Nomination Committee.
The Group’s forecast and projections, taking account of reasonably possible
changes in trading performance, show that the Group should be able to operate
within the level of the current facility. The Group will open renewal negotiations
with the bank during 2009/10 and has at this stage not sought any written
commitments that the facility will be renewed. However, the Group regularly
holds discussions with its bankers about its present and future borrowing needs
and no matters have been drawn to its attention to suggest that renewal may
not be forthcoming on acceptable terms.
After making enquiries, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the
Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue in operational
existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the
going concern basic in preparing the Annual Report and Accounts.
An interim dividend of 1.22p per share was paid to shareholders on the register
at 30 April 2009.
During the Year the Group acquired the 20% of Lonsdale Sports Limited not
already owned by the Group and disposed of Streetwise Sports Limited.
The authorised share capital of the Company is £100,000,000 divided into
999,500,010 ordinary shares of 10p each and 499,990 redeemable preference
shares of 10p each.
The ordinary shares have all the rights that usually attach to such ordinary
shares, including the right to receive dividends (if paid or declared), to receive
notice and attend and vote at meetings of shareholders and (subject to what is
said below concerning redeemable preference shares) to receive a share of the
assets of the Company on any winding up.
The redeemable preference shares do not carry any right to receive a dividend
or to participate in any distribution of the profits or assets of the Company, or
to vote at meetings of shareholders, but holders of redeemable preference
shares have the right to receive notice and attend meetings of shareholders
and on any winding up of the Company the redeemable preference shares are
redeemed at par in priority to any distribution to the holders of ordinary shares.
No redeemable preference shares are in issue.
640,452,369 ordinary shares of 10p are in issue and fully paid of which
64,000,000 are currently held in Treasury. On 16 September 2008, 8,000,000
shares were sold from Treasury to the Sports Direct International plc Employee
Benefit Trust (the EBT).
Grants in respect of 4,397,128 shares have been made under the Performance
Share Plan, which is described in the Directors Remuneration Report on pages
23 to 24. The Trustee of the EBT has agreed to use shares held by them to
satisfy awards that vest under that plan.
A member may transfer all or any of his certificated shares by an instrument of
transfer in any usual form or in any other form which the Board may approve.
An instrument of transfer shall be signed by or on behalf of the transferor and,
unless the share is fully paid, by or on behalf of the transferee. An instrument of
transfer need not be under seal.
The Board may, in its absolute discretion, refuse to register the transfer of a
certificated share which is not a fully paid share, provided that the refusal does
not prevent dealings in shares in the Company from taking place on an open and
proper basis.
The Board may also refuse to register the transfer of a certificated share unless
the instrument of transfer:
• is lodged, duly stamped (if stampable), at the registered office of the
Company, or at another place appointed by the Board, accompanied by the
certificate for the share to which it relates and such other evidence as the
Board may reasonably require to show the right of the transferor to make
the transfer;
• is in respect of one class of share only, and
• is in favour of not more than four persons.
The directors of Sports Direct International plc present their annual report to
shareholders, together with the audited consolidated financial statements for
the Company and its subsidiaries for the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009 (the
This document contains a number of forward-looking statements relating to
the Company and its subsidiaries (the Group) with respect to, amongst others,
the following: financial conditions; results of operations; economic conditions
in which the Group operates; the business of the Group and future benefits
of the current management plans and objectives. The Group considers any
statements that are not historical facts as “forward-looking statements”. They
relate to events and trends that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could
cause the actual results and financial position of the Group to differ materially
from the information presented in the relevant forward-looking statement.
When used in this document the words “estimate”, “project”, “intend”, “aim”,
“believe”, “expect”, “should”, and similar expressions, as they relate to the
Group and the management of it, are intended to identify such forward-looking
statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-
looking statements which speak only as at the date of this document. Neither
the directors nor any member of the Group undertake any obligation publicly to
update or revise any of the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of
new information, future events or otherwise, save in respect of any requirement
under applicable laws, the Listing Rules, and other regulations.
The principal activities of the Group during the Year were:
• Retailing of sports and leisure clothing, footwear and equipment;
• Wholesale distribution and sale of sports and leisure clothing, footwear
and equipment under Group owned or licensed brands; and
• Licensing of Group brands.
Further information on the Group’s principal activities is set out in About Sports
Direct International plc at the front of this document and in the Chief Executive’s
Report and Business Review on pages 3 to 8.
The trading results for the Year and the Group’s financial position as at the
end of the Year are shown in the attached Financial Statements, and discussed
further in the Chief Executive’s Report and Business Review and in the Financial
Review on pages 3 to 8 and 9 to 12 respectively.
The statutory Business Review required by the Companies Act 2006 (the 2006
Act) is included in the Chief Executive’s Report and Business Review, and in
the Corporate and Social Responsibility Report on pages 3 to 8 and 28 to 30
respectively. A review of Group activities during the Year, together with the
factors likely to affect its future development, performance and conditions, is
included in the Chief Executive’s Report and Business Review on pages
4 to 8. The financial position of the Group, its cash flow, liquidity position and
borrowing facilities are described in the Financial Review on pages 9 to 12. The
Chief Executive’s Report and Business Review also describes on page 6 and
7 the principal risks and uncertainties that face the Group, and note 3 to the
Financial Statements includes the Group’s objectives, policies and processes for
managing its capital, its principal financial risk management objectives, details
of its financial instruments and hedging activities and its exposure to credit
risk and liquidity risk. Details of the Group’s Key Performance Indicators by
reference to which the development, performance and position of the business
can be measured effectively are stated in the Chief Executive’s Report and
Business Review on page 8.
The Corporate and Social Responsibility Report on pages 28 to 30 reports on
environmental matters, including the impact of the Group’s businesses on the
environment, the Group’s employees, and on social and community issues.
As highlighted in note 25 to the Financial Statements, the Group finances its day
to day working capital requirements and has made investments and conducted
a share buy-back programme in the past, using a facility with the Bank of
Scotland that is due for renewal in April 2011. The current economic conditions
however, create some uncertainty in the economy and particularly in respect
of the exchange rate between sterling and the US dollar which impacts on the
cost of the Group’s products manufactured in the Far East, and the availability of
bank finance in the foreseeable future.
Directors’ Report
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 15
At the Company’s Annual General Meeting on 10 September 2008 the Company
was generally and unconditionally authorised to make market purchases (within
the meaning of section 163(3) of the 1985 Act) of ordinary shares of 10p each in
the Company subject to the following conditions:
• the maximum aggregate number of ordinary shares authorised to be
purchased is 57,645,236, representing 10% of the Company’s issued
ordinary share capital;
• the minimum price (exclusive of expenses) which may be paid for an
ordinary share is 10p (being the nominal value of an ordinary share);
• the maximum price (exclusive of expenses) which may be paid for each
ordinary share is the higher of: (i) an amount equal to 105% of the average
of the middle market quotations for the Ordinary Shares as derived
from the London Stock Exchange Daily Official List of the five business
days immediately preceding the day on which the share is contracted
to be purchased; and (ii) an amount equal to the higher of the price of
the last independent trade of an ordinary share and the highest current
independent bid for an ordinary share as derived from the London Stock
Exchange Trading System.
The above authority expires at the close of the next Annual General Meeting
of the Company, but at that meeting a similar authority will be sought from
No shareholder enjoys any special control rights, and, except as set out above
and below, there are no restrictions in the transfer of shares or of voting rights.
Mike Ashley and the Company have entered into a Relationship Agreement,
pursuant to which Mike Ashley undertook to the Company that, for so long as he
is entitled to exercise, or to control the exercise of, 15% or more of the rights to
vote at general meetings of the Company, he will;
• conduct all transactions and relationships with any member of the Group
on arm’s length terms and on a normal commercial basis and with the
approval of the non-executive directors;
• exercise his voting rights or other rights in support of the Company
being managed in accordance with the Listing Rules and the principles
of good governance set out in the Combined Code and not exercise any of
his voting or other rights and powers to procure any amendment to the
Articles of Association of the Company;
• other than through his interest in the Company, not have any interest in
any business which sell sports apparel and equipment subject to certain
rights, after notification to the Company, to acquire any such interest
of less than 20% of the business concerned, and certain other limited
exceptions, without receiving the prior approval of the non-executive
• and not solicit for employment or employ any senior employee of the
As at 16 July 2009, the following party had a significant direct or indirect share
holding in the shares of the company:
Number of
shares held
Percentage of issued
ordinary share capital
with voting rights held
of holding
MASH Holdings Limited 410,400,000 71.2% Direct
MASH Holdings Limited is wholly owned by Mike Ashley.
It is the policy of the Group to agree appropriate terms and conditions for its
transactions with suppliers (ranging from standard written terms to individually
negotiated contracts) and for payment to be made in accordance with these
terms, provided the supplier has complied with its obligations.
The number of days purchases outstanding for the Group’s UK operations as 26
April 2009 was 36 days (2008: 27 days).
The Board may refuse to register a transfer of shares in the Company by a
person if those shares represent at least a 0.25% interest in the Company’s
shares or any class thereof and if, in respect of those shares, such person has
been served with a restriction notice after failure (whether by such person or
by another) to provide the Company with information concerning interests in
those shares required to be provided under the Companies Act 2006 (the 2006
Act), unless (i) the transfer is an approved transfer (as defined in the Articles of
Association of the Company), (ii) the member is not himself in default as regards
supplying the information required and certifies that no person in default as
regards supplying such information is interested in any of the shares the subject
of the transfer, or (iii) the transfer of the shares is required to be registered by
the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001.
If the Board refuses to register a transfer of a share in certificated form, it will
send the transferee notice of its refusal within two months after the date on
which the instrument of transfer was lodged with the Company. No fee may be
charged for the registration of any instrument of transfer or other document
relating to or affecting the title to a share.
At the Company’s Annual General Meeting on 10 September 2008:
• the directors of the Company were generally and unconditionally
authorised pursuant to section 80 of the Companies Act 1985 (the 1985
Act), in substitution for all prior authorities conferred upon them, but
without prejudice to any allotments made pursuant to the terms of such
authorities, to exercise all the powers of the Company to allot relevant
securities (within the meaning of that section) up to an aggregate nominal
amount of £19,215,078 for the period expiring (unless previously revoked,
varied or renewed) at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting
of the Company save that the Company may, before such expiry make an
offer or agreement which would or might require relevant securities to be
allotted after such expiry and the directors may allot relevant securities
in pursuance of such an offer or agreement as if the authority had not
• the directors were empowered to allot equity securities (within the
meaning of section 94 of the 1985 Act) for cash, pursuant to the general
authorities described above in substitution for all prior powers conferred
upon the Board but without prejudice to any allotments made pursuant to
the terms of such powers, as if section 89(1) of the 1985 Act did not apply
to any such allotment, such power being limited to:
i) the allotment of equity securities in connection with an issue in
favour of holders of ordinary shares in the capital of the Company
in proportion (as nearly as may be) to their existing holdings of
ordinary shares but subject to such exclusions or other
arrangements as the directors deem necessary or expedient in
relation to fractional entitlements or any legal or practical problems
under the laws of any territory, or the requirements of any
regulatory body or stock exchange; and
ii) the allotment of equity securities for cash (otherwise than as
described in (i) above) up to an aggregate amount equal to 5% of
the then issued and unconditionally allotted share capital of the
Company provided always that such power expires (unless
previously revoked, varied or renewed) at the conclusion of the next
Annual General Meeting of the Company, save that the Company
may, before the end of such period, make an offer or agreement
which would or might require equity securities to be allotted after
expiry of this authority and the directors may allot equity securities
in pursuance of such an offer or agreement as if this power had not
The authorities expire at the close of the next Annual General Meeting of the
Company, but a contract to allot shares under these authorities may be made
prior to the expiry of the authority and concluded in whole or part after the
Annual General Meeting, and at that meeting similar authorities will be sought
from shareholders.
The Chief Executive’s Report and Business Review sets out on page 5
information about persons with whom the Company has contractual or other
arrangements which are essential or material to the business of the Group.
The directors do not believe there are any significant contracts that may change
in the event of a successful takeover of the Company. Details of the impact of
any successful takeover of the Company on directors’ bonus and share schemes
are set out in the Directors’ Remuneration Report on pages 23 and 24. Executive
Directors’ service contracts and non-executive directors’ appointment letters
contain no specific provisions relating to any takeover of the Company.
Details of the Performance Share Plan and share awards made thereunder are
set out in the Directors’ Remuneration Report on pages 23 and 24, and on page
26. No performance period has yet been completed under that plan. At the next
Annual General Meeting of the Company the Company intends to seek approval
of the establishment of the Bonus Share Scheme details of which are set out in
the Directors Remuneration Report on page 24.
The Group employs 16,650 employees. Those employees are fundamental to the
future success of the Group. The Group communicates with its people through
a wide variety of channels, including briefings held at Head Office, information
transmitted through line managers, and an Employee Forum at the Head
Office and National Distribution Centre at Shirebrook, and the Company’s open
management style encourages employees to develop and to contribute to the
development of the business.
All UK permanent employees of the Group in UK Retail, Brands and Head
Office will participate in the proposed new Bonus Share Scheme if approved at
the Annual General Meeting. The scheme is intended to motivate and provide
those employees with a direct and substantial link between Group performance
and their remuneration, and encourage employee participation in the Group.
The proposed new Bonus Share Scheme will operate in addition to the current
workplace bonus schemes, which are directly related to specific workplace
The Group has entered into an agreement with the trade union Unite in respect
of collective bargaining of the pay, hours and holidays of certain groups of
employees at the Group’s National Distribution Centre at Shirebrook.
Further information on relationships with employees can be found in the
Corporate and Social Responsibility Report on page 28.
The Group’s policy for its employees and for all applicants for employment is to
fit the abilities and aptitude of each individual to an appropriate job, irrespective
of gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age, disability or ethnic
origin. The Company and other Group companies will not tolerate discrimination
in any form. Applications for employment by disabled persons are given full and
fair consideration for all vacancies in accordance with their particular aptitudes
and abilities. The Group does all that is practicable to meet its responsibilities
towards the training and employment of disabled people, and to ensure that
training, career development and promotion opportunities are available to all
employees. The Group makes every effort to provide continuity of employment
in the same or similar job where an employee becomes disabled including
offering retraining in order that the employees employment within the Group
may continue.
The Group designs clothing and some footwear for sale in stores and has
arrangements with suppliers for the research and development of goods for the
Brands division.
The directors have reviewed the land and buildings owned by the Group and
have concluded that the market value of those properties is less than the
balance sheet amounts, and have accordingly impaired those amounts.
During the Year, the Group made charitable donations of £50,000 (2008:
£10,000) to the Retail Trust, the principal charity of the retail sector. No political
donations were made (2008: nil).
Directors who served during the year were:
Date of appointment
Mike Ashley 21 December 2006
Simon Bentley 02 March 2007
Malcolm Dalgleish 25 October 2007
Dave Forsey 08 February 2007
Bob Mellors 21 December 2006
Dave Singleton 25 October 2007
The provisions in the Company’s Articles for the appointment, retirement after
appointment by the Board and by rotation, and standing for reappointment are
described in the Corporate Governance Report on page 18.
Details of directors, their roles, responsibilities, achievements and significant
external commitments are set out on page 13 and, in respect of directors
standing for reappointment, in the Annual General Meeting Notice, which is sent
to shareholders with this report.
The Board believes that each director standing for reappointment continues to
demonstrate commitment, is an effective member of the Board, and contributes
to the balance of skills, knowledge and experience identified by the Board as
being required. The Board is satisfied that the Acting Chairman is not precluded
from devoting sufficient time to his duties to the Company by reason of his other
commitments. The Board recommends reappointment of the directors standing
for reappointment.
Information on service contracts and details of the interests of the directors and
their families in the share capital of the Company at 26 April 2009 and at the
date of this report is shown in the Directors’ Remuneration Report on pages 24
and 26 respectively. Copies of the service contracts of executive directors and
of the appointment letters of the Acting Chairman and non-executive directors
are available for inspection at the Company’s registered office during normal
business hours and at the Annual General Meeting.
No director has a directorship in common or other significant links with any
other director (except in the case of executive directors holding directorships of
subsidiary companies of the Company).
The Board has put in place procedures to deal with directors’ conflicts of
interest. During the Year the Board reviewed and, where appropriate, approved
certain situational conflicts of interest that were reported to it by directors,
and a register of those situational conflicts is maintained and reviewed.
Also during the Year the Board noted any transactional conflicts of interest
concerning directors that arose and were declared. No director took part in the
discussion or determination of any matter in respect of which he had disclosed
a transactional conflict of interest.
The Company has entered into deeds of indemnity for the benefit of each
director of the Company and for the benefit of each person who was a director
during the Year, in respect of liabilities to which they may become liable in their
capacity as director of the Company and of any company in the Group. These
indemnities are qualifying third part indemnity provisions within the meaning
given to that term by Sections 234 and 235 of the 2006 Act, and all these
indemnities remain in force.
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on 9 September 2009
at Unit D, Brook Park East, Shirebrook, NG20 8RY. The meeting will commence
at 3.00 pm. The Board encourages shareholders to attend and participate in the
Directors’ Report
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 17
Grant Thornton UK LLP has expressed a willingness to continue in office. In
accordance with section 489 (4) of the Companies Act 2006, resolutions to
reappoint Grant Thornton UK LLP as auditors and to authorise the directors to
determine their remuneration will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting.
The directors who held office at the date of approval of this Directors
Report confirm that, so far as they are each aware, there is no relevant audit
information of which the Company’s auditors are unaware, and that each
director has taken all the steps that he or she ought to have taken as a director
to make him or herself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish
the Company’s auditors are aware of that information.
By Order of the Board
Michael Oliver
16 July 2009
The Board of directors of the Company is committed to maintaining high
standards of corporate governance and to managing the affairs of the Group
in accordance with the provisions of the Listing Rules and of the Combined
Code on Corporate Governance, issued by the Financial Reporting Council in
June 2008 (the “Combined Code”). A copy of the Combined Code is available
on the Financial Reporting Council’s website at The Board has
reviewed the Company’s corporate governance processes and policies, and
has concluded that during the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009 (the “Year”) the
Company complied with the provisions of the Combined Code except as set out
The Combined Code (code provision A3.2) recommends that at least half
of the Board of directors of a UK listed company, excluding the Chairman,
should be comprised of non-executive directors determined by the Board
to be independent in character and judgement and free from relationships
or circumstances which may affect, or could appear to affect, the director’s
judgment. During the Year the Board was made up of the Acting Chairman,
three executive directors and two independent non-executive directors.
Accordingly during the Year the Company did not comply with this provision of
the Combined Code in this regard.
The Combined Code also provides (code provisions B2.1 and C3.1) that each
of the Remuneration and Audit Committees of the Board should comprise of
at least three independent non-executive directors. The Code also provides
that, in respect of the Remuneration Committee, the Company Chairman may
also be a member, but not chair, the Committee if he or she was considered
independent on appointment as Chairman. During the Year these committees
comprised two independent non executive directors and the Acting Chairman.
Accordingly during the Year the Company did not comply with these provisions of
the Combined Code.
The Combined Code provides (code provision A.4.1) that the majority of the
members of the Nomination Committee should be independent non-executive
directors. During the Year the Committee comprised the Acting Chairman,
the Executive Deputy Chairman and two non-executive directors. Accordingly
during the Year the Company did not comply with this provision of the Combined
Code. Since the end of the Year Mike Ashley has ceased to be a member of the
Nomination Committee, and the structure of this Committee is now compliant
with the provisions of the Combined Code.
The Company has in the past used recruitment consultants to search for a
Chairman and for additional independent non-executive directors and the
Nomination Committee has approved job descriptions for those roles, which
for the Chairman includes an assessment of the time commitment expected,
always recognising the need for availability in the event of major activity.
The Board currently believes, however, that the Board and its committees
as currently constituted are working well, and that in a period of challenging
economic conditions it would be difficult to recruit an appropriate person to be
either the Chairman or an independent non executive director of the Company.
Accordingly, while the Board intends when practicable to appoint a further
independent non-executive director to the Board and to both of the
Remuneration and Audit committees, which would bring the Company into
compliance with all the provisions of the Combined Code, no steps are currently
being taken to achieve that. The Nomination Committee and the Board will,
however, keep the position under review.
During the Year the Board comprised a non- executive Acting Chairman, three
executive directors, and two non-executive directors. The names and short
biographies of the Acting Chairman and other directors are set out on page 13.
The non-executive directors are considered by the Board to be independent.
The Acting Chairman, Simon Bentley was considered by the Board to be
independent on appointment. The Board considers that an independent director
is one who is independent in character and judgment, and where there are
no circumstances that are likely to affect, or could appear to affect, his or her
judgement. Relationships or circumstances that could affect judgement include
having been an employee of the Company or of any Group company during the
past five years, having had a material business relationship or having been a
partner, shareholder, director or senior employee of a body with a material
business relationship with the Company or any Group company in the past three
years, receiving remuneration from the Company other than directors’ fees,
participating in any share option or bonus schemes or in a Company pension
scheme, having had close family ties with any of the Company’s advisors,
directors or senior employees, having cross directorships or significant links
with any other director, representing a significant shareholder, or serving on the
Board for more than nine years.
Dave Singleton has been appointed the Senior Independent Non-Executive
Director and is available to shareholders if they have concerns which have failed
to be resolved through the normal channels of Acting Chairman, Executive
Deputy Chairman, Chief Executive, or Group Finance director, or for which such
channels are inappropriate.
The Company has entered into a Relationship Agreement with Mike Ashley, the
Executive Deputy Chairman, whose wholly owned company, MASH Holdings Ltd
currently holds approximately 71.2% of the issued share capital of the Company
(excluding treasury shares), which agreement is described in the Directors
Report on page 15.
Given the structure of the Board and the terms of the Relationship Agreement,
the Board believes that no individual or small group of individuals can dominate
the Board’s decision making.
The Board has established a Nomination Committee to ensure a formal,
rigorous and transparent procedure for the appointment of new directors to
the Board. The composition of that Committee and a description of its terms of
reference are set out on page 20.
Details of executive directors’ service contracts and of the Acting Chairman’s
and the non-executive directors’ appointment letters are given on page 24.
Copies of service contracts and of appointment letters are available for
inspection at the Company’s registered office during normal business hours and
at the Annual General Meeting.
Executive directors normally retire on reaching the age determined by the Board
from time to time as the retirement age for executive directors.
Non-executive directors are appointed for an initial term of three years from
the Annual General Meeting following their joining the Board, and, subject to
performance, there is an expectation of reappointment for a further period of
three years. Exceptionally a non-executive director may be invited to serve for a
further and final three year term. Non-executive directors’ fees are determined
by the Board in the absence of the non-executive directors other than the
All directors appointed by the Board are appointed after consideration of the
recommendations of the Nomination Committee, and those so appointed
must stand for reappointment at the following Annual General Meeting. Every
director must retire at least once every three years, and in addition at least
one third of the continuing members of the Board must retire by rotation each
year. Retiring directors may seek reappointment if willing and eligible to do
so and if so recommended by the Nomination Committee. The Chairman will,
when proposing the reappointment of a director, confirm that following formal
performance evaluation, the director’s performance continues to be effective
and he or she continues to demonstrate commitment to the role.
This year Simon Bentley and Bob Mellors are retiring by rotation and are
seeking reappointment.
The Board has adopted a formal process for the performance evaluation of the
Board, its committees and individual directors. Every year each director has an
opportunity to express his or her views on the organisation and operation of the
Board and its committees, their effectiveness and contribution to the business,
and on any other matter they consider relevant. These views are expressed
in response to a questionnaire prepared and circulated by the Secretary, who
holds the comments of individual directors in confidence. The results of these
questionnaires are consolidated and reported to the Chairman and, in so far as
they relate to the Chairman, to the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director,
and, in so far as they relate to the Board as a whole or to any of its committees
to the Board as a whole. Given the current small size of the Board, the Board
does not consider the use of independent consultants appropriate or useful.
In addition the Chairman will meet with individual directors privately at least
once in every year, to review the contribution of that director to the Board and
his or her development needs. The Chairman will meet with the non-executive
directors as a group and in the absence of any executive directors at least twice
a year, and as part of the Board Evaluation Programme the non-executive
directors, led by the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director, will review
the performance of the Chairman, having taken account of the views of the
executive directors.
The Board and the Nomination Committee will consider the output from
the evaluation programme in their evaluation of the skills, knowledge and
experience of the Board, and in formulating development plans.
Corporate Governance Report
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 19
The Board provides corporate governance training for those directors appointed
to the Board for whom it is their first appointment to a listed company board,
and provides a tailored induction programme for all directors on appointment. In
addition the Board is made aware of material changes to laws and regulations
affecting the Group’s business from time to time. All directors have access to
the advice and services of the Company Secretary, and each director and each
board committee may take independent professional advice at the Company’s
expense, subject to prior notification to the other non-executive directors and
the Company Secretary. The Company maintains appropriate directors and
officers insurance.
The division of responsibilities between the Chairman, the Executive Deputy
Chairman and the Chief Executive is in writing and has been agreed by the
Board. The Chairman is responsible for leadership of the Board, for ensuring
its effectiveness, and for ensuring that all directors are able to play a full part
in the activities of the Company. He ensures effective communication with
shareholders, and that the Board has an understanding of the views of major
investors. The Chairman is available to provide advice and support to members
of the executive team. The Executive Deputy Chairman is an ambassador for
the Company, and takes the lead in the strategic development of the Company,
formulating the vision and strategy in conjunction with the Chief Executive. The
Chief Executive is responsible for leading the management team, the running of
the Group’s business, for the delivery of the strategy approved by the Board, and
for implementing specific decisions made by the Board. No one individual has
unfettered power of decision.
The Board currently plans to meet on a pre-planned basis six times during each
year, including a strategy meeting, and meets on other occasions as required.
During the Year the Board met on nine occasions.
The Board is collectively responsible for the success of the Company, and has a
programme to enable it to discharge its responsibility of providing effective and
entrepreneurial leadership to the Company within a framework of prudent and
effective controls. An agenda is established for each meeting, and appropriate
documentation is provided to directors in advance of them. For regular meetings
the agenda will include reports from the Chief Executive and the Group Finance
Director, reports on the performance of the business and current trading,
reports on meetings with investors, reports from committees of the Board and
specific proposals where the approval of the Board is sought. Presentations are
also given on business or strategic issues where appropriate, and the Board will
consider at least annually the strategy for the Group. Minutes of the meetings
of committees of the Board are circulated to all members of the Board, unless
a conflict of interest arises, to enable all directors to have oversight of those
matters delegated to committees, and copies of analysts’ reports and brokers
notes are provided to directors.
Attendance by directors at Board and Board committee meetings during the
Year and the total number of meetings that they could have attended are set
out in the table below. All directors attended all meetings of the Board and of
committees of the Board of which they were members unless prevented from
doing so by prior commitments.
Mike Ashley 9/9 - - 1/1
Simon Bentley 9/9 3/3 4/4 1/1
Malcolm Dalgleish 7/9 2/3 3/4 0/1
Dave Forsey 9/9 - - -
Bob Mellors 9/9 - - -
Dave Singleton 9/9 3/3 4/4 1/1
The Board has a formal schedule of matters reserved for decision by it. Matters
so reserved include the approval of the strategic plan and long-term objectives
of the Group, the annual budget and the allocation of resources to achieve
that budget, decisions relating to unbudgeted expenditure over certain limits,
significant acquisitions, disposals and joint ventures, other material contracts,
changes to the corporate structure of the Group, the appointment and removal
of the Company Secretary, approval of accounting policies and practices
and approval of the annual report. The Board delegates management of the
businesses of the Group to the executive management, and delegates specific
responsibilities to Board committees.
The Board believes that the appointment of executive directors to be non-
executive directors of other listed companies benefits the Group, through the
additional experience and knowledge gained by such an appointment, and
accordingly, executive directors are permitted to accept one such appointment
where no conflict of interest arises, and to retain the fees received. Currently
none of the executive directors holds such an appointment.
All non-executive directors disclose to the Board prior to appointment their
significant other commitments and they are required to notify and have notified
any changes to or additional commitments from time to time. Simon Bentley,
the Acting Chairman, is deputy Chairman of the solicitors Mishcon De Reya,
a senior trustee of the Leadership Trust, Chairman of the hair product brand
Umberto Giannini and the hotelier Maypole Group plc. He is also a director of
Powerleague. The Board is satisfied that Simon Bentley meets his obligations
to the Company. All non-executive directors are available to meet with major
The Company Secretary is an employee of the Company and is the secretary
of all Board committees, and fulfils the responsibilities required of him by the
Combined Code.
There are three principal Board Committees, all of which have written terms of
reference. Summaries of the terms of reference and details of the membership
of committees are set out below. Copies of the terms of reference are available
from the Company Secretary and on the Company’s website. Only members of
each Committee are entitled to attend the meetings of committees, although
each Committee may invite other directors, managers and advisors to attend
and have done so. Membership of Board Committees will be regularly reviewed.
Given the current size of the Board, and the terms of reference, all
non-executive directors are members of every Board committee. It is, however,
the Board’s intention that, when the number of independent non-executive
directors appointed to the Board permits, the chairman of the Remuneration
Committee will not serve on the Audit Committee, and vice versa. The Board is
satisfied that currently no one director exercises a disproportionate influence.
Attendance at meetings of committees is set out on the opposite page.
Directors who served on the Committee during the Year were:
• Simon Bentley (Chairman)
• Malcolm Dalgleish
• Dave Singleton
The Chairman of the Committee is a Chartered Accountant, and has recent and
relevant financial experience.
The Committee met on three occasions during the Year.
The Committee’s programme is pre-planned to ensure that each aspect of its
responsibilities is discharged as part of an annual cycle during the Company’s
financial year. The main responsibilities of the Audit Committee are:
• Assisting the Board with the discharge of its responsibilities in relation to
internal and external audits and controls.
• Monitoring the financial reporting process and the integrity and clarity of
the Group’s financial statements, including making recommendations on
judgments they contain and the financial reporting process.
• Agreeing the scope of the annual audit and the annual audit plan and
monitoring the same.
• Reviewing and monitoring the independence of the external auditors and
relationships with them and in particular agreeing and monitoring the
extent of the non audit work that may be undertaken by external auditors.
• Advising on the appointment, reappointment and removal of external
• Reviewing accounting and financial reporting policies, terms of
engagement and remuneration of the external auditors, and any changes
thereto, and the method of accounting for unusual transactions.
• Reviewing and monitoring the effectiveness of the internal control and risk
management policies and systems in place within the Group and ensuring
that appropriate arrangements are in place under which employees can
raise concerns about possible financial or other impropriety which are
then appropriately investigated.
During the Year the Committee considered the matters that fell within its area
of responsibility above, and in particular the arrangements for monitoring the
effectiveness of internal controls, and also considered the current economic
climate and its likely impact on the Group:
The Audit Committee will normally meet not less than three times a year.
The external auditors attend meetings of the Committee, other than when
their appointment is being reviewed. The Group Finance Director also attends
as appropriate. The Committee will meet with the auditors in the absence of
executive management at least twice a year.
The Audit Committee considers annually the reappointment of the auditors and
their remuneration, and makes recommendations to the Board, and the auditors
are reappointed each year at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee will
consider the level of service provided by the auditors and their independence
The Committee has approved a policy on the engagement of the external
auditors for non-audit work, in order to ensure that the objectivity of the
auditors’ opinion on the Group’s financial statements is not or may not be seen
to be impaired, and has established a process to monitor compliance with that
The policy identified three categories of potential work. Firstly, those tasks
that the auditors may not provide, as to do so would represent a real threat
to independence. That work includes the preparation of accounting entries or
financial statements, IT systems design and implementation, management of
projects and tax planning where the outcome would have a material impact on
the financial statements or where the outcome is dependent upon accounting
Secondly, types of work that the auditors may undertake with the consent of
the Chairman of the Audit Committee. Included in this category are certain
corporate finance services, acquisition due diligence, management consultancy
and secondment of staff other than for the preparation of accounting entries or
financial statements.
Thirdly, there are services that the auditors may provide as the work is clearly
audit related and there is no potential threat to independence, including
regulatory reporting and acting as reporting accountants. The Company is
satisfied that its policy falls within the requirements of the Auditing Practices
Every engagement of the auditors for non-audit work is to be reported to the
next meeting of the Committee.
The Combined Code recommends that the Audit Committee is made up of at
least three non-executive directors, independent in character and judgement
and free from any relationship or circumstance which may, could or would be
likely to, or appear to, affect their judgement. The Audit Committee currently
consists of only two independent non-executive directors and the Acting
Chairman, but the Company intends when appropriate to appoint additional
independent non-executive directors to the Board, following which a further
independent non-executive director will also be appointed a member of the
Audit Committee, and the Committee’s structure will then comply with the
recommendation set out in the Combined Code.
Directors who served on the Committee during the Year were:
• Dave Singleton (Chairman)
• Simon Bentley
• Malcolm Dalgleish
The main responsibilities of the Remuneration Committee are to:
• Determine the Company’s policy on executive remuneration, including the
design of bonus schemes, and targets and payments made thereunder.
• Determine the levels of remuneration for the Chairman and each of the
executive directors.
• Monitor the remuneration of senior management and make
recommendations in respect of thereof.
• Agree any compensation for loss of office of any executive director.
The Committee met on four occasions during the Year.
During the Year the Committee reviewed directors and senior managers
remuneration arrangements, and considered bonus schemes, and in particular
the proposed Bonus Share Scheme, approval of which will be sought at
the Annual General Meeting of the Company in September. The Committee
considered directors’ salaries and determined not to increase them. The
Committee decided whether any payments were due to executive directors
under the 2007-08 Annual Bonus Scheme, and decided not to operate an Annual
Bonus Scheme for executive directors for 2009-10 if the proposed Bonus Share
Scheme was approved and implemented. The Committee also reviewed the
Performance Share Plan and its performance measures and made awards
thereunder to executive directors and to certain senior managers.
A report on the remuneration of directors appears on pages 22 to 26. The
Combined Code recommends that the Remuneration Committee is made up of
at least three non-executive directors, independent in character and judgement
and free from any relationship or circumstance which may, could or would be
likely to, or appear to, affect their judgement. The Committee currently consists
of only two independent non-executive directors and the Acting Chairman.
The Company intends to appoint when appropriate additional independent
non-executive directors to the Board following which a further independent non-
executive director will be appointed a member of the Remuneration Committee,
and the Committee’s structure will then comply with the recommendations set
out in the Combined Code.
Members of the Nomination Committee during the Year were:
• Simon Bentley (Chairman)
• Mike Ashley
• Malcolm Dalgleish
• Dave Singleton
The Committee met on one occasion during the Year.
The main responsibilities of the Board Nomination Committee are to:
• Review the Board’s structure.
• Review the composition and make up of the Board, including evaluating
the balance of skills, knowledge and experience of the members of the
• Give consideration to succession planning for directors.
• Prepare a description of the role and capabilities required for any Board
appointment including that of Chairman.
• Make recommendations to the Board concerning the standing for
reappointment of directors.
• Identify potential candidates to be appointed as directors, and make
recommendations to the Board as the need may arise.
The Nomination Committee also determines succession plans for the Chairman
and the Chief Executive, who will not be present at meetings when such matters
are being discussed.
The Nomination Committee will meet at least once a year and will also meet
when appropriate.
During the Year the Committee considered the desirability of appointing a
Chairman and a further non-executive director or directors, and also considered
the standing for reappointment of directors retiring by rotation.
Dave Forsey, as Chief Executive, will normally attend meetings of the
Nomination Committee, save where the Nomination Committee is dealing with
matters relating to him or with the appointment of his successor.
The Combined Code recommends that a majority of the Nomination Committee
be non-executive directors, independent in character and judgement and free
from any relationship or circumstance which may, could or would be likely to, or
appear to, affect their judgement.
The Committee currently consists of the Acting Chairman, and two independent
non-executive directors and accordingly the Committee’s structure now
complies with the recommendations set out in the Combined Code.
Corporate Governance Report
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 21
The Company has a code of securities dealings in relation to its shares and
other securities which is based on, and is at least as rigorous as, the Model
Code as published in the Listing Rules. The code applies to the directors and to
other appropriate employees of the Group.
The directors have overall responsibility for the Group’s system of internal
control and risk management for reviewing their effectiveness. The systems
of internal control and risk management are designed to manage, rather than
eliminate, the risk of failing to achieve business objectives. Such a system can,
however, provide only reasonable, and not absolute, assurance against material
misstatement or loss.
Members of the Board have responsibility for monitoring the conduct and
operations of individual businesses within the Group. This includes the review
and approval of business strategies and plans, the setting of key business
performance targets and the analysis of risk. The executive management
responsible for each business is accountable for the conduct and performance
of their business within agreed strategies.
Business plans and budgets for each business include financial and strategic
targets against which performance is monitored. Monitoring includes the
examination of and changes to rolling annual and quarterly forecasts, monthly
measurement of actual achievement against key performance targets and
plans, and weekly reviews of performance.
The Group has clear procedures for the approval and control of expenditure.
Strategic investment decisions involving both capital and revenue expenditure
are subject to formal detailed appraisal and review according to approval levels
set by the Board. Operating expenditure is controlled within each business
with approval levels for such expenditure being determined by the individual
The Group has a formal whistle blowing policy for employees who wish to raise
any issues or concerns relating to the Company’s or Group’s activities on a
confidential basis.
Executive management is responsible for the identification, evaluation and
management of the significant risks applicable to their areas of business and
for the development of a disaster mitigation and recovery programme.
The Group operates a Retail Support Unit which provides strong operational
internal audit services in the retail division, and there are procedures in place in
the Brands division to monitor and control licensees.
The Board Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight
responsibilities, reviewing the reporting of financial and non-financial
information to shareholders and the audit process, satisfying itself that
appropriate systems of internal control and risk management are in place and
are serving to identify and manage risk. The auditors attend all meetings of
the Audit Committee, save for those parts of any meeting when the Committee
reviews the performance of the auditors and when the Committee is having
separate discussions with the Group Finance Director.
With the exception of Heatons, the Groups only material associate, the Group’s
system of internal control and risk management and its effectiveness is
monitored and reviewed by the Board, the Audit Committee and management,
and the Board believes that the Group has maintained throughout the Year
and up to the date of approval of the annual report and accounts an effective
embedded system of internal control and has complied with the Turnbull
The Group has for many years, recognised the benefits that accrue from
responsible employment, environmental and community policies. Details
of the Group’s activities in this area are set out in the Corporate and Social
Responsibility Report on pages 28 to 30.
This report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of
Regulation II and Schedule 8 of the Large and Medium-sized Companies and
Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 (the Regulations) and of the
Combined Code on Corporate Governance 2008 (“the Combined Code”).
During the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009 (the Year), the members of the
Remuneration Committee (the Committee), were:
• Dave Singleton (Chairman)
• Simon Bentley
• Malcolm Dalgleish
Dave Singleton and Malcolm Dalgleish are independent non-executive directors.
Simon Bentley was an independent non-executive director on his appointment
as Acting Chairman.
The main responsibilities of the Committee are summarised in the Corporate
Governance Report on page 20.
The Committee has appointed Towers Perrin to provide it with independent
advice in determining the appropriate remuneration, including bonus schemes,
and other terms and conditions of employment of directors, and to assist it in
the review of remuneration policies and practices throughout the Group.
Towers Perrin has, with the consent of the Committee, assisted the Company
in the past by providing market data and advice in connection with the
remuneration of senior managers. The Committee is conscious of the need to
ensure that no conflict of interest arises as a result of Towers Perrin advising
both it and the Company, but believes that the benefits of consistent advice
outweighs the possible problems that could arise from these arrangements.
A summary of the terms of reference of Towers Perrin in their role as
independent advisors to the Committee are set out on the Company’s website
and are available upon request from the Company Secretary.
Dave Forsey, the Chief Executive, Bob Mellors, the Group Finance Director, and
Mike Ashley, the Executive Deputy Chairman have also advised or materially
assisted the Committee when requested.
The Committee has endorsed the provisions of Section 1B of the Combined
Code, and has had those provisions in mind when determining remuneration
policies for the past, current and future years. Policies and practice in respect
of remuneration inevitably evolve over time and, while it is currently believed
that the policies described in this report will apply in future years, they will be
subject to regular review.
The Group operates in a highly competitive retail environment, and the
Committee seeks to ensure that the level and form of remuneration is
sufficient to attract, retain and motivate directors and senior managers of the
quality and talent required to run the Group successfully. In order to maintain
the Group’s historic focus on growth, the Committee has adopted a strongly
performance based remuneration policy for executive directors, under which
a large proportion of their remuneration will be dependent upon the Group’s
performance, and paid in shares.
Basic salaries for executive directors other than Mike Ashley have been set at
a level well below the median level for a business of the size and complexity
of the Group. The maximum payment under the annual bonus plan during the
Year was 100% of salary, and the Performance Share Plan permits annual
grants of up to four times salary. The maximum payment under the proposed
Bonus Share Scheme, described below, is shares having a market value of
approximately 100% of salary, deferred for 2 years. If the establishment of the
Bonus Share Scheme is approved then it will replace the Annual Bonus Scheme
during the term of the Bonus Share Scheme.
If the Committee were to change its policy on basic salaries, then it would
revisit the salary multiple for grants under the Performance Share Plan, and the
Committee’s remuneration policy set out above will not necessarily apply to any
new appointment to the Board.
Mike Ashley has agreed that he will not receive a salary for his role as Executive
Deputy Chairman, nor does he participate in the Performance Share Plan, and
he will not participate in the Bonus Share Scheme if approved.
Executive directors do not participate in a company pension arrangement in
respect of which the Company makes a financial contribution, and do not have
the use of a company car or other similar benefits often available to executive
directors. Towers Perrin has advised the Committee that in aggregate the total
remuneration of Dave Forsey and Bob Mellors is well below median.
The Committee intends to establish and thereafter maintain contact with
major shareholders and representative groups where appropriate concerning
remuneration matters.
The expected value of a four times salary award under the Performance
Share Plan is approximately 170% of salary. Accordingly, if the Company’s
performance meets target levels, disregarding the proposed Bonus Share
Scheme, performance related pay in 2009-10 is likely to account for
approximately 70% of Dave Forsey and Bob Mellors’ total remuneration, and
at upper quartile performance, performance related pay would account for
approximately 85% of total remuneration, depending in each case on share
price improvement during the relevant performance period. The expected
value of the Bonus Share Scheme, if approved, is approximately 100% of salary
over four years. If target level performance under that and other schemes is
reached in 2009-10 then performance related pay in that year is likely to account
for approximately 66% of Dave Forsey and Bob Mellors total remuneration
and at upper quartile performance related pay would account for 81% of total
remuneration depending upon share price performance.
The Committee is at all times mindful of the Company’s social, ethical and
environmental responsibilities, and is satisfied that current remuneration
arrangements do not inadvertently encourage irresponsible behaviour.
The Committee has reviewed the salaries, other remuneration and other
employment conditions of senior and middle managers throughout the Group,
and has taken them into account in considering directors salaries, bonus
awards and the creation of new bonus schemes in order to create a sense of
common purpose and sharing of success. The Performance Share Plan has
been extended to certain senior managers and the proposed Bonus Share
Scheme will apply to all UK permanent employees of the Group in the UK
Retail, Brands and Head Office on the same basis, including applying the same
percentage of salary, irrespective of seniority.
Executive directors’ remuneration and the remuneration of other key senior
management during the Year comprised:
• Basic Salary
• Annual Bonus Scheme
• Performance Share Plan
• Pension
Subject to approval of the Bonus Share Scheme at the Annual General Meeting,
it is intended that in 2009-10 executive directors’ remuneration will comprise
the Bonus Share Scheme and the elements listed above other than the Annual
Bonus Scheme.
Basic salaries are reviewed annually, but the first review post the Admission of
the Company to the official list and to trading on the London Stock Exchange
on 2 March 2007 (Admission) did not take place until April 2008. There was no
increase in executive directors’ salaries on that review and in April 2009 the
Committee decided again not to alter executive directors’ salaries. Executive
directors’ salaries have now been at the same level since 2002.
The Annual Bonus Scheme rewards executive directors for achieving
challenging business performance targets, chosen at the beginning of the
period for their relevance in driving the short term performance of the Group
towards the achievement of strategic goals. In the Year the maximum bonus
payable to Dave Forsey and Bob Mellors was 100% of salary, and one half of the
bonus was to be paid if both target sales and target EBITDA were achieved, and
the remainder of the bonus would be paid if target sales are achieved and if a
stretch target EBITDA is achieved, with no intermediate payments. Performance
was such that no bonus was paid in respect of the Year.
The Committee has determined that, if the proposed Bonus Share Scheme is
approved at the Company’s Annual General Meeting in September 2009 and
implemented with effect from the beginning of the current financial year, then
no Annual Bonus Scheme will be operated for executive directors while the
Bonus Share Scheme is being operated. Mike Ashley did not participate in the
Annual Bonus Scheme for the Year, and will not participate in the proposed
Bonus Share Scheme.
Directors’ Remuneration Report
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 23
The Performance Share Plan was adopted on 11 February 2007, and provides
a direct link between executive directors’ remuneration and the return to
The maximum number of shares that an executive director may acquire
pursuant to share awards granted to him in any financial year may not have an
aggregate market value, as measured at the date of grant, exceeding 400% of
his annual basic salary. Market value for this purpose is based on the closing
middle market quotation for a share as derived from the Daily Official List of the
London Stock Exchange for the dealing day immediately preceding the date of
On 5 April 2007, during the 42-day period following Admission, share awards
were granted to each of Dave Forsey and Bob Mellors relating to 400% of their
basic salary. No awards were made during the 2007-08 financial year as the
performance period for any awards that would have been made during that year
would have ended at the same time as the awards made on 5 April 2007. Awards
under the Plan relating to 400% of basic salary were made to Dave Forsey and
Bob Mellors on 16 July 2008.
Share awards under the Performance Share Plan are subject to performance
conditions imposed by the Committee at the time of grant. The extent to which
the performance conditions are satisfied will determine how many (if any) of the
shares each executive director is entitled to receive. Performance conditions
are not capable of being retested, so that any proportion of a share award which
does not vest on the normal vesting date will lapse.
The Committee determined in respect of the first grants made under the plan
that the vesting of 50% of the awards would be subject to a performance target
based on the earnings per share (“EPS”) growth of the Company over the
designated performance period. The remaining 50% of the awards are subject
to a performance target based on the Company’s total shareholder return
(“TSR”) over the same performance period when compared against a group of
comparator companies. The Committee applied the same targets for the grants
made in 2008.
The performance period for grants under the Performance Share Plan will
usually be the three consecutive financial years commencing with the financial
year in which the option or award is granted, but for the initial awards following
Admission, the performance period runs from the date of grant to 25 April 2010
(the end of the 2009-10 financial year).
EPS was chosen as a performance measure because it is an absolute measure
of real Group performance.
The Committee chose TSR as a performance measure because it compares
the actual returns to shareholders with the actual returns to shareholders
in a comparator group of companies, thus providing a relative measure of
performance. The Committee believes that the combination of absolute and
relative measure is the best way to align the interest of the director with the
actual return to shareholders, and that the targets reflect the history of growth
in the Company’s businesses and are challenging but achievable.
EPS growth over the first performance period will be calculated by reference
to the EPS as derived from the pro forma accounts prepared for the 26 week
period to 29 October 2006, EPS growth for subsequent performance periods will
be calculated by reference to EPS stated in the appropriate published accounts.
For the purpose of the Performance Share Plan, EPS means the diluted
earnings per ordinary share of the Company calculated in accordance with IAS
33 Earnings Per Share or any modification or replacement to that standard with
which the Company is obliged to comply provided that the Committee has the
power (after consultation with the auditors) to adjust the EPS figure to arrive at
a figure which reflects underlying business performance of the Group and also
to take such steps as necessary to ensure that relevant accounting standards
are applied on a consistent basis.
The number of shares that will vest under the EPS tranche of each award will be
determined as follows:
EPS Growth Percentage of shares in EPS tranche that vest
Below 19% per annum 0
19% per annum (“Threshold”) 25
24% per annum (“Target”) 50
29% per annum (“Stretch”) 100
Shares comprised in the EPS tranche will vest on a straight-line basis for
performance between Threshold and Target and between Target and Stretch.
TSR means, in relation to a share in the Company or an ordinary share in a
company in the comparator group in a performance period, the aggregate of
the increase above or decrease below the average market value of such a share
at the beginning of the relevant performance period and the aggregate value of
dividends paid in that performance period (excluding any tax credit), where each
such dividend is deemed to have been reinvested in the shares of each relevant
company from the date of payment of the dividend to the last day of the
performance period.
The initial comparator group of companies comprised the following companies:
• Marks & Spencer plc
• Kingfisher plc
• Next Group plc
• Home Retail Group plc
• DSG International plc
• The Carphone Warehouse Group plc
• Signet Group plc
• Kesa Electrical plc
• Debenhams plc
• N Brown Group plc
• Galiform plc
• Carpetright plc
• Halfords Group plc
• W H Smith plc
• JJB Sports plc
• HMV Group plc
• JD Sports Fashion Plc
• Blacks Leisure Group plc
• Mothercare plc
Mothercare plc has replaced Umbro plc in the comparator group following its
acquisition by Nike and subsequent delisting. The Committee will keep the
comparator group under review and will, if and when it considers appropriate,
include additional companies to replace any of the existing comparator group
that are no longer appropriate or listed.
TSR was calculated for the first grants made in the 42 days following Admission
using average market value of shares in each company in the comparator group
over the 20 dealing days immediately following Admission. For subsequent
grants TSR is calculated using the average value of shares of companies in the
comparator group on the last day of the financial year.
The percentage of the shares comprised in the TSR tranche that vest will be
determined by reference to the Company’s TSR ranking within the comparator
group at the end of the performance period as follows:
TSR Ranking Percentage of shares in TSR tranche that vest
Upper quartile 100
Median 25
Below median 0
Shares comprised in the TSR tranche will vest on a straight-line basis for
performance between median and upper quartile.
The Committee may amend the performance conditions if an event occurs that
causes it reasonably to consider that the original performance conditions are no
longer, without alteration, a fair measure of performance, provided that the
amended conditions are at least as challenging as the original performance
conditions. Any such amendment will be disclosed in the directors
remuneration report following the amendment.
During the Year the Committee reviewed the performance conditions and
business performance to date against those conditions, and determined that,
for the time being, they were satisfied that the conditions remained appropriate.
The Committee may, however, set different performance conditions for future
Subject to satisfaction of applicable performance conditions, awards will vest at
the end of the performance period and vested share awards will be released to
participants automatically as soon as practicable after the date the shares vest.
Share awards may normally only vest if the executive director remains in
employment with the Group. If a participant leaves employment before the
vesting date, the share awards will normally lapse. However, if the reason
for leaving is injury, disability, ill-health, the sale of the business or company
in which the executive director is employed, or any other reason, at the
Committee’s discretion, a participant’s awards will not lapse and will vest on the
original vesting date to the extent the performance conditions have been met.
The number of shares which are released or capable of exercise will be pro-
rated to reflect the proportion of the performance period the participant was
actually employed unless the Committee determines otherwise. In the event of
a participant’s death, a share award may be released to or exercised by their
personal representatives.
In the event of a takeover, scheme of arrangement (other than a scheme
to create a new holding company for the Company having substantially the
same shareholders as the Company) or voluntary winding-up of the Company,
share awards will vest following such an event to the extent the performance
conditions have been met but on a time pro-rated basis. Share awards may also
by agreement, be exchanged for equivalent share awards or options over shares
in the acquiring company.
The Committee has determined that, upon the vesting of any award, a
participant will receive additional shares representing the gross value of
dividends as if they had been paid on those shares and reinvested during the
performance period.
The Company reviews awards under the Performance Share Plan in terms
of their effect on dilution limits, and seeks to comply with the dilution limits
recommended by the Association of British Insurers for such plans. At the end
of the Year the Company was within those limits.
The Company has established a discretionary trust to acquire and hold, or to
enter into agreements to procure the delivery of shares required to satisfy share
awards granted under the Performance Share Plan.
The scheme is intended to motivate and help improve the retention of
employees, to encourage employee participation in the shares of the Company,
to align the interests of employees and shareholders, and to drive Underlying
All permanent UK employees in UK Retail, Brands and Head Office with not less
than one years service at the beginning 2009-10 will participate, irrespective
of seniority. The scheme will replace, where relevant, existing annual bonus
schemes, but not workplace based schemes. More details of the scheme are
given in the notice calling the 2009 Annual General Meeting of the Company.
The bonus is in two stages. The first bonus is 25% of base pay in shares at a
notional share price of £1.00 per share. The bonus target is Underlying EBITDA
of £155m in 2009-10.
The first bonus will vest two years after the EBITDA target of £155m is reached,
and is subject to continuous employment until then.
The second bonus is 75% of base pay in shares at a notional share price of £1.25
per share. The second stage of the bonus is conditional upon the first bonus
target being met in 2009-10, and the second bonus targets are:
• Underlying EBITDA of £195m in 2010-2011, and
• Underlying EBITDA/Net Debt ratio of 2 or less at the end of 2010-11
The second bonus will vest, subject to continuous employment until then, 2
years after the second bonus target is met.
The performance conditions have to be satisfied after taking account of scheme
costs. They are stretch targets, requiring an increase in Underlying EBITDA
(before scheme costs) of approximately £26m (19.0%) and £66m (48.2%)
The Committee (which will administer the scheme) will adjust reported
underlying Group EBITDA each year during which the scheme is running for the
purpose of the scheme to ensure consistency in the calculation of underlying
EBITDA and to ensure that underlying EBITDA is a fair comparison year by
year, for example, by eliminating the impact of acquisitions where the cost of
acquisitions is not reflected in underlying EBITDA.
Underlying EBITDA is as defined on page 9 and is not at constant foreign
currency exchange rates.
The Committee believes that the scheme will drive performance in the short
to medium term, encourage retention and align the interest of employees and
shareholders. The Committee chose underlying EBITDA as the performance
measure as it is the prime measure that the Company uses internally
to measure performance and the Committee believes best reflects the
performance of the business, and the Net Debt to underlying EBITDA ratio
target to ensure that EBITDA was not enhanced by additional borrowing.
Executive directors are entitled to participate in a stakeholder pension scheme
to which the Company makes no contribution.
The Committee believes it to be important that executive directors have a
significant holding in the capital of the Company. During the year Simon Bentley
purchased 250,000 shares, Malcolm Dalgleish purchased 80,694 shares, and
Dave Singleton increased his shareholding to 153,621 shares.
On 11 February 2007, each executive director entered into a new service
agreement with the Company. The agreements became effective on Admission.
These contracts reflect the Committee’s policy on the duration of Executive
Directors service contracts and on notice periods and termination payments.
Each executive director’s employment is terminable by either party on 12
months’ written notice. The Company may elect to terminate the employment of
Dave Forsey and/or Bob Mellors by making a payment in lieu of notice equal to
the basic salary that the director would have received during the notice period
or, if notice has already been given, during the remainder thereof.
The Company may elect to pay any payment in lieu of notice by monthly
instalments during the outstanding notice periods, and if the director obtains
alternative employment or provides services pursuant to a consultancy
agreement while such payments are being made (the director being obliged
to use his best efforts to obtain such employment), each instalment falling
due after the commencement of such employment or provision of services
is reduced by one twelfth of the annual remuneration or fees received by the
director in respect of that alternative employment or consultancy.
Any entitlement to benefits under any share related incentive scheme are
determined in accordance with the rules of that scheme.
Each executive director’s service contract automatically terminates on the date
that the director reaches such age as is determined by the Board from time to
time as the retirement age for executive directors.
The non-executive directors have each entered into a letter of appointment
with the Company, which became effective in the case of Simon Bentley,
on Admission, and in the case of Malcolm Dalgleish and Dave Singleton on
execution. Details of the letters of appointment are set out below:
Annual fee
Date of letter of
Simon Bentley
Acting Chairman 144 11/02/2007
Malcolm Dalgleish Non-Executive Director 50 25/10/2007
Dave Singleton
Non-Executive Director 50 25/10/2007
(1) Simon Bentley received an annual fee of £40,000 per annum prior to appointment as Acting
Chairman. He currently receives an annual fee of £144,000 as Acting Chairman
(2) Dave Singleton received an additional £10,000 in respect of additional work and research
Non-executive directors do not and are not entitled to participate in any bonus
or share scheme.
Each non executive director’s appointment (other than the Chairman) is for an
initial period that expires on the date of the Company’s first Annual General
Meeting after appointment. The appointment of each of Malcolm Dalgleish
and Dave Singleton was renewed at the AGM on 10 September 2008 and will
continue for a term of three years from then and then terminate unless renewed
prior to the expiry of that term.
Notwithstanding renewal for a three year term, the appointment of each of
Simon Bentley and Malcolm Dalgleish and Dave Singleton and the appointment
of Simon Bentley may be terminated at any time by either party on one months
written notice.
Each of the appointments of the non-executive directors may also be terminated
in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company, and immediately
in certain prescribed circumstances (including the bankruptcy of the non-
executive director).
In addition to the annual directors fees of £40,000 per annum referred to above,
prior to his appointment as Acting Chairman Simon Bentley was entitled to a fee
of £10,000 per annum as Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Non-executive directors are subject to confidentiality undertakings without
limitation in time. Non-executive directors are not entitled to receive any
compensation on the termination of their appointment.
Directors’ Remuneration Report
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 25
The Board recognises that executive directors may be invited to become non-
executive directors of other companies, and that the experience and knowledge
gained as a result of such appointments are of benefit to the Company.
Accordingly, the Board has agreed that the executive directors may accept one
such appointment, and retain any fees payable in respect thereof, subject to
there being no conflict of interest. No executive director currently holds any
such appointment.
The following graph, required by the Regulations, shows the Company’s
total shareholder return since Admission against that of the FTSE 250 index
(excluding investment trusts). The Committee considered this an appropriate
index against which to compare the Company’s performance as it is widely
accepted as a national measure and includes the companies that investors are
likely to consider alternative investments.
Historical TSR Performance
Growth in the Value of a Hypothetical £100 holding since Flotation up to Year End FTSE mid 250 excluding
Investment Trusts Comparison Based on Spot Values
The Executive Directors’ service contracts are summarised in the following table
Name Contract date
Unexpired term/
notice period Proper law
Mike Ashley 11/02/2007 12 Months England & Wales
Dave Forsey 11/02/2007 12 Months England & Wales
Bob Mellors 11/02/2007 12 Months England & Wales
The auditors are required to report on the information contained in the following
section of this report, other than in respect of directors’ shareholding.
The following pages set out an analysis of directors’ emoluments and annual
bonus, entitlements under the Performance Share Plan and shareholdings.
An analysis of directors’ emoluments relating to salary and directors
fees, annual bonus and other benefits (other than entitlements under the
Performance Share Plan and in respect of pensions) for the 52 weeks to 26 April
2009 (the Year) is set out below:
and fees Bonus
benefits Total 2009 Total 2008
Mike Ashley - - - -
Simon Bentley 144 - - 144 128
Chris Bulmer - - 24
Malcolm Dalgleish 50 - - 50 26
Dave Forsey 150 - - 150 150
Bob Mellors 150 - - 150 150
David Richardson - - 12
Dave Singleton 60 - - 60 26
Total 554 554 516
The aggregate of directors’ emoluments in the Year was £554,000: (2007-08: £515,333).
The basic salaries of executive directors at the Year end and at 16 July 2009 (the
latest practicable date before the printing of this report) were as shown below:
At 26 April 2009 at 16 July 2009
At 26 April 2009 At 10 July 2009
Mike Ashley - -
Dave Forsey £150,000 £150,000
Bob Mellors £150,000 £150,000
Performance against business targets during the Year was such that no annual
bonus was earned by executive directors participating in the Annual Bonus
V A L U E O F H Y P O T H E T I C A L £ 1 0 0 H O L D I N G
FTSE 250 ex Investment Trusts
Sports Direct
27-Feb-07 29-Apr-07
Share awards under the Performance Share Plan were made to certain of the
executive directors as shown below:
Date of
at 27 April
2008 (1)
at 26 April
Value per
share on
date of
date of
vesting (2)
5/04/2007 223,256 - - 223,256 268.75p 25/04/2010
16/07/2008 987,654 - 987,654 60.75p 25/04/2011
TOTAL 1,210,910
Mellors 5/04/2007 223,256 - - 223,256 268.75p 25/04/2010
16/07/2008 987,654 - 987,654 60.75p 25/04/2011
TOTAL 1,210,910
(1) The number of shares is the maximum number of shares that could be receivable by the
director if the performance conditions, outlined on pages 23 and 24, are fully met.
(2) The “Earliest Date of Vesting” is the end of the relevant performance period. The outcome for
that period and the number of awards that vest will not be known until July of the appropriate
No share awards were made in 2007/08 as awards under the Performance
Share Plan were made in April 2007 (during the 42 days following Admission)
and the performance period for those awards ends at the same time as the
performance period for any awards that may have been made during that Year.
The beneficial interests of the directors in office on 26 April 2009 and of their
families in both cases at the beginning of the Year, or at the date of appointment
if later, and at the end of the Year in the share capital of the Company are shown
Ordinary Shares
27 April 2008
Ordinary Shares
26 April 2009
and 16 July 2009
Mike Ashley 410,400,000 410,400,000
Simon Bentley - 250,000
Malcolm Dalgleish 75,000 80,694
Dave Forsey 1,000,000 1,000,000
Bob Mellors 1,000,000 1,000,000
Dave Singleton 3,621 153,621
The Company made no contributions to directors’ money purchase pension
schemes during the year.
Dave Singleton
Chairman of the Board Remuneration Committee
16 July 2009
Directors’ Remuneration Report
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 27
The directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the
Company and Group financial statements in accordance with applicable law and
Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each
financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
Company and the Group as at the end of the financial period and of the profits
or loss of the Group for that period. Under that law the directors are required
to prepare the Group financial statements in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (IFRSs)
The directors have elected to prepare the Company financial statements in
accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (UK
In preparing each of the Company and Group financial statements, the directors
are required to:
• select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
• make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
• for the Group financial statements, state whether applicable IFRSs have
been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained
in the financial statement;
• for the Company financial statements, state whether applicable UK
Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material
departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and
• prepare the financial statements on the going concerns basis unless it is
inappropriate to presume that the Company and Group will continue in
The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that
disclose with reasonable accuracy the financial position of the Company and
the Group and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with
the Companies Act 2006 and Article 4 of the IAS Regulation. They have general
responsibility for the system of internal control, taking such steps as are
reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Company and the Group
and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities.
Under applicable law and regulations, the directors are also responsible for
preparing a Directors’ Report, Directors’ Remuneration Report and Corporate
Governance Report that comply with that law and those regulations.
In so far as the directors are aware:
• there is no relevant audit information of which the Company’s auditors are
unaware; and
• the directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make
themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that
the auditors are aware of that information.
The directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate
and financial information included on the company’s website. Legislation in the
UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may
differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.
To the best of my knowledge:
(a) the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the
applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of
the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Company
and of the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a
(b) the management report includes a fair review of the development
and performance of the business and the position of the Company
and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole,
together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties
that they face.
By Order of the Board
Dave Forsey
Chief Executive
Bob Mellors
Group Finance Director
16 July 2009
The Board recognises the importance of balancing the interests of all its key
stakeholders, including customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and the
communities in which it operates. A formal Corporate and Social Responsibility
policy was adopted last year and the Board is committed to applying and
developing this policy at every level of the business.
Last year we reported that the focus of our CSR activities were in five key areas,
Employees Health and Safety, Customers, the Environment and the Community,
and this remains the case. The Group has developed Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) in respect of these areas, which are further discussed in this
report and in the Chief Executive’s Report and Business Review on Page 8.
These KPIs are based solely on our UK operations.
This report examines each key area in turn, reviewing the current situation, the
facts, figures and our successes to date, and the opportunities for the present
year and for the future.
The Group currently employ 15,900 people in the UK and 750 elsewhere in the
world. As the business continues to grow it is the skill and enthusiasm of these
employees that are key to its success.
In the UK 93% of our people work in our stores and in store management. 5%
of the UK workforce work at our Shirebrook campus, of which 3.8% work in
our National Distribution Centre, and 1.2% in the Group Head Office, Finance,
Buying, Brands, Retail and IT departments. Of our UK Workforce 58% are male
and 42% female.
Employee retention is one of our key KPIs. This Year 29.0% of our UK employees
left the business; the vast majority of them were from our stores.
Retention of employees is extremely important both in terms of retaining
expertise, and as a measure of employee satisfaction, and the Board receives a
monthly report on the turnover of employees.
The Group believes in rewarding employees with fair salaries together with
the opportunity to earn additional pay in the form of bonuses. We monitor our
rates of pay against national statistics on an annual basis. We believe that
performance based rewards are beneficial to the business and foster greater
employee involvement in it, and this policy starts at the Board and flows down to
all levels of the business. The Bonus Share Scheme, described in the Directors
Remuneration Report on page 24, is intended to motivate further the Group’s UK
permanent employees in UK Retail, Brands and Head Office, provide them with a
direct and substantial link between Group performance and their remuneration,
and encourage employee participation in the shares of the Group.
Last year the Staff Forum was established in Shirebrook, comprising elected
representatives from across departments and representatives of management.
The Forum meets monthly and discussions cover issues ranging from pay,
holidays and hours, to health and safety, working conditions, equipment
needs and developments in and the performance of the business. The
Forum encourages open discussion and a Board member will attend at least
once a year. Minutes of the Forum’s meetings are posted on notice boards
and representatives are encouraged to seek and reflect the views of their
The Group recognises the right of employees to membership of a trade union
and has entered into an agreement with the trade union Unite in respect of
collective bargaining of pay, hours of work and holidays of certain groups of
employees in the National Distribution Centre.
The Group is committed to the equal treatment of its employees and has formal
policies in place that are reviewed on a regular basis. The Equal Opportunity and
Diversity policies ensure that employees are treated as individuals, fairly and
with respect providing fair and equal opportunities to employees regardless of
age, gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, disability or sexuality.
Every effort is made to provide disabled people with equal opportunities for
work, training and promotion. Applications for employment by disabled persons
are given full and fair consideration for all vacancies in accordance with their
particular aptitudes. Where an existing employee becomes disabled the
business makes every effort to provide continued employment in the same or
similar job or by offering retraining in order that the employee’s employment
within the Group may continue.
We continually review and update all our policies and procedures. The employee
handbook is being updated and will be distributed to all employees during 2010.
The Group places great importance in the training and development of
employees. We want them to be able to perform their duties to the best of their
abilities while wanting to retain these skills within the business.
Comprehensive induction training for managers and area managers takes place
at Shirebrook covering health and safety, environmental awareness, customer
service and the day to day running of a retail unit. During the Year 200 managers
and assistant managers attended this training, compared to 171 last year.
Each retail unit ensures that all its employees receive induction training. The
Group’s training strategy is to train managers who are then tasked to ensure
that all their employees receive training that is tailored to the circumstances of
their own business unit. We monitor how well training is being filtered down into
the workplace by undertaking surveys of our store employees.
Last year it was reported that a management training programme covering
interview skills, effective communication, people skills and employment law
would be introduced during 2008, which it was. During the Year 113 employees
attended the programme and it is expected that the number of attendees will
increase in coming years.
The Group, as reported last year, has introduced refresher training as part of a
rolling programme, to ensure that all employees reinforce their existing skills
and update their knowledge and practices.
During the Year a training programme providing specialist training for those
employees responsible for the footwear departments within stores was
launched in order to raise the standards of service given to customers in this
area. Other specific training manuals on rackets, cricket and golf have been
rolled out on the company intranet to ensure that all employees improve their
knowledge in these areas.
All National Distribution Centre employees are given appropriate training on
joining on health and safety matters, communication, and relevant aspects of
employment law. English is not the first language of many of these employees,
and the Group acknowledges that as it recruits from a diverse talent pool the
needs of these employees must be addressed. Accordingly, training often
involves the use of interpreters, and training materials, policy documents and
building signage are usually in multiple languages.
The Group promotes and fosters a culture of personal development for all.
The Group’s policy is to always look for internal promotion before external
The Group is committed to appropriate standards of health and safety
performance. The Board has ultimate responsibility for Group health and safety
performance, and receives a monthly report on reportable accidents. The Chief
Executive has specific responsibility for health and safety and is the Chairman
of the Health and Safety Committee, which meets at least four times a year and
considers legislation, monitors accidents and seeks improvements in health and
safety matters throughout the businesses.
There were no environmental prosecutions or work related fatalities in the
business during 2008/09. During the Year 1,397 (2008:1,561) accidents across
the Group were reported to Head Office, and of these 45 (2008:38) were
reportable to the Health and Safety Executive. Most accidents were slips, trips
and minor lacerations that occurred within the stores. As reported last year,
greater emphasis on health and safety training within the business has lead to
increased awareness of reporting procedures and recording of incidents under
health and safety legislation.
Training is undertaken in house by a team of qualified and experienced health
and safety officers. Going forward the health and safety team will continue to
train store employees and monitor health and safety standards.
The Group aims to ensure that all its customers enjoy a quality customer service
and that they are provided with products that are safe and fit for purpose. The
business recognises that customers have diverse needs and works constantly
towards meeting them.
Monitoring customer satisfaction and responding to correspondence is a
continuous process. Customer Service teams collate management information
on service levels and this is circulated to the Board on a monthly basis. All
written complaints are recorded, including an analysis of the nature of the
complaint so that trends can be assessed and appropriate action taken. This
Year 4,820 complaints were logged with our customer service team, a reduction
of 7.49% on last year. The Group is constantly working on ways to improve
customer service at all levels within the Company from the retail stores, head
office and through our website.
Corporate and Social Responsibility Report
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 29
During 2008/09 a customer service handbook and returns guide was issued to
all stores to strengthen and build upon the customer service training that all
employees undertake.
Our aim for the future is to also offer our customers an online customer
comment form that can be dealt with entirely electronically. This will reduce the
time it takes for our customers to contact us and receive a response thereby
increasing our service levels, whilst reducing the print and postage costs for
both the Group and customers. We are also integrating the store and website
customer service functions to reduce costs and increase expertise available to
handle the complaints process.
As a Group we are aware that our operations impact the environment in a
number of ways and it is our responsibility to manage effectively the areas
we have direct control over while attempting to influence the actions of other
areas that are outside of our control. We seek to reduce the negative impact
the Group has on the environment while working towards compliance with the
Government’s Carbon Reduction Commitment. Building upon investigations
last year we have identified property, in particular energy usage in our stores,
transport and waste management at both our Shirebrook and in stores as areas,
where we can make a difference.
The Group is committed to reducing its carbon footprint. Our network of 359
stores is the largest user of energy in the Group and therefore the biggest
contributor to CO
As reported last year the Group in conjunction with an external consultancy
monitor the daily usage of energy in a number of stores in the UK Retail
business and the Shirebrook campus. During the Year the number of stores
being constantly and remotely monitored has increased from 150 to 188. Poorly
performing stores are identified and steps taken to reduce wastage, and lessons
learnt applied across the store portfolio. During the Year the UK Retail business
and Shirebrook used 99GWh of electricity, a 8.54% decrease on the previous
year’s consumption. The target reduction was 10% (which was not achieved)
but the shop floor square footage in UK retail had increased by 134,403 square
feet. Night time consumption decreased by 14%, beating the target of 7%. The
year on year reduction has been achieved through a back to basics approach,
improved energy awareness and good housekeeping. A bonus scheme is in
place for all store managers, of which energy consumption reduction is a key
performance measure.
The second biggest contributor to our C0
emission is the fleet of vehicles that
service the stores. We have 143 commercial vehicles travelling approximately
5.5 million miles per year using 3 million litres of diesel. The fleet has recently
been updated so that all the vehicles are all Euro V emission compliant, and
considerable effort is made to minimise mileage covered.
The business has made further progress with its recycling and reducing the
amount of waste that is put into landfill.
Where possible we recycle electrical waste, ink toners, redundant IT equipment
and light bulbs. This Year we recycled 1,148 (2008:1,648) units of electrical
equipment, the reduction being largely due to the decrease in number of stores
as a consequence of the disposal of Original Shoe Company, and the completion
of the integration of acquired stores.
The Group recycles waste paper, cardboard, metal, and plastic. During the Year
40 tonnes of waste paper, 6,007 tonnes of cardboard, 33 tonnes of metal and
469 tonnes of plastic were recycled. 90% of the recycled plastic had been back
filled from stores. Where possible we also recycle the wood that we collect at
our distribution centre. In the past all wood was sold for recycling, but it has
now been determined to be cost effective to repair pallets, and a programme of
repair will begin in 2009/10.
We work hard to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and during the
Year this reduced to 1,333 tonnes from 1,400 tonnes in 2008.
Since 2006 we have reused clothes hangers within stores, only returning a
hanger to our distribution centre for disposal when damaged. Through our
employees concerted efforts we have reduced the number of hangers purchased
to under 2,700 hangers per store for 2008/09 (2007/08: 4,200), reusing over
600,000 hangers during the Year.
The Group has always kept its transit packaging to a minimum by the use of
metal roll cages. Each product is individually picked and packed into the roll
cage for onward movement to the stores. Only in exceptional circumstances are
plastic bags used to transport products.
An increasing number of our stores return their cardboard and plastic waste
to Shirebrook where it is recycled. We are conducting an in-depth review of
how our remaining store waste is disposed of and how it can be reduced and
As reported last year all stores now use biodegradable carrier bags and provide
the option of a bag for life.
Our aim for the coming years are to improve year on year the amount of waste
that is recycled and reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill.
We recognise that consumers and stakeholders are becoming increasingly
interested in where we source our products.
The Group continues to procure merchandise from manufacturers who can
show that they uphold ethical employment and trading practices. The Group
has a Code of Ethics that it requires every supplier to adhere to. Amongst
other matters the Code provides for fair treatment of workers and their wages,
non-use of child labour, safe and healthy systems of work and no use of illegal
means or materials in the production of goods.
The Group has worked for many years with two leading supply chain companies
in Singapore and in South Korea to procure much of its own brand goods. The
Group believes that using their local knowledge, expertise and experience,
benefits the business and the communities in which they operate more
effectively than would be the case if the Group carried on its own procurement
activities in those countries. Both companies have the highest social and
business ethics codes which match our Code of Ethics, and one adheres to the
Social Accountability 8000 (SA8000) Code.
The Group relies on those supply chain companies to inspect all suppliers and
manufacturers premises. Between them they have over 100 employees that
are based within each manufacturing unit for 2 to 3 days per week. Frequent
inspections are carried out randomly at short notice to ensure that the goods
meet the Group’s quality standards as well as assessing continued compliance
with SA8000 and the Group’s Code of Ethics. The Group complies with an
internationally recognised list of chemicals that are banned for use in fabrics.
The supply chain companies conduct random tests on fabric which are then
taken to a recognised laboratory for quality testing and to check that these
banned chemicals are not being used.
The Group has forged long term relationships with suppliers who have
demonstrated that their work practices are consistent with the Group’s
standards. Approximately 40% of the Group’s current suppliers have been
working with Group companies for 10 years or more and they comply with ISO
9001 standards.
In the UK, Sports Direct is the official sportswear partner of Cancer Research
UK’s Race For Life.
The Group endeavours to promote the participation in a wide range of sporting
activities primarily for children that would not normally have access to the
expertise or equipment needed for the sport.
The Group supports grassroots development programmes for squash and
badminton in Manchester. To date in squash, as a result of Dunlop’s provision
of sporting equipment including rackets and balls, over 70 primary schools
and approximately 1,300 children aged 6-10 have been able to participate in
the sport. In addition, over 100 children with disabilities have also had the
chance to try the sport using the equipment supplied by Dunlop. Approximately
20 qualified coaches are also supported by Dunlop to deliver the various
development programmes in place, with a total of £20,000 of product donated
throughout the Year.
Carlton, the Group’s specialist badminton brand has provided over 30 primary
schools with equipment, including rackets and shuttlecocks, helping over
500 children take part in the sport. In addition, a further 250 children aged
between 6-16 years have also participated in the sport as part of holiday camps
supported by sporting equipment totalling £10,000 provided by Carlton.
Slazenger are the exclusive cricket equipment supplier to the country’s most
recognised grassroots cricket development programme, ‘Chance to Shine’,
which is run through the English Cricket Boards charitable arm, the Cricket
Foundation. ‘Chance to Shine’ is a national campaign delivered through
individual projects throughout England and Wales. Each project provides a
structured coaching and competition programme for a group of schools that
would not normally have the chance to participate in the sport. The schools
are supported by professional qualified coaches, who are specifically trained
to work in a school environment, and the programme provides equipment and
training for teachers. In 2008/09, ‘Chance to Shine’ delivered 300 projects
involving 300 cricket clubs throughout 2,000 schools. The programme expands
each year through an additional 100 clubs and 600 schools and, subject to
funding, will ultimately reach one third of all primary and secondary schools and
support two million young people, initially, over a ten-year period. To date, over
226,000 children have benefitted from the programme by receiving over 56,000
hours of coaching and discounted cricket equipment to the value of £130,000
has been supplied by Slazenger to enable the programme to run successfully.
Dunlop, through its support of The Dunlop Table-Tennis Masters Event, is also
contributing to the improvement in the lives of over 8,000 young people every
week in secondary schools. It is also with Dunlop’s support that the event
organizers Greenhouse, are able to organize activities that benefit these young
people, helping them develop positive life skills through sport and performing
arts in areas of social deprivation.
In addition, Dunlop’s global “D Squad” talent support programme continues
to increase participation and performance levels of the most talented
juniors in tennis from around the world. Over 600 children world-wide are
continuing to benefit from the programme. The Group also continues to supply
the International Tennis Federation with tennis equipment to their Junior
Development programme which promotes tournaments for young people aged
between 14-18 years in Central America, the Caribbean, South America, Eastern
Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific regions.
In the United States, Everlast one of the Group’s specialist boxing brands
support numerous initiatives. Everlast assists in running the New York Golden
Gloves, the most prestigious amateur boxing tournament in the country by
providing products such as gloves and personal protective equipment. This is a
grassroots initiative that benefits men and women age 16-34 as they compete in
amateur boxing and around 900 boxers compete each year. Everlast supported
this programme by supplying $20,000 worth of equipment each year.
USA Boxing is a non-profit, national governing body of amateur Olympic-style
boxing, and is the United States’ member organization of the International
Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA). Everlast assists USA Boxing with the
provision of a mixture of boxing related product to a value of $60,000. This helps
the men’s, women’s, and junior Olympic boxing programs whose primary ages
are 14-34 years, as well as coaches and officials.
The National Police Athletics/Activities Leagues, Inc (PAL) aim is to help
prevent juvenile crime and violence by providing civic, athletic, recreational
and educational opportunities and resources to PAL Chapters. Everlast is the
Official boxing partner of the National PAL and provides equipment and apparel
for their annual boxing tournament and National PAL boxing team. Everlast has
also assisted in the development of additional youth programs, and new Chapter
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) is dedicated to finding a cure
for breast cancer by funding clinical and genetic research. The foundation
benefits women of all ages who have been affected by the disease as well as
women who may be at risk in their lifetime. Everlast donates to the BCRF a
proportion of the retail price of every pink hand wrap, pink training gloves and
key chains sold.
The Edwards Family Foundation was formed in 2001 with the intention of
providing holidays to less fortunate children. Everlast routinely donates over
$5,000 in product, and supplies athletes to attend their charity benefits.
The Dr. Theodore Atlas Foundation was formed by world renown boxing trainer
Teddy Atlas, The Atlas foundation provides financial assistance for medical bills
to benefit lower income families in need. Everlast provides a $10,000 annual
product donation, as well as an additional $1,000 educational scholarship.
Corporate and Social Responsibility Report
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 31
We have audited the group financial statements of Sports Direct International plc for the 52 week period to 26 April 2009 which comprise, the consolidated income
statement, the consolidated statement of recognised income and expense, the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated cash flow statement and notes 1 to 39. The
financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the
European Union.
This report is made solely to the company’s members, as a body, in accordance with Sections 495, 496 and 497 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been
undertaken so that we might state to the company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the
fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company and the company’s members as a body, for our audit work,
for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.
Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors
As explained more fully in the Directors’ Responsibilities Statement, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the group financial statements and for being
satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit the group financial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on
Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board’s (APB’s) Ethical Standards for Auditors.
Scope of the audit of the financial statements
A description of the scope of an audit of financial statements is provided on the APB’s web-site at
Opinion on financial statements
In our opinion the group financial statements:
• give a true and fair view of the state of the group’s affairs as at 26 April 2009 and of its loss for the 52 week period then ended;
• have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union; and
• have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and Article 4 of the IAS Regulation.
Opinion on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006
• In our opinion the information given in the Directors’ Report for the 52 week period to 26 April 2009 for which the financial statements are prepared is consistent
with the financial statements.
Matters on which we are required to report by exception
We have nothing to report in respect of the following:
Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion:
• certain disclosures of directors’ remuneration specified by law are not made; or
• we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit.
Under the Listing Rules we are required to review:
• the directors’ statement, set out on page 14, in relation to going concern; and
• the part of the Corporate Governance Statement relating to the company’s compliance with the nine provisions of the 2006 Combined Code specified for our review.
Other matters
We have reported separately on the parent company financial statements of Sports Direct International plc for the 52 week period to 26 April 2009 and the information in
the Directors’ Remuneration Report that is described as having been audited.
David Miller
Senior Statutory Auditor
for and on behalf of Grant Thornton UK LLP, Registered Auditor, Chartered Accountants
16 July 2009
Financial Statements
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
Notes £’000 £’000
Continuing operations:
1,4 1,367,321 1,259,510
Cost of sales
(809,685) (709,809)
Gross profit
557,636 549,701
Selling, distribution and administrative expenses
(463,297) (444,109)
Other operating income
5 4,004 4,023
Exceptional items
6 (30,514) -
Operating profit
4, 7 67,829 109,615
Profit on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets
9 1,035 41,367
Transfer of historic losses on available-for-sale financial assets
9 (53,156) -
Dividend income from investments
9 172 2,507
Finance income
10 15,927 5,370
Finance costs
11 (23,633) (45,006)
Share of profit/(loss) of associated undertakings and joint ventures
16 2,482 5,020
Profit before taxation
10,656 118,873
12 (26,164) (41,126)
(Loss)/profit for the period
(15,508) 77,747
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Group
22 (15,838) 78,182
Minority interests
24 330 (435)
(Loss)/profit for the period
4 (15,508) 77,747
Earnings per share from total and continuing operations attributable to the equity shareholders
Pence per
Pence per
Basic earnings per share
13 (2.79) 12.23
Diluted earnings per share
13 (2.79) 12.23
The accompanying accounting policies and notes form part of these financial statements.
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 33
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
Notes £’000 £’000
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations
22 44,654 4,763
Actuarial (losses)/gains on defined benefit pension schemes
26 (449) 1,683
Fair value adjustment in respect of available-for-sale financial assets
17 (28,586) (20,571)
Transfer of historic losses on available-for-sale financial assets
17 53,156 -
Taxation on items taken directly to equity
27 (6,849) 5,760
Income and expense recognised directly in equity
61,926 (8,365)
(Loss)/profit for the period
4 (15,508) 77,747
Total income and expense recognised in the period
46,418 69,382
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Group
46,088 69,817
Minority interests
330 (435)
46,418 69,382
The accompanying accounting policies and notes form part of these financial statements.
Financial Statements
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
Notes £’000 £’000
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 14 295,795 322,792
Intangible assets 15 221,958 185,010
Investments in associated undertakings and joint ventures 16 32,379 28,452
Available-for-sale financial assets 17 5,467 65,714
Deferred tax assets 27 15,468 29,110
571,067 631,078
Current assets
Inventories 18 262,263 218,763
Trade and other receivables 19 111,932 94,481
Deferred tax assets 20 32,358 25,418
406,553 338,662
977,620 969,740
Share capital 21 64,045 64,045
Share premium 23 874,300 874,300
Treasury Shares reserve 22 (85,083) (201,483)
Permanent contribution to capital 23 50 50
Capital redemption reserve 23 8,005 8,005
Foreign currency translation reserve 22 48,580 3,926
Reverse combination reserve 23 (987,312) (987,312)
Own share reserve 22 (6,094) -
Retained earnings 22 233,964 363,636
150,450 125,167
Minority interests 24 3,232 3,242
Total equity
153,682 128,409
Non-current liabilities
Other payables 2,656 2,829
Borrowings 25 4,173 14,255
Derivative financial liabilities 29 - 14,744
Retirement benefit obligations 26 12,324 11,705
Deferred tax liabilities 27 33,490 26,422
Provisions 28 36,419 22,910
89,602 92,865
Current liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities 29 34,993 32,894
Trade and other payables 30 209,739 207,598
Borrowings 25 458,899 476,400
Current tax liabilities 30,705 31,574
734,336 748,466
Total liabilities
823,938 841,331
977,620 969,740
The accompanying accounting policies and notes form part of these financial statements. The financial statements were approved by the Board on 16 July 2009 and were
signed on its behalf by:
Bob Mellors
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 35
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
Notes £’000 £’000
Cash inflow from operating activities
32 117,470 59,519
Income taxes paid
(25,305) (37,638)
Net cash inflow from operating activities
92,165 21,881
Cash flow from investing activities
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment
3,002 9,924
Proceeds on disposal of listed investments
13,807 595,921
Derecognition of listed investments
20,298 -
Proceeds on disposal of subsidiary
- 5,000
Purchase of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired
31 (6,608) (108,188)
Purchase of intangible assets
(3,958) (657)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment
(33,872) (128,180)
Purchase of listed investments
(4,887) (565,392)
Investment income received
2,088 3,696
Net cash outflow from investing activities
(10,130) (187,876)
Cash flow from financing activities
Finance income received
1,161 3,104
Finance costs paid
(23,633) (39,831)
Increase in/(repayments of) borrowings
1,745 (9,403)
Equity dividend paid
(25,580) (7,416)
Purchase of treasury shares
- (201,483)
Net cash outflow from financing activities
(46,307) (255,029)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents including overdrafts
35,728 (421,024)
Cash and cash equivalents including overdrafts at beginning of period
(446,053) (25,029)
Cash and cash equivalents including overdrafts at the period end
20 (410,325) (446,053)
The accompanying accounting policies and notes form part of these financial statements.
Financial Statements
The consolidated financial statements of Sports Direct International Plc (the
“Company”) and its subsidiaries (together the “Group”) have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the
European Union (“IFRS”).
No new IFRSs, International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee
(IFRIC) interpretations and amendments have been adopted in the financial
Basis of preparation
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with IFRS as adopted for use in the European Union (including International
Accounting Standards (“IAS”) and International Financial Reporting
Interpretations Committee (“IFRIC”) interpretations) and with those parts of the
Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS as adopted
for use in the European Union. The consolidated financial statements have
been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified to include fair
valuation of financial assets and derivative financial instruments.
The consolidated financial statements consolidate the revenues, costs, assets,
liabilities and cash flows of the Company and its subsidiaries, being those
entities in relation to which the Company has the power to govern the financial
and operating policies, generally achieved by a share of more than 50% of the
voting rights.
On acquisition, the assets and liabilities and contingent liabilities of a subsidiary
are measured at their fair values at the date of acquisition. Any excess of the
cost of acquisition over the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired is
recognised as goodwill. Any deficiency of the cost of acquisition below the fair
values of the identifiable net assets acquired is credited to the consolidated
income statement in the period of acquisition. The interest of minority
shareholders is stated at the minority’s proportion of the fair values of the
assets and liabilities and contingent liabilities recognised.
The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the year are included
in the consolidated income statement from the effective date of acquisition or up
to the effective date of disposal, as appropriate.
Inter-company transactions, balances and unrealised gains and losses on
transactions between Group companies are eliminated.
Associates and joint ventures
Associates are entities over which the Group has significant influence but not
control, generally accompanied by a share of between 20% and 50% of the
voting rights.
A joint venture is an entity in which the Group holds an interest on a long
term basis and which is jointly controlled by the Group and one or more other
ventures under a contractual agreement.
The Group’s share of the results of associates and joint ventures is included
in the Group’s consolidated income statement using the equity method of
accounting. Investments in associates and joint ventures are carried in the
Group’s consolidated balance sheet at cost plus post acquisition changes in the
Group’s share of the net assets of the associates, less any impairment in value.
The carrying values of investments in associates and joint ventures include
acquired goodwill.
If the Group’s share of losses in an associate or joint venture equals or exceeds
its investment in the associate or joint venture, the Group does not recognise
further losses, unless it has incurred obligations to do so or made payments on
behalf of the associate or joint venture.
Unrealised gains arising from transactions with associates and joint ventures
are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the entity.
For available-for-sale investments (except for contracts for difference), gains
and losses arising from changes in fair value are recognised directly in equity
through the statement of recognised income and expense, until the security is
disposed or derecognised at which time the cumulative gain or loss previously
recognised in equity is included in the consolidated income statement for
the period. If an available-for-sale investment is determined to be impaired,
the cumulative loss previously recognised in equity is included in the income
statement for the period.
Contracts for difference are a type of financial instrument and therefore
gains and losses arising from changes in fair value of these investments are
recognised directly in the income statement.
Goodwill arising on consolidation is recognised as an asset and reviewed for
impairment at least annually or when a change in circumstances or situation
indicates that the goodwill has suffered an impairment loss. Any impairment
is recognised immediately in the income statement. Gains and losses on the
disposal of a business include the amount of goodwill relating to that business.
When the minority interests of an existing subsidiary are acquired the carrying
value of the minority interests in the balance sheet is eliminated. The excess of
consideration over the carrying value of the minority interests is recognised in
the balance sheet as goodwill and is not amortised.
Other intangible assets
Brands, trade marks and licences that are internally generated are not recorded
on the balance sheet. Acquired brands, trade marks and licences are initially
carried on the balance sheet at cost. The fair value of brands, trade marks and
licences that are acquired by virtue of a business combination is determined at
the date of acquisition and is subsequently assessed as being the deemed cost
to the Group.
No amortisation is charged on brands, trade marks or perpetual/renewable
licences with an indefinite life as the Group believes that the value of these
brands and trade marks can be maintained indefinitely. The Group carries out
an impairment review on the intangible assets, at least annually, or when a
change in circumstances or situation indicates that those brands have suffered
an impairment loss. Impairment is measured by comparing the carrying
amount of the intangible asset as part of the cash generating unit (CGU) with the
recoverable amount of the CGU, that is, the higher of its fair value less costs to
sell and its value in use. Value in use is calculated by discounting the expected
future cash flows, using a discount rate based on an estimate of the rate that
the market would expect on an investment of comparable risk.
Amortisation is provided on brands, trade marks and licences with a definite
life over their useful economic lives of 10 to 15 years and is accounted for within
the selling, distribution and administrative expenses category within the income
Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment are stated at historical cost less depreciation
less any recognised impairment losses. Cost includes expenditure that
is directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of these items.
Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount only when it is
probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the
Group and the costs can be measured reliably. All other costs, including repairs
and maintenance costs, are charged to the income statement in the period in
which they are incurred.
Depreciation is provided on all property, plant and equipment other than
freehold land and is calculated on a reducing balance basis or straight-
line basis, whichever is deemed by the directors to be more appropriate, to
allocate cost less assessed residual value, other than assets in the course of
construction, over the estimated useful lives, as follows:
Freehold buildings - 2% per annum
Leasehold property - over the term of the lease
Plant and equipment - between 5% and 33% per annum
The assets’ useful lives and residual values are reviewed and, if appropriate,
adjusted at each balance sheet date.
The gain or loss arising on disposal or scrapping of an asset is determined as
the difference between the sales proceeds, net of selling costs, and the carrying
amount of the asset and is recognised in the income statement.
Impairment of assets other than goodwill and intangible assets with an
indefinite life
At each balance sheet date, the directors review the carrying amounts of the
Group’s tangible and intangible assets, other than goodwill and intangible
assets with an indefinite life, to determine whether there is any indication that
those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the
recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent
of the impairment loss, if any. Where the asset does not generate cash flows
that are independent from other assets, the Group estimates the recoverable
amount of the cashgenerating unit to which the asset belongs.
Recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in
use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted
to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market
assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset for
which the estimates of future cash flows have not been adjusted.
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 37
If the recoverable amount of an asset (or cash generating unit) is estimated
to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (cash
generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable amount. An impairment loss is
recognised as an expense immediately, unless the relevant asset is carried at a
revalued amount, in which case the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation
Impairment losses recognised for cash generating units, to which goodwill has
been allocated, are credited initially to the carrying amount of goodwill. Any
remaining impairment loss is charged pro rata to the other assets in the cash
generating unit.
Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of
the asset (cash generating unit) is increased to the revised estimate of its
recoverable amount, but so that the increased carrying amount does not exceed
the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss
been recognised for the asset (cash generating unit) in prior periods. A reversal
of an impairment loss is recognised in the income statement immediately.
Revenue recognition
Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or
receivable and represents amounts receivable for goods and services provided
in the normal course of business, net of discounts and sales related taxes.
In the case of goods sold through retail stores, revenue is recognised when
goods are sold to the customer, less provision for returns. Accumulated
experience is used to estimate and provide for such returns at the time of the
sale. Retail sales are usually in cash, by debit card or by credit card.
In the case of income generated from trade marks and licences, revenue is
recognised on an accruals basis in accordance with the relevant agreements or
on a transactional basis when revenue is linked to sale or purchase volumes.
Revenue from property related transactions is recognised when the relevant
service is provided.
Exceptional items
The Group presents as exceptional items on the face of the income statement
those significant items of income and expense which, because of their size,
nature and infrequency of the events giving rise to them, merit separate
presentation to allow shareholders to understand better the elements of
financial performance in the year, so as to facilitate comparison with prior
periods to assess trends in financial performance more readily.
Interest income
Interest income is accrued on a time basis, by reference to the principal
outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable, which is the rate that
exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the
financial asset to that asset’s net carrying amount.
Government grants and similar income
Income from government grants and similar income such as landlord
contributions and inducements that compensate the Group for the cost of an
asset are recognised in the balance sheet as a deduction in arriving at the
carrying amount of the related asset. This is considered to reflect the true cost
of the asset to the Group. The amount is recognised in the consolidated income
statement over the life of the depreciable asset by way of a reduced depreciation
charge. To date the Group has not received government grants in compensation
for expenses charged in the consolidated income statement.
Foreign currencies
The presentational currency of the Group is Sterling. Foreign currency
transactions are translated into Sterling using the exchange rates prevailing on
the dates of the transactions. Exchange differences arising on the settlement
of monetary items, and on the retranslation of monetary items, are included
in the income statement for the period. Exchange differences arising on
the retranslation of non-monetary items carried at fair value are included
in the income statement for the period except for differences arising on the
retranslation of non-monetary items in respect of which gains and losses which
are recognised directly in equity. For such non-monetary items, any exchange
component of that gain or loss is also recognised directly in equity. Monetary
assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the
rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. All differences are taken to
the income statement.
On consolidation, the assets and liabilities of foreign operations which have a
functional currency other than Sterling are translated into Sterling at foreign
exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date. The revenues and expenses
of these subsidiary undertakings are translated at average rates applicable
in the period. All resulting exchange differences are recognised as a separate
component of equity.
When a foreign operation is sold, combined exchange differences that have been
recognised as a separate component of equity are recognised in the income
statement as part of the gain or loss on disposal.
In order to mitigate its exposure to certain foreign exchange risks, the Group
enters into forward contracts (See Chief Executive’s report).
Inventories are valued at lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes
the purchase price of the manufactured products, materials, direct labour,
transport costs and a proportion of applicable overheads. Cost is calculated
using FIFO (first in, first out). Net realisable value is based on the estimated
selling price less all estimated selling costs.
Loans and receivables
Loans and receivables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently
measured at amortised cost under the effective interest method less provision
for impairment. Provision for impairment is established when there is objective
evidence that the Group will not be able to collect amounts due according to the
original terms of the receivable. The amount of the impairment is the difference
between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of the estimated
future cash flows, discounted at the original effective interest rate.
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand and on demand deposits held
with banks.
Trade and other payables
Trade and other payables are initially measured at fair value, and are
subsequently measured at amortised cost, using the effective interest method.
Deferred taxation
Deferred taxation is calculated using the liability method, on temporary
differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their
carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements. However, if the
deferred tax arises from the initial recognition of goodwill or initial recognition
of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business combination that
at the time of the transaction affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or
loss, it is not accounted for. Deferred tax on temporary differences associated
with shares in subsidiaries and joint ventures is not provided if reversal of
these temporary differences can be controlled by the Group and it is probable
that reversal will not occur in the foreseeable future. In addition, tax losses
available to be carried forward as well as other income tax credits to the Group
are assessed for recognition as deferred tax assets. Deferred tax is determined
using tax rates and laws that have been enacted (or substantially enacted) by
the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the related deferred tax
asset is realised or the deferred tax liability is settled.
Deferred tax liabilities are provided in full.
Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future
taxable profits will be available against which the temporary differences can be
Changes in deferred tax assets or liabilities are recognised as a component of
tax expense in the income statement, except where they relate to items that are
charged or credited directly to equity in which case the related deferred tax is
also charged or credited directly to equity.
The Group operates pension plans for the benefit of certain employees,
including both defined contribution and defined benefit plans.
In relation to its defined contribution plans, the Group makes contributions to
independently administered plans, the contributions being recognised as an
expense when they fall due. The Group has no legal or constructive obligation to
make any further payments to the plans other than the contributions due.
In relation to its defined benefit schemes, the Group recognises in its balance
sheet the present value of its defined benefit obligations less the fair value
of plan assets. The current service cost is charged against operating profit.
Interest on the scheme liabilities is included in finance costs and the expected
return on scheme assets is included in finance income.
The defined benefit obligation is calculated at each period end by independent
actuaries using the projected unit credit method. The present value of the
obligation is determined by discounting the estimated future cash outflows
using interest rates of high quality corporate bonds that are denominated
in the currency in which the benefits will be paid and which have terms to
maturity approximating the terms of the related pension liabilities. Actuarial
gains and losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial
assumptions are reflected in the statement of recognised income and expense
in the period in which they arise.
Financial Statements
Borrowings and borrowing costs
Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs
incurred, and subsequently at amortised cost. Any difference between the
proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption value is recognised in
the income statement over the period of the borrowings using the effective
interest method.
Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an
unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months
from the balance sheet date.
Borrowing costs, being interest and other costs incurred in connection with the
servicing of borrowings, are recognised as an expense when incurred.
A provision is recognised when the Group has a present legal or constructive
obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources
will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of
the amount of the obligation.
The Group provides for dilapidations costs following advice from chartered
surveyors and previous experience of exit costs. The estimated cost of fulfilling
the leasehold dilapidations obligations is discounted to present value and
analysed between non-capital and capital components. The capital element
is recognised as a decommissioning cost and depreciated over the life of the
asset. The non-capital element is taken to the income statement in the first year
of the lease where the cost it represents is of no lasting benefit to the Group
or its landlord. ‘Wear and tear’ costs are expensed to the income statement.
Provisions for onerous lease contracts are recognised when the Group believes
the unavoidable costs of meeting the lease obligations exceed the economic
benefits expected to be received under the lease.
Leases of property, plant and equipment where the Group has substantially all
the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases. Finance
leases are capitalised at the lease’s inception at the lower of the fair value of
the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments. Each
lease payment is allocated between the liability and finance charges so as to
achieve a constant rate on the finance balance outstanding. The asset subject to
the finance lease is depreciated over the shorter of its useful life and the lease
term. The corresponding rental obligations, net of finance charges, are included
as a liability.
Leases of property, plant and equipment where the Group does not have
substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as operating
leases. Payments made under operating leases are charged to the income
statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Incentives provided by
the lessor are credited to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the
minimum lease term.
Rental income from operating leases where the Group acts as a lessor is
recognised on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease.
Derivative financial instruments
The most significant exposure to foreign exchange fluctuations relates to
purchases made in foreign currencies, principally the US dollar. The Group’s
policy is to reduce substantially the risk associated with purchases denominated
in foreign currencies by using forward fixed rate currency purchase contracts,
taking into account any foreign currency cash flows. The foreign exchange
contracts do not meet the criteria for treatment as an effective hedge and
accordingly any gain or loss is recognised immediately in the income statement.
Derivative financial instruments are measured at fair value. Gains or losses on
derivative financial instruments related to financing activities are included in
finance costs when recognised in the income statement.
Treasury Shares
The purchase price of the Group’s own shares that it acquires is recognised
as ‘Treasury Shares’ within equity. The difference between the market value
and the average purchase price of shares sold out of Treasury is transferred to
retained earnings.
Employee Benefit Trust
The cost of shares acquired by the Sports Direct Employee Benefit Trust is
recognised within ‘Own share reserve’ in equity.
Share-based payments
The Group issues equity-settled share-based payments to certain directors
and employees. These are measured at fair value at the date of grant which is
expensed to the consolidated income statement on a straight-line basis over the
vesting period, based on the Group’s estimate of shares that will eventually vest.
Fair value is measured by use of a Monte Carlo method. The expected life
used in the model has been adjusted, based on management’s best estimate,
for the effects of non-transferability, exercise restrictions, and behavioural
considerations. No share-based payment charge was recognised for the 52
weeks ended 26 April 2009 as the directors did not consider it material to the
Group’s financial results or position.
Equity instruments
An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the
assets of the Group after deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments
issued by the Group are recorded at the proceeds received, net of any direct
issue costs.
Dividends are recognised as a liability in the Group’s financial statements and
as a deduction from equity in the period in which the dividends are declared.
Where such dividends are proposed subject to the approval of shareholders,
the dividends are regarded as declared once shareholder approval has been
International Financial Reporting Standards (“Standards”) in issue but not yet
At the date of authorisation of these consolidated financial statements, the
International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and International Financial
Reporting Interpretations Committee (“IFRIC”) have issued the following
standards and interpretations which are effective for annual accounting
periods beginning on or after the stated effective date. These standards and
interpretations are not effective for and have not been applied in the preparation
of the consolidated financial statements:
• IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements (revised 2007) (effective 1
January 2009)
• IAS 23 Borrowing Costs (revised 2007) (effective 1 January 2009)
• Amendment to IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation and IAS 1
Presentation of Financial Statements - Puttable Financial Instruments
and Obligations Arising on Liquidation (effective 1 January 2009)
• IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements (revised 2008)
(effective 1 July 2009)
• Amendment to IFRS 2 Share-based Payment - Vesting Conditions and
Cancellations (effective 1 January 2009)
• Amendments to IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial
Reporting Standards and IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial
Statements - Costs of Investment in a Subsidiary, Jointly Controlled Entity
or Associate (effective 1 January 2009)
• Improvements to IFRSs (effective 1 January 2009 other than certain
amendments effective 1 July 2009)
• IFRS 3 Business Combinations (revised 2008) (effective 1 July 2009)
• IFRS 8 Operating Segments (effective 1 January 2009)
• IFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements (effective 1 January 2008)
• IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes (effective 1 July 2008)
• IFRIC 14 IAS 19 - The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding
Requirements and their Interaction (effective 1 January 2008)
• IFRIC 15 Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate (effective 1
January 2009)
• IFRIC 16 Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation (effective 1
October 2008)
The directors anticipate the adoption of IAS 1 will have a significant impact
on the presentation of primary statements. The adoptions of the other stated
standards and interpretations in future periods are not expected to have a
material impact on the net assets or results of the Group.
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 39
The critical accounting estimates and judgements made by the Group regarding
the future or other key sources of estimation, uncertainty and judgement that
may have a significant risk of giving rise to a material adjustment to the carrying
values of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are:
Impairment of goodwill
The calculation for considering the impairment of the carrying amount of
goodwill requires a comparison of the present value of the cash generating
units to which the goodwill has been allocated, to the value of goodwill in the
balance sheet. The calculation of present values requires an estimation of the
future cash flows expected to arise from the cash generating units and the
selection of a suitable discount rate. The key assumptions made in relation to
the impairment review of goodwill are set out in Note 15.
Impairment of other intangible assets
The calculation for considering the impairment of the carrying amount of other
intangible assets with an indefinite life, specifically brands, trade marks and
licences, requires a comparison of the present value of the cash generating
units to the value of the other intangible assets in the balance sheet. The
calculation of present value requires an estimation of the future cash flows
expected to arise from the other intangible assets and the selection of a suitable
discount rate. The key assumptions made in relation to the impairment review
of goodwill are set out in Note 15.
Useful economic life of intangible assets
For intangible assets which have a finite life, the directors revisit their estimate
of useful economic life at each period end and revise accordingly. Licences and
trade marks typically have a life of between 10 and 12 years.
Identification and valuation of acquired intangible assets
On acquisition, each material separable intangible asset is identified and valued
by the directors with assistance from a professional third party. Any such
calculation is judgmental in nature as it is based on a valuation methodology.
Brand valuations are typically valued using the relief from royalty valuation
The nature and carrying amounts of these assets are set out in Note 15.
Provision for obsolete, slow moving or defective inventories
The directors have applied their knowledge and experience of the sports
retail industry in determining the level and rates of provisioning required in
calculating the appropriate inventory carrying values. The nature and carrying
amounts are set out in Note 18.
Financial position of retirement benefit plans
The net defined benefit pension plan assets or liabilities are recognised in the
Group’s balance sheet. The determination of the financial position requires
assumptions to be made regarding inter alia future salary increases, mortality,
discount rates and inflation. The key assumptions made in relation to the
pension plan are set out in Note 26.
Provision for dilapidations and onerous lease contracts
The basis of the estimation of the provisioning for dilapidations and onerous
lease contracts is detailed in the provision accounting policy and Note 28.
Estimates and judgments are continually evaluated and are based on historical
experience, external advice and other factors, including expectations of future
events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.
The Group’s current activities result in the following financial risks and
management’s responses to those risks in order to minimise any resulting
adverse effects on the Group’s financial performance.
Foreign exchange risk
The Group operates internationally and is exposed to foreign exchange risk
arising from various currency exposures, primarily with respect to the US dollar
and Euro. Foreign exchange risk arises from future commercial transactions,
recognised assets and liabilities and net investment in foreign operations.
Management has set up a policy to require group companies to manage their
foreign exchange risk against their functional currency. To manage their foreign
exchange risk arising from future commercial transactions and recognised
assets and liabilities, entities in the Group use forward foreign exchange
contracts, transacted with group treasury. Foreign exchange risk arises
when future commercial transactions or recognised assets or liabilities are
denominated in a currency that is not the entity’s functional currency.
Interest rate risk
The Group has net borrowings, which are principally at floating interest rates
linked to bank base rates or LIBOR. The Group does not use interest rate
financial instruments to hedge its exposure to interest rate movements. The
Group regularly monitors and reacts accordingly to any exposure to fluctuations
in interest rates and the impact on its monetary assets and liabilities.
Credit risk
The directors have a credit policy in place and the exposure to credit risk
is monitored on an ongoing basis. Credit evaluations are performed on all
customers requiring credit over a certain amount. The Group does not require
collateral in respect of financial assets.
At each balance sheet date, there were no significant concentrations of credit
risk. The maximum exposure to credit risk is represented by the carrying
amount of each financial asset in the balance sheet.
Investments of cash surpluses, borrowings and derivative instruments are made
through banks and companies which must fulfil credit rating and investment
criteria approved by the Board.
Liquidity risk
The availability of adequate cash resources is managed by the Group through
utilisation of its revolving bank and other facilities together with equity and
retained profits thereby achieving continuity of funding and short-term flexibility.
Capital management
A description of the Group’s objectives, policies and processes for managing
capital are included in the financial review on page 25 of this report.
Financial Statements
Primary reporting format — business segments
For management purposes, the Group is organised into and reports its performance between two business segments, Retail and Brands. The Retail business
segment comprises the retail network of stores and the Brands business segment comprises the identification, acquisition, development and trading of a portfolio of
internationally recognised sports and leisure brands.
Segment information about the business segments is presented below:
Segmental information for the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009:
Retail Brands Eliminations Total
UK retail
wholesale &
other UK total
Retail Total Wholesale Licensing Total
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Sales to external
customers 1,006,462 28,019 1,034,481 102,329 1,136,810 203,566 26,945 230,511 - 1,367,321
Sales to other
segments - 2,274 2,274 361 2,635 18,248 - 18,248 (20,883) -
Revenue 1,006,462 30,293 1,036,755 102,690 1,139,445 221,814 26,945 248,759 (20,883) 1,367,321
Gross profit 424,677 44,625 469,302 88,334 - 557,636
Operating profit before
foreign exchange and
exceptional items 69,810 2,098 71,908 12,194 - 84,102
Operating profit 58,186 2,521 60,707 7,122 - 67,829
Profit on disposal of
financial assets
Transfer of historic losses on
available-for-sale financial
Investment income 172
Finance income 15,927
Finance costs (23,633)
Share of profits of
associated undertakings
and joint ventures 2,482
Profit before taxation 10,656
Taxation (26,164)
Loss for the period (15,508)
Sales to other segments are priced at cost plus a 10% mark-up.
Other segment items included in the income statement for the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009:
Retail Brands Total
£’000 £’000 £’000
43,230 2,312 45,542
388 2,556 2,944
21,262 9,252 30,514
Information regarding segment assets and liabilities as at 26 April 2009 and capital expenditure for the 52 weeks then ended:
Retail Brands Eliminations Total
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Investments in associated undertakings and joint ventures
24,970 7,409 - 32,379
Other assets
780,938 481,001 (316,698) 945,241
Total assets
805,908 488,410 (316,698) 977,620
Total liabilities
(734,906) (405,730) 316,698 (823,938)
Tangible asset additions
33,343 529 - 33,872
Intangible asset additions
2,837 1,121 - 3,958
Total capital expenditure
36,180 1,650 - 37,830
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 41
Segmental information for the 52 weeks ended 27 April 2008:
Retail Brands Eliminations Total
UK retail
& other
UK total
Total Wholesale Licensing Total
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Sales to external
957,652 31,956* 989,608 77,257 1,066,865 171,558 21,087 192,645 - 1,259,510
Sales to other
- 1,662 1,662 - 1,662 6,841 568 7,409 (9,071) -
957,652 33,618 991,270 77,257 1,068,527 178,399 21,655 200,054 (9,701) 1,259,510
Gross profit
439,741 32,382 472,123 77,578 - 549,701
Operating profit before
foreign exchange and
exceptional items 93,169 2,035 95,204 10,950 - 106,154
Operating profit
96,408 1,897 98,305 11,310 - 109,615
Profit on disposal of
financial assets
Investment income
Finance income
Finance costs
Share of profits of
associated undertakings
and joint ventures 5,020
Profit before taxation
Profit for the period
* Includes £10.5 million in relation to property transactions income at nil margin.
Sales to other segments are priced at cost plus a 10% mark-up.
Other segment items included in the income statement for the 52 weeks ended 27 April 2008:
Retail Brands Total
£’000 £’000 £’000
33,869 1,714 35,583
210 1,813 2,023
- 1,394 1,394
Information regarding segment assets and liabilities as at 27 April 2008 and capital expenditure for the 52 weeks then ended:
Retail Brands Eliminations Total
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Investments in associated undertakings and joint ventures
21,040 7,412 - 28,452
Other assets
837,708 391,916 (288,336) 941,288
Total assets
858,748 399,328 (288,336) 969,740
Total liabilities
(726,064) (363,037) 247,770 (841,331)
Tangible asset additions
126,223 1,957 - 128,180
Intangible asset additions
406 251 - 657
Total capital expenditure
126,629 2,208 - 128,837
Financial Statements
Secondary reporting format — geographic segments
The Group operates in two geographic segments, UK and Non-UK. These geographic segments are the basis on which the Group reports its secondary segment
information, as presented below:
Segmental information for the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009:
UK Non-UK Unallocated Eliminations Total
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Segmental revenue from external customers
1,101,960 265,361 - - 1,367,321
Total capital expenditure
29,263 8,567 - - 37,830
Segmental assets
1,011,497 282,821 - (316,968) 977,620
Segmental information for the 52 weeks ended 27 April 2008:
UK Non-UK Unallocated Eliminations Total
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Segmental revenue from external customers
1,047,717 220,864 - (9,071) 1,259,510
Total capital expenditure
117,964 10,873 - - 128,837
Segmental assets
1,027,686 230,390 - (288,336) 969,740
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Rent receivable
3,157 2,744
847 1,279
4,004 4,023
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Impairment of intangible assets (note15)
14,832 -
Impairment of freehold property (note14)
15,682 -
30,514 -
Operating profit for the period is stated after charging/(crediting):
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Foreign exchange gains
(14,241) (3,461)
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment
- Owned assets
45,533 35,332
- Assets held on finance leases
9 251
Amortisation of intangible assets
2,944 2,023
Operating lease rentals
- Land and buildings
97,954 94,985
- Other
679 701
(1) Included within this amount for 2008 is a foreign exchange gain of £15,428,000 on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets.
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 43
Services provided by the Group’s auditor
For the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009 the remuneration of the auditors, Grant Thornton UK LLP and associated firms, was as detailed below:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Audit of the Company’s and the consolidated financial statements
140 140
Audit of subsidiary companies’ financial statements
710 589
Other services provided pursuant to legislation
- -
Other services relating to taxation
228 344
Services relating to corporate finance transactions
- 267
All other services
32 21
The average monthly number of employees, including Executive Directors, employed by the Group during the period was:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
Number Number
Retail stores
7,791 8,057
Distribution, administration and other
2,609 2,917
10,400 10,974
The aggregate payroll costs of the employees, including executive directors, were as follows:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Wages and salaries
144,317 137,665
Social security costs
10,874 10,332
Pension costs
531 376
155,722 148,373
Aggregate emoluments of the directors of the Company are summarised below.
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Aggregate emoluments
554 516
Further details of directors’ remuneration are given in the Directors Remuneration report on pages 38 to 43.
Details of certain key management remuneration are given in note 36.
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Loss/Profit on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets (Note 17)
1,035 41,367
Transfer of historic losses on available-for-sale financial assets (Note 17)
(53,156) -
Dividend income from investments
172 2,507
(1) The profit for 2008 relates to the disposal of strategic stakes in Amer Sports Corp., adidas A.G and Umbro PLC.
Financial Statements
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Bank interest receivable
1,161 3,068
Other interest receivable
- 36
Expected return on pension plan assets (Note 26)
2,121 2,266
Fair value adjustment to forward foreign exchange contracts (Note 29)
12,645 -
15,927 5,370
(1) The fair value adjustment to forward foreign exchange contracts relates to adverse differences between the fair value of forward foreign currency contracts from one period end to the next.
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Interest on bank loans and overdrafts
19,980 32,955
Interest on other loans and finance leases
1,147 4,559
Expected return on pension plan assets (Note 26)
2,506 2,317
Fair value adjustment to forward foreign exchange contracts (Note 29)
- 5,175
23,633 45,006
(1) The fair value adjustment to forward foreign exchange contracts relates to adverse differences between the fair value of forward foreign currency contracts from one period end to the next.
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Current tax
31,280 40,588
Adjustment in respect of prior periods
(6,844) (2,251)
24,436 38,337
Deferred tax (Note 27)
1,728 2,789
26,164 41,126
Tax reconciliation
Profit before taxation
10,656 118,873
Taxation at the standard rate of tax in the UK of 28% (2008: 28%)
2,983 33,284
Tax effects of:
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes
8,156 3,418
Impact of tax losses and other short-term temporary differences not recognised in deferred tax
1,050 2,613
Deferred tax recognised in respect of unremitted earnings from an associate
- (965)
Unrelieved foreign tax
536 90
Derecognition of listed investments
14,884 -
Other tax adjustments
267 2,127
Effect of change in UK rate from 30% to 28%
- 2,810
Adjustments in respect of prior periods - Current tax
(6,844) (2,251)
Adjustments in respect of prior periods - Deferred tax
5,132 -
26,164 41,126
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 45
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding
during the year.
Share awards granted during the period were anti-dilutive as at 26 April 2009 as the exercise price exceeded the average market price of the Company’s shares during
the period from when the share awards were granted to 26 April 2009. As a result share awards are not taken into account when determining the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the period and therefore the basic and diluted earnings per share are the same.
Basic and diluted earnings per share
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
Basic £’000 Diluted £’000 Basic £’000 Diluted £’000
(Loss)/profit for the period
(15,838) (15,838) 78,182 78,182
Number in thousands Number in thousands
Weighted average number of shares
568,452 568,452 639,010 639,010
Pence per share Pence per share
Earnings per share
(2.79) (2.79) 12.23 12.23
Underlying earnings per share
The underlying earnings per share reflects the underlying performance of the business compared with the prior year and is calculated by dividing underlying earnings by
the weighted average number of shares for the period. Underlying earnings is used by management as a measure of profitability within the Group. Underlying earnings
is defined as profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent for each financial period but excluding the post tax effect of certain exceptional items.
The directors believe that the underlying earnings before exceptional items and underlying earnings per share measures provide additional useful information for
shareholders on the underlying performance of the business, and are consistent with how business performance is measured internally. Underlying earnings is not a
recognised profit measure under IFRS and may not be directly comparable with “adjusted” profit measures used by other companies.
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
Basic £’000 Diluted £’000 Basic £’000 Diluted £’000
(Loss)/profit for the period
(15,838) (15,838) 78,182 78,182
Post tax adjustments to profit for the period for the following exceptional items:
Realised gain on forward exchange contracts
(9,556) (9,556) (2,423) (2,423)
Fair value adjustment to forward foreign exchange contracts
(8,485) (8,485) 3,623 3,623
Profit on disposal of listed investments (Not tax deductible)
(1,035) (1,035) (24,648) (24,648)
Derecognition of listed investments (Not tax deductible)
53,156 53,156 - -
Impairment of freehold property (Not tax deductible)
15,682 15,682 - -
Impairment of intangible assets
9,952 9,952 - -
Fair value adjustments within associated undertakings
1,194 1,194 - -
Underlying profit for the period
45,070 45,070 54,734 54,734
Number in thousands Number in thousands
Weighted average number of shares
568,452 568,452 639,010 639,010
Pence per share Pence per share
Earnings per share
7.93 7.93 8.57 8.57
Financial Statements
Freehold land
and buildings
Plant and
equipment Total
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
At 29 April 2007
29,856 11,312 97,553 235,668 374,389
Exchange differences
15 - 145 2,283 2,443
Additions through business combinations
10,090 - 50 3,791 13,931
80,548 534 7,543 39,555 128,180
Eliminated on disposals
(3,274) (906) (4,321) (9,723) (18,224)
At 27 April 2008
117,235 10,940 100,970 271,574 500,719
Exchange differences
157 95 1,803 3,685 5,740
6,675 27 7,687 19,483 33,872
Eliminated on disposals
(470) (2) (2,239) (2,519) (5,230)
At 26 April 2009
123,597 11,060 108,221 292,223 535,101
Accumulated depreciation and impairment
At 29 April 2007
(4,710) (3,680) (28,963) (112,573) (149,926)
Exchange differences
27 (1) - (589) (563)
Charge for the period
(4,067) (8) (6,453) (25,055) (35,583)
Eliminated on disposals
736 48 1,799 5,562 8,145
At 27 April 2008
(8,014) (3,641) (33,617) (132,655) (177,927)
Exchange differences
(56) - (374) (1,953) (2,383)
Charge for the period
(2,994) (309) (8,577) (33,662) (45,542)
Eliminated on disposals
35 - 2,193 - 2,228
Impairment charge
(15,682) - - - (15,682)
At 26 April 2009
(26,711) (3,950) (40,375) (168,270) (239,306)
Net book amount
At 26 April 2009
96,886 7,110 67,846 123,953 295,795
At 27 April 2008
109,221 7,299 67,353 138,919 322,792
Finance leased assets included in the above net book values
At 26 April 2009
- - - - -
At 27 April 2008
- - - 581 581
In the figures for the 52 week period ended 27 April 2008 an amount of £3,596,000 has been transferred from ‘Additions’ to ‘Additions through business combinations’ as it
was incorrectly classified in the prior year.
Within freehold land and buildings cost as at 26 April 2009 is £1,488,000 (2008: £1,613,000) of capital grants received from the East Midlands Development Agency. The
Group is subject to the following principal conditions of the grant being met for a period, which is at the discretion of the East Midlands Development Agency, of five years
after the first grant instalment was made on 26 April 2006 or 18 months after the last grant instalment was made on 29 April 2007 (“conditional period”):
• The Group remains solvent.
• The Group does not cease to own, or for a period of at least three months does not cease to use the relevant premises for which the grant was provided or its
related assets.
• The Group employs at least 507 permanent full-time employees or equivalent at the relevant premises.
• The Group employs in total at least 1,171 employees at the relevant premises.
If the Group fails to adhere to any of the above conditions during the conditional period the East Midlands Development Agency may demand full repayment of the grant.
An impairment of £15,682,000 was recognised in the Retail segment to reflect the fall in market value of commercial property during the year and this is shown within
Exceptional items.
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 47
and licences Brands Total
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
At 29 April 2007
58,590 18,343 15,600 92,533
Arising on business combinations
53,167 - - 53,167
Additions through business combinations
- 3,089 56,146 59,235
Other additions
- 657 - 657
(7,658) (155) (4,800) (12,613)
At 27 April 2008
104,099 21,934 66,946 192,979
Arising on business combinations
11,908 - - 11,908
Additions through business combinations (Note 31)
- - 440 440
Other additions
- 3,404 554 3,958
(5,410) (2,892) - (8,302)
Exchange cost adjustment
17,620 1,024 20,006 38,650
At 26 April 2009
128,217 23,470 87,946 239,633
Amortisation and impairment
At 29 April 2007
- (3,152) (1,400) (4,552)
Amortisation Charge
- (2,023) - (2,023)
Impairment Charge
(1,394) - - (1,394)
At 27 April 2008
(1,394) (5,175) (1,400) (7,969)
Amortisation Charge
- (2,944) - (2,944)
Impairment Charge
(13,932) - (900) (14,832)
5,409 2,697 - 8,106
Exchange adjustment
- (36) - (36)
At 26 April 2009
(9,917) (5,458) (2,300) (17,675)
Net book amount
At 26 April 2009
118,300 18,012 85,646 221,958
At 27 April 2008
102,705 16,759 65,546 185,010
Amortisation is charged to selling, distribution and administrative expenses in the Consolidated Income Statement. In the current year impairments have been
recognised in exceptional items in the Consolidated Income Statement.
The carrying value of those goodwill and brands that are considered to have an indefinite life are allocated to cash generating units as follows:
Goodwill Brands
£’000 £’000
13,809 834
104,491 84,812
118,300 85,646
The Group tests the carrying amount of goodwill and assets with an indefinite life annually for impairment or more frequently if there are indications that their carrying
value might be impaired. The carrying amounts of other intangible assets are reviewed for impairment if there is an indication of impairment.
Impairment is calculated by comparing the carrying amounts to the value in use derived from discounted cash flow projections for the cash generating units (CGU) to
which the intangible assets are allocated.
Financial Statements
Value in use calculations are based on 5 year management forecasts with a terminal growth rate applied thereafter, representing managements estimate of the long
term growth rate of the sector served by the CGU’s.
The key assumptions, which are equally applicable to each CGU, in the cash flow projections used to support the carrying amount of goodwill and intangibles with
indefinite lives as at 26 April 2009 were as follows:
Retail and Brands (with the exception of Everlast)
• Annual sales growth for the first five years of between 5% and 6% depending on the constituent elements of the CGU, followed by terminal sales growth of 2%.
• Gross margin of between 30% and 47% depending on the constituent elements of the CGU.
• Annual maintenance expenditure of between £Nil and £1.0m per annum depending on the individual entity’s circumstances.
• Discount rates are estimated at a risk adjusted pre-tax weighted average cost of capital of 9.4%.
• Annual sales growth of 10% for the first 5 years followed by terminal sales growth of 5%, reflecting specific plans for the business.
• Gross margin and capital expenditure within the Retail and Brands range.
• Discount rates are estimated at a risk adjusted pre-tax weighted average cost of capital of 12.8%.
The key assumptions are based on management’s historical experience and future plans for each CGU.
With the exception of Everlast, a reasonably possible change in any key assumption would not cause the carrying value of any unit to exceed its recoverable amount.
For Everlast the reasonably possible changes in assumptions would have the following impact:
• Reducing the risk specific discount rate of 12.8% to the Group’s weighted average cost of capital of 9.4% would result in no impairment and the value of goodwill
would exceed its carrying value by £126m.
• Changing the risk specific discount rate by 1% would result in a change of valuation of £19m.
• A change of 1% in the forcasted terminal growth rate would result in a change of valuation of £14m.
The intangible assets that have an indefinite life are brands and trading names and are considered to have an indefinite life on the grounds of the proven longevity of the
brands and trading names and the Group’s commitment to maintaining those brands.
An impairment charge of £14,832,000 was recognised, mainly due to an increase in discount rates to reflect specific risk factors and a decrease in forecast sales growth
as a result of the tough economic climate.
The Group uses the equity method of accounting for associates and joint ventures. The following table shows the aggregate movement in the Group’s investment in
associates and joint ventures:
Associates Joint ventures Total
£’000 £’000 £’000
At 29 April 2007 14,847 7,141 21,988
Exchange differences 2,165 - 2,165
Additions 468 - 468
Share of profit 4,942 78 5,020
Dividend paid (1,189) - (1,189)
At 27 April 2008 21,233 7,219 28,452
Exchange differences 3,361 - 3,361
Share of profit 2,235 247 2,482
Dividend paid (1,666) (250) (1,916)
At 26 April 2009 25,163 7,216 32,379
The Group has a 42.5% interest in Warrnambool, a private unlimited company incorporated in the Republic of Ireland which is the ultimate parent undertaking of Heatons
which is a private unlimited company. The business activity of Heatons is that of household, sporting and leisure goods retail. Heatons operates in the Republic of
Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 49
The Group’s share of associates’ assets, liabilities and income statement, which is included in the consolidated financial statements, is as follows:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Share of non-current assets
44,555 31,436
Share of current assets
18,686 13,553
Share of non current liabilities
(13,954) (8,784)
Share of current liabilities
(24,124) (14,972)
25,163 21,233
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
77,610 65,871
(74,553) (59,963)
Profit before tax
3,057 5,908
(822) (966)
Profit for the period
2,235 4,942
Heatons has a coterminous year end with the Group. There are no significant restrictions on the ability of associated undertakings to transfer funds to the parent, other
than those imposed by legal requirements.
Joint Ventures
The Group’s joint ventures are:
Country of incorporation
Percentage of
issued share capital held Nature of business
No Fear International Limited*
England 50 Brand licensing
PBF International Limited*
England 50 Brand licensing
*Held by an immediate subsidiary.
All joint venture undertakings operate in their country of incorporation.
The Group’s share of its joint ventures’ assets, liabilities and income statement, which is included in the consolidated financial statements, is as follows:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Share of non-current assets
5,860 6,260
Share of current assets
3,048 2,529
Share of non-current liabilities
- -
Share of current liabilities
(1,692) (1,570)
7,216 7,219
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
3,290 3,697
(3,141) (3,527)
Profit before taxation
149 170
98 (92)
Profit for the period
247 78
Financial Statements
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Available-for-sale financial assets
5,467 65,714
The fair value of the available-for-sale investments is based on bid quoted market prices at the balance sheet date.
The following table shows the aggregate movement in the Group’s financial assets during the year:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
At beginning of period
65,714 75,447
4,887 565,392
(12,772) (554,554)
Derecognition of investments held with KSF
(26,219) -
Revaluation through the income statement
2,443 -
Revaluation through equity
(28,586) (20,571)
At end of period
5,467 65,714
We have previously reported that our strategic stake were held by Kaupthing Singer & Freidlander (KSF) and partly financed by them. On 8 October 2008, KSF went
into administration and we are in dispute with the administrators concerning the ownership of the shares they hold. We now have concluded that, while we continue
to maintain that the shares are ours and should be delivered to us, we may not “control” the shares for accounting purposes. We have therefore treated them in the
accounts as having been derecognised. Doing so has no impact on net assets as the value of the shares (£26,219,000) has been replaced by a derecognition of a liability
(£20,298,000 owed to KSF) and the recognition of a £5,921,000 debtor. This derecognition has resulted in the transfer of historic losses, previously recognised in the
statement of recognised income and expense, of £53,156,000 into the income statement.
The financial assets at 26 April 2009 relate to strategic investments held of between 1.5% and 29.9% in share capital or contracts for difference (including shares held
by KSF). The directors do not consider that they have significant influence over the financial and operating policies of the investees as they have no representation on
the Board of directors, have no participation in policy-making processes, including participation in decisions about dividends or other distributions, have no material
transactions with the investees and do not interchange any managerial personnel.
The Group has one investment in excess of 20% of share capital, that being 29.9% (2008: 29.9%) of the ordinary share capital of Blacks Leisure Group plc, a company
incorporated in England and Wales. The aggregate of its share capital and reserves and profit for the years ended 28 February 2009 and 28 February 2008 are as follows:
28 February
28 February
2008 Restated
£’000 £’000
Aggregate share capital and reserves
68,971 83,432
Loss after taxation
(14,761) (6,051)
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Raw materials
4,238 3,640
Work in progress
828 1,234
Goods for resale
257,197 213,889
262,263 218,763
The following inventory costs have been recognised in cost of sales:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Cost of inventories recognised as an expense
805,589 706,244
£3,601,000 of stock held at the end of the year in China has been fully written off and recognised as a cost in Retail cost of sales.
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 51
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Trade receivables
60,985 64,396
Amounts owed by related undertakings
534 303
Other debtors
17,958 6,596
Prepayments and accrued income
32,455 23,186
111,932 94,481
The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables approximates to their fair value. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date
is the carrying value of each class of asset above.
Ageing of trade receivables:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
47,875 42,500
0-30 days past due
4,569 7,823
30-60 days past due
1,805 4,675
60-90 days past due
1,084 1,743
Over 90 days past due
5,652 7,655
60,985 64,396
The movement in the bad debt provision can be analysed as follows:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Opening position
4,483 4,167
Amounts charged to the income statement
3,071 840
Amounts written off as uncollectible
(245) (447)
Amounts recovered during the year
(14) (77)
Closing position
7,295 4,483
The Group has no significant concentration of credit risk, with exposure spread over a large number of customers. These bad debt provisions/charges have been determined
by reference to past default experience and knowledge of the individual circumstances of certain receivables.
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Cash in bank and in hand — Sterling
12,287 8,451
Cash in bank and in hand — US dollars
10,812 3,891
Cash in bank and in hand — Euros
9,040 9,259
Cash in bank and in hand — other
219 3,817
32,358 25,418
Bank overdraft (Note 25)
(442,683) (471,471)
Cash and cash equivalents including overdrafts at period end
(410,325) (446,053)
Financial Statements
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
999,500,010 ordinary shares of 10p each
99,950 99,950
499,990 redeemable preference shares of 10p each
50 50
100,000 100,000
Allotted, called up and fully paid
640,452,369 (2008: 640,452,369) ordinary shares of 10p each
64,045 64,045
Share Capital
At 27 April 2008
64,045 72,000
Shares cancelled (Note 23)
- (7,955)
At 26 April 2009
64,045 64,045
Share options
The Performance Share Plan
Performance Share Plan, which was approved by the shareholders on 11 February 2007, the Board may make share awards in respect of the ordinary shares in the
Company to executive directors based on a percentage of salary and subject to performance conditions. The extent to which the awards vest is based on earnings per
share growth and total shareholders return over a period of three financial years. Further details are set out in the Remuneration Report on page 23.
The first awards of 446,512 shares were granted on 5 April 2007 at an exercise price of 268.75p.
The second awards of 1,975,308 shares were granted on 16 July 2008 at an average price of 60.75p
The third awards of 1,975,308 shares were granted on 13 January 2009 at an average price of 54.00p
No share-based payment charge was recognised in respect of these share awards for the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009 as the directors did not consider it material to the
Group’s financial results or position.
Treasury shares
Own share
earnings Other reserves Total
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
At 29 April 2007 - (837) - 317,708 (40,912) 275,959
Expense recognised directly in equity - - - (13,128) - (13,128)
Profit for the financial period - - - 78,182 - 78,182
Dividends - - - (19,126) - (19,126)
Cost of shares acquired (201,483) - - - - (201,483)
Translation differences – group - 2,598 - - - 2,598
Translation differences - associates - 2,165 - - - 2,165
At 27 April 2008 (201,483) 3,926 - 363,636 (40,912) 125,167
Income recognised directly in equity - - - 17,272 - 17,272
Loss for the financial period - - - (15,838) - (15,838)
Dividends - - - (20,805) - (20,805)
Treasury shares cancelled 105,759 - - (105,759) - -
Market value of shares transferred to EBT 6,094 - (6,094) - - -
Difference between original cost and market value
of shares transferred to EBT 4,542 - - (4,542) - -
Translation differences - group - 41,293 - - - 41,293
Translation differences - associates - 3,361 - - - 3,361
At 26 April 2009 (85,088) 48,580 (6,094) 233,964 (40,912) 150,450
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 53
Between 24 July 2007 and 11 March 2008 the Group acquired 151,547,631 of its own shares for total consideration of £201,483,000, with the purchase price ranging
between £0.95 and £1.50.
Between 12 October 2007 and 14 March 2008 the Group cancelled 79,547,631 shares purchased in the market under the share re-purchase programme. The average
purchase price of the shares cancelled was £1.3295 and hence a transfer from Treasury shares to Retained earnings of £105,759,000 was processed.
On 16 September 2008 the Group sold 8,000,000 ordinary shares of 10 pence each from Treasury to the newly formed Sports Direct Employee Benefit Trust, an employee
share scheme within the meaning of Section 1166 of the Companies Act 2006, at the market value of 76.17 pence per share. These shares are shown within the Own
share reserve. The difference between the market value and the average original purchase price of 132.95 pence per share has been transferred to retained earnings.
Following the above transaction the Company now holds 64,000,000 ordinary shares in Treasury.
The foreign currency translation reserve is used to record exchange differences arising from the translation of the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries and
The final dividend for 2008 of £13,870,000 (2.44p) was paid on 31 October 2008 and the interim dividend for 2009 of £6,935,000 (1.22p) was paid on 30 April 2009.
Share capital Share premium
contribution to
reserve Other reserves
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
At 29 April 2007 72,000 874,300 50 50 (987,312) (40,912)
Shares cancelled (7,955) - - 7,955 - -
At 27 April 2008 and 26 April 2009 64,045 874,300 50 8,005 (987,312) (40,912)
The share premium account is used to record the excess proceeds over nominal value on the issue of shares.
MJW Ashley made a £50,000 cash payment to the Company as a permanent contribution to capital on 8 February 2007 under a deed of capital contribution.
The capital redemption reserve arose on the redemption of the Company’s redeemable preference shares of 10p each at par on 2 March 2007.
Between 5 October 2007 and 11 March 2008 the Group cancelled 79,547,631 of shares acquired as part of the share buy back programme.
The reverse combination reserve exists as a result of the adoption of the principles of reverse acquisition accounting in accounting for the group restructuring which
occured on 2 March 2007 and 29 March 2007 between the Company and Sports World International Limited, Brands Holding Limited, International Brand Management
Limited and CDS Holdings SA with Sports World International Limited as the acquirer.
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
At 27 April 2008 3,242 4,845
Share of profit/(loss) for the period 330 (435)
Acquisitions (340) (1,668)
Disposals - 500
At 26 April 2009 3,232 3,242
Financial Statements
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Bank and other loans 4,090 13,641
Obligations under finance leases 623 614
4,713 14,255
Bank overdrafts 442,683 471,471
Bank and other loans 16,216 4,704
Obligations under finance leases - 225
458,899 476,400
Total borrowings:
Bank overdrafts 442,683 471,471
Bank and other loans 20,306 18,345
Obligations under finance leases 623 839
463,612 490,655
The maturity of the Group’s total borrowings other than bank overdrafts is as follows:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Borrowings are repayable as follows:
Within one year 19,629 8,197
Between one and two years 354 8,576
Between two and five years 613 900
After five years 333 1,511
20,929 19,184
Borrowings — Sterling 2,580 4,665
Borrowings — Other 18,349 14,519
20,929 19,184
Loans are all on commercial variable rates of interest ranging between 0.6% and 1.75% over the base rate of the country within which the borrowing entity resides.
On 25 October 2007, six members of the Group, Sports Direct International plc, Retail Limited, Lillywhites Limited, Brands Holdings Limited, Dunlop
Slazenger Group Limited and Smith and Brooks Holdings Limited (the “Borrowers”) entered into a committed working capital facility agreement with The Governor and
Company of the Bank of Scotland (the “Working Capital Facility”). The Working Capital Facility is available to any of the Borrowers and may be drawn to an aggregate
limit of £500 million. It is capable of being utilised by way of cash advances, letters of credit, guarantees, bonds and/or currency borrowings. The Working Capital Facility
is available until 30 April 2011. Each Borrower is required to observe certain covenants, including undertakings relating to delivery of financial statements, and certain
negative covenants, including in relation to creation of security and disposal of assets. The Working Capital Facility is secured by a debenture from each of the Borrowers
and a composite guarantee from each of the non-dormant subsidiaries of Retail Limited.
We have previously reported that our strategic stake were held by Kaupthing Singer & Freidlander (KSF) and partly financed by them. On 8 October 2008, KSF went
into administration and we are in dispute with the administrators concerning the ownership of the shares they hold. We now have concluded that, while we continue
to maintain that the shares are ours and should be delivered to us, we may not “control” the shares for accounting purposes. We have therefore treated them in the
accounts as having been derecognised. Doing so has no impact on net assets as the value of the shares (£26,219,000) has been replaced by a reduction in creditors
(£20,298,000 owed to KSF) and the recognition of a £5,921,000 receivable. This derecognition has resulted in the transfer of historic losses, previously recognised in
reserves of £53,156,000 into the income statement.
The Group has a £50m working capital facility with Mike Ashley which can be drawn down on request.
The carrying amounts and fair value of the borrowings are not materially different.
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 55
The Group’s defined benefit pension obligations relate to Dunlop Slazenger Group Holdings Limited (“DSGHL”), which was acquired on 28 January 2004. DSGHL operates
a number of plans worldwide, the largest of which is of the funded defined benefit type. The Scheme is closed to new members.
The amounts for the current and previous four periods following the acquisition of DSGHL are as follows:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008 29 April 2007 30 April 2006 24 April 2005
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Total fair value of plan assets 27,440 32,706 36,419 32,829 28,720
Present value of plan liabilities (39,764) (44,411) (50,451) (48,008) (44,945)
Net plan obligations (12,324) (11,705) (14,032) (15,179) (16,225)
Experience adjustments on plan liabilities 5,887 4,652 (1,620) (1,354) (2,156)
Experience adjustments on plan assets (6,336) (2,969) 1,164 257 3,382
The cumulative amount of actuarial gains and losses recognised in the statement of recognised income and expense as at 26 April 2009 was an actuarial gain of
£907,000 (2008: actuarial gain of £1,356,000).
There were no unrecognised actuarial gains or losses or past service costs as at 27 April 2008 or 26 April 2009.
Amounts recognised in the income statement are as follows:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Current service cost 19 69
Interest on retirement benefit obligations 2,506 2,317
Expected return on plan assets (2,121) (2,266)
404 120
The current service cost is included within cost of sales. The interest on retirement benefit obligations and the expected return on plan assets are included within finance
costs and finance income, respectively.
Amounts recognised in the statement of recognised income and expense are as follows:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Actual less expected return on assets (6,336) (2,969)
Actuarial gains relating to plan liabilities 5,887 4,652
(449) 1,683
The actual return on plan assets for the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009 was a loss of £4,215,000 (2008: loss of £703,000).
The movements in the fair value of plan assets are as follows:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
At the start of the period 32,706 36,419
Expected return on plan assets 2,121 2,266
Actuarial losses (6,336) (2,969)
Employer contributions 1,382 1,111
Employee contributions 118 56
Benefits paid out (2,551) (4,177)
At the end of the period 27,440 32,706
The Group expects to contribute £1,263,000 to its defined benefit pension plans for the 52 weeks ended 25 April 2010.
Financial Statements
The assumptions used to determine the expected return on assets reflects the underlying asset allocation at each period end. The plan asset mix and the expected
returns on the assets are as follows:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Equities 14,974 19,109
Bonds 12,249 13,391
Cash and other 217 206
27,440 32,706
Equities 7.8% 8.0%
Bonds 4.8% 4.9%
Cash and other 5.0% 5.0%
The overall expected rate of return on the Scheme’s assets has been derived by considering the expected rate of return on each major asset class of investments at the
start of the year and weighting these rates of return by the proportion of the total investments that the class represents at the start of the year.
The principal assumptions underlying the actuarial assessments of the present value of the plan liabilities are:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
% %
Inflation rate 2.9 3.5
Future salary increases n/a n/a
Future pension increases 2.8 3.4
Discount rate 6.9 6.5
Mortality assumptions:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
% %
Life expectancy at 65 at period end:
Future pensioners – male 87.2 87.2
Future pensioners – female 90.0 90.0
Current pensioners – male 86.4 86.4
Current pensioners – female 89.4 89.4
The movements in the present value of the plan liabilities are as follows:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
At the start of the period (44,411) (50,451)
Current service cost (19) (69)
Interest cost (2,506) (2,317)
Actuarial gains 5,887 4,652
Employee contributions (118) (56)
Benefits paid out 2,551 4,177
Exchange gain (1,148) (347)
At the end of the period (39,764) (44,411)
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 57
The net movements in the net present value of the plan liabilities were as follows:
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Net liability at the start of the period (11,705) (14,032)
Movement in fair value of plan assets (5,266) (3,713)
Movements in the present value of the plan liabilities 4,647 6,040
Net liability at the end of the period (12,324) (11,705)
In addition to the amounts recognised in relation to the defined benefit retirement plans, amounts of £95,000 and £121,000 have been recognised in the income statement
in the periods ended 27 April 2008 and 26 April 2009 respectively in relation to defined contribution retirement benefit plans.
exceeding tax
earnings from
an associate
Recognised on
acquisitions Total
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
At 29 April 2007 (9,661) 4,379 3,414 (4,244) (4,681) 24,132 13,339
(Charged)/credited to the income statement 3,865 (2,485) 1,023 682 - (4,984) (1,899)
Effect of reducing tax rate 644 (292) (228) 283 312 (1,609) (890)
Credited to the statement of recognised
income and expense
- - - - - 5,760 5,760
Acquisitions (494) - - - (13,128) - (13,622)
At 27 April 2008 (5,646) 1,602 4,209 (3,279) (17,497) 23,299 2,688
Charged to the income statement 1,364 (127) 108 - 3,701 (6,774) (1,728)
Credited to the statement of recognised
income and expense
- - - - - (6,849) (6,849)
Foreign exchange adjustments - - - - (5,731) - (5,731)
Acquisitions - - - - (6,402) - (6,402)
At 26 April 2009 (4,282) 1,475 4,317 (3,279) (25,929) 9,676 (18,022)
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Deferred tax assets 15,468 29,110
Deferred tax liabilities (33,490) (26,422)
Net deferred tax balance (18,022) 2,688
Deferred tax assets are recognised for tax losses recoverable and pension plan liabilities to the extent that realisation of the related tax benefit is probable on the basis of
the Group’s current expectations of future taxable profits.
contracts Total
£’000 £’000 £’000
At 27 April 2008 18,584 4,326 22,910
Amounts provided 5,193 10,882 16,075
Amounts utilised (1,742) (651) (2,393)
Amounts reversed (168) (5) (173)
At 26 April 2009 21,867 14,552 36,419
Financial Statements
The dilapidations provision is the best estimate of the present value of expenditure expected to be incurred by the Group in order to restore its leasehold premises to the
condition required under the lease agreements at the end of the lease discounted at 7% per annum. The provision is expected to be utilised over the period to the end of
each specific lease.
The provision in respect of onerous lease contracts represents the net cost of fulfilling the Group’s obligations over the terms of these contracts discounted at 7% per
annum. The provision is expected to be utilised over the period to the end of each specific lease.
The unwinding of the discount on provision passes through the income statement.
(a) Financial assets and liabilities by category
The carrying values of financial assets and liabilities, which are principally denominated in Sterling or US dollars, were as follows:
Loans and
Available for
sale financial
assets Total
Assets – 2009 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Property, plant and equipment - - 295,795 295,795
Intangible assets - - 221,958 221,958
Investments in associated undertakings and joint ventures - - 32,379 32,379
Available-for-sale financial assets - 5,467 - 5,467
Deferred tax assets - - 15,468 15,468
Inventories - - 262,263 262,263
Trade and other receivables 60,985 - 50,947 111,932
Cash and cash equivalents 32,358 - - 32,358
93,343 5,467 878,810 977,620
Assets - 2008 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Property, plant and equipment - - 322,792 322,792
Intangible assets - - 185,010 185,010
Investments in associated undertakings and joint ventures - - 28,452 28,452
Available-for-sale financial assets - 65,714 - 65,714
Deferred tax assets - - 29,110 29,110
Inventories - - 218,763 218,763
Trade and other receivables 64,396 - 30,085 94,481
Cash and cash equivalents 25,418 - - 25,418
89,814 65,714 814,212 969,740
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 59
Loans and
at fair value
through profit
and loss
liabilities Total
Liabilities – 2009 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Other payables 2,656 - - 2,656
Non-current borrowings 4,713 - - 4,713
Retirement benefit obligations - - 12,324 12,324
Deferred tax liabilities - - 33,490 33,490
Provisions - - 36,419 36,419
Derivative financial liabilities (Current) - 34,993 - 34,993
Trade and other payables 106,962 - 102,777 209,739
Current borrowings 458,899 - - 458,899
Current tax liabilities 30,705 - - 30,705
603,935 34,993 185,010 823,938
Liabilities – 2008
Other payables 2,829 - - 2,829
Non-current borrowings 14,255 - - 14,255
Derivative financial liabilities (Non-current) - 14,744 - 14,744
Retirement benefit obligations - - 11,705 11,705
Deferred tax liabilities - - 26,422 26,422
Provisions - - 22,910 22,910
Derivative financial liabilities (Current) - 32,894 - 32,894
Trade and other payables 87,123 - 120,475 207,598
Current borrowings 476,400 - - 476,400
Current tax liabilities 31,574 - - 31,574
612,181 47,638 181,512 841,331
Carrying values do not materially differ from fair value.
(b) Derivatives: foreign currency forward purchase contracts
The most significant exposure to foreign exchange fluctuations relates to purchases made in foreign currencies, principally the US dollar. The Group’s policy is to reduce
the risk associated with purchases denominated in foreign currencies by using forward fixed rate currency purchase contracts, taking into account any foreign currency
cash flows. The foreign exchange contracts do not meet the criteria for treatment as an effective hedge and accordingly any gain or loss is recognised immediately in the
income statement.
The carrying values of forward foreign currency purchase contracts were as follows:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Fair value of derivative financial instruments - liabilities 34,993 47,638
Financial Statements
The sterling principal amounts of forward foreign currency purchase contracts and contracted forward rates were as follows:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
US dollar purchases 350,000 1,081,668
Contracted rates 1.46-1.88 1.86 – 2.00
US dollar sales (250,000) (397,000)
Contracted rates 1.92-1.94 1.92-1.98
Euro sales (202,179) (259,716)
Contracted rates 1.08-1.40 1.25 – 1.40
Euro purchases 223,662 -
Contracted rates 1.12-1.12 -
Forward foreign currency purchase and sale contracts generally have a maturity at inception of approximately 12 months. At 26 April 2009 no purchase contracts and no
sale contracts had a maturity at inception of greater than 12 months (2008: £250 million of purchase contracts).
(c) Sensitivity analysis
Foreign currency sensitivity analysis
The Group’s principal foreign currency exposures are to US dollars and the Euro. The table below illustrates the hypothetical sensitivity of the Group’s reported profit and
equity to a 5% increase and decrease in the US dollar/Sterling and Euro/Sterling exchange rates at the year end date, assuming all other variables remain unchanged.
The figures have been calculated by comparing the fair values of outstanding foreign currency contracts at the current exchange rate to those if exchange rates moved as
Positive figures represent an increase in profit or equity:
Income statement Equity
26 April 2009 27 April 2008 26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Sterling strengthens by 5%
US dollar (11,044) (32,603) (11,044) (32,603)
Euro 4,580 12,367 4,580 12,367
Sterling weakens by 5%
US dollar 11,596 34,233 11,596 34,233
Euro (4,809) (12,986) (4,809) (12,986)
Interest rate sensitivity analysis
The table below illustrates the hypothetical sensitivity of the Group’s reported profit and equity to a 0.5% increase or decrease in interest rates, assuming all other
variables were unchanged.
The analysis has been prepared using the following assumptions:
• For floating rate assets and liabilities, the amount of asset or liability outstanding at the balance sheet date is assumed to have been outstanding for the whole year.
• Fixed rate financial instruments that are carried at amortised cost are not subject to interest rate risk for the purpose of this analysis.
Positive figures represent an increase in profit or equity.
Income statement Equity
26 April 2009 27 April 2008 26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Interest rate increase of 0.5% (2,420) (2,453) (2,240) (2,453)
Interest rate decrease of 0.5% 2,420 2,453 2,240 2,453
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 61
(d) Liquidity risk
The table below shows the maturity analysis of the undiscounted remaining contractual cash flows of the Group’s financial liabilities:
2009 Less than 1 year 1 to 2 years 2 to 5 years Over 5 years Total
Bank loans and overdrafts 462,312 151 417 129 463,009
Obligations under finance leases - 207 214 214 635
Trade and other payables 106,962 - - - 106,692
Derivative financial liabilities
Cash inflows (86,460) - - - (86,460)
Cash outflows 121,482 - - - 121,482
604,296 358 631 343 605,628
Bank loans and overdrafts 479,443 8,460 1,069 1,794 490,766
Obligations under finance leases 225 628 - - 853
Trade and other payables 87,123 - - - 87,123
Derivative financial liabilities
Cash inflows (1,316,151) (444,471) - - (1,760,622)
Cash outflows 1,342,355 449,989 - - 1,792,344
592,995 14,606 1,069 1,794 610,464
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Trade payables 106,962 87,123
Amounts owed to related undertakings 3,029 2,016
Other taxes including social security costs 5,055 13,660
Other payables 39,640 38,192
Accruals and deferred income(1) 55,053 66,607
209,739 207,598
The directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other payables approximates to their fair value.
The Group made no major acquisitions in the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009. The increase in goodwill is attributable to adjustments to fair value for prior year
acquisitions, minor acquisitions and the purchase of minority interests in existing subsidiaries.
The aggregate fair value of consideration paid, assets and liabilities acquired and resulting goodwill is detailed below.
of minority
interests Total
£’000 £’000 £’000
Cash consideration including costs 790 5,818 6,608
Add: fair value of net liabilities/(assets) acquired 6,013 (340) 5,673
Excess of fair value of assets over consideration - 192 192
Goodwill 6,803 5,670 12,473
The goodwill is attributable to the premium paid to strengthen the Group’s existing business segments of retail and brand, which is in line with the Group’s strategy.
Financial Statements
Adjustments to fair value for prior year acquisitions and minor acquisitions
Carrying values
at acquisition
fair value
Fair value of net
assets acquired
£’000 £’000 £’000
Intangible assets 450 - 450
Inventories 200 - 200
Trade and other receivables 113 - 113
Trade and other payables (374) - (374)
Deferred tax liability - (6,402) (6,402)
389 (6,402) (6,013)
The provisional acquisition accounting for Everlast has been adjusted to reflect the effective rate of taxation for this company at the point of acquisition. It is the Group’s
policy to make material adjustments and revisions retrospectively. The adjustment to deferred taxation has been processed through the current year.
Cash flows arising from the acquisition are as follows:
26 April 2009
Cash consideration 790
Net cash outflow in the cash flow statement 790
The goodwill is attributable to the premium paid to strengthen the Group’s existing business segments of retail and brand, which is in line with the Group’s strategy.
Purchase of minority interests
Date of acquisition Percentage of
equity acquired
Nature of
Lonsdale Sport 23 December 2008
20 Wholesale
This was an additional acquisition which takes the cumulative holding up to 100%
Carrying values
at acquisition
Minority interests 340
Cash flows arising from the acquisition are as follows:
26 April 2009
Cash consideration 5,818
Net cash outflow in the cash flow statement 5,818
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 63
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Profit before taxation 10,656 118,873
Net finance costs 7,706 39,636
Derecognition of available-for-sale financial assets 53,156 -
Profit on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets (1,035) (41,367)
Investment income (172) (2,507)
Share of profit of associated undertakings and joint ventures (2,482) (5,020)
Operating profit 67,829 109,615
Depreciation 45,542 35,583
Amortisation charge 2,944 2,023
Impairment charge 30,514 1,394
Loss on disposal of intangibles 195 155
Loss on disposal of subsidiary undertakings 1 1,883
Defined benefit pension plan current service cost 395 69
Defined benefit pension plan employer contributions (1,225) (1,110)
Operating cash inflow before changes in working capital 146,195 149,612
(Increase)/decrease in receivables (9,788) 6,395
(Increase)/decrease in inventories (43,500) 23,511
Increase/(decrease) in payables 24,563 (119,999)
Cash inflows from operating activities 117,470 59,519
As at 26 April 2009 the Group had outstanding commitments for future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases, which fall due as follows:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Land and buildings
Within one year 74,997 73,902
In the second to fifth years inclusive 271,461 276,695
After five years 364,245 387,053
710,703 737,650
The Group sub-lets certain stand-alone retail stores which are no longer operated by the Group. The property rental income earned during the 52 weeks ended 26 April
2009 was £3,157,000 (2008: £2,744,000).
As at 26 April 2009, the Group had contracts with sub-tenants for the following future minimum lease rentals:
26 April 2009 27 April 2008
£’000 £’000
Land and buildings
Within one year 6,307 3,458
In the second to fifth years inclusive 17,991 7,901
After five years 24,240 6,356
48,538 17,715
Financial Statements
The Group had no capital commitments as at 26 April 2009 (2008: £nil).
As a matter of course the Group undertakes action in numerous parts of the world to protect its trade mark registrations and in connection with the Group’s licensees.
Such actions are usually resolved in the ordinary course of business. The Group is, however, party to a dispute and since 2007 has provided for an amount representing
the financial estimation of the potential loss if the outcome was not to be in its favour. The Group believes that to provide further information would be seriously
prejudicial to the case.
The Group entered into the following material transactions with related parties:
The Group has taken advantage of the exemptions contained within IAS 24 - Related Party Disclosures from the requirement to disclose transactions between group
companies as these have been eliminated on consolidation.
52 weeks ended 26 April 2009
Related party Relationship Sales Purchases
Trade and other
Trade and other
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Heatons Associate 11,732 - 2,655 -
No Fear International Limited Joint venture - - - (2,351)
Mike Ashley Director - - - (1,069)
Mike Ashley leases certain properties to various companies in the Group which are operated as retail and distribution premises. A commercial rent is charged in respect
of these leases.
During the period Mike Ashley loaned the Group £50million on arm’s length commercial terms and this amount was repaid in full on 17 April 2009.
Compensation paid to key management of the Group was £939,505, including pension contributions of £9,085.
52 weeks ended 27 April 2008
Related party Relationship Sales Purchases
Trade and other
Trade and other
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Pan World Brands Limited Common control - - 3 (17)
Heatons Associate 15,829 - 1,942 -
No Fear International Limited Joint venture - - 316 (1,468)
PBF International Limited Joint venture 189 (465) 910 -
Mike Ashley Director - - - (590)
Sopotnik Trade Doo Associate 23 - 83 -
Mike Ashley leases certain properties to various companies in the Group which are operated as retail and distribution premises. A commercial rent is charged in respect
of these leases.
On 10 July 2007 the Group sold an Augusta A109 S Grand Helicopter to Mike Ashley for 4,806,175 (£3,235,547) plus VAT. The helicopter had been purchased by the
Company for 4,600,000 in March 2006.
During the period Mike Ashley loaned the Group £250million on arm’s length commercial terms and this amount was repaid in full on 26 October 2007.
No interest was charged by Mike Ashley in respect of the amounts owed to him by the group.
Compensation paid to key management of the Group was £1,040,854, including pension contributions of £9,085.
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 65
The principal subsidiary undertakings of the Company at 26 April 2009 were as follows:
Country of
Percentage of issued
share capital held Nature of business
Antigua Enterprises Inc* USA 78 Sporting and leisure goods wholesale and brand licensing
Brands & Fashion NV* Belgium 100 Brand management and licensing
Brands Inc Limited* England 100 Brand management and licensing
Brands Holdings Limited England 100 Brand management and licensing
CDS Holdings SA Belgium 100 Sporting and leisure goods retail
Donnay International SA* Belgium 100 Sporting and leisure goods wholesale and brand licensing
Dunlop Slazenger Group Limited* England 100 Sporting and leisure goods wholesale and brand licensing
Everlast Worldwide Inc.* USA 100 Sporting and leisure goods wholesale and brand licensing
E Walters UK Limited* England 100 Sporting and leisure goods wholesale and brand licensing
Field and Trek (UK) Limited* England 100 Sporting and leisure goods retail
International Brand Management Limited England 100 Brand management
Kangol Holdings Limited* England 100 Fashion and leisure goods wholesale and brand licensing
Karrimor Limited* England 100 Fashion and leisure goods wholesale and brand licensing
Lonsdale Boxing Limited* England 100 Fashion and leisure goods wholesale and brand licensing
Lonsdale Sports Limited* England 100 Sporting and leisure goods wholesale and brand licensing
Smith and Brooks Holdings Limited* England 100 Sporting and leisure goods wholesale and brand licensing
Sports Essentials Limited* England 100 Sporting and leisure goods wholesale and brand licensing
Sports World International Limited England 100 Sporting and leisure goods retail
Sports 2000 Sportne Trogovine Slovenia 100 Sporting and leisure goods retail
The Trademark Licensing Company Limited* England 100 Brand licensing
Universal Cycles Limited* England 86 Bicycle wholesaler
* Held by an intermediate subsidiary.
All subsidiaries have coterminous year ends.
All principal subsidiary undertakings operate in their country of incorporation.
A full list of the Group’s operating subsidiary undertakings will be annexed to the next Annual Return filed at Companies House.
There are no significant restrictions on the ability of the subsidiary undertakings to transfer funds to the parent, other than those imposed by the legal requirements.
The Group is controlled by Mike Ashley through his 100% shareholding in MASH Holdings Limited, which has a 71% shareholding in the Company.
No material post balance sheet events occurred after 26 April 2009 to the date of this Annual Report.
Financial Statements
We have audited the parent company financial statements of Sports Direct International plc for the 52 week period to 26 April 2009 which comprise the balance sheet and
related notes. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice).
This report is made solely to the company’s members, as a body, in accordance with Sections 495, 496 and 497 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been
undertaken so that we might state to the company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the
fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company and the company’s members as a body, for our audit work,
for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.
Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors
As explained more fully in the Directors’ Responsibilities Statement, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the parent company financial statements
and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit the parent company financial statements in accordance with applicable law and
International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board’s (APB’s) Ethical Standards for Auditors.
Scope of the audit of the financial statements
A description of the scope of an audit of financial statements is provided on the APB’s web-site at
Opinion on financial statements
In our opinion the parent company financial statements:
• give a true and fair view of the state of the company’s affairs as at 26 April 2009;
• have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and
• have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.
Opinion on other matter prescribed by the Companies Act 2006
In our opinion:
• the part of the Directors’ Remuneration Report to be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006; and
• the information given in the Directors’ Report for the financial year for which the financial statements are prepared is consistent with the parent company financial
Matters on which we are required to report by exception
We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion::
• adequate accounting records have not been kept by the parent company, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us;
• the parent company financial statements and the part of the Directors’ Remuneration Report to be audited are not in agreement with the accounting records and
returns; or
• certain disclosures of directors’ remuneration specified by law are not made; or
• we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit.
Other matters
We have reported separately on the group financial statements of Sports Direct International plc for the 52 week period to 26 April 2009.
David Miller, Senior Statutory Auditor
for and on behalf of Grant Thornton UK LLP, Registered Auditor, Chartered Accountants
16 July 2009
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 67
Notes 2009 2008
£’000 £’000
Fixed assets
Investments 2 996,808 989,290
Current assets
Debtors 3 1,871 1,795
Cash at bank - 1,886
1,871 3,681
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year.
4 (22,932) (23,383)
Net current liabilities
(21,061) (19,702)
Creditors: amounts falling due in greater than one year
5 - (730)
Net assets
975,747 968,858
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 6 64,045 64,045
Share premium 7 874,300 874,300
Treasury shares reserve 7 (85,088) (201,483)
Permanent contribution to capital 7 50 50
Capital redemption reserve 7 8,005 8,005
Own share reserve (6,094) -
Profit and loss account 7 120,529 223,941
Shareholders’ funds
8 975,747 968,858
The accompanying accounting policies and notes form part of these financial statements.
The financial statements were approved by the Board on 16 July 2009 and were signed on its behalf by:
Bob Mellors
Company Balance Sheet
These accounts have been prepared in accordance with applicable United Kingdom accounting standards. A summary of the more important accounting policies adopted
are described below.
Basis of accounting
The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention.
As permitted by Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, a profit and loss account of the Company is not presented. The Company’s profit or the 52 week period 26 April
2009 was £27,694,000 (2008 £184,687,000 profit).
Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less any provision for impairment.
Cost represents cash consideration or the amount of ordinary shares issued by the Company at nominal value after taking account of merger relief available under s612
of the Companies Act 2006 plus related acquisition costs capitalised at fair value.
Deferred taxation
Deferred tax is provided for on a full provision basis on all timing differences, which have arisen but not reversed at the balance sheet date. No timing differences are
recognised in respect of gains on sale of assets where those gains have been rolled over into replacement assets. A deferred tax asset is not recognised to the extent
that the transfer of economic benefit in future is uncertain.
Deferred tax is calculated on a non-discounted basis at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which timing differences reverse, based on tax rates and
laws enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.
Foreign currencies
Items arising from transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction. At the balance sheet date
all monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the closing rate or at the rate of exchange at which the transaction is contracted to
be settled in the future. All exchange differences are dealt with in the profit and loss account.
Dividends on the Company’s ordinary shares are recognised as a liability in the Company’s financial statements, and as a deduction from equity, in the period in which
the dividends are declared. Where such dividends are proposed subject to the approval of the Company’s shareholders, the dividends are only declared once shareholder
approval has been obtained.
Equity instruments
An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Company after deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments issued by the
Company, with the exception of those accounted for via merger relief available under s612 of the Companies Act 2006, are recorded at the proceeds received, net of any
direct issue costs.
Income from group undertakings
Income from group undertakings is recognised when qualifying consideration is received from the group undertaking.
Related party transactions
The Company has taken advantage of the exemption in Financial Reporting Standard 8 from reporting related party transactions as its own Financial Statements are
presented together with its Consolidated Financial Statements.
Share-based payments
Share-based payments
The Company has applied the requirements of FRS 20, “Share-based Payment”. The Company issues equity-settled share-based payments to certain directors and
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries. These are measured at fair value at the date of grant which is expensed to the consolidated income statement on a
straight-line basis over the vesting period, based on the Group’s estimate of shares that will eventually vest.
Fair value is measured by use of a Monte Carlo method. The expected life used in the model has been adjusted, based on management’s best estimate, for the effects of
non-transferability, exercise restrictions, and behavioural considerations. No share-based payment charge was recognised for the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009 as the
directors did not consider it material to the Group’s financial results or position.
Shares in group undertakings:
As at 27 April 2008 989,290
Additions 7,518
As at 26 April 2009 996,808
None of the Company’s investments are listed.
The Company is the principal holding company of the Group. The principal subsidiary undertakings of the Company are set out in note 37 to the Group financial
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 69
2009 2008
£’000 £’000
Amounts owed by group undertakings 598 -
Other debtors 1,273 -
Prepayments - 1,795
1,871 1,795
4. CREDITORS: amounts falling due in more than one year
2009 2008
£’000 £’000
Bank overdraft 164 -
Trade creditors 519 1,061
Amounts owed to group undertakings 14,429 11,322
Accruals 155 170
Other creditors 7,665 10,830
22,932 23,383
5. CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year
2009 2008
£’000 £’000
Other creditors - 730
- 730
2009 2008
£’000 £’000
999,500,010 ordinary shares of 10p each 99,950 99,950
499,990 redeemable preference shares of 10p each 50 50
100,000 100,000
Called up and fully paid
640,452,369 (2008: 640,452,369) ordinary shares of 10p each 64,045 64,045
2009 2008
£’000 £’000
Share capital
At 27 April 2008 64,045 72,000
Shares cancelled (Note 7) - (7,955)
At 26 April 2009 64,045 64,045
Notes to the Company Financial Statements
Share premium
Treasury share
contribution to
Capital redemption
reserve Own share reserve
Profit and loss
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
At 27 April 2008 874,300 (201,483) 50 8,005 - 223,941
Dividends paid - - - - - (20,805)
Treasury shares cancelled - 105,759 - - - (105,759)
Market value of shares transferred to EBT - 6,094 - - (6,094) -
Difference between original cost and Market value of shares
transferred to EBT - 4,542 - - - (4,542)
Profit for the financial period - - - - - 27,694
At 26 April 2009 874,300 (85,088) 50 8,005 (6,094) 120,529
Between 24 July 2007 and 11 March 2008 the Group acquired 151,547,631 of its own shares for total consideration of £200,480,929, with the purchase price ranging
between £0.95 and £1.50.
Between 12 October 2007 and 14 March 2008 the Group cancelled 79,547,631 shares purchased in the market under the share re-purchase programme. The average
purchase price of the shares cancelled was £1.3295 and hence a transfer from Treasury shares to Retained earnings of £105,759,000 was processed.
On 16 September 2008 the Group sold 8,000,000 ordinary shares of 10 pence each from Treasury to the newly formed Sports Direct Employee Benefit Trust, an employee
share scheme within the meaning of Section 1166 of the Companies Act 2006, at the market value of 76.17 pence per share. The difference between the market value and
the average original purchase price of 132.95 pence per share has been transferred to retained earnings.
Following the above transaction the Company now holds 64,000,000 ordinary shares in Treasury.
The final dividend for 2008 of £13,870,000 (2.44p) was paid on 31 October 2008 and the interim dividend for 2009 of £6,935,000 (1.22p) was paid on 30 April 2009.
Opening shareholders’ funds 968,858
Dividends declared (20,805)
Profit for the financial period 27,694
Closing shareholders’ funds 975,747
No material post balance sheet events occurred after 26 April 2009 to the date of this Annual Report.
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 71
52 weeks ended
26 April 2009
52 weeks ended
27 April 2008
52 weeks ended
29 April 2007
52 weeks ended
30 April 2006
52 weeks ended
24 April 2005
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Continuing operations:
Revenue 1,367,321 1,259,510 1,347,144 1,194,736 971,062
Cost of sales (809,685) (709,809) (751,003) (738,057) (589,225)
Gross profit
557,636 549,701 596,141 456,679 381,837
Selling, distribution and administrative expenses (463,297) (444,109) (445,198) (351,622) (317,854)
Other operating income 4,004 4,023 1,783 3,044 1,263
Costs of admission to the London Stock Exchange - - (586) - -
Past performance bonuses - - (56,400) - -
Profit on disposal of certain retail concessions - - 4,160 - -
Leofelis legal claim - - (6,000) - -
Reorganisation costs - - - (3,368) -
Profit on disposal of intangible assets - - - - 10,000
Impairment of intangible fixed assets (14,832) - - - (4,849)
Impairment of Freehold property (15,682) - - - -
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Exceptional items (30,514) - (58,826) (3,368) 5,151
Operating profit
67,829 109,615 93,900 104,733 70,397
Investment income (51,949) 43,874 1,790 2,624 1,179
Finance income 15,927 5,370 3,449 3,387 3,873
Finance costs (23,633) (45,006) (42,081) (17,832) (4,497)
Share of profit of associated undertakings and joint ventures 2,482 5,020 3,422 3,406 2,440
Profit before taxation
10,656 118,873 60,480 96,318 73,392
Taxation (26,164) (41,126) (23,360) (31,448) (17,301)
Profit for the period
(15,508) 77,747 37,120 64,870 56,091
Equity holders of the Group (15,838) 78,182 37,671 62,886 55,235
Minority interests 330 (435) (551) 1,984 856
Profit for the period
(15,508) 77,747 37,120 64,870 56,091
Notes to the consolidated income statement five year record:
1. Information for the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009, the 52 weeks ended 27 April 2008, 52 weeks ended 29 April 2007 and the 53 weeks ended 30 April 2006 is
presented under IFRS.
2. Information for the 52 weeks ended 24 April 2005 is presented under UK GAAP.
3. The five year record has been prepared on the same basis as the financial statements for the 52 weeks ended 26 April 2009, as set out in Note 1, basis of
preparation, of the consolidated financial statements. In particular, the principles of reverse acquisition accounting and merger accounting have been adopted.
Consolidated 5 Year Record
Registrar and transfer office
Capita Registrars
Northern House
Woodsome Park
Fenay Bridge
Telephone 0870 162 3130
Company Secretary and registered office
Michael Oliver
Sports Direct International plc
Unit A, Brook Park East
NG20 8RY
Telephone 0870 333 9400
Sports Direct International plc is registered in England and Wales (No. 6035106)
Freshfields Bruckhaus Derringer
65 Fleet Street
Singer Capital Markets Ltd
One Hanover Street
Merrill Lynch International
Merrill Lynch Financial Centre
2 King Edward Street
Principal Bankers
Bank of Scotland
Corporate Banking
PO Box No 39900
Bishopsgate Exchange
Grant Thornton UK LLP
Grant Thornton House
Melton Street
Euston Square
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 3.00pm on
Wednesday 9 September 2009 at Sports Direct International plc, The
Auditorium, Unit D, Brook Park East, Shirebrook, NG20 8RY. Each shareholder
is entitled to attend and vote at the meeting, the arrangements for which are
described in a separate notice.
Dividend Payments
An interim dividend of 1.44 pence per share was paid on 30 April 2009 to
shareholders on the register on 3 April 2009.
For the year to 26 April 2010
Interim management statement: 9 September 2009
Half year results announced: 17 December 2009
Interim management statement: 9 February 2010
Preliminary announcement of full year results: July 2010
Annual report circulated July/August 2010
Shareholder helpline
The Sports Direct shareholder register is maintained by Capita Registrars
who are responsible for making dividend payments and updating the register,
including details of changes to shareholders’ addresses. If you have a query
about your shareholding in Sports Direct, you should contact Capita on:
Telephone: 0871 664 0300 calls cost 10p a minute plus network extras.
Address: Northern House, Woodsome Park, Fenay Bridge, Huddersfield. HD8
The Sports Direct website at provides news and details of
the Company’s activities plus information for shareholders. The investor section
of the website contains real time share price data as well as the latest results
and announcements.
Unsolicited mail
The Company is obliged by law to make its share register publicly available and
as a consequence some shareholders may receive unsolicited mail, including
from unauthorised investment firms. For more information on unauthorised
investment firms targeting UK investors, visit the website of the Financial
Services Authority at www[email protected].uk.
If you wish to limit the amount of unsolicited mail you receive contact:
The Mailing Preference Service
(Lon 20771)
Telephone: 020 7291 3310
Fax 020 7323 4226
Email [email protected] or register on-line at
Sports Direct International PLC Annual Report 2009 73
Sports Direct International plc - Unit A, Brook Park East, Shirebrook, NG20 8RY. Tel: 0870 333 9400