1Secure By Design: Medical Device Threat Modeling
Target Audience: Readers Will:
Medical Device Manufacturer (MDM) leadership: product develop-
ment, product engineering, product security, system engineering,
quality/design assurance, regulatory aairs.
Health Delivery Organization (HDO) leadership: information
security, clinical systems IT, clinical engineering, HTM
Recognize where threat modeling ts into risk management
processes of developing medical device systems.
Improve understanding of threat modeling: when to do it,
how it works, and the insights it brings.
Build a game plan to get their organization started with
threat modeling.
Gain exposure to resources for additional learning.
This whitepaper describes threat modeling in the context of creating secure medical device systems.
International regulators as well as customers are expecting Medical Device Manufacturers to deliver
proactively secured devices. This is in part a question of technology, but equally a question of security
engineering best practices applied during the product development lifecycle. This includes applying a ma-
ture Cybersecurity Risk Assessment methodologies during the Risk Management process. One powerful
technique available to engineers is threat modeling, as we will discuss in this whitepaper.
2Secure By Design: Medical Device Threat Modeling
Safety Risk Management is well established and has a long history. In the
late 1950’s, reliability engineers established methods to systematically
analyze the failures and eects of faults within complex military systems.
Failure Mode Eects Analysis (FMEA) was extended to include criticality
in the analysis process (FMECA) and complemented other structured risk
analysis methods (such as Fault Tree Analysis - FTA). These prescriptive
methods are readily practiced within the medical device risk manage-
ment domain to identify failure points and the impact of such failure on
patient safety.
Just as FMEA, FMECA, and FTA are methods to proactively identify safety
risks, threat modeling is a practice to identify cybersecurity risks. Threat
modeling frameworks provide organizations with a repeatable way to
incorporate key cyber security considerations into their software design
and subsequently prevent or mitigate unacceptable compromises to
condentiality, integrity, availability, and safety.
In the same way as MDMs looked across industry to nd and embrace
tools like FMECA, “threat modeling”, a practice developed in traditional
software industry, has been globally advocated within the health indus-
try. Major government agencies have published industry guidance on
how to incorporate cybersecurity considerations into the medical device
lifecycle (such as United States FDA, Health Canada, Australia TGA, and
French ANSM).
These regulatory bodies have established expectations regarding cyber-
security threats and threat modeling. The FDA focuses on considering
system level risks and supply chain risks. Health Canada outlines a check-
list of general activities a manufacturer should undertake to evaluate and
control risk. The TGA asks that MDMs consider cybersecurity practices
for manufacturing and the supply chain. ANSM calls for risk analysis,
policy for managing and purchasing software components, and verica-
tion methods for ensuring there are no vulnerabilities in the software.
One dierence noted here is that Health Canada does not have language
involving the supply chain unlike the other three guidance documents
(for more details on regulatory guidance, see MedCrypt’s whitepaper —
“Understanding International Medical Device Cybersecurity Guidance”).
Similarly, publications from private sectors within the health industry
have recommended the practice of threat modeling (such as the “Medical
Device and Health IT Joint Security Plan” from Public Health Sector Coor-
dinating Council).
Safety Related Cybersecurity Related
IOS 14971
AAMI TIR57 Medical
Device & Health IT JSP
Attack Trees
OWASP Risk Rating
Table 1: The methods and procedures of safety focused rise management have many parallels when managing
cybersecurity risk. Threat modeling plays an important role in modern risk management.
Traditional Safety Traditional Cyber
Safety: Freedom from
unacceptable risk
Safety: Protection from or
defense against damage, unau-
thorized use or modication
Hazard Threat
Susceptibility Vulnerability
People, Property, Environment Asset
Hazard (or Risk) Analysis (Cyber) Security) Risk Analysis
Misuse (reasonably foreseeable) Exploit
Sequence of Events Attack Vector
Hazardous Situation Event, Incident (potential)
Incident (occurring), Conse-
Intended Use Use Case
Probability Exploitability
Severity Impact
Threat modeling is an extension to long-standing risk management activities and should be part of cybersecurity risk management when developing
medical device software. ISO 14971 is a cornerstone standard to the safety and risk management processes widely used by MDMs. The standard helps
MDMs establish procedures to identify and mitigate threats that may result in physical injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to proper-
ty or the environment”.
Software is playing a more prominent role both in medical devices (Software in a Medical Device - SiMD) and as a medical device itself (Software as a
Medical Device - SaMD). This brings a set of cyber risks beyond the commonly discussed condentiality, integrity, and availability — most notably, the
risk of patient harm. Published in 2016, AAMI TIR57 Principles for Medical Device Security - Risk Management” attempts to bridge that gap by mapping
ISO 14971’s high level process steps (which are focused on managing safety risks) to corresponding steps for managing cybersecurity risks.
Table 2: Safety risk and cybersecurity risk often use dierent terms to express comparable concepts. These terms
diverge on the fundamentally dierent assumption that a Safety Hazard is primarily coincidental, while a Cyber
Threat is primarily intentional.
3Secure By Design: Medical Device Threat Modeling
Threat modeling is intended to be a systematic and repeatable method of identifying cybersecurity threats that could exploit the weaknesses of
your system. As user needs change, intended uses evolve, features are added, and architectures are adjusted, threat modeling needs to be revisited
to align with the new or modied aspects of the system. The threat modeling process can be broken down into four key questions. Each question is
answered through an associated activity.
What are we
What can go
What are we doing
about it?
Did we do it
Figure 1: Basic Threat Modeling Steps
Figure 2: Inform diagram of the medical Imaging system researches hacked to manipulate radiologist’s
diagnosis of lung cancer. These kind of diagrams provide great starting point for threat modeling.
Raw Data
PACS Network
(DICOM over Ethernet)
MDMs have a very detailed understanding of the systems they develop and build. The thought of identifying every possible threat in a medical device
system can seem overwhelming. Connectivity (network based, serial cables, data carriers, or other) puts devices in a larger ecosystem and creates com-
plex “systems of systems” that have numerous attack surfaces. Attempting to analyze such complexity in a single model is unwieldy and unmaintainable.
In the same way capabilities are logically organized at dierent levels of detail across multiple requirements documents, threat models should focus on
dierent levels of detail. Start the process from a higher level view-point focused on key use scenarios. As you complete threat modeling of the high-
er-level system, iterate on modeling sub-systems and components that are most critical to patient safety, data sensitivity, and other important areas.
This hierarchical approach to your threat models reduces the mainte-
nance burden as the system evolves. In circumstances of design or use
case change, only threat models pertaining to the areas of the system
being altered need to be revised. Models of subsystems and components
not impacted by the changed do not need to be revisited and updated.
Its likely you already have the system diagrams needed to begin threat
modeling activities. HDOs often require MDMs submit security assess-
ments that enable the HDO to understand the risks of deploying your
device onto their network. The Manufacturer Disclosure Statement for
Medical Device Security (MDS2) is a broadly used assessment template
that requires architecture and data-ow diagrams; these diagrams are an
excellent starting point for threat modeling.
If you don’t have these diagrams already, dont let that stop you from
threat modeling. Prepare for deeper threat analysis by whiteboarding
dierent parts of the system and communication paths between those
parts. Take a picture of the whiteboard diagram for later conversion into
electronic format. The electronic diagrams will not only be helpful in
capturing your threat modeling analysis, but they can be reused in HDO
device assessments (such as the previously discussed MDS2).
3Secure By Design: Medical Device Threat Modeling
4Secure By Design: Medical Device Threat Modeling
out the development process. Existing threat
modeling approaches provide structure to guide
thinking of threat model contributors while
exploring the pertinent constellation of threats.
A good method to elicit threats is exible enough
that it ts your workow, is repeatable, and facili-
tates discussion between the right stakeholders.
Two examples of such methods are STRIDE and
attack trees. STRIDE (as fully described in the book
Threat Modeling: Designing for Security) is a widely
applicable method pioneered by Microsoft. It is a
mnemonic of dierent threat categories that can be
used to systematically analyze a data ow diagram
(e.g., the diagram presented in Figure 4) for threats.
Attack trees represent domain specic security
expertise. They tell you how you can systematically
think about threats against common frameworks,
components, or technologies. Figure 5 provides
a subset of an attack tree created by security re-
searcher Ivan Ristić which shows multiple ways vin
which a typical SSL communications setup can be
attacked (SSL attack tree).
Figure 4: Attack trees provide systemic and visual way to evaluate attack
scenarios and understand the attack surface. This example describes way to
attack SSL communications; similar trees can be created for medical devices.
SSL Threat Model
Scope Limitations
No IP Layer Protection
Not End-to-end
Not Certicate Information Protection
Hostname Leakage (via SNI)
Downgrade Attach (SSLv2)
Truncation Attack (SSLv2)
Bleichenbacher Adaptive Chosen-ciphertext Attack
Klima-Pokorny-Rosa Adaptive Chosen-Ciphertext Attack
Implementation bugs
Prevalence of self-signed certicates
Domain name spoong
DNS Cache Poisoning
Internationalized Domain Names
Similar Domain Names
Route Hijacking (BGP)
Corporate Interception
The idea of a free-owing whiteboard hacking session may generate visions of highly energized teams thinking “outside of the box” to produce exotic
ways to exploit vulnerabilities. Unfortunately it is dicult to consistently reproduce events like this, and threat modeling needs to be recurring throug
In a paper published in 2019, Mirsky et al. ( CT-GAN; Malicious Tampering
of 3D Medical Imagery using Deep Learning ) document how medical
images from a CT scanner can be manipulated in real-time by an attacker
to either inject forged evidence for lung cancer, or remove existing evi-
dence. The attack itself is performed by a small hardware device that can
easily be disguised to look like an authentic component of the CT system.
This device is then able to tamper with medical images generated by the
scanner while they are moving from the scanner to the radiologist’s work-
station. These images are transmitted across the PACS network (Picture
Archiving and Communication System) using the DICOM protocol (Digital
Imaging and Communications in Medicine).
Figure 3 provides context to the system-of-systems researchers compro-
mised in this scenario. This context diagram is a “user friendly” view and
does not employ any formal notation. More formal diagram notations,
such as Unied Modeling Language (UML) or Data Flow Diagrams (DFD),
make the threat modeling process more digestible. Figure 4 expresses
the same systems as Figure 3, but in DFD notation. This makes it easier to
understand which parts of the systems are talking to each other, the kind
of information they are sending, and the overall ow of data throughout
the system.
Figure 3: By expressing Figure 3. in DFD notation, we can clearly identify data ows and interactions.
These data ows will be analyzed to identify threats and vulnerabilities.
5Secure By Design: Medical Device Threat Modeling
Modality Workstation DICOM Data PACS Server
Spoong ...Impersonate the Modality Workstation? (Not Applicable) ...Impersonate the PACS server?
Tampering ...Tamper with the workstation? ...Manipulate data in transit? ...Tamper with the PACS server?
...Perform actions on the workstation that
can later be denied?
(Not applicable)
...Perform actions on the PACS server that
can later be denied?
Information disclosure
...Get information out of the workstation
without proper authorization
...Intercept data in transit?
...Get information out of the PACS server
without proper authorization?
Denial of Service ...Disrupt the workstation? ...Interrupt the data ow? ...Disrupt the PACS server?
Elevation of Privilege
...Perform actions on the workstation that
the user should not have access to?
(Not applicable)
...Perform actions on the PACS server that
the user should not have access to?
To illustrate the use of threat elicitation methods, we use the STRIDE approach to analyze communication between the “Modality Workstation” and the
PACS Server” in Figure 4. We are immediately able to make some interesting observations. The analysis tells us that it is important to not only consid-
er protecting the condentiality of data in transit between the Modality Workstation and the PACS server, but also the integrity. In addition, it is also
important to ensure that all parties involved in the data ow from Modality Workstation to PACS server are properly authenticated so that they cannot be
Even a basic STRIDE assessment confronts the device manufacturer with many more potential threats that have not been considered in the paper, e.g., is
it possible for the radiologist to tamper with scan data to cover up an incorrect diagnosis after the fact? Whether this is technically feasible can then be de-
ferred to an IT security expert, analyzed with threat trees (if applicable threat trees exist for the threat in question), or validated by a scoped security audit.
The intention of this exercise is to illustrate there are additional facets of considerations. Every nding identied by threat modeling does not need to
be mitigated. However, these ndings should serve as the input for a risk assessment, so that the corresponding threats can be ranked. By focusing
security eorts on the high priority threats with a large potential business impact, a device manufacturer can both show due diligence and make the
overall security process more cost-eective.
Any risk assessment method that is able to quantify technical risks can be used. In theory, a risk assessment method will evaluate each risk in terms of
the probability of the event occurring, combined with the impact associated with it occurring. In practice, specic methods exist that decompose the
probability and impact factors into specic subcomponents. Probability is decomposed to include ease of exploitation of the weakness, resources and
capabilities of anticipated attackers, and so on. Impact is decomposed to include technical impact, business impact, and care delivery impact.
As an illustration, we can analyze the risk apply a well-known scoring methodology, Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), on the risk that an
attacker manipulates scan data in transit to inject false cancer signals. Before the widespread availability of advanced deep fake manipulation tech-
niques, the complexity to pull o an attack whereby DICOM imagery is manipulated on the y is highly complex, and only has a limited impact on the
integrity of that data, as manipulations will not be convincing and would be easy to spot. However, with the rise of deep fake techniques and publicly
documented attack strategies, the complexity of the attack goes down while the impact on DICOM image integrity increases. Good assessment meth-
ods, such as the CVSS method depicted in Figures 5, easily allow to take this evolving threat context into account.
Table 3: The STRIDE methodology Identies threats as the Modality Workstation sends scan data to the PACS server, The questions in bold map to CT scanner attacks and should be assessed for impact mitigated.
6Secure By Design: Medical Device Threat Modeling
Base Score
Attach Vector (AV) Scope
Attack Complexity (AC) Condentiality
Privileges Required (PR) Integrity
User Interaction (UX) Availability
Base Score
Attach Vector (AV) Scope
Attack Complexity (AC) Condentiality
Privileges Required (PR) Integrity
User Interaction (UX) Availability
Network (N) Network (N)
Unchanged (U) Unchanged (U)
Low (L) Low (L)
Low (L)
Required (R) Required (R)
Low (L)Low (L) Low (L)
Low (L)
None (N)
None (N) None (N)
None (N)None (N) None (N)
None (N)
High (H) High (H)
High (H) High (H)High (H) High (H)
High (H)
Physical (P) Physical (P)
Adjacent (A) Adjacent (A)
Changed (C) Changed (C)
Local (L) Local (L)
Low (L)
Low (L)
Low (L)None (N)
None (N)
None (N)High (H)
High (H)
High (H)
The threat modeling example in this paper focuses on a core clinical use-case for the CT scanner system - transmitting the DICOM images to the PACS
server. The Pareto principle infers that 80% of the time a system is being used, only 20% of the capabilities are being exercised. In the case of medical
device systems, this rightfully brings attention to the intended uses in a clinical setting. Unfortunately, advanced attackers are clever and will exploit
systems in unconventional means; often leveraging backdoors exposed to accommodate capabilities used only 20% of the time. MDMs should also
evaluate scenarios outside the clinical setting. Below is a listing of potential threats and example questions an MDM should ask itself:
Manufacturing and assembly processes:
How is the software/rmware initially loaded on the device by the
Is software/rmware pre-loaded on device components provided by
upstream suppliers?
Are secret keys embedded on the device? What is the risk of those
secrets being exposed?
Maintenance activities:
How are software/rmware updates applied to systems being used by
patients or HDOs? What precautions are in place to ensure the updates
being applied are legitimately from the MDM?
What are the common maintenance activities? When the device is in
“maintenance mode”, does it disable safeguards that mitigate threats
identied in other scenarios?
Can a technician remotely access the system for maintenance purpos-
es? If so, how is this done and how are the technician’s high-level access
privileges protected from compromise?
Figure 5: The CVSS scoring calculator users a formula approach to qualify threat level. Formula inputs should be reviewed on a recurring basis; advancement in technology and changes in device use may alter the values you choose for
these formula inputs. The sophistication and prevalence of AI technology increased the score for malicious MRI alteration.
6Secure By Design: Medical Device Threat Modeling
7Secure By Design: Medical Device Threat Modeling
Thank you.
The sooner the better, but never too late
While threat modeling is ideally applied from the early stages of a project, it is never too late to adopt it. When done right, threat modeling is a very exible
technique that scales well in terms of time and eort invested in it; a little goes a long way.
There is more than one way to do it
Multiple approaches to threat modeling exist. In our experience, it is better to start with something basic and improve as you gain experience, rather
than postponing until the “perfect” method is dened. The goal of threat modeling is not to simply produce documentation for documentation’s sake; it is
to facilitate the right discussions and be explicit about your security posture. These materials can then be shared and evaluated by security experts and
regulatory authorities. In this regard, whichever approach helps you to facilitate the right discussions about security has value.
Need continued cross-industry collaboration to tailor the discipline
Although at the time of this writing there has been no documented case of patient harm being caused by a cybersecurity compromise of a medical
device, the possibility is widely recognized by MDMs, HDOs, regulators, patients, and even Hollywood movies. Humanity has made many decisions based
on unsubstantiated fears so it is reasonable to conclude that if there was a documented event, certain patients would forego treatments on the basis
of these concerns. The negative perception of cyber-based risk will not be isolated to a single MDM, it will be felt by the larger industry. Therefore, it is
important that MDMs & HDOs recognize the areas of common ground and shared responsibility.
Since the FDA issued its rst Premarket Cybersecurity Guidance in 2014, there has been an intentional development of a community around security
between HDOs, MDMs, security researchers, and industry organizations. Evidence of this collaborative spirit is seen in an analysis of ICS-CERT cybersecu-
rity disclosures revealing device vendors reported four times as many vulnerabilities per quarter since the FDA released their Postmarket Cybersecurity
Guidance in December 2016.
Despite these gains, only a subset of device vendors, representing only a subset of device types, are actively participating in this type of coordinated
vulnerability disclosure, indicating that broader adoption of transparency is still lacking in the industry. Although thought leaders have established a path
forward, improvement is still required and needs to be across multiple facets of security.
A certain level of information sharing amongst MDMs is necessary to build eective methods that establish a systematic and repeatable framework for
securing complex medical device systems. It could be argued that reporting vulnerabilities and sharing details of threat analysis is akin to publishing a
playbook for hackers. Thought leaders in cyber security (such as Bruce Schneier) have debunked the myth of “security through obscurity”; the prevalent
role of open source software (such as Linux) in mission critical systems provides evidence that being transparent with design and collecting inputs to
harden the design, bring results superior to proprietary solutions.
Threat modeling is a generic approach applicable to many domains. Just as FMECA has been tailored to address analysis of specic domains (such as
DFMECA and PFMECA), threat modeling techniques can also be tailored. For instance, while STRIDE refers to generic threat categories, certain MDMs
have adapted it to include the medical threat categories of “abuse(asking the question, “can overuse of device therapies cause harm?) and patient
safety (see GE’s presentation at the RSA conference; Medical Device Threat Modeling with Templates). Similarly, as a generic vulnerability scoring tool,
CVSS has been extended to the medical device sector (ref. MITRE: Rubric for applying CVSS to Medical Devices).
By sharing techniques, attack trees, and models the industry can build consensus on best t methods and practices to ensure medical devices are truly
secure by design and continue to bring innovative ways that improve patient outcomes.
8Secure By Design: Medical Device Threat Modeling
Thank you.
Published March, 2020
James Leone, CISSP, CCSK
James enables organizations to rapidly develop
and operate secure, cost-eective, and reliable
cloud and cloud-to-device systems. After being
part of digital initiatives at Sony that proved
game-changers for the entertainment industry,
he saw the potential digital could bring to the life
sciences/healthcare industry. Over a decade later,
he continues to passionately apply modern era
strategies and tactics to build medical software
that is responsible and innovative.
CVSS Scoring Calculator:
Vidya Murthy, MedCrypt
Vidya is fascinated by the impact of cyberse-
curity on the healthcare space. Beginning her
career in consulting, she realized a passion for
healthcare and worked for global medical device
manufacturer Becton Dickinson. She has since
joined MedCrypt, a company focused on bringing
cybersecurity leading practices to medical device
manufacturers. Vidya holds an MBA from the
Wharton School.
Threat Modeling: Designing for Security, February
17, 2014, Adam Shostack, available at:
As Chief Security Strategist, Axel provides stra-
tegic vision and industry leadership to MedCrypt
and its customers. In this role he helps guide the
company in critical security strategy decisions
and supports the adoption of leading security
technology to the healthcare industry. As an
advocate for compliance, privacy, and security
— and ultimately patient safety - in healthcare,
he draws from over 30 years of international
experience in the industry. Wharton School.
DFD diagrams generated using Microsoft’s Threat
Modeling Tool (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/
azure/security/develop/threat-modeling-tool) and
the Medical Device Templates.
Thomas Heyman, Toreon
Senior security consultant at Toreon, with a
PhD in secure software engineering. He has
signicant experience both teaching and
applying threat modeling.