Nuclear Development
Perceptions and
Realities in Modern
Uranium Mining
Extended Summary
Nuclear Development
Perceptions and Realities
in Modern Uranium Mining
Extended Summary
© OECD 2014
NEA No. 7063
Perceptions and Realities
in Modern Uranium Mining
Producing uranium in a safe and environmentally responsible manner is not only important to the
producers and consumers of the product, but also to society at large. Given expectations of growth in
nuclear generating capacity and associated uranium demand in the coming decades – particularly in
the developing world – enhancing awareness of leading practice in uranium mining is important. This
extended summary of the report Managing Environmental and Health Impacts of Uranium Mining provides a
brief outline of the driving forces behind the signicant evolution of uranium mining practices from the
time that uranium was rst mined for military purposes until today.
Uranium mining remains controversial principally because of legacy environmental and health issues
created during the early phase of the industry. Today, uranium mining is conducted under signicantly
different circumstances and is now the most regulated and one of the safest forms of mining in the
world. The report compares historic uranium mining practices with leading practices in the modern era,
and provides an overview of the considerable evolution of regulations and mining practices that have
occurred in the last few decades. Case studies of past and current practices are included to highlight
these developments and to contrast the outcomes of historic and modern practices.
With over 430reactors operational worldwide at the end of 2013, more than 70under construction
and many more under consideration, providing fuel for these long-lived facilities will be essential for
the uninterrupted generation of signicant amounts of baseload electricity for decades to come. While
phase-out plans have been announced by a few countries following the 2011 accident at the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear power plant (NPP) in Japan, the long lifetimes of existing and future NPPs will prompt
an increase in uranium mine production. The issue of sourcing uranium from producing countries with
an acceptable regulatory framework and from mining companies applying leading mining practices is
therefore becoming increasingly important considering that a number of countries with NPPs or plans
to construct them have no domestic uranium mining.
However, public perception of uranium mining is largely based on the adverse health and
environmental impacts resulting from past practices that took place during an essentially unregulated
early phase of the industry. During this early phase, uranium mining was conducted principally for
strategic military purposes. As with all forms of mining, the driving force of the era was maximising
production, with little regard for environmental consequences. This was also true for other heavy
industries in that period, where the priority was production and economic benets. Because of the
radioactive properties of uranium, the health and environmental impacts of these early operations and
practices were more pronounced than for other commodities. Legacy mining facilities in countries that
produced uranium in this early era now need government funding to nance the remediation required
to render the sites safe and stable. Worker health and safety awareness and associated regulations were
in their infancy at the time. As a result, workers were being exposed to levels of radiation considered
hazardous today and an increased incidence of lung cancer and other diseases was documented. The
health of residents in the vicinity of early uranium mining facilities was also negatively affected at
times since uncontained tailings and untreated discharges contaminated local drinking water supplies.
Historic mine development and operating practices, combined with a general lack of effective
remediation, has contributed to a negative public view of uranium mining. The contaminated legacy
sites resulting from these poor past practices present an additional challenge to proponents of new
uranium mine development.
Why uranium?
Uranium was rst encountered in the mineral pitchblende when mining for silver in the Czech Republic in 1789.
Miners soon became aware of its unique properties, with some coming down with a mysterious illness after
working with this black mineral. By the mid-1800s, pitchblende was increasingly valued for the brilliant yellow
colour and green uorescence it gave to glass. In 1895, the radioactive properties of uranium were conrmed,
stimulating further research, particularly in the medical eld. Interest in uranium intensied during WorldWarII
as the discovery of the power of its ssion properties became of interest to the military and later, with the
development of civil nuclear power, to utilities supplying electricity.
The move to regulation and best practice
From its discovery to WorldWarII, uranium was often mined in what can be broadly termed as a “free
mining” system. The impacts of this free mining approach are evident in the gold rushes of the 1840s
to 1890s across North America and Australia, where staking and mining took place in an uncontrolled
fashion leaving a legacy of mine sites in need of remediation.
By the 1970s, the impacts from the early military era uranium mining operations on the health of
workers, the environment and the communities located nearby the mines became increasingly evident.
Societal pressure, typically driven by unions representing miners, led to a number of investigation
boards, commissions of inquiry and numerous health studies that clearly identied the extent and far-
reaching impact of historic mining operations, which lacked proper operational and waste management
practices. It is out of these investigations and associated research that modern mining and milling
practices were born.
Moving from virtually no waste management planning to multistage efuent treatment processes
with the engineered, purpose-built waste management systems of today was an arduous process that
built on lessons learnt and spanned more than three decades. In terms of worker protection, the mining
industry was transformed from one where miners were working in poorly ventilated underground mines
with minimal training and ground support, to one with a geotechnical and structurally designed, well-
ventilated and monitored mine working environment with well-trained staff, qualied mine engineers
and dedicated safety supervisors to monitor and oversee the operations. It was equally as challenging
to make improvements in these areas, which ultimately led to the emergence of stronger regulatory/
government oversight and inspections, including increasing consequences via the force of law for poor
performance or non-compliance.
Today’s leading practice uranium mine and mill sites, and other types of nuclear facilities, are
regulated by an independent agency that reports to the head of state or parliament and its elected
ofcials. This greatly reduces the possibility that political or economic goals could inuence regulatory
decisions. A nuclear regulatory agency ideally operates under a judicial or quasi-judicial process, making
decisions in an open and transparent manner, maintaining a clear record of decisions and allowing
everyone the right to be heard.
Experiences from modern uranium mines show that successful companies have developed strategies
to handle both the positive and negative impacts of mining and processing on communities and the
environment. This has occurred with the close cooperation, communication and participation of local
communities. A dialogue must take place among the community, the company and the government,
with the end goal of ensuring that no additional legacy mining and milling sites, health or environmental
issues are created.
Countries beginning uranium mining for the rst time have the opportunity to benet from past
experience in other countries, but it will take time to develop the capacity required to promote the
development of leading practice mining. Developing, stafng and maintaining a leading practice mine
regulator requires both time and resources.
Extraction methods
The main types of mining examined in Managing Environmental and Health Impacts of Uranium Mining are in
situ leach (ISL – sometimes referred to as in situ recovery, or ISR), open-pit and underground mining. Although
there are other ways to produce uranium, including recovery as a by-product, water or efuent treatment and
retreatment of mine tailings or other waste streams, in these cases the ore has already been mined and the
management of impacts will be addressed under the main mining types.
ISL operations extract uranium from the host rock without the need to excavate and mill the ore, thereby
avoiding the production of tailings. Generally, ISL consists of introducing a leaching solution via injection wells
into the mineralised aquifer and recovering the mobilised uranium from solutions pumped to the surface. ISL
operations have very low surface impact and disturbance. The critical environmental consideration is almost
exclusively the potential impact on groundwater resources.
Open-pit mining (sometimes referred to as open-cast or open-cut) involves extracting the ore directly after rst
removing overburden to access the deposit. This is most commonly used to extract orebodies which are either
on surface or relatively near surface. As depth to the deposit increases, the size and cost of the operation will
increase, as will the amount of waste rock generated. Open-pit operations are characterised by a high ratio of
waste rock to ore and hence have the largest surface impact.
Underground mining is generally used for more deeply buried deposits or where the ore is distributed in such
a way that high-grade zones can be mined preferentially (i.e.vein-type deposits). Underground mining is typically
the most expensive form of mining per tonne of rock and has historically been regarded as having the highest
risk due to potential rock falls and underground collapses. It has a low ratio of waste rock to ore and in some
underground mines there is no signicant generation of waste rock. Therefore, the surface signature from an
underground mine is relatively small.
Phases of uranium mining
The report outlines the ve life cycle operational phases that begin once exploration has been successful
in dening an orebody of commercial interest.
Design covers all aspects of developing an orebody from discovery to mine production and is
critical for documenting all potentially signicant impacts, obtaining regulatory approvals and
developing corresponding corrective actions.
Construction includes all physical activities on the site to prepare the area, to mobilise workers
and materials to the site and to carry out the physical construction work determined by the
detailed design. This phase lays the groundwork for the safe operation of the facility during the
production phase.
Production includes all aspects of the operation while production is the primary purpose. This
phase is where most of the immediate impacts will occur and, in turn, where active controls
Rehabilitation covers all activities from the end of production, including closure of the operation,
physical decommissioning and remediation activities, and the monitoring and surveillance
required to conrm that the rehabilitated site is performing as designed. Moving from active
controls to passive controls is the dominant activity in this stage.
Handover is the period when formal control is transferred from the mining company to the
authorities. Acceptance of the rehabilitated facilities can be a signicant risk to the authorities;
so there is a need for rigorous requirements and a need to demonstrate that the facility is capable
of long-term compliance (sometimes referred to as institutional controls). In setting handover
criteria, the onus is on government authorities to ensure that measures for long-term health,
safety and environmental protection are in place, are well-funded and sustainable.
For each individual operation, there are a wide range of issues that must be addressed in order
to minimise health, safety and environmental impacts to acceptable standards. The report divides
operational challenges into key historical challenges and modern life cycle parameters. It underlines
that any approach employed must be tailored to the individual circumstances of the operation; generic
approaches are not universally appropriate.
Contrasting key global aspects of past and leading practice uranium mining
The key challenges of uranium mining are:
1. Worker health and safety;
2. Radiation protection (worker and public);
3. Water (surface and groundwater);
4. Tailings;
5. Waste rock management.
1. The health and safety of workers and the public is critical to societal acceptance of uranium mining
since past practices led to serious impacts that remain a fundamental part of the arguments against
uranium mining today. Workers were not properly trained or supervised and they often worked in
dangerous conditions.
Historically, the health and safety of workers in the early phase of mining was neither well-
understood nor the high priority issue that it is today. Injury and fatality rates were high.
Hand loading ore onto a wheelbarrow in a small mine on
the Colorado Plateau in the mid-1950s. In early operations,
miners were not properly trained and hazards were not well-
understood. As a result, injury and fatality rates were high.
Source: US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.
Cameco mine safety brieng. In leading practice uranium
mining, worker safety is a high priority. Training prior to
beginning employment is supplemented on a regular basis
with briengs and updates, sometimes on a daily basis.
Source: Cameco Corporation, Canada.
In modern, leading practice mining, the responsibility for identifying and correcting health and
safety hazards in the workplace is shared among all parties involved: employers, contractors, owners,
supervisors and workers. Laws are enforced by a workplace regulator that independently inspects,
reviews, records and promotes workplace safety. As a result of these modern approaches, a marked
improvement in conventional worker health and safety performance has been demonstrated. These
advances have resulted from the development of legislation to establish standards, the creation of
regulatory agencies with inspection and enforcement powers and the implementation of training
programmes by mining companies. Leading practice uranium mining has better safety performance
than occupations generally considered much safer, such as retail and ofce work. The critical role
of workers is to effectively implement their training on a daily basis to create a safe workplace, take
reasonable precautions to protect their own health and safety as well as that of their colleagues,
make effective use of the safety equipment provided and co-operate with their site occupational
committees. Workers are also responsible for reporting safety concerns internally and to regulatory
authorities. Uranium mining companies in Canada, for example, have received national recognition
for award-winning safety performance inrecentyears.
2. Radiation protection of workers and the public is a core requirement for successful uranium mining
operations, and occupational doses are dependent on the characteristics of the operation as well as
site-specic factors.
Historically, during the military production boom in the mid-20
century, little was known about
radiation health risks, and virtually no radiation protection measures were in place in uranium
mines and mills. Combined with a strong motivation to maximise production at all costs, this
resulted in exposure situations that were much higher than today due to the lack of proper dust
controls and adequate ventilation. These circumstances led to the build-up of high levels of the
radioactive gas radon. Historical operations have subsequently been the focus of epidemiological
and other studies that have led to a better understanding of the risks and have strengthened the
radiation protectionsystem.
1940s 1950s
1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s
Radon exposure (WLM)
Levels of exposure from radon and its decay products (RDP) in underground mines expressed in
working level months (WLMs)
in Canada from 1940 to the modern era. This degree of reduction in
radon exposure is typical of leading global leading practice mining.
Source: AREVA (2011), Kiggavik Project Environmental Impact Statement, AREVA Resources Canada Inc., Saskatoon.
Mine Metallurgical
2003-2008 2005-2010
Regulatory limit 100 mSv
Mean ve-year dose period determinations for mine and metallurgical plant workers at Olympic
Dam compared to regulatory dose limit for radiation workers (100 mSv over ve years). Leading
practice mining emphasises continuous improvement, resulting in exposures being reduced well
below regulatory limits.
1. Cumulative radon exposure in mining is specied in WLMs. If 2 000 working hours are assumed per year, then
1WLM = 5mSv. A working level (WL) is equivalent to any combination of short-lived RDPs in 1L of air that generates an emission
of 1.3 × 105MeV of potential alpha particle energy. A WLM equals the exposure to 1WL for 170hours (working hours per
month). 1Bqm
= 0.00445mJhm
and 1mJhm
= 1.4mSv (ICRP, 1993).
In modern, leading practice uranium mining, levels of occupational exposure today are far below
established regulatory limits. Dose limits have been adjusted accordingly and modern occupational
exposure is signicantly lower than historic levels of exposure. Corrective measures to successfully
reduce doses include using mining methods that limit the time that personnel work in high-grade
ore areas, providing cleaning areas to prevent the build-up of active material, monitoring to keep
personnel informed of higher dose areas and using shielding to reduce dose rates. Controlling worker
exposure to radon in uranium mines and mills also requires engineering designs and processes to
remove radon from the workplace. Radon gas produced during mining and milling is continuously
monitored, controlled and ventilated away from workers to avoid hazardous exposure. Presently,
worker exposure to radon and its decay products in the uranium mining and processing industry are
as low as, or only slightly higher than, public exposure to natural radon.
Public health and safety – members of the public have expressed concerns about the potential for
being exposed to higher than regulated limits of radon, uranium and other potential hazards, particularly
when residing in proximity to an active uranium mine. Radon releases into the atmosphere form a very
small portion of total human exposure (<1%), and releases beyond the licensed boundaries of the mine
and mill have been shown to be insignicant. Releases of uranium and other heavy metals into the
receiving environment can be effectively managed so as to limit them to acceptable levels.
Radon is a colourless, odourless gas and exposure in excess of regulated limits can increase the incidence of
cancer. However, off-site doses during operations, even historically, are generally relatively low (typically a small
fraction of the natural background dose). Studies show that within a very short distance from uranium mining and
milling facilities (usually around the site’s licensed boundaries), radon concentrations are close to background
levels measured at reference sites far from the facility.
Historically, the most signicant public radiation doses were associated with the post-closure phase
of the operation when restrictions on site access can be either lifted or ignored, allowing direct
exposure pathways to dominate in cases where sites have not been properly decommissioned and
remediated. During rehabilitation, radon emissions can be substantially reduced by installing a
soil or water cover on radon-emitting facilities. In cases where remediation has not been properly
completed, the continued exclusion of the public from higher risk areas through zoning and land use
controls or warning signs reduces the potential for increased public exposure.
With modern radiation protection and controls at the uranium mine facility, off-site members of
the public, even those living nearby the operations, are well-protected. Separation of the public from
the immediate direct sources of exposure is generally sufcient to ensure that doses remain low. In
addition, practices that reduce dust emissions, such as restricting emanating areas to a minimum
size and number and keeping tailings moist, reduce total emissions.
3. Ensuring that overall water quality is protected is of paramount importance to the success of the
facility. High performance standards implemented by the operator, effective regulatory oversight,
comprehensive monitoring programmes and public engagement are all key factors in dealing with
water quality issues. Water may be encountered in or near mine workings or used in extraction
processes. Mining activities can be undertaken in the proximity of water sources important to both
human and non-human biota. Uranium mining and milling can also be undertaken in dry regions,
where water is not readily available for make-up or process water and must be pumped into the site
from a considerable distance. Alternatively, mining can be undertaken in environments characterised
by large amounts of seasonal rainfall, where management of excess water may periodically require
signicant planning and effort.
Historically, early mine practices did not employ adequate control and treatment techniques, resulting
in the contamination of local watersheds, nearby low-lying areas and, in some cases, areas further
downstream. Drawdown of groundwater resources and groundwater quality impacts have also been
documented. Over time, however, and especially since the 1970s, standards for water releases have
been strengthened. Initially these improving standards were designed to protect subsequent human
use of water resources, but more recently they have been further developed to protect non-human
biota (sh, ora and fauna) and groundwater resources. Previously, ISL operations at times resulted
in unacceptable groundwater impacts because the potential environmental impacts were not taken
into account prior to mining and the technology was in its infancy. This led to the injection of more
acid or alkaline uid (lixiviant) than was withdrawn to increase production, resulting in an outward
ow of lixiviant from the mining area. The latter was compounded by improperly installed wells that
leaked into the surrounding aquifers, some of which were high-quality sources of drinking water.
Taboshar “Yellow Hill” of ground ore prepared for heap
leaching. Lack of planning and regulatory control combined
with outdated mining and milling practices led to signicant
environmental impacts, including the spread of contaminants
from uncontained wastes via streams draining from the
mountainous site to agricultural plains.
Source: A. Jakubic, UMREG.
Key Lake uranium mill: water management has been and
remains a key issue for the operator and regulators since
the beginning of mine development. The collection and
treatment of water are major activities at the site. Baseline
environmental data collected prior to site development, along
with an extensive monitoring programme throughout the life of
the facility and consideration of the predicted impacts during
the environmental assessment phase, have been used to
objectively determine the operation’s potential impact on the
local environment and to successfully adjust water treatment
programmes as concerns or improvements are identied.
Source: Cameco Corporation, Canada.
In modern, leading practice mining, water management and the control of water that is either owing
to the site or discharged/diverted from the site are a costly and challenging focus of activities. The
operator must collect and treat all contaminated water to meet acceptable standards prior to release.
In situ leach (ISL) mining, the fastest growing method of uranium mining in the world, needs to be planned
and conducted in a way that protects surface and groundwater resources. In 2010, approximately 40% of world
uranium production was mined by ISL and the share of ISL production is increasing. ISL has become the dominant
method of uranium production because capital expenditures for mine development are relatively low and mining
of extensive, low-grade sandstone deposits is considered economically feasible. Kazakhstan became the world
leader in uranium production in 2009 with over 95% of its production by ISL. Unlike conventional mining, no large
volumes of waste rock or mill tailings are generated in the process.
For effective control over the ISL operation, water balance modelling of the well eld and plant must
be undertaken during operations. Extraction must be designed to minimise the risk of breaching
impermeable strata and excursions of mining solutions from the area being mined. For example,
the volume of the extracted solutions in owing aquifers should be slightly higher than the volume
injected to ensure a net inow from the neighbouring aquifers, as opposed to an outward ow, as
was the case in past operations. A mining proposal must be based on a full understanding of the
hydrological, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical features of the area, including those that would
justify the use of ISL extraction. The nature of the mining solution and the well eld design needs
to match the site characteristics, particularly the minerals and groundwaters in the mineralised
aquifer. Mining should not compromise groundwater in the mineralised aquifer to the extent
that it cannot be remediated to meet the agreed post-mining use. At no stage should mining
compromise groundwater use in the mineralised aquifer outside an agreed distance (not exceeding
a few kilometres). Other aquifers present in or around the mine lease should not be affected by
Wellhead with drip tray and online detector (left); evaporation pond with leak monitoring (right) at the
BeverleyISL mine. A comprehensive environmental impact assessment (EIA) process based on a thorough
understanding of local site conditions, eld trials and baseline environmental data that demonstrated well
eld containment was required before approval to begin operations. Ongoing environmental monitoring
provides assurance that the facility is operating as planned.
Source: Heathgate Resources Pty Ltd, Australia.
4. Tailings are the waste product remaining after the extraction of a valuable element from the mined
ore in open-pit and underground mining operations. In extractive industries, tailings often represent
the primary hazardous waste which must be managed in the very long term. Tailings management
broadly encompasses the chemical and physical processes involved in the production and placement
of tailings, as well as the development, operation and closure of the facility where the tailings are
impounded. Uranium extraction is generally accomplished either by acidic (e.g.sulphuric acid) or
alkali (e.g.bicarbonate) leaching, the choice depending on the mineral composition of the ore. The
treatment process also liberates other constituents of environmental concern, such as heavy metals.
Consequently, water (liquid efuent) discharged with the solids to the tailings impoundment must
be removed by evaporation or treated prior to release.
After extraction of uranium, tailings still contain some uranium (extraction never reaches 100%),
as well as other radioactive elements of the uranium decay chain, including radium. The decay of
radium is responsible for radon exhalation from the tailings surface. The amount of radioactivity
remaining in the tailings is to a large degree controlled by the grade of the ore brought to the mill
for processing. Generally, about 85% of the total activity contained in the uranium ore is deposited
in the tailings. After decay of thorium-234 and protactinium-234 radioisotopes within a few months,
the activity diminishes to approximately 75% of the ore and remains stable at this level of activity
for more than 10000years.
The arsenic, nickel and other heavy metals in the ore, as well as chemicals from the extraction
process, are typically found in the tailings. The risk presented by the tailings containment relates to
the probability of a containment failure and/or seepage from the tailings impoundment impacting
the surrounding environment, particularly surface and groundwater. For uranium tailings, the
perceived risk is heightened by the presence of radioactive elements, despite the fact that the most
signicant risk arises from concentrations of heavy metals. However, if tailings are managed properly,
the impact on the environment and human health is considerably lower than societal perceptions
would have somebelieve.
Historically, when environmental impacts were neither understood nor an issue of concern to the
public, few governments regulated the environmental aspects of mining and tailings management.
Helmsdorf tailings disposal area during operations: tailings were deposited in a shallow valley adjacent to
the processing plant, contained by two dams constructed of waste rock. No bottom liner for groundwater
protection was installed prior to operation and little consideration was given to the potential impacts from
leakage or a dam failure on communities located downstream of the impoundment.
Source: A. Jakubik/Wismut, Germany.
This meant that the physical and chemical compositions of the tailings were not adequately managed
or controlled. Tailings were simply placed in low-lying areas, such as streams or lakes convenient to
the processing facility. Such practices would not be approved by regulatory agencies today unless the
appropriate lack of adverse impacts could be clearly demonstrated.
In modern, leading practice mining, contaminant transport modelling tools are used to support
the design and validation of tailings management facilities and the long-term predictions of the
effects of contaminant transport on the receiving environment. Calibration of the models using
environmental monitoring data collected during the operating period adds validity to projections of
long-term performance. Beyond improving the design of the facilities in which tailings are stored,
advancements in tailings management have focused on controlling the chemical and physical
properties of tailings. Today, even tailings from the most challenging high grade ores can be managed
and safely disposed.
Leading practice is to either dispose of tailings in a purpose-designed management facility or in
a mined-out open pit that has been engineered to contain and consolidate tailings in a way that
isolates the material from the receiving environment long after the facility is closed, remediation is
completed and the land and monitoring responsibilities are transferred from the mining company to
the government. Mined-out open pits have physical stability advantages over man-made structures,
require less maintenance and are not prone to physical failure.
Cluff Lake tailings management area (TMA) prior to decommissioning (left) and after decommissioning and
re-vegetation (right). During the operational life of the Cluff Lake mill, all tailings and contaminated water
generated at the site were transferred to the TMA for disposal and treatment. Decommissioning in 2001 and
2003 included placement of a 1m till levelling course over the tailings storage areas to minimise radiological
hazards and dust emissions, as well as to promote tailings consolidation.
Source: AREVA Resources Canada.
5. Waste rock is material excavated during the open-pit and underground mining of any mineral,
including uranium, which is of no commercial value. It can be either clean (of no environmental
concern) or problematic.
Historically, limited consideration of the chemical composition of waste rock was given prior to its
placement in waste piles or its use as mine backll or construction material. As a consequence, a
legacy of acid drainage and heavy metal leaching from mine sites around the world was created.
In some cases, problematic waste rock has been removed from mine sites and inappropriately
Waste rock piles, Schlema, 1960: the Schlema area was
mined from 1946 through 1990, producing about 80 000 tU.
During the course of mining operations, an extended waste
pile landscape was created at and around the site of the
historic Oberschlema spa (one of Germany's most renowned
radium spas, rst developed in 1918). During mining, the
spa and town were obliterated as waste rock was dumped in
the town’s centre and at other locations nearby. Favourable
urban development following comprehensive rehabilitation
of the historic era mining legacies is exemplied in Bad
Schlema, where tourists have returned and the title of “spa
town” has been regained.
Source: Wismut GmbH, Germany.
Overhead scanning of mined rock to classify ore and
segregate potentially problematic waste rock for appropriate
disposal, McClean Lake.
Source: AREVA Resources Canada.
In modern, leading practice mining, good characterisation and controls allow a signicant portion of
the clean waste rock to be stockpiled and readily used for construction purposes, such as in roadways
or for erosion protection around stream crossings. Problematic waste rock with trace quantities of
the target mineral or other minerals that have the potential to adversely impact the environment
must be separated and treated appropriately. The presence of sulphate or carbonate minerals is
of particular concern. The weathering (exposure to air and water) of waste rock containing such
minerals has the potential to alter the chemical properties of water, which can have a direct and
detrimental effect on the environment through acidication or through the mobilisation of other
heavy metals in the waste rock or the environment. The ow of acidied water from mine sites,
generally referred to as acid rock drainage (or acid mine drainage), is a common issue for all mining
activities. Uranium mining, however, has the additional concern of the presence of radioactive
elements, and thus the mobility and effects of radionuclides in the environment must also be
considered in the management of mine rock. The properties of open-pit and underground mine waste
rock are an important planning consideration in modern mines. Waste rock is characterised through
sampling and laboratory testing to understand the potential for acid generation and leaching of trace
elements. Mine rock management plans are developed and the potential effects on the environment
are considered early in the mine development process. Such plans include strategies to segregate
benign (clean) rock from potentially problematic mine rock.
Modern parameters of uranium mine management
As the regulatory regime evolved and the industry adapted and developed innovations to meet emerging
requirements and issues, a number of parameters have been introduced into leading practice operations
that were seldom, if ever, used or even considered during the mine life cycle in the early stages of the
industry. These additional aspects of mine development, operation and closure are today considered
crucial to effectively managing the health, safety and environmental impacts of the operations. With
the implementation of these mine life cycle parameters and regulatory requirements, leading practice
uranium mining has become a leader in safety and environmental management.
Knowledge transfer Public consultation
Environmental impact
Safe transport
Emergency planning
Financial assurance
Institutional control
framework (handover)
Modern uranium
mining practices
Nuclear security and
impacts and benets
Public consultation
Uranium was rst mined in large quantities in order to meet strategic military requirements following WorldWarII.
Mining in these early days was conducted with a degree of secrecy, and stakeholders were seldom if ever informed
of mining plans, developments and related issues. In leading practice uranium mining today, public consultation is
an important feature during the entire life cycle of the mine to keep all stakeholders, in particular local residents,
informed of plans for development, operations, environmental performance, decommissioning and rehabilitation.
Interested stakeholders are provided with numerous opportunities for information and dialogue with producers
and regulators. Included in public consultation is an assessment of both the positive and negative social and
economic impacts of mining and planning for the important end point of mining when the mine will be shut down
and the economic stimulus of the mining activity will come to an end.
1. An effective public consultation process facilitates a dialogue with the public and other stakeholders
to take into account questions and concerns. This is not just an outward-owing information
programme. Rather, it is a two-way process that actively encourages and documents questions and
answers that arise throughout the stakeholder involvement process. Improving public information
efforts and consultation with stakeholders allows the industry to better counter any unfounded
concerns or fears about the regulation and management of radiation and its impact on workers,
the public and the environment. The public is a valuable resource to proponents of uranium mining
and regulatory agencies, and should be treated accordingly. A knowledgeable and supportive public
will facilitate the timely review and licensing of new mines. Public fear and resistance will do just
In countries with leading practice uranium mines, public consultation is a requirement in
mine development from the early stages of a proposal through all licensing steps, including the
operational stage when monitoring data is made publicly available and the mining companies and
regulators discuss results with the public and other interested stakeholders. Public consultation and
stakeholder involvement are crucial components to obtaining and maintaining a social licence to
conduct mining.
2. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is needed to plan projects carefully with opportunities
for stakeholder participation, including the interested public and special interest groups, such as
indigenous populations.
An EIA is a process used to predict and minimise the environmental effects of proposed initiatives
before they are fully planned or undertaken. It is a planning, decision-making and public consultation
tool that is used to inform and engage members of the public and other interested parties. Overall, the
objectives of an EIA are to incorporate environmental factors into decision making, identify potential
environmental impacts of a proposed project and to outline ways of minimising or avoiding adverse
environmental effects before a project is licensed and initiated. It provides stakeholders with an
overview of the project and details specic measures proposed to mitigate or minimise potential
environmental effects that could arise if the project is to proceed.
3. An analysis of socio-economic impacts and benets, in order to evaluate local community impacts,
is undertaken in leading practice jurisdictions prior to decisions to begin mining – often as part of
an EIA. Mining is a temporary use of the land and all mines eventually close. Although the industry
can generate signicant economic opportunities during mine development and production, it will
ultimately leave a gap in the regional economic infrastructure when the operation is closed. Mining
can also bring a transient workforce to a region, sometimes in remote areas. If mining is approved,
arrangements with governments are typically established to ensure that local inhabitants benet
from the extraction of the resource, even after the mine closes, since businesses and skills developed
during operations are transferable to regional mining and other activities. It is after all at the local
level that the impacts of mining will be the greatest.
The mining industry is a major force in the world economy, occupying a primary position at the
start of the resource supply chain. The benets of mining include direct foreign investment, national
investment in the local economy and the creation of exports that can be signicant economic
drivers. Uranium mining can provide increased employment, training and salaries. It can also be an
economic stimulus to the local and broader economy, allowing for the development of secondary
industries such as retail and service sectors that supply the mine and the mine’s employees. Mining
requirements for infrastructure such as roads, airports, electricity and water can lead to longer-term
regional development.
Mine lifetimes vary considerably and although some can continue operating for decades, eventually
either local resources will be depleted or the economics of the operation will change, leading to mine
closure and decommissioning. The direct economic benets from the activity come to an end and
trained and experienced workers may have to seek employment elsewhere. During the operating
lifetime of a mine, negative inuences can also take place, particularly at the local level, such as
a disruption of traditional lifestyles, potential social pressures created by the inux of workers
and, at times, increased wealth in small communities that could lead to dependencies and other
social pressures. As a result, all socio-economic aspects of mining should be carefully evaluated
by stakeholders prior to the development of a mine. While uranium mining can provide important
socio-economic benets to local populations, the industry alone cannot be expected to resolve all
regional socio-economic and development issues.
4. Environmental monitoring programmes are required to demonstrate that facilities are performing as
designed. This is done through the collection of environmental data that objectively assess ecosystem
impacts throughout the life of the mine and provide assurance of performance. In its early history,
all types of mining and milling facilities had little or no environmental monitoring and the result
was often widespread contamination that required challenging and costly remediation efforts. Had
the degree of contamination been better understood with environmental monitoring programmes in
place when mining began, contamination could have been detected early and corrective measures
undertaken. With heightened awareness and the development of regulatory oversight in the 1970s,
more and more effort has been made to establish adequate environmental monitoring programmes.
Monitoring allows for the comparison of facility performance against targets and requirements set
out within the EIA and licence conditions of the operation. Its general purpose is to check whether
operations are impacting the environment beyond limits established by the regulator and, after
decommissioning, to verify that rehabilitation works are performing as planned.
Environmental performance
Uranium was rst mined in an era when maximising production was the principle objective of mining, with little
consideration given to managing environmental impacts. Today, environmental impacts are a focus of leading
practice uranium mining throughout the entire life cycle of the mine, beginning with the collection of baseline
environmental data during advanced exploration and continuing through the operational phase and on to mine
closure, decommissioning and rehabilitation. Developing strategies to minimise environmental impacts is an
integral part of the EIA and licensing. Measurements of critical environmental parameters are regularly conducted
throughout the operating and decommissioning phases of the mine to ensure that environmental performance is
being achieved as planned.
Since environmental monitoring is an essential safety and environmental protection function of
any uranium mining facility, the collection of sufcient baseline environmental data is a vital rst
step in designing and carrying out a proper environmental monitoring programme. It is only when
monitoring data can be compared to pre-mining (baseline) data that the impact of the operation
can be objectively assessed. It is therefore important to begin collecting baseline information in
the exploration phase, before the site undergoes any signicant physical disturbance. Monitoring
programmes should be reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain relevant in terms of the
parameters being monitored, the location of monitoring stations and the frequency of the monitoring
activities. Reports must be submitted to regulators and preferably made available to the public,
typically on a semi-annual or annual basis. Upstream and downstream water quality monitoring
around the site must include all adjacent streams (even if intermittent), as well as rivers and lakes,
and must be performed seasonally during dry periods, winter conditions, spring runoff or during the
rainy season in tropical climates. A periodic full sweep of parameters in the receiving environment is
typically required, interspersed with more routine reviews focused on a smaller number of aspects
of concern. This can be an effective, efcient and cost-effective method of monitoring some of the
key aspects.
5. Financial assurance, to cover the costs of closure and remediation activities in the case that the
company cannot meet its commitments, is part of leading practice mining. Past uranium mining
legacies from the early strategic era have been left to governments to remediate, often at a high cost.
To provide assurance that mining companies, and not governments, are fully responsible for funding
decommissioning and remediation activities, leading practice jurisdictions require uranium mining
companies to post such nancial assurance. This means that mining companies must produce
an approved remediation plan prior to beginning production and must post appropriate nancial
guarantees for the expected cost of closure and remediation that could arise at any stage of the
mining life cycle.
To determine the value of the nancial assurance required, mine reclamation and potential long-
term care costs must be forecast. In many mining jurisdictions, requirements have evolved to call
for the development of mine reclamation plans at the time of initial permitting, with forecasted
costs of future remedial work and corresponding nancial assurances required. As mine activities
develop, reforecasting is periodically required (e.g.every one to ve years). To account for limitations
encountered when forecasting costs of activities far into the future, including reasonably foreseeable
uncertainties, the value of nancial assurances can be substantial. Future rehabilitation costs, as
well as the cost of the nancial assurances needed to address them, have proven to be effective
motivators to minimise environmental liabilities during the operating period. Periodic review and
adjustment of the nancial guarantee for a particular site would include reductions associated with
approved decommissioning of facility components during the operational phase (where possible)
that reduce overall decommissioning costs. This has the added benet of encouraging producers to
conduct remediation activities during operations.
Planning for closure
Like all mines at the time, uranium mines closed during the early phase of mining were rarely decommissioned
properly, since legislation that set out responsibilities for companies to properly close mine facilities did not exist.
This situation often resulted in signicant environmental impacts that governments were left to address. Today,
in leading practice uranium mining, planning for mine closure is conducted before the mine is licensed to begin
production. Companies are required to post nancial assurance with regulatory authorities to cover the cost of an
approved plan of mine decommissioning. Governments must also establish a framework to take responsibility for
the mine after the mining company has completed decommissioning and the site has been stabilised as planned.
Finally, records of closure activities need to be archived in case intervention is required at the decommissioned
mine site at any time in the future.
6. Planning for the institutional control framework or the handover phase is an important nal
step in the mine life cycle. In order for uranium mining companies to understand operational and
nancial requirements in the long term, the requirements that must be met in order for properly
decommissioned mining properties to be returned to the land owner – typically the government –
must be clearly established.
After the operator has completed the approved decommissioning and reclamation activities,
the site enters a period of transition-phase monitoring, during which the operator is required to
continue monitoring and maintaining the site. During the transition-phase monitoring period,
regulators continue to conduct periodic inspections and review monitoring results; and the operator
continues to remain fully liable for any impacts the site may have on the environment, surrounding
communities and public safety.
If the site performs in accordance with the decommissioning and reclamation plan and achieves
the predicted stability during transition-phase monitoring, the operator may make an application to
obtain a release from further monitoring and maintenance responsibilities, as well as the obligation
to maintain nancial assurance.
Two types of funding for the handover phase may be required, one for monitoring and maintenance
and a second for unforeseen events. In addition, a formal record of the closed site is required along
with management of the funding and performance of any required monitoring and maintenance
work. The monitoring and maintenance fund is designed to pay for these long-term activities, while
the unforeseen events fund will pay for damages resulting from severe natural events, such as oods
or tornadoes.
Security and safeguards
Members of society want assurance that uranium produced at mines is used exclusively for its intended purpose;
that is, primarily as the raw material for nuclear fuel in nuclear power plants, but also some small amounts
for research reactors and for the production of medical radioisotopes. Since mines are typically located some
distance from facilities in the production chain of nuclear fuel (conversion, enrichment and fuel fabrication
plants), safe transport is an additional priority. Through a combination of leading practices implemented by mining
companies and international standards and agreements, uranium is today safely transported around the world
on a regular basis, with the material being tracked from the mine through fuel production to its nal destination
after being used in a reactor to produce electricity.
7. Safe uranium ore concentrates (UOC) transport is a necessary component of production. With
expectations that increasing uranium demand will drive expansions and development of new
mining operations in various jurisdictions, and considering that production is often located outside
uranium-consuming countries, safe transport continues to be a high priority.
During operations, transport of various hazardous materials – including operating materials, such
as acid, alkali, fuels and explosives, as well as the nal or interim product – is required. Movements
of dangerous goods by road, rail and/or sea are regulated by the national and/or regional competent
authorities. Due to its low activity per unit mass, UOC is considered a low hazard and can therefore
be transported as an industrial package with appropriate placarding and labels. The shipment of
UOC is currently carried out in sealed, reusable steel drums that are loaded in ISO containers (i.e.
containers certied by the International Organisation for Standardization). To ensure safe and efcient
transport, good industry practices have been dened and implemented, including recommendations
for drum design, size, materials and labelling, as well as requirements for lids and rings. Although
UOC consists mainly of uranium, its radioactivity per mass is well below the activity of the ore.
Therefore, the main health concern from UOC is related to its chemical toxicity as a heavy metal,
rather than its radioactivity.
Early in the development of nuclear energy, it was recognised that the transport of UOC posed
a potential environmental and security risk. Strict regimes were therefore instituted as early as
the 1960s. In the late 1990s, the World Nuclear Transport Institute was founded by industry to
represent the collective interests of the radioactive materials transport sector. International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material have become
an internationally accepted standard for governments and the industry. It is incumbent upon
governments to adopt these regulations, which have now been adopted in about 60countries. The
transport of nuclear materials has a very good safety record, which is especially noteworthy due to
the great distances involved and the large number of shipments that have been successfully made.
Although UOC has been transported around the world for decades to the few existing conversion
and enrichment facilities, no accident resulting in serious harm to people or the environment has
been recorded todate.
8. Emergency planning encompasses both emergency preparedness and emergency response activities.
At any mining site, emergency planning is part of daily business, as hazardous operating materials
are regularly used. Radiological hazards also have to be considered in uranium mining and milling.
As a result, the major preparedness and preparation measures for onsite emergencies at uranium
mines and mills are covered within the radiation protection programme.
Emergency preparedness is related to the type of mining undertaken (underground, open-pit or
ISL), since different emergency scenarios have to be considered for each type. Nonetheless, off-
site consequences, radiological or otherwise, are not expected from uranium mining operations.
Off-site contamination requiring intervention could occur, however, through leakage from tailings
management facilities.
The requirements for emergency preparedness are dened in national regulations and are therefore
country-specic. In general, national authorities and operators are expected to regularly conduct
assessments of threats posed by facilities. A very important point when dealing with incidents related
to radioactive material is keeping the public informed. This helps to avoid any inappropriate public
reactions on the one hand and any criticism for a lack of transparency on the other. To this end, it
is recommended that protocols be established that outline means of communicating incidents to
9. Nuclear security and safeguards have gained importance over the past years, especially after the
terrorist attacks of September 2001 in the United States, and have turned out to be more complex than
safety-related issues due to the external environment and varying threats. The main apprehension
is that a criminal organisation will obtain nuclear materials to either create a nuclear weapon or a
radiological dispersion device (“dirty bomb”), or that it will sabotage a nuclear facility or the transport
of nuclear material. In the case of uranium mining, the main item of security interest is UOC, where
about one shipping container (25barrels) or 10tUOC is considered a “signicant quantity”. The term
signicant quantity denotes the amount of ssile material necessary to create a nuclear explosive
device, although considerable expertise and access to restricted facilities for processing would be
required to turn UOC into a weapon. The creation of a dirty bomb from radioactive materials located
at a mine site is rather unlikely and accordingly is less of a security concern. Although there is
radioactivity contained within the tailings, they have low activity per mass and are therefore not as
easily distributed and would not be as effective as other sources.
The establishment and maintenance of a good physical protection regime for nuclear materials lies
in the hands of the state. It is responsible for creating the legislative and regulatory framework,
designating competent authorities, providing education and training, setting responsibilities
and evaluating national threats. IAEA safeguards also provide a basis for nuclear security since
conrming that relevant material is only used for its intended purpose contributes to the prevention
of illegal acts. The IAEA monitors and veries all source and special ssionable materials in countries
under safeguards. Under an Additional Protocol, a state is required to provide the IAEA with broader
information covering all aspects of its nuclear fuel cycle activities, including uranium mining.
Mine operators are required to take measures that make unauthorised access to radioactive
materials as difcult as possible. These are based on feasible risk and threat scenarios and entail the
establishment of limited access areas, the installation of detection systems against unauthorised
intrusion, the development of contingency plans to counter malicious acts and the familiarisation of
state response forces with the sites. Effective management accounting for uranium mine production
is also important so as to avoid understating uranium production and to facilitate the detection of
insider threats. The use of established measurement and record systems, automated data entry and
clearly dened responsibilities are all part of an effective management system. Probably the most
vulnerable operation in uranium mining is the transport of nuclear materials. However, due to the
non-ssile nature of UOC, it is of limited safeguard concern, and as such, security requirements
are generally comparatively low. Although incidents of loss or theft of uranium have been halved
since the early 1990s, the occurrence of a handful of incidents each year indicates that security and
safeguards at mines could be further improved.
10. Knowledge transfer is a key nal step for the operator or the project manager who hands over
the site to the long-term care and maintenance programme. The long-term objective of modern
uranium mining is to ensure that the site where mining and milling activities take place, once
decommissioned and remediated, will remain stable and safe over the long term. To ensure this
long-term safety and stability, future generations must be fully aware of what is located where,
why it is there and what must be protected or maintained, to name just a few of the important
pieces of necessary information. The key documents that summarise the operation and
remediation of the site, as well as the engineered close-out design and monitoring verication
programme, must be readily available in a secure location. All of this detailed information must
be archived in an information management system that is likely to be government-controlled.
This occurs after long-term stability has been achieved and conrmed by the post-remediation
monitoring programme, and after regulatory approval has been obtained following a nal phase of
public consultation.
Experiences from modern uranium mines show that in countries with the appropriate regulatory
requirements and a regulatory agency staffed with qualied personnel, successful companies develop
innovative strategies to manage all potential impacts of mining and processing on workers, communities
and the environment. An ongoing dialogue among the main stakeholders – the community, the mining
company and the government – has proven critical in this regard.
Leading practice uranium mining is highly regulated and in several important ways distinctly unlike
mining practices employed in the past. Today, mine and mill workers are trained and protected from
unacceptably high exposure to radiation through a combination of implementing safe working practices
and, in both underground mining operations and uranium mills, using high-capacity ventilation systems
that continuously evacuate airborne radioactive particles from higher-risk working areas. Environmental
planning and monitoring throughout the life cycle of the mine ensures that the planned life cycle
performance is achieved through to the post-decommissioning period, minimising the environmental
effects to acceptable standards and avoiding impacts on local populations. These greatly improved
modern mining practices are the combined result of learning from past practices, implementing stringent
regulatory requirements to achieve societal expectations and successfully applying innovative approaches
developed by companies to meet, and in many cases exceed, these regulatory requirements.
In addition to providing an overview of leading practice uranium production for the interested public,
recommendations on regulation and mine development policies for currently producing countries and
for those countries that are considering hosting uranium production for the rst time are included in the
full report. For countries considering hosting uranium mining for the rst time, implementation of all
the aspects outlined in the report should be adopted as long-term goals since it takes time to develop
the signicant capacity required to create legislation and regulations, as well as to accumulate the
resources and expertise needed to effectively regulate the facilities. However, the key components of life
cycle mine management must be in place prior to mining.
Uranium will be an energy resource that is in demand for decades to come owing to the need to
meet raw material fuel requirements for an existing and developing global eet of nuclear power plants.
New mines will be needed, in some cases in countries that have never hosted uranium mining. Key
stakeholders will play an important role in facilitating the safe development, operation and closure of
uranium mining operations in an environmentally responsible manner.
Perceptions and Realities in Modern
Uranium Mining
Uranium mining and milling has evolved significantly over the years. By comparing currently leading
approaches with outdated practices, the report demonstrates how uranium mining can be conducted
in a way that protects workers, the public and the environment. Innovative, modern mining practices
combined with strictly enforced regulatory standards are geared towards avoiding past mistakes
made primarily during the early history of the industry when maximising uranium production was
the principal operating consideration. Today’s leading practices in uranium mining aim at producing
uranium in an efficient and safe manner that limits environmental impacts to acceptable standards.
As indicated in the report, the collection of baseline environmental data, environmental monitoring
and public consultation throughout the life cycle of the mine enables verification that the facility is
operating as planned, provides early warning of any potentially adverse impacts on the environment
and keeps stakeholders informed of developments. Leading practice also supports planning for
mine closure before mine production is licensed to ensure that the mining lease area is returned
to an environmentally acceptable condition. The report highlights the importance of mine workers
being properly trained and well equipped, as well as that of ensuring that their work environment is
well ventilated so as to curtail exposure to radiation and hazardous materials and thereby minimise
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
12, boulevard des Îles
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Tel.: +33 (0)1 45 24 10 15
NEA No. 7063
The full publication NEA No. 7062 is available at: