Modification of Visitation Packet
If a party wishes to change a final order in a family law case, she/he must file a new
case with the court. Both parties should follow the terms of the original order until the
Court issues a new order. Even if the parties agree to a change, the change is not official
until the court approves it in a court order.
Child custody, visitation and child support orders are frequently changed by the
courts. Still, the court follows certain guidelines to determine whether a requested
change is proper.
Visitation can be changed if it is in the best interests of the child. The Plaintiff
need not prove that there has been a "material" change in the child's life or a parent's life.
Once the court grants a modification of visitation, the parties must wait two (2) years to
ask the court for another change. However, if the reason for the requested change is a
material change of circumstances, the two (2) year waiting period does not apply.
In an action seeking modification of visitation rights, since "custody" includes
visitation rights
, any complaint seeking such a change must be brought as a separate
action in the county of residence of the legal custodian of the child; and the superior
court may transfer the question of the determination of visitation rights to the juvenile
court. However, the parties to a case changing visitation rights cannot waive jurisdiction
of the subject matter, but can waive jurisdiction of the person and venue. Accordingly,
the previous county could entertain the case if a new suit is filed and the parties waive
jurisdiction of the person and venue.
Allegations alone as to denial of visitation are sufficient to allege the required
change of condition so as to redetermine visitation privileges. The same is true of
allegations of improper supervision and prejudicing the child against the other parent.
Modification of a court order in family law cases can be a complex process. If
possible, you should discuss your case with an attorney or hire an attorney to represent
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF _________________________ COUNTY
__________________________, )
Plaintiff, )
v. ) Civil Action No. ________________
__________________________, )
Defendant. )
The Plaintiff states [his/her] claim for a change in visitation rights as follows:
The Defendant is subject to the jurisdiction of this Court and may be served with a
copy of the complaint and summons at ______________________________________
The Defendant presently has legal custody of the minor child(ren),
age(s)_________________________ , by virtue of a final decree of
____ Divorce
____ Legitimation in Civil Action No. _______________, entered on
_____________________________ (month and day), 20_____ (year), in the Superior Court of
__________________________ County, ________________________________ (state).
Since the date of the final decree,
______ there has been a change in circumstances materially affecting the welfare of the
minor child(ren)
______ it is now in the child(ren)’s best interests to change the visitation arrangement
[Explain about the change in circumstances or the child(ren)’s best interests:
As a result of
____ the change in circumstances
____ the child(ren)’s best interests, the visitation rights of the Plaintiff as stated in the
final decree of divorce should be modified as follows:
THEREFORE, Plaintiff demands:
(a) That the final decree of divorce be modified so as to provide for the requested
change in Plaintiff's visitation rights;
(b) That the Plaintiff have such additional relief as the Court may consider equitable
and appropriate.
Plaintiff pro se
Address ________________________________________________________________
Telephone number ______________________________________
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ______________________ COUNTY
_____________________________, )
Plaintiff, )
v. ) Civil Action No. ________________
_____________________________, )
Defendant. )
The within and foregoing Complaint having been read and considered, the same is
allowed and ordered filed.
Let the Defendant be served with a copy of this Complaint and Order thereon and let
the Defendant show cause before the Honorable ______________________________________,
at ________ o'clock __.M., on the ______ day of ______________________________, 20____,
then and there to be heard, why the prayers of the Plaintiff's Complaint should not be granted.
This ______ day of ________________________________, 20_____.
Clerk of Superior Court
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF _________________________ COUNTY
__________________________, )
Plaintiff, )
v. ) Civil Action No. ________________
__________________________, )
Defendant. )
Personally appeared before me the undersigned who on oath states that the facts
set forth in this Complaint are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and
Plaintiff pro se
Sworn to and subscribed before me
This ______ day of ________________________________, 20____.
Notary Public, State of Georgia
My Commission Expires: __________________
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF _________________________ COUNTY
__________________________, )
Plaintiff, )
v. ) Civil Action No. ________________
_____________________________, )
Defendant. )
The above-styled case having come before the Court, and the Court being
informed that visitation is at issue, the Court hereby modifies visitation as follows:
SO ORDERED this ______ day of ________________________________, 20______.
JUDGE, Superior Court
____________Judicial Circuit
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ____________________ COUNTY
_______________________________, §
v. Civil Action
§ File No. _____________________
Defendant. §
The undersigned Defendant hereby acknowledges service of the above Complaint for Change
of Custody, and states that he/she has received a copy of said Complaint, and Defendant hereby
waives any and all future notice, service, and issuance of process.
This the ________ day of _______________________________________, 20________.
Defendant pro se
[Sign in the presence of a Notary Public]
Sworn to and described before me
this ____ day of _________________________, 20____.
Notary Public, State of Georgia
My Commission Expires: ______________________
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ____________________ COUNTY
_______________________________, §
Plaintiff, §
v. § Civil Action # ________________
_______________________________, §
Defendant. §
To the above named defendant:
You are hereby summoned and required to file with the Clerk of said Court and serve
upon ________________________________________________, the pro se plaintiff, whose
address is __________________________________________________, an answer to the
complaint which is herewith served upon you, within 30 days after service of this summons upon
you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so judgment may be taken against you for
the relief demanded in the complaint.
This the _____ day of ____________________________, 20____.
Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court of _________________ County
If the defendant has not acknowledged service of the complaint and waived issuance of
summons it is your responsibility to present this form to the clerk and insure it is signed
and included with the complaint that is served on the defendant.