AP Music Theory Exam 174
AP Music Theory Exam
Regularly Scheduled Exam Date: Friday morning, May 12, 2023
Late-Testing Exam Date: Friday afternoon, May 19, 2023
Section I
Total Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Number of Questions: 75
(The number of questions may vary slightly
depending on the form of the exam.)
Percent of Total Score: 45%
Writing Instrument: Pencil required
Part A: With
recorded music
Time: Approximately
45 minutes
Part B: Without
recorded music
Time: 35 minutes
Section II
Total Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Writing Instrument: Pencil required
Part A:
Number of Questions:
Dictation, Part writing,
7 exercises
Percent of Total
Score: 45%
Time: Approximately
1 hour and 10 minutes
Part B:
Number of Questions:
Sight singing:
2 exercises
Percent of Total
Score: 10%
Time: Approximately
10 minutes per student
Before Distributing Exams: Check that the title on all exam covers is Music Theory. If there are any exam booklets
with a dierent title, contact the AP coordinator immediately.
What Proctors Need to Bring to This Exam
Exam packets
Master Listening CD for each
testing room
Master Sight Singing CD for
each testing room
One CD player with external
speakers for each testing room
Answer sheets
The personalized AP ID label
sheet for each student taking
the exam
The school code (provided by
the AP coordinator); have on
hand in case any student is
missing an AP ID label sheet
Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP
Coordinator’s Manual
This book2022-23 AP Exam
AP Exam Seating Chart template
Pencil sharpener
Container for students’
electronic devices (if needed)
Extra No. 2 pencils with erasers
Signs for the door to the
testing room
“Exam in Progress
“Phones of any kind are
prohibited during the exam
administration, including
Equipment Options for
Recording Audio Responses
Digital Language Lab
Computers with MP3 recording
Handheld digital recording
devices (optional: in sealable
quart-size plastic bag)
or Chromebook only if
recording using the DAC app
Printed copy of DAC App
Overview for iPad or for
Best practice: Have backup
recording devices on hand.
See page 176 for details about
audio recording device criteria.
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AP Music Theory Exam
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Considerations When Planning for AP Music Theory Exam Sight
Singing Administration
Schools may need to consider additional aspects of the sight singing administration for
the AP Music Theory Exam depending on current school or district health and safety
guidelines. We support schools that may want to take steps to minimize contact between the
student and the proctor during the sight singing part of the exam. See “AP Music Theory
Exam” in Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual for details to help you plan.
Determine ahead of time if any particular precautions will need to be taken for the
recording equipment to adhere to your local health and safety protocol. For instance,
if recording equipment will need to be used by multiple students, consider how the
equipment can be sanitized between students.
IMPORTANT: Students will need to record their AP ID during Section II, Part B: Sight-singing.
If there are any students who don’t have an AP ID label sheet and don’t know their
AP ID, it’s important to have the AP coordinator verify the student’s AP ID before Section II
Audio recording devices and equipment must be school-owned and -controlled. Student-
owned devices may not be used under any circumstances. See “Recording and Submitting
Audio Responses” in Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual for complete details
and criteria for each acceptable recording method.
IMPORTANT: Students’ sight singing responses must be recorded digitally and submitted
online via the Digital Audio Submission (DAS) portal. Each student’s responses must be
recorded and saved as a single le.
When recording using digital language lab, handheld digital recorder, or computer, les
must be saved in the MP3 format. Refer to “Saving, Naming, Uploading, and Submitting
Student-Response Files” on page 202.
Digital Audio Capture (DAC) App: The Digital Audio Capture (DAC) app simplies the
process of recording and uploading students’ audio responses. It may be used on school-
owned and -controlled iPad tablets and Chromebook devices to record AP Music Theory
sight singing responses. Visit collegeboard.org/ap-dac for more information about this
digital recording option. For exam administration instructions for both DAC app options,
see page 191 for the DAC app running on iPad or page 196 for the DAC app running
on Chromebook.
REMINDER: Schools should delete all old audio les from recording devices before they are
used for this year’s exam. If you don’t delete old audio les, you run the risk of submitting
the wrong les to the AP Program.
The instructions in this proctor script assume that the sight singing part of the exam
will be administered after Part A of Section II and that the general directions for the sight
singing part will be read and heard by all students at the same time. The general directions
for sight singing are on Track 3 of the master listening CD and on Track 2 of the master
sight singing CD. If you use another option described in “AP Music Theory Exams” in
Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual, adjust your administration accordingly.
The listening parts must be administered as outlined here regardless of the recording
method you decide to use for the sight singing part. A list of tracks for both the listening
and sight singing parts is on page 205.
Keep in mind:
If students are beginning Section II testing with Part B, make sure they don’t open their
Part A booklets.
Make sure students do not open the sealed orange booklets for Part B until they are told
to do so.
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AP Music Theory Exam 176
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Collect students’ exam materials before moving to other rooms and redistribute them in
the new room.
Collect AP ID label sheets only at the completion of all testing.
Proctors administering this exam must be thoroughly familiar with all equipment
needed on testing day. See “Recording and Submitting Audio Responses” in Part 2 of
the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual for more information. We strongly encourage schools
to provide students with multiple opportunities throughout the year to practice making
recordings using the method that will be used on exam day. AP teachers can access practice
exams. Released free-response questions are available on collegeboard.org/ap (go to
AP Courses & Exams > Course & Exam Pages).
FOR STUDENTS WITH EXTENDED TIME: Review the information in Part 2 of the 2022-23
AP Coordinator’s Manual for determining extended time for students approved for this
accommodation. Also review information at collegeboard.org/apcoordinator (go to
Administering Exams > Exams Requiring Special Prep).
You’ll need the master listening CD for Part A of both Section I and Section II. You will
need the master sight singing CD for Part B of Section II.
If you plan to administer the sight singing part of this exam:
in a digital language lab, use the instructions for the sight singing part beginning on
page 181.
using a computer with MP3 recording software, use the instructions for the
sight singing part beginning on page 184. You may also go to collegeboard.org/
ap-audio-record for helpful information, including a link to free MP3 recording
software* that can be used for administering AP world language and culture and Music
Theory Exams on a PC or Mac computer. We strongly recommend that your school’s
technical consultant be involved in determining if this software program is right for
your school.
using a handheld digital recorder, use the instructions for the sight singing part
beginning on page 187. You may go to collegeboard.org/ap-audio-record to review the
criteria that handheld digital recorders must meet to comply with AP Program policies.
using the Digital Audio Capture (DAC) app, use the instructions for the sight singing
part beginning on page 191 for the DAC app running on iPad or beginning on page 196
for the DAC app running on Chromebook. You may go to collegeboard.org/ap-dac
to review the criteria that iPads and Chromebooks must meet to comply with
AP Program policies.
* This is not an AP Program or ETS endorsement of this product. If you experience any problems during the
installation or conguration of this software product only, technical assistance is available between 8 a.m.
and 8 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. Your school sta can email AP-MP3Recordertech@ets.org, or call
609-406-5677 for assistance during these hours.
SECTION I: Multiple Choice
Do not begin the exam instructions below until you have completed the
General Instructions.
Make sure that you administer the correct exam on the scheduled date and begin
the exam at the designated time. You must complete a seating chart for this exam.
See pages 274–275 for a seating chart template and instructions. See exam seating
requirements in the “Seating Policy” section in either Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP
Coordinator’s Manual or the 2022-23 AP Exam Instructions.
When you have completed the General Instructions, turn on the CD player and insert the
master listening CD. Play the rst sentence of the CD to adjust the volume and then stop
the CD.
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AP Music Theory Exam
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
When you are ready to begin, read the appropriate information from the box.
If you are giving the regularly scheduled exam, say:
It is Friday morning, May 12, and you will be taking the AP Music Theory
If you are giving the alternate exam for late testing, say:
It is Friday afternoon, May 19, and you will be taking the AP Music Theory
Look at your exam packet and conrm that the exam title is “AP Music Theory.”
Raise your hand if your exam packet has any other exam title and I will help you.
Once you conrm that all students have the correct exam, say:
In a moment, you will open the exam packet. By opening this packet, you agree
to all of the AP Program’s policies and procedures referenced in the AP Exam
Terms and Conditions.
You may now remove the shrinkwrap from the outside only of your exam
packet. Do not open the Section I booklet; do not remove the shrinkwrap from
the Section II booklets. Put the white seals and the shrinkwrapped SectionII
booklets aside. . . .
Carefully remove the AP Exam label from the top left of your exam booklet
cover. Place it on the front of your answer sheet on the light blue box near the
bottom that reads “AP Exam Label.”. . .
If students accidentally place the exam label in the space for the AP ID label or vice versa,
advise them to leave the labels in place. They should not try to remove the label; their exam
can still be processed correctly.
Now turn over your answer sheet to the side marked page 2 and look at Item I
at the top of the page. Print the name of this exam, the exam form, and the
form code.
The exam form and the form code are on the front cover of the Section I booklet
in the lower right corner; ignore the large number under these two items—it is
not part of the form or form code.
Look up when you have nished Item I. . . .
When students have completed Item I, say:
Listen carefully to all my instructions. I will give you time to complete each
step. Please look up after completing each step. Raise your hand if you have
any questions.
Give students enough time to complete each step. Don’t move on until all students are ready.
Read the statements on the front cover of the Section I booklet. . . .
Sign your name and write today’s date. . . .
Now print your full legal name where indicated. . . .
Does anyone have any questions? . . .
Turn to the back cover of your exam booklet and read it completely. . . .
Give students a few minutes to read the entire back cover.
Are there any questions? . . .
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AP Music Theory Exam 178
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
You will now take the multiple-choice portion of the exam. You should have the
Section I: multiple-choice booklet and your answer sheet in front of you. You
may never discuss the multiple-choice exam content at any time in any form with
anyone, including your teacher and other students. If you disclose the multiple-
choice exam content or audio excerpts through any means your AP Exam score
will be canceled.
You must complete the answer sheet using a No. 2 pencil only. Mark all of your
responses on page 2 of your answer sheet, one response per question. The
answer sheet has circles marked A–E for each question. For Music Theory, you
will use only the circles marked A–D. Completely ll in the circles. If you need to
erase, do so carefully and completely. No credit will be given for anything written
in the exam booklet. Scratch paper is not allowed, but you may use the margins or
any blank space in the exam booklet for scratch work.
Your score on the multiple-choice section will be based solely on the number of
questions answered correctly.
Are there any questions? . . .
Part A uses recorded musical examples on which the multiple-choice questions
are based. The CD will provide detailed instructions as you proceed. Do not go
on to Part B until you are told to do so. Once nal time is called for Part A, stop
working immediately.
I will not stop the CD until the end of Part A. Raise your hand if you do not hear
the CD.
Now open your Section I booklet and we will begin Part A.
Begin playing Track 1 of the master listening CD.
Note Start Time for Part A  . Note approximate Stop 
Time .
The CD must not be stopped at any time during the administration of this portion of the
exam unless the equipment malfunctions or students can’t hear a portion due to outside
interference. (Note: Although master CDs cannot be paused during a standard exam
administration, proctors can apply extended time to master CDs by pausing between tracks
or after the audio stimulus is played for students approved to test with extended time.)
Check that students are marking their answers in pencil on their answer sheets and that
they have not opened their shrinkwrapped Section II booklets.
After approximately 45 minutes, you will hear “End of Part A. Do not go on to Part B until
you are told to do so. The proctor will now press the pause button.” Pause the CDplayer.
When you are ready to start Part B, say:
You have 35 minutes for Part B. Once nal time is called for Part B, stop working
immediately. Turn to Part B and begin.
Note Start Time for Part B  . Note Stop Time  .
After 25 minutes, say:
There are 10 minutes remaining.
After 10 more minutes, say:
Stop working. Close your exam booklet and put your answer sheet faceup on
your desk. Make sure your AP ID label and AP Exam label are on your answer
sheet. Sit quietly while I collect your answer sheets.
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AP Music Theory Exam
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Collect an answer sheet from each student. Check that each answer sheet has an AP ID
label and an AP Exam label.
After all answer sheets have been collected, say:
Now you must seal your exam booklet using the white seals you set aside
earlier. Ax one white seal to each area of your exam booklet cover marked
“PLACE SEAL HERE.” Fold each seal over the back cover. When you have
nished, place the booklet faceup on your desk.
When students have nished sealing their booklets, say:
I will now collect your Section I booklet. . . .
Collect a Section I booklet from each student. Check that each student has signed the front
cover and sealed the booklet. Conrm that the number of answer sheets you collected
matches the number of exam takers.
There is a 10-minute break between Sections I and II.
When all Section I materials have been collected and accounted for and you are
ready for the break, say:
Please listen carefully to these instructions before we take a 10-minute
break. Get your AP ID label sheet from under your chair and put it on your desk.
You must leave your shrinkwrapped Section II packet and your AP ID label sheet
on your desk during the break. All items you placed under your chair at the
beginning of this exam must stay there. You are not permitted to open or access
them in any way. You are not allowed to consult teachers, other students, notes,
textbooks, or any other resources during the break. You may not make phone
calls, send text messages, check email, use a social networking site, or access
any electronic or communication device. You may not leave the designated
break area. Remember, you may never discuss the multiple-choice exam
content with anyone, and if you disclose the content through any means, your
AP Exam score will be canceled. Are there anyquestions? . . .
You may begin your break. Testing will resume at
Make sure students understand where the designated break area is.
IMPORTANT: Both the exam room and students in the designated break area must be monitored.
At the start of the break, walk around the room to ensure all Section II booklets are
accounted for on students’ desks. Immediately contact the Oce of Testing Integrity (OTI)
if any exam booklet is missing. Testing must not resume until the booklet is located or OTI
is contacted. (See contact information for OTI on the inside front cover of the 2022-23
AP Exam Instructions.)
SECTION II: Free Response
After the break, say:
May I have everyone’s attention? Please look at your AP ID label sheet and
double-check that your name is printed at the top to ensure you’ve returned to
the correct seat. . . .
Conrm that students have their AP ID label sheet, then say:
Does everyone have a No. 2 pencil?
You may now remove the shrinkwrap from the Section II packet, but don’t open
any booklets until you are told to do so.
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AP Music Theory Exam Dictation, Part Writing, Composition180
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
You should now have in front of you:
your AP ID label sheet,
the Section II: Free Response, Part A booklet with a shaded block of
information on the cover. This booklet is where you’ll write your responses
for Part A, and
the orange Section II: Free Response, Part B, Sight-singing booklet.
Put the orange sight singing booklet aside; you’ll need it for Part B. . . .
First, look at the front cover of the Free Response, Part A booklet. Read the
bulleted statements. Look up when you have nished. . . .
Read the last statement. . . .
Print the rst, middle, and last initials of your legal name in the boxes and
print today’s date where indicated. This constitutes your signature and your
agreement to the statements on the front cover. . . .
Now take an AP ID label from your label sheet and place it on the shaded box
marked “AP ID Label” at the bottom of your Free Response, Part A booklet. If
you don’t have any AP ID labels, write your AP ID in the box. Look up when you
have nished. . . .
Now turn to the back cover and complete Items 1 through 3 under “Important
Identication Information.” For Item 3, your school code is printed at the top
right of your AP ID label sheet. . . .
Give students time to complete Items 1 through 3.
Are there any questions? . . .
Now place your AP ID label sheet under your chair. Read the instructions for
Section II, Part A, on the back cover of the Free Response, Part A booklet.
Do not open the booklet until you are told to do so. Look up when you
have nished. . . .
Are there any questions? . . .
You have approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes for Part A. You must write your
answers in the free-response booklet using a pencil.
The blank manuscript page facing each question is for scratch work. Write your
response on the sta under the question. If you need to rewrite your response,
cross out your response and indicate on the question page that your answer is
on the facing page.
You will follow the instructions on the CD for Questions 1 through 4. I will not stop
the CD at any time until the end. When I pause the CD, you may go on to questions
5–7 without waiting for further instructions.
Once nal time is called for Part A, stop working immediately.
Are there any questions?. . .
START Part A: Dictation, Part Writing, Composition
Now turn to Question 1 on page 4 of your free-response booklet and wait for
the recording to begin.
Begin playing Track 2 of the master listening CD.
Note Start Time  . Note approximate Stop Time  .
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AP Music Theory Exam Digital Language Lab
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
The CD must not be stopped at any time during the administration of Part A unless
the equipment malfunctions or students can’t hear a portion due to outside interference.
(Although master CDs cannot be paused during a standard exam administration, proctors
can apply extended time to master CDs by pausing between tracks or after the audio
stimulus is played for students approved to test with extended time.)
After approximately 23 minutes, you will hear “The proctor will now press the pause button.”
Pause the CD player.
After the CD is paused, students have 45 minutes to complete Part A.
Note Start Time  . Note Stop Time  .
Check that students are using pencils and that they are writing their answers in the correct
areas of the Free Response, Part A booklet, not on the facing manuscript paper pages. The
pages of blank manuscript paper are for scratch work. Make sure students have not opened
their orange booklets.
After 35 minutes, say:
There are 10 minutes remaining.
After 10 more minutes, say:
Stop working and close your free-response booklet. Put your booklet faceup
on your desk. Keep the orange booklet but do not open it; you will need it
for Part B, sight singing. Remain in your seat, without talking, while the
Free Response, Part A booklets are collected.
STOP Part A: Dictation, Part Writing, Composition
Collect a Free Response, Part A booklet from each student. Check for the following:
Free Response, Part A booklet front cover: The student placed an AP ID label on the
shaded box and printed their initials and today’s date.
Free Response, Part A booklet back cover: The student completed the “Important
Identication” area.
IMPORTANT: If students are moving to a dierent room to record their sight singing
responses, collect the sealed orange booklets before asking students to go to the other
room. You’ll redistribute the orange booklets once students are in the new room. (Students
don’t need to receive their original orange booklets.) Make sure students take their AP ID
label sheet with them.
START Part B, Sight Singing: Digital Language Lab
Before the exam administration, ensure a folder has been created on a local server to save
student responses. In this case, the folder could be called “2023 AP Music Theory Exam,
[Form ].” The form (e.g., Form O) can be found on the front cover of the orange
sight singing booklet in the lower right corner. You will save all student responses in this
folder until they are later uploaded to the DAS portal.
REMINDER: Delete all old audio les from the digital language lab before it is used for this
year’s exam.
Be aware of the requirements for recording student responses using a digital
language lab:
1. The MP3 format is the only acceptable digital le format for AP Exams. Check your
equipment well before the exam administration to be sure it is capable of recording and
saving in MP3 format.
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AP Music Theory Exam Digital Language Lab182
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
2. Each student’s responses must be recorded and saved as a single le. Therefore,
“STOP” should not be used until both melodies have been recorded. Using “STOP”
before recording is nished may create two les.
3. Each student’s recorded response must begin with their AP ID.
At various points, there will be two sets of instructions: one if students can control their
own recordings, and one if you or another proctor controls student recordings from a
master console. Students should not wear headsets during the sight singing portion of
the exam. Play the master CD sight singing track over the room’s speakers. Follow the
instructions accordingly.
Recording Student Responses in a Digital Language Lab
The following instructions assume that the sight singing part of the exam will be
administered after Section II, Part A, and that the general directions for the sight singing
component will be read and heard by all students at the same time. The general directions
for sight singing are on Track 3 of the master listening CD and on Track 2 of the master
sight singing CD. If you use another option described in “AP Music Theory Exam” in
Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual, adjust your administration accordingly.
When you are ready, say:
Put your AP ID label sheet on your desk.
Does everyone have a sealed orange sight singing booklet, a pencil, and your
AP ID label sheet? . . .
Explain your plans for recording students’ sight singing performances.
Then say:
Are there any questions? . . .
Don’t break the seals on the orange booklet until I tell you to do so. Now this is
important. Take an AP ID label from your label sheet and place it in the box on
the front cover of the orange booklet so that you can refer to it when I ask you
to record your AP ID. . . .
Now write your name above the AP ID label. . . .
Are there any questions? . . .
Put your AP ID label sheet aside and look at the front of your orange booklet.
The instructions for sight singing have been recorded. They are also printed
on the front cover of your orange booklet. Follow along as you listen to the
instructions but do not open the orange booklet yet.
Begin playing Track 3 of the master listening CD (or Track 2 on the master sight singing
CD). After approximately 3 minutes you will hear “End of general directions. The proctor
will now press the stop button.” Stop the CD player.
Then say:
Are there any questions? . . .
Collect all of the sealed orange booklets before asking students to take their AP ID label
sheets and go to the place where they will wait to individually perform the sight singing
melodies. Take the orange booklets to the proctor(s) administering sight singing in the
digital language lab.
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AP Music Theory Exam Digital Language Lab
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Testing Room
Recording Individual Responses
Before administering sight singing, set up the room following your lab manufacturer’s
instructions. From the console, make sure that the station the students will be using is
powered on, and the correct recording and save le format are activated.
Only one student at a time may practice and perform the sight singing part. Ensure that the
students waiting cannot hear the performance. As each student comes into the room, have
the student take a seat at the station you have set up and then return their orange booklet.
When you are ready to begin, say:
Put your AP ID label sheet and your personal belongings under your chair. You
should have nothing on your desk except a pencil and your orange booklet. . . .
If you or another proctor controls student recordings from a master console, say:
Your recordings will be started, paused, and stopped from this console. You will
not need to do anything when you hear these instructions. You should record
your performance at a normal singing level.
If students can control their recordings, say:
Follow the instructions from the master CD to record your performance. You
should start, pause, and stop your recording only when instructed to do so by the
voice on the CD. You should record your performance at a normal singing level.
Continue for all administrations:
First, youll need to record your AP ID to make sure everything is working
properly. As a reminder, your AP ID is printed on the label you placed on the
bottom of the orange booklet cover. When I tell you to, say, “My AP ID
is . . .” and state your AP ID.
If the student can adjust their volume and check their recording, say:
Go ahead and record your AP ID now. . . .
Give the student time to record their AP ID, then say:
Now click PL AY to check that your voice recorded properly. . . .
Give the student time to check their recording, then say:
Have you recorded properly? . . .
If you or another proctor controls student recordings from a master console,
start the student recording and say:
Go ahead and record your AP ID now. . . .
Once the student has spoken their AP ID, stop the recording and check that the
student’s AP ID has recorded properly.
Continue for all administrations:
The voice on the master CD will instruct you when it is time to practice and
when it is time to record each melody. The CD will be played over the room’s
speakers. Let me know if you cannot hear the master CD or if you have
trouble with the equipment. I will not replay the CD if you don’t understand the
questions. I will not stop the CD unless the equipment fails.
Using your nger, break the seals on the orange booklet. Do not peel the seals
away from the booklet and don't open it until instructed to do so. You may make
notes in the orange booklet.
Are there any questions? . . .
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AP Music Theory Exam Computer with MP3 Software184
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
If students control their own recordings, say:
Your responses must be recorded as a single le. Therefore, press PAU SE
only when instructed to do so by the CD and do not press
STOP until the end,
when the CD tells you to do so. (Remember: Your les may not record properly
if you press “STOP” before the end.)
I will now start the master CD.
Begin playing Track 1 on the master sight singing CD. The CD cautions the student that
they may not use a metronome or any other device for assistance. However, the student
may tap a foot, tap the table, or silently conduct for themselves. Be aware that the student
is following the recorded instructions that guide their practice and performance of the
two melodies.
You should monitor that the student is using the recording equipment appropriately. The
student cannot use the equipment to communicate with others about the exam, or to
access any unauthorized features, programs, or content.
When you hear “End of recording,” stop the master CD.
If the student can control their own recording, say:
If you haven’t done so, press “STOP” to complete your le. You should now
listen to brief portions of your recording to conrm that both responses were
recorded. If your voice was not recorded, I will help you. . . .
If you or another proctor controls the student’s recording from a master
console, say:
Sit quietly while I check that your voice has been recorded.
If you conrm that a recording is inaudible or if a student recorded more than one le, that
student must record their responses again immediately. It is critical that the recording be
done properly. Students can only receive credit for audible material; you will only be able to
upload one le per student to the DAS portal.
Once you’ve conrmed that the student’s recording is correct, collect the student’s exam
materials and the AP ID label sheet. Check that the student has placed an AP ID label on
their orange booklet.
Now go to page 201 to continue with instructions for dismissing students.
STOP Part B, Sight Singing: Digital Language Lab
START Part B, Sight Singing: Computer with MP3 Software
Before the exam administration, create a folder on a local server to save student responses.
In this case, the folder could be called “2023 AP Music Theory Exam, [Form ].” The
form (e.g., Form O) can be found on the front cover of the Section II sight singing booklet
in the lower right corner. You will save all student responses in this folder until they are
later uploaded to the DAS portal.
REMINDER: Delete all old audio les from computers before they are used for this year’s exam.
Be aware of the requirements for recording student responses using a computer:
1. Computers must be school-owned and -controlled. Student-owned computers may
not be used under any circumstances.
2. Student access to the internet must be blocked or disabled.
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AP Music Theory Exam Computer with MP3 Software
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
3. If the computer includes features for taking pictures or video such as a built-in camera
or webcam, the camera or webcam must be inaccessible or disabled.
4. The MP3 format is the only acceptable digital le format for AP Exam responses.
Check your software well before the exam administration to be sure it is capable of
recording and saving in MP3 format. If not, please use the software program described on
5. Each student’s responses must be recorded and saved as a single le. Therefore,
for most software packages, “STOP” should not be clicked until both melodies have
been recorded. Clicking “STOP” before recording is nished may create two les and
overwrite earlier work.
6. Each student’s recorded response must begin with their AP ID.
Before each student enters the room, make sure the computer is on and that the correct
recording and save le format are activated. Check the charge and volume levels. Plug in
the computer if necessary.
Recording Student Responses on Computer with MP3 Software
The following instructions assume that the sight singing part of the exam will be
administered after Part A of Section II and that the general directions for the sight singing
component will be read and heard by all students at the same time. The general directions
for sight singing are on Track 3 of the master listening CD and on Track 2 of the master
sight singing CD. If you use another option described in “AP Music Theory Exam” in
Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual, adjust your administration accordingly.
When you are ready, say:
Put your AP ID label sheet on your desk.
Does everyone have a sealed orange booklet, a pencil, and your AP ID
label sheet? . . .
Explain your plans for recording students’ sight singing performances.
Then say:
Are there any questions? . . .
Don’t break the seals on the orange booklet until I tell you to do so. Now this is
important. Take an AP ID label from your label sheet and place it in the box on
the front cover of the orange booklet so that you can refer to it when I ask you
to record your AP ID. . . .
Now write your name above the AP ID label. . . .
Are there any questions? . . .
Put your AP ID label sheet aside and look at the front of your orange booklet.
The instructions for sight singing have been recorded. They are also printed
on the front cover of your orange booklet. Follow along as you listen to the
instructions but do not open the orange booklet.
Begin playing Track 3 of the master listening CD (or Track 2 on the master sight singing
CD). After approximately 3 minutes you will hear “End of general directions. The proctor
will now press the stop button.” Stop the CD player.
Then say:
Are there any questions? . . .
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AP Music Theory Exam Computer with MP3 Software186
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Collect all of the sealed orange booklets before asking students to take their AP ID label
sheets and go to the place where they will wait to individually perform the sight singing
melodies. Take the orange booklets to the proctor(s) administering sight singing at
the computer.
Before each student enters the room, make sure the computers that will be used for testing
are on and that the correct recording and save le format are activated.
Only one student at a time may practice and perform the sight singing part. Ensure that the
students waiting cannot hear the performance. As each student comes into the room, have
the student take a seat at the computer you have set up and then return their orange booklet.
When you are ready to begin, say:
Put your AP ID label sheet and your personal belongings under your chair. You
should have nothing on your desk except a pencil and your orange booklet. . . .
Follow the instructions from the master CD to record your performance. You
should start, pause, and stop your recording only when instructed to do so by
the voice on the recording. You should record your performance at a normal
singing level.
First, you’ll need to record your AP ID to make sure everything is working
properly. As a reminder, your AP ID is printed on the label you placed on the
bottom of the orange booklet cover. When I tell you to, click “RECORD” and say,
“My AP ID is. . . ,” state your AP ID, and then click “STOP.” Go ahead and record
your AP ID now. . . .
Give the student time to record their AP ID, then say:
Now click “PLAY” to check that your voice has recorded properly. . . .
Give the student time to check their recording, then say:
Have you recorded properly? . . .
If your voice was not recorded, raise your hand and I will help you. . . .
When youʼve conrmed the student has recorded properly, say:
Please delete your AP ID recording and look up.
Listen to the master CD and follow the instructions. The voice on the master CD
will instruct you when it is time to practice and when it is time to record each
melody. If at any time you cannot hear the master CD, let me know. I will not replay
the CD if you don’t understand the questions. I will not stop the CD unless the
equipment fails.
From this point on, you will stop recording only once, at the very end of testing.
Remember to click “PAUSE” between your recordings when instructed to do so.
Now you need to record your AP ID again. This will be the start of your exam
recording. Remember to say “My AP ID is. . . ,” then state your AP ID. Go ahead
and record your AP ID then click “PAUSE.”. . .
Give the student time to record their AP IDs, then say:
If you have not clicked “PAUSE,” do so now. . . .
Using your nger, break the seals on the orange booklet. Do not peel the seals
away from the booklet and don't open it until instructed to do so. You may make
notes in the orange booklet.
Are there any questions? . . .
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AP Music Theory Exam Handheld Digital Recorder
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Your responses must be recorded as a single le. Therefore, click “PAUSE” only
when instructed to do so by the CD and do not click “STOP” until the end, when
the CD tells you to do so. (Remember: Your les may not record properly if you
click “STOP” before the end.)
I will now start the master CD.
Begin playing Track 1 on the master sight singing CD.
IMPORTANT: If your MP3 recording software requires students to deselect “PAUSE” before
they can continue their recording, you must remind them to do so. If they do not follow the
correct recording process for your software, their les may not record properly, and their
AP scores may be jeopardized.
The CD cautions the student that they may not use a metronome or any other device for
assistance. However, the student may tap a foot, tap the table, or silently conduct for
themselves. Be aware that the student is following the recorded instructions that guide
their practice and performance of the two melodies.
You should monitor that the student is using the computer appropriately. The student
cannot use the computer to communicate with others about the exam, or to access any
unauthorized features, programs, or content.
When you hear “End of recording,” stop the master CD and say:
If you have not done so, click “STOP” to complete your le. You should now
listen to brief portions of your recording to conrm that both responses were
recorded. If your voice was not recorded, let me know and I will help you. . . .
If you conrm that a recording is inaudible or if a student recorded more than one le, that
student must record their responses again immediately. It is critical that the recording be
done properly. Students can only receive credit for audible material; you will only be able to
upload one le per student to the DAS portal.
Once you’ve conrmed that the student’s recording is correct, collect the student’s exam
materials and the AP ID label sheet. Check that the student has placed an AP ID label on
their orange booklet.
Now go to page 201 to continue with instructions for dismissing students.
STOP Part B, Sight Singing: Computer with MP3 Software
START Part B, Sight Singing: Handheld Digital Recorder
Before the exam administration, ensure a folder has been created on a local server to save
student responses. In this case, the folder could be called “2023 AP Music Theory Exam,
[Form ].” The form (e.g., Form O) can be found on the front cover of the Section II
sight singing booklet in the lower right corner. You will save all student responses in this
folder until they are later uploaded to the DAS portal.
REMINDER: Delete all old audio les from the recording devices before they are used for this
year’s exam.
Be aware of the requirements for recording student responses using a handheld
digital recorder:
1. Handheld digital recorders must be school-owned. Student-owned devices may not be
used under any circumstances.
2. If the device includes features for wireless communication over a network—including
cellular, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi—the communication capability must be disabled.
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AP Music Theory Exam Handheld Digital Recorder188
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
3. If the device includes features for taking pictures or video such as a built-in camera or
webcam, the camera or webcam must be inaccessible or disabled.
4. The device must be capable of saving the recorded audio as an MP3 formatted
digital file. No other audio le format (e.g., WAV, WMA, or AAC) is acceptable.
5. The device must have the ability to record (begin the recording), pause/unpause
(temporarily suspend the recording and then continue recording), and stop (stop/end the
recording). The stop (or a separate save) control should create a digital le that contains
the recording.
6. Each student’s responses must be recorded and saved as a single le.
7. The device must include a means to move or copy digital les from the device to a
computer. Most devices do so via a USB port and cable or removable media (SD card);
either is acceptable.
8. Each student’s recorded response must begin with their AP ID.
9. Provide a music stand, desk, or tabletop on which the student can place the handheld
digital recorder during the test administration so that the student can use their hands to
make notes or conduct during the practice or performance time.
Consider the following suggestion for keeping track of student responses (this is a
best practice, not a requirement):
Before students enter the room, place each handheld
digital recorder in its own sealable quart-size plastic
storage bag. Have students place their AP ID label
on the bag in the order in which they record (so that
the second student places their AP ID label below the
rst student’s AP ID label and so on) and write their
sequence number in the far left margin of the label.
(See Figure 1.)
After a student nishes using a device, lock that
student’s response le if the device permits you to do
so. When the exam is over, put the device back into
the bag. The person responsible for transferring the
student responses from the device to a computer and
then saving the les will have the students’ AP IDs.
NOTE: It’s recommended to avoid having multiple
students use the same device, if possible. If multiple
students need to use the same device, consider
sanitizing it between students.
Recording Student Responses Using a Handheld
Digital Recorder
The following instructions assume that the sight singing part of the exam will be
administered after Part A of Section II and that the general directions for the sight singing
component will be read and heard by all students at the same time. The general directions
for sight singing are on Track 3 of the master listening CD and on Track 2 of the master
sight singing CD. If you use another option described in “AP Music Theory Exam” in
Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual, adjust your administration accordingly.
When you are ready, say:
Put your AP ID label sheet on your desk. . . .
Does everyone have a sealed orange booklet, a pencil, and your AP ID
label sheet? . . .
Explain your plans for recording students’ sight singing performances.
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AP Music Theory Exam Handheld Digital Recorder
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Then say:
Are there any questions? . . .
Don’t break the seals on the orange booklet until I tell you to do so. Now this is
important. Take an AP ID label from your label sheet and place it in the box on
the front cover of the orange booklet so that you can refer to it when I ask you to
record your AP ID. . . .
Now write your name above the AP ID label. . . .
Are there any questions? . . .
Put your AP ID label sheet aside and look at the front of your orange booklet.
The instructions for sight singing have been recorded. They are also printed
on the front cover of your orange booklet. Follow along as you listen to the
instructions, but do not open the orange booklet.
Begin playing Track 3 of the master listening CD (or Track 2 on the master sight singing
CD). After approximately 3 minutes you will hear “End of general directions. The proctor
will now press the stop button.” Stop the CD player.
Then say:
Are there any questions? . . .
Collect all of the sealed orange booklets before asking students to take their AP ID label
sheets and go to the place where they will wait to individually perform the sight singing
melodies. Take the orange booklets to the proctor(s) administering sight singing.
Only one student at a time may practice and perform the sight singing part. Ensure that the
students waiting cannot hear any other students practicing or performing the melodies.
Before each student enters the room, be sure the device is turned on and check the battery
and volume levels. Plug in/recharge or replace batteries if required. As each student comes
into the room, return their orange booklet.
When you are ready to begin, say:
Put your AP ID label sheet and your personal belongings under your chair. You
should have nothing on your desk except a pencil, your orange booklet, and
your handheld digital recorder. . . .
Do you know how to use the controls and buttons on the device to record,
pause, stop, and erase? If not, please let me know.
IMPORTANT: In some models of handheld digital recorders, “PAUSE” is combined with
“PLAY.” In others, it is combined with “RECORD.” If you don’t see any buttons labeled
“PAUSE,” it is very possible that “RECORD” acts as a pause. Be sure that you and the
students understand how to record, pause, stop, and erase using your school’s specic
devices before moving on. If students do not follow the correct recording process, their les
may not record properly, and their AP scores may be jeopardized.
Follow the instructions from the master CD to record your performance. You
should start, pause, and stop your recording only when instructed to do so
by the voice on the CD. You should record your performance at a normal
singing level.
First, you'll need to record your AP ID to make sure everything is working
properly. As a reminder, your AP ID is printed on the label you placed on the
bottom of the orange booklet cover. When I tell you to, press “RECORD” and say,
“My AP ID is. . . ,” state your AP ID, and then press “STOP.” Go ahead and record
your AP ID now. . . .
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AP Music Theory Exam Handheld Digital Recorder190
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Give the student time to record their AP ID, then say:
Now click “PLAY” to check that your voice recorded properly.
Give the student time to check their recording, then say:
Have you recorded properly? . . .
If your voice was not recorded, let me know and I will help you. . . .
When youʼve conrmed the student has recorded properly, say:
Please erase your AP ID recording and look up. . . .
Listen to the master CD and follow the instructions. The voice on the master CD
will instruct you when it is time to practice and when it is time to record each
melody. If at any time you cannot hear the master CD, let me know. I will not
replay the CD if you don’t understand the questions. I will not stop the CD unless
the equipment fails.
From this point on, you will stop recording only once, at the very end of testing.
Remember to press “PAUSE” between your recordings when instructed to
do so.
Now you need to record your AP ID again. This will be the start of your exam
recording. Remember to say “My AP ID is. . . ,” then state your AP ID. Go ahead
and record your AP ID then press “PAUSE.”. . .
Give students time to record their AP IDs, then say:
If you have not pressed “PAUSE,” press it now. . . .
Using your nger, break the seals on the orange booklet. Do not peel the seals
away from the booklet and don't open it until instructed to do so. You may make
notes in the orange booklet.
Are there any questions? . . .
Your responses must be recorded as a single le. Therefore, use “PAUSE” only
when instructed to do so by the CD and do not press “STOP” until the end, when
the CD tells you to do so. (Remember: Your les may not record properly if you
press “STOP” before the end.)
I will now start the master CD.
Begin playing Track 1 on the master sight singing CD. The recording cautions the student
that they may not use a metronome or any other device for assistance. However, the
student may tap a foot, tap the table, or silently conduct for themselves. Be aware that the
student is following the recorded instructions that guide their practice and performance of
the two melodies.
You should monitor that the student is using the digital recorder appropriately. The student
cannot use the digital recorder to communicate with others about the exam, or to access
any unauthorized features, programs, or content.
When you hear “End of recording,” stop the master CD and say:
If you have not done so, press “STOP” to complete your le. You should now
listen to brief portions of your recording to conrm that both responses were
recorded. If your voice was not recorded, let me know, and I will help you. . . .
If you conrm that a recording is inaudible or if a student recorded more than one le, that
student must record their responses again immediately. It is critical that the recording be
done properly. Students can only receive credit for audible material; you will only be able to
upload one le per student to the DAS portal.
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AP Music Theory Exam DAC App on iPad
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
IMPORTANT: Before dismissing the student, you must be sure to have the information needed
to match the student response with the correct AP ID. If you used plastic bags to organize
the recording devices, conrm that the student’s AP ID label is on the bag holding the
recorder they used.
Once you’ve conrmed that the student’s recording is correct, collect the student’s exam
materials. Check that the student has placed an AP ID label on their orange booklet.
Now go to page 201 to continue with instructions for dismissing students.
STOP Part B, Sight Singing: Handheld Digital Recorder
START Part B, Sight Singing: DAC App on iPad
AP Music Theory sight singing responses may be recorded and uploaded using the DAC
app running on an iPad tablet. All iPads must be school-owned and -controlled, and may
be assigned to students in a one-to-one device environment. Student-owned devices or
iPhones may not be used under any circumstances.
The DAC app is the only recording option that directly uploads sight singing responses to
the Digital Audio Submission (DAS) portal. This option eliminates steps required of other
recording options to save, name, and upload individual student les. Once each student’s
sight singing response le successfully uploads to the DAS portal, it is automatically
deleted from the iPad.
IMPORTANT: Once students’ recordings are complete, and les uploaded, you still need to log
in to the DAS portal to submit the les.
The DAC app must be installed on each iPad that will be used for AP Exams. Each iPad
must have a minimum of 20MB storage space.
To use the DAC app you must have the DAC Activation Key. The AP coordinator at your
school will provide you with this code before exam day. This is an eight-digit alphanumeric
code needed to unlock the app during testing. (Note: The DAC Activation Key is dierent
from students’ AP IDs.) This code is unique to your school; you may NOT use another
school’s code. Post the Activation Key in a prominent place in the testing room for students
to reference. The app should only be unlocked at the exam administration.
REMINDER: Delete all old audio les from iPads before they are used for this year’s exam.
Follow these steps before administering the sight singing part using the DAC app to
record student audio responses:
1. Make sure the iPad is fully charged. Check the charged percentage level displayed on
the iPad screen.
2. The iPad must be connected to Wi-Fi. A Wi-Fi connection is needed for the app to
directly upload student sight singing recordings to the DAS portal at the end of the
recording process. Check the Wi-Fi signal strength displayed on the iPad screen. If you
do not see this icon, tap “SETTINGS” to check that Wi-Fi is enabled and connected to
a network.
3. The speaker volume on the iPad should be set to the maximum level. Use the volume
rocker on the iPad to adjust the volume.
4. Provide a music stand, desk, or tabletop on which the student can place the iPad during
the test administration so that the student can use their hands to make notes or conduct
during the practice or performance time.
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AP Music Theory Exam DAC App on iPad192
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Recording Student Responses Using the Digital Audio
Capture (DAC) App on iPad
The following instructions assume that the sight singing part of the exam will be
administered after Section II, Part A, and that the general directions for the sight singing
component will be read and heard by all students at the same time. The general directions
for sight singing are on Track 3 of the master listening CD and on Track 2 of the master
sight singing CD. If you use another option as described in the “AP Music Theory Exam”
section of Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual, adjust your administration
When you are ready, say:
Put your AP ID label sheet on your desk.
Does everyone have a sealed orange booklet, a pencil, and your AP ID
label sheet? . . .
Explain your plans for recording students’ sight singing performances.
Then say:
Are there any questions? . . .
Don’t break the seals on the orange booklet until I tell you to do so. Now this is
important. Take an AP ID label from your label sheet and place it in the box on
the front cover of the orange booklet so that you can refer to it when I ask you to
record your AP ID. . . .
Now write your name above the AP ID label. . . .
Put your AP ID label sheet aside and look at the front of your orange booklet.
The instructions for sight singing have been recorded. They are also printed
on the front cover of your orange booklet. Follow along as you listen to the
instructions, but do not open the orange booklet.
Begin playing Track 3 of the master listening CD (or Track 2 on the master sight singing
CD). After approximately 3 minutes you will hear “End of general directions. The proctor
will now press the stop button.” Stop the CD player.
Then say:
Are there any questions? . . .
Collect all of the sealed orange booklets before asking students to take their AP ID label
sheets and go to the place where they will wait to individually perform the sight singing
melodies. Take the orange booklets to the proctor(s) administering sight singing.
Only one student at a time may practice and perform the sight singing part. Ensure that the
students waiting cannot hear any other students practicing or performing the melodies.
Before each student enters the room, be sure the iPad is turned on, and check the battery
and volume levels. Plug in/recharge the iPad, if necessary. Before launching the DAC app,
conrm that the iPad is connected to a Wi-Fi network and that the volume control is set at
maximum. As each student comes into the room, return their orange booklet.
When you are ready to begin, say:
Put your AP ID label sheet and your personal belongings under your chair. You
should have nothing on your desk except a pencil, your orange booklet, and
the iPad. . . .
Follow the instructions from the master CD to record your performance. You
should start, pause, and stop your recording only when instructed to do so by
the voice on the recording. You should record your performance at a normal
singing level.
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AP Music Theory Exam DAC App on iPad
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
We will now begin. Please listen carefully and do not tap any buttons until you
are told to do so. Follow my instructions closely, one step at a time. Do not move
ahead before you are told.
Next you are going to tell the student the eight-digit alphanumeric Activation Key you
received from your AP coordinator, and point to the place in the room where you posted the
Activation Key.
Now, please tap the “DAC app” icon on the iPad to launch the application.
If prompted, grant permission for the app to use the iPad microphone
and camera.
The rst screen will prompt you to enter an Activation Key. The Activation Key
. . . .
If the student gets the error message “Please Enter a Valid Activation Key,” have them
clear the eld, and reenter the Activation Key while you watch over to be sure it is
entered correctly.
Then say:
Now tap “Continue.” A “Conrm App Self-Lock” pop-up message will appear.
Tap “Yes.” This prevents other apps from interrupting the recording process on
the iPad.
Now you will enter your AP ID. First tap the icon next to the “AP ID” eld to enable
the scanner. Point the camera at the orange booklet so the AP ID label is visible
on the screen. The red line should cross the center of the AP ID label barcode.
The student may need to move the iPad closer or farther away to focus. Once the scan
succeeds, the “AP ID” eld will populate. If the student has any trouble scanning the
AP ID, he or she can enter it manually using the iPad keypad, then tap “Done.”
After the AP ID is scanned (or entered manually, if necessary), say:
Now enter the six-digit exam item number found near the bottom right corner.
Tap the icon next to the “Item #” eld and point the camera at the orange
booklet so the item number barcode is visible on the screen.
Once the scan succeeds, the “Item #” eld will populate. If the student has any trouble
scanning the item number, he or she can enter it manually using the iPad keypad, then
tap “Done.”
If both numbers were entered correctly, you’ll see a green check mark next
to each.
When you are ready, tap “Continue.”. . .
In a moment you’ll record your AP ID and check to make sure it recorded
properly. As a reminder, your AP ID is below the label you placed on the bottom
of the orange booklet cover. When I tell you to, tap “Record,” and say “My AP ID
is . . . ,” state your AP ID, then tap “Pause.”
Go ahead and record your AP ID now. . . .
Give the student time to record their AP ID, then say:
Listen to your recording. . . .
Give the student time to check their AP ID recording, then say:
If you were able to hear and understand your recording, tap “Continue,”
and do not touch the iPad screen until I give the next direction. Let me know if
your recording was not successful and I will assist. . . .
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AP Music Theory Exam DAC App on iPad194
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
If the student’s recording was not successful, ask for the iPad and:
1. Check that the speaker volume on the iPad is set to the maximum level. Use the
volume rocker switch on the iPad to adjust the volume.
2. Replay the recording by tapping “Play.” If you cannot hear or understand the
student’s recording, return the iPad and instruct them to tap “Re-record” and try
again until the recording is audible and clear.
When the student has successfully recorded their AP ID, say:
We will now begin the process for recording both sight singing performances.
Listen to the master CD and follow the instructions. The voice on the master CD
will instruct you when it is time to practice and when it is time to record each
melody. If at any time you cannot hear the master CD, let me know. I will not replay
the CD if you don’t understand the questions. I will not stop the CD unless the
equipment fails.
From this point on, you will stop recording only once, at the very end of testing.
Remember to press “Pause” between your recordings when instructed to do so.
Using your nger, break the seals on the orange booklet. Do not peel the seals
away from the booklet and don’t open it until instructed to do so. You may make
notes in the orange booklet.
Are there any questions? . . .
Your responses must be recorded as a single le. Therefore, tap “Pause” only
when instructed to do so by the CD and do not tap “Stop” until the end, when
the CD tells you to do so. (Remember: Your les may not record properly if you
tap “Stop” before the end.)
IMPORTANT: Be sure each student follows the instructions to start, pause, and stop
recording. If students do not follow the correct recording process, their les may not record
properly, and their AP scores may be jeopardized.
Then say:
I will now start the master CD.
Begin playing Track 1 on the master sight singing CD. The CD cautions the student that
they may not use a metronome or any other device for assistance. However, the student
may tap a foot, tap the table, or silently conduct for themselves. Be aware that the student
is following the recorded instructions that guide their practice and performance of the
two melodies.
Monitor to be sure the student does not tap “Stop” before recording both sight singing
performances. If the student taps “Stop” too early, instruct them to tap “No” on the Stop
Recording pop-up to return to the recording.
At the end of the recorded exercises, you will direct the student to check that their
performances recorded properly.
When you hear “End of recording,” stop the master CD, and say:
If you have not done so, tap ”Stop” now. You will be prompted to conrm that
you want to stop the recording. Tap “Yes.”
Next you will listen to your recording. During playback use the slider bar to
listen to brief portions of your recording to conrm that your sight singing
responses for both melodies were recorded. Tap “Play” now. . . .
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AP Music Theory Exam DAC App on iPad
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Give the student time to listen to their playback, then say:
If you could hear your voice, tap “Continue.” If not, do not touch the iPad and
I will assist. . . .
If the student couldn’t hear their recording, take the iPad and replay the recording.
Be sure the speaker volume on the iPad is set to the maximum level. Use the volume
rocker switch to adjust the volume.
If you can hear the recording:
Tap “Continue” and the recording will directly upload to the DAS portal through your
Wi-Fi connection.
If the recording is inaudible:
Have the student repeat the sight singing exercises immediately. See the “Recording
Is Inaudible” troubleshooting instructions below.
Once the student taps “Continue,” the DAC app will attempt to upload the student’s
recording. If successful, the iPad will display: “Success!”
If you see a “Success!” message, tap “Done.”
After the student taps “Done,” the iPad will reset and be ready for the next student to test.
If you did not get the “Success” message, do not touch the iPad. Let me know so
I can assist. . . .
If “Upload error” appears, collect and set aside the aected iPad. After the student
is dismissed, reference the “Upload Error” section in the Troubleshooting
Instructions on page 196.
Once you’ve conrmed that the student’s recording is correct, collect the student’s exam
materials and the AP ID label sheet. Check that the student has placed an AP ID label on
their orange booklet.
Now see page 201 to continue with instructions for dismissing students.
Troubleshooting Instructions
Recording Is Inaudible—Student must be retested
If the student’s recording is inaudible, or either of their melodies did not record, the student
must re-record both melodies.
To unlock the app and allow the student to re-record, you will need the CD case for the
master sight singing CD. The back of the CD case has a barcode label needed to unlock
the iPad screen. Once you have the CD case:
1. Tap the scan icon to the left of “Proctor Code” at the bottom of the iPad screen to scan
the six-digit number under the barcode on the back of the CD case (or enter the code
using the iPad keypad). The code will appear in the “Proctor Code” box if the scan is
successful. Now tap “Submit.”
2. Tap “Re-record.” This will take you back to the “Record AP ID” screen.
3. Return the iPad to the student and begin re-administering the sight singing portion,
beginning with the AP ID recording step on page 193.
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AP Music Theory Exam Part B, Sight Singing: DAC App on Chromebook196
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Upload Error
If there is an upload error message, you may try to upload the les immediately. On the
Upload error screen, enter the proctor code at the bottom of the screen. (The proctor code
is the six-digit number under the barcode on the back of the master CD case.) Then, tap
“Upload Saved Files” on the Upload Status page. If you still receive an upload error, you
may try uploading again later. The les will be saved on the iPad until they are uploaded.
Refer to the DAC App Overview for iPad for details.
If there is a problem uploading any student’s le to the DAS portal and the school is using
Chromebooks in a one-to-one environment, the device the student used for recording must
not be returned to the student until the le is successfully uploaded. You should label the
iPad in some way so you will know it has les that still need to be uploaded.
The iPad can be used by other students even if it contains les that didn’t upload. Tap
“Return to Home,” and the iPad will be ready for the next student.
A Wi-Fi connection must be established to upload saved les. Check the Wi-Fi signal
strength displayed on the iPad screen. If you do not see this icon, exit the DAC app and go
to iPad “Settings” to check that Wi-Fi is enabled and connected to a network; also make
sure airplane mode is o. Once you’ve established a Wi-Fi connection, proceed to upload
saved les. If you’ve followed the steps in the DAC App Overview for iPad and are still
unable to upload the les, call AP Services for Educators (Monday–Friday) at 877-274-6474
(toll free in the U.S. and Canada) or 212-632-1781.
STOP Part B, Sight Singing: DAC App on iPad
START Part B, Sight Singing: DAC App on Chromebook
AP Music Theory sight singing responses may be recorded and uploaded using the DAC
app running on Chromebook. All Chromebooks must be school-owned and -controlled.
The devices may be assigned to students in a one-to-one environment. Student-owned
devices may not be used under any circumstances.
The DAC app is the only recording option that directly uploads audio responses to the Digital
Audio Submission (DAS) portal. This option eliminates the steps required of other recording
options to save, name, and upload individual student les. Once each student’s speaking
response le successfully uploads to the DAS portal, it is automatically deleted from the
IMPORTANT: Once students’ recordings are complete, and les uploaded, you still need to log
in to the DAS portal to submit the les.
Each Chromebook used for AP Exams must be under management of Google Workspace
for Education (formerly G Suite for Education). Refer to the 2022-23 DAC App Overview for
Chromebook to create an organizational unit to manage the devices. Each Chromebook must
have a minimum of 20MB storage space. The DAC app must be pushed to each device just
before the administration.
To use the DAC app you must have the DAC Activation Key. The AP coordinator at your
school will provide you with this code before exam day. This is an eight-digit alphanumeric
code needed to unlock the app during testing. (Note: The DAC Activation Key is dierent
from students’ AP IDs.) This code is unique to your school; you may NOT use another
school’s code. Post the Activation Key in a prominent place in the testing room for students
to reference. The app should only be unlocked at the exam administration.
AP Music Theory Exam DAC App on Chromebook
© 2023 College Board. Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
AP Music Theory Exam Part B, Sight Singing: DAC App on Chromebook
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Follow these steps before administering the sight singing part using the DAC app to
record student audio responses:
1. Make sure all Chromebooks are fully charged or plugged in.
2. The Chromebooks must be connected to Wi-Fi so the app can directly upload student
recordings to the DAS portal at the end of the recording process.
3. The speaker volume on each Chromebook should be set to the maximum level.
Recording Student Responses Using the Digital Audio Capture
(DAC) App on Chromebook
The following instructions assume that the sight singing part of the exam will be
administered after Section II, Part A, and that the general directions for the sight singing
component will be read and heard by all students at the same time. The general directions
for sight singing are on Track 3 of the master listening CD and on Track 2 of the master
sight singing CD. If you use another option as described in the “AP Music Theory Exam”
section of Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual, adjust your administration
When you are ready, say:
Place your AP ID label sheet on your desk. . . .
Does everyone have a sealed orange booklet, a pencil, and your AP ID
label sheet? . . .
Explain your plans for recording students’ sight singing performances.
Then say:
Are there any questions? . . .
Don’t break the seals of the orange booklet until I tell you to do so. Now this is
important. Take an AP ID label from your AP ID label sheet and place it on the
front cover of the orange booklet so you can refer to it when I ask you to record
your AP ID. . . .
Now write your name above the AP ID label. . . .
Put your AP ID label sheet aside and look at the front of your orange booklet.
The instructions for sight singing have been recorded. They are also printed
on the front cover of your orange booklet. Follow along as you listen to the
instructions, but do not open the orange booklet.
Begin playing Track 3 of the master listening CD (or Track 2 on the master sight singing
CD). After approximately 3 minutes you will hear “End of general directions. The proctor
will now press the stop button.” Stop the CD player.
Then say:
Are there any questions? . . .
Collect all the sealed orange booklets before asking students to take their AP ID label
sheets and go to the place where they will wait to individually perform the sight singing
melodies. Take the orange booklets to the proctor(s) administering sight singing.
Only one student at a time may practice and perform the sight singing part. Ensure that the
students waiting cannot hear any other students practicing or performing the melodies.
Before each student enters the room, be sure the Chromebook is turned on, check the
battery and volume levels, and check that it is connected to a Wi-Fi network. As each
student comes into the room, return their orange booklet.
DAC App on Chromebook
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AP Music Theory Exam Part B, Sight Singing: DAC App on Chromebook198
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Put your AP ID label sheet and your personal belongs under your chair. You
should have nothing on your desk except a pencil, your orange booklet, and
the Chromebook.
Follow the instructions from the master CD to record your performance. You
should start, pause, and stop your recording only when instructed to do so
by the voice on the CD. You should record your performance at a normal
singing level.
We will now begin. Please listen carefully and do not select any actions on the
Chromebook until you are told to do so. Follow my instructions closely, one step
at a time. Do not move ahead before you are told to do so.
You should see the startup page. You don’t need to enter a password. Select
the Apps link in the menu row and select the “DAC app” icon to launch
the application.
Next you are going to tell the student the eight-digit alphanumeric Activation Key you
received from your AP coordinator, and point to the place in the room where you posted the
Activation Key.
The rst screen will prompt you to enter an Activation Key. The Activation Key
. . . .
Then say:
Now select “Continue.”
If a student gets the error message “Please Enter a Valid Activation Key,” have them
clear the eld and reenter the Activation Key while you watch over to be sure it is
entered correctly.
After the student has correctly entered the Activation Key, say:
Now you will enter your AP ID which is on the label on the bottom of your orange
booklet cover. . . .
After the AP ID is entered, say:
Now enter the six-digit item number found under the barcode near the bottom
right corner of the orange booklet cover. . . .
After the item number is entered, say:
If both numbers were entered correctly you’ll see a green check mark next
to each.
If a student doesn’t see a green check mark in a box, tell them to select outside the box
before they try to reenter the number.
When you are ready, select “Continue.”. . .
Then say:
In a moment you’ll record your AP ID and check to make sure it recorded
properly. As a reminder, your AP ID is on the label you placed on the bottom of the
orange booklet cover. When I tell you to, select “Record” then say “My AP ID
is . . .” and state your AP ID, then select “Pause.”
Go ahead and record your AP ID now. . . .
Give the student time to record their AP ID, then say:
Listen to your recording. . . .
AP Music Theory Exam DAC App on Chromebook
© 2023 College Board. Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
AP Music Theory Exam Part B, Sight Singing: DAC App on Chromebook
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Give the student time to check their AP ID recording, then say:
If you were able to hear and understand your recording, select “Continue.” Do
not touch the Chromebook until I give the next direction. Let me know if your
recording was not successful and I will assist. . . .
If the student’s recording was unsuccessful, replay their recording by sliding the playback
bar to the far left. If you cannot hear or understand the student’s recording, instruct the
student to select “RE-RECORD” and re-record until the recording is audible.
When the student has successfully recorded their AP ID, say:
We will now begin the process for recording both sight singing tasks. Listen
to the master CD and follow the instructions. The voice on the master CD
will instruct you when it is time to practice and when it is time to record each
melody. If at any time you cannot hear the master CD, let me know. I will not
replay the CD if you don’t understand the questions. I will not stop the CD
unless the equipment fails.
From this point on, you will stop recording only once, at the very end of testing.
Remember to select “Pause” between your recordings when instructed to do
so. You may make notes in the orange booklet.
Using your nger, break the seals on the orange booklet. Do not peel the seals
away from the booklet and don't open it until instructed to do so. You may make
notes in the orange booklet.
Are there any questions? . . .
Your responses must be recorded as a single le. Therefore, select “Pause” only
when instructed to do so by the CD and do not select “Stop” until the end, when
the CD tells you to do so. (Remember: Your les may not record properly if you
select “Stop” before the end.)
IMPORTANT: Make sure each student follows the instructions to start, pause, and stop
recording. If students do not follow the correct recording process, their les may not record
properly, and their AP scores may be jeopardized.
Then say:
I will now start the master CD.
Begin playing Track 1 on the master sight singing CD. The CD cautions the student that
they may not use a metronome or any other device for assistance. However, the student
may tap a foot, tap the table, or silently conduct for themselves. Be aware that the student
is following the recorded instructions that guide their practice and performance of the
two melodies.
Monitor to be sure the student does not select “Stop” before recording both sight singing
performances. If the student selects “Stop” too early, instruct them to select “No” on the
Stop Recording pop-up to return to the recording.
At the end of the recorded exercises, you will direct the student to check that their
performances recorded properly.
When you hear “End of recording,” stop the master CD, and say:
If you have not done so select “Stop” now. You will be prompted to conrm that
you want to stop the recording. Select “Yes.”. . .
Next you will listen to your recording. During playback use the slider bar to
listen to brief portions of your recording to conrm that your sight singing
responses for both melodies were recorded. Select “Play” now. . . .
DAC App on Chromebook
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AP Music Theory Exam Part B, Sight Singing: DAC App on Chromebook200
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Give the student time to listen to their playback, then say:
If you could hear your voice, select “Continue.” If not, do not touch the
Chromebook and let me know so I can assist.
If a student couldn’t hear their recording, replay the recording by sliding the playback
bar to the far left.
If you can hear the recording:
Select “Continue” and the recording will directly upload to the DAS portal through
your Wi-Fi connection.
If the recording is inaudible:
Have the student repeat the sight singing exercises immediately. See the “Recording Is
Inaudible” troubleshooting instructions below.
Once a student selects “Continue,” the DAC app will attempt to upload the student’s
recording. If successful, the screen will display: “Success!”
If you see a “Success!” message, select “Done.”
After the student selects “Done,” the DAC app will reset and be ready to test any
additional students.
If you didn’t get a “Success!” message, don’t touch the Chromebook. Let me
know so I can assist. . . .
If “Upload error” appears, label the aected Chromebook. After students are
dismissed, reference the “Upload Error” section in the Troubleshooting Instructions on
page 201.
Once you’ve conrmed that the student’s recording is correct, collect the student’s exam
materials and the AP ID label sheet. Check that the student has placed an AP ID label on
their orange booklet.
Now see page 201 to continue with instructions for dismissing students.
Troubleshooting Instructions
Recording Is Inaudible—Student must be retested
If any student’s recording is inaudible or either of their responses did not record, the
student must re-record both tasks.
To unlock the app and allow the student to re-record, you need the CD case for the master
sight singing CD. The back of the CD case has a barcode label needed to unlock the
Chromebook screen. Once you have the CD case:
1. Enter the “Proctor Code,” which is the six-digit number under the barcode on the back
of the CD case. Then select “Submit.”
2. Select “Re-record.” This will take you back to the “Record AP ID” screen.
3. Begin re-administering the sight singing portion, beginning with the AP ID recording
step on page 198.
AP Music Theory Exam DAC App on Chromebook
© 2023 College Board. Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
AP Music Theory Exam Dismissing Students
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Upload Error
Instruct your tech sta to not pull the DAC app from the devices until all les are
uploaded to the DAS portal. If there is a problem uploading any student’s le to the
DAS portal and the school is using Chromebooks in a one-to-one environment, the
device the student used for recording must not be returned to the student until the le
is successfully uploaded.
If there is an upload error message, you may try to upload the les immediately. On the
Upload error screen, enter the proctor code at the bottom of the screen. (The proctor code
is the six-digit number under the barcode on the back of the master sight singing CD case.)
Then, select “Submit.”
The Upload Status screen will appear. Select “Upload Saved Files.” If you still receive
an upload error, you may try uploading again later. The les will be saved on the
Chromebook until they are uploaded as long as the DAC app remains on the device.
Refer to the 2022-23 DAC App Overview for Chromebook for details.
A Wi-Fi connection must be established to upload saved les. Once you’ve established a
Wi-Fi connection, proceed to upload saved les. If you’ve followed the steps in the DAC
App Overview for Chromebook and are still unable to upload the les, call AP Services
for Educators (Monday–Friday) at 877-274-6474 (toll free in the U.S. and Canada)
or 212-632-1781.
STOP Part B, Sight Singing: DAC App on Chromebook
START Dismissing Students
After you’ve collected the students exam materials and AP ID label sheet, say:
I have a few nal reminders.
You can have one AP score report sent for free. If you haven’t already done
so, June 20 is the deadline to indicate or change the college, university, or
scholarship program that you’d like to receive your free score report. This
needs to be done through “My AP.”
If you are giving the regularly scheduled exam, say:
Never discuss or share the free-response exam content with anyone unless
it’s released on the College Board website in about two days. Your AP Exam
scores will be available online in July.
If you are giving the alternate exam for late testing, say:
Never discuss or share the content in this exam with anyone at any time. Your
AP Exam scores will be available online in July.
When all exam materials have been collected and accounted for, return to the student any
electronic devices you may have collected before the start of the exam.
Then say:
You are now dismissed.
As each student is dismissed, make sure there is no contact between the students who are
waiting to take the sight singing part of the exam and those who have already taken it.
STOP Dismissing Students
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AP Music Theory Exam Saving, Naming, Uploading, and Submitting Student-Response Files202
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
After-Exam Tasks
Reminder: The orange booklets must be returned with the rest of your exam materials.
Keep the orange booklets separate from the free-response booklets. Do not place free-
response booklets inside the orange booklets or vice versa.
Return the following to the AP coordinator:
Exam Materials
AP ID Label Sheets
Completed Seating Chart
Nonstandard Administration Reports (NARs), if applicable
Information Needed to Complete Incident Report(s), if applicable
See Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual for further information about
these tasks.
Saving, Naming, Uploading, and Submitting Student-Response Files
DEADLINE: You must upload and submit sight singing responses as soon as possible,
preferably directly following the exam, but no later than the close of the next business day
after your school’s last scheduled exam of a particular AP Exam administration period
(i.e., regular or late). Submitting files after this point could result in score delays.
Follow these directions if students recorded using a digital language lab, computer with
MP3 software, or handheld digital recorder. If students recorded using the DAC app
running on iPad or Chromebook, go to the instructions on page 204.
Saving and Naming Files: Digital Language Lab, Computer with
MP3 Software, and Handheld Digital Recorder
When students have been dismissed, begin the process of saving the les for return to the
AP Program.
IMPORTANT: Do not save responses to the two individual melodies as separate les. Save
the entire student response as a single le. Do not save any other student identication
on the le. If any student recorded multiple les instead of a single le, and has already
been dismissed, call AP Services for Educators (Monday–Friday) at 877-274-6474 (toll free
in the U.S. and Canada) or 212-632-1781.
Saving and Naming Files: Digital Language Lab
Follow the lab manufacturer’s directions for collecting and saving each student’s le in
MP3 format. Some labs automatically name the les according to the student station
number. If this is the case, you must:
1. Save each le in MP3 format, and
2. Name each le with the student’s AP ID, underscore, and exam form letter. Use only
capital letters in the filename. An example of a correctly named le is WXYZ1234_O.
Do not include any additional information on the student’s le or in the lename.
Saving and Naming Files: Computer with MP3 Software
Follow your software manufacturer’s directions for exporting and saving each student’s le
in MP3 format onto your network drive. You must:
1. Save each le in MP3 format, and
2. Name each le with the student’s AP ID, underscore, and exam form letter. Use only
capital letters in the filename. An example of a correctly named le is WXYZ1234_O.
Do not include any additional information on the student’s le or in the lename.
AP Music Theory Exam Saving and Naming Files
© 2023 College Board. Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
AP Music Theory Exam Saving, Naming, Uploading, and Submitting Student-Response Files
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Saving and Naming Files: Handheld Digital Recorder
Follow your device manufacturer’s directions for connecting the device to a computer and
transferring each student’s le in MP3 format onto your network drive. You must:
1. Save each le in MP3 format, and
2. Name each le with the student’s AP ID, underscore, and exam form letter. Use only
capital letters in the filename. An example of a correctly named le is WXYZ1234_O.
Do not include any additional information on the student’s le or in the lename.
IMPORTANT: The exam form letter “R” must be used at the end of the le name for all
braille forms.
Uploading and Submitting Files Recorded via Digital
Language Lab, Computer with MP3 Software, and Handheld
Digital Recorder
IMPORTANT: AP coordinators and any additional staff designated to upload and submit
files must have a DAS portal account. All accounts on the DAS portal are school
specific and controlled by the school AP coordinator. When the DAS portal is available
for 2023, the AP coordinator at the school will be notified and provided the necessary
information to access the portal. Once the AP coordinator establishes access, the
coordinator will receive a confirmation email that includes a school-specific code for
creating additional accounts at the school. With this code and the six-digit school
code, school staff can create individual accounts on the system tied to their school by
going to apaudio.ets.org.
NOTE: Because AP French, German, Italian, and Spanish Language and Culture teachers
and AP Music Theory teachers cannot have any access to student recordings, these
teachers are not permitted to have DAS portal accounts or any access to the DAS portal.
Teachers can still serve as proctors for exams in a subject area other than the one in which
they teach or have taught.
For detailed, step-by-step instructions on using the DAS portal and a list of frequently
asked questions, please consult the “Help” document on the DAS portal: apaudio.ets.org.
You are ready to begin the online upload and submission process once you have:
1. Each student’s response (spoken AP ID and both sight singing responses) saved as a
single le in the MP3 format and named as the student’s AP ID (in capital letters), an
underscore, and the form (e.g., WXYZ1234_O),
2. A computer with access to the folder where the les are saved and with a reliable
connection to the internet,
3. An account on the DAS portal, and
To begin the upload and submission process:
1. Access the DAS portal (apaudio.ets.org) using a computer with internet connectivity,
and log in with the username and password you created earlier.
2. Select the AP Music Theory Exam, and click “Add Uploads” to begin the process.
3. The system will prompt you to select the correct form to upload. Open the folder on the
computer where the students’ MP3 les are saved. Select the les, and upload.
4. Once you’ve conrmed that all les are accounted for, select the les and click “Submit
for Scoring” to submit the les for scoring. Once you’ve successfully submitted you’ll
see a conrmation message.
AP Music Theory Exam Saving and Naming Files
© 2023 College Board. Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
AP Music Theory Exam Saving, Naming, Uploading, and Submitting Student-Response Files204
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
If any student testing chose not to record audio responses, indicate this in the “No
Audio Response” box in the DAS portal, in addition to submitting an online IR form.
See the “Help” document on the DAS portal for details.
DEADLINE: You must upload and submit sight singing responses as soon as possible,
preferably directly following the exam, but no later than the close of the next business day
after your school’s last scheduled exam of a particular AP Exam administration period
(i.e., regular or late). Submitting files after this point could result in score delays.
Return all exam materials to secure storage until they are shipped back to the AP Program.
(See “Storing Exam Materials” in Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual for more
information about secure storage.) Refer to page 202 for the tasks you need to complete
before storing materials.
Submitting Files: DAC App Running on iPad or Chromebook
The DAC app directly uploads les to the DAS portal. The coordinator or other authorized
sta person then needs to log in to the DAS portal to submit the les.
For detailed, step-by-step instructions on this process and a list of frequently asked
questions, please consult the “Help” document on the DAS portal: apaudio.ets.org.
To begin the submission process:
1. Access the DAS portal (apaudio.ets.org) using a computer with internet connectivity,
and log in with the username and password you created earlier.
2. Within the AP Music Theory Exam panel, click “Access Files” to access the les that
were uploaded.
3. Conrm that the number of uploaded les matches the number of students who took the
AP Music Theory Exam and the le names match the AP ID labels placed on the orange
booklets. NOTE: Responses recorded using the DAC app running on iPad will have the
le extension .m4a and not .mp3. This is correct for DAC app responses recorded on
iPad and you may proceed to submit these .m4a les.
4. You may want to play the beginning of each le to conrm the spoken AP ID matches
the rst eight digits of the lename.
5. Once you’ve conrmed that all les are accounted for, select the les and click “Submit
for Scoring” to submit the les for scoring. Once you’ve successfully submitted you’ll
see a conrmation message.
If any student testing chose not to record audio responses, indicate this in the “No
Audio Response” box in the DAS portal, in addition to submitting an online IR form.
See the “Help” document on the DAS portal for details.
DEADLINE: You must submit sight singing responses as soon as possible, preferably directly
following the exam, but no later than the close of the next business day after your school’s
last scheduled exam of a particular AP Exam administration period (i.e., regular or late).
Submitting files after this point could result in score delays.
Return all exam materials to secure storage until they are shipped back to the AP Program.
(See “Storing Exam Materials” in Part 2 of the 2022-23 AP Coordinator’s Manual for more
information about secure storage.) Refer to page 202 for the tasks you need to complete
before storing materials.
Saving, Naming, Uploading, and Submitting Student-Response Files
AP Music Theory Exam Saving and Naming Files
© 2023 College Board. Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
AP Music Theory Exam Saving, Naming, Uploading, and Submitting Student-Response Files
AP Music Theory Exam  
2022-23 AP Exam Instructions
Master CD Track List
Following is a list of the tracks for the Master Listening (Section I, Part A; Section II,
Part A) and Master Sight-singing (Section II, Part B) CDs. The list includes the track
number/title, the approximate length, and a brief description. This list may be used in the
following instances:
1. If interruption of a specic part of the exam administration necessitates stopping the
CD for a time, consult the list to return to the appropriate track to continue the exam.
2. The list may be photocopied for use by proctors administering exams to students who
have been approved by the College Board SSD oce to test using extended time.
Master Listening CD: Tracks for the Listening Part of AP Music Theory Exam
Track Number/Title Duration (Min:Sec)* Track Content
Track 1: Section I,
Part A
(42:15) Instructions for the section; each question
set is introduced with brief instructions
followed by timed silence for reading; then
prompts and timed silence for responding
to questions
Track 2: Section II,
Part A
(22:17) Each question or question set is
introduced with brief instructions, followed
by a prompt, which is repeated several
times, separated by timed silence for
responding to the question(s)
Track 3: General
Section II, Part B,
Sight Singing
(02:17) Instructions for sight singing questions
*Timing will vary depending on the form of the exam.
Master Sight-Singing CD: Tracks for the Sight singing Part of AP Music
Theory Exam
Track Number/Title Duration (Min:Sec)* Track Content
Track 1: Section II,
Part B—Sight
Singing Questions
(05:50) Instructions for the section; instructions
for the question and the starting pitch
followed by timed silence for practice;
announced time to perform with timed
silence for performance; brief instructions
to stop recording
Track 2: General
Section II, Part B,
Sight Singing
(02:17) Instructions for sight singing questions
*Timing will vary depending on the form of the exam.
© 2023 College Board. Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.