Updated 6/17/2019 Page 1 of 12
HR Community Meeting Presentation Content June 14, 2019
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
ManagersForum: June 17, 2019
Content from Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Slide 1: Title Slide
HR Managers’ Forum, June 17, 2019
Image: view of flower garden in bloom behind A.D. White building
Slide 2: Welcome
Mary Opperman, Vice president and chief human resources officer
Photo: purple daisy closeup
Slide 3: Agenda
Welcome Mary Opperman
Consensual Relationships Policy Pam Strausser
NY State Harassment Training Chantelle Cleary
Duty to Consult Chantelle Cleary
Real-Time Service Awards Ashley Miller
Successful Performance Kathy Burkgren
Photo: bluebells closeup
Slide 4: Consensual Relationships Policy
Pam Strausser, Academic HR
Photo: two men walking past Sage Hall
Slide 5: Policy 6.3 Consensual Relationships Policy
What? This policy prohibits consensual relationships in 3 circumstances to protect a student or post graduate’s
(as defined by the policy) ability to pursue academic, training, research or professional interests, free from fear,
bias and coercion.
Why? Relationships between people with different academic authority or professional power may:
Be less consensual than the person in academic/professional authority believes
Compromise the integrity of mentorship, academic or professional supervision or evaluation
Lead to complaints from others about workplace favoritism, bias, or workplace climate
Who? The policy applies to all faculty, students and staff at all Cornell’s Ithaca-based locations, Cornell Tech
Campus and Weill Cornell Medicine locations.
Where? The policy is applicable to relationships between faculty, and staff, with students, irrespective of
where those relationships take place.
Slide 6: Prohibited Consensual Relationships
1. Faculty members are prohibited from having consensual relationships with undergraduate
Updated 6/17/2019 Page 2 of 12
HR Manager’s Forum, December 7, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
2. Any member of the Cornell community is prohibited from exercising authority over a student or
post graduate with whom they are currently having, or have had, a consensual relationship.
3. A faculty member or other individual is prohibited from having a consensual relationship with a
student or postgraduate over whom they have authority or is likely to do so in the foreseeable
* Consensual relationships can be sexual or romantic.
Slide 7: Some Consensual Relationship Policy Definitions
“Faculty”: visiting, courtesy, acting, adjunct, clinical, affiliate or emeritus, librarians, lecturer, research,
extension titles and any other Cornell academic titleholders except post graduates.
“Student”: Any undergraduate student, graduate student, high school student, student intern, or other
individual engaged in an educational or academic program at Cornell.
“Postgraduate”: A post-doctoral fellow, post-doctoral associate, visiting critic, or visiting fellow, veterinary
intern or resident or medical intern, resident or fellow.
“Position of Authority”: Any position that exercises academic or professional authority over students or
postgraduates. For example:
Course grader, teaching assistant, or teacher of a training/ program attended by a student or postgraduate,
supervisor of student employed on campus (work-study or otherwise). Member of a student athlete’s coaching
staff, including volunteer coaches.
Slide 8: Consensual Relationships Disclosure or Reporting
Disclosure should be as prompt as possible. It is the responsibility of faculty member or other person in
authority. Disclosure must be made when:
The person in authority finds him/herself in a prohibited relationship.
A consensual relationship develops that is not prohibited but might become prohibited as a graduate or
professional student’s educational pursuits evolve.
A relationship existed prior to either or both parties coming to Cornell.
A relationship existed prior to an individual assuming a position of authority over the student or post
The person in authority and the student or post graduate are affiliated with the same field or degree
program but have no academic/working relationship and none is expected.
Can be made online Consensual Relationship reporting.
Disclosure sets in motion a Recusal Plan.
Slide 9: Recusal Plan
Identifies conflict of interest and creates a Plan to eliminate it
Identifies individuals responsible for enforcement
Sets terms for Plan review and renewal
Identifies individuals (in department, lab etc.) who will be advised of the plan
Includes signatures of those involved in the Consensual Relationship
Academic HR
Determines Recusal Plan necessity in consultation with appropriate campus colleagues
Oversees Recusal Plan development
Informs the student or post graduate of disclosure, seeks input on the Plan from those involved
in the consensual relationship
Obtains approvals and signatures from those involved in the relationship
Maintains records and monitors compliance and effectiveness
Updated 6/17/2019 Page 3 of 12
HR Manager’s Forum, December 7, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
Slide 10: Policy Violations
Failure to disclose in a timely manner
Failure to adhere to Recusal Plan
Participation in prohibited relationship
Retaliation against someone reporting prohibited relationship (disclosed or not)
Subject to discipline up to and including termination/expulsion
Consensual Relationships may be reported by those not involved to an individual’s supervisor, to Unit HR, to
Academic HR acad_hrreporting@cornell.edu by phone 255-4735, or reported online
Disclose or Report a
Consensual Relationship
Slide 11: Some Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are relationships with undergraduates still prohibited if the undergraduate is older than the traditional
2. Are Post Docs prohibited from consensual relationships with students in the same lab or program?
Prohibited with undergrads. For grad students -- prohibited if the Post Doc is in a position of academic or
professional authority. For Post Docs prohibited if they are in a position of academic or professional authority
with undergraduate or graduate students.
3. I use dating websites and I’m wondering what I should do if I become involved in a consensual
relationship and later learn that the relationship is in violation of the policy?
Contact your unit HR representative if you are a staff member or faculty member. If you are a student, contact
the student services office in your college or the Director of Graduate Studies. If you are a post graduate,
contact your supervisor or the unit HR representative.
If you have questions about how the policy might apply to a situation in your unit,
contact Academic HR 255-4735 or Email acadhr_reporting@cornell.edu
Slide 12: Supervisor’s Role in Consensual Relationship Policy
Contact your unit HR representative if you know of a consensual relationship between a faculty or staff
member with a student and want to be sure if it has been disclosed.
Contact Academic HR if you have any questions about the policy, or about whether a relationship requires
Slide 13: Policy 6.4, the Duty to Consult, and NYS Sexual Harassment Training
Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX, June 17, 2019
Photo: McGraw Tower and Olin Library from Libe Slope on sunny day.
Slide 14: Cornell University Policy 6.4
Cornell University is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning, living, and working
environment for its students, faculty, and staff members. To this end, through Cornell University Policy 6.4, the
university provides means to address bias, discrimination, harassment, and sexual and related misconduct,
including gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking,
and sexual exploitation.
We share the responsibility for creating a safer, more caring campus culture in which bias, harassment, and
violence have no placeand every member of our community is free to flourish. Cornell University complies
with applicable state and federal statutes, including Title IX of the federal Higher Education Amendment of
Updated 6/17/2019 Page 4 of 12
HR Manager’s Forum, December 7, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
Slide 15: Cornell Policy 6.4 – Prohibited Bias, Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual
and Related Misconduct
Sets forth the university’s processes governing questions, concerns, and reports of bias, discrimination,
harassment, and sexual and related misconduct, and investigations and resolutions of claims of prohibited
The university has designated different types of prohibited conduct as well as procedures for resolution of
reports under Policy 6.4 that correspond best with the university’s different constituencies: students, staff
and faculty.
Slide 16: Policy 6.4 Prohibited Conduct
The “Procedures for the Resolution of Reports Against Studentsand the “Procedures for the Resolution of
Reports Against Employees” prohibit:
Dating violence
Domestic Violence
Sexual assault
Sexual exploitation
Protected status harassment, including sexual harassment
Aiding Prohibited Conduct
Attempting to Commit Prohibited Conduct
Violating an interim measure
The “Procedures for the Resolution of Reports of Prohibited Discrimination Against Staff” and the
“Procedures for the Resolution of Reports of Prohibited Discrimination Against Faculty” prohibit:
Prohibited Discrimination
Slide 17: Faculty and Staff Duty to Consult on Potential Sexual and Related Misconduct
Involving Students
All Cornell faculty and staff members, with the exception of “Confidential Resources,” are required to consult
with the Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX when they become aware of an alleged incident of sexual
and related misconduct under Policy 6.4 that involves a student as either the complainant or respondent.
Slide 18: Supervisor Duty to Respond to Sexual and Related Misconduct in the
All Cornell supervisors and managers members must take all reasonable actions to report and respond
immediately to any reports or observations of sexual harassment that may impact an employees working
environment. Reports of such conduct should be made to the Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX.
Slide 19: Private versus Confidential
All Staff and Faculty should maintain individuals’ privacy to the greatest extent possible, but most also have
a duty to consult with the Title IX coordinator.
PRIVATE: All non-confidential resources (most staff and faculty) should maintain an individual’s privacy to the
greatest extent possible, sharing information only with the Title IX Coordinator
Updated 6/17/2019 Page 5 of 12
HR Manager’s Forum, December 7, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
Cornell Health Services
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program
Cornell United Religious Work
Cornell Victim Advocates
Director of Women’s Resource Center
Director of LGBT Resource Center
University Ombudsman
Slide 20: Responding to Observed or Reported Instances of Prohibited Conduct
A = Actively Listen or Observe
I = Inform
D = Duty to Consult
When you observe or receive a disclosure of sexual or related misconduct involving a student or affecting the
workplace, stop what you are doing and actively observe or listen.
Where appropriate, inform the person who is disclosing their experience of their rights and options for support
and for reporting. Further inform them that you will also be sharing their conversation with OIE and TIX.
Satisfy your Duty to Consult. If you are unsure, then please consult with a member of OIE and TIX to determine
if a report is required.
Slide 21: How to Consult/Report
Either of the below options satisfies the Staff and Faculty Duty to Consult
Image: computer icon
Fill in the online reporting form. Visit biasconcerns.cornell.edu to submit information to the Office of
Institutional Equity and Title IX
Image: person bringing document to person seated at desk icon
Contact the Title IX Coordinator. Call 607-255-2241. Email [email protected]du
. Meet in person at Day Hall.
Be prepared with the name, date, time, location, and description of incident (if known).
Slide 22: What Happens When a Report is Made
The Title IX office offers support, guidance, and information to staff and faculty, departments, and the student.
The student who experienced the prohibited conduct receives an explanation of student rights,
options, the process (including availability of law student procedural advisors)
Initial outreach from the Title IX Coordinator
Informational Meeting
Assistance in accessing services and accommodations is offered:
Counselling, advocacy, or medical services
Academic support and accommodations (class schedules)
Job assignments and accommodation (work schedules)
Campus housing
Updated 6/17/2019 Page 6 of 12
HR Manager’s Forum, December 7, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
Escort and transportation services
Cornell may institute protective measures including:
‘No-contact’ orders
Temporary suspension (if a formal complaint occurs)
Slide 23: What Does NOT Happen When A Report is Received
When a student consults with the Title IX office, it DOES NOT trigger:
A report to the police
Contact with parents, coaches, advisors, etc.
A formal complaint or notice to any other party
Cornell strongly supports a complainant’s desire for confidentiality or decision not to pursue resolution under
Policy 6.4.
If they decide not to file a complaint, the University will honor the request, as long as doing so
does not impact the University’s ability to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment.
If they decide to file a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator will initiate a prompt, fair, and
impartial Investigation and adjudication process.
Slide 24: NYS Required Sexual Harassment Training
WHO: All Employees of the University
WHAT: Maintaining a Harassment Free Workplace
WHERE: CU Learn- HR 202
WHEN: Annually
Slide 25: NYS Required Sexual Harassment Training (2)
Screen shot: CULearn HR 202, Maintaining a Harassment Free Workplace
Slide 26: Key Cornell Resources
Cornell University Police, 607.255.1111 or 911; Emergency Response
Title IX Coordinator, 607.255.2242; [email protected]
; reporting and consultation
Victim Advocate, 607.255.1212; confidential Cornell advocacy service
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP), 607.255.2673; confidential consultation and support for
work/life issues
Cornell Health Services, 607.255.5155; confidential medical and mental health care, 24/7 phone
The Advocacy Center, 607.277.5000; Ithaca’s confidential sexual and relationship violence hotline
Crisisline, 607.272.1616; Ithaca’s confidential suicide prevention hotline
Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Education, share.cornell.edu; care, support and
Office of the Title IX Coordinator, titleix.cornell.edu; procedure, resources
Slide 27: Key Community Resources
The Advocacy Center 24/7; 607.277.5000, 24/7 Hotline; 607.277.3203, M-F Office line; domestic
violence and sexual abuse services, Ithaca’s confidential sexual and relationship violence hotline;
Tompkins County: 607.274.5610, Child protective services; 607.216.6640, family court; 607.274.5461,
Updated 6/17/2019 Page 7 of 12
HR Manager’s Forum, December 7, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
district attorney’s office; 607.272.7487, assigned counsel program
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE) at Cayuga Medical Center: 607.277.5000, advocacy
center hotline; 607.274.4411, CMC emergency room
NY State Child Abuse Hotline: 1.800.342.3720, general number; 1.800.635.1522, mandated reporters
NY State Domestic Violence Hotline: 1.800.942.6906, English; 1.800.942.6908, Spanish
When you need help finding help: call 211
Slide 28: Thank You for Your Attention
Please get in touch with any questions
Photo: nighttime view of Cornell campus and lake
Slide 29: Roll Out of Real Time Service Awards
Ashley Miller, Employee Recognition Programs Coordinator
Photo: fireworks exploding behind McGraw tower
Slide 30: Service Awards
Current program: University wide recognition
Annual Spring Program
Awardees of 5 50 years of service; 5 year increment:
Receive certificates in spring
Awardees of 20-50 years of service; 5 year increments
Receive points in spring
Awardees 25 50 years of service:
Invited to annual dinner celebration in June
Slide 31: Service Awards: What is changing?
July 1: Implementing real time Service Award recognition
Points released in real time on a rolling basis
Example: September 15
anniversary date
All employees celebrating a milestone receive notification via email from the portal
Managers receive a notification email from the portal
7 days prior
Slide 32: Message for 5 – 10 – 15 Years
Image: screen shot of email message with Cornell logo banner, “Thank Your for Your Service”
Cornell staff members support the university’s mission of teaching, research and public engagement and carry
out essential functions that help to make Cornell one of the world’s best research universities. As we recognize
your important work anniversary this year, please know that I am grateful for all you do for Cornell. Thank you!
Martha E. Pollack
On behalf of the Division of Human Resources, we want to congratulate you on your XX-year service
anniversary. It gives us great pleasure to recognize your achievements and to extend a very sincere “thank you”
for your many contributions to your workplace and our university community.
Mary Opperman
Updated 6/17/2019 Page 8 of 12
HR Manager’s Forum, December 7, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Slide 33: Message for 20+ Years
Screenshot with same message as previous slide, with additional paragraph from Mary:
As a token of our appreciation, you’ve been awarded XX points to spend through our recognition portal, which
you can use to redeem gifts from Amazon or the Cornell Store. Thank you for being such an important part of
our Cornell community!
Also a gray sidebar on email message with gift claim redemption instructions
Slide 34: Message to managers
Screenshot with Cornell logo banner “Service Award Reminder”
This is a notification that an individual you manage is being recognized for hitting an important service
We have rolled out a new recognition portal that they will use to redeem points for gifts from Amazon or the
Cornell Store. It is completely self-service and very easy to use. The Cornell Appreciation Portal consolidates
length of service recognition with the just-in-time kudos and spot recnition, allowing employees to combine
their recognition points across programs.
They will receive instructions on how to log into their personalized portal at cornellappreciation.awardco.com.
We, along with the vendor, Awardco, will provide support as they navigate the new system.
Please join us in recognizing Ashley Fazio!
Recognition date: 2/25/2019
Service Year: 10
Points Awarded: XX
If you or Ashley have questions related to their anniversary date or credited service, please contact your
college or unit Human Resources representative.
Technical support and questions about our new service recognition portal should be directed to
The Cornell Recognition Team
Manager, Employee Outreach and Events
Slide 35: Service Awards: What is staying the same:
Certificate process
Campus wide recognition dinner: June
Slide 36: Read – Share - Do
o Check out the service award website
Updated 6/17/2019 Page 9 of 12
HR Manager’s Forum, December 7, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
o Awardco portal
o Let your staff know this is coming and that it impacts them if they have an anniversary coming
o Visit the Awardco website
o Determine how you’re going to celebrate
o Who has an anniversary coming up?
o Anticipate the common questions
When will I receive my certificate?
When is the campus wide recognition dinner being held?
When will I receive my points?
Slide 37: Resources
Human Resources Representative
Cornellappreciation.awardco.com (Portal homepage)
Slide 38: President’s Awards for Employee Excellence
Accepting nominations now!
Recognize high performing staff
Check out the program: hr.cornell.edu/excellence_awards
Image: Banner with trophy, “Do you know a Cornell employee Rockstar? Nominate them for an Employee
Excellence Award!”
Slide 39: Contact Information
Slide 40: Supervisor’s Role for Successful Performance@Cornell
Lead the development and alignment of goals, continuously coach
and provide on-going feedback to develop and advance individuals
and therefore help them and Cornell thrive.
Dr. Kathryn Burkgren
AVP Organizational Development and Talent Management
Photo: aerial view of round green seating area in Gates Hall
Slide 41: Performance@Cornell includes on-going:
. . .Coach-feedback-coach
. . .Coach-feedback-coach
. . .Coach-feedback-coach
Talent Development
. . .Coach-feedback-coach
Updated 6/17/2019 Page 10 of 12
HR Manager’s Forum, December 7, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
Graphic: 4 colorful arrows in circular shape
Slide 42: As supervisors, our role is to:
lead in aligning employee responsibilities to university, college/unit goals and objectives
coach and provide feedback for development and successful performance within each stage of the
performance process.
Photo of Ho Plaza in springtime with flowers
Slide 43: Planning
Align unit work in terms of major outcomes and how it supports the mission of the college/unit and the
Establish college/unit goals
Align employee’s position with college/unit goals and objectives
Base performance expectations and measures on job description, goals, and Skills for
Success/Leadership Skills for Success
Image: icon of arrow hitting bullseye in target
Slide 44: Coaching for Performance
The goal of on-going coaching and feedback is to have meaningful conversations throughout the year:
Share how the employee is performing against expectations, acknowledging the good and unacceptable
Coach for development by asking the employee questions to help them grow, refraining from providing
them the answers.
Share timely, productive and constructive feedback, preferably face-to-face with specific examples.
Communicate how their performance aligns to the Behaviors and Results Matrix
Slide 45: Tools to help you coach for success
Behavior and results matrix
Behaviors and Results Matrix - Cornell University
Skills for Success
Ratings free Performance Dialogue
Slide 46: Developing Goals
SMART Goal Model
Image: icons of target, graph, humans, venn diagram, calendar
Updated 6/17/2019 Page 11 of 12
HR Manager’s Forum, December 7, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
Slide 47: Goal Template
Advance on-line learning at Cornell, making a curriculum available 365 days a year, 24/7 on
every employee computer anywhere they work
By January 2019 design, develop, and launch on-line curriculum and content for Cornell
supervisors and employees to advance their learning
Jennifer Fonseca lead, Organizational Development team
Meet with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), leaders and staff to determine curriculum content in
October 2017.
Develop a timeline to develop and deliver the curriculum by November 2017.
Develop a communication plan to include socializing, gaining buy-in for direction and content,
and marketing the curriculum prior to launch by January 2017.
Research content and meet with SMEs to develop objectives and scripts for each module in the
curriculum from October 2017 through Fall 2019.
Invite Cornell senior leaders to introduce content and record intros in Spring 2018.
Develop content in Captivate and other elearning software.
Partner with HRIS to create an integration between Skillsoft and CU Learn by December 2018.
Partner with eCornell to create an integration between eCornell and CU Learn by Fall 2019.
Invite individuals to record voice over for various content (on-going).
First content launched in January 2019 with continual releases in Fall 2019, Spring 2020
through Spring 2021.
Slide 48: Aligning Goals in Workday
To do You and your employees can enter and track goals in Workday by clicking the Performance section of
your profile
This calendar year:
10,178 goals have been identified in Workday by 3,966 employees.
New this years:
“Organization Goals” allow people to tie employee goals to one of President Pollack’s goals.
There are 752 goals that support President Pollack’s goals of:
Educational Verve
One Cornell
Academic Distinction
Civic Responsibility
Slide 49: In Workday
Screenshot of Workday: Individual Goals tab, view goal: Diversity and Inclusion; description: look for and attend
cultural diversity development training and provide time for my staff to do the same. Status: in progress.
Supports: Civic Responsibility (Public); due date: 1/1/20; Associated Reviews: Performance Dialogue
Slide 50: Questions?
Contact: Tanya Grove
Updated 6/17/2019 Page 12 of 12
HR Manager’s Forum, December 7, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.
Photo: repeat image of Ho Plaza and flowers
Slide 51: Q&A
Mary Opperman, vice president and chief human resources officer
Photo: evening view of Johnson Museum of art outdoor ceiling light show
Slide 52: Announcements
Photo: Cornell seal on red wall
Slide 53: Thank You
Photo: waterfall and tree branches in sunlight