West Virginia University Staff Council Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2017
8:15 a.m. 12:00 p.m.
Evansdale Library, Room 234
Submitted By: Janelle Squires, Administrative Secretary Staff Council
Baldwin, Joan
Nutrition Outreach Instructor
Extension Services
Baldwin, Larry
Trades Specialist Lead II
Physical Plant HSC
Bolin, Julia
Nutrition Outreach Instructor
Extension Service
Boyles, Lisa
Human Resources Assistant I
Human Resources
Bremar, Nancy
Nutrition Outreach Instructor
Extension Services
Campolong, Linda
Campolong, Ron
Trades Specialist I
Facilities Management
Crabtree, Joan
Supervisor Campus Services
Facilities Management
Forquer, Burlene
Manager Food Service
Mountainlair Catering
Friend, Rebecca
Executive Assistant
Office of Global Affairs
Griffin, Barbara
Developmental Advising Specialist
Academic Degree Programs
Higgins, Mary
Administrative Assistant
Special Education
Martin, Lisa
Special Events Coordinator Senior
Event Management
Martinelli, Dixie
Office Administrator
Extension Services
Martinelli, Paul
Program Manager
Extension Services
McCracken, Judi
Library Associate
Main Library
Morris, Jim
Assistant Vice President
HR Employee Relations
Steadman, Sherry
Library Associate
Main Library
Torries, Michael
Academic Lab Manager II
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by the chair, Lisa Martin, and a quorum was established. The
sheet was passed around for members to sign in.
First Business
Approval of May minutes motioned by Nancy. Paul seconded. All in favor and motion was
Treasurer’s Report
By Lisa Boyles, Secretary/Treasurer
Lisa reported a beginning balance of $671.62 with the following expenses:
-$20.99 (Staples folders)
-$6.83 (Printing)
-$19.60 (Post Office)
-$21.20 (Phone)
-$84.64 (Gas)
-$100.58 (Travel J. Bolin)
-$238.61 (Travel N. Bremar)
-$95.76 (Travel J. Baldwin)
=$588.21 total expenses
That leaves an ending balance of $83.41.
Approval of Treasurer’s Report motioned by Nancy. Paul seconded. All in favor and motion
was carried.
Chair’s Report
By Lisa Martin, Chair
Lisa reported she met with the Welfare Committee yesterday and discussed retirement versus
years of service recognition.
The group met on June 5 during an executive session to review the proposed HR policies and
provide feedback. The Reduction in Force and Classification & Compensation drafts were
reviewed but time would not allow to review the Performance Management draft. The group will
go over that today during an executive session.
BOG (Board of Governors) Report
By Dixie Martinelli, BOG Representative
Dixie reported the board met on June 15-16. She did not attend Thursday due to not feeling
well but did attend on Friday. On Thursday, they toured the new Heart Institute and Bonnie’s
Bus. Friday consisted of committee meetings in the morning with a lengthy afternoon session
discussing the budget. She advised the board to take any matters that affect classified staff
very seriously which she believes they will.
Cris DeBord, VP for Talent & Culture, gave a presentation on the new HR governing policies
which will be called the BOG Rules which should be finalized in early September. He confirmed
the board will have the authority to change anything in the policy draft they do not agree with
before it becomes a Rule.
He informed them of the workshops and open meetings that HR has offered which they will
likely continue offering, as well as the ongoing mandatory supervisor training workshops for
employee evaluations.
Our point factor system will be eliminated and instead will be a performance driven evaluation to
determine future increases. As she understood it, if you are not a high performance employee,
you will not get an increase and may even be let go. As one board member pointed out, there
are middle-of-the-road employees who may be great with students but may not be the highest
With all these new items, she suggested developing a Peer Committee in each department to
oversee the supervisors’ employee evaluations. A few board members agreed. Cris indicated
they could have these committees for one year to ensure supervisors are evaluating on an
equal level. She asked Staff Council’s input regarding this.
Thomas Flaherty will be stepping down as chair and Bill Wilmouth will serve as chair beginning
July 1 which will be a two year term. She suggested to both of them to possibly have an outside
council review these proposed policies for input. They thought it was a good idea. She and
Lisa could follow-up with Thomas as he knows of someone that could look over it.
The Council agrees the Peer Committee is a great idea. Amber added they would have to
consider confidentiality. Dixie understands there are some employees who will not want their
evaluations looked at but at the same time, we must trust the Peer Committee to ensure all
classified staff are treated fairly.
Amber added the new process will monitor and track the evaluations and produce reports of the
data. The Council can propose a Peer Committee to the board and Cris if they feel it is
Amber shared the following timeline regarding the forthcoming Performance Evaluations:
They’ve been developing a new electronic system and began training this week.
Four employee training sessions are in the works for the first or second week in July.
Employees and their supervisors will receive an email on July 17 notifying the employee
that the pre-review is open and have ten days to complete until July 28.
The supervisor can then begin the performance review and they have until August 18 to
All Performance Evaluations will be sent to the second-level supervisor to review/sign
and they will have until September 1 to complete.
HR will compile the reports to be sent to Deans and VP’s by September 8.
The Dean/VP will have two weeks to review the data.
Supervisors can then distribute the reviews to employees by September 22.
Employee review meetings will run through October and communicated to employees by
October 20.
Employees will then have the standard ten-day comment period to make any necessary
changes until November 1.
They are hoping to begin the process earlier next year.
ACCE (Advisory Council of Classified Employees) Report
By Paul Martinelli, ACCE Representative
Paul does not have a report to give today but shared that he has provided Shirley Robinson, the
new ACCE representative beginning July 1, with all the information he has compiled over the
years. Lisa suggested he could also keep it in the Staff Council office.
He commented that the same topics that were discussed years ago are still the same topics
being discussed today.
Paul is to retire July 31 after 50 years of service to WVU as a classified staff employee. The
group thanks him for all his years of service to WVU as well as the ACCE.
No committee reports today.
The group then tuned in to Governor Justice’s budget announcement then went into executive
session to review the third part of the proposed HR policy, Performance Management.
New Business
The President’s Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 27, 2017 beginning at 1:00 p.m. in the
Wise Library, Room 104. Agenda items were determined as follows:
What does the new budget mean for WVU and its employees?
Discussion regarding recommendations on the proposed HR policies.
Nancy motioned to adjourn. Joan B. seconded. All in favor and meeting adjourned at 11:30