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NJSIAA Football Tournament Regulations 2022-2023
The NJSIAA reserves the right to adjust, change or cancel dates, times, and locations for all NJSIAA State
tournaments. Schools entering the tournament will not be granted a change of date/time due to any conflicts
with school trips, proms, banquets, SATs, graduation, and the like. In addition, all schools competing in this
tournament must adhere to the NJSIAA state tournament COVID-19 policy which can be found on our website
under current resources or by following this link:
Member schools not willing or able to comply with all tournament regulations should not enter the tournament.
Member schools will not be eligible to participate in any NJSIAA Championship Tournament if it has violated the
NJSIAA Constitution, Bylaws, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures.
In all tournaments conducted by the NJSIAA, each member school must compete in its own group and section
classification, unless fewer than eight (8) schools qualify. In that case, the Executive Committee may combine
one or more groups. When the committee eliminates sectional championships because of an insufficient number
of schools qualifying, the State Group Championships will be conducted on a statewide quartile basis or State
Championships may be conducted without regard to Groups or Division.
Coaches must have a copy of these regulations as well as a copy of rule Modifications (if any) for this
tournament available at all contests. Copies of these documents are also available on the NJSIAA website.
The NFHS Football Rules along with any NJSIAA Football rule modifications will govern this tournament.
NJSIAA Director of Football
Football Coordinator
NJSIAA Rules Interpreter
Colleen Maguire
Greg Bailey
Mike Bartram
(609) 259-2776
(973) 703-1492
(609) 351-1902
New for This Year’s State Tournament
1. Maximum Games/League & Conference Scheduling Framework the maximum number of games to be
played by any team is 14 games between August 26
and December 4
2. Addition of the Public Regional Invitational Tournament for the next 8 teams in each Super Section.
3. Games against out of state/non-member opponents will no longer be included in power point or opponent
strength index calculations.
4. Updated multiplier schools and values for each category.
5. Public schools may receive multiplier values for 2 games played against multiplier teams.
6. Minimum requirement of 2 wins against NJSIAA member schools to be eligible for the Championship
7. Non-playoff eligible teams participating in a non-playoff eligible division may not compete against playoff
eligible teams prior to the cut-off.
8. Non-playoff eligible teams participating in a non-playoff eligible division will be not listed in the UPR rankings
found at
9. Once a school starts its regular season competition, no scheduled game may be mutually dropped by both
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Football Important Dates
First Practice
August 10, 2022
Heat acclimatization Starts
August 10, 2022
First Scrimmage
August 17, 2022
Opening Day (Week 0)
August 26, 2022
Opening Day (Week 1)
September 1, 2022
Intent Form Period
October 13 - 19, 2022
Officials Conflict of Interest Form:
October 21, 2022
Cutoff (Public)
October 22, 2022
Tournament Seeding (Public)
October 23, 2022
Cutoff (Non-Public)
October 29, 2022
Tournament Seeding (Non-Public)
October 30, 2022
Season End Date
November 27, 2022 *
Post Season Meeting
Public Championship Tournament
Round 1
October 28 or 29, 2022
Round 2
November 4 or 5, 2022
Sectional Finals
November 11 or 12, 2022
State Semifinals
November 18 or 19, 2022
State Finals (Day 1)
December 3, 2022
State Finals (Day 2)
December 4, 2022
Public Regional Invitational Tournament
Round 1
October 27 or 29, 2022
Round 2
November 3 or 5, 2022
November 10 or 12, 2022
Non-Public Championship Tournament
Round 1
November 4 or 5, 2022
Round 2
November 11 or 12, 2022
State Semifinals
November 18 or 19, 2022
State Finals
November 26, 2022
*Only games played after this date are NJSIAA state championship finals.
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Maximum Games/League & Conference Scheduling Framework
1. Maximum games to be played by any team is 14 games August 26
through December 4
2. Season end date November 27, 2022 only NJSIAA state championship finals after this date.
3. Public schools:
a. Non-Thanksgiving teams 9 games (week 0-8)
b. Thanksgiving teams 8 games (week 0-8), plus Thanksgiving game
4. Public schools may play a maximum of 5 games after the cut-off date, excluding Thanksgiving.
5. Non-Public schools:
a. Non-Thanksgiving teams 10 games (weeks 0-9)
b. Thanksgiving teams 9 games (weeks 0-9), plus Thanksgiving game
6. Non-public schools may play a maximum of 4 games after the cut-off date, excluding Thanksgiving.
Regular Season Contact Limits
NJSIAA schools will be limited to 15 minutes of full contact per week once their regular season starts. A school’s
regular season start date is the date of that school’s first regular season game. The period prior to the first
regular season game is considered pre-season and all pre-season full-contact requirements must be adhered
to. Please note that the 15 minutes of full contact per week requirement will be in place for the remainder of the
school’s season, which includes the championship playoffs. It is a recommendation that schools utilize the
“Practice Like a Pro” technique, which is not included in the 15 minutes of full contact per week requirement.
Full contact is defined as contact in which players are being tackled to the ground. Thud contact is defined as
contact in which players are not being tackled to the ground.
Pre-season full contact is reduced to a total of 6 hours.
A scrimmage counts towards one hour of full contact.
A maximum of 3 full contact scrimmages are allowed during the pre-season.
One additional “thud” only scrimmage is permitted.
In-season full contact is limited to 15 minutes per week.*
There is no limit to “thud”, tackling onto a tackling crash mat, or use of tackling dummies.
*A school’s in-season period begins the Monday following their first regular season game.
Game Management Running Clock Rule
For all levels of play, during both the Regular Season and NJSIAA state tournament games, if the score
differential reaches 33 points or more in the 2nd half, the clock will stop only for a score, time out, penalty or
injury. If the score differential drops below 25 points, normal timing rules will again be in effect.
Exchange of Game Film
The NJSIAA expects every school to adhere to the following policy regarding the exchange of game film:
1. Regular season league/conference games Refer to the league/conference policy in place regarding
film exchange.
2. Regular season non-league/conference games Game film exchange is to be mutually agreed upon by
both teams prior to the scheduling of the game. The NJSIAA will have no oversight of the exchange of
game film for these games.
3. NJSIAA State Tournament games (Championship Tournament and Regional Invitational Tournament)
All regular season and state tournament games must be made available for exchange to all opponents
upon their request during every round of the state tournament via Hudl, or other appropriate exchange
method. Please note this means that the entire regular season and every state tournament game must
be exchanged with all opponents. Upon seeding of the state tournament, all regular season games
must be made available no later than 5:00pm on the day of the seeding meeting and must remain
available for the entirety of the post-season tournament. All state tournament games thereafter must be
made available within 12 hours of the conclusion of each game.
4. Regular season games after the cut-off date For any regular season game scheduled after the cut-off
date, game film exchange is to be mutually agreed upon by both teams prior to the scheduling of the
game. The NJSIAA will have no oversight of the exchange of game film for these games.
To qualify for the Tournament
1. Teams must be competing on a varsity interscholastic basis and sixty percent (60%) of the games played on
or before the cutoff date must be against New Jersey schools.
2. The United Power Ranking system will be used to qualify all teams for the tournament.
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3. The 16 highest public school power ranking totals in each Super Section and group will qualify for the
Championship Tournament.
4. The next 8 highest public school power ranking totals in each Super Section and group will qualify for the
Regional Invitational Tournament.
5. Each non-public school bracket may be filled up to 16 teams.
6. Games played after the cutoff date will not count toward the power ranking calculation.
7. Any player with two (2) or more disqualifications in the current season, prior to the start of any NJSIAA
tournament, which includes both the championship and Regional Invitational Tournament, will not be
permitted to participate in either tournament.
8. Any varsity team accumulating three (3) or more player or coach disqualifications prior to the start of any
NJSIAA tournament, which includes both the championship and Regional Invitational Tournament, will not
be permitted to participate in either tournament. Seeded teams will forfeit their right to compete if a
disqualification limit is reached prior to the start of the tournament for the team.
Entry Procedure
1. The intent to enter form must be completed online during the intent form period listed above.
2. The intent form is applicable to both the Championship Tournament and Regional Invitational
Tournament. Schools will not have an option to enter one or the other.
3. All schools will be required to submit their regular season game schedule only and primary team contact
information (name, title, cell phone number) to Gridiron New Jersey via email to footba[email protected] no later
than Friday, July 1, 2022.
4. All varsity rosters must be reported to and must be checked and updated, if
necessary, by the start of the tournament. We cannot guarantee any roster changes made after the start of
the tournament will make it into the tournament program. If you encounter problems, please contact
5. Final scores must be reported within 2 hours of the conclusion of each game to Gridiron New Jersey via
email to or via text. For those schools not reporting their game results
timely, as indicated above, a warning will be given the first time the school fails to comply. Future instances
may be subject to a $150 fine.
6. The Officials Conflict of Interest form must be completed by the date listed above.
Entry Fee
$90.00 per team, Payable to the NJSIAA (Please note Football Tournament).
Forward all entry fees to the NJSIAA, 1161 Route 130 North, Robbinsville, NJ 08691
Withdrawing after seeding is subject to the $90 entry fee and a $150 fine.
Tournament Seeding (Public Schools Championship Tournament)
1. Within the North and South Super Sections for each Group the top 16 teams will qualify for the
Championship Playoffs.
2. The Super Section will first be subject to a Head-to-Head Rule from top to bottom and will end when #16 did
not lose to #17 (See Head-to-Head Rule below).
3. Once the Head-to-Head Rules have been applied, the Top 16 teams will be “Snaked” by final ranking into
two sections for each Super Section. (See Snaking Procedures below)
4. Once snaking is completed all brackets are FINAL and NO further movement will occur.
Tournament Seeding (Public Schools Regional Invitational Tournament)
1. Within the North and South Super Sections for each Group teams ranked #17 - #24 will qualify for the
Regional Invitational Tournament.
2. The Super Section will first be subject to a Head-to-Head Rule from top to bottom and will end when #24 did
not lose to #25 (See Head-to-Head Rule below).
3. Once the Head-to-Head Rules have been applied, the next 8 teams will be split into two groups by Northing
4. The four teams in each group will be seeded based on UPR rank.
Regional Invitational Tournament - Rounds
1. The winners of Round 1 within each group will advance to Round 2 and play each other.
2. The losers of Round 1 within each group will play each other in a consolation game during the Round 2
weekend (the loser of the 1v4 game will play the loser of the 2v3 game during Round 2 within each group).
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3. The winners of Round 2 games for each group will advance to the Regional Invitational Tournament finals
for each Super Section.
Any team opting out of the Regional Invitational Tournament after seeding or after Round 1 will be subject to a
fine and will not be eligible for the 2023-2024 post-season.
Snaked Brackets:
The highest ranked team in each Super Section will be the #1 seed in their traditional section based on Northing
number. The teams will alternately be seeded in pairs between brackets (NI/NII v. Central/South) and end with
the #16 ranked team per the Super Section as the #8 seed in the #1 UPR ranked team’s traditional section.
For instance, Team A is the #1 UPR ranked team in the North Super Section and its traditional section is NI.
Therefore, the Sections will be seeded as follows:
North I
North II
Team A
#2 final UPR rank
#4 final UPR rank
#3 final UPR rank
#5 final UPR rank
#6 final UPR rank
#8 final UPR rank
#7 final UPR rank
#9 final UPR rank
#10 final UPR rank
#12 final UPR rank
#11 final UPR rank
#13 final UPR rank
#14 final UPR rank
#16 final UPR rank
#15 final UPR rank
Tournament Seeding (Non-Public Schools Championship Tournament)
For Non-Public Schools, at the conclusion of Week 9, the top 16 teams per Group will be seeded. A Seeding
Committee will seed both Group A and Group B as determined by the NJSIAA. Criteria to be considered
includes, but is not limited to, UPR, head-to-head competition, strength of schedule and overall record.
Tie-Breaker Rule:
If there is a tie for qualification or seeding, then the following tie breaking criteria will be applied:
1. Head-to-Head
2. Common Opponents
3. OSI Ranking
4. Power Point Power Rank
5. Coin Flip
Head-to-Head Rule (Top 16 Qualifiers per Super Section):
The Head-to-Head rule will apply from the “top-down” beginning with the highest ranked team in each Super
Section. The criteria for this rule are as follows:
1. Head to Head results receive consideration only when a lower ranked team has defeated the higher ranked
team immediately above them.
2. If team A, directly below team B, has defeated team B head-to-head, team A would move ahead of team B
within that respective Super Section.
3. Teams can only move ahead of a team they defeated that are directly above them in their Super Section.
4. Movement of more than one seeding slot can occur, 1 “jump” at a time providing the teams defeated are
directly above them with no “space” in between.
1. The Public Championship Tournament and Regional Invitational Tournament brackets will be posted to on Sunday, October 23, 2022. The Non-Public Championship Tournament
brackets will be posted to the same website on Sunday, October 30, 2022.
2. The media may post brackets following the completion of the seeding meeting, however, seedings and
brackets do not become official until 12:00pm on the day after seeding.
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Tournament Rules & Information
1. All Public and Non-Public championship games will be played at Rutgers University or MetLife Stadium.
Dates and times of all games will be determined by the NJSIAA.
2. Teams must indicate on their intent form that they will go to any predetermined multi-game site for any
round or not be eligible for the Championship Playoffs if selected. The selection process will be determined
by the highest-powered ranked team per game in descending order, given geographic considerations.
3. The home field of the higher seeded team will host the games in the games in round 1 & 2 as well as the
sectional finals for the public schools. If the playing field or facilities of the higher seeded team is not
considered suitable by the NJSIAA, the NJSIAA may then assign a designated playing site, or the lower
seeded team’s field, and this decision must be accepted by the competing schools.
4. Those games where a designated site other than the home site of the lower seed is used, the higher seeded
team will be the “home” team, wear dark-colored jerseys, and use the “home” bleachers.
5. Equal accommodations shall be made for both team spotters at Championship Playoff games.
6. A game site will not be changed because of wet or muddy conditions at a particular field. It must be
anticipated that similar conditions may be present at all fields at that time of year.
7. NJSIAA will not cover the costs related to the rental of bleachers, maintenance, or grounds costs (including
snow removal). All such costs must be at the expense of the participating teams. Any exceptions must be
authorized in writing in advance by the NJSIAA.
8. The higher seeded public-school teams will host all games up to and including the sectional finals.
9. The higher seeded non-public school teams will host all games up to and including the semifinals.
10. All tickets and costs associated with the public and non-public first and second round games will be the
higher seeded school’s responsibility.
11. Any host school electing to play at another site will be responsible in full for any rental or custodial costs.
12. All host schools for the first and second round games will be responsible for assigning and paying all
officials. The first and second round games should be treated like regular season games.
13. Starting with the public sectional finals and the non-public semifinals, the NJSIAA will be financially
responsible and will retain all game receipts. All tickets for these event levels will be sold by the NJSIAA via
Hometown ticketing.
14. Host schools for the public sectional finals and the non-public semifinals will be provided with NJSIAA
operation reports which will detail the approved event workers, related fees for each worker and approved
police security. Any exceptions to the allowable event staff/police security must be approved by the NJSIAA.
15. Public-school state semi-final games will be played at neutral sites and all tickets will be sold by the NJSIAA
via Hometown ticketing.
16. All championship game played at Rutgers University and MetLife Stadium will be selling tickets through their
ticketing systems.
Game Ball Procedures:
1. Wilson footballs must be used in all playoff competition.
2. The NJSIAA will provide three (3) Wilson G.S.T. F-1003 footballs.
3. The game ball will be changed by the officials upon each change in possession.
4. Each team shall provide a “ball boy or girl” (age 12 or older) available on the sideline with drying towels
available for the officials use.
5. If a school chooses to use a Wilson football other than the Wilson G.S.T. F-1003, then that school must
supply three (3).
6. The winner keeps two (2) footballs for the next game.
Postponed Football Game:
It shall be the decision of the Site Manager (normally the Director of Athletics of the host school) as to whether a
game should be postponed because of inclement weather. Such decision should be made no later than 4 hours
prior to kick-off the day of the game, and the Site Manager will attempt to consult with the Director of Athletics of
the competing school prior to making his final decision.
1. The final determination of the time and date of any postponed game in the first three rounds rests with the
higher seeded team (home team).
2. The NJSIAA will make the final determination regarding the time and locations for any postponed games at
neutral sites.
Overtime Procedures:
The NJSIAA has adopted a 25-yard line procedure to determine a winner in regular season games at the varsity
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level which end regulation play in a tie. The 25-yard line procedure will utilize the National Federation
OVERTIME PROCEDURE in the National Federation Football Rule Book with the following modifications:
1. At the end of regulation playing time, the referee, in the presence of the field captains, shall toss a coin
which the visiting team shall call. All other regulations as detailed in the National Federation Football Rules
then prevail.
2. To start the overtime, the offensive team shall put the ball in play, 1st and 10, from the 25-yard line of their
opponents unless a penalty shall cause the ball to be placed elsewhere.
3. It is possible for a team to earn or be awarded a first down during a team's possession; thus, giving them an
additional four (4) downs during their possession to move the ball ten (10) yards for a new series or to
score. Since it is possible to earn a first down, the line to gain equipment must be used during the 25-yard
line procedure.
4. The defense may score during the OVERTIME PROCEDURE. The ball remains alive if there is a change of
possession. Any foul, which occurs after a change of team possession, is automatically refused. If there is a
change of possession and the team in possession fouls and subsequently scores, the score is canceled,
and A's series has ended. If neither team scores after a change of possession, A's series has ended. If B
scores, they are the winners, and the game is over. If a foul occurs before the change of possession, it will
be treated as any foul is treated in regulation. If there is an inadvertent whistle after a change of possession,
the team with the ball will have the option of accepting the play or to replay the down. This will also be the
end of A's series.
5. Each team will be permitted only one (1) time-out during each overtime period. Any unused time-outs from
regulation or a previous overtime period WILL NOT be transferred over.
6. Except as specifically provided above, the 2022 National Rules and Regulations, as adopted by the
NJSIAA, shall prevail. There is no need to use the scoreboard time during the 25-yard line procedure.
7. In the event of a tie during the regular season, a maximum of 3 series will be played. In the 3rd series,
teams must utilize the 2-point try.
8. During the Championship Playoffs, the maximum three (3) series overtime limit will not be enforced. The
overtime series will continue until a winner is determined using the 2-point try in the third and subsequent
periods if necessary.
Officials Assignment & Fees
Rounds 1 & 2
Higher seeded school will contact their local assignor to schedule officials.
Six (6) officials will be assigned to each game by the local assignor.
One (1) game clock operator will be assigned to each game by the local assignor.
Higher seeded school will pay all officials and the clock operator at the area agreed-upon rate.
It is the higher seeded school responsibility to secure and pay for the chain crew.
If applicable, a play clock operator will be assigned to the game by the local assignor,
Sectional Finals (Public Schools Only)
NJSIAA will assign and pay for 6 game officials.
NJSIAA will assign and pay for 3 chain crew personnel.
NJSIAA will assign and pay for 1 game clock operator.
If applicable, NJSIAA will assign and pay for 1 play clock operator.
State Semi-Finals
NJSIAA will assign and pay for 6 game officials.
NJSIAA will assign and pay for 3 chain crew personnel.
NJSIAA will assign and pay for 1 game clock operator.
If applicable, NJSIAA will assign and pay for 1 play clock operator.
State Finals
NJSIAA will assign and pay for 7 game officials.
NJSIAA will assign and pay for 3 chain crew personnel.
NJSIAA will assign and pay for 1 game clock operator and 1 play clock operator.
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Public Regional Invitational Tournament All rounds
Higher seeded school will contact their local assignor to schedule officials.
Six (6) officials will be assigned to each game by the local assignor.
One (1) game clock operator will be assigned to each game by the local assignor.
Higher seeded school will pay all officials and the clock operator at the area agreed-upon rate.
It is the higher seeded school responsibility to secure and pay for the chain crew.
If applicable, a play clock operator will be assigned to the game by the local assignor.
It is the Athletic Directors responsibility to confirm all assignments of game officials.
Sectional Champions:
A team trophy and sixty (60) certificates to each Sectional Championship in each Section and Group.
State Group Champions:
A team trophy and sixty (60) certificates to the State Champion in each Group.
United Power Ranking System
The United Power Ranking system will be the sole criteria used to qualify for any NJSIAA tournament, except as
noted for the Non-Public Group A and Group B. Once each team's OSI and Power Points calculations are
determined, they'll be ranked by their standing within their section.
For example, Team A has the best OSI in its section. Team B has the second best OSI in its section. Team C
has the third best OSI in its section. Team D has the fourth best OSI in its section. Team E has the fifth best
OSI in its section.
Team A also has the most power points in its section. Team B is 4th in power points. Team C is 5th in power
points. Team D is second in power points. And Team E 6th power points.
With OSI accounting for 60% of a team's UPR and power points accounting for 40%, here are the breakdowns
for calculating UPR:
Team A: 1(.6) + 1(.4) = 0.6 + 0.4 = 1
Team B: 2(.6) + 4(.4) = 1.2 + 1.6 = 2.8
Team C: 3(.6) + 5(.4) = 1.8 + 2.0 = 3.8
Team D: 4(.6) + 2(.4) = 2.4 + 0.8 = 3.2
Team E: 5(.6) + 6(.4) = 3.0 + 2.4 - 5.4
Therefore, Team A (1) is first in this section, while Team B (2.8) in second, Team D (3.2) in third, Team C (3.8)
is fourth, and Team E (5.4) is fifth.
The United Power Rank (UPR) will be based on a weighting of two rating systems: Power Points and the
Opponent’s Strength Index (OSI). The UPR will use a formula that will weigh Power Points at 40% and the OSI
at 60%. Please note that all games played will count towards playoff qualification.
Any undefeated team with 7 or more wins against NJSIAA member schools, and no ties, that does not fall in the
top 16 of their Super Section after all ranking criteria has been applied, will automatically replace the #16 team.
The ranking criteria includes, but is not limited to, tiebreakers and the head-to head rule. If multiple teams with 7
or more wins, and no ties, do not fall into the top 16 of a Super Section, then each team will replace the lowest
ranked team based on the undefeated teams’ UPR standings.
Any team with less than 2 wins against NJSIAA member schools will automatically be ineligible for the
Championship Playoffs. Lastly, 7 games will be the minimum number of games used when averaging both the
Power Points and OSI totals for use in the UPR system. For instance, if your team only plays 6 games, then
both the Power Points and OSI totals will be divided by 7 games for UPR purposes.
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The UPR will be made officially available at beginning with the conclusion of Week
2. For Weeks 2 7, the UPR will be available no later than Tuesday at 12:00pm. For week 8, the UPR will be
available no later than 10:00am on Sunday.
Please notify Gridiron New Jersey (footba[email protected]) if any Week 8 Saturday game involving public schools
is scheduled to start at 4:00pm or later.
Power Points:
Gridiron New Jersey will maintain a weekly update of the Power Point totals beginning with Week 2. All games
will count towards a team’s final Power Point average. A team’s final Power Point total will be divided by the
number of games played (i.e., 7, 8 or 9) prior to, but including, Week 8. However, the final Power Point total will
only include Residual Points for your opponent’s first seven games played and will be capped at 18 points.
Below are examples of how residual points are calculated.
1. Team A is 5-2, Team B is 4-3, and they play each other in their 8th game. After Team A wins the game,
their record improves to 6-2, while Team B falls to 4-4. Because residual points are calculated using an
opponent's first seven games played, Team A receives 12 residual points (4 x 3), and Team B receives
5 residual points (1 point for each of their opponent's wins through their first seven games).
2. Team A is now 6-2, and plays Team C, who is 7-0. After a Team A victory, their record improves to 7-2,
while Team C falls to 7-1. Team A receives 18 residual points (residuals are capped at 18), while Team
C receives 5 residual points (because Team A has 5 wins through its first seven games).
Opponent’s Strength Index (OSI):
A team’s OSI will be the average value of their opponent’s Strength Index for all games played. Please see
page 11 for a detailed explanation of the Strength Index. Gridiron New Jersey will maintain a weekly update of
each team’s OSI beginning with Week 2. Opponent’s Strength Index points will be awarded as follows:
1. For wins, 100% of the opponent’s SI rating
2. For losses, 50% of the opponent’s SI rating
3. For ties, 75% of the opponent’s SI rating
Upon conclusion of Week 8, the OSI points received from each opponent will be added together and divided by
the number of games played (i.e., 7, 8 or 9). This average value of their opponent’s SI ratings will be the 60%
value used by each team in the United Power Rank formula. All SI ratings will be locked on Tuesday, October
18, 2022; however, the results from Week 8 games will count towards a team’s OSI.
Non-Public Group Equivalents:
When a Public school plays a Non-Public member school, the Non-Public’s Group equivalent will be used in the
power point calculation. When two Non-Public schools play each other, the actual Group size will be used. The
Non-Public Group Equivalency chart is included in the Football Classifications that can be found on the NJSIAA
website under Football.
Non-Public Multiplier:
When a Public School plays a Non-Public school, the following multipliers will be in effect.
Category A (6 teams)
Category B (5 teams)
Category C (4 teams)
Win = 48 pts; Loss = 32 pts
Win = 42 pts; Loss = 28 pts
Win = 36 pts; Loss = 24 pts
Bergen Catholic
Holy Spirit
Donovan Catholic
Pope John
Don Bosco Prep
Red Bank Catholic
Paramus Catholic
Seton Hall Prep
St. Augustine
St. John Vianney
St. Joseph (Montvale)
St. Joseph (Hammonton)
St. Peter’s Prep
There will be no multiplier in effect for all other remaining Non-Public schools. A public school may receive
multiplier points for 2 games against opponents listed in the categories above. If a public school plays more than
two non-public multiplier schools, then the public school will receive the 2 highest combination of the multiplier
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values and natural power points.
Non-Public Multiplier Criteria:
The teams in each multiplier category are reviewed annually by the NJSIAA Football Committee and changes
may be made based on this review. The annual review primarily relies on historical results against public
schools. Schools can be added or moved up annually, while schools can be removed or moved down with each
new two-year classification cycle. To be considered as a new multiplier school, then a school must have beaten
at least one multiplier school in the prior year.
Non-Playoff Eligible Teams:
Teams participating in a non-playoff eligible division within their league and/or conference (i.e. Union or Ivy
division), will not appear in the UPR rankings found at
Non-playoff eligible teams participating in a non-playoff eligible division may not compete against a playoff
eligible team prior to the cut-off date Saturday, October 22, 2022.
Out of State/Non-Member Opponents:
New to 2022, games played against out of state/non-member opponents will no longer be included the United
Power Rank calculation. Therefore, neither power points nor an opponent’s strength index will be calculated.
However, the games will count as a game played towards the maximum number of games allowed during the
Power Point Calculation
1. Quality Points Each school will receive the following Quality points for a win or a tie from all games played
up to, and including, week 8:
Win = 6 points
Tie = 3 points
Loss = 0 points
2. Group Points Each school will receive the following Group points from a team they defeated or tied for all
games played up to, and including, week 8:
Group V = 5 points
Group IV = 4 points
Group III = 3 points
Group II = 2 points
Group I = 1 point
(For games played against Out of State/Non-Member schools, the group size will be determined by the NJSIAA
based on the enrollment ranges per the Football Non-Public Equivalency Chart which is included with the
Football Classifications)
3. Residual Points Each school will receive the following Residual points from their opponent’s first seven
games played only based on the result of the games:
a. For every win, a school will receive the following points for each of their opponent’s wins or ties:
Win = 3 points*
Tie = 1.5 points
Loss = 0 points
*Total residual points from your opponent’s wins will be capped at 18 points.
b. For every tie, a school will receive the following points for each of their opponent’s wins or ties:
Win = 1.5 points
Tie = .75 points*
Loss = 0 points
*No points will be awarded when the school’s game is their opponents only tie, the school has already been
awarded points for that tie.
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c. For every loss, a school will receive the following points for each of their opponent’s wins or ties:
Win = 1 point
Tie = 0 points
Loss = 0 points
When a forfeit win is awarded to a school prior to the game, the affected school must accept the forfeit unless
they can replace the game. The substituted game must be played the same week to replace the forfeit. If a
team cannot play, for any reason, they must accept a forfeit loss. The exception of natural disasters will be
determined by the NJSIAA.
Once a school starts its regular season competition, then all scheduled games are expected to be played. No
scheduled game can be "mutually dropped" by both teams. Games must either be played, or a forfeit be
declared. If there are extenuating circumstances that would prevent two schools from playing a scheduled
game, then the League or Conference must submit a written summary of the circumstances that necessitated
the need to mutually drop a scheduled game.
When a forfeit win is awarded to a school after the game is played (i.e. due to a rule infraction such as an
ineligible player), the opponent will receive a win and the forfeiting school’s record will be updated to reflect the
forfeit loss(es) and the opponent’s record will be updated to reflect the forfeit win(s). All residual points will be
based on the updated records.
Power Point Examples
Example 1 (Win)
Team A defeats Team B (G IV) Team A record: 5-2
Team B record: 7-0
Team A earns a total of 28 points: 6 points for the win, 4 points for group size, 18 residual points
Example 2 (Win)
Team A defeats Team B (G IV) Team A record: 5-2
Team B record: 5-1-1
Team A earns a total of 27.5 points: 6 points for the win, 4 group points, 17.5 residual points
Example 3 (Tie)
Team A ties Team B (G IV) Team A record: 5-1-1 Team B record: 4-2-1
Team A earns a total of 13.0 points: 3 points for the tie, 4 group points, 6 residual points
(1.5 points per Team B win only, there are no points for Team B’s tie as Team A is their only tie)
Example 4 (Tie)
Team A ties Team B (G IV) Team A record: 5-1-1 Team B record: 4-1-2
Team A earns a total of 13.75 points: 3 points for the tie, 4 group points, 6.75 residual points (1.5 points per
Team B win plus .75 for Team B tie against another opponent)
Example 5 (Loss)
Team A loses to Team B (GIV) Team A record: 2-5
Team B record: 4-3
Team A earns a total of 4 points: 0 points for the loss, 0 group points, 4 residual points
Strength Index (SI)
The Opponent’s Strength Index (OSI) will be the average value of a team’s opponent’s Strength Index (SI) for all
games played. The Strength Index will be calculated on a weekly basis and will move based on the game
results in relation to the expected outcome of the game.
The Strength Index for all games played during 2021 season will be averaged and then re-balanced by 1/3 to
move closer to a Strength Index rating of 60 this will be the 2022 starting Strength Index. Prior to the start of
the season, the 2022 starting Strength Index will be posted to Gridiron New Jersey upon submission of all
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regular season schedules (please see requirements on page 4). Please note that the Strength Index numbers
will be calculated and rounded to the hundredths decimal place (i.e. two decimal points).
For any new program that does not have a 2021 Strength Index rating, they will be assigned a starting SI of 20
points for the season. For any new cooperative sports program, the starting SI rating will default to the highest
end of season SI rating from the most recent prior season of the participating teams. When an existing
cooperative sports program is dissolved, each school’s stand-alone SI rating will be determined by the NJSIAA.
For instance, Team A’s BPI was 90 at the end of the season. Therefore, 90 minus 60 equals 30 so Team A will
move down by 1/3 of 30 (or 10 points) to a starting SI value of 80 points. Team B’s BPI was 39 at the end of the
season. Therefore 60 minus 39 equals 21 so Team B will move up by 1/3 of 21 (or 7 points) to a starting SI
value of 46 points.
All teams with a Strength Index of 0 or a negative value at the end of the 2021 season will have a starting SI
rating of 20 points…no team will start the 2022 season with a SI rating of less than 20 points. For purposes of
the OSI calculation only, no opponent will be valued at less than a 20-point SI rating.
For all games up to and including Week 7, a team’s SI will move weekly based on the game results compared to
the expected outcome of each game. The expected outcome of a game is determined by the SI values prior to
the start of the game. For every point off the expected outcome, teams will move by 1/5 (or .2) in the appropriate
direction depending on the game result. However, please be reminded that a school’s own SI rating has no
bearing on its OSI calculation that is included in the United Power Ranking system.
For example, team A’s SI is 70 and Team B’s SI is 50…the expected outcome of the game is a 20-point
difference in favor of Team A.
1. If the game result is a 20-point win by Team A, then there is no change in either Team’s SI.
2. If the game result is a 10-point win by Team A (10 points less than the expected outcome), then Team A will
move down by 2 points (10 points X .2 = 2 points) and Team B will move up by 2 points.
3. If the game result is a 40-point win by Team A (20 points more than the expected outcome), then Team A
will move up by 4 points (20 points X .2 = 4 points) and Team B will move down by 4 points.
4. If the game result is a 5-point win by Team B (25 points more than the expected outcome in favor of Team
B), then Team B will move up by 5 points (25 points X .2 = 5 points) and Team A will move down by 5
The Strength Index ratings will be final on Monday, October 17, 2022; however, please note that all games
played will count towards playoff qualifications. The final Strength Index ratings will be used in the average
calculation that will determine a team’s OSI rating which is 60% of a team’s UPR. Therefore, a team’s OSI rating
will be updated weekly during the season, but the value of the opponent’s SI will be updated and final on
Monday, October 17, 2022.
When a forfeit win is awarded to a school prior to the game, the affected school must accept the forfeit unless
they can replace the game. The SI value for each school will remain unchanged and the SI values will go
unchanged. The substituted game must be played the same week to replace the forfeit. If a team cannot play,
for any reason, they must accept a forfeit loss. The exception of natural disasters will be determined by the
Once a school starts its regular season competition, then all scheduled games are expected to be played. No
scheduled game can be "mutually dropped" by both teams. Games must either be played, or a forfeit be
declared. If there are extenuating circumstances that would prevent two schools from playing a scheduled
game, then the League or Conference must submit a written summary of the circumstances that necessitated
the need to mutually drop a scheduled game.
When a forfeit win is awarded to a school after the game is played (i.e. due to a rule infraction such as an
ineligible player), the SI values for the forfeited game will not be recalculated. However, the OSI will be updated
to reflect the new win-loss result.
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Head-to-Head Rule (Top 16 Qualifiers per Super Section)
The Head-to-Head rule will apply from the “top-down” beginning with the highest ranked team in each Super
Section only. Once a Super Section is divided into two Sections, there will be no jumps within a Section.
Below are examples of how this rule will be applied.
1. If team A, directly below team B, has defeated that team B head-to-head, team A would move ahead of
team B within that respective Super Section. Example:
a. In Group 2, Central/South Super Section, Team A is the #3 ranked Team and Team B is the #4 ranked
b. Team B defeated Team A in the regular season.
c. Team B will now become the #3 ranked Team
d. Team A will now become the #4 ranked team.
2. Teams can only move ahead of a team they defeated that is directly above them in a Super Section.
a. In Group 4, North I/North II Super Section, Team A is the #13 ranked team and Team B is the #15
ranked team.
b. Team B defeated Team A during the regular season
c. Team B did NOT play OR lost to the #14 ranked team.
d. Team B will remain the #15 ranked team and Team A will remain the #13 ranked team because there is
“space” in between them.
3. In Super Sections, movement of more than one seeding slot can occur, 1 “jump” at a time providing the
teams defeated are directly above them with NO “space” in between. Example:
a. In Group 1, Central/South Super Section we have Team A #6 ranked team, Team B #7 ranked team
and Team C #8 ranked team.
b. Team C (#8) has defeated Team B (#7) and Team A (#8)
c. Team B (#2) DID NOT play Team A (#1)
d. Team C is now the #1 ranked team
e. Team A is now the #2 ranked team
f. Team B is now the #3 ranked team