New Technical
Features Overview
Sage X3 2022 R2 & R3
Raheel Khan - 5
October 2022
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Sage X3 Notification Servers For Workflow
Old MELADX & its limitations
New Notification Server
Setting Workflow Email to use Notification Server
Advantages of New Notification Server
HTML Workflow Notifications
General parameter settings
Enabling at the Workflow level
Themes & Example
SADFSQ Protocol As Opposed To Apache
Advantages of using the SADFSQ protocol
Prerequisites to switch to SADFSQ
New installation
Existing install & decommissioning legacy components
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Sage X3 Notification
Server for Workflow Email
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What is Meladx
Historically (V6) Sage X3 used a basic application called meladx at the runtime level to relay workflow email
messages to an SMTP server. The application can be found in \X3ERPV12\Runtime\bin\ directory
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Email (From, To,
Email body generated by
the workflow message
File name and location in
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What is Meladx
Once the text message had been relayed to the mail server by
meladx.exe, there is an accompanying .tra (trace) file created
For example, you could manually call MELADX with the
required parameters to send the email.
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-v Generate trace file
-s Mail server
-r Sender address
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Meladx Limitations
There are no SMTP authentication options for the Meladx binary the only parameter available is SERMES which is used to define the address
of the SMTP server.
Customers always had to use a third-party SMTP server to relay messages if authentication is a requirement.
Customers need to authorize SMTP relay from the X3 mail server to the external mail server.
Emails are always sent in plain text. There is no options of using HTML
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SERMES the only parameter
available to define your
mail server name
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Sage X3 Notification Server
Sage X3 has embedded the notification server function since PU9. It would be primarily utilized to send out notifications for defined events,
like license expiry web service consumption and web service slow-down events. With the latest release, we can now utilize the notification server
to dispatch workflow emails
The notification server uses the nodemailer open-source module for node.js as its underlying technology
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There is the possibility of having
multiple notification servers for
different activities and to also define
notification themes
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Using Workflow Email With Notification Server
With the release of Sage X3 2022 R3, we can now utilize the
Sage X3 notification server to dispatch workflow emails
instead of the old MELADX program.
This is optional and you can still use the MELADX included
with the Sage X3 runtime if you prefer
You can define and configure the notification server
Administration, Server, NotificationServers entity
Features include
Advanced authentication settings in the security section
you can enable TLS connection and use certificates to
secure your connection if your mail server supports this.
Basic authentication options with username and
password to connect to your SMTP server
SMTP Pooled connection and timeout settings for the
connection to your SMTP server.
The message configuration section allows you to
configure the theme you want to use with this
notification server & the sender email address of mail
dispatched from the server.
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Using Workflow Email With Notification Server
Test the notification server Administration, Administration, Server, Notification Servers
Set workflows to use the notification server Parameters, General Parameters, Parameter values (ADPVAL)
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Set the parameters in the Supervisor (SUP) module workflow group
SYRMAIL Set Parameter to Yes to use notification server as
opposed to MELADX for the particular endpoint. NO is the default
SYRAMAILSRV Set to the name of your notification server, you
can have multiple notification servers one for workflow and
another for other notifications.
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Reviewed the existing MELADX
How we can use notification servers as a replacement
The advanced authentication features available
How to switch workflow to start using the notification servers.
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HTML Workflow
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HTML Workflow Notifications
With the introduction of the notification server for workflow email, we can also send HTML formatted emails
1. Set the general parameter setting (ADPVAL)
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Set the parameters in the Supervisor (SUP) module workflow group
SYRMAIL Set Parameter to Yes to use notification server as
opposed to MELADX
SYRAMAILSRV Set to the name of your notification server, you
can have multiple notification servers one for workflow and
another for other notifications.
2. Enable an HTML theme for the notification server, this is selected in
the notification server settings. Sage X3 is shipped with one SAGE
Factory theme called sage-theme Administration, Administration,
Server, Notification Servers
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HTML Workflow Notifications
3. In the workflow rule setup (parameters,
workflow, workflow rules) GESAWA we need to
select the option ‘use a theme’ this then picks
up the theme set at the notification server level
and uses this as the container for the workflow
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One advantage is that there is no need to modify the
workflow message setup if you are switching from
using plain text notifications
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Workflow Notification Themes
You can create a theme for each of your notification servers. Using the notification themes function which is accessed from the right menu in the
notification server entity
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In the notification themes function, you can
insert your template HTML body there is no
fully-fledged editor so you may need to use
an external application to create to form the
body of your email.
You can also upload images to be used
embedded in the template
We are expecting further enhancements to
the theme designer in subsequent releases.
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Workflow Notification Themes
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The themes use HTML and mustache format tags, mustache tags begin with two opening
braces ({{) and end with two closing braces (}}) and contain a variable, that will be
populated with data from the workflow message.
Because of the use of this format there is no need to modify your workflow message, the
same message can be utilised for HTML & Plain text emails.
You can also have conditions for example {{#link}} {{link.label}} {{/link}} so Link label
will be visible if data is passed to the link.label variable.
More detailed info on mustache (logic-less templates) can be found on
Tag name that can be used in the template
The body content of the mail.
The name of the signer.
The title of the email.
A subtitle for the mail.
The link reference if the email includes a link.
The link reference if the email includes a link.
The current date (localized string).
The current date value.
The current time (localized string).
The current time value
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HTML Workflow Notifications
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This is an example of a purchase order request email received without a theme applied and with the standard factory sage-
theme applied.
Time variables
<href> style link
Embedded Image
HTML Format body
Raw text from the
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Advantages of Notification Server for Workflow Email
SMTP Authentication options enable a secure connection to the customer’s email server
No need for a local mail server to relay messages from Sage X3
Ability to use HTML utilizing themes in workflow emails
You can imbed images in the theme that will be sent with the email
Text and formulae setup remains the same in the Workflow setup so you can seamlessly switch to HTML
without the need to modify the workflow message content.
You can also switch back to plain text if the need arises
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Troubleshooting the Notification Server
In global settings, you can enable node JS level logging for notification & notification service which will write to the Syracuse
logs. The debug level will show the HTML output of your HTML template and see the parameters passed to the variables as well
as the other useful information for troubleshooting
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The notification server configuration name, from & to
address of the generated email
The RAW HTML with the mustache variables being passed to
the template
Text & mustace variable section we have all the information
from X3 passed into the variables and body of the email
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Troubleshooting the Notification Server
An issue that we came across in our internal testing was we found that when using Mozilla thunderbird as your
email client the signature links were not clickable, and the image was not displayed correctly. We expect this to
be a setting in thunderbird as in outlook the same message is correctly formed.
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Troubleshooting the Notification Server
The notification server settings and notification themes are all stored in new collections in Mongo DB
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NotificationEmailTest This collection contains a log of all the test emails sent
NotificationServer Collection contains the definitions of the Notification Servers
NotificationTheme Collection contains the definition of the notification server theme including the HTML
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Using HTML notifications for Workflow
Themes and how they use templates
Compared a plain text email with one using a theme
Advantages of notification servers
Troubleshooting the notification servers
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protocol opposed to
Apache for Sage X3
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Using SADFSQ Protocol opposed to Apache
Sage X3 uses an Apache HTTP server to transfer static files from the Sage X3 application server to the Sage X3 Web
presentation layer (Syracuse). From 2022 R2, Apache is no longer needed. Static files can now be transferred using the native
application protocol known as SADFSQ.
Some examples of static files are exports from grids, local exports to excel and transferring files from storage areas.
Advantages of using SADFSQ
SADFSQ is already used for internal communications; the print server embeds SADFSQ to transfer reports.
No need to deploy the separate Apache web server component, which simplifies the Sage X3 deployment
Using SADFSQ reduces the potential for security vulnerabilities in the third-party component like the Apache log4j
vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) seen in November 2021
Internal testing showed no performance degradation when using the SADFSQ Protocol
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Prerequisite to Switch to the SADFSQ Protocol
The feature is available from Sage X3 version 2022 R2
Syracuse 12.15
Runtime & ADXAdmin 94.1.17
Console 2.54
Legacy components cannot be used with the native SADFSQ Protocol, so they should be decommissioned before switching
Java Web (VT) Web Server used for the old ADC (typically hand-held RF terminals)
Java Bridge component is a deprecated component. However, it can still be installed to support legacy outgoing web
services (SOAP)
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Using SADFSQ in a New Installation
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With all new installations, the
recommendation is not to deploy
1. When configuring the
application, set the use Apache
flag to ‘False’. This will be the
default on a new installation
2. Save and Configure the
application; the console will not
look for the Apache HTTP server
installation and will no longer
create the Apache service
3. Set the solution file protocol to
X3 Protocol (SADFSQ) to use the
native Sage X3 protocol
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Legacy components and switching to use SADFSQ
Once you meet the prerequisites, the following steps can be performed to switch to the native
SADFSQ Protocol
1. Backup your solution/environment by way of an environment snapshot
2. Unpublish/unconfigure VT Web server from Sage X3
3. Unpublish/unconfigureJava Bridge Server from Sage X3
4. Uninstall / Remove windows services
5. Switch console parameter to ‘false’ and configure the application
6. Switch solution settings in Sage X3 to use SADFSQ
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Decommission VT Web Server From Sage X3
Sage Management Console
1. Navigate to the ADC Server
module in the Sage X3
management console
2. Select the solution and view the
published folders
3. Deselect the folders
4. Apply publication
5. Select X3 solution identifier and
unpublish the solution
6. Unconfigure the ADC Server
7. Remove the ADC Server from
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Decommission VT Web Server From Sage X3
Windows Steps
1. After the decommission in the
Sage X3 management console the
services for the Web server will be
2. In the windows control panel
uninstall the component
3. The ‘WEB’ entry in the adxinstalls
will also now be removed.
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Decommission components (Java Bridge Server)
Steps in Sage Management Console
1. Navigate to the Java Bridge Server module
in the Sage X3 management console
2. Select the solution identifier to load the
published folders
3. Unpublish your folders from the Java Bridge
4. Apply the publication changes
5. Unpublish the solution from the Java bridge
6. Unconfigure the Java Bridge Server
7. Delete the Java Bridge entry from the
Steps in Windows
6. Uninstall from the windows control panel
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Switching to use SADFSQ
In the Sage X3 Management console
1. Log into the solution. As long as you
have the required components, the ‘Use
Apache’ parameter will be available in
the application server section
-Syracuse 12.15
-Runtime & ADXAdmin 94.1.17
-Console 2.54
2. Set the parameter to ‘No’ in the
console. It will change the value to
3. Save the configuration
4. Configure the application
5. Confirm all tasks are completed
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Switching to use SADFSQ
In Syracuse
1. Navigate to the X3 solutions in
Administration, Administration,
2. Click edit on the page
3. Change the file protocol setting
to use Sage X3 Protocol SADFSQ
4. Save the settings
5. Sage X3 is no longer using the
Apache service so that we can
disable this in windows
6. Test that you can access a
classic page without any errors
and download files
7. Finalize all other testing
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Disabling Apache in windows
You can now disable the Apache service in windows, by launching the services.msc console, stop the service and set the
startup type to disabled.
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Restart the server and complete your testing with the Apache service
It is not recommended to uninstall Apache if the application was
initially deployed using Apache
If you do decide to remove the Apache binaries, the application server
component will need to be removed and reinstalled, which is not
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Errors during legacy component uninstall in Windows
When attempting to uninstall the legacy components from
the windows control panel, the Error “This component is
currently used and cannot be uninstalled” is displayed
This error occurs when the adxinstalls.xml file does not clear
down after the un-configuration of the component
1. Navigate to the AdxAdmin\inst\ADXinstall.xml file
2. Backup the file
3. Delete the <module> to </module> section for the
component you are uninstalling. For example, for the web
server, delete the WEB section.
4. Save & Restart the AdxAdmin Service
5. You will now be able to uninstall the component
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Syracuse display warning
When using the SADFSQ protocol with
Syracuse you will notice some
warning messages in the solution itself
and the solution list these messages can
be ignored and are expected to be
removed in Syracuse 12.17
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Advantages of using SADFSQ
We went through the prerequisites to switch to using SADFSQ
Unpublishing & unconfiguring legacy components
The steps in a new install
Process to switch to the SADFSQ protocol in an existing install
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Useful Resources
Blog Post on switching to SADFSQ
Notification servers online help
Nodemailer underlying technology used by Notification Server.
Information about mustache templates
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