Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose
Office of Student Financial Aid
Name: Student ID:
Verification of High School Completion:
Check the Appropriate box below, choose only boxes that apply, and provide documentation if necessary:
I am a High School Graduate and: Date of Completion ________________________
An official copy of my final high school transcript is on file with application for admission.
I am providing a copy of my official high school transcript.
I received my GED and I am providing a copy of my official GED Certificate. Date of Completion ______________
I have successfully completed at least a two-year college program and an official transcript showing completion of at least
a two-year college program is on file.
Home School Students - Date of Completion ________________________
An official copy of my home schooled transcript or the equivalent is on file with my application for admission.
I am providing copy of my official home schooled transcript or the equivalent.
An official copy of the secondary school completion credential for home schooling that is acceptable under TX
Law is on file with my application for admission.
I am providing an official copy of the secondary school completion credential for home schooling that is
acceptable under TX Law.
Statement of Educational Purpose:
I certify that I _________________________________________ am the individual signing this Statement of
(Print Students Name)
Educational Purpose and that the federal student financial assistance I may receive will only be used for educational
purposes and to pay the cost of attending Southwest Texas Jr. College for 2022-2023.
__________________________________________________________ _______________________
(Student’s Signature) (Date)
Office Use only This form is Not Acceptable Via Email or Fax
Completing this form:
The student must appear in person at SWTJC to verify his or her identity by presenting a valid government-issued photo
identification (ID) with name. Examples include, but not limited to, a driver’s license, other state-issue ID, or passport. If
the student is not able to appear in person, the student may have their identity verified and this document notarized by a
notary. Use “Notary’s Certificate of Acknowledgement” on next page. If the student appears in person, SWTJC will
maintain a copy of the government issued photo ID with date of transaction and name of official authorized to collect the
In Person
□ Verified Government Issued Photo ID is legitimate, is
the likeness of the person presenting it, and make a
copy of photo ID
□ Witnessed student signing form
□ Verified documentation for H.S. completion is in
image or is attached.
Date stamp all documents.
Used Notary- Received via Mail
Received Notary’s Certificate of Acknowledgement
with WET signatures.
□ Copy of Student’s government issued Photo ID
□ Scanned all documents and emailed to FA Advisor
Staff signature _______________
Notary’s Certificate of Acknowledgement
State of ______________________ City/County of _________________________
On_________________________, before me, ____________________________________________,
(Date) (Notary’s name)
personally appeared, ____________________________________________, and provided to me
(Printed name of signer)
on basis of satisfactory evidence of identification _______________________________________________
(Type of government-issued photo ID provided)
to be the above-named person who signed the foregoing instrument.
WITNESS my hand and official seal
(seal) ________________________________________
(Notary signature)
My commission expires on _________________________
Return this form and ALL other requested documentation to your local SWTJC Campus.
UVALDE, TX 78801 DEL RIO, TX 78840 EAGLE PASS, TX 78852
830-591-7368 830-775-1579 830-758-4116