Eller College of Management
Professional Admissions Application Packet
Fall 2023 Timeline (All Requirements Can Be Conducted Virtually)
Please refer to the list below for the Professional Admission process. Complete all steps in the specific order listed below
in order to be eligible for admissions. Students are encouraged to use the checklist provided on page 13. Please direct any
general questions about the Professional Admissions process to Alexis Wright (alexiswrigh[email protected]). Please direct
any Diversity, Equity and Inclusion concerns to Veronica Atondo (vatondo@eller.arizona.edu).
Wednesday, Aug. 30
or Thursday, Sept. 31
Attend Virtual Professional Admission Orientation:
Learn more about Professional Majors at Break-Out sessions
Wednesday, Aug. 30
Monday, Sept. 18
ASAP: Complete the Priority Application online in eSMS:
Go to: https://eller.arizona.edu/programs/undergraduate/admissions/bsba
Click on the “Access Application” red button
Fill out and submit Priority application through the eSMS Admission
o Process may require authentication
Schedule the mandatory Professional Admission Academic Advising
appointment after submitting online application
Tuesday, Sept. 5
Friday, Sept. 15
Attend Mandatory Professional Admission Academic Advising Appointment to
confirm eligibility and schedule interview (Conducted In-person or via Zoom).
Applicants must submit Priority application online prior to scheduling
Monday, Sept. 18
12:00 p.m. AZ (Noon)
Deadline for Priority Application: Students must submit an application online
before 12:00 p.m. to start the application process and schedule the mandatory
advising appointment.
Tuesday, Sept. 19
12:00 p.m. AZ (Noon)
Deadline for Uploading Documents: Upload Resume and Cover Letter to eSMS
application portal.
New Transfer Students should also apply for admission to The University of
Arizona by this time.
Friday Sept. 22
Day 1 of Professional Admission Interviews
Modality: Zoom
Saturday Sept. 23
Day 2 of Professional Admission Interviews
Modality: In-Person
Wednesday, Sept. 27
Make-Up Interviews (for applicants with time conflicts)
Modality: Zoom
Friday, Oct. 6
Professional Admission decisions for Priority Applicants sent by email around 5:00
Prerequisites Required at the Time of Application
Minimum 2.75 GPA (based on 12 or more UA units) at the time of application. If student has attempted less than 12
UA units, a recalculated transfer GPA is used.
Minimum of 36 units complete at the time of application and 50 complete by the end of the application semester
At least two out of three Business Calculus/Statistics/Analytics courses complete and the third in progress/complete
At least one Accounting course complete and the other in progress/complete
Last course in the English Composition sequence must be complete or in progress
Remainder of Foundation courses must be successfully complete by the end of the application semester
Criteria Considered for Admission
Professional Admissions to the Eller College of Management is based on the following criteria in comparison to every
other applicant in the application period:
Cumulative GPA (the minimum GPA of 2.75 does NOT guarantee admission, other than to Business Management)
Performance and GPA in Foundation courses (all attempts at Foundation courses will be averaged and repeated course
attempts should show considerable improvement)
Cover Letter, Resume, and Interview demonstrating leadership, work experience, community service, involvement in
extra-curricular activities, and intellectual and interpersonal abilities that contribute to the College’s academic and co-
curricular programs.
Important Points
Beginning in Fall 2023 and moving forward, we are transitioning to a Direct Admission Model. This means students
applying with a 2.75 cumulative GPA and have the required foundational business courses in progress or completed
when applying will be automatically admitted to Business Management. It is conditional, pending the successful
completion of required coursework at the end of Fall 2023. All other majors are competitive and selective.
A $55 application fee will be charged to all students submitting an application. For current University of Arizona
students, this fee is charged to the student’s Bursars account. Students not yet admitted to the University must pay the
$55 application fee online once their eligibility is confirmed (more information shared in advising appointment).
Students may only apply for Professional Admission two times (students who are denied on their first attempt have
the option of reapplying in a future semester; students who are denied on their second attempt must look at other
academic options). Moreover, students who decline, are denied or revoked in their admission prior to starting their
first semester of the upper-division curriculum must reapply in a future semester.
Students who are on Academic Warning/Probation at the University of Arizona at the end of the application semester
will lose their Professional Admission. Students must be in good academic standing in order to apply for Professional
Admissions and start the professional phase.
The Eller College of Management charges a differential tuition fee each semester for the professional program
Integrity is a vital part of the Eller College and this process. If you have been found responsible for an Academic
Integrity Violation, please answer honestly in the application. It will not preclude you from being admitted.
Program Options
Traditional Cohort: (Available for students applying for Spring and Fall semesters)
Students complete their cohort in the regular Fall/Spring semesters. Majors available in this cohort include; Accounting,
Business Economics, Business Management, Finance, Management Information Systems, Marketing, and Operations &
Supply Chain Management. At the point of Professional Admission, students will be assigned to either the "Sage Cohort"
or the "Silver Cohort", which will determine the scheduling of their first semester cohort classes. Sample schedules can
be found here: https://eller.arizona.edu/programs/undergraduate/advising/registration/bsba. Students who have concerns
about time conflicts should speak with an advisor during the application process. Students will also need to submit
appropriate documentation of their time conflict (ie, work schedule, childcare arrangements, etc.) as part of the
submission of their materials. All requests will be considered, but we cannot guarantee that all students will be
As a result of the transition to the Direct Admission Model, many students applied during Spring 2023 and were offered
Guaranteed Deferred Admission to the College or Guaranteed Deferred Admission with First Choice of Major. If you are
reapplying with Guaranteed Deferred Admission, please review the email from Alexis Wright
Online Cohort: https://eller.arizona.edu/programs/undergraduate/academics/online
Students complete their upper-division coursework fully-online, from anywhere, anytime. Business Administration and
Accounting are the only majors offered in the online program. Due to the pace and interdisciplinary nature of the Online
majors, students will not have the option of changing their Eller major or adding an additional Eller major. The only
exception is our Entrepreneurship major which can be added after completing the online curriculum. Available for
students applying for Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters.
BA Economics Advanced Standing
The Eller College of Management is also home to the Bachelor of Arts in Economics, which has a selective Advanced
Standing process. Learn more here: https://eller.arizona.edu/programs/undergraduate/admissions/ba-economics
Admission With Excellence “AWE” Admission Process
The Admission with Excellence initiative is designed to recognize the academic efforts of high-achieving Eller Pre-
Business students and support them in their Professional Development during their time at the University of Arizona as
they prepare for future career opportunities. AWE applicants will learn more during their advising appointment.
Students qualify for AWE if they have:
A 3.75+ Cumulative GPA at the time of application, based upon 12+ graded UA credits
A 3.5+ Foundation GPA at the time of application
Qualifying International Students beginning Fall 2023, no elevated scores are required. However, students
will need to show official proofs of high-level English proficiency in UAccess.
International students who were admitted to the University of Arizona prior to Fall 2021 should speak with their advisor about alternative options.
Eligible AWE applicants are guaranteed the following:
Professional Admission to the Eller College
First choice of Major
Networking with professional(s) in a relevant field of interest
If the Resume or Cover Letter that does not meet minimum standards will be required to attend a competency workshop.
International/“ESL-English as a Second Language” Applicants
All students entering the professional program must possess a high level of English language proficiency (speaking,
writing, listening, and reading) and a high level of interpersonal communication competency. To meet this goal, the
following English language proficiency policy is in place:
All international applicants from non-English speaking countries must have at least one of the following official proofs of
English proficiency showing in UAccess at the time of application or by application deadline:
a. TOEFL score of at least 79 (iBT)
b. IELTS score of at least 6.5
c. Completion of CESL Endorsement (Level 8 or 9) prior to matriculation to UA
d. ACT (21)/SAT (580) at point of admissions to University of Arizona
e. CEPT full test score of at least 110
f. Duolingo score of at least 105
Professional Admission Cover Letter, Resume, and Interview Preparation
Professional Development Competencies Requirement
The Eller College of Management expects all students accepted into the upper-division cohort to demonstrate high
professional competencies in a Cover Letter, Resume, and Professional Interview. Eller College Associates assess the
Cover Letter, Resume, and Interview for each applicant as part of the overall interview experience. Students who do not
demonstrate a standard competency level in each of the three areas will be required to participate in a Career Coaching
appointment. Students will be notified via email at the time of admission if they have not met a standard
competency. Students who do not fulfill their Competency appointment requirement will have their Professional
Admission revoked.
Cover Letter (1 page)
Please write a Cover Letter for your Professional Admission application. In a typical job application, you would write the
letter based on the position description as an introduction to your Resume. Below is a statement that equates to a job
description for the Eller College professional program. Please use this description when developing your Cover Letter:
The Eller College of Management is seeking talented, highly motivated,
and hardworking individuals committed to excellence and sound ethical
behavior. Candidates should demonstrate critical thinking and
communication skills, work well in collaborative environments, articulate
the importance of business and technology in today’s global marketplace,
and understand their career goals and professional development needs.
Candidates should use personal examples from a variety of experiences to
highlight their unique contribution to the professional program cohort.
You should write about your accomplishments, goals, and strengths as a candidate for the Eller College professional
program. The best letters are unique, help the reader understand your motivations and interests, and provide examples or
evidence to support your assertions. Try to avoid generic statements. Instead, talk about yourself, your accomplishments
thus far, and plans for the future. Give the interviewers insight into the real you.
A Cover Letter should also contain proper grammar and spelling and use clear and direct words. Cover Letters are usually
three to four paragraphs in length, and no longer than 1 page, in 11-12 size font.
Signing your Cover Letter choose one of the options below
Sign your name on a blank sheet of paper, scan your signature, save the image as a jpeg, and then insert the signature
into your Cover Letter (best to save it as a PDF)
Print out your Cover Letter, sign it, and rescan the entire letter (best to save it as a PDF and not as a JPEG)
Type your name in cursive font
Please upload your Cover Letter and Resume as PDFs into your eSMS admissions portalthis ensures that the formatting
will be preserved if your documents were reformatted on a different system.
See Cover Letter template next page.
Your Name
Your city, state
Eller College Admissions Committee
McClelland Hall 204
1130 E. Helen St.
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108
Dear Eller College Admissions Committee:
The OPENING PARAGRAPH should explain: What major you’re applying for, the reason why you selected this major,
and how the selected major relates to your future career aspirations.
The MIDDLE PARAGRAPH(s) should: Highlight a specific instance from your co-curricular activities, work experience,
and/or accomplishments. You should highlight transferrable skills from a specific experience and explain how those are
applicable to what you are applying for. Consider the following:
What have you learned in through the experience you’ve highlighted?
What transferrable skills have you gained from this experience?
Summarize/relate how the experience and skills you outline above apply to your major or being admitted to Eller.
Paragraph 2 (Optional): Be sure to diversify this experience and set of skills from the one outlined above in Paragraph 1.
Choose a different experience and skill set. Consider the same type of content noted above.
Give some compelling yet specific reasons why you should be part of the Eller College. Consider the following:
o What can you contribute to this community? What makes you who you are?
o Sum up how you will be an effective member of the Eller College.
o End with a sentence of thanks. Ex. “Thank you for taking the time to review my letter.”
Your Typewritten Name
Other considerations for your Cover Letter
Make reference to experiences on your resume, but do not simply repeat information; fill in between the lines of the
resume in order to help the reader assess your skills and abilities related to their individual needs. This is the perfect time
to make the interviewer want to read your resume!
Be specific, but concise; the cover letter should never be longer than 1 page, and it’s okay if it doesn’t fill the page.
Resume (1 page)
A professional, high-quality resume is a necessary step for your career. A good resume cannot be written in just a few
minutes; it requires in depth thought and analysis. The resume is a summary of your experiences, not your full-length
biography. It is not simply a list of jobs held and duties performed; you must create a resume that emphasizes your
accomplishments and achievements. Communicate what skills you have to offer, not just what you have done. For
Professional Admission and Eller College recruiting events, you should develop a one-page, chronological format resume.
We have included a sample resume (page 7) that you are welcome to use as a guide as you develop your own
personal resume. The chronological Resume presents experience and education in reverse time order (most recent
experience first). The format utilizes visuals, such as underlining, bolding, italics and bullets to make items stand out. If
you feel you can better express yourself in a different format, you are welcome to, but it should maintain the standards of
being easy to read, well-spaced, and incorporate the suggestions below. The sample resumes is full of experiences so you
can see an example of how to word various jobs. You do not have to fill the full page if you only have a few experiences.
Make an appointment with an Eller Career Coach to discuss your resume and how to share whatever experience you have
(see page 12 for information on career appointments).
Resume Suggestions:
Resume should be neat and error free no spelling, grammar or typographical mistakes
Limit Resume to one 8 1/2" x 11" page
Use 11-12-point font (10-point font minimum); Times New Roman, Calibri or similar font preferred
Use even margins, minimum of ½ inch on all sides
Consistent use of punctuation; bullet points do not need a period
Use clear, simple, positive wording
Use bullet pointsskills and information should be easily identifiable, not buried in lengthy paragraphs
Limit use of abbreviations/acronyms
Use "action" words and action-verb phrases
Omit all pronouns and unnecessary articles such as "a," "an," "the"
Avoid the use of pronouns ("I" and "me")
Use consistent tense throughout (present tense for current positions; past tense for previous work)
Use conventional abbreviations and capitalization for Resumes
Include month and year when you are including dates in your experience section; use consistent format
Always include degree and current major in the Education section
Encouraged to include cumulative GPA if 3.0 or above
Do not include personal statistics (age, weight, marital status, etc.)
Action Words and Phrases:
Assisted in the coordination of…
Compiled data for…
Handled sales volume of…
Improved…resulting in…
Initiated and implemented new…
Trained extensively in in…
Market and sell…
Increased sales by…
A resume template similar to the resume below is available on our website for
download: Eller Undergraduate Resume and Cover Letter
Wilbur Wildcat
800 E. Wildcat Way #124, Tucson, AZ 85719 (*your address is optional)
520-555-2505 | [email protected] | Linked/in/Wilbur-Wildcat
The University of Arizona, Eller College of Management Tucson, AZ
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Expected May 2023
Major: Pre-Business
GPA: 3.5
Honors/Awards: Traditions of Excellence Scholarship Award, Minority Student Achievement
Scholarship Award, Hughes Employees Association Tucson Scholarship
The University of Arizona Department of Residence Life Tucson, AZ
Resident Assistant at Coronado Hall August 2020 Present
Supervise 35 students by promoting safety and security within the residence hall
Motivate students to connect with others and challenge them to seek learning opportunities
Facilitate intentional learning opportunities for students to grow and develop
USA Baseball Executive Office Los Angeles, CA
Junior Olympic Intern / Coordinator June 2019 August 2019
Coordinated baseball tournaments for 64 teams to select national athlete representatives
Trained and supervised 15 volunteers and assigned projects based on their interpersonal skills
Directed day-to-day office operations while executive staff were out of town
Management Information Systems Association (MISA) Tucson, AZ
Active Member August 2018 December 2019
Attended weekly meetings to learn about careers in information technology
Networked with IT professionals and upper classmen to further knowledge and understanding
Served on the event planning committee, planned 13 events that built community among members
Canyon Ranch Health Resort and Spa Tucson, AZ
Server, Dining Room August 2018 December 2019
Maintained extensive menu knowledge associated with Canyon Ranch Health and Fitness plans
Trusted to open and close the restaurant and prepare daily sales logs for over $2,000 per shift
Responsible for training 15 new employees and demonstrating best practices
Annual Excellence in Finance Brunch Tucson, AZ
Attendee July 2019
Selected from outstanding sophomore and freshman students to attend intimate networking opportunity
Built relationships with professionals and graduating students, gaining exposure to various financial
career paths
Activities: Coronado Residence Hall Government Representative, Eller Make a Difference Day
Skills: Proficient in Microsoft Office Products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Fluent in Spanish (reading,
writing, speaking)
Interests: Multi-cultural inclusion, Baseball, International travel
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for application materials
Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard or Microsoft Bing can potentially be helpful tools when
preparing your application materials. They should be used responsibly to be effective and to represent you honestly. They
are best used as a copy editor and should not be used to create your final application materials.
Many courses will expect that you cite the origin of all sources not your own original work including Large Language
Models like GPT-4. This citation should be added at the end of your written submission along with any other citations to
sources you used to complete your assignment. Refer to your syllabus for each course for direction and guidance on
using AI tools. Using text which is not original to you without appropriate attribution could be called plagiarism and
could be treated as a violation of academic integrity policies.
Examples of how to use these tools responsibly:
Cover Letter & Resume:
Review grammar, re-word statements to be more concise, and optimize bullet points
Example prompts:
o "You are a resume expert. Give me three ways I can improve this bullet point"
o "You are an expert editor. What changes do you suggest for this resume (or cover letter)"
Your documents should represent you, your personal experiences and your own quality of work. These documents
are an introduction to who you are as a candidate, and an interviewer will expect the same level of
professionalism that you presented in your application when talking with you.
Don't include personal information (email, phone, etc...) in your AI prompts; you don't know where this
information can be accessible in the future.
Don't trust AI for your content. AI regularly fabricates information and only YOU know your true experiences.
Eller Career Coaches are available to provide you personal help with creating and reviewing your documents, prepare for
the interview, and discussing your major selection or career goals. Make an appointment in eSMS.
The Professional Admission interview is a 25-minute interview with up to two business professionals. It will be either
virtual via Zoom video conferencing software or in-person in McClelland Hall with professionals. Interview components:
Your One-Minute Introduction or Elevator Pitch
Your educational and professional goals
Multiple behavioral interview questions relating to the Eller College’s learning outcomes
Diversity and Inclusion
Values Case (see page 10)
One-Minute Introduction or Elevator Pitch (“Tell me about yourself”)
An elevator pitch is a brief statement to quickly and simply tell someone about how your interests and experiences have
led you to this point, and about your future goals.
“My name is Taylor and I’m from San Diego, California. I decided to come to the University of Arizona because touring
the Eller College and learning all about the programs that are available made it clear this was the right fit for me. I have
always had a passion for working with others. I have been involved in volunteering with various non-profit organizations,
have played soccer, and ran cross country throughout most of my life”.
“Since coming to campus I have become an active member of the UA community. I am currently developing my
leadership skills through pledging a business fraternity and am gaining professional experience through my on campus job
at the UA Bookstore as a Social Media Coordinator. Being so involved on campus has taught me to effectively manage
my time and prioritize my responsibilities.”
“I’m planning to major in Business Management because I would love to combine my passion for volunteering and
working with others to eventually manage a non-profit organization within the San Diego Community. I also chose
Management as my major because I can adapt the skills I would gain from this degree to other areas of business if my
career goals change.”
To begin building your Elevator Pitch consider the following:
Your name? Where are you from? Why did you come to the University of Arizona/Eller?
How have your background & experiences prepared you for Eller/the major you are applying for? Or how have
they inspired interest in Eller/the major you’re applying for?
What skills have you learned through your background and experiences?
What you are majoring in? (Pre-Business)
What are you involved with outside of class? (Work, Clubs, Volunteer Organizations, etc.)
What are 2-3 relevant accomplishments since you’ve been in college?
What do you plan to major in?
What do you want to do after college?
How do they match with your top interests and motivators?
Behavioral Interview Questions
The behavioral Interview Questions are built around topics related to the Eller College’s learning outcomes. Students are
encouraged to answer using the STAR method of interviewing, in which they focus on the Situation, Task, Actions, and
Situation Describe a specific event or situation that you were in. The who, what, where, when, etc.
Task Explain the task you had to complete highlighting any specific challenges or constraints.
Action Describe the specific actions that you took to complete the task. These should highlight desirable traits
you think the interviewer is looking for based on the job description and your research about the position.
Result Close with the result of your efforts being sure to also highlight what you learned from the experience.
As part of the Interview questions, students will consider Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Students should understand the
importance of working with people from different backgrounds and ideas. Students should prepare to speak on this subject
and provide examples.
During the Professional Admission Interview, you will be expected to reflect upon and articulate your thoughts on the
following values case. As you prepare for this portion of the interview, we value the interactive exchange of ideas, and
encourage you to discuss this situation with friends and family as you explore how you would approach the situation.
Students will be expected to demonstrate their thinking process during the interview.
Ethical Dilemma
You are a recent Eller graduate who prioritizes the desire to travel and have flexibility. With that, you were hired for
a remote position working for a company providing the technology for a virtual grocery delivery service. You are in an
entry-level role on the business development team, looking for advancement opportunities. Your job is to set up phone
calls for the more experienced members of your team. You are expected to work 8-hour days made up mostly of placing
outbound phone calls to potential customers, trying to schedule appointments. The job is demanding, but you are up for
the challenge.
After three months on the job, you find it to be exhausting based on the high expectations of your employer. The
company uses computer tracking software to make sure your mouse is making the appropriate number of movements
and clicks every 30 minutes to indicate you are consistently working at your computer.
Each week, you are encouraged to make three 15-minute quick chats with colleagues to try to build team camaraderie
and get to know your peers. You find this a beneficial networking and relationship building process since you are remote
and do not have many team interactions. During your fourth call with one co-worker you've gotten to know pretty well,
he shares he purchased a mouse mover he hooks up to his mouse so that it regularly clicks and moves in a way to mimic
that he's working. He said he only uses it for 10 minutes at a time to allow himself longer breaks and walk outside, which
he shares benefits his mental health and boosts his productivity.
This goes against your personal values relating to honesty and integrity in the workplace but identify with the need to
have more of a break during the day. Since you want to move forward in the company, you are now conflicted. How do
you approach the need to balance health and wellness with company productivity?
An Objective Model of Analysis for Moral Problems in Management
Resolving ethical dilemmas requires sound decision-making. To minimize the subjective nature of decision-making, the
following objective model of analysis should prove helpful when confronted by a personal or professional ethical
dilemma. Remember, this requires time and thought, but the more the model is applied, the better one will become in their
ethical decision-making.
1. Stakeholder Interests. Consider the benefits and harms, rights exercised, and rights denied for the full society.
2. Economic Outcomes. Determine the net balance of benefits over costs for the full society.
3. Legal Requirements. Review the laws adopted by members of society to regulate the behavior of members of
that society.
4. Ethical Duties. Evaluate the obligations owed by members of society to other members of that society.
This model was developed by Dr. Paul
Melendez, Department of Management and
Organizations, The University of Arizona.
August 2004.
Preparing for the Interview
The Professional Admission interview is a 25-minute interview with up to two business professionals. The interview will
be either virtual via Zoom video conferencing software or in-person in McClelland Hall with professionals who either
reside in or outside Tucson. The interview will include (1) your introduction/elevator pitch, (2) your educational and
professional goals, (3) behavioral interview questions relating to the Eller College’s learning outcomes, (4) a question
related to diversity/inclusion, and (5) a values case.
Before the Interview
Topics to Consider
Think about your work, classes, and extracurricular
activities that have been meaningful to you
Identify specific examples where you have learned
transferable skills including: teamwork, leadership,
communication, problem solving, and overcoming
Practice talking about these examples in a clear, concise
and compelling way using the STAR method
Short-term and long-term career goals
Reason for selecting major
Extracurricular involvement (student clubs, case
competitions, industry conferences)
Work & volunteer experience
Academic honors & successes
Individual contribution to teams
During the Interview
Professional Dress Guidelines: Business Professional
Introduce yourself with a smile
Listen carefully to the questions you are asked ask
clarifying questions if you are unsure of the question
Use positive body language to show interestgood
posture, eye contact, smiling & nodding all provide good
nonverbal feedback to the interviewers
Demonstrate your best skills by telling compelling stories
Speak slowly and clearly. It is okay to pause for a
moment to collect your thoughts
Be honest, enthusiastic, and friendly
Clothes should be wrinkle and lint free
Hair should be well groomed, nails and makeup in
natural style
Suits, dresses, or skirts with blazers are appropriate
interview attire
Solid, dark, or neutral colors are recommended
Light colors under suit; avoid bright colors or patterns
No jeans, sundresses, or athletic wear
Campus Closet Resource
Campus Closet is an ASUA service organization that collects and then distributes - free of charge - gently used or new
business, professional, and casual clothing to University of Arizona students, faculty and staff members who cannot
acquire the items otherwise. These visitors then go on to use their free clothing items for obligations such as interviews,
internships, professional events, and/or daily wear. https://asuatoday.arizona.edu/what-we-do/campus-closet
Interview Best Practices & Instructions
Business Professional attire is required.
You will receive your interview time and necessary information during your Academic Advising appointment.
You must have a picture ID driver’s license, CatCard, or Passport.
Check in for your interview 10-15 minutes before your scheduled time, you will first check in with an Eller Staff
member. Once checked in, the Eller Staff member will coordinate when you enter the designated interview room.
Consider your body language look into the interviewers’ eyes, sit up straight, smile, and use hand gestures if
you usually do, but keep them minimal.
For Zoom Interviews
o Test your technology - internet connection, camera, microphone, speakers.
o Available now:
One-on-One Appointment with an Eller Career Coach or PDA (in-person or virtual)
15- or 30-minutes, in-person or virtual; make an appointment ahead of time in eSMS
Appointments are available with Eller Career Coaches and Eller Professional
Development Associates (PDAs). PDAs are a team of upper-division students who serve
as peer career advisors, and are available to assist you with Resume, Cover Letter, or
Drop-In Hours with an Eller PDA (in-person, Eller PDC 3rd floor)
Quick Cover Letter, Resume, and Interview help on a first-come, first-served basis during
the following times each week:
o Monday through Thursday 11 a.m. 4 p.m.
o We recommend you first try to make a One-on-One appointment in eSMS, as
Virtual Drop-In wait times can be lengthy during Professional Admissions
o Last Chance before you submit:
Resume Check Day Thursday, September 14
, 8am 5pm
15-minutes, in-person or virtual; make an appointment ahead of time in eSMS
This quick, 15-minute appointment is designed to help fine-tune your resume OR cover
letter before submitting for Professional Admissions
Interview Skills Workshop Monday, September 18
, 5pm 6pm
60-minute workshop; in-person (McClelland Hall, Room 201A/B)
Learn about the types of questions and techniques for your Professional Admissions
Mock Interview Day Thursday, September 21
, 8am 5pm
15 minutes, in-person or virtual; make an appointment ahead of time in eSMS
This quick, 15-minute appointment is designed for you to practice answering a few
interview questions, like those you will be asked in your Professional Admissions
o To schedule an Appointment in eSMS:
Click “Add Appointment”
Under “Appointment Type”, select “Career & Professional Development Coaching” as
the appointment type
Choose your desired appointment, and select an appointment type (in-person or Zoom)
o To attend PDC Drop-In (in-person only):
Go to the Eller PDC front desk on the 3rd floor of McClelland Hall
Let the front desk associate know you’re there for a drop-in PDA meeting
o Transfer Students: please call the Eller Front Desk at 520-621-2505 for help to make an appointment
o Visit http://pdc.eller.arizona.edu/ for more information!
Resume, Cover Letter, and Interview help from
the Eller Professional Development Center
Please use the following checklist to prepare for the Eller Professional Admission process:
Attend Professional Admission Orientation virtually on August 30
or August 31
Read Professional Admission packet and website (https://eller.arizona.edu/programs/undergraduate/admissions/bsba)
Explore Eller Professional Majors and identify top 3 choices
Explore sample Cohort times and identify any conflicts
Fill out and submit Professional Admission Priority Application online through eSMS ASAP
(direct link: https://admissions.esms.arizona.edu/)
o You may return to the application at a later time to upload Cover Letter and Resume; but you must first
submit the application in order to schedule the required virtual academic advising appointment
Note: You may need to authenticate through the eSMS Admissions portal
After submitting online application, schedule academic advising appointment ASAP (no later than Friday,
September 15
o Incoming Transfers need to have unofficial copies of all college transcripts for the advising appointment
o Students with DRC accommodations need to log in to the DRC student portal showing their
accommodation profile to advisor during appointment
o International Students who still need to prove language proficiency must submit TOEFL, IELTS, or
CESL Endorsement (see page 3 for qualifying scores). Scores must display in UAccess by application
Develop Resume & Cover Letter with help from:
o Eller Professional Development Center (see Page 12 for resources)
o Friends, family, and associates
Upload final version of Resume & Cover Letter to the eSMS application portal by 12:00pm (noon) on
Tuesday, September 19
Prepare for interview and “Behavioral Interview Questions” with help from the following:
o Eller Professional Development Center (see Page 12 for resources)
o Friends, family, and associates
Develop and practice One-Minute Introduction
Read and discuss the Values Case. Be prepared to discuss your decision-making process in the interview
o Remember to become familiar with the Ethical Decision-Making Framework provided in packet.
Select appropriate Professional Business Attire for interview
Mark calendar for assigned interview day and time (scheduled during academic advising appointment):
o Virtual Interviews: Friday, September 22
o In-Person Interviews: Saturday, September 23
o Make-Up Interviews: Wednesday, September 27
Zoom Modality: Test Zoom audio and visual before scheduled interview and determine quiet location with
reliable internet connection.
In-Person Modality: Make sure to show up 10-15 minutes in advance to McClelland Hall
Attend either virtual or in-person Interview; time, date, and appropriate zoom link will be included in your eSMS
profile and email
Await Professional Admission Priority Applicant decision email sent around 5:00 pm on Friday, October 6