Appointment Offer Letter
Revised 02.16.2022
Dear [Insert applicant’s name],
Congratulations! You have been recommended for admission to the [ACADEMIC] program
at Ohio University for the [term] semester, 202[X]. You will receive an official offer of
admission from the Ohio University Graduate College. Your recommendation for admission
is under the terms and conditions in effect in the [Insert correct catalog here, for Summer
admission enter this link 2021-2022 Graduate Catalog OR for Fall admission a link will be
available soon for the 2022-2023 Graduate Catalog. Please use 2021-2022 link until
[Insert information about the academic program here]
With the recommendation for admission, we are offering you a [graduate, research, teaching]
Assistantship to begin in [term] semester, 202[X]. This assistantship consists of:
A $[amount] stipend/semester for [fall semester, spring semester, fall and spring
semesters, and summer semester] (Please note: Stipends are processed through
payroll services as taxable items. For information about your stipend payment cycle,
please visit Ohio University Human Resources, Payroll Schedules),
[(If stipend is over $1,950/semester) [$215 currently] towards your graduate general
A [partial or full]-tuition scholarship of your instructional fees for [fall semester,
spring semester, fall and spring semesters, and summer semester] (worth $[amount]
per year),
[If necessary (must be included for international students), waiver of the non-Ohio-
resident surcharge (typically $[amount] per year), and]
[Add any additional departmental components of the offer here].
The assistantship, which includes the stipend and tuition scholarship package, is renewable for
years, pending the availability of funds, appropriate/satisfactory progress toward your
degree, and your compliance with program and university guidelines. [Note: If the program
curriculum requires more semesters than are normally funded, please include that
information here.] You must register for a minimum of [insert number of hours] graduate
hours for fall and spring semesters, a minimum of [insert number of hours] graduate hours
for summer semester. You must maintain a 3.0 graduate grade-point average to keep this
In exchange for this assistantship, you will be expected to work [X] hours per week, never to
exceed 20 hours per week. The duties begin the first day of the semester and end the on the
close of the semester. We will assign the specific duties and responsibilities for this
All new students will need to complete an I9 and new hire employment paperwork. For
instructions on how to complete this paperwork, please see the following University of
Human Resources web page. Please note, all employment paperwork must be completed no
Appointment Offer Letter
Revised 02.16.2022
later than your first day of employment or you will not be eligible to work.
[international: Teaching Assistants must meet oral English proficiency requirements as
defined by the State of Ohio. These requirements apply to all teaching assistants with
instructional responsibility regardless of the teaching assistant’s native language. Oral
proficiency is certified by the academic program. For non-native speakers, the minimum
requirements are as follows:
iBT - ≥80 Composite, ≥24 Speaking, ≥17 all other section scores
IELTS ≥6.5 Composite, ≥7.0 Speaking, ≥6.5 all Bands
Non-native speakers may be provisionally cleared to teach if they achieve the following and
concurrently enroll in a specified English language improvement course:
iBT - ≥80 Composite, 21-23 Speaking, ≥17 all other sections
IELTS ≥6.5 Composite, ≥6.5 Speaking, ≥6.5 all Bands
If your English scores do not meet the minimum requirements listed above, or if your academic
department requested an English waiver on your behalf, then you will be required to take the
Versant English Test (VET) prior to assuming teaching assistantship duties. This test can be
arranged by contacting the Ohio Program of Intensive English director, Dr. Gerry Krzic
You will be responsible for paying the remainder of the fees while holding this appointment,
as applicable. These fees include:
General fees,
Health insurance (may be waivable for domestic students),
College technology fees,
Network fees,
Wellbeing fees (waivable), and
Student legal services fees (waivable).
A schedule of current tuition and fees can be viewed by visiting the Ohio University
Office of the Bursar web page.
You are likely to have additional expenses (for example, housing deposits, rent, books,
transportation, parking, food, clothing, outerwear, and other living expenses) to pay before
your first stipend payment, so arrive with sufficient funds for these additional costs. For more
information on typical expenses, visit the Graduate College web page.
For more information on additional funding opportunities and financial assistance, visit
the Graduate College Financial Support web page.
Appointment Offer Letter
Revised 02.16.2022
All graduate students are required to complete an online Graduate Student Orientation
module. More information will be distributed about this module via email. In addition, all
graduate students are strongly encouraged to participate in the all-campus orientation hosted
by the Graduate College. This on-campus event is scheduled for Thursday, August 18, 2022.
Please look for more information in your OHIO email.
[international: International students must participate in an International Student Orientation.
Please see the International Student and Faculty Services website for information regarding
orientation. If you choose to accept the admission offer, please note that in determining a
student’s personal funding required for issuance of an I-20 (which is needed for a student to
secure a student visa), the Graduate College factors in only the graduate appointment funding
for the student’s first two semesters in the program (not the entire year).]
[Include programmatic supplemental information.]
You would be accepting this assistantship under the terms and conditions outlined above and
in the [Insert correct catalog here], Graduate Appointment and Fellowships section. You have
until April 15
to accept or decline this invitation (this deadline is set by the Council of
Graduate Schools). However, we encourage you to contact us, concerning your intent as soon
as you have decided.