Daniel D. Foster
144 Aikens Place, State College, Pennsylvania 16801
Cell: (814) 753-2102; E-mail: daniel.fos[email protected]om
Socials: @FosterDanielD; LinkedIN: www.linkedin.com/in/danieldouglasfoster/
Orchid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2175-0623
My line of inquiry focuses on access to agricultural education, particularly developing authentic
experiential educational opportunities while critically examining global professional pedagogical vision in
prospective and practicing agricultural educators at the secondary and postsecondary levels. I am driven in
facilitating engaged scholarship that catalyzes multisectoral innovation connecting education, non-
government organization, government agencies and private enterprise in community-centered learning on
global food, fiber, and natural resources.
2009 Doctor of Philosophy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Major: Agricultural and Extension Education
Cognate Areas: Teacher Education; Research and Statistics.
Dissertation title: Principles of Teaching and Learning, stage of cognitive development, and
classroom climate: Their relationship to student cognition during class sessions.
Advisor: M. Susie Whittington
2008 Master of Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Major: Human and Community Resource Development
Thesis title: Developing an instrument to measure the utilization of the Principles of
Teaching and Learning during class sessions.
Advisor: M. Susie Whittington
2002 Bachelor of Science, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Major: Agricultural Education; Major: Agricultural Technology Management
Advisor: Jack F. Elliot
2016-present Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
2009-2016 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
2006-2009 Graduate Teaching and Research Associate, Department of Human and Community
Resource Development, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
2002-2006 Agricultural Education Instructor/FFA Advisor, Willcox H.S., Willcox, Arizona
Teaching/Resident Education Areas Research Interests
Methods of Teaching Teacher Preparation and Development
Youth Development School-Based Agricultural Education Impact
Global Agricultural Education Global Learning & Global Competency
2 Daniel D. Foster
Funded Projects and Grants
To advance scholarship in both teaching and research, I have pursued external and internal partners.
Awards approaching 2 million dollars have been secured from sources both internally and externally to
further student development in engaged scholarship opportunities and advance research related to global
Currently Active Grant Funded Projects
Miller Foster, M. J. (PI), & Foster, D. D. (Co-PI). (2023-2026). Improving Instruction in International
Agriculture. United States Department of Education, International Research and Studies
Program, $172,286
Foster, D. D. (PI), Miller Foster, M. J., & Sanchez, E. S. (2023-2026). Empowering Small Farmers and
Agriculture Students: FSAS (Farmers’ School for Agricultural Sustainability) and Experiential
Learning Programs. United States Department of Agriculture National Institute for
Agriculture Non-Land Grant Capacity Building (NLGC), subaward from University of
Tennessee-Martin, $127, 348
Foster, D. D. (PI), Miller Foster, M. J., Smith, K., Falk, J., & Tubene, S. (2023-2026). Globally Aware
and Culturally Fluent Future Educators in Food Security Education: Changing the World
Together. United States Department of Agriculture National Institute for Agriculture Higher
Education Challenge Grant (HEC), $750,000.
Foster, D. D. (PD), Miller Foster, M. & Redwine, T. (2022-2024). #TeachAgUganda: Achieving the
UN SDGs Together. United States Department of Education, Fulbright Hayes Grants,
Smith, K. (PD), Foster, D. D., Falk, J., Miller Foster, M. J., & Kautzky, K. (2021-2023). Increasing
Agricultural Teacher Candidate Proficiency in Food Security Education. United States
Department of Agriculture National Institute for Agriculture Secondary Education, Two-Year
Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom Challenge Grants (SPECA),
Smith, A. R. (PD), Foster, D. D. (PD), & Lawver, R. (2021-2026). The national supply and demand of
secondary agricultural education teachers. American Association for Agricultural Education,
3 Daniel D. Foster
Publications - Refereed Journal Articles (N=25)
Russell, J. L., Foster, D. D., Paulson, K., Hoover, T. & Rice, L. L. (In Process). Faculty Perceptions of High
Impact Practices: Trends in a College of Agriculture. NACTA Journal.
Cho, J., Lee. J., & Foster, D. (In Review). Exploring peer mentor’s role in college student transition
mentoring program. NACTA Journal.
Cho, J. YM & Foster, D. D. (In Review). Mentoring in International Agriculture Graduate Education: A Mixed
Methods Study. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education.
Sharma, P, Sandoval, J., Foster, D. D., & Miller Foster, M. (In Review). How is discourse shaped by key
actors in a microblogging hashtag stream? Information and Learning Sciences.
Kinsinger, B., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., Rice, L. & Ramsey, J. (In Review). An examination of pre-
service and in-service school-based agricultural educators international professional development
experience in Malaysia. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Graef, R. S., Foster, D. D., Hill, K. M. & Hoover, T. S. (In Review). The BIs That PIs Promise: A Framework to
Characterize Broader Impact Activities, Journal of Research Administration.
Spence, J. R., Letot, C., Foster, D. D., Redwine, T., McCubbins, A., & Miller-Foster, M. (In Press). Global
guides: Defining teachers’ viewpoints about global food insecurity using Q methodology. Journal of
Agricultural Education, 64(4).
Tewari, R., Simpson, R. M., Letot, C., Melhorn, J., Foster, D. D., Mususnru, N., & Parr. B (2023). Expanding
Climate Change Education in Agricultural Communities: Lessons from the U.S Midsouth. NACTA
Journal, 67(1). https://doi.org/10.56103/nactaj.v67i1.105
Miller Foster, M. J., Cho, J. Y., Rice, L. L., Kinsinger, B., Foster, D. D., & Wahid, N. A. (2023). Reflective
Perspectives of Host and Guest Participants of an International Professional Development
Experience. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education, 30(2), 8-
29. https://doi.org/10.4148/2831-5960.1055
Morey, T., Foster, D. D., & Ewing, J. (2023). Virtual mentoring in agricultural education: Describing digital
literacy, technology self-efficacy, and attitudes toward technology of secondary agricultural
educators. Journal of Agricultural Education, 64(1), 1227. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.v64i1.27
Gil, A., Foster, D. D., & Ramsay, C. (2023). Future Agriculture Faculty Experiences Using Digital Assessment
Tools in an Experimental Classroom. NACTA Journal. 67 (1), 71-83, doi:
4 Daniel D. Foster
Gorucu, S., Murphy, D., Foster, D. D., Hanagriff, R. & Ewing J. (2018). Technology Use Among Youth While
Operating Farm Equipment, Journal of Agromedicine, 23(4), 305-314, doi:
Foster, D. D., & Whittington, M.S. (2018). Instructors' Use of the Principles of Teaching and Learning
During College Class Sessions. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(4) 98-109. doi:
Taylor, S., Stripling, C. T., Stephens, C. A., Hart, W. E., Falk, J. M. & Foster, D. D. (2017). Advisory councils in
Tennessee school-based agricultural education programs. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(2),
232-251. doi: 10.5032/jae.2017.02232
Rice, L., & Foster, D. D. (2016). An international and domestic examination of faculty epistemological and
pedagogical teaching beliefs. NACTA Journal, 60(3), 334-342.
Foster, D. D., Masser, D. T., Falk, J. M., & Rice, L. L. (2015). Utilization of Advisory Councils in Pennsylvania
Secondary Agricultural Education Programs. Career and Technical Education Research, 40 (3), 141-
156. Doi: 10.5328/cter40.3.141
Miller Foster, M. J., Foster, D. D., Thoron, A. C., & Barrick, R. K. (2015). A case study in Do-It-Yourself
projects: Utilizing learning contracts to facilitate global learning in agriculture. NACTA Journal, 59
(4), 343-349.
Sankey Rice, L. L., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., & Barrick, R. K. (2014). Discovering global
competencies of agriculture education students through reflective journaling. NACTA Journal,
58(4), 324-329
Masser, D., Falk, J, & Foster, D. D., (2014). Level of agricultural education advisory council implementation
in Idaho secondary agricultural education programs. Journal of Agricultural Education, 55(3), 116-
131. doi: 10.5032/jae.2014.04038
Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., Rice Sankey, L. L. & Barrick, R. K. (2014). Preparing agricultural educators
for the world: Describing global competency in agricultural teacher candidates. Journal of
Agricultural Education, 55(1), 51-64. doi: 10.5032/jae.2014.01051
Simonsen, J. C., Velez, J. J., Foor, R. M., Birkenholz, R. J., Foster, D. D., Wolf, K. J, & Epps, R. B. (2014). A
multi-institutional examination of the relationships between high school activity involvement and
leadership constructs among first-time college of agriculture students. Journal of Agricultural
Education, 55(1), 200-214. doi: 10.5032/jae.2014.01200
Sankey, L. L., & Foster, D. D. (2012). A content analysis of teaching philosophy statements of award-
winning colleges of agriculture professors. Journal of Agricultural Education, 53(4), 124-140.
5 Daniel D. Foster
Ewing, J. C., Whittington, M. S., & Foster, D. D. (2011). Explaining student cognition in the context of
Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. NACTA Journal, 55(1), 68 75.
Wolf, K. J., Foster, D. D., & Birkenholz, R. J. (2010). The Relationship between Teacher Self-Efficacy and the
Professional Development Experiences of Agricultural Education Teachers Candidates. Journal of
Agricultural Education, 51(4), 38-48. doi: 10.5032/jae.2010.04038.
Foster, D. D., & Whittington, M. S. (2010). Developing an instrument to measure Principles of Teaching and
Learning in college class sessions. Journal of Agricultural Education, 51(2), 46 58. doi:
Wolf, K. J., Foster, D. D., & Birkenholz, R. J. (2009). Effect of leadership experiences on agricultural
education student teacher self-efficacy in classroom management. Career and Technical Education
Research, 34(2), 119-134.
Book Chapters (N=2)
Miller Foster, M. J. & Foster, D. D. (In Press). The Global Learning in Agriculture Community: A Digital
Community of Practice to Support Education for Sustainable Development. In W. Leal, S. Kautisch,
T. Wall, K. Williams, S. Rewhorn, & S. Paul (eds.). Digital Technologies to Implement the UN
Sustainable Development Goals. Springer.
Miller Foster, M. J. & Foster, D. D. (2023). Advancing Sustainable Development Through Teacher
Professional Development. In M. M. Samy, & R. K. Barrick (eds.). Agricultural education for
development in the Arab countries. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4050-6.ch009
Editorship of Referred Journals (N=1)
Foster, D. D., Morgan, C. & Russell, M. (Special Editors). (2013). Globalization: Implications for teaching
and learning post-secondary agricultural education. North American Colleges of teachers and
Agriculture, 57(3a).
International Invited Presentations and Proceedings (N=12)
Foster. D. D. (2023, July). Building community through shared practice of project-based learning. Field of
Hope Professional Development Program, Lira, Uganda
Sharma, P., Sandoval, J., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J. (2023, June). A comparative analysis of Twitter
network structures and discourse types over two years of an agricultural educators' conference.
International Society of Learning Sciences, Montreal, Canada.
Foster, D. D. (2019, May). Exploring Effective Characteristics of Teaching and Learning for Engaging
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resource Instruction. An invited presentation to National University
of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
6 Daniel D. Foster
Foster, D. D. & Miller Foster, M. J. (2018, July). Engaging in culturally appropriate and inquiry-based
agricultural education. An invited presentation to University of Technology Malaysia, Johor Bahur,
Miller Foster, M. J., Foster, D. D., & Wahid, N. A. (2015, August). Developing globally competent
agricultural educators through contextually relevant immersion experiences. World Technical
Vocational Education and Training Conference, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., & Wahid, N. A. (2015, August). Applying information and communication
technologies to promote 21
century skill development in preservice agricultural educators. World
Technical Vocational Education and Training Conference, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Barrick, R. K., Thoron, A. C., Foster, D. D., & Miller-Foster, M. (2015, April). Global agricultural education:
Lessons learned in preparing for and conducting an intensive international experience. 30th Annual
Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Wageningen,
Barrick, R. K., Foster, D. D., Miller-Foster, M., & Thoron, A. C. (2015, April). Three case studies: School-
based agriculture education in Korea, and implications for U. S. agricultural education. 30th Annual
Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Wageningen,
Barrick, R. K., Foster, D. D., Thoron, A. C., & Miller-Foster, M. (2015, April). Essential questions to guide
global learning experience. 30th Annual Conference of the Association for International Agricultural
and Extension Education, Wageningen, Netherlands
Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., Thoron, A. C., Barrick, R. K., (2014, July). Interdisciplinary STEM
connections between preservice educators of agriculture education and elementary education.
Gwang-ju National University of Education Technical and Vocational Education Conference.
Foster, D. D. (2012, June). The premier delivery system: Utilizing agricultural education for total student
success. An invited presentation to Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Barrick, R. K., Foster, D. D., & Na, S. I. (2012, May). Agricultural teacher education in Korea: A study
program for U.S. students. 28
Annual Conference of the Association for International Agricultural
and Extension Education, Bangkok, Thailand.
National and Regional Refereed Conference Papers (Proceedings and Presentations) (N=92)
Kinsinger, B., Miller Foster, M. J, Foster, D. D., & Rice, L (2023, November). An examination of pre-service
and in-service school-based agricultural educators international professional development
experience in Malaysia. Association for Career & Technical Education Research, Phoenix, AZ.
Letot, C., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M., Cherry, A., Smith, K., Falk, J., & Voelckers, G. (2023, June).
Exploring Perceptions of Global Issues in Pre-Service Educators in the GOALS Program. North
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, Las Cruces, NM.
7 Daniel D. Foster
Tewari, R., Foster, D. D., & Miller Foster, M. (2023, June). Climate Literacy for Agriculture and Sustainable
Societies (CLASS): Advancing education for sustainable development in rural communities. North
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, Las Cruces, NM.
Letot, C., Foster, D. D., Curry Jr., C., Ewing, J., & Miller Foster, M. (2023, June). Global Background:
Describing the Role of Universities in Preparing Pre-Service Educators to Teach Globally. North
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, Las Cruces, NM.
Letot, C., Foster, D. D Curry Jr., C., Ewing, J., and Miller Foster, M. (2023, May). Exploring Preservice
Secondary Agricultural Educator Perceptions of Global Issues Integration into Instruction. American
Association for Agricultural Education Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Letot, C., Spence, J., & Foster, D. D (2023, April). Teaching What Matters: Assessing Ghanaian Science
Educator Perceptions of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Association of
International Agricultural and Extension Education Annual Conference, Guelph, Canada.
Foster, D. D., Ramsay, C., Dick, A., & Hu, H. (2023, March). Determining The Competencies of a Digitally
Fluent Educator. Teaching & Learning with Technology Symposium, Penn State Teaching and
Learning with Technology, University Park, PA.
Letot, C. T., Foster, D. D., & Seaman, J. T. (2022, December). Teachers Teaching Turf: Measuring Changes in
Educators After a Turf Institute. Association for Career and Technical Education Research, Las
Vegas, NV.
Letot, C. T., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., Smith, K., & Falk, J. (2022, October). Equipped with the
Sustainable Development Goals: Describing the Role of Universities in Preparing Pre-Service
Educators., NC-AAAE Regional Research Meeting, North Central American Association for
Agricultural Education, Columbia, MO.
Graef, R. S., Foster, D. D., Hill, K. M., & Hoover, T. S. (2022, June). The BIs that PIs Promise: Identifying
Broader Impact Activities proposed in abstracts for competitively funded agricultural science
research. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual
Rice, L., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M.J., & Sharma, P. (2022, June). Global Learning in Agriculture: A
Framework for Scholarship. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual
Foster, D. D., & Miller Foster, M.J. (2022, June). Creating Virtual Space for Global Dialogue in Agriculture:
GLAG22. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual
Smith, K.L., Miller Foster, M.J., Foster, D. D., & Falk, J. (2022, June). Undergraduate Student Reflections on
Cross-institutional High Impact Experience: A Content Analysis. North American Colleges and
Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual
8 Daniel D. Foster
Bixler, B., Foster, D. D., & Miller Foster, M.J. (2022, June). Agricultural, Career, and Technical Training for
High-Risk Populations: A Review of Literature. North American Colleges and Teachers of
Agriculture, Virtual
Sharma, P., Miller Foster, M. J, Foster, D.D., & Rice, L. (2022, June). Global EdChat: Interdisciplinary food
security discourse on Twitter. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual
Falk, J., Foster, D.D., Smith, K. L., & Miller Foster, M.J. (2022, June). Utilizing High Impact Domestic
Immersion Experiences: Improving Current Student Capacity and Creating Future Students in
Agriculture. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual
Letot, C., Foster, D.D., Tewari, R., & Miller Foster, M. J. (2022, June). The Impact of CLASS: Assessing the
utility of professional development in climate change science education from current secondary
educators. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual
Foster, D.D., Miller Foster, M.J., McCubbins, O., & Redwine, T. (2022, June). WFPFGlobalGuides:
Interdisciplinary Professional Learning. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
Letot, C., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., Rice, L, McCubbins, O., Redwine, T., & Cho, J. (2022, May).
Cultivating Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Global Agriculture: Assessing Educator Perceptions of
Global Issues in the WPFGlobalGuides Program. American Association for Agricultural Education,
Oklahoma City, OK.
Graef, R. S., Foster, D. D., Hill, K. M., & Hoover, T. S. (2022, April). The BIs that PIs Promise: Identifying
Broader Impact Activities proposed in abstracts for competitively funded agricultural science
research. Advancing Research Impact in Society, Virtual.
Sharma, P., Sandoval, J.S., Parikh, S., Foster, D. D., & Miller-Foster, M., J. (2022, April). Actors and Themes
in Twitter’s #GLAG21 Backchannel: Network and Discourse Analysis of an Agricultural-Education
Conference. American Educational Research Association, Virtual.
Dick, A., Hu, H. & Foster, D. D. (2022, March). Digital fluency: A vital skill to thrive in 2022 and beyond,
Teaching & Learning with Technology Symposium, Penn State Teaching and Learning with
Technology, University Park, PA.
Simpson, R. M., Tewari, R., Mehlhorn, J., Masunuru, N., Letot, C., Foster, D. D. & Parr, B. (2022,
March). Reaching the Rural Regions in Climate Literacy Education: A Synopsis of the CLASS
Initiative in Western Kentucky and West Tennessee. American Meteorological Society Meeting,
Houston, TX
Letot, C. Miller Foster, M., & Foster, D. D. (2021, June) GLAGcreates: Poetry as a Medium for Food Security
Education. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual.
9 Daniel D. Foster
Gabel, T., Rice, L., Graef, R., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M., Russel, J., Letot, C. (2021, June) Educator
perspectives of GLAGjr: Focus Group Findings. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
Redwine, T., Spence, J., Foster, D.D., Miller Foster, M., Letot, C., McCubbins, O.P. (2021, June) Global
Guides: Defining Teachers' Viewpoints About Global Food Insecurity Using Q Methodology. North
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual.
Spence, J. R., Letot, C., Redwine, T., McCubbins, A., Foster, D. D. & Foster Miller, M. (2021, May) Global
Guides: Defining teachers’ viewpoints about global food insecurity using Q methodology. American
Association for Agricultural Education, Virtual.
Morey, T. G., & Foster, D. D. (2020, October). Virtual Mentoring in Agricultural Education: Describing the
Digital Literacy, Technology Self-Efficacy, and Attitude Toward Technology of In-Service Agricultural
Educators. North-Central Region, American Association for Agricultural Education, Virtual.
Russell, J. L., & Foster, D. D. (2020, October). A Case Study in Study Abroad Engagement in a College of
Agriculture: Describing participation from 2015-2018 in relation to university and national
benchmarks. North-Central Region, American Association for Agricultural Education, Virtual.
Miller Foster, M. J., Cho, J., Foster, D. D., & Kinsinger, B. (2020, June). Group activity versus individual
pursuits: Participant daily perspectives of an immersion experience (#AgEd2Malayisa). North
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual
Foster, D. D., Kinsinger, B., Miller Foster, M. J., & Cho, J. (2020, June) #AgEd2Malaysia: Reflective
perspectives comparison of U.S. pre-service and in-service agricultural educators. North American
Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual
Russell, J., & Foster, D. D. (2020, June). A Case Study in Study Abroad Engagement in a College of
Agriculture: Describing participation from 2015-2018 in comparison to university and national
benchmarks. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual
Morey, T. & Foster, D. D. (2020, June). The Lab Look Back: Utilizing Spotlight Video Coaching in Developing
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual
Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., McLean, R., & Cho, J. (2019, June). Did they do the reading? #GLAGReads
explores books versus eBooks. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Twin Falls, ID.
Redwine, T., Miller Foster, M. J., McCubbins, OP, Foster D.D., & Bullock, M. (2019, June). Global Guides:
Defining Teachers’ Viewpoints about Global Food Security. North American Colleges and Teachers
of Agriculture, Twin Falls, ID.
Miller Foster, M. J., Kinsinger, B., & Foster D.D. (2019, June). #AgEd2Malaysia: Reflective perspectives of
both host and guest. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Twin Falls, ID.
10 Daniel D. Foster
Haddad, B., Morey, T., & Foster D.D. (2019, June). Engaging Virtual Volunteers in Agricultural Teacher
Education The Volunteers’ Perspective. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
Twin Falls, ID.
Liszka, K., Gabel, T., Miller Foster, M. J. & Foster D.D. (2019, June). Focused, Structured, Accessible:
Effective Professional Development in Global Learning using Essential Questions and Technology
(#GLAG19). North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Twin Falls, ID.
Morey, T. G., & Foster D.D. (2019, June). The Morey Moment: Learning by Doing with Digital Assessment.
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Twin Falls, ID.
Romberger, D. J., Foster, D. D., & Ewing, J. C. (2019, May). Influence of Secondary Agricultural Education
Student Supervised Agricultural Experience Participation on Career Decision Self-Efficacy. American
Association for Agricultural Education, Des Moines, IA.
Dietrich, G., Foster, D. D. & Morey, T. (2018, October). #TeachAgChat; Creating a Digital Community of
Practice for Agricultural Educators using Twitter. North Central Region- American Association for
Agricultural Education, Fargo, N.D.
Miller Foster, M. J., & Foster, D. D. (2018, June). Blending: Utilizing multiple live and on-demand platforms
for purposeful professional development in Global Learning in Agriculture (#GLAG18). North
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Ames, IA.
Morey, T., & Foster, D. D. (2018, June). Cultivating Digital Leadership in Pre-Service Teachers: #psuaged18.
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Ames, IA.
Rice, L. L., Wahid, H., Foster, D. D., Threeton, M. H., & Ewing, J. C. (2018, May). Assessing the Perceived
Preparedness and Importance of Discipline Specific Items of Agriculture Teachers in Pennsylvania.
American Association for Agricultural Education, Charleston, S. C.
Foster, D. D., Smith, A., & Lawver, R. (2018, May). The Status of U.S. Agricultural Teacher Education: A
Review of Capacity. American Association for Agricultural Education, Charleston, S. C.
Smith, A., Foster, D. D., & Lawver, R. (2018, May). The Supply of Secondary School-Based agricultural
Educators 2014-2016. American Association for Agricultural Education, Charleston, S. C.
Cahill, M., Foster, D. D., Ewing, J., & Azzara, D. (2017, December). A Comparison of Youth Perceptions
Regarding Entrepreneurship in Pennsylvania and Nicaragua. Association for Career and Technical
Education Research, Nashville, TN.
Gorucu, S., Murphy, D., Foster, D. D., Ewing, J., & Hanagriff, R. (2017, December). Technology-based
Distractions among Farming Youth Racialized Experiences and Academic Success of Minority
Students in Postsecondary Career and Technical Education. Association for Career and Technical
Education Research, Nashville, TN.
11 Daniel D. Foster
Cahill, M., Foster, D. D., & Ewing, J. (2017, September). A Comparison of Youth Perceptions Regarding
Entrepreneurship in Pennsylvania and Nicaragua. North Central Region- American Association for
Agricultural Education, Ames, IA.
Miller Foster, M. J., & Foster, D. D. (2017, June). Asynchronous Platforms as Innovation for Global Learning
in Agriculture (#GLAG17). North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, West Lafayette, IN.
Miller Foster, M. J., Foster, D. D., Wetzel, R., Getz, D., McAuley, K. & Smerker, N. (2017, June). Exploring
immersive video in advancing inquiry-based learning in domestic and global settings. North
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, West Lafayette, IN.
Rice, L.L., Wahid, H., Foster, D. D., Threeton, M. H., & Ewing, J. C. (2016, November). Assessing the
Perceived Preparedness and Importance of Discipline Specific Items of Agriculture Teachers in
Pennsylvania. Abstract for oral presentation at the 2016 Association for Career and Technical
Education Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Miller Foster, M. J., & Foster, D. D. (2016, June). The Penn State Global Teach Ag! Initiative: Meeting a
need. Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development, Washington, D.C.
Barrick, R. K., Foster, D. D., Thoron, A. C., & Miller-Foster, M. J. (2016, June). Collecting and analyzing
meaningful global experience data. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture
Conference, Honolulu, HI.
Foster, D. D., Ewing, J. C., Threeton, M., & Wahid, N. A. (2016, June). Are we focusing on the right things?
Perceptions of recent graduates. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Manoa, HI.
Murphy-Sweet, O., Miller Foster, M. J., Foster, D. D., & Castellanos, P. (2016, June). Assessing the potential
for establishing 4-H in Belize to preserve agricultural indigenous knowledge and practices. North
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Manoa, HI.
Foster, D. D., Cannon, K. J., & Miller Foster, M. J. (2016, June). Building Professional Learning Networks
Through Social Media: #TeachAgChat. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
Manoa, HI.
Foster, D. D., & Miller Foster, M. J. (2016, June). Not Just Another Webinar: Innovation in online
professional development. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Manoa, HI.
Rice, L., & Foster, D. D. (2016, June). Describing agricultural discipline specific signature pedagogies. North
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Manoa, HI.
Foster, D. D., Ewing, J. C., Threeton, M. & Wahid, N. (2016, June). Are we focusing on the right things?
Perceptions of recent graduates. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Manoa, HI.
12 Daniel D. Foster
Rice, L., & Foster, D. D. (2015, October). Identifying epistemological beliefs of award-winning teaching
faculty: A perspective from Sweden. North Central Region- American Association for Agricultural
Education, Minneapolis, MN.
Falk, J., Masser, D., Foster, D. D., & Palmer, H. (2015, September). Describing the coaching behaviors of
agricultural education coaches for the National FFA Parliamentary Procedure Career Development
Event. Western Region, American Association for Agricultural Education, Corvallis, OR.
Miller Foster, M. J., Foster, D. D., Wahid, N. A. (2015, June). Utilizing Inquiry Based Instruction to cultivate
global 21st century skill sets. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Athens, GA.
Creed, S. C., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., Thoron, A. C., & Barrick, R. K. (2015, June). Semiotic analysis
of agriscience educators and agricultural teacher candidates' perceptions of global competency
gains during an immersion experience. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
Athens, GA.
Foster, D. D., Barrick, R. K., Miller Foster, M. J., & Thoron, A. C. (2015, June). Global Learning in Agriculture:
A multilevel collaboration for internationalization of curriculum. North American Colleges and
Teachers of Agriculture, Athens, GA.
Miller Foster, M. J., Castellanos, P., & Foster, D. D. (2015, June). Cross Pollination of Undergraduate
Instruction to Promote Global Learning. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
Athens, GA.
Sankey Rice, L., & Foster, D. D. (2015, June). Epistemological and pedagogical beliefs of award-winning
post-secondary agriculture faculty at two agricultural universities. North American Colleges and
Teachers of Agriculture, Athens, GA.
Kenno, B., Foster, D. D., & Ewing, J. C. (2015, June). College of Agriculture Faculty Engagement and
Perceived Value Instructional Assessment as a form of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. North
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Athens, GA.
Falk, J. M., Masser, D. T., Palmer, H. R., & Foster, D. D. (2014, May). Describing the relationship between
coaching behaviors and student performance at the National FFA Parliamentary Procedure Career
Development Event. American Association for Agricultural Education, Salt Lake, City, UT.
Foster, D. D., & Miller Foster, M. J. (2013, September). Engaging university resources to maximize student
global learning. Global Penn State: Internationalizing the Campus, College, and Curriculum,
University Park, PA.
Behring, D., Larson, J., Gill, T., Duiker, S., Brennan, M., Glenna, L., Miller Foster, M. J., & Foster, D. D. (2013,
September). Internationalizing a college around a global challenge: College of Agricultural Sciences.
Global Penn State: Internationalizing the Campus, College, and Curriculum, University Park, PA.
13 Daniel D. Foster
Foster, D. D., Sankey Rice, L. L., & Miller Foster, M. J. (2013, September). Developing contextually relevant
global professional partnerships. Global Penn State: Internationalizing the Campus, College, and
Curriculum, University Park, PA
Foster, D. D., Barrick, R. K., & Miller Foster, M. J. (2013, June) Joys and discomforts of multi-institutional
collaborative global education. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Blacksburg,
Sankey Rice, L. L., & Foster, D. D. (2013, June). Developing reflective practitioners through VoiceThread
technology. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Blacksburg, VA.
Falk, J. M., Wolf, K. & Foster, D. D. (2013, June). Climate for teaching in participating APLU institutions.
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Blacksburg, VA.
Miller Foster, M. J., Gill, T. & Foster, D. D. (2013, June). Crossing international and disciplinary borders in
graduate education. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Blacksburg, VA.
Miller Foster, M. J., Sherbine, K. & Foster, D. D. (2013, June). Twitter in the classroom: A comparative case
study. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Blacksburg, VA.
Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., Sankey Rice, L., & Barrick, R. K. (2013, May). Preparing agricultural
educators for the world: Describing global competency in agricultural teacher candidates. American
Association for Agricultural Education, Columbus, OH.
Sankey Rice, L. L., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., & Barrick, R. K. (2013, May). Identifying emergent
themes for knowledge, skills, and dispositions in globally competent agriculture education teacher
candidates. American Association for Agricultural Education, Columbus, OH.
Masser, D., Falk, J., & Foster, D. D. (2013, May). Level of agricultural education advisory council
implementation in secondary agricultural education programs. American Association for
Agricultural Education, Columbus, OH.
Foor, R., Foster, D. D., & Wolf, K.J. (2013, May). Developing professional standards for teacher educators in
agriculture. American Association for Agricultural Education, Columbus, OH.
Masser, D., Foster, D. D., & Sankey, L. (2012, November). Utilization of advisory councils in Pennsylvania
secondary agricultural education programs. Association for Career and Technical Education
Research, Atlanta, GA.
Foster, D. D., Musser, T., Peters, J., Dreshel, N., Howell, J., & Doores, S. (2012, June). Celebrating advising
as teaching: Designing a competency-based faculty advisor development program to sustain
advising excellence. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, River Falls, WI.
Simonsen, J. C., Velez, J. J., Foor, R. M., Birkenholz, R. J., Foster, D. D., Wolf, K. J, & Epps, R. B. (2012, July).
A multi-institutional examination of the relationships between high school activity involvement and
14 Daniel D. Foster
leadership constructs among first-time college of agriculture students. Association of Leadership
Educators, Key West, FL.
Simonsen, J. C., Velez, J. J., Foster, D. D., & Birkenholz, R. J. (2011, September). Relationship between
leadership constructs and student activity participation during high school among first-time college
of agriculture students. North Central Region- American Association for Agricultural Education,
University Park, PA, 57-71.
Foster, D. D., & Musser, T. (2011, October). Characteristics of effective teaching and advising: One and the
same? Utilizing concept maps to improve total student success. National Academic Advising
Association Regional Conference. Charlottesville, VA.
Foster, D. D., Ewing, J.C., & Detwiler, A. (2010, December). Characteristics of effective beginning
agricultural education teachers. Association for Career and Technical Education Research. Las
Vegas, NV.
Foster, D. D., & Musser, T. (2010, April). Characteristics of effective teaching and advising: One and the
same? Exploring potential tools to improve total student success. Penn State Academic Advising
Conference: Who, What, When, Why? University Park, PA.
Foster, D. D., Whittington, M. S., & Bookman, J. (2009, September). Piaget’s stages of cognitive
development: Have college students reached formal operations? Proceedings of the Annual North
Central American Association of Agricultural Educators Research Conference. Lincoln, NE, 249-259.
Foster, D. D., Whittington, M. S., & Bookman, J. (2009, June). Piaget’s stages of cognitive development:
Have college students reached formal operations? Proceedings of the North American Colleges and
Teachers of Agriculture Conference. Stillwater, OK, 11.
Wolf, K. J., Foster, D. D., & Birkenholz, R. J. (2008, May). Agricultural education teacher candidates’
teacher self-efficacy and level of preparation. Proceedings of the 35
Annual National Agricultural
Education Research Conference, Reno, NV, 16-29.
Foster, D. D., & Whittington, M. S. (2008, June). Principles of teaching and learning assessment:
Developing an observational instrument. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture
Journal, 52(2), 107.
Wolf, K. J., Foster, D.D., & Birkenholz, R. J. (2008, September). Changes in teacher self-efficacy and
perceptions of preparation of agricultural education teacher candidates. Proceedings of the Annual
North Central American Association of Agricultural Educators Research Conference, Ithaca, NY, 180-
Foster, D. D., & Whittington, M. S. (2008, April). Developing an instrument to measure the utilization of
the principles of teaching and learning during class sessions. Proceedings of the Mid-Western
Educational Research Association Conference, Columbus, OH. 54-65.
15 Daniel D. Foster
Wolf, K. J., Foster, D. D., & Birkenholz, R. J. (2007, December). Agricultural education student teachers’
self-efficacy in classroom management. Proceedings of the Association for Career and Technical
Education Research Conference. Las Vegas, NV, 332-344
Wolf, K. J., Foster, D. D., & Birkenholz, R. J. (2007, May). Agricultural education student teachers’ self-
efficacy in classroom management. Proceedings of the 34
annual National Agricultural Education
Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 547-560
Refereed Conference Posters (N=76)
Bixler, B., Shawver, G, Rice, L., Miller Foster, M., & Foster, D. D. (2023, June). Protecting, Procuring, and
Preserving Resources: Lessons Learned from a Photovoice Research Study in Nepal. North American
Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Voelckers, G., Smith, K., Falk, J., Cherry, A., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J. (2023, May). Developing
Future Educators Through an Educationally Purposeful High Impact Experience: A
Phenomenological Examination. American Association for Agricultural Education, Raleigh, NC.
Letot, C., Gabel, T., Cherry, A., & Foster, D. D. (2023, April). SDG Statements: Facilitating Discussions
through Collaborative Mind Mapping. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2023 Association of
International Agricultural and Extension Education Annual Conference, Guelph, Canada.
Letot, C., Foster, D., Curry Jr., C. & Ewing, J., Miller Foster, M. (2023, April). Exploring Preservice Secondary
Agricultural Educator Perceptions of Global Issues Integration into Instruction. Poster accepted for
presentation at the UFWH National Summit. Ithaca, NY.
Letot, C. T., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., Smith, K., & Falk, J. (2022, October). Cultivating Pedagogical
Content Knowledge in Global Agriculture: Assessing Educator Perceptions of Global Issues in the
WPFGlobalGuides Program, Borlaug Dialogues, World Food Prize Foundation, Des Moines, IA
Letot, C. T. & Foster, D. D. (2022, October). Teaching Teachers Turf: Describing Changes in Perceptions of
Instruction in Participating School Based Agricultural Educators at a Turf Institute., NC-AAAE
Regional Research Meeting, North Central Region, American Association for Agricultural Education,
Columbia, MO
Falk, J., Foster, D. D., Smith, K., & Miller Foster, M. J. (2022, June). Utilizing High Impact Domestic
Immersion Experiences: Improving Current Student Capacity and Creating Future Students in
Agriculture, NACTA Annual Meeting, North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual.
Letot, C. T., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., Smith, K., & Falk, J. (2022, June). Developing Pedagogical
Content Knowledge in Global Agriculture: Assessing Perceptions of Global Issues in Pre-Service
Educators in the GOALS Program, NACTA Annual Meeting, North American Colleges and Teachers
of Agriculture, Virtual.
16 Daniel D. Foster
Sankey Rice, L. L., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., & Sharma, P. (2022, June). Global Learning in
Agriculture: A Framework for Scholarship Advancement, NACTA Annual Meeting, North American
Colleges, and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual.
Letot, C., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., Smith, K. L., & Falk, J. (2022, May). Developing Pedagogical
Content Knowledge in Global Agriculture: Assessing Perceptions of Global Issues in Pre-Service
Educators in the GOALS Program. American Association for Agricultural Education, Oklahoma City,
Letot, C., Foster, D. D., Seaman, J., & Miller Foster, M. J. (2022, May). Initiating Inquiry through Cultivation
of Professional Identity: Blending pre-service and in-service professional learning. American
Association for Agricultural Education, Oklahoma City, OK.
Smith, K. L., Murphy-Sweet, O., Foster, D. D., Falk, J., & Miller Foster, M. J. (2022, May). What in the
World? A Descriptive Examination of Global Citizenship Scores for SBAE Students and Preservice
Agricultural Educators. American Association for Agricultural Education, Oklahoma City, OK.
Bixler, B. S., Miller Foster, M. J., Foster, D. D., & Rice, L. (2022, March). A synthesis of literature on best
practices in agricultural, career, and technical education for high-risk populations domestic and
abroad, GSD Annual Research Expo, Gamma Sigma Delta, University Park, PA.
Letot, C. T., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J. Smith, K. & Falk, J. (2022, March). Developing Pedagogical
Content Knowledge in Global Agriculture: Assessing Perceptions of Global Issues in Pre-Service
Educators in the GOALS Program, GSD Annual Research Expo, Gamma Sigma Delta, University Park,
Letot, C., Tewari, R., Foster, D. D, & Miller Foster, M. (2021, September). The Climate Change Curriculum
Challenge: Crowdsourcing novel topics in climate change science education from current secondary
educators. North Central Region- American Association for Agricultural Education, Columbus, OH.
Letot, C., Rice, L., Miller Foster, M., Gabel, T., & Foster, D. D. (2021, September). Online youth global
learning program: Educator perceptions. North Central Region- American Association for
Agricultural Education, Columbus, OH.
Redwine, T., Spence, J. R., Letot, C., Foster, D., Miller-Foster, M. & McCubbins, A. (2021, June). Global
guides: Defining educators’ global learning viewpoints. North American Colleges and Teachers of
Agriculture, Virtual.
Letot, C., Miller Foster, M., & Foster, D. D. (2021, May). GLAGcreates: Poetry as a Medium for Food
Security Education. American Association for Agricultural Education, Virtual.
Letot, C., Miller Foster, M., & Foster, D. D. (2021, April). #GLAG21: Taking Action with a digital professional
learning community. Penn State Extension Annual Conference, Virtual.
17 Daniel D. Foster
Gabel, T., Liszka, K., Miller Foster, M. J., & Foster D.D. (2019, June). GLAGjr: Digital Innovation to connect
educator professional development with youth organization programming. North American
Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Twin Falls, ID.
Morey, T. & Foster, D. D. (2019, May). The Maker Moment: Making Digital Assessment Technology
Accessible, Available, and Manageable for Pre-Service Agriculture Teachers. American Association
for Agricultural Education, Des Moines, IA.
Cowan, R. G., Miller Foster, M. J. & Foster D. D. (2018, October). Barriers and Opportunities for Agricultural
Work-based Learning in Tasmania. North Central Region- American Association for Agricultural
Education, Fargo, N.D.
Morey, T. & Foster, D. D. (2018, October). Creating a Digital Ecosystem to Cultivate Digital Leadership of
Preservice Agriculture Teachers. North Central Region- American Association for Agricultural
Education, Fargo, N.D.
Rice, L. L., Ewing, J. C., & Foster, D. D. (2018, June). Assessing professional development needs: Improving
teaching and learning in agricultural education. North American Colleges and Teachers of
Agriculture, Ames, IA.
Kauffman, H., & Foster, D. D. (2018, June). #TeachAgTalks: Fighting Email Deluge with Podcasts. North
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Ames, IA.
Foster, D. D., Lawver, R., & Smith, A. (2018, June). Secondary Agricultural Teacher Preparation in U.S.
Higher Education: Historical perspectives on capacity and production. North American Colleges and
Teachers of Agriculture, Ames, IA.
Dietrich, G., Foster, D. D., & Morey, T. (2018, June). Developing Communities of Practices on Twitter: Three
Years of #TeachAgChat (2015-2017). North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Ames,
Kauffman, H., & Foster, D. D. (2018, May). #TeachAgTalks: Fighting Email Deluge with Podcasts. American
Association for Agricultural Education, Charleston, S. C.
Forbes, C., Foster, D. D., Millenbah, K., Scherer, H., & Wang, H. H. (2017, June). Education in the Food-
Energy-Water-Nexus: A Collaborative National Network. North American Colleges and Teachers of
Agriculture, West Lafayette, IN.
Hack, K., Foster, D. D. Miller Foster, M. J., & Castellanos, P. (2016, June). Maximizing language learning
abroad: Exploring the case of the agricultural Spanish program at the Adventure Education Center
in Turrialba, Costa Rica. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Manoa, HI.
Weaver, N., Foster, D. D., & Miller Foster, M. J. (2016, June). Expanding Global Learning Opportunities: The
Development of a Pennsylvania State Youth Global Food Security Institute. North American
Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Manoa, HI.
18 Daniel D. Foster
Schonfeld, A., Foster, D. D., & Ewing, J. C. (2016, June). Grounding the new/beginning urban farmer:
Identifying gaps in educational resources. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
Manoa, HI.
Bassett, K., Miller Foster, M. J., & Foster, D. D. (2015, October). Describing secondary agricultural
education in the Central American nation of Belize: A case study. North Central Region- American
Association for Agricultural Education, Minneapolis, MN.
Hock, G., & Foster, D. D. (2015, October). Teacher candidates’ intentions to enter school-based agricultural
education. North Central Region- American Association for Agricultural Education, Minneapolis,
Rice, L., & Foster, D. D. (2015, October). Faculty perceptions of discipline specific pedagogies in post-
secondary agriculture education. North Central Region- American Association for Agricultural
Education, Minneapolis, MN.
Miller Foster, M. J., Foster, D. D., Wahid, N. A. (2015, June). International student organizations: Excellent
partners for global learning in agriculture. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
Athens, GA.
Foster, D. D. & Miller Foster, M. J. (2015, June). Global Teach Ag! Initiative: A framework for discipline-
specific global competency development. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
Athens, GA.
Creed, S. C., Foster, D. D., Miller Foster, M. J., Thoron, A. C., & Barrick, R. K. (2015, May). Semiotic analysis
of agriscience educators and agricultural teacher candidates' perceptions of global competency
gains during an immersion experience. American Association for Agricultural Education, San
Antonio, TX.
Sankey Rice, L., & Foster, D. D. (2015, May). Cultivating hybrid vigor for innovation in school-based
agricultural education through online professional development episodes. American Association for
Agricultural Education, San Antonio, TX.
Foster, D. D. (2015, May). Teach Ag! Genius Hour: Cultivating passion and innovation (#TeachAgGenius).
American Association for Agricultural Education, San Antonio, TX.
Sankey Rice, L. L., & Foster, D. D. (2015, May). Developing pragmatic research consumers through action
based research project in agricultural education teaching internships. American Association for
Agricultural Education, San Antonio, TX.
Sankey Rice, L., & Foster, D. D. (2015, May). Cultivating self-directed learning: Early Field Experience
Reading Program for Teacher Candidates. American Association for Agricultural Education, San
Antonio, TX.
19 Daniel D. Foster
Foster, D. D., Ewing, J. C., & Sankey Rice, L. (2015, May). Teach Ag! Avengers: Heroes in agricultural
education recruitment. American Association for Agricultural Education, San Antonio, TX.
Miller Foster, M. J., Wahid, N. A., & Foster, D. D. (2015, May). Bringing Global Agriculture to Summer
School: The Governor's School Experience. American Association for Agricultural Education, San
Antonio, TX.
Wahid, N. A., Miller Foster, M. J., & Foster, D. D. (2015, May). Engaging international student
organizations to develop global competency in students of agriculture. Association for Agricultural
Education, San Antonio, TX.
Sankey Rice, L. L., & Foster, D. D. (2014, September). Early field experience summer reading program for
teacher candidates. North Central Region- American Association for Agricultural Education,
Morgantown, WV.
Falk, J. M., Masser, D. T., Palmer, H. R., & Foster, D. D. (2014, June). What makes an effective coach?: The
relationship between coaching behaviors and team performance. North American Colleges and
Teachers of Agriculture, Bozeman, MT.
Masser, D., Foster, D. D., & Falk, J. M. (2013, December). Improving the power of your agricultural
education advisory council. National Association of Agricultural Educators Convention, Las Vegas,
Foster, D. D. (2013, September). School-based agricultural education in different contexts with different
populations: A domestic study abroad. North Central Region-American Association for Agricultural
Education, Madison, WI.
Foster, D. D. (2013, September). Putting a face to SAE: Utilizing vignettes to improve teacher candidate
dispositions towards SAE implementation. North Central Region- American Association for
Agricultural Education, Madison, WI.
Smith, A. R., Lawver, R. G., & Foster, D. D. (2013, September). Toward improved geographic mobility
among agricultural education students. North Central Region- American Association for Agricultural
Education, Madison, WI.
Foster, D. D., Sankey Rice, L., & Ewing, J. C. (2013, June). Preparing for the transformative learning
experience: Teacher candidate summative reflection presentations. North American Colleges and
Teachers of Agriculture, Blacksburg, VA.
Falk, J., Masser, D. & Foster, D. D. (2013, June). Engaging community stakeholders in multidisciplinary
agricultural education program delivery. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
Blacksburg, VA.
20 Daniel D. Foster
Foster, D. D., Ewing. J.C., & Sankey Rice, L. (2013, May). Preparing for the transformative learning
experience: Teacher candidate summative reflection presentations. American Association for
Agricultural Education, Columbus, OH.
Sankey Rice, L. & Foster. D. D. (2013, May). Developing reflective practitioners through VoiceThread
technology. American Association for Agricultural Education, Columbus, OH.
Foster, D. D., Barrick, R. K., Na, S. I., Miller Foster, M. J., & Sankey, L. L. (2012, June). Celebrating school-
based agricultural education across the globe: Utilizing and sustaining digital community of
practice. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, River Falls, WI.
Foster, D. D., Lambert, J., Howell, J. E., & Dick, A. (2012, June). Tox in a Box: Utilizing Inquiry-based
Instruction and a Flipped Classroom to Instruct Environmental Toxicology. North American Colleges
and Teachers of Agriculture, River Falls, WI.
Ewing, J. C., Foster, D. D., McDavid, K. S., & Ziegler, J. (2012, June). Sources of information utilized in
choosing a college of agriculture science. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
River Falls, WI.
Foster, D. D., Ewing, J. C., McDavid, K. S., Fivek, M., & Musser, T. (2012, June). Factors associated with
choosing a college of agriculture science. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture,
River Falls, WI.
Foster, D. D., Ewing, J. C., & McDavid, K. S. (2012, June). Our students: A profile of the 2011 fall semester
college of agriculture freshman. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, River Falls,
Miller Foster, M. J., Foster, D. D., & Ader, D. (2012, June). Celebrating student ownership in learning:
Utilizing student contracts to develop global citizenship in an international immersion experience.
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, River Falls, WI.
Sankey Rice, L. L., & Foster, D. D. (2012, June). Celebrating award winning teaching by identifying themes
to sustain in post-secondary agriculture instruction. North American Colleges and Teachers of
Agriculture, River Falls, WI.
Masser, D., & Foster, D. D. (2012, May) Utilization of advisory councils in Pennsylvania secondary
agricultural education. American Association for Agricultural Education, Ashville, N.C.
Sankey Rice, L. & Foster, D. D. (2012, May) Developing creativity in agriculture teacher candidates
American Association for Agricultural Education, Ashville, N.C.
Barrick, R.K., Foster, D. D., & Na, S. I. (2012, May). Agricultural teacher education in Korea: A study
program for U.S. students. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education,
Bangkok, Thailand.
21 Daniel D. Foster
Ewing, J. C. & Foster, D. D. (2011, May). Engaging stakeholders in teacher candidate development:
Developing skills for effective on-line communication with 21
century parents. American
Association for Agricultural Education. Coeur d’Alene, ID.
Garland, K. B., Ewing, J. C., & Foster, D. D. (2011, May). Beginning agriculture teachers' perspectives of
effective teacher characteristics. American Association for Agricultural Education. Coeur d’Alene,
Polatnick, L., Foster, D. D., & Ewing, J. C., (2011, September). Supplemental units of instruction in equine
welfare for secondary educators. North Central Region American Association for Agricultural
Education, University Park, PA.
Sankey, L., & Foster, D. D. (2011, September). Introducing inquiry-based instruction to agriculture teacher
candidates. North Central Region American Association for Agricultural Education, University Park,
Foster, D. D., Ewing, J. C., Threeton, M., & Clark, R. (2010, December). Experiential education: Purported,
but utilized? Association for Career and Technical Education Research. Las Vegas, NV.
Detwiler, A. R., Ewing, J. C., & Foster, D. D. (2010, May). Desired characteristics of beginning agricultural
education instructors as perceived by school administrators. American Association for Agricultural
Education, Omaha, NE.
Detwiler, A. R., Foster, D. D., & Ewing, J. C. (2010, May). Recruiting by doing: Utilizing existing
undergraduate student organizations to facilitate secondary student recruitment in agricultural
teacher education. American Association for Agricultural Education. Omaha, NE.
Ewing, J. C., Foster, D. D., Hoover, T. S., & Heasley, P. (2010, June). Developing and building community
connections: Utilizing grant funding to support student teachers, cooperating centers, and
communities. Association of Public and Land Grant Universities. University Park, PA.
Foster, D. D., & Epps, R. B. (2008, September). Revisiting the senior capstone experience: developing
cooperative professionals Poster Proceedings of the Annual North Central American Association of
Agricultural Educators Research Conference. Ithaca, NY, 62-65.
Foster, D. D., Connors, J. J., Cano, J. M., & Whittington, M. S. (2008, June). An undergraduate peer teaching
approach to portfolio development across the curriculum. North American Colleges and Teachers of
Agriculture Journal, 52(2), 107.
Whittington, M. S., Foster, D. D., Falk, J. M., Beck, W. M., & Bookman, J. A. (2008, June). Creating a
conceptual framework for studying cognitive levels of teaching and learning. North American
Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 52(2), 78.
22 Daniel D. Foster
Foster, D. D., Connors, J. J., Cano, J. M., & Whittington, M. S. (2008). An undergraduate peer teaching
approach to portfolio development across the curriculum. Poster Proceedings of the Annual North
Central American Association of Agricultural Educators Research Conference. Ithaca, NY, 50-53.
Foster, D. D., & Whittington, M. S. (2007). Application of service learning through undergraduate student
organizations. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 51(2), 103.
Foster, D. D., & Foor, R. M. (2007). Service-learning in leadership development. Poster Proceedings of the
Annual North Central American Association of Agricultural Educators Research Conference.
Select Articles Published in Non-Refereed Journals (N=20)
Foster, D. D., & Miller Foster, M. J (2023, May). Food security, climate change and innovation: Agriculture
provides actionable context for global learning. Techniques: Connecting Education & Careers.
Miller Foster, M. J., & Foster, D. D. (2018, November/December). Professional Conversations: Crossing
Borders to Advance Agriculture Education. (Theme Editors). The Agricultural Education Magazine,
91 (3)
Miller Foster, M. J., Foster, D. D., Kinsinger, B. & Wahid, N. H. (2018, November/December). Shared
Professional Development for Agricultural Educators: #AgEd2Malaysia. The Agricultural Education
Magazine, 91 (3) 21-23.
Foster, D. D., & McCubbins, A. (2018, July/August). Connected #TeachAg: Utilizing Technology for the
Premier Delivery System of #AgEdu. (Theme Editors). The Agricultural Education Magazine, 91 (3)
Miller Foster, M. J., Foster, D. D., & Chaverra-Rodriguez, D. (2017, July/August). Guat’s up in Ag Ed: A case
study of agricultural education in Guatemala. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 89
Miller Foster, M. J., & Foster, D. D. (2016, September/October). No Borders on Student Success: Global
Learning in Agriculture (Theme Editors). The Agricultural Education Magazine, 88
Foster, D. D. (2015, May/June). Teach Ag! Avengers: Heroes in Agricultural Education Recruitment. The
Agricultural Education Magazine, 87(6), 21-24.
Foster, D. D., & Barrick, R. K. (2013, September/October). Globalizing School-Based Agricultural Education:
Are we preparing students to help serve the world? The Agricultural Education Magazine, 86(2),
Clark, M., Ewing, J. C., & Foster, D. D. (2011, May/June). Inquiry based instruction in agricultural education
programs: How it can be done! The Agricultural Education Magazine, 83(6), 14 - 16.
Foster, D. D. (2009, November/December). Funding strategies: It is a family thing (Theme Editor). The
Agricultural Education Magazine, 82(3).
23 Daniel D. Foster
Foor, R., Epps, R., Falk, J., Foster, D. D., & Simonsen, J. (2008, November/December). Oh, the places you’ll
go…and the questions you’ll ask! The Agricultural Education Magazine, 80(3), 8-10.
Foster, D. D. (2007, February). The marginalization (or future) of career and technical teacher education in
America. Techniques: Connecting Education & Careers, 82(2), 40-42.
Foster, D. D., & Wolf, K. J. (2007, January/February). Staying relevant in a flattening world. The Agricultural
Education Magazine, 79(4), 8-11.
Velez, J.J., Foster, D. D., Boeder, T., & Brown, D. (2006, September/October). Graduate student rations for
making professional weight in Agricultural Education. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 79(2),
Foster, D. D. (2006, July/August). Leveling the playing field. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 79(1), 5-
Foster, D. D, (2003, July/August). Revelations of a first-year teacher. The Agricultural Education Magazine,
76(1), 16-17.
Foster, D. D., & Foster, B. (2000, March/April). Between the devil and the deep blue sea. The Agricultural
Education Magazine, 72(5), 22-23.
Foster, D. D. (1998, June). To grow where no man has grown before, Farm & Ranch News, 1-2.
Foster, D. D., Elliot, J., Bertelsen, C., Rich, S. & Blackey, C. (1997, November/December). The techno owl.
The Agricultural Education Magazine, 70(3), 24-25.
Foster, D. D. (1997, April). The dream of a better tomorrow, The Cattleman Magazine, 79(3).
Special Reports and Executive Summaries (N=8)
Smith, A. R., Lawver, R. G., & Foster, D. D. (2022). National Agricultural Education Supply and Demand
Study, 2021 Executive Summary. American Association for Agricultural Education.
Foster, D. D., Lawver, R. G., & Smith, A. R., (2021). National Agricultural Education Supply and Demand
Study, 2020 Executive Summary. Retrieved from:
Smith, A.R., Foster, D. D., Lawver, R.G.., & Thompson, E. (2020). National Agricultural Education Supply and
Demand Study, 2019 Executive Summary. Retrieved from
24 Daniel D. Foster
Lawver, R. G., Foster, D. D., Smith, A. R., & Thompson, E. (2019). National Agricultural Education Supply
and Demand Study, 2018 Executive Summary. Retrieved from
Lawver, R. G., Foster, D. D., & Smith, A. R. (2018). Status of U.S. Supply and Demand for Teachers of
Agricultural Education, 2014-2016. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/teacher-supply-and-
Smith, A. R., Foster, D. D., Lawver, R. G., & Thompson, E. (2018). National Agricultural Education Supply
and Demand Study, 2017 Executive Summary. Retrieved from
Smith, A. R., Foster, D. D., Lawver, R. G., & Thompson, E. (2017). National Agricultural Education Supply
and Demand Study, 2016 Executive Summary. Retrieved from
Lawver, R. G., Smith, A. R., & Foster, D. D. (2016). National Agricultural Education Supply and Demand
Study, 2015 Executive Summary. Retrieved from
Foster, D. D., Lawver, R. G., & Smith, A. R. (2015). National Agricultural Education Supply and Demand
Study, 2014 Executive Summary. Retrieved from
National Data Sets
Foster, D. D., Smith, A. R., Lawver, R. G., & Spiess, M., (2023). National Agricultural Education Supply and
Demand Project [data set]. American Association for Agricultural Education. Retrieved from:
Popular Press and Multimedia
Miller Foster, M., & Foster, D.D. (2023, April 6). Educators, the Real Influencers. Blog post on Agrilinks, part
of the USAID Feed the Future Initiative. Retrieved from: https://agrilinks.org/post/educators-real-
RFD-TV. (2017, September 23). The National TeachAg Day Celebration. [Live TV interview].
Hammerich, T. (Host). (2017, June 21). Future of Agriculture Episode 058: The best STEM Delivery Tool with
Dr. Daniel Foster. [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from www.AgGrad.com/episode58
25 Daniel D. Foster
I have taught courses a Willcox High School (6), The Ohio State University (5) and The Pennsylvania State
University (13). Below are the descriptions of the courses taught in my current position at Penn State.
Other position course descriptions available upon request.
Courses Taught at Penn State (N=13)
Agricultural Education Orientation (AEE 100), 3 semester hours - AEE 100 is an introductory course in
Agricultural and Extension Education that examines the history and philosophical foundations of
agricultural and extension education. During the course, students explore their individual aptitude and
interest in teaching in formal and/or non-formal settings. The course includes an early clinical practicum.
This course is taught each fall semester. Taught: Fall 2011- 2013.
Observation of Teaching in Agricultural and Environmental Science (AEE 295), 3 semester hours - AEE 295
course allows for students to participate in supervised observation of teacher and student activities in a
selected high school. The course allows the student to appraise the responsibilities of teachers of
agriculture. Through reflection on the classroom and laboratory observations, students can continue
building upon their knowledge and skills related to teaching and learning in an agricultural education
program. Students also participate in observation of the teacher and students in events related to FFA and
Supervised Agricultural Experience programs. This course is taught each fall semester. Taught: Fall 2010-
2013, Fall 2017, Fall 2018
Practical Parliamentary Procedure (AEE 216), 3 semester hours - AEE 216 provides the opportunity for
students to learn how to effectively utilize parliamentary procedure as a leadership tool. Students have
opportunity to earn accreditation through the Society of Agricultural Education Parliamentarians. Course
content areas include Principles of Parliamentary Procedure; classes of motions; officers; committees,
bylaws, and agendas. Taught: Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2017-2019, Fall 2021,
Fall 2022, Fall 2023
Developing Youth Leadership through Organization and Program Structure (AEE 311), 3 semester
hours - This course is an orientation on how adolescents develop and emerge as leaders in their
families, schools, organizations, and communities. Content will focus on the FFA organization and
supervised agricultural experiences as well as 4-H & other non-formal youth organizations. While the
course is grounded in traditional and contemporary youth leadership philosophies and practices, it
emphasizes youth leadership development in the food, agriculture, and natural resource sciences. This
course is taught each fall semester. Taught Fall 2012- 2016
School-based Program Planning and Instructional Development (AEE 313), 2 semester hours - The
course is taught to our student teachers, while they are at their cooperating center. Five seminars are
conducted with the teacher candidate group including: pre-internship seminar, student teaching
seminar 1, student teaching seminar 2, post-internship seminar, induction seminar. During these
seminars the student teachers develop, and adjust, plans for teaching at their respective cooperating
center. Topics include, but are not limited to, classroom management, unit, and lesson planning, FFA,
Supervised Agricultural Experience, summer programming, professional development, and grant
proposal writing. AEE 313 is taught each spring semester. Taught: Spring 2012-2018
26 Daniel D. Foster
Teaching Methods for Agricultural and Environmental Laboratories (AEE 350), 3 semester hours - This
course introduces students into a variety of teaching laboratories in the formal agricultural education
setting. Students are taught how to best manage students and resources to positively impact student
learning. This course is taught each fall semester. Taught: Fall 2009-2010.
Education in Agriculture in Developing Countries (AEE 400), 3 semester hours - Essential Course Question:
How does education in agriculture in developing countries address global issues like food security and
poverty? Purpose of the course is to develop the global competency of future change agents so that they,
in turn, can help future learners gain knowledge, develop skills, and acquire dispositions for living in a
globally interdependent and culturally diverse world while developing an awareness of education’s impact
on global issues such as food security. This course is taught in the spring semester. Taught: Spring 2014,
Spring 2022, Spring 2023
Methods of Teaching Agricultural and Environmental Science (AEE 412), 4 semester hours - Learners will
engage in Instructional strategies and media; directing individual and group learning activities, assessing
student performance and quality of instruction in agricultural education and environmental science.
Essential Question for this course: How do I make decisions as a teacher that maximize student learning?
This is a fall semester course. Taught: Fall 2009-2019, Fall 2021Fall 2023
Internships in Agricultural and Extension Education (AEE 495), 12 semester hours - Learners participate in
the total program of instruction in agriculture in a selected high school. Supervised placement of all interns
in cooperating centers. Lead University Supervisor and Clinical Faculty (Cooperating Teacher)
orientation/professional development. Conducted pre-service teacher seminars. Internships are based in
the spring semester. Supervised: Spring 2010-2017
Global School Based Agricultural Education (AEE 499), 3 semester hours- Learners will strive to develop
global competency as they engage in class sessions and a travel experience designed to prepare globally
minded agricultural education teachers by providing the opportunity a short-term study experience within
the context of agricultural education in nation’s that have school-based agricultural education and
university agricultural teacher preparation programs. Spring based course with summer travel component
to South Korea. Taught: Spring 2012, Spring 2014.
Youth Leadership Development (AEE 511), 3 semester hours - Learners will investigate how adolescents
develop and emerge as leaders in their families, schools, organizations, and communities. The primary
objective for course is to provide future and current leaders of youth organizations in the agricultural,
natural resource, and/or life sciences the knowledge, skills, and experiences to develop and enhance the
leadership skills and behaviors of the youth in their organizations. Course was delivered in an online
format for practitioners in the field. Taught: Spring 2010
Teaching and Learning in Agricultural Sciences (AEE 530), 3 semester hours AEE 530 is a graduate level
methods of teaching course designed for graduate students and faculty seeking to the improve their
scholarship of teaching and learning for the academy. Taught: Spring 2016, Spring 2018-2024
Be a Master Student (Ag 150s), 2 semester hours - AG 150S is a freshman seminar course that is designed
to familiarize students with the expectations, challenges, and opportunities provided to students during
27 Daniel D. Foster
their collegiate career. Students explore agricultural issues and research methodologies through literature
review, library searches, field studies, and critical thinking. Taught: Spring 2010-2012.
28 Daniel D. Foster
Office of Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Faculty Fellowship on Endorsements, 2023-present.
Center for Integration of Research, Teaching & Learning (CIRTL),
Steering Committee, College of Agricultural Sciences Representative, 2021-Present
Penn State Teaching & Learning with Technology,
Teaching & Learning Digital Fluency Action Team. Member, 2020-present
Search Committee: Assistant Director of Innovation, September 2020
The Center for Professional Personnel Development,
Advisory Council Member, 2010-present.
Member, 2009 present
University Faculty Senate Peer Review Taskforce Subcommittee,
Member, 2022- 2023.
University Covid Faculty Advisory Committee Member,
June 2020- September 2020
University Pedagogical Indicators of Classroom Use, (Ad Hoc/Special Committee),
Member, 2015-2020
New Student Convocation,
Platform Party representing College of Agricultural Sciences, 2017.
Faculty at large, 2016, 2021.
Faculty Organization
Appointed Parliamentarian, 2019 to present.
Nominations and Elections Standing Committee, 2021-present.
Faculty Development Committee (Standing Committee), 2022 present, 2016-2018
Faculty Awards Committee (Standing Committee), 2020-2022
Student Activities Committee (Standing Committee), Member, 2012 2013, 2015- 2018, Chair, 2013
International Agriculture and Development Dual Title Program
Academic Program Committee, Member, 2022 to present.
International Agriculture and Development Graduate Faculty Member, 2013 to present.
Administrative Appointed Ad Hoc/Special Committees
Academic Advising Recognition Process, Member, 2012-2014
Social Networking Working Group, Member, 2011 - 2013
Student Recruitment and Enrollment Committee, Member, 2009 2013
Penn State Extension,
New Educator Training Presenter, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2023
Search Committee, Professional Development and Talent Coordinator, 2017.
AESE Teaching Fellows.
Member, 2022-present
EDCE/AEE Leadership
Cluster Chair, 2017-2019, 2022-2023,
29 Daniel D. Foster
Cluster Vice Chair, 2021
Undergraduate Committee, Member, 2009 present
AEE Recruitment Subcommittee, Member, 2009 present
AEE Cluster Graduate Committee, Member, 2015- 2019
AEE Scholarship Committee, Member, 2011-2012; Chair, 2012
AEE Student Banquet Committee, Co-Chair, 2010 to 2017
AEE Research Committee, Member, 2009-2012
Department Standing Committees
AESE Faculty Advisory Council, AEE Cluster Rep, 2021-2023, 2017-2019.
AESE Promotion and Tenure Committee, Member, 2022-present, 2018-2020
AESE Informational Technology and Facilities Committee, Member, 2012
Agricultural Teacher Education Program
Student Teacher Internship Coordinator, 2010 to 2019.
Agricultural Education Advisory Council Member, 2009 to present.
Assistance to student organizations.
Alpha Tau Alpha, National Agricultural Education Honorary Fraternity; PSU Representative to
National Conclave, 2012, 2013
Co-Advisor to the PSU Eta Chapter, 2009-2022
Collegiate FFA; Collegiate FFA Officer Nominating Committee, 2010
Teach Ag! Society; Founding Advisor, 2011 to 2017
Service to the disciplines and to the profession
American Association for Agricultural Education
Representative to The Council for Agricultural Education, 2024-present.
Strategic Planning Implementation 2017- 2019.
Teacher Education Special Interest Group, Member -2006-present, Chair 2012-14; 2018-19.
Program Improvement Committee Chair- 2010-2012.
Refereed Poster Session co-coordinator. 2011, 2012,
National Conference Discussant, 2018, 2023
Member 2006- present.
Association for Career and Technical Education Research
Member, 2011-present
Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development
Member, 2016-2020
National Association for Agricultural Educators
National Teach Ag Task Force, 2011- 2021.
National Agriscience Integration Institute. Des Moines, Iowa. Pennsylvania Teacher Education
Representative, June 2010
Life Member. 1998-present;
NCAC24 Agricultural Education Research Administrative Committee.
Penn State Representative, 2018-2020.
National FFA Organization
Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Event, Superintendent, 2015- 2022; Associate
Superintendent, 2009 2014; Judge, 2006-present
30 Daniel D. Foster
Served on Agricultural Educator Global Outreach Program, 2013
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture
Parliamentarian, 2019-present,
Global Engagement Committee, 2023- present.
Eastern Region Director, 2018-2020.
Eastern Regional Director Elect, 2017 2018.
Member, International Committee, 2011- 2020.
Member, Conference Planner, First annual Preconference Professional Development Session,
2013; Planning Committee.
Research Presentation Sessions Sub-Committee Member, 2010
Life Member, 2007 present.
The Council for Agricultural Education
Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Renewal Committee, 2013-2018.
Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education. Executive Board, Teacher Educator
Representative, 2012- 2017. Pennsylvania State Leader, 2012-2018.Certified Instructor in
Principles of Agriculture Science-Animal Institute and Introduction to Agriculture, Food and
Natural Resources Institute, 2010-present
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),
National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Research and Extension Experiences for
Undergraduates (REEU), Grant Reviewer, 2019
Five Star Consortium for Teacher Education (Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Maryland,
Pennsylvania, West Virginia)
Member, 2009-2020
North Central, American Association of Agricultural Education
Secretary, 2022-present.
Research Committee, Chair 2021-2022
Program Improvement Committee, 2009- 2015.
Outstanding Paper Judge/Penn State Delegate, 2010.
Refereed Poster Session co-coordinator, 2011.
Member, 2006 present/
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Agricultural Education Advisory Council, Member, 2016-2018
Pennsylvania Association of Agricultural Educators,
Board of Directors Member, 2011-2018.
Member, 2009-present
Pennsylvania Council for International Education (PACIE)
Member, 2019.
Pennsylvania FFA Association
Board of Directors Member, 2009-2017.
Gamma Sigma Delta
Past President/Research Expo Coordinator; 2020-2021; President, 2019 2020; Vice-President,
2018-2019, Treasurer/Secretary, 2016- 2018; Member, 2008-present; Gamma Sigma Delta
Research Exposition, Session Judge, 2010, 2016, 2018, 2023
31 Daniel D. Foster
Service to society as a representative of the university
American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP)
National Board of Directors, 2020- present
Youth Committee, Chair, 2019-2023.
Member, 2016-present.
National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP)
Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP), 2017 present.
National Youth Committee Member. 2017- 2020.
Member. 2010-present.
Society for Agricultural Education Parliamentarians
Vice President, 2014-present
Executive Committee Member, 2011-present
Certification Exam Proctor, 2010-present
Young Professionals in Parliamentary Procedure (YP-3),
Education Director, 2021 to present.
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
Vestry, 2022-present.
J2A Youth Leader, 2022-present.
Community Café Board of Directors, 2018-2020
Global Connections.
Board of Directors. 2017- 2019.
Public Relations Officer/Membership Chair, 2019-2021
32 Daniel D. Foster
Honor Societies
Gamma Sigma Delta, Penn State Chapter
Omicron Tau Theta Eta Chapter of The Ohio State University
Alpha Tau Alpha, The University of Arizona
Awards for Professional Activities
2022 Murray Brown Leadership Award, North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture
2018 National FFA Organization Honorary American Degree
2018 National Association of Agricultural Educators Outstanding Post-Secondary Award
2016 National Association of Agricultural Educators Outstanding Teacher Mentor Award
2015 North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Educator Award
2015 Runner Up-Outstanding Innovative Poster. National Meeting of American Association of
Agricultural Education, San Antonio, Texas
2012 National Teach Ag! Champion, National Association of Agricultural Educators
2012 EB Knight North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal Award
2012 North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Teaching Award of Merit
2009 North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Graduate Student Teaching Award
2005 Arizona Representative, DELTA Conference, National FFA Organization
2023 Distinguished Teacher Educator Award, North Central Region of American Association for Agricultural
Education (AAAE), Brookings, S.D.
2015 Outstanding Early Educator Award, North Central Region of American Association for Agricultural
Education (AAAE), Minneapolis, MN.
2009 Outstanding Paper Presentation. North Central Region of American Association for Agricultural
Education, Lincoln, Nebraska.
2004 Teacher Turn the Key Recipient, National Association of Agricultural Educators (Outstanding 2nd
year teacher)
2010-2023 Pennsylvania Association of Agricultural Educators 30-Minute Club Award
2005 Gila Southern District (AATA) Agricultural Education Teacher of the Year
2005 Arizona FFA Honorary Degree Member
2003 Arizona Agriculture Teacher Association (AATA) Outstanding First Year Teacher Award
2017 PSU Teaching and Learning with Technology Fellowship
2016 Roy C. Buck Faculty Award for outstanding refereed article
2009 Agriculture Education Society, Special Recognition, The Ohio State University
2016 Excellence in Academic Advising Award, College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Society
2012 North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Teaching Award of Merit