This Settlement Agreement is entered into between the California Air Resources
Board (CARB), with its principal location at 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California
95814; and EDCO Disposal Corporation, with its principal location at 6670 Federal
Boulevard, Lemon Grove, California 91945; EDCO Waste & Recycling Services Inc.,
with its principal location at 6670 Federal Boulevard, Lemon Grove, California 91945;
Escondido Disposal, Inc., with its principal location at 775 Norwalk Street, California
92025; and EDCO Transport Services LLC, with its principal location at 224 South Las
Posas Rd., San Marcos, California 92078 (collectively referred to herein as EDCO
Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates). EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates
and CARB may be referenced as the Parties,” or individually, as a “Party.”
(1) Purpose. The California Health and Safety Code mandates the reduction of the
emission of toxic air contaminants (TAC). CARB has determined that particulate
matter (PM) from diesel-fueled engines is a TAC. (Health & Saf. Code §§ 39002,
et seq., 39650-39675.) In-use on-road diesel vehicles are powered by diesel
fueled engines that emit toxic PM.
(2) Regulation. CARB adopted the Regulation to Reduce Emissions of Diesel
Particulate Matter, Oxides of Nitrogen and Other Criteria Pollutants, from In-Use
Heavy-Duty Diesel-Fueled Vehicles (Truck and Bus Regulation) to reduce diesel
PM and criteria pollutant emissions from on-road heavy-duty diesel-fueled
vehicles. (Cal. Code Regs., tit.13, § 2025.)
(3) Regulatory Provisions. Any person, business, federal government agency, school
district or school transportation provider, or broker, that owns, operates, leases,
rents or sells vehicles in California that operate on diesel-fuel, dual-fuel, or
alternative diesel-fuel, that are registered to be driven on public highways, were
originally designed to be driven on public highways whether or not they are
registered, yard trucks with on-road engines or yard trucks with off-road engines
used for agricultural operations, both engines of two-engine sweepers, school
buses, and have a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) greater
than 14,000 pounds with 2006 model year engines or older must comply with the
schedule to upgrade the engine(s), and PM Best Alternative Control Technology
(BACT) requirements, by January 1, 2014 (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025.)
(4) Penalty Provisions. Failure to comply with the regulatory requirements is a
violation of state law that may result in penalties up to ten thousand dollars
($10,000.00 USD) for strict liability violations; respectively, for each day in which
the violation occurs. (Cal. Code Regs., tit.13, § 2025; Health & Saf. Code
§§ 39674, 39675, 42400 et seq., 42402 et seq., and 42410.)
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(5) Corporate Entity. At all relevant times, EDCO Disposal Corporation and its
Affiliates were organized under the laws of the State of California as a
Corporation and conducted business in the State of California.
(6) Compliance Options. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates have elected
to utilize the low-use vehicle exemption (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(p)(4));
credit provision (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(j)); and the phase-in option (Cal.
Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(i)) in the Truck and Bus (TB) Regulation.
(7) Allegations. This Settlement Agreement resolves Notice of Violation (NOV) HDD-
2019-0009, which was issued on October 12, 2020. CARB alleges EDCO Disposal
Corporation and its Affiliates violated the TB Regulation by failing to comply with
the compliance schedule (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(f)), and the phase-in
option requirements (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(i)), resulting in ten (10)
violations, as outlined in Notice of Violation HDD-2019-0009. CARB also alleges
that EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates violated the terms of the
Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) and
Low NOx Engine Incentives Voucher Request and Terms and Conditions Form
Purchaser/Lessee Terms and Conditions (HVIP Agreements) in 2018 that it
entered into by violating the TB Regulation. CARB alleges that if paragraphs 1
through 7 were proven, civil penalties could be imposed, and breach of contract
claims could be pursued against EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates for
each and every vehicle involved in the violations and each day.
(8) Acknowledgment. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates admit to the
facts in paragraphs 1 through 7 but deny any liability resulting from said
(9) Consideration. In consideration of the foregoing, and of the promises and facts
set forth herein, the Parties desire to settle and resolve all claims, disputes, and
obligations relating to the above-listed alleged violations and voluntarily agree to
resolve this matter by means of this Settlement Agreement. In order to resolve
the violations described herein, EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates
have taken, or agree to take, the actions enumerated below within the Terms and
Conditions. Further, CARB accepts this Settlement Agreement in termination and
full settlement of this matter.
In consideration of CARB not filing a legal action against EDCO Disposal Corporation
and its Affiliates for the alleged violations referred to above in the Legal Background
and Case Background, and EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliatesagreement
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to complete all terms and conditions set forth below, CARB and EDCO Disposal
Corporation and its Affiliates agree as follows:
(10) Settlement Amount. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates shall pay a civil
penalty of twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500.00 USD) for violations of
the TB Regulation. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates shall also pay two
hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($225,000.00 USD) to resolve the claims
regarding the HVIP Agreements.
(11) Civil Penalty Payment Method. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates shall
pay the civil penalty by check, credit card, wire transfer, or portal, payable to
CARB, using instructions provided separately by CARB in a Payment Transmittal
Form. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates are responsible for all payment
processing fees. Payments shall be accompanied by the Payment Transmittal Form
to ensure proper application. CARB shall deposit the civil penalty into the Air
Pollution Control Fund for the purpose of carrying out CARB’s duties and functions
to ensure the integrity of its air pollution control programs. Should payment
instructions change, CARB will provide notice to EDCO Disposal Corporation and
its Affiliates in accordance with Paragraph 14 (Notices).
(12) Other Relief. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates shall pay two hundred
twenty-five thousand dollars ($225,000.00 USD) to resolve the claims regarding
alleged violations of the HVIP Agreements. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its
Affiliates shall pay the amount by check, credit card, wire transfer, or portal,
payable to CARB, using instructions provided separately by CARB in a Payment
Transmittal Form. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates are responsible for
all payment processing fees. Payments shall be accompanied by the Payment
Transmittal Form to ensure proper application. CARB shall deposit the civil penalty
into the Air Pollution Control Fund for the purpose of carrying out CARB’s duties
and functions to ensure the integrity of its air pollution control programs. Should
payment instructions change, CARB will provide notice to EDCO Disposal
Corporation and its Affiliates in accordance with Paragraph 14 (Notices).
(13) Documents. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates shall promptly email or
mail the signed and dated Settlement Agreement, with copy of proof of payment
of the penalty, mitigation, and/or SEP (if applicable), a copy of the Payment
Transmittal Form(s) (if applicable), and the signed and dated Compliance Plan (if
applicable) to the address or email in Paragraph 14 (Notices).
(14) Notices. Unless otherwise specified in this Settlement Agreement, whenever
notifications, submissions, or communications are required by this Settlement
Agreement, they shall be submitted in writing to the address or email below:
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As to CARB:
California Air Resources Board
Enforcement Division / Settlement Agreements
Diesel Programs Enforcement Branch / Statewide Truck and Bus
Enforcement Section
P.O. Box 2815
Sacramento, California 95812-2815
Settlement_Agree[email protected].gov
As to EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates:
EDCO Disposal Corporation
6670 Federal Boulevard
Lemon Grove, California 91945
As to EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates Legal Representation:
Marc Empey
Palm Springs Mergers and Acquisitions Firms
Slovak Baron Empey Murphy & Pinkney LLP
1800 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, California 92262
Any Party may, by written notice to the other Parties, change its designated
notice recipient or notice address provided above. Notices submitted pursuant to
this section shall be deemed submitted upon emailing or mailing.
(15) Recovery of Costs. If the Attorney General files a civil action to enforce this
Settlement Agreement, EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates shall pay all
costs of investigating and prosecuting the action, including expert fees, reasonable
attorneys’ fees, and costs.
(16) Repeat Violations. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates agree to comply
with all regulatory requirements and acknowledges that repeat violations could
result in increased penalties in the future.
(17) Entirety. This Settlement Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and
understanding between the Parties concerning the Case Background and
supersedes and replaces any and all prior negotiations and agreements of any kind,
whether written or oral, between the Parties concerning the Case Background
hereof. This Settlement Agreement consists of 9 pages and 35 paragraphs.
(18) Binding Effect. This Settlement Agreement binds EDCO Disposal Corporation and
its Affiliates, and any principals, officers, receivers, trustees, successors and
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assignees, subsidiary and parent corporations and CARB and any successor agency
that may have responsibility for and jurisdiction over the subject matter of this
Settlement Agreement.
(19) Effective Date. The effective date shall be the date upon which this Settlement
Agreement is fully executed.
(20) Modification and Termination. No agreement to modify, amend, extend,
supersede, terminate, or discharge this Settlement Agreement, or any portion
thereof, is valid or enforceable unless it is in writing and signed by all Parties to this
Settlement Agreement.
(21) Severability. Each provision of this Settlement Agreement is severable, and in the
event that any provision of this Settlement Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid
or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, the remainder of this Settlement Agreement
remains in full force and effect.
(22) Choice of Law. This Settlement Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in
accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to California’s
choice-of-law rules.
(23) Non-Discharge. It is further agreed that the penalties described in this Settlement
Agreement are non-dischargeable under United States Code, title 11, section
523(a)(7), which provides an exception from discharge for any debt to the extent
such debt is for a fine, penalty, or forfeiture payable to and for the benefit of a
governmental unit.
(24) Rules of Construction. Any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to
be resolved against the drafting party shall not be applied in interpreting this
Settlement Agreement.
(25) Non-Waiver. The failure to enforce any provision of this Settlement Agreement
shall not be construed as a waiver of any such provision, nor prevent such Party
thereafter from enforcing such provision or any other provision of this Settlement
Agreement. The rights and remedies granted all Parties herein are cumulative and
the election of one right or remedy by a Party shall not constitute a waiver of such
Party’s right to assert all other legal remedies available under this Settlement
Agreement or otherwise provided by law.
(26) Intent to be Bound. The Parties represent that: They have participated fully in the
review and drafting of this Settlement Agreement; understand and accept all
terms; enter into this Settlement Agreement freely and voluntarily; have had an
opportunity to consult with legal counsel; are fully informed of the terms and effect
of this Settlement Agreement; have agreed to this Settlement Agreement after
independent investigation and agree it was not arrived at through fraud, duress, or
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undue influence; and knowingly and voluntarily intend to be legally bound by this
Settlement Agreement.
(27) Venue. The Superior Court of California, located in the County of Sacramento, shall
hear any dispute between the Parties arising from this Settlement Agreement.
(28) Counterparts and Electronic Signatures. This Settlement Agreement may be
executed in counterparts. Electronic, facsimile or photocopied signatures shall be
considered as valid signatures.
(29) Release. In consideration of full payment of the civil penalty, and all other
undertakings above, CARB hereby releases EDCO Disposal Corporation and its
Affiliates and its principals, officers, receivers, trustees, successors and assignees,
subsidiary and parent corporations, from any claims CARB may have based on the
circumstances described in all paragraphs contained in the Case Background
(30) Authority. The undersigned represents that he or she has full authority to enter into
this Settlement Agreement.
(31) Per Unit Penalty. The per unit or per vehicle penalty in this case is a maximum of
ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00 USD) per day under Health and Safety Code
section, for violations of the TB Regulation. (Cal. Code Regs., tit.13, § 2025.) The
penalty of $12,500.00 over an unspecified number of days of violation is for 10
noncompliant vehicles(s) with 1993 and older, 1994-1995, 1996-1999, 2000-2004,
2005-2006 model year engine(s) and a GVWR of greater than 14,000 pounds. The
per unit penalty in this case is approximately $1,250.00 per noncompliant day.
(32) Emissions. The provisions cited above do prohibit emissions above a specified
level. Without information on engine usage and emission rates, it is not practicable
to quantify the excess emissions. However, since CARB has alleged that the
vehicles(s) did not meet the regulatory requirements, all of the emissions from it
were excess and illegal.
(33) Aggravating and Mitigating Factors. The penalties in this matter were determined
in consideration of all relevant circumstances, including statutory factors as
described by CARB’s Enforcement Policy. CARB considered whether the violator
came into compliance quickly and cooperated with the investigation; the extent of
harm to public health, safety and welfare; nature and persistence of the violation,
including the magnitude of the excess emissions; compliance history; preventative
efforts taken; innovative nature and the magnitude of the effort required to
comply, and the accuracy, reproducibility, and repeatability of the available test
methods; efforts to attain, or provide for, compliance prior to violation; action
taken to mitigate the violation; financial burden to the violator; and voluntary
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disclosure. The penalties are set at levels sufficient to deter violations, to remove
any economic benefit or unfair advantage from noncompliance, to obtain swift
compliance, and the potential costs, risks, and uncertainty associated with
litigation. Penalties in future cases might be smaller or larger depending on the
unique circumstances of the case.
(34) Confidential Business Information. CARB may have based this penalty in part on
confidential business information provided by EDCO Disposal Corporation and its
Affiliates or confidential settlement communications.
(35) Effect of Settlement/Reservation of Rights. The following shall apply:
(a) This Settlement Agreement resolves the civil claims of CARB for the
violations alleged in this Settlement Agreement.
(b) CARB reserves, and this Settlement Agreement is without prejudice to, all
claims, rights, and remedies against EDCO Disposal Corporation and its
Affiliates with respect to all matters not expressly resolved in this Settlement
Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Settlement
Agreement, CARB reserves all claims, rights, and remedies, whether in law
or equity, against EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates with respect
(i) Noncompliance with or enforcement of any provision of this Settlement
(ii) Facts that were not disclosed by EDCO Disposal Corporation and its
Affiliates to CARB.
(iii) Violation of the California Health and Safety Code and its implementing
regulations, or other State laws, regulations, or permit condition(s) not
expressly resolved in this Settlement Agreement.
(iv) Any imminent and substantial endangerment to the public health,
welfare, or the environment in California, whether related to the
violations addressed in this Settlement Agreement or otherwise.
(v) Any criminal liability.
(vi) Any claim(s) of any officer or agency of the United States or California,
other than CARB.
(c) In any subsequent administrative or judicial proceeding initiated by CARB for
injunctive relief, civil penalties, or other appropriate relief relating to
enforcement of the Settlement Agreement, EDCO Disposal Corporation and
its Affiliates shall not assert, and may not maintain, any defense or claim
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based upon the principles of waiver, res judicata, collateral estoppel, issue
preclusion, claim preclusion, claim-splitting, or other defenses based upon
any contention that the claims raised by CARB in the subsequent proceeding
were or should have been brought in the instant case.
(d) This Settlement Agreement does not limit or affect the rights of EDCO
Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates or of CARB against any third parties
not covered by this Settlement Agreement, nor does it limit the rights of
third parties not covered by this Settlement Agreement against EDCO
Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates, except as otherwise provided by law.
This Settlement Agreement shall not be construed to create rights in, or
grant any cause of action to, any third party not covered by this Settlement
(e) This Settlement Agreement is not a permit, or a modification of any permit,
under any federal, State, or local laws or regulations. EDCO Disposal
Corporation and its Affiliates is responsible for achieving and maintaining
compliance with all applicable federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and
permits; EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliatescompliance with this
Settlement Agreement shall not be a defense to any action commenced
pursuant to any such laws, regulations, or permits. CARB does not, by its
execution of this Settlement Agreement, warrant or aver in any manner that
EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliatescompliance with any aspect of
this Settlement Agreement will result in compliance with any provisions of
federal, State, or local laws, regulations, or permits.
California Air Resources Board
Signature: /S/
Name: Steven S. Cliff, Ph.D.
Title: Executive Officer
Date: December 14, 2022
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EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates
Signature: /S/
Name: Steve South
Title: President
Date: December 5, 2022