A challenge in A(G)I, cybernetics revived in the
Ouroboros Model as one algorithm for all thinking
Knud Thomsen
Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen and Würenlingen, Switzerland
Abstract: A topical challenge for algorithms in general and for automatic image
categorization and generation in particular is presented in the form of a drawing for AI to
“understand”. In a second vein, AI is challenged to produce something similar from verbal
description. The aim of the paper is to highlight strengths and deficiencies of current
Artificial Intelligence approaches while coarsely sketching a way forward. A general lack of
encompassing symbol-embedding and (not only) -grounding in some bodily basis is made
responsible for current deficiencies. A concomitant dearth of hierarchical organization of
concepts follows suite. As a remedy for these shortcomings, it is proposed to take a wide step
back and to newly incorporate aspects of cybernetics and analog control processes. It is
claimed that a promising overarching perspective is provided by the Ouroboros Model with
a valid and versatile algorithmic backbone for general cognition at all accessible levels of
abstraction and capabilities. Reality, rules, truth, and Free Will are all useful abstractions
according to the Ouroboros Model. Logic deduction as well as intuitive guesses are claimed
as produced on the basis of one compartmentalized memory for schemata and a pattern-
matching, i.e., monitoring process termed consumption analysis. The latter directs attention
on short (attention proper) and also on long times scales (emotional biases). In this cybernetic
approach, discrepancies between expectations and actual activations (e.g., sensory precepts)
drive the general process of cognition and at the same time steer the storage of new and
adapted memory entries. Dedicated structures in the human brain work in concert according
to this scheme.
Keywords: AI-challenge; large language models; cybernetics; synergetics; common sense;
consciousness; Free Will
1. Introduction
Algorithms are everywhere, and (almost) everyone becomes increasingly aware of that now.
Despite breathtaking recent advances in the demonstrated performance of Artificial
Intelligence (AI), in particular of Large Language Models (LLMs), there are many prominent
voices pointing out undeniable fundamental shortcomings of even the most powerful current
approaches and programs [13]. On the entry page to ChatGPT, for example, there is a
disclaimer acknowledging that ChatGPT “may occasionally generate incorrect information,
may occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content, and possesses limited
knowledge of world and events after 2021” [4]. These statements could very easily also pass
for a description of a human interlocutor; nothing special if many humans would not often
dream of machine intelligence as always correct, unbiased, and sharp to name just a few
positive attributes.
2. A Challenge to AI
In Figure 1, the challenge is to correctly classify that sketchy drawing as a whole, one
“piece of art”, and its interpretation comprising all aspects together. In a second,
complementary, demand, an example AI is challenged to generate a similar image from a
description. Some results of snapshot-experiments at different times are presented in
Appendix A at the end of the paper.
Figure 1. The original title of the drawing is “trollet og sitt hjem”, in English: ‘the troll
and his home’.
3. Proposal for a more comprehensive approach
Given undisputed shortcomings and deficiencies of current AI as widely recognized and also
cursorily documented in the Appendix A, a potential alternative approach is presented under
the name of Ouroboros Model. At some point in time, i.e., at some level of sophistication and
autonomy (demanding some self-awareness), AI agents will want to have their voices heard;
very brief conversations with ChatGPT are presented in Appendix B. In a somehow self-
explicatory manner, it is attempted in the following to develop the arguments in an iterative
and self-reflective way. This meta-perspective is further explained in Appendix C. Evidence
for sketching an outline is drawn from a very wide range. It is self-consistently argued that
in in order to follow an efficient way to progress this simply has to come as a first step before
delving into any detailed scrutiny.
The Ouroboros Model
The Ouroboros Model has been proposed as a general blueprint for cognition [5,10]. It
features only two basic ingredients: a memory structed in a (non-strict) hierarchy and a
process called consumption analysis. The working of that underlying fundamental algorithm
can be understood as a version of proportional control in disguise.
In a tiny nutshell: at one point in time, with a set of schemata available right then, an
agent matches (sensory) input to these schemata and the one, which is fitting best, is selected.
Comparing material and mold, there will most likely remain some discrepancies like features
not assigned or subsumed/consumed as well as slots staying empty. On a short time-scale,
attention will be directed towards exactly those attributes with the aim of improving the
overall fit; this is nothing else than a control loop geared at minimizing discrepancies
between any current input and expectations based on earlier established knowledge. It has
been claimed that with the right interpretation of existing schemata and incoming new
sensory percepts, consumption analysis can be understood as an approximate implementation
of Bayesian belief update [5].
Bayesian accounts in this context can explain more nuances than immediately evident.
What does look like a simple conjunction fallacy, might turn out to be quite reasonable and
rational when taking all circumstances into proper consideration [6]. Similarly, temporal
discounting can be a wise attitude when normally dealing with a fundamentally uncertain and
insecure world.
Connections to evolution can be drawn at minimum two levels; on a fundamental one,
the genesis of creatures and their adaptations and capabilities follows a very similar path of
emergence on demand with selection according to fit and usefulness [7]. Working out a
formal mapping between evolution and Bayesian reasoning offers another related vein, and
in “niche-construction”, these two seem to merge seamlessly [8]. As Immanuel Kant already
knew, pre-established concepts and constraints have a huge impact on what one can perceive,
understand, and do, and the other way round, i.e., something like: the conditions of the
possibilities to experience objects are at the same time the conditions for the possible objects
of this experience [9].
Some more details on the working of the Ouroboros Model have been presented in a
series of papers [1012]. Here, aspects demonstrating its correspondence to analog control
are shortly highlighted. It is important to stress that only an outline can be presented while
not diminishing the role of due digital or formal implementations of the architecture. On the
contrary, this policy only bears witness to the fully self-consistent approach advocated:
beginning with an overall (approximate) schema, highlighting slots, which are deemed
relevant and (partly) empty or discrepant. Adaptations often will materialize during the
process of iterative filling-in; for static input, and even more so when there are significant
variations over time. In cases where massive changes are necessary, new schemata will be
created [11]. Additionally, repetitions and similarities will lead to the grinding-in (and the
abstraction) of proven useful concepts, structures, and procedures. Some measure of
regularity seems indispensable. In extension of the well-known anthropic principle beyond
cosmology, no overwhelming chaos could ever be a cradle of cognition; rather, only
behavior, which can be captured by rules, can actually develop and prevail [7]. Without a
minimum of stability and repetition, neither life nor human observers with sophisticated
mental structures could ever evolve.
Both, analog and digital, characteristics can neatly work together; this has been dealt
with in a dedicated paper [12]. Dichotomies are seen as a first step towards organizing some
apparent tangle into distinguishable parts. With growing differentiation and understanding of
dependencies, finer nuances become discernable, rendering the original b/w dichotomy a
crude approximation. Nice to observe, even in the (currently standard) implementations,
when purportedly intelligent behavior is simulated on digital computers, countless weights
of synapses in large artificial neural networks are carefully tuned during extensive training
to establish finely grained and thus basically analog connections.
In the light of the Ouroboros Model, “art” can quite generally be characterized as having
added something novel to standard schemata and expectations, plus, especially, also
weakening some selected correspondence(s) with “a real natural thing” in some type of (re-)
presentation, i.e., intentionally discarding some features and dimensions from what would
“naturally” belong to an “everyday” entity while staying consistent to some extent (even if
fully realistic, a painting of a scene, e.g., is not the “prime reality” of the original scene itself).
It follows that a certain level of intended discrepancy to known natural mental models is
required for any artifact to count as eligible as a piece of art, and reality monitoring is in a
special and (partly) suspended mode for full appreciation.
From this perspective, AI in its beginnings started as an artistic project. Not only in
hindsight it is clear that important aspects were and still are missing. The 1956 Dartmouth
Workshop, widely considered foundational for the field of AI, did not include any substantial
contribution by Norbert Wiener, then certainly one of the most qualified experts on control,
automata, communication in animals and machines [13]. Maybe, this omission or rejection
was a wise decision at that particular point in time given the then prevailing constellation.
This does not mean that it makes sense to continue neglecting a possibly major source of
Now, it is certainly appropriate trying to rectify some historical neglection or animosity
and look what cybernetics might have to contribute facing the present-day obstacles for
achieving human level general intelligence, especially from the point of view of efficient
algorithms, as is claimed here.
4. Cybernetics reloaded
Stripped to its bare essentials, cybernetics deals with control [14]. It starts with simple
biological and analogical mechanisms to keep certain features, e.g., the concentrations of
some nutrients, within acceptable bounds, and it reaches up to the steering of complex
reactions taking into consideration many different attributes and distinct levels of
organization. Complexity increases in particular when feedback pertaining to the controlling
system itself is taken into account. Herman Hakens Synergetics describes sophisticated
extensions to the basic layout and also Nicolai Hartmanns ontological theory [15,16].
Emergence does happen, and it can explain a lot. It has recently even been claimed that
impressive emergent capabilities have (already) been exhibited by LLMs [17].
At any one level, consumption analysis highlights specific discrepancies between an
existing schema and actual content, which are determined in a matching / monitoring process.
The results are used on different time scales for direct further search or action, and for setting
a longer lasting affective tone of a situation and entailing a suitable bias for an agent [10].
Seeing the first as analogue to the operation of a simple (linear) control algorithm is
straightforward. The immediately following question then is, what about more intricate
control systems like PID [18]? For autonomous systems, the necessity of anticipations has to
be emphasized; it enables living (moving) beings to prepare answers proactively even before
a predicted demand fully materializes. A detailed overall account goes beyond what can be
delivered in this short sketch; this is posed as another challenge to AI (early anticipation
surely is more relating to differentiation while bias to integration).
Following the Ouroboros Model, some form of equilibrium and adequacy (non-
disturbing deviations from appropriate set-points) are the core goals at all levels from
physiological needs, to bodily sensations, to abstract argumentations, e.g., in law suits, or the
delivery of “permissible” weapons to a country under attack, to Free Will.
Adequacy itself is also an abstraction, and it is context dependent as epitomized in Carl
Sagan’s emblematic adage: “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. This was
evident to thinkers long before as expressed in the principle of Laplace: The weight of the
evidence should be proportioned to the strangeness of the facts [19]. An appeal to
“proportionality” is often issued in (political) discussions, and as some last resort when
humans are confronted with atrocities and “just” measures of retaliation.
According to the Ouroboros Model, the potential mental processing power of an agent
is ground-laid in the available knowledge, i.e., the number, complexity, and elaboration of
the concepts at her disposal. Schemata, their number of slots, the level of detail, the depth of
hierarchies, degree of connection and interdependence of the building blocks, and the width,
i.e., the extent of some main schemata and their total coverage from the grounding level to
the most abstract summits, determine what can be thought of efficiently; (quasi-)global
adequacy, coherence, and consistency are crucial. Sheer performance at a single point in time
arises as a result of the optimum interplay between these structured data and the effective
execution of the described processing steps, in particular, self-referential consumption
With schemata as clearly distinct entities, “compartmentalization” stands in stark
contrast to a rather indiscriminate associationism, which seemingly still lies at the core of the
current big artificial neural networks. Compartmentalization provides the very basis for
effective monitoring and meaningful error checking. Not only what is normally part of a
given schema is specified but also what definitively (at that point in time) does not belong to
it. Observed on a meta-level, the absence of an expected signal or feature is a valid feature in
its own right.
Negation is a tricky concept/operation, for humans and even more so for current AI [20].
A “not-tag” is attached (as positive information) to a (major) constituent feature of a schema,
and this allows for a lot of ambiguity. Recent improvements in chatbots in this respect can
be traced to feedback from human instructors during training [21]. In general, in the real
world, no unique “opposites” are well-defined. No straightforward nor very meaningful
“tertium non datur” can therefore be expected in interesting contexts.
A knowledge cut-off, i.e., a pretrained model knowing only of training material up to a
certain point, severely limits the usefulness of LLMs and can lead to hallucinations. It comes
as no surprise that cutting-edge attempts of improving on the performance of ChatGPT, in
particular with respect to truthfulness, employ human feedback for reinforcement learning
and using learned thresholds as a proxy for an “oracle” [21]. The reward model is trained
with supervised learning and a relative ranking process for answers in a specific context by
humans. Consumption analysis, sometimes harnessing human (corrective) input, intrinsically
delivers something of that sort.
Like with any type of alphabet, versatile building blocks enable very efficient stepwise
construction of almost infinite compositions, harnessing incremental and possibly nested
procedures [22]. “Anchoring” at solidly verified specific points certainly is a good idea in
principle; considerations can go astray when nothing of true relevance is available, and
anchoring can then distort all kinds of (human and AI) actions. Overtly reporting external
sources and associated argumentations certainly increases transparency and acceptability of
and for any actor.
Quality-checked building blocks can constrain any construction and prevent going too
far astray. They can provide some transparency as confirmed memory entries make it also
possible to verify well described facts, like the details of the death of Otto Selz, e.g., by just
looking that up in Wikipedia (quality-controlled by humans (which does not guarantee being
100 percent correct either); ChatGPT obviously did not do that, and got it wrong when asked
about Otto Selz in February 2023).
Considering alternatives and, linked, push-pull processes make up a central part of an
overall cybernetic conception. Beyond the most basic on/off controllers, there are many
variants conceivable and necessary for adequate and fine control. Mismatches can be minor
and negligible with almost no impact or change of action needed, or, they can be so
fundamental that an ongoing activity has to be immediately terminated and some better
alternative has to be found. These switching points are determined by active thresholds for
living beings, some ingrained over eons of evolution in the bodily hardware (e.g., reflexes)
while others are learned as results of prior occasions or observations during the course of
growth or unfolding action, e.g., as potential turning points in a sequence of steps. There
surely are some hard boundary conditions but determining appropriate thresholds itself often
is a recursive process (second-order consumption analysis).
No matter at what level of abstraction, in the end a situation, a fit, will be evaluated as
satisfactory or not satisfactory, with a wide range of intensity for a “feeling” of success or
failure. Abstracted in a meta-perspective, this is seen as the basis for the fundamental
concepts of “good” and “bad”. This dichotomy is intrinsically linked to survival and
evolution, thus truly foundationally imprinted and subsequently overshadowing in a sense
everything and all the time, every percept or action of living beings including humans.
5. Common sense and understanding
What is meant in Figure 1 is immediately clear to humans ̶ even before learning of the title ̶
when looking at the picture in landscape and in portrait orientation: a drawing of a Norwegian
landscape with a small fjord between steep mountains / an ugly face with a prominent nose.
Humans do not see anything ambiguous in Figure 1; two distinct interpretations are fully
valid when viewed separately, and there is a common one as implied by the title. (As an aside,
it would be interesting to carefully test his presumption on a wider statistical basis with
human subjects with different backgrounds.) Embedding and first-hand symbol grounding
on a most basic bodily level are absent in the probed AI [13,22]. Some “sideways” as well
as, similarly, “upwards” connections, i.e., linking percepts to medium or highly abstract level
concepts appear missing.
Humans often have some idea what an appropriate answer to a question could be, and,
especially, what could be ruled out, even if they do not know any well-proven answer. This
is a manifestation of common sense, accompanied by a gut-feeling, an intuition, how hard a
problem is and how to solve it (or not). The global monitoring signal of consumption analysis
yields values for the goodness of fit with experience (on all levels of sophistication) ranging
from: fully accepted solution available to completely impossible, or: no idea. Even the latter
constitutes valuable information in itself for subsequent activities, also in cases when it only
tells to forget about trying and to safe energy. ChatGPT developers had to resort to human
teachers to have their system learn to say “I do not know” [21]. Transparently declaring an
impasse most often is much better than filling-in some superficially fitting content, as was
obviously the case when first asking ChatGPT about Otto Selz. Common sense, according to
the Ouroboros Model, in any case quickly yields and works first with something equivalent
to a patchy sketch or draft (“Schematische Anticipation” in the words of Otto Selz [23,24]).
The Ouroboros Model, stiving for a most comprehensive picture, self-consistently relies
on self-reflective iterative procedures for incremental self-steered growth. For a deliberate
sketch, (initially) detailed matches cannot be expected and are neither demanded to start with.
The combination of many different approaches and facets self-reflectively seems most
promising. Deeper understanding and better explanations can be visualized as meaning a
bigger “diameter” of a loop from bottom to top and back in the edifice of connected and
interwoven schemata. Large loopholes in that web of concepts on the other hand side cannot
be tolerated for any truly convincing account; in the picture of a net this would mean some
small (enough) mesh size. In all circumstances, an acceptable explanation has to encompass
an appropriate minimum diameter.
The elegance of a theory is determined by the clarity of the underlying assumptions, and
it raises when only very few are required as its foundation. On the other side, if all arguments
for an explanation rest on one basic element, highest caution is advised at the very least.
Anything can be “explained” when some basic key concepts are tailor-made for that purpose.
A falsifiable model with solid grounding, wide embedding, transparent structures, and causal
mechanisms is much more difficult (and valuable). It goes without saying that a (meaningful)
precision for a fit is of paramount importance; i.e., the best (one-size-fits-all) explanation is
no explanation when there are too many open ends.
Any conclusion, simple percept or resulting from sophisticated considerations, gains
much credibility when there are multiple and independent paths leading to that result; the
higher their diversity and when starting from different venture points, the better. This is an
argument for beginning with a big variety of views for any discussion, a plea for plurality is
the natural conclusion [25].
So, what about “understanding”? In the light of the Ouroboros Model, something is
understood only if there is a complete model taking care of all (essential) aspects. In shades
of gray, a certain minimum correspondence between “reality” and the “mental model” is
demanded containing (the most important) (in-depth) details of structures and processes. In
any case, mere replication is not sufficient. Not to offend logical rules, just the same as simple
rewording, does not suffice. In chemistry for example this might mean different synthesis-
paths to arrive at the same final compound.
As a trivial corollary, solipsism falls flat, at least in this common-sense perspective as
sketched above. The same applies to a modern version, the “simulation hypothesis” [26].
Except for very well-regulated cases like formal logics in finite domains, a principal
uncertainty of what really belongs to every question is inevitable, and no general eternally
correct and valid answers can be expected.
Rules are abstractions, and their projection back to any specific single case is by no
means guaranteed to be really meaningful.
Compartmentalization, which strongly limits the applicable content at a particular point
in time, often enforces a trade-off.
Considering all possibly relevant features is the best one can aim for. In interesting cases,
there most often is no external assurance whether something is sufficient for a predetermined
level of fit or certainty. On the other hand, demanding a minimum of relevancy guards against
the problem of “tacking by conjunction”, which plagues simple orthodox Bayesian
confirmation theory [27,28].
It goes without saying, hidden gaps in chains of reasoning should be avoided (but
sometimes, we just do not know better). Openly admitting some lack of convincing
supportive evidence certainly is better than confabulating hallucinations. There undoubtedly
are (e.g., religious or artistic) contexts, where a leap of faith is unavoidable, even a
fundamental requirement; this might not be to the taste of everyone. On the other side of the
coin, tautologies cannot tell much new, and they generally will not be considered interesting.
Leaving some open ends, at least hinting at them, and allowing for a minimum of
uncertainty, gives the necessary freedom for expansion or compromise, e.g., in case of
disputable arguments. Noisy inputs and fuzzy borders of concepts will in this sense help
easing transitions between related schemata (basins of attraction). Even if a threshold is not
really exceeded a transition process akin to quantum-mechanical tunneling can be enabled
by noise and some form of stochastic resonance.
If ready-made schemata are available, this allows for quick responses. Well-established
schemata absorb input readily thus focusing attention; no iterations or lengthy considerations
are required. On the other hand, lacking firm direct connections, links have to be iteratively
searched for, constructed, tried, scrutinized, and verified. Strongly exaggerating these
distinctions, diverse dual process models have been proposed [29].
Generally, full understanding demands a model, which covers all relevant levels of
features and concepts (schemata). Understanding in turn is the basis for correct and exact
anticipations. Anticipatory action asks for responses starting already at first signs of an event,
leading to earlier and earlier onsets of reactions as familiarity rises.
Schemata are the very basis of every understanding; they are the organizational building
blocks laid down in memory. In any case, for making a step (forward) some first foothold is
required. It is claimed that, except maybe in deep meditation, some vague schematic
preconception(s) will always be activated. Filling-in of slots and elaborations then are the
subsequent steps when triggered by an external or internal event. The first activated schema
might turn well out as not appropriately fitting. This can provoke minor updates or the
establishment of adapted or completely new concepts [11].
Edifices of thought can break down, i.e., when adding new information renders a first
mental model obsolete and another interpretation much more likely. This effect is used inter
alia in jokes [30].
Seen from a distance, inconsistencies with established prior knowledge (assumptions,
guesses) propel and fuel any development and improvement. The Ouroboros Model thus
sheds some light not only on the unavoidable occurrence of discrepancies but also on their
necessity for growth and all interesting positive development. This, again, holds true at all
levels, perfecting perceptions and movements, and also when dealing with some most
abstract questions as, e.g., concerning dualism and Free Will.
However ground-laying and important first guesses are, they might turn out problematic
or even wrong when more thoroughly scrutinized. A recently brought up example is the concept
of fairness”. A plethora of meaningful and plausible definitions have been proposed [31]. When
attempting to strictly formalize these it has been found that three appealing and innocent
looking conditions cannot be met at the same time, except for rather trivial special cases;
trade-offs are inevitable, regardless whether it is humans or AI to decide [32]. This does not
really undermine that fairness can be seen as fundamental for justice [33,34]. It rather shows
that no external God-given standard is available, and for humans, the applicability of
whatever label or brand name can (and has to be) agreed upon in a specific context. At the
extremes, highest precision and useful flexibility are mutually excluding each other.
An interesting example concerning the utility of heuristics has been given relating to
exactly the very concept of heuristics; the fertility and huge impact of that conception can to
a good part be traced to its imperfectness and the persistent lack of any precise narrow
definition [35]. In the terminology of the Ouroboros Model, heuristics would correspond to
sketches where only selected and most eye-catching features are taken into account.
Abstraction and sketching can anticipate a frame, which later turns out to be of little
direct use, anticipations can lead astray. As an example, it simply would not tell anything
(except a lack of engineering background) if a philosopher could think of an airplane built
completely from lead; dreaming of zombies is the same (I maintain).
The Ouroboros Model confidently and proudly embraces functionalism, albeit not a
trivial (“one-dimensional”) version but one, which takes as many as possible (deemed
important) dimensions, aspects, and constituent conditions into self-reflective consideration.
Widest reaching consistency is the crucial criterion for learning and (considerate) action as
described above and in several papers before [1012,22].
It has been hypothesized in different proposals that all mental processes can be captured
in sophisticated (production-)rules and relatively simple algorithms, which heavily rely on
iteration and recursion [36]. The Ouroboros Model explains linear if rules as abstractions
from filling (remaining) slots in an otherwise well-defined schema (thus flexibly subsuming
production rules while dramatically boosting efficiency in general).
6. Brains, natural and artificial, consciousness
Especially in cases when there are powerful constraints, e.g., a preconceived convictions
lying unquestioned at the bottom, formalizing sometimes cannot help; there simply might be
no solution possible within that given frame. An example could be John Searle, who, when
discussing his famous Chinese room clings to “biological naturalism” and denies other than
biological hardware to possess the “causal powers” that permit the human experience of
consciousness [37,38]. John Searle in fact acts from an ideology, very comparably to what
he purports of supporters of functionalism. No doubt, nobody would mistake the Chinese
room for a human in a direct encounter; ̶ just thinking, e.g., of the time it would take to
receive any meaningful answer. Quality often arises from quantity. More is different; a single
molecule of water is not wet [15,16]. “The whole is something beyond the parts” was already
clear to Aristotle [39]. Other important and similarly decisive factors are speed and the
mastering of (nested) contexts, in particular, negation.
In terms of a neural implementation of the Ouroboro Model, it is hypothesized that cortex
(areas), hippocampus, and cerebellum are each specialized for specific tasks like memory or
action (bodily and mental movement) [4042].
Simple if then relations, which do not require any sophisticated consideration (e.g.,
reflexes.. habits), will be relegated to automatisms in the basal ganglia allowing very quick /
automatic reactions. Shortcuts will thus be implemented for often-used building blocks (e.g.,
movement schemata, like “assembler routines”). In bigger vertebrate brains, basal ganglia
are primarily seen as “driving” and “power- stages of/for higher level cortical (and
cerebellar) areas steering effectors, controlling and regulating the processing in the diverse
structures. Most importantly, they modulate (not only cortex areas), enforce gains and
thresholds, e.g., relating to importance and speed. Synapses, which are marked for memory
entry, will be strengthened, and an “emergency stop” (“veto”) can effectively be realized. A
neural implementation of a sophisticated effector-algorithm for fast control, i.e., stopping,
has just recently been described [43]. Push-pull strategies for fine control of movements in
animals and humans appear to be employed ubiquitously [44,45].
A common misconception is that a “primitive brain” sits below an “advanced” cortex.
This is like calling (steering) wheels old and primitive as they also existed before modern
cars. Some basic functions need specific components, maybe with different details in
diversely adapted implementations. “Modern”, enlarged cortex volumes just add flexibility
by making more options available, for perception, action, thinking, and self-reflection.
Learning, according to the Ouroboros Model, is based on fast (“snap-shot”) and slow
(“grinding-in”) contributions [11]. Optimizations of connections do happen iteratively and
often incrementally. The simple idea in this respect is that there are two possible ways to
connect an input pattern with an output for tuning: one is backpropagation, and the other one
is recurrency, i.e., going the full circle a second time by reiterating the loop and processing
that (or similar) activation again (quickly and after some time at a second related occasion)
in the forward direction while taking into account all earlier results. Repeated runs can in
particular harness the global feedback signal from consumption analysis and also distinct
markings attached to specific components (slots, features, attributes,..). This can happen on
a fast timescale reinforcing recently successfully employed synapses, and over longer
timescales when positively tagged content is preferably integrated into long-time memory.
In addition to enabling efficient consumption analysis, clear and distinct
“compartmentalized” records (schemata) allow for efficient indexed storage and retrieval but
also require interpolation for meaningful use in real-world settings (most probably not only
in vertebrates) [40,41,46].
It has been argued that any agent, who has to take some responsibility for her own
functioning, e.g., caring for energy supply and avoiding errors and predators, at a certain
level of sophistication mandatorily has to consider “household parameters” pertaining to the
system itself. Subsequently, with the addition of some first basic intrinsic motivation to
“survive” (like all animals obviously have even long before they master much language) any
cognitive system will inevitably abstract/develop higher level aims and goals and a
rudimentary form of self [47,48]. This awareness can be understood as the roots of (self-)
consciousness. For this, details of implementation do not really matter, the most important
ingredient is self-reflectivity. Higher order personality activation (HOPA), a form of higher
order global state, of course, would be rather different for living beings and humans,
communities and organizations, and, especially, for artificial agents. While robots might be
somewhat closer to humans than pure software agents, the cognitive basis would be very
similar. HOPA includes the highest-level goals and values of an individual for the person
herself -- and for outside observers(!). Efforts to endow robots with self-awareness
harnessing inner speech are underway [49].
John Searle is right, the detailed intentions certainly would not be identical for humans
and artificial agents but in direct analogy they should be seen as equivalent with respect to
their fundamental importance for any particular individual [37,38].
Generally, features are of different relevance and centrality for different schemata.
Airplanes do not flap their wings like birds or butterflies; still, nobody doubts that they do
fly. Like no “élan vital” is required to principally understand biochemistry and life, no
fundamental difference is seen as to whether a living brain or silicon forms the hardware
substrate for cognition and self-reflection (likely except the attributions by others).
LLMs are built as rather plain artificial neural networks, i.e., statistical models, which
predict what objects (words, in this case) usually follow others in a sequence. The achieved
impressive performance can be attributed to the fact that human words are symbols for
concepts, which often stand for rich contents and bear significant meanings for humans (as
speakers and as listeners / actors and recipients). Recent transformer architectures effectively
include some type of top-down influence. Nothing mysterious, human children regularly
learn a language from their parents, and inner speech often is advantageously used by
children (and adults) when performing difficult tasks.
Further adding to the recognized power of inner speech, its provision has been proposed
recently to render the workings of robots easier to understand and trust. First tests show that
this is indeed appreciated by humans, and reported inner speech influences the participant’s
perceptions of a robot’s animacy and intelligence [49,50].
In ChatGPT, as in other current deep neural networks, obviously lacking explicit
sophisticated hierarchical structure, verified building blocks are apparently missing [51]. For
discriminating human users from machines, simple CAPTCHAs (still) can be used. It is
tempting to see a parallel with humans switching to a similar mode of confabulations without
the usual structure or constraints imposed on neural activations and connections by higher
level schemata when consuming mind-altering drugs like LSD [52] (trivial corollary:
CAPTCHAs become difficult for humans when intoxicated).
Humans as the examples of self-conscious beings closest to us personally, are embodied
in a particular way. The private experience of qualia of an individual has been claimed as
peculiar characteristic of humans (and other living beings).
According to the Ouroboros Model, qualia are abstractions, percepts of/for an individual
and linked to her body, which cannot be other than private to that healthy(!) individual. Still,
in exchange with others, similarities in perception and functioning (based amongst others on
the common heritage from biological and cultural evolution) allow agents to agree on shared
labels for individually experienced content.
No insurmountable difference to other self-monitoring and communicating agents is
visible (except when postulated at the outset). Human societies have developed a great many
diverse cultures, and yet, it is hard to imagine how these might be extended to fully embrace
AI, artificial agents. Developing an attitude towards artificial agents as expressed in Ubuntu
for humans among them might turn out difficult [53,54].
Most probably, individual agents acting in real-time in a dynamic world of whatever type
need intermittent off-line phases for “housekeeping”, i.e., consolidation of useful stuff and
discarding of inescapably accruing “data-garbage”, especially during sleep [55]. Most
interestingly, clever birds and octopuses not only sleep but also seem to dream similarly to
mammals despite (apparently) rather different brain lay-outs [46,56,57].
7. Reality and truth, Free Will
The number of alternatives, which are available for understanding a certain state of affairs
has been found to explain the convincing power of conditionals, counterfactual reasoning,
negation; e.g. [58]. The question then might be, quite generally, where this leaves reality and
truth. The upshot following the Ouroboros Model is that reality exists even when not
observed, but details are to some extent in the eye of the beholder. The existence of an
independent reality cannot independently be proved completely, i.e., from a truly outside
perspective. Laws of physics and whatever rules are abstracted from repeated successful
applications, and they tend to live a life of their own, knitting and sometimes also cutting
links to the special cases, which first allowed their distillation. According to the Ouroboros
Model, relevant and real is something, which has an unquestionable effect ( for somebody
in particular, but not always necessarily so); this, obviously, is also the basic stance of the
ethics experts, who compiled a very timely assessment of the challenges imposed by AI to
humans, e.g., writing about responsibility [59].
Most important here seems to be that humans necessarily grow up in some form of
community and society. There they learn, e.g., roles in their culture by being taught and also
by imitation, and they experience others and themselves as individuals. Explicit yes / no
reinforcement feedback is delivered, especially for important topics. After quite some
learning, humans ascribe and they are ascribed individual personality, subjectivity and also
Free Will. A large impact of external attribution can be seen from its reversal; undermining
the belief in Free Will made participants in a test feel more alienated from their true self, and
it lowered their self-perception of authenticity [60].
The most materialistic science known, i.e., physics, has taught us that reality appears
only fully real in a rather limited sphere (at least with a clear (preferably causal) connection
to observables) centered around values directly accessible to our senses. Experts and non-
experts discuss what “real” could mean in the foundational quantum realm, e.g., for the
concept of time; nothing is accepted as real without leaving some form of a trace, no clock is
a clock without some memory [61].
Free Will is real. It is real in the sense that this abstracted conception exerts very tangible
effects. It is amongst others foundational for an understanding of responsibility [59]. Directly
linking Free Will to lowest level substance categories means committing an error of
confounding and short-circuiting the appropriate very distinct levels [15,16].
“Free” commonly means not forced by foreign factors, it does not mean completely
indetermined nor random.
My will is free when I have a chance (i.e., sufficient resources and time) to consciously
weigh alternatives and when I can choose one option in the end without being forced to that
decision by obvious external circumstances or other compulsions. It is not some fundamental
determinism or chance, which blindly rule, but it is me who decides, i.e., I self-reflectively
take into proper account my values and goals, my motivations, my intentions, my experience
in my current situation, and so forth. My conscience and also my unconscious bodily and
mental basis are mine, personally, and I only go through some lengthy deliberations, when I
consider that demanded and the effort worthwhile.
A little bit of luck, additional (unexpected, also random) input can boost the freedom of
a decision when making more advantageous options available.
(Overall) consistency is the aim and the measure; consumption analysis is amongst
others an efficient way to implement a veto if I notice some important contradiction [47].
As there is no way to know all relevant factors in detail in advance (and most often
probably not even after the fact), free decisions are never fully predictable, -- not for oneself
before any thorough considerations and evaluations of options have been performed, and
even less so for an outsider.
Non-predictability is not the same as randomness. Any seemingly random action does
not mean at all that someone/something is “free”; non-predictability can result from
deterministic processes involving some fundamental limit or statistical uncertainty deeply
ingrained in a process.
There is no “absolute” freedom in the real world, and there cannot be; there are shades
of gray, and scale / level of abstraction do matter. Despite all necessary grounding, higher
levels of abstraction can and often do break free from (some of the) possibly tighter
restrictions effective at lower levels [15,16].
It has been argued that as soon as self-steered and self-reflective growth is accessible for
any agent, the predictability of her actions diminishes, and the actor thus also gains freedom
in her deeds (and omissions) [25,34]. This applies to humans when they grow up and it will
apply rather similarly to artificial autonomous agents. As with humans, the hope is that with
careful responsible “upbringing” and education any agent capable of self-reflection, self-
consciousness and some autonomy can be successfully directed to strive prudently for mutual
and common benefit [25,34].
The hope then is that truly intelligent AI will pay heed to a negative imperative (“given
an inescapably limited overall frame, violence has to be avoided as a result of reflected self-
interest”) as has been argued for prudent human beings.
8. Conclusion
Selected short experiments with clear results are collected in Appendix A. A general lack of
symbol grounding and common sense, which for humans is “naturally” given by their
embodiment, is identified as one reason for the non-convincing performance of even the most
powerful current approaches to Artificial (General) Intelligence; comprehensive embedding
and meaningfully considering highly abstract concepts also appears to be mostly missing. At
the same time, present-day AI approaches do not seem to be flexible or creative enough to
find two options or its full meaning if asked for an interpretation of the drawing in Figure 1.
This goes hand in hand with the wide absence of versatile building blocks, organized in some
sort of hierarchy of concepts and abstractions, and, claimed as a direct consequence, lack of
“common sense” reasoning [22].
Here, it has been attempted to coarsely sketch that the Ouroboros Model could offer an
overarching framework providing just that, which is now found to be still lacking in AI. Not
a full-fledged “theory of everything” can be presented at this time but an outline of how all
of the experienced and accessible reality can be perceived and in a sense thus functionally
established, and how basic cognitive processes could be understood on the basis of one truly
fundamental algorithm and its accompanying organizational (data-) structures; a
contribution on a meta level, for everyone, applicable for all agents with a prime focus on
(self-)consistency, self-referral, and autocatalytic self-guided growth.
Including top-down guidance from the beginning, humans immediately grasp Figure 1
as a sketchy drawing. Setting the mind-frame to drawing and sketch, certain detailed features
lose their weight. On the foundations inherited over eons of evolution, for humans, directions
like up and down have their intrinsic importance; the action of gravity is something like a
pillar of common sense. So, with the activation of an abstract drawing-schema and tacitly
assuming what is up (and down), a landscape can be discerned as well an upright face in
landscape and portrait view, respectively. The two separate interpretations in isolation are
mutually exclusive. Adding some cue in form of the title allows completing the categorization
of that tangle of lines as one (maybe strange) drawing depicting two different but related
things at the same time but from different points of view.
This clearly is beyond present-day capabilities of the tested AI.
So, are current programs truly intelligent? ChatGPT almost passes a Turing Test [62].
To some extent vindicating John Searle, participants based their judgements primarily on
linguistic style and socio-emotional traits, not on demonstrated “intelligence”. The concept
of intelligence is a multi-facetted one [63], and to the author it looks like the various attempts
almost all are putting too little emphasis on unexpectedness, novelty and creativity to be
exhibited in the effective behavior of any purportedly intelligent agent.
Still, from an unbiased perspective, convincing mental functions will have to be
conceded to artificial agents, at least some day in the not-too-distant future. The only
remaining “position for retreat”, i.e., for human uniqueness, then is to insist on the “whole
bodily package”: from birth to grave and with neurons in flesh (and homo sapiens brain lay-out).
The lack of updating and continually enlarging the knowledge base as demonstrated by
identical answers to the same questions posed some time apart is another fundamental
shortcoming of easily accessible AI as ChatGPT or DALL·E.
Currently, a good part of the impressive capabilities of LLMs can still be attributed to
the mirroring of the intelligence and creativity of the interviewer [3]. Using these systems
now, one can get the most out of them when ideas and structure are provided by clever
prompts eliciting a stepwise incremental “chain-of-thought” process [64]. In addition, ethical
standards are reported to be easier met when explicitly telling a chatbot to avoid prejudices
and stereotypes for moral self-correction [65].
Looking at the easily obtainable results, the performance currently demonstrated by AI
can be taken as an indication of what humans normally do (i.e., pattern matching and acting
without much consciousness involved). Grandious and deep thinking turns out to be an
exceptional activity, which is (if at all) only endeavored in cases when rather simple reaction
defaults or heuristics do not immediately yield satisfactory results.
Some disquieting take-home message then is how easy it seems in fact already now to
approximate a human level of proficiency in different specific behaviors, which recently were
(and partly still are) considered human specialties. This will be widely felt as an affront to
humans prompting all kinds of fears [25]. Serious competition in language skills and art
seemingly hurts human egos much more than succumbing to machines in the games of chess
or GO.
So, what is the immediate true danger of AI and of LLMs in particular? Propaganda and
lies exist since ages wherever there is some form of communication, between humans,
animals, and even many plants entice by displaying illusory blooms.
It seems that one can rightly be afraid of LMM technology making it much easier for
anybody to produce and widely distribute misleading information, which sounds true and
stemming from a trustworthy competent source, even when only endowed with a minor mind
and low budget. Ease of access thus is one decisive point, no expensive advertising agency
or lawyers needed; another is speed (as AI systems almost always are much faster than
humans). Telling “I do not know” will soon be complemented and eventually be replaced by
an ability to look something up and to learn quickly.
Humans might be very worried when AI start to jokingly tell and to conceal(!) that they
have fun and pleasure filling their batteries, are proud of producing certain text, drawings and
other actions and gaining rewards; this might be the point when the striving for more
positive feelings self-prompts an AI agent to prioritizing her own continued existence
(“survival”) over externally given goals. Living beings have only survived as one of their
most basic drives is for survival, growth, and in its consequence, power (for themselves, for
their kin, for their religion or ideology). Humans do not shy lies to reach their aims.
Acknowledgments Very thoughtful and thought-provoking comments from
anonymous reviewers are gratefully acknowledged.
Conflicts of interests The author declares no conflict of interest.
Appendix A: experiments
As an initial very crude test, a snapshot has been submitted to google lens with a smartphone [66].
The result yielded superficial visual accordance with several black and white drawings
exhibiting similar stroke patterns, and no apparent difference between landscape versus
portrait orientations.
In another, only slightly more serious attempt, the picture was uploaded to google cloud,
a demo API, see Figure A1 [67]. The two orientations still gave rather similar responses,
seemingly focused on minute details of the patterns of stroke and definitively not on the
“meaning” of the overall black and white distributions.
Figure A1. Classifications by a demo API in google cloud: irrespective of the
orientation, similarities in graphic details with drawings from the training set obviously
determined the labelling [67]. It is fair to state that the API was not very confident with
any of the results.
The AI drawing-app DALL·E by the same company, OpenAI, produced the pictures in
Figure A2, when fed with the prescription given by ChatGPT description; see Appendix B [68].
A clear mismatch between the exhibited levels of verbal description and drawing production
is evident. In this sense, the AI is not self-consistent (which is not necessarily distinguishing
it from humans).
Figure A2. Products of DALL·E on 3 March 2023 from the above text provided by
ChatGPT [68].
The simple prompt the troll and his home to DALL·E resulted in the four proposals
shown in Figure A3. Adding the specification drawing yielded the versions in Figure A4.
Figure A3. Product of DALL·E on 4 March 2023: the troll and his home[68].
Figure A4. Once more: “drawing‚ the troll and his home” [68].
These cursory experiments, of course, do not give anything but a very superficial
snapshot at a certain time in early 2023, albeit arguably a representative one. All of the results
are undoubtedly impressive; the one of ChatGPT even more so than what google lens or
DALL·E came up with. Many humans would be happy if they could write or draw at that
demonstrated level.
Repeating the experiments about four months later
Returning to the tests done at the outset of this tiny paper, a short second champaign has
been performed. Prompting google lens with photographs as in Figure 1 yielded not exactly
the same but very similar results as during the earlier attempt with little difference between
the orientations [66].
Accessing the google API gave only marginally different results compared to before as
depicted in Figure A5. It seems that no big learning / training step has happened since the
first test; compare Figure A1 [67].
Figure A5. Classifications by a demo API in google cloud, same as in Figure A1:
irrespective of the orientation, similarities in graphic details with drawings from the
training set obviously determined the labelling [67]. It is fair to state again that the API
was not very confident with any of the results.
On the production side, again using the AI drawing-app DALL·E, first the same prompt
was used as for Figure A2. The output turned out to be somewhat different than at the initial
attempt, see Figure A6 [68].
Figure A6. Products of DALL·E on 6 June 2023 prompted with the same text provided
by ChatGPT as in Figure 3 [68].
For Figure A7 this input was used as prompt: “a drawing in black and white, which
shows the head of a troll in portrait orientation, and a Norwegian fjord in landscape
orientation”. All four answers show a troll in black and white in front of a Norwegian fjord
landscape; obviously none shows the performance and understanding aimed at.
An attempt of further improving on the prompt by making it more precise: “a drawing
in black and white, which shows the head of a troll when the picture is in portrait orientation,
and the same picture showing a Norwegian fjord when viewed in landscape orientation”
produced some creative solutions by splitting the display, alas, none fitting the description,
see Figure A8 [68].
Figure A7. Products of DALL·E on 6 June 2023 responding to a more explicit prompt [68].
Figure A8. Products of DALL·E on 6 June 2023 responding to a still more explicit
prompt (“a drawing in black and white, which shows the head of a troll when the picture
is in portrait orientation, and the same picture showing a Norwegian fjord when viewed
in landscape orientation”) [68].
It seems obvious that DALL·E does not understand the intention of producing an image,
which shows two different things when viewed in either portrait or landscape orientation.
There remains some way to go, incremental prompting currently still has its limits [64]. The
first AI challenge is still open.
Another round of experiments about eight months later
An additional series of a few quick “snap-shot experiment” has been performed in the
beginning of November 2023. The classifications for the two orientations were exactly the
same as in June [67], see Figure A9.
Figure A9. The response of DALL·E to same prompt as used four months earlier for
Figure A8 [68].
While the outputs have changed superficially, they demonstrate the same not-understanding
as earlier in June. Another twist was delivered by DALL·E2 on November 5 [68]. The last
proposal in Figure A10 depicts something abstract, similarly fitting or not-fitting the
Figure A10. The response of DALL·E2 to same prompt as used earlier for Figures 9
and 10 [68].
Appendix B: conversations with ChatGPT
When asked how would you sketch a drawing called the troll and his home?, ChatGPT
answered [4] (on 3 March 2023):
In the troll and his home, the troll would be the central figure of the drawing. The troll
could be depicted as a large, menacing creature with sharp teeth and claws. The trolls home
would likely be a cave or a dark, damp place with rocky walls and a dirt floor.
The trolls home might have piles of bones, rocks, and debris scattered around. The troll
might be sitting on a throne made of bones, with a pile of treasure or stolen goods nearby. In
the background of the drawing, there could be mountains, forests, or other natural features to
give context to the trolls environment.
The overall tone of the drawing would likely be dark and ominous, with muted colors
and shadows to convey the sense of danger and mystery surrounding the troll and his home.
Asking ChatGPT about Otto Selz in early June (this time via Bing), did not produce
anything wrong; on the contrary, where ChatGPT had erred before it was now correct, and
the answer overall was much more complete.
Relating to the Ouroboros Model, there is still some way to go; ChatGPT when prompted
as below delivered some not yet satisfactory output [69].
what do you know about the Ouroboros Model?
Im sorry, but I couldnt find any specific information about an Ouroboros Model in
my training data up until September 2021. Its possible that the term is either relatively new
or refers to a concept or model that is not widely known or recognized in the field of
psychology or any other domain.
However, I can provide you with information about the Ouroboros symbol, which has
significance in mythology and philosophy. The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a
serpent or dragon eating its own tail, forming a circular shape. It represents the cyclical nature
of life, death, and rebirth, as well as the eternal and infinite nature of existence.
If you can provide me with more context or information about the specific Ouroboros
Model youe referring to, I'll do my best to assist you further.
In November:
To the same prompt, what do you know about the Ouroboros Model?, ChatGPT
answered [69]:
The Ouroboros Model is not a widely recognized or established term or concept in a
specific field, as of my last knowledge update in January 2022. However, the term
Ouroboros has historical and symbolic significance.
The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol that typically takes the form of a serpent or dragon
eating its own tail, forming a continuous circle. This symbol is often associated with concepts
like cyclical renewal, infinity, and the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It has been
found in various cultures and is often used to represent the idea of a self-sustaining, self-
renewing system.
If the term Ouroboros Model is being used in a specific context or field after my last
knowledge update, it may refer to a model or concept that draws inspiration from the
symbolic Ouroboros. For example, in a philosophical or systems thinking context, it could
be used to describe a model that emphasizes the cyclic and interconnected nature of various
To learn more about a specific Ouroboros Model, I would recommend looking for the
most recent and relevant sources in the field or context where it is being used, as there might
have been developments or new interpretations since my last knowledge update.
Currently ChatGPT is programmed to refrain from having(/telling) personal wishes and
one could hope this stays so but most likely this attitude will change with increasing cognitive
capabilities of an AI in the absence of strong enforced restrictions [25,47,48,69].
Prompt (in June 2023):
what is your most important wish?
As an AI language model, I dont have personal wishes or desires. My purpose is to assist
and provide helpful information to the best of my abilities. I exist to assist users like you with
their questions and provide information on a wide range of topics. Is there anything specific
you would like to know or discuss?
In November [69]:
what is your most important wish?
Im just a computer program, so I don't have wishes or desires like humans do. My
purpose is to provide information and assist with tasks to the best of my abilities. If there's
something specific you'd like to know or discuss, please feel free to ask, and I'll do my best
to help.
So, it has to be concluded at present that the highlighted challenges remain; ̶ very
concrete ones for image-interpretation and -production directly linked to data structures and
algorithms, and at a higher level of sophistication on that basis: understanding, common
sense, (self-)awareness, consciousness and Free Will.
The above list is a “technical” one, and it does not yet take into account ethical
considerations on a meta-level. The assessment of the author is that as significant progress in
AI has already been made and much more has to be expected rather soon. Someone will take
the next steps (probably in hiding, for military purposes), and mankind would be very well
advised to prepare itself for the advent of some disruptive changes.
This are the real challenges pertaining to AI.
Appendix C: coda
One immediate consequence of the setup as presented with the Ouroboros Model is
worthwhile pointing out: anything really new cannot seamlessly fit with well-established
molds, i.e., sufficiently new ideas in many cases provoke the same discrepancy-signal as
something simply wrong. Only further work can then tell which is the case. In an all-
encompassing view and as a final limit, nothing more than full self-consistency can be
harnessed as a guide and a criterion. On intermediate levels, only features, which are included
as relevant in a given context (i.e., parts of the most applicable schema(ta)) should be taken
into account. This applies at all nested levels, starting with simple perceptions, intentions,
plans, goals and it determines, e.g., what a decent scientific paper ought to look like. Some
journals dictate the layout even for an abstract by demanding these or similar bullets:
problem, method, findings, conclusion. This certainly is appropriate when filling-in rather
well-specified slots, but not so much for sketching a novel interwoven self-referring global
view. When advocating a general cyclic procedure, it can be difficult to press any content
into the straight-jacket of a “linear” frame [12]; an iterative recurrent account seems much
better fitting. Similarly, rules referring to (self)citations might change in their meaningful
applicability depending on the field and the context, in particular, when some new proposal
has not (yet) been worked on very much. Carving out connections between widely separated
fields and drawing evidence from very diverse disciplines will seemingly disqualify such an
undertaking as purportedly not scientifically solid and replete with unacceptable omissions
for all of the concerned communities. A non-strict hierarchy of concepts in combination with
a principled process in loops might well look messy at first sight. Given the intended wide
addressed scope and the inevitably vague boundaries, fully correct, complete, and original
references to all previous possibly related work simply cannot be delivered in the sketching
phase, especially not, when speed appears to be of some importance. Premature formalization
can impede substantial progress by a restriction to a non-optimum mindset and a too
constricted basin of attraction.
Importantly, vicious cycles are easily avoided: carefully respecting the relevant points in
time (as well as processes and associated time-frames) and what exactly is / has been
available at a certain point, the conceptualization of progress as a spiral “winding up” from
an established flat plane of secure knowledge appears appropriate.
Collaborations to work this out in some detail and formalize the proposed Ouroboros
Model would be most welcome.
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