A Treatise on Classpecting
by Ouroborista (ouroboros.cafe)
With the indispensable help of gentleAnachronist and ubiquitarianIdiodect
Prefer audio? You can also listen to me read this unhinged manifesto
I once gave a YouTube lecture on Classpecting. You may have seen it, and if so; I apologize. The
piece was woefully inadequate, as is clearly demonstrated by the fact that this system still haunts
my mind at the time of this writing. Time to finally put it to rest.
Why should I trust this document?
You shouldn’t. I am but one voice in the canon, and while I have been singing this tune for a
while now, the same is undoubtedly true for many of the other analysts. My aim is to offer you
my toolbox, and you may take whatever instruments you please from it. There is no official truth,
so the goal can’t be being right. Rather, it is to assemble a system that satisfies you. Classpecting,
as a typology, is unique in that it needs to be reverse-engineered as opposed to merely
understood. What we have to go on are the known titles of known characters, as well as partially
contradictory in-universe analyses by largely unreliable narrators. This presents an issue. Many
have latched onto these description-fragments, because they tell rather simple, compelling stories,
but in doing so, the system they construct often fails to actually explain the titles of known
characters. In-universe there is disagreement as to whether Classpects constitute a description, an
aspiration or a challenge to the wielder, so many have chosen the latter two and concluded that
characters who do not seem to fit their Classpect have simply failed their quest or have yet to
embark on the relevant character arc. This to me is unsatisfying. The title is almost certainly a
combination of the three factors, but even a failed arc should be recognizable. We should see the
path they did not take, or the scars of a challenge befitting of their title, even when the player
does not embody it in their current state (as is often the case with inversions). If such hints aren’t
given, it seems like a cop-out in order to maintain a faulty analysis. A proper system of
Classpecting should clearly identify every known character as a product of their title in one way
or another. The in-universe interpretations and stories will often aid in this, but they are a
secondary criterion. Oft-misinterpreted symbols. We should take a page out of Rose’s book:
“Men have [crafted] many stories that are bullshit out of symbols risen from the abyss of
[consciousness without necessarily] knowing [what the] fuck they were doing or saying, as
they [floundered] around for some truth [but] in spite of [themselves] they would for
[however] briefly cross through a ray of light [regardless]. [Because] of the [symbols].
Dave..[.] The symbols [hold all] the power”
What is an Aspect?
Aspects are odd in comparison to other typologies, because they tell us very little about the
character of a character. Rather they tell us how someone sees reality, which parts they primarily
interact with, and which parts they tend to affect. Aspects are the
to which the
the Classes are applied.
The Trinity
There are three ways of understanding Aspects and ideally they should all be borne in mind
simultaneously. They are:
- An aesthetic domain of interconnected themes and symbols (Aspect as domain)
(Figurative, not literal) eldritch nature gods (Aspect as force)
- The fundamental building blocks in terms of which someone understands reality (Aspect
as material)
Hey, look, it’s exactly like the other thing:
I will refer to people as
as opposed to
“Heroes of
, not just because these sound silly, but primarily because they only reflect one branch of
the trinity respectively.
“Hero of”
frames the Aspect as entity/force in favour of which someone
Hero of [country]”
or such is invoked.
, meanwhile, is the purely mechanistic
framing of Material, someone who uses the Aspects and exploits its dynamics. “-bound” on the
other hand is ambiguous. It can be the “bound by” of the Aspect-as-Force, the “bound to” of the
Aspect-as-Domain and the “bound with” enmeshed cross-hatch of the Aspect-as-Material.
Is Not
The domain is the game you are playing, the things you care about. Class determines how one
interacts with the world, but the domain delineates which parts one primarily interacts with.
People of the same Aspect often share interests and obsessions, stylistic markers and aesthetics,
because they lie in their shared domain. The themes and activities around which they are at home
and which they tend to gravitate toward. The symbolic and conceptual cohort which the Aspect
keeps as its signifiers.
In Homestuck, the Aspects may genuinely have wills of their own, but in reality they probably do
not. Still, it is often useful to see them as active forces or gods of sorts, especially when it comes to
phrasings like “serving [one’s] Aspect”. An understanding of cybernetics is useful but not required
when it comes to the idea of
inorganic desire.
Aspects aren’t sentient agents. They don’t “want”
anything, but neither does a plant “want” to be pollinated. Still we feel like the insect served the
plant in some way when it carries its pollen, because it leads to the plant making more of itself.
We anthropomorphise self-perpetuating, cybernetic processes as teleological. As an intentional
act towards some goal which the thing in question doesn’t really have. When something
successfully makes more of itself then we think it wants to make more of itself. When a void-
bound makes the world more void-y or a hope-bound makes the world more hope-y, we can read
that too as them serving their master like the insects serve the plant, even though everything is
happening entirely without external influence, simply because the parties involved are the way
they are. Call it “ideals” if you want to make it sound more respectable, but that rings a bit too
purely positive. The “ideals of the Aspect” (which it doesn’t actually have of course) aren’t
necessarily the ideals of the player. This is most obvious with destroyer Classes, god-slayers of
sorts, but even a Mage might see their force as a rather cruel entity and seek to curtail its
influence. The concept of force is relevant whenever a person deliberately changes reality with
regards to the themes associated with an Aspect. Aiding, cooperating with, struggling against or
outright fighting a god that isn’t there.
Aspect as material is the currency of the mind, the universal equivalent, the coloured lens through
which one sees the world. Even for subjects outside of the domain, your Aspect will be your go-to
analytical tool. A heart-bound will see everything in terms of personalities and identities,
emotions and authenticity at least to some degree. They can apply different approaches, and
usually will to some extent, but they can’t un-see this one, because every thought and sensation is
already formulated in the thematic alphabet of their Aspect. Transliteration isn’t too difficult for
most functional people, but you will always have seen the original-language version first. When
all you have is Doom, then every problem looks like a prophecy. As material, the Aspect
constitutes the tools at our disposal, cognitive but often also as their physical manifestations.
The Aspects
Breath concerns itself with freedom and weightlessness, flexibility, spontaneity
and intuition. It is hard to tie down or put in a box. While not opposed to
“fighting for freedom”, Breath is closer to a “living as though one were already
free”. Not necessarily smashing the cage, but rather slipping through the bars
along with the breeze. Breath manifests in humour and teamwork, in all that is
light and easy-going. On the flip-side however the Breath-bound can be evasive
and aloof, detached, depersonalised and escapist. They might give too much way and their easy-
going weightlessness might cause them to simply not deal with reality when things get rough.
Their free-flowing nature might leave them fickle and unreliable. They might retreat into fantasy
when the world is suffocating to them. But breath is good at recovering from even the most dire
of blows, it is difficult to leave permanent dents in the air and few prisons are hermetically sealed.
In and out, the world breathes its gentle stream of comings and goings.
Life is the Aspect of growth, sprawl, accumulation, flourishing. Everything that
was once a seed and will some day be a mighty tree. Any sapling slowly
breaking through asphalt from beneath. It concerns itself with care, nurturing
and literal life of course. At the core of Life lies an idea of naturalism, of a
“way things are supposed to be”, “a way that is natural”. This might lead them
to be cautious and conservative (not necessarily in the political sense). Hasty,
drastic changes might kill the flower that has already grown so far. At their worst the Life-bound
may be hesitant to the point of inertia, they might be hard-headed, overly protective and
unwilling to take risks. The Life-bound may be confused when things don’t go the way they
consider to be natural, and they might try to restore order by any means necessary. Ideally
though, they have solid roots anchoring them to the earth and strive towards the sun with every
coming day. Perhaps slowly, but always upwards.
Light deals in exploration, knowledge, luck and relevance. It is the electron-
microscope prying secrets from any crevice it can find just as much as it is the
spotlight drawing attention to that which cannot physically be ignored. The
path of this Aspect is well lit and certain. “Luck” here is the state of being
consistently lucky or consistently unlucky. Light introduces certainty even in
the places where chance should govern. When led astray the hunger for
knowledge or relevance can quickly turn to unhealthy obsession. The idea that everything is
meaningful, everything makes sense, can lead to crisis when the Light-bound finds no satisfying
explanation behind their symbols. They may be entirely unable to deal with uncertainties, or the
hunger for significance in the limelight might burn out their pupils. Curiosity may kill them like
many a cat, or watering eyes which cannot close for even a second become their constant curse.
At best though the light is a source of answers and a path towards genuine meaning.
Time is change, production, evolution, iteration, speed, but also artefacts,
mementos, destruction and death. It has always already passed and it does not
slow for anyone. Time might not be running out, but it is certainly running.
Better keep pace. Here lies the domain of all those around whom days shatter
into hours, minutes, seconds and instants to be filled with something before
they are gone forever. Stasis is impermissible, everything is in constant flux and
there’s always shit in need of doing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep souvenirs. Faded
polaroids of what once was. Time houses those on the constant sprint forward just as much as the
pensive nostalgics. A Time-bound is likely to fall to dysfunction when they lose touch with the
present moment, becoming trapped in past or future. Their relentless pace may turn them into
miserable workaholics and their constant metamorphoses may leave them unrecognizable to
themselves or their friends. The next moment though always holds opportunities for radical
reinvention. Time is a hot engine compressing reality to a pinpoint focus as it rushes towards it.
Ideally the time-bound functions like clockwork, always one step ahead of what the world throws
at them.
Heart’s interest lies with the soul, with essence, the self and its reflection,
identity and emotions. Authenticity as well as inauthenticity. It straddles the
space of all that is internal and subjective, of feelings, relationships and
sensations. Heart cares about the “why” more than the “what”. Motivations
and desires. Above all, the Aspect seeks to understand itself and others. It may
find the answers it seeks in characters, in personas and role-play, in all the
shoes it can put itself in. The heart-bound may detect imprints and out-sourcings of identity even
in the inanimate or fictional. Essences too may not just be those of people, but the platonic ideals
of objects and situations “that which makes them themselves”. When troubled the Heart-bound
might find themselves lost in their own head, unable to see the outside, falling through destructive
cascades of self-hatred masquerading as self-reflection. They might mistake projecting their own
feelings for empathy, and they might feel obligated to manage the emotions of everyone around
them in addition to their own. When in their element however, the Heart-bound is in touch with
themself and their friends, they know what role a certain situation calls for and play it flawlessly
without ever confusing masks for their wearers.
Rage gets a bad rep in part due to the emotion after which it is named, but
there are valid grounds for fury. Rage is the sworn enemy of the intolerable, of
any rotten foundation that needs to be razed to the ground before something
better can be built. Here lies burning, single-minded purpose, willing to sacrifice
whatever it takes. Both the religious fanatic and the calculated unflinching
utilitarian find purchase with the Aspect as unstoppable forces of their own
tracks. It deals in nothing short of absolutes; brutal honesty or endless lies, and isn’t satisfied with
anything less. Absolute freedom. Absolute purity. Absolute conviction. High contrasts and high
intensities. Madness and crystalline sanity spiral around the ugly truths that Rage is obsessed
with. It is unsurprising then that theatre is another theme of the Aspect. Exaggerations of reality.
Emotions at boiling-point. As creatures of the extreme, Rage-bounds can violently switch
between modalities. They will be uncompromising, unyielding and fanatically earth-scorching
when they fly off the handle, but when kept in check they are a radiant flame of righteous fury to
be put against whatever threatens to harm them or their friends, unwilling to delude themselves
into complacency for even a second.
Blood concerns itself with groups, people, community, responsibility, hierarchy
and equality, society and its structures. Connection, trust, bonds and charisma
are themes of Blood. It manifests in struggle and sacrifice, in the deliberate
organization of persons. Blood loathes bullshit, it would rather have a good
fight about something than leave the matter unresolved. It is the most down-to-
earth and pragmatic of the Aspects, dealing with people as they are in reality,
turning strangers into friends and allies wherever they can. A warm and vital undercurrent
pulsing through the organism of society, keeping it together. On the flip side, a blood-bound
trying to strengthen their group might grow controlling. They may be self-sacrificing to the point
of martyrdom when it is fully unnecessary, and they might be quick to see everything as a
conflict, leading them to fight windmills. A healthy blood-bound however is soon dissuaded from
such paths by those around them. They are phenomenal listeners and phenomenal leaders,
capable of providing all the strength and warmth that is required of them, often simultaneously.
Doom is the Aspect of fate, prophecy, determinism and narrative certainty.
“This too shall pass” reads the ancient engraving, already barely legible. The
last line of the story has already been written, the ink dried, even if you haven’t
read it yet. The end is already in place, and all of our actions are no more than
landmarks decorating the plummet towards it. Any dysfunctional apparatus or
slowly decaying ruin is a monument to Doom as a physical manifestation of
memory. Of all the pages that are already filled. When defeated by this monster at the end of the
hallway, the Doom-bound may fall to depression or anxiety. To existential defeatism. They may
boggle vacantly at anyone waging futile battles in the face of heat-death, but despair won’t stop
the inevitable either, so why bother being miserable? At their best the Doom-bound are experts at
coping in the best possible way. They never had any delusions that the tsunami would dissipate
right before it hits them, so they already made their preparations or their peace. When they see
that a battle is lost they will accept defeat and move on to a game they can win, instead of
sacrificing even more in a useless struggle. They know it will all decay eventually; the good, the
bad, the everything, so they might as well enjoy the ride and laugh at all the little jokes
inevitability throws their way. With a sardonic smile, but a smile nonetheless, the Doom-bound
steps into the sunset.
Void deals in nothing. Well, that’s a bit unsatisfying, isn’t it? Void also deals in
that, though it would never tell you so outright, but let’s start over: Void deals
in absence and mystery, in uncertainty, irrelevance, esoterica and secrets. In the
forgotten, the unknown, the pointless, the ephemeral and the hidden. The
Aspect feels that a truly good question is ruined when it is answered and that a
beautiful code may be worth more than the message it encrypts. Losing yourself
can be more interesting than finding yourself and solid ground is hard to come by in the vast
nothingness between celestial specks of light, so the Void is for those who prefer floating, who
distrust anything all too concrete in favour of a distant, anonymous whisper “Nothing is true.
Everything is permitted”. The Void-bound may be quick to chase oblivion in substances and
distractions, taking the idea that nothing matters in the grand scheme of things as an individual
prescription of numbness. Their fascination with the obscure may make their own pursuits
inconsequential and leave them with none who share their interests, though ideally their answer
to the question “does it matter?” could be “does it have to?”. The Void-bound may comfortably
engage with uncertainty where other’s cant and a certain sense of insignificance may lend them an
extraordinary capacity for stealth. Void can drift freely outside of relevance's gravity-well,
exploring the hidden corners of experience.
Space is breadth, diversity, creation and creativity, birth, motherhood and
preservation, but also loneliness and isolation amidst the vast cosmos. It can go
anywhere because it already is everywhere, and there is a tendency to get
distracted or sidetracked by the sheer number of options at its disposal, but the
journey is usually more important than the goal to them anyway. The canvas is
literally endless; go ahead and draw something. Space has a penchant for
lateral moves, for the random and unexpected, all the fascinating points of interest which dot its
habitual all-the-way-zoomed-out bird’s eye perspective. At their worst, the Space-bound are
unfocused and ineffectual, abandoning projects as soon as the next thing catches their eye. Their
often strange or hyper-specific interests can make it difficult for them to relate to people, only
deepening the Space-bound’s characteristic isolation. At best though, the wide focus which their
Aspect affords leads them to become brilliant multitaskers and masters of navigating the outside
of the metaphorical box.
Mind’s interest lies with probabilities, choices, connections, predictions. Causes
and their effects, actions and their consequences, but also with games and the
rules by which they operate as an artfully simplified case of the former. Lots of
things will feel like games to the Mind-bound and they’ll make sure to play
them well, following the ever-splitting paths of causal relation into
intractability and perhaps a bit further. They don’t need to know why you do
something, only how likely it is that you would. Rule-breaking can be quite troublesome to the
Mind-Bound, since the card-counting stops to work once someone shuffles additional jokers into
their hand. In general their greatest weakness can be over-generalization and simplification.
They’ll skilfully break a system down to its basic mechanics but fail to account for idiosyncrasy,
or they might just grow too attached to their personally constructed rule-set and force others to
play by it. Eventually though, they’ll learn that these missteps just cause them to lose an
unnecessary amount. Once their framework is reassessed the Mind-bound are phenomenal
disentanglers of complexity and helmsmen of consequence.
Hope is the Aspect of belief, ideals and dreams. Of all that is fictional, utopian
or aspirational. Of all the brilliant visions for what the world could be and all
the ways in which it might yet get there. Hope is occasionally accused of naivete
or excessive optimism, and it unflinchingly takes these as compliments. Once
one loses hope that things might yet be salvaged, or abandons trust in their
group’s ability to make it so: What would even be the point? Lofty idealism
might not get you anywhere by itself, but all is lost without it. The Hope-bound can easily
descend to a state of shutting their eyes firmly and simply insisting that everything will turn out
fine somehow. They might abandon reality or forsake pragmatism in pursuit of a gleaming vision,
but in the end the strength of one’s belief means nothing if one won’t act on them. A well adjusted
Hope-Bound will fake it till they make it, getting one step closer to the light with every step. Their
outstretched hand isn’t rose-tinted folly. It’s a promise.
The Wheel and its Symmetries
You know the wheel if you have spent any time in
these circles. It looks like this (==>) in case you need
a refresher, and while I have my gripes with the
Extended Zodiac
as a quiz
(It takes your relationship
with your Aspect to be cooperative, resolved and
permeating, which isn’t the case for everyone, and
especially not for
some Classes
), I believe in the wheel
and I believe in much of what the EZ has to say about
the Aspects. Making a Quiz for Classpecting is simply
hard. I don’t think I could do it, and I wouldn’t want
to if I could, because the goal is to understand, not to
have some label assigned to you by an indifferent
algorithm. If that’s your thing, you can get more than
enough of it literally everywhere else in this hell-world.
Where was I? Right. Symmetries!
Strangely enough, the Aspects often have quite a bit in common with their inverse, and for
precisely that reason: They share a spectrum even though they stand on opposite sides of it. They
have the same topic. “hot” and “apple” don’t share much ground, but “hot” and “cold” do.
They’re talking about the same thing. This is usually most apparent in the domain, which often
bears a significant overlap with that of its inverse. It is impossible to deal with the concept of
justice without also dealing with the concept of injustice. Is the glass half-empty or half-full? Is
Injustice merely the absence of justice or is justice merely the absence of injustice?
Light and Void will both cluster around mysteries and the unexplored. They share a significant
chunk of domain, but at the end of the day the Void-bound cares about the question and the
Light-bound about the answer. Light looks at the unknown in a Star Trek way and Void in a
Lovecraft way.
Life and Doom are similarly cued into the way of the world and of nature, they intuitively
understand that some things are much bigger than them, and they know how the story goes, but
Life frames it in terms of the first few pages; the development, and Doom in terms of the last; the
inevitable decay.
Breath and Blood both care about people, about society, the social and the rules which bind us,
but where Breath takes and gives space, always on the lookout for individual freedom, Blood
locks hands firmly, draws others in and tries to build their own, better system.
Hope and Rage on the other hand distinctly don’t know how the story goes, and they’d both take
offence to the insinuation that there is such a thing. The future is what they make of it, it’s just a
question of whether the first and most important step is tearing down the bullshit or coming up
with a utopian vision.
Mind and Heart are Aspects which deal with the behaviours and actions of people. Their impulse
is to understand, but while Mind cares about what you’ll do, about getting the model to work,
Heart seeks to understand why you do it, tries to glimpse into people through their observable
acts. It seeks the true nature at the core of something while Mind goes for all the optional bits
which may be tweaked.
Space and Time are the fundamental Aspect pair. Their job is to
make shit take place
. To create
novelty. Between them they span not only all of existence but also the inseparable twin
approaches of any creative project. Space goes for breadth, for ideas, for expansive, holistic input,
while Time goes for needlepoint focus and a rapid-turnover ability to pull through on the prompt.
There’s a reason why these are the two Aspects necessary for any successful session of SBURB.
But what if I’m actually a Destroyer- C lass
of the opposite Aspect?!
This is a very common question among those who are new to Classpecting, and it’s a confusion
which is even briefly addressed in the comic itself. After all: Destruction of an Aspect looks a
whole lot like creation of the opposite Aspect and vice-versa. The destruction of heat
creation of cool, but this Class-wise ambiguity between opposites isn’t actually as troubling as it
may initially seem. All you need to resolve it are these two questions:
“Do you seem like one of the destroyer Classes?” Stop rolling your eyes. Yes this is obvious, but
it’s astounding how many people stumble at this ground-level hurdle. The characteristics of the
two Destroyer Classes aren’t limited to the fact that they destroy their Aspect in some way. First
of all there’s the additional verbiage of “destroys through their Aspect” and secondly the
destroyer Classes, like all Classes, are character archetypes with their own distinctive personality
traits and patterns of behaviour. Do you suit these?
[1] In case this is your first exposure to Classpecting, and you don’t know what Destroyer Classes (or even
Classes in general (we’ll get to that)) are: I’m terribly sorry to additionally confuse you, but very briefly,
there are Classes whose interaction with their Aspect is to destroy it and/or to destroy through it.
“What’s your usual internal framing?” which is another way of asking “What about the
Material?”. Destroyer-Class-Inversion pretty much exclusively affects Domain and Force
(“Which aesthetics surround you?” and “which master do you appear to serve?”), so taking a
closer look at Material is an excellent litmus-test. Yes, Eridan is immensely Rage-coded and
destroys Hope at every step of the way, but if we take a look at his lens, the way in which he
conceptualizes everything in the world, it practically reeks of Hope. All just dreams, hero-
phantasies and gleaming visions for a better future (Which in his case is horrifying, genocidal and
just generally despicable, but we’re trying to look at the fascist disaster-twink from the inside
here, so roll with it). Do you perceive Void as an absence of Light or Light as an absence of Void?
Horizontal Pairs
Do you still remember what The Wheel
looks like? Good. Time and Space, as the two
foundational, essential Aspects constitute its poles, and in a certain sense all of the other Aspects
can be read as specific implementations of Time or Space in relation to a shared concept,
depending on which hemisphere (or technically hemicycle) they occupy. A pair of horizontal
twins will represent a Space-take and a Time-take on a common subject matter, the closer to the
poles the stronger. The shared subject matter of Time and Space is “all of existence proper”,
which is why they are the basic case. Time-y Aspects are active, acting, seeking, confronting,
specific and direct, while Space-y Aspects are passive, be-ing, analysing, compromising, holistic
and indirect. This also means that the Aspects in a horizontal pair are similar to each other in
terms of their material content due to their analogy to the Time-Space axis while being divergent
in terms of aproach. Time is the most time-y and Space is the most space-y, but what do these
specific themes look like?
Hope and Life share the theme of beginnings and growth. They both stand perpetually at the first
day of a better world, but Hope takes the Space approach to this concept; planning, imagining
inventing, hashing out the big picture first, while Life dives in by just planting a few seeds and
seeing what becomes of them, instating the conditions of growth and charging ahead with their
work as is the way of Time.
Mind and Light share the theme of knowledge and objectivity. They are disseminators of all the
information reality has to offer, but Mind takes the Space approach of laterally reaching out into
all the data which is already at their disposal, all the patterns they can analyse and simplify to
reach probabilistic conclusions, while Light takes the active approach of Time; setting sail to
discover all that which they don’t already know, finding truth and meaning directly as opposed to
inferring it. Light is fittingly frustrated with probabilities. Things are true or they are not.
Void and Heart share the theme of subjectivity and feeling. Void gets there via Space. It looks at
the unfathomable complexity of reality, sees that it can’t really know anything and asks “okay,
but what does it feel like?” instead. It accepts fuzzy idiosyncratic ambiguity because it doesn’t
believe in a fact-of-the-matter. Space-y holistic subjectivity. Heart also arrives at a focus on the
personal and subjective, but it gets there from the Time side. It seeks the pinpoint-focus, the
awareness left over once you subtract everything peripheral: the self. The things which matter in
any one moment do seem to relate to people and emotions a lot. Identity is the most immediate
tool it can work with. Time-y specific subjectivity.
Doom and Rage share the theme of finality and decay. They are the twin crumbling pillars of an
obsoleted paradigm, but Doom takes the indirect, passive and zoomed out view that it’s all gonna
come down either way. It makes preparations and watches reality take its course as foretold and
as always. Rage on the other hand is active and confrontational. It will make itself an agent of the
destruction to come. Rage asks what needs to end and gets to work ending it. Picking its specific
project and lifting the sledgehammer.
Breath and Blood have no horizontal twins. They are exactly as space-y as they are time-y, which
is interesting when you consider that Blood and Breath are the Team-Aspects. Who else could be
more cut out to be the mediator in a world where every successful group has a Time-bound and a
Vertical Pairs
These are a bit more tenuous than the horizontal twins, which is to be expected, since Time and
Space are the true poles around which the wheel is oriented. Still; Breath and Blood are strongly
framed as pseudo-poles of sorts (The two most relevant sessions have a Breath-bound and a
Blood-bound as their leader respectively, and the Aspects are positioned at the top and bottom of
the wheel’s official layout). The upper hemicycle handles the ideal, abstract, divine and optimistic,
while the lower hemicycle handles the concrete, material, human and pessimistic. Aspects in a
vertical pair are similar to each other in terms of their approach due to their analogy to the
Breath-Blood axis while being divergent in terms of content. We can play the same game as last
time, refer to these attribute-clusters as Breath-y and Blood-y, and look for common themes
between vertical pairs such that one is a Breath-analogue and the other is a Blood-analogue:
Light and Heart share the theme of meaning. They both believe in teleological reasons and really-
existing significances to the world they inhabit. For one these are the concrete, human
motivations of people, the genuinely existing souls at the heart of reality, while for the other it’s
an abstract, (almost) divine true meaning and relevance in the external world. Symbols pointing
towards genuine cosmic truths upon which light may be shone.
Life and Rage are both interested in the status quo, the present, the way things are, but while Life
breathily, idealistically, optimistically tries to stabilize their little bubble of world, supply it with
fertilizer and water and sees to it that it prospers, Rage takes one good bloody, concrete,
pessimistic look at the way things are and says “well absolutely fuck this shit not-so-gently with a
Mind and Void share the theme of coincidence, chaotic attractors and lack of teleological
meaning. Things aren’t the result of a plan but the outcome of a complex uncaring rule-set. Mind
uses this assumption to abstract an idealized system of rules from observable patterns and assigns
probabilities, while Void takes this to mean that on a moment to moment level nothing is certain,
that there is no concrete objective truth and that it therefore might as well build its own.
Hope and Doom share the theme of that which is to come, the future and the light (or lack
thereof) at the end of the tunnel. For Hope these are abstract, idealistic and most of all optimistic
visions for what the future might hold, whereas for Doom it is a bleak, concrete prophecy of
material demise already etched into the structure of reality. Entropy always increases.
But is there more?
Like, surely by this point we can draw all the axes (all of them) and find parallels between the new
pairs those produce. The answer is almost surely yes. Some people even theorize about three-
Aspect symmetries and the likes, and while there are definitely a bunch of interesting patterns to
be found there, they are almost certainly accidental. I have never found a satisfying, consistent
pattern which links twins in relation to the other axes, even though there are perfunctory
similarities aplenty. If you find something, feel free to tell me about it, but I do want to get to the
Classes eventually, so I’ll leave all additional Aspect-patterns as an exercise to the reader.
What is a Class?
Classes are two things. On the one hand they are character archetypes, figures plucked from the
mythology of life, or to put it a different way: “Your Class is the role you play in the story”.
Where Aspect is deducible from interests, framings and ways of thinking about the world, Class
relates to patterns of behaviour and personality clusters. “The sort of person you are”. Wielders
of the same Class will seem much more similar to each other than wielders of the same Aspect,
they will however speak different languages and act upon different thematic fields. On the other
hand, Class determines the way in which one relates to their Aspect. This relation is often referred
to as the
of the Class. Specifically, Class is the mode which is applied to the
domain/force/material of the Aspect. One who
Life is quite different from one who
To simplify it even further: let’s pretend that fire is an Aspect; an arsonist and a firefighter would
both be fire-bound. The firefighter is antagonistic towards the force of their Aspect, but they are
nonetheless enmeshed with the material and they occupy the domain. Other substances (water,
, ammonium phosphate, etc.) are used pragmatically as means of dealing with fire, but they
aren’t themselves
the point
. Being bound by an Aspect doesn’t mean that you need to like it. Hate
is a strong bond, as the comic likes to remind us. All the different ways in which you could engage
with these concepts are within the purview of Class.
Verbiage always comes in two flavours :
“One who [does x] to their Aspect”
“One who [does x] through their Aspect”
[does x] is a similar verb in both cases and every Class does both to some extent, though
individual people might lean one way or another. Another way of putting it would be that they
“Affect their Aspect in a certain way, using various tools to do so” and “Affect the world as a
whole in a certain way using their Aspect as a tool to do so”. The mode stays constant across
both, which is to say that the archetype known as Class encompasses both.
There is an ongoing and deeply tedious debate about whether some Classes are gender-exclusive,
which is at some point claimed by a character in-universe (who is also wrong about other game-
mechanics). The problem is this: If Classes are archetypes and/or modes of interacting with the
Aspect, which is widely agreed upon, then they can’t be gender exclusive because there are no
gender exclusive personalities or patterns of behaviour. If you think there are, then you’re kind of a
piece of shit.
If Class is assigned by the game in a restrictive manner, which is to say “not in accordance with
actual personality” then it is a useless tool for analysis and we shouldn’t even be talking about it.
I prefer to believe that there is something actually useful here, so I won’t tell people what modes
of behaviour they can and can’t exhibit based on how they identify. This isn’t to say that there
can’t be gender-bias to the Classes. Some modes of interacting with reality are certainly gender-
coded as a result of this dread fate called “living in a society”, and we would thus expect unequal
representation in many of them (a more in-depth look at that can be found in this wonderful
essay by Arghus). All clear? Good. This is really all there is to say on the matter.
The Classes
The Witch
alters or bends their Aspect
alters or bends through their Aspect.
They change their Aspect with the goal of breaking it, and finding strategic
exploits, while simultaneously locating strategic exploits in the (social)
world with the help of their Aspect. The Witch will find the most harmful
facets of their force and neuter them for the sake of themselves and their
friends. This tendency to simply mess with established structure often turns
them into outsiders though. A lot of the things Witches end up breaking are
social conventions. Note the historico-mysthological role of the Witch as an
“appreciated Other”, someone who lives outside of the village and its
structure in the woods, but who is nonetheless vital to its existence as a
source of curses and medicine. The Witch represents an escape path into the
adjacent outside and a pressure valve at the periphery.
Examples of Witches from popular media are Howl Pendragon (Howl’s Moving Castle), Misato
Katsuragi (Neon Genesis Evangelion), Joelle van Dyne (Infinite Jest), Ramsey Murdoch (Epithet
Erased) and Cayce Pollard (Pattern Recognition).
The Sylph
heals or mends their Aspect
heals or mends through their Aspect.
They seek to repair and restore that which they feel is broken in the world or
in their Domain. Sylphs are exceptionally cerebral people, though they don’t
so much find detached interest in their observations as projects.
Understanding the illness is to the Sylph only a pragmatic means of healing
the patient. They have a good idea how things should be working, and if
reality doesn’t match their prescription, then a problem is diagnosed and
they make it their quest to fix it, though Sylphs can have a hard time
understanding or accepting that others might disagree with their assessment
of brokenness. They are profoundly meddlesome by nature, born
puppetmasters who prefer gentle encouragement over less elegant means,
though that same tendency can lead them to be quite passive aggressive when they try to nudge
matters in a certain direction which the nudge-ee does not wish to go in.
Examples of Sylphs from popular media are Jill Stingray (VA-11 Hall-A), Leon Stamatis
(Greater Boston), Guinan (Star Trek), Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) and Avril Incandenza
(Infinite Jest).
The Knight
protects and fights for their Aspect
protects and fights through their Aspect
They serve themselves and their team through its material and domain,
weaponize it and wield it as a blade. A Knight, more than most other
Classes, will see their work as a duty, rather than as something they greatly
enjoy doing. They do it because it needs to be done and they’re the best for
the job. Or they at least carry themselves as though this were their reason,
keeping a gooey core well concealed. Much like their namesake, the Knight
tends to be protective, but also armoured, though moreso emotionally than
literally. They are steadfast and reliable, in part because they understand
their conduct as a duty. They can seem unapproachable, as they stand in
their chain mail, though they rarely are. A Knight functions best when they
know what to do, they need a task and impotent uncertainty will drive them insane.
Examples of Knights from popular media are Cassandra (Tangled), Shizuou Heiwajima
(Durarara!!), Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb), Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Bella Swan
The Maid
serves their Aspect
serves through their Aspect.
Service can mean many things, and the Maid is certainly versatile, but they
will often find themselves in a position to set up the playing field, pre-
acting more than reacting. They attempt to bring facets of their Aspect
into the world by any means necessary, and far from serving because they
feel like they must, the Maid holds a great deal of adoration for their
Aspect’s force, even for the parts of it that others find off-putting. The
Maid is fully bought-in or at least full of uneasy fascination which might
occasionally make them seem strange. Socially they can be everymen of
sorts, holding together heterogenous groups, reaching out a hand when the
others are taken. The Maid does not need to be an example of their
Aspect, though they often will become one in their service. They are merely in love with it.
Examples of Maids from popular media are Limpopo (Walkaway), Data (Star Trek), Daenerys
Targaryen (Game of Thrones), Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop) and Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls).
The Page
becomes their Aspect
becomes a fully fledged person through their Aspect
They are not naturally attuned, nor are they born into their domain of
power. They are a pupil, and their road to self actualization leads through
many a failure. On the plus side, this means that they will be better mentors
once they do figure out their calling. Native-speakers are often bad
language teachers, and it’s the same issue with those who never had to
really learn their Aspect, but the Page did, so the power they wield at the
end of their journey is enormous. The Page starts from zero, and the path of
attainment is perhaps hardest for them. Pages get a bad rep, because this
often means that they’ll lag some ways behind their peers for a while, but
they’re picking up speed, and if they don’t give up, Pages are bound to
overtake them. The one thing Pages have in spades is potential.
Examples of Pages from popular media are Steven Universe (Steven Universe), Bobby Newmark
(Neuromancer Trilogy), Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon), Christopher Moltisanti (The Sopranos)
and Mamimi Samejima (FLCL).
The Heir
inherits their Aspect
ascends through their Aspect
They are the rightful heritor of its themes and therefore seem to
have a sense of naturality about them. If one excludes the
Master-Classes, The Heir is closest to being a perfect avatar for
their Aspect. Fully cooperative and frictionless. An Heir rarely
has to think about what they should do, to a point where they
sometimes only realize that they went through a massive
development after the fact. They rarely have an internal
struggle with their Aspect (though this doesn’t mean that the
Heir doesn’t struggle). This makes them reliable and quick-to-
respond, but it also means that they might be completely lost if
they are cut off from their Domain by external reality. Often their arc is about coming to terms
with the power they are bestowed, or possibly realizing that they even have it to begin with.
Examples of Heirs from popular media are Luz Noceda (The Owl House), Paul Atreides (Dune),
The Doctor (Doctor Who), Tiffany Aching (Discworld Saga) and Dimitri Stamatis (Greater
The Mage
understands their Aspect
understands through their Aspect
Understanding isn’t knowing and neither is it awareness or even insight. It is
the bone-deep comprehension you get when a concept is fused to your psyche.
They are not obsessives, much less dispassionate researchers, but in many ways
those who “learned the hard way”. Mages tend to have been burnt by their
Aspect. Their tale is often tragic, but in the wake of such tragedy they have
grown (or will grow) wise. They often end up as mentors of the opaque, sagely
variety. The Mage will teach when to let go, so that others won’t repeat their
mistakes, however they may well develop an “act as I say, not as I do”-
mindset. Where the Heir has the least internal conflict with their Aspect, the
Mage has the most, but a healthy Mage will use this tension for good. They
may never truly make peace, but they might achieve zen-like acceptance.
Examples of Mages from popular media are Uncle Iro (Avatar the Last Airbender), Peri (The Far
Meridian), Ivan Fyodorovich Karamazov (The Brothers Karamazov), Bea (Night in the Woods)
and Anthony Soprano (The Sopranos).
The Seer
knows their Aspect
knows through their Aspect
They are its great oracles, the Aspect’s analytic mouthpiece. Seers are prone
to losing themself, their own personhood quite often fully eclipsed by their
latest interest. The idea of an info-hazard is alien to a Seer and they are
adept at bullshitting themselves in order to justify the price of certain
knowledge. They are also adept at bullshitting others to seem far more put-
together than they truly are. The aesthetic of wisdom can be a valuable
shield to a Seer rapidly approaching the deep end. Though on the surface
they understand more than most, Seers tend to be neurotic, always wanting
to learn more and to learn at any cost. Once a Seer believes that they know
something, it is quite difficult to convince them of the opposite, and they are
prone to believe that the only reason one might disagree with them is that they haven’t explained
their position thoroughly enough.
Examples of Seers from popular media are Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives), Esme
Weatherwax (Discworld Saga), Heinrich Faust (Faust), Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked
Tomb) and Hubert Etcetera (Walkaway).
The Thief
steals their Aspect
steals through their Aspect.
While they are intense and often egocentric figures; Thieves do not
believe themselves deserving of anything for merely being who they are.
They want to earn it. Treasure means little to the Thief if getting it is too
easy. They seek challenge. They seek rivals. The Thief is never satisfied,
their avarice is boundless, because they don’t actually care about the
“having”-part of theft, just about the “taking”. There is a constant
hunger to the Thief’s conduct, and their self-worth is almost entirely
constructed upon their ability to succeed at their current goal, which can
often result in social isolation for the Thief. The subtleties of
manipulation are more-or-less lost on this Class. They will speak their
mind and do as they please, even if doing so would obviously harm them, and they are unlikely to
respect people who would not offer them that same treatment.
Examples of Thieves from popular media are Catra (She-Ra and the Princess of Power), Faye
Valentine (Cowboy Bebop), Stan Pines (Gravity Falls), Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones) and
Charles Kinbote (Pale Fire).
The Rogue
redistributes their Aspect
redistributes through their Aspect.
They steal, but not for stealing’s sake and not to prove something to
themselves. The Rogue steals in order to give. They steal for the greater
good, though this is less a deeply held moral philosophy and more a gut-
feeling of what the right thing to do is at any given point is. Rogues tend to
be social creatures due to how altruistically-minded they are and they tend to
spread themself thin between all their little projects, sometimes losing track
of their own needs. While they are excellent multi-takers, they may have
trouble dedicating themselves to one big project and more naturally handle
five small ones simultaneously. The Rogue is nothing if not sincere. There is
rarely a motive deeper than genuine in-the-moment passion in sight, and they
are profoundly allergic to boredom. The Rogue has to do something.
Examples of Rogues from popular media are Masaomi Kida (Durarara!!), Reki (Haibane
Renmei), Sophie Hatter (Howl’s Moving Castle), Lieutenant Columbo (Columbo) and Alice
Cullen (Twilight).
The Prince
destroys their Aspect
destroys through their Aspect.
They are, contrary to popular belief, not necessarily evil, though Princes
tend to be difficult to handle due to their intensity. The Prince considers
themself royalty and when reality does not bend to their will, then they
believe this to be the gravest of crimes. An incompetent Prince will
ineffectually seethe about the perceived injustice, but a competent Prince
will learn to bend the world to get what they are owed. To the Prince there
is no compromise, only complete failure and complete success. In between
the earth lies scorched, and they will not rest until they get what they are
after. No hobby is dearer to the Prince than picking hills to die on (though
they would of course prefer if the other party did the dying). In terms of
goals they tend to be rather big-picture, and there is little they are unwilling to sacrifice.
Examples of Princes from popular media are Gregory House (House M.D.), Regina George
(Mean Girls), Maximilien Robespierre (French Revolutionary), Zhen (Psycholonials) and Hades
The Bard
allows the destruction of their Aspect
invites destruction through their Aspect.
Which is a strange and not at all intuitive verbiage, though the same sentiment
can be expressed by saying that the Bard “fucks with” their Aspect and “fucks
around” through their Aspect (no, this isn’t a joke). The Bard builds on an
unstable foundation and smiles serenely when it cracks. They can be spectators or
they can be actors depending on what mood strikes them, because the Bard
knows that fate is much bigger than them. The Bard is therefore free to fuck
around and do as they please, generally occupying the role of the jester, because
they are acutely aware that reality owes them nothing and they don’t owe it
anything either. As such, they are generally agents of chaos, scarcely invested in
any of the commonly agreed upon goals and metrics of success, only predictable
in their unpredictability.
Examples of Bards from popular media are Okabe Rintarou (Steins;Gate), Meursault
(L’Étranger), Edalyn Clawthorne (The Owl House), William Foster (Falling Down) and Dirk
Gently (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency).
Class symmetries
This is the part where I truly get myself in hot water, but to some extent everyone does. From up
high it is posited that there are pairs of one active and one passive Class who bear a similar
verbiage. It is posited that the destroyer Classes (Prince and Bard), the bandit Classes (Thief and
Rogue) and the master Classes (Lord and Muse)
form such pairs, but beyond that it is anarchy.
I will present my personal syzygies and explain why I believe them to be sensible, but be informed
that we are departing from solid ground here. What is agreed upon is that these pairs do not in
any way represent opposites of the type Aspect-pairs do. They are deeply similar, varying only
along one axis, and their differences can be understood as a direct result of activity-passivity.
I posit these syzygies ==>
Other pairings which I have encountered, with decent reasoning to support them are:
Maid-Sylph Page-Knight Witch-Heir Mage-Seer , Maid-Heir Knight-Page Witch-Sylph Mage-Seer
Maid-Knight Page-Heir Sylph-Seer Witch-Mage , Maid-Seer Knight-Page Witch-Sylph Mage-Heir
As you can see, the Mage-Seer and Witch-Sylph syzygies are quite uncontroversial, while Page-
Heir is uncommon though not without precedent. My Knight-Maid on the other hand is deeply
heterodox. If you wish to tether your opinion to consensus, take it with a grain of salt.
[2] I have skipped over the master Classes for two reasons. The first is that they are (like gender-locking) not useful to a
character typology. It is stated that the master Classes are bestowed upon players in nigh impossible sessions to even the
odds, which is another way of saying that they have little to do with personality. They are just a power up. The other
reason is that they are Classes with sample-sizes of one. I can’t cross-reference examples to figure out which things are
part of the Lord/Muse-Archetype and which are idiosyncratic to Caliborn or Calliope. The power-up idea isn’t entirely
useless though. I sometimes type god- or force-of-nature like characters as a master Class depending on their
activity/passivity to denote this very lack of conventional humanity.
[3] Looking at Homestuck’s obsession with symmetry, it feels like both kid-sessions should contain two active and two
passive Classes without occupying both parts of a pair respectively, which is a criterion only two of these (and mine)
meet. This is a footnote because it’s a boring, typologically irrelevant meta-argument instead of an argument from shared
traits, but it does lend elegance to the syzygies.
Activity (of Classes) is sometimes described as “doing x for yourself vs. doing x for others”,
though this doesn’t even work for the known Prince-Bard pair and seems very much like a Thief-
Rogue specific effect of applying activity to the “theft”-verbiage. The more useful shorthand is
“swimming with or against the flow” or one given at another point in the comic, framing them as
offensive/defensive classes in an RPG. A version I personally like is “passive Classes manipulate
the battlefield while active Classes go to fight on it”.
Another pattern which may be found in the Class-chart comes into view when considering the
Aspect trinity. Different Classes seem to have a habit of interfacing more strongly/consciously
with one branch of the system, or even to conceptualize of the Aspect itself primarily in terms of
only one branch amidst the Force-Material-Domain trinary. The mechanism appears to me as
follows: Each Class syzygy engages with one trinity component consciously (*) (these are the
terms in which they would naturally describe it), with one trinity component subconsciously (°)
(this is a way in which the Aspect holds to-them-unnoticed sway over their actions) and with one
component pragmatically (‘) (a tool which they are good at using, but which does not feel like a
part of themselves). This yields six distinct combinations for the six pairs. It also just so happens
that pairs with the same degree of activity/passivity have reverse component-orders.
Syzygy \ Mode Conscious * Subconscious ° Pragmatic ‘
Operators (Witch-Sylph) Domain Material Force
Servants (Knight-Maid) Force Domain Material
Prophets (Mage-Seer) Material Force Domain
Proteges (Page-Heir) Domain Force Material
Bandits (Thief-Rogue) Material Domain Force
Destroyers (Prince-Bard) Force Material Domain
Think of the way in which Prophets (M*) like Rose, Terezi, Sollux but also Kankri, insist upon
the fact that their Aspect suffuses all that there is. “Everything is symbols and relevance”,
“everything is games and decisions”, “everything is imminent demise”, “everything is interlocking
social hierarchies”, whereas Proteges (D*) are much more likely to present their Aspect in terms
of its actual aesthetic substance, the things encompassed by its domain. John/June focuses on the
concrete markers of levity and freedom that are Breath, and Jake on the concrete markers of
phantasy and optimism that are Hope, instead of so overtly jamming everything through the lens
of their Aspects. Note that this is another instance of me leaving solid ground. The trinity is a
novel framework and not Classpecting consensus. I do believe that the trifurcation itself is a
relatively uncontroversial way of dividing up the different things Aspects are used to describe,
though others may use different terminology and/or add branches. At this point I’m just seeing
what I can do with the idea. Engagement-hierarchies work surprisingly well though, and I for one
find them quite elegant.
Witches and Sylphs change, manipulate and transmute their Aspect. They consciously deal in its
real aesthetic content, which they wrangle into shape. For the active Witch this is a distorting,
bending and breaking. Think of Jade’s literal breaking of space through the fourth wall or Fef’s
breaking of death via dream bubbles as well as plan to redefine the nature of culling. The passive
Sylph on the other hand changes with the aim of healing or restoring something to the way it
ought to be. They ally themselves with a perceived (cosmic-) plan instead of fighting it (Aranea
trying to heal the dead timeline or reclaiming her rightful place of relevance as Mindfang or
Kanaya’s aupisticisms and matriorb-quest). A proclivity for or outside-imposed need of “being
the adult” seems to be a theme among Operators. They are the Classes of exasperated sighs.
Sylphs will usually accept this role and even get some joy out of it, while Witches tend to do it
grudgingly, hoping that their charge will grow up at some point.
Knights and Maids serve, aid, protect and support their Aspect. They explicitly or implicitly
perceive their Aspect as a force beyond them, be it a god or a set of principles and commitments,
they perceive a direct alliance with their Aspect. The active Knight “does their fucking job”
wielding the Material of their Aspect like a blade (Karkat’s disgruntled leadership, Dave’s
responsible timeline management) while the passive Maid is more of nanny to the eldritch deity at
their side, readying its path and excitedly anticipating its moves (Aradia’s death-fangirldom,
Jane’s relation to Crockercorp). Servants are the bullshit-managers, the cavalry, the people who
do what needs doing, as a Servant archetypally might. The Knight does so as a matter of course,
while the Maid simply enjoys doing it.
Mages and Seers know, understand and comprehend their Aspect. They glimpse through reality
and recognize it as the motivating force behind literally everything, always to be found behind
every curtain. The active Mage both incorporates this insight into their self-concept but also
learns to oppose it to a certain degree (Sollux’s acceptance of doom and subsequent new lease on
life, Meulin’s relationship guru-dom and advice to Horuss to avoid being himself) while the
passive Seer conceptualizes the insight as external to themselves, inhabiting a more typical role of
the scholar (Terezi testing the results of Egbert’s forked choice, Rose acting as an oracle to the
narrative). Prophets share a theme of “being in over their head”. Like the blind oracles of old,
insight into the ways of fate does not protect them from its designs. They tend to develop a
crushing appreciation for how vast the thing they seek to understand is, and how little of it they
can ever hope to see. Mages tend to spin this as a cautionary tale, while Seers perceive it as a call
to dive deeper.
Pages and Heirs become their Aspect, learn to direct it and grow familiar with the world through
their Aspect. They get to know the symbolic cohort of the domain they consciously inhabit. For
the active Page this is a process of acquisition, a gradual path towards mastery (Tavros’ eventual
gathering of the mental tools to stand up to Vriska and inspire the army, Jake developing a
capacity for real heroics). For the passive Heir on the other hand it is a process of discovery, of
unearthing and re-evaluating the contents of themselves and their environment (John/June
experiencing Breath-y unshackled freedom through the retcon, Equius discovering his own
ineffectuality). Proteges seem to share a theme of being… well, proteges. They tend to attract and
move through mentors moreso than most. Pages here usually stick to a guide until they outgrow
them, while Heirs cycle through influences much more rapidly and grow less attached to any
given one.
Thieves and Rogues steal from and through their Aspect. Like for the Prophets, everything
shrinks into the purview of one variable to be tracked, a universal equivalent in terms of which
everything can be measured. For the active Thief, the taking itself is relevant. It is relevant
because it is a way of proving themselves and imposing themselves upon reality (Vriska’s literally
everything, Meenah’s adoration of the Condesce and attempts to make her group more viscous).
The passive Rogue is not swayed by challenge alone but rather by what they can do with the
things they steal in order to give. (Roxy’s conduct with the ring, Nepeta’s RP-sessions stealing
standard identity away from her friends in order to get them to play nice). Self worth appears to
be a theme amongst Bandits, who are in the symbolic sense outlaws from the framework by
whose metrics most derive validation. In Rogues this tends to be a more conventional lack of self
worth often resulting in an impulse to please others in order to be validated externally, while
Thieves tend to erect a rather shallow front of self-aggrandizement in its place and hope to fake it
‘till they make it.
Princes and Bards destroy, corrupt and undo their Aspect. They perceive the Force at their side
either as an eldritch beast to be annihilated or a cataclysmic tool to be aimed by them. The active
Prince lays waste like a vengeful general dictating the blast-direction (Dirk’s neurotic self-
splintering, Eridan’s quest against the angels and Feferi, Kurloz’ messianic crusade). The passive
Bard on the other hand opens the floodgates as a matter of course and carries themself
unbothered by the consequences of their actions (Gamzee’s worship of LE, Cronus’ greaser-dom
and shirking of his “destiny”). Destroyers seem to share a theme of frustration, of a nagging
dissatisfaction at the base of their brainstem. Bards tend to reshuffle their posture, try to get out
of the way of the discomfort’s origin, while Princes lock their cross-hairs on it and keep firing
even if the target does not budge.
Okay, but aren’t there like Moons?
Well aren’t you observant. Yes, Lunar Sway.
There are indeed not just 144 types in this system,
but a whopping 288, since we have one attribute
yet to apply. People of any Classpect are either
Derse (purple) or Prospit (yellow) aligned. While
all the stuff we talked about before is a bit too
subtle and complex for a quiz, this is a largely
independent binary, and the Extended Zodiac is
very good at accurately judging Lunar Sway. The
alignment speaks to a sort of foundational
disposition and way of viewing the world. Neutral
or split sway does occur, though it is relatively
rare. The leaning of a person may be subtle, and
they do not have to match all criteria. It’s a
spectrum, and many prefer “Derse-leaning”/
Those swayed by Prospit tend to have their focus outside of themselves, paying attentive mind to
the world around them and measuring themselves by its standards. They know where they stand
and this allows them to take their steps with confidence, intuiting where they need to go and
swerving if something’s in their way. Their default position is to trust people, though most aren’t
so naive as to be burnt twice. This open and often easygoing approach tends to make them rather
sociable. Their default temper tends to be relaxed, only reactively kicking into gear. While they
are certainly capable of thinking things through all the way, they will usually consider this to be
an unnecessary and often pointless effort. They would rather figure things out as they go, when
they actually have all the facts to work with.
Those swayed by Derse tend to have their focus firmly inside of themselves, they are masters of
second-guessing their own actions and may lose the world out of sight at times. This world,
incidentally, is to be measured by their standards, and they may just judge it insufficient. The
children of Derse are rebellious and hard-headed. They would rather break through the obstacle
even if doing so is more effort. By default they are distrustful and sceptical of most anything and
their faith must be hard won by those who seek it. Thus they are more likely to be introverted,
which only gives them more time to stew with their thoughts, drawing out plans and stratagems
for situations which might never arise. Pre-acting rather than reacting. Their default temper is to
be ever so slightly on edge, and the things which happen to them tend to immediately be classified
as either good or bad.
Pattern Recognition
The best way to learn Classpecting is to look at characters with a common Aspect, but especially
with a common Class and figuring out which vibes and affects they share. This is not a complete
guide of what the Classes entail, but rather it is meant to provide anchors. Bright-spots to lock on
to and aid in navigation until the difficult-to-put-into-words subtleties come into view. The
additional examples provided (and there are more at the end) are supposed to make that
transition easier and allow the mental pattern-matching to click into gear. The best way to get
good at Classpecting (as with everything) is to do Classpecting, building upon your mental
catalogue and honing your typological faculties. The true answer to “What is a Sylph” is and
should be “I know one when I see one”, so the purpose of this document is to give you a few
lenses you might want to work with. You’ll still have to look carefully, allow your focus to adjust,
and at the start you might have to squint your eyes a little until the pattern resolves.
Gender Relics
There is a tendency in Classpecting circles to type female Princes as Thieves and vice versa as well
as to type male Maids as Heirs and vice versa. Princes and Thieves both tend to be rather intense
personalities, though Thieves are usually much more bombastic. They are both very active and
have a shared, not-entirely-unwarrented reputation of being sort of dangerous. The difference
between the two is vast though, once one picks up on it. Thieves seek rivals and challenges while
Princes are annoyed by them. A Prince will take the helicopter ride up to the top of the mountain
when it is offered because it is the pragmatic solution and they feel like they should be up there.
They feel entitled to be up there. The Thief will refuse because they want to prove that they can
climb the mountain.
Maids and Heirs aren’t even all that similar apart from the fact that they are relatively passive
and have highly cooperative relationships to their Aspect. I can’t see the logic behind this one, so
I have a hard time giving counter-tools. A good first step is to look at John/June and Jane again
and realize that they fill very different archetypes beyond their gender presentation. Maids will
usually have an active veneration for the force of their Aspect, Heirs will usually not. Heirs have a
profound air (hah!) of naturality and made-for-this-ness about them when dealing in the domain
of Aspect, Maids will usually not. Maids will seem like they have much more of a purpose driving
If there are truly opposite Classes, then Classes with inverse activity-passivity and reserve
engagement hierarchies seem like they best fit the bill. This would yield the following pairs:
Prince-Sylph Thief-Maid Page-Seer Mage-Heir Knight-Rogue Witch-Bard
It is commonly believed that people occasionally act out a Class which is not their default. The
most prevalent flavours of this are the unconscious imitation/role-playing of a childhood-
influence (often a parent), the performance of a socially imposed role, and Class-Inversion, which
occurs when a person interacts with the twin of their normal Aspect (which is relatively common
for reasons we have previously discussed, but occurs especially in moments of intense emotional
stress). The usual theory goes that they then also inhabit the active-passive twin-Class within their
pair. This idea is occasionally useful, though I don’t think it works for most characters.
I like the following explanation for this phenomenon: People have a mode of interaction with
every Aspect, since in some situation they will have to interact with every Aspect. People are
usually only well versed in one or two secondary Aspects, which lag far behind their default.
When people are forced (due to intense emotional load or similar) into the regime of a non native
Aspect, they may also assume a different Class, which is their designated mode of interaction with
that Aspect. Which Class this is is idiosyncratic, and may or may not represent the twin of their
default Class.
Classpects seem to be highly stable. They are not unalterable, and sufficiently incisive life-events
(or very long timespans) can bring such a flip about. People are malleable, but Classpect seems to
be astoundingly solid on the scale of a decade. If a change does occur, it usually does so by way of
a Pseudo-Class, which had previously germinated in specific interactions, taking over.
“Who the fuck are these people/characters?!”, I hear you ask as you boggle vacantly at the
Classpect-example chart on the following page of this document, and let me tell you: I tried. I
really tried to limit myself to well known figures, but on the quest for 144 genuinely good
examples anyone would have to scrape the bottom of the relevance-barrel eventually and I bear
the additional handicap of simply not being super cued in to popular media. Still, all of them
should at least have Wiki- or TV-tropes pages, so there’s that. I would apologize for the
inconvenience if you weren’t so massively indebted to me.
Some of the chosen examples aren’t exactly role-models of course, but sharing a Classpect with
one of these figures does not mean that you can’t be one. Any type has the potential for good and
evil, for success and for failure. My primary goal was to showcase characters and people who are
and at the very least
. I would personally be much more upset if I were
represented by a boring figure than by a morally dubious one, though if you feel differently and
suffered this fate, I am very sorry.
Breath Life Light Time Heart Rage Blood Doom Void Space Mind Hope
The Brothers
Earl Hickey
My Name
is Earl
Bobby Newmark
Naota Nandaba
Steven Universe
Steven Universe
Jacob Black
Twilight Saga
George Lass
Dead like me
Kyr Fiore
Thrilling Intent
Scott Pilgrim
Scott Pilgrim
Usagi Tsukino
Sailor Moon
Chise Hatori
The Ancient
Magus’ Bride
The Sopranos
Hitori Gotou
Bocchi the
Shinji Ikari
Neon Genesis
Nagata Kabi
Writer / Artist
Michael Tate
Greater Boston
Mae Borowski
Night in the
Fleecity XV
Epithet Erased
The Doctor
Doctor Who
Giovanni Potage
Epithet Erased
Dimitri Stamatis
Greater Boston
Luz Noceda
The Owl House
Death Note
John Dorian
Night in the
Ned Stark
Game of Thrones
Tiffany Aching
Discworld Saga
Howard Beale
Paul Atreides
Molly Blyndeff
Epithet Erased
Will Navidson
House of Leaves
Mars Mattias
The Honeys
Jane Austen
Ana Thurmond
R.D. Laing
Jennifer Melfi
The Sopranos
Good Omens
Heinrich Faust
Harrier Du Bois
Disco Elysium
Jonathan Sims
The Magnus
Nick Land*
The Locked
Samuel Vimes
Discworld Saga
Night in the
Lost at Sea
House of Leaves
Discworld Saga
Edward Cullen
Twilight Saga
Hal Incandenza
Infinite Jest
Kira Miki
VA-11 Hall-A
Coffee Talk
Jet Black
Cowboy Bebop
Tom Navidson
House of Leaves
The Far
Uncle Iro
Avatar the last
Night in the
Mark Fisher
The Sopranos
The Brothers
H.P. Lovecraft*
The Pie-maker
Pushing Daisies
Beth Harmon
The Queen’s
Alison Green
Strong Female
Leon Stamatis
Greater Boston
Jill Stingray
VA-11 Hall-A
Infinite Jest
Star Trek
Harry Potter
Star Trek
Homura Akemi
Puella Magi
Madoka Magica
Nana Osaki
Light Yagami
Death Note
Saul D. Alinsky
Discworld Saga
Lain Iwakura
Mel Medrada
Howl’s Moving
Cayce Pollard
Perry Cox
Neon Genesis
Tara Lynn
Strong Female
Star Trek
Judy Hale
Dead to Me
Haruhi Suzumiya
The Melancholy
of Haruhi
of Leaves
Cameron Poe
Con Air
Neon Genesis
Joelle van Dyne
Infinite Jest
Epithet Erased
Utena Tenjou
Girl Utena
Star Trek
Game of Thrones
She-Ra and
the Princess
of Power
Germ Warfare
Night in the
Gilles Deleuze
Percy King
Epithet Erased
Mabel Pines
Gravity Falls
Thrilling Intent
Nica Stamatis
Greater Boston
The Locked
David Jacobs
Franz Kafka
Spike Spiegel
Cowboy Bebop
The Brothers
Rei Hino
Sailor Moon
Rei Ayanami
Neon Genesis
Emerson Cod
Pushing Daisies
Erika Karisawa
[The Narrator]
Alice isn’t Dead
Gideon Nav
The Locked
Dipper Pines
Gravity Falls
Epithet Erased
Bella Swan
Twilight Saga
Bruce Wayne
Heinrich Heine
Emily Bespin
Greater Boston
Regina George
Mean Girls
Tatsuhiro Satou
Welcome to
the NHK
Lorelai Blyndeff
Epithet Erased
Who’s Afraid of
Virginia Woolf
Coffee Talk
Gregory House
House M.D.
Dorian Gray
The Picture of
Dorian Gray
Infinite Jest
Izaya Orihara
Rick Shades
Epithet Erased
William Foster
Falling Down
Okabe Rintarou
The Dude
The Big
The Brothers
Doctor Who
Markus Velafi
Thrilling Intent
James Joyce
Dirk Gently
Dirk Gently’s
Holistic Detective
Lindsay Bluth
The Owl House
Johnny Truant
of Leaves
L’ tranger
J.G. Ballard
Who’s Afraid of
Virginia Woolf
Chloe Price
Life is Strange
Cersei Lannister
Game of Thrones
Asuka Langley
Neon Genesis
Charles Kinbote
Pale Fire
Alice isn’t Dead
The Locked
Tengen Toppa
Gurren Lagann
Faye Valentine
Cowboy Bebop
Princess Azula
Avatar the last
She-Ra and
the Princess
of Power
Stan Pines
Gravity Falls
Neal Caffrey
White Collar
Petyr Baelish
Game of Thrones
Ghost Trick
Sophie Hatter
Howl’s Moving
William Riker
Star Trek
Haibane Renmei
Thrilling Intent
Celty Sturluson
Hunter S.
Coffee Talk
Greater Boston
Masaomi Kida
Max Caulfield
Life is Strange
Greater Boston
Alice Cullen
Twilight Saga
Jack Kelly
* I explicitly do not support, condone, or even tolerate this person’s politics in any way.
Absolutely fuck every single one of these guys.
And so we find ourselves at the end of this journey, or at least at an exit. I hope that you (being
still here) got something out of it, and that I (no longer being here) managed to put this little
project to rest. If you have acquired an interest in my opinions about Homestuck along the road,
why don’t you watch this video-essay in which I defend everyone’s favourite divisive heroine
Vriska Serket or read my fanfic Deicide and its Consequences? Or not. Up to you, though I
would be thankful.
Best of luck, however you wish to proceed from here,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License.