What are the privacy and
security risks of electronic
v. paper health records?
Most privacy and security risks apply to both paper and electronic records.
However, the way that these are exploited and can be mitigated is different.
Having a good understanding of risks is important to ensure that an
organization makes informed choices regarding the privacy and security
policies and procedures that they apply. In the sections below, we discuss the
risks that are common for both paper and electronic records. We also discuss
risks that are different based on the patient record format.
These include: 1) the risk of inappropriate access, 2) the risk of record
tempering, and 3) the risk of record loss due to natural catastrophes.
1. The Risk of Inappropriate Access
Regardless of format, patient records are subject to the risk of inappropriate
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What are the privacy and security risks of electronic v. paper health records? (1 of 5) [10/21/2011 11:49:51 AM]
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What are the privacy and security risks of electronic v. paper health records?
Paper Records
For paper records, the risk materializes in the form of gaining access to record
storage areas; finding records left on counters, exam rooms or copy machines;
receiving misdirected fax copies; and other similar events. Inappropriate
access can be accidental or intentional. Since access to paper records implies
physical access, securing against inappropriate access is accomplished by
segregating records into separate locked storage areas; restricting physical
access to storage areas; recording sign in and sign out procedures; and
maintaining records handling training and other similar procedures.
Electronic Records
With electronic records, inappropriate access manifests itself in one of two
ways: 1) an unauthorized user gains access to the EHR data; or 2) an
authorized user violates the appropriate use conditions. For example, if office
staff access the records of a friend or colleague that visited the practice.
Electronic records can be subject to 'serendipitous' access in situations such
as when a user account is left open or a passerby is able to view data on the
screen or manipulate the EHR features. Electronic records can also be subject
to breaches of network security that may allow a hacker to gain access to user
credentials and thereby to bypass the access control protections.
2. The Risk of Record Tampering
Medical records can be altered in a number of ways, including back dating,
fraudulent entries, erasures, or other modifications.
Paper Records
Anyone who has access to the paper record can remove pages, add entries,
erase or otherwise tamper with authentic entries. (2 of 5) [10/21/2011 11:49:51 AM]
What are the privacy and security risks of electronic v. paper health records?
Electronic Records
The ability to make changes to an electronic record depends upon the rights
assigned to a user. Users with data modification privileges can generally add,
delete, or modify data or entire records. Data can also be tampered with by
directly accessing the files stored on the EHR servers using a server account
rather than an EHR user account.
3. The Risk of Record Loss Due to Natural Catastrophes
Fires, floods or other environmental disasters attack physical locations and can
result in the complete loss of both paper and electronic medical records.
1. The Risk of Mislabeling Misfiled or Lost Records
Paper records must be manually filed. The shear volume of records increases
the likelihood that records are lost because they are incorrectly filed or never
returned to the file room. On the other hand, electronic records are rarely lost
because they are never removed from the EHR system. EHR records are
indexed in multiple ways allowing for fast searches and accurate retrieval.
1. The Risk of Record Degradation
Paper records deteriorate slowly. With proper storage controlling exposure to
light and humidity, paper records can last for hundreds of years. If necessary,
significantly deteriorated paper records can be copied to create new originals.
Electronic records can degrade catastrophically -- tapes break, a bearing (3 of 5) [10/21/2011 11:49:51 AM]
What are the privacy and security risks of electronic v. paper health records?
breaks on a piece of hardware, optical media is scratched. Such failures can
happen at any time without warning. Depending on the type of storage and the
amount of damage, it may be impossible to recover the affected data.
2. The Risk of Technology Becoming Obsolete
Retrieval and use of paper records is not affected by technological changes.
Even where paper records are stored on film or micro-fiche, the expected
technology life cycle is sufficiently long to avoid obsolescence concerns.
Electronic records depend upon computing technologies that have notoriously
short lifecycles. For the past several decades, Moore's Law and its variants
have been operating with respect to computing, storage and networking
technologies. Following such laws, various performance characteristics of new
computing systems double each year or two at a cost of one half that of the
previous generation. This means that during the life of an average medical
record, the computing technologies will have undergone multiple generational
changes. With each technology generation, previous technologies lose market
value and manufactures cease production. This means that the technology
upon which the EHR system depends will become unsustainable as
replacement parts become unavailable and while operating systems and
database platforms lose vendor support.
Developed by the Health Resources and Services Administration as a resource for health
centers and other safety net and ambulatory care providers who are seeking to implement
health IT.
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What are the privacy and security risks of electronic v. paper health records? (5 of 5) [10/21/2011 11:49:51 AM]