"Direct Mail Is Still an Effective Marketing Strategy"
By: Johnny Tarrant - Direct Mail Expert
In recent years, there has been a shift from conventional marketing approaches to
online and other technology-based strategies as businesses look for new ways to get
customers. However, direct mail remains a consistent and effective way to increase
your customer base.
Direct mail involves delivering physical mail to potential clients in a particular location
and can include postcards, catalogs, and more. In my 50+ years in the industry, I can
tell you that this old-school gesture is arguably the most effective way to cultivate an
intimate and strong bond with your target audience.
How Do I Reach My Target Audience Through Direct Mail?
There are a couple of ways to go about it. You can create targeted mailing lists that
enable you to deliver direct mail to particular demographics. Another effective approach
is saturation mail, where you send your mail to all or most of the households in a region.
Here are some of the ways direct mail proves to be a must-have strategy for your
business and how it helps you win new customers and retain your loyal ones.
1. Allows Personalization
A personalized marketing campaign is an effective way of catching the attention of new
customers. You can personalize direct mail postcards to appeal to every individual
recipient, which increases their chances of responding. The different customization
methods include adding a person's name to the headline, customizing the envelope, or
using personalized images.
2. It reaches all Age-Groups
Today, about 62% of people above 70 years have access to smartphones, but as the
ages increase, that percentage declines. Besides, less than 50% of adults above 65
years use Facebook, meaning you can't target them on such a popular platform. But
since you can reach everyone, the young and old, through direct mail, your postcard
can turn almost anyone into a client.
3. It is acceptable to most Potential Clients.
People love to receive mails and regularly check their mailbox. Besides, most of them
prefer print marketing since it has fewer distractions than online materials. Therefore,
when you incorporate direct mail postcards in your marketing mix and ensure it is an
eye-catching piece, you have an assurance that it will get someone's attention.
4. Creates a Deeper Connection with Customers
When potential customers receive physical mail from you, they develop a deeper
footprint in their brain since they can touch and hold the mail, unlike in digital marketing.
Direct mail leads to a profound and long-lasting effect on the recipients. Additionally, it
creates a positive brand association, thus expanding your client base and ensuring it is
5. High ROI and Response Rates
Every business wants its marketing campaign to generate paying customers. For that
reason, direct mailing emerges as the best strategy due to its high return, unlike other
channels. You will enjoy both its high response rates and large Return on Investment of
29%. Get in touch and get all the help you need from other experts in our staff and
me. Also, at Quik Print, you'll enjoy the best direct mail services in the United States.