SPANISH 2: Pacing Guide
SY 2018-19
UNIT 1 De regreso a clases
AP THEME: Personal and public identities
AP SUBTHEME: Language and Identity
Time Suggested:
3 weeks
A - Mis amigos y yo
Greetings and Farewells
Talk about what you and other people are like
Talk about things you and other people like to do
Language Structures:
o adjectives and personality traits
o verbs: ser, tener, gustar, estar
o question words and transition words
B Los objetos escolares y mi horario de clases
talk about classroom objects and describe their location
talk about items you need for class
describe classes and schedules
Language Structures:
o indefinite and definite articles
o verb estar & prepositions of location
o verbs: ser & tener, hay
o gustar + classes
UNIT 2 Tu día escolar
AP THEME: Contemporary life, science and technology
AP SUBTHEME: Education, Impact of Technology in the Classroom
Time Suggested:
3 weeks
Actividades en las clases
Talk about classroom activities
Compare activities in different classes
Language Structures:
o regular verb conjugation of ar, -er, and ir verbs in the present tense
o Yo go verbs
o stem- changing verbs in present tense
o ser vs estar
o present progressive
Las reglas en las clases y en la escuela
talk about classroom and school rules
compare rules in different classes
express affirmative and negative ideas
Language Structures:
o tener que + inf, (no) se prohíbe + inf, hay que + inf
o affirmative and negative words
Culture: Compare the school rules and customs in other countries with those of your own school
SPANISH 2: Pacing Guide
SY 2018-19
UNIT 3 Actividades extracurriculares
AP THEME: Contemporary life
AP SUBTHEME: Education, Leisure, and Sports
Time Suggested:
3 weeks
Actividades extracurriculares y los pasatiempos
talk about extracurricular activities
talk about what people know or what they know how to do
ask and tell how long something has been going on
Language Structures:
o verbs: saber, conocer
o ir + a + infinitive
o comparatives
o superlatives
o hace + time + que + present tense
Understand cultural perspectives on extracurricular activities
SPANISH 2: Pacing Guide
SY 2018-19
-Quarter 2-
UNIT 4 La rutina diaria y eventos especiales
AP THEME: Families and communities
AP SUBTHME: Customs and Ceremonies
Time Suggested:
3 weeks
La rutina diaria
Talk about daily routines and things you need to get ready
Describe getting ready for a special event
Express possession
Review differences between ser and estar
Language structures:
o Reflexive verbs and reflexive pronouns
o Present tense of verbs Ser & Estar and telling time
o Possessive adjectives (long form)
Compare special events in Spanish-speaking countries with those in the US
UNIT 5 La ropa y la moda
AP THEME: Beauty and aesthetics
AP SUBTHEME: Ideals of Beauty
Time Suggested:
3 weeks
La ropa y la moda
Describe and compare clothes
Talk about fabrics and sizing
Talk about what you want and what you prefer
Point out specifics items
Express fit
Language structures:
o Stem-changing verbs pensar, querer & preferir
o Indefinite articles
o Adjective/noun agreement
o Demonstrative adjectives
o Verb ‘quedar’ to express fit
o Verb “parecer” to express opinions
o Verb “gustar” to express likes and dislikes
o Verbs “llevar puesto” y “estar hecho”
o Indirect object pronouns
Compare clothing and fashion in Spanish-speaking countries and the US
SPANISH 2: Pacing Guide
SY 2018-19
UNIT 6 De compras
AP THEME: Contemporary life, global challenges
AP SUBTHEME: Advertising and Marketing, Economic Issues
Time Suggested:
3 weeks
Compras, ventas y precios
Talk about: going shopping and prices, gifts and accessories, different types of stores and
events in the past
Language structures:
o Preterite tense for regular verbs -AR
o Preterite tense for irregular verbs -car/ -gar/-zar
o Demonstrative adjectives
o Using adjectives as nouns
Understand cultural perspectives on gift-giving and shopping
SPANISH 2: Pacing Guide
SY 2018-19
-Quarter 3-
UNIT 7 Los quehaceres y las diligencias en la comunidad
AP THEME: Contemporary life
AP SUBTHEME: Customs and Ceremonies
Time Suggested:
35 weeks
Quehaceres y diligencias
Talk about things you did and where you did them
Explain why you couldn’t do certain things
Describe things you bought and where you bought them
Language structures:
o Direct object pronouns
o Irregular preterite forms of ir, ser, hacer, tener, estar, dar, poner and poder
Describe open-air markets and the role they play in the Spanish-speaking cultures
UNIT 8 Caminando por la ciudad
AP THEME: Families and communities, contemporary
AP SUBTHEME: Citizenship, Rites of Passage
Time Suggested:
2 weeks
Pidiendo y dando direcciones
Give directions on how to get to places in town
Talk about types of transportation
Language structures:
o Regular and irregular affirmative commands
Describe neighborhoods (barrios) in Spanish-speaking countries
UNIT 9 De vacaciones
AP THEME: Personal and public identities,
contemporary life
AP SUBTHEME: Multiculturalism, Travel
Time Suggested:
35 weeks
Experiencias, viajes, vacaciones y medios de transporte
Talk about things you did on vacation
Describe places you visited while on vacation and how you travel there
Language structures:
o Personal ‘a’
o The preterite of regular verbs
o The irregular preterite of ir & ser
Describe a typical souvenir of a Spanish-speaking country
SPANISH 2: Pacing Guide
SY 2018-19
-Quarter 4-
UNIT 10 Cuando éramos niños
AP THEME: Families and communities
AP SUBTHEME: Childhood and Adolescence, Friendship and
Time Suggested:
4 weeks
Cuando éramos niños
Discuss childhood toys and games
Describe what you were like as a child
Talk about activities that you used to do as a child
Language structures:
o The imperfect tense of regular verbs
o The imperfect tense of the irregular verbs ir, ver and ser
o Imperfect vs Preterite
Discuss popular children’s songs or games from Spanish-speaking countries
UNIT 11 Celebrando el pasado
AP THEME: Families and communities, personal and public
identities, contemporary life
AP SUBTHEME: Family structures, beliefs and values, holidays
and celebrations
Time Suggested:
4 weeks
Familia, comida, fiestas y celebraciones
Describe holiday celebrations
Talk about your family and relatives
Describe people and situations in the past
Talk about how people interact
Talk about typical foods eaten during celebrations
Language structures:
o The imperfect tense: describing a situation in the past
o Reciprocal actions
Understand cultural perspectives on holidays and special events