Municipal Identification Cards.
(a) Definitions.
For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
(1) City shall mean the City of Providence, or any department, board, commission or agency
(2) Resident shall mean a person who can demonstrate that he or she is a current resident of
the City of Providence.
(3) Municipal Identification Card shall mean an identification card issued by the City of
(4) Program Administrator shall mean the Registrar of Vital Records, designated by the Mayor,
to administer the City of Providence municipal identification card program.
(5) Third Party Vendor shall mean the vendor selected through a Request for Proposals issued
by the administration to assist in implementing and administering the program.
(6) Transient Resident shall mean an individual that does not have permanent sleeping
accommodations or housing within the City, but can prove through documentation set forth
in section (f) below that they spend a majority of time in the City.
(b) Purpose of Providence Municipal Identification Cards.
(1) It is the City's intent that municipal identification cards will provide individuals with a means
of demonstrating their residence in the City, for purposes including, but not limited to,
accessing City services and activities, and providing identification to City law enforcement.
(2) Possession of a municipal identification card is not a prerequisite to access any program,
service or activity for which a City resident is otherwise eligible.
(c) Issuance of Providence Municipal Identification Cards.
(1) Municipal Identification Cards will be issued by the Program Administrator, who shall review
and approve applications for a municipal identification card (“card”).
(2) Cards will be issued to any resident who meets the application requirements set forth in
sections (f) below and who pays the applicable fee under paragraph f).
(3) The card shall bear the seal of the Mayor, and shall be produced in a form intended to
thwart replication, counterfeiting, and fraud. Cards shall be valid for a maximum of three
years from the date of issuance, provided that the card holder maintains residence in the
(4) The card will display, at a minimum, the cardholder’s photograph, name, date of birth,
address, expiration date, and the cardholder’s self-designated gender. The Program
Administrator may establish procedures to protect the addresses of victims of domestic
violence, and/or alternate requirements for applicants who lack a permanent address.
(d) Roles of Administrator in Implementing the Municipal Identification Card Program.
The Program Administrator’s duties shall include:
(1) The Program Administrator shall be responsible for leading the day-to-day work with
regards to the implementation of the Program. This includes, but is not limited to, full
program development, security and confidentiality of applicants identification information,
and implementation in consultation with the Mayor’s Office. The Administrator will also be
responsible for the staff recruitment, intake, training, assessment, data collection, tracking
and reporting, and performance measures.
(2) The Program Administrator shall operate out of the Vital Statistics Office and will ensure
support for customers, partners and merchants is provided.
(3) The Program Administrator shall work to design and produce education materials for
residents and make such materials available through the Vital Statistics Office and
community events.
(4) The Program Administrator shall administer the Program in accordance with the Program
Requirements below and other requirements highlighted in this document.
(e) Program Administrator Municipal ID Registration Process.
At the Vital Statistics Office, a staff person must check that the resident has all appropriate documents.
An appointment is recommended but shall not be necessary to complete application; rather the resident
may wait until a staff member is available.
The staff member shall receive the resident and verify that the resident’s documents comply with the
eligibility requirements for the card, outlined in section (f). Then, the staff member must enter the
applicant’s information directly into the system database without making any copies of the applicant’s
documentation. The staff member shall then take the applicant’s photo and capture the applicant’s
signature via a signature pad and upload them as part of the application process. Finally the staff
member shall collect the appropriate fee from the applicant. Upon submission of the resident
application, the card shall be produced and mailed within 7-10 business days.
(f) Eligibility for Providence Municipal Identification Card.
In order to obtain a Providence Municipal Identification Card, an applicant must provide the Program
Administrator with both proof of identity and proof of residence within the City, in accordance with the
provisions below:
(1) Proof of identity. In order to establish identity, an applicant must present either:
a. One of the following valid documents containing both the applicant’s photograph and date
of birth:
1. U.S. passport, U.S. passport card, or foreign passport
2. RI driver's license or state-issued identification card
3. Identification issued by a U.S. governmental entity or U.S. permanent resident card
(commonly known as a “green card”)
4. Consular identification card
5. Photo identification card with name, address, date of birth, and expiration date issued
by another country to its citizens or nationals as an alternative to a passport for reentry
to the issuing country, and that meets standards established by the Program
Administrator to ensure that:
a) The applicant was required to provide reliable identifying
information in order to obtain the card; and
b) The photo identification card has features reasonably designed
to protect against fraud and counterfeit reproduction
6. National identification card with photo, name, address, date of birth, and expiration
7. U.S. or foreign military identification card
8. Current Providence Municipal Identification Card
b. Two of the following documents, provided that at least one form of identification shall
display the applicant’s photograph and date of birth:
1. Foreign driver’s license
2. Student identification card issued by a recognized United States educational institution;
3. Certified copy of U.S. or foreign birth certificate. The Program Administrator may
require a certified translation of a foreign birth certificate.
4. Social Security Card
5. Current visa or travel document issued by a government agency
6. U.S. individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) authorization letter
7. Electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card
8. Government-issued medical card
9. Employee identification card issued by a governmental entity
10. Credit or debit card
11. Insurance plan identification card
12. RIPTA Blue Bus Pass
13. Public housing identification card
(2) Proof of residence. An applicant shall produce two of the following items, each of which must
contain the applicant’s name and current residential street address within the City, and be dated no
more than forty-five (45) days prior to the date such document is presented:
1. Current utility bill
2. Bank account statement
3. Current residential property lease or rental statement
4. Student identification card, tuition statement or bill issued by an educational
institution recognized by the United States Department of Education
5. Insurance plan card
6. Document issued by a government agency
7. Employment pay stub
8. Insurance bill (homeowner, renter, health, life, or automobile insurance)
9. Written verification of residence issued and signed by the director or administrator of a
transient resident shelter that receives governmental funding.
(3) The Program Administrator may by regulation provide for acceptance of additional forms of Proof
of Identity and/or Proof of Residency, provided that the Administrator determines that such forms are:
1. Issued by a governmental entity;
2. Issued by an entity that takes reasonable steps to verify the identity and/or
residency of the individual to whom the item is issued; or
3. Of a type that is normally accepted as proof of identity and/or proof of
residency in the ordinary course of business within the City.
(g) Proof of Permission for Minor Applicants (people 14-17 years of age).
A parent or legal guardian must accompany a minor throughout the verification phase of an application,
and must sign verification attesting to the granting of permission for the minor to participate in the
Municipal ID Program.
A student’s application for an IDPVD card conducted through the Providence Public School District
requires permission from a parent or legal guardian.
(h) Card Expiration and Replacement.
(1) Municipal Identification Cards expire when a person no longer resides in the City, or three years
from the date of issuance, whichever occurs first. All residents will be required to request a
new card on or before the date of expiration printed on the face of their cards.
(2) No replacement card will be issued to an individual unless the resident files a verified statement
with the Program Administrator indicating that the Municipal Identification Card was lost, stolen
or damaged. Residents may choose to not update their photo or identification on the face of
the replacement card. If residents request to change their information, they must show eligible
proof in accordance with Section (f). The fee for a replacement card will be equal to the fee paid
for the original card.
(3) In the event that a card is lost or stolen (cannot be turned in at the time of reprint) then new
numbers need to be assigned. If a card holder requests a reprint, but cannot provide the
original card, this is handled as a lost or stolen print. If card holder can provide the original card
(but it is damaged beyond use), then a reprint can occur, up to the renewal window.
(4) An applicant who has been denied a Municipal Identification Card may seek review of the denial
determination by submitting a review request within 30 days of the denial. The request shall be
reviewed and responded to in writing within 30 days of receipt with a final administrative
(5) ID holders are eligible to renew their Municipal IDs within 30 days of expiration, and up to 60
days after expiration. Outside this window it is treated as a new card, and all documentation
and fees will need to be provided to the Program Administrator.
(i) Confidentiality of Providence Municipal Identification Card Eligibility Information.
The City shall keep confidential, to the extent permitted by law, any identifying information or data
supporting the applications of persons applying for and receiving municipal identification cards.
To obtain a Providence Municipal ID card, applicants must show current identity and residency
documents. The City will not retain copies of documents demonstrated by applicants as proof of
residency or identity for an IDPVD Card. The City will retain all application documents in the same way it
would retain any application materials for other records maintained by Vital Records.
(j) Security Specifications.
All information submitted to the City by an applicant for a Municipal ID Card will be entered into a
secured database maintained by the City.
Although it is not expected that the Providence Municipal Identification Card will be recognized by
federal or state authorities, Providence Municipal Identification Card will have security standards that
meet or exceed the current Association of American Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) standards.
(k) Fees.
The City shall charge a fee for each application submitted. Such fees will not exceed the costs reasonably
associated with the production of the cards and administration of the program. No portion of the fee is
refundable. The Program Administrator shall, by regulation, provide for reduced application fees for
low-income applicants who demonstrate financial hardship, in a form to be determined by the Program
Documents needed to demonstrate financial hardship include but are not limited to:
Pay stubs or a W-2 Wage and Tax Statement
Income tax returns for the past one-to-three years
Checking and savings account statements for the past three-to-six months
Means-tested benefits (such as SNAP, Section 8 Housing, Medicaid, etc.)
Fees are as follows:
Applicant Category
Application Fee
14 17 years old
18 65 years old
65+ years old
Low Income*
* Low-Income: Applicant must show proof of income status. See list of accepted
documents above.
(l) Acceptance by City departments.
(1) Each City department, except for the Board of Canvassers, shall accept a Municipal
Identification Card as proof of City residency unless such department has reasonable
grounds for determining that the card is counterfeit, altered, improperly issued to the
cardholder, or that the individual presenting the card is not the individual to whom it was
(2) The requirement that City Departments accept Municipal Identification Cards as proof of
residency and identity is not intended to replace any additional City requirements for the
administration of City benefits and services. For example, the requirements of subsection
(l)(1) section do not apply whenever:
a. A federal or state statute, administrative regulation or directive, or court decision
requires the City to obtain identification or proof of residence;
b. A federal or state statute or administrative regulation or directive preempts local
regulation of identification or residency requirements; or
c. The City would not be able to comply with a condition imposed by a funding source,
which would cause the City to lose funds from that or any other source.
(m) City undertaking limited to promotion of general welfare.
The Program established hereunder is voluntarily undertaken by the City in order to benefit the public in
general and does not create any obligation or duty to the City, its agents or employees to any individual
or person. Nor does the Program establish the basis of any claim whatsoever against the City, in law or
(n) Counterfeit and fraudulent cards.
It shall be a violation of this section for any person or entity to:
(1) knowingly present false information to the City in the course of applying for a Municipal
Identification Card.
(2) alter, copy, or replicate a Municipal Identification Card without the authority of the City
(3) use the Municipal Identification Card issued to another person, in order to cause a third
person or entity to believe the holder of the card is the person to whom the card was
As used herein the term “knowingly” shall mean with actual or constructive knowledge or with
reasonable reason to have knowledge.
(o) Language Assistance Services.
The Program Administrator shall identify and implement measures to address the needs of limited
English proficient individuals using the program, including but not limited to staff training, community
outreach, and language assistance tools.
(p) Benefits Program for Cardholders.
(1) The City will undertake programs to encourage eligible persons to apply for a Municipal
Identification Card, including but not limited to cardholders’ eligibility for benefits from
local entities such as libraries, local businesses, and cultural institutions.
(2) Any public or private entity may require presentation of a Providence Municipal
Identification Card to obtain benefits or privileges offered exclusively to those who possess
a Providence Municipal Identification Card.
(q) Reporting.
The Program Administrator shall have the ability to run reports about the Municipal Identification Card
Program which shall include at a minimum: the number of applications received, granted and denied,
program efficiency evaluations, and such other areas as the City shall require after the program is
(r) Penalties.
1. Any person who knowingly makes a false statement of material fact in connection with the
application for or use of a Municipal ID may be liable to the City for damages under the State False
Claims Act, including a civil penalty of up to t $11,000.00, and/or criminal charges. Additionally, any such
actions will result in denial of an Application or automatic forfeiture of the Municipal Identification Card,
as applicable.
(s) Severability.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, subdivision or other part of these Policies and Procedures or
its applications shall be adjudged by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional,
such order or judgment shall not affect, impair, or otherwise invalidate the remainder of these Policies
and Procedures which shall remain in full force and effect except as limited by such order or judgment.
Effective Date. June 26, 2018