Outlook Web Applicaon
Exchange 2010 Quick Reference Guide
OWA works in most major browsers:
●IE 7 & later ●Firefox 3.0.1 & later ●Chrome & later ●Safari 3.1 & later
Outlook Web App (OWA)
Create, delete, & organize con-
Access email and voicemail
messages in a unied inbox
Access email archive
Organize inbox with sorng,
ltering, & rules
Drag & drop mail between
Schedule enhanced out of
oce auto replies
Request read receipts
View calendar
Access shared calendars
Change permissions
Schedule appointments &
Respond to meeng requests
Set reminders
View real me calendar for
meengs and room bookings
Create, sort, categorize, & mark
complete tasks and agged
Select either:
This is a public or shared computer Select this opon if you use OWA on a
public computer. Remember to sign out when and close all windows to
end your session. OWA will log you out aer 15 minutes of inacvity.
This is a private computer Select this opon if you're the only person who
uses this computer. Your server will allow a longer period of inacvity
before signing you out.
Enter your Campus Connect username and password. Click Sign in.
Unread message
Read message
Currently selected message
File aached to message
High or low importance
Meeng request
Reminder scheduled
Message Icons
The OWA Screen
Sending Mail
New Message: In the message pane tool bar, click New & Message or
press Ctrl + N.
Save Message as Dra: Click the save buon in the message window.
The message will appear in Dras unl it has been sent or deleted.
Create a Signature: From the opons menu, select See All Opons.
Then, select Sengs. Enter and format your signature in the E-Mail
Signature box. If you choose, check the box Automacally include my
signature on messages I send. Click the save buon at the boom
right of the window. If you do not check the Automacally include
box, manually add the signature to messages by clicking the signature
buon at the top of the message window.
Sort Inbox: By default, messages are sorted by date, with the newest
on top. To show the oldest on top, in the message pane click Newest
On Top. For other sort opons, click Conversaons by Date, and
choose an opon from the drop down menu.
Filter Inbox: In the message pane toolbar, click Filter then Apply. The
properes of your lter will now be displayed in a blue bar below the
toolbar. To save lter for future use, click . To remove, click .
New Folder: Right-click on Inbox in navigaon pane. Select New Folder.
Categorize Messages by Color: Click a message to select. Click the small
gray box above the date/me of receipt & select a color. To assign col-
ors to categories, select Manage Categories.
Request a Delivery or Read Receipt: In the message window, click Op-
ons. Then check Request a delivery receipt to receive a receipt when
the message is delivered to the recipients inbox and/or Request a read
receipt to receive a receipt when the recipient reads the message.
Access Email Archive: Your archive is located in the navigaon pane.
For more info, please see the document Email Retenon & Archives.
Open Another Inbox: Click your username in the window’s upper right
corner. Type the username of the account you wish to open & click
Open. Note: To open another account, the owner of the account must
have already assigned you delegate rights. For more informaon, see
the documents Delegate Access in Outlook 2010 or ...Outlook 2011.
Mail Basics
Open a Message: Select the message
to view in the reading pane or double
click to open in a new window.
Expand a Conversaon: click the
small arrow next to the message icon.
Select messages in the conversaon
to view them in the reading pane.
Reply to Message: In the reading
pane tool bar, click purple arrow to
reply to sender or double purple ar-
row to respond to all recipients.
Forward a Message: In the reading
pane toolbar, click the blue arrow.
Delete a Message: Select the mes-
sage & press the Delete key.
Open a Voicemail Preview: Ex-
change 2010 sends voicemail mes-
sages straight to your email inbox.
The message contains a text preview
& an MP3 of the recorded message.
In Internet Explorer, click the play
buon embedded in the email to
hear the message.
In other browsers, click the aach-
ment to download & play the MP3.
The conversaon view improves managing
related messages. The user can see the
complete course of the conversaon, in-
cluding responses from the Sent folder.
There is no more searching for the various
parts of a conversaon. Messages are ar-
ranged by the me the last response was
received. To turn conversaon view on or
o, click Conversaons By Date in the sort
toolbar in the message pane. Check or
uncheck Conversaons.
Conversaon View
Mail Tips & Tricks
Open Calendar: Click the Calendar buon on the navigaon pane.
View by Day, Work Week, Week, or Month: Select an opon in the view pane toolbar.
Schedule an Appointment: In the view pane toolbar, press Ctrl + N or click New and Appointment.
Create a Meeng Request: In the view pane toolbar, click New and Meeng Request.
Schedule a Recurring Appointment or Meeng: Click the repeat buon in the appointment window toolbar.
Make selecons and click OK.
Edit a Calendar Item: Double click the item to open it in an appointment window and make
changes. To save to your calendar only, click the Save icon. To send updates to other meeng
aendees, click Send Update.
Delete an Item: Select the item and press the Delete key.
Schedule an All Day Event: Check All Day Event in the appointment window.
Add a Shared Calendar: In the view pane, click Share and Add Calendar. Type the account name of the calendar
you would like to view and press Enter. OWA will oer suggesons from the Global Address Book. Click the cor-
rect account name when it appears. To search the Global Address Book, click Name.
View Reading Pane: In the view pane toolbar, select Right or O.
Set Your Work Week and Work Hours:
Out of Oce Assistant
Calendar Meeng/Appointment Window
Calendar Basics
In the Outlook Web App, select Opons, then select Set Automac Replies….
Internal (DePaul.edu) Senders: Select Send automac replies. Enter text of mes-
sage in the text box.
External Senders: To turn on, select Send automac reply messages to senders
outside my organizaon. Choose either to send replies only to those in your Con-
tacts list, or to send replies to all senders. Enter text of message in the text box.
Preschedule Auto Replies: To preschedule start and end dates, check Send re-
plies only during this me period, and choose a Start me and End me.
The OWA Opons menu oers a wide variety of
choices to customize your email, calendar, and
phone experience. Among the opons in this menu
you will nd: Inbox Rules, Auto Replies, Delivery/
Read Reports, Calendar Appearance, Language,
Date Format, Time Format, Time Zone, Voicemail
Opons, Missed-call Nocaon Preferences, Reset
Voicemail PIN,
Mobile Phone
Details, Mobile
Phone Wipe De-
vice, and Block
or Allow Junk
Mail Sengs.
Open Tasks: Click Tasks in the navigaon pane. Your tasks
from Outlook on your PC or Mac will automacally sync. At
the top of the navigaon pane, choose to view All tasks or
only those that are Acve, Overdue, or Complete.
Create a Task: In the view pane menu, click New. Enter the
name of task in Subject. Oponal: enter addional infor-
maon. Click Save and Close.
Quick Method to Create a Task: At the top of the view
pane, where it says Type a new task, type the subject of
your task. Click No due date to view a drop-down calendar
and select a due date. Click the small Add new task
buon to save.
Set Due Date: Select a due date from the drop down menu
when creang or eding a task.
Set a Reminder: To be reminded of a task, check the Re-
minder box in the Task window and set a date and me
using the drop-down menus. Click Save and Close. If you
used the Quick Method or did not set a reminder when you
originally created the task, double click the task from the
navigaon menu to open the Task window.
Edit a Task: Double click task from the view pane to open
the Task window. Make changes & click Save and Close.
Flag a Message as a To-Do Item: In the message pane, click
the small gray outline of a ag to the far right of a message.
The ag will turn red. Now it is available in the Task list.
Right-click the ag to edit the due-date or set a reminder.
Complete a Task: Click the box to the le of the task.
Delete a Task: Select the task, then in the view pane
toolbar click the delete buon, which looks like an X. Or,
right-click the task, and click Delete.
Open Contacts: Click Contacts in navigaon pane.
Your contacts from Outlook on your PC or Mac
will automacally sync.
Find a Contact: Click Search Contacts in the navi-
gaon pane search menu and type the name.
Send a Message to a Contact: Click the contact.
In the view pane toolbar click the small arrow
next to New and then Message.
Create New Contact: In the view pane menu, click
New. Enter contact’s info. Click Save and Close.
Edit a Contact: Double click the contact. Edit,
and then click Save and Close.
Create New Contact Group: In the view pane win-
dow menu, click the small down arrow next to
New. Then click Group. Enter a name for the
group in Group Name. In Members… begin typ-
ing names of contacts, and OWA will suggest con-
tacts. Click a contact’s username to select and
click Add to Group. Or, to select users from the
Global Address Book, click Members... There,
select names of contacts and click Members -> to
add each to the list. Once you have selected all
the contacts, click OK, then Add to Group. When
the list is complete, click Save and Close.
Send a Message to a Group: Click Contacts in the
navigaon pane. Select the correct contact group
and double click. Click the mail icon at the top of
the window. A new window will open with the
name of the contact group in the To… eld. Com-
pose and send the email as usual.
The light version of Outlook Web App is opmized for accessi-
bility, such as for users who are blind or have low vision. It
provides fewer features and is faster for some operaons.
You may want to consider using the light version if:
You are blind or have low vision
You are on a slow connecon
You are using a computer with unusually strict browser
security sengs
To Switch Versions: Click Opons > Sengs > General. On
the General tab, under Accessibility, select Use the blind and
low vision experience. Click Save. Sign out and sign in again
to complete the change.
For More Informaon: about OWA Light and using assisve
technologies with OWA, see Accessibility in OWA.pdf.
Blind & Low Vision Accessibility
Contacts Tasks and Flagged Items