Staffing Agency Agreement
The Regional Municipality of Durham
(the “Client”)
(the “Agency”)
Whereas the Client desires to engage the Agency to provide services to the Client on
the terms set out in this Agreement and the Agency has agreed to provide such
The parties agree as follows:
1. Services
1.1. The Agency will provide the Client with personnel (“Agency Staff”) to
perform services on behalf of the Client, as set out in Schedule “A”, and
in accordance with Schedule “B”.
1.2. The Agency will provide the staffing services (“Services”) generally
described as follows:
(i) Recruiting, interviewing and/or screening candidates, including
checking references;
(ii) Providing verification, in a form acceptable to the Client, of
acceptable criminal reference checks (including vulnerable sector
check) for Agency Staff, when required;
(iii) Assigning Agency Staff who have accepted employment with the
Agency who, in the Agency’s judgement, are qualified to perform
the type of work required by Job Classification requested by the
(iv) Providing direct performance feedback to Agency Staff when
necessary; and
(v) Removing any Agency Staff and replacing with alternate qualified
Agency Staff in accordance with the Job Classification, at the
request of the Client.
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1.3. In addition, for all Agency Staff, the Agency will:
(i) Maintain all necessary personnel and payroll records;
(ii) Compute their wages and withhold required federal, provincial and
local statutory deductions;
(iii) Ensure Agency Staff are working in compliance with the
Employment Standards Act, 2000 and release and indemnifies the
Client from any claims from Agency Staff in relation thereto. Where
compliance requires additional monies (i.e. overtime and/or
statutory holiday pay), the Agency will be responsible for such
costs and invoice the Client accordingly;
(iv) Ensure Agency Staff are provided with appropriate health and
safety training;
(v) Maintain adequate safety policies and training records, and provide
the Client with copies of these within twenty-four (24) hours of any
request by the Client;
(vi) Remit required employee withholdings to the proper governmental
authorities along with required employer contributions for Canada
Pension Plan, Employment Insurance premiums and other
taxes/levies required by statute, where applicable;
(vii) Pay net wages and fringe benefits, if any;
(viii) Handle unemployment and workers’ compensation claims with
respect to compensation that the Agency has agreed to pay; and
(ix) Ensure the Agency Staff timesheet is provided to the Client for
approval and includes the Client’s Purchase Order Number.
1.4. In the event that within the first eight (8) hours of the Agency Staff being
placed with the Client, the Client identifies that they are not satisfied with
the Agency Staff’s performance, the Agency will:
(i) Remove the Agency Staff immediately;
(ii) Relieve the Client of the obligation to pay for the number of hours
of work performed by the Agency Staff; and
(iii) Provide a replacement, at the Client’s request, in a reasonable
agreed to timeline or address the performance of the Agency Staff.
2. Client Responsibilities
2.1. The Client agrees to:
(i) Oversee the work to be performed by Agency Staff and advise the
Agency of any notable performance concerns;
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(ii) Review and approve the corresponding work product;
(iii) Provide Agency Staff with equipment, facilities and supplies
reasonably necessary for them to perform their duties hereunder;
(iv) Train Agency Staff with regard to all applicable Client policies and
procedures that may be adopted or implemented from time to time,
and otherwise use its best efforts to integrate Agency Staff with
Client-specific practices and procedures; and
(v) Approve Agency Staff timesheets for submission to the Agency on
a weekly basis.
3. Fees/Payment
3.1. The Agency is solely responsible for compensating the Agency Staff for
the work performed.
3.2. At the beginning of each placement of Agency Staff under this Master
Agreement, the Client representative who requires Agency Staff shall
provide a Purchase Order Number to the Agency.
3.3. The Client will pay the Agency a fee for the Services performed by
Agency Staff under the Agreement in accordance with Schedule “A”
attached hereto. The rate(s) specified in Schedule “A is/are inclusive of
all Agency markup costs. Client will pay based on the job duties of the
position being filled and will not pay additional fees for Agency Staff who
may have a greater skillset than that required by the job duties. The
Client reserves the sole discretion for setting rates in accordance with
the job duties being performed. This rate will be effective for the term of
the placement.
3.4. The Agency will render weekly invoices to the Client, in a form
reasonably acceptable to the Client; including the Client’s Purchase
Order Number, detailing the Services performed by the Agency Staff, the
time (in hours) worked, and the hourly rate agreed upon as noted in
Schedule “A”. All invoices will be addressed to and copied to the departmental contact. The
Client will endeavour to pay the invoices within thirty (30) business days
of receipt.
3.5. Should the Client wish to enter into a direct employment relationship with
the Agency Staff six (6) months after the first day of the start of the
assignment, there will be no fee charged to the Client.
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4. Term
4.1. This Agreement will commence as of the last date of signature and
automatically renew for one year terms at January 1 each year, unless
otherwise terminated in accordance with the provisions of this
4.2. Where the Agency wishes to request an adjustment to the Fee Schedule,
the request must be in writing to the Client no later than December 1 and
should include justification for the request. The Region will review the
request and any adjustments agreed to will take affect January 1 of the
following year with written agreement.
5. Expenses
5.1. The Agency shall be solely responsible for the cost of any expenses
incurred in the provision of Services under this Agreement, including the
provision of an up to date Police check, as required by the Client.
6. Status of Agency Staff
6.1. The Agency and Agency Staff’s relationship with the Client as created by
this Agreement is that of an independent contractor for all purposes
including, but not limited to, the Income Tax Act (Canada), the Income
Tax Act (Ontario), the Canada Pension Plan Act, the Employment
Insurance Act (Canada), the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act
(Ontario), the Employment Standards Act (Ontario) and the common law.
It is intended that the Agency shall have general control and direction
over the manner in which Agency Staff provide the Services to the Client
under this Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be
regarded or construed as creating an employment relationship (whether
by way of employer/employee, agency, joint venture, association, or
partnership) between the Agency Staff/Agency and the Client other than
as an independent contractor as set forth herein.
6.2. The Agency hereby releases and indemnifies the Client from any claims,
debts, demands, actions, complaints and liabilities of any kind or nature
whatsoever in law, in equity or otherwise (“Claims”) in relation to the
Agency Staff’s status as an independent contractor under this
Agreement or any preceding agreements with the Client or authorized
agent of the Client.
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7. Indemnity
7.1. The Agency shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the Client and its
elected officials, officers, employees and agents from and against all
claims of any nature, actions, causes of action, losses, expenses, fines,
costs, interest or damages of every nature and kind whatsoever, arising
out of or allegedly attributable to the negligent acts, errors, omissions,
misfeasance, nonfeasance, fraud or willful misconduct of the Agency,
Agency Staff, its directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors and
subcontractors, or any of them, in connection with or in any way related
to the delivery or performance of this Contract. This indemnity shall be in
addition to and not in lieu of any insurance to be provided by the Agency
in accordance with this Contract and shall survive this Contract.
7.2. The Agency covenants and agrees that they will take any and all action
and will do and provide the Services herein required to be provided in
compliance with all laws, regulations or orders, including the order of any
board or court of competent jurisdiction, rule, regulation or requirement of
the Canadian Government or the Government of the Province of Ontario
or any competent local government, board, commission, department or
officer (“Compliance Requirements”) and hereby indemnifies and holds
harmless the Client from any and all claims, payments, injury or loss and
for any and all legal costs (including fees and disbursements) or
administrative costs incurred by the Client relating to any failure of the
Agency, their employees, agents or contractors to comply with any
Compliance Requirements.
8. Insurance
8.1. Throughout the term of the Contract the Agency shall continuously
maintain and pay for Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions)
insurance in an amount of not less than two million dollars
($2,000,000.00) per claim with an aggregate limit of four million dollars
8.2. The Agency shall maintain Commercial General Liability insurance
including personal injury, broad form contractual liability, in an amount of
not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000). The Agency shall add the
Client as an additional insured claimant for any Services rendered under
this Agreement.
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8.3. The Agency shall maintain Automobile Liability Insurance in respect to
licensed vehicles owned and/or leased, with limits of not less than two
million dollars ($2,000,000.00) inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury,
death and damage to property, if relevant to Services set out in this
Agreement. Should the Agency not own/lease vehicles, the Agency will
ensure that Agency Staff have a valid driver’s licence and appropriate
automobile insurance if they will be using their vehicles in connection
with the Services set out in this Agreement.
8.4. The Agency shall provide an updated Certificate of Insurance on the
Client’s standard form, or on a form acceptable to the Client, by no later
than thirty (30) days prior to the expiry date of any required coverage.
Notwithstanding this provision, where any required insurance coverage is
due to expire within thirty (30) days, the Agency shall submit an updated
Certificate of Insurance upon ten (10) business days of written notice by
the Client.
8.5. The Agency shall provide the Client a valid Clearance Certificate (for
Schedule 1 employers) or a letter of Good Standing (for Schedule 2
employers) indicating the Agency has an active account with WSIB in
good standing; or, alternatively, where appropriate, a letter from WSIB
stating the Agency is not required to register with WSIB; or, a letter that
confirms the Agency falls under a “By-Application” industry, where WSIB
confirms an Agency (that employs workers) is exempt from coverage
based on their business activity.
9. Authority
9.1. The Agency/Agency Staff will not have the authority and cannot commit
or bind the Client to any matter, contract or negotiation without the prior
written authorization of the Client.
10. Legal Compliance
10.1. The Agency/Agency Staff shall comply with all applicable federal,
provincial and municipal laws, rules, and regulations arising out of or
connected with the performance of the Services under this Agreement by
the Agency or Agency Staff.
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10.2. The Agency shall be responsible for all statutory payroll deductions and
remittances including, without limitation, Employment Insurance
premiums, Canada Pension Plan contributions, Income Tax and WSIB
(workers compensation) payments, where applicable, relating to or
arising out of the fees paid to the Agency and Agency Staff. Payments
relating to any of the above shall be the responsibility of the Agency and
shall be forwarded by the Agency, as appropriate, directly to the
government agencies involved. The Agency shall provide proof of
compliance with this requirement to the Client upon request.
10.3. In the event any proceedings are commenced or levied by the Receiver
General of Canada or the Canada Revenue Agency or any other
governmental agency in respect of any statutory payroll deductions,
premiums or taxes, the Agency agrees to indemnify and hold harmless
the Client as to any money that might be required to be paid either by or
to the Receiver General of Canada or the Canada Revenue Agency or
any other governmental agency with respect to any payments made to
the Client for performance of the Services.
11. Confidential Information
11.1. In the course of performing the Services, the Agency and Agency Staff
will be entrusted with confidential information concerning the Client’s
business or marketing plans, products, services, pricing, operations and
procedures, including but not limited to information relating to client
preferences, needs and requirements. The Agency and Agency Staff will
not disclose such confidential information to any third parties, including
but not limited to future employers or other clients.
11.2. The Agency and Agency Staff shall maintain the confidentiality of and
shall not except as required in order to carry out the Services, at any
time during or following the term of this Agreement, use, disclose,
release or permit the disclosure or release of any information disclosed
by the Client or any information communicated to or acquired by the
Agency and/or the Agency Staff during the course of providing the
Services without obtaining the prior written consent of the Client.
11.3. The Agency and Agency Staff acknowledge that any information
collected by them or exchanged with the Client pursuant to this
Agreement is subject to the provisions of Municipal Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Ontario) and the Personal
Health Information Protection Act (Ontario) as amended from time to
time, and any successor legislation.
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11.4. If the Agency and/or Agency Staff become aware of an unauthorized
collection, use, and disclosure of Confidential Information, they shall
notify the Client as soon as reasonably possible.
11.5. The Agency and Agency Staff acknowledge and agree that all
Confidential Information of the Client, whether received or created before
or after the commencement of the Agreement, will be received in the
strictest confidence and will be held by the Agency and Agency Staff only
in accordance with and subject to the terms of the Agreement. The
Agency and Agency Staff shall retain such information in confidence and
shall treat such information in accordance with the terms of the
Agreement and with a degree of care no less than the degree of care
that the Agency and Agency Staff employs for the protection of their own
confidential information of a similar nature.
11.6. The Agency and Agency Staff shall:
(i) Not issue any communication, information, document or article in
respect of the substance of this Agreement for publication in any
media without the prior written approval of the Client;
(ii) Promptly notify the Client of any Incident, by any person that has
become known to them;
(iii) Promptly furnish to the Client the details of such Incident, and
assist the Client in investigating or preventing the recurrence of
any Incident;
(iv) Cooperate with the Client in any litigation and investigation against
third parties deemed necessary by the Client to protect the
Confidential Information, to the extent such litigation or
investigation is related to this Agreement; and
(v) Promptly use reasonable efforts to prevent a recurrence of any
11.7. The Agency and Agency Staff will not disclose the amount of the fees
paid by the Client to the Agency except as required for financial or legal
planning or by law.
12. Termination
12.1. In the event that the Agency breaches this Agreement, or Agency Staff
otherwise fails to perform the Services in accordance with the terms of
this Agreement, performs the Services negligently and/or engages in
misconduct, the Client may terminate this Agreement immediately and
without notice for cause.
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12.2. Either the Agency or the Client may terminate this Agreement upon
giving the other party thirty (30) calendar days notice in writing. In lieu of
such notice, the Client may elect to terminate this Agreement
immediately upon written notice and pay the Agency an amount equal to
thirty (30) calendar days fees calculated based on the fees charged by
the Agency in the preceding thirty (30) calendar days.
12.3. The Client may also waive the thirty (30) calendar days notice given by
the Agency and terminate this Agreement immediately upon receiving
notice from the Agency.
12.4. The Agency hereby acknowledges that Agency Staff are not employees
of the Client and the Client shall not be responsible for any employment
related entitlements including, without limitation, notice of termination of
this Agreement under the Employment Standards Act, 2000, the
Occupational Health and Safety Act and/or the Workplace Safety and
Insurance Act, or any other employment related statutes, as may be
amended from time to time and/or the common law. To the extent that
such entitlements are found to be owing, the Agency hereby indemnifies
and holds harmless the Client from any such payments deemed owing.
13. Severability
13.1. If any provision of this Agreement, or the application of such provision to
any person or in any circumstance, shall be determined to be invalid,
illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement, and
the application of such provision to any person or in any circumstance
other than that to which it is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable,
shall not be affected thereby.
14. Amendments
14.1. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both
15. Entire Agreement
15.1. This is the entire Agreement between the Client and the Agency with
respect to the Services to be provided by the Agency and Agency Staff
to the Client and supersedes any prior agreements with respect to such
services whether written or oral.
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16. No Waiver
16.1. The failure of any party to insist upon the strict performance of a
covenant or obligation hereunder, irrespective of the length of time for
which such failures continue, shall not be a waiver of such party’s right to
demand strict performance in the future. No consent or waiver, express
or implied, to or of any breach of default in the performance of any
covenant or obligation hereunder shall constitute a consent or waiver to
or of any other breach or default in the performance of the same or of
any other obligation hereunder.
17. Non-Exclusive
17.1. This Agreement does not give the Agency and/or Agency Staff the
exclusive right to provide the Services or similar services. The Client
reserves the right to perform or purchase the same or similar services
from other sources during the term of this Agreement.
18. Assignment
18.1. This agreement is personal in nature and may not be assigned by either
party hereto.
19. Enurement
19.1. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall enure to the benefit of
each of the parties hereto and their respective employees and permitted
receivers, successors and assigns.
20. Law
20.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with
the laws of the Province of Ontario.
21. Schedules
21.1. The following Schedules attached form part of this Agreement:
(i) Schedule “A” Services and Payment; and
(ii) Schedule “B” Region’s Confirmation of Health and Safety
Practice Form
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement, this _______day of
_______________________ , _______ .
_____________________________ ___________________________________
Barb Goodwin MPA, CPA/CGA, B. Comm, CPM, CMMIII
Commissioner, Corporate Services
Schedule “A” Submission
Region of Durham
Job Classification
(Manager reference)
General scope of duties
Specific job duties are dependent on the
department/division being supported but may
include the following types of functions:
Temporary Agency Bill
General office,
clerical and
administrative roles
Data Entry
General duties are basic clerical duties (filing,
answering phones, reception, booking
Primary focus of role is data entry utilizing
various systems and data
No word processing duties
Support Clerk,
Switchboard Operator
Basic clerical duties (filing, answering phones,
managing multiple line phone system, or
Basic computer skills required in MS Word and
Customer Service
Representative (CSR)
Responsible for receiving and documenting
large volume of general inquiries about
Durham Region and services offered
Primarily support and provide information on
basic service requests, resolving and routing
the more complex appropriately
Clerk 2 or 3,
Mail Clerk,
Scheduling Clerk,
Administrative and clerical support at an
intermediate-advanced level of MS Office
May respond to inquiries as front line contact
for the public.
Role may have emphasis on transcription,
minutes, reports, scheduling etc
Senior CSR
Same general functionality as CSR but will
handle more complex inquiries and services
Technical Assistant,
Administrative and coordination activities with a
specific technical skillset (i.e., Communications,
Civil engineering, contracts, regulatory
Performs administrative support to a member
of the Senior Leadership team
Intermediate to Advanced MS Office skills
Political acumen
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Region of Durham
Job Classification
(Manager reference)
General scope of duties
Specific job duties are dependent on the
department/division being supported but may
include the following types of functions:
Temporary Agency Bill
Finance related
Accounting Clerk
Assist in the receipt and issuance of payments,
vouchers, and/or cheques, ensuring
appropriate documentation and the current and
accurate maintenance of applicable records
and/or databases.
Responds to inquiries regarding account and/or
payment statuses, financial processes and
procedures, and explaining options for
payment and consequences of non-payment
Senior Accounting
Verifying the validity of invoices & receiving
documents & reconciling them with authorized
Purchase orders
Reviewing vendor statements for problems &
investigating outstanding account balances
Experience with PeopleSoft Financial
Information Management system (FIMS)
Process Vouchers in PeopleSoft for Payment
Call-center account resolution
A/R collections
Financial Analyst 1
Preparation of financial and statistical
information and reports
Analysis of various financial data
University degree and in-process of CPA
Financial Analyst 2
Maintain and control the financial records and
provide financial expertise, analysis, advice
and coordination regarding financial policies,
procedures, legislation and reconciliation of
financial statements
Monitor and analyze variances
Reconcile general ledger
University degree and in-process of CPA
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Region of Durham
Job Classification
(Manager reference)
General scope of duties
Specific job duties are dependent on the
department/division being supported but may
include the following types of functions:
Temporary Agency Bill
Technology related
GIS Specialist
Create, compile and maintain multiple
components of various databases to ensure
existing databases are accurate and that
database features represent real world
features. Manipulate complex databases to be
used as analytical information
Research, design, create, update, produce,
and deliver map products, sketches and
Application development
Project planning, execution and business
System Support
Help Desk related functions
Support for hardware and operating system
Computer set-up, configuration, and software
Technology Analyst
Review, design, recommend and implement
End-user support
Systems Analyst
Software development and ongoing
maintenance required to resolve business
Process and procedure documentation
Implement and support secure database
Business Analyst
Liaison between IT and business unit to assist
in achieving project deliverables
Strong project management skills - PMP
CCAP or CCBA preferred
Relevant computer skills and knowledge
Information Security
Administer and maintain the Information
Security Systems.
Provide technical support to users
Security audit support
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Region of Durham
Job Classification
(Manager reference)
General scope of duties
Specific job duties are dependent on the
department/division being supported but may
include the following types of functions:
Temporary Agency Bill
Health Care related
Personal Support
Must possess PSW certificate (600 hours
Must have acceptable Vulnerable Sector check
Provide direct personal care to residents (i.e.
feeding, lift and transfer, toileting, bathing etc.)
Registered Practical
Must be registered with College of Nurses of
Must have administration of medication
Must have acceptable Vulnerable Sector check
Provide nursing services to residents inclusive
of administration of medication
Registered Nurse
Long-term Care
Must be registered with College of Nurses of
Must have acceptable Vulnerable Sector check
Provide treatment, assessment, medications
and other nursing interventions
Registered Nurse
Public Health
Must be registered with College of Nurses
Must have acceptable Vulnerable Sector check
Immunizations related work
Registered Pharmacy
Storing, dispensing, distributing publicly funded
pharmaceuticals and vaccines
Inventory management
Must be Registered with College of
Confirmation of favourable
health and safety practice form
To Contractor(s):
The Region of Durham is committed to:
1. The prevention of workplace injury and illness to all workers at Regional work locations.
2. The belief that contractor safety is compatible with the safety policy of the Region and is
good business.
3. Reserving the right to cite contractors for any violation of the contract.
To ensure the Regional workplace is a healthy and safe working environment, contractors,
constructors and sub-contractors must have knowledge of and operate in compliance with the
Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and any other legislation pertaining to employee
health and safety.
For long term contracts, or contracts involving pre-selected contractors, the Region reserves
the right to cancel (or place on probation) the contract of any contractor who is charged
and/or convicted of offences under the OHSA while carrying out any part of a project with the
Contractor's Statement of Responsibility
As a contractor retained to perform work for the Region of Durham, I/we accept the following
health and safety responsibilities:
1. I/we confirm compliance with all procedures and requirements of the OHSA, Regional
safety policies and procedures, department and site specific policies and procedures,
and all applicable legislation and regulations.
2. I/we agree to work safely with skill and care so as to prevent accidental injury to
ourselves, fellow employees and all other persons on the site of the work.
3. For contracts or sub-contracts that involve commercial motor vehicles as defined by the
Highway Traffic Act, I/we confirm possession of a current Carrier CVOR abstract with
one of the following safety ratings: Excellent; Satisfactory; Conditional; or Satisfactory -
Unaudited. I/we confirm the Carrier CVOR abstract will be maintained throughout the
entire term of the contract.
4. I/we will advise the Region if the CVOR safety rating of our firm is changed to
“Unsatisfactory” at any time during the course of the contract and, upon request, will
Confirmation of favourable health and safety practice form continued
provide the Region with a copy of the most recent Carrier CVOR abstract indicating the
sanctions imposed by the Ministry of Transportation.
5. I/we certify that I/we have all statutorily required policies and programs in place in
accordance with the OHSA, including but not limited to a current and valid Health and
Safety Policy Statement in accordance with section 25(2)(j).
6. I/we certify that all required equipment, materials, and protective devices, along with
related procedures, are provided, used, and maintained in good condition, in
accordance with the OHSA.
7. I/we certify that all staff are apprised of and will comply with legislation, public health
guidelines and the Region’s procedures as they relate to COVID-19. It is understood
that the Region may request that Company/Contractor Staff be replaced if they are not
complying with these policies and procedures and the Company/Contractor shall
promptly facilitate the replacement.
8. I/we verify that each Company/Contractor Staff (including sub-contractors) assigned to
the Region of Durham who will have in-person interaction with Regional employees or
the public in performance of work has received the required number of doses of a
COVID-19 vaccine, or a combination of COVID-19 vaccines approved by Health
Canada and/or the World Health Organization at the correct interval; in addition to
getting any required subsequent booster dose(s) in future.
Updated June 22, 2022 Finance Department/Purchasing Section