A.Guardado ‘18
Rogerian Argument
Similarly to the Problem Solving structure, the Rogerian argument is structured the same but with more information. Using
multiple sources, and not just two essays, it neutrally explains both sides of an argument along with the points they have
in common and a possible compromise.
The introduction follows the general essay structure. It will need an attention grabber, which is a simple sentence designed
to grab the reader’s attention that is related to the issue. Then, it needs the background information on the issue. Finally,
the thesis statement is the only thing that is unique. It must mention the problem, both sides of the argument, the
common ground, and the compromise. For example:
When it comes to deforestation, some people say it is hurting
the planet, while others say it is the ecological response to not using harmful plastics. Both sides want the least
impact on the environment, and this can be achieved if tree farms are used.
Although, the compromise section does
not need to be so specific.
For the body of the essay, there are two ways to present the information. The first example is recommended.
The common ground is the paragraph where the goal of both sides is talked about. In other words, what is the overall thing
they want to help, protect, or stop? Mention what Side A’s goal is, then mention what Side B’s goal is. Follow it by comparing
how they are connected to each other. For example:
Finally, the compromise is a paragraph right before the conclusion that explains how both sides can work together to
come up with an even better solution. This compromise must be mutually beneficial to both sides, and it must help their
common ground objectives. This section can include more than one compromise, but not necessary.
The conclusion is going to be the same as any other essay. It will re-state the thesis, the main arguments from both sides,
the common ground, and the compromise. Then, it will have your overall thought on the issue.
Side AArgumentative point 1
Side BArgumentative point 1
Side AArgumentative point 2
Side BArgumentative point 2
Side AArgumentative point 1
Side AArgumentative point 2
Side BArgumentative point 1
Side BArgumentative point 2
Side A wants to stop the excess of paper products
because of the ecological effects that come from
deforestation. Side B wants to continue to use paper
products, maybe even increase them, because of the
ecological effects that come from plastic products. It
seems that both sides are trying to do what is best for
the environment, and by association, humanity.
A.Guardado ‘18
Attention Getter: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Background Information: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thesis: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Side A
Point 1 ____________________________________
Point 2 ____________________________________
Point 3 ____________________________________
Point 4 ____________________________________
Side B
Point 1 _____________________________________
Point 2 _____________________________________
Point 3 _____________________________________
Point 4 _____________________________________