Today’s Date
Your street address
Your City, State, and Zip Code
Lynn Employer
XYZ Company
6789 Main Street
Salina, KS 64088
Dear Mr. / Ms. Employer: (If you do not have a name, call the employer to get one.)
First paragraph: Why you are writing
In your initial paragraph, state the reason for your letter.
Letter of application: You are applying in response to a specific opening. State the position and indicate
how you learned of it. If you found out from someone currently working there, be sure to mention their
name (with their permission, of course).
Letter of inquiry: You are inquiring to find out if there are openings in your field of interest with this
Second paragraph: What you have to offer
Indicate why you are interested in this position or this organization. Do your research! Above all, indicate
what you can do for the employer. This is known as an employer-focused letter. If all of your paragraphs
begin with “I”, then you have written a self-focused letter. Change your wording! If you are a recent
graduate, explain how your academic background makes you a qualified candidate for the position. If you
have practical work experience, point out your specific achievements or unique qualifications. You may
refer to the enclosed résumé, but try not to repeat the same information that the reader will find there.
This is your chance to expand that information and really shine.
Third paragraph: What happens next
In the closing paragraph, indicate your desire for a personal interview. Close with a statement that will
encourage a response. For example, state that you will be in the city where the organization is located on
a certain date and would like to set up an interview. Or, simply state that you will call on a certain date
and time to inquire about an interview. Ask the employer to contact you if they desire additional
information. Repeat your phone number (make sure this is somewhere you can be reached during the
day or that has an answering machine) and thank them for their time.
(Your handwritten signature in blue or black ink)
Typed Name
Enclosure (add an “s” to make it plural if you enclose more than a résumé)
Cover Letter Guidelines
March 31, 20XX
123 Main Street
San Angelo, TX 76904
Brian Jones
Senior Employment Representative
Allen, Howell and Jones
1234 N. Main Street
Wichita, KS 12321
Dear Mr. Jones:
It was with much interest I read your job announcement for a staff accountant listed with the Career
Development office at Angelo State University. I would like to be considered for this position with your
In May, I will graduate with an Accounting degree from Angelo State University. My degree in accounting
and my job related experience at Able Accounting Services make me a strong candidate for this position.
My college course work complements my work experience, focusing on developing basic accounting
knowledge, analytical ability and excellent attention to detail. In addition, I am a very active student,
holding leadership positions in both my sorority and in Beta Alpha Psi.
Enclosed is my résumé for your review. I would appreciate a time when we could get together to further
discuss qualifications for this position. If you need any further information from me, please do not hesitate
to contact me at (325) 678-0099. Thank you for your consideration.
(Your handwritten signature in blue or black ink)
Typed Name
Enclosure (add an “s” to make it plural if you enclose more than a résumé)
Cover Letter Sample
Subject: Application for [position title]
Dear Mr. / Ms. Employer: (If you do not have a specific name, call the employer to get one.)
First paragraph: Why you are writing
In your initial paragraph, state the reason for your letter.
Letter of application: You are applying in response to a specific opening. State the position and
indicate how you learned of it. If you found out from someone currently working there, be sure to
mention their name (with their permission, of course).
Letter of inquiry: You are inquiring to find out if there are openings in your field of interest with this
Second paragraph: What you have to offer
Indicate why you are interested in this position or this organization. Do your research! Above all, indicate
what you can do for the employer. This is known as an employer-focused letter. If all of your paragraphs
begin with “I”, then you have written a self-focused letter. Change your wording! If you are a recent
graduate, explain how your academic background makes you a qualified candidate for the position. If you
have practical work experience, point out your specific achievements or unique qualifications. You may
refer to the enclosed résumé, but try not to repeat the same information that the reader will find there.
This is your chance to expand that information and really shine.
Third paragraph: What happens next
In the closing paragraph, indicate your desire for a personal interview. Close with a statement that will
encourage a response. For example, state that you will be in the city where the organization is located on
a certain date and would like to set up an interview. Or, simply state that you will call on a certain date
and time to inquire about an interview. Ask the employer to contact you if they desire additional
information. Repeat your phone number (make sure this is somewhere you can be reached during the
day or that has an answering machine) and thank them for their time.
Typed Name
Enclosure (add an “s” to make it plural if you enclose more than a résumé)
Cover Letter - Email Guidelines
Subject: Application for Staff Accountant Position
Dear Mr. Jones:
It was with much interest I read your job announcement for a staff accountant listed with the Career
Development office at Angelo State University. I would like to be considered for this position with your
In May, I will graduate with an Accounting degree from Angelo State University. My degree in accounting
and my job related experience at Able Accounting Services make me a strong candidate for this position.
My college course work complements my work experience, focusing on developing basic accounting
knowledge, analytical ability and excellent attention to detail. In addition, I am a very active student,
holding leadership positions in both my sorority and in Beta Alpha Psi.
Enclosed is my résumé for your review. I would appreciate a time when we could get together to further
discuss qualifications for this position. If you need any further information from me, please do not hesitate
to contact me at (325) 678-0099. Thank you for your consideration.
Typed Name
Enclosure (add an “s” to make it plural if you enclose more than a résumé)
Cover Letter Email Sample
Your street address
Your City, State, and Zip Code
Today’s Date
Lynn Employer
XYZ Company
6789 Main Street
Salina, KS 64088
Dear Mr. / Ms. Employer: (If you do not have a specific name, call the employer to get one.)
First paragraph: Why you are writing
In your initial paragraph, state the reason for your letter.
Thank you: Thank the employer for taking time out of their schedule to speak with you. State the
position you had applied for and state something positive you noticed about the company,
department, or team.
Second paragraph: What you have to offer
Indicate why you are interested in this position or this organization. Do your research! Above all, indicate
what you can do for the employer. If you are a recent graduate, explain how your academic background
makes you a qualified candidate for the position. If you have practical work experience, point out your
specific achievements or unique qualifications that would benefit the company.
Third paragraph: What happens next
State that you understand they will be getting back to you soon. Tell them that if they need any additional
information or have questions, to contact you and give a good contact number. State that you look
forward to the possibility of working with that person.
(Your handwritten signature in blue or black ink)
Typed Name
Thank You Letter Guidelines
3814 N. Nashua
San Angelo, TX 76909
March 31, 20XX
John A. Engel
Manager, Corporate Relations
Innovative Technologist
13259 E. Harry
San Angelo, TX 76902-1234
Dear Mr. Engel:
Thank you for taking the time to talk with me yesterday about the Publicity Specialist position at
Innovative Technologies. I was very impressed with the communications development group. It was clear
that they are a professional, enthusiastic group of people who enjoy working together as a team.
I was especially excited about the upcoming TechComm project that you described. My marketing
internship, along with my writing, public relations and computer skills, match well with the tasks you
described as necessary to get the project up and running. I would enjoy being a part of that kind of team.
I understand that you will be getting back with me sometime within the next two weeks. If I can provide
any additional information in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me at (325) 123-4567. I look
forward to the possibility of working with you.
(Your handwritten signature in blue or black ink)
Typed Name
Thank You Letter Sample
Subject: Thank you for meeting with me
Dear Mr. / Ms. Employer: (If you do not have a specific name, call the employer to get one.)
First paragraph: Why you are writing
In your initial paragraph, state the reason for your letter.
Thank you: Thank the employer for taking time out of their schedule to speak with you. State the
position you had applied for and state something positive you noticed about the company,
department, or team.
Second paragraph: What you have to offer
Indicate why you are interested in this position or this organization. Do your research! Above all, indicate
what you can do for the employer. If you are a recent graduate, explain how your academic background
makes you a qualified candidate for the position. If you have practical work experience, point out your
specific achievements or unique qualifications that would benefit the company.
Third paragraph: What happens next
State that you understand they will be getting back to you soon. Tell them that if they need any additional
information or have questions, to contact you and give a good contact number. State that you look
forward to the possibility of working with that person.
Typed Name
Thank You Letter - Email Guidelines
Subject: Thank you for meeting with me
Dear Mr. Engel:
Thank you for taking the time to talk with me yesterday about the Publicity Specialist position at
Innovative Technologies. I was very impressed with the communications development group. It was clear
that they are a professional, enthusiastic group of people who enjoy working together as a team.
I was especially excited about the upcoming TechComm project that you described. My marketing
internship, along with my writing, public relations and computer skills, match well with the tasks you
described as necessary to get the project up and running. I would enjoy being a part of that kind of team.
I understand that you will be getting back with me sometime within the next two weeks. If I can provide
any additional information in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me at (325) 123-4567. I look
forward to the possibility of working with you.
Typed Name
Thank You Letter Email Sample
Subject: Following up on [position title] application
Dear Mr. / Ms. Employer: (If you do not have a specific name, call the employer to get one.)
First paragraph: Why you are writing
In your initial paragraph, state the reason for your letter.
Thank you: Thank the employer for taking time out of their schedule to speak with you. State that
you know how busy they are, but you recently applied for the [position title] position and wanted
to check in on their decision timeline. Tell them you are excited about the opportunity to join
[company name] and help [state something specific (bring in new clients/develop world-class
content/ anything awesome you would be doing)] with your team.
Second paragraph: What happens next
Tell them to let you know if it would be helpful to provide any additional information or answer any
questions as they move on to the next stage in the hiring process, that you would be happy to do so.
Provide your number again.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Typed Name
*The best time to send a follow up email is if you have not heard from the hiring manager in a
week or two. Do not keep sending emails, just one will do.
Follow Up Email Guidelines
Subject: Following up on Staff Accountant application
Dear Mr. Jones
I wanted to start by thanking you for taking the time out of your schedule to speak with me. I know you are
busy, but I recently applied for the Staff Accountant position and wanted to check in on your decision
timeline. I am excited about the opportunity to join Career Development and help Angelo State develop
world-class students as a member of your time.
If it would be helpful to provide any additional information or if you have any questions I can answer as
you move on to the next stage in the hiring process, please contact me. My number again is 325-555-
I look forward to hearing from you,
Typed Name
Follow Up Email Sample