A Report by Shelby Jablon
Master of Urban and Regional Planning Candidate
University of Colorado, Denver
Prepared for:
Valley Advocates for Responsible Development
Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance
Capstone Project submied to sasfy the degree requirements of the
Master of Urban and Regional Planning Program,
College of Architecture and Planning, University of Colorado Denver
Advisor: Ken Schroeppel
Submied May 14, 2020
The study area of this report encompasses
Teton County, Wyoming and Teton, County
Idaho, an area that covers approximately
4,667 square miles. Both counes are premier
tourist desnaons, aracng thousands of
overnight visitors every year. The two counes
are situated along the Idaho/Wyoming border
in the Teton Mountain range. This mountain
range is a large aracon for visitors who
take advantage of the plenful opportunies
for skiing, hiking, mountain biking and sight-
seeing. Addionally, Teton County, Wyoming
hosts the southern entrance to Yellowstone
Naonal Park. This entrance provides visitors
with access to Yellowstones to two million
acres of protected area containing waterfalls,
geysers and a diverse array of wildlife. The
tourists that make their way to the Tetons
are vital to keeping countless businesses in
operaon, and supporng the local economy.
Restaurants, hotels and ski resorts alike all rely
on the inux of visitors into the area every year.
While tourism contributes to the local
economy and plays a vital nancial role in
the area, the inux of visitors also brings
unintended consequences to the communies
they visit. The desire for aordable and unique
accommodaons has driven many to ulize
short-term rental properes rather than
tradional lodging such as hotels, motels
and lodges. Since the company Airbnb was
established in 2007, vacaon rental companies
have become increasingly common within
the Unites States and internaonally. Like
many others, property owners within Teton
County, Wyoming and Teton County, have
seen short-term rentals as an opportunity
to capitalize on their properes. The short-
term rental market is becoming increasingly
saturated within the study area, resulng
in both posive and negave impacts on
these communies. These impacts will be
amplied as this pracce connues to grow.
The Client organizaons for this project
are The Valley Advocates for Responsible
Development and The Jackson Hole
Conservaon Alliance. These two
organizaons are focused on understanding
environmental, social and economic issues
within the Teton region. The objecve of
this report is to determine how the short-
term rental market has impacted the study
area and to provide policy recommendaons
to migate the negave impacts resulng
from the rise of short-term rental units.
Background Research
The inial phase of the study included
compleng background research on the topic
of short-term rentals. Peer reviewed research
arcles helped to provide an understanding
of the dierent types of short-term rental
properes that are commonly seen and
their impacts on the communies they are
located in. It was found that short-term rental
properes can generally be grouped into
three categories: full-home rentals, private
room rentals, and shared space rentals. While
these types of rentals can all be listed on
popular vacaon rental plaorms; such as
Airbnb, VRBO and HomeAway, they oen
have very dierent impacts on communies.
These impacts oen vary based on the size
and scope of the short-term rentals. Full-
home rentals are oen ulized by investors
or individuals with mulple homes, while
private room and shared space rentals are
generally located within residenal units
that have a full me resident residing in the
home. It was also discovered that while short-
term rental properes can have economic
benets, they can also have a signicant
negave impact on housing availability.
Addional background research also included
a review of other exisng short-term rental
studies. It was found that a number of
communies have conducted studies into
short-term rentals with the goal of using their
ndings to provide new or updated regulaons.
These studies generally employ similar
techniques to understand rental markets
including stakeholder surveys, research into
comparable community regulaons, and
assessments of housing data. The informaon
in this research was ulized to create the
methodology for the remainder of the report.
Existing Short-Term Rental
Aer examining data on short-term rental
properes within the area, it was found that
there were approximately 2,575 individual
short-term rental properes acve within
the study area from February 2019 to
February 2020. Of these 2,575 properes,
approximately 67 percent were located within
Teton County, Wyoming, with the remaining
33 percent located within Teton County,
Idaho. It was also found that the short-term
rental market in the study area is subject to
seasonal uctuaon. During February of
2020, there were a total of approximately
1,877 acve short-term rental properes with
a total of 1,254 properes located on the in
the Wyoming poron of the study area, and
the remaining 623 located within Idaho. It
was also found that property owners in Idaho
are more likely to oer up a single room or
shared space within their home for a short-
term rental than those in Wyoming, where
almost all short-term rentals are enre homes.
Housing Analysis
When comparing the short-term rental
properes within the study area to exisng
housing data, it was found that these rental
properes are likely negavely impacng
the availability of housing for residents.
Approximately 6.9 percent of the total housing
units within Teton County, Wyoming have been
converted to use as full me short-term rental
properes. This percentage is even higher to
the west of the Tetons, where approximately 7.9
percent of housing units have been operang
as full me short-term rentals in the past year.
The data also indicated that the opportunies
to earn high prots from vacaon rentals are
likely movang an increasing number of
property owners to partake in the pracce. It
was found that the average monthly income
for a vacaon rental within the Wyoming
poron of the study area is approximately
$5,791, while the average monthly income
earned on the Idaho side is approximately
$2,920. The potenal income of these rental
properes in both counes is higher than
the median rental price, and median monthly
mortgage payments. These high prots
can make renng a property to short-term
tourists more lucrave compared to renng
the properes to long term tenants. The
opportunity to make high prots through short-
term rentals not only drive up local property
values, but also incenvizes purchasing
mulple homes as investments, ulmately
leaving fewer properes available for purchase or long-term rental.
The recommendaons for the study area have been summarized
Teton County, Idaho
Include Short-Term Rentals as use in Land Development Code
Require Short-Term Rental Perming
Ulize a Third Party Monitoring Company
Evaluate Need for Code Enforcement Ocer
City of Driggs, Idaho and City of Victor, Idaho
Include Short-Term Rentals as use in Land Development Codes
Establish a Principal Dwelling Requirement
Provide Excepon for Accessory Dwelling Units
Require Condional Use Permits
Ulize a Third Party Monitoring Company
City of Tetonia, Idaho
Monitor Properes for Business Licenses
Teton County, Wyoming
Require Perming of Short-Term Rental Properes
Ulize a Third Party Monitoring Company
Town of Jackson, Wyoming
Addional short-term rental recommendaons for the Town of
Jackson have not been deemed necessary at this me.