250 E Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20525
202-606-5000/ 800-942-2677
Monitoring Document Request
Grantee Resource
Office of Monitoring
January 2024
When selected for monitoring, grantees will receive a request for initial
documents from the Office of Monitoring. This resource serves as an additional
reference of the documents that may be requested.
This resource includes the list of documents that may be requested to complete
routine compliance monitoring of selected grantees. The required documents
depend on the monitoring activity or activities assigned to the grant. In addition,
some monitoring activities include a supplemental document request, based on
the initially submitted documents. This resource identifies supplemental
documents where applicable.
Note that some documents might not apply to all organizations or programs.
Table of Contents
1. Financial and Operational Fitness Assessment (FOFA) ....................................... 2
2. Program Specific: Commission Operations Monitoring Review ........................ 4
3. Program Specific: AmeriCorps State and National (ASN) ................................. 8
4. Program Specific: VISTA ......................................................................................... 9
5. Program Specific: Senior Companion Program (SCP) ..................................... 12
6. Program Specific: Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) .................................... 14
7. Program Specific: Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) .................. 16
8. Program Specific: Days of Service ...................................................................... 18
9. New to AmeriCorps .............................................................................................. 20
10. National Service Criminal History Check (NSCHC) ........................................... 23
11. Prohibited Activities .............................................................................................. 25
1. Financial and Operational Fitness Assessment (FOFA)
FOFA - Initial Documents
Document Name
Blank In-Kind Voucher
A blank sample of the documentation your organization
uses to record and value in-kind donations
Chart of Accounts
A document outlining the accounting codes and cost
centers used by your organization to identify transactions
by expense type, and by project/grant.
Completed Segregation of Duties
A worksheet demonstrating internal controls of your
organization and how the responsibilities for specific duties
are divided across organization staff. The worksheet
requiring completion can be found under ‘Resources’ at
Cost Allocation Policies
All policies describing how costs are charged to specific
direct cost centers, and/or to indirect cost centers. The
policy/policies should also identify the allocation methods
used. This may be a single document, or a separate
allocation policy for direct costs and indirect costs.
Documentation of Personnel
Expenses/Timekeeping Policies and
Policies and Procedures related to how employees who
charge time to the grant record, validate, and receive
approval for their time worked.
Federal Cash Management Policy and
Policies and Procedures related to the drawdown of federal
funds, including both any overarching policy as well as
procedural information such as who initiates, approves,
submits a drawdown, when that happens, etc.
Fiscal Policies/Accounting Handbook
Pertinent organizational policies and procedures related to
internal controls, accounting practices, financial
management, etc.
General Ledger showing the Federal
share of expenses for the time period
corresponding with the Federal
Financial Report (FFR) identified by the
Monitoring Officer.
The General Ledger should clearly show the total figure
reported as Federal Expenditures on the Federal Financial
Report (FFR) for the period requested in the Monitoring
Officer Notes below. If possible, please submit a version
exported to Excel. If it is not clear how these figures match,
or if calculations were required, please provide an
annotation on the document or a separate document with
Key Concepts of Financial Grants
Management Training Certificate
Certificates demonstrating that staff have completed the
Key Concepts of Financial Grants Management Training in
the last year.
FOFA - Initial Documents
Document Name
List of Costs Included as Indirect Costs
Provide a list of the specific costs that your organization
includes as indirect costs. For example, rent, admin staff,
utilities, etc.
Match Ledger showing the
grantee/sponsor share of expenses for
the time period corresponding with the
Federal Financial Report (FFR) identified
by the Monitoring Officer.
The Match Ledger should clearly show the total figure
reported as Grantee/Recipient Share of Expenditures on
the Federal Financial Report (FFR) for the period requested
in the Monitoring Officer Notes below. If possible, please
submit a version exported to Excel. If it is not clear how
these figures match, or if calculations were required,
please provide an annotation on the document or a
separate document with notes.
Match Policy
Organization policy describing the sources, types, methods
of tracking and reporting of match.
Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate
Agreement (if applicable), or Indirect
Cost Allocation Plan (State and Local
Governments Only)
Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable), or
Indirect Cost Allocation Plan (State and Local Governments
Only) A NICRA is document that confirms and outlines the
approved indirect cost rate negotiated between the
Federal Government and a grantee’s organization.
State and local governments may alternatively submit a
cost allocation plan, which identifies how direct and
indirect costs are allocated across different cost centers.
Organizational Chart
An organizational chart that covers all positions that
support the project (both direct and indirect).
Procedures for determining the
allowability of costs
All policies or procedures that describe how the
allowability of costs is determined.
Procurement Policies
All policies or procedures that describe how the
allowability of costs is determined.
Record Retention Policies
A policy describing an organization's legal and compliance
recordkeeping practices.
FOFA - Initial Documents
Document Name
Sample Timesheet (Completed) and
A sample of a completed timesheet for an employee in
your organization who charges time to the grant. If
possible, please provide an example for an individual that is
partially allocated to the grant.
If utilizing and electronic timekeeping system, please
provide a written description of the electronic timekeeping
process that your organization implements. What does a
complete, approved timecard look like (for example, are
approvals shown via check marks by daily entries, and
'approved' icon on the timecard, an electronic signature of
the employee/member and their supervisor, etc.)
Supporting documentation for the
selected drawdown(s) from the
Payment Management System.
Provide supporting documentation for the selected
Payment Management System drawdown(s). This includes
a tabulation or ledger of the individual transactions
included in the drawdown(s), any associated approvals,
signatures, or process steps outlined in your organizational
policies and procedures, and the PMS drawdown
FOFA - Supplemental Documents
Document Name
Supporting Documentation for the
Selected Expenses in the Cost Sample
Supporting documentation is required for each transaction
identified by the Monitoring Officer in the Cost Sample
Worksheet. Supporting documentation includes any
underlying agreements or contracts, invoices, payment
requests, procurement documentation, receipts, and proof
of payment.
2. Program Specific: Commission Operations Monitoring Review
Commission Operations - Initial Documents
Document Name
Enforcement Policy for Noncompliance
Commission's internal guidelines around enforcement
actions it will take if noncompliance is identified
List of Subrecipients with Audit Findings
A list of all subrecipients who were identified as having
financial findings, either through audit or monitoring.
Please enter N/A if there were no audit findings in the
Commission Operations - Initial Documents
Document Name
Member Management Policies, TTA
Policies and TTA materials for the Commission's
subrecipients pertaining to member management and
supervision. This may be contained in a document you
already submitted; if so, please note where in another
document we can find this. If these materials are housed
on a shared website, please submit the link in this
Member Interviewee Pre-Selection
The completed version of the template provided for this
request should include the following for each member: the
address of their daily service, the name of their on-site
supervisor, and their expected end-date
Policy for Applying Specific Conditions
Policy or procedure the Commission relies on when
considering whether to apply a special condition on a
subrecipient's grant
Policy for Evaluating Subrecipient Risk
The policy or procedure the Commission uses to evaluate
subrecipient risk of noncompliance and to tailor monitoring
accordingly. This may be contained in a document you
already submitted; if so, please note where in another
document we can find this
PPR Data Reporting Tools for
Any materials you provide to your subrecipients on how to
approach performance measure data collection and
reporting, and / or any guidance or instructions you
provide to them that would clarify your state's process.
PPR Data Summary Chart for Sampled
The MO will select one performance measure (PM) in the
PPR to test. We want to see how the reported figures
(output and outcome) were determined. This document
(the PPR Data Summary Chart) is whatever tool,
spreadsheet, or aggregation system you (or your
subrecipient) use to total up the data for this performance
measure. We will select a sample from this document for
which we will want to see source documentation in the
next round.
For example, if the PM relates to tutoring, and your output
is number of students served, and the outcome is number
of students improved, for this document request, we want
to see the spreadsheet (or equivalent tool) used to tally up
student attendance and student performance, which
informs the PPR entries.
Commission Operations - Initial Documents
Document Name
Prohibited Activities Policies and
Training Materials
Any statewide policy or training materials you provide to
subrecipients regarding prohibited activities. If this is
contained in another document, please note where we can
view it.
Recruitment Tools and Materials
Any tools or materials related to recruitment that the
Commission makes available to its subrecipients. If this is
housed in another document or on your website, please
indicate where we can view it.
Member Supervisor Training
Documentation that the selected member supervisor has
completed training to serve as an AmeriCorps member
supervisor, in accordance with the policies and
expectations set forth by the Commission.
Member Supervisor Training Policies
The Commission's policies and expectations it has for
member supervisors at the subrecipient / service site level.
This may be contained in a document you already
submitted; if so, please notate where in another document
we can find this.
Statewide Teleservice Policy
If the Commission allows teleservice, please provide the
statewide teleservice policy, which is required by the ASN
guidance issued in January of 2023.
Subrecipient Audit Tracking Method
Documentation that the Commission is verifying
subrecipient audit requirements on an annual basis in
accordance with 2 CFR 200.332 (f). A written description of
the Commission's method will suffice.
Subrecipient Monitoring Plan, Policy,
Tools, or Other Materials
Policy or procedure the Commission uses to guide its
monitoring activities (and how risk is considered), which
may include timelines, monitoring tools, and
considerations that precipitate monitoring
Subrecipient Selection Process
Materials the Commission uses to review, assess, and
select organizations for inclusion in their competitive
application. This may include rubrics, instructions for
readers, statewide priorities, selection procedures, etc.
Subrecipient Selection Process
Materials the Commission uses to review, assess, and
select organizations for formula funding. This may include
rubrics, checklists, statewide priorities, selection
procedures, etc.
Training Materials for Subrecipients'
Member Hour Tracking
Training materials the Commission makes available to its
subrecipients to inform the field about member hour
tracking requirements and best practices
Commission Operations - Initial Documents
Document Name
Any Other Materials
If you believe there are policies and procedures the
Commission maintains that may provide insight to your MO
as they complete the UMP assessment, please upload
them. If this is housed in another document or on your
website, please indicate where we can view it.
Commission Operations - Supplemental Documents
Document Name
Commission's Verification that Audit
Findings are Resolved (Subrecipient
If there were financial findings in the portfolio, please
provide documentation that the Commission verified that
the subrecipient resolved them (per 2 CFR 200.332(d)(2))
Documentation of Commission Internal
Records Adjustment
If there were financial findings in the portfolio, please
provide documentation of how the Commission adjusts its
own internal records to account for the required resolution
Source Documentation for Sampled PM
From the PPR data summary chart, the MO has selected
some data for which we want to see the source
documentation. The source documentation will vary based
on your performance measure, but it should align with
what was described in the application. Source
documentation could be attendance logs (redacted logs are
ok), summaries of pre- and post-test results, deeds for
housing developments, etc. This is the receipt to back up
the data on the PPR Summary Chart, similar to a receipt
that backs up an entry on a general ledger.
Member Position Descriptions
Member position descriptions (if not included in the
member service agreements) for the 4 selected members
Member Service Agreements
Member service agreements (or member contracts) for the
4 selected members
Member Timesheets
The timesheets for the pay periods selected by your MO,
for the 4 members selected by your MO
Completed Subrecipient Risk
The risk assessments for noncompliance completed by the
Commission for the selected subrecipients
Executed Subrecipient Agreement
The completed subrecipient agreements for the
subrecipients selected by the monitoring officer
3. Program Specific: AmeriCorps State and National (ASN)
ASN - Initial Documents
Document Name
Accessibility Policy and Procedure
Policies and procedures to ensure accessibility to all
persons (staff and members) with mobility, hearing, vision,
mental, and cognitive impairments, that may include the
accessibility self-evaluation.
Active Member Roster
The ASN Member Roster must include members' first and
last names, enrollment date, DOB/age at enrollment,
station site, supervisor's name, member status (active,
exited, other) and exited date if applicable. The roster
should include all members at all service sites active during
the monitoring assessment period.
Filed Grievances and Follow Up from
the Last Two Years for Prime and
Service Sites
If there have been any incidents or grievances filed within
the last two years, documentation submitted may include
follow up, actions taken, and conclusion to the incident.
Fixed Amount Drawdown
This document is only required if the monitored award is a
fixed amount award.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
Any policy/procedure regarding the filing and adjudication
of grievances from within or outside of the grantee
Limited English Proficiency Policy and
Policies and procedures outlining the process to address
providing materials and/or support to any staff/volunteers
who may have limited English proficiency.
Member Management Policies and
All member management policies related to member
recruitment, hiring, accessibility, training, supervision, and
Non-Discrimination Policy and
Documentation of Public Notice
Written organizational policy containing nondiscrimination
language. Additional examples of public materials and
postings may be provided or researched, e.g. public
website, service agreements, etc.
Other Subrecipient Oversight Policies
and Procedures
PPR Data Summary Chart
A document showing the high-level summary of the
outputs and outcomes reported for the in the most recent
PPR for the performance measure selected by the
Monitoring Officer. May be an Excel spreadsheet, export
from a system used to track data, etc. Should be an
aggregate report that shows a breakdown across
subrecipients, operating sites, and / or service locations.
ASN - Initial Documents
Document Name
Recruitment and Application Materials
Public-facing documentation for grantee staff and/or
members/volunteers, including job postings and national
service position descriptions.
Site Supervisor Training Documentation
Evidence of Site Supervisor training (e.g. training agenda,
attendance list, and/or certificate of completion)
Subgrantee Monitoring Tools
Tools the prime uses to monitor sub-recipient.
Subrecipient Agreement / Notice of
Subaward (Template)
A blank copy of your current subrecipient
agreement/subaward template.
ASN - Supplemental Documents
Document Name
Timesheets for AmeriCorps Members who
were selected to be interviewed.
(Please see notes sections for names of selected members).
Copies of Member Files, including Member
Service Agreements, for the AmeriCorps
members who were selected to be
(Please see notes sections for names of selected members).
Raw/source documentation for selected
progress report data
Raw/source documentation for the selected performance
measures detailed by your assigned Monitoring Officer. This is
backup documentation for the summary data submitted in the
initial document request. Source documentation may include
things like: report cards, survey results, attendance logs, etc.,
depending on the material you use to measure your outputs and
4. Program Specific: VISTA
VISTA - Initial Documents
Document Name
Accessibility Policy and Procedure
Policies and procedures to ensure accessibility to persons
with mobility, hearing, vision, mental, and cognitive
impairments, that may include the accessibility self-
Additional Training Materials for
Agendas, announcements for training opportunities,
and/or materials related to other member trainings
throughout their service year.
Evidence of Project Director's
Completion of VISTA Sponsor
Documentation showing that the Project Director has
completed the VISTA Sponsor Orientation (VSO) (e.g.
screenshot of completion, certificate).
VISTA - Initial Documents
Document Name
Filed Grievances and Follow Up from
the Last Two Years for Prime and
Service Sites
If there have been any incidents or grievances filed within
the last two years, documentation submitted may include
follow up, actions taken, and conclusion to the incident.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
Any policy/procedure regarding the filing and adjudication
of grievances from within or outside of the sponsor
Limited English Proficiency Policy and
Policies and procedures in place that ensure program
accessibility to persons with Limited English Proficiency.
List of social media platforms and
A list of social media platforms and websites of the
organizations hosting AmeriCorps members and/or
AmeriCorps project related social media platforms and
Member Management Policies and
All policies related to member management including
leave, recruitment, hiring, accessibility, training,
supervision, and timekeeping
Member Timesheets and/or Leave
Please submit member timesheets and/or any leave
requests/documentation for the time period and members
requested in the Monitoring Officer Notes (column F).
News stories or press releases related
to AmeriCorps project
News stories or press releases related to the AmeriCorps
project during the assessment period.
Non-Discrimination Policy and
Documentation of Public Notice
Written organizational policy containing nondiscrimination
language. Additional examples of public materials and
postings may be provided or researched, e.g. public
website, service agreements, etc.
PPR Data Summary Chart
A document showing the high-level summary of the
outputs and outcomes reported for the in the most recent
PPR for the performance measure selected by the
Monitoring Officer. May be an Excel spreadsheet, export
from a system used to track data, etc. Should be an
aggregate report that shows a breakdown across
subrecipients, operating sites, and / or service locations.
Recruitment and Application Materials
Public-facing documentation for sponsor staff and/or
members, including job postings and national service
position descriptions.
Service-related transportation
documents for members
Policy, procedure, forms, and/or tracking system to
demonstrate members are reimbursed for service-related
transportation and/or provided other means of transport
for the period of time and members requested in the
Monitoring Officer Notes (column F).
VISTA - Initial Documents
Document Name
Site Orientation and Training Materials
for Members
Plan, agenda, and/or training materials designed by the
sponsor and/or subsite to onboard new members.
Site Supervisor Training Documentation
Evidence of training of site supervisors (e.g. training
agenda, attendance list from training, completion of VISTA
Sponsor Orientation).
Subsite Agreements/Memorandums of
Understanding (MOUs)
Executed Agreements/Memorandums of Understanding
(MOUs) from a selection of active subsites described by the
assigned Monitoring Officer in the Monitoring Officer Notes field
(column F).
Subsite Monitoring and Oversight
Policies and Procedures
Any policies and procedures related to the monitoring and
oversight of VISTA grant/program operations occurring in
subsites and service locations other than the sponsor's
main location as applicable.
VISTA Placement Site Report
Confirm that the uploaded VISTA Placement Site report
contains the 1. correct member names and site placement,
2. correct site names, and 3. correct supervisor names. If
there are inaccuracies, please describe them in the
'grantee notes' field.
VISTA - Supplemental Documents
Document Name
Raw/source documentation for selected
progress report data
Raw/source documentation for the selected performance
measure(s) identified in the initial document request; the
raw/source documentation supports the summary data
submitted in response to the initial document request.
Source documentation may include volunteer sign-in
sheets, documents confirming the amount of funds raised,
survey results, etc., depending on the methods used to
measure outputs and outcomes.
Outside Employment Forms
Completed and approved outside employment forms for
members identified by the Monitoring Officer in the Notes
5. Program Specific: Senior Companion Program (SCP)
SCP - Initial Documents
Document Name
Accessibility Policy and Procedure
Policies and procedures to ensure accessibility to all
persons (staff and volunteers) with mobility, hearing,
vision, mental, and cognitive impairments, that may
include the accessibility self-evaluation.
ACS Volunteer Roster
The ACS Volunteer Roster must include volunteers first and
last name, enrollment date, DOB/age at enrollment, station
site, supervisor's name, stipend information, volunteer
status (active, exited, other) and exited date if applicable.
The roster should include all volunteers at all service sites
active during the monitoring assessment period.
Additional Training Materials for
Agendas, announcements for training opportunities,
and/or materials related to other member trainings
throughout their service year.
Board of Directors and Advisory Council
List of board of directors and advisory council members to
include members' names, titles (e.g. Board Treasurer),
phone numbers, and emails.
Filed Grievances and Follow Up from
the Last Two Years for Prime and
Service Sites
If there have been any incidents or grievances filed within
the last two years, documentation submitted may include
follow up, actions taken, and conclusion to the incident.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
Any policy/procedure regarding the filing and adjudication
of grievances from within or outside of the grantee
Limited English Proficiency Policy and
Policies and procedures outlining the process to address
providing materials and/or support to any staff/volunteers
who may have limited English proficiency.
List of social media platforms and
A list of social media platforms and websites of the
organizations hosting AmeriCorps members and/or
AmeriCorps project related social media platforms and
News stories or press releases related
to AmeriCorps project
News stories or press releases related to the AmeriCorps
project during the assessment period.
Non-Discrimination Policy and
Documentation of Public Notice
Written organizational policy containing nondiscrimination
language. Additional examples of public materials and
postings may be provided or researched, e.g. public
website, service agreements, etc.
SCP - Initial Documents
Document Name
PPR Data Summary Chart
A document showing the high-level summary of the
outputs and outcomes reported for the in the most recent
PPR for the performance measure selected by the
Monitoring Officer. May be an Excel spreadsheet, export
from a system used to track data, etc. Should be an
aggregate report that shows a breakdown across
subrecipients, operating sites, and / or service locations.
Recruitment and Application Materials
Public-facing documentation for grantee staff and/or
members/volunteers, including job postings and national
service position descriptions.
Site Orientation and Training Materials
for Volunteers
Plan, agenda, and/or training materials designed by the
sponsor and/or subsite to onboard new members.
Station Oversight Policies and
All policies and procedures related to management,
training, monitoring and oversight of volunteer station
Subsite Agreements/Memorandums of
Understanding (MOUs)
Executed Agreements/Memorandums of Understanding
(MOUs) from a selection of active subsites described by the
assigned Monitoring Officer in the notes section below (if
Volunteer Management Policies and
All policies related to volunteer management including
eligibility requirements, recruitment, hiring, accessibility,
leave, training, supervision including training agenda or
other training documentation, and timekeeping
SCP - Supplemental Documents
Document Name
Eligibility Documents
• Documentation of income eligibility for volunteers receiving
• Documentation of volunteers age to include enrollment form
and official source documentation (e.g. government ID) showing
Volunteer Assignment Plans
• Description of activities assigned, client served, expected
outcome, service period etc.
•Executed MOU's for the selected volunteer stations
•Documentation that verifies the volunteer stations selected are
either a public or non-profit private organization, or an eligible
proprietary health care agency.
Raw/source documentation for selected
progress report data
Raw/source documentation for the selected performance
measures detailed by the assigned Monitoring Officer. This is
backup documentation for the summary data submitted in the
initial document request. Examples of source documentation
include but are not limited to: survey results, attendance logs,
etc., and is dependent on document type used to measure
outputs and outcomes.
6. Program Specific: Foster Grandparent Program (FGP)
FGP - Initial Documents
Document Name
Accessibility Policy and Procedure
Policies and procedures to ensure accessibility to persons
with mobility, hearing, vision, mental, and cognitive
impairments, that may include the accessibility self-
ACS Volunteer Roster
The ACS Volunteer Roster must include volunteers first and
last name, enrollment date, DOB/age at enrollment, station
site, supervisor's name, stipend information, volunteer
status (active, exited, other) and exited date if applicable.
The roster should include all volunteers at all service sites
active during the monitoring assessment period.
Additional Training Materials for
Agendas, announcements for training opportunities,
and/or materials related to other member trainings
throughout their service year.
Board of Directors and Advisory Council
List of board of directors and advisory council members to
include members' names, titles (e.g. Board Treasurer),
phone numbers, and emails.
Filed Grievances and Follow Up from
the Last Two Years for Prime and
Service Sites
If there have been any incidents or grievances filed within
the last two years, documentation submitted may include
follow up, actions taken, and conclusion to the incident.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
Any policy/procedure regarding the filing and adjudication
of grievances from within or outside of the grantee
Limited English Proficiency Policy and
Policies and procedures in place that ensure program
accessibility to persons with Limited English Proficiency.
List of social media platforms and
A list of social media platforms and websites of the
organizations hosting AmeriCorps members and/or
AmeriCorps project related social media platforms and
News stories or press releases related
to AmeriCorps project
News stories or press releases related to the AmeriCorps
project during the assessment period.
FGP - Initial Documents
Document Name
Non-Discrimination Policy and
Documentation of Public Notice
Written organizational policy containing nondiscrimination
language. Additional examples of public materials and
postings may be provided or researched, e.g. public
website, service agreements, etc.
PPR Data Summary Chart
A document showing the high-level summary of the
outputs and outcomes reported for the in the most recent
PPR for the performance measure selected by the
Monitoring Officer. May be an Excel spreadsheet, export
from a system used to track data, etc. Should be an
aggregate report that shows a breakdown across
subrecipients, operating sites, and / or service locations.
Recruitment and Application Materials
Public-facing documentation for grantee staff and/or
members/volunteers, including job postings and national
service position descriptions.
Site Orientation and Training Materials
for Volunteers
Plan, agenda, and/or training materials designed by the
sponsor and/or subsite to onboard new members.
Station Oversight Policies and
All policies and procedures related to management,
training, monitoring and oversight of volunteer station
Subsite Agreements/Memorandums of
Understanding (MOUs)
Executed Agreements/Memorandums of Understanding
(MOUs) from a selection of active subsites described by the
assigned Monitoring Officer in the notes section below (if
Volunteer Management Policies and
All policies related to member management including
eligibility requirements, recruitment, hiring, accessibility,
leave, training, supervision including training agenda or
other training documentation, and timekeeping
FGP - Supplemental Documents
Document Name
Eligibility Documents
• Documentation of income eligibility for volunteers
receiving stipends.
• Documentation of volunteers age to include enrollment
form and official source documentation (e.g. government
ID) showing DOB
Volunteer Assignment Plans
• Description of activities assigned, client served, expected
outcome, service period etc.
•Executed MOU's for the selected volunteer stations
•Documentation that verifies the volunteer stations
selected are either a public or non-profit private
organization, or an eligible proprietary health care agency.
Raw/source documentation for selected
progress report data
Raw/source documentation for the selected performance
measures detailed by the assigned Monitoring Officer. This
is backup documentation for the summary data submitted
in the initial document request. Examples of source
documentation include but are not limited to: survey
results, attendance logs, etc., and is dependent on
document type used to measure outputs and outcomes.
7. Program Specific: Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
RSVP - Initial Documents
Document Name
Accessibility Policy and Procedure
Policies and procedures to ensure accessibility to persons
with mobility, hearing, vision, mental, and cognitive
impairments, that may include the accessibility self-
ACS Volunteer Roster
The ACS Volunteer Roster must include volunteers first and
last name, enrollment date, DOB/age at enrollment, station
site, supervisor's name, volunteer status (active, exited,
other) and exited date if applicable. The roster should
include all volunteers at all service sites active during the
monitoring assessment period.
Additional Training Materials for
Agendas, announcements for training opportunities,
and/or materials related to other member trainings
throughout their service year.
Board of Directors and Advisory Council
List of board of directors and advisory council members to
include members' names, titles (e.g. Board Treasurer),
phone numbers, and emails.
Filed Grievances and Follow Up from
the Last Two Years for Prime and
Service Sites
If there have been any incidents or grievances filed within
the last two years, documentation submitted may include
follow up, actions taken, and conclusion to the incident.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
Any policy/procedure regarding the filing and adjudication
of grievances from within or outside of the grantee
Limited English Proficiency Policy and
Policies and procedures in place that ensure program
accessibility to persons with Limited English Proficiency.
RSVP - Initial Documents
Document Name
List of social media platforms and
A list of social media platforms and websites of the
organizations hosting AmeriCorps members and/or
AmeriCorps project related social media platforms and
News stories or press releases related
to AmeriCorps project
News stories or press releases related to the AmeriCorps
project during the assessment period.
Non-Discrimination Policy and
Documentation of Public Notice
Written organizational policy containing nondiscrimination
language. Additional examples of public materials and
postings may be provided or researched, e.g. public
website, service agreements, etc.
PPR Data Summary Chart
A document showing the high-level summary of the
outputs and outcomes reported for the in the most recent
PPR for the performance measure selected by the
Monitoring Officer. May be an Excel spreadsheet, export
from a system used to track data, etc. Should be an
aggregate report that shows a breakdown across
subrecipients, operating sites, and / or service locations.
Recruitment and Application Materials
Public-facing documentation for grantee staff and/or
members/volunteers, including job postings and national
service position descriptions.
Site Orientation and Training Materials
for Volunteers
Plan, agenda, and/or training materials designed by the
sponsor and/or subsite to onboard new members.
Station Oversight Policies and
All policies and procedures related to management,
training, monitoring and oversight of volunteer station
Subsite Agreements/Memorandums of
Understanding (MOUs)
Executed Agreements/Memorandums of Understanding
(MOUs) from a selection of active subsites described by the
assigned Monitoring Officer in the notes section below (if
Volunteer Management Policies and
All policies related to volunteer management including
eligibility requirements, recruitment, hiring, accessibility,
leave, training, supervision including training agenda or
other training documentation, and timekeeping
RSVP - Supplemental Documents
Document Name
Eligibility Documents
• Documentation of income eligibility for volunteers
receiving stipends.
• Documentation of volunteers age to include enrollment
form and official source documentation (e.g. government
ID) showing DOB
Volunteer Assignment Plans
• Description of activities assigned, client served, expected
outcome, service period etc.
•Executed MOU's for the selected volunteer stations
•Documentation that verifies the volunteer stations
selected are either a public or non-profit private
organization, or an eligible proprietary health care agency.
Raw/source documentation for selected
progress report data
Raw/source documentation for the selected performance
measures detailed by the assigned Monitoring Officer. This
is backup documentation for the summary data submitted
in the initial document request. Examples of source
documentation include but are not limited to: survey
results, attendance logs, etc., and is dependent on
document type used to measure outputs and outcomes.
8. Program Specific: Days of Service
Days of Service - Initial Documents
Document Name
Accessibility Policy and Procedure
Policies and procedures to ensure accessibility to all
persons (staff and volunteers) with mobility, hearing,
vision, mental, and cognitive impairments, that may
include the accessibility self-evaluation.
Filed Grievances and Follow Up from
the Last Two Years for Prime and
Service Sites
If there have been any incidents or grievances filed within
the last two years, documentation submitted may include
follow up, actions taken, and conclusion to the incident.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
Any policy/procedure regarding the filing and adjudication
of grievances from within or outside of the grantee
Information given to volunteers on the
day of service and/or volunteer training
Materials given to inform and/or train volunteers on the
day of service (e.g. pamphlets, brochures, exit surveys)
Limited English Proficiency Policy and
Policies and procedures outlining the process to address
providing materials and/or support to any staff/volunteers
who may have limited English proficiency.
Days of Service - Initial Documents
Document Name
List of service sites including dates of
service activities performed under the
List of service sites under the grant and dates of service
activities performed at each site for MLK or 9/11 Day of
Service, as applicable.
List of social media platforms and
A list of social media platforms and websites of the
organizations hosting AmeriCorps members and/or
AmeriCorps project related social media platforms and
List of subrecipients/subawardees with
individual subaward dollar amounts
and DUNS numbers
A list of subrecipients and subawards along with award
amounts and DUNS numbers for the grant number listed.
News stories or press releases related
to AmeriCorps project
News stories or press releases related to the AmeriCorps
Day of Service project during the assessment period.
Non-Discrimination Policy and
Documentation of Public Notice
Written organizational policy containing nondiscrimination
language. Additional examples of public materials and
postings may be provided or researched, e.g. public
website, service agreements, etc.
Photos from the day of service and/or
link to them
Upload no more than five photos from the day of service,
including volunteers in action, and/or link to them.
Raw/source data or documentation for
required reported data
Raw/source data or documentation showing 1. the number
of volunteers recruited, trained, and committed to one or
more future service activities and 2. the number of
organizations engaged and committed to one or more
future service activities that honor and reflect MLK or
September 11th that correspond with your last submitted
Recruitment and Application Materials
Public-facing documentation for grantee staff and/or
members/volunteers, including job postings and national
service position descriptions.
Request for Proposal (RFP) or other
process to solicit subaward applications
Policies, procedures, and/or notices used to solicit
subrecipients/subawards for the MLK and/or September
11th Day of Service grant.
Volunteer Recruitment Materials
Materials used to recruit Day of Service volunteers (e.g.
posters, flyers, social media posts).
Prohibited Activities Policy
Policy describing all Prohibited Activities applicable to the
grant program/awards administered by the
grantee/sponsor organization.
Days of Service - Supplemental Documents
Document Name
Subrecipient Agreements / Notice of
Subawards (Executed Documents)
Copies of the executed subrecipient
agreements/subawards for the following subrecipients
selected in the notes section below by your Monitoring
9. New to AmeriCorps
New to AmeriCorps - Initial Documents
Document Name
Accessibility Policy and Procedure
Policies and procedures to ensure accessibility to persons
with mobility, hearing, vision, mental, and cognitive
impairments, that may include the accessibility self-
ACS Site Roster Report
Complete list of service sites included on the grant
ACS Volunteer Roster
Complete the template. The ACS Volunteer Roster must
include volunteers’ first and last name, enrollment date,
DOB/age at enrollment, service start date, station site,
supervisor's name, volunteer status (active, exited, other)
and exited date, if applicable.
Note: RSVP Volunteers do not receive a stipend so this
column should show as ‘N/A’ or ‘No’. The roster should
include all volunteers at all service sites active during the
monitoring assessment period
Chart of accounts, or other document
showing expenses are tracked by cost
type and by project/grant.
A document outlining the accounting codes and cost
centers used by your organization to identify transactions
by expense type, and by project/grant. Any account(s)
related to a grant under monitoring are annotated or
documented separately for clarity and ease of reference.
Completed Segregation of Duties
Please complete the linked worksheet and return to
Evidence of Project Director's
Completion of VISTA Sponsor
Orientation (VSO)
*only applies to VISTA sponsors
Documentation showing that the Project Director has
completed the VISTA Sponsor Orientation (VSO)
(e.g., screenshot of completion, certificate)
Federal cash management policy and
procedure/drawdown policy and
Policies and Procedures related to the drawdown of federal
funds, including both any overarching policy as well as
procedural information such as who initiates, approves,
submits a drawdown, when that happens, etc.
New to AmeriCorps - Initial Documents
Document Name
Fiscal Policies/Accounting Handbook
Pertinent organizational policies and procedures related to
internal controls, financial and accounting practices, etc.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
Any policy/procedure regarding the filing and adjudication
of grievances from within or outside of the grantee
Limited English Proficiency Policy and
Policies and procedures in place that ensure program
accessibility to persons with Limited English Proficiency.
List of social media platforms and
A list of social media platforms and
websites of the organization(s)
hosting AmeriCorps members and volunteers
and/or social media or website that contains information
on the AmeriCorps project and activities
Member / Volunteer Management and
Recruitment Policies
All policies related to member management including
leave, recruitment, hiring, accessibility, training,
supervision, and timekeeping.
Member / Volunteer timesheet
template and/or timekeeping
A template timesheet that a member or volunteer utilizes
to track their AmeriCorps service hours, and/or
timekeeping documentation that shows how member
hours and leave are tracked.
Member service agreement template
A template for the member or volunteer’s position
description that outlines expectations for their service
Member timekeeping policies
Including general member timekeeping requirements and
procedures, and as applicable, training and fundraising
limitations (ASN), explanation of what is considered full-
time work schedule for members (VISTA)
Non-Discrimination Policy and
Documentation of Public Notice
Written organizational policy containing nondiscrimination
language. Additional examples of public materials and
postings may be provided or researched, e.g. public
website, service agreements, etc.
NSCHC Policies and Procedures
Organization's internal NSCHC policy and procedures.
NSCHC Record Review Form (NRRF)
The form provided by OM that the grantee should
complete by answering all questions about an NSCHC
record of the grantee’s choosing.
One Complete NSCHC Record
The grantee should select an NSCHC record of a covered
individual that they consider complete that was active
during the assessment period (MO to include assessment
period dates). See components listed on New to
AmeriCorps Record Review Form.
New to AmeriCorps - Initial Documents
Document Name
Procurement Policies and Procedures
All policies and procedures related to contracting,
equipment and supply purchases, and any other
procurement activity
Recruitment and Application Materials
Public-facing documentation for grantee staff and/or
members/volunteers, including job postings and national
service position descriptions.
Sample Employee Timesheet
(Completed) and Relevant Notes
A sample of a completed timesheet for an employee in
your organization who charges time to the grant. In
addition to regular work time, the completed timesheet
should demonstrate how leave and/or holiday time are
If utilizing an electronic timekeeping system, please
provide a written description of the electronic timekeeping
process that your organization implements. What does a
complete, approved timecard look like (for example, are
approvals shown via check marks by daily entries, and
'approved' icon on the timecard, an electronic signature of
the employee/member and their supervisor, etc.)
Service Site/Volunteer Station
agreement/MOU Template
A template document that will be used to formally outline
the agreement between the grantee and its host sites /
service sites / stations.
Site Monitoring / Oversight Policies
(Programmatic and Financial)
All policies and procedures, both programmatic and
financial, related to overseeing sites (subrecipients,
operating sites, host sites, service locations, etc.). This may
include, but is not limited to, oversight and enforcement
policies, monitoring plans or schedules, and monitoring
tools and checklists.
Subrecipient Agreement Template or
Notice of Grant Award
A template document that will be used to formally outline
the agreement between the grantee and its subrecipients
(not applicable if there are no subrecipients).
Supervisor Orientation
An agenda and/or training materials for training provided
to site supervisors regarding prohibited activities.
New to AmeriCorps - Initial Documents
Document Name
Timekeeping policies and procedures,
explanation of electronic timekeeping
system (if applicable)
Timekeeping policies and procedures for your
organizational staff, including the process for how
employees who charge time to the grant record, validate,
and receive approval for their time worked.
If utilizing an electronic timekeeping system, please
provide a written description of the electronic timekeeping
process that your organization implements. What does a
complete, approved timecard look like? (for example, are
approvals shown via check marks by daily entries, and
'approved' icon on the timecard, an electronic signature of
the employee/member and their supervisor, etc.) Policies
and Procedures related to how employees who charge
time to the grant record, validate, and receive approval for
their time worked.
10. National Service Criminal History Check (NSCHC)
NSCHC - Initial Documents
Document Name
List of Individuals Requiring NSCHC
Provide a list of all individuals requiring National Service
Criminal History Checks (NSCHC) under the grant being
reviewed, who served or worked on the grant at any time
during the monitoring assessment period. This should
include: Foster Grandparent Program and Senior
Companion Program volunteers who received a stipend,
and staff who received a full or partial salary, directly or
reflected as match, under a cost reimbursement grant.
For each individual, include their legal first and last name,
their position/title, and their start and end date (if
Position/title should be "member", "volunteer", or the staff
title (as it appears on the grant's budget narrative, if
applicable). Staff or volunteers who have exited prior to
the monitoring period do not need to be included in this
If anyone included on the list has had a break in work or
service of 180 days or more, list both sets of start and end
Note for ASN: ASN grantees need only provide this
information for staff requiring NSCHC under this grant. The
member roster will be pulled from the Member Portal to
determine ASN members requiring NSCHC during the
monitoring assessment period.
Note for VISTA: VISTA grantees need only provide this
information for staff requiring NSCHC under this grant.
VISTA member criminal history checks are not reviewed by
the Office of Monitoring. And, NSCHC is not required for
VISTA staff whose salaries are reflected solely on the
Grantee Share column of the VISTA grant budget and paid
entirely from non-federal funds.
NSCHC e-Course Training Certificate
At least one AmeriCorps-designated NSCHC e-Course
training certificate for staff member(s) in the organization
with some responsibility for NSCHC compliance. Any
certificate(s) submitted should be dated at least one day
prior to the date that this request was sent, and at most
one year (365 days) prior to the date that this request was
NSCHC Policy and Procedures
Organization's internal NSCHC policy and procedures.
Statement on Use of AmeriCorps-
Approved Vendors Fieldprint and
A short-written statement indicating whether or not your
organization uses the AmeriCorps-approved vendors
Truescreen and Fieldprint to conduct NSCHC. If your
organization has ever used these vendors, please clarify if
this use is regular, for one NSCHC component, only for
rechecks under the Exemption Period, etc.
NSCHC - Supplemental Documents
Document Name
Completed NSCHC Information
Collection Spreadsheet
Using the Information Collection Spreadsheet, please
provide the requested information for the selected
individuals requiring NSCHC during the monitoring
assessment period.
Complete NSCHC Files
For individuals listed on the Information Collection
Spreadsheet, please submit complete files of NSCHC-
related information to include everything that is necessary
to ascertain compliance. Refer to the next tab in this
spreadsheet, "Submitting an NSCHC File", for details on
relevant documents to include depending on the check
source. Note that for individual's whose checks were
conducted entirely in Fieldprint and Truescreen, the
Monitoring Officer will obtain most information directly
from the vendor system; submission of paper-records is
only necessary for information not captured in the vendor
NSCHC e-Course Training Certificate for
Sampled Subrecipients, if applicable
At least one AmeriCorps-designated NSCHC e-Course
training certificate for staff member(s) of the subrecipients
listed below with some responsibility for NSCHC
compliance. Any certificate(s) submitted should be dated
at least one day prior to the date that this request was
sent, and at most one year (365 days) prior to the date that
this request was sent.
[MO list subs]
NSCHC Policy and Procedures for
Sampled Subrecipients, if applicable
NSCHC policy and procedures for the following
[MO list subs]
11. Prohibited Activities
Prohibited Activities - Initial Documents
Document Name
Active Volunteer/Member Roster
The Active Volunteer/Member Roster should contain the
following information: Volunteer/Member name; Service
site assignment; Service site assignment title; Site
supervisor; Status (Active, Exited, Other). The roster should
include all volunteers/members at all service sites active
during the monitoring assessment period. Please submit
the roster in Excel, if possible.
List of prime grantee staff on the
selected grant during the monitoring
assessment period.
The list must include the following: Staff first and last
name; Position title; Position status (Active, Resigned,
Monitoring Documentation
Template of and/or completed monitoring activity done by
the grantee. A completed activity should include
monitoring results and follow-through of appropriate
action on identified deficiencies. Include any and all
applicable completed monitoring tools, final reports,
follow-up correspondence, and documentation of
enforcement or corrective action for each activity.
Monitoring and Oversight Policies and
Any policies and procedures related to the monitoring and
oversight of grant/program operations occurring at service
Prohibited Activities Policy
Policy describing all Prohibited Activities applicable to the
grant program/awards administered by the
grantee/sponsor organization.
Training Documentation
Any documents related to the training of grantee staff,
members, or volunteers. This could include written
procedures, training sign-in sheets, etc.
Prohibited Activities - Supplemental Documents
Document Name
Volunteer/Member Assignment
For selected volunteers, submit the following: ASN -
Position Description; FGP/RSVP/SCP - Volunteer
Assignment Plan.