Starting Effects
The Starting Effects Fear Is My Ally and An
Unusual Amount Of Fear provide players a way
to start their game with a “reserve” of Defensive
Shield cards. This provides valuable additional
defense against an opponent’s nastier strategies
while only sacrificing one “card slot” of your regular
60-card deck.
As stated in
their game text,
Starting Effects
deploy before any
starting location
or objectives are
revealed. They may
not be deployed
at any other time,
but if they are
found in a deck,
hand, or pile, they
may be used
normally like any
other card or
unit of Force.
Cards placed under your Starting Effect must be
of the same allegiance as the deck you are playing,
and do not count against your “deck limit”. That is,
they are considered permissible extra cards above
the normal 60 cards of a standard game deck. The
Starting Effect itself does count as one card of your
game deck, and therefore is calculated against your
deck limit.
For tournament play, when offering your shuffled
deck for an opponent to count and cut, provide
your opponent with two piles. One pile will be your
Starting Effect (face-up) on top of the cards (face-
down) that will go beneath it. The other pile is the
rest of your game deck (face-down). Your opponent
can then verify that you have no more than 10 cards
under your Starting Effect (your opponent will see
your Starting Effect, but will see only the card
backs under that Starting Effect), and that your
deck contains exactly 59 cards (the Starting Effect
is the 60th card). Once counted, the cards under
your Starting Effect may only be removed from
there using the text of that Starting Effect.
Cards under your Starting Effect are not on table,
and can only be manipulated as instructed by the
Starting Effect. You may look through the cards
under your Starting Effect at any time, replacing
them in any order as long as the Starting Effect is
always returned face-up to the top of that pile. Your
opponent is not permitted to look through any of
the cards under your Starting Effect.
Defensive Shields
Cards with the Gungan Warrior Shield icon
are Defensive Shields. These cards,
combined with the new Starting Effects
for each side, provide the player with a suite of
defensive options to assist their deck.
You may play one
Defensive Shield
card at any time that
you are permitted
to take an action,
as long as no other
action is currently
resolving (and
as limited by the
Starting Effect game
text). For example,
a Defensive Shield
could be played
during your deploy
phase, during the
opponent’s turn,
or even during the weapons segment of a battle
(following the above rules). You could not play Do,
Or Do Not in response to an opponent initiating a
Sense card though, because playing a Defensive
Shield is not a valid response to any other action.
Many Defensive Shield cards replicate the name of
a previously printed card. For example, Your Insight
Serves You Well is an Effect from the Death Star II
expansion, and is replicated as a Defensive Shield.
Despite this similarity, these cards are in no way
interchangeable. They are different card types, and
often have an altered or reduced game function
compared to the original card. The only rule that
ties two such cards together is the “unique and
restricted cards” rule (see sidebar), since many
Defensive Shield cards often share the same card
title as an existing Effect card.
Lightsaber Combat
Lightsaber combat depicts the type of extended
battles where a lightsaber-wielding Jedi attempts to
wear down his foe through a series of thrusts and
parries. Only the strongest of attacks will be enough
to defeat your opponent. Lightsaber combat is not a
“duel,” and as such is not affected by any cards or
rules that affect duels (and vice-versa).
The objective cards We’ll Handle This / Duel Of
The Fates and Let Them Make The First Move / At
Last We Will Have Revenge detail the conditions,
targets, resolution and effects of a lightsaber
combat. Other cards can affect your lightsaber
combat total, Force loss from lightsaber combat, or
even how you draw lightsaber combat destiny.
The Epic Event cards Inner Strength and Deep
Hatred permit you to equip your Jedi or Dark Jedi
with combat cards. These cards provide you with
extra options for lightsaber combat or even duels,
and represent the reserves of strength, combat
training and use of the Force that a Jedi can call
upon during combat.
Maintenance Cards
The following symbols are used in the game text
of of some new cards to indicate a “maintenance”
cost that must be satisfied. Not all cards with
maintenance costs will show all symbols, but the
“sacrifice” option will always be offered. Next to the
symbol will be “Use X” or “Lose X” which indicates
that a player must use X Force or lose X Force
to pay the cost of this option. There is no cost
associated with sacrificing the card (see below).
The player may choose any provided option, but
must choose one of them.
Maintain (∫)
followed by a cost — Pay this cost and the card
remains on table until the next maintenance is due.
Recycle (Ω)
Ω followed by a cost — Pay this cost to place
that card (and any cards on it) in their owner’s
Used Pile. If that card was escorting a captive, the
captive is released.
Sacrifice (≈)
≈ — Place the card out of play. Any cards on that
card are lost. If that card was escorting a captive,
the captive is released.
Boba Fett, Bounty
Hunter says “End of
your turn: ∫ Use 2
or Ω Lose 2 or ≈.”
Thus the owning
player must choose
at the end of every
turn this character
is on table to use 2
Force (Boba Fett
stays on table), lose
2 Force (Fett is
placed in the Used
Pile) or place Fett
out of play.
A card with a maintenance cost that has its game
text canceled (or is on table for uniqueness only,
such as if the card becomes “missing” or captured)
has no maintenance costs listed, and is therefore
exempt from these options.
Unique and Restricted Cards
This amends the first two paragraphs of the existing Glossary
Supplement entry. All other paragraphs of that entry referring to
diamond cards, etc. remain valid and in force. That entry will be
updated with the next release of the Glossary Supplement.
Refer to: www.decipher.com/starwars/rules/index.html.
If a card is unique (•) or restricted (e.g., •••), the number
of dots restricts:
(a) the number of cards of that title that are allowed on
table at any given time, and
(b) the number of cards of that title that may be played or
deployed each turn (even if one is canceled, returned
to hand, if it has already resolved and been placed in
the Used Pile or Lost Pile, etc).
Some unique or restricted cards are available to both sides
of the Force (such as •Ice Storm), but this restriction is still
applicable, regardless of the fact that it is being played by
a different player.
The following examples illustrate these rules:
• If you play the Defensive Shield card •Do, Or Do Not, then
you may not play another copy of that Defensive Shield
card, and you may not deploy the Effect card •Do, Or Do
Not, or the combo Effect card •Do, Or Do Not & •Wise Advice.
• Similarly, if the Light Side player plays •Weapon Levitation,
then neither the Dark Side player nor the Light Side
player can play another card of title •Weapon Levitation for
the remainder of that turn.
Episode I Only Environment Rule
Both Starting Effects have an Episode I icon .
This means they are legal for play in the Episode I only
During such play, only Defensive Shields with the Episode I
icon may be placed beneath your Starting Effect. Defensive
Shield cards without this icon are not legal for play in the
Episode I only environment.
Want a chance to win one of these exclusive foils? Ask your
local Tournament Director to run an Episode I only environment
tournament in your town!
For more details on this exciting format and the special prizes
that are being offered, visit the following web page:
w w w . d e c i p h e r . c o m / s t a rw a r s / t o u r n a m e n t s / e p i s o d e i . h t m l