UFC 4-179-02
5 March 2020
UFC 4-179-02
5 March 2020
Any copyrighted material included in this UFC is identified at its point of use.
Use of the copyrighted material apart from this UFC must have the permission of the
copyright holder.
Indicate the preparing activity beside the Service responsible for preparing the document.
Record of Changes (changes are indicated by \1\ ... /1/)
Change No.
This UFC supersedes MIL-HDBK 1027/3B, dated November 1992 and ETL 11-18
dated November 2018.
UFC 4-179-02
5 March 2020
The Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) system is prescribed by MIL-STD 3007 and provides
planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria, and applies
to the Military Departments, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities in accordance
with USD (AT&L) Memorandum dated 29 May 2002. UFC will be used for all DoD projects and
work for other customers where appropriate. All construction outside of the United States is
also governed by Status of Forces Agreements (SOFA), Host Nation Funded Construction
Agreements (HNFA), and in some instances, Bilateral Infrastructure Agreements (BIA).
Therefore, the acquisition team must ensure compliance with the most stringent of the UFC, the
SOFA, the HNFA, and the BIA, as applicable.
UFC are living documents and will be periodically reviewed, updated, and made available to
users as part of the Services’ responsibility for providing technical criteria for military
construction. Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), Naval Facilities
Engineering Command (NAVFAC), and Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) are
responsible for administration of the UFC system. Defense agencies should contact the
preparing service for document interpretation and improvements. Technical content of UFC is
the responsibility of the cognizant DoD working group. Recommended changes with supporting
rationale should be sent to the respective service proponent office by the following electronic
form: Criteria Change Request. The form is also accessible from the Internet sites listed below.
UFC are effective upon issuance and are distributed only in electronic media from the following
Whole Building Design Guide website http://dod.wbdg.org/.
Refer to UFC 1-200-01, DoD Building Code, for implementation of new issuances on projects.
Chief Engineer
Chief, Engineering and Construction
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Deputy Director of Civil Engineers
DCS/Logistics, Engineering &
Force Protection (HAF/A4C)
HQ United States Air Force
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Facilities Management)
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
UFC 4-179-02
5 March 2020
Document: UFC 4-179-02, Small Arms Range Criteria.
Superseding: Navy MIL HNDBK 1027/3B and Air Force ETL 11-18.
Description: This UFC-4-179-021 replaces the superseded documents above and
provides Tri Service criteria applicable all new DoD indoor, outdoor, and steel close
quarter combat small arms range facilities. This UFC establishes existing Army and
USMC Surface Danger Zone criteria as Tri Service criteria and references other
Department of Defense (DoD) range criteria where appropriate.
Reasons for Document:
The new UFC updates and consolidates various service range guidance into one
Tri Service document and addresses many areas not covered in existing DoD
range criteria.
The superseded documents included requirements that were inconsistent
between each other and other service practices.
This unification effort will result in more consistent requirements across DoD and will
increase DoD range safety, improve training, and reduce costs in the following ways:
Provides new and updated criteria that is consistent throughout DoD and a
centralized source to share and apply lessons learned.
Improves indoor range ventilation designs which in turn reduces the chance of
overexposure to airborne contaminants.
Improves indoor range noise attenuation designs which in turn reduces the
impacts of harmful noise to personnel at the range.
Highlights exterior noise concerns and thus reduces noise to neighboring areas.
Increases awareness of indoor range options and capabilities. This allows for
facilities that improve training to warfighters.
Provides criteria on steel CQC facilities which is currently absent in DoD.
Provides suppliers with consistent standards thus simplifying procurement of
range equipment for both DoD and contractors.
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Unification Issues:
Several service specific planning and layout requirements are included since:
The Army has extensive planning criteria for outdoor ranges. The Air
Force has detailed planning requirements for the indirect support area of
indoor ranges. The Navy has no separate range planning criteria.
Training requirements vary between the services, and this dictates
different range requirements and layouts.
Outdoor ranges:
The Army, Navy, and USMC use DA PAM 385-63 and MCO 3570 for SDZ criteria. The
Air Force uses horizontal distances listed in these criteria but different distances for the
vertical component of the Surface Danger Zone. A separate table with vertical
components is included for Air Force use.
Services have different access, signage, and marking requirements. A statement is
made to use service installation guidance.
The Army, USMC, and Air Force allow machine gun training on tube ranges. These
tube ranges do not support traverse firing that is required for maritime machine gun
training. A statement is made not to use tube ranges for Navy machine gun
Indoor Ranges:
The Navy and Air Force do not use rubber traps on new ranges due to fire and
maintenance issues experienced with rubber traps on several existing ranges. The
Army and USMC use rubber traps as an option. Service specific guidance is provided.
The Air Force requires a raised floor in the range control booth. The other services do
not. A note is included to use raised floors on Air Force projects.
CQC Facilities and Shoothouses:
The Army allows an option to glue splatter protection directly to the ballistic panels in
steel shoothouses. The Navy requires an air gap between steel panels and the splatter
protection to facilitate inspections and to increase the life of the splatter protection.
Service specific guidance is provided.
The Army uses Shock Absorbing Concrete (SACON) as an option for ballistic walls, and
does not require a ballistic roof when an SDZ waiver is obtained. The Navy only uses
steel shoothouses with steel ballistic panels and overhead ballistic containment. This
criteria only covers steel shoothouses with a ballistic roof and refers to Army when
designing SACON shoothouses.
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UFC 4-179-02
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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1
1-1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE. .......................................................................... 1
1-2 APPLICABILITY. ....................................................................................... 1
1-3 OTHER CRITERIA. ................................................................................... 1
General Building Requirements. ............................................................ 1
Antiterrorism and Security. ..................................................................... 1
Sustainability. ......................................................................................... 1
Service Specific DoD Range Criteria. .................................................... 2
Army Ranges. ........................................................................................ 2
Non-Standard Ranges. .......................................................................... 2
1-4 CYBERSECURITY. ................................................................................... 2
1-5 BEST PRACTICES.................................................................................... 2
1-6 WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION. .............................................................. 2
1-7 GLOSSARY. .............................................................................................. 2
1-8 REFERENCES. ......................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER 2 GENERAL ................................................................................................. 3
2-1 PLANNING. ............................................................................................... 3
2-2 BASIS OF DESIGN. .................................................................................. 3
2-3 MATERIAL. ............................................................................................... 4
Concrete. ............................................................................................... 4
Ballistic and AR500 Steel Plate. ............................................................ 4
Splatter Protection for Overhead Baffles and Safety Ceiling.................. 4
Splatter Protection for Steel CQC Facilities. .......................................... 5
2-4 AIR FORCE RANGES. .............................................................................. 5
Firing Line Positions and Platforms. ...................................................... 5
Position Numbering. .............................................................................. 5
Position Barricades. ............................................................................... 6
Firing Line. ............................................................................................. 6
Light Anti-Tank Weapons (LAW) and 40 mm Grenades. ....................... 6
2-5 ARMY AND USMC RANGES. ................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 3 OUTDOOR RANGES ................................................................................ 7
3-1 PLANNING AND DESIGN. ........................................................................ 7
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3-2 SURFACE DANGER ZONES. ................................................................... 7
Air Force Ranges. .................................................................................. 7
Access Restrictions, Warning Signs, Markers, and Flags. ................... 10
Surface Danger Zones Over Navigable Water. .................................... 10
Baffled Ranges. ................................................................................... 10
3-3 TYPES OF OUTDOOR RANGES. .......................................................... 10
Single Fixed Firing Line. ...................................................................... 10
Multiple Firing Lines. ............................................................................ 11
Maneuver Areas. ................................................................................. 11
Skeet and Trap Ranges. ...................................................................... 11
3-4 SITING. .................................................................................................... 11
Mandatory Requirements and Issues to Address. ............................... 11
Considerations. .................................................................................... 11
3-5 SUPPORT FACILITIES. .......................................................................... 12
Roads and Parking. ............................................................................. 12
Utilities. ................................................................................................ 12
3-6 GEOMETRY FOR NAVY AND AIR FORCE RANGES. .......................... 13
Measurement Control. ......................................................................... 13
Target Centers. .................................................................................... 13
Lanes. .................................................................................................. 13
Range Length. ..................................................................................... 13
3-7 GEOMETRY FOR ARMY RANGES. ....................................................... 14
3-8 RANGE COMPONENTS. ........................................................................ 14
Drainage. ............................................................................................. 14
Floor Surface. ...................................................................................... 14
Benches. .............................................................................................. 14
Bleachers. ............................................................................................ 14
Obstacles. ............................................................................................ 14
Range Safety Officer Position. ............................................................. 15
Towers. ................................................................................................ 15
Overhead Cover. ................................................................................. 15
Lateral Limit Markers. .......................................................................... 15
3-9 IMPACT BERMS. .................................................................................... 15
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Geometry. ............................................................................................ 15
Berm Material. ..................................................................................... 16
Berm Construction. .............................................................................. 17
3-10 TARGET SYSTEMS. ............................................................................... 17
Target Systems for Army Ranges. ....................................................... 18
Target Line Grading and Protection. .................................................... 18
Target Supports and Berms. ................................................................ 18
Butt Target System. ............................................................................. 18
3-11 PARALLEL RANGES. ............................................................................ 19
3-12 MACHINE GUN TUBE RANGE. ............................................................. 19
Surface Danger Zone. ......................................................................... 20
Machine Gun Tubes. ........................................................................... 20
Drainage. ............................................................................................. 20
Firing Platform. .................................................................................... 20
Berm Backstops. .................................................................................. 20
Noise.................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 4 INDOOR RANGES .................................................................................. 23
4-1 GENERAL. .............................................................................................. 23
Coverage. ............................................................................................ 23
Range Areas. ....................................................................................... 23
4-2 TRAINING AREA. ................................................................................... 23
4-3 DIRECT SUPPORT AREA. ..................................................................... 24
Range Control Booth. .......................................................................... 24
Airlock Vestibules. ............................................................................... 25
Vacuum Storage. ................................................................................. 25
Brass Storage. ..................................................................................... 25
4-4 TRAINING AND DIRECT SUPPORT AREA LAYOUT. .......................... 25
4-5 INDIRECT SUPPORT AREAS. ............................................................... 29
Required Indirect Support Area. .......................................................... 29
Other Indirect Support Areas. .............................................................. 29
4-6 FIRE PROTECTION. ............................................................................... 30
4-8 STANDARD INDOOR RANGE FEATURES. .......................................... 30
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4-9 MULTIPLE BAYS. ................................................................................... 31
4-10 CEILING, WALLS, AND DOORS. ........................................................... 31
Uprange Ceiling and Wall Behind Firing Line. ..................................... 31
Ballistic Side and Downrange Walls. ................................................... 31
Wall Joints. .......................................................................................... 32
Downrange Doors. ............................................................................... 32
Maintenance and Vehicle Entrance. .................................................... 32
4-11 FLOORS. ................................................................................................. 32
4-12 RANGE MARKINGS. .............................................................................. 33
4-13 TARGET SYSTEMS. ............................................................................... 33
Static Target Stands. ........................................................................... 34
Overhead Target Rail System. ............................................................. 34
Running Man Targets. ......................................................................... 34
Fixed Turning Targets System. ............................................................ 34
4-14 SHOOTING STALLS. .............................................................................. 35
4-15 BARRIERS AND BARRICADES. ........................................................... 35
4-16 OVERHEAD BAFFLES AND SAFETY CEILING. ................................... 35
4-17 BULLET TRAPS. .................................................................................... 36
Cantilevered Upper Ramp Support. ..................................................... 37
Dust Collection System. ....................................................................... 37
Spent Round Collection System. ......................................................... 37
Granular Rubber Trap Option. ............................................................. 38
4-18 COMMUNICATIONS. .............................................................................. 39
4-19 LIGHTING. ............................................................................................... 39
Range In Use Lights. ........................................................................... 40
Security Training Lights. ...................................................................... 40
Emergency Lighting. ............................................................................ 40
4-20 NOISE. ..................................................................................................... 40
Noise to Adjacent Land. ....................................................................... 41
Noise Inside the Training Area. ............................................................ 41
Acoustical Treatment Locations. .......................................................... 41
Acoustic Panels. .................................................................................. 41
Acceptance Testing. ............................................................................ 42
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4-21 RANGE VENTILATION. .......................................................................... 43
General Ventilation Requirements. ...................................................... 43
Climate Control. ................................................................................... 44
Supply Distribution System. ................................................................. 45
Exhaust System. .................................................................................. 45
Controls. .............................................................................................. 46
Acceptance Testing. ............................................................................ 47
4-22 RANGE OPTIONS. .................................................................................. 48
Relocatable Ranges. ........................................................................... 48
Combination Fixed and Tactical Range. .............................................. 49
Steel Reactive Range. ......................................................................... 50
Wide Angle Shooting. .......................................................................... 51
CHAPTER 5 STEEL CLOSE QUARTER FACILITIES. ................................................ 53
5-1 GENERAL ............................................................................................... 53
Applicability. ......................................................................................... 53
Items Not Addressed. .......................................................................... 54
Design.................................................................................................. 54
5-2 RANGE AREAS. ..................................................................................... 54
Live Fire Area. ..................................................................................... 54
Direct Support Areas. .......................................................................... 55
5-3 EQUIPMENT AND SPECIAL EFFECTS. ................................................ 55
5-4 TARGET SYSTEMS. ............................................................................... 55
5-5 ALARMS. ................................................................................................ 56
5-6 FIRE PROTECTION. ............................................................................... 56
5-7 LIGHTING AND ILLUMINATION. ........................................................... 56
5-8 NOISE. ..................................................................................................... 56
5-9 LASERS. ................................................................................................. 56
5-10 BALLISTIC PROTECTON. ...................................................................... 57
Ballistic Walls. ...................................................................................... 57
Ballistic Roofs and Decking. ................................................................ 57
Exterior Openings. ............................................................................... 57
Army Shoothouses .............................................................................. 58
5-11 CATWALKS. ........................................................................................... 58
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5-12 VENTILATION. ........................................................................................ 58
Air Flow Requirements. ....................................................................... 59
Design Documents. ............................................................................. 59
HEPA Filters. ....................................................................................... 59
Contractor Experience. ........................................................................ 60
Acceptance Tests. ............................................................................... 60
5-13 ENCLOSED CQC FACILITIES. .............................................................. 60
Top to Bottom Ventilation System. ....................................................... 60
Across-the-Top Ventilation System. ..................................................... 61
5-14 CQC FACILITIES WITH OPEN EAVES. ................................................. 61
Minimum Distances. ............................................................................ 62
Ventilation. ........................................................................................... 62
APPENDIX A BEST PRACTICES ................................................................................ 63
A-1.1 Phase 1 Requirement Development. ................................................ 63
A-1.2 Phase 2 - Ventilation Contractor Requirements. .................................. 65
APPENDIX B DOD WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION ................................................... 67
B-1 WEAPONS. ............................................................................................. 67
B-2 CATEGORIES OF SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION. ................................. 67
APPENDIX C GLOSSARY ........................................................................................... 69
C-1 ACRONYMS ............................................................................................ 69
C-2 DEFINITION OF TERMS ......................................................................... 71
APPENDIX D REFERENCES ....................................................................................... 74
Impact Berm ........................................................................................... 16
Butt Target System ................................................................................ 19
Machine Gun 10-Meter Tube Range Layout ........................................ 22
Machine Gun 10-Meter Tube Range Section ....................................... 22
Standard Range Layout ......................................................................... 27
Standard Range Section. ...................................................................... 28
Figure 4-3 Overhead Baffles .................................................................................... 36
Range Ventilation Schematic ................................................................ 44
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Range with Ballistic Divider Walls ....................................................... 50
Steel Reactive Range............................................................................. 51
Top to Bottom Ventilation System Schematic. ................................... 61
Across-The-Top Ventilation System Schematics. .............................. 61
Ventilation System Supplemented with Natural Airflow ..................... 62
Table 3-1 Air Force Minimum VDZ Height Requirements ..................................... 8
Table 4-1 Range Heights and Get Ready Area Distances. .................................. 29
Table 4-2 Lighting Requirements .......................................................................... 40
Table 4-3 Maximum Noise Levels ......................................................................... 43
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UFC 4-179-02
5 March 2020
This Unified Facility Criteria (UFC) provides requirements for DoD small arms range
This UFC applies to the planning, design, and construction of DoD indoor, outdoor, and
steel Close Quarter Combat (CQC) small arms range facilities worldwide. CQC facilities
are also known as shoothouses.
General Building Requirements.
Comply with UFC 1-200-01, DoD Building Code. UFC 1-200-01 provides applicability of
model building codes and government unique criteria for typical design disciplines and
building systems, as well as for accessibility, antiterrorism, security, high performance
and sustainability requirements, and safety. Use this UFC in addition to UFC 1-200-01
and government criteria referenced therein.
Antiterrorism and Security.
UFC 4-020-01 supports the planning of DoD facilities that include requirements for
security and antiterrorism. Use UFC 4-020-01 in conjunction with UFC 4-010-01 to
establish the security and antiterrorism design criteria that will be the basis for DoD
facility designs. All DoD facilities must also comply with Geographic Combatant
Commander antiterrorism construction standards for antiterrorism requirements.
For indoor ranges, the indirect support areas must meet UFC 1-200-02. The design of
the training and direct support areas is driven by containment and ventilation criteria
and must meet UFC 1-200-02 to the extent practical.
UFC 4-179-02
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Service Specific DoD Range Criteria.
AR 350-19.
AR 350-52.
DA PAM 385-63.
MCO 3570.1.
FC 4-179-03F.
AF 36-2654.
Army Ranges.
Range layouts, target distances, lane widths, target systems, and baffle effects are
standard and defined by the Training Circular TC 25-8. Specific range design
requirements are as defined in the Range Design Guide (RDG).
Non-Standard Ranges.
For non-standard ranges that do not have applicable criteria in this UFC, consult with
the specific service range subject matter expert.
All control systems (including systems separate from an energy management control
system) must be planned, designed, acquired, executed, and maintained in accordance
with UFC 4-010-06, and as required by individual Service Implementation Policy.
Appendix A contains best practices.
Appendix B contains a general description of common weapons and ammunition used
by DoD.
Appendix C contains acronyms, abbreviations, and terms.
Appendix D contains a list of references used in this document. The publication date of
the code or standard is not included in this document. In general, the latest available
issuance of the reference is used.
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Design ranges to meet the need of the intended training. Consider the number of
shooters and firing lanes, anticipated weapons and ammunition, target systems, target
distances, scoring accuracy required, shooting directions and angles, and components
necessary to maintain and support the range. Establish a team to review range
requirements and develop the project. The team composition will depend on the service
but in general should include service range experts, weapons and range safety officers,
organizational range safety personnel, trainers, industrial hygienists, activity planners,
project managers, fire protection and environmental personnel, and others that will be
involved in operations and maintenance of the facility. For outdoor ranges plot the
proposed Surface Danger Zone (SDZ) and check for conflicts early in the planning
phase. Check aircraft operations and contact the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
if there is a vertical weapon component that could endanger aircraft.
For the initial design submittal include a separate document outlining the parameters
and assumptions on which the range design is based. All range design parameters
should be provided or verified by the services range safety program. This information
will help ensure the range is operated and maintained with appropriate restrictions and
should include:
All Ranges:
The most powerful rounds in terms of energy and maximum distance.
A sketch for indoor ranges and a Geographic Information System (GIS)
map for outdoor ranges showing location of all firing lines, target lines,
direction of fire, and left and right limits.
Maximum target distance provided.
Target systems.
Assumptions used for sizing range support areas including the number of
targets, weapons, and students.
Outdoor Ranges:
A Surface Danger Zone (SDZ) map provided by the government
annotated to show the location of SDZ enforcement features including
topography, range fencing, base limits, signage, and road barriers.
A list of recommended best management practices.
Indoor Ranges and CQC Facilities:
A sketch showing the location and maintenance access to all range
equipment and controls including targeting systems, ventilation
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equipment, filters, trap equipment, dust collection system, bullet collection
components, and lighting controls.
A floor plan showing live fire areas with direction of fire and any limitations
imposed such as areas or walls not designed for live fire.
A floor plan showing range support functions such as classrooms
armories, offices, simulators etc.
Bullet trap and ventilation operation and maintenance manuals provided at
end of project.
All concrete that may receive bullet strikes must be minimum 3500 psi (24 MPa).
Structural design may require higher strengths.
Ballistic and AR500 Steel Plate.
Ballistic steel plate and AR500 Steel Plate must be tested in accordance with ASTM
E10-08, meet MIL-A-46100, and certified as having the following Brinell Hardness
AR500: HBW between 470 and 544.
AR525: HBW between 500 and 544.
In addition, require:
Certifications for all ballistic steel plates.
Connection made in such a manner as to maintain ballistic properties.
All cuts made in a manner that does not alter or reduce hardness.
Ballistic integrity maintained across all joints.
Splatter Protection for Overhead Baffles and Safety Ceiling.
Splatter protection must have spacers providing minimum 1-1/2” (38 mm) air gap
between splatter protection and the underlying material with the exception that Army
ranges may have splatter protection glued directly to the underlying material. Splatter
protection material must be fire resistant and must not contain any metal or metal fibers,
excluding fasteners. Design splatter protection to allow for removal and replacement
without damage to the splatter protection, spacers, or underlying material. Choose from
among the following:
0.375 in. (9.5 mm) two-ply rubber conveyor belt material. Must not contain
any metal.
2 in. (50 mm) thick vulcanized rubber.
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2 in. (50 mm) cold-pressed ballistic rubber.
Minimum 0.75 in. (19 mm) fire-retardant plywood.
Other material may be used when approved.
Acoustic material with tests results showing material can stop splatter from
rifle rounds after striking underlying steel plates.
Spacer material may be wood, light-gauge steel channels, or recycled plastic
Splatter Protection for Steel CQC Facilities.
Choose splatter protection options that provide:
Containment of splatter within wall.
Capability to easily remove and replace to allow inspection of ballistic
Ease of maintenance.
Fire resistance.
For Navy projects, use spacers that provide a 1.5-in. (37 mm) air gap between steel and
splatter protection to reduce damage to backside of splatter protection and simplify
removal for routine inspection of ballistic steel panels. Army facilities may have splatter
protection glued directly to the ballistic panels.
The Air Force allows only outdoor non-contained, machine gun tube, or fully enclosed
indoor ranges for new construction. The following applies to Air Force indoor and
outdoor small arms ranges.
Firing Line Positions and Platforms.
All small arms ranges should have a minimum of seven positions at the firing line.
Additional positions may be added in increments of seven. The width of the firing
position must be at least 5 ft. (1.5 m) center-to-center. The firing line must be located
on a stable horizontal surface with a clear distance that is at least 14 ft. (4.3 m) in depth
for the length of the firing line. For most ranges, the firing platform is a concrete slab on
grade. For ranges that have fighting positions dug in the ground, sandbags, or other
definite structures to identify the firing line, the firing platform can be an earth surface.
For special weapons, Combat Arms (CA) personnel will specify the number of firing
positions and the widths of each position based on training requirements.
Position Numbering.
Number each firing position beginning from the left when facing the target line. The
numbers must be at least 8 in. (200 mm) tall and displayed on rectangular backgrounds
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attached to the position barricade or other location that is clearly visible to all shooters
and range officials. Mark odd-numbered positions with white numbers on a black
background. Mark even-numbered positions with black numbers on a white
Position Barricades.
Install a wooden barricade, or equivalent, in the form of a cross at the left edge of each
firing position with the following requirements:
The nominal dimensions of the wood horizontal member must be the 2 in.
(50 mm) by 6 in. (150 mm).
The top surface of the horizontal member must be 48 in. (1220 mm) above
the floor with a 12 in. (300 mm) resting surface on each side of the post.
Post member may be nominal 2 in. (50 mm) by 6 in. (150 mm) or 4 in.
(100 mm) by 4 in. (100 mm) wood.
Firing Line.
Paint a red line a minimum of 4 in. (100 mm) wide on the leading edge of the firing line
on the target side. For ranges without firing line platforms or concrete floor, a firing line
may be marked in red on the downrange side of the firing positions with treated timber
embedded along the firing line. If not painted in red, this can also be a line of safety
cones or other method that clearly marks the location. This is the stationary firing line
and must be continuous for the full length of all firing positions. For move and shoot
courses, the firing line is relocated downrange as appropriate for the training scenarios.
Light Anti-Tank Weapons (LAW) and 40 mm Grenades.
See Chapter 3 paragraphs on “Surface Danger Zones”.
For planning Army ranges follow AR 350-19. Army ranges must be approved and
included on the installations Range Complex Master Plan (RCMP).
Use US Army TC 25-8 and DA PAM 385-63 for range layout.
Use the RDG for range design details, standard features, and target
system interface.
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Safety is the primary concern when selecting a site for an outdoor small arms range.
Other critical concerns include training capability, compatible use, travel distance,
location of utilities, and unexploded ordinance (UXO) risk assessment.
Surface Danger Zones (SDZs) include both horizontal and vertical components and will
be developed by the Government during the planning phase in accordance with DA
PAM 385-63/MCO 3570. The designer should familiarize themselves with the SDZ as it
impacts the location and layout of the firing lines, target lines, berms, supporting
features, and downrange features. Orient the SDZ horizontal and vertical components
to minimize the effect of range operations on populated areas, watercraft operations,
public waterways, aircraft ground and air operations, and land uses within the maximum
range of the ammunition. Available land for the SDZ controls the type and size of the
range. Consider future expansion when choosing the site and developing SDZs. As
weapons and ammunition improve, they are often more powerful than their
replacements and therefore require larger SDZs. All mapping must be done using a
geographic information system (GIS).
Air Force Ranges.
The Vertical Danger Zone (VDZ) component of the SDZ will be developed using Table
3-1. For VDZ in excess of 200 ft. (61 m) in height, coordinate with the local airfield
manager. In some cases, Light Anti-Tank Weapons (LAW) and 40 mm grenade
launchers are employed adjacent to, or overlapping, the small arms range footprint. For
specialized weapons such as the LAW and 40 mm grenades on outdoor non-contained
small arms ranges, DA PAM 385-63 will be used to develop surface danger zone and
range design criteria.
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Table 3-1 Air Force Minimum VDZ Height Requirements
Ammunition Nomenclature
Pistol, 9 mm (M9, M11,
GLOCK 19) and
Submachine Gun, 9 mm
(MP5 and UZI)
A363, A360
Cartridge (Ctg), 9 mm Ball NATO and
Cartridge 9 mm Ball Parabellum (M882,
Pistol, 9 mm (M9, M11,
AA16 9 mm Ctg Frangible (MK254-0)
Pistol, 9 mm (M9, M11,
AB13, AB14 9 mm Blue (Red) Marking Ctg (M1041)
Handgun, .44 magnum
Commercial Local Purchase
Shotgun, 12 Gauge
A011, AA51,
Ctg 12 Gauge (GA) Shotgun 00
Buckshot, Frangible, Non-Lethal Fin
Stabilized (M19/M162, M1012)
Shotgun, 12 Gauge
A023 Ctg 12 GA 1 OZ Slug
Shotgun, 12 Gauge
Ctg 12 GA Non-Lethal Crowd Control
Rifle/Carbine, 5.56 mm (M4,
M4A1 and all M16 series
A071, A068
Ctg 5.56 mm Ball, Ctg 5.56 mm Tracer
(M193, M196)
Rifle, 5.56 mm (M4, M4A1,
all M16 series weapons and
A062, A064,
Ctg 5.56 mm Ball, Ctg 5.56 mm Tracer
(includes ball, tracer, armor piercing [AP]
and AP tracer linked) (M855, M856,
Rifle/Carbine, 5.56 mm (M4,
M4A1 and all M16 series
AA68 5.56 mm Plastic (M862)
Rifle, 5.56 mm (M4, M4A1,
all M16 series weapons and
Ctg 5.56 mm Frangible Ball and Ctg 5.56
mm Frangible Linked
Rifle, 5.56 mm (M4, M4A1,
all M16 series weapons and
5.56 mm Blue (Red) Marking Ctg/Blue
(Red) Linked Marking Ctg (M1042)
Rifle, 5.56 mm (M4, M4A1,
all M16 series weapons and
AB67, AB66
5.56 mm, XM1037 Short Range Training
Ammunition (SRTA) (Includes Single
Round and Linked) (M1037)
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Ammunition Nomenclature
Rifle/Machine Gun, 7.62
mm (M110, M14, MK14
EBR, M21, M24 and M240)
A122, A130,
A140, A146,
AB50/ Linked
A168, A127,
A128, A131,
A143, A151,
A164, A165,
A168, A257
Ctg 7.62 mm Ball (M80) and Ctg 7.62
mm Tracer (M62) (Includes Linked and
Ball/Tracer Linked) (M80, M62, M276,
Rifle/Machine Gun, 7.62
mm (M110, M14, MK14
EBR, M21, M24 and M240)
Ctg 7.62 mm NATO M118 Special Ball
Machine Gun, 7.62 mm
(M240) AA37, AB60
7.62 mm, M973/M974 Short Range
Training Ammunition (SRTA) 4/1 and
(Includes Ball Linked) (M973 and M974)
Rifle, .50 caliber (M107)
A525, A552,
A571, AA50,
A606, A605
Ctg Cal .50 Ball, Tracer, Armor Piercing
(AP), AP Incendiary (I) and API Tracer
(Mark 211 Mod O, M2, M1, M10, M33,
M17, M8, M20)
Machine Gun/Rifle, .50
caliber (M2)
A530, A532,
A533, A543,
A545, A546,
A555, A557,
A564, A575,
A576, A584,
A602, A606,
A641, AA06
Ctg Cal .50 Ball, Tracer, AP, Incendiary
(I), API and API Tracer Linked (M8 API,
M2 AP, M20, M1, M33 Ball, M2 Ball,
M17, M10, M17, Spotter Tracer)
Grenade Launcher, 40mm
(M203, M320)
B470, B472,
B506, B508,
B509, B519,
B535, B536,
B537, B538,
B542, B546,
B568, B576,
40mm Ctg, HE, HEDP, TP, Practice,
Smoke, Illumination (M381, M384,
M385, M386, M406, M407A1, M430,
M433, M441, M661, M662, M583A1,
M992, M713, M715, M716, M781, M918)
Grenade Launcher, 40mm
(M203, M320)
BA06 40mm Ctg Non-Lethal Sponge (M1006)
Grenade Launcher, 40mm
(M203, M320)
B534 40mm Ctg, Multi Projectile (M576)
Machine Gun, 40mm Linked
BA30, B542,
B576, B584,
BA32, BA21,
Ctg 40mm Linked HEDP, TP, Practice,
Mixed (M430/M918/M385/M385A1/M918
& M385/ MK281)
Light Anti-armor Weapon
(LAW), 35mm Sub-Caliber
(M72-Series LAW)
H708 Rocket, 35mm, Practice (M73)
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Ammunition Nomenclature
(M72-Series LAW)
HX01 Launcher, Rocket, 66mm (M72 Series)
(M136 [AT-4])
C995 Rocket, HE 84mm M136 AT-4 (M136)
same as ball
calculated plus 1.25 safety factor
From DA PAM 385-63
From SRTA ballistic graph - General Dynamics Ordinance
Historical data based on 30
projectile trajectory plus safety factor
Access Restrictions, Warning Signs, Markers, and Flags.
Use service specific installation criteria.
Surface Danger Zones Over Navigable Water.
Use DA PAM 385-63/MCO 3570.1 when shooting over navigable water. A U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers permit and citation in 33 CFR Part 334 are required.
Baffled Ranges.
When approved, overhead baffles can reduce the size of the SDZ but require special
consideration that are not addressed in this UFC:
Containment: Baffles designed to completely block line of sight out of the
range may be used to eliminate direct fire from leaving the range but may
not necessarily contain ricochets, ground skips, and splatter from leaving
the range.
Surface Danger Zone: The size and shape of the SDZ will need to be
established on a case by case basis by the Government.
Air movement: Baffles can significantly block natural air flow and increase
potential for exposure to lead and other airborne contaminants. Unlike
indoor ranges where negative pressure can be achieved, any ventilation
system on baffled ranges will be influenced by outdoor air movement.
Outdoor ranges may be configured in various ways to accomplish training goals.
Single Fixed Firing Line.
These ranges have one fixed firing line with targets placed along one or more target
lines downrange. A moving target system may also be provided to vary target distance.
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Multiple Firing Lines.
These ranges vary target distances using multiple firing lines used for shooting at one
target line at the end of the range.
Maneuver Areas.
Maneuver ranges allow fire and movement in multiple directions. These ranges may or
may not have permanent firing positions or firing trails. They may have single or
multiple targets or target arrays. The complexity of maneuver ranges varies
significantly. Simple maneuver ranges train movement and firing while moving
techniques to individuals and teams. Complex maneuver ranges train movement,
engagement, and support techniques to larger, or multiple, maneuver elements using a
variety of weapons and weapon systems. Maneuver ranges often use Short Range
Training Ammunition (SRTA), Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) or
Observer/Controllers to limit the firing locations and target engagement in order to limit
Skeet and Trap Ranges.
Skeet and trap ranges are a type of outdoor recreational range that are typically limited
to shot size Number 7.5 and smaller. Follow the United States Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) Centers of Standardization (CoS) Outdoor Sports Facility Standard.
Mandatory Requirements and Issues to Address.
The range must be accessible by road. Vehicle access is required to the
range area for maintenance, grass mowing, emergencies, and delivery of
weapons and ammunition.
Travel distance to the range.
Storm water management.
Protection of wetlands, ground water, and surface water.
Suitability of terrain.
Historical and archaeological features.
Previously contaminated sites, including unexploded ordnance
Endangered species habitat.
When siting and orienting the range consider:
Allowing for future expansion.
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Orienting north to south to minimize glare for the shooters.
Orienting the firing away from sensitive and inhabited areas.
Taking advantage of existing impact areas and natural backstops.
Eliminating drainage structures on the range surface whenever possible.
Using natural drainage with no flowing water courses near the range floor
or impact berm.
Avoiding areas that are subject to flooding.
Minimizing noise to surrounding areas both on and off the installation.
Noise models such as those provided in the Army’s Range Management
Toolkit (RMTK) may be used to develop potential noise contours.
Taking advantage of any natural barriers and base restricted areas to
prevent access by personnel and animals to the SDZ.
Taking advantage of any natural topography such as hills and mountains
to help contain rounds.
Selecting site to minimize grading of range surface to produce a smooth
surface of homogeneous material. A rocky surface will increase ricochets.
For areas where wind predominantly blows in one direction, orienting with
wind blowing downrange.
Taking advantage of local topography to assist with runoff removal.
In cold climates minimizing snow drifts and ice buildup and facilitating
snow removal on range.
Supporting facilities include roads, drainage structures, and utilities. Design and locate
these features to protect them from direct fire.
Roads and Parking.
Design for access by all vehicles that will use the range. Provide surfaced all-weather
connector roads from the installation road network to the range complex. Provide range
access roads that approach the range complex from behind the firing line and outside
the SDZ.
Size service to accommodate power requirements for target systems, lighting, support
facilities, and range maintenance.
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Telephone and Radio Communication.
Include two forms of communication between the Range Control Facility, Range Safety
Officer (RSO), instructors, beach guards, and any others involved in the operations of
the range and security of the SDZ. For Army, follow DA PAM 385-63 and installation’s
Coordinate with the local utility and Designated Fire Protection Engineer (DFPE), as
defined in UFC 3-600-01 to determine requirements. Consider fire protection, drinking,
hand washing, and sanitary uses. If a water system is not feasible, consider a well and
tank system. If this is not feasible, consider portable fire protection such as fire
extinguishers or tanker trucks as required by the DFPE in collaboration with the
installation fire department.
Restroom Facilities.
Restroom facilities are required adjacent to or within a reasonable distance from the
range. Where sewage and running water are not feasible, other options such as
composting or commercial portable latrines may be used.
Typical geometry for a flat rectangular outdoor range may be adjusted when necessary
to accommodate different types of training.
Measurement Control.
For vertical control define the firing line floor surface (FLFS) elevation as 0.00 and set
other features based on this. Base horizontal control on measurements taken from the
rearmost firing line (FL).
Target Centers.
Locate the center of the target at an elevation between the upper limit of fire (ULF)
equal to 6 ft. (1.8 m) above FLFS for standing shooting and lower limit of fire (LLF)
equal to 6 in. (152 mm) above FLFS for prone shooting.
Lane widths vary depending on weapons and training requirements. Establish lane
width as necessary to safely support intended training.
Range Length.
Locate target lines as necessary to accommodate intended weapons and training.
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Refer to TC 25-8 and the RDG for standard Army range layouts.
Locate and design components to avoid direct fire and the creation of potential ricochet
Design positive grading to direct runoff away from the firing lines and prevent flooding at
the target line(s) and access roads. Avoid using drainage structures on the range
surface when possible. When the length of the slope or natural terrain require using
drains between target lines and firing lines, trench drains or subsurface gravel drains
should be located on the forward edge of the impact berm or bullet trap. Design inlets
so that no hard-flat surface will be exposed to shooters and provide enough protection
to account for heavy bullet impacts and erosion.
Floor Surface.
Design the surface to be smooth and graded to drain away from targets. Side to side
grading should be minimal except on ranges where defilade or obstructions are desired
for training. Transverse firing line grading should match target line transverse grading.
Allow enough fore and aft distance to support the type of training conducted. Clearly
mark firing lanes on the surface to match the targets. Depending on the number of
personnel to be supported, the following surfaces may be considered at the firing line:
Ground firmly compacted with mown grasses.
Sand or fine gravel, with shooting mats for prone shooting.
Wood decking of enough thickness and supporting members to avoid
deck movement.
Concrete pad topped with cushioning material.
Continuous benches or individual trays may be provided to hold ammunition and
weapons. Place trays to allow safe weapons handling.
Bleachers and covered shelters may be provided outside the SDZ behind the firing line
for training and briefings.
Mock-up roofs, windows, doors, and other training structures may be provided at the
firing line to meet training requirements.
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Range Safety Officer Position.
Where possible, provide the Range Safety Officer (RSO) position an unrestricted view
of all firing lines and target lines from their control position.
Tower requirements are service and training dependent. Elevated range towers may be
necessary to provide proper visibility for the RSO.
Overhead Cover.
Overhead cover may be provided but is not required nor recommended in most cases.
While it can provide some protection from direct sun and the elements, covering the
firing line can also increase noise levels below and interfere with air movement needed
to remove airborne contaminants away from shooters. When provided, design to
reduce noise reflected down to the firing line and to minimize interruption of natural air
Lateral Limit Markers.
Lateral limit markers indicate direction of fire limitations from the outmost firing and
target positions. The right lateral limit is found by taking the line of sight from the right
firing position at the most uprange firing line to the right most target downrange, and
similarly for the left. For Army ranges, TC 25-8 and the RDG along with installation
SOPs define the type, size and location of limit markers.
Impact berms are required for Navy and Air Force ranges that are generally flat, fire in
one direction, and have target distances of 200 yds. (182 m) or less. Impact berms:
Capture projectiles where they can be collected and removed more
efficiently compared to ranges without impact berms.
Significantly reduce the number of projectiles spreading out and landing
downrange in the SDZ.
Will not capture all projectiles because ground skips and ricochets will
continue downrange.
Will not reduce the length of the SDZ since the controlling round is at such
an angle that its trajectory is well above the impact berm.
When required, design in accordance with Figure 3-1 and as follows:
Slope: A slope of 2H:1V is recommended. A steeper slope of 1.5:1V may
be used if a stable berm can be constructed that also allows future sifting
of the soil.
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Width: Provide a total berm width equal to the firing line width plus the
additional width necessary to cover a 5-degree dispersion angle from all
firing positions.
Top of Berm: Minimum 10 ft. (3 m) horizontal top on the berm.
Toe of Berm: A minimum of 8 ft. (2.4 m) past the last target line.
Minimum Height: 16 ft. (5 m) above the highest grade at the last
downrange target line for ranges with target distances of 50 yd. (46 m) or
less and 26 ft. (8 m) for ranges with target distances of 100 yd. (91 m) and
greater. For ranges with target distances between 50 yd. (46 m) and 100
yd. (91 m), use a height that is prorated between the 50-yd. (46m) and
100-yd. (91 m) berm heights.
Wall Option: A vertical wall may be provided on the top of the berm to
reduce the berm height and footprint. The earth portion must be a
minimum of 16 ft. (5 m). As a minimum, the wall should be solid 8 in. (203
mm) thick concrete. The foundation must have a minimum 4 ft. (1.2 m) of
earth cover on shooting side of the berm. The direct line of fire from the
prone position through the target point must impact the earth portion of the
berm 3 ft. (1 m) below the exposed wall.
See Butt Target Systems paragraphs for minimum berm height and toe of
berm distance from target line when using that system.
Impact Berm
Berm Material.
Specify berm material in the design that will achieve and sustain a proper slope,
promote vegetation growth, reduce the chance of ricochets, and allow for sifting to
remove projectiles. Require the upper 4 ft. (1.2 m) of facing material on the impact side
to be free from rocks and debris no greater than a No. 4 sieveequivalent to 0.187 in.
(4.76 mm) diameter meshthat will not clog screens when sifting. A high clay content
will help achieve a more stable slope, but too much clay in the upper layer will make it
very difficult to sift and remove spent rounds in the future. Therefore, the facing
material must not have more than 40% passing the No. 200 sieve.
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Berm Construction.
Construct the berm in compacted horizontal lifts. Do not allow compaction up the slope
of the berm face. Use benching and keying techniques to enhance slope stability when
resurfacing or tying in to an existing berm.
The type of target system used will influence significant portions of the design. Choose
systems based on the type of training anticipated. See individual service policy for
procuring range target system equipment. A variety of target systems are available and
new systems are under constant development. Current target systems include, but not
limited to:
Paper Targets on Wooden Frames: Paper targets can be mounted on
simple wooden or other non-ricochet producing stands at the target line.
They are typically used for 27.3 yd. (25 m) target distances or less
because the time needed to walk downrange and score the targets.
Butt Target Systems: Butt systems use paper targets secured to
cardboard or plywood frames that are raised, lowered, and scored by
personnel located downrange behind a protective berm. These systems
are simple, reliable, and allow the shooter to remain at the firing line while
the targets are scored but are labor intensive because a downrange
scorer is required for every shooter.
LOMAH (Location of Miss And Hit) Targets: A computerized target
system with sensors at the target end that detect the path of the projectile
though the target and provide feedback to monitors at the firing line.
These are generally very accurate but expensive and require significant
maintenance to maintain calibration.
Pop-Up Targets and Stationary Infantry Targets (SIT): These targets are
raised and lowered remotely and can be either electric or pneumatic.
Steel Targets and Knockdown Targets: Steel targets are typically used
when accurate scoring within the target is not needed, only a hit or miss.
Steel targets provide audible feedback and are designed to go down or
spin when struck. Knockdown targets fall when struck. Knockdown
targets can be steel but other versions are available. Steel targets and
knockdown targets can be reset pneumatically, electrically, or by gravity.
Check with service safety requirements when considering steel targets as
they will impact target design, placement, and safe target distances.
Turning Targets: These targets rotate on a vertical axis to present
alternating target face and edge to initiate and cease firing. They can be
designed with a friend face on one side and a foe on the back for shoot
and no-shoot drills. Turning mechanism can be pneumatic or electric.
Running Man and Moving Infantry Targets (MIT): Targets that move
laterally or randomly on a track. Targets can present personnel and
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vehicle silhouette including armored vehicles and tanks. These targets
are typically provided to supplement other target systems.
Stationary and Moving Armor Targets: Targets that simulate a tank or
other vehicle for live fire training and qualification programs.
Mobile and Robotic Targets: A variety of targets are available that move
on remote controlled vehicles.
NOTE: When using moving targets, it is critical to incorporate all shooting positions and
angles when developing the SDZ.
Target Systems for Army Ranges.
For Army ranges, AR 350-19, TC 25-8, and the RDG define target types, control
systems, interface, emplacements, protection, and procurement processes.
Target Line Grading and Protection.
Match grading at target line bases with firing lines when possible. Protect target support
bases from direct fire by:
Providing a target berm on the firing side.
Burying below ground.
Providing a protective wall designed to stop rounds but reduce ricochet
Target Supports and Berms.
Target holders and bases should be designed to prevent ricochets and splatter. Earth
berms can be placed in front of targets to protect target base and should be constructed
from the same material as the impact berm.
Butt Target System.
Butt target systems allow manual scoring of targets by personnel downrange behind the
target line and protected by a berm. Design in accordance with Figure 3.2 and as
Design butt target berm with a slope that is maintainable, typically 1.5 to
2.0H:1V and 3.0 to 4.0H:1V where erosion is a major issue.
Provide an impact berm behind the target berm with a minimum height of
26 ft. (8 m) above the carrier base elevation.
Toe of impact berm a minimum of 82 ft. (25 m) from the butt wall.
A target storage facility protected from direct fire may be included between
the butt system and the impact berm. Top of structure must be below all
direct lines of fire and the top elevation of the ballistic protection in the pit.
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For Army Ranges, use the Known Distance (KD) Range section of TC 25-
8 and the RDG for the design and construction details for this type of
target system.
For pit option, see the RDG.
For USMC, meet the requirements of MCO 3570.1.
Butt Target System
When parallel ranges have SDZs that cover the firing line of the adjacent range, the
ranges may be used concurrently when side containment is provided as follows:
Earth Berm: Require an inside slope of 1V:1.5H or flatter with a minimum
horizontal 6 ft. top width. Provide same material and compaction as
required for impact berms.
Concrete Wall: Require a minimum 8 in. (203 mm) thick concrete wall
with a smooth, flat surface free of irregularities, form ties, and protrusions.
Shock Absorbing Concrete (SACON): Design based on type of weapons
and ammunition used.
Wood and Gravel Walls: Timber and gravel filled wooden walls on new
ranges are not recommended because of maintenance and integrity
Height: Require a minimum height of 10 ft. (3 m) above the highest
elevation on either side where personnel could potentially be standing
while either range is in use.
Army ranges may require an SDZ deviation to allow concurrent use.
Training on machine guns up to 7.62 mm caliber may be provided using a 10-meter
tube range. See Figures 3-3 and 3-4. These ranges incorporate range tubes that
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function as baffles to reduce the size and shape of the SDZ. Army ranges of this type
require the same approval as other baffled ranges. Tube ranges are not suitable for:
Machine guns over 7.62 mm caliber.
Navy OPNAV 3591 machine gun training since they do not support the
training requirements for traverse firing.
Surface Danger Zone.
The machine gun tube SDZ for all ammunition types less than 7.62 mm is 2296 ft (700
m) and the VDZ for all ammunition types less than 7.62 mm is 1640 ft (500 m). The
reduction in the SDZ for 7.62 mm and greater ammunition will be determined by the
Government. Army ranges require a deviation IAW AR 385-63.
Machine Gun Tubes.
For 10-meter machine gun tube ranges use concrete pipe with a minimum length of 24
ft. (7.3 m) and either round with a minimum 5 ft. (1.52 m) inside diameter or square with
a minimum 5 ft. (1.52 m) inside dimension. Provide a reinforced concrete slab the
length of the tubes to maintain joint integrity. The tubes may be constructed of sectional
pieces if the spigot end of the bell spigot joint is pointed downrange. Tubes may be
made of ASTM C75, Class V reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) requirements, or may be
steel pipe of suitable thickness fabricated from rolled plates. The interior of the tubes
must have a smooth continuous surface. Repair any lifting lugs or holes so the tube
interior is smooth and does not produce erratic ricochets.
Slope the tubes approximately 6 in. (150 mm) towards the target line. Firing positions
must be at least 12 ft. (3.7 m) apart, measured center-to-center. The end of the tube
toward the shooter should touch the firing line.
Firing Platform.
Ensure that the firing tube placement and the firing platform height will place the muzzle
of the machine gun at the approximate center of the tube height and at least 6 in. (150
mm) inside the tube. To achieve this, the platform may need to extend inside the tube
approximately 3 in. (76 mm) depending on the tripod and weapon dimensions.
Berm Backstops.
For berm backstops, locate the berm no more than 150 ft. (45.7 m) from the firing line to
the centerline of the berm. The minimum height of the backstop is established by
determining where the highest point that a bullet could exit the target end of the tube
and impact the berm. This line must intersect the berm no less than 6.5 ft. (2 m) from
the top. Use same material as required for impact berms.
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Optional Deflector Plate.
Locate the deflector plate at least 2 ft. (0.6 m) above the highest bullet impact point on
the berm. The deflector plate may be either angled or vertical which will influence the
reduction in the SDZ.
Optional Steel Traps.
Locate the trap at least 50 ft. (15m) away from the firing line. The line drawn from the
firing point to the highest point that a bullet could exit the target end of the tube must
intersect the top plate of the trap not less than 12 in. (300 mm) from the top, measured
along the slope of the trap.
Engineering solutions to reduce the noise levels from tube ranges are limited and may
consist of sand bags along the bottom of the tube. Cement-based acoustical treatment
may also be used. Additional sound attenuating materials can also be added to the
interior surfaces of square tubes. Appropriate operational mitigation must be
established to reduce the high impact noise exposure. For Air Force ranges, the impact
of hazardous noise levels for tube ranges must be evaluated by the local
Bioenvironmental Engineering (BE) and Civil Engineering (CE) offices.
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Machine Gun 10-Meter Tube Range Layout
Machine Gun 10-Meter Tube Range Section
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Indoor ranges have open bays with shooting generally straight downrange into a bullet
trap. Ballistic containment is provided by ballistic side walls, overhead baffles, and a
bullet trap. Indoor ranges can be built using conventional or modular construction
methods. A push-pull ventilation system supplies air from behind the firing line and
exhausts at the trap end to move airborne contaminants downrange and away from
personnel inside the range. Design and construct Army and Marine Corp indoor ranges
IAW applicable portions of this UFC and the design and safety requirements found in
DA Pam 385-63; the DA PAM controls in case of conflict.
The ballistic containment criteria in this chapter is intended for indoor ranges that
support weapons and ammunition with energy up to 2,500 foot-pounds (3,390 Newton-
meters) including handguns, 5.56 mm rifles, and 7.62 mm rifles. It does not support:
Tracers, explosives or incendiary rounds.
Armor Piercing (AP) rounds.
5.56 mm or 7.62 mm Enhanced performance rounds (EPR), (M855A1 or
Design the range systems for the specific, worst-case rounds for these or other higher-
powered weapons. The ballistic containment system includes baffles, floors, walls,
splatter protection, and bullet trap.
Range Areas.
An indoor range facility can be divided into three functional areas:
The training area between the rear uprange wall and the bullet trap where
live fire occurs. The training area requires a ballistic envelope to contain
rounds within the facility.
The direct support area that includes the range safety officer’s office,
entrance vestibules, storage areas immediately off the training area, and
the area behind the bullet trap.
The indirect support area and all other spaces including administrative,
restrooms, classrooms, hallways, and other storage areas.
Define training requirements, ammunition, target distances, and maintenance issues
prior to developing a floor plan. For ranges approaching 100 ft. (30.5 m) width and
wider, the cost and size of structural components can increase significantly and should
UFC 4-179-02
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be taken into consideration when determining number of lanes and range width.
Consider multiple bays to provide flexibility and reduce structural loads.
Navy: The Navy standard qualification range has an 82 ft. (25 m) target
distance with 4 ft. (1.2 m) lane widths. Note that while some Navy training
only requires a 25-yard target distances, a 25-meter range provides
additional capability and safety. For Naval Special Warfare indoor ranges,
the layout is not standard and will vary depending on type of training
Air Force: Use Air Force Facility Criteria FC 4-179-03 for planning and
layout of indoor ranges along with general requirements provided in
Chapter 1. This Air Force FC provides general guidance on lanes and
detailed planning requirements for the indirect support areas.
USMC: Typical indoor ranges have either 82 ft. (25 m) or 164 ft. (50 m)
target distances.
Army: Base layout on training and installation specific requirements.
Range Control Booth.
Ventilation, Layout, and Sound Attenuation.
Include a ventilation system independent of the training area range ventilation system
and a 2 ft. (0.8 m) wide, full-length work counter at the base of the window. Locate all
range controls and utility panels in this area. Locate lighting and communications
controls to allow adjustments while maintaining clear visibility downrange. Provide
sound attenuation to allow personnel in the booth during live fire without the need of
hearing protection as described by the noise paragraphs in this chapter.
Design range control booth to provide full line-of-sight visibility from a center seated
position 4 ft. (1.2 m) behind a 4 ft. (1.2 m) high window to 4 ft. (1.2 m) behind the firing
line on both sides and extending downrange to the target area. See Figure Fig 4-1.
Coordinate window level with that of the ventilation supply diffuser so the downrange
view is not blocked by the diffuser when standing. Windows and doors within the booth
must not restrict or distort the view downrange. Closed-circuit television monitors may
be used to enhance, but will not replace, this requirement. Provide windows with views
into the hallway behind and vestibules to the sides that allow monitoring of movement in
and out of the training area. Use sliding closures or other method on the windows into
hallways and vestibules that can be used to completely block light from coming into the
range control booth during low light conditions. For Air Force ranges, raise floor in
booth a minimum 2 ft. (0.6 m) minimum above the range floor to promote visibility
downrange and to all range entry points.
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Airlock Vestibules.
Entrance vestibules with doors at either end are required to allow movement in and out
of the range without disturbing the air balance of the range. A minimum of one vestibule
for ranges with seven lanes or less, and two vestibules for ranges with more than seven
lanes is required. Place vestibules adjacent to the Range Control Booth with windows
to allow monitoring of movement from the booth. All doors into the training area must
swing outward from range to help seal doors under negative pressure. Seal around
doors and place sweeps at bottom to provide an airtight closure.
Vacuum Storage.
Include a storage area with direct access to the training area for portable High Efficiency
Particulate Air (HEPA) vacuum and equipment storage.
Brass Storage.
A 55-gallon drum may be placed next to side wall behind firing line for brass storage
immediately after collection.
The width of the range is determined by the number of lanes, width of lanes, and the
space provided against each side wall. The length of the range is determined by the
distance behind the firing line, the target distance, the depth of the bullet trap, and the
space behind the bullet trap. The height of the range is determined by the clear height
between floor and bottom of the ceiling baffles, the ceiling baffle height, and the
distance above the baffles needed for structural and mechanical systems. Make all
surfaces downrange in direct line of fire non-reflective when lasers are allowed in
Use Figures 4-1, 4-2, and the following minimum distances:
Range Control Booth: 10 ft. (3 m) front to back.
Get Ready Area: Table 4-1.
Target Distance: As required for training. Do not extend target system into
the trap.
Bullet trap: Approximately 27 ft. (8.2 m)coordinate with trap
Maintenance Area: Minimum 6 ft. (1.8 m) behind bullet trap. Verify there
is enough space in maintenance area for all trap components,
compressors, and other hardware. This is area must not be used for
Clear Height: Table 4-1 for minimum distance. May need higher ceilings if
vehicles are used in training.
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Distance between top of baffles and bottom of roof: As needed, including
space for structural components and ventilation ductwork.
Distance between edge lanes and side walls: Minimum 2 ft. (0.6 m). This
distance is needed to help achieve proper airflow and prevent shooting
near side walls.
Lane Width: Minimum 4 ft. (1.2 m). Service and training requirements
may dictate wider lanes.
Avoid interior columns when possible. If provided, include a 2 ft. (0.6 m)
buffer between column and lanes.
Safety Ceiling: Extend ballistic coverage to 4 ft. (1.2 m) behind firing line.
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Standard Range Layout
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Standard Range Section.
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Table 4-1 Range Heights and Get Ready Area Distances.
Target Distance (TD) Clear Vertical Height
Get Ready Area
(Backwall to FL)
Up to 82 ft. (25 m).
8 ft. (2.4 m)
16 ft. (5 m)
Over 82 ft. (25 m) up to 165 ft. (50 m).
10 ft. (3 m)
18 ft. (5.5 m)
From 165 ft. (50 m) to 328 ft. (100 m)
12 ft. (3.7 m)
18 ft. (5.5 m)
Required Indirect Support Area.
The following areas are required:
Administrative Area: This area contains offices for the range safety
officer, instructors, and maintenance personnel along with file and shelf
storage for operations data and maintenance records.
Restrooms, Shower, and Locker Room Areas: Size restrooms based on
occupancy and range use. Size shower and locker based on range staff.
Laundry: For range laundry use only.
General Storage: Provide adequate storage for targets, filters, tools, and
maintenance equipment.
Maintenance and Storage area.
Other Indirect Support Areas.
The following areas may be necessary:
Brass sorting: Include table with raised perimeter and holes to collection
buckets or drums underneath.
Classrooms: This includes space to conduct classroom training prior to
live-fire and after-action debriefings.
Weapons Cleaning Area: This space accommodates workbenches,
degreasing tanks, and spray hoods. Exhaust hoods and vapor proof
electrical fixtures may be required. Provide a lavatory with potable water
and eyewash in the immediate area.
Arms and Ammunition Storage: UFC 4-215-01 Armories and Arms
Rooms. When provided, include an issue and clearing area adjacent to
the weapons storage and cleaning area.
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Break Room: Room for meals and breaks with space for refrigerator, sink,
countertops, microwaves, coffee machines, table, and chairs. Provide
signage that prohibits food inside the training area.
Weapons Simulator Room: Design to accommodate anticipated system.
These rooms may require raised flooring, compressor area, darkened or
no windows, and a small control room. Signs must clearly mark room as
simulation weapons only, with no lethal ammunition allowed.
The training area and trap area do not require a sprinkler system. Coordinate with the
DFPE early in the design process for detailed requirements for the rest of the building.
Provide 2-hour fire rated construction separating the training and direct support areas
from indirect support areas.
Design for the collection, storage, and disposal of:
Brass, typically recycled.
Supply filters, non-contaminated.
Exhaust filters, contaminated after use.
Filters from the dust collection system, contaminated after use.
Dust captured in the dust collection system.
Vacuum waste, contaminated.
Trap collection waste, contaminated.
Projectiles captured in trap collection system.
Note: Contaminate refers to material with lead, copper, and other compounds typically
at levels that classify them as hazardous waste for storage and disposal purposes.
Design a ballistically contained structure that:
Contains all shots from each intended firing location, at all respective
targets, for all weapons and calibers based on the intended training in the
Provides airtight connections between walls and roof to prevent air
leakage into the range that can interfere with the ventilation system’s
negative pressure.
Seals all utility connections leading into the range.
Provides proper detailing and door hardware for an airtight closure.
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Provides a maintenance double door behind the firing line.
Provides at least one maintenance double door in the area behind the
bullet trap. Two double maintenance doors, one on each side, may be
necessary to provide access to all heavy items and equipment.
To increase flexibility and reduce spans, ranges may be divided into separate bays with
structural walls extending the length of the range from floor to roof that prevent air
movement between bays. Ranges that have a partial dividing wall or an interior row of
columns are not multiple bay ranges. Design each bay to operate independently from
adjacent bays with separate and independent:
Ventilation systems and controls.
Bullet traps and trap related equipment.
Target systems.
Range control booths.
Design walls to reduce noise transmission to adjacent occupied spaces and to
withstand negative and positive pressures that would be encountered should the
ventilation supply or exhaust fans fail. Walls must provide an airtight enclosure to
maintain negative pressure inside the range as required for range ventilation. Seal any
penetrations in wall including ductwork and utility penetrations.
Uprange Ceiling and Wall Behind Firing Line.
Slope suspended ceiling from back wall to edge of safety ceiling behind firing line to
provide a gradual transition for supply air movement to firing line. Place removable
suspended ceiling panels along the width of the back wall under ventilation balancing
dampers for maintenance access.
Ballistic Side and Downrange Walls.
Make side walls and the downrange wall behind the bullet trap a minimum of:
Concrete: 8 in. (203 mm) thick using either cast in place, tilt up, or precast
construction. Structural design and internal thermal insulation may dictate
thicker walls. If internal cavity is provided, the interior section must meet
the minimum thickness requirement. Walls must be smooth and flat with
no protrusions, indentions, cavities, exposed steel, or any other feature
presenting a ricochet hazard.
Steel: Minimum 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) AR500 steel plate.
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Provide splatter protection on steel and concrete up to 8 ft. (2.4 m) above
the floor and a minimum of 16.4 ft (5 m) down range of all firing positions,
except do not place any splatter protection within 10 ft. (3 m) of the bullet
trap. This is to allow inspection of the wall where it is most susceptible to
bullet strikes.
Wall Joints.
Provide complete ballistic integrity across joints. For side walls, this includes joints from
finished floor up to the highest point of the ceiling baffles. For the downrange wall
behind bullet trap, this includes up to 12 ft. (3 m) above finished floor. Ballistic integrity
can be accomplished using keyed construction joints or by placing 0.375 in. (9.53 mm)
thick AR500 steel plate over the joint. When used, design plate to protect the joint and
reduce chance of ricochets by:
Flush mounting plate to wall.
Placing a 45-degree bevel on the leading edge of the plate that faces the
shooter, with the plate fitted securely to the wall with no gaps over 0.0625
in. (1.6 mm) between plate and wall.
Downrange Doors.
Avoid doors between the firing line and bullet trap, but they may be necessary on large
ranges to meet Fire and Safety codes. When placed downrange past the firing line,
doors and door hardware must meet UL 752 Level 8 protection standard. This includes
doors on back wall behind the trap so that rounds cannot escape during a trap failure.
Doors behind the bullet trap that are located on the side walls are not required to meet
this UL level. Use locking hardware, panic hardware, or magnetic door locks to ensure
personnel do not inadvertently enter during live fire events. For doors on the side wall
between the firing line and bullet trap, a wall baffle must be placed just uprange of door
extending from the floor to the height of the door to reduce the chance of an errant shot
striking the door hardware.
Maintenance and Vehicle Entrance.
For each bay, include a 6 ft. (1.8 m) wide maintenance double door uprange at least 4
ft. (1.2 m) behind the firing line. A larger door may be required if vehicles will be used in
training. These doors are not operated during training and therefore do not require a
double airlock vestibule.
4-11 FLOORS.
Concrete floors must be level with a smooth finish, without any protrusions or
Seal all floor joints and design to minimize ricochet potential.
Locate longitudinal floor joints between firing lanes. Provide backer
material when necessary to support sealant.
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Sawed control joints more than 0.25 in (6.3 mm) wide are not permitted.
Traditional chamfered construction joints are not permitted.
Surface seal floor with a waterproof sealant to facilitate cleaning.
Use non-reflective flat or flat satin sealant when range is designed to allow
Steel floors may be 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) AR500 steel plate with support to prevent
Provide a slip-proof coating.
Do not apply any surface on the flooring that prevents the bullets from
reaching the bullet trap or that will entrap firing residue and hinder the
cleaning of the range floor.
Provide permanent range markings as required by the service. Use nonreflective paint
when designing for laser use. The following are recommended:
4 in. (100 mm) wide red floor stripe across the width of rear uprange firing
4 in. (100 mm) wide black stripe across the width of the range in front of
the trap at the last target line.
4 in. (100 mm) wide vertical black stripes up both side walls with critical
target distances starting at the floor and extending 4 ft. up the wall.
Provide 4 in. (100 mm) letters above this line indicating distance with units
in either yards or meters depending on training requirements. For ranges
with fixed firing lines and movable targets, the distances must be
measured starting at the firing line. For ranges with a fixed target line at
the trap end, the distances must be measured from the target line back
towards the firing lines.
Lane markings at the firing line and the last target line are to be
coordinated with users on size and type of markings. For Air Force
projects see Chapter 2.
4 in. (100 mm) wide yellow ready line 8 ft. (2.4 m) behind the firing line.
Choose target systems based on the type of training anticipated and scoring accuracy
required. The type of target system used will influence the floor plan, baffle design, and
range height and must be considered in the design. Polices for procuring range target
system equipment vary between services. All target systems must be designed to
prevent ricochets and splatter from returning to shooters, with steel and other hard
material angled and no blunt edges presented to the firing line. A variety of systems are
available. Some options are presented below.
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Static Target Stands.
Basic target stands allow for manual placement of target. Stands may be of wood, poly
synthetic, steel angled away from line of fire, or other material designed to reduce
Overhead Target Rail System.
Overhead monorail target systems have:
Rigid overhead rails.
Capability of 180-degree turning targets.
Capability of moving and stopping target at all target distances.
AR500 angled steel plate on front of carrier, target clamps, and
connections between clamp and carrier designed for anticipated weapons
and ammunition.
Target rails approximately 7.5 ft. (2.3 m) above the finished floor.
Ability to control single targets from individual lanes.
Ability to control both single targets individually and all targets collectively
from controls in the range control booth.
Programmable target positions in both yards and meters.
Programmable parameters including positions, start/stop times, and edge
face targets.
Drive system located behind the firing line using a cable system for
moving targets.
Dimmable light illuminating target on target carrier.
360-degree target turning.
Self-driven target carriers with internal motors and drive system.
Running Man Targets.
Running man targets are typically mounted on overhead rails that move targets left and
right across the width of the range near the last target line. Running man targets can be
either a single target system or a double system that runs two targets in opposite
directions at the same time. Coordinate rail location with bullet trap, overhead baffles,
other target systems.
Fixed Turning Targets System.
Turning targets are located at the trap end and have a target clamp on a vertical
pivoting rod to rotate targets between face and edge. Clamps must hold targets
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securely but allow one-handed placement and removal of targets. The target clamp and
vertical rods should be protected by 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) AR500 steel plate placed at an
angle to extend life and help prevent ricochets. The unprotected components of the
system must be placed behind overhead baffles to block line of sight from all shooting
Shooting stalls may be used to provide shooting barriers, separate shooters, mount
target controls, block ejecting brass from adjacent lanes, and limit ability of shooters to
accidentally shoot sideways. Fold down or swing out tables and barricades may be
included. Check individual service policy for requirements.
Training may require barriers or barricades and must be addressed in the design.
Include storage space when they are not permanently affixed to the building. These
may be portable wooden frames or features incorporated into shooting stalls. Other
options include swing out barriers that fold flat to a side wall and barriers that can be
temporarily attached to the wall and removed for storage when not in use. Check
individual service policy for requirements and procurement policy. The following
provides geometry for some service specific barrier and barricade requirements:
Air Force: Position barricades as described in Chapter 2.
Navy: Standing, low, and window barriers for Practical Weapons Courses
in OPNAV 3591.
Design baffle system to provide complete overhead containment within the training area
in accordance with Figure 4-3 and the following:
Minimum 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) AR500 steel plate.
Maximum 25-degree angle from horizontal.
Minimum 6 in. (0.15 m) horizontal steel-steel overlap between adjacent
Maximum 0.0625 in. (1.6 mm) mm) gap between steel plates for butt joints
and 0.125 in (3.2 mm) where backing plate or lap joint is used.
Non-ballistic vertical closure sections from the lower end of one baffle to
the upper end of the next baffle downrange to prevent air from moving
between open area below to space above baffles.
Complete coverage from side to side with no gaps. This can be
accomplished by using an AR500 plate connected to the side wall that
overlaps with the overhead baffles.
Provide intermediate support to prevent steel plates from sagging.
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Sealed off baffle section between steel plate and splatter protection to
prevent the creation of a plenum that would allow air to move between
training area below and ceiling space above. Spacers may be run in
either direction provided ends are sealed between steel plates and splatter
Splatter protection provided on all baffle surfaces a minimum of 16.4 ft (5
m) down range of all firing positions.
A closure baffle as shown on the downrange section in Figure 4-2 above
may be required to complete ballistic protection when a running man
target system is used.
Figure 4-3 Overhead Baffles
Unless directed otherwise, all new indoor bullet traps must be commercial steel traps.
Design the trap for the most powerful round to be used. Steel traps must have:
Minimum 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) thick AR500 steel plate. A thickness of 0.5
in. (12.7 mm) is recommended to increase the life of the plates. All plates
will eventually wear and warp depending on weapons, ammunition, and
Capability to replace individual plates as they become worn or warped.
Maximum lower ramp slope of 15 degrees off horizontal.
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Maximum slope of 15 degrees off horizontal for upper ramp plates
immediately above the deceleration chamber. The upper ramp is typically
hung from the roof.
Continuous throat across the width of the trap with no vertical connector
sections such that a rod placed inside the slot can move unimpeded
across the width of the trap.
Dust collection system to reduce dust at the trap end of the range. Provide
forklift access to the dust collection drums.
Spent round collection system. Provide forklift access to collection drums.
Cantilevered Upper Ramp Support.
On existing ranges where a steel trap is being added, verify the roof can handle the
additional load. Where the additional load of the trap cannot be supported, a structural
cantilevered arm mounted to the floor behind the trap may be used. The cantilever
option reduces roof load but takes up more floor space and increases cost. Account for
the extra space required when using a cantilevered arm mount.
Dust Collection System.
The trap must include a system to capture and collect airborne contaminants at the
deceleration chamber that provides:
Noise levels below 80 dB when measured 10 ft. (1.2 m) from the system.
Fans and filters located outside on back or side wall of range.
Monitoring from within range control booth with indicators that show when
system is running, filter status, and when dust collection drums are full.
The ability to turn system on and off from within range control booth.
A minimum volumetric flow of 500 cfm (14 m3/min) for every 10 ft. (3 m) of
Sealed ductwork that prevents the escape of dust.
HEPA filters on the exhaust.
Spent Round Collection System.
Choose either a simple bucket system or mechanical system:
Bucket System.
Bullets fall from the deceleration chamber into buckets underneath. System must be
sealed to contain lead dust and allow for easy removal and replacement with no special
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Mechanical System.
These increase complexity and cost over the bucket system but reduce the labor
involved in collecting projectiles. These can be either:
Auger Bullet Collection Unit: Spent rounds fall from the deceleration
chamber into a sealed trough below. An auger pushes the bullets and
fragments to one side of the room where another perpendicular inclined
auger raises and drops them into a collection drum below.
Drag Conveyor: Same as auger system except a conveyor belt is used to
move spend rounds and fragments to the collection drum.
Include capability to monitor status of mechanical system and to turn system on and off
from within the range control booth.
Granular Rubber Trap Option.
A granular rubber trap may be used when approved. Do not use on Air Force or Navy
Advantages and Disadvantages.
Compared to steel bullet traps, granular rubber traps:
Take up less space.
Cost less.
Capture rounds more intact and thus reduce lead dust at the trap end.
Can provide some limited reduction in sound reverberation time.
Require more routine maintenance.
Will fail if rubber levels are not maintained properly.
Can ignite if not used and maintained properly.
NOTE: Rubber trap fires have caused significant damage on several DoD indoor
ranges, mostly from using tracers which should never be allowed at indoor ranges.
Do not reduce the range length when a rubber trap is chosen since it will eliminate the
option of replacing the rubber trap with a steel trap in the future. Coordinate baffle and
trap layout so that any round fired from any firing position will contact either 2 ft. (0.6 m)
of rubber or an overhead steel baffle. Design the trap frame to hold the weight of the
trap, rubber, and 120,000 7.62 mm projectiles for every 4 ft. (1.2 m) of trap across the
width of the range. Design the trap to reduce the amount of rubber that spills onto the
floor and include:
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Shredded rubber material with average diameter of 0.375 in. (9.6 mm) to
0.875 in. (22 mm).
Clean chopped rubber that is 99.9 percent free of loose wire or exposed
steel, by weight.
Fire retardant and adhesion promotion treatment.
Minimum 2 ft. (0.60 m) of rubber as measured perpendicular to the sloping
Coordinate with the local fire authority for design requirements that help contain smoke
in the event of a fire including:
Plenum and roof vents above the trap area to collect and release smoke.
Vertical smoke barrier above the ceiling baffles across the width of the
range towards the trap end to limit the movement of smoke uprange.
Fire protection plan showing recommended access to trap in the event of
a fire.
Include a loud speaker system between range control booth and range with volume
control and capable of producing 110 dBA at the firing line. Locate as to not interfere
with supply air flow. Include wall mounted handheld microphones for communication
back to the range control booth, with one on each side wall and one on back wall below
the range control booth window.
Design lighting system to reduce glare and provide independent lighting zones in
accordance with Table 4-2 and:
Locate downrange lights out of the line of fire. This can be accomplished
by placing them behind the vertical section of the overhead baffles.
Size and locate light and fixtures behind the firing line so they do not
interfere with the supply airflow.
Provide fully dimmable areas with flicker free lighting from 0 to 100
percent intensity levels.
Locate lighting controls in the range control booth to allow adjustments
with clear view of training area. Label controls to allow intuitive operation
so that an operator unfamiliar with the system will be able to select and
manipulate the controls accurately without any instructions.
On ranges where training will occur using Night Observation Devices
(NODs), all lighting, including emergency lighting, must be able to be
turned completely off. Red lighting may be added downrange to assist
visibility during low light training.
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Table 4-2 Lighting Requirements
Range Control Booth.
Fully dimmable + dimmable red light.
On/Off with switches in vestibule +
range control booth.
Get Ready Area and
Uprange Firing Line.
Fully dimmable + dimmable red light.
Target Area.
Fully dimmable.
Last Target Line.
Fully dimmable.
Area Behind Trap.
** Measured at 4 ft. (1.2 m) above the floor.
Range In Use Lights.
Include a red Range In Use light above and outside vestibule entrances that indicate
when range is in use. Light is on when range is operational. Locate switch in range
control booth.
Security Training Lights.
Optional flashing lights may be required behind or above the firing line to simulate the
flashing lights from security vehicles. Choose location to provide desired effect
downrange while minimizing impact on ventilation air movement. Check with local
security force for proper color and flashing effects.
Emergency Lighting.
For exit lighting, provide low profile lights oriented with smallest profile pointing
downrange to minimize interruption of supply airflow.
4-20 NOISE.
Design range to meet:
The maximum ambient and live fire noise levels in Figure 4-3.
Reverberation Time 60dB (RT60) less than 1.3 seconds as described in
the sound decay rate testing paragraph below.
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Noise to Adjacent Land.
Consider all notable sources of noise associated with the training facility when
determining its layout. Noise transmitted outside of indoor ranges can be significant
and depends on several factors including weapons and ammunition, thickness and
material of walls and roof, roof to wall connections, and direction of fire. Air handling
and dust collection systems can also produce significant noise. Noise transmitted
outside of indoor ranges can be reduced through a combination of strategic layout,
acoustic dampening characteristics of construction materials, and construction methods.
The location of the range and the adjoining land use will determine the acceptable level
of noise transmitted outside of the range.
Noise Inside the Training Area.
The training area design must incorporate acoustic control elements to reduce internal
ambient noise levels and reverberation time. To meet these levels, the acoustic design
should incorporate strategic layout, construction materials with acoustic dampening
characteristics, and intentional construction method types. The seals on doors and
windows should be tight to minimize the direct transmission of noise out of the firing
range and into other interior rooms or occupied spaces of the facility. Absorptive
acoustical surfacing will reduce the noise level in the range. Ambient noise does not
include the impulse noise generated by gunfire but does include other noise sources
such as air handling and dust collection systems. Ambient noise levels are generally
controlled by preventing the noise from reaching the occupied spaces. Some noise
sources can be isolated from the occupied spaces. Walls with designated Sound
Transmission Class (STC) ratings can also be used to separate noise generating
equipment from occupied spaces. Extending partitions to the ceiling or roof level and
sealing air gaps will reduce noise transmission.
Short duration impulse noise peaks created by gunfire will exceed the 85 dBA level and
could exceed 160 dBA. Reflective surfaces in a range will reverberate noise during
firing, extending the decay time of the noise.
Acoustical Treatment Locations.
Acoustic absorbing materials may be used behind the firing line and on the wall, ceiling,
and ceiling baffle surfaces extending down range. Treat the ceiling baffle nearest to the
firing line with acoustic absorbing materials as it is the most important ceiling baffle
regarding noise levels behind the firing line. Floor areas of the range must remain bare
concrete or steel. The floor behind the firing line may be covered with rubber or other
acoustic mitigating materials so long as the materials are suitable for floor application
and do not impede the removal of ammunition residue. Include the acoustic design
calculations in the design analysis.
Acoustic Panels.
Acoustic panels may be installed on walls, ceilings, and baffles. Blown-on acoustic
material and carpeting are not permitted due to the difficulty of cleaning accumulated
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ammunition residue. Acoustic materials must be nonflammable and not impede the
vacuum removal of ammunition residue. Do not paint acoustic tiles or surfaces as paint
significantly degrades the sound absorbing qualities of the acoustic surfaces. Acoustic
panels often serve dual purpose to mitigate sound and provide bullet splatter protection.
Acceptance Testing.
For all new, addition, and modification projects that include modifications to the sound-
absorbing materials within the range, acceptance testing must be performed by an
independent acoustic specialist whose firm is a member of the National Council of
Acoustic Consultants.
Sound Decay Rate Testing.
The acoustic design must include mitigation methods and construction materials to
reduce the measured Reverberation Time 60dB (RT60) to less than 1.3 seconds in the
250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, and 4 kHz octave bands in accordance with ASTM
E2235. Testing must be performed in accordance with ASTM E2235 with noise
generating devices placed at the firing line. Aim device parallel with the line of fire when
not using omni-directional devices. The contractor must provide certified test results
showing that the reverberation time requirements are met.
Ambient and Live Fire Noise Level Testing.
The contractor must provide certified test results showing that the ambient and live fire
noise levels within the range do not exceed levels shown in Figure 4-3.
All Ambient and peak noise level measurements must be taken with all
range equipment on, including the air handling and dust collection
systems, and no gun fire.
All live fire noise levels must be taken with all range equipment on and
with continuous gunfire from four Government provided shooters firing the
maximum caliber design weapon, at full automatic if applicable, and using
ball ammunition. Firing must be from the most uprange firing line without
using suppressors.
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Table 4-3 Maximum Noise Levels
Maximum Ambient Noise
Levels (dBA)
Maximum Live Fire Noise
Levels (dBA)
Inside the Firing Range
Sound Decay Rate Test
Inside the Range Control
In order to provide safe training and working environment, the ventilation system must
limit exposure to airborne lead, copper, and other contaminants generated during small
arms training. To achieve good air flow across the entire firing line, compliance with the
following paragraphs is required. A recommended contracting strategy to help achieve
these stringent requirements is provided in Appendix B.
General Ventilation Requirements.
All ventilation system controls must meet the cyber-security requirements found in UFC
4-010-06. The training area ventilation system must be separate and independent from
the support and administrative area ventilation system. Design the training-area
ventilation system to meet the following:
An air flow of 75 fpm (23 m/min.) at the firing lines meeting the acceptance
standards included later in this section.
100 percent outside air with no recirculation.
A negative pressure inside the range of -0.05 +/- .02 in (1.3 mm +/- 0.5
mm) of water column relative to the non-training areas in the range.
Paired supply and exhaust units with each exhaust fan interlocked with
one corresponding supply fan.
The preferred location of the supply Air Handling Units (AHUs) is on the
roof to reduce the amount of turbulence in the air before it reaches the
supply plenums.
The preferred location of the exhaust AHUs is on the ground to simplify
filter changes.
AHU motors limited to 75 horsepower or less.
Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) on all supply and exhaust AHU motors.
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Supply intake vents separated from exhaust outlets by a minimum 30 ft. (9
Location of exhaust ductwork coordinated with baffle and trap design to
protect against direct hit and ricochets.
Independent local control. Base-wide control systems may connect to the
system for monitoring purposes but must not control or alter the system
Ductwork protection for all ranges within approximately one mile (1.6 km)
of salt water bodies. Include a sprayed-on weather and corrosion
resistant coating, such as the polyurea coating used to line truck beds, for
all ventilation ductwork exposed to the environment. Consider for all other
locations where corrosion is a problem. Choose material and thickness
based on local conditions and ductwork material.
See Figure 4-4 for a schematic range ventilation system.
Range Ventilation Schematic
Climate Control.
Provide heat when sustained temperatures are under 50 degrees F (10 degrees C).
Specify design heating temperature and heating type. Chose a dry bulb discharge
temperature between 65 and 70 degrees F (18 and 21 degrees C) that minimizes
temperature differentials between winter and summer temperatures inside the range.
Air-to-air heat exchangers may be included in cold climates when cost savings are
supported by life cycle analysis.
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Provide cooling only in climates with both sustained temperatures over 100 degrees F
and humidity over 70 percent. Evaporative cooling may be considered if reduced
temperatures do not drive humidity over 65 percent.
Supply Distribution System.
Design system to provide:
Supply air from the air handling unit through a continuous graduated
plenum that is gradually tapered to produce an even pressure along the
length of the plenum.
A single or double duct with an adjustable damper leading from the
tapered plenum to each diffuser section.
Interconnected double wall radial diffuser sections at the top of the back
wall above the viewing window, with each section a maximum 5 ft. (1.5 m)
long. Design and size diffuser sections to provide enough surface and
free area to smoothly transition air as it moves to the firing line. Radial
diffusers may be half or quarter round.
Noise from supply system limited to 70 dBA or less when measured at the
most uprange firing line, with no whistling noise coming from the diffusers.
Single stage Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 8 supply filters
as a minimum.
A supply filter system that prevents filters from being pulled into fan.
Align dampers within the diffuser sections with lane dividers in order to
facilitate testing and balancing.
For high debris areas, provide double stage supply filters consisting of a minimum
MERV 8 filter followed by a MERV 13 filter. Take the direction of the prevailing local
winds into consideration when selecting location and direction of supply intakes.
Exhaust System.
Design exhaust system to provide:
An air volume of minimum 110 percent of the rated supply volume of air.
An exhaust plenum located above and downrange of the trap entrance,
with a semi-continuous slot at the intake spanning the entire width of the
shooting lanes.
Minimum exhaust duct velocities of 2000 ft./min (57 m/min).
Air velocities of 350 to 450 fpm (10 to 13 m/min) across the filter media.
A two-stage filtration system with a MERV 15 Bag filter no less than 26 in.
long (66 cm) followed by a HEPA filter with a 99.95 percent efficiency
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Three-stage HEPA rated racks, leaving one stage empty for future
AHUs sized to provide minimum 5 in. (127 mm) of external static pressure
for filter loading over clean required static pressure.
Factory HEPA rated filter housing for the HEPA filter.
AHUs and filter housing with a minimum 4 ft. (1.2 m) clearance from all
adjacent features.
Filters capable of being removed and replaced by hand without any
special tools or equipment.
Incorporate a Direct Digital Control (DDC) system to:
Initiate supply and exhaust fans at low speeds that ramp up to field
adjustable levels as necessary to reach desired negative pressure inside
the range.
Provide gradual adjustments to power and prevent noticeable hunting and
modulation of the AHUs.
Note: Values for adjustable parameters must be selected during design and
adjusted during balancing as necessary to optimize air movement.
Incorporate the following:
Two clearly labeled emergency red mushroom cutoff switches wired
directly to the supply and exhaust VFDs and the heat enable that manually
and safely shut off the entire ventilation system. Locate one switch in the
training area behind the firing line and the other inside the range control
Ability to connect to the internet and allow remote diagnostics. The
government will provide the internet connection.
A ventilation control panel located in the range control booth with
diagnostic screen, an on/off switch, and three condition lights on the
panels: Safe to Shoot, Warning, and Do Not Shoot. Locate panel such
that all condition lights are easily visible from all positions inside the booth.
Diagnostic screen that scrolls though all conditions, settings, and status.
Require all controls and logic necessary to produce the following light conditions:
(1) Condition-Green Safe to Shoot light:
All systems are within operating parameters.
(2) Condition-Yellow Warning light:
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Pressure drop across exhaust pre-filter is past adjustable set point.
Pressure drop across exhaust HEPA filter is past adjustable set point.
Pressure drop across supply filters is greater than an adjustable set point.
Range temperature is outside given adjustable set points.
(3) Condition-Red Do Not Shoot light. If any of these conditions occur, controls will
sound alarm and shut down range ventilation system:
Either supply fan or exhaust fan is off.
Pressure differential for any of the air filters is outside extreme limits.
Doors leading into the range from the air lock vestibule remain open for
more than a given set point, with an adjustable set point initially set to 5
Door into trap area is opened.
Any door leading into the range training area from outside is opened.
Range pressure is outside the upper limit of zero in. of water and the lower
adjustable limit for a given time limit initially set to 2 min.
Supply static pressure is below adjustable limit.
Acceptance Testing.
Test all new ventilation systems and any system where modification or adjustments
have been made that would impact airflow.
Test all controls for proper operation including fan start up and initiation, emergency cut
offs, control panel operation, and all light conditions.
Air Flow.
Take measurements at the most uprange firing line in the center of each lane at 1 ft.
(0.3 m), 3 ft. (0.9 m), and 5 ft. (1.5 m) off the floor. Test with clean filter first, then block
off portions of HEPA filters to simulate a yellow warning condition and retest.
Acceptable readings for both scenarios are:
No single reading under 50 fpm (15 m/min) or over 120 fpm (37 m/min).
Each lane average between 60 fpm (18 m/min) and 90 fpm (27 m/min).
Range average between 71 fpm (22 m/min) and 79 fpm (24 m/min).
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With clean filters and measurements taken at the most downrange
position nearest bullet trap but no closer than 9 ft. (3 m) from trap, take
three measurements at each lane at 5 ft. (1.5 m) off floor.
Average of three lane readings must be between 50 fpm (15 m/min) and
80 fpm (24 m/min).
Retest as necessary until all acceptance standards are met.
These acceptance test standards only apply to new ventilation systems and
replacement of existing systems. For existing systems use NEHC TM 6290.99.
All meters can be unreliable when measuring non-ducted air flow of 50 fpm (15 m/min)
and below. When 90 percent of the measurements along one line are acceptable,
smoke tests should be used to verify the unacceptable readings. If the smoke tests
show steady air movement downrange at these locations, they should be considered
Relocatable Ranges.
Relocatable ranges constructed of modular sections are designed to be disassembled
and relocated using standard overland transportation to alternate locations as the
training requirements change or are relocated. To provide this relocatable capability the
relocatable modular range must meet all requirements for indoor ranges above with the
following exceptions:
Indirect Support Areas are not required.
The range control booth may double as the air lock vestibule on small
ranges with three or fewer lanes.
Buffer between end lanes and side wall is not required and distance from
back wall to firing line may be reduced to 12 ft. (3.6 m). These
modifications are allowed because relocatable ranges can be sealed
better than typical indoor ranges and this improves the airflow control.
The range control booth back to front distance may be reduced to 8 ft. (2.4
The floor may be 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) AR500 steel plate with support to
prevent sagging. Provide a slip-proof coating. Do not apply any surface on
the flooring that prevents the bullets from reaching the bullet trap or that
will entrap firing residue and hinder the cleaning of the range floor.
For ranges with defined lanes where no angled shooting is allowed, a
more compact steel trap may be used with 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) AR500 steel
plates, a vertical throat with replaceable knife edged sides lined up with
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lanes and rated for the intended ammunition. The range ventilation
exhaust may be routed though the trap to function as the dust collection
A granulated rubber trap may be used when approved.
In lieu of concrete, the downrange wall behind the trap may use 0.5 in.
(12.7 mm) AR500 steel plate for ballistic containment.
Combination Fixed and Tactical Range.
A range with a ballistic center wall extending from the firing line to the base of the bullet
trap can be used to increase flexibility by ballistically dividing the training past the firing
line. An example is shown in Figure 4-5 that allows the range to operate as either:
One 12 lane range with a fixed firing line to accommodate the Navy’s
OPNAVY 3591 rifle qualification course.
Two tactical lanes with moving and shooting downrange at the same time
to accommodate the Navy’s OPNAV 3591 Practical Weapons Courses
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Range with Ballistic Divider Walls
Steel Reactive Range.
Advanced training with a knockdown steel target system provides immediate feedback
to the shooters. One example is shown in Fig 4.6 but can be varied to meet training
and maintenance objectives. This example has 16 ft. (5 m) wide lanes with a series of
popup steel head plate targets in each lane. Limit ammunition to frangible rounds or as
necessary to prevent rounds and splatter from coming back towards shooter and to
minimize damage downrange. Design side walls and lane divider walls for direct hits
and splatter where targets are placed near side walls. A control system and hit sensors
can be designed to track and score hits. Protect target bases from direct hits.
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Steel Reactive Range
Wide Angle Shooting.
Ballistic protection can be provided on side walls to allow shooting at angles of 180-
degrees (side to side) or more. Downrange protection is provided by a bullet trap.
There are several design options for protecting the walls with varying degrees of
protection, space, and cost including:
Placing 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) thick AR500 steel plates with splatter protection
to a height of 8 ft. (2.4 m). This is only recommended when all rifle
ammunition can be limited to frangible rounds.
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Covering the concrete side walls to a height of 8 ft. (2.4 m) with AR500
steel plate, with another wall in front consisting of a series of angled
overlapping AR500 steel similar to a venetian blind trap and covered with
splatter protection. The removable plates are sacrificial and should be
sized and designed to meet the intended training and allow for easy
removal and replacement. This is only recommended when all rifle
ammunition can be limited to frangible rounds and rounds that do not have
penetrators in the tip.
Placing an 8 ft. (2.4 m) wall section designed with 0.375 in. (9.5 mm)
AR500 steel plate, an approximate 2 ft. (0.6 m) air space, and a 12 in.
(300 m) thick ballistic rubber block wall on the exposed shooting side. A
wooden support system may be needed to secure the ballistic rubber
blocks in place. The space is required to allow inspection of the
underlying steel plates.
Placing bullet traps along the side walls. This provides a high level of
protection to the side walls but requires a significant amount of space.
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Close Quarter Combat (CQC) facilities, also known as shoothouses, allow up to 360-
degree shooting into ballistic walls. These structures can be built to simulate locations
where close quarter combat training may be needed including residential, commercial,
industrial, and shipboard environments. CQC facilities may have the following features:
A full ballistic enclosure that contains all rounds within the facility.
Ballistic walls with a separate ballistic roof above.
No ballistic roof.These are considered outdoor ranges and require a
360-degree SDZ or a waiver.
Catwalks across the tops of the ballistic panels that allow RSOs to monitor
training below.
Ventilation provided by either a mechanical system, open eaves to
encourage natural air movement, ceiling fans, or some combination of
Non-ballistic walls and limited to non-lethal force-force rounds.
This chapter provides criteria for live fire CQC facilities that have steel ballistic walls, a
ballistic roof, and limited to:
Frangible rifle rounds and pistol rounds fired directly into ballistic walls.
Note: Frangible rounds produce less airborne contaminants, have reduced
ricochet potential, do significantly less damage to steel plates, and greatly
reduce the chance of wall failure.
Ball rounds without tungsten or steel penetrators fired into bullet traps as
the primary impact surface, with ballistic walls providing secondary
Facilities with formal, documented, routine inspections of all ballistic steel
plates. All live rounds have the capability to eventually penetrate any
ballistic wall and therefore routine inspections are critical.
Shooting and movement training. These facilities are not intended for
multiple shooters firing multiple rounds in one area in a short period of
time which can overwhelm the ventilation system.
For Army shoothouses, refer to the information contained in DA Pam 385-63, TC 25-8
and the RDG for training intent, standard shoothouse layouts, design information,
instrumentation, support facilities, etc. In the event of conflicting information, these
documents take precedence over this UFC for Army shoothouses.
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Items Not Addressed.
This Chapter does not apply to CQC facilities and shoothouses where:
Rounds with tungsten or steel penetrators, such as M855 5.56 mm and
M855A1 5.56 mm, are allowed.
Explosives are used. Explosives requirements are outside the scope of
this criteria.
Shock Absorbing Concrete (SACON) is used for the ballistic walls.
For these facilities follow service provided guidance.
The design must address:
Ballistic containment.
Fire protection and alarms.
Laser use.
Ventilation to provide a safe training and working environment.
Maintenance and Storage.
Noise reduction to the extent possible.
A CQC facility can be divided into two different areas:
(1) Live fire area where training occurs.
(2) Support area.
Live Fire Area.
Size area and design ballistic panel layout to support intended training. Careful
coordination with trainers is critical to provide a combination of hallways, doors, room
sizes, and other training features that maximize training value. Recommend panel
layout be approved early in the design phase. Strategically placed movable or swap-out
panels may be used to allow significant floor plan changes with minimal effort and panel
adjustments. Options include:
Ballistic panels hung on rollers that slide on a track system above.
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Pivoting panels. As an example, a selected panel that creates a dead end
on a hallway in one scenario may be designed to pivot 180 degrees
opening that hallway but creating a dead end on an adjacent hallway.
Swap-out panels designed to allow simple switching between wall and
door sections.
When incorporated, design movable and swap-out panels to:
Maintain ballistic protection between panel, floor, and adjacent panels.
Allow changes that can be made by two people within a reasonable time
with simple hand operated equipment is recommended.
When movable or swap out panels are used, consider requiring mock up panel sections
for approval before full scale installation by contractor.
Direct Support Areas.
Design must account for the following:
Storage for targets, range equipment, and expendables such as splatter
protection and spacers.
Maintenance area for range equipment, targets, and expendables.
Mechanical and electrical rooms.
Control space for lights, monitoring, and recording systems.
Restrooms, lockers, and showers may also be provided to support personnel inside the
CQC facility.
Equipment and special effects to enhance training may be incorporated into the design,
Camera systems and two-way Public Address (PA) system throughout.
Equipment to produce special effects including smoke, lighting, sound,
and smells.
Digital Video Recorder (DVR) systems for recording training and providing
after-action review.
Simulator equipment to project moving targets onto ballistic panels with
cameras that can sense and record hit and misses.
Target systems may include any of the following:
Paper targets.
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Overhead rail targets.
Popup targets.
Three-dimension (3-D) Targets that are visible when using NODs.
Provide audio and visual alarms activated by mushroom switches at key locations on
walls and catwalk. Design system to provide the following results when activated:
Lights and alarms turn on.
Ventilation system shuts down.
Special effects, when provided, turn off.
Magnetic doors, when provided, unlock.
Each CQC facility is unique and fire protection requirements such as life safety and
means of egress, sprinkler systems, fire alarms, and other passive and active systems
will vary based on the mission and features of the individual CQC. Therefore,
coordinate with the DFPE early in the planning and design process for fire protection
Select lighting and illumination based on training goals, requirements, and:
Include dimmable lighting throughout.
Locate all lighting above ballistic panels. One option is a grid tracked
system just above the panels.
Include illuminators at key locations on catwalks, exits, and in training area
that will not interfere with the light spectrum of Night Vision Devices.
5-8 NOISE.
Design to reduce ambient noise and noise from gunfire to the extent possible. The
requirements in Chapter 4 are not feasible and do not apply to the training area. For
classrooms and administrative rooms, meet the noise requirements in chapter 4 for
these rooms.
Design for laser use by eliminating all reflective surfaces inside the range. Provide a
nonreflecting coating on all surfaces visible from the live fire area including:
Walls and ceilings.
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Joists and beams.
Door and other hardware.
Housings for cameras and special effects equipment.
Exposed piping and utility features.
Exceptions: Any part of any feature where a coating would interfere with its operation
including sprinkler heads, lights bulbs, lens, and emergency switches.
Ballistic Walls.
All wall surfaces subject to live fire must have ballistic panels composed of a minimum 8
ft. (2.4 m) tall and 0.5 in. (13 mm) thick AR525 steel plate with splatter protection
covering all surfaces exposed to live fire. Minimize the need for welding and only allow
techniques that do not reduce ballistic properties.
End Closure.
Design panels with ballistic steel end closures so that there are no panels with open
sides or tops for ricochets to escape. This includes all panel tops, doors, and ends of
termination panels. Closure must be minimum 0.375 in. (9 mm) AR525 steel plate.
Provide complete ballistic protection across joints. Where ballistic steel panels cover
concrete walls, plates may be bolted to the concrete using concrete anchor fasteners
with a flat AR525 steel plate of same thickness as panel covering the joint.
Ballistic Roofs and Decking.
Design the roof to provide weather protection and ballistic containment consisting of
Minimum 3 in. (76 mm) thick concrete.
0.375 in. (9.5 mm) thick AR500 Steel Plate.
Bullet resistant fiberglass panels UL 752 protection level 8.
For multi-story CQC facilities, design deck between floors subject to direct fire on either
side with a minimum 4 in. (150 mm) thick concrete, 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) AR500 steel, or
ballistic equivalent.
Exterior Openings.
Design exterior openings subject to live fire to prevent rounds from escaping through a
combination of:
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Controls and limitations.
Lockable Level 7 UL 752 ballistic doors.
Offset ballistic exterior walls covering exits.
Army Shoothouses
Army shoothouses not designed to support EPR rounds require an
exception to standard in accordance with AR 350-19.
Army shoothouses do not require a ballistic roof; an SDZ deviation may be
The ballistic walls are intended for secondary containment only, bullet
traps or hot walls are required behind targets to capture the majority of
Bullet traps must be designed for the specific rounds that will be fired in
the facility.
Moveable/sliding covers are an option for covering exterior openings.
Other materials, as shown in DA Pam 385-63, are allowable for the
shoothouse walls.
Catwalks may be included in the design when required to support the training or to
provide the range safety officer with visibility and control. Design layout such that all
rooms below are observable from positions on the catwalk. Provide stairs to the
catwalk outside the ballistic panel enclosure. Where roof overhangs perimeter panels,
consider locating the stairs outside the panels but inside the roof line. Retractable
vertical ladders may be provided to allow floor access from catwalks above. Ladder
should be in the raised position until needed. Catwalks can be supported from above to
allow reconfiguration of the panels below in the future.
Consider maintenance and noise to adjacent areas when selecting location of
ventilation equipment. Ventilation requirements in Chapter 4 do not apply. Design a
mechanical ventilation system to:
Create air movement within all rooms that clears smoke between training
Provide each fan with VFD and DDC controls tied to the control room to
allow gradual start up and adjustment for obtaining optimal air movement.
Limit all motors to 75 horsepower or less.
Minimize noise and vibrations. Provide fans with vibration spring isolation
that meet seismic requirements.
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Provide a Noise Criterion (NC) rating of less than 50 on exhaust grills
during normal facility operations.
Roof access to mechanical equipment that meets safety and force
protection requirements.
Army ventilation requirements are contained in DA Pam 385-63.
Air Flow Requirements.
Design system to move air and clear smoke from all live fire rooms that meets the
Top to Bottom Systems: A minimum cfm (m/min) to provide a vertical air
velocity of 25 fpm (7.2 m/min) in all live fire areas.
Over the Top and Open Eave Systems: Design system to clear smoke
from all rooms within three minutes and all hallways within six minutes. To
achieve this, the designer must specify a minimum cfm (m/min) based on
the design and account for short circuiting, but as a minimum use 40 air
changes per hour (ACH).
Note: A cfm selected based on 20 ACH will theoretically clear smoke
within 3 minutes. Smoke will usually take much longer to clear due to
short circuiting and inefficiencies.
Design Documents.
Design documents must include:
Location and cfm for all AHUs.
VFDs on all supply and exhaust motors.
Roof penetrations and curb detail for all roof mounted equipment.
Location and sizing of ductwork. Coordinate with catwalk and structural
Location and sizing of supply and exhaust diffusers and registers.
Filters location and requirements.
Acceptance test requirements.
HEPA Filters.
The requirement for HEPA filters on the exhaust will be made on a case-case basis as
determined by the responsible local environmental office. When HEPA filters are
required, design as follows:
Locate all exhaust AHUs on the ground.
Provide two stage filtrations using a MERV 15 Bag filter no less than 26 in.
(66 m) long followed by a 99.97 percent HEPA filter.
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Provide 3 stage HEPA rated racks, leaving one stage empty for future
Include 4 in. (100 mm) of external static pressure for filter loading in
addition to that required for operating with clean filters.
Contractor Experience.
It is highly recommended that a range ventilation contractor, experienced in providing
systems with similar requirements, is made responsible for the final design and
construction of the ventilation system including controls and balancing. An approach
similar to that recommended in Appendix B for indoor ranges can be used.
Acceptance Tests.
Acceptance tests must include the following:
Air flows at supply and exhaust: Test and balance each supply diffuser
and exhaust register against the design air flow. Provide acceptable
readings based on system provided.
Smoke Tests: With the system set in training mode with doors shut and
the ventilation system turned on, release smoke into each room using
smoke machines capable of filling rooms with smoke. Smoke in all rooms
must show movement and signs of clearing and be completely clear within
the time specified. Any rooms where smoke is stagnant or fails to clear
room completely within time specified constitutes failure requiring the
contractor to readjust and modify system until all rooms pass test.
A concrete structure with a ballistic roof to prevent any round from leaving the facility.
Ballistic steel panels with splatter protection must cover all surfaces subject to live fire.
Multiple levels may be provided.
Top to Bottom Ventilation System.
Design a mechanical ventilation system that supplies air from the top and exhaust air
through floor registers spaced a maximum of 10 ft. (3.0 m) on center. Floor registers
must be flush with floor and a maximum of 0.25 in. (6 mm) openings to prevent brass
from entering pit. Coordinate floor register layout with panel layout to minimize the
number of walls on top of floor registers. See Figure 5-1.
Army ventilation requirements are contained in DA Pam 385-63.
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Top to Bottom Ventilation System Schematic.
Across-the-Top Ventilation System.
Design a mechanical system that moves air across the top of the panels with
supplemental blowers or ceiling fans to push air down into the rooms below. AHUs can
be roof or ground mounted. The schematics in Figure 5-2 show options for roof and
ground mounted AHUs.
Across-The-Top Ventilation System Schematics.
This facility has ballistic steel plates connected to a concrete floor, with splatter
protection on all shooting sides. A separate roof structure is built over the ballistic walls
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with structural columns connected to the concrete outside the ballistic walls creating an
open eave in between.
Minimum Distances.
As a minimum, provide the following clearances between ballistic roof and walls:
Minimum 3 ft. (0.9 m) above ballistic walls.
Minimum 3 ft. (0.9 m) away from ballistic walls.
Roof sides extend a minimum 0.5 ft. (0.15 m) below height of ballistic
See Figure 5-3.
Ventilation System Supplemented with Natural Airflow
Design system with open eaves to promote natural air movement supplemented with
ceiling fans or blowers and exhaust fans pulling air from above.
Army ventilation requirements are contained in DA Pam 385-63.
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This information is guidance and not requirements. The main purpose is to
communicate proven system/facility solutions and lessons learned and may not be the
only solution to meet UFC requirements.
Providing a ventilation system that limits exposure to airborne contaminants is
challenging because:
Range ventilation is a significant portion of the construction cost.
Performance testing includes measuring airflow velocities at each lane
and firing position and comparing them to strict acceptance standards,
and this typically comes near the end of the project.
Meeting the required average airflow velocity across the width of the range
is relatively easy, but meeting airflow requirements at each lane and firing
position can be very difficult.
Numerous failures have occurred when inexperienced range ventilation
contractors were used.
When failures occur, it can be difficult to determine whether the problems
are related to the design, construction, controls, balancing, or testing. It
can be especially difficult when these responsibilities are split between
several sub-contractors, which is typically the case.
The problem persists with both full design and design-build projects.
Should the system fail to meet the acceptance standards, it may be
difficult and time consuming to resolve problems. Significant rework may
be required.
Therefore, it is highly recommended that the contract documents only allow range
ventilation contractors with proven experience meeting these or similar performance
standards and require that this contractor be responsible for the final design,
construction, controls, testing, and balancing of the system. In addition:
Range experience alone should not be considered, it must be experience
meeting similar performance requirements since the majority of non-DoD
indoor ranges do not use these stringent standards.
The acceptance testing should be witnessed by experienced government
personnel or third parties to verify all tests are performed properly.
A recommended contracting strategy is provided below.
A-1.1 Phase 1 Requirement Development.
For Design-Build (DB) projects, this is the Request for Proposals (RFP). For Design-
Bid-Build (DBB) projects, this is the project design phase.
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For DBB and DB projects, include the following in the contract documents:
Power supply location, and verification that power is sufficient.
Minimum air flow in cubic feet per minute (cfm) and cubic meters per
minute (m3/min.) required for both supply and exhaust systems.
General location of Air Handling Units (AHU), including whether they are
roof or ground mounted. Require stair access to roof when AHUs are
located on roof.
General location of dust collection and spent round collection systems.
General location of ductwork and diffusers.
Filter and filter rack requirements.
Heating requirements.
Cooling requirements. Cooling is only required in extremely hot climates.
Ventilation contractor’s experience requirements.
Design requirements edited for the project, with all options selected or
clarified as appropriate.
Acceptance testing requirements.
For DBB projects, the additional detail below is required to allow coordination with other
design disciplines:
Location of AHUs. Provide estimated weights and electrical loads of all
Power connection details.
Location and general sizing of ductwork, dampers, and radial diffuser in
enough detail to allow coordination and avoid conflicts with other design
Exact location of VFDs, control panels, and emergency cutoffs switches.
Roof penetration and curb details shown for all AHUs and ductwork.
Section at wall between range control booth and training area showing
radial diffuser, ductwork to diffusers, viewing window, suspended ceiling,
and structural ceiling.
Stair access when exhaust AHUs are roof mounted.
Options to be selected and included in the Phase 1 stage:
Location of supply AHUs: Locate on the roof when possible and centered
with symmetrical ductwork leading to the supply diffusers.
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Location of exhaust AHUs: Locate on the ground when possible to allow
easy replacement of HEPA filters. When located on the roof, stair access
must be provided.
A-1.2 Phase 2 - Ventilation Contractor Requirements.
Make the ventilation contractor responsible for providing the final design, construction,
controls, balancing, and final acceptance testing of the range ventilation system.
Require that contractor to have completed a minimum of five indoor range ventilation
projects with similar design and acceptance testing requirements, including 75 fpm (23
m/min.) air velocity when measured along the entire rear firing line and at least three
different heights. During the bidding process the ventilation contractor is encouraged to
submit a Request For Information (RFI) if, in their opinion, the Phase 1 design
requirements will not result in a system that meets the performance acceptance tests.
Have the ventilation contractor provide:
Prior to starting work:
Proof of previous experience, including contract documents from each
project showing design and acceptance test requirements, along with final
acceptance test reports.
A confirmation that they can provide a system meeting the Phase 1 design
and the acceptance testing performance requirements.
Full design of ventilation system including duct design and supply,
exhaust, and filter schedules.
At end of work:
Prior to acceptance testing, a detailed testing plan for approval with a
checklist and step-by-step procedures in a logical sequence.
Acceptance testing performed in the presence of the Contracting Officer
Representative. Provide all materials, equipment, and personnel
necessary to perform the tests including smoke generators, air flow
meters, communications, plan, and checklist.
Operations and Maintenance manuals.
A minimum 8 hours of on-site training covering operations, maintenance,
and troubleshooting of the entire range ventilation system.
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A wide variety of small arms weapons and ammunition is used throughout DoD. Some
common weapons and ammunition categories are listed below. The Army’s Hazard
Classification of United States Military Explosives and Munitions is a useful guide that
provides detailed information on every DoD approved round including a unique identifier
known as the Department of Defense Identification Code (DODIC).
12-gauge Shotguns.
Pistols/handguns: 9 mm and .45 cal.
Rifles : M4/M16 5.56 mm variants, M14 7.62 mm.
Crew Served Weapons: M249 5.56 mm and M240 7.62.
M2 .50 cal. Machine gun.
Most weapons can chamber different types of ammunition with different characteristics.
Here are some different types of ammunition and typical uses:
Short Range Training Ammunition (SRTA): These training rounds much
shorter maximum distances than standard rounds allowing them to be
used in areas where SDZs prohibit standard ammunition. Some SRTA
rounds rely on light plastic projectiles to limit distance and others rely on
projectile design to intentionally destabilize the flight path. These rounds
are typically lethal and should not be confused with non-lethal training
Frangible rounds: These training rounds are designed to disintegrate into
tiny particles after impacting steel for minimizing penetration, reducing
back splatter, and reducing damage to range components on indoor
ranges and Shoothouses. They create more fragment and dust which
may increase filter loading. These rounds are lethal and should not be
confused with non-lethal training rounds.
Reduced and zero lead content rounds: Some rounds are completely lead
free. Other have small amounts of lead in the primer to prolong shelf life.
These rounds can reduce or eliminate the chance of lead exposures and
may reduce the costs of disposal of range filters and clean up debris.
However, they may contain other potentially harmful compounds and
therefore do not lessen range ventilation requirements.
Non-lethal ammunition: These rounds allow force on force training
(participants shoot at each other). They do not imply zero risk and serious
injury can occur if not used properly. The DoD versions typically have
small amounts of lead in the primer to increase shelf life.
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5 March 2020
Rounds with steel penetrators: These rounds have steel penetrators to
increase penetration through steel, but generally not to the extent of AP
Armor Piercing (AP): These rounds have tungsten tips (or penetrators) to
increase penetration through steel. These should not be allowed on indoor
ranges, or on outdoor ranges with steel bullet traps or steel targets.
Tracer rounds: Typically used in belt fed weapons loaded with standard
rounds plus a tracer round every fourth or fifth link. Tracer projectiles
contain a pyrotechnic making the trajectory visible and enabling the
shooter to make aiming corrections. These should not be allowed on
indoor ranges and shoothouses.
Breacher Rounds: Shotgun slug or shot made especially for employment
close range into door hinges.
Multiple Properties: Some rounds have multiple characteristics such as
being both lead free and frangible, or SRTA and frangible.
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5 March 2020
AFCEC Air Force Civil Engineer Center
AHU Air Handling Unit
AP Armor Piercing
AR Army Regulation
AR Abrasion Resistance (When used in conjunction with steel plate)
BIA Bilateral Infrastructure Agreement
BMP Best Management Practices
CCMCK Close Combat Mission Capability Kit
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CQC Close Quarter Combat
DA PAM Department of the Army Pamphlet
dBA A-weighted decibels
DB Design Build
DBB Design-Bid-Build
DDC Direct Digital Control
DF Direct Fire
DoD Department of Defense
DODIC Department of Defense Identification Code
EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal
EPR Enhanced Performance Round
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FL Firing Line
FLFS Firing Line Floor Surface
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GIS Geographic Information System
HBW Hardness Brinell Wolfram (Tungsten)
HE High Explosive
HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air
HNFA Host Nation Funded Construction Agreements
HQUSACE Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
KD Known Distance
LAW Light Antitank Weapon
LLF Lower Limit of Fire
LOMAH Location Of Miss And Hits
LOF Line of Fire
LOS Line of Sight
MERV Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value
MCO Marine Corps Order
MIT Moving Infantry Target
MOUT Military Operations in Urban Terrain
NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command
NOD Night Observation Device
NOSSA Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity
OSSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe
RDG Range Design Guide
RFP Request For Proposal
RMTK Range Mangers Tool Kit
RSO Range Safety Officer
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5 March 2020
RT60 Reverberation Time 60dB
SACON Shock Absorbing Concrete
SAR Small Arms Range
SAW Squad Automatic Weapons
SDZ Surface Danger Zone
SESAMS Special Effects Small Arms Marking System
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
SOUM Safety of Use Memorandums
SOFA Status of Forces Agreements
SRTA Short Range Training Ammunition
STC Sound Transmission Class
TC Training Circular
UFC Unified Facilities Criteria
ULF Upper Limits of Fire
U.S. United States
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
UXO Unexploded Ordnance
VDZ Vertical Danger Zone
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
Close Quarter Combat (CQC) Facility: A live fire shoothouse that supports short-range
training such as room-room clearing.
Crew Served Weapon: Any weapon system that requires a crew of more than one
individual to function at optimum efficiency such as a belt fed machine gun.
Direct Fire: Fire delivered to a target within the line-of-sight of the shooter using the
target itself as the point of aim.
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5 March 2020
Distance X: The maximum distance a projectile (to include guided missiles and rockets)
will travel when fired or launched at a given quadrant elevation with a given charge or
propulsion system.
Double Hearing Protection: Wearing earplugs in combination with noise muffs or noise
attenuating helmets. Impulse noise levels can be so high that single hearing protection
does not adequately protect hearing.
Dry Fire: Operating a weapon with no ammunition in the chamber. Not all weapons
should be dry fired.
Firing Line (FL): The line which consists of firing points or positions, from which
weapons systems are fired.
Firing Line Floor Surface (FLFS): The ground surface along the firing line.
Firing Position: The point or location at which a weapon system is placed for firing.
Indirect Fire: Fire delivered to a target when the weapon is not in line of sight with the
Line of fire (LOF): An imaginary line drawn from the shooting position to the target.
Live Fire: As used in this UFC, live fire includes use of any potentially lethal
Lower Limit of Fire (LLF): An imaginary line consisting of the lowest point on all LOFs
combined. This is often taken drawn a prone shooter firing at the lowest target.
Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) Facility: A mock town or city providing
urban warfare training.
Navigable Waterway: Any body of water open to the free movement of marine vessels.
Officer in Charge (OIC): The officer, WO, or Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO)
responsible for personnel conducting firing or operations within the training complex.
Partially Contained Range: This range has a covered firing line, side containment,
overhead baffles, and a bullet backstop. Direct fire is totally contained by the firing line
canopy, side containment, baffles, and bullet trap (no “blue sky” observed from firing
positions). Ricochets and splatter are not contained.
Range Safety Officer (RSO): The officer, warrant officer (WO), or noncommissioned
officer (NCO) who is the direct representative of the Officer In Charge (OIC) for insuring
the adequacy of safety of firing, training operations, and ensuring compliance with laser
range safety and local standing operations. Qualifications vary between services.
Reverberation Time 60dB: The time it takes for the sound pressure level to reduce by
60dB, measured after the sound source is abruptly switched off.
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5 March 2020
Shoothouse: See Close Quarter Combat (CQC) Facility.
Single Hearing Protection: Wearing either earplugs, noise muffs, or noise attenuating
Small Arms: For this UFC small arms includes all pistols, shotguns, rifles, carbines,
submachine guns, light, medium, and heavy machine guns up to and including .50
Sound Transmission Class: A rating used to compare the acoustical isolation of
different barrier materials or partition constructions.
Surface Danger Zone (SDZ): The ground and airspace designated within the training
complex (to include associated safety areas) for vertical and lateral containment of
projectiles, fragments, and debris, and components resulting from the firing, launching,
or detonation of weapons systems to include explosives and demolition.
Upper Limit of Fire (ULF): An imaginary line consisting of the highest point on all LOFs
combined. This is often taken drawn from a standing shooter firing at the highest target.
Vertical Danger Zone (VDZ): For non-contained and partially contained ranges, the VDZ
is the volume of airspace above the SDZ between the ground surface and the maximum
ordinate of a direct-fired or ricochet round. The height of the VDZ varies with the
weapon and ammunition fired. For fully contained ranges, the VDZ is the area between
the SDZ and the upper limits of containment.
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5 March 2020
ASTM C75, Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and
Sewer Pipe
ASTM E10-08, Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Material
ASTM E2235, Standard Test Method for Determination of Decay Rates for Use in
Sound Insulation Test Methods
29 CFR PART 1910.25 Occupational Safety and Health Administration
33 CFR 334 Danger Zone and Restricted Area Regulations
AFMAN 31-129, USAF Small Arms and Light Weapons Handling Procedures
AFI 36-2654, Combat Arms Program
AFMAN 36-2655, USAF Small Arms and Light Weapons Qualification Programs
ETL 11-18, Small Arms Range Design and Construction
FC 4-179-03F, Air Force Indoor Small Arms Range
Army Range Design Guide (RDG) Web Based tool - access provided by project
AR 350-19, Army Sustainable Range Program
AR 350-52, Army Training Support System
DA PAM 385-63, Range Safety
Range Managers Toolkit (RMTK)check with sponsor.
TC 25-8, Training Ranges
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USACE Centers of Standardization (CoS)
Outdoor Sports Facility Standards. check with sponsor.
U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center
Hazard Classification of United States Military Explosives and Munitions
OPNAV 3591.F Small Arms Range Training and Qualification
OPNAV 5100.27.B Navy Laser Hazard Control Program
Navy Environmental Health Center
Technical Manual NEHC TM 6290.99 Indoor Firing Ranges Industrial Hygiene
Technical Guide
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Military Handbook 1027-3B Range Facilities and Miscellaneous Training Facilities Other
Than Buildings
902-B-01-001 Best Management Practices for Lead at Outdoor Shooting Ranges
AP 42, Compilation of Air Emission Factors
Mil-A-46100 Armor Plate, Steel, Wrought, and High-Hardness
UL 681, Installation and Classification of Burglar and Holdup Alarm Systems for Alarm
System Installation
UL 752, Standard for Bullet-Resisting Equipment
UL 2050, National Industrial Security Systems - only distributed to those demonstrating
relevant national industrial security involvement
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5 March 2020
UFC 1-200-01, DoD Building Code
UFC 1-200-02 High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements.
UFC 3-120-01, Design: Sign Standards
UFC 3-600-01, Fire Protection Engineering for Facilities
UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Anti-Terrorism Standards for Buildings
UFC 4-020-01, DoD Security Engineering Facilities Planning Manual
UFC 4-020-02, DoD Security Engineering Facilities Design Manual, (currently in draft
and unavailable)
UFC 4-021-02NF, Security Engineering Electronic Security Systems
UFC 4-020-04A, Electronic Security Systems: Security Engineering
UFC 4-215-01 Armories and Arms Rooms
MCO 3570.1C, Range Safety
MCO P3350.10 Policy and Procedures for Range and Training Area (RTA)
Range Managers Toolkit (RMTK) check with sponsor.