The The
definitive definitive
dition dition
Ravenloft Ravenloft
Monstrous Monstrous
Sources: Sources:
The main sources for this document are :
John W Mangrum’s A-Z monsters list, and the blurbs project, as suggested by fans on the
FoS site (from the years 2006 to 2007), and
Knowledge checks for monsters posted on the WotC board by fans, of which JWM did a
large part, especially for the monsters found in Ravenloft.
Chris Nichols additional suggested monster list, either on the main board, or while
working on the Nocturnal Sea report.
Plus monsters added by Joël Paquin of the FoS:
- from WotC’s Monster Manual 5 (which wasn’t released when the A-Z project started);
- some new monsters from Dragon mag and Pathfinder, as well as interesting sources,
- monsters from FoS report (Souragne, Zherisia, Nocturnal Sea), FoS VRS Dopp files.
It includes the official erratas, and the suggested fix, official or not
Additional names for monsters
New monster files and things posted by RL authors
This PDF can be searched with Ctrl-F!
If you want to add blurbs to monsters that do not have one, please sent them my way, I’ll add
them to this document!
Knowledge check: A
Knowledge check: AKnowledge check: A
Knowledge check: A
Peek Behind the Rules Curtain
Peek Behind the Rules CurtainPeek Behind the Rules Curtain
Peek Behind the Rules Curtain
So how do designers determine the Difficulty Class for Knowledge checks about creatures? The
following is excerpted from Monster Manual IV:
The description of the Knowledge skill indicates that in general, the baseline DC of checks to
identify monsters and remember one bit of useful information about their special powers or
vulnerabilities is equal to 10 + the monster's HD. Every 5 points by which the check result
exceeds the DC yields another useful piece of information (PH 78).
As a general rule of thumb, a DC 15 check or higher will reveal all of the base creature's type
and subtype traits as defined in the glossary. This often includes information about energy
resistance or various immunities. For instance, a DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check reveals that
dragons have high hit points (12-sided HD), all good saves, and have darkvision out to 60 feet
and low-light vision. They eat, sleep, and breathe.
Information specific to the creature, such as its type of damage resistance, spell-like abilities, or
immunities come with the high DC check results.
Aboleth [Monster Manual]
Aboleth [Monster Manual]Aboleth [Monster Manual]
Aboleth [Monster Manual]
CR7 Proposed by CNichols for the NS Gaz
See also: Aboleth "Ecology of the Aboleth, The"
Brandon Grist Dragon#131(36) D&D1
Abomination [Carnival]
Abomination [Carnival]Abomination [Carnival]
Abomination [Carnival]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Ravenloft)
can learn more about abominations. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This hideous mass of writhing flesh is an
abomination, a nearly mindless mutation. This
result reveals all aberration traits.
21 An abomination’s misshapen lump of a body
sprouts numerous dangerous limbs and
appendages, which pose unique threats. No two
abominations are alike.
26 Abominations were once normal humanoids,
but were transformed by unthinkable magic.
Driven insane and trapped in this form,
abominations are immune to polymorph effects,
fear, and all forms of mind control.
31 Abominations are created at the whim of
Isolde, mistress of the Carnival that displays these
monstrous freaks.
36 Only a wish or miracle can restore an
abomination to normal.
“Behold this freak among freaks, this monster in
the eyes of monsters. I defy you to tear your eyes
from the mass of roiling, noisome flesh at the
bottom of this dank pit. A true horror, is it not? So
malformed, one would never suspect that the
shapeless fiend you look upon was once a man
like any one of you.”
—Professor Archemo Pacali, Carnival barker
Afflicted beast [new]
Afflicted beast [new] Afflicted beast [new]
Afflicted beast [new]
JWM: I'm not quite done with the afflicted beast
yet, but basically it's an option for what happens
when a lycanthrope bites a normal member of its
phenotype (a werewolf biting a wolf, for example)
and afflicts it with lycanthropy. The afflicted beast
doesn't become a true lycanthrope and can't
spread the Dread Disease, but when exposed to its
trigger it adopts the alignment of its progenitor
and becomes more powerful and more aggressive.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about afflicted
beasts. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This slavering, overgrown predator is no mere
animal — it is an afflicted beast. Once a simple
animal, it has been touched by the Dread Disease
of lycanthropy. This result reveals all animal traits.
18 Animals exposed to lycanthropy cannot
become werebeasts themselves, but sometimes,
they are tainted by a shadow of the curse. Afflicted
beasts grow strong and malevolent when exposed
to whatever triggers the change in their bloodline
— usually the light of the full moon. An afflicted
beast cannot spread lycanthropy.
23 While transformed, an afflicted beast is
unusually resistant to damage, but it shares the
same material and chemical bane as the
lycanthrope that created it (for afflicted wolves,
this is usually silver and wolfsbane).
28 An afflicted beast has a ravenous appetite and
may fly into a mad rage if subjected to pain.
Magic such as remove curse or remove disease can
sometimes cleanse an afflicted beast of the Dread
Disease’s taint.
September 3rd, 757 – second day of full moon
Ô Belenus! In the last days, I do not recognize
Greyfur, my old wolf companion. A strange glow
now lights his gaze. Since yesterday, I find him
looking at me strangely, like if his animal thoughts
have somehow … changed. It’s difficult to
explain. I can still force my will upon Greyfur, but
his whole body expression has changed, like he …
And I still wonder what happened in the hills
when he came back with this nasty bite in its
flank. This is not a goblyn wound. However, this
wound has now healed satisfactory.
The wandering goblyn tonight didn’t have a
chance against my wolf: even before I was ready
to fight it, Greyfur jumped on it and snapped his
neck with ease. When I think about the way my
wolf looked at me after his kill, a savage
expression of joy in his eyes, it gives me the
- A Druid’s diary in Forlorn.
Akikage Akikage
Akikage (shadow assassin)
(shadow assassin) (shadow assassin)
(shadow assassin) [RL
Monstrous Compendium III; Denizens of
Monstrous Compendium III; Denizens of Monstrous Compendium III; Denizens of
Monstrous Compendium III; Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about akikage. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 This misty figure is an akikage, also known as
a shadow assassin. This result reveals all undead
traits and the incorporeal subtype. Akikage never
22 An akikage is the spirit of an assassin that died
during an unsuccessful attempt at killing a specific
target. Akikage are obsessed with completing their
final mission, and attack with their chilling touch.
Akikage may appear to be armed, but this is just
part of the spirit’s manifestation.
27 An akikage is usually invisible, turning visible
only after it attacks. An akikage retains some of
the killing arts it had mastered in life, including
the ability to make sneak attacks.
32 Normal animals panic in the presence of an
akikage, even when it is invisible. If an akikage
appears and begins to draw shadowy vapors
toward itself, it is gathering its ki in order to make
a deadly strike. Unless the akikage is interrupted,
the spirit’s next attack will burn with an unearthly
cold that may even freeze its victim’s heart into a
solid block of ice.
37 Several varieties of akikage exist, including the
more versatile greater akikage (a type of ghost)
and the ansasshia, an akikage tasked to serve a
specific, living master.
42 This result reveals the methods for binding an
akikage into one’s service as an ansasshia.
Bound by death to death
Blade wrapped in smoke and shadow
Leaves cold death behind
--Rokushima haiku
Albatross Albatross
Albatross [
Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks in
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about
albatrosses. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC 11: This hefty, seagoing bird is an albatross.
This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: Albatrosses feed on tiny squid and fish,
but they sometimes follow ships to scavenge from
their refuse. Albatrosses are capable of extremely
long flights and can be sighted miles from land.
DC 16: Many sailors consider it extremely
unlucky to kill an albatross.
Albesadow (
Albesadow (Albesadow (
Albesadow (see
vampire, elven
, elven, elven
, elven) [RLMC
I; Denizens of Dread]
I; Denizens of Dread] I; Denizens of Dread]
I; Denizens of Dread]
Alchemical child [
Alchemical child [Alchemical child [
Alchemical child [VR
VR's Arsenal]
's Arsenal] 's Arsenal]
's Arsenal]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about alchemical children. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This creature is actually an alchemical child, a
duplicate grown in a vat of alchemical fluids. This
result reveals all construct traits and the living
construct subtype.
21 An enhanced version of alchemical children,
known as enlightened children, also exists.
Enlightened children are created using more
advanced alchemical formulas and have additional
abilities. Although they are similar to magical
clones in some ways, alchemical children do not
possess any of the memories of the original
creature, unless specifically given such in a
separate procedure. Alchemical children are highly
resistant to acid. Slain alchemical children
dissolve into steaming ichor.
26 An alchemical child is telepathically linked to
its creator. Through this bond, the child can relay
everything it sees, and the creator can issue
commands. This result also reveals the general
process for creating alchemical and enlightened
31 The creator of an enlightened child can grant it
several alchemical abilities, such as an acidic
touch, poisonous blood, the ability to reshape its
feature. The creator can even free its child from
the aging process, making it ageless like a golem.
Take care to use all of the best & freshest of these
Things, most especially in the matter of Blood; for
the expense of a spoilt child of the ordinary
persuasion, in both money & grief, is as nothing
compared to that of a spoilt Alchemical Childe.
Notes on the Alchemie, Paridon, published 567
Alchemical Alchemical
Alchemical undead
[Dragon 350
Dragon 350Dragon 350
Dragon 350]
] ]
Under “Creatures of corruption”
CR 6 undead, alchemically tainted
Alhoon (a.ka. mind flayer lich) [Lords of
lhoon (a.ka. mind flayer lich) [Lords of lhoon (a.ka. mind flayer lich) [Lords of
lhoon (a.ka. mind flayer lich) [Lords of
"It was a dry, papery sound that was out of place
in the damp cavern that first drew my concern. We
eventually found Korivr and Renee. The poor girl
had a hole in the front of her skull. Her mind
ripped away. I threw up as Howard asked Korivr
what he saw.
"All he could do was mutter incomprehensively
under his breath. It was then I saw It, in all Its
glorious majesty. It stood like a triumphant God,
it's holy being infusing my mind. I watched as it
used its tentacles to rip Howard's mind apart.
"But it left me alive, and now I worship it."
- Extract from Claude DuBec's psychological
profile, transcript by Dr Illhousen
See also: Alhoon "Magic In the Evening" Ed
Greenwood Dragon#185(63) D&D2
[Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual][Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual]
Originally posted by Eric Cagle
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about allips. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DCs. Characters who recognize the creatures'
ancestry can also use Bardic Knowledge to learn
Knowledge (Religion)
DC Result
13 This creature is an allip, the spectral remains of
someone driven to suicide by madness. This result
reveals all undead and incorporeal traits.
18 Though it can cause no physical harm, an allip's
touch can drain away a victim's willpower. Also,
an allip babbles incoherently to itself, and those
who hear this babble can become hypnotised.
Allips cannot, however, speak intelligibly.
23 It is dangerous to try to connect metally with an
allip, be that through thought detection, mind
control or telepathy as an allip's mind is so
tortured as to damage any other mind that touches
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
13 The babble ability of an allip is a sonic effect
and can be countered with bardic music.
“In the corner of Garner’s barn, where a frayed
rope hung from the rafters, I could see a cloud of
tattered rags twist and float. Rags… or were they
shadows? I cannot say. Sighs, words, sobs rustled
through the darkness. In a rush, the thing in the
corner came at me, gibbering. I heard Allyk and
Rosanna shout, but faintly as my world filled with
onrushing blackness, the touch of rotten cloth and
the shade’s cold cries.
“I hear it still…”
—Journal of Thomasson, Dementlieuse farmer
See also Dragon #336 and Pathfinder’s bestiary.
Ambiant (DT&DL)
Ambiant (DT&DL)Ambiant (DT&DL)
Ambiant (DT&DL)
Ancient dead (dread mummy) [R3E,
ncient dead (dread mummy) [R3E, ncient dead (dread mummy) [R3E,
ncient dead (dread mummy) [R3E, VR
's 's
Guide to the Ancient Dead]
Guide to the Ancient Dead] Guide to the Ancient Dead]
Guide to the Ancient Dead]
Errata: All samples of the Ancient Dead use the
“8d12 + class HD” formula for hit points. It is
astonishingly wrong, as the template suggests
changing the hit point dice to d12, and that’s it (as
all undead templates). It should be:
5d12 = 33 HP 7d12 = 45 HP
9d12 = 58 HP 10d12 = 65 HP
12d12 = 78 HP
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s ancient dead nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
18 This desiccated corpse, wrapped in moldering
burial finery, is one of the ancient dead, called a
mummy by some. This result reveals all deathless
23 Ancient dead are not the undead creatures
known as mummies, though some sages believe
that the latter represent a necromantic attempt to
mimic the former. The ancient dead are the
deathless remains of those who have refused to
move on to the afterlife, be it because they are
bound by duty to serve as guards, because they
cannot believe they are dead, or because they
refuse to relinquish their grip on worldly power
and pleasures. Ancient dead generally retain all the
special attacks and qualities of the base creature.
28 The mere sight of an ancient dead invoked
tremendous awe and despair, which can paralyze
witnesses. An ancient dead’s flesh is unnaturally
tough, but magic weapons can pierce its defenses.
Each ancient dead is vulnerable to a specific form
of energy — often fire. Ancient dead exist in a
range of power, with higher-ranking ancient dead
possessing more potent physical and supernatural
33 The ancient dead carry supernaturally powerful
disease-like curses with their touch. The most
common of these ancient plagues is mummy rot,
which can be cured only by casting break
enchantment or remove curse. This plague is
highly resistant, though not immune, to healing
spells. Victims killed by mummy rot crumble
away to dust. More powerful ancient dead may be
immune to one or more forms of energy.
38 More powerful ancient dead can rejuvenate any
damage dealt to their bodies. An ancient dead is
helpless while rejuvenating, but more powerful
ancient dead take less time to rejuvenate. The most
powerful ancient dead can reform their bodies
even after being reduced to ash, and can be
permanently destroyed only through the use of
ancient rites specific to individual ancient dead.
"You have to understand, we were young,
indolent, and rich, always a dangerous
combination. And we weren't the first to break into
Florian's crypt to leave behind flowers, bad poetry,
and other memorials to the way he captured the
spirit of our times with his music. Andre thought
to stay awhile, sing the bard's songs and smoke
some of the Hazlani magic that the bard loved. We
all agreed, seeking a catharsis to move us past this
first real loss in our quite sheltered lives.
"We alighted our candles in the gloomy
mausoleum and in their cheery light partook of
wine and song and poppy, soon quite forgetting
ourselves. As such, while I caught that Andre
rearranged the candles and drew straight lines
between, I failed to discern any pattern and
thought nothing of it. When Andre led our song to
show our love and our adoration and our devotion
to this angel come down to us and taken back too
early, I thought nothing of it. And when our chants
changed to a call-and-repeat in the tongue I'd later
learn was Har'Akiri, I thought nothing of it. But
when I saw that ruby signet ring of Florian's, the
one I'd so admired when I saw it during his last
concert, still worn upon the withered hand that'd
just ripped through the stone casket... It was then I
realized I'd spent too much of my life not
- Hymn of the Dead by Donatien Naiffleur
of Port-a-Lucine, semi-autobiographical
See also RL CS.
Angel of Decay [Libris Mortis]
Angel of Decay [Libris Mortis]Angel of Decay [Libris Mortis]
Angel of Decay [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about angels of decay. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
25 This repulsive, rotting mockery of a celestial is
an angel of decay, a powerful undead horror. This
result reveals all undead traits. Angels of decay
speak Abyssal and Common.
30 These creatures draw their power from the
energies of decay; their faint phsyical
resemblabnce to angels is nothing more than
unfortunate happenstance. An angel of decay’s
festering flesh ignores most lesser wounds, but
magic weapons forged of admantine can pierce
their supernatural defenses.
35 An angel of decay’s body constantly streams
with rivulets of corruption. This liquid rot pools to
about five paces in every direction, and causes the
flesh of any corporeal creature that comes into
contact with it to rapidly slough away. Even if
creatures avoid this fate, the stench of rot alone is
40 If an angel of decay strikes the same opponent
several times in quick succession, its foul energies
cause the victim’s wounds to instantly fester and
“We arrived too late: Jezebel was able to complete
her foolish summoning of an abyssal creature. The
stink near the wood clearing was nearly
unbearable. What few remained of Jezebel’s body
rested in a pool of foul smelling liquid rot. Erik
fainted. But suddenly this monstrosity flew over
us, tainting us by its mere presence. We fled this
horrible place. Erik is still missing.”
- Jorane Amos, Letter to her superiors
Anguilian [Stormwrack]
Anguilian [Stormwrack]Anguilian [Stormwrack]
Anguilian [Stormwrack]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about anguilians. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This strange cross between a humanoid and an
eel is an anguilian. This result reveals all
aberration traits and the aquatic subtype.
Anguilians speak a dialect of Sahuagin, and clever
individuals may also know Aquan or the racial
tongues of other aquatic races.
17 Anguilians are tribal, deep sea hunters whose
preferred prey is whales and squid. However, they
are generally malevolent and have sometimes been
known to raid ships or coastal communities under
cover of night. An anguilian can survive out of
water for about five hours. Anguilians can see in
the dark, but their eyes are extremely sensitive to
bright light.
22 Anguilians can wield weapons, but just as often
prefer to attack with their bony pincers and
lamprey-like maws. An anguilian can latch onto an
opponent with its maw, then drink the creature’s
27 Anguilians can communicate simple concepts
with eels and dire eels, and can train these
creatures to act as guardians. Aquilians need to
keep their skin moist, so fire is particularly
effective against them.
32 Anguilians respect nothing but power. When
they attack underwater, they try to surround their
foes in all three dimensions, forming a rough
We had reports from fishermen about an
abandoned merchant boat drifting about a mile
south-west of the Mordentshire Bay. Me and a few
other fellow Lamplighters boarded the small
Lamordian ship later this very day. All 6 crew
members were dead, often with signs of violence
in the area where their body stood. Their dead face
expressed fear. They appear to be drained of all
blood, and oddly they all bear the same round
leech-like mark. This mark puzzled us, since it’s
very large: about 6” to 8”. Usual body precautions
with blood suckers have been used prior to putting
the sailor men to their last rest in the cemetery.
Deposition of Mordentshire Sheriff, on the HMS
Valiant affair
Animated object [Monster Manual]
nimated object [Monster Manual] nimated object [Monster Manual]
nimated object [Monster Manual]
CR ½ - 10
I still say it takes a real sick son-of-a-gun of a
wizard to kill people with cabinetry.
- Attributed to Geddar Ironheart
"That Ezra-damned thief!" screamed Silvana.
The heavy furnishing of her room, where we tried
to catch the thief who terrorized Mordentshire,
was animating as soon as the man, his face
covered by a black scarf, hit it with a magical
Hadn't it be a tragic situation, I'd be laughing hard,
as two pointed riding boot were kicking my fellow
cleric in her back. I started to unleash a spell
aimed to bind the man, but one of Silvana's
nighgowns flew over my head, covering my eyes
and preventing me from casting my spell.
"Don't you DARE use your dagger!" Silvana
yelled at me, while fending off her old boots'
attacks "that nightgown is made of Rokuma silk!"
- From "Beginnings", first book from the "Trilogy
of the Two Clerics" serie by Sir Julius Renaut
(published in Mordent, Richemulot, Dementlieu
and Martira Bay. Banned in Borca, Hazlan and
Nova Vaasa for heresy and showing living
Animator [RLMC III; Denizens of
Animator [RLMC III; Denizens ofAnimator [RLMC III; Denizens of
Animator [RLMC III; Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
CR 1-11 Errata: The sample Animators have
"Same as the base object +1" as Challenge
Ratings. Object is a game term and never has a
challenge rating for start. So, using the MM 3.5 as
reference, the CRs could be:
Size CR
Tiny 1
Small 2
Medium 3
Large 4
Huge 6
Gargantuan 8
Colossal 11
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about animators. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This attacking object is actually being
manipulated by an undead spirit called an
animator. This result reveals all undead traits and
the incorporeal subtype.
20 In its true form, an animator is formless and
invisible. Its defining trait is its ability to possess
and animate mundane objects, using them to
terrify or attack living creatures. When it is not
animating an object, an animator is virtually
unable to affect its surroundings. Dispel evil drives
an animator out of an object, as does destroying
the object. Neither actually harms the spirit,
25 Unlike animated objects created by magic,
animators cannot flex rigid materials, such as
wood or metal. However, they can animate linked
objects, such as chains or suits of armor.
Animators can also telepathically levitate the
objects they possess. Spells such as soul bind, trap
the soul, and anti-magic field can trap an animator
in the object it currently occupies.
30 Animators feed on negative emotions. They
often adopt a living “ward,” using their animated
objects and spell-like abilities such as crushing
despair, fear, and rage to ensure a constant supply
of the sensations it craves. Animators slowly fade
away is separated from its ward or denied its diet
of fear, jealousy, and wrath. However, an animator
can adopt a new ward whenever it wishes. To
destroy an animator, you must trap it in an object,
then destroy that object.
"Well, Arthur. The matter is settled; no-one could
or did leave the room after Master Despain was
stabbed. Therefore, there can only be one
"That his murderer is still here," I said. The reader
can imagine my emotion at that moment--to be
present with the person or thing that could effect
so brutal a murder, all unknowing! "But, then,
As I spoke the greatsword which had transfixed
Despain moved, shuddering as if attempting to
free itself of the corpse which burdened it.
Arthur Sedgwick, "The Man Who Wasn't There",
The Casebook of Alanik Ray
[Monster Manual
Monster Manual Monster Manual
Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about apes. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 14: This hairy, heavyset primate is an ape.
This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 19: Apes are omnivorous, but primarily feed
on fruit and plants. However, they are powerfully
built and highly territorial, and can pose a danger
to intruders. Before an ape attacks, however, it
usually displays seemingly violent acts of
aggression, hoping to scare off the interloper.
Aquatic ooze, bloodbloater [Fiend Folio]
Aquatic ooze, bloodbloater [Fiend Folio] Aquatic ooze, bloodbloater [Fiend Folio]
Aquatic ooze, bloodbloater [Fiend Folio]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about
bloodbloaters. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
11 These red-flecked, platter-sized gobs of jelly
are a kind of ooze called bloodbloaters. They are
not particularly dangerous on their own, but they
attack in swarms. This result reveals all ooze traits
and the aquatic and swarm subtypes.
16 Bloodbloaters are mindless predators drawn to
creatures swimming through the water with them.
When they attack, they slither over their prey, then
attach themselves and begin to suck out the
creature’s blood at a shocking rate.
21 Bloodbloaters have no sense of satiation. If
they drink more than their “fill,” they simply flush
excess blood into the surrounding water and
continue draining blood until the victim goes dry.
Fire is particularly damaging to bloodbloaters.
“While I was in the swamp to fish my dog’s diner,
I saw strange disgusting jelly-like things in the
water when we passed in one brook. I do not
usually mind floating things in the water but these
repulsive things seemed to gather in my swamp
boat trail and follow my boat... Just before they
left my boat trail to flock around my hunting dog,
I think there were more then a hundred of these
odd floating blobs! Before I could catch his leash,
my dog jumped in the water to run after a large
meaty frog. I didn’t really see what happened to
the animal, because bushes prevented me to
witness his death, but my dog yelped in pain for a
moment before its last scream was drowned in the
water … What were these things? My dog
drowned and I found nothing but these floating
nauseating amoeba things. I left this place as quick
as I could.”
As told by a young noble in Souragne
Aquatic ooze, flotsam ooze [Fiend Folio]
Aquatic ooze, flotsam ooze [Fiend Folio]Aquatic ooze, flotsam ooze [Fiend Folio]
Aquatic ooze, flotsam ooze [Fiend Folio]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about floatsam
oozes. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
12 This sticky mass of floating debris is glued
together by a transparent slime called a flotsam
ooze. This result reveals all ooze traits and the
aquatic subtype.
17 A flotsam ooze is a mindless predator that
attacks prey by lashing out with a psuedopod. The
ooze’s attacks move with startling speed, and it
secretes a powerful adhesive.
22 Once organic material is affixed to a flotsam
ooze, the ooze beats it into submission, then
slowly digests it over the course of several days.
Weapons that strike the ooze may also adhere to
its mass. A flotsam ooze is nearly invisible in
water, but it can also survive in air.
27 Soap and lye can weaken a flotsam ooze’s
adhesive. The adhesive also breaks down naturally
within moments once the ooze dies.
The swamp hunter then told us about a strange
thing he saw once in the marshes when he was
young. Still after all these years, he seemed quite
shocked by this bad memory. In his childhood, he
said, he and his friends once found an odd floating
heap of debris: rocks, branches, wooden planks
and similar things. One of them dared prodding
the heap with a spear, thinking it hid rodents that
would be fun to frighten. To his surprise, his spear
was glued to the thing but worse a gelatinous
tentacle came from under the water surface and hit
him! It held him there, and more tentacles hit him
while he was drowned in the water, screaming!
Aquatic ooze,
Aquatic ooze, Aquatic ooze,
Aquatic ooze, reekmurk [Fiend Folio]
reekmurk [Fiend Folio]reekmurk [Fiend Folio]
reekmurk [Fiend Folio]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about reekmurks.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This pool of black oil is a reekmurk, an ooze
normally found only in the lightless ocean depths.
This result reveals all ooze traits and the aquatic
21 A reekmurk is a mindless predator that takes its
name from its nauseating stench. A reekmurk
attacks by extending a long tentacle to lash at prey.
A reekmurk constantly secretes a powerful acid
that quickly digests any organic matter but is
particularly destructive against wood. These
secretions are also poisonous, causing tremors and
possible paralysis.
26 A reekmurk constantly extends thousands of
hairlike tendrils several paces in every direction,
feeling for prey. Any creature that touches these
tendrils is subjected to their acidic secretions. A
reekmurk is immune to cold.
31 A reekmurk is utterly fearless in its pursuit of
prey, but it instinctually retreats from the
scorching touch of sunlight.
“During year 740, large waves disturbed the cold
waters north of Lamordia, you might remember
these weird times. Well, in 740, one night, it is
after one of these monstrous treacherous waves
that our boat capsized. All of us were able to swim
and get on the top of the metallic hull. We thought
we were lucky to escape this event with our lives.
Then we smelled something horrible, much worse
than when we retrieve rotten fishes in the water
and their stench arrive at our nostrils, believe me.
Then we saw “it”, but it looked like a large cloud
of squid ink. We screamed when a dirty black
tentacle came from this cloud, and began prodding
the hull until it grabbed one of my sailors by the
leg. His flesh burned like if acid as struck him! It
swiftly dragged him in the water before we could
help him and he was swallowed by the ink cloud.
The tentacle came back for its horrible prodding
after about half an hour, but we managed to escape
its grasp. After a few minutes of this terror, the
sun’s first ray came at the horizon, and the thing
left. I still have no idea what this thing was… We
were rescued by a merchant boat a few hours
- Tavern tale, by old “Captain” Haskins
Arak, all
, all, all
, all
(Shadow Fey)
(Shadow Fey) (Shadow Fey)
(Shadow Fey) [
DoD, DoD,
DoD, The
The The
Shadow Rift,
Shadow Rift, Shadow Rift,
Shadow Rift, VR's Guide to the Shadow
VR's Guide to the Shadow VR's Guide to the Shadow
VR's Guide to the Shadow
See VRGttSF – powers and abilities, changeling,
way to DM, fey creations, etc.
Shadow fey subtype: VRGttSF p 103
See also changelings, half-fey, fey touched
Arak, alven
Arak, alven Arak, alven
Arak, alven (Carrot
Top, Fire Flit)
Top, Fire Flit) Top, Fire Flit)
Top, Fire Flit) [The
[The [The
Shadow Rift,
Shadow Rift, Shadow Rift,
Shadow Rift, VR
VR's Guide to the Shadow
's Guide to the Shadow 's Guide to the Shadow
's Guide to the Shadow
] ]
CR 3 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(nature) can learn more about alven. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This brightly colored sprite goes by many
names, including fire flits, carrot tops, and night
sprites. These Seelie fey are master gardeners, but
they are never seen by day. This result reveals all
fey traits. Fire flits speak Sylvan.
18 These sprites call themselves the alven. They
are a form of shadow fey: spirits that call the
Shadow Rift their home. Like all shadow fey, they
burn to ash in sunlight. The best way to impress
alven is to compliment their gardens or offer a gift
of seeds. An alven simply ignores most attacks,
but weapons forged of cold iron can pierce its
23 Never offer cut flowers to an alven; it’s an
inexcusable offense. When alven dance through
the air, the mystic patterns they trace can enthrall
— even blind and deafen — mortal onlookers.
Alven never lose their way in the wilds; they ask
the plants themselves the way. An alven is
immune to electricity and slightly resistant to
28 Alven are minor innate drudic spellcasters.
They can see invisible creatures and take the form
of butterflies or bumblebees. Stone weapons
simply pass right through them.
"Never you take a flower from that meadow, sir!"
she told me, her old eyes bright and strange.
"When I was but a wee thing my sister plucked but
one flower from it, a sweet bright daisy, and put it
in her hair; and that very night the fey-folk came
and plucked every hair from her head, and made
little wreathes of golden hair for the flowers, as
those that saw it told us, for we could never dare to
venture there for many a year after."
- Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in
Arak, brag
Arak, brag Arak, brag
Arak, brag (Whitfolk)
(Whitfolk) (Whitfolk)
(Whitfolk) [The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift, [The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift,
VR's Guide to the Shadow Fey
's Guide to the Shadow Fey's Guide to the Shadow Fey
's Guide to the Shadow Fey]
lawful lawful
CR 6 Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature)
can learn more about brag. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 15: This colorless, beardless dwarf is actually
a fey creature commonly known as whitfolk.
These fey are master builders and architects, but
they are never seen by day. This result reveals all
fey traits. Whitfolk speak Sylvan and a language
of their own, which is indistinguishable from horse
DC 20: Whitfolk call themselves the brag. They
have no strong affiliation to either the Seelie or
Unseelie, with a presence in both courts. Brag are
a form of shadow fey: spirits that call the Shadow
Rift their home. Like all shadow fey, they burn to
ash in sunlight. The best way to impress a brag is
with a demonstration of your architectural skills. A
brag simply ignores most attacks, but weapons
made of leather or forged of cold iron can pierce
its defenses.
DC 25: Mortals who meet a brag’s unsettling gaze
may fall asleep. A brag’s powerful kick can addle
the mind of its recipient, leaving the creature
under the delusion that it is a horse. A brag is
immune to fire and resistant to spells.
DC 30: Brag have some talent as innate sorcerers.
They can take the form of sturdy ponies. Wooden
weapons simply pass right through a brag, but they
find the sting of a whip especially painful.
"Ayuh, Thaddeus is one of my best men now," the
old man said, "but during his 'prenticeship I
thought I was going to have to send him packing.
If he applied himself he was fine, but he had a way
of lettin' his mind wander and messin' up work--
and then cussin' or throwin' tools around.
"Well, one day it was goin' especial bad and
Thaddy was in a real temper. When he hit his
thumb hammerin' down a hoop, he just about
turned the air blue with his cursin'... and then I
heard a high voice sayin', 'Well, perhaps if you
knew something about working with your hands
you wouldn't waste so much work waggling your
"We both turned and there was a wee fellow there-
- one of those halflin's, we thought, but I'm not so
sure now-- just standin' there like he'd been there
for hours, lookin' at us and shakin' his head.
Thaddy got red in the face and said 'And what
makes you think you can talk so big, little man?'
and spat at his feet.
"The halflin' let out a loud snort like Master
Henry's old plowhorse and then faster than I can
tell ye he jumped right up and gave Thaddy a kick
in the chest that knocked him off the bench-- and
I'll be damned if Thaddy didn't suddenly let out a
neigh like a bloody horse and try runnin' after the
little guy on all fours yet! The halflin' laughed
and... well, he was just *gone*.
"Took me and two other 'prentices to get hold of
Thaddy-- took a kick in the shin for that, and Jo
got a nasty bite-- and we ended up havin' to hobble
him with ropes. Even then, Thaddy wouldn't stop
whinnyin' for hours.
"Ezra be praised, he was fine the next day, and
sometimes I wonder if the small man meant to
kick the sense out of Thaddy or back into him. Oh,
he still loses his temper now and again, but when
he gets in too much of a temper--" here, the old
man let out a chuckle-- "I just bring this out at tea
and he straightens right up." And he patted a worn
leather feedbag on the bench beside him.
Interview with cooper Giles Bennett, found among
the Weathermay-Foxgrove's notes for the Guide to
the Shadow Fey. An annotation in the handwriting
of Gennifer Weathermay-Foxgrove suggests that
this story was omitted from the final manuscript
for reasons unknown.
Arak, fir
Arak, fir Arak, fir
Arak, fir (Tolly
or Gremlins)
or Gremlins) or Gremlins)
or Gremlins)
[The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift, [The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift, VR
VR's Guide to the
's Guide to the 's Guide to the
's Guide to the
Shadow Fey
Shadow FeyShadow Fey
Shadow Fey]
] ]
G or E
G or EG or E
G or E
My blood froze in my veins as I saw the creatures
surrounding Ashlein's pale form. Her life blood
stained the long delecate fingers of the child like
beings and their large heads nodded in silent
agreement as they dug deeper into the gaping
wound. I could see flashes of silver and copper as
their fingers flew over the tattered remains of her
heart. After several agonising moments the
creatures pulled back and I could hear a faint
ticking of moving parts and the bitter sweet sound
of Ashleins moans...
Sir Pipin Powderhill, The tale of the Clockwork
Arak, gwytune [RL Gaz V]
Arak, gwytune [RL Gaz V]Arak, gwytune [RL Gaz V]
Arak, gwytune [RL Gaz V]
lawful neutral
lawful neutrallawful neutral
lawful neutral
"He is a kidnapper, a slaver," I told the ram-horned
man. "He is a murderer many times over, he killed
my mother before my eyes."
"I cannot take part in a religious dispute," he said,
shaking his head slowly. "I am totally
unacquainted with your respective dogmas and can
hardly help you resolve this sort of question."
I despaired; but then my eyes fell to the book he
held, as gently as if it were his own babe in arms.
"He has committed book-murder," I said, staring
the faerie in the eye. "Thousands of books he has
"A fiend, a devil!" the ram-man exclaimed. "He
must be brought to justice!"
Excerpt from the testimony of Moran Darksburg
regarding the death of Talon Riens Esbeck
Arak, muryan
Arak, muryan Arak, muryan
Arak, muryan (Dancing Men)
(Dancing Men) (Dancing Men)
(Dancing Men) [The
[The [The
Shadow Rift,
Shadow Rift, Shadow Rift,
Shadow Rift, VR
VR's Guide to the S
's Guide to the S's Guide to the S
's Guide to the SF
chaotic neutral
chaotic neutralchaotic neutral
chaotic neutral
CR 7
The dancing-man glided forward, its eyes fixed on
my companion. "Come, bright son of Summer," it
commanded in its sweet voice. "We dance. Dance
well, and you shall tread the measures with me in
Endless Twilight." Harespex made no reply, but
drew his longsword and stepped forward. As he
did so, I saw that his eyes were as blank and
unfocused as a sleepwalker's.
Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in Tepest
Arak, portune
Arak, portuneArak, portune
Arak, portune
[The [The
Shadow Rift,
Shadow Rift, Shadow Rift,
Shadow Rift, VR
VR's Guide to the Shadow
's Guide to the Shadow 's Guide to the Shadow
's Guide to the Shadow
] ]
] –
lawful good
lawful goodlawful good
lawful good
CR 2
GWF: It must be difficult to organize so many
books! If one were mis-shelved you might never
find it again.
PLC: Actually, that's very rare indeed; our
librarians are very industrious. Here is our
terrarium (here we looked at the small garden
located at the center of the Great Library). Replete
with tortoise and light-lizards. We give them the
run of the library, when they choose to have it.
Mascots, you might say.
From G. Weathermay-Foxgrove's notes on her
visit to the Great Library of Port-a-Lucine, guided
by head curator Pierre Lacomte.
Arak, powrie
Arak, powrieArak, powrie
Arak, powrie
[The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift, [The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift,
VR's Guide to the Shadow Fey
's Guide to the Shadow Fey's Guide to the Shadow Fey
's Guide to the Shadow Fey]
] ]
] –
chaotic chaotic
There was a buzzing, as if the King of Flies was
there, and the sharp reek of blood even before we
entered the room. Throwing open the door, we saw
the thing crouched over its victim, knife in hand; a
creature like a starved child with wasp wings.
Dabbling its cap at Mistress Hartree's slit throat, it
clapped it on its head and gave us a hangman's
Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in Tepest
See also “Redcap” [Monster Manual III,
Pathfinder 4]
Arak, shee
Arak, shee Arak, shee
Arak, shee (faeries)
(faeries) (faeries)
(faeries) [The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift, [The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift,
VR's Guide to the Shadow Fey
's Guide to the Shadow Fey's Guide to the Shadow Fey
's Guide to the Shadow Fey]
] ]
] -
CR 5
"She dances like no tomorrow under the silver
moon, her feet never touching the pool. Her music
is the evening wind, her rhythm the gentle rippling
of water beneath her delicate toes. Her hair is as
steel, yet it trails white and fades away in
gossamer. She is as a swan, illuminated by her
own inner light. One glimpse of her true form and
she disappears; one touch of her fingers, and you
fade away."
--Gaston d'Ouevire (of Port-a-Lucine), Romance
of the Countryside
Arak, sith
Arak, sith Arak, sith
Arak, sith (Shades)
(Shades) (Shades)
(Shades) [The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift, [The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift,
VR's Guide to the Shadow Fey
's Guide to the Shadow Fey's Guide to the Shadow Fey
's Guide to the Shadow Fey]
] ]
] –
lawful lawful
His moon-bright hair fell over me; the wind sighed
as it passed through the cemetary trees, and the
long grass danced, but far less gracefully than he
and I. The touch of his fingers at my back was a
burning promise of ecstasy--not the insipid
ecstasies of Life, but the fuller and deeper
pleasures of Death.
Fellow-Travelers: Love and Death in Darkon,
second sequel to The Dead Travel Fast
Arak, teg
Arak, teg Arak, teg
Arak, teg (Bogies)
(Bogies) (Bogies)
(Bogies) [The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift, [The Shadow Rift,
[The Shadow Rift, VR
's 's
Guide to the Shadow Fey
Guide to the Shadow FeyGuide to the Shadow Fey
Guide to the Shadow Fey]
] ]
] –
neutral evil
neutral evilneutral evil
neutral evil
Come all ye wild folk
Come without warning,
Come to wreak our mischief,
Gone before the morning.
Come while the humans sleep,
Take them unawares,
Come join the High Hunt,
Chase the men like hares.
Sing herry-down, derry-down
Sing we all together,
Sing for the wild wind and the stormy weather.
from the Marcusen Manuscript, trans. G.
Errata: Teg can cast Animal cleric domain spells
as a 5th-level cleric.
The Teg’s DR should be listed as having "DR
15/+2 and gold" (Errata) Please note that in
DenDr, all arak’s DR have been reduced to 5
instead of 15, and teg now have "DR 5/gold"
(DM’s prerogative, I guess!)
Aranea [M
Aranea [MAranea [M
Aranea [Monster Manual]
onster Manual]onster Manual]
onster Manual]
"Please, come in," my hostess said, smiling. "Step
into my parlor." It was a beautifully appointed
room, with elaborate silk hangings on the walls
and the chairs and sopha decorated with
exquisitely knotted doilies of every sort. Seeing
that they had caught my eye, she said, "Do you
like them? I made them all myself."
I hastened to assure her that I thought her work the
height of elegance; that Arachne herself could
hardly have outdone her.
In the House of Silk, from Twelve Tales of the
Macabre by Jean Lafolie
Arayashka [Denizens of Dread, Dark of
Arayashka [Denizens of Dread, Dark of Arayashka [Denizens of Dread, Dark of
Arayashka [Denizens of Dread, Dark of
the Moon]
the Moon] the Moon]
the Moon]
CR5 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(religion) can learn more about arayashka. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This icy, vaporous form is a snow wraith, also
known as an arayashka. This result reveals all
undead traits and the cold and incorporeal
20 Snow wraiths appear only during intense
blizzards like those in which they died. An
arayashka’s unearthly senses are unhindered by
snowfall, even in complete whiteout conditions.
25 A snow wraith can slowly drain the heat from a
nearby source, such as a campfire or a living
creature. These spirits often try to extinguish
warming flames or freeze victims to death while
remaining hidden by the blizzard’s snows a few
paces away.
30 A snow wraith’s touch is bitterly cold, causing
victims to grow numb and weak. Victims slain by
an arayashka’s touch rises as new snow wraiths
the next time snow falls on their grave. Victims
who survive a snow wraith’s touch can recover
more quickly than normal by resting in sweltering
heat, such as a sweat lodge
Clever Ivan stayed in the tree, singing and
throwing snowballs at the wolves while he waited
for them to get bored and go away; but then the
sky grew dark, and the wind began to howl, and
the wolves fled into the woods, as well they might,
for the zilinya neshka brings worse things than
wolves with it when it comes.
The Story of Clever Ivan and the Arayashka,
traditional Vorostokov
Arcane head [The Nightmare Lands]
Arcane head [The Nightmare Lands] Arcane head [The Nightmare Lands]
Arcane head [The Nightmare Lands]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about arcane heads. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 These flying, screeching heads are called
arcane heads. This result reveals all construct
17 Arcane heads attack by bashing into their foes,
stunning them.
22 By working together, a complete flock of
thirteen arcane heads can open a magical portal
that acts like a two-way gate spell, leading into or
out of dreamscapes.
27 Arcane heads are the creation of, and actively
serve, the primal witch Mullonga, a mysterious
member of the Nightmare Court.
"It was scary, Mummy. They came and the nasty
woman was there. They bounced and screamed
and sang. Just heads, Mummy, just heads! But I
saw Daddy and Granpapa! Does that mean they're
dead, Mummy, because they're just heads in my
"Mummy, when is Daddy coming home?"
- A story recounted by Jane Mycroft, after her
daughter was found dead in her bed.
Ashen Husk [Sandstorm]
Ashen Husk [Sandstorm]Ashen Husk [Sandstorm]
Ashen Husk [Sandstorm]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about ashen husks. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This desiccated corpse is an ashen husk, the
undead remains of someone who died of thirst.
This result reveals all undead traits.
18 Ashen husks are shambling, mindless undead
that attack any living creatures they encounter
with their bony fists. They don’t even feel most
minor blows that strike them, but dismembering
them with slashing weapons can prove quite
23 The air around an ashen husk continuously
wavers with the heat of the desert wastes. Living
creatures that enter this aura instantly become
parched, and weaker creatures can become
dangerously dehydrated. Protecting oneself from
extreme heat — as if preparing for a trek across
the desert — can offer some protection.
28 Creatures slain by an ashen husk’s dehydrating
aura rise as new ashen husks several days later.
Delirious thoughts of a sick and weak widower in
No! I plead you not to go hunting for her, Sahib!
Please! My wife is back for me, on this moonless
night! For me! The thirst for her! I could not
believe the shouts my neighbours made “Nahlah is
back”! We thought she died in the desert! But she
came to my house tonight! Yes, Sahib! My tears of
joy from seeing her dried quickly when she came
to embrace me. The thirst! She came from the
realm of Osiris for me! Oh, the thirst for her! Then
your priest friend chased her! The thirst! The
We chased this skeletal creature from the village
with our holy symbols. Later, six persons were
found dried dead in and around the village. We
shall hunt this horror tomorrow.
Journal of Dominic, humble anchorite
(for the record, Nahlah is a genuine Arabic female first name,
meaning “a glass of water”)
Assassin bug, giant [De
Assassin bug, giant [DeAssassin bug, giant [De
Assassin bug, giant [Denizens of Dread]
nizens of Dread] nizens of Dread]
nizens of Dread]
N. deV. claims to have heard "clicking" directly
before attack and claims that the
digestion/exsanguination of Powellers (poor
fellow!) is remarkably similar to feeding of the
beetle A. matador on mice. Pointed out that this is
ridiculous--would require that "bug" be the size of
a horse! Some kind of vampire? Variant were-rat?
Nathaneal Dent, grimetrekker, Pont-a-Museau,
case notes on expedition 7/7/754
Assassin Vine
Assassin Vine Assassin Vine
Assassin Vine [Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual][Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual]
“Assassin vine instructions: One goat per week for
each patch plus fertilizer. Weed regularly. Harvest
berries at eight to ten weeks. The largest
(“Vyniknot”) gets a goblin, kobold, other, in place
of goat. Variant vines in underground garden
receive silver-laced fertilizer. Use oil of quessence
when near vines.”
—Gardeners’ log-book at Veneficus
Astral construct [Expanded Psionics
Astral construct [Expanded Psionics Astral construct [Expanded Psionics
Astral construct [Expanded Psionics
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about astral constructs. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
10 This shimmering, quicksilver creature is
actually an astral contruct, composed of animate
ectoplasm. This result reveals all construct traits.
15 Astral constructs obey the psionic who conjure
them via their metacreative powers. Their
ectoplasmic bodies are resistant to damage, but
magic weapons are particularly effective.
20 More powerful psionicists can create larger and
more powerful astral constructs. Astral constructs
may have a wide range of powers, which their
psionic creators select while manifesting the
construct. More powerful astral constructs possess
a wider variety of more powerful abilities.
"Master Ulathar did not even turn to face us, but as
we approached, we found a monstrosity in our
midst. A titan shaped of a hard, glistening, milky-
white substance, it was as though the very Mists
had crystallized into an ogre out of legend. Even
before it had fully manifested, it lashed out at us
with its long, many-jointed claws. Without even
trying, I could sense the aura of hatred and
egomania, so like to Master Ulathar's, that
surrounded our adversary's new minion. It was
congealed madness, pride and malice given
--from the journals of Matthew Swiftsinger of
Avanc [T
Avanc [TAvanc [T
Avanc [The Shadow Rift; Ravenloft
he Shadow Rift; Ravenloft he Shadow Rift; Ravenloft
he Shadow Rift; Ravenloft
Gazetteer V]
Gazetteer V]Gazetteer V]
Gazetteer V]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (local) can learn more about the avanc.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This huge, reptilian monster is the avanc. Long
ago, he was an evil man, and was transformed into
a ravenous beast. This result reveals all magical
beast traits and the aquatic subtype.
21 The avanc can crush small boats with its
powerful bite and tail slap. It usually attacks by
clamping its jaws around a victim, then drags the
poor soul underwater to drown. It can crawl onto
shore for a time, but it’s truly at home in the water.
26 While swimming in deep water, the avanc can
thrash around, creating a vortex that can suck
swimmers and small boats to the bottom of Lake
31 The avanc can communicate with the fish of
Lake Kronov.
Shading my eyes, I stared down into the water
while Harespex readied the harpoon and line.
Suddenly, something moved beneath us--a
shadowed form passing beneath us perpendicular
to our course. It moved deliberately but by no
means slowly, and for three long heart's beats I
waited for its form to pass entirely. By my rough
estimate the creature was thirty feet in length.
Turning to Harespex, his preparations now
complete, I signaled to him to stow the harpoon.
At a loss to convey what I had just seen, I finally
said only, "We're going to need a bigger boat."
Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in Tepest
Baboon [Monster Manual
Baboon [Monster Manual Baboon [Monster Manual
Baboon [Monster Manual -
CR ½ Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(nature) can learn more about baboons. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 11: This large monkey is a baboon, known for
its doglike snout and aggressive demeanor. This
result reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: Baboons are gifted climbers, but they
spend most of their time scavenging on the
ground. When threatened, baboons gather in
groups before overwhelming their foes.
Backward man [Denizens of Dread]
Backward man [Denizens of Dread] Backward man [Denizens of Dread]
Backward man [Denizens of Dread]
The good folk of Mordent have stories of any
number of bizarre bogies, the most amusingly
miscellaneous being the "backward-man"--an old
man going on all fours, stomach-up (hence the
name) and full of tentacles, if I understood the
description correctly. I hardly know whether to
congratulate them on their imagination or take
them to task for crediting a creature so obviously
impossible in its physiology.
(Two days later)
I owe the Mordentish an apology in the matter of
the backward-man. I was obliged to kill one in the
front room this morning.
From the wastebooks used to compile the
Doomsday Gazetteer
Badger [Monster Manual
Badger [Monster Manual Badger [Monster Manual
Badger [Monster Manual -
Cr ½ Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature)
can learn more about badgers. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This wedge-shaped, striped mammal is a
badger, a creature known for its foul temper.. This
result reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: Badgers primarily hunt smaller mammals,
such as mice, squirrels, and voles. Injured badgers
often fly into mad rages. A raging badger is
particularly dangerous and never backs down from
a fight.
Bajang [Oriental A
Bajang [Oriental ABajang [Oriental A
Bajang [Oriental Adventures]
dventures] dventures]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about bajangs. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This stunted, feral-looking humanoid is a
bajang, a malevolent nature spirit associated with
tropical jungles that have been courrupted by evil.
This result reveals all fey traits. Bajangs speak
Sylvan and Common.
20 Bajangs are vicious and cruel, and prefer to
attack helpless victims — such as sleeping
creatures. Their sharp talons secrete a venom that
leaves its victim too weak to fight back.
25 A bajang can assume the form of a small
wildcat. Bajangs can always be identified by their
bright orange eyes, regardless of their form. A
bajang can also utilize bane, divination, ghost
sound, gust of wind, steam breath, and transfix as
spell-like abilities.
30 Like a dryad, a bajang is mystically linked to a
specific tree in the corrupted forest it calls home.
A bajang dies immediately if its tree is destroyed.
Dear Ezra, we even have to be wary with cats in
this place! In the strange forests of Rokushima
Taiyoo, we were followed by a strange cat, with
orange eyes. We first thought it was a peculiar
creature of this island. We were wrong.
Later, when Maria was alone hunting for diner, the
cat followed her and then led her to a deer trail,
which Maria followed. But this “cat” wasn’t a
helpful spirit. When Maria was far in the forest,
near some kind of ruins, she said, it transformed
into some kind of ape-like goblin that viciously
attacked her with its claws. The creature
eventually fled before Maria’s sword, but her
strength took many days before coming back.
- Martin’s letter to the Mordent Ezra church
Bakhna Rakhna [DoD] see Goblin, d
Bakhna Rakhna [DoD] see Goblin, dBakhna Rakhna [DoD] see Goblin, d
Bakhna Rakhna [DoD] see Goblin, dread
Bane wraith [Heroes of Horror]
Bane wraith [Heroes of Horror] Bane wraith [Heroes of Horror]
Bane wraith [Heroes of Horror]
“He’s now got all of them. My closest friends are
now dead. Tonight, while we were trying to flee
on the road to Karg, this spectre got my wife and
my son. I was powerless to save them. My sword
passed through it. Why is this thing haunting me?
Leaving me alive after killing my loved ones?
Why wasn’t I killed with them? Whatever he
thinks, I wasn’t responsible for his death and the
gruesome massacre of his family, in this cursed
hamlet near Necropolis. The leaders sent us to
destroy this family of traitors. I told him! Why not
go after the leaders? They ordered this, not me! I
was just following the orders. I wasn’t the one
who had the idea to ravage his family. I told him I
regret but still he killed them all.
The last thing I will do is I will not give him the
pleasure to kill me.”
- Notes found on a man hanging from a
tree, possibly a suicide
Banedead [Monsters of Faerun]
Banedead [Monsters of Faerun] Banedead [Monsters of Faerun]
Banedead [Monsters of Faerun]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (religion) can learn more about
banedead. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
13 This withered humanoid is a banedead, an
undead minion created from the fanatical
worshipper of an evil deity. This result reveals all
undead traits.
18 A banedead attacks with its sharp claws and
bite. Unlike simple zombies, these creatures retain
much of their intellect and are capable of utilizing
complex tactics.
23 A banedead’s flesh is preternaturally tough, but
silver weapons can pierce its defenses. A
banedead’s claws sap the agility and coordination
of the living creatures they strike.
28 Banedead are usually found in the service of
powerful evil clerics. They go out of their way to
attack paladins and clerics who serve the forces of
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
18 This result reveals the specific ritual required to
create banedead (see text).
We had to retreat from the evil shrine after the first
assault inside the mountain temple went horribly
wrong. We got the information that all the priests
of this awful cult were gone, and we trust they
were taken care of by the 4
battalion. We
expected undead minions, but what the cultist left
behind to guard the temple was atrociously
dangerous. The cunning creatures left us enter the
temple and then while we were deep inside, they
sneakily attacked us with great speed. They were
everywhere! The undying hate in their face! Their
hideous large claw got six of our men before we
were finally able to retreat. I request a large supply
of gun powder to blow the entrance and seal this
horrible place forever.
- Paul Klotz, engineer, 3
battalion; Message to his superior
Baneguard [Monsters of Faerun]
Baneguard [Monsters of Faerun] Baneguard [Monsters of Faerun]
Baneguard [Monsters of Faerun]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about banedead. Characters who
recognize a baneguard’s nature can make a
Knowledge (arcana) check to learn more. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
14 This skeletal warrior is a moderately powerful
undead minion called a baneguard. This result
reveals all undead traits.
19 Because it lacks internal organs or soft tissues,
a baneguard is immune to cold. Most glancing
weapon blows simply clatter off its skeletal body,
but smashing its bones with bludgeoning weapons
can prove quite effective.
24 A baneguard can use magic missile every few
moments and blink once every ten minutes as
spell-like abilities.
29 More powerful baneguards, called direguards,
appear to be clad in shadowy, semitransparent
armor, and their eye sockets burn with unholy
flame. These direguards are slightly harder to
damage, and they can see invisibile foes.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
16 A cleric of at least 14th level can create
baneguards with the create undead spell.
21 To create direguards, the cleric must be at least
16th level.
"Beware, you who would violate the sanctity of
this resting place of the Lawgiver's chosen. The
faithful servants of the Unbending Lord shall
return from the Iron Paradise to assail you, and
they shall use their weapons of iron and eldritch
power to condemn you to the Hell of Slaves"
- Inscription on a Hazlani aerkebiskop's
Banflur clann [Gaz. 1, Forlo
Banflur clann [Gaz. 1, ForloBanflur clann [Gaz. 1, Forlo
Banflur clann [Gaz. 1, Forlorn]
rn] rn]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Banshee [Monster Manual II]
Banshee [Monster Manual II] Banshee [Monster Manual II]
Banshee [Monster Manual II]
JWM: The most infamous banshees in Ravenloft
are those in the retinue of Lord Soth, darklord of
Sithicus. During Soth’s reign, if one of these dozen
banshees was destroyed, then within the span of
eight nights another elfmaid’s spirit would rise to
join the chorus of doubt and deceit. Even after his
downfall in 753 BC, these tormentors continue to
haunt the shattered ruins of Nedragaard Keep.
(Underlined text is Ravenloft-specific. Though,
come to think of it, it could also apply to
Dragonlance by swapping Nedralund for Sithicus.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about banshees. In Sithicus, a
Knowledge (local) check reveals the same
information, but in this case the DC increases by
5. A character who recognizes a banshee’s nature
can make a bardic knowledge check to learn more.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (religion)
DC 27: This ghostly, mournful woman is a
banshee, also known as a wailing spirit. This result
reveals all undead traits and the incorporeal
subtype. Banshees speak the languages they knew
in life.
DC 32: Banshees are exceptionally powerful
spirits, driven by their hatred for all life. The mere
sight of a banshee can leave even experienced
warriors feeling weak and feeble. A banshee’s
mournful wailing can strike nearby creatures dead.
Fortunately, a banshee’s wail holds this power
only at night, and even then only for a few uses.
DC 37: Three times a day, a banshee can pinpoint
the presence of living creatures up to half a mile
away. A banshee’s touch leaves living creatures
feeling listless and dull.
DC 42: The presence of a banshee usually stunts
plant life within half a mile. This sometimes hints
at the location of the gravelike lair to which a
banshee typically retreats by day.
Bardic Knowledge
DC 32: A banshee’s deadly wail is a sonic effect
that can be countered with bardic music.
We finally arrived to the old and dusty throne
room of Nedragaard Keep. Answering Jezebel’s
calling, the phantoms appeared to us, eerily
floating above ground in their supernatural elven
“We are the thirteen voices of guilt”, said the one
called Gisella. “The voices of forgotten pain”, said
the banshee named Lareeda. “The voices that
remembers your sins”, sneered Marantha.
Then they said in unison “The slithering green-
eyes shadow is restless! Integrity torments her!
The blackened knight left his throne, but still
painful guilt is found here! The guilt! The painful
- From the journals of Jameld of Hroth.
[Monster Manual
[Monster Manual [Monster Manual
[Monster Manual 5
] ]
CR 8 Fey with blowgun and some bardic powers.
Serve as messengers for evil feys
Baobhan sith
Baobhan sith Baobhan sith
Baobhan sith (Black Sprite)
(Black Sprite) (Black Sprite)
(Black Sprite) [D
[Denizens of
enizens of enizens of
enizens of
Dread] Dread]
Dread] -
"The hand is the fist, the fist is the knife, but
neither hand nor fist nor knife kills, human-thing.
It is our hate that does that. And that is why we
laugh; because you do not understand us. It is our
hate that kills, and now we will kill you." Then the
air was filled with laughter, and, horribly, I found
myself laughing, too; because for that one moment
(may I never have another such!) I understood
what the voice had meant.
Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in Tepest
Barghest [
Barghest [Barghest [
Barghest [Monster Manual]
Monster Manual] Monster Manual]
Monster Manual]
Cr 4
"Did silver work?
"Cold iron?"
"We don't have any."
"Wood? Stone?"
The door shuddered again, and a long vertical
crack appeared in it as the wolf-thing flung itself
at the door again.
"Do we have something else?"
From the journal of Matthew Swiftsinger of Skald
Barracuda [Stormwrack
Barracuda [Stormwrack Barracuda [Stormwrack
Barracuda [Stormwrack -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about barracudas. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 12: This sleek, elongated fish is a barracuda,
an ambush predator known for its speed. This
result reveals all animal traits and the aquatic
DC 17: Barracudas lie in wait for prey to come
into view, then rush forward in a burst of speed to
snap up the fish in their fanged jaws. Barracudas
have been known to stalk unfamiliar creatures
(such as humanoid swimmers) across their
territorial reefs, but they generally do not attack
unless provoked.
Basilisk [Monster Manual]
Basilisk [Monster Manual] Basilisk [Monster Manual]
Basilisk [Monster Manual]
CR 5
We could now hear the beast, its scales scraping
against the ground--could even hear the heavy,
dull exhalation of each fetid breath. I imagined--or
perhaps it was not imagination, at all--that I could
smell that breath, still rank with Mikkel's blood.
Harkon shouted, and I could see the flare of the
daylight spell even through the cloth over my
eyes; I lifted the great silvered mirror, knowing
that if our surmise was incorrect I would literally
be fighting blind.
From the journals of Matthew Swiftsinger of
This monster is presented by JWM in the netbook:
(Dream Stalker)
(Dream Stalker)(Dream Stalker)
(Dream Stalker)
[Denizens of
[Denizens of [Denizens of
[Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
CR 6
I noted with very great interest an increase in the
number and severity of nightmares experienced by
the patients in block C in the last six weeks. I
therefore spent last night in that hallway with two
orderlies, to see if some external condition might
be influencing this group. You can imagine my
surprise as I observed that the patient in room 117,
at the north end of the hall, was first to awake,
screaming; no sooner had I collected his
impressions than the patient in 118 awoke in a
similar condition. Each and every patient from 117
to 132 (at the south end of C block) experienced a
nightmare in sequence during the course of the
night. Further investigation into the phenomenon
is demanded.
Case notebook for October 754, Dr. Heinrich
Bat [Monster Manual
Bat [Monster Manual Bat [Monster Manual
Bat [Monster Manual -
animal] animal]
Cr 1/10 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(nature) or Knowledge (arcana) can learn more
about bats. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This leathery-winged rodent is
immediately identifiable as a common bat. This
result reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Common bats are nocturnal insectivores.
They use echolocation to sense their surroundings
with great precision. A bat can cannot hear must
rely on its vision, which is extremely poor.
DC 10: Some mages adopt bats for use as
familiars. Such mages tend to have particularly
sharp hearing.
Bat, bonebat [Monsters of Faerun]
Bat, bonebat [Monsters of Faerun] Bat, bonebat [Monsters of Faerun]
Bat, bonebat [Monsters of Faerun]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about bonebats. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This flying skeleton, composed of little more
than bone and scraps of papery leather, is a
bonebat. This result reveals all undead traits.
17 A bonebat has no internal organs or soft tissues,
so many minor weapon strikes simply skitter off
its skeleton. However, smashing a bonebat with
bludgeoning weapons is often effective.
22 A bonebat’s bite paralyzes living creatures for
several minutes. Only elves are immune to this
27 A bonebat can see extremely well in the dark,
and can even sense the presence of invisible foes
within twenty paces.
(…) Also, do not send your messages anymore via
this large skeleton bat. I understand you want to
show off your minor arcane skills to me, but this
unordinary messenger sent everybody in town
running for cover. Our law officers had many
request from the masses about this creature. As
reliable as it seems to be, it is really out of place in
here: you are not in Thay anymore. I sometimes
wonder how you are thinking.
- Postscript by Hazlik to an anonymous wizard in
Nova Vaasa.
Bat, carrion bat [Denizens of Dread]
Bat, carrion bat [Denizens of Dread] Bat, carrion bat [Denizens of Dread]
Bat, carrion bat [Denizens of Dread]
CR 1
JWM: Shriek (Ex): As a standard action, a carrion
bat can loose a piercing blast, affecting any
creatures in a 10-foot cone. A victim caught in the
cone must make a successful DC 12 Fortitude save
or be paralyzed for 6 rounds. The save DC is
Constitution-based. This is a sonic attack.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about carrion bats. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
11 This large, screeching creature is a carrion bat.
This ravenous predator feeds on vermin, but kills
larger creatures to attract its actual prey. This
result reveals all magical beast traits.
16 Carrion bats use a powerful shriek to
momentarily stun larger creatures.
21 A carrion bat uses echolocation to perceive its
surroundings. If deafened, the bat must rely on its
weak vision instead.
My beloved hawk lay dead at my feet. She had
been sent plummeting from the evening sky of
Barovia by neither wound nor illness but rather the
accursed shriek of a hideous bat of extraordinary
size which had the gall to smirk down at us from
an overhanging branch. Slowly I drew forth my
throwing dagger but the foul creature sensed the
danger and spit forth its hideous cry. I froze in
place and it swooped down at my exposed neck. In
the instant that it would have sliced me open, I
twisted away and my sword connected solidly,
knocking it to the ground. Not a heart-beat was
lost in silencing it forever.
Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse smuggler
wanted for desertion from the Falkovnian army.
Bat, skeletal bat [Denizens of Dread]
Bat, skeletal bat [Denizens of Dread] Bat, skeletal bat [Denizens of Dread]
Bat, skeletal bat [Denizens of Dread]
CR 1/3
Bat, sentinel bat [RL MC I]
Bat, sentinel bat [RL MC I]Bat, sentinel bat [RL MC I]
Bat, sentinel bat [RL MC I]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (Ravenloft) can learn more about
sentinel bats. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
11 This sinister bat is a sentinel bat. This result
reveals all magical beast traits.
16 Sentinel bats are sometimes drawn to
powerfully evil figures, whom they serve much as
familiars serve an arcane spellcaster. They arrive
of their own accord, and cannot be purposefully
21 Like a familiar, a sentinel bat grows more
powerful alongside its master. A sentinel bat often
develops a subtle physical mark reflecting its
master’s true nature.
26 A sentinel bat’s master can magically scry
through the bat’s senses, observing everything that
the bat perceives.
A few nights ago, Kazandra found a new pet--no,
not the handsome but foolish young men she
usually favors, but a bat. I was about to say
'common bat', but this thing seems decidedly
uncommon. I can't exert any influence over it, and
I've found it watching me with a strange look of
intelligence in its eyes. One of those eyes has a
greenish tint to it . . . almost like Kazandra's
damaged one.
Most of all, last night, I saw a drunken nobleman
accost Tavelia on a balcony while she was hosting
one of her little soirees at the Cosmopolis Club.
The bat swooped down from out of the night sky
and fastened on the back of his neck.
He was dead within a minute.
--Personal files of Tavelia, 753 BC
Bean nidhe [Gaz. 1, Forlorn]
Bean nidhe [Gaz. 1, Forlorn] Bean nidhe [Gaz. 1, Forlorn]
Bean nidhe [Gaz. 1, Forlorn]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Bear [Mo
Bear [MoBear [Mo
Bear [Monster Manual
nster Manual nster Manual
nster Manual -
animal] animal]
Brown CR2, black CR 4
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about bears. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 12: This stocky, furry mammal is a bear, a
clever but unpredictable omnivore. This result
reveals all animal traits.
DC 17: Bears are often drawn to humanoid camp
sites to steal food that has not been properly
secured. Many different varieties of bear exist.
Black bears tend to be smaller, but can climb trees.
DC 22: Some bears can reach a weight of nearly a
ton. They are too large to climb trees, but have
little fear of humanoids and tend to grapple prey
while tearing them apart. In temperate regions,
brown bears are the most common of these large
breeds. Polar bears fill this niche in arctic regions.
Beetle, giant [Monster Manual, vermin]
Beetle, giant [Monster Manual, vermin] Beetle, giant [Monster Manual, vermin]
Beetle, giant [Monster Manual, vermin]
JWM: note that Sithican rangers ride giant stag
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about giant
bombardier beetles. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 12: This monstrous insect is a giant variant of
the common bombardier beetle. This result reveals
all vermin traits.
DC 17: Giant bombardier beetles primarily feed
on carrion and offal. They attack only to defend
themselves or their nests. Due to its bulk, it cannot
fly or skitter up walls.
DC 22: A giant bombardier beetle that feels
threatened can spit a cone of acid at nearby foes.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about giant fire
beetles. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 11: This oversized insect is a giant fire beetle.
These scavengers have two luminescent glands
just above their eyes which emit a red glow like
burning embers, illuminating an area about six
paces across. This result reveals all vermin traits.
DC 16: A fire beetle has a particularly nasty bites.
Due to its bulk, it cannot fly or skitter up walls.
Harvested glands retain their luminescence for
several days, and are highly prized by miners and
others who work underground.
(Underlined text is Ravenloft-specific.)
Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks in
Knowledge (dungeoneering) or Knowledge
(nature) can learn more about giant stag beetles.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (dungeoneering) or Knowledge
DC 14: This hulking insect is a giant stag beetle,
which takes its name from its antlerlike, chitinous
horns. This result reveals all vermin traits.
DC 19: Giant stag beetles are herbivores with
ravenous appetites. Left unchecked, they can
devour entire fields of crops. They attack only if
they feel threatened. Due to their bulk, they cannot
fly or skitter up walls.
DC 24: A giant stag beetle is a lumbering creature
that often simply tramples right over threats
smaller than itself.
Bardic Knowledge
DC 14: The elves of Sithicus have somehow
learned how to train giant stag beetles, which their
wilderness rangers ride as mounts.
Jameld had often told me that his people made it
their practice to domesticate the great stag beetles,
larger than a horse, which make their home in the
forests of Sithicus. Despite my high opinion of his
honesty I was never really able to believe that such
a thing was possible; the intelligence of a beetle of
the ordinary sort is so limited that training one
seemed to me to be the epitome of an exercise in
futility. On my recent visit, however, Jameld
showed me his own mount--by his lights, a true
beauty, which he calls "Eothacha"
("Dawnchaser"). Having seen him put it through
its paces, I am forced to concede that one can, in
fact, train a giant stag beetle to serve as a mount.
I am, of course, left with the far more pressing
question of why anyone would want to do such a
Rudolph van Richten, private correspondence with
Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove
Beetle, scarab [Denizens of Dread]
Beetle, scarab [Denizens of Dread]Beetle, scarab [Denizens of Dread]
Beetle, scarab [Denizens of Dread]
Grave CR1/2, Giant CR2, Monstrous CR4
Beholderkin, Eye of the Deep
kin, Eye of the Deep kin, Eye of the Deep
kin, Eye of the Deep [
[Lords of
Lords of Lords of
Lords of
Proposed by C Nichols for the NS Gaz; CR 8
Belker [Monster Manual]
Belker [Monster Manual] Belker [Monster Manual]
Belker [Monster Manual]
The sole survivor was in sad shape when Sister
Helene allowed me to see him. She took the
opportunity to change his bandages as I questioned
him, and I caught a glimpse of the wounds. They
were like none I'd seen in my career. There were
only exit wounds; no point of entry was visible,
yet the edges were ragged, like those of an animal
attack, not the mark of a weapon. The damage to
his chest and throat was severe, but he was
cooperative, croaking out brief answers to my
queries as best he could. But that all changed when
I took the liberty of lighting my pipe. The victim
became wild and deranged, stiffening in fear as
though in a fit, staring madly at the pipe smoke.
The sisters tried to calm him, but ultimately, I was
asked to leave, and I complied.
Report filed by Lamplighter Colin Dunwitty on
the incident at Hallworth manor.
Bhut [Fiend Folio]
Bhut [Fiend Folio] Bhut [Fiend Folio]
Bhut [Fiend Folio]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about bhuts. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 19: This horrifying spirit is a bhut, the undead
remains of someone who died a sudden, violent
death in remote lands. This result reveals all
undead traits and the incorporeal subtype.
DC 24: Bhuts tend to avoid direct combat,
preferring to act against the living with subtlety
and subterfuge. When revealed, a bhut attacks
with a deadly, incporeal bite. A bhut’s appearance
is so frightful it can literally leave opponents weak
at the knees.
DC 29: Bhuts can possess humanoid corpses,
operating it like a puppet. The resulting corpse is
somewhat like an intelligent, unusually
coordinated zombie. While possessed by a bhut,
the corpse’s bite delivers a mind-numbing poison
that can even induce a coma or death. Victims who
succumb to a bhut’s poison rise as new bhuts
when the sun next sets.
DC 34: While in its natural state, a bhut cannot
abide contact with earth or stone; any such
contact—including with weapons made of these
materials—burn the bhut’s incorporeal flesh. A
bhut protected from this vulnerability while
possessing a corpse.
One, two, three and four
He is entering the corpse
five, six, seven, eight,
he is exiting the grave
nine, ten, eleven, twelve
he is gazing from the road
run as faster as you can
he is out to... get... you!
From a Rajian children's count (translated in
Mordentish by Giorgio Satagi of Lechberg,
Borcan explorer, now fakir)
Bison [Monster Manual
Bison [Monster Manual Bison [Monster Manual
Bison [Monster Manual -
animal] animal]
CR 2 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(nature) can learn more about bison. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 12: This massively built, horned ungulate is a
bison, a creature distantly related to domesticated
cattle. This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 17: Bison are herbivores, but they can be
aggressive during mating season and when
defending their young. Bison are easily spooked,
and a stampeding herd will heedlessly trample
over anything in its path.
Blackskate [Stormwrack]
Blackskate [Stormwrack] Blackskate [Stormwrack]
Blackskate [Stormwrack]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about blackskates. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 14: This mismatched clump of bones and
detritus in the vague shape of a manta ray is a
blackskate, an undead creature formed in the
deepest, darkest trenches of the ocean floor. This
result reveals all undead traits and the aquatic
DC 19: Blackskates are drawn to attack warm,
living creatures. They usually attack by swimming
past opponents, jabbing them with the poisonous
stinger in its tail as it goes. Blackskate venom
causes the poisoned flesh to die and rot away. A
blackskate’s bony body deflects glancing blows,
but hacking it apart with slashing weapons can
prove effective, if difficult underwater.
DC 24: Blackskates do not feed on the creatures
they kill, but once a day the taste of blood in the
water can send a blackskate into a berserk,
thrashing rage. A blackskate can inerringly track
any creature whose blood it has tasted, so long as
the subject remains in the same body of water.
Blackskates will often track fleeing prey for
hundreds of miles if they must
Dr. Fulviani: Can you hear me, Gregor?
Gregor Cossal: Yes.
Dr. Fulviani: Now, I want you to remember what
you saw down there.
Gregor Cossal: The priest... He cast the spell to
allow us to find the city... So we could breath
under water...
Dr. Fulviani: What city?
Gregor Cossal: That of the deep ones.
Dr. Fulviani: Go on.
Gregor Cossal: The only light we had was
provided by Christina... The water was black...
The floor was littered with bones of fish... Some as
big as an ox... I could see, in the ink we were
swimming in, something that LOOKED like a
city... Then the bones raised.
Dr. Fulviani: What do you mean?
Gregor Cossal: The bones... They moved and
formed a great creature... Like the ray I used to
fish in Martira Bay, with my father. Only bigger.
Then... It moved with grace toward Christina... It
bit her hand. The one with the light. Then It was
all dark...
Dr. Fulviani: ... Let's move another topic, Gregor.
Excerpt from an interview in Mikki Sanitarium,
CR 8 large skeletal undead bird
Blaspheme [Libris Mortis]
Blaspheme [Libris Mortis] Blaspheme [Libris Mortis]
Blaspheme [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about blasphemes. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 19: This looming guardian, stitched together
from numerous corpses, is a blaspheme, created by
madmen in a bygone age. This result reveals all
undead traits.
DC 24: A blaspheme resonates with unholy power.
Living creatures bitten by a blaspheme are
weakened and momentarily dazed by the contact.
The best way to deal with a blaspheme is to hack it
to pieces with slashing weapons.
DC 29: Blasphemes are surprisingly lithe and
agile. They’re even capable of changing direction
when charging a foe. Blasphemes are immune to
The thing suddenly appeared from a door in the
lich’s ruined lair, grinning wildly and babbling
insanely. At first we thought it was a mad
construct, but its supernatural undead nature was
found later by our researches. It rushed at me,
hissing and showing off its mean looking black
teeth. I figured I was lost, since the shoulder-belt
of my crossbow was entangled with that of my
backpack and I could not prepare myself for this
blasphemous horror. When it ran toward me I saw
its immense hate in its eyes, and its hunger too...
But suddenly it erratically changed its course to
attack Viktor, our anchorite. By chance, Viktor
was ready to receive the charge with his spear.
This gave us time to hack at the thing until all its
parts hideously fell apart…
- Van Richten’s journal
Bleakborn (Moil zombie) [Libris Mortis]
Bleakborn (Moil zombie) [Libris Mortis] Bleakborn (Moil zombie) [Libris Mortis]
Bleakborn (Moil zombie) [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about bleakborns. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 18: This frozen corpse is a bleakborn, a
shambling horror that feeds on the warmth of the
living. This result reveals all undead traits.
DC 23: When a bleakborn detects living prey, it
lurches forward to beat the creature to death with
fists that burn with otherworldly cold. The mere
presence of a bleakborn drains the heat from living
creatures within 10 paces, though creatures
immune to cold are unaffected. A bleakborn is
resistant to turning.
DC 28: Some obscure texts refer to bleakborns as
Moil zombies, named for the legendary city in
which they were first created. A bleakborn uses
the heat it drains from the living to close its
wounds. Even a Moil zombie that appears to have
been destroyed can reanimate when the living
draw near. Any humanoid slain by a bleakborn
rises as a zombie after a few moments. Bleakborn
speak both a local language and Moilian.
DC 33: Fire heals a bleakborn rather than dealing
damage. Despite appearances, Moil zombies are
not immune to other sources of cold. On rare
occasion, bleakborn’s victim rises as a new
bleakborn rather than as a mere zombie, but only
the gods can say when or why this occurs.
It was the damnedest thing. High on Death's
Glacier we were about to receive civilised
company. A toboggan rider, dusted in ice particles
glistening with the light of the full moon, bore
down rapidly upon our position. The threat of
arrows and arrows themselves did not slow the
chap. An instant after we marked him as being a
parody of life, we were hammered by a wave of
cold that fell a third of us. Too late I ordered the
men to scatter for within seconds the dead out
numbered the living and were rising to fill out the
ranks of our foe. I would not be here had the thing
been just that little bit cleverer and put its sled
beyond use.
- Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse
smuggler, wanted for desertion from the
Falkovnian army, remembering his
mission to the Sleeping Beast Mountains
PS: The official description of when bleakborn
spawn vs. zombie spawn are created seems
confused if not flat out contradictory. Also its
healing when reduced to/below zero seems less
than clear (comment by Cure)
Blightspawned [Unapproachable East]
Blightspawned [Unapproachable East] Blightspawned [Unapproachable East]
Blightspawned [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: CR +1. Blightspawned are
perversions of nature, tainted by poison and evil
druidic magic. Fueled by rot and hate,
blightspawned creatures seek to corrupt and ruin
all things natural and wholesome. The rot that
blightspawn carry changes their type to plant, and
is communicable by any natural attack. This blight
touch does both Cha and Con damage. Creatures
reduced to 0 Cha due to the blight become
blightspawn; creatures reduced to 0 Con simply
die. Blightspawn eventually succomb to the rot
they carry within and die, only to immediated rise
again as juju zombies.
In Ravenloft, the corrupted treants of the Black
Circle create blightspawn to combat both the
druids of Forlorn and the goblyn forces of Tristen
ApBlanc. The Black Circle sometimes passes the
secret of creating blightspawn to hags and evil
druids in order to further corrupt the natural world
to their liking.
"We were trying to reach the castle, Tristenoira,
because we'd been told there was some sort of
unclaimed treasure in it. Naturally, we had to
make it through that damned forest. No problem,
right? It's just a bunch of trees, right?"
"Wrong. We hadn't been in the woods more than
five minutes when the trees started rustling,
branches and leaves swaying, making a sound like
silibant laughter. Then a voice like thunder shouts
something, and out of the undergrowth come... all
kinds of critters - badgers, stoats, squirrels, a
couple of deer, others. But every last one is sick or
something, with patches of black and green rot on
'em, and eyes burning green as witchfire."
"Have you ever seen a man torn to pieces by a
dozen animals that ought to be harmless? I did.
Three of my friends. And lost my leg as well."
- Interview with Batrau Ghuirov, resident of
Bloodhawk [LotB
Bloodhawk [LotBBloodhawk [LotB
Bloodhawk [LotB
Falkovnia mainly; CR ½
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about blood
hawks. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
10 This fiece raptor is a blood hawk. It is a vicious
predator that often attacks humans even when it is
already well fed. This result reveals all magical
beast traits.
15 A blood hawk’s beak is so sharp that wounds
from its bite bleed freely until the bloodflow is
staunched. This blood loss is often deadlier than
the bite that caused it.
20 Particularly well trained blood hawks are so
fierce that they fight to the death, even to the point
when other creatures would pass out from their
Mme Maisonbleu: "[...] and why was your brother
Anonymous:"He killed an hawk"
Mme Maisonbleu:"An hawk? He died so horribly
for this?"
Anonymous:"It was one of the ferocious hawk the
butcher Drakov raise in his Hala-damned castle. It
gave my brother a lot of a fight."
Mme Maisonbleu:"What do you mean 'fight'?"
Anonymous:"It was attacking our rabbits. My
brother hit it with the pitchfork. It was screaming,
impaled on the spikes, but it was still moving. It
kept biting at my brother for a full minute... By
Hala, it kept biting even as my brother snapped its
From the article Interview with a Falkovnian
disertor by Christine Maisonbleu, published
on the Minute of Port-au-Lucine.
Blood amniote [Libris Mortis]
Blood amniote [Libris Mortis] Blood amniote [Libris Mortis]
Blood amniote [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about blood amniotes. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 19: This heaving wave of congealing blood is
a blood amniote, an undead horror composed of
the blood and fluids of its past victims. This result
reveals all undead traits.
DC 24: These mindless killers form flowing
pseudopods to deliver crushing blows to their
victims. Although blood amniotes are not oozes,
their amorphous form grants them many of the
same traits. They cannot be flanked. A blood
amniote’s oozing mass simply absorbs most
weapon blows.
DC 29: Whenever a blood amniote strikes a living
creature, a portion of the victim’s blood forces its
way out through the creature’s pores and streams
into the amniote, strengthening it. A blood
amniote’s wounds heal quickly so long as the
creature remains animate.
DC 34: Whenever a blood amniote absorbs
enough blood and life energy, it splits in two,
forming a second blood amniote.
It was maddening enough that our captain had
orders to behead our dead where they fell. But it
was far too much when the spilt blood that pooled
at our feet reared up in a hulking congealed mass
that bore the shifting and twisted faces of our
dispatched comrades.
-Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse smuggler,
wanted for desertion from the Falkovnian army,
recalling the Dead Man’s Campaign of 722
Blooded One [Unapproachable East]
Blooded One [Unapproachable East] Blooded One [Unapproachable East]
Blooded One [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: CR +1. Blooded ones are created
through a ritual devised by the Red Wizards of
Thay - a ritual that Hazlik brought with him to the
Demiplane of Dread. By immersing a young
humanoid in a pool of alchemically prepared
blood, Hazlik can transform the subject into a
powerful warrior. Blooded ones gain +2 natural
armor, +2 Str, +4 Con, and the feat Combat
Reflexes. One per day, a blooded one may issue a
mighty war cry that give it and all nearby blooded
ones a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage
rolls. The process of creating a blooded one only
works on creatures that have not reached maturity;
the alchemical blood is a deadly poison to any
adult being.
Lord Hazlik showed us the blooding ritual today.
He cut the throats of to Rashemani wretches who
had been suspended upside-down above the
ceremonial baptismal font. After the font was
filled, Lord Hazlik spent several hours adding the
necessary alchemical components and arcane
preparations (full details in lecture notebook D).
When he finished, Eleni ushered a little caliban
child, perhaps two or three years of age, into the
room. She and Lord Hazlik did something that
paralyzed the child and submerged it in the pool of
blood and placed a stone lid over the font.
Tomorrow, they will bring the caliban child out of
the blood, and we shall see the results. Of course,
we have already the results. Who in the Red
Academy has not see the blood calibans that guard
the academy grounds, with their skin stained red
with blood and the blood-hunger in their eyes?
- Journal of Taklar Uent, student at the Red
Bloodmote cloud [Libris Mortis]
Bloodmote cloud [Libris Mortis] Bloodmote cloud [Libris Mortis]
Bloodmote cloud [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about bloodmote clouds. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 16: This buzzing menace is a swarm of undead
mosquitos, known in tales as a bloodmote cloud.
Bloodmote clouds can be distinguished from
normal mosquitos by their unnervingly deep drone
and the sickening stench of fresh blood. This result
reveals all undead traits and the swarm subtype.
DC 21: These vampiric insects feed on the blood
of living creatures. Unlike living vermin, their
thirst is never sated, and the cloud is fully capable
of draining a large creature dry.
It was a sound strategy. We had satisfied ourselves
that the peasants' tale was true. Our confidence
grew as the mosquitos, which made the bog a
living Hell, sped past us with complete
indifference. Then it came, that buzzing, swirling
black cloud of living death, which bore the rank
odour of the very blood it craved. The trifling spell
would not withhold it from its feast.
-Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse smuggler,
wanted for desertion from the Falkovnian army,
explaining his longstanding aversion to flying
Bloodroot [Denizens of Dread, plant]
Bloodroot [Denizens of Dread, plant] Bloodroot [Denizens of Dread, plant]
Bloodroot [Denizens of Dread, plant]
CR3 Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature)
can learn more about bloodroots. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 These writhing, crimson-tinted tendrils are a
bloodroot. This result reveals all plant traits.
18 Bloodroots feed by poisoning their prey. This
toxin causes euphoria, followed by death. The
bloodroot then drains the blood from the victim’s
23 A bloodroot uses scent and vibration to sense
its surroundings. It is unaffected by sight- or
sound-based effects. Its sap can be distilled into
bloodroot poison (for effects, see the DMG).
We were, as we thought, prepared for every
eventuality, being well equipped against every
creature of the night, silver, holy water and so
forth at the ready; but there was a creature of the
daylight with which we had not reckoned, and as
we passed beneath it into the mouldering tomb
below, it assaulted us with its thousand dagger-like
roots. One does not normally number courage
among the vegetative virtues, and yet it seems to
me that the bloodroot (for so they call it in this
place) was a right puissant and even an ill-
tempered foe.
- Reginald St. Jacques, Remarks upon an
Expedition in Souragne
Bloodrose [Denizens of Dread, plant]
Bloodrose [Denizens of Dread, plant] Bloodrose [Denizens of Dread, plant]
Bloodrose [Denizens of Dread, plant]
CR ½ Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(nature) can learn more about bloodroses. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
11 These beautiful white roses are actually a
dangerous species known as bloodroses. This
result reveals all plant traits.
16 Bloodroses lash out at living prey with their
thorny vines, soaking up the spilled blood with
their extensive root system.
21 Bloodroses are sensitive to vibrations, but
cannot see, smell, or hear.To destroy a bloodrose,
you must wipe out the entire patch, or they’ll grow
26 Contact with salt inflicts severe pain to a
bloodrose bush. A bloodrose that touches
something coated in salt will not touch it again.
Dousing a bloodrose with salt water may even kill
Some of the roses had an exquisite crimson
veining in their bone-white blooms; pointing them
out to my patroness, I asked if it had been very
difficult to breed so exotic a type. Glancing out the
window of the carriage, she smiled slightly and
replied, in her enigmatical way, "It is not so very
difficult. It is a matter of feeding, not breeding, my
Nostalia Romaine, Memoirs
Bloodrot [Heroes of Horror]
Bloodrot [Heroes of Horror] Bloodrot [Heroes of Horror]
Bloodrot [Heroes of Horror]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about bloodrots. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
20 This heaving pool of blood and congealing
fluids is a bloodrot, believed to be the undead
remains of an ooze. This result reveals all undead
25 In fact, bloodroots are not undead oozes. These
undead fluids are all that remain of a creature that
was completely dissolved in acid. Although
bloodrots are not oozes, they act much like one,
forming pseudopods to flail at foes. If a bloodroot
strikes a foe, it attempts to wrap itself around the
creature and crush it to death. Its amorphous body
simply absorbs glancing weapon blows.
30 The touch of a bloodrot spreads a disease-like
curse called blood fever. Like mummy rot, this
lethal disease impairs magical healing and cannot
be cured until the curse is broken with break
enchantment or remove curse. A creature that
succumbs to blood fever dissolves into a pool of
blood and fluid, which the bloodroot feeds upon.
Striking a bloodroot with a slashing or piercing
weapon causes its to split into two smaller
bloodroot, but otherwise causes the creature no
35 A bloodroot can supernaturally sense the
distance and direction to any creature infected
with blood fever, and uses this ability to track any
prey that escape its clutches. If a bloodroot senses
that it is in danger of being destroyed, it can
attempt to force itself into the bloodstream of any
creature infected with bloodroot, disappearing into
its body and nauseating the victim. Remove curse
or heal can expel the bloodrot.
When we returned to the Angel of Decay
summoning place, three days after, the smell of rot
was overwhelming. Jezebel and Erik’s corpse
were found horribly liquefied into pools of reddish
liquid matter. But while we were busy searching
the place for the necromantic book used by
Jezebel, as our superiors requested, the pools
coalesced into a wave-like thing that attacked us!
We were able to flee this horrible place in the
forest, but Kev found strange ooze-like liquids on
his doorstep this morning? Advice needed.
- Jorane Amos, Letter to her superiors
Boar [Monster Manual
Boar [Monster Manual Boar [Monster Manual
Boar [Monster Manual -
animal] animal]
CR 2 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(nature) can learn more about boars. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 11: This bristly, tusked pig is a wild boar, a
creature closely related to domesticated swine.
This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: Although boars are not carnivores—
mainly feeding on plants and burrowing insects—
they are extremely bad tempered and prone to
charging anything that threatens them. Boars can
be so ferocious that they continue fighting to their
final breath.
Bog hound [Howls in the Night]
og hound [Howls in the Night] og hound [Howls in the Night]
og hound [Howls in the Night]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (Ravenloft) can learn more about bog
hounds. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
12 This eerie, eyeless hound is a bog hound, a
supernatural creature composed of reeds and
muck. This result reveals all construct traits.
17 The spirit animating a bog hound is
immediately dispersed by contact with sunlight.
22 Bog hounds exist to perpetuate terrible curses,
ensuring that no one ever lifts the curse.
27 Bog hounds serve a terrible master, a huge
mastiff called the Moor Hound.
Moor Hound Lore : Characters with ranks in
Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (Ravenloft)
can learn more about the Moor Hound. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This monstrous mastiff is a supernatural terror
called the Moor Hound. This result reveals all
magical beast traits.
21 The Moor Hound exists to guard terrible
curses, and is the master of a pack of lesser spirits
called bog hounds. This result reveals the Mists
subtype. Legends also speak of the Great Moor
Hound, which is the size of a cottage.
26 The Moor Hound can quickly recover from
most attacks, but magic weapons can pierce its
defenses and exposure to daylight renders it
vulnerable to damage until the sun sets.
31 Lifting the curse guarded by the Moor Hound
robs the creature of most of its power,
permanently dispelling its ability to regenerate
We were traveling the road from Mordent to
Dementlieu when we heard these terrible howling.
Me and Peter are experimented soldiers, but these
“wolves” really gave us the creeps, believe me!
And we realized with dread there were no trees to
climb to if these howling creatures attacked.
Thankfully, we walked with a quicker pace and we
have the strange feeling they “let us pass”. For you
see, these were not natural creatures: when I saw
their large mastiff shape in the shadows, calmly
watching us, their eyes reflected no light …
- An often heard tale in Chateaunoir
Bog imp [Heroes of Horror]
Bog imp [Heroes of Horror] Bog imp [Heroes of Horror]
Bog imp [Heroes of Horror]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about bog imps. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This scaly, toadlike creature is a bog imp.
Despite the name, it is a fey spirit native to
swamps, not a fiend. This result reveals all fey
traits and the aquatic subtype. Bog imps speak
Sylvan and Common. Some of them can also
speak a little Elven.
20 Bog imps torment anyone who passes through
their territory. Bog imps lack combat prowess, but
a scratch from one of their claws can sicken a
mortal for several minutes. With just a glance, a
bog imp can will any foe within 20 paces who is
standing on a soft surface (such as mud) to be
sucked down into the mire. A bog imp can exist
comfortably in or out of the water. A bog imp
ignores glancing blows, but weapons forged of
cold iron can pierce its defenses. Bog imps have a
strange connection to elves, but it is little
25 Any mundane liquids that come near a bog imp
immediately stagnate. A bog imp can swim well,
and it can also burrow through wet earth or
viscous fluids with remarkable speed. A bog imp
is immune to acid, paralysis, poison, and sleep. If
an elf is drowned by a bog imp, the elf’s spirit
merges with the surrounding swamp. Rather than
going to its intended afterlife, the spirit eventually
reforms as a new bog imp.
30 A bog imp’s strong will is resistant to mind-
affecting spells and effects. Each clutch of bog
imps has its own code of behavior, which is must
follow. For example, a clutch of bog imps may
allow travelers to pass unaccosted if they can
name the imp’s clan name. The code of law is
different for each clutch, however. A bog imp that
violates its own code is greatly weakened.
In the Southern parts of Sithicus, the elves believe
that when they die by drowning, their spirit
sometimes comes back as little, mischievous
gremlin-like green creature. Their spirit is then
transformed to insatiable cruelty and evil
playfulness. These green gremlins are also said to
love to watch people drown.
-- From a bard’s folklore notes
Bogeyman [D
Bogeyman [DBogeyman [D
Bogeyman [DT&DL
] ]
JWM: I think it would be appropriate if the
Bogeyman blurbs were accredited as snippets
from the Hans & Jakob Gleam tales named for
"If you don't leave on the lights tonight, you're in
for a big surprise,
If you should put out the lights tonight, you'll fear
to believe your eyes,
For every scare that ever there was
Will leap and creep and seek you, because
Tonight's the night the boogeymen play their worst
-- Taunting children's rhyme...
Bogeyman, Alligato
Bogeyman, AlligatoBogeyman, Alligato
Bogeyman, Alligator Lenny [DT&DL]
r Lenny [DT&DL] r Lenny [DT&DL]
r Lenny [DT&DL]
There was a humming, and a buzzing, and the
sound of something big breathing behind them,
and Katerina saw the red eyes of the Alligator
Man burning as he looked up at them from the
storm sewer. "Walk a little faster, Papa," she said,
clutching her daisies tighter. "There's a bad man
down there." And she pointed to where the red
eyes gleamed.
"Little Katerina," her father said, smiling. "There's
no bad man. That's just the lantern light on the
puddles." Katerina did not reply; she had already
concluded that her father was not going to be of
much help to her in this matter.
This version of the story, Richemulot 733, offers
more circumstantial detail than most--names and
realistic detail, more consciously literary. Not
clear whether this makes it more or less likely to
be an original account. File with "Alligator
Lenny" stories.
Hans Gleam, private notes
Why not just use the rhyme from CotN: Vampires
for Alligator Lenny? I think it works well.
Whispered sounds behind you,
Gurgle underfoot,
No one ever to find you,
No one dares to look,
Alligator Lenny
Gags you with his stink,
Plucks your every penny,
Drowns you in the drink
-Children's Jump rope rhyme
Bogeyman, the Bad Thing [DT&DL]
Bogeyman, the Bad Thing [DT&DL] Bogeyman, the Bad Thing [DT&DL]
Bogeyman, the Bad Thing [DT&DL]
"Adon continued to dig his spade into the earth
with each stroke, while his mind played over the
events of the previous night. How did it happen?
How could it happen? His Lorenz was such a
gentle child. But lately he had been struck by a
mood, a temper which darkened his features. And
the bags under his eyes. The boy wasn't sleeping
well. But why did he do it? And why lie about it?
He loved that dog; he ought to; they were both
young together, and were inseparable since their
first meeting. What made him go for the hatchet
last night? And why did he keep insisting that it
wasn't him, that it was the Bad Thing?"
Bogeyman, Monsieur Croquemitaine
Bogeyman, Monsieur Croquemitaine Bogeyman, Monsieur Croquemitaine
Bogeyman, Monsieur Croquemitaine
Hear a knock
Rattle the lock
Midnight strikes on the big old clock.
Hide from sight
In the night
Close the window and shine the light.
Heart will beat
Oh so sweet
Just the hearts that he likes to eat.
Nothing fat
Thin and flat
Squeezes in like a scuttling rat
Treasure fair
Lucky pair
Little twins in the darkness there.
Out again
Very plain
Grown-ups nod at a simple swain
They depart
Vanished heart
Off to tea in a rattling cart.
- Rhyme found chalked on a wall in Port-a-Lucine
Bogeyman, Madame Croquemitaine
Bogeyman, Madame Croquemitaine Bogeyman, Madame Croquemitaine
Bogeyman, Madame Croquemitaine
Chemical composition:
59% glucose
23% fructose
15% starch.
Plus binding agents, associated colouring (bright
Investigation of samples of paper taken from the
paper wrapping the item reveal traces of the same.
Control substance, a humbug purchased nearby,
reveals identical composition.
Several other such sweet papers, recovered from
other children interacting with the obese woman,
produce similar results, within an error margin of
It's a sweet.
Just a sweet.
So why did it kill my daughter?
- Final lab notes of Dr Wilhelm Strauss
Bogeyman, Mister Fox [DT&DL]
Bogeyman, Mister Fox [DT&DL] Bogeyman, Mister Fox [DT&DL]
Bogeyman, Mister Fox [DT&DL]
horribly wicked and immoral. The children
who disappeared had friends of the same age, who
know part of the terrible story. These children are
at first too afraid to speak after what happened to
their friends. But after some time, kindness and
patience, I learned about other badly corrupt
magical toys given by Mister Fox to innocent
children, including a small mechanical Jack-in-
the-box that starts playing by itself after midnight.
If the children look at it, it stops. But when he was
sleeping after hours of terror, or a sleepless night
or two, what got out of the box at the end of the
song? And where is the kid now?
Another known toy is a small silver coloured pan
wooden pipe. It was given by Mister Fox to a little
girl, who disappeared from her room a few days
after. Her brother is dreadfully afraid of the pipe. I
understand he played with it once since his sister
vanished, and that a certain chord made him hear
his sister crying and pleading “to get out of the
dark forest” instead of the innocent pipe music.
On a torn piece of paper found behind Jacob
Gleam’s book case, University of Dementieu.
"Marie saw him first standing by the stream, his
bushy tail sticking out of his long coat. I don't
know why but she ran away from me and tugged
at his coat. "Mister mister,"she squealed in her
bright little voice, "You're a kitty!" The creature
turned with a grin, his smile far too wide for his
small face. "What a bright little girl you are my
dear but I must correct you as I am a fox. But you
are still a bright little girl so you may be able to
help me find a hare. "I've got red hair but my curls
get all tangled up..." "So you do my little darling
and I may be able to help you with that as well."
The creature turned and winked at me as I stood
transfixed. He reached deep into the midnight
black bag he had at his side and produced a comb
of pure white ivory and handed it Marie as she
squealed with glee. "Well my lovely little one I
have miles to go before I reach my home at the
end of the white road and the hour is late." he said
tipping his hat and within moments he was long
out of sight.
Shaking off the odd feeling the creature put on me
I took Marie home where she would comb her hair
every night. Within a week we saw the first signs
as her hair began to thin. A month later she was
bauld, with in two the wasting disease had taken
her from us. All while she would sit in front of the
mirror with tears in her eyes combing hair that was
no longer there.
Tomorrow I take off to find the white road and
when I get there I will skin that fox alive..."
As told by Jon Basset Demount in a final letter to
his cousin
Bogeyman, the Scissorman [DT&DL]
Bogeyman, the Scissorman [DT&DL] Bogeyman, the Scissorman [DT&DL]
Bogeyman, the Scissorman [DT&DL]
CR 8
“Dear journal,
Yesterday was Daniel’s turn! I heard my parents
say they found Daniel in his bed, and he wasn’t
alive. They didn’t want to discuss this in front of
me but I heard them saying it was full of blood.
Like for Maurice and Jeanne. I’m scarred. My
stupid parents do not hear what I try to tell them. I
know who did this, we all knew. I’m afraid and do
not want to go outside. Now I’m the last. I’m too
afraid to sleep, since I also heard these scissors
noise yesterday night at my window. Tonight, my
parents said they will let me sleep in the room
besides theirs, and they will let the door opened. If
he arrives, they will hear and protect me.
Scissorman case #3 (Chateaufaux, year 755):
excerpts from the last victim’s personal journal.”
From Hans Gleam’s notes.
Bone rat swarm [Libris Mortis]
Bone rat swarm [Libris Mortis] Bone rat swarm [Libris Mortis]
Bone rat swarm [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about bone rat swarms. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This clattering horde of skeletal rodents is a
swarm of bone rats. This result reveals all undead
traits and the swarm subtype.
19 Although the swarm skitters across the ground
as one, it is composed of hundreds of fleshless
rats. Targeting individual rats can prove vexing,
but crushing the swarm with bludgeoning weapons
can prove effective.
24 Bone rat swarms attack by crawling over and
around living creatures, subjecting victims to
hundreds of tiny bites. Because they lack soft
tissues, the bone rats are immune to cold.
I have it! Finally, something to use against le
Grand Dame! I know about her predilection for the
vermin of the city, so I've devised a way to use
them against her. Scores of dead rats, polished to
the bone and given unholy life through my power!
I'll send them against her, yes I will! Then she will
learn not to scorn my affection!
-Last, bloodstained entry in the Journal of Medraut
of Pont-a-Museau
Bone Creature [Book of Vile Darkness]
Bone Creature [Book of Vile Darkness] Bone Creature [Book of Vile Darkness]
Bone Creature [Book of Vile Darkness]
Chris Nichols: Template, CR remains the same.
Bone creatures are essentially intelligent skeletons,
retaining their skills, feats, and abilities from life.
They can be created via create undead.
Although bone creatures can be created through
spells, in Ravenloft they often result from
powerful curses. They may also arise
spontaneously, when beings of extraordinary will
refuse to die even once flesh crumbles into dust.
This may occur when a person focuses obcessively
on a task or duty for years on end, not ever
noticing their moment of death.
"In the distance, do you see that light? That is the
highest window of Scribe's Tower. A light has
burned in that window since my father showed it
to me as a boy, and since his father showed it to
him as a boy, and since grandfather's father
showed it to grandfather as a boy. By that light,
there is a scribe who has been writing something
since who knows when. The scribe has been
writing for a very, very long time. He writes and
the years pass and flesh becomes dust. But the
bones keep writing."
- Taldemor Galadric of Kislova to his son
Bone tree (Dragon mag compendium)
Bone tree (Dragon mag compendium)Bone tree (Dragon mag compendium)
Bone tree (Dragon mag compendium)
Suggest by JP
Huge poisonous carnivorous plant
Boneclaw [Monster Manual III]
Boneclaw [Monster Manual III] Boneclaw [Monster Manual III]
Boneclaw [Monster Manual III]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about boneclaws. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (religion)
DC 15: The spindly, unnaturally long fingers and
talons on this towering corpse mark it as a
boneclaw, a dangerous undead minion. This result
reveals all undead traits.
DC 20: A boneclaw can extend its already lengthy
razor-sharp talons to spear foes more than six
paces away. Glancing blows skitter off a
boneclaw’s skeletal body, but smahing a boneclaw
with bludgeoning weapons can prove effective.
DC 25: A boneclaw is resistant to turning and
immune to cold.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC 16: This result reveals the details of the rite for
creating boneclaws (see Dragon Magazine #336).
Christina Masall: We were... Far. Our friend,
Marcel, made the floor collapse behind us, and the
bridge over the abyss, in that horrible, horrible
crypt [the patient screams and sobs]...
It was then... We were looking away from that
monsters [sobs] and then... I felt Marcel's hot
blood on my face. He was dead, and he didn't even
had the time to realize it! [cries]
Dr. Fulviani: How did he die?
Christina Masall: The claws... The claws... They
reached over the chasm, directly into Marcel's
From an interview with a patient of the Mikki
Sanitarium, made by Dr. Dario Fulviani
See also Dragon #336
Bonedrinker [Monster Manual III]
Bonedrinker [Monster Manual III] Bonedrinker [Monster Manual III]
Bonedrinker [Monster Manual III]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about bonedrinker. A character who
recognizes a bonedrinker’s nature can make a
Knowledge (arcana) check to learn more. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
16 This repulsive, ghoulish creature is a
bonedrinker, an undead horror ritually created
from a goblinoid’s corpse. This result reveals all
undead traits.
21 Bonedrinkers are feral predators. They pounce
on their foes, then grapple them with the two
slender tentacles that emerge from their sore-
ridden flesh. A bonedrinker is mildly resistant to
cold, fire, and sonic attacks.
26 The saliva in a bonedrinker’s bite contains
toxins that dissolve bones in still-living creatures,
resulting in a painful death. Bonedrinkers prefer to
stalk lone victims, but may attack groups when
their hunger grows ravenous.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
21 This result reveals the ritual for creating a
bonedrinker (see MM III text).
Dr. Fulviani: You and your friend were in Tepest,
Christina Masall: No! No! [sobs and screams]
Dr. Fulviani: Relax, Christina. Tell me everything.
[mesmerism begins]
Christina Masall: Yes... We enter the mound... It
was of the goblins... [shivers]. We saw a rite...
Dr. Fulviani: What kind of rite?
Christina Masall: There was a dead goblin... A
GIANT goblin. A shaman was upon its corpse...
Three dead goblins near him. Then the shaman
casts a spell... The corpses of the goblins
shudder... [water begins to form at the corner of
the eyes]
Dr Fulviani: Then what?
Christina Masall: The marrow... The marrow of
their bones flows from their mouth into the giant
goblin... And it MOVES! IT MOVES!
From an interview with a patient of the Mikki
Sanitarium, made by Dr. Dario Fulviani
Boneless [Denizens of Dread]
Boneless [Denizens of Dread] Boneless [Denizens of Dread]
Boneless [Denizens of Dread]
Too late to save the poor ferryman, we
nevertheless rejoiced over vanquishing so many of
the lich's servants, and hoped that the cargo it
sought to steal might contain something we could
use against the creature. In our haste to find the
imaginary prize, we set aside a half-dozen barrels
of water after only a cursory look inside. It was
only when Mycanron got parched did he discover
something pressed tight against the bottom of a
barrel, which he mistook for an oilskin bundle.
His cry of discovery was cut short by a pair of
ropelike arms that throttled the life from him as we
ran to help. It pulled him halfway inside the barrel
before any of us reached him, and even as we
wondered what could fit in such a small space, the
rest of them slithered out of the other water
barrels. The lich hadn't sent that gang to steal
anything: it had been rescuing troops!
- from the fireside tales of Alphonse Tremain,
Kartakan bard.
Pathfinder 10
athfinder 10athfinder 10
athfinder 10)
CR 8 A swirling, 15-foot-high, funnel cloud
composed of thousands of jagged human bones
whirls in an uncontrolled vortex of death. From it,
the air splits with the deafening grind of bone-on-
Boneyard [Libris Mortis]
Boneyard [Libris Mortis] Boneyard [Libris Mortis]
Boneyard [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about boneyards. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 24: This massive serpent, made from the
skeletons of countless creatures, is an undead
horror known by many names, including
boneyards, bone weirds, dancing bones, and bone
takers. This result reveals all undead traits.
DC 29: A boneyard attacks by snatching up
smaller creatues with its crushing bite. When a
boneyard bites any creature that has a skeleton, a
few of the victim’s bones melt away to join the
boneyard’s fleshless mass. A boneyard ignores
most weapon strikes.
DC 34: A boneyard is resistant to magic and
immune to cold. Once a day, a boneyard can
create lesser skeletons from its own mass,
controlling them like summoned creatures.
DC 39: A boneyard that pins a creature can
quickly tear out the victim’s entire skeleton
For reasons that I will never know the captain sent
us marching into the black maw. Incredibly the
walls, floor and ceiling were not of stone but of
bone, human bone, animal bone, unidentified
bone. The resilient stuff chattered without
cracking under our boots as we trundled down the
passage. Suddenly comrades plunged from sight as
the floor gave way in a half dozen places. But it
was not only the floor that betrayed us. The walls
and ceiling melted away too in a terrible clattering
of bone as the stuff flowed like water back to the
cave entrance, where it gathered itself to cut off all
escape and begin its assault. What should have
been the commanding voice of our captain was
instead a pitiful wail that collapsed into a
loathsome gurgling. In the ensuing bedlam it was
my inspiration to look up. I managed the climb
into the natural chimney that would deliver from
the debacle the time worn bones that you have
here before you and them alone.
- Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse smuggler,
wanted for desertion from the Falkovnian army,
recounting his escape from the Maw of Death in
Bony hands
Bony hands Bony hands
Bony hands [VRG to the Walking Dead]
[VRG to the Walking Dead] [VRG to the Walking Dead]
[VRG to the Walking Dead]
May 14, 752. Eyes acting up, must see doctor.
Weather nice. Brats unruly. Lashed Viggo again,
locked Inge in closet. Inge getting worse; loss of
brother? Must see doctor, saw Andor again, third
time today. Guilt? Not withholding much, but
daughter wants horse. Not my fault, they suffer or
I suffer. Inge won't look me in eyes. Ungrateful
brats, all of them. Fed better than on street, but
complain more. Maybe right; Andor not first to die
this month: Gunnar, Lucia, Sofie. See them too,
outside windows, in corner of kitchen. See Andor
even now, in corner of office, see Lucia by door;
look at Andor, see Lucia; look at Lucia, see
Andor. Look straight, see nothing. Look at door,
see Lucia next to it. Can't make out face, but their
eyes. Hungry eyes, even dead. Gunnar joining, all
staring, hungry eyes. Must see doctor. Why me?
Better life than on streets. Look at Andor, see
Lucia. Look at Lucia, see Gunnar. Not my fault.
Stalking me. Hungry eyes. Staring. Stalking. Look
at Gunnar, see Lucia. Look at Lucia, see Sofie.
Why me? Did my best. Must see doctor. Not my
fault. They keep staring. Hungry eyes. Moving
toward me. Not my fault, not my fault, not m
--- Last entry from logbook of Konraad Weigand,
Iron Caress Orphanage, Headmaster 748-752.
Case closed in June 752, officially listed as due to
a pack of rabid dogs; real cause unknown.
Boowray [Denizens of Dread]
Boowray [Denizens of Dread] Boowray [Denizens of Dread]
Boowray [Denizens of Dread]
Every night the maid gazed out that dirty window
looking at something unseen by the rest of us. Her
child was dead only one season but in her
sadness...or should it be madness she could not
come to grips with its death. She clamed she saw
her child reborn in the ever present mists. In her
delusions her precious Steven would come to her
every night telling tales of the other side and
asking her to help him come back. We tolerated
her actions until the night we found her standing
over the bloody form of our own newborn
screaming about a sacrifice to bring her son back.
As she was led up the gallows I finally saw her
"son". The child or creature as I now know it to be
stood in the shadows silently laughing. Its
childlike looks and bright green eyes belaying a
soul of pure evil.
- Told to a Barovian Guard after the hanging of
Marie Pertova.
Bowlyn [Denizens of Dread]
Bowlyn [Denizens of Dread] Bowlyn [Denizens of Dread]
Bowlyn [Denizens of Dread]
Old Capp was singing in his whining voice in the
galley, the same song he always sang, just as I had
heard it every night on that long, miserable voyage
to Rokushima Taiyoo. It was so familiar a sound
that it was several minutes before I remembered
we had buried him at sea--truth be told, that we
had "buried" him alive, to keep the plague that had
made him a living skeleton from taking hold in the
ship and killing us all.
I heard his footsteps in the passageway, and his
imbecile laugh; he stopped at the door of my
cabin, and I could feel his gaze on me. "Like a bad
penny, ain't I?" he asked, his voice high and
querulous. "I always come back, matie."
The Voyage of the Bon-Chance, from Twelve
Tales of the Macabre, Jean Lafolie
Brain in a jar [Libris Mortis]
Brain in a jar [Libris Mortis]Brain in a jar [Libris Mortis]
Brain in a jar [Libris Mortis]
JWM: The Brain of Port-a-Lucine is not actually
a Libris Mortis brain in a jar (those are undead,
while it's a living aberration). These are a more
generic version of the same concept.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about brains in jars. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 Sadly, the brain floating in this strange jar is
not merely a grisly exhibit. The mind within this
dead brain yet lives, and it hungers for control
over the living. This result reveals all undead traits
and the psionic subtype.
19 A brain in a jar cannot defend itself physically,
but its psionic prowess is formidable. If a brain in
a jar focuses its attention on a single foe, it can
assault that creature’s mind, causing severe pain
and possibly even death. The brain uses telepathy
to sense its surroundings, so it cannot be blinded.
24 A brain in a jar can mentally reach out to
rebuke or control undead minds, much like an evil
cleric. Living creatures unwise enough to touch
the mind of a brain in a jar with any form of
telepathy may find their own minds seared by the
brain’s seething madness.
29 A brain in a jar can rely on the psi-like abilities
of psionic dominate, psionic suggestion, and
telekinesis, which it uses to bend its foes to its
The words that summoned me to the dusty
anatomy lab were assuredly those of the renowned
biologist Latimus Rienis. I unlocked the sample
room door, which swung open effortlessly, and
stepped eagerly into the place for I was impatient
to be reunited with my long departed mentor. But
there was no one there, only row upon row of
body parts, of every imaginable sort and size,
suspended in preservative-filled glass jars. The
door shut softly behind me. It was unlocked but I
could not budge it. No sooner had I abandoned the
attempt than I heard, not so much with my ears as
inside my head, “You see my esteemed
colleagues, the fool has come.”
- Doctor Abelhous Nicholis, Professor of
Biology at the University of Il Aluk in
Exile at Karg, describing to his therapist a
recurrent nightmare
Breathdrinker [Monster Manual II]
Breathdrinker [Monster Manual II] Breathdrinker [Monster Manual II]
Breathdrinker [Monster Manual II]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about breathdrinkers. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
17 This misty, translucent figure is a
breathdrinker, a dangerous creature native to the
Elemental Plane of Air. This result reveals all
elemental traits and the air subtype. Breathdrinkers
speak Auran and often learn a local language.
22 Breathdrinkers are normally invisible. They
become visible only when they attack. It is
difficult to harm a breathdrinker’s vaporous body,
but magic weapons prove effective.
27 A breathdrinker feeds by stealing the breath
directly from the lungs of helpless creatures,
which can quickly prove lethal to the victim.
32 Opponents who meet a breathdrinker’s glowing
gaze may be briefly paralyzed with fear.
This repulsive air-based creature feeds on the
polluted air contained by human lungs. How
superbly disgusting to feed on these pitiable
humans’ exhalations! It tried to fool me by
becoming invisible but of course I was able to put
it back in the glass container where it came from. I
shall watch its thirst in the next months, unless of
course I grow bored with it.
- from a lich’s bestiary notes
Broken one [Denizens of Dread]
Broken one [Denizens of Dread] Broken one [Denizens of Dread]
Broken one [Denizens of Dread]
It was just breathtaking.
Head of a fish, three arms dangling from its scaly
hide, legs that looked like they were melting into
stumps. And the eyes... they were human, and so
filled with rage. I shivered in anticipation, and
reached out a hand. The thing snarled, throwing
itself against the bars. I couldn't suppress a gasp,
and Vlad grinned to see it.
"Well Greta..." he said, reaching down for a key to
unlock the cage. "Didn't I say that I'd get you
something special for our aniversary..."
"Why... Herr Ludzig..." I breathed, he loves it
when I call him that. "It's just perfect! A whole
meal all in one."
"Trust me..." he said, baring those beautiful fangs.
"No two are ever quite the same. A unique
culinary delight..."
My mouth watered in anticipation.
- Memoires of Greta Haskopf, Vampyre debutante.
Broken one, M
Broken one, MBroken one, M
Broken one, Markovian [Book of
arkovian [Book of arkovian [Book of
arkovian [Book of
Sacrifices] Sacrifices]
JWM: For a quick refresher, Markovian broken
ones are all man-animal combinations, while the
generic 3E broken one can be hideously
misshapen in all sorts of ways. Shattered brethren
are psionic Bluetspur broken ones
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about broken
ones. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This twisted, bestial creature is a broken one.
This result reveals all aberration traits.
18 Broken ones are not natural creatures. They are
created in twisted experiments or magical
23 Broken ones combine humanoid and
animalistic traits. Their abilities vary widely from
one individual to another, usually in the form of
special physical talents, such as enhanced scent,
leaping ability, and the like.
Dear Matilda,
I hope this reaches you and I want you to know
that I love you. We have been shipwrecked with
no hope for rescue. For three days now we have
stayed on the beach, hoping to see a ship on the
They came for Dieter yesterday, we found his
clothes shredded as if by an animal, blood
everywhere, but only the footprints of men around
where he was taken. By Ezra, we saw one of them.
It looked like a cat, but walked like a man, it
growled like a cat, but spoke like a man. Oh, my
Matilda, it was an abomination unto Ezra.
Food runs low, but some of the men think that
they have seen a hut in the jungle. We go now,
hoping to find respite. I write this and cast it into
the ocean, hoping it will reach you.
Know that I love you now and always will.
- Message found in a bottle in the Sea of Sorrows,
the name at the end smeared away.
Bruja [Denizens of
Bruja [Denizens of Bruja [Denizens of
Bruja [Denizens of Dread]
Dread] Dread]
Errata: The hit points of the Bruja should be 36 HP
They dragged the repulsive crone roughly to the
pyre in the city square, and I could not help but
think of the trials I had witnessed many a time in
my homeland. But something was different here.
The witch did not shout her defiance, nor plead for
mercy, nor lash out with her spellcraft. She strode
forward calmly, hollow and resigned. And when
they lashed her down and lit the flame, she said
only, "Yes, at last, the time has come."
Sister Dacey of Tepest, Journeys Among the
Heathen Horselords
Burrow Root
Burrow RootBurrow Root
Burrow Root
CR 8 huge eel-like carnivorous plant
Buso [Oriental Adventures]
Buso [Oriental Adventures]Buso [Oriental Adventures]
Buso [Oriental Adventures]
BUSO LORE (Oriental Adventures)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about busos.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (nature)
DC Result
13 This bony, one-eyed ghoul is a tigbanua buso.
This result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits.
18 A buso attacks with its sharp fangs and talons.
A buso’s claws carry a terrible curse similar to
lycanthropy. Humanoid victims who succumb to
the curse have a growing chance each night of
transforming into tagmaling busos, which
resemble their buso creators in both appearance
and behavior. This result reveals the shapechanger
23 A tigbanua buso is always surrounded by an
aura of fear.
28 Victims of the tagmaling curse cannot create
more busos like themselves. To cure an afflicted
victim, the original tigbanua buso must be slain,
and then remove disease or remove curse must be
cast on the tagmaling before 99 nights have
passed. One hundred nights after affliction, the
curse becomes permanent.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
15 Legend claims busos were once helpful
creatures, but degenerated over time.
[...]it was then, after spending a night inside the
old kami temple, besieged by those aberration that,
until sunset, were normal commoners, that our
Noble and pure Shujin [...] Heaven-blessed Yami-
sama, gave us the order to burn the village of
Three Points to the ground, to slay every villager
and to burn their corpses on pyres blessed by a
kami-guided shaman of the mountain.
The search for the one-eyed abomination that
caused their death, my old friend, is left to you and
your sons and your servants.
I hope the kami will guide you in your quest.
Excerpts from a letter from Most Honored General
Taro to Most Honorable Yakisuke-sama, clanlord
of White Crane Clan, of Minami-no-Kashaku.
Bussengeist Bussengeist
see geist
see geistsee geist
see geist
Cadaver collector [Monster Manual III]
Cadaver collector [Monster Manual III] Cadaver collector [Monster Manual III]
Cadaver collector [Monster Manual III]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about cadaver collectors. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
22 This spike-encrusted, mechanical giant is a
cadaver collector, a powerful construct akin to a
golem. This result reveals all construct traits.
27 Cadaver collectors are created by powerful
spellcasters to collect corpses for all manner of
dark purposes. They are usually seen wandering
battlefields, crushing soldiers underfoot as they
collect the fallen for their arcane generals. Cadaver
collectors are almost completely immune to
magic. Their iron-hard bodies are resistant to
harm, though adamantine weapons can prove
32 Although their metal fists can crush bone by
themselves, cadaver collectors typically attack by
snatching up smaller creatures and violently
impaling them on their spikes. Once impaled, it
takes a heroic feat of strength to pull oneself free.
A cadaver collector is affected normally by
magical rust attacks. Spells that alter stone (such
as transmute rock to mud) damage a cadaver
collector, but have no other effect.
37 A cadaver collector usually begins combat by
spewing a cone of paralyzing gas at nearby foes.
Sonic-based magical attacks briefly slow a cadaver
collector, but have no other effect. Electrical
attacks heal the cadaver collector and break any
slow effects.
42 Spells of 3rd level or lower that cannot
penetrate a cadaver collector’s defenses invariably
rebound on their caster.
JWM: These monsters were originally created by
Vecna to fill his ranks on the battlefields of the
Burning Peaks. After the destruction of that
cluster, however, it's possible that one or more of
these creatures could have been flung into the
Mists, to remeerge at some other time and place.
After this terrible battle, I walked the fields of
death near the end of the day, trying to get
inspiration for a song to the madness of Drakov’s
war, while avoiding getting too much spooked.
The odour of fresh blood was overwhelming. The
Falkovnians had already passed to embark those
that could be saved and healed, and they killed the
helpless others.
Then I saw this large metallic monster reflected by
the light of a dying fire. This thing walked
mechanically through the killing field, and
methodically collected the dead corpses by
skewing them on spikes all over its metal body. I
say collected, since I do not have other words to
express what I think the creature was doing.
But it was huge and terrible in its cold systematic
mode of functioning. Then it came a little close to
my hidden watch position and I left the field
I still wonder who or what needed all these dead
- an old bard tale in Rivalis
Caliban [Ravenloft 3rd Edition]
Caliban [Ravenloft 3rd Edition] Caliban [Ravenloft 3rd Edition]
Caliban [Ravenloft 3rd Edition]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (local) can learn more about calibans.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
12 This brutish, misshapen humanoid is a caliban,
an unnatural race of cannibals. This result reveals
all humanoid traits.
17 Calibans are born to human parents, but were
twisted in the womb by evil supernatural forces,
such as exposure to witches. Calibans are
physically powerful, but dimwitted and violent.
22 Calibans can see in the dark. They are not
innately evil, but often become cruel due to their
unkind upbringings. They are related to
mongrelfolk. Calibans who find each other and
cluster together in groups often learn the
Mongrelfolk language.
T'is not my fault that I am a monster
Tricky fate played my Mother for a fool
And twisted my looks, stole my beauty and
Created this wretch. Laugh and thy words will
Rip my dignity away. But know that
With the stealing of looks comes the gift
Of brutality
- From the Storm Wracked Island, by
Lemot Sediam Juste
See Qtr 8 - Guide to the Caliban Race (Brutes and
Caliban, vampi
Caliban, vampiCaliban, vampi
Caliban, vampire [FoS Nocturnal Sea
re [FoS Nocturnal Sea re [FoS Nocturnal Sea
re [FoS Nocturnal Sea
Report] Report]
See Vampire, Caliban
Caller from the deeps [Stormwrack]
Caller from the deeps [Stormwrack] Caller from the deeps [Stormwrack]
Caller from the deeps [Stormwrack]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about callers from the deeps. A
character who recognizes a caller from the deeps’
nature can make a bardic knowledge check to
learn more. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (the planes)
DC Result
19 This swirling cloud of cold, inky black water is
a caller from the deeps. These entities form from
the death and detritus that gathers in the very
deepest, darkest chasms of the ocean floor. This
result reveals all elemental traits and the water
24 As a spell-like ability, a caller from the deeps
can use a siren’s call to tempt sailors into jumping
overboard. Once victims are in the water, the
caller wraps its inky tendrils around them and
crushes the life from them.
29 A caller from the deeps’ watery mass simply
flows around glancing blows. While a caller
grapples a victim, the otherworldly chill of its
touch saps the creature’s vitality.
34 Once per hour, a caller from the deeps can
summon either a water elemental or a fiendish
shark to its aid.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
24 A caller from the deeps’ siren call is a sonic
effect and can be countered with bardic music
I was staring at the black night sea from atop the
Valiant, [the ship Silvana's father lent to Marco
and Silvana to reach Vechor at the end of the first
book of the saga] when I saw it. Or rather, I felt it.
The sea had become much more dark, so dark that
even the stars of that beautiful summer night were
no more reflecting on its surface. The sea was so
beautiful, that night... It was calling my very soul.
I could remember the long swim with my dear
Julia at night... The passionate love that followed
our night swim, when we still lived in our pacific
hut on the Jagged Shore...
The sea was calling me. I could feel it. Julia was
somewhere in there, I was sure.
I was about to jump, when Silvana grabbed my
cape and dragged my far from the railing. "Wake
up, Marco, you cretin!" she yelled at me.
Only then I saw the amorphous blot of ink
covering the light of the stars.
Silvana clutched her pendant, showing the symbol
of Ezra, and whispered "It seems that, if you don't
go to the sea, the sea comes to you..." I said
nothing, ashamed, and grabbed my dagger...
From "The Stormy Sea", second book from the
"Trilogy of the Two Clerics" serie by Sir Julius
Renaut (published in Mordent, Richemulot,
Dementlieu and Martira Bay. Banned in Borca,
Hazlan and Nova Vaasa for heresy and scabrous
Caller in darkness [Expanded Psionics
Caller in darkness [Expanded Psionics Caller in darkness [Expanded Psionics
Caller in darkness [Expanded Psionics
Handbook] Handbook]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) or
Knowledge (psionics) can learn more about callers
in darkness. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 The dozens of tortured faces visible in this
rolling bank of pale mist mark it as a caller in
darkness, the undead remains of countless victims
who died together in terror. This result reveals all
undead traits and the incorporeal and psionic
24 A caller in darkness attacks by touching living
creatures with tendrils of its wispy, death-imbued
essence. The spirit of any creature slain by a caller
in darkness is merges with the rest of the entity’s
trapped spirits. Animals balk at the presence of a
caller in darkness and panic if they come within 10
paces of one.
29 A caller in darkness can also steal the soul of
any nearby creature that is paralyzed, asleep,
unconscious, or otherwise rendered mentally
helpless. Callers in darkness are powerless in
sunlight and flee from it. When exposed to
sunlight, they cannot attack and can barely move.
34 A caller in darkness can manifest the following
psi-like abilities: clairvoyant sense, concussion
blast, co-opt concentration, death urge, detect
psionics, ego whip, mind thrust, psychic crush,
and psionic suggestion.
"Even months after Master Ulathar's destruction,
his wickedness stains both Kartakass and my soul.
To ensure we had not overlooked some legacy of
malign will that could plague the land in later
years, we returned to a small village I and his
other acolytes had visited with him, where he had
instructed us in the arts of wounding and slaying
others with their own fears.
"At first, I thought the banks of fog among the
collapsing and abandoned houses to be purely
natural, or outliers of the Worlds-End Mists. The
uneasiness that gripped my heart, likewise, I put
down merely to my own guilt and remorse over
the evils I had witnessed and even abetted in this
very place. It was only with a glimpse of the face
of my old colleague Endorlas in the swirling white
vapors--a lad of elven stock, who had been set
upon by three other apprentices when he rebelled
against Ulathar's 'teachings'--that I realized both
the lich's sins and my own had left yet another
taint upon our land."
--From the journal of Matthew Swiftsinger of
[Monster Manual & Sandstorm
Monster Manual & SandstormMonster Manual & Sandstorm
Monster Manual & Sandstorm
CR 1 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(nature) can learn more about camels. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 11: This humped creature is a camel. Denizens
of arid wastes prize these herbivores, calling them
“ships of the desert.” This result reveals all animal
DC 16: Camels are extremely sure-footed on the
shifting desert sands, and can survive for lengthy
periods without food or water. For this reason,
they are often domesticated for use as mounts and
beasts of burden. Both one-humped and two-
humped camels exist. Some desert riders even
raise and train warcamels that carry them
fearlessly into battle.
DC 21: Among sages, one-humped and two-
humped camels are often called dromedary and
Bactrian camels, respectively. Dromedaries thrive
in warm, sandy deserts. Bactrian camels live in
cooler, rockier deserts, and tend to be hardier but
slower than dromedaries.
Caryatid Column
d Columnd Column
d Column
CR3 construct
Carrion crawler [Monster Manual]
Carrion crawler [Monster Manual] Carrion crawler [Monster Manual]
Carrion crawler [Monster Manual]
We were dragged by those horrible, dessiccated
corpses, to a great room with a circular pit in the
middle. The air was full with the smell of death,
and I and Silvana started praying aloud for the
mercy of our two godesses. Then we saw him.
Tomtadet, the dreaded Tomtadet, was standing
there, on the edge of the pit. He laughed at us,
dragged in chains before him, and opened his
purple silk cape, as if greeting us. He showed us a
tattoo on his bare back.
"This, my arch-enemies, is my new tattoo. This
tattoo is called "Victory". I think you can guess
why I had it made as soon as my servants captured
the two of you alive." He laughed again. We could
not reply, since a gag was in our mouths, clearly to
prevent our spellcasting.
Tomtadet grasped my hair and made me look in
the pit. Three aberrations of nature were in there,
three monsters so horrible I could not even
describe them now. They were part centipede, part
caterpillar, part snail... With tentacles near mouths
filled with pointed teeth... Slithering on the bottom
of the pit, slowly but voraciously consuming the
body of young Artu, the Rashemani guide that
accompanied us in Ramulai.
"These" the desplicable wizard continued "are
creations of great magick, granted to me by His
Most Great Stupidity Hazlik... A gift for someone
who is now his greatest enemy! Hah!" He laughed
again, his voice booming in the cellar.
I prayed Hala he didn't suspect our plan...
From "Lord of the Ensonmmark", third and last
book from the "Trilogy of the Two Clerics" serie
by Sir Julius Renaut (published in Mordent,
Richemulot, Dementlieu and Martira Bay. Banned
in Borca, Hazlan and Nova Vaasa for heresy and
public insult of Divine Lord Hazlik).
Carrion stalker [Denizens of Dread]
Carrion stalker [Denizens of Dread] Carrion stalker [Denizens of Dread]
Carrion stalker [Denizens of Dread]
CR2 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about carrion
stalkers. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This horrid, tentacled, crablike creature is a
carrion stalker, a parasite that lays its larvae in the
dead. This result reveals all aberration traits.
19 Carrion stalkers lash out with paralyzing
tentacles, dragging their victims in for the kill.
24 Once a carrion stalker pulls a pinned victim
close, it expels a burst of wormlike larvae which
burrow into the creature’s flesh.
29 Once a carrion stalker expels a larval burst, it
can’t do so again for weeks and tends to ignore
passing creatures in the meantime.
We saw poor Eduardo, lying dead, his guts on
display to the whole world. I tells ya, it's the
worstest thing I'd ever did see. Those wolves ate
him up good. Of course, then the man's guts
started to move, started to sniff like an animal.
Then they moved. Twasn't a dead man we where
looking at, but a beastie that looked like the
viscera of our friend, chewing on his head.
I take no shame in admittin' to heaving my guts up
that day.
-Tharod Ironflint, Darkonese adventurer.
[Pathfinder 2
Pathfinder 2Pathfinder 2
Pathfinder 2]
] ]
Swarm of undead birds / crow raven
Carrionette [Denizens of Dread
Carrionette [Denizens of DreadCarrionette [Denizens of Dread
Carrionette [Denizens of Dread,
, ,
, Dragon
Dragon Dragon
Magazine #339
Magazine #339Magazine #339
Magazine #339]
] ]
Errata: The carrionette's attacks should read:
Attacks: Straight razor +3 melee; or silver needle
+5 ranged. In addition, in the skills, it should
receive a +10 racial bonus to Climb checks
(netting the same final +8 score)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about carrionettes. In Odiare, the same
information can be gained with a Knowledge
(local) check, but using this sill raises the DC by 5.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. DC Result:
13 This tiny wooden manikin is a malevolent,
animated puppet or doll called a carrionette. This
result reveals all construct traits.
18 Unlike most constructs, carrionettes are fairly
intelligent and are capable of speech. Carrionettes
are immune to electricity and can use
ventriloquism at will as a spell-like ability. More
dangerous, they can fling silver needles at foes up
to five paces away. These needles, which remain
attached to the carrionette by silver threads, can
slow or even paralyze living creatures.
23 Carrionettes envy the living. If they drive a
silver needle into a paralyzed victim’s neck, they
switch minds with that creature. The carrionette’s
animating spirit takes control of its host’s body,
and the soul of its victim finds itself trapped in the
carrionette’s wooden frame.
28 To reverse the mind switch, the living creature
inhabiting a carrionette must drive a silver needle
into the neck of its true body. Any spell or effect
that can negate a magic jar also ends the exchange
immediately. Destroying a carrionette inhabited by
a living host kills the host’s body as wel, and the
possessing carrionette with it. Thus, carrionettes
never destroy their original bodies after a mind
switch, usually locking up the puppet instead.
No sooner had we laid the unfortunate girl-child
on the table than we heard a thumping overhead,
as if something fairly heavy had been cast to the
floor. "The cat?" Despadon asked. Shrugging, I
took up the lantern and went upstairs to look.
There in the hallway lay a child's doll--doubtless
the toy of the comatose young girl we had left
upstairs. It was a delicate thing, with a cherubic
face of white porcelain in a flood of gold hair, so
cunning made that the eyes seemed to open and
close in the flickering lantern light.
Marietta, from Twelve Tales of the Macabre, Jean
Casurua (Dragon mag compendium)
Casurua (Dragon mag compendium)Casurua (Dragon mag compendium)
Casurua (Dragon mag compendium)
Proposed by JP
Undead cloud of eyes
Cat [Monster Manual
Cat [Monster Manual Cat [Monster Manual
Cat [Monster Manual -
CR ¼ Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(nature) or Knowledge (arcan) can learn more
about cats. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This feline is a common domestic
housecat. This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Cats hunt rodents, birds, and other small
prey with their sharp fangs and retractable claws.
Cats are excellent climbers.
DC 10: Some mages adopt cats for use as
familiars. Such mages tend to be exceptionally
quiet and graceful in their movements.
Cat, Crypt, see Crypt Cat
Cat, Crypt, see Crypt CatCat, Crypt, see Crypt Cat
Cat, Crypt, see Crypt Cat
Cat, Midnight, see Midnight Cat
Cat, Midnight, see Midnight CatCat, Midnight, see Midnight Cat
Cat, Midnight, see Midnight Cat
Cat, Plain (Denizens of Darkness)
Cat, Plain (Denizens of Darkness)Cat, Plain (Denizens of Darkness)
Cat, Plain (Denizens of Darkness)
Cat, Cat,
Cat, Serval [Sandstorm
Serval [Sandstorm Serval [Sandstorm
Serval [Sandstorm -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about servals. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This slender, spotted, long-legged
savannah wildcat is a serval. This result reveals all
animal traits.
DC 16: Servals pounce of the small animals they
hunt. Once they strike, they hold on with their
jaws and sharp talons, using their hind claws to
rake the creature’s soft belly. However, they
seldom attack creatures larger than themselves.
Cat, Skeletal
Cat, SkeletalCat, Skeletal
Cat, Skeletal
Catoblepas Catoblepas
Catoblepas [
[Monster manual II
Monster manual IIMonster manual II
Monster manual II]
Proposed by JP, rare in Souragne
Centipede, monstrous [Monster Manual]
Centipede, monstrous [Monster Manual] Centipede, monstrous [Monster Manual]
Centipede, monstrous [Monster Manual]
CR 1/8, ¼, ½, 1,2,6, 9
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about monstrous
centipedes. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This skittering creature is a monstrously
large centipede. This result reveals all humanoid
DC 15: Monstrous centipedes typically anything
that might be food. The venom they inject with
their bite can slowly paralyze their prey, leaving
the creature helpless while the centipede feeds.
DC 20: Monstrous centipedes can grow to truly
enormous sizes. Larger centipedes have more
potent venom. Even the largest monstrous
centipedes can skitter along walls or ceilings as
well as they can across a floor.
In that very first moment we thought it was a
snake; when Geddar had dispatched it, I measured
it at three feet from head to tail. Our guide noted it
was "just a baby"; when I asked him just how big
the centipedes get in that part of the world, he
shrugged and spread his arms to their full width,
then made a little fillip with his fingers as if to say,
"There's really no limit."
At the time I suspected him of pulling my leg.
Unpublished notes on the first expedition to
Har'Akir, Rudolph van Richten
Cerebral symbiont [Fiend Folio
Cerebral symbiont [Fiend FolioCerebral symbiont [Fiend Folio
Cerebral symbiont [Fiend Folio, app 2
, app 2, app 2
, app 2]
] ]
Cerebral symbiont: cerebral hood [Fiend
Cerebral symbiont: cerebral hood [Fiend Cerebral symbiont: cerebral hood [Fiend
Cerebral symbiont: cerebral hood [Fiend
Folio] Folio]
I was looking at the ceiling of the cave the Mists
brought me in after the lightning hit the Spire.
I could feel a voice in my head, a calm, relaxing
voice. That cavern was the place where I ever
wanted to be. It was my home. I felt claws
caressing my chest, slimy tentacles prodding my
head... Then I saw a large ray-like creature
descending from the ceiling, over my head.
I was relaxed. It was my friend, the voice in my
mind said.
I could see nothing, then. The cloak of leather was
on my head.
Then I was myself no more.
I was not to be myself for the next seven months.
From the journal of Batu Basemap, Rashemani
Warlock of Hala.
Cerebral symbiont: mind leech [Fiend
Cerebral symbiont: mind leech [Fiend Cerebral symbiont: mind leech [Fiend
Cerebral symbiont: mind leech [Fiend
Folio, app 2
, app 2, app 2
, app 2]
] ]
Tomtadet was dead. Silvana was barely standing,
and my arm was severely burned. We were
victorious, by Hala and Ezra's twin blessings.
It was then: I saw it. Slowly crawling out of the
dead wizard's neck, was a small creature, similiar
to a worm ora a leech, colored of a reddish purple,
slithering as if possessing an innate intelligence.
As it moved toward me, I could feel a voice in the
back of my head: it was the creature, begging to be
pick up and placed on my own neck!
The horrible creature ended its pathetic life under
my boots. Was it the source of much of Tomtadet
From "Lord of the Ensonmmark", third and last
book from the "Trilogy of the Two Clerics" serie
by Sir Julius Renaut (published in Mordent,
Richemulot, Dementlieu and Martira Bay. Banned
in Borca, Hazlan and Nova Vaasa for heresy and
references to the "By The Lawgiver's Holy And
Powerful Decree Best Forgotten And Lost Realm
Of Unholiness Named Bluetspur, May It Be Lost
In The Mists Forever").
Cerebral symbiont: psionic sinew [Fiend
Cerebral symbiont: psionic sinew [Fiend Cerebral symbiont: psionic sinew [Fiend
Cerebral symbiont: psionic sinew [Fiend
Folio, app 2
, app 2, app 2
, app 2]
] ]
To be honest, none of us quite knew what to
expect when we moved in to arrest that murderous
lunatic. From his handiwork, we'd almost expected
something more animal than man. When we burst
in and found a bloke who could've been mistaken
for just another day labourer, had we not known
better, we were almost ready to start laughing I
suppose. Nothing funny about when those claws
came out, long as a shortsword and twice as sharp.
I swear, he took more of a pounding than any man
like that has the right to, and for a fellow wearing
nothing but his work clothes, our clubs bounced
off him a touch more than they should've. Never
did work out what the trick behind all that was,
and since we couldn't take him alive, I guess we
never will. Still, makes you wonder where he
learned to do all that, doesn't it?
Unnamed Paridonian detective, on the attempted
arrest of the "Griffoth Street Mauler"
Changeling (kin) [Denizens of Dread
Changeling (kin) [Denizens of DreadChangeling (kin) [Denizens of Dread
Changeling (kin) [Denizens of Dread,
, ,
] ]
Powriekin, Sheekin, Sithkin, Tegkin
CR 0 or 1
To my surprise, Mistress Eiadhe received my
thanks and praise with a very ill grace, and our
hostess, overhearing me, made a brusque sign
motioning me to silence; puzzled, I made some
excuse and followed her into the next room.
"Young master," she said, her voice low and
angry, "you're not of our folk, so you're not to
know. But you must never praise a person so.
Never. If the Fair Folk should hear you, what
would become of Mistress Eiadh then? Will you
comfort her family if they wake to find her elf-
shot tomorrow morn?"
Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in Tepest
Changeling Fog
Changeling FogChangeling Fog
Changeling Fog
] ]
Charnel hound
Charnel hound Charnel hound
Charnel hound [Monster Manual III]
[Monster Manual III] [Monster Manual III]
[Monster Manual III]
JWM: These monsters were originally created by
Vecna to fill his ranks on the battlefields of the
Burning Peaks. After the destruction of that
cluster, however, it's possible that one or more of
these creatures could have been flung into the
Mists, to remeerge at some other time and place.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about charnel hounds. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
23 This massive, hound-shaped horror, composed
of hundreds of fused corpses, is called a charnel
hound. This result reveals all undead traits.
28 Charnel hounds are created by powerful
necromancers, who use them as guardians or
terrible engines of war. A charnel hound lashes out
at foes with its jagged claws and teeth. If a charnel
hound hits a foe with both claws, it can tear that
creature apart.
33 Charnel hounds are truly terrifying to behold.
They are highly resistant to magic, and their
rotting flesh simply ignores most physical attacks.
Magic silver weapons can pierce their defenses,
38 Whenever a charnel hound cuts down a living
foe, it can absorb that creature’s body into its own
mass whether the foe is now dead or merely on
the brink of death. This kills the victim and
empowers the hound. Fortunately, charnel hounds
loathe daylight and fight poorly while exposed to
Dr. Fulviani: Can you hear me, Antonia?
Antonia B.: Yes...
Dr. Fulviani: Very well. I want you to go back to
that time in that graveyard in Darkon.
Antonia B.: No! No!
Dr. Fulviani: You will go there.
Antonia B.: I'm opening the gates. I'm walking in.
The corpses have been stolen. The villagers are
Dr. Fulviani: Go on, my dear.
Antonia B.: I enter. I prepare holy water in my
hand. Then... The corpses start to dig out of the
Dr. Fulviani: Did you use the water?
Antonia B.: I can't... I'm too scared...
Dr. Fulviani: Why?
Antonia B.: There is a dog... A giant dog. It is...
Oh, Ezra... It is made of corpses...
Dr. Fulviani: What does it do?
Antonia B.: It is baying... Baying... It is baying
right now in my head! Make it stop!
From the personal notes of Dr. Dario Fulviani, in
the Mikki Sanitarium of Chateaufaux.
See also Dragon #336
Cheetah [Monster Manual
Cheetah [Monster Manual Cheetah [Monster Manual
Cheetah [Monster Manual -
CR2 Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature)
can learn more about cheetahs. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 12: This spotted great cat is a cheetah, a
savannah predator. This result reveals all animal
DC 18: Cheetahs can reach startling speeds in
short sprints.
DC 22: When a cheetah strikes a creature with its
fangs or claws, it tries to wrench the creature to
the ground.
Choker [Monster Manual]
Choker [Monster Manual] Choker [Monster Manual]
Choker [Monster Manual]
Suggested by Chris Nichols CR2
Chosen one [Monsters of Faerûn]
Chosen one [Monsters of Faerûn]Chosen one [Monsters of Faerûn]
Chosen one [Monsters of Faerûn]
JWM: Chosen ones are primarily created by
Hazlik and his apprentices.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about chosen ones. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This gaunt and leathery humanoid is a chosen
one. Originally human, these creatures have been
magically twisted into deranged minions. This
result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits.
17 A chosen one attacks with its sharp claws and
teeth. A chosen one’s bite injects a deadly venom.
22 A chosen one exists in a constant state of
agony, and is conditioned to believe that everyone
but its creator as the cause of its pain. Chosen ones
thus attack anyone they see with unquenchable
fury. However, the longer a chosen one fights, the
greater the chance that it will suddenly remember
some sliver of its former existence and go beserk,
running off to avenge itself on its master, if it can.
27 Chosen ones are created by the Red Wizards of
Thay, who guard the secrets of their creation
[...]most important thing is to channel evil and
hatred in Rashemani specimens[...]rture and pain
are the quickest way to accomplish this, especially
that of loved on[...]so that the specimen can feel
such pure hatred for his slayer, and
thus[...]member to ward yourse[...] sting the
spell![...]Should an apprentice forg[...]most
probalby the newly-awakened undead will leash at
him[...]stead of his enemies[...]
- From a blood-spattered note from Hazlik to his
apprentices, found near the rent corpse of
Samalek, graduated from the Red Academy in 765
Chuul [Monster Manual]
Chuul [Monster Manual] Chuul [Monster Manual]
Chuul [Monster Manual]
Suggested by Chris Nichols CR7
JWM: I believe they’re specifically mentioned in
the Hazlan gazetteer.
7.17.57...after injection with the putative
mutagenic serum 13/A/2 the crayfish were
returned to their enclosure.
7.20.57 Experiment with serum 13/A/2 must be
delayed; a groundskeeper finding the injected
crayfish apparently took them home with the
intention of eating them. (Note: instruct factor to
hire new groundskeeper.) The loss of the
experiment is highly annoying, but anecdotal
evidence of the groundskeeper's cousin indicates
that the results were impressive. Attempt with
spiders? Spiders considered inedible even by the
most stupid.
Hazlik, laboratory notes
Cinder swarm [Monster Manual III]
Cinder swarm [Monster Manual III] Cinder swarm [Monster Manual III]
Cinder swarm [Monster Manual III]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about cinder swarms. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
23 This roiling cloud of burning embers and acrid
smoke is a creature called a cinder swarm, which
is native to the Elemental Plane of Fire. This result
reveals all elemental traits and the fire and swarm
28 A cinder swarm usually initiates combat simply
by flowing over the nearest opponent. Cinder
swarms burn to the touch and can ignite
flammable materials. The cinders within the
swarm speak Ignan, but it is nearly impossible to
communicate with an individual cinder.
33 Unlike most elementals, cinder swarms are
decidedly malevolent. Once combat has begun, a
cinder swarm tends to focus its attacks on
whatever opponents prove most threatening.
I witnessed today a most disturbing scene during
my stay in an unnamed village near Viktal, maybe
even more disturbing than my true memories
returning after crossing Darkonese borders. A
cleric of the Inquisition, true leader of the
community, was preparing to burn two people at
the stake, under the pretense of witchcraft. One of
them was the man who had been my guide in the
woods. The same evening, it seems, he got drunk
(thanks to the money I gave him) and said
something about the Inquisitor's mother. The other
one, it was evident, was a minus habens, whose
diversity was to be his death.
The Inquisitor shouted, before igniting the pyre:
"May this fire purge the wicked".
I prepared to cast a spell for distraction, so I could
quench the fire with a create water and spirit those
unfortunate solus away from the stake during the
Then, the cinders from the pyre began to coalesce,
to fuse in an undulating mass of fire, that moved
away from the wood and literally jumped on the
cleric, burning him to ashes. In the terror and
ensuing panic, I was able to "kill" those creatures
and to free the two men.
I must say, this land has a soft spot for poetic
From the private journal of Witch Claire Silence
of Viaki.
Cloaker, dread, outlander [Monster
Cloaker, dread, outlander [Monster Cloaker, dread, outlander [Monster
Cloaker, dread, outlander [Monster
Manual] Manual]
JWM: This is the standard MM cloaker. They
aren't native to Ravenloft.
Cloaker Lore – WotC
Cloakers are bizarre and devious creatures that
lurk in the tunnels and warrens beneath the earth.
They are intelligent, yet cruel beings with a
distinctly alien mindset. Humanoids have yet to
comprehend their mysterious goals.
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) or Knowledge
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) or Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about cloakers. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
11 This creature is a cloaker, a foul creature that
prowls the vast caverns beneath the earth. It
reveals all aberration traits.
16 When at rest cloakers closely resemble large
black cloaks, which aids their disguise. They can
fly, and they can also unfurl and completely engulf
a Medium creature.
21 Cloakers can produce a dangerous subsonic
moan that causes shakiness, fear, nausea, or stupor
in its victims.
26 A cloaker can manipulate the shadows,
producing several effects that mimic the following
spells -- obscure vision, dancing images, and silent
They say the air went bad, and that made me
imagine what happened after the cave-in. It isn't
so! The collapse sealed us in, but it opened up a
deeper tunnel. Good air came through the gap, but
not only air. It let THEM in. Gods! It all happened
so fast. They hit the lantern bearers first, so we
didn't have a good look at 'em 'fore the lights went
dark. I just saw these flat shapes moving along the
stone walls, hard to make out against the stone.
The colors seemed to blend in, like a rock lizard
will do. There was this queer noise, like clothes
rustling in a draughty hall closet. Then it was all
pitch black, and all I could hear were the screams
of my mates. I hid under a mine cart. Was still
there, three days later, when the rescue crew broke
through to us. To me, since all the others were
vanished. That gap had been closed up, too. Those
things must have done it. That's why I had to quit
the mines. Cannot stand to be shut in, or left in the
dark. And those things are still down there....
- a story told by an old man in Bergovitsa, likely a
lie to excite the sympathy of strangers
See also Pathfinder’s Dungeon Denizens Revisited
Cloaker, dread, resplendent [Denizens of
Cloaker, dread, resplendent [Denizens of Cloaker, dread, resplendent [Denizens of
Cloaker, dread, resplendent [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
Personally, I found Giulietta's behaviour this
evening inexcusable.
It is simply a common courtesy not to overshadow
your hostess. To turn up to an informal party
dressed in such a gaudy and tasteless thing, all
flashing jewels and glitter... the woman simply has
no manners. Doesn't she know that capes are to be
left in the cloakroom? Of course we can normally
put up with her eccentricities, one keeps friends
who like to poke around in crypts primarily for
amusement value.
Unfortunately, dear Ivana was not amused.
I was really rather surprised how much of the
party that Giulietta attended. I am certain that the
cocktail which Ivana offered her normally works
so much more quickly.
Other than that, of course, the evening was an
unparalleled success, although it fell to me to store
Giulietta in one of the cloakrooms. I must admit, I
was rather irked to discover that one of the other
guests must have taken her cape by mistake. It
would have gone beautifully next week for fancy
- From the Private Diaries of Nostalia Romaine
Cloaker, dread, shadow [Denizens of
Cloaker, dread, shadow [Denizens of Cloaker, dread, shadow [Denizens of
Cloaker, dread, shadow [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
The Great King gave several beautiful black
cloaks to lucky guests at the beginning of the
masque, including the Marquis de Verre, with
whom I danced not once, not twice, but thrice,
including the closing waltz. I sense a new
conquest may be made there, dear sister! In truth it
was a most diverting evening, but quite a taxing
one; I have not quite been myself for the last two
days, and write to you from bed even now.
Letter to Lucrezia Drakkeshart to Marta
Drakkeshart, both of Darkon
Cloaker, dread, tattered
Cloaker, dread, tattered Cloaker, dread, tattered
Cloaker, dread, tattered (undead)
(undead) (undead)
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread] [Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
Also, J. came back from his exploration of R. d.
Lachryma side tunnel with a horrible ratty cloak
which he refuses to take off; if he persists in
wearing it I may be forced to steal the thing at
least long enough to wash it, as it is still rather
odorous. Can't think what has gotten into J., but
must be careful of his feelings at present, as his cat
died this afternoon.
Entry for 5/12/744, journal of Nathaneal Dent,
Cockatrice [Monster Manual]
Cockatrice [Monster Manual] Cockatrice [Monster Manual]
Cockatrice [Monster Manual]
Ianna looked in the henhouse and saw there a great
fat toad, seated on a strange speckled egg--an egg
the size of a goose's, or bigger.
"Granny, Granny," she said, "such a strange nest-
mother you have for your little chickens!"
"All my little chickens have such a nest-mother,
my sweet," the bean chailleach replied, smiling to
show her iron teeth. "It makes them grow strong
and fat."
Ianna and the Bad Hen, traditional Tepestani
Composite walking dead [V
Composite walking dead [VComposite walking dead [V
Composite walking dead [VRGttWD p12
RGttWD p12RGttWD p12
RGttWD p12]
] ]
When I first saw it there in the shadows, my first
thought was of the centaurs of myth. I was not
alone in my thoughts of fanciful creatures, for later
I would learn that my colleague, Humphries,
seeing the abomination at first from the opposite
vantage, thought it a pegasus. Alas, it was no
noble creature of the classic tales, though perhaps
its creator is well-versed in such prose. I daresay
he was trying for something of a manticore or
lammasu, for as the thing shambled forward, we
saw that this madman had stitched together the
corpses of a man and a once-fine stallion. I know
not where he found the wings, for they appeared to
be those of a bat, but larger than any bat we had
heard of in even the wildest of Barovian folktales.
I wish I could say that we set the poor defiled man
to rest, but as we were prepared only for a mission
of observation, we exercised the better part of
valor... and ran for our lives.
- Notes on the Expedition to the Lost Citadel,
Professor A. Krenshaw of the University of Il
Construct, dread (construct of obsession)
Construct, dread (construct of obsession) Construct, dread (construct of obsession)
Construct, dread (construct of obsession)
[Denizens o
[Denizens o[Denizens o
[Denizens of Dread]
f Dread] f Dread]
f Dread]
Bollenbach proposes that this procedure actually
imbues the body with a "soul" capable of
distinguishing right and wrong, which is
manifestly ridiculous on the evidence. I never
heard of any such creature with any moral
understanding whatsoever; and surely we need not
posit that every animating force inhabiting a
physical body be, ipso facto, a moral actor?
- marginal notes on Van Richten's Guide to the
Created, Erik van Rijn
Corpse candle [Denizens of Dread]
Corpse candle [Denizens of Dread] Corpse candle [Denizens of Dread]
Corpse candle [Denizens of Dread]
"Poor dear, he was shaking like an aspen leaf
when he left this morning."
"Left before breakfast? Not like Marcus..."
"Bless you, no! But then... well... after that
dreadful business over at Arden farm..."
"Aye... dreadful. Buried her this morning. People
like that ought to be strung up..."
"Too true. But I think it hit Marcus worst of all...
after finding those bodies... ugh, makes me quesy
to thing about it..."
"Don't you go thinking about it too much. I don't
want two of you brooding on it, it's bad for the
mind. You know, he wouldn't sit near the fire last
night. Kept glancing over at it and mumbling."
"Aye, something about 'soon...' and that he was
'still trying to find them...'. Load of rubbish if you
ask me."
"Still... I do worry about the boy. His teacher says
he's been missing from school."
"Heh, don't you worry yourself about the lad. He's
just going through that age."
"True... everyone has to grow up eventually. But it
makes an old woman wistful..."
"Tell you what, why don't you put his old night
light in his room when he comes home tonight?
There's nothing like a bit of candle light to help
you forget your troubles."
- Overheard the Night before the fire at Grebe
farm, East Mordentshire.
Corpse Creature
Corpse CreatureCorpse Creature
Corpse Creature
[Book of Vile Darkness
Book of Vile DarknessBook of Vile Darkness
Book of Vile Darkness]
] ]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Dear journal, one week after slaying this dreadful
abomination, we went back to this forgotten
chapel to retrieve the holy items that were stolen
by this treacherous priest and this illithid thing that
was probably controlling him. One week ago, we
defeated this tentacled monster and we saw the
priest flee.
When we came back, we were ready to detect
whatever traps and spells the priest could have left
behind for revenge. But we were not ready to face
the illithid creature, again. Its corpse was in the
same position as when it fell when Geddar’s
hammer hit it, but to our surprise it rose as a
shambling corpse and struck us with its unholy
mental attack. Thankfully, Geddar defeated it
again, but I fear for our priest’s sanity.
Van Richten’s private diary
Corpse rat swarm [Libris Mortis]
Corpse rat swarm [Libris Mortis] Corpse rat swarm [Libris Mortis]
Corpse rat swarm [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about corpse rat swarms. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This heaving mass of putrescent rodents is a
swarm of corpse rats. This result reveals all
undead traits and the swarm subtype.
19 Although the swarm crawls across the ground
as one, it is composed of hundreds of zombified
rats. Targeting individual rats can prove vexing,
but hacking at the swarm with slashing weapons
can prove effective.
24 Corpse rats swarms attack by crawling over and
around living creatures, subjecting victims to
hundreds of tiny bites and spreading filith fever.
"Honeeeeyyyyyyy! Thaere are RATS in the
"By Ezra's mercy, woman... Just SWAT them with
you mop!"
- Darkonese joke
The grime was clinging to my boots. In the murky
water I could see things better not be descript.
But THEY were behind me.
I could hear their small paws trampling in the
sewer tunnel, the echo carried in multiple
directions. Their squeaking was starting to sound
like a chant, the smell of decadence of their small
corpses was overwhelming. I was starting to lose
I came to an intersection in the tunnel. Four dark
tunnels were meeting in a larger vault. The
flickering light of my lantern could not pierce the
Then I understood why the squeaking and the
trampling were so close and pervasive.
They were coming from ALL THE
- From Memories of a Tunnel Dweller, by
Ralph "Mudboots" LaRache, grimetrekker.
When I arrived with the buckets of water from the
Vuchar river, he sat hunched at work before a
prodigious pile of dead rats, separating flesh from
bone with a knife. When I returned with more
water the prodigious pile of dead rats sat hunched
at work upon him, separating flesh from bone with
tooth and claw.
-Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse smuggler,
wanted for desertion from the Falkovnian army,
recalling the death on December 23, 750 of
company cook Timvad Nayor
Corrupted Creature
Corrupted CreatureCorrupted Creature
Corrupted Creature
[Book of Vile
Book of Vile Book of Vile
Book of Vile
Darkness, Dragon 350
Darkness, Dragon 350Darkness, Dragon 350
Darkness, Dragon 350]
] ]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
See also Dragon 350, under “Creatures of
Corvus Regis (raven)
Corvus Regis (raven) Corvus Regis (raven)
Corvus Regis (raven) –
see King’s Raven
see King’s Ravensee King’s Raven
see King’s Raven
Crab, monstrous [Stormwrack]
Crab, monstrous [Stormwrack] Crab, monstrous [Stormwrack]
Crab, monstrous [Stormwrack]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about monstrous crabs. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
10 This scuttling crustacean is a monstrously large
crab. This result reveals all vermin traits and the
aquatic subtype.
15 Crabs are ravenous scavengers that eat
whatever meat they can find, including any
creature smaller than themselves and their own
dead. Monstrous crabs crush foes with their
oversized pincers.
20 Monstrous crabs can grow to truly enormous
sizes. Although they live in seawater, they can
survive indefinitely on land.
7.10.738 Caught and killed crab today, feast for all
hands. At one time we mt. have scrupled to eat a
creat. wh. had made itself fat on dead men's flesh
(inc. pr Bartree, Ez. rest him), but no longer; esp.
as so many have been tempted (& mr than
tempted, in truth) to make the exp. of eating men's
flesh direct.
Ship's log of the Stormrake, Captain Elias
Blackburn, recovered from Saragoss in 749
Crawling apocalypse [Sandstorm]
Crawling apocalypse [Sandstorm] Crawling apocalypse [Sandstorm]
Crawling apocalypse [Sandstorm]
"One wonders how such barren earth can harbor a
powerful thing so fertile in men's fears. The priests
say it is but myth, but I dare say now that I have
seen it with my own eyes, perhaps fortunate that I
witnessed its emergence from a safe distance. It
was after dusk when it heaved from the sands
outside the city, a wretched gargantuan mass of
onyx bone and tentacle, a terrible nightmare that
transcends the boundaries of time. Wreathed in the
barrenness of the wastes it let out a cry not unlike
a chorus of trumpets. It seemed to fear the setting
sun, and fell back into the earthly hell it had come
from. Where it receded no hole could be seen--it
was as if the earth itself gave succor to its
primeval slumber."
-- Gustav diMuelikki, caravan trader of G'Henna
Crawling claw [Monsters of Faerûn]
Crawling claw [Monsters of Faerûn] Crawling claw [Monsters of Faerûn]
Crawling claw [Monsters of Faerûn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about crawling claws. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
11 These crawling claws are magical constructs,
mindless minions created by an arcane spellcaster.
This result reveals all construct traits and the
swarm subtype.
16 Crawling claws are created from humanoid’s
amputated left hands. They usually attack in the
dozens, flinging themselves at foes at digging into
the opponent’s flesh with their nails or talons.
They are particularly dangerous against foes that
have fallen to the ground.
21 Crawling claws cannot see, so they are immune
to all sight-based effects. A crawling claw is
somewhat resistant to magic.
"Whaddaya mean 'Ya hear someone snap fingers'?
The house shouldn't be inhabited"
"Well, I hear it, I tell ya I hear it!"
"Johnson, this family was said to be misterious
and spooky... But they're all d-e-a-d now!"
"Look! There! I saw it!"
"Look wh-aaaaaaaargh!"
*snap* *snap*
- From the play “Conversation between two dead
homeless in an abandoned house of the
Mordentshire environs”, by Sir Resteph Dams
(never published).
My mother always said: "The left hand is the hand
of the fiends".
I always wrote with my left hand. I did everything
with my left hand, from eating to spellcasting.
Then I lost my left hand, and it fell in possession
of our necromantic nemesis.
Only then I understood it. My mother was always
Even as the hand’s freakish intelligence seemed to
grow, its flesh decomposed. It started slowly, with
discolored patches of bruised skin, but progressed
to greenish-black blotches, and started spreading
up Dunkel’s forearm. When the hand started to
reek of rotten meat, the chiurgeon was called for,
despite Dunkel’s urgent, desperate pleas against it.
The chiurgeon immediately declared Kralle’s hand
to be gangrenous, and pronounced that it must be
amputated at once. Kralle went into a panic,
pitifully pleading for them not to remove his hand.
Obviously in a feverish delirium, Kralle insisted
that, so long as the hand was anchored at the end
of his arm, he could keep it under control. The
healer ignored his ranting, calmly warning Kralle
that, if the hand was not removed, it would surely
drag him into the grave with it.
After the hand was amputated, Kralle made just
one, feeble request before he passed out.
“Bury it deep.”
--from the notes of the Corvia militia.
Footnote: This is actually a piece of flavor text
from John's entry for the crawling claw in "The
Forgotten Children" netbook.
See also Dragon #336
Crawling ivy [Denizens of Dread
ing ivy [Denizens of Dreading ivy [Denizens of Dread
ing ivy [Denizens of Dread, under
, under , under
, under
] ]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about crawling ivy. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This patch of leafy vines is actually a
monstrous plant called crawling ivy. This result
reveals all plant traits.
17 Crawling ivy often lets creatures climb over it,
waiting for the most opportune to lash out and
entangle its prey.
22 Crawling ivy feeds on blood, which it drains
using its magenta-veined leaves. Crawling ivy can
sometimes be trained to serve a master to a limited
degree, acting as a guardian.
27 Crawling ivy sprouts clumps of berries each
autumn. If collected, these berries can be prepared
into an herbal poultice that helps stop blood loss.
Handsome large dark-green leaves with magenta
veins, flourishes in semi-shaded areas and does not
require rich soil. Available as clipping, unusual
transport requirements double normal delivery
N.B. Tends to be invasive & can be intractable
without careful handling. NOT
RECOMMENDED for the casual enthusiast.
- Beauraix' Commercial Catalogue of Flora
Crimson bones [Denizens of Dread]
Crimson bones [Denizens of Dread] Crimson bones [Denizens of Dread]
Crimson bones [Denizens of Dread]
As Harespex cleaved the second blood-drenched
skeleton's head from its shoulders, a fine spray of
red droplets coated his hands and arms. The thing
fell, but even as it did so Harespex dropped his
sword, turning frightened eyes toward me. "The
blood," he whispered. "It's burning me, Mac
- Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in Tepest
Crimson death [Monster Manual II]
Crimson death [Monster Manual II] Crimson death [Monster Manual II]
Crimson death [Monster Manual II]
(The bardic knowledge is Ravenloft-specific.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about crimson deaths. Characters who
recognize a crimson death’s nature can make a
bardic knowledge check to learn more. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
21 This vaguely humanoid knot of fog somewhat
resembles a wraith, but it actually a misty creature
called a crimson death. This result reveals all
undead traits and the incorporeal subtype.
26 A crimson death feeds on the blood of living
creatures. It is a stealthy predator, and if it sneaks
up on a victim, it wraps its misty tendrils around
the victim and starts draining blood through its
skin. A crimson death has a ravenous appetite, so
it often leaves its victims completely drained of
blood. As the creature feeds, its normally colorless
mists flush deep crimson.
31 Due to its vaporous form, a crimson death is
usually hard to spot in foggy conditions, and it can
slip through the tiniest of cracks. Unlike
incorporeal spirits, however, a crimson death
cannot pass through solid objects.
36 Although a crimson death’s misty tendrils
actually have no strength, the creature can
telepathically lift and carry fairly heavy objects.
The crimson death often uses this ability to cart off
the bodies of its victims. A crimson death’s lair is
often marked by a charnel house of exsanguinated
corpses, still wearing whatever gear they were
carrying when they died.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
21 Some legends claim that crimson deaths are the
lingering, tortured spirits of vampires destroyed by
flame or sunlight, and whose remains were not
then properly laid to rest.
26 Decades ago, the kingdom of Darkon was
ravaged by a lethal plague called the Crimson
Death, but the name seems to be coincidental.
Around the fire, our guide told us of a strange kind
of phantom, and he was irritated that we had a
hard time believing him. But here’s his story. He
was a soldier before this arm wound forced him to
do something else for a living. He said his
regiment once was searching for a lost soldier in
light moors, and suddenly they found a thick patch
of water weeds that held the corpses of many
beings, floating in the weeds. He said may be
twenty dead bodies were there. Then they heard a
splashing noise in the back on the group: one of
their comrades just fell in the water and started
yelling in pain. Panic spread to the group as they
saw a hideous fog creature holding to the man, its
white-red color slowly changing from to blood
red, like if the phantom was draining his blood…
They ran away from the place, leaving their friend,
and without fighting it. I’ve never heard of an
incorporeal bloodsucker before, and never since
then, so I wonder if this was a tall tale, but our
guide seemed to believe what he was telling us.
- An adventurer’s journal in Darkon.
See also Dragon #336
Crocodile [Monster Manual
odile [Monster Manual odile [Monster Manual
odile [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about camels. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 12: This toothy reptile is a crocodile. This
result reveals all animal traits.
DC 14: A crocodile is an ambush predator that
lurks in murky waters. A slap from its tail can be
as dangerous as its bite. Although most crocodiles
are about 12 feet long, some can grow more than
20 feet from tip to tail.
DC 22: When a crocodile bites its prey, it keeps its
prey in a vicelike grip and attempts to drown it. A
crocodile can hold its breath for minutes at a time.
Crypt cat [Denizens of Dread]
Crypt cat [Denizens of Dread] Crypt cat [Denizens of Dread]
Crypt cat [Denizens of Dread]
CR 1/3
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about crypt cats. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This desiccated feline is a crypt cat, an animal
ritualistically prepared to serve as a guardian in the
afterlife. This result reveals all deathless traits.
17 A crypt cat attacks much like a living cat
would, by biting and scratching with its claws.
Wounds dealt by a crypt cat tend to fester,
preventing them from healing properly. Only heal,
remove disease, or similar magic can cure the
22 A crypt cat is nearly skeletal. Because of this, it
is immune to cold, and slashing and piercing
weapons tend to skitter off its bones. Bludgeoning
weapons are fully effective, however.
27 Crypt cats invariably serve a greater master,
which is usually a more powerful ancient dead not
unlike themselves.
JWM: These creatures are ancient dead
(deathless), not undead – see Deathless type.
The first was Professor deMeran. I found his body
in the small hut he used in his staying in Har'Akir.
Flies were all over him, feasting in his blood. In
his hand, a small golden scarab we found in the
tomb, not yet catalogued. His throath was slit by
four claws on a small paw.
The second was Ifi, our beautiful guide. She
wasted slowly, her wounds festering and sore.
Every night, a small claw wounding her some
Tonight I'll be the last. May Ezra guide my soul.
The feline scream at my window - claws rasping
on th
From the last entry of the diary of Doctor
McDarmon of Mordentshire, Mordent (naturalized
Crypt chanter [Libris Mortis]
Crypt chanter [Libris Mortis] Crypt chanter [Libris Mortis]
Crypt chanter [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about crypt chanters. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 This fluttering spirit of a lithe humanoid in a
flowing cloak is a crypt chanter, noted for the
otherworldly songs and music they constantly
produce. This result reveals all undead traits and
the incorporeal subtype.
22 Crypt chanters never speak directly to mortals,
though they may sometimes communicate through
the lyrics of their music. These lyrics are usually
in Abyssal. However, a crypt chanter’s haunting
melodies creep their way into the minds of living
creatures. Listeners who succumb are first dazed,
then enthralled. Eventually, their life energy seeps
away entirely.
27 A crypt chanter is slightly resistant to turning.
However, natural sunlight renders a crypt chanter
utterly powerless, so these spirits always flee from
the light of day.
32 Any humanoids slain by a crypt chanter’s lethal
melody rise a few moments later as new crypt
chanters enslaved to their creator.
“I do not know why Joseph asked me to
accompany him in this cemetery at night, because
when the chant started, he hit me on the head with
his cudgel, and it made me unconscious, you
know. The chant was so wonderful, very sad and
frightening, but the most strange and beautiful
voice at the same time. But then Joseph hit me so I
don’t know how long it lasted. It was more
fascinating than those vistani’s songs, really. I
came to myself in the early hours of morning, and
Joseph was laying on the ground, his face showing
a mix of awe and horror. I’ve never been back to
this place at night.”
- as told to his friends, by Maurice in Darkon
Crypt warden, dread [Book of Exalted
Crypt warden, dread [Book of Exalted Crypt warden, dread [Book of Exalted
Crypt warden, dread [Book of Exalted
Deeds] Deeds]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about crypt wardens. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
18 This skeletal warrior is a crypt warden, the
result of a guard or soldier who voluntarily chose
to protect this structure after death. This result
reveals all deathless traits.
23 A crypt warden is nearly skeletal. Because of
this, slashing and piercing weapons tend to skitter
off its bones. Bludgeoning weapons are fully
effective, however. A crypt guardian can use holy
smite against its foes at will as a spell-like ability.
Crypt wardens usually speak the local language
and Celestial.
28 Crypt wardens are fearless defenders of their
tombs. They can animate objects at will, often
turning their tomb’s cor against intruders.
Crypts wardens are resistant to magic.
33 Crypt wardens rise from their tombs only when
the structures they guard have been violated.
When the intrusion has been dealt with, their
spirits willingly return to the afterlife.
JWM: These creatures are ancient dead
(deathless), not undead – see Deathless type
Ghastria Smith: Well, I was in a tomb in the
southern Core...
Mme Maisonbleu: Where, exactly?
Ghastria Smith: I cannot tell you. I swore I
Mme Maisonbleu: Continue, please.
Ghastria Smith: After rooms of traps and empty
corridors, I entered the inner chamber, or to be
more precise its anti-chamber, to find a guardian.
It was a skeleton dressed in a wonderfully built
gold armor, the like of those you see in ancient
scrolls. It wielded a magnificent greatsword made
of platinum.
Mme Maisonbleu: What did it do?
Ghastria Smith: Nothing. It looked at me with its
empty socket and politely bowed. Then it spoke:
"This tomb is sacred -it said- and it is my duty and
pleasure to be its guardian. If you are a decent
man, then you will not advance toward me. Should
my perceptions be deceived, then you will come
toward me, and I will be forced to slay you. Do
not force me to stain my sword with the blood it
never spilled in life"
Mme Maisonbleu: What did you do? I can't wait
for the tale of the battle!
Ghastria Smith: My lady, there was no battle! We
bowed and I retreated. I promised him to never
reveal the location of the tomb, and I even hid
better its entrance.
Mme Maisonbleu: Why did you do such a thing?
Ghastria Smith: Surely the skeleton was not an
adversary to be understimated... And I picture
myself as decent man, you know?
From the article Interview with a crypt raider by Christine Maisonbleu, published on the
Minute of Port-au-Lucine.
Darkenbeast [Monsters of Faerûn]
Darkenbeast [Monsters of Faerûn] Darkenbeast [Monsters of Faerûn]
Darkenbeast [Monsters of Faerûn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about darkenbeasts. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This batwinged creature is a darkenbeast, a
magical creation. This result reveals all magical
beast traits.
19 Spellcasters create darkenbeasts from ordinary
animals. Darkenbeasts then serve their master as
messengers or guardians. Darkenbeasts are
immune to mind-influencing effects.
24 Darkenbeasts tend to fight heedlessly, starting
combat by plunging from the air in a charge. A
spellcaster can imprint a single spell into each
darkenbeast he or she creates. The spellcaster can
later trigger this spell as a spell-like abilitiy. The
magical energy consumes the darkenbeast.
29 Darkenbeasts shy away from bright light,
hampering their attacks. If a darkenbeast is
exposed to bright light for an extended period,
there is an increasing chance that the darkenbeast
will permanently revert to the normal animal from
which it was created. A sunbeam spell
automatically reverts a darkenbeast to normal.
" mistaking it, Old Silas was as cruel a man as
any in these parts: vicious to his wife, brutal to his
boys and scornful to his daughters. Worst of all,
by far, to his beasts, from his broken-down
carthorse to those miserable sacks of bones and
feathers in the henhouse. He starved his cattle,
kicked his sheep into moving if they wouldn't heed
his raggedy old dog; he cut the throats of piglets
without even hiding them from the sow's sight,
and what kind of a gods-fearing man does that, I
ask you? If ever a farmer deserved his own
livestock's hatred, Old Silas was that man.
"Thinking back, now, I can't help but wonder if
that foul fiend of a Hazlani knew Silas was such a
man, when he choose whose farm to work his
deviltries upon. Because those things he'd warped
and twisted those dumb, pitiable beasts into -- the
things that tore Old Silas to pieces, first of all their
prey -- seemed like that very hatred he'd kindled in
them, made flesh: vile hatred for him, and for all
men, and boasting all the claws and spines and
teeth and terror them poor beasts must've wished
they'd had, to turn against such a cruel, uncaring
-- Malcolm Byrne, witness to the Hillsdarrow
Farm massacre
Darque (DT&DL)
Darque (DT&DL)Darque (DT&DL)
Darque (DT&DL)
Darkling [Champions of Darkness]
Darkling [Champions of Darkness] Darkling [Champions of Darkness]
Darkling [Champions of Darkness]
Sandro, 'Sandro,
What hast thou done?
'Sandro, 'Sandro,
Where hast thou gone?
Opened a grave,
A life for to save,
Walked into darkness
To find a new sun.
'Sandro, o 'Sandro,
You'll never find pardon,
'Sandro, o Sandro,
You must leave the vardos.
Then I'll be a darkling,
A man of the night;
I'll love death and dark
And flee from the light.
Traditional Vistani children's rhyme
Deadborn Vulture
dborn Vulturedborn Vulture
dborn Vulture
] ]
CR 8 magical beast that come back to life as a
zombie after its death
mon mon
see Demon
see Demonsee Demon
see Demon
[Pathfinder 4
Pathfinder 4Pathfinder 4
Pathfinder 4]
] ]
CR 6 Sort of gargantuan undead spider
Death dog [Fiend Folio]
Death dog [Fiend Folio] Death dog [Fiend Folio]
Death dog [Fiend Folio]
JWM: “In the domain of Har’Akir, scores of death
dog packs prowl the Valley of Kings, home to
many ancient tombs, including that of Pharaoh
Anhktepot. They seldom stray far, taking shelter in
the innumerable cracks and hollows lining the
valley walls and rushing forward in waves to
attack anything that intrudes on their territory. No
one knows what sustains these beasts in such
barren terrain. On the Night of Thoth, an irregular,
astrologically determined event when Anhktepot’s
tomb mystically opens, the death dogs retreat to
their lairs. So long as the pharaoh’s tomb stands
open, the death dogs remain in their dens, peering
down at explorers with flinty eyes and attacking
only if approached.”
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana),
Knowledge (nature), or bardic knowledge can
learn more about death dogs. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DCs. A character who recognizes a death dog’s
nature can make a Knowledge (local) check to
learn more.
Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (nature)
DC Result
12 This mangy, two-headed canine is a death dog.
This result reveals all magical beast traits.
17 Death dogs are cunning hunters that knock their
prey to the ground before tearing them apart.
22 A death dog’s two sets of jaws carry a deadly
disease. Early symptoms include jaundiced skin
and swollen eyes and throat.
Knowledge (local)
DC Result
15 Scores of death dogs roam the Valley of Kings
in Har’Akir, acting as feral guardians to the tombs
of those ancient rulers.
20 The death dogs retreat to their dens on the
Night of Thoth, for once allowing intruders to pass
by unaccosted.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
12 According to legend, death dogs are descended
from Cerberus, the mythical three-headed hound
that guards the gates of the underworld.
We were spending a few days in Har’Akir to meet
scholars there, actually looking to identify the
symbols found by our uncle on Ivana’s Death
Stone long ago.
But we also had read about Anhktepot’s tomb in
his notes, and were eager to explore it, and at least
locate it on a map. Because this place was said to
be a den of evil according to our uncle. Alas,
nobody in the small hamlet of Mubar wanted to
show us the way, less escort us there. Dogs, they
said, large dogs in the desert near the crypt. But
not ordinary wild dogs, they said. They told us of
two-headed dogs and we wondered for a while if
they were not pulling our leg. Later, Allam, one of
the scholars we were to meet, confirmed the
existence of these two-headed dogs strangely
confining themselves to the crypt surrounding
Unprepared to fight magical beasts this time, we
didn’t go near the crypt
From Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove journals
Death’s horsemen
’s horsemens horsemen
’s horsemen
[new, JWM
new, JWMnew, JWM
new, JWM]
] ]
Death Undaunted
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) or
Knowledge (local) can learn more about Death’s
Horsemen. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
22 This monstrous rider is one of Death’s
Horsemen. Although it appears undead a creature
composed of animate negative energy manifested
in physical form. This result reveals all elemental
traits and the evil subtype.
27 Three Horsemen serve Death; they are known
by many names, including Famine, Pestilence, and
War. Their minds are linked, so whatever one
knows, they all know.
32 A Horsemen is surrounded by the forces of
entropy. Its touch — even its mere presence —
spreads the affliction for which it is named.
37 Death’s Horsemen can create steeds for
themselves merely by touching a normal horse.
This slays the horse and created a monstrous steed
that acts as an extension of the Horseman itself.
42 Each Horsemen is repelled by the tokens
symbolizing its conceptual antithesis. This result
reveals the details of the Horseman’s antithetical
“A sudden chorus of terror erupted ahead of me in
the marketplace. Mad panic flashed through the
crowd. People trampled each other to flee and
rushed the outer stalls, savagely tearing food out
of each other’s clutches and desperately stuffing it
down their own throats. Nearer at hand, I watched
a row of smoked ducks blacken and shrivel before
my very eyes. As the crowd thinned, I saw the
source of everyone’s terror. An emaciated corpse
sat slumped in the saddle of an equally wasted
horse. The horror snatched up a halfling child,
dragging him kicking and screaming onto the
saddle. Just like the smoked meat, I watched the
flesh shrivel from the child’s bones! The monster
defiantly addressed the panicked crowd.”
“‘We seek a fiery eye,’ it said. Its voice was
horrible. ‘Give it to us, and the suffering of this
innocent will end.’”
—Witness account, Rivalis, August 755 BC
Reports came rushing in of a riot spreading
through the South District, though no one could
offer any guess as to what had sparked such
unrest. I immediately dispatched every available
constable to the scene, leading them myself. We
soon reached a miserable scene — a street filled
with men, women, and children all viciously
hacking and bashing at each other with whatever
weapons they could grab. I ordered my men in to
end the violence, only to watch my own constables
turn savage! They attacked everyone around them
as mindlessly as the rioters themselves. I rushed
ahead in horror, screaming at my men to stop —
but so help me, I felt the bloodlust come over me
as well. Before I could act, however, someone
struck the back of my head and I fell to the
cobbles, dazed. That was when I saw it. A terrible
warrior, completely hidden beneath mauled black
plate, rode past me on a mauled warhorse. It strode
through the melee, the mindless killers parting for
it. It struck me as a general inspecting its troops.
But whatever that thing was, it was no living
knight. Its voice alone made that quite clear.
“We know the fiery eye is near,” it bellowed.
“Know that we seek it! Know that we are! Know
to fear us!”
—Chief Constable Liam Osgul’s report, Martira
Bay, August 755 BC
This monster is presented by JWM in the netbook:
Death engine [Die Vecna Die]
Death engine [Die Vecna Die] Death engine [Die Vecna Die]
Death engine [Die Vecna Die]
JWM: One of Vecna's most horrific necromantic
war engines. PCs encounter a partially destroyed
version of one in Vecna Reborn.
“Yes, I still have nightmares about these war
horrors. I wake up screaming and looking at my
guts to see if it’s rotting.
I was a mercenary in a battle in Tovag when I saw
these atrocious things in action. There is no word
strong enough to say how disgusted we were in
front of this, and how terrifying this machine made
out of dead flesh was. Let me try to explain …
Imagine endless rows of corpse’s heads on the
thing, each screaming its own evil mantras, or
howling in pain. We could hear this terrifying
noise a long time before actually seeing the thing.
The sound of the damned, this really was.
Imagine many arms fused all over it, from
humans, animals and other things, trying to grab
and tear to pieces whatever passes near it, and also
making it move forward.
Imagine a detestable aura of bleak corruption
around its base, visibly warping the very land
under it and altering it to miasma and bubbling rot.
I know many people caught deadly diseases in its
path, and these people rotted within minutes,
screaming in pain.
Now imagine this “machine”, wandering loose on
a battlefield, without control, spreading death,
diseases and corruption in an insane random
pattern, even within its own side.
Many warriors in my unit ran from terror when
they saw it. And yes, this thing can only come
from an amazingly evil mind.”
- a mercenary tale
Death Death
Death knight
knight knight
knight [
[Monster Manual II,
Monster Manual II, Monster Manual II,
Monster Manual II,
Dragon 2 90
Dragon 2 90Dragon 2 90
Dragon 2 90]
] ]
Knowledge of the Death Knight
The following table shows the results of a Religion
check as it relates to death knights.
Death knights are skeletal warriors who
retain the intelligence and combat skills
they had in life. They often lead other
undead soldiers in a war against the
Death knights are warriors who chose to
become undead. Often they have a
specific goal or vendetta that provoked
their transformations, but some simply
fear the afterlife so much that they
instead choose an eternal living death.
A death knight carries its soul in its
weapon. This weapon has the power to
become ghostly and pierce armor as if it
was not there. If you take a death
knight’s weapon, you weaken the knight.
A death knight can also surround itself in
a burst of unholy fire that burns the
living and wreathes undead in dangerous
green and black flames.
A death knight’s soul weapon weakens
anyone else who wields it as long as the
death knight has not been destroyed. If
you break a death knight’s weapon, the
knight can restore it with a touch. Death
knights bolster nearby undead allies, so
it’s best to separate the knight from its
See also Dragon #336
Deathbringer [Monster Manual II]
Deathbringer [Monster Manual II] Deathbringer [Monster Manual II]
Deathbringer [Monster Manual II]
JWM: “Vecna is known to have created several of
these horrors to serve as officers in the armies of
Cavitius, and a few may have survived the
destruction of the Burning Peaks.”
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about deathbringers. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
27 This hulking, waxy grey humanoid is a
deathbringer, a powerful undead warrior.
Necromancers often create these creatures to lead
their undead armies. This result reveals all undead
traits. Deathbringers can usually hiss Common and
either Abyssal or Infernal through their sewn-shut
32 Deathbringers are unsubtle killers, using brute
strength to plow through foes. A notorious
deathbringer tactic is to trip their foes and then
trample them.
37 A deathbringer can release a silent buirst of
negative energy up to more than 30 paces away.
Deathbringers use these bursts both to harm the
living and to heal themselves and their undead
allies. Once a deathbringer releases a burst, it must
wait a few moments before it can do so again.
42 A deathbringer can produce a greater dispelling
effect at will.
“Yes, those war machines made of corpses in
Cavitius were terrible. But that wasn’t all. They
had one of their generals, or whatever title it had
as a commanding officer, a tall, large brute with a
large spiked war flail in each hand.
This general didn’t stay back to command its
troops from a safe distance: it stood first line and
was also a terrible warrior.
One of our best cavalier tried to take it down, but
the brute made the horse trip on the ground, and
then it endlessly flailed horse and man on the
ground until they were unrecognizable from each
Then it laughed maniacally and some of the
human warriors around it fell on the ground or had
nasty bloody wounds appearing on them, while the
undead were healed by the same supernatural
It was later sent to a magical pit in the ground by a
magic user on our side. But it wasn’t destroyed,
I’m quite sure of it.”
- a mercenary tale
Deathlock [Libris Mortis]
Deathlock [Libris Mortis] Deathlock [Libris Mortis]
Deathlock [Libris Mortis]
JWM: “In Ravenloft, some occult scholars
theorize that deathlocks may represent the
aftereffects of failed attempts to attain lichdom.”
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about deathlocks. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This cadaverous corpse‘s eyes crackle with
magical energy. This is a deathlock, the remains of
a spellcaster so charged with arcane power that it
cannot rest in peace. This result reveals all undead
traits. Deathlocks speak Abyssal, Infernal, and
18 Some sages believe deathlocks are the result of
failed attempts to become liches. Unlike liches,
they have lost all but paltry fragments of their
memories and arcane prowess. However,
deathlocks can use detect magic, inflict minor
wounds, and read magic at will as spell-like
23 Deathlocks can also use cause fear, death knell,
ghoul glyph, magic missile, and summon monster
I as spell-like abilities several times a day. They
prefer to rely on these abilities, attacking from a
distance. Deathlocks are resistant to turning.
… red with blood, Ah! Ah! The petty necromancer
also wrote me from his island about another
strange unwanted effect when one worthy wizard
is trying to become a lich. Sometimes, the wizard
fails to attain this higher state of mind, but instead
of being destroyed, it becomes something N. calls
a “deathlock”. He describes it as a spell casting
corpse of minor abilities, but who has lost its once
keen mind and wishes the destruction of all things
instead of the continuation of its arcane researches.
It will even destroy its whole library¸ research
facilities and all it has built in its wizard life.
Becoming insane, another pathetic peril those
jailers have found to block us from our shining
destiny. Ah! But this warning happens to late for
me, for you see already …
On a torn paper found in Il-Aluk
Death’s head tree [Denizens of Dread
Death’s head tree [Denizens of DreadDeath’s head tree [Denizens of Dread
Death’s head tree [Denizens of Dread,
, ,
Dragon # 339
Dragon # 339Dragon # 339
Dragon # 339]
] ]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about death’s head tree. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 This macabre willow tree is a death’s head tree,
a monstrous plant that germinated in blood-soaked
soil. This result reveals all plant traits.
24 The severed heads dangling from the branches
are actually the tree’s fruit. Their teeth are actually
sharp seeds that lodge in victim’s flesh. Due to its
constant exposure to death, a death’s head tree is
resistant to necromantic effects.
29 Death’s head fruit can also spit their seeds and
even detach from the tree. They float on the
breeze, having grown buoyant as they bloat with
the gasses of decay. Death’s head trees ignore
creatures that give off no heat.
34 A death’s head tree often signals the presence
of an ancient site of battle. The tree has no use for
treasure, so its half-buried victims often still bear
whatever treasures they had when they died.
“So my pretty little Elf thing yea would look upon
the face of your long lost father, kiss his cheek
once more, let him whisper little nonsenses in your
ear? Tis a far sweeter thing than to have yea for
tea. We be off then to the Willow’s Grove.”
-The Three Hags of Tepest
Deathless type
eathless typeeathless type
eathless type
see see
see Book of Exal
Book of ExalBook of Exal
Book of Exalted
ted ted
Deathshrieker [Monster Manual III]
Deathshrieker [Monster Manual III] Deathshrieker [Monster Manual III]
Deathshrieker [Monster Manual III]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about deathshriekers. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
25 This horrible, screaming apparition is called a
deathshrieker. These skeletal spirits form at the
sites of bloody battlefields, charnel houses, or
similar locales of mass death. They are the
embodiment of countless victims’ cries of agony
and woe as they met violent ends. This result
reveals all undead traits and the incorporeal
30 Deathshriekers typically plunge themselves
into the thick of battle, trying to affect as many
foes as possible with their dreadful abilities. The
mere sight of a deathshrieker can paralyze
witnesses with fear. Its touch drains victims’
vivacity and their will to live. Although
deathshriekers have little interest in
communicating with the living, they do usually
speak one or two common local languages.
35 Once a day, a deathshrieker can release a soul-
numbing wail of pure agony and despair. This
unearthly howl persists for several moments,
drowning out all normal conversation. In addition,
nearby creatures may be deafened, stunned, and
even driven insane by the sheer misery of the
40 A deathshrieker cannot abide complete silence,
even to the point of suffering damage whenever
magically silenced. When a deathshrieker is
destroyed, it dissipates into one last, truly spirit-
wrenching scream powerful enough to sap the life
force of every creature within 100 paces that hears
its death rattle.
It is widely known, throughout Darkon, that truly
gruesome deaths, especially those that happen on
battlefields and in poor houses, or those that
happen regularly in the streets of Paridon, generate
undead. I dismiss all of this as rubbish! Undead
are only born of the foulest necromancy.
There are, of course, exceptions.
For example, a year after I came back to my native
Darkon from my travel in Dementlieu and
Markovia, I witnessed a creature called Eiulatus in
Darkonese. This creature, an horrible undead
whose semblance was that of a ghostly skeleton,
was roaming the place of a battle of the first
Falkovnian invasion. The ghost was screaming
like he was being torn apart by some unseen force.
I must admit that, in spite of all of my noteworthy
willpower, even I was moved to fear!
From All that is true about this world a pamphlet
by the Toret Warlock Claude Seymar of Martira
[Dragon # 313
Dragon # 313Dragon # 313
Dragon # 313]
] ]
Deep hound [Races of Stone]
p hound [Races of Stone] p hound [Races of Stone]
p hound [Races of Stone]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or
Knowledge (dungeoneering) can learn more about
deep hounds. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This stocky grey dog is a deep hound. This
result reveals all magical beast traits.
19 Deep hounds are usually domesticated by
dwarves for use as guardians and companions.
They are more easily trained than most magical
24 A deep hound is acclimated to life
underground. Its eyes are sensitive to bright lights,
which leave it dazzled.
“The dwarves we met in those caverns for trade
were not very friendly, and didn’t offer us any of
their famous ale, but at least they were honest.
When we set the terms of the trade after long
discussions, a monstrously large hound effortlessly
dragged the metal chunks outside, where we took
property of it. You should have seen it, this hound
was bigger then a bull!”
- a merchant tale in Darkon
Demodand, shator [Fiend Folio]
emodand, shator [Fiend Folio] emodand, shator [Fiend Folio]
emodand, shator [Fiend Folio]
Demodand. Shator: Drigor, author of the
"My kind are held in a honeyed trap here in these
Mists. We are tempted to gain a power by tying
ourselves to the land, a power that would elevate
us in stature compared to the other Infernal
creatures. Demons and Devils would have to pay
us the respect we are due.
But the irony is that our abilities would tie us to
the land. I feel that staying untethered is my safest
route. Though the ability to hide my magnificent
form, the rolls of supple flesh, the large, eloquent
mouth and the delicate wings of my being, would
help me avoid being a target for all would-be do-
gooders in this accursed land."
-Extract from the Mandragorian.
JWM: Fiends in General: Most of the fiends listed
here are represented in Ravenloft by a single
known individual. Feel free to incorporate these
See also RL CS
Demon, alkilith [Fiend Folio]
Demon, alkilith [Fiend Folio] Demon, alkilith [Fiend Folio]
Demon, alkilith [Fiend Folio]
Demon, Alkilith: Marasmos from Children of the
Night: Demons.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about alkiliths. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 20: This shapeless mass of oozing corruption
is an alkilith, a vile demon despised even by most
other denizens of the Abyss. This result reveals all
outsider traits and the tanar’ri subtype.
DC 25: Despite their oozelike appearance, alkiliths
are highly intelligent and surprisingly quick. An
alkilith attacks foes by lashing them with its acidic
pseudopods. Unlike most tanar’ri, alkiliths are
completely immune to acid, and they are immune
to sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing.
An alkilith’s oozing body simply ignores most
attacks, but good-aligned or cold iron weapons can
pierce its defenses. Even then, only bludgeoning
weapons can produce maximum effect.
DC 30: At will, an alkilith can dissipate itself into
a noxious cloud of vapor as toxic as a cloudkill
spell. An alkilith is highly resistant to magic and is
immune to the effects of toxic gases. Alkiliths can
command nearby oozes, directing them like
DC 35: An alkilith can attempt to summon a
hezrou in battle, but it usually prefers to rely on its
spell-like abilities: cone of cold, contagion,
desecrate, detect magic, dispel magic, enervation,
hold monster, magic circle against good, stinking
cloud, unholy blight, and wall of ice. If a battle
turns against the alkilith, it can use greater teleport
to escape.
Warden Defors: ...the trail led through the village
which has been mentioned previously...
Inquisitor Despain: Aix-la-Forte.
WD: Yes. On entering the village we saw that the
plague-fiend had been there before us. Every
person, Ezra being witness to it, bore the mark of
the beast, and I gave the order that it be cleansed
before we moved on.
ID: You say, cleansed. You mean you burned
every man, woman and child to death, is that not
correct, Warden?
WD: Yes, that is correct, Inquisitor.
ID: No other solution was possible? Not with
twelve men strong in the Faith at your back?
WD: I think that the sequel to these events--I refer
to what happened in Neufectenburg--showed my
actions to be necessary and proper, Inquisitor.
Court transcript of the trial of Warden Esmond
Defors before the Ezran Inquisition
Demon, babau [Monster Manual]
Demon, babau [Monster Manual] Demon, babau [Monster Manual]
Demon, babau [Monster Manual]
Demon, Babau: The Whistling Fiend, who wiped
out Creeana.
There's things in this world beyond our ken, son. I
was near Creena when the thing came. All black
skin and bones, covered in red stuff. A big horn
stuck out back of its head and it carried a wicked
Things where bad enough, sure as eggs is eggs.
Then it started whistling.
Not afeared to say that that day, I turned and ran as
fast as I could.
- Tharod Ironflint, Darkonese Adventurer
Demon, d
Demon, dDemon, d
Demon, dretch [Monster Manual]
retch [Monster Manual] retch [Monster Manual]
retch [Monster Manual]
CR 2
To my astonishment and disgust, the thing began
to weep great black tears. "I too am a servant of
the Most Low Lords," it sniveled, "and you should
not despise me, dirt-thing. Avant, Gallipat!"
Suddenly a second demon, equally vulgar and
hideous, stood by the first. Having no desire to
prolong this extremely unfortunate interview, I
invoked Galliter's white inferno and disposed of
my disappointing visitors, burning the small ivory
idols they had brought with them as well.
From the laboratory notebooks of the lich known
as Phantom's Bane
Demon, Ebonbane
, Ebonbane, Ebonbane
, Ebonbane
[Bane of the
Bane of the Bane of the
Bane of the
] ]
Mangrum Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008
Ebonbane is a unique entity who the Mists can't
contain in its true form, not so much due to raw
power as its metaphysical makeup. Were I to stat
up Ebonbane now for 3E, I'd retroactively make
him an extremely powerful version of the demonic
"type" introduced in the first Book of Fiends book
(or whatever the title was) was WotC put out a few
years back -- the demons, not tanar'ri, that are
naturally formless but possess mortals. Don't
remember the name and I don't have access to my
books for now.
High Priest Mikhal Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008
The book is the Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the
Abyss and the type is the loumara. Ebonbane as essentially he's not a being of
physical matter but is more like energy? Strangely
that makes a lot of sense. How else could he be
bound inside a magic sword? Not his soul but his
entire being.
Daemon, Leukodaemon
aemon, Leukodaemonaemon, Leukodaemon
aemon, Leukodaemon
Pathfinder 8
finder 8finder 8
finder 8]
] ]
Sort of demon with disease
Demon, mane [
Demon, mane [Demon, mane [
Demon, mane [Book of Vile Darkness
Book of Vile DarknessBook of Vile Darkness
Book of Vile Darkness]
] ]
JWM: Formed directly from the souls of chaotic
evil creatures sent to the Abyss for eternity, manes
are the lowest form of the demons, even lower
than the dretches. They have no magical abilities
at all and are almost mindless. They act more like
wild beasts than anything else.
Manes are 3-foot-tall humanoids with pale,
bloated flesh riddled with maggots. Their white
eyes show no signs of sentience, but their claws
and jagged teeth betray their feral nature.
"This place has its pleasures, but there is nothing
here to compare to the great battlefields of Hell!
Ah, there was delight! To have even a mane to
slaughter would recall me to old times, at least.
Have you seen a mane, Captain? Well, you missed
nothing by the lack. They are puling miserable
things, less even than a human, which they much
resemble, though they are less clever; the worst of
their wretched race. We mowed down a thousand
in two minutes at the Carceri Flats and were
bathed in their ichor as if it were a spring dew!
Though, to be sure, they are not toothsome--the
maggots, you know."
From The Beast of Ehrendton
Demon, marilith [Monster Manual]
Demon, marilith [Monster Manual] Demon, marilith [Monster Manual]
Demon, marilith [Monster Manual]
CR 17
Demon, Marilith: Baltoi, trapped under the
Sleeping Beast.
I see myself standing. I'm issuing orders. I'm
bathing in blood.
I stir.
Then I bask again in my dreams. I have a strange
creature before me. It is like a horrible gargoyle
with reptilian skin of a tainted red. It is whriting in
pain. Two of my arms are teasing him with
silvered pokers. The other four are carefully
tearing his limbs. He is screaming. I have no
question to make. I live only for his pain.
I stir.
I see a great army, spanning at least two countries.
It is ready for a bloody fight. A bloody war. A
shout, they charge.
I almost opened my eyes. I could see a dark hall,
where my body is confined. Then I fell asleep
again. What is real? What is not?
I'll never know.
I'll just wait some more thunderclaps...
Demon Marilith (take 2, more gore than horror)
"Again questioning of any of the four survivors of
the massacre brought no results. It's been 16 days
now since the remains of the merchant train were
discovered by the patrol. Still, the four survivor's
mad ramblings make no sense at all, even after
they were administered by a local priest named
Benalion that claims he can call the power of the
Gods. He was indeed able to miracusly heal many
of their wounds so Benalion must be saying the
truth. However he said there was nothing he could
do about their minds.
We need to find who did that massacre. The
lycanthropes? Perhaps. However the wounds on
many of the bodies were made by cutting
instruments although others seemed to be crushed
as if a huge constrictor crushed them. Yet it
seemed some caution was taken for many of the
victims to not die of their wounds. I shudder to
think of the state we found many of the victims;
their suffering seems to have been prolonged for
hours after their arms and legs were cut off. What
twisted mind could have brought so much
suffering to living beings and leave the valuables
lying around?
We can always put the blame on a vistani curse to
dissuade the local people; Invidians seem ready to
blame everything on the vistani. However, I'm not
sure the boy lord would be so easily convinced.
Perhaps the walking dead? They harbor a hate for
the living. But why would they let anyone alive
after all?
All the four could do, those that still had their
tongues, was to mourn pitifully. Their resemblance
to some of the tortured that were still indentifiable
was evident. But would the living dead recognise
parent and child or siblings through physical
resemblance? Would they care?
One word the survivors keep repeating when they
can be made to talk: "Marilith" among mad
ramblings about a multiple swords slashing, a
huge snake-woman and other, more unerving
things they witnessed that creature doing, some of
which still turn my stomach. It seems that all of
them agree it was a single, huge creature. I can
discard their rumblings about multiple hands as
born out of their fear, but from my experience
when dealing with panicked, griefstriken, mentally
unsettled peasants, they increase the number of
assailants, don't decrease it; "an army" is usually
less than 10.
Marilith... I've never in my adventures, travels and
investigations heard of anything like that. A big
snake woman with supernatural abilities and
inhuman strength. How could all of them
remember and even repeat that name? Did the
creature forced them to memorize it? If so, why?"
- A page of the journal of late investigator and
adventurer Bornic Hald, found pinned on his
savaged body, near the broken holy symbol of
Ezra, belonging to the missing cleric Benalion.
Demon, nalfeshnee
Demon, nalfeshnee Demon, nalfeshnee
Demon, nalfeshnee [Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual] [Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual]
Demon, Nalfeshnee: Malistroi, leader of the Army
of Darkness and creator of demonwracked
"It was the night after my return to Zhukar that the
thing unleased by Madar's insane plots reached the
city. I saw it land atop the Temple, confronting
Petrovna there. By the eerie gray glow of the High
Altar, I could make out the details--the feathered
black wings, the ape-like arms and chest, the
toothy boar's head--that told me that, while
increased in size and power, this was the same
creature that we had believed to be the Provider."
--Life Under the Devourer, by Olvoro Vladinov
Demon, quasit [Monster Manual]
Demon, quasit [Monster Manual] Demon, quasit [Monster Manual]
Demon, quasit [Monster Manual]
Then there came a hideous little man, a man with
wings; his skin was green and covered in boils,
and he had long clever fingers and long sharp
teeth. He drank up the bowl of milk, and then he
broke it--clack!--on the stone floor.
Then Jolenta knew her present had been accepted.
"Little man, little man," she called. "Teach me
how to get gold and jewels and a fine young
husband, and you shall sleep on my pillow and eat
from my plate, and I'll give you a lock of my long
gold hair."
The little man turned to her and smiled and said,
"Jolenta, my dear, you're a wise girl and you know
how to entice a fellow; but you must give me one
thing more, and that's your first-born child."
"Done!" said Jolenta, and the little man laughed
and laughed, and leapt to her shoulder and
whispered his first secret to her.
The Red Witch, traditional Tepestani
Demon, shadow demon [Denizen
Demon, shadow demon [DenizenDemon, shadow demon [Denizen
Demon, shadow demon [Denizens of
s of s of
s of
Darkness, BoVD
, BoVD, BoVD
, BoVD]
] ]
Errata: The middle of the first paragraph should
read, "They require no sustenance, existing only to
spread evil, fear and destruction wherever they go.
Fortunately, however, they have lost their reality
wrinkles over time"
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about shadow demons. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 18: This jagged, monstrous black silhouette is
a shadow demon, a denizen of the Abyss that
trades in souls. This result reveals all outsider
traits and the incorporeal subtype. Shadow demons
communicate telepathically.
DC 23: Although shadow demons are incorporeal,
their deadly claws flow with vile energy and
become corporeal whenever they touch flesh,
allowing these fiends to slice flesh and grapple
foes. Opponents who try to pin the fiend in return
find their limbs passing right through the demon,
however. Shadow demons often attack by
pouncing on their victims, then raking with their
hind claws.
DC 28: A shadow demon draws physical power
from surrounding darkness. Conversely, exposure
to bright lights drains their power, usually causing
them to flee. Although shadow demons are not
undead, they share many advantages of those
accursed spirits. This result reveals a shadow
demon’s immunities.
DC 33: A shadow demon enjoys an array of spell-
like abilities. It can create darkness at will. Once
per day, it can create deeper darkness and damning
darkness. Once a week, it can use a magic jar to
make off with a mortal’s soul.
He turned at the top of the staircase, and stopped.
There in the great mirror he saw it--a shadow
perched upon his shoulder, which seemed to
whisper in his ear and caress his face with its long,
delicate hands. As he stood paralyzed in horror,
the thing turned its face to the mirror and smiled at
him; and then it drew his own shadow around it
like a cloak and disappeared.
The Man Who Sold His Shadow, from Twelve
Tales of the Macabre, Jean Lafolie
Demon, succubus [Monster Manual]
Demon, succubus [Monster Manual] Demon, succubus [Monster Manual]
Demon, succubus [Monster Manual]
Demon, Succubus: Elsepeth, the soul collector.
"With her flesh Zhanna tempted me, but being
sworn to Ezra, I was unmoved. With riches she
tempted me, but Ezra provides all I need, so I
swayed not. With the successes of others she
tempted me, but as only Ezra may decide a man's
station in life, I did not quaver. With mockery she
derided my silent stillness as indolence, but busy
in prayer I faltered not. With invective she sought
to raise my ire, but as Ezra is my center of calm, I
did not lash out in reply. And, desperate to reach
me in some way, she lauded my virtue and praised
me as the greatest of all of Ezra's faithful, but in
Ezra's service I had shed my prideful ways and
remained still in my circle of protection.
"The life seemed then to flee her as she dropped
her seeming and fell to her knees. Her wings,
hidden since our first encounter, drooped even as
her shoulders did, and she threw up a pitieous cry
to the heavens. Weeping freely, she recanted her
very existence, swearing to undo all of her
momentous evil if Ezra would but take her into
Her arms. As her breast heaved in sobbing and she
made to tear her clothes, I felt such great pity for
so lowly a creature. I stepped forward and caught
her hands, offering Ezra's forgiveness and succor.
As she smiled, sweet but sad, and drew me into
her embrace, I chanced to look back at the circle,
only then realizing I'd fallen for the oldest trick in
the book."
--- From The Nature of Evil: Demonic Entities in
Our Land Today
(This is quite loosely based on the scene from
Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles" where Jack
Frost encounters the King Of All Tears, which
starts on page 159 of the trade paperback "Entropy
In The UK", with temptations of the seven deadly
sins in the place of KOAT's illusions. Originally
done to fit Drigor, but modified as John Mangrum
rightfully pointed out that it didn't quite fit; I didn't
realize that 3rd Ed shator were different from 2nd
Ed shator. I chose not to use Elsepeth as the
succubi as I didn't want to get into how the writer
would be able to escape one of Elspeth's dolls...)
Demonwracked creature
Demonwracked creatureDemonwracked creature
Demonwracked creature
[Circle of
[Circle of [Circle of
[Circle of
Darkness] Darkness]
JWM: “In the Abyss, nalfeshnees are the lords of
woe. They judge the spirits brought before them
and feed on the hatred and despair. Through
arcane rituals and the power of the Abyss, they
transform the husks of the damned into lesser
fiends to fuel the Blood Wars.
“In the Demiplane of Dread, nalfeshnees’ ties to
the Abyss are severed; they cannot summon
demonic aid to their side, nor can they complete
the proper rituals to transform the damned.
However, should a nalfeshnee come into
possession of a talisman of great power and evil,
such as a cursed major artifact, it can tap into that
power to warp the flesh of its victims, partially
transforming them into demonlike wretches. These
demonwracked creatures do not possess all of the
powers of true fiends, but they are able to replicate
most of their models’ extraordinary abilities.
“Combat: To create a demonwracked creature, a
nalfeshnee must seize a living humanoid,
monstrous humanoid, or giant, requiring a
successful grapple check. Once the victim is in its
clutches, the nalfeshnee expends one of its
summon attempts for the day to pour wrenching,
evil energies through the mortal’s flesh. The
victim must succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save or
be transformed in both body and soul. The save
DC is Charisma-based. If the subject has a lawful
alignment, she gains a +1 circumstance bonus on
her saving throw; if she is good, she gains a +2
circumstance bonus. If the subject is chaotic, she
suffers a –1 circumstance penalty, and a –2
penalty if she is evil. If the subject is Innocent, she
gains an additional +2 sacred bonus to her save.
These modifiers all stack with each other (thus, a
lawful good Innocent gains a total +5 bonus to
resist the transformation).
“Once transformed, the subject’s type permanently
changes to monstrous humanoid. To be
transformed into a given type of demonwracked
creature, a victim must have at least as many Hit
Dice as the type of demon it is modeled after.
Demonwracked creatures retain none of their
former abilities and only dim fragments of their
former identities. Only a wish or miracle can
restore the victim. Demonwracked creatures
fearfully serve the demon that created them until
“Although no records exist of it yet occurring,
other types of fiends (such as powerful devils or
yugoloths) may also be able to create equivalent
(devilwracked) creatures using the same
“Demonwracked Traits: Most demonwracked
creatures possess the following traits (unless
otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
Damage reduction 5/cold iron or good.
Immune to poison.
Resistance to acid 5, cold 5, electricity 10, and
fire 5.
Although demonwracked creatures seldom speak,
they still understand the languages they knew
before their transformation.”
Just haul out a copy of Circle of Darkness for
Demonwracked creature, apeman [Circle
Demonwracked creature, apeman [Circle Demonwracked creature, apeman [Circle
Demonwracked creature, apeman [Circle
of Darkness]
of Darkness] of Darkness]
of Darkness]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about apemen. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This orangutan-like creature is an apeman, a
variety of demonwracked creature. This result
reveals all monstrous humanoid traits and the evil
21 An apeman is a mortal permanently
transformed into the image of a lesser demon
called a bar-lgura. This result reveals all
demonwracked traits.
26 An apeman is physically powerful and nimble.
It pounces on foes and rips at them with its claws
and teeth.
31 An apeman can change the coloration of its
skin at will, like a chameleon, making it easy to
"As I tried to find shelter in Zhukar, I noticed a
hideous shape leap over the city wall. It landed
only a few dozen feet from me, leaning on its
mighty forearms. I only caught a glimpse of its
dagger-like claws and fangs before it shambled off
on some errand--undoubtedly in the service of
either Petrovna or the demon-thing I fled."
--Life Under the Devourer, by Olvoro Vladinov
J W Mangrum :
Apeman (Demonwracked Bar-Lgura)
Usually CE Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Evil)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +2, Spot +2
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+10
Attack: Claw +10 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +10 melee (1d6+4) and bite +5
melee (1d6+2)
Special Attacks: Pounce
Hit Dice: 6d8+18 Hit Points: 45 hp)
Armor Class: 22 (+4 Dex, +8 natural) touch 14,
flat-footed 18
Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron or good
Immune: Poison
Resist: Acid 5, cold 5, electricity 10, fire 5
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +7
Defense Options: Dodge, Mobility
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 14,
Cha 12
Skills: Balance +7, Climb +7, Hide +13, Jump +23,
Move Silently +6, Sense Motive +2, Tumble +9
Languages: See text
Outcast Rating: 9 (+1 size, +3 appearance, +3
reputation, +1 beyond the pale, +1 unnatural
Feats: Dodge, Mobility
Environment: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3–11)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: 7–12 HD (Medium); 13–18 HD
Level Adjustment: —
Apemen are the demonwracked equivalent of
bar-lguras (also known as leaping demons). They
resemble lumbering, fiendish orangutans.
Demons typically create apemen to serve as
scouts and skirmishers. When apemen are
created in groups, they prefer to operate together
in small packs. Unlike true bar-lguras, apemen are
not particularly cunning opponents, preferring to
simply launch themselves at opponents and tear
them limb from limb.
Standing 5 to 6 feet tall and weighing about 300
pounds, an apeman is covered in reddish-brown
hair, but it can change color. Its face is apelike,
with gray skin and wicked fangs. Its barrel-chested
body and thick limbs are powerful, with the latter
ending in cruel talons. Apemen usually walk on all
fours, but they are capable of walking upright
with a shambling gate. Unlike true bar-lguras,
apemen never wield weapons or don armor.
Apemen enjoy setting ambushes and attacking
foes with surprise. They leap into combat and
throttle opponents with their powerful limbs. If
they outnumber their foes, some apemen grapple
and hold the enemy while the others tear at them
with powerful claws.
Pounce (Ex): If an apeman charges, it can make a
full attack even though it has moved.
Skills: An apeman can change the color of its skin
at will, allowing it to blend with its surroundings
like a chameleon and conferring a +4 racial bonus
on Hide checks. An apeman receives a +10 racial
bonus on Jump checks. An apeman’s jumping
distance is not limited by its height.
Demonwracked creature, bloated [Circle
Demonwracked creature, bloated [Circle Demonwracked creature, bloated [Circle
Demonwracked creature, bloated [Circle
of Darkne
of Darkneof Darkne
of Darkness]
ss] ss]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about bloated. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This squat, distended humanoid is a bloated, a
kind of demonwracked creature. This result
reveals all monstrous humanoid traits and the evil
17 A bloated is a mortal permanently transformed
into the image of a lesser demon called a dretch.
This result reveals all demonwracked traits.
22 Once per day, a bloated can belch forth a
noxious cloud of vapor that acts as a stinking
"'They came upon the village just a few days after
you left us,' Tvoshe told me. 'There were a dozen
of them, things out of the Dark Wastes. Four of
them were blasphemously overweight, bloated
things that wobbled towards us. The stench of
rotted food was overwhelming . . . '"
--Life Under the Devourer, by Olvoro Vladinov
J W Mangrum:
Bloated (Demonwracked Dretch)
Usually CE Small Monstrous Humanoid (Evil)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +1, Spot +1
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/–1
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d6+1)
 Stone +2 ranged (1d4+1)
Full Attack: 2 claws +4 melee (1d6+1) and bite +2
melee (1d3)
Special Attacks: Foul belch
Hit Dice: 2d8+4 Hit Points: 13
Armor Class: 16 (+1 size, +5 natural), touch 11,
flat-footed 16
Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron or good
Immune: Poison
Resist: Acid 5, cold 5, electricity 10, fire 5
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha
Skills: Hide +5, Move Silently +2, Sense Motive +0
Languages: See text
Outcast Rating: 8 (+3 appearance, +3 reputation,
+1 beyond the pale, +1 unnatural powers)
Feats: Multiattack
Environment: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (3–5), crowd (6–
15), or mob (10–40)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Advancement: 3–6 HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: —
The bloated are bulbous wretches warped to
resemble dretches. They are short, squat, and
rubbery, with swollen torsos and gangly limbs.
Their slack, slobbering mouths are lined with
small fangs.
A bloated stands 4 feet tall and weighs about 60
The bloated are petty and vicious creatures that
often work together to overpower larger foes.
They usually initiate combat by pelting their foes
with stones from a distance. If forced into melee,
a bloated typically emits a foul belch to weaken
the opposition before attacking with its claws and
Foul Belch (Ex): Once per day, as a standard
action, a bloated can belch forth a noxious cloud
of vapor with the effects of a stinking cloud
(caster level 2nd, Fortitude DC 13), centered on
itself. The save DC is Constitution based. Bloated
are immune to their own stinking clouds and
those of their kind.
Demonwracked creature, impling [Circle
Demonwracked creature, impling [Circle Demonwracked creature, impling [Circle
Demonwracked creature, impling [Circle
of Darkness]
of Darkness] of Darkness]
of Darkness]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about implings. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
11 This stunted, bloated humanoid is an impling, a
kind of demonwracked creature. This result
reveals all monstrous humanoid traits and the evil
16 An impling is a mortal permanently
transformed into the image of a lesser demon
called a mane. This result reveals all
demonwracked traits.
21 An impling is a nearly mindless creature that
attack foes with no regard for their own safety.
When an impling dies, it dissolves into a cloud of
acidic vapor.
"'The other eight were less of an offense to the
Devourer--indeed, they looked like those who had
begun the holy path of sacrifice, with swollen
stomaches and wasted limbs, but then turned to
evil before they had been welcomed into Zhakata's
embrace. They tore at us with wicked claws, and
when Vorik stabbed one of them with his
pitchfork, it burst into a cloud that ate through
both the tool and him!' Tvoshe shuddered at the
--Life Under the Devourer, by Olvoro Vladinov
J W Mangrum:
Impling (Demonwracked Mane)
Usually CE Small Monstrous Humanoid (Evil)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Listen –4, Spot –4
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/–3
Attack: Claw +2 melee (1d3)
Full Attack: 2 claws +2 melee (1d3) and bite +0
melee (1d4)
Special Attacks: Acidic cloud
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Armor Class: 14 (+1 size, +3 natural), touch 11,
flat-footed 14
Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron or good
Immune: Poison
Resist: Acid 5, cold 5, electricity 10, fire 5
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will –2
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 3, Cha
Skills: Climb +2, Jump +2, Sense Motive –4
Languages: See text
Outcast Rating: 8 (+3 appearance, +3 reputation,
+1 beyond the pale, +1 unnatural powers)
Feats: Multiattack
Environment: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, swarm (6–15), or horde
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: None
Advancement: 2–6 HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: —
These horrid, twisted midgets resemble manes.
Their bloated bellies, spindly arms and diseased
flesh make them truly repugnant, and they
possess cruel fangs and claws.
Implings cannot speak but understand simple
orders given by their master.
An impling stands 3 feet tall and weighs about 50
Like the manes they resemble, implings are nearly
mindless yet instinctually cruel. They gang up to
throw themselves at foes with no regard for their
own safety.
Acidic Cloud (Ex): When an impling dies, it
dissolves into a cloud of noxious vapor. Anyone
within 10 feet of the slain impling who fails a DC
20 Reflex save takes 1d6 points of acid damage.
The save DC is Constitution-based, with a +10
racial bonus.
Demonwracked creature, rejected [Circle
Demonwracked creature, rejected [Circle Demonwracked creature, rejected [Circle
Demonwracked creature, rejected [Circle
of Darkness]
of Darkness] of Darkness]
of Darkness]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about rejected. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This oozing, misshapen wretch is a rejected, a
kind of demonwracked creature. This result
reveals all monstrous humanoid traits and the evil
21 A rejected is a mortal permanently transformed
into the image of a lesser demon. In this case,
however, the process seems to have failed, and this
monster resembles no known fiend. This result
reveals all demonwracked traits.
24 The stingers on a rejected’s tail deliver a
paralytic poison.
"After it crushed Yart, it turned its gaze on the
mongrelmen, reshaping them by its malefic will
into even more loathsome thing. The one closest to
me did not even flinch oozing sores burst out on
his flesh. Strange growths, like stunted wings,
emerged from his back, and a long thin tail
sprouted from his behind.
"It was at that point that I decided that even if this
was the Provider, I had no interest in his gifts . . . "
--Life Under the Devourer, by Olvoro Vladinov
J W Mangrum:
Usually CE Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Evil)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 40 ft. (clumsy)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +1, Spot +1
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+6
Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d4+2)
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d4+2) and tail sting +4
melee (1d6+1 plus poison)
Special Attacks: Poison
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 Hit Points: 22
Armor Class: 18 (+8 natural) touch 10, flat-footed
Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron or good
Immune: Poison
Resist: Acid 5, cold 5, electricity 10, fire 5
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5
Defense Options: Diehard
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12,
Cha 8
Skills: Climb +9, Sense Motive +1, Swim +9
Languages: See text
Outcast Rating: 9 (+1 size, +3 appearance, +3
reputation, +1 beyond the pale, +1 unnatural
Feats: Diehard, Multiattack
Environment: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Advancement: 5–9 HD (Medium); 10–16 HD
Level Adjustment: —
These awful demonwracked creatures do not
resemble any known fiend. None can say whether
nalfeshnees create the rejected on purpose or
whether they represent some flaw or failure in
the process. A rejected is vaguely humanoid, but
has pale, oozing flesh, a horrid stench, and skin
puckered by weeping sores. Great folds of flesh
sprout from its back, resembling a rotting cloaker
or manta ray. A rejected can spread these fleshy
flaps wide to fly. A rejected’s unspeakably
distorted face surrounds a drooling maw lined
with sharp teeth.
A rejected stands 6 feet tall and weighs about 200
The rejected swoop down from the sky to bite
their foes and lash out with their stingray-like
tails. They fight with no regard for their own
safety. Indeed, they seem to fight to the death in
the hopes of achieving its sweet release.
Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 13, initial damage
paralysis 1d4+1 rounds, secondary damage none.
The save DC is Constitution-based.
Demonwracked creature, shapeless
Demonwracked creature, shapeless Demonwracked creature, shapeless
Demonwracked creature, shapeless
[Circle of Darkness]
[Circle of Darkness] [Circle of Darkness]
[Circle of Darkness]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about shapeless. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This malformed humanoid with malleable flesh
is a shapeless, a kind of demonwracked creature
This result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits
and the evil subtype.
20 A shapeless is a mortal permanently
transformed into the image of a lesser demon
called a rutterkin. This result reveals all
demonwracked traits.
25 A shapeless can wield weapons or slash at foes
with its claws. A shapeless secretes a fear-
inducing contact poison through its skin, which
affects any creature that touches the shapeless or is
struck by its claws.
30 A shapeless can use telekinesis three times per
day as a spell-like ability.
"One of the most pathetic mongrelmen, a pitiable
creature called Petchko, had the courage to
challenge the unleashed monster. Its gaze turned
upon him, and he fell into a trance and began to
change like all the others. His features softened as
though his flesh had turned to clay, and his skull
began to acquire a strangely pointed shape."
--Life Under the Devourer, by Olvoro Vladinov
J W Mangrum:
Shapeless (Demonwracked Rutterkin)
Usually CE Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Evil)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +4, Spot +4
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+7
Attack:  Double axe +7 melee (1d8+2/3)
 Claw +7 melee (1d6+2)
Full Attack:  Double axe +5 melee (1d8+2/3)
and double axe +5 melee (1d8+1/3)
 2 claws +7 melee (1d6+2)
Special Attacks: Fear toxin, telekinesis
Hit Dice: 5d8+10 Hit Points: 32
Armor Class: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural) touch 12,
flat-footed 16
Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron or good
Immune: Poison
Resist: Acid 5, cold 5, electricity 10, fire 5
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha
Skills: Climb +3, Jump +4, Move Silently +4, Sense
Motive +1, Tumble +3
Languages: See text
Outcast Rating: 8 (+1 size, +3 appearance, +3
reputation, +1 unnatural powers)
Feats: Alertness, Two-Weapon Fighting
Environment: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or gang (3–10)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Advancement: 6–10 HD (Medium); 11–15 HD
Level Adjustment: —
These malformed creatures resemble rutterkin,
taking the form of oddly misshapen humans with
pointed skulls, distorted features, and claylike
flesh. Their limbs are malformed, and they move
with ungainly, staggering steps.
A shapeless demonwracked creature stands 5 to 7
feet tall and weighs about 200–300 pounds.
Shapeless retain enough of their minds to wield
weapons, preferring heavy, axes or scythes with
which they can butcher their foes. They
occasionally wear armor, when it is available and
their forms are not so malformed as to keep it
from fitting them.
Fear Toxin (Ex): Shapeless excrete a poison
through their skin that affects any opponents hit
by their claw attacks or that grapple with them.
Contact, Fortitude DC 14, initial damage panicked
for 2d4 rounds, secondary damage none.
Telekinesis (Sp): A shapeless can use telekinesis
3/day. DC 15 Will save negates; caster level 6th.
Originally posted by Eric Cagle
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about devils. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (The Planes)
DC Result
15 Devils are outsiders from the Nine Hells of
Baator, a lawful evil realm, and many of them
belong to a special race known as baatezu.
Baatezu are immune to fire and poison, resistant to
acid and cold, can see in darkness of any kind, can
summon others of their kind, and possess
telepathy. They enjoy bullying and causing untold
misery in mortal beings.
20 Devils are the eternal foes of demons. The two
races have been engaged in an eternal conflict
known as the Blood War. In most cases, devils
speak Infernal, Celestial, and Draconic.
25 Devils have a rigid caste system in which
authority derives not only from power but also
from station. They extend their power by
corrupting mortals -- those who are successful
receive elevated status.
JWM: Fiends in General: Most of the fiends listed
here are represented in Ravenloft by a single
known individual. Feel free to incorporate these
Devils are fiends from lawful evil-aligned planes.
Many devils are surrounded by a fear aura, which they
use to break up powerful groups and defeat opponents
piecemeal. Devils with spell-like abilities use their
illusion abilities to delude and confuse foes as much as
possible. A favorite trick is to create illusory
reinforcements; enemies can never be entirely sure if a
threat is only a figment or real summoned devils joining
the fray.
Devil, bearded (barb
Devil, bearded (barbDevil, bearded (barb
Devil, bearded (barbazu) [Monster
azu) [Monster azu) [Monster
azu) [Monster
Manual] Manual]
CR5 Originally posted by Eric Cagle
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about bearded devils. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (The Planes)
DC Result
16 Bearded devils, also known as barbazu, serve
as shock troops in hell's armies. This reveals all
outsider and baatezu traits.
21 Bearded devils carry fearsome glaives that
cause wounds that do not heal normally. A
bearded devil's natural weapons as well as any
weapons it wields are treated as evil-aligned and
lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming
damage reduction. They have damage reduction
5/silver or good.
26 Bearded devils can work themselves into a
frenzy, similar to a barbarian's rage. Once per day,
they can attempt to summon several lemures or
another bearded devil.
31 Bearded devils can cast greater teleport at will.
A victim struck by a bearded devil's beard may
contract a horrible disease known as devil chills --
this causes Strength damage.
Devil, Bearded: One entered Ravenloft with the
styx devil during the Grand Conjunction and
posed as a mortal in Chateaufaux.
There is no house among the Dukes of Hell who
have not their own guards and sentinels, of whom
the great majority are great bearded devils,
anthropomorphous, though with a long tail, clawed
on both hands and feet; their beards are a great
source of pride to such, and a devil of this sort
bathes its beard in the ichor of those they have
slain in combat to work them into fantastical
shapes and great matted tangles; a long beard
soaked with the blood of many enemies is a mark
of status among them, and to be shaved is their
great fear, far more than of death.
From Five Visions of Hell, attributed to Yakov
Devil, chain (kyton) [Monster Manual]
Devil, chain (kyton) [Monster Manual] Devil, chain (kyton) [Monster Manual]
Devil, chain (kyton) [Monster Manual]
Originally posted by Eric Cagle
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about chain devils. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (The Planes)
DC Result
18 Chain devils are chain-shrouded beings, often
mistaken for undead. This reveals all outsider and
baatezu traits.
23 They have damage reduction 5/silver or good,
are immune to cold, can regenerate, and lack many
of the abilities normally associated with devils. A
chain devil's natural weapons as well as any
weapons it wields are treated as evil-aligned and
lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming
damage reduction.
28 The chains that make up this devil's clothing,
armor, and weapons can be animated to create a
whirling sphere of death and destruction. Chain
devils can climb with alarming speed.
33 A chain devil can alter its face to resemble one
of an opponent's departed loved ones or enemies,
instilling deep woe.
All things are most evident when placed in
immediate contrast with their opposites. The
foolish think that pain is ugly, that it disfigures the
soul; but the wise know the reverse is true. It is
agony that refines, that makes beauty pure and
sweet. The foolish think that chains imprison a
man; the wise know it is not so. Chains make a
man free.
- Reflections, the Marquis de Penible
Devil, erinyes
Devil, erinyes Devil, erinyes
Devil, erinyes [
[Monster Manual
Monster ManualMonster Manual
Monster Manual]
Originally posted by Eric Cagle
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about erinyes. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (The Planes)
DC Result
19 Erinyes are thought to be fallen angels, who
now serve the lords of the Nine Hells as scouts,
servants, and even concubines. Unlike most devils,
erinyes are very comely. This reveals all outsider
and baatezu traits.
24 They have damage reduction 5/good, excellent
spell resistance, and resistance to both acid and
cold. An erinyes' natural weapons as well as any
weapons it wields are treated as evil-aligned and
lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming
damage reduction. Erinyes can use true seeing at
29 Erinyes carry stout ropes that can entangle
opponents as if by an animated rope. Once per
day, they can attempt to summon several lemures
or bearded devils.
34 Erinyes can use the following spell-like
abilities: charm monster, greater teleport, minor
image, and unholy blight.
"Forsaking all others in heaven and earth, I pledge
myself to you, Queen and Angel of the Night.
There is no good other than what pleases you, no
truth other than the words of your sweet lips, no
beauty other than your face and form. I surrender
my soul to the voluptuous darkness of your
"I accept your pledge, my servant, and will keep
you forever under my dominion. I will free you
from the tyranny of virtue, and reveal to you the
glories and delights of Hell."
--Vows from a legendary 'dark wedding' between
an erinyes and a fallen paladin, found in a
fragmentary manuscript in the ruined cathedral in
Devil, Styx (amnizu) [Monster Manual II]
Devil, Styx (amnizu) [Monster Manual II] Devil, Styx (amnizu) [Monster Manual II]
Devil, Styx (amnizu) [Monster Manual II]
Originally posted by Eric Cagle
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about amnizus. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (The Planes)
DC Result
15 Amnizus are short, stocky, winged devils that
serve as trackers and troubleshooters in the hellish
realms. This reveals all outsider and baatezu traits.
20 Amnizus are immune to any effect that affects
their Intelligence. They have good spell resistance
and can regenerate (though they take normal
damage from acid, from holy weapons, and from
attacks that deal holy damage). An aminzu's
natural weapons as well as any weapons it wields
are treated as evil-aligned and lawful-aligned for
the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
25 The touch of an amnizu duplicates the effects
of a feeblemind spell. Once per day, amnizus can
attempt to summon other advespas or another
amnizu with variable levels of success.
35 Amnizus can use the following spell-like
abilities: fireball, major image, and sequester.
Devil, Styx: One entered Ravenloft during the
Grand Conjunction and posed as Henri Melano,
the mayor of Chateaufaux – (Chilling Tales)
“Mayor Melano wasn’t very good for us, no. He
changed the laws so often it was difficult to keep
track of the edict and all the new taxes. But his
Black Watch has been dissolved, and now it’s
much better. What’s really bad is that many people
from the region now have a terrible opinion of our
city. That’s bad for trade, you know… Say what?
Those rumours about him actually being a
monster? Don’t believe them, they are ridiculous. I
saw the mayor often with my own eyes, as I see
you now, and he wasn’t such a thing. Who told
you that? Zazette?”
- Madame Grier’s tale, short after a new mayor
was appointed by the Council. She owns the
Laughing Pig Inn in Chateaufaux
(These NPCs are from Chilling Tales)
Devil, horned (cornugon) [Monster
Devil, horned (cornugon) [Monster Devil, horned (cornugon) [Monster
Devil, horned (cornugon) [Monster
Manual] Manual]
Originally posted by Eric Cagle
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about horned devils. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (The Planes)
DC Result
20 Horned devils serve as the Nine Hells' elite
defense force and are feared by almost every other
devil. This reveals all outsider and baatezu traits.
25 They have damage reduction 10/good and
silver, are immune to fire and poison, are resistant
to acid and cold, have superior spell resistance,
and can regenerate. A horned devil's natural
weapons as well as any weapons it wields are
treated as evil-aligned and lawful-aligned for the
purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
30 Horned devils can produce an aura of fear, as
the spell. The damage dealt by their spiked chains
can stun opponents. In addition, the wounds
caused by the horned devil's tail attack create a
persistent injury that cannot heal naturally and
resists healing spells. Once per day, horned devils
can attempt to summon several lemures, bearded
devils, barbed devils, or a single horned devil,
with variable levels of success.
35 Horned devils can use the following spell-like
abilities: dispel chaos, dispel good, fireball,
lightning bolt, greater teleport, magic circle
against good, and persistent image.
Devil, Horned: The Black Duke, cult leader of the
Brothers of the Whip.
The credo "Might makes right" may be
abominated by lesser religions, such as the
milksop Ezrans or the witches of Hala, but we who
worship that highest god, whose very name it is
death to speak, know that this is merely a cover for
their weakness. The Divinity creates right; could
he possibly allow his servants to falter when they
serve him well?
Commentaries on "The Book of Stone", "Reinhold
The credo "Might makes right" may be
abominated by lesser men, but we who serve
Omnipotence, and see its lash raised among us to
scourge out weakness, know that it is a simple
statement of fact. To allow the weak to rule the
strong is against the order of Nature, set forth from
the hand of Omnipotence. All praise to that Being
which stands among us unseen and whose prowess
guides us in the True Path!
The Secret Scourges of the Brothers of the Whip,
Reinhold Schwartzgraf
Devil, imp, imp [Monster Manual]
Devil, imp, imp [Monster Manual] Devil, imp, imp [Monster Manual]
Devil, imp, imp [Monster Manual]
JWM - Covers the following:
Imp: Monster Manual (under Devil) CR2
Assassin imp: Denizens of Dread (under Imp,
Assassin) CR4
Bloodbag imp, euphoric imp, and filth imp: Fiend
Folio (under Devil, Imp)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about imps. Characters who
recognize an imp can make a Knowledge (arcana)
check to learn more. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (the planes)
DC Result
12 This tiny, batwinged devil is an imp, one of the
weakest of all the fiends native to the Nine Hells.
This result reveals all outsider traits and the evil
subtype. Imps speak Infernal, Celestial, and
17 The poison stinger in an imp’s tail causes
muscle tremors, possibly leading to paralysis. An
imp’s infernal flesh resists most glancing blows,
and it recovers quickly from its wounds, but
weapons that are either blessed or silver can pierce
its defenses. An imp is resistant to fire and
immune to poison. They primarily rely on deceit
and hit-and-run tactics in combat.
22 An imp can assume the form of one or two
lesser creatures, such as a goat, monstrous spider,
raven, or boar. As spell-like abilities, an imp can
detect good, detect magic, and turn itself invisible
at will. It can use suggestion once a day, and can
use commune to ask six questions a week.
27 Many different varieties of imp exist, each with
slightly different abilities and reflecting different
venal sins and petty evils. As a few examples,
assassin imps are skilled at eliminating foes with
carefully planned “accidents.” Bloodbag imps can
curse their foes to bleed freely, but drinking the
imp’s blood has curative properties. Euphoric
imps secrete hallucinogenic slime in their stingers.
Filth imps spread disease and emit a sickening
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
10 Evil mages sometimes recruit imps for use as
their arcane familiars.
14 A spellcaster can conjure any variety of imp
with a summon monster IV spell.
Originally posted by Eric Cagle
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about imps. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (The Planes)
DC Result
15 Imps are craven, obsequious devils that often
serve as familiars to mortal spellcasters. This
reveals all outsider and baatezu traits.
20 They have damage reduction 5/good or silver,
fast healing, immunity to poison, and resistance to
fire. An imp's natural weapons as well as any
weapons it wields are treated as evil-aligned and
lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming
damage reduction.
25 Imps possess stingers filled with poison that
causes Dexterity damage. Imps can assume other
alternate forms, typically that of a monstrous
spider, raven, rat, or boar.
30 Imps can use the following spell-like abilities:
detect good, detect magic, invisibility, and
Devil, imp, assassin imp [Denizens of
Devil, imp, assassin imp [Denizens of Devil, imp, assassin imp [Denizens of
Devil, imp, assassin imp [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
Devil, Imp, Assassin: These guys don’t have any
special ties to the Dark Powers any more; they’re
just another type of “specialized” imp like
bloodbag, euphoric, and filth imps.
Errata: Assassin Imp: Add the Mists subtype.
"Evina gently placed the teapot upon her table,
then walked over to her window, and opened it. A
shadowy blur oozed into the little girl's room,
whereupon a tiny red man appeared, seated at the
""I'm sorry I was late: I was helping Mother bake
bread for the MacIntires. Their house burned down
last night."
""Yes, I know, milady," the imp said. "It's not the
tardiness that troubles me. Your mother is a silly,
foolish woman to give anything to those inbred
savages. Why, wasn't it just yesterday that Billy
MacIntire threw a dirt clod at you, milady?"
""Mother said that all who suffer deserve
kindness, even if they don't deserve it." The imp
broke a cookie in half and poured a little cream.
""I see, milady. Still, I'm not terribly sure if your
mother trusts you."
""Why not?" Evina became flustered, and started
rearranging the flowers in the vase on her dresser.
"She let me boil our tea, and she even gave me the
shears to cut my own flowers so the stems
wouldn't be raggedy."
""Forgive, milady, I know it pains you to hear
anyone speak ill of your mother, as, after all, you
owe your whole existence to her, but, let me
rephrase what I'm trying to say..." It put its cup
and half-eaten cookie down and got up from the
table. "If your mother trusts you, like you say, then
why did she hire strange men, armed to the teeth,
no less, to spy on you in your closet?"
"And with a flourish of its arm, it opened Evina's
closet, revealing Claude's hiding place."
-from the journal of Jerome Delacroix, Mordentish
Devil, imp [Fiend Folio]
Devil, imp [Fiend Folio] Devil, imp [Fiend Folio]
Devil, imp [Fiend Folio]
There are also in that place any number of lesser
devils, among whom I saw a great number of bat-
winged, scorpion-tailed mannikins of the size of a
newborn child, whose employment is to attach
themselves as familiar spirits, either to a greater
devil or to those who fancy themselves masters of
the Arcane Art; these latter they drive to
perversions and abominations, tempting them to
ever-greater abuses of that power which no wise
man takes upon himself.
From Five Visions of Hell, attributed to Yakov
Devil, imp, bloodbag imp [Fiend Folio]
Devil, imp, bloodbag imp [Fiend Folio]Devil, imp, bloodbag imp [Fiend Folio]
Devil, imp, bloodbag imp [Fiend Folio]
"Been to the Gathering, this night. Vladimir took
me to a "special chamber". Inside, a little creature,
like a big bat, and a prisoner. Felt like entering
another world. The creature pointed the finger to
the prisoner, a little girl from the streets. She
seemed in pain. Then Vlad told me to enjoy
myself. Killed her slowly. Wounds kept bleeding.
Bleed and bleed and bleed until she was pale and
dead. The Vlad chained me and started hitting me
with a whip. Then he unchained me and told me to
drink. The creature was in his hand. Like a large
and bloated bat. Could see his entrails. V shown
me how. I did like he did, and bit on the creature.
Hot blood in my mouth. Sweet and tasty. My
wound healed. Little creature was trembling in
ecstasy, like he was mating. I want to taste it
From the personal diary of Vlad Drakov II
Devil, imp, euphoric imp [Fiend Folio]
Devil, imp, euphoric imp [Fiend Folio] Devil, imp, euphoric imp [Fiend Folio]
Devil, imp, euphoric imp [Fiend Folio]
The Hazlani scum managed to get away, and I'm
sorry to say he's managed to do quite a bit
"business" in our neighborhood. We had some of
those he sold to sent to the Celebrents...bloody
hell, one of them was a girl couldn't have been
more than twelve years old. I hope the Divinity
can help them. Still, what really puzzles me is
what he was selling, stuff unlike anything I ever
saw, a sort of greenish slime you inject. No one's
heard of anything like it before, and that
bookworm we asked said something about it being
not quite natural. Still, if we catch word of him in
our territory again, we'll be sure to get him. This is
our home, and we don't tolerate that sort of thing
Journal Wallace Collins, leader of the Allan Street
Boys, Paridon
Devil, imp, filth imp [Fiend Folio]
Devil, imp, filth imp [Fiend Folio] Devil, imp, filth imp [Fiend Folio]
Devil, imp, filth imp [Fiend Folio]
As I study the strange creature captive in the
basement of my villa, I become even more excited
than the time I created the White Pox. As I said,
under its disgusting and viscid appearance, it is a
wonderful concentrate of filth and diseases! I think
I can extract at least five new "children" from its
skin, and maybe more from the tissue of its batlike
wings. It heals really quickly, so I can take even
bigger samples than with every other creature. It
lives on filth, and finding wonderful filth, here, is
not a daunting task.
(note: try to see if a stomach disease can be found
in its entrails, tomorrow)
From the lab notes of Malus Sceleris.
Devil, imp
Devil, impDevil, imp
Devil, imp
: :
: Choleric
Choleric, Me
, Me, Me
, Melancholic,
lancholic, lancholic,
[Dragon 338
Dragon 338Dragon 338
Dragon 338]
Devil, lemure [Monster Manual]
Devil, lemure [Monster Manual] Devil, lemure [Monster Manual]
Devil, lemure [Monster Manual]
I saw also the most wretched of creatures, like
men degenerated into jellies, mired in the most
horrible fear of their masters and loathing of
themselves; they covered the floor of Hell like
maggots on a rotting corpse for many leagues in
all directions. In them I saw the ignominy, the
weakness, the stupidity of all evil actions clearly
from Five Visions of Hell, attributed to Yakov
Devourer [monster manua
Devourer [monster manuaDevourer [monster manua
Devourer [monster manual]
l] l]
CR11; Wasn’t in JWM’s list
See also Dragon #336
Dhampir (half
Dhampir (halfDhampir (half
Dhampir (half-
-vampire) [Denizens of
vampire) [Denizens of vampire) [Denizens of
vampire) [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
Lore incorporates some elements from the half-
vampire in Libris Mortis
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s dhampir heritage.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. The DCs are
unusually high due to the rarity of these creatures.
DC 19: This creature is a dhampir, also known as
a half-vampire, the child of a living mother and a
vampiric father. Although dhampirs inherit some
traits from their undead sires, they are living
creatures. This result reveals all monstrous
humanoid traits and the vampire subtype.
DC 24: Like their vampire sires, dhampirs are
physically and mentally powerful. In addition,
they inherit their father’s ability—and need—to
drain the blood of living creatures. Unlike a
vampire, however, dhampirs are not necessarily
evil, though many are, and they do cast reflections
and shadows.
DC 29: A dhampir can climb vertical surfaces as
easily as a spider and can dominate the weak-
minded simply by looking into their eyes.
Exposure to daylight does not harm a dhampir, but
it does temporarily rob it of its supernatural
powers. A dhampir is physically resilient and their
wounds heal quickly, but weapons that are either
magic or silver can pierce its defenses.
DC 34: A dhampir is resistant to cold, electricity,
and energy drain. It can bend bats, rats, and
wolves to its will. When a dhampir dies, regardless
of the cause of death, it is doomed to rise again as
a vampire several days after burial unless its body
is destroyed as one would destroy a vampire.
The man awaiting me was tall, with regular,
aristocratic features and a commanding air. He
was pale, with dark hair worn longer than is the
custom in our country and piercing gray eyes; his
hand enclosed mine in a grip of iron.
"Arthur Sedgwick, at your service," I introduced
"Tamarlane Gundar," he said, revealing long white
teeth in what I belatedly realized was a friendly
"Gundar!" I said, trying to cover my confusion
with humor. "That is a name to conjure with,
"I assure you, Master Sedgwick, it is mine by
right," he said, frowning.
The Mark of Blood, from The Casebook of Alanik
Ray, Arthur Sedgwick
See also Libris Mortis- half vampire
See also Dragon # 313 (Katane = half-vampire)
Dharculus [Planar Handbook]
s [Planar Handbook] s [Planar Handbook]
s [Planar Handbook]
JWM: Medium Aberration (Extraplanar), CR 9,
neutral. Imagine a graboid from Tremors, except
that instead of burrowing through the earth and
poking its jawed tentacles up from the soil to snag
prey, it lurks in the Near Ethereal, poking its
tentacles through to the Material Plane. Another
ethereal monster in the Lovecraftian “if you can
see it, it can see you” category. Has human-level
intelligence. [Planar Handbook]
“It is not unknown for these ethereal predators to
inadvertently enter the Demiplane of Dread, where
they share the Near Ethereal with spirits of the
restless dead.”
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about dharculuses. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 The eyeless, eelike serpents writhing through
the air are actually the probing tentacles of a
cunning planar predator called a dharculus. This
result reveals all aberration traits.
24 The bulk of a dharculus’ wormlike body exists
on the Ethereal Plane, but it can extend its mawed
tentacles into the Material Plane to seek prey.
While extending its tentacles, a dharculus is partly
ethereal and partly material, so it can be attacked
by foes on either plane. However, since it isn’t
completely on either plane, striking it can prove
tricky. If a dharculus retracts its tentacles from the
Material Plane, it becomes completely ethereal.
29 If a dharculus attaches all six of its jawed
tentacles to a single creature, it presses its massive
central maw just far enough into the Material
Plane to tear chunks of flesh out of its prey. Even
then, the main mass of the dharculus is visible to
material creatures only as a strange thickness in
the air. A dharculus is resistant to magic.
...little Toby has grown quite impossible to
manage in the last few months, claiming to see
things in the house and so forth. Only last week he
broke a good mirror because he said it showed
"snakes" in it; he now refuses to look into any
mirror in the house, and has taken even to
avoiding the windows, so that the "snakes" will
not see his reflection, burst through the glass, and
eat him! I pointed out that we look in mirrors
often, and remain uneaten; to which he only
replied that, as we couldn't see them, naturally
they couldn't see us! I am quite convinced he is
merely indulging in these fits to get attention, and
I have arranged for him to visit Dr. Heinfroth's
asylum for a time for observation; he charges
fearfully high rates, but nothing is too good for our
letter from Sophie Ste. Claire to her sister, Port-a-
Lucine, Dementlieu, October 759
Dire Animals
Dire AnimalsDire Animals
Dire Animals
[Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual][Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual]
JWM: So many are included because they’re not
just useful as standalone creatures; they’re also
handy as base animals for lycanthropes and
numerous other templates, not mention as minions
for more fearsome monsters. In Ravenloft, dire
animals are just massive, feral versions of their
normal kin; although they may look “prehistoric,”
they usually don’t have the obvious random armor
plating and horns D&D sticks on. Also, a dire
animal isn’t necessarily a separate species from its
normal cousins. Deep in untamed wildernesses,
where humanoids have no power, the creatures of
nature may simply grow large and fierce, unbound
by the limits of civilization.
Dire ape [Monster Manual]
Dire ape [Monster Manual] Dire ape [Monster Manual]
Dire ape [Monster Manual]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about dire animals. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This massive gorilla is a dire ape. This result
reveals all animal traits.
18 A dire ape is incredibly strong and can literally
tear its foes limb from limb.
“You humans think you are powerful because you
have steel swords and steel skins and guns; but it
is the steel and the firepowder that are powerful,
and not you. Without them…” Here the great ape
paused its prowl and took Macdougal by the arm,
lifting him into the air and dashing him to the
ground, where he lay like a broken doll.
“That is the lesson you will learn here,” it said,
turning its all-too-human gaze over us again.
“Here it is the strength of sinew and tooth and
claw that counts, and you have none.”
In the Wildlands, Captain John Smith
Dire badger [Monster Manual]
e badger [Monster Manual] e badger [Monster Manual]
e badger [Monster Manual]
DC Result
12 This squat, striped mammal is a dire badger. It
is a vicious beast that does not tolerate the
intrusions of other creatures. This result reveals all
animal traits.
17 A dire badger can burrow through soft earth,
and often flies into a berserk rage while fighting
I was in Sithicus at the time, before the Night of
the Screaming Shadows. Gods, that was a rough
time. Stopped at a tavern for a pint, then headed
off to the Valachani border.
Saw the damnedest thing, huge, great hairy
beastie, chewing on this man's corpse. Being the
hardened adventurer I am, I tried to chase it off,
but it raised it's head and, blow me! If t'weren't a
great badger of some kind!
Now, I know badgers can be vicious if roused, so I
took my leave and walked away. Heck, I even
ignored the tooth-covered cart that the poor man
must've been driving.
Damnedest thing I ever saw.
- Tharod Ironflint, Darkonese Adventurer.
Dire barracuda [Stormwrack]
Dire barracuda [Stormwrack] Dire barracuda [Stormwrack]
Dire barracuda [Stormwrack]
DC Result
14 This streamlined fish is a dire barracuda, a
quick and aggressive predator. This result reveals
all animal traits and the aquatic subtype.
19 A dire barracuda attacks using its deadly bite,
and can flash through the water with startling
speed when it charges.
6.13.738 Hve bn fishing to + stores of food. Cont.
difficulties w/finding line for task. Perford brought
line w/whch claims t.hve caught sharks, but when
put out w/bait (lst of beef, too gone w/wrms fr
eating), line cut thr. as if w/knife. Whtevr is done
there has teeth.
Ship's log of the Stormrake, Captain Elias
Blackburn, recovered from Saragoss in 749
Dire bat [Monster Manual]
Dire bat [Monster Manual] Dire bat [Monster Manual]
Dire bat [Monster Manual]
12 This leathery creature is a dire bat. Dire bats
are easily excited, and usually attack any creatures
they encounter. This result reveals all animal
17 Dire bats use echolocation to sense their
surroundings. If deafened, they must rely on their
weak vision instead.
As it skittered across the courtyard I thought it a
deformed child—perhaps an unfortunate like the
footless beggar we had seen at the city gate. Only
when it spread two wings which seemed in the
moonlight like ship’s sails did I realize what it
“The horses,” Djembala said, and we hurried to
where we had stabled them. My own stallion
Rajah lay there, his blood black in the pale light
where the demon-bat had bit him. He died before
dawn, his head in my lap.
Anecdotes, Rashim Tagreb
Dire bear [Monster Manual]
Dire bear [Monster Manual] Dire bear [Monster Manual]
Dire bear [Monster Manual]
17 This house-sized ursine is a dire bear. It is an
omnivore that is usually content to ignore
creatures that avoid it, but it will fearlessly defend
its kills and its young. This result reveals all
animal traits.
22 A dire bear can snatch up foes with its lethal
“You see here the drawings of the First Men, our
ancestors,” our guide said, gesturing with his torch
toward the cavern wall. “See, here is the Bear
Totem.” I gasped involuntarily; although crude,
the massive figure, depicted surrounded by a ring
of dwarfish man-figures with spears, had a
terrifying rude power, far more striking than a
natural philosopher’s labeled illustration in a
Darkonese bestiary.
“Sometimes he is still seen in the high peaks,” he
continued. “Some worship him still.”
Adventures of a Wanderer , Larraby Quift
Dire boar [Monster Manual]
Dire boar [Monster Manual] Dire boar [Monster Manual]
Dire boar [Monster Manual]
14 This hulking swine is a dire boar. It is an ill-
tempered omnivore that attacks anything that gets
near it. This result reveals all animal traits.
19 A dire boar is an incredibly fierce combatant,
continuing to fight long after other creatures
would pass out from their wounds.
My delectable Elf lass, a shortspear is a fine
weapon for sticking pigs, but show a little care for
your flesh and take, if not a longspear, then at least
a proper spear, for we are to hunt Grandfather
Boar himself.
-Harkon Lukas
Dire eagle [Races of Stone]
ire eagle [Races of Stone] ire eagle [Races of Stone]
ire eagle [Races of Stone]
13 This powerful raptor is a dire eagle. This result
reveals all animal traits.
18 Like smaller eagles, these creatures prefer to
dive at their prey from above. A dire eagle has
extremely sharp vision.
I dashed into the clearing at the foot of the cliff
and clambered up it, expecting at any moment to
feel the teeth of a wolf on my legs; reaching a
ledge some twenty feet above the ground I looked
back at my pursuers. They had stayed at the
timberline, where they paced back and forth
nervously, and after a moment they faded away
into the forest.
At first I congratulated myself on my good
fortune; then it occurred to me to wonder what
might be the cause of it. Looking downward and to
my right I saw a veritable charnel house of bones,
stark and white in the afternoon sunlight; looking
upward, I saw the nest—a mess of branches some
thirty feet across projecting slightly from the cliff
face, perhaps fifty feet above me. Looking back
down to the bones, I caught the eye of a human
skull. It seemed I might have “escaped wolves,
only to be eaten by eagles”, just as in the famous
Adventures of a Wanderer, Larraby Quift
Dire eel [Stormwrack]
Dire eel [Stormwrack] Dire eel [Stormwrack]
Dire eel [Stormwrack]
13 This serpentine fish is a dire eel. This result
reveals all animal traits and the aquatic subtype.
18 Dire eels usually lurk out of view in coral reefs,
where they dart out to clamp their powerful jaws
around passing prey.
5.1.738 Visit frm 2 wndring slimerakes, offered
var. goods incl. muckboots (for wlking on sea-
slime), hrbs claimd to be med., also sewing
needles fr sails, clothes. These dserv some mntion;
length of a finger, shrper than our stl needles.
Sppsdly made from eel's teeth. Eels mst be imprsv
Ship's log of the Stormrake, Captain Elias
Blackburn, recovered from Saragoss in 749
Dire elephant [Monster Manual II]
Dire elephant [Monster Manual II]Dire elephant [Monster Manual II]
Dire elephant [Monster Manual II]
DC Result
20 This walking mountain is a dire elephant. It is
an herbivore, but also moody and somewhat
unpredicatable. This result reveals all animal traits.
25 A dire elephant attacks by smashing foes with
its trunk or trampling creatures — even entire
caravan wagons — under its massive feet.
However, these elephants can sometimes be
trained for use as beasts of burden.
“In this place you shall be judged neither by man
nor by man’s justice, but by the Law of the Jungle!
Now abase yourself, for you come into the
presence of your judges.”
I was hurled forward, falling to my knees; raising
my head, I saw so fearful a sight that it might
shake the heart of any man. I knelt before three
great oliphaunts, greatest of all jungle beasts. If
one can imagine a bull twice the height and ten
times the bulk of the largest of cattle, but with
tusks jutting downward from the upper lip rather
than horns, and a snout longer than a man is tall,
snaky and sinuous with muscle yet able to pick up
a blade of grass with its tip, one has some idea of
their nature; but no word can convey the awful
majesty of their presence.
In the Wildlands, Captain John Smith
Dire elk [Monster Manual II]
Dire elk [Monster Manual II] Dire elk [Monster Manual II]
Dire elk [Monster Manual II]
DC Result
14 This towering beast with the broad antlers is a
dire elk. Dire elks are herbivores, but aggressively
defend their young. This result reveals all animal
19 A dire elk will attempt to frighten away foes
before attacking. Once battle begins, the elk
attacks by trampling opponents into the ground.
Even the deer of the high peaks are frightening—
not so much because of their aggressive nature, or
animosity to man, but because they too are sized
beyond the human scale. The wapiti, or forest elk,
grow there to be taller than the tallest man at the
shoulder, and their belling on an autumn morning
is like the sounding of the deep war horns of
Darkon; it makes the very earth to tremble.
Adventures of a Wanderer, Larraby Quift
Dire Dire
Dire fox
fox, sliverfox
fox, sliverfoxfox, sliverfox
fox, sliverfox
Dire hawk [
Dire hawk [Dire hawk [
Dire hawk [Monster Manual II, Races of
Monster Manual II, Races of Monster Manual II, Races of
Monster Manual II, Races of
the Wild]
the Wild] the Wild]
the Wild]
Dire Animals (H-M)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about dire animals. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Dire Hawk (MM II, Races of the Wild)
DC Result
12 This fearsome raptor is a dire hawk. This result
reveals all animal traits.
17 Dire hawks swoop down from high altitudes,
snatching up smaller prey and carrying them away
to feed upon. Although difficult, a dire hawk can
be trained for use as an animal companion.
It killed two of us falconers and blinded another,
but that hardly meant anything to the Kingfuhrer.
It was only when it broke from its jesses and killed
twenty or more raptors--gyrfalcons, eagles, even
bloodhawks going down before it like so many
chickens before a hawk--that he could be
persuaded to have it removed from the mews.
Even then he simply had it released. Ezra send it
has not learned a taste for human flesh.
Master falconer Tobin Schwartzkopf
Dire hippopotamus [Sandstorm]
Dire hippopotamus [Sandstorm] Dire hippopotamus [Sandstorm]
Dire hippopotamus [Sandstorm]
24 This hulking creature is a dire hippopotamus,
also known as a water horse. Its is an herbivore,
but does not hesitate to kill any creature that
threatens or startles it. This result reveals all
animal traits.
29 Although not particularly stealthy, a dire
hippopotus can remain underwater for exteneded
periods, and often rests quietly in murky water
with just the top of its head visible above the
This beast, whom they call “River-horse”, is a
great menace to all who go upon the waters, as he
is enraged by any incursion into his demesne and
will come up beneath the boat to capsize it;
because of his great bulk only the largest boats are
immune from his attentions. Those unfortunates
thereby forced to swim he savages with his great
tusks. For all his ferocity he eats no more meat
than the cattle, yet he causes more death than any
other creature of those parts.
From Harrald’s Bestiary
Dire horse [Monster Manual II]
Dire horse [Monster Manual II] Dire horse [Monster Manual II]
Dire horse [Monster Manual II]
DC Result
14 This powerfully-built equine is a dire horse. It
is an aggressive herbivore that prefers to be left
alone. This result reveals all animal traits.
19 When forced to fight, dire horses trample their
foes with their hooves. They can be trained to
accept a rider.
Old Rivtoff tells me that he has something which I
will have to see to believe; he claims that one of
his sons has brought back a horse twenty-four
hands at the shoulder from the deep plains, and he
is busy making plans to breed it to his mare
Szeytla. If he is not exaggerating, and if the mare
lives, it will be a notable steed indeed.
Journal of Tristen Hiregaard
Dire jackal [Sandstorm]
Dire jackal [Sandstorm] Dire jackal [Sandstorm]
Dire jackal [Sandstorm]
DC Result
12 This huge canine is a dire jackal. Unlike its
lesser kin, it is a fearless hunter. This result reveals
all animal traits.
17 Dire jackals hunt alone or in mated pairs,
dragging their prey to the ground before killing
“Merciful Ezra!” I swore, jerking backward. The
thing was the size of a wolf—a big wolf.
“Selective breeding,” the old tinker said, with a
malicious grin. “I aim to improve the stock.
Progress, always progress, isn’t that right?” This
with a conspiratorial wink at the enormous jackal
at the edge of the circle of light made by our fire.
“And progress never comes without clearing away
the old; which makes it an ideal by-word for those
who feed upon the dead.”
Farelle, Reginald St. Jacques
Dire lion [Monster Manual]
Dire lion [Monster Manual] Dire lion [Monster Manual]
Dire lion [Monster Manual]
15 This tawny cat is a dire lion, a predator the size
of a horse. This result reveals all animal traits.
20 A dire lion pounces on its prey, and a pride of
dire lions will not be afraid to attack creatures
larger than themselves.
If it had been only been the size of the beast, I
would not have faltered (though to see it pace,
high at the shoulder as a horse, was an awful
thing). It was the gravitas of it—the clear bold
eyes, the grace (nothing diminished, for all its
massive frame), the mane like a crown—that
stayed my hand. “Well is it called the King of
beasts,” I whispered.
At this (though it was a hundred yards away) it
turned toward me and growled, in human speech,
“I am not king here.” And suddenly it was gone in
the tall grass, leaving us to wonder at what we had
seen and heard.
This was our first encounter in the Wildlands; if I
had been a wiser man, it would have been our last.
In the Wildlands, Captain John Smith
Dire maggot [Libris Mortis]
Dire maggot [Libris Mortis] Dire maggot [Libris Mortis]
Dire maggot [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about dire
maggots. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
12 This repulsive grub is a dire maggot, the larval
form of an even larger monstrous fly. This result
reveals all vermin traits.
17 A dire maggot is nearly mindless and tries to
eat any creature that crosses its path. It paralyzes
prey with its toxic saliva.
In that country, where Death holds sway over all,
one sees Life emerge in weird and dreadful ways;
there are great bronze-backed flies which lay their
eggs in charnel houses, and their worm-children
grow fat, first on human flesh and then on their
fellows, until they seem great fat snakes or that
legendary fish (not found in this world) called
History of Tovag, volume 2, Tertius Escritor
Dire polar bear [Frostburn]
Dire polar bear [Frostburn] Dire polar bear [Frostburn]
Dire polar bear [Frostburn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about dire animals. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
21 This towering white ursine is a dire polar bear,
a dire bear adapted to cold climates. This result
reveals all animal traits.
26 A dire polar bear is an aggressive hunter that
will stalk smaller creatures across miles of frozen
wasteland. It tears its prey apart with its claws and
Winter is a great bear, a great white bear; icicles
are his teeth, snow his pelt, the zilinya neshka his
breath. Sometimes a wanderer may see him in the
storm; if he does, that man will never return to his
home again.
Traditional Voros
Dire puma [Sandstorm]
Dire puma [Sandstorm] Dire puma [Sandstorm]
Dire puma [Sandstorm]
14 This huge, black cougar is a dire puma. This
result reveals all animal traits.
19 Dire pumas pounce on their prey from above
whenever possible, tearing the creature open with
their raking talons.
Behind me I heard the scream again—like the
yowl of a house-cat magnified a thousand times. I
thought of the bull-elk I had found that morning
with a broken neck, and the paw-print my hand
could not begin to cover beside it; and I knew I
must find shelter before dark; a fire and a place to
put my back would be little enough against such a
creature, if it chose to attack, and yet it was all I
could hope to find.
Adventures of a Wanderer, Larraby Quift
Dire rat [Monster Manual]
Dire rat [Monster Manual] Dire rat [Monster Manual]
Dire rat [Monster Manual]
CR 1/3
10 This child-sized rodent is a dire rat. Dire rats
are scavengers, but fearlessly defend their
territory. This result reveals all animal traits.
15 A dire rat spreads filth fever, a dangerous
disease, with its sharp bite.
GWF claimed to be “shocked and astonished” by
the size of the rats we saw today (killed one just
under two stone), also complained of the smell.
Told her not to be missish, and what on earth did
she expect in a sewer anyway? Had the desired
effect of putting her back up; she will be on her
mettle and inclined to sniff at any rat smaller than
a mastiff, which is good as we visit the Central
Line tomorrow and I can’t have her fainting when
she sees the granddaddies.
5/24/755, journal of Nathaneal Dent, grimetrekker
Dire raven [Ravenloft Gazetteer I]
Dire raven [Ravenloft Gazetteer I] Dire raven [Ravenloft Gazetteer I]
Dire raven [Ravenloft Gazetteer I]
DC Result
10 This ebon bird is a dire raven. It is a scavenger
that attacks only to defend its carrion meals. This
result reveals all animal traits.
15 Dire ravens are attracted to shiny baubles, and
if attacked, instinctually try to peck out their
opponents’ eyes.
Another example is the corvus barovicus, a breed
of raven distinguished by its enormous size, with
the largest recorded example of this subspecie
measuring 3'6" from beak to tail. Like its brethren,
the corvus barovicus is omnivorous, consuming
fruits, grains, insects and carrion though this
subspecie is more likely than the others to actively
hunt small animals, aided by a beak proportionally
thinner than the common corvus corax. This
tendency has ensured its dominance in the food
chain and allowed this breed to spread through the
southern forested realms such as Barovia, Invidia
and Kartakass. Folklore of the area also grants to
these ravens the power of speech and higher
cognition, inspiring some naturalists to call for the
creation of a new subspecie, corvus sapiens, but
my own research has found that such myths are
purely that.
--- Struggle and Victory in the Animal Kingdom
by Inard Milhavet.
(Book name taken from a reference in GazIII, p86)
Dire rhino
Dire rhinoDire rhino
Dire rhinoceros [Fiend Folio]
ceros [Fiend Folio] ceros [Fiend Folio]
ceros [Fiend Folio]
DC Result
19 This wooly, horned creature is a dire rhinceros.
It is an herbivore, but highly irritable. This result
reveals all animal traits.
24 A dire rhinoceros typically charges its foes,
either trampling them or impaling them on its
deadly horn.
Apparently this creature is the basis of the
Mordentish legends of the “unicorn”, and in some
sense the descriptions are not unlike; it is rather
more horse-like than anything else, with the fly-
whisk tail of folklore (though it has no cloven
hoof), and, of course, the famous horn—though
here at the end of the nose, rather than centered in
the forehead. But how hideous the beast in
comparison with its fantastic progeny! Where the
unicorn is grace and beauty, this nose-horned beast
was the epitome of blunt, brute savagery, stupid,
ill-tempered and ungainly.
In the Wildlands, Captain John Smith
Dire shark [Monster Manual]
Dire shark [Monster Manual] Dire shark [Monster Manual]
Dire shark [Monster Manual]
DC Result
19 This ship-sized fish is a dire shark, a predator
with a maw full of razor-sharp fangs. This result
reveals all animal traits and the aquatic subtype.
24 A dire shark can smell blood in the water from
a mile away and can swallow a creature as large as
a horse in one bite.
At first we took it for a sail, but soon that happy
illusion was dispelled. It took its time in
approaching our little skiff, circling near and then
distancing itself again. The dorsal fin stood at the
height of a tall man above the water, making a
sound like the tearing of silk as it ripped through
the waves around us.
After an hour or so of this, that menacing form
sank into the ocean and was gone; just at this
moment we saw the island well to windward.
Without warning Simpson launched himself over
the side and struck out strongly; he had swum
perhaps fifty paces when a mouth like a
mausoleum door opened before him, and he was
Deposition of Captain Horatio Withers in the
death of Jonas Simpson, Mordent, 733
Dire animal, smilodon (saber
Dire animal, smilodon (saberDire animal, smilodon (saber
Dire animal, smilodon (saber-
toothed toothed
tiger) [Frostburn]
tiger) [Frostburn] tiger) [Frostburn]
tiger) [Frostburn]
DC Result
15 This stocky, fanged feline is a saber-toothed
tiger, a type of dire animal also known as a
smilodon. This result reveals all animal traits.
20 A saber-toothed tiger tries to pounce on its
prey, then tear out their throats with its
exceptionally deadly incisors.
Last and greatest is the cat called “smilodon,” or
sometimes, especially in their folk-stories, “Knife-
Fighter,” because of the bravos who fight with a
knife in each hand. A knife made of the great
canine teeth of such a beast is considered a
powerful symbol of wealth, and of physical
prowess if one obtains one for himself by killing
the beast.
Adventures of a Wanderer, Larraby Quift
Dire snake
Dire snakeDire snake
Dire snake
[Monster Manual II]
[Monster Manual II] [Monster Manual II]
[Monster Manual II]
DC Result
15 This massive serpent is a dire snake. This result
reveals all animal traits.
20 A dire snake combines the most dangerous
elements of lesser serpents. It can both constrict
prey and inject deadly venom with its fangs.
Exhibition on Bond Street to Be Held 7 Feb 757
Captain John Smith…will hold an exhibition in
Bond Street No. 422 this coming Friday to display
curios and taxidermical specimens brought back
from his recent expedition to the Wildlands via Sri
Raji…[A]mong the many marvels he saw there,
your correspondent saw prodigies of Nature the
like of which can hardly be imagine. The skin of a
great pithon, that devilish snake of Sri Raji, was
shown me; stretched out across the floor it
measured fifty-two feet four inches, without the
head…it was captured and killed after eating a
baggage mule…
Paridon Newsbill, 2 Feb 757
Dire tiger [Monster Manual]
Dire tiger [Monster Manual] Dire tiger [Monster Manual]
Dire tiger [Monster Manual]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about dire animals. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
18 This huge, striped feline is a dire tiger. They
are patient stalkers that prefer to attack prey once
it drops its guard. This result reveals all animal
23 A dire tiger can leap dozens of feet through the
air when pouncing, tearing its victim apart with its
fangs and retractable claws.
Exhibition on Bond Street to Be Held 7 Feb 757
…also the skin of a tiger, greater than any yet
seen, whose canines were as long as your
correspondent’s palm, shot and killed while
attacking an elephant on which Captain John
Smith was riding; those who have seen or heard of
the elephant can form some idea of the size of the
beast which might attempt such a feat…
Paridon Newsbill, 2 Feb 757
Dire toad [Monster Manual II]
Dire toad [Monster Manual II] Dire toad [Monster Manual II]
Dire toad [Monster Manual II]
DC Result
13 This man-sized amphibian is a dire toad. They
are generally dangerous only when disturbed. This
result reveals all animal traits.
18 A dire toad can lash out with its tongue and
swallow prey up to the size of a human child in a
single gulp.
23 A dire toad’s toothless bite is not terribly
damaging, but delivers a dangerous poison.
But that Granddaddy Toad, he don’t say a word.
So Anansi, he begin to get angry. “Don’t you sass
me, ol’ Toad, as I be your elder and your better
both! Where has that stone got to? You’d better
show me your tongue and say a few words or
you’ll be sorry for it.”
Just then go flying by that old hoopoe-bird, (who
is a sight bigger than Anansi, I remind you) and
Grandaddy Toad he let flip out with his tongue—
tsass!—and where the old hoopoe-bird was flying
there ain’t nothing, and Granddaddy Toad
cleaning a few feathers from his mouth with his
That quiets Anansi down a bit, and he says, “Well,
I seen enough of your tongue, I guess, Grandaddy
Toad. But if you be seeing that stone I hope you’ll
say so.”
Granddaddy Toad, he blink and nod, and that’s all
the answer Anansi gets; so he goes on his way.
Anansi and the Stone of Wisdom, traditional
Dire tortoise [Sandstorm]
Dire tortoise [Sandstorm] Dire tortoise [Sandstorm]
Dire tortoise [Sandstorm]
DC Result
18 This massive, armored reptile is a dire tortoise.
It feeds on desert plants, but is ill-tempered and
likely to attack anything that annoys it. This result
reveals all animal traits.
28 Despite its sluggish appearance, a dire tortoise
is capable of snapping at foes with lightning
Today we found a specimen of the great land-
turtle tortuga maximus maximus in the most
amusing fashion; Professor Quant was informed
by Kopa, the native guide, that he had spotted one
of the great land-behemoths, and pointed to it. The
professor thought it was at some distance and
actually clambered up onto the shell of the beast to
get a better look, causing no end of hilarity as we
endeavored to explain that his goal was actually
and literally under foot! His mistake was very
natural; the beast had evidently been at rest for
some time, and a great deal of dirt and even a few
weeds had accumulated on its shell, which we
measured as twelve feet across and almost five in
Adventures of a Wanderer, Larraby Quift
Dire vulture [Sandstorm]
Dire vulture [Sandstorm] Dire vulture [Sandstorm]
Dire vulture [Sandstorm]
DC Result
13 This ugly, stooped bird is a dire vulture. This
result reveals all animal traits.
18 Dire vultures feed on carrion. Thanks to scraps
of rotting flesh cling to their feathers, they emit a
sickening stench.
23 Due to their disgusting diet, dire vultures are
exceptionally hardy and highly resistant to disease.
“Old Kebros, king of the air, he comes,” our guide
muttered. “Best not to be here when he arrives.”
He gestured quickly toward the sky, where the
wheeling carrion-eaters could already be seen.
“Surely they wouldn’t attack a group of living,
healthy men,” I argued. “I would think we could
take as long as we need for the analysis.”
Our guide shook his head and pointed mutely to
the sky. Looking up again, I saw the reason for his
concern. Among the many smaller vultures glided
two monstrous forms, four times the wingspan of
their compatriots.
“I take your point,” I told him. “Let’s go.”
Rudolf van Richten, unpublished notes on an
expedition to Har’Akir
Dire weasel [Monster Manual]
Dire weasel [Monster Manual] Dire weasel [Monster Manual]
Dire weasel [Monster Manual]
DC Result
12 This long, manic creature is a dire weasel. This
result reveals all animal traits.
17 A dire weasel latches onto its prey with its
powerful jaws. It then refuses to let go and sucks
out the victim’s blood through the open wound.
Ki-naga, snake-body, snake killer!
Neck-biter, blood drinker!
Red-eye, bloody mouth, the fearless one,
Shadowdancer, shadowed slayer!
Song of the Mongoose, traditional Rajian, trans.
Malcolm Hopper
Dire wolf [Monster Manual]
Dire wolf [Monster Manual] Dire wolf [Monster Manual]
Dire wolf [Monster Manual]
DC Result
13 This hulking lupine creature is a dire wolf. This
result reveals all animal traits.
18 Dire wolves are pack hunters that use their
sheer mass to drag creatures to the ground, then
tear them apart once prone.
Our outlander visitor laughed aloud at the mention
of Grandfather Wolf and said, in his barbaric
pidgen, "You have not here such great wolves,
nyet? In the woods of Vorostokov we such have as
you cannot imagine. Big, big! He come into a
house, he break the door; a stag he carry away in
his teeth. Here they are little dogs like for a
woman's pet."
Harkon smiled and leaned back. "Oh, I'm sure the
wolves you have seen here have been puny,
contemptible things, Master Alexei. But be of
good cheer; you may yet see bigger."
From the journals of Matthew Swiftsinger of
Dire wolverine [Monster Manual]
Dire wolverine [Monster Manual] Dire wolverine [Monster Manual]
Dire wolverine [Monster Manual]
DC Result
14 This shaggy, wedge-shaped mammal is a dire
wolverine, also known as a glutton. This result
reveals all animal traits.
19 A dire wolverine is a foul-tempered creature
that often flies into berserk rages when attacking
its prey.
Misha insisted that we secure the supplies by
suspending them in mid-air at least twenty feet
from the ground—an arduous task, and one that
had me asking angrily what on earth could
possibly necessitate this precaution. When we
came back to the camp I had my answer. We
found that something had been in our camp—
neither man nor wolf, the two greatest dangers, but
some other fell creature that Misha called “the
glutton”. It left a track something like a weasel’s,
if one can imagine a weasel eight feet long and
half that broad, and it had scraped the bark from
the tree where we had stashed the supplies to a
height of almost ten feet. “The glutton, he do
anything for food,” Misha remarked. “We are
lucky this one too big to climb.”
Adventures of a Wanderer, Larraby Quift
Doedridere [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Doedridere [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa] Doedridere [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Doedridere [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Dog [Monster Manual
Dog [Monster Manual Dog [Monster Manual
Dog [Monster Manual -
CR 1/3; Riding CR 1
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about dogs. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 10: This barking creature is a common
domesticated dog. This result reveals all animal
DC 15: Humanoids have bred dogs into scores of
different breeds, from tiny lap dogs to working
dogs nearly as large as a man. Halflings
sometimes train the largest dog breeds for use as
riding beasts. Dogs have a strong sense of smell,
and are used to track game or as guard animals.
Dokufu (mountain spider) [Oriental
Dokufu (mountain spider) [Oriental Dokufu (mountain spider) [Oriental
Dokufu (mountain spider) [Oriental
Adventures] Adventures]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about dokufus.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
29 This hulking, shapechanging spider is a dokufu,
also known as a mountain spider. This result
reveals all aberration traits and the shapechanger
subtype. Most dokufu speak Sylvan and Common.
34 A dokufu can assume human form, which it
uses to lure its prey into secluded areas. In its true
form, a dokufu is terrifying, and can swallow
creatures up to the size of a horse whole.
39 A dokufu’s digestive system is swarming with
its young. In its natural form, it can spew these
monstrous spiders at foes.
44 If a dokufu in its natural form can use its claws
to implant an egg in a victim’s torso. Remove
disease can kill the egg; otherwise the spawn
devours the still-living creature from the inside out
once it hatches about a month later.
“In this wicked land of I’Cath, we were chasing
what we first thought was a hag when we entered
this nightmare. Really, this was much worse then a
hag hunt. The old lady wasn’t a hag, which in
itself would have been terrible, but she was a
supernatural creature able to shape change into a
terrible, huge dark spider!
When we fought this monstrous spider, the beast
swallowed poor Anthony whole! I still hear his
scream of pain when I think about how it
happened. Then the monster vomited spiders at
our face, and fled as the two paladins came to the
fight. We destroyed the tiny spiders but we never
found the huge spider fiend. It probably left the
region, or waited until we left I’Cath.
However, what is worse is for Helen. We were
able to rescue her alive from this spider’s den, but
three days later, she was found dead in her bed, a
lot of blood around her and a huge hole in her
belly, like if something has crawled out of her
shattered body… I can’t stand spiders since then,
they give me the creeps…”
- a priest’s tale in Nova Vaasa
Donkey [Monster Manual
Donkey [Monster Manual Donkey [Monster Manual
Donkey [Monster Manual -
CR 1/6
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about donkeys. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 10: This grey equine is a donkey. This result
reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Donkeys are common beasts of burden,
known for being particularly stable on their
hooves. They can be stubborn, however.
Doom guard
Doom guard Doom guard
Doom guard [
[Monster Manual II,
Monster Manual II,Monster Manual II,
Monster Manual II,
as as
“Dread Guard”
“Dread Guard”“Dread Guard”
“Dread Guard”]
] ]
(Note: In Ravenloft, the setting where these
creatures originated, dread guards are called doom
guards. The bardic knowledge results are
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about dread guards. A character who
recognizes a dread guard’s nature can make a
bardic knowledge check to learn more. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
13 This animate suit of armor is a construct called
a dread guard. This result reveals all construct
18 Unlike most constructs, a dread guard is semi-
intelligent and can proficiently wield weapons, but
it remains an utterly loyal servant of its master.
This result also reveals the procedure for creating
dread guards.
23 A dread guard is resistant to cold and fire.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
18 Dread guards patrol the walls of Castle
Avernus, home to Azalin, the wizard king of
23 Azalin Rex was the original creator of dread
guards, and although the secrets of their creation
have since spread, he is said to know secret means
of manufacturing them relatively cheaply and
“Azalin Rex is said to have been the original
inventor of doom guards, though most of the
secrets of their creation have spread during the
subsequent centuries. […] To this day, doom
guards patrol the walls of Castle Avernus with
such regularity that their feet have worn ruts into
the stone.
“At the annual bal of the King in Avernus, we
once tried to sneak and explore this famously
fascinating castle to find things we could steal, or
information we could sell. But we didn’t go very
far from the main room, as a seemingly harmless
suit of armour suddenly chased us back to the
ballroom… This armour set was empty, but it
moved and brandished a rusty sword. We didn't
want to attract attention with the noise of a fight.
We were luckier with our skills on the guests
- A thief’s tale in Darkon
(Cheeze ;), 40 000 gp cost to fabricate one of these
27 hp creature?)
Doppleganger, outlander [Monster
Doppleganger, outlander [Monster Doppleganger, outlander [Monster
Doppleganger, outlander [Monster
Manual] Manual]
CR3; Suggested by Chris Nichols
Doppelganger, dread [Denizens of
Doppelganger, dread [Denizens of Doppelganger, dread [Denizens of
Doppelganger, dread [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
(Underlined text refers to a Ravenloft variant
called the dread doppelganger.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about dread doppelgangers. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This featureless humanoid is a doppelganger, a
creature that can perfectly mimic other people.
This result reveals all humanoid traits and the
shapechanger subtype.
18 A doppelganger can perfectly mimic the form
of any Small or Medium humanoid, including
specific individuals. Doppelgangers often work
together in clans, secretly helping each other
maintain their stolen identities.
23 A greater doppelganger can continuously read
the surface thoughts of the people around it. It uses
this ability to help stay in character. A rare variant
is the greater doppelganger, which can consume
28 A doppelganger can wrap its carried gear in
limited glamers, making objects of a given type
(clothing, weapons, tools, and so on) assume
whatever appearance the doppelganger wants.
Glamered items return to their true appearance if
separated from the doppelganger, however.
“How is it possible?” I asked at last. “Sir Hobbs
went in to speak with Mr. Farquhar; Mr. Farquhar
emerged after their argument and went down into
the street; Sir Hobbs never came out at all, as far
as we can tell, and yet it is Mr. Farquhar’s body
we have before us, and Sir Hobbs is nowhere to be
“Not only possible, but easy, in this city,” Ray
replied, his mouth set in a firm line. “To explain
these events is child’s play; but the puzzle of
finding a man able to change his face, in a city of
thousands—that is a worthy challenge.
An Incident in Paridon, from The Casebook of
Alanik Ray, Arthur Sedgwick
See also FoS Zherisia report for “Doppelganger
Salient Powers”
Doppelganger, greater [Monsters of
Doppelganger, greater [Monsters of Doppelganger, greater [Monsters of
Doppelganger, greater [Monsters of
Faerûn] Faerûn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about greater doppelgangers. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
22 This gangly humanoid is a greater
doppelganger, a more powerful variety of the
common doppelganger. This result reveals all
humanoid traits and the shapechanger subtype.
27 A greater doppelganger can perfectly mimic the
form of any Small or Medium humanoid,
including specific individuals. Unlike lesser
doppelgangers, these pompous creatures tend to
work alone.
32 A greater doppelganger can continuously read
the surface thoughts of the people around it. It can
also use magic items, regardless of the identity is
has assumed.
37 If a greater doppelganger eats a humanoid’s
brain, it gains all the memories and abilities of that
creature. A greater doppelganger cannot gain
powerful divinely-granted abilities, however.
42 A greater doppelganger can disrupt magical
polymorph effects, damaging polymorphed targets
with a mere touch.
Dear journal,
I’m writing this in a state of confusion. I’m
exhausted and this might be the cause of my
trouble. Everything will be clearer tomorrow, I
Late afternoon today, we had a report of a body
floating near the southern docks. I retrieved it
tonight with my men and to my immense surprise,
the body, bloated by water, is a copy of Inspector
Wilderton! How can it be, since Wilderton works
at a desk near me? I saw him again this morning,
and he was as witty as usual!
There were some rocks remaining in his pockets as
if someone threw the body in the water with the
intention of drowning it forever. But the fabric
was later ruptured by the water and the rocks fell
off and the body floated.
Also, strangely, a large hole has been punctured in
the back of his head, and his brain is missing. I
assume that fishes in the canal thought it was a
delicacy while the body was held at the bottom.
Tomorrow, I will show this puzzling discovery to
Wilderton, in the hope he might have an
explanation for this weird case.
- Last entry in Constable Van Horne’ private
journal, shown as possible clue to the investigation
of the nearly simultaneous disappearance of
Inspector Wilderton and Constable Van Horne, in
Martyra Bay
Doppelganger Plant [Den of Dr]
Doppelganger Plant [Den of Dr]Doppelganger Plant [Den of Dr]
Doppelganger Plant [Den of Dr]
(under Plant, Dread) ; CR 6
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about doppelganger plants. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This sprawling patch of coffin-sized pods is a
doppelganger plant. This result reveals all plant
21 A doppelganger plant cannot move or defend
itself physically, but it possesses a vast, malign
intelligence and feeds on humanoid souls. Each
night, the plant can spiritually reach out and draw
a humanoid’s life force into itself. The humanoid
lives on as a soulless puppet of the plant, called a
26 The plant knows everything its podlings know.
Because a podling has no mind or spirit of its own,
it is immune to all mind-affecting and death
effects. As the doppelganger plant slowly devours
a humanoid’s soul, the podling’s body slowly
wastes away, hollowing out like a rotten pumpkin.
31 Destroying a pod before the soul trapped inside
is consumed frees the soul, restoring that podling
to normal. If the soul is consumed, the podling
wastes away completely can cannot be restored to
life by any means short of true resurrection.
36 Destroying all vines that connect a
doppelganger plant’s pods also breaks the plant’s
control over its podlings. However, to permanently
destroy the plant, both its pods and its vines must
be destroyed.
“Proof of the fecundity of these wretched swamps
is that while the meteor only struck two days ago,
the crater is already infested with vegetation. One
specimen in particular might be of interest to those
dirt-grubbing botanists in Il Aluk — a mass of
entangling vines, with gigantic, oblong pods
smothered between them. We’ll have to clear them
out to recover the fallen star — those lackwits
from the village who tagged along might be of
some use after all. It will keep until tomorrow,
though; our guide suggests that we sleep here
tonight and get an early start.”
—Last entry in the journal of Hendrich von
Brahen, Professor of Astronomy at the Bratslava
Doppelganger plant, podling [Denizens
Doppelganger plant, podling [Denizens Doppelganger plant, podling [Denizens
Doppelganger plant, podling [Denizens
of Dread]
of Dread] of Dread]
of Dread]
JWM: Azalin suggest that the doppelganger plant
suffers from some particularly nasty flying
monkey business. Here's how the entire first
paragraph of the doppelganger plant's Combat
section should read: "The doppelganger plant has
no physical way to defend itself." Just cross out
the rest of the paragraph.
Well, but when he come back he wasn’t hardly the
same at all, at all. He used to sit on the porch and
just bask there in the sun and vegetate, or go out in
the garden with his feet bare. “Horace, that’s
dirty,” said I, but he never paid me no never-mind
anymore. And he never ate, but just picked liked a
bird; and always trying to get me to go down to
the wood where he’d found that old stone, that he
said used to have been a star, which I never would
do, as who would tend the house if we was both to
go? And at last he just withered away, withered
away, and I found his body in the garden one
morning, and it was just a shell, that’s all; a man-
shaped shell, as if it had been a pumpkin, where
my Horace used to have been.
Deposition of Caitlin MacCallem regarding the
death of her husband, recorded by Inquisitor
MacTeague of the Most Holy Belenite Inquisition,
23 June 758
See also: Dracolich "Cult of the Dragon, The"
Ed Greenwood Dragon#110(12) D&D1
Dracolich "Ecology of the Dracolich, The" Pett
& Vaughan Dragon#344(84) D&D3
Manual III
Manual IIIManual III
Manual III]
] ]
Proposed by C Nichols for the NS Gaz, CR 11
Dragon, shadow [Monsters of Faerûn]
Dragon, shadow [Monsters of Faerûn] Dragon, shadow [Monsters of Faerûn]
Dragon, shadow [Monsters of Faerûn]
Dragon, Shadow: More or less synonymous with
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about shadow dragons. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This winged, shadowy reptile is a shadow
dragon. This result reveals all dragon traits and the
shadow subtype.
18 Shadow dragons have ties to the Plane of
Shadow and lair in areas of broken light and
darkness, such as in deep caverns. Shadow
dragons easily blend into the pools of darkness
that fill their lairs.
23 A shadow dragon’s breath weapon is a cone of
smoky shadows that drain life energy.
28 Shadow dragons have a variety of magical
abilities, including dimension door, mirror image,
nondetection, and shadow walk. Shadow dragons
are also innately talented sorcerous spellcasters
who prefer to use illusions to confuse their foes.
33 Three times per day, a great wyrm shadow
dragon can conure up a surrounding mass of
shadows that extinguish light sources and allow
shadow creatures to conceal themselves as if
We had snuck into the chamber of her hoard. Gold
and jewels piled around us called out to be taken.
Ebb had left her lair unguarded, a foolish move.
It was then the rolling darkness took over us.
Black winged death descended from the surface of
the cavern, landing behind us. I turned, watching
the stalwart priest Thaddeus fell to the ground
screaming in terror. Ebon scales covered a lizard
like body. No light reflected from the black pits. A
long, thin neck topped with a hideous head leered
at us.
"Your second mistake was coming here," the thing
hissed in a hoarse voice.
"Ebb..." I whispered, terror turning my bowels to
I swear, the thing grinned, "That was your first
mistake. My name is Gloom, and I am your
-recounted by Tharod Ironflint, Darkonese
Dread Dread
Dread Guards
see Doom Guards
see Doom Guardssee Doom Guards
see Doom Guards
Dread warrior [Monsters of Faerûn]
Dread warrior [Monsters of Faerûn] Dread warrior [Monsters of Faerûn]
Dread warrior [Monsters of Faerûn]
Dread Warrior: Medium Undead, CR 3, neutral
evil. Basically, a slightly-more-powerful-than-
average zombie made from a dead warrior,
capable of using weapons and possessed of limited
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about dread warriors. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This lightly decayed walking corpse is a form
of enhanced zombie known as a dread warrior.
This result reveals all undead traits.
18 Dread warriors are created from experienced
warrirors, animated within a day of their death.
Using special techniques, these zombies retain the
warrior’s will to fight and martial prowess. They
retain only fragments of their minds, however, and
may be confused by complex orders.
23 Although far more competent than ordinary
zombies, a dread warrior’s reflexes are still
somewhat damaged by its decaying tissues. Dread
warriors can use ranged weapons, but their aim is
Security [black], encryption [Talos II]
Destroy after reading
Re: Suggestion that research be directed toward
"fighting fire with fire" and generating un-dead
warriors to march against Darkon. Initial efforts
have proven surprisingly fruitful. Improvement in
both manual dexterity and in retention of
conceptualization abilities has proven less difficult
than expected. Border raid utilizing new "death
troops" scheduled for June 760. KF must NOT BE
INFORMED of progress at present.
Internal memorandum, Radiant Tower
See also Unapproachable East version
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread][Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
Errata: These creatures should be elementals
(dream) rather than outsiders.
JWM: Also, as a minor editorial note, rather than
communicating in the "voices of bats," remember
that dream spawn's native language is Oneiros,
described as sounding like half-whispered
lullabies, capable of lulling unwary mortals to
Dream spawn, ennui [Denizens
Dream spawn, ennui [DenizensDream spawn, ennui [Denizens
Dream spawn, ennui [Denizens
of of
Dread] Dread]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about ennui. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
18 This eerily indistinct, winged figure is an ennui,
the most powerful form of dream spawn. This
result reveals all elemental traits and the dream
23 Ennui are the masters of the dreamscapes in
which they are found, directing the actions of
lesser dreamspawn. Ennui speak Oneiros, but they
also understand all languages known to the
dreamer. An ennui can take nearly any form, and
literally feeds on fear. An ennui is resistant to
28 Hearing Oneiros lulls mortals to sleep. Dream
spawn can absorb memories with a touch, gaining
access to much of a dreamer’s knowledge and
weakening the victim’s intellect. An ennui’s
quicksilver body is nearly impervious to harm, but
magic weapons can pierce its supernatural
33 An ennui can turn itself invisible at will.
Natural sunlight renders an ennui powerless and
slowly boils it away. It an ennui latches onto a foe
with all four arms, it can rend the victim’s flesh
for extra damage.
38 An ennui can use a dreamer as a portal to pull
itself between a dreamscape and the waking world.
However, they rarely do so, simply because dream
spawn are far more powerful within dreamscapes.
The murmuring water relaxed the Falkovnian and
wore away his wariness.
Sleep crept over him. He was snatched up into a
dream. In it he saw himself from the outside. He
was desperate to wake himself but could not. His
perspective widened. He was being hunted by the
methodical and astute captain of the Vistin militia,
the thread of his very thoughts being tracked
where there were no prints to follow. Then he was
seized violently out of his sleep, pinned face down
to the ground, silenced with a razor blade pulling
at his mouth like a bridle, and bound at the wrists.
Next he was dragged to his feet, held from behind,
menaced with a second razor blade, and asked
softly, "Do you wish to confess your sins?" When
he gave no sign the voice whispered, "Let us
-Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse smuggler,
wanted for desertion from the Falkovnian army,
recalling the nightmare that would preoccupy his
final hours
Dream spawn, gray morph [Denizens of
Dream spawn, gray morph [Denizens of Dream spawn, gray morph [Denizens of
Dream spawn, gray morph [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
JWM: Along with pale morphs and shadow
morphs, gray morphs are among the most
prevalent varieties of lesser dream spawn. Gray
morphs are pathetic creatures that play the
“supporting cast” in dreamscapes, impersonating
animals and minor characters. They are obedient
and unimaginative, dutifully assisting shadow
morphs as they terrorize dreamers. When not
actively involved in dreamscapes, they huddle
together in groups and passively wait for new
dream seeds to come along to give them identity
and purpose.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about gray morphs. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This shifting entity is a spirit of elemental
dream called a gray morph. This result reveals all
elemental traits and the dream subtype.
18 Gray morphs are among the weakest of lesser
dream spawn. Gray morphs speak Oneiros, but
they also understand all languages known to the
dreamer. A gray morph can take many forms, and
literally feeds on fear.
23 Hearing Oneiros lulls mortals to sleep. Dream
spawn can absorb memories with a touch, gaining
access to much of a dreamer’s knowledge and
weakening the victim’s intellect. A gray morph’s
quicksilver body is resistant to harm, but magic
weapons can pierce its supernatural defenses.
28 Natural sunlight renders a gray morph
powerless and quickly boils it away to nothing.
…[A]t last I came to a window of that high tower
and was able to look out; I cannot say what I
expected, but it was not what I saw. It was a city;
the streets (which I could see as if they were at
hand, though the tower was so tall) were lined
with tiny grey mannikins, without eyes or ears or
features of any kind, walking up and down. There
was a low continual murmur like the memory of a
mother's lullaby as they whispered to each other in
the weird hushed language of the Dream-men.
It was the City of Nod, not as we see it in our
waking life, but as it is; the capital of the Land of
Nightmare, the home of the Nightmare Host.
From a purported journal of Dr. Gregory Illhousen
written in the Nightmare Lands, purchased by the
Great Library of Port-a-Lucine, 21 February 759
Dream spawn, pale morph [new]
Dream spawn, pale morph [new] Dream spawn, pale morph [new]
Dream spawn, pale morph [new]
JWM: Pale morphs are the lowliest of the dream
spawn. In dreamscapes, they play the roles of
distant figures and minor objects. They are poor at
mimicking fine details, however. If a pale morph
assumes the shape of an ancient tome, it might
look fine at first glance, but a reader who flipped
through its pages would discover them filled with
unintelligible gibberish, not words.
Pale Morph Lore
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about pale morphs. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
11 This flitting entitiy is a spirit of elemental
dream called a pale morph. This result reveals all
elemental traits and the dream subtype.
16 Pale morphs are the weakest of all dream
spawn. Pale morphs speak Oneiros, but they also
understand all languages known to the dreamer. A
pale morph can take the form of many lesser
creature, and literally feeds on fear.
21 Hearing Oneiros lulls mortals to sleep. Dream
spawn can absorb memories with a touch, gaining
access to much of a dreamer’s knowledge and
weakening the victim’s intellect. A pale morph’s
quicksilver body is somewhat resistant to harm,
but magic weapons can pierce its supernatural
26 Natural sunlight instantly destroys a pale
31 Some spellcasters who specialize in dream
magic acquire pale morphs for use as familiars.
These creatures help their masters dream with
great clarity and detail.
I threw open the door and saw a bizarre and eerie
scene; the "room" was a vast gray plain, on which
stood a number of pale and flimsy creatures like
starving children. They squeaked and fluttered,
leaping here and there and quickly merging (to my
startled eyes) into walls, books, a table, a chair,
forming at last (it took perhaps two heartbeats) my
father's library. It was as if I had turned the light
on a stage between acts and caught the stage-hands
rearranging the scenery--if there existed any place
in the waking world in which the stage-hands were
the scenery.
From a purported journal of Dr. Gregory Illhousen
written in the Nightmare Lands, purchased by the
Great Library of Port-a-Lucine, 21 February 759
Dream spawn, shadow morph [De
Dream spawn, shadow morph [DeDream spawn, shadow morph [De
Dream spawn, shadow morph [Denizens
nizens nizens
of Dread]
of Dread] of Dread]
of Dread]
JWM: Shadow morphs are among the most
powerful of the lesser dream spawn. They direct
the events in a dreamscape, either aiding an ennui
or acting as overseers themselves, and tailor their
actions to inspire the most fright in dreamers.
They play major roles in dreams, impersonating
vanquished foes, departed loved ones, or whatever
terrors a dreamer secretly dreads.
Like other lesser dream spawn, shadow morphs
have no true society. They seek dreams to give
them form and substance, waiting listlessly when
not so engaged.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about shadow morphs. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This shifting entity is a spirit of elemental
dream known as a shadow morph. This result
reveals all elemental traits and the dream subtype.
20 Shadow morphs are among the most powerful
of lesser dream spawn. They may guide
dreamscapes themselves or act as the servants of
ennui. Shadow morphs speak Oneiros, but they
also understand all languages known to the
dreamer. A shadow morph can take many forms,
and literally feeds on fear.
25 Hearing Oneiros lulls mortals to sleep. Dream
spawn can absorb memories with a touch, gaining
access to much of a dreamer’s knowledge and
weakening the victim’s intellect. A shadow
morph’s quicksilver body is resistant to harm, but
magic weapons can pierce its supernatural
30 Natural sunlight renders a shadow morph
powerless and quickly boils it away to nothing.
35 A shadow morph can issue a blood-chilling
howl so terrifying that it can briefly paralyze
nearby listeners with fear.
The shadowy figure which had been my father
moved closer, and I could see now that it had no
face--its head was a smooth, featureless oval atop
an almost-human body. At this last revelation of
terror I was struck motionless. "Now you see," it
crooned. "Now you see the truth. It is a vision
reserved for those about to die."
I bit my cheek until the blood came, but I did not
wake, could not wake, and I knew that I had
wandered into the land where Dream and Waking
mingle and are fused.
From a purported journal of Dr. Gregory Illhousen
written in the Nightmare Lands, purchased by the
Great Library of Port-a-Lucine, 21 February 759
Dream vestige [Libris Mortis]
Dream vestige [Libris Mortis] Dream vestige [Libris Mortis]
Dream vestige [Libris Mortis]
Dream Vestige: Has the Dream subtype. Has ties
to the Nightmare Lands, for the obvious reasons.
Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks in
Knowledge (religion) can learn more about dream
vestiges. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
Bardic Knowledge
DC 26: The first dream vestige is said to have
arisen from the combined souls of an entire city
population, slain as one in accursed sleep.
Knowledge (religion)
DC 26: This rolling river of fog, accompanied by
the dreamlike cries of the damned, is a dream
vestige. This result reveals all undead traits and
the dream and incorporeal subtypes.
DC 31: Mortals may be shaken just by the
unnatural sight of a dream vestige’s attack. When
a vestige does attack, it caresses foes with its misty
tendrils, stealing some of their minds. Eventually,
the victim may slip into a coma. Comatose victims
are bodily absorbed into the dream vestige’s mass.
Mindless creatures are immune to a dream
vestige’s caress, however, A dream vestige’s misty
body simply swirls around most weapon strikes.
DC 36: A dream vestige is surrounded by an aura
of pure desecration, as if the vestige itself were an
evil shrine. Whenever a dream spawn feeds on
enough mortal minds, it splits in two, spawning a
new dream vestige. A dream vestige is highly
resistant to magic.
DC 41: A dream vestige can pull itself fully into
the world of dreams. In the fluid time of dreams, it
can quickly fly across the landscape before
returning to other planes.
By all evidence the man is an outlander and was
skilled in the art. But something robbed him of his
wits and drove him deep into madness. Doctor I.,
in whom I have considerable confidence, all but
confessed that there is no prospect of recovery, at
least not by his methods. The fellow is obsessed
with a whisperer in the night. He describes it, in
effect, as twenty thousand murmuring nightmares
fused by torment and hunger into a malignant will.
The entity struck with unerring tendrils of mists at
him and his companions, its touch overwhelming
them with mind-numbing visions, until they at last
were claimed bodily by it. To escape this fate,
whether in life or in death, the man shattered a
staff of the greatest power. But he is quite sure that
he has not escaped it, that it has his scent, that it
has followed him to this world, that we are all
-Correspondence of Eleni of Toyalis to Lord
Hazlik, intercepted by Barovian agents
Dreamweaver [Denizens of Dread]
Dreamweaver [Denizens of Dread] Dreamweaver [Denizens of Dread]
Dreamweaver [Denizens of Dread]
CR ½
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about dreamweaver. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
11 This strange spider is a spirit of elemental
dream called a dreamweaver. This result reveals
all elemental traits and the dream subtype.
16 Dreamweavers spin the stuff of which dreams
are made. They usually remain unseen, but
particularly lucid dreamers can sometimes spot
them out of the corner of their eye. Dreamweavers
understand Oneiros, but do not speak. A
dreamweaver’s bite injects sleep-inducing poison.
21 Two varieties of dreamweaver exist. Light
dreamweavers, which are rosy-colored, weave
sweet dreams, Dark dreamweavers, which are
black as night, weave nightmares. Within a
dreamscape, dreamweavers can weave — or
unweave — literally any object.
26 If a dreamweaver is brought into the waking
world, it can fetch exceptional prices from the
right buyers. Sleeping near objects woven from
dreamweaver silk either prevent or cause
nightmares, depending of the type of dreamweaver
(light or dark). However, sunlight instantly
destroys dreamweavers.
The case of XXXXX, the brag commonly known
as Walltapper, against YYYYY, the shee
commonly known as Nightlily; alleged by the
aggrieved party that YYYYY borrowed a cloak of
black dreamweaver silk from XXXXX for the
discomfiting of a mortal with whom YYYYY had
had a dispute over a birch tree. YYYYY failing to
retrieve the cloak in good time, it was destroyed
by sunlight.
Judged in the presence of Queen Maeve that
YYYYY must provide to XXXXX a spindle of
four dreamweavers, two black and two white, for a
period sufficient to make silk enough for two new
From The Marcusen Manuscript, trans. G.
Drowned [Monster Manual III]
Drowned [Monster Manual III] Drowned [Monster Manual III]
Drowned [Monster Manual III]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about drowned. Experienced sailors
(characters trained in Profession [sailor]) can learn
the same information with a Knowledge (local)
check, but in this case the DC increases by 5.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 19: This bloated, fish-eaten corpse is a deadly
undead horror called a drowned, the remains of a
drowned due to the negligence or malice of
another. This result reveals all undead traits. The
drowned usually speak Abyssal and whatever
language they knew in life.
DC 24: Unlike zombies, the drowned are
intelligent and physically powerful, battering the
hated living with their sodden fists.. Even more
dangerous, a drowned is surrounded by a
necromantic aura that makes living creatures feel
as though they too are drowning. Foes within 10
paces of a drowned must hold their breath or face
suffocation. Light within this aura softens and
wavers, as if underwater.
DC 29: So long as it remains animate, a drowned
recovers quickly from its wounds.
This sea voyage is one of the most frightening I
ever made. The way to Markovia is riddled, it
seems, with difficulties and hardships. A great
vessel, during the night, approached us. It was an
old ship, like those that sailed the Sea of Sorrows
two centuries ago. This night, on insistence of
Anchorite Seymar (a person I came to despise
greatly, I must admit), we will explore it.
Later that night
I must pen this now, before I faint again. Writing
is a good way of exorcizing our ghosts. During the
exploration of the ship that boarded us, we found
out that the whole crew was made of undead.
Some of them were truly horrible. Bloated and
partially decomposed, they were exhuding a thick
mist, like the sprays of the sea. As soon as they
came near us, I felt my lungs fill with water, but i
was quick enough to hold my breath. Jean-
Michelle, Tids and Anchorite Claude were not so
lucky. There were more than twenty of them, and
only I and Lyr were still standing. The others were
choking, like suffocating under water...
From the private journal of Witch Claire Silence
of Port-au-Lucine.
See also Dragon #336
Drownling [Denizens of Dread]
Drownling [Denizens of Dread] Drownling [Denizens of Dread]
Drownling [Denizens of Dread]
“If you should see a little girl there by Dollwith’s
Pool, young master, never you give her your
hand!” the old man said. “She and her sisters are
fey, the drownlings they call them; they look like
wee lasses drenched to the bone, and one pretends
to drown while the other calls for help. But the
third, you see, she has a little net; and she wraps it
around a man in the water, and all three together
drag him to the bottom. So they took young Martin
Fiske, and so they’ll do to you if you let them.”
Sixty Nights in Tepest, Bertram Mac Laren
Dryad [Monster Manual]
Dryad [Monster Manual] Dryad [Monster Manual]
Dryad [Monster Manual]
Today, we will be one. All those days, spying on
her, looking at her singing, naked, to the tree... All
those nights of fever, my body aching for her
perfect figure...
This day we will be one.
This day I will travel to her, for she granted me the
pleasure of sharing her embrace. Yesterday, we
travelled through her tree, and our bodies merged,
sweetest bliss, the like I never felt with you, my
dear Lenora.
This is why I must go.
I love both you and Stefan, but I cannot deny my
body, and the pleasure of my soul.
With eternal love,
Last letter of the fey-stolen Kristoph Lamani of
Dustblight [Sandstorm]
Dustblight [Sandstorm] Dustblight [Sandstorm]
Dustblight [Sandstorm]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about dustblights.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This revolting, ash-covered humanoid is a
dustblight, a solitary wasteland predator. This
result reveals all aberration traits. Dustblights
speak Asherati, and sometimes learn a local
18 Dustblights prefer to rend their foes with their
claws. A dustblight can sense even the smallest
vibrations in the ground up to twenty paces away.
23 Dustblights feed on blood, though they
typically kill creatures before drinking their blood.
Dustblights often blind foes by kicking sand in
their eyes while attacking.
28 Dustblights despise asheratis; these two races
attack each other on sight. Some tales claim that
dustblights are descended from asheratis who were
transformed by a wicked curse. Dustblights are
fond of ashworms, and often train them for use as
They say that a man who sleeps in the deep desert
will see it, sometimes. They say he was a man who
came by night and filled the oasis of his enemy's
family with sand, so that the good water was burnt
away in the sun; or that he was a man who
quarreled with his neighbor and buried him to his
neck in sand, then left him to die of sun-madness
and thirst. We do not know the truth. But they say
he was cursed, and now the thing he has become is
always thirsty.
Har'Akiri folk-tale
Dustform creature [Sandstorm]
Dustform creature [Sandstorm] Dustform creature [Sandstorm]
Dustform creature [Sandstorm]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about dustform creatures. Characters
may need to make a separate Knowledge check to
learn about the base creature. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This entity is a dustform creature, a magical
construct created from animated arid dirt and fine
sand. This result reveals all construct traits.
20 A dustform creature has all the special qualities
of the base creature. It can also sense vibrations in
the air, allowing it so sense opponents without
seeing them, and its sandy body ignores lesser
wounds, though magic weapons can still pierce its
25 A dustform creature has none of the special
attacks of the base creature. Instead, it can spew
forth a gout of dust and sand that can flay flesh
from bone.
25 A critical strike with any bludgeoning weapon
has a chance of instantly blasting a dustform
creature back into a lifeless cloud of sand from
which it came.
"The corpse in the white robes was the last of the
three. Claude fired his crossbow at it, but it was
too fast: One moment, it was creeping about the
fallen statues, and then the next, it clawed
Michael's chest as Claude's arrow clattered among
the rocks. As we drew our swords, it clambered to
the top of a pillar to address us.
""Vandals! Why have you come to this place to
murder my comrades Rahad and Hamuk?"
"Claude stepped forward as I cradled Michael.
""We came to these ruins to find the Spear of
Dagon, to stop the monster Ishud," Claude angrily
shouted. "We were attacked and we had to def-"
""High Priest Ishud? A monster? How can you
speak of the high priest like that?"
""The high priest rises from his tomb each night to
prey on the villagers," I added.
""I can not allow vandals to steal the holy relic I
guard to murder the high priest!" And with that, it
drew a blackened horn from its blood-spattered
robes, and brought it to its lipless mouth. As the
trumpet's piercing note sounded through the air,
clouds of sand boiled out of the cracks and
crevasses. Just as we thought we would suffocate,
the clouds of sand congealed into a mass of
writhing, snapping, tawny horse-sized lizards. And
with a grandiose sweep of its bony arm, the white-
robed corpse shouted: "There shall be no mercy to
the blasphemers! Tear them to pieces!""
-from the journal of Jerome Delacroix, Mordentish
Dungeon Phantom [
Dungeon Phantom [Dungeon Phantom [
Dungeon Phantom [Dragon 355
Dragon 355Dragon 355
Dragon 355]
] ]
Ghost that does and reset traps
[Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual] [Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual]
CR ½
"...In our travels, we saw many places. In some, I
was the one who received the cold shoulder, the
startled stares, or the whispered gossip. There are,
of course, such places where we humans are the
anomaly. Why, in the deserts of Har'Akir, some
even mistook him for their god, Bes. But in most
of those lands, it was he, my dear friend, who bore
the brunt of the predjudice, fear, and ignorance.
Called an animal, an evil spirit, halfman, freak,
Hill-man, monster, but he withstood it all, with a
grace that belied his stocky frame, and a single-
minded devotion to rid the world of the evils that
plagued the very people who hated him. He was a
stalwart companion, a fierce warrior, a friendly
barkeep, and a good friend. We will miss him."
-- Eulogy of Geddar Ironheart, as given by Dr.
Rudolph Van Richten
Eagle [Monster Manual
Eagle [Monster Manual Eagle [Monster Manual
Eagle [Monster Manual -
CR ½
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about eagles. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 10: This noble-looking raptor is an eagle. This
result reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Eagles feed on rodents and other small
animals. They have exceptionally keen eyesight.
Earth whisper [Races of Ston
Earth whisper [Races of StonEarth whisper [Races of Ston
Earth whisper [Races of Stone p187]
e p187] e p187]
e p187]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about earth whispers. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This seemingly ghostly earth elemental is
actually an earth whisper, a creature native to the
Elemental Plane of Earth. This result reveals all
elemental traits plus the earth and incorporeal
subtypes. Earth whispers speak Terran, plus a
local tongue and the languages of several races
known for their affinity to earth, such as dwarves
and gnomes.
18 Earth whispers are malign entities that see
themselves as avengers who punish anyone who
dares steal the earth’s natural treasures. An earth
whisper’s touch stiffens a victim’s limbs.
Repeated attacks can even petrify opponents.
23 An earth whisper can induce uncontrollable
avarice in another creature. Anyone who
succumbs to this mental whisper may briefly
attack the nearest ally displaying an earthen
treasure, such as a jewel or stone or metal object.
28 An earth whisper can also induce an
unreasoning phobia of being pushed out of the
earth in another creature. Those who succumb
dash blindly as far underground as they can
progress for about a minute.
33 An earth whisper can control earth creatures
much like an evil cleric controls the undead. It also
possesses the spell-like abilities of spike stones,
stone shape, and wall of stone.
“We decided to give the old darkonese mine a try.
We didn’t believe the local tales that it was being
haunted. Inside, we found fair streaks of silver,
and all prospects were looking good for this
But suddenly, Hrarl attacked Oodu with his war
hammer! We ran toward Hrarl and after a fight,
were able to get hold of him. Then good old miner
Teyhin suddenly ran away toward the entrance,
screaming like a frightened kid!
Me and Ganlir looked at each other. I knew what
he was thinking. “Supernatural”, I murmured. We
took our gears and left the mine. Looking back, I
think I saw a ghost like light in the darkness, but
perhaps it was my imagination”
Tiya’s tale in “Dwarf mining anecdotes and other
Eel [Stormwrack
Eel [Stormwrack Eel [Stormwrack
Eel [Stormwrack -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about eels. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 10: This serpentlike fish is an eel. This result
reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Small eels are inoffensive, but the larger
species are dangerous predators. When an eel bites
its prey, it clamps down and doesn’t release its
jaws until they prey is dead.
Effigy [Monster Manual II]
Effigy [Monster Manual II] Effigy [Monster Manual II]
Effigy [Monster Manual II]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about effigies. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
27 This translucent, humanoid flame is an effigy, a
powerful spirit that covets the life energy of living
creatures. This result reveals all undead traits and
the incorporeal subtype.
32 An effigy’s touch burns like fire and drains life
energy. Effigies are immune to fire but vulnerable
to cold.
37 Effigies crave to inhabit the corporeal bodies of
living folk once more. If they touch a person, they
can possess the victim’s body. The possessed
victim’s spirit remains locked in a struggle with
the effigy for control.
42 Effigies are so infused with raw, fiery hatred
that the bodies they possess immediately burst into
flame. Thus, they reduce their possessed victims to
ash in a matter of minutes.
JWM: Basically, an effigy is an incorporeal spirit
that possesses living bodies. In its true form, it
resembles a transparent humanoid composed of
multicolored flame. However, it's compelled by its
burning hatred, and can't help but destroy the
humanoid bodies it possesses. While possessing a
host body, it sets the body on fire and uses energy
drain against it every round.
So, in short, think of an incredibly powerful odem
that causes spontaneous combustion.
Q: What is the name of the Burning Spirit?
A: It may not be revealed to Man.
Q: What is the reason for which he burns?
A: He burns for the vengeance which life denied
Q: What is the fuel that feeds his fire?
A: Strong wrath and stronger hatred.
Q: How shall this fire be extinguished?
A: Only when its fuel is spent.
Q: When will that time come?
A: When all the world is ash.
from The Second Book of Deaths, Har'Akir
See also Dragon #336
Eladrin, ghaele (Isolde) [Monster
Eladrin, ghaele (Isolde) [Monster Eladrin, ghaele (Isolde) [Monster
Eladrin, ghaele (Isolde) [Monster
Manual] (under Eladrin)
Manual] (under Eladrin)Manual] (under Eladrin)
Manual] (under Eladrin)
(There's a wee touch of old Planescape lore tucked
in here, which hasn't necessarily carried over to
3E. Still, it's fine as lore.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about ghaele eladrins. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
23 This noble, elf-like entity is actually a ghaele, a
type of celestial called eladrins. This result reveals
all outsider traits.
28 Eladrins hail from the upper plane of Aborea.
They seek out goodly mortals and protect them
from evil forces. This result reveals all eladrin
traits. Ghaeles speak Celestial, Infernal, and
33 Ghaeles are the knights-errant of the eladrins.
They secretly work among mortals, helping them
muster defenses against the many threats of evil.
Ghaeles are innately powerful divine spellcasters,
and often wield powerful, opalescent magic
weapons. Through a form of telepathy, ghaeles
can speak with any creature that has a language.
38 A ghaele continually emits raw celestial
energy, unseen yet powerful. Evil creatures’
attacks are less effective within a ghaele’s aura. A
ghaele’s penetrating gaze strikes fear into the
hearts of evil creatures — and can even strike
some of its lesser minions dead.
43 In its true form, a ghaele is an incandescent ball
of heavenly light. In this form, it can fly and emit
rays of light that sear its foes. However, by the
ancient rules of their kind, ghaeles must never
reveal their true nature to the mortals they help,
lest they be banished from the Material Plane for a
year and a day.
48 A ghaele has a variety of powerful spell-like
abilities, including aid, chain lightning, charm
monster, color spray, comprehend languages,
continual flame, cure light wounds, dancing lights,
detect evil, detect thoughts, disguise self, dispel
magic, hold monster, major image, prismatic
spray, see invisibility, and wall of force. They can
also turn themselves invisible or teleport at will.
JWM: Feel free to use Isolde as an example. In my
version of her, she's pretty much a straight-up
ghaele -- rather than being trapped in human form
by the Dark Powers or whatever, she goes by the
2nd ed. Planescape take -- required to conceal her
true nature from mortals by the ancient rules of her
Just before noon, we found a mob of about sixty
persons in the market square. The mob looked
angry and about to lynch this albino girl, I think
her name was Blasse. Well, the last-ride rope was
already tied on a tree, and the rope’s end around
the albino’s neck.
We stayed near, but we weren’t planning on doing
anything to stop this funny show. We were eight
so we could have stopped this, but who would care
about this freak white girl anyway? We were
wagering instead on how much time she will
writhe on the rope, ha, ha…
Then someone finally kicked the chair where the
girl was standing, and there she was jerking on the
While the crowd was cheering, we were laughing
at her face and loudly counting the seconds, when
a thrown dagger cut the rope. Looking back, we
saw the dagger was thrown by one of the Carnival
freaks, a man with black and white painted faces.
We were thinking of moving in and seizing their
illegal weapon when we saw the girl with them.
She suddenly got all our attention. She was a tall
noble lady, but all dressed in men’s clothes
coloured black. In another occasion, all men
would have been struck by her beauty and
cascading long black hairs, but now all looked at
her with fear: her battle sword was held in front of
her and it was obvious she knew how to use it with
deadly accuracy.
The freaks chopped the rope and saved the albino
girl from the mob, and they left with her in
direction of the Carnival. The crowd quickly
I don’t know what it was with this noble girl, but
she had something. It surely wasn’t one girl on
which we wanted to try our swords or test our
authority! When she left, we saw her walking to a
wall and grabbing a Carnival sign, and angrily
tearing it to pieces, before resuming her walk
toward the Carnival …
A Barovian militian in Zeidenburg
(inspired from Carnival Blasse’s adventure, of
Elder brain [Lords of Madness]
Elder brain [Lords of Madness] Elder brain [Lords of Madness]
Elder brain [Lords of Madness]
JWM: The God-Brain of Bluetspur is a highly
advanced elder brain.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about elder brains. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
35 This enormous pulsating brain, covered in
writhing tendrils and aglow with psionic power is
an elder brain, the ultimate stage in the mind flayer
life cycle. This result reveals all aberration traits
and the psionic subtype.
40 The unquestioned rulers of mind flayer society,
elder brains possess unimaginably powerful
intellects. An elder brain has no sensory organs.
Instead, it telepathically senses its surroundings, so
it cannot be blinded or deafened. Furthermore, it
can pinpoint and communicate with any
unshielded sentient mind within well over 100
paces. It can float slowly using telekinesis, and can
defend itself with an intensely powerful, stunning
mind blast.
45 If a creature is unwise enough to move within
reach of an elder brain’s tendrils, the elder brain
can seize the creature and extract its brain in mere
moments. An elder brain regenerates most
wounds, but is susceptible to sonic energy and
acid. It is the right and obligation of every mind
flayer to merge with the elder brain after death.
Within the elder brain’s consciousness, their
identities live on forever.
50 Elder brains are incredibly powerful innate
psions, specializing as telepaths. Once per day, an
elder brain can bud a vaguely humanoid-shaped
growth from its mass. An elder brain can
telepathically control up to three of these brain
golems at a time. Few mind flayers know the truth
that when they merge with the elder brain, their
identities are consumed utterly, their thoughts
serving only to invigorate the elder brain.
-“The bumpkin believes that I am bluffing,
believes that he can read my face. When I know
his mind!”
-“Ah, the electricity of first contact, of primal
-“The thoughts are exotic, not Thaani in the least.”
-“Smelll us Marcus, see us Marcus, be us Marcus,
be one.”
-“Artur, take us out of this light. We must be
-“Beasts that presume to judge the butcher.
Severed from the sun, you will be reborn better.”
-“Lidia, it is Marcus. Do not resist us. Join your
knowledge to our power.”
Reveries of the God-Brain of Blutspur in
connection with a psionic card sharp who lost his
Elemental, ai
Elemental, aiElemental, ai
Elemental, air [Monster Manual]
r [Monster Manual] r [Monster Manual]
r [Monster Manual]
CR 1,3,5,7,9,11
Air Elemental Lore Monster Manual (as
Elemental) and Air Monolith Lore Complete
Arcane (as Elemental Monolith)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about air elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. Those who identify
the creature as an air elemental can also make a
Knowledge (Ravenloft) check to learn more.
Knowledge (the Planes)
DC Result
11 This creature is an air elemental, a living
manifestation of wind and air. This result reveals
all elemental traits and the air subtype. Air
elementals speak Auran.
16 An air elemental batters foes with its forceful
winds. Its mastery over the air around it allows it
to keep airborne foes off balance, helping avoid
their attacks.
21 More powerful air elementals are generally
resistant to physical harm. An air elemental can
transform itself into a vortex, picking up foes and
battering them while they hang suspended in the
26 Air elementals grow larger and more powerful
over the course of their centuries-long existence.
“Larval” elementals, called elementites, travel in
swarms. The largest air elmentals, the monoliths
and primal elementals, are the size of tornados.
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
15 When conjured in the Land of Mists, these
creatures are sometimes twisted by unnatural
forces into dangerous Mist elementals.
20 Attempts to magically summon earth
elementals in the Land of Mists inescapably
produce Mist elementals.
This is the beginning of wisdom, to know the
names of those from which the world is built, and
their epitomes, whose service the master of the
arcane may demand. Here is wisdom: the epitome
of Air may be summoned, and it is by the
following names you must greet her: Sprite,
Tornado, Tempest, Vortex, the Airy Abyss.
Primas causas, or The Book of First Things,
standard textbook for arcane studies
Elemental, earth [Monster Manual]
Elemental, earth [Monster Manual] Elemental, earth [Monster Manual]
Elemental, earth [Monster Manual]
CR 1,3,5,7,9,11
Earth Elemental Lore Monster Manual (as
Elemental) and Earth Monolith Lore Complete
Arcane (as Elemental Monolith)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about earth elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. Those who identify
the creature as an earth elemental can also make a
Knowledge (Ravenloft) check to learn more.
Knowledge (the Planes)
DC Result
11 This creature is an earth elemental, a living
manifestation of soil and stone. This result reveals
all elemental traits and the earth subtype. Earth
elementals speak Terran.
16 An earth elemental pummels foes with its stony
fists. Its mastery over the earth makes its attacks
more effective when both it and its opponent are
touching the ground.
21 More powerful earth elementals are generally
resistant to physical harm. An earth elemental can
glide through earth and stone (but not metal) as
easily as a fish swims through water. An earth
elemental can also use its solid mass to shove foes
with a particularly effective bull rush. Casting
move earth on an area containing a burrowing
earth elemental can stun the creature and fling it
back several paces.
26 Earth elementals grow larger and more
powerful over the course of their centuries-long
existence. “Larval” elementals, called elementites,
travel in swarms. The largest earth elmentals, the
monoliths and primal elementals, are the size of
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
15 When conjured in the Land of Mists, these
creatures are sometimes twisted by unnatural
forces into treacherous grave elementals.
20 Attempts to magically summon earth
elementals in the Land of Mists inescapably
produce grave elementals.
Here is wisdom: the epitome of Earth may be
summoned, and it is by the following names you
must greet him: Gnome, Earthquake, Tremor,
Stoneheart, the Living Obelisk.
Primas causas, or The Book of First Things,
standard textbook for arcane studies
Elemental, fire [Monster Manual]
Elemental, fire [Monster Manual] Elemental, fire [Monster Manual]
Elemental, fire [Monster Manual]
CR 1,3,5,7,9,11
Fire Elemental Lore Monster Manual (as
Elemental) and Fire Monolith Lore Complete
Arcane (as Elemental Monolith)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about fire elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. Those who identify
the creature as a fire elemental can also make a
Knowledge (Ravenloft) check to learn more.
Knowledge (the Planes)
DC Result
11 This creature is an fire elemental, a living
manifestation of roaring flames. This result reveals
all elemental traits and the fire subtype. A fire
elemental speaks Ignan.
16 A fire elemental bashes foes with its fists. In
addition to the sheer strength of its blows, its
living flames burn whatever it touches.
21 Fire elementals are immune to fire, and more
powerful elementals are generally resistant to
physical harm. However, they are vulnerable to
cold and cannot enter water or any nonflammable
26 Fire elementals grow larger and more powerful
over the course of their centuries-long existence.
“Larval” elementals, called elementites, travel in
swarms. The largest fire elmentals, the monoliths
and primal elementals, are the size of forest fires.
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
15 When conjured in the Land of Mists, these
creatures are sometimes twisted by unnatural
forces into treacherous pyre elementals.
20 Attempts to magically summon fire elementals
in the Land of Mists invariably produce pyre
Here is wisdom: the epitome of Fire may be
summoned, and it is by the following names you
must greet him: Salamander, Inferno, Blaze,
Brand, Wildfire.
Primas causas, or The Book of First Things,
standard textbook for arcane studies
Elemental, water [Monster Manual]
Elemental, water [Monster Manual] Elemental, water [Monster Manual]
Elemental, water [Monster Manual]
CR 1,3,5,7,9,11
Water Elemental Lore Monster Manual (as
Elemental) and Water Monolith Lore Complete
Arcane (as Elemental Monolith)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about water elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. Those who identify
the creature as a water elemental can also make a
Knowledge (Ravenloft) check to learn more.
Knowledge (the Planes)
DC Result
11 This creature is a water elemental, a living
manifestation of flowing water. This result reveals
all elemental traits and the fire subtype. A water
elemental speaks Aquan.
16 A water elemental batters foes with its fist-like
waves. Its mastery over water makes its attacks
more effective if both it and its opponent are
touching water. However, a water elemental’s
attacks are much less effective if either it or its foe
are touching the ground. It can easily overturn
watercraft smaller than itself, and its touch
extinguishes open flames..
21 More powerful water elementals are generally
resistant to physical harm. A water elemental can
transform itself into a small whirlpool, sucking
foes to the bottom and battering them with its
rushing currents.
26 Water elementals grow larger and more
powerful over the course of their centuries-long
existence. “Larval” elementals, called elementites,
travel in swarms. The largest water elmentals, the
monoliths and primal elementals, are the size of
tidal waves.
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
15 When conjured in the Land of Mists, these
creatures are sometimes twisted by unnatural
forces into dangerous blood elementals.
20 Attempts to magically summon water
elementals in the Land of Mists invariably produce
blood elementals.
Here is wisdom: the epitome of Water may be
summoned, and it is by the following names you
must greet her: Undine, Tsunami, Wave,
Seawrack, Maelstrom.
Primas causas, or The Book of First Things,
standard textbook for arcane studies
Elemental, corrupted [new]
Elemental, corrupted [new] Elemental, corrupted [new]
Elemental, corrupted [new]
JWM: This was in the file of new monsters I put
out a while back.
“Oh yea of little knowing. Unrivaled is Her power.
And great are our dark resources. Yet you fear
imprisonment between walls of stone. From the
deep I shall call a creature of fire, earth, and
whistling bone. And if you so much as flinch
before it, I shall add your soul to those already
forever bitten by its flames.”
-Grandoch Khardoon, Vomited Up From the
Bowels of Hell, unfinished, anonymous manuscript
This monster is presented by JWM in the netbook:
Elemental, dread [Denizens of Dread]
Elemental, dread [Denizens of Dread] Elemental, dread [Denizens of Dread]
Elemental, dread [Denizens of Dread]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Ravenloft)
can learn more about dread elementals. The table
below refers to dread elementals in general; check
the lore sections of specific dread elementals for
additional information. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 When conjured in an area soaked with spiritual
evil, dread elementals sometimes appear in
unexpectedly powerful forms.
Elemental, dread, blood [Denizens of
Elemental, dread, blood [Denizens of Elemental, dread, blood [Denizens of
Elemental, dread, blood [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
CR 1,3,5,7,9,11
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Ravenloft)
can learn more about blood elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
12 This undulating crimson mass is a blood
elemental, a water elemental corrupted by the dark
forces of the demiplane. This result reveals all
elemental traits and the water subtype.A blood
elemental can understand any spoken language,
but never speaks. Blood elementals can be
conjured only from pools of fresh blood or water
drawn from a drowned humanoid’s lungs.
17 A blood elemental batters foes with its coppery
tendrils, and drains blood with a touch. Its mastery
over blood makes its attacks more effective
against creatures with blood pumping through
their veins. However, a blood elemental’s attacks
are much less effective against bloodless creatures.
A blood elemental’s touch extinguishes open
flames, but the creature cannot enter a body of
water without its fluids being dispersed.
22 More powerful blood elementals are generally
resistant to physical harm. A blood elemental can
simply flow over smaller creatures, completely
engulfing them. Engulfed creatures are subjected
to the elemental’s blood drain.
"Very well, then, let us combine your medical
evidence with the condition of the room. What
was the cause of death?"
"Internal damage from the beating he suffered,
combined with exsanguination," I replied. "The
skin is broken nowhere, but there is a general
lividity and signs of stress to the skin...he was
beaten and the blood taken from his veins directly
through the skin, Alanik!"
My friend nodded once. "And the designs of blood
on the floor, however artistic, can hardly have
been produced intentionally; it would have taken
far too much time."
I shuddered as the outlines of a truly ghastly
scenario began to make themselves apparent to
The Bloody Room, from The Casebook of Alanik
Ray, Arthur Sedgwick
Elemental, dread, Grave [Den of Dr]
Elemental, dread, Grave [Den of Dr]Elemental, dread, Grave [Den of Dr]
Elemental, dread, Grave [Den of Dr]
CR 1,3,5,7,9,11
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Ravenloft)
can learn more about grave elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
12 This massive figure composed of shattered
bones, grinding headstones, and clumped soil is a
grave elemental, an earth elemental corrupted by
the dark forces of the demiplane. This result
reveals all elemental traits and the earth subtype.
Grave elementals can be conjured only within
burial grounds.
17 A grave elemental pummels foes with its stony
fists. Its mastery over burial grounds makes its
attacks more effective when both it and its
opponent are touching the ground or a raised
funerary structure, such as a tomb. By exerting its
will, a grave elemental can thrust a corpse up from
a buried grave or slowly drag opponents
22 More powerful grave elementals are generally
resistant to physical harm. A grave elemental can
glide through earth and stone (but not metal) as
easily as a fish swims through water. A grave
elemental can also use its solid mass to shove foes
with a particularly effective bull rush. Casting
move earth on an area containing a burrowing
grave elemental can stun the creature and fling it
back several paces.
“As the incantation peaked, the earth shuddered
beneath us, and then rose into a mountainous form
of hideous construction. Shaped from moldy earth
and crumbling tombstones, coffins’ wood and
dead men’s bones, it quaked with barely
constrained power and hatred, both for the
hallowed earth of the temple nearby, and for we
puny beings that dared call it forth and bind it.”
—The Occultist’s Apprentices, Friedrich and
Hilda Kreutzer
Elemental, dread, mist [Denizens of
Elemental, dread, mist [Denizens of Elemental, dread, mist [Denizens of
Elemental, dread, mist [Denizens of
CR 1,3,5,7,9,11
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Ravenloft)
can learn more about mist elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
12 This shifting bank of fog is a mist elemental, an
air elemental corrupted by the dark forces of the
demiplane. This result reveals all elemental traits
and the air subtype. Mist elementals can be
conjured only within foggy areas or within 100
paces of the Misty Border.
17 A mist elemental batters foes with its misty
tendrils. Its mastery over the air around it allows it
to keep airborne foes off balance, helping avoid
their attacks. However, a mist elemental prefers to
attack by infusing itself into another creature’s
lungs, temporarily turning that creature against its
22 More powerful mist elementals are generally
resistant to physical harm. A mist elemental is
nearly invisible in foggy areas and can disperse its
vaporpis mass. In this dispersed form, the
elemental cannot make physical attacks, but is
much more difficult to damage.
Any man of the Land of Mists knows that they are
terrible, inscrutable, the very symbol of that Fate
some say is inimical to man, and is at best
indifferent; but never before had I see the Mists
angry; and not merely angry, but enraged. We
were assaulted by a gale of hurricane force, and a
vortex that threatened to split us in two. That was
my first inkling of the power of the creature we
confronted, a power I was to see confirmed many
times again over the course of hunting those
masters of the arcane.
From the working notes to Van Richten's Guide to
the Lich
Elemental, dread, Pyre [Den of Dr]
lemental, dread, Pyre [Den of Dr]lemental, dread, Pyre [Den of Dr]
lemental, dread, Pyre [Den of Dr]
CR 1,3,5,7,9,11
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Ravenloft)
can learn more about pyre elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
12 This dancing pillar of flame is a pyre elemental,
a fire elemental corrupted by the dark forces of the
demiplane. This result reveals all elemental traits
and the fire subtype. Pyre elementals can be
conjured only from a fire which consumed the
body of at least one humanoid. If the fire has gone
out, setting a new fire atop the ashes will suffice.
17 A pyre elemental bashes foes with its flaming
tendrils. In addition to the sheer strength of its
blows, its living flames burn whatever it touches.
A pyre elemental can heal its wounds by burning
living creatures to death.
22 Pyre elementals are immune to fire, and more
powerful elementals are generally resistant to
physical harm. However, they are vulnerable to
cold and cannot enter water or any nonflammable
liquid. With a touch, a pyre elemental can animate
a humanoid corpse as a burning, mindless
skeleton, which attack nearby creatures until
consumed by their flames.
“Out of the depths it burst forth, as though a
chasm had opened into the Infernal Regions. A
column of crimson fire, it lashed out with ghostly
blue tentacles of flame. All around it withered in
the monstrous heat, and within, I saw bones and
skulls forced to dance like ashes and embers on a
hot wind.”
—Memoirs of Aradain Mournseworth, paladin of
Elemental grue [Complete Arcane,
Elemental grue [Complete Arcane, Elemental grue [Complete Arcane,
Elemental grue [Complete Arcane,
Dragon # 285]
Dragon # 285] Dragon # 285]
Dragon # 285]
JWM: Medium elemental, CR 2, always neutral
evil. These twisted elemental creatures are
spawned by the taint of evil magic in dark areas of
the elemental planes. Their presence disrupts
elemental magic of their type. Wizards covet them
because at the heart of each grue lies a pearl-like
elemental spell seed, which a wizard can extract
(by killing the grue) and transcribe into their
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
or Spellcraft can learn more about elemental grues.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (the planes)
DC Result
12 This horrible spirit is an elemental grue. This
result reveals all elemental traits and the grue’s
elemental subtype.
17 Grues are spawned in dark pits of evil on the
Elemental Planes; like true elementals, a different
variety exists for each element. Their mere
presence disrupts magic utilizing their originating
22 A grue typically has a minor attack form
related to this element. This result reveals the
chaggrin’s sneak attack, the hargrinn’s fire spray,
the ildriss’ natural invisibility, and vardigg’s water
27 A pearl-like magic object forms at each grue’s
heart. If extracted, its arcane inscriptions can
reveal an elemental spell suitable for scribing into
a spellbook.
DC Result
14 Elemental grues can be summoned with a
summon monster IV spell.
Among creatures of this type also note the grue,
useful principally by virtue of the spell-seed which
may be rendered from their essence. These may be
considered "impure" or "defiled" elemental types,
and may be noted by the distortion of their
physical forms, ranging from the subtle (the
"faces" noted in the air grue, the eye-spots of the
water) to the grotesque (the burning mannikin of
fire, the mud-mole of earth) and by their aura of
malice, quite unlike the inhuman affect of the true
From an untitled bestiary found in the library of
the lich known as Phantom's Bane
Elemental grue, air (Ildriss) [Complete
Elemental grue, air (Ildriss) [Complete Elemental grue, air (Ildriss) [Complete
Elemental grue, air (Ildriss) [Complete
Arcane] Arcane]
JWM: An air grue is normally invisible, but if
rendered visible, it appears as a roiling cloud of
dark vapor, its face marked by angry, ever-
changing features.
Elemental grue, earth (chaggrin)
Elemental grue, earth (chaggrin) Elemental grue, earth (chaggrin)
Elemental grue, earth (chaggrin)
[Complete Arcane]
[Complete Arcane] [Complete Arcane]
[Complete Arcane]
JWM: A chaggrin resembles a mole the size of a
hog, with long, filthy claws and beady, hate-filled
eyes. It is made of clumped soil and rock.
Elemental grue, fire (harggin) [Complete
Elemental grue, fire (harggin) [Complete Elemental grue, fire (harggin) [Complete
Elemental grue, fire (harggin) [Complete
Arcane] Arcane]
JWM: A harginn is a creature of lurid, darting
flame that dances and capers obscenely. Its shape
and size are roughly humanoid, but its features
shift and crackle like the leaping flames of a
Elemental grue, water (Vardigg)
Elemental grue, water (Vardigg) Elemental grue, water (Vardigg)
Elemental grue, water (Vardigg)
[Complete Arcane]
[Complete Arcane] [Complete Arcane]
[Complete Arcane]
JWM: A vardigg resembles a loose, frigid mass of
tainted water encased in a dripping membrane.
Streams and pseudopods of liquid flail away from
its shapeless body, while dark malignant eyespots
drift across its surface. [Complete Arcane]
Elemental monolith, air [Complete
Elemental monolith, air [Complete Elemental monolith, air [Complete
Elemental monolith, air [Complete
Arcane] Arcane]
JWM: Gargantuan, CR 17 versions of common
elementals. They are rulers of their kind, and
obeyed even by elder elementals. [Complete
Air Elemental Lore Monster Manual (as
Elemental) and Air Monolith Lore Complete
Arcane (as Elemental Monolith)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about air elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. Those who identify
the creature as an air elemental can also make a
Knowledge (Ravenloft) check to learn more.
Knowledge (the Planes)
DC Result
11 This creature is an air elemental, a living
manifestation of wind and air. This result reveals
all elemental traits and the air subtype. Air
elementals speak Auran.
16 An air elemental batters foes with its forceful
winds. Its mastery over the air around it allows it
to keep airborne foes off balance, helping avoid
their attacks.
21 More powerful air elementals are generally
resistant to physical harm. An air elemental can
transform itself into a vortex, picking up foes and
battering them while they hang suspended in the
26 Air elementals grow larger and more powerful
over the course of their centuries-long existence.
“Larval” elementals, called elementites, travel in
swarms. The largest air elmentals, the monoliths
and primal elementals, are the size of tornados.
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
15 When conjured in the Land of Mists, these
creatures are sometimes twisted by unnatural
forces into dangerous Mist elementals.
20 Attempts to magically summon earth
elementals in the Land of Mists inescapably
produce Mist elementals.
"Big storm comin', Captain," the mate muttered as
we stared toward the murky gray-green clouds
building at the horizon. "Gonna be a hard blow,
"I don't like it," Captain Handspall said, just loud
enough for us to hear him. "It's not natural for the
wind to change this quickly..."
Just as he said this, the crew and passengers
gasped with one voice. The vortex of clouds had
built into a waterspout, and in the clouds above
that sinister twisting funnel we saw limned, for
one moment only, the features of an enormous
human face.
pamphlet titled The Wreck of the Ste. Claire,
(supposedly) published in Port-a-Lucine, 644
Elemental monolith, earth [Complete
Elemental monolith, earth [Complete Elemental monolith, earth [Complete
Elemental monolith, earth [Complete
Arcane] Arcane]
Earth Elemental Lore Monster Manual (as
Elemental) and Earth Monolith Lore Complete
Arcane (as Elemental Monolith)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about earth elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. Those who identify
the creature as an earth elemental can also make a
Knowledge (Ravenloft) check to learn more.
Knowledge (the Planes)
DC Result
11 This creature is an earth elemental, a living
manifestation of soil and stone. This result reveals
all elemental traits and the earth subtype. Earth
elementals speak Terran.
16 An earth elemental pummels foes with its stony
fists. Its mastery over the earth makes its attacks
more effective when both it and its opponent are
touching the ground.
21 More powerful earth elementals are generally
resistant to physical harm. An earth elemental can
glide through earth and stone (but not metal) as
easily as a fish swims through water. An earth
elemental can also use its solid mass to shove foes
with a particularly effective bull rush. Casting
move earth on an area containing a burrowing
earth elemental can stun the creature and fling it
back several paces.
26 Earth elementals grow larger and more
powerful over the course of their centuries-long
existence. “Larval” elementals, called elementites,
travel in swarms. The largest earth elmentals, the
monoliths and primal elementals, are the size of
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
15 When conjured in the Land of Mists, these
creatures are sometimes twisted by unnatural
forces into treacherous grave elementals.
20 Attempts to magically summon earth
elementals in the Land of Mists inescapably
produce grave elementals.
At first we thought it was an earthquake--a minor
tremor, certainly nothing dangerous--but it went
on and on, a dark subterranean rumble shaking the
ground around us. Ivan (whose ears are much
better than mine) said, as if to himself, "Singing?"
We saw it at the same moment; one of the hillocks
of tumbled stone a few furlongs off was not a
"hill" at all, but a great figure with something of
the shape of a man. The sight of it was
indescribably piercing; both frightening and
pitiable at once. Somehow, even without
physiognomy, the sight and sound of it conveyed
an indescribable loneliness, as if its song (for such
it must have been) mourned a world lost to it
private journal of George Weathermay
Elemental monolith, fire [Complete
Elemental monolith, fire [Complete Elemental monolith, fire [Complete
Elemental monolith, fire [Complete
Arcane] Arcane]
Fire Elemental Lore Monster Manual (as
Elemental) and Fire Monolith Lore Complete
Arcane (as Elemental Monolith)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about fire elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. Those who identify
the creature as a fire elemental can also make a
Knowledge (Ravenloft) check to learn more.
Knowledge (the Planes)
DC Result
11 This creature is an fire elemental, a living
manifestation of roaring flames. This result reveals
all elemental traits and the fire subtype. A fire
elemental speaks Ignan.
16 A fire elemental bashes foes with its fists. In
addition to the sheer strength of its blows, its
living flames burn whatever it touches.
21 Fire elementals are immune to fire, and more
powerful elementals are generally resistant to
physical harm. However, they are vulnerable to
cold and cannot enter water or any nonflammable
26 Fire elementals grow larger and more powerful
over the course of their centuries-long existence.
“Larval” elementals, called elementites, travel in
swarms. The largest fire elmentals, the monoliths
and primal elementals, are the size of forest fires.
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
15 When conjured in the Land of Mists, these
creatures are sometimes twisted by unnatural
forces into treacherous pyre elementals.
20 Attempts to magically summon fire elementals
in the Land of Mists invariably produce pyre
...her drawn white mask was a mask of wrath, her
hair writhed about her face like Medusa's; in her
rage she had bitten through her lip, and blood and
spittle frothed from her mouth as she shrieked.
"Payment there shall be for me and mine!" she
cried. "In the name of Infernus, Pyrrhus, and
Ahriman, let Hell hear me! This place shall be
holocaust to my spirit of vengeance!"
As she spoke she thrust forward her hands, and
there was ripped from the ground a great sheet of
fire, which formed itself into the shape of a man.
Like a silent spectre of flame it stood, considering
our little town, and all that could be heard was the
susurration of the flames.
"Go!" she whispered, and the fire-thing rolled
Carrietta, from Twelve More Tales of the
Macabre, Jean Lafolie
Elemental monolith, water [Complete
Elemental monolith, water [Complete Elemental monolith, water [Complete
Elemental monolith, water [Complete
Arcane] Arcane]
Water Elemental Lore Monster Manual (as
Elemental) and Water Monolith Lore Complete
Arcane (as Elemental Monolith)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about water elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. Those who identify
the creature as a water elemental can also make a
Knowledge (Ravenloft) check to learn more.
Knowledge (the Planes)
DC Result
11 This creature is a water elemental, a living
manifestation of flowing water. This result reveals
all elemental traits and the fire subtype. A water
elemental speaks Aquan.
16 A water elemental batters foes with its fist-like
waves. Its mastery over water makes its attacks
more effective if both it and its opponent are
touching water. However, a water elemental’s
attacks are much less effective if either it or its foe
are touching the ground. It can easily overturn
watercraft smaller than itself, and its touch
extinguishes open flames..
21 More powerful water elementals are generally
resistant to physical harm. A water elemental can
transform itself into a small whirlpool, sucking
foes to the bottom and battering them with its
rushing currents.
26 Water elementals grow larger and more
powerful over the course of their centuries-long
existence. “Larval” elementals, called elementites,
travel in swarms. The largest water elmentals, the
monoliths and primal elementals, are the size of
tidal waves.
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
15 When conjured in the Land of Mists, these
creatures are sometimes twisted by unnatural
forces into dangerous blood elementals.
20 Attempts to magically summon water
elementals in the Land of Mists invariably produce
blood elementals.
There is a story told on that coast of the devilry
done by a mage there (for they are of all people
given to the practice of the Art); for he summoned
a elemental spirit, an avatar of Deep Oceanus, to
dredge out a harbor for the town he represented.
The elemental being greater than any to that time
seen or heard of in all that country, it broke his
compelling power and seized him, then pulled all
that city beneath the waves. Some say this is the
origin of the stories of the fabled city Shay-lot,
others that Martira Bay is the place where the city
once stood.
Catalog of the World Entire
Elemental, storm [Monster Manual III]
Elemental, storm [Monster Manual III] Elemental, storm [Monster Manual III]
Elemental, storm [Monster Manual III]
(Underlined text is Ravenloft-specific.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about storm elementals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. Those who identify
the creature as a storm elemental can also make a
Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (Ravenloft)
check to learn more.
Knowledge (the planes)
DC Result
12 This creature is a storm elemental, a living
manifestation of nature’s wrath. This result reveals
all elemental traits and the air subtype. Storm
elementals speak Auran.
17 An air elemental batters foes with its dark and
cloudy fists, which crackle with electricity. Its
mastery over the air around it allows it to keep
airborne foes off balance, helping it to avoid their
attacks. A storm elemental can also blast foes with
an arc of lightning and thunder, dealing both
electricity and sonic damage.
22 More powerful storm elementals are generally
resistant to physical harm. In addition, all storm
elementals are healed by electricity- and sonic-
based attacks. A storm elemental can’t heal itself
with its own lightning and thunder, however.
27 Storm elementals grow larger and more
powerful over the course of their centuries-long
existence. “Larval” elementals, called elementites,
travel in swarms. The largest storm elmentals, the
monoliths and primal elementals, are the size of
massive stormfronts.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
13 Storm elementals can be conjured using
summon monster or summon nature’s ally spells
(as shown in MM III).
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
15 When conjured in the Land of Mists, these
creatures are sometimes twisted by unnatural
forces into dangerous corrupted storm elementals.
20 Attempts to magically summon storm
elementals in the Land of Mists inescapably
produce corrupted storm elementals.
You cannot even imagine the superstition of some
of the Darkonese I know.
An elf I met, a young (as young as an elf can be)
and lovely lass, told me of a story passed along her
family. It is said that, during the powerful storms
on the Nocturnal Sea, air and fire merge, and
lightning is born. How ignorant.
She even tried to make me believe that sometimes
the lightning comes to life and develop an almost
human body.
Being a druid, she even cast a spell to summon
one: I saw nothing more than a small-sized and
oddly-colored air primal (no educated person
would call them "elementals", as I always I say).
I'm sure of what I say and of what I know.
The rumbling I heard coming form it, you can be
certain, was just the effect of a ghost sound spell
surreptitiously cast by that delicate elven girl.
From All that is true about this world a pamphlet
by the Toret Warlock Claude Seymar of Martira
Elemental, undead
Elemental, undead Elemental, undead
Elemental, undead
JWM: These are very rare, since elementals are
usually destroyed utterly when they die. On rare
occasion, they're created when a common
elemental is killed by a massive exposure to
negative energy.
Elemental, undead, cinderspawn [Libris
Elemental, undead, cinderspawn [Libris Elemental, undead, cinderspawn [Libris
Elemental, undead, cinderspawn [Libris
Mortis] Mortis]
JWM: Large Undead (fire), CR 6, chaotic evil. A
cinderspawn is a burnt-out undead fire elemental.
It appears as a coal-black, charred humanoid
flickering with blue-white flame. it drains
Charisma, and anyone who touches it suffers cold
damage.[Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about cinderspawn. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
20 This gaunt black humanoid, flickering with dim
blue flames, is a cinderspawn, the undead remains
of a fire elemental. This result reveals all undead
traits and the fire subtype.
25 Cinderspawn despise the warmth of living
creatures and seek to snuff it out whenever they
encounter it.
30 A cinderspawn is shrouded in icy blue flames
that deal cold damage to any creature that touches
35 Divine spellcasters who can either turn or
rebuke both undead and fire creatures find it
particularly easy to turn or rebuke cinderspawn.
Imagine having every song you ever sang, in joy
and in sorrow, drip, drip, dripping out of you like
blood. And you are perfectly conscious of the loss
counted off by the drops. It is your very genius
that quickens the dance, that quickens the night
black parody of man licked by, and licking you
with, insatiable flame.
-Extract from an unsigned and poorly encrypted
letter penned in dubious Balok and found by the
Kargat in a bottle beached at the mouth of the
Musarde River
Elemental, undead, desiccator [Libris
Elemental, undead, desiccator [Libris Elemental, undead, desiccator [Libris
Elemental, undead, desiccator [Libris
Mortis] Mortis]
JWM: Small Undead (water), CR 2, neutral evil.
Desiccators are dried-out undead water elementals.
It resembles a small, salt-encrusted humanoid with
withered limbs and a distended belly. Its only
facial feature is a round, gaping mouth. It has a
desiccating breath weapon and drains water from
living creatures with its touch (which deals
damage and causes fatigue).[Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about desiccators. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This salt-encrusted, distended creature is a
desiccator, the undead remains of a water
elemental. This result reveals all undead traits and
the water subtype.
19 Desiccators long to quench their unnatural
thirst with the fluids of living creatures. A
desiccator usually begins combat with its breath
weapon, a blast of desiccating air that mildly saps
its victims’ health.
24 A desiccator then attacks opponents with its
fists. A desiccator is not particurly strong, but its
attacks also dry out its foes, causing fatigue and
empowering the desiccator.
29 Divine spellcasters who can either turn or
rebuke both undead and water creatures find it
particularly easy to turn or rebuke desiccators.
We did not have time to prepare an appropriate
construct and involving outsiders was unthinkable.
The unliving would not do and the living, even
with the amarnath, were too likely to become their
opposite. That left elementals and a test
demonstrated that they could withstand the
Shroud. Covered by a storm, we entered the city
with two bound elementals of the air, eventually
setting them upon the natives as a distraction. An
earth elemental bore the prize to the Vulchar
where a bound water elemental lay in wait with a
barge. But its exposure to the veil of death had
been too long and a century upon the salt flats of
Har'Akir could not have been less kind. What had
been a force of nature was now a calcified,
inexplicably quadrupedal form, distinguished by a
yawning maw and a strength perfectly insufficient
to bear us away. Fatally, attention turned from the
useless thing to the summoning of a substitute,
leaving unmarked, in our very midst, a newly
minted minion of Death, with a breath more
withering than the wind of the Ashen Wastes.
-Extract from an unsigned and poorly encrypted
letter penned in dubious Balok and found by the
Kargat in a bottle beached at the mouth of the
Musarde River
Elemental, undead, dust wight [Monster
Elemental, undead, dust wight [Monster Elemental, undead, dust wight [Monster
Elemental, undead, dust wight [Monster
Manual III]
Manual III] Manual III]
Manual III]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about dust wights. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
26 This haggard, crumbling earth elemental is
actually a dust wight, the undead remains of a
living earth elemental. This result reveals all
undead traits and the earth subtype. Dust wights
speak Terran.
31 A dust wight attacks with its stony fists. Dust
wights particularly despise anything made of stone
or metal, and their touch erodes creatures and
objects crafted from these materials.
36 A dust wight is constantly surrounded by a
cloud of dust. Living creatures exposed to this dust
slowly turn to stone. Spells such as stone shape or
move earth can halt the transformation. A dust
wight’s solid mass deflects most blows, but
admantine weapons can pierce its defenses.
41 Divine spellcasters who can either turn or
rebuke both undead and earth creatures find it
particularly easy to turn or rebuke dust wights.
The discussion was heated. Albertus was insisting
that it was a creature he stubbornly called
"elemental" (not knowing that cultured people
should refer to them as "primals"). I said more
than once that it was just another kind of undead
monster. The dust it was loosing around itself was
just the dust of the grave.
I ordered three of my disciples to charge the
creature along with me. We were successful. The
creature was destroyed, though at the cost of the
life one of my disciples and of Albertus. As soon
as they neared the creature, the dust seemed to
move on its own accord and entered their lungs
and deposited on their skin. A few seconds later,
they were two statues. Only my noteworthy fibre
allowed me to resist its effect.
I must say I did not found a skeleton inside the
body. In truth, there was was no body, since the
monster fell in a pile of dust after a few hits from
my fey-forged mace and a few prayers to the
I nevertheless stick to my hypotesis.
Anyway, one can witness the tombs of Albertus in
Martira Bay. I paid for it with the money I
gathered during my time as an adventurer. It is the
one with the lifelike monument on the pedestal.
From A recount of my exploit by Toret Warlock
Claude Seymar, of Martira Bay.
Elemental, undead, voidwraith [Li
Elemental, undead, voidwraith [LiElemental, undead, voidwraith [Li
Elemental, undead, voidwraith [Libris
bris bris
Mortis] Mortis]
JWM: Medium Undead (Air), CR 6, neutral evil.
A voidwraith is an undead air elemental. It
resembles an extra-amorphos wraith - a formless
cloud of darkness. It's surrounded by an aura of
vaccuum (so living foes can't breathe) and can
steal living creatures' breath with its touch.[Libris
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about voidwraiths. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This amorphous cloud of darkness is a
voidwraith, the undead remains of an air
elemental. This result reveals all undead traits and
the earth subtype. Voidwraiths speak Auran.
21 A voidwraith attacks by lashing out with its
smoky tendrils. When a voidwraith stikes a living
creature, it tries to steal the victim’s breath,
literally sucking the air from its lungs and draining
its health. Opponents can resist this attack by
holding their breath..
26 A voidwraith is constantly surrounded by an
aura of near-vacuum. Adjacent creatures that need
to breathe must hold their breath or risk
31 Divine spellcasters who can either turn or
rebuke both undead and air creatures find it
particularly easy to turn or rebuke voidwraiths.
The dead whisper true. But Death will not be
cheated a second time. The stratagem does not
admit of repetition. And I escaped only its bony
hands, not its ashen realm. What is to be salvaged
from this? Much is confirmed. And I may have
glimpsed something unexpected. I do not believe
that Death was simply gloating in choosing to
torment me with the undead minions newly minted
from the elementals that we had summoned to its
abode. It shares some profound affinity with them
that exceeds that with the other slain. It might have
taken my soul personally and I expect it ultimately
intended to, indeed still intends to. But it took the
greatest pleasure, a mother’s pleasure, in letting
the wreck of the air elemental in particular, that
roiling, red-eyed abyss, suck from my lungs not
just the air that I breathe but, little by little, my
very life.
-Extract from an unsigned and poorly encrypted
letter penned in dubious Balok and found by the
Kargat in a bottle beached at the mouth of the
Musarde River
Elementite s
Elementite sElementite s
Elementite swarm [Planar Handbook]
warm [Planar Handbook]warm [Planar Handbook]
warm [Planar Handbook]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about elementite swarms. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
17 This swarm is composed of fist-sized
elementals, known as elementites. This result
reveals all elemental traits plus the swarm subtype
and the appropriate elemental subtype.
22 Elementites cluster together in swarms for
mutual protection; the few that survive will
eventually develop into common elementals.
Elementites attack by swarming over foes and
battering them from all directions. In addition,
reveal the following about the appropriate
elementite type:
Air elementites tend to blow creatures off their
feet as the swarm flows over them.
Earth elementites can glide through earth and
stone (though not metal) as easily as a fish swims
through water.
Fire elementites burn to the touch and can ignite
flammable materials.
Water elementites douse any nonmagical flames
they swarm over.
27 Reveal the following about the appropriate
elementite type:
Due to their rudimentary mastery over the air, air
elementites can keep airborne creatures somewhat
off-guard, weakening their attacks.
Casting move earth on an area that contains
burrowing earth elementites momentarily stuns the
swarm and hurls it back several paces.
Fire elementites are immune to fire, but vulnerable
to cold.
Due to their rudimentary mastery over the water,
water elementites can attack more effectively
when both it and its opponent are touching water.
Their attacks are far less effective when either the
swarm or its opponent is touching the ground.
Unlike larger elementals, water elementites cannot
overturn watercraft.
32 Like insect larvae, elementites are immature,
barely sentient versions of standard elementals.
Only a few will survive to develop into larger
forms. Elementals continue to grow in size and
power over the course of their long existence, with
elemental monoliths and primal elementals being
the most powerful.
The qualities of the truly elemental pertain from
the greatest scale (the epitomes, in all their forms,
ranging up to those avatars called monoliths)
down to the most tiny, such as might be evident in
every spark, every breath of air, each drop of
water, each grain of sand. Even these, the smallest
of their type, are in power not inconsiderable
when, as often happens, they join in bands of
thousands upon thousands and act in concert.
from The Book of First Things, standard magical
Elementite swarm, air [Planar Handbook]
Elementite swarm, air [Planar Handbook] Elementite swarm, air [Planar Handbook]
Elementite swarm, air [Planar Handbook]
JWM: Tiny Elemental (Swarm), CR 4, neutral.
These are swarms of barely sentient elementals.
They're basically the larval form of elementals.
[Planar Handbook]
Elementite Swarm, Air: Resembles a shimmering
breeze. It's very good at tripping opponents.
Elementite swarm, earth [Planar
Elementite swarm, earth [Planar Elementite swarm, earth [Planar
Elementite swarm, earth [Planar
Handbook] Handbook]
JWM: Resembles buckling earth made up of small
rocks. Like earth elementals, it can glide through
earth and stone.
Elementite swarm, fire [Planar
Elementite swarm, fire [Planar Elementite swarm, fire [Planar
Elementite swarm, fire [Planar
Handbook] Handbook]
JWM: Resembles a crackling mass of sparks and
flames. Like fire elementals, its touch sets things
on fire
Elementite swarm, water [Planar
Elementite swarm, water [Planar Elementite swarm, water [Planar
Elementite swarm, water [Planar
Handbook] Handbook]
JWM: Resembles a choppy patch of water. it has
powers similar to a water elemental, plus the
elementites can force themselves down into a
creature's lungs, drowning it. [Planar Handbook]
Elephant [Monster Manual
Elephant [Monster Manual Elephant [Monster Manual
Elephant [Monster Manual -
CR 7
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about elephants. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 17: This massive gray beast is an elephant,
easily identified by its long, prehensile trunk. This
result reveals all animal traits.
DC 22: Elephants are herbivores, but they are
territorial and can be unpredictable. Wild or angry
elephants can be extremely dangerous due to their
sheer size and physical power. Elephants tend to
charge and trample creatures that threaten them.
Humanoids in tropical lands sometimes
domesticate elephants for use as mounts and
beasts of burden.
DC 27: Two distinct varieties of elephant exist.
African elephants are slighter larger and more
powerful, while Indian elephants are more easily
Elf, high elf [Monster Manual]
Elf, high elf [Monster Manual] Elf, high elf [Monster Manual]
Elf, high elf [Monster Manual]
CR ½
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can
learn more about elves. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
10 This willowy humanoid is an elf, a civilized
race of nonhumans renowned for their artistry and
extreme longevity. This result reveals all
humanoid traits. Elves have their own language,
and they know Common. Clever elves often speak
other racial languages as well.
15 Elves live in harmony with nature and are
talented arcanists. Compared to humans, they are
dextrous but relatively frail. Culturally, elves
receive extensive training with the sword and bow
as they mature.
20 An elf has sharp senses, heightened by their
attunement to the natural world. Elves see well in
dim light and can often sense hidden doors just by
passing near them.
25 Elves do not sleep or dream, and are immune to
sleep effects. Instead, they refresh themselves by
entering a meditative reverie for a few hours a
30 Numerous elven subraces exist, with the high
elf being most common. Other varieities include
gray elves, wild elves, wood elves, aquatic elves,
and the infamous dark elves called the drow. Elves
can also interbreed with humans, producing half-
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can
learn more about half-elves. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This exotic-looking individual with the slightly
pointed ears is a half-elf, the child of a human and
an elf. This result reveals all humanoid traits. Half-
elves spreak the language of whatever society in
which they were raised, though they typically
know both Elven and Common.
17 The lifespan of a half-elf is longer than a
human’s, but much shorter than that of an elf.
Half-elves thus find it difficult to find a place in
either society, so they often travel widely and find
roles as natural mediators.
22 Half-elves have sharp senses and can see well
in dim light, though they lack their elven parent’s
knack for noticing hidden passages.
27 Half-elves retain their elven parent’s immunity
to sleep effects, but also inherit their human
parent’s need to sleep and dream.
Elven values have always been curious and alien
to mortals, the mindset of eternals is a hard one to
grasp. Many researchers have simply dismissed
the elf as insane, devoid of any and all logic. This
is not an entirely invalid opinion, the elf see
patterns in the stars and think in terms of magics
not earthly and mundane logic. To say nothing of
the dream-like nature of fey lands where the
simplest of rational thoughts are alien and their
mindset begins to make sense. Add to this
centuries of association and memories and what
may be a simple mental step for an elf seems like a
wild and fantastic leap of logic for mere humans.
Elven beliefs are the epitome of this, personal and
so bizarre that to even try to understand them
gives me a headache.
From Jonothan Lochspeare’ “Races of the mists”,
part III
Elf, drow [Monster Manual]
Elf, drow [Monster Manual] Elf, drow [Monster Manual]
Elf, drow [Monster Manual]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about drow.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
12 This lithe, ebon-skinned humanoid is a dark elf,
also known as a drow. This result reveals all
humanoid traits. These suberttanean elves speak
both Elven and Undercommon, and typically also
speak Common. Some drow also learn oher racial
languages or a form of sign language known only
to them.
17 Drow are known for their evil natures,
matriarchal cultures, and zealous worship of
malign, arachnid gods. They are more delicate
than humans, but also more dextrous and more
cunning. Drow are talented spellcasters, with drow
women holding all divine roles. Culturally, drow
train their children with the rapier, short sword,
and hand crossbow, and they often poison their
22 A drow’s sharp senses are attuned to life
underground. Drow can see so well in the dark that
sudden exposure to bright light can blind them.
27 Drow do not sleep or dream, and are immune to
sleep effects. Instead, they refresh themselves by
entering a meditative reverie for a few hours a
night. Drow are resistant to magic, but once per
day they can use spell-like abilities to create
dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire, which
they use to disorient their foes.
32 Numerous other elven subraces exist, with the
rest living in harmony with nature on the surface.
Other varieities include high elves, gray elves,
wild elves, wood elves, and even aquatic elves.
Drow can also interbreed with humans, producing
A few of these dark elves are rumoured to inhabit
the deepest caves of Darkon. Their wickedness is
said to be beyond everything. A dwarf once told
me they can impale a human baby (or any other
race then their, including other type of elves), just
for the fun of watching it die. They kill each other
in their endless power games.
Their innate magical power is whispered to be
remarkable and very sinister. They can see through
darkness and worship a long dead spider idol.
These “dark” elves are so fantastic, they are
probably another of the fey tall tales.
From Jonothan Lochspeare’ unpublished notes
Elven hound (cooshee) [Races of the
Elven hound (cooshee) [Races of the Elven hound (cooshee) [Races of the
Elven hound (cooshee) [Races of the
] ]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about elven hound. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This massive, green-furred dog is an elven
hound, also known as a cooshie. This result
reveals all magical beast traits.
17 Cooshies are bred and raised by elves. Like
their elf masters, elven hounds are resistant to
22 Once an hour, elven hounds are capable of
reaching incredible speeds in a brief sprint.
27 Elven hound pups and adults fetch high prices
at market, though they are seldom found for sale.
Cooshies tend to distrust nonelves, so most are
trained by and for elf masters, who use them for
hunting or as guard animals.
“I was hunting with friends in the woods of
southern Darkon when we found ourselves
suddenly circled by a number of extremely large
and massive dogs, with greenish pelt. Denis tried
to charm them, but the hounds proved themselves
extremely resistant against our ranger’s charms.
I then thought these were supernatural hounds, but
soon after their master made herself seen. It was
an elf. She said that we crossed the limit of elven
territory and gave us a warning to withdraw from
it. I knew other elves were probably watching, and
sharp arrows pointed to our hearts. It was quite
clear there was going to be only one warning.
I said that we didn’t know this was an elven
territory and we were going to leave now. For an
hour, we saw the hounds escorting us until we
reached the limits of an old forest.”
A hunter tale.
Elvsra [Gaz. 4, Valachan]
Elvsra [Gaz. 4, Valachan] Elvsra [Gaz. 4, Valachan]
Elvsra [Gaz. 4, Valachan]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Entombed [Frostburn]
Entombed [Frostburn] Entombed [Frostburn]
Entombed [Frostburn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about entombed. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
20 The well-preserved corpse within this green-
tinged block of ice is one of the entombed, an
undead creature that retains the ability to think —
and move. Its necromantic energies extend out into
the ice around it, giving it the stature of an ogre.
This result reveals all undead traits and the cold
subtype. Entombed can hear, and can understand a
local language, but they cannot speak.
25 The entombed are forever imprisoned within
the ice, but they can glide through that ice and
snow like a fish swims through water. A
entombed’s touch burns with the cold of the
30 If an entombed gets a living creature in its
clutches, it can drain the heat right from the
creature’s body, freezing it solid. An entombed
can also attempt to drag a foe it’s grabbed into
solid ice, trapping it in a cold and airless tomb. An
entombed can sense vibrations through snow and
35 If an entombed slays a humanoid and encases it
in ice (such as by bodily dragging it into a block of
ice), that corpse animates within moments as a
new entombed.
Last February, we were again hunting this cursed
evil monster constructed by Mordenheim, for what
we hoped was the last time, and we were walking
the jagged ice canal between Lamordia and the
Isle of Agony, this part of the Fingers Islands
where the creature makes his lair.
But the creature that attacked us while we were
resting was not a creature similar to Adam. Its
thick icy limbs attacked us from under the ice
itself, and it tried to drag me inside the ice with
terrible force. But the most dreadful is that I saw a
terrible sorrow in the eyes of the desiccated corpse
trapped inside the ice. What was this thing?
Thankfully I was able to break its grasp and we
fled the place. But Adam only got a short time
before I go back.
- From Ivan Dragonov’s tales
Entomber [Libris Mortis]
Entomber [Libris Mortis]Entomber [Libris Mortis]
Entomber [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about entombers. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This filthy and shrunken humanoid, reeking of
carrion, is an undead graverobber called an
entomber. This result reveals all undead traits.
Entombers understand Common, but since their
lips are sewn shut, they cannot speak.
20 Necromancers often use entombers to do their
dirty work. Whenever an entomber strikes a
creature, it can magically pound it into a shallow
grave, though it can only do this on a surface of
stone, earth, or softer materials. An entomber’s
body is unnaturally tough enough enough to
deflect glancing blows, but silver weapons can
pierce its defenses.
25 An entombed victim’s location is indicated by
the low mound of broken earth or stone. An
entombed victim can attempt to struggle free, and
an ally can dig it up, but the victim has only
moments before it runs out of air. With a touch, an
entomber can also instantly exhume any body,
living or dead, buried within 10 feet of the surface.
“We were exploring the last of these old elaborate
cemeteries of Sri Raji when we saw a shape
moving toward us in the twilight. The man was
hideous, and very dirty. Flies were swirling around
it. Martin tries to speak to it, but the man slammed
him hard! We were shocked, but the worst is
Martin was eaten by the cemetery ground. This
thing entombed our friend! We heard Martin’s
screams, but I have shame to say we fled the place
because we couldn’t do otherwise. When we came
back three days after, we unearthed Martin’s body
and we carried it back to our camp. His face
expressed a terrible fear, like if he knew all along
what happened to him... Thank Ezra, we didn’t see
this horrible forsaken creature again”
- a scholar tale
Entropic reaper [Libris Mortis]
Entropic reaper [Libris Mortis] Entropic reaper [Libris Mortis]
Entropic reaper [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) or
Knowledge (the planes) can learn more about
entropic reapers. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
22 This scythe-wielding cloaked skeleton is an
entropal reaper, an undead horror that arose in the
Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo. This result
reveals all undead traits and the chaotic subtype.
Entropic reapers speak Abyssal, Celestial, and
27 Entropic reapers serve evil entities of pure
chaos, who send them forth to the Material Plane
to slaughter lawfully-aligned creatures. To this
end, an entropic reaper can plane shift once a day.
These entities are masters of the scythe, dealing
fearful wounds with its blade.
32 Entropic reapers are none too picky about who
they kill. These reapers imbue any scythe they
wield with the fluctuating chaos of Limbo.
Victims struck by a reaper’s entropic blade may be
struck mad by the agony of their seething flesh as
they dissipate into nothingness. An entropic reaper
ignores most minor blows, but lawfully-aligned
weapons forged of cold iron can pierce its
37 An entropic reaper is highly resistant to magic
and, until destroyed, recovers from even grevious
wounds with shocking speed.
“I at first thought this thing to be a grim reaper.
While there are many similarities in appearance,
this unliving creature is much more powerful. But
its scythe was an amazing thing. It was fabricated
out of darkness, and when it moved around the
creature, it seemed like light itself was attracted to
it, making the area where the unloving stood
bleaker. The blade struck one of my henchmen,
and the men dissolved into something not unlike
ectoplasm. It seemed very painful. But as I wanted
to neutralize this unliving and grasp its scythe, it
retracted to the plane of shadows, and then fled
from me. It’s a major disappointment, as this blade
looked promising for a new dominant arcane
incantation. It reminded me of these theories on
arcane matter-sucking holes in the sky. Very
promising and intriguing…”
- a lich’s journal in Nova Vaasa
Ephemera [Manual of the Planes]
Ephemera [Manual of the Planes] Ephemera [Manual of the Planes]
Ephemera [Manual of the Planes]
JWM: These creatures lurk in the Umbral Curtain
(the Plane of Shadow equivalent to the Near
Ethereal) -- a concept I never got to try out in the
published books.
Ephemera (general): Non-undead creatures native
to the Plane of Shadow, their bodies composed of
shadowstuff. Also fall into the “if you can see
them, they can see you” category. Don’t have
reality wrinkles. [Manual of the Planes]
Ephemera, dusk beast [Manual of the
ra, dusk beast [Manual of the ra, dusk beast [Manual of the
ra, dusk beast [Manual of the
Planes] Planes]
JWM: Medium Outsider [Extraplanar], CR 3,
neutral. A two-headed lizard with a barbed tail,
seemingly composed of darkness, that’s the size of
a man. Possesses nearly human-level intelligence,
and can stretch its shadowstuff body somewhat.
Despite their intelligence, they’re basically just
territorial predators.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about dusk beasts. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
18 This shadowy, two-headed lizard is a dusk
beast, a creature native to the Plane of Shadow.
This result reveals all outsider traits.
23 A dusk beast feeds on areas of deep shadow.
They slowly starve in areas of either bright light or
complete darkness. It is fiercely territorial, and
tends to attack anyone who carries a bright light
into its feeding grounds.
28 A dusk beast can stretch its shadowy necks and
tail, giving it an unexpectedly long reach.
"Old MacMurtry, he's got himself a guard dog,
see? Except it's not a dog. It's a black thing the
size of a big dog, except it has two heads, and
sometimes it's not there. I truly don't care if you
believe me, because it's true. If you see him go out
sometimes on a moonlit night you'll see it
following along behind him, going from shadow to
Except I'm not sure he sees it, and sometimes I
kinda wonder if he got it on purpose, or if he
doesn't know it's there, and it' know.
Following him for its own reasons."
(Private interview with Sean Tovey, Smythe's
Ferry. Further investigation provided no evidence
for the existence of Dophe MacMurtry's "pet".)
Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove, private notes
Ephemera, ecalypse [Manual of the
Ephemera, ecalypse [Manual of the Ephemera, ecalypse [Manual of the
Ephemera, ecalypse [Manual of the
s] s]
JWM: Large Outsider [Extraplanar], CR 9,
neutral. Vaguely resembling a horse, these
creatures have six legs and a gray, semi-
transparent body, sometimes allowing bones and
internal structures to be seen. Unlike horses, they
growl rather than neigh. They communicate
telepathically with each other, and can sometimes
be used as steeds by those powerful enough to
tame them. Semi-intelligent. They can merge with
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about ecalypses. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
20 This colorless, six-legged, nearly insubstantial
equine creature is an acalypse, a creature native to
the Plane of Shadow. This result reveals all
outsider traits.
25 In shadowy areas, an encalyse can blend into
the darkness, making it all but invisible. Ecalypses
are wild and fiercely independent creatures, but
they can sometimes be broken and trained to
accept a saddle.
30 Ecalypses only accept the rider who broke
them, so they are never found for sale. An
ecalypse can turn itself and its rider incorporeal at
35 An ecalypse has several useful spell-like
abilities, including find the path, repulsion, and
shadow walk. It can also plane shift itself and its
rider once a day.
The two riders were approaching across the salt
flat; behind them heat lightning lashed down on
the strange ruined city. Their mounts might, at a
distance, have been mistaken for horses, but they
had a way of skittering sideways which no horse
could duplicate, and the wind brought me their
growling, more like that of bears or wolves than of
any ruminant. As they came closer I saw, too, that
these strange steeds had six legs.
I stepped out from behind the stone, and the riders
seemed to notice me for the first time; instantly,
without any obvious communication between
them, they stepped sideways--as it seemed, into
their own shadows--and were gone.
From a purported diary of Dr. Gregory Illhausen
Ephemera, umbral banyan [Manual of the
Ephemera, umbral banyan [Manual of the Ephemera, umbral banyan [Manual of the
Ephemera, umbral banyan [Manual of the
Planes] Planes]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about umbral banyans. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
25 This shadow-cloaked tree is an umbral banyan,
a predatory plant native to the Plane of Shadow.
This result reveals all plant traits.
30 Umbral banyans lurk in the shadows of dense
forests, patiently waiting for prey to come its way.
Until it attacks, an umbral banyan is hard seldom
noticed. An umbral banyan can speak Sylvan, but
seldom does.
35 When an umbral banyan attacks, it lashes out
with its hanging vines, grapples a victim, and
yanks the hapless creature up off the ground. An
umbral banyan slowly saps the strength from its
grappled victims.
40 Once an umbral banyan has snatched a victim,
it can briefly shift itself and its grappled prey to
the Plane of Shadow, where it attempts to finish
off its isolated foes before returning for more.
“I don’t know what kind of plant this was, or hell
if it was a plant at all! Let me tell you this: we
were in the wild jungles of Sri Raji, traveling to
the ruins of an observatory where we were to look
on the walls at signs for the next eclipse. It was
important for this astronomer who hired us.
Anyway, this huge banyan tree suddenly started
moving and it attacked us while we were traveling
in this jungle. Its treacherous nooses took the
astronomer and strangled him while lifting him
from the ground. We used fire magick, a tell tale
tool against plants, but the way it collapsed in the
shadows and disappeared leaved us clueless about
this thing. We came back the next day but didn’t
find any trace of this banyan tree, or of the
astronomer. It’s like it never been there at all…”
- a druid’s tale in a Darkon tavern
Ephemeral swarm [Monster Manual III]
Ephemeral swarm [Monster Manual III] Ephemeral swarm [Monster Manual III]
Ephemeral swarm [Monster Manual III]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about ephemeral swarms. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This swirling collection of translucent creatures
is an ephemeral swarm, a bestial chorus of lesser
creatures slain en masse, their spirits united in
death. This result reveals all undead traits and the
incorporeal and swarm subtypes.
20 Although the swarm flows through the air as
one, it is composed of numerous little spirits.
Targeting individual spirits can prove vexing, but
attacks with magic bludgeoning weapons are often
25 Ephemeral swarms attack by flowing over and
around living creatures, draining the victim’s
strength with their loathsome touch.
[...] You can imagine my surprise, my dear Claire,
when I did as you suggested and exited Darkonese
borders! I recalled instantly all of my life!
I resolved to go to Port-au-Lucine as soon as I
could, so to see my true country. There, after
meeting again my family (who invited me once
more to marry, since a girl in its prime should
not... You know how it goes, don't you?) and
discovering that the pogroms against we halflings
had intensified, I was summoned by our old friend
Germaine, of the gendarmerie. He asked me to
descend in the sewers (as I did before meeting you
and our other friends): it seemed that a new
resurgence of giant centipede was menacing the
halfling community.
As fast as I could, I gathered a small crew. We
descended in the sewers and found some dead rats.
It seemed to me that they died of starvation: they
simply were completely paralyzed!
After a few hours of exploration, we found out the
culprit: in a great chamber there was a mass of
writing centipedes... But I noticed something my
companion didn't: they were already dead, as some
were cut in half, others were lacking legs and
head! I could even see the floor of the sewers
trough them. It was the ghost of the centipedes I
killed more than three years ago!
We moved away as soon as we could, since I
didn't want to risk the life of my men.
My, dear friend, I'm afraid we will need your
Private letter form Constable Lyr Brushgather of
Delagia to Witch Claire Silence of Viaki
Ermordenung [Denizens of Dread]
Ermordenung [Denizens of Dread]Ermordenung [Denizens of Dread]
Ermordenung [Denizens of Dread]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can
learn more about ermordenung. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
18 This pale, statuesque individual is an
ermordenung, a courier and confidante to Ivana
Boristi hand-picked for his or her tact, cold beauty,
and utter loyalty. This result reveals all humanoid
23 Ermordenung are master poisoners, capable of
delivering lethal contact poisons with just a touch.
Due to their extensive exposure to poisons, they
are highly resistant to being poisoned themselves.
28 Ermordenung are actually lethally poisonous to
the touch. They cannot suppress this ability. They
are immune to all poisons save the touch of
another ermordenung. All ermordenung have pale
skin and pitch-black hair.
33 Ermordenung have been permanently
transformed from normal folk by Ivana Boristi,
who alone holds the power of their creation. All
ermordenung serve as her minions.
“The man who grabbed her suddenly choked,
pawing at his throat as he fell backwards. He
writhed on the ground in agony ‘till he finally
stopped moving. But even as he lay dying, I did
nothing to help; I was too busy staring at her. Had
I not seen a man of twice my girth fall from just a
touch, I would have swept her into my arms and
kissed her without hesitation, regardless of
consequences. Some nights, when she plagues my
dreams, I wish I had.”
-Ferrius Casteele
Ethereal marauder [Monster Manual]
Ethereal marauder [Monster Manual] Ethereal marauder [Monster Manual]
Ethereal marauder [Monster Manual]
CR3 JWM: These monsters sometimes enter the
Demiplane of Dread by accident while traveling in
the Deep Ethereal, after which they lurk in the
Near Ethereal.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about ethereal marauders. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This bizarre, tri-jawed creature is an ethereal
marauder, a predator native to the Ethereal Plane.
This result reveals all magical beast traits.
18 Ethereal marauders are fairly intelligent, but
have no known culture or society; they exist solely
to hunt. An ethereal marauder attacks with its
powerful bite.
23 An ethereal marauder relies on hit-and-run
tactics to wear down its foes. The creature can
shift to the Material Plane, bite an opponent, and
then shift back to the Ethereal Plane before its
victims can react.
“While looking for Elisabeth’s possible hiding
place in the mists, we were suddenly facing this
thing. Really, I have never seen, or heard, of such
a thing. It was like a worm or a lizard standing on
its back legs. Strange skin colours too, all blue and
grey hued. But then it opened its mouth, to show
an impossibly large mouth, where all its inners
were black teeth! We discussed it afterward and
the consensus is that it looked like a toothed snake
with legs. Edwin tried to ward him off our group
by presenting its torch, but he was bitten instead.
Then Geraldine hit it with her sword and the thing
- Elisabeth Yquery vanishing case inquiry.
Ethereal slayer [Monster Manual II]
Ethereal slayer [Monster Manual II] Ethereal slayer [Monster Manual II]
Ethereal slayer [Monster Manual II]
JWM: These monsters sometimes enter the
Demiplane of Dread by accident while traveling in
the Deep Ethereal, after which they lurk in the
Near Ethereal.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about ethereal slayers. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
26 This monstrous alien horror is an ethereal
slayer, an ambush predator native to the Ethereal
Plane. These fiends are dimly intelligent, but are
fast and purely malevolent. This result reveals all
outsider traits and the chaotic and evil subtypes.
31 Ethereal slayers possess a powerful detect
magic ability that allows them to detect magical
auras on the Material Plane while they remain on
the Ethereal. They often linger unseen near these
magical treasures, waiting for unwary planar
traffic. When an ethereal slayer strikes, it attacks
with its shredding mandibles and wicked, mantis-
like pincers.
36 An ethereal slayer can plane shift twice a day to
pursue prey to the Material Plane, then retreat after
eating its fill. Its chitinous armor deflects most
attacks, but good-aligned magic weapons can
pierce its defenses.
41 An ethereal slayer is strongly resistant to
magic. It can use dimensional anchor at will to
trap ethereal creatures in the Ethereal Plane.
We had heard the stories of a haunting at the
Farwaes manor, and had made our usual
preparations for ghost hunting; I asked M.
Mikkelson to accompany us, as his ghost-sight
would surely prove invaluable in our expedition.
Entering the house during daylight hours, we had
made only a cursory inspection when I heard
Mikkelson shout, "What the devil?" in a tone quite
unlike his usual conciliatory manner of speaking
to the restless dead. Hurrying into the hallway, we
saw him pass at a dead run, yelling to us, "Get out
of here!" as he went. When we caught up with him
at some distance from the manor house, I asked
what on earth he had seen there.
"It's not a haunting," he said, his face even more
pale than usual. "It's not...I saw a thing in there,
like a spider--a crab--I don't know how to describe
it. Big. Whatever it is, it's not a ghost."
private journal of George Weathermay
Ettercap [Monster Manual]
Ettercap [Monster Manual] Ettercap [Monster Manual]
Ettercap [Monster Manual]
CR3 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about ettercaps.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This hideous, spiderlike humanoid is called an
ettercap. This result reveals all aberration traits.
They are somewhat intelligent and usually speak
20 Ettercaps have no real society; they exist to
hunt and breed. They feel a great affinity for
spiders, however, and often keep them as pets and
25 An ettercap’s bite injects a debilitating poison
that can cause loss of muscle control, leading to
paralysis. Ettercaps are not particularly brave, and
usually flee if a fight turns against them.
30 Ettercaps can weave vast webs, and can even
spin and throw them like nets. Ettercaps are
instinctually talented trapmakers, and often
incorporate numerous traps into their lairs.
Next there came a chittering, and a rasping, and a
clicking, and a tapping, and the great spiders
moved aside, and a little man with the face of a
spider came into the clearing. He lifted his hands
and began to gesture to the spiders, and the spiders
began to dance, filling up the clearing with their
silk as they went and forming it into great nets and
snares to catch the unwary. At last the dance was
done, and the spider-man lowered his hands and
went away among the webs; and Little Tip, in his
hat of invisibility, followed him.
Little Tip and the Spider People, traditional
See also Dragon 343
Evolved undead [Libris Mortis]
Evolved undead [Libris Mortis] Evolved undead [Libris Mortis]
Evolved undead [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about evolved undead. The base DC is
(12 + the base creature’s CR); the DCs given
below are for the sample evolved wraith. The
character must make a separate Knowledge
(religion) check to learn about the base creature.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 After centuries of undeath, this creature has
grown more powerful, evolving new abilities.
Evolved undead often become leaders of their
21 Evolved corporeal undead are physically
tougher than normal; evolved incorporeal undead
develop more forceful personalities. Both varieties
recover quickly from their wounds.
26 Evolved undead develop new spell-like abilities
they can use once a day, including circle of death,
cloudkill, cone of cold, confusion, contagion,
creeping doom, greater dispel magic, greater
invisibility, haste, hold monster, see invisibility, or
unholy blight. A single evolved undead seldom
gains more than one or two of these abilities,
however, and it’s impossible to predict what of
these powers a given undead may possess.
The documented tales changed little in well over a
century. The innocent, the guilty, the foolhardy
would find themselves at the door of Mill Manor,
cross the threshold of the strangely resilient
structure, and enter the great hall with its immense
chandelier. They would discover little of the
disorder that is to be expected in a place so long
abandoned. Few of them would spot the subtle
signs of the bloody violence that has so deeply
stained the place. And almost none would escape a
taste, at the very least, of the fury that is congealed
there. Without warning and with terrible accuracy,
a blade would draw itself from concealment, take
aim at tender flesh, and hurl itself forth. Then
another. And another. Individuals who stood their
ground and fought died. Where as those who fled
typically survived to recount their tale. But
something has changed in the last decade or two.
For the innocent no longer escape Mill Manor and
the less than innocent speak now not only of
honed blades but also of a blackness, sticky and
stinking, that more than one described as
reminiscent of a grave overladen with rotting
-Unpublished note of Doctor Rudolf Van Ritchen
Eye of fear and
Eye of fear and Eye of fear and
Eye of fear and flame [Book of Vile
flame [Book of Vile flame [Book of Vile
flame [Book of Vile
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about eyes of fear and flame. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
18 This hooded, skeletal creature is an eye of fear
and flame, an undead horror created by the gods of
chaos and evil. This result reveals all undead traits.
It speaks Common.
23 An eye of fear and flame has a valuable jewel
set into each eye socket. The creature usually
attacks by drawing back its hood to reveal one
gem or the other. The black gem is the eye of fear,
which terrorizes those it sees. The red gem is the
eye of flame, which burns that which it sees with
unholy fire.
28 In addition to its jeweled eyes, an eye of fear
and flame can also call upon several spell-like
abilities at will, including detect good, detect law,
detect thoughts, and true seeing. It can also use
ethereal jaunt twice a day.
33 Any vision-affecting spell (such as blindness or
power word: blind) cast on an eye of fear and
flame is reflected back at its caster.
The Ministry of Finance cleared his throat, and
said: “my dear Kingfuhrer, we again got a report
from Stadtfuhrer Theodorn in Morfenzi. She
mentions again of a powerful undead creature
praying on your populace living near the Rift. Her
efforts to get rid of it failed so far, because she
hasn’t enough soldiers to make an effective hunt.
She asks for a battalion of soldiers dedicated to
this task, led by a Talon. With …”
“Bloody nonsense”, interrupted Vlad Drakov,
while pounding his throne with his fist. “See what
you get when promoting a woman? That really
was a silly idea, Vigo!”
After a moment of silence in the room, he got
calmer and asked “What did she say of this
damned bag of bones again?”
The Ministry of Finance again cleared his throat,
and looked at his notes. “A vicious skeleton-like
thing, but with magic powers, one…”
“Bah!”, said Drakov.
“In short, it is tricking the peasants to kill each
other, and was seen throwing balls of fire at the
peasants”, he finished.
“Great father, if I may”, said Vigo, “I would like
to head this expedition and get your land cleared
of this undead thing.”
“Not a chance in hell”, replied Vlad Drakov.
“What does she think we are, this schoolgirl in
Morfenzi? Bug collectors? If we agree for this
one, we will get endless similar requests about
anything and any matter from all over Falkovnia.
No, make sure instead this Gondegal and his fools
learn of this creature through the usual means. Let
them do the dirty work for us”.
“Brilliant, my great lord!”, said the Ministry of
Finance, while Vigo was tightening his fists
behind his cloak.
Famine spirit (ravenous ghoul) [Monster
Famine spirit (ravenous ghoul) [Monster Famine spirit (ravenous ghoul) [Monster
Famine spirit (ravenous ghoul) [Monster
Manual II]
Manual II] Manual II]
Manual II]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about famine spirits. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
29 This hideously obese, decaying humanoid is a
famine spirit, a powerful form of undead also
known as a ravenous ghoul. This result reveals all
undead traits.
34 A famine spirit lunges at living creatures with
its fangs and claws, seeking to sate its bottomless
hunger. A famine spirit has a chance of biting off a
victim’s head with a single bite, and can unhinge
its jaw to swallow that head in a single gulp.
39 A famine spirit is surrounded by a wide aura
with the effects of a symbol of pain. It also
recovers quickly from its wounds.
44 Famine spirits do not feed on the undead, so
they often collect a retinue of lesser ghouls and
ghasts that scavenge from its leftovers. In the rare
case that a famine spirit does not completely
consume a victim, the corpse rises a few days later
as a new famine spirit. Casting protection from
evil on the corpse can stop the transformation.
49 A famine spirit can temporarily slip into the
Ethereal Plane three times a day, and it can see
invisible creatures.
After we were successful on our hunt of the
Glutton of G’Henna, our first energies were put to
cure poor Nikolas’s hand. But alas, no amount of
curing could mend what those terrible jaws had
done, and Nikolas’s broken hand was completely
lost to him. I pity him but I’m sure his inner
strength will help him face this challenge.
Then I searched our uncle’s paper on hungry dead.
In these notes, I found something ghastly. There
was once in Darkon a similar monster to the
Glutton, a ghoul of insatiable hunger and terrible
powers. The adventurer that told our uncle details
on this creature said it was seen eating at least 50
corpses on a deserted battlefield, in less then a
day! They engaged it in combat, but some of them
were trembling when near the monster, as if it’s
hideous presence was causing them pain. But the
worse is that one of the fighters got bit in the head,
and it was sliced from the man’s body. I shiver
just to think of what much worse could have
happened to our dear Nikolas.
- Laurie WF’s journal
See also Dragon #336
Fearweed [Denizens of Dread]
Fearweed [Denizens of Dread] Fearweed [Denizens of Dread]
Fearweed [Denizens of Dread]
"Fear weed, Runco vereor, is something of a
misnomer. Unfortunately, madness weed, Runco
rabies, is little better. In any case, the candles were
the success that I had expected. For obvious
reasons living bees would not readily do the work
thus a hive was slain and infused with my potency.
Its members gathered the pollen, embedding it in
their wax. The wax was cast into shape, the steak
knives were honed to a razor’s edge, and thus I
was well armed to meet over dinner the arguments
of La Société de la raison éclairée."
-Passage from Lord of Necropolis, a forged and
calumnious autobiographical parody of the life of
Azalin Rex
Fenhound [Denizens of Dread]
Fenhound [Denizens of Dread] Fenhound [Denizens of Dread]
Fenhound [Denizens of Dread]
Errata: Add the Mists subtype.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Ravenloft)
can learn more about fenhounds. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This softly glowing mastiff is a fenhound, a
creature that only appears on nights of the full
moon. This result reveals all outsider traits.
20 Fenhounds relentlessly track their prey across
the swamps they call home. A fenhound can
always follow its quarry’s trail. Fenhounds attack
with their fearsome bite, usually dragging victims
to the ground in the process.
25 A fenhound’s shimmering aura is concentrated
moonlight. It protects the fenhound from physical
harm and helps it resist most magic. A fenhound
cannot be harmed by light-based magic or divine
magic dedicated to the sun, moon, or revenge.
However, magic weapons can still pierce a
fenhound’s supernatural defenses.
30 A fenhound can strike fear in the hearts of its
foes simply by baying at the moon. If a fenhound’s
moonlight aura is suppressed (perhaps in an
antimagic shell), it loses most of its supernatural
35 Despite its fearsome demeanor, a fenhound is a
force of good. Fenhounds appear only when
someone commits an evil deed within their moors,
and relentlessly hunt the villain. If a fenhound is
slain, two more take its place on the following full
moon. The only way to permanently escape a
fenhound hunt is to fully atone for one’s crimes.
Lord Candor: To what to I owe this late visit, my
friend? Are you not content with stealing my
wealth and my son, that you now wish something
else from me?
Lord Craven: Toy not with me. Call off your
hounds, lest I take your head! They have plagued
me every night I have set foot outside for a
fortnight past.
Lord Candor: By your own actions, I have no
hounds to send.
Lord Craven: None indeed! Then from whence
comes this dreadful baying?
-From “The Hound upon the Fen,” a poor selling
Mordentish play.
Fetch, dread [Carnival + Dragon # 313]
Fetch, dread [Carnival + Dragon # 313]Fetch, dread [Carnival + Dragon # 313]
Fetch, dread [Carnival + Dragon # 313]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about a creature’s fetch nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the reflected creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This ghastly spirit is a fetch, a malevolent
reflection that seeks to steal the life of the creature
it mirrors. This result reveals all outsider traits and
the incorporeal subtype.
20 A fetch attacks by projecting itself from a
visible mirror. A fetch focuses on attacking the
creature it reflects, and is invisible to all other
foes. It possesses all the abilities of the creature it
reflects, and its attacks drain that creature’s life
energy. A fetch casts no reflection, and while it is
active, neither does the creature it mirrors.
25 As a fetch drains its duplicate’s life energy, it
gradually materializes until it becomes fully
corporeal. A fetch is the reversed mirror-image of
its real duplicate, both physically and spiritually.
A fetch can use mirrors like magic portals to travel
from one mirror to another.
30 Fetches are native to the little-known Plane of
Mirrors. A fetch projecting itself from that plane
must remain within sight of a mirror at all times. A
fetch cannot see or hear any creature that does not
normally cast a reflection.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who's the fairest of them all?
Confess, confess, it is I
My reflection could not lie.
-A vain, foolish girl visiting Carnival
Fey, folkloric
, folkloric, folkloric
, folkloric
[Van Richten’s Guide to the
[Van Richten’s Guide to the [Van Richten’s Guide to the
[Van Richten’s Guide to the
Shadow Fey
Shadow FeyShadow Fey
Shadow Fey
p 16
p 16p 16
p 16]
Feytouched [Fiend Folio, Van Richten’s
Feytouched [Fiend Folio, Van Richten’s Feytouched [Fiend Folio, Van Richten’s
Feytouched [Fiend Folio, Van Richten’s
Guide to the Sh
Guide to the ShGuide to the Sh
Guide to the Shadow Fey p108]
adow Fey p108]adow Fey p108]
adow Fey p108]
(Alvenkin, Bragkin, Firkin, Muryankin,
Portunekin, powriekin, sheekin, sithkin, tegkin)
(Ravenloft-specific lore is underlined.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about a creature’s feytouched nature.
They may need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
11 A few of this creature’s odd, sylvan traits hint
at a touch of fey ancestry. This result reveals all
fey traits.
16 Unlike true fey, creatures that are merely
feytouched are mortal (though sometimes
unusually long-lived, like half-elves). Compared
to their mortal ancestors, feytouched tend to be
nimble and outgoing, though somewhat frail. They
are neither innately benevolent nor malevolent, but
either way, they tend to have playful personalities.
21 Feytouched with particularly outgoing
personalities may develop spell-like abilities,
including charm person, dancing lights, daze, and
ghost sound, which they can use once a day.
26 Feytouched tend to be lucky, and their slightly
otherwordly minds are immune to all mind-
affecting spells and effects. However, if a
feytouched is descended from the shadow fey, it
loses its special abilities while exposed to sunlight.
"Begone, demon in human form! Begone, with
your deceptive skin of porcelain! Still now your
breath that smells of a thousand blooms but reeks
of brimstone! Shut now forever your eyes that
glisten with stars but burn with hellfire! You are
Blasphemy! You are not my daughter! Begone!
May the woods take you and never return you
-- polemic of Inquisitor Brian Guillachan against
his newborn feytouched daughter, Brigdarrow,
See also Fiend folio’ version
Fiends (see demon and devil).
Fiends (see demon and devil). Fiends (see demon and devil).
Fiends (see demon and devil).
Base info on fiends
Base info on fiends Base info on fiends
Base info on fiends
see demons
see demonssee demons
see demons
Fiendish creature [Monster Manual p107]
Fiendish creature [Monster Manual p107] Fiendish creature [Monster Manual p107]
Fiendish creature [Monster Manual p107]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about a creature’s fiendish nature.
(They may need to make a different Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature’s traits.)
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
12 This creature has been tainted by its fiendish
origins. This result reveals all the traits of the
creature’s current type (such as magical beast).
17 A fiendish creature is resistant to cold and fire.
More powerful fiendish creatures can also resist
weapon damage, but good-aligned weapons can
still pierce their defenses.
22 Fiendish creatures can see in the dark and are
resistant to spells.
27 Once per day, a fiendish creature can channel
its evil energies into a melee attack, smiting a
good-aligned foe for extra damage.
"... I done told him. I done told him that dog
t'weren't right. But my boy did have a soft spot for
critters, and he jes' laughed at his ol' pa, and took
him in. I done told him again that night I saw the
mutt sittin' in the burning woodshed, not dead, not
scared, just sittin' and lookin' at me. Them eyes
weren't no hound eyes I ever seen. And the thing
just walked outta them flames, fancy as you
please, without a scratch or a singe on 'im. I knew
then he was from hell alright; I'm sure 'a that, ain't
nothin you say'll change my mind. So I wasn't
surprised at'all when he done that... to my boy....
my little boy.... Sad, yup, sadder then I'll ever be,
and sorry and angry too, but not surprised a bit, no
-- Testimony of Farmer Holt of Viaki, in the
"Demon Dog" incident.
Fiendish symbio
Fiendish symbioFiendish symbio
Fiendish symbiont: fiendish familiar
nt: fiendish familiar nt: fiendish familiar
nt: fiendish familiar
[Fiend Folio]
[Fiend Folio] [Fiend Folio]
[Fiend Folio]
There was an outlander sorcerer, a man of puissant
evil, who came among us some moons gone by,
who did much wickedness in the land, until our
noble King (long may his reign endure!) came
forth at the head of a band of our young men and
smote the miscreant. And, in truth, the evidence of
his corruption was seen immediately in this: that
he carried within his breast another mouth, which
did utter strange blasphemies (this died with him);
that his hair and skin crawled with vermin; and
that his belly was already distended in the moment
of death with worms, as if he had been dead many
a day. These vermin and these worms our King
(whose word is the law of his subjects)
commanded should be taken up in vessels that
were thereafter sealed, that he might make more
close examination of them, and this was done;
those who participated thereafter being much
prone to the falling sickness, to divine madness,
biting at the flesh, and so forth, all signs of the
favor which obedience had won them.
common Vechorian tale, accepted by some as
having historical basis
Fiendish s
Fiendish sFiendish s
Fiendish symbiont: gutworm [Fiend
ymbiont: gutworm [Fiend ymbiont: gutworm [Fiend
ymbiont: gutworm [Fiend
Folio] Folio]
Fiendish symbiont: soul tick [Fien
Fiendish symbiont: soul tick [FienFiendish symbiont: soul tick [Fien
Fiendish symbiont: soul tick [Fiend Folio]
d Folio] d Folio]
d Folio]
Figurine, all [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, all [Denizens of Dread] Figurine, all [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, all [Denizens of Dread]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about figurines. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This miniature, animalistic sculpture is a
magically animated figurine. This result reveals all
construct traits.
18 Figurines are mindless combatants that fight as
commanded by their masters. Their hardened
bodies can deflect glancing blows, but adamantine
weapons can prove effective.
23 Several varieties of figurine have been created,
each one identifiable by the material used to create
it and the animal it is fashioned to resemble. Each
variety of figurine possesses its own special
abilities. This result reveals the special attacks and
qualities of each figurine, and also reveals the
method for creating figurines.
28 The dark magic animating a figurine is far too
powerful to be properly contained by its miniature
body. Eventually, the power awakens these
constructs, granting them a malign cunning, free
will, and a hatred for those who possess true life.
Figurine, ceramic [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, ceramic [Denizens of Dread] Figurine, ceramic [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, ceramic [Denizens of Dread]
"But, Griselda, these are exquisite!" I told her, and
indeed they were--tiny statuettes, the largest no
bigger than a man's palm, but carved or sculpted
with the most minute detail in the forms of various
animals. The old man had worked with several
media; there were a rank of reptiles, cast in potter's
clay and decorated with paints; insects and spiders
carved from single crystals; a whole tribe of
brutish apes made from black volcanic glass; and,
at the rear, a scrimshaw elephant and a porcelain
tiger lorded it over their smaller fellows, though
this last needed cleaning; its gold and black stripes
were spattered with rust-brown paint.
"They are horrible, horrible," she muttered, biting
at her lip. "At night I hear them talk among
themselves, like so many mice. I am glad he is
dead! Now he can make no more."
The Menagerie, from Twelve More Tales of the
Macabre, Jean Lafolie
Figurine, crystal [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, crystal [Denizens of Dread] Figurine, crystal [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, crystal [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, ivory [Denizens of Dread
Figurine, ivory [Denizens of DreadFigurine, ivory [Denizens of Dread
Figurine, ivory [Denizens of Dread]
] ]
Figurine, obsidian [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, obsidian [Denizens of Dread]Figurine, obsidian [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, obsidian [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, porcelain [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, porcelain [Denizens of Dread]Figurine, porcelain [Denizens of Dread]
Figurine, porcelain [Denizens of Dread]
Fihyr [Monster Manual II]
Fihyr [Monster Manual II] Fihyr [Monster Manual II]
Fihyr [Monster Manual II]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about fihyrs. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This horrid, tentacled monstrocity is a fihyr, a
literal nightmare made flesh. This result reveals all
aberration traits and the dream subtype.
19 Fihyrs feed on fear and despair. They exist
solely to cause havoc, and pay no heed toward
their own survival. The mere sight of a fihyr’s
ferocious attack can terrify onlookers. A fihyr is
somewhat resistant to magic.
24 Fihyrs are instantly slain by exposure to natural
sunlight, though they betray no fear of it. Rarely,
great fihyrs come into being. These powerful
fihyrs are unique among dream creatures in that
sunlight does not harm them, although they
despise and avoid it.
29 Great fihyrs are far more cunning than their
lesser kin and can turn invisible at will. Unlike
common fihyrs, these horrors do take steps to
assure their own survival.
34 A great fihyr can evoke feelings of intense fear,
sorrow, or rage from other creatures as a spell-like
ability. The emotion lasts for as long as the fihyr
concentrates, and it can remain invisible while
doing so.
[...]Let me indulge more on the subject of
One of the people who had the pleasure of
travelling with me during my time outside Darkon
was a well educated and rational halfling, a master
crafter of pulvus ignea, who had the only defect to
have developed in his life a rather... Lamordian
view on religion.
He told me of an encounter he had before meeting
me. He told me confuse words of "pure fear",
"terrors", "tentacles and wings"... He told me of
something that cornered him and the other
companions in an old farm and seemed to grow
stronger and larger with every passing minute they
were trapped, frightened, in that house. To destroy
the creature, he told me, they resolved in burning
down the building.
As you can see, even the most rational persoan can
be swayed by mere superstition: I can tell you the
creature was nothing more than the illusion cast by
an evil mage we had to fight some weeks later.
I am sure of it, since in all my travels, I never
faced such a creature.
From All that is true about this world a pamphlet
by the Toret Warlock Claude Seymar of Martyra
Flayed rider (nuckalavee)
ayed rider (nuckalavee)ayed rider (nuckalavee)
ayed rider (nuckalavee)
(FoS NS Gaz
FoS NS GazFoS NS Gaz
FoS NS Gaz)
Legend claims the Flayed Rider was once a man,
yet the shape that rears up from the fouled pond’s
stagnant water is less human than any goblyn. Its
squat, malformed man’s torso is wedded at the
waist to a quadruped body only superficially
equine, furless and slime-slickened, with dripping
frills of fin and a long tail like an eel’s, now
lashing the brackish water’s surface to froth. Its
wrists join to webbed, taloned things more paw
than hand; ungainly frog-feet, also clawed, sprout
from its fetlocks in place of hooves.
Worse even than its grossly-bloated, ogrish face or
the hate-filled, spit-spraying bellow of rage it
unleashes, is its skin: transparent as a tadpole’s
belly, such that the taut cords of blanched muscles,
the ivory of bone and sickly yellow of gristle, the
ropy coils of gut in its paired bellies and the
pulsing streams of black blood within its veins, are
hideously cast into view.
Ezra’s mercy, let it not have been a man…
Fleas of Madness (MC III)
Fleas of Madness (MC III)Fleas of Madness (MC III)
Fleas of Madness (MC III)
see see
Maddening Flea
Maddening FleaMaddening Flea
Maddening Flea
Fog cadaver
Fog cadaver Fog cadaver
Fog cadaver –
see Zombie, fog
see Zombie, fogsee Zombie, fog
see Zombie, fog
Foresaken shell [Libris Mortis]
Foresaken shell [Libris Mortis] Foresaken shell [Libris Mortis]
Foresaken shell [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about forsaken shells. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This heaving, slithering skin is a forsaken shell,
the outer remains of a victim slain by necromantic
forces. This result reveals all undead traits.
21 A forsaken shell lashes at its foes with torn
flaps of skin. These creatures are incredibly
strong, and if they grab hold of a foe, they can
slowly crush it to death. The presence of a
forsaken shell is often presaged by the discovery
of its gruesome, flayed victims.
26 If a living creature is slain by a forsaken shell,
then after a few moments its skin sloughs off and
animates as a new forsaken shell.
Not only can the foul fey flay a man alive. With
their malign magiks they can cause the poor
wretch’s hide to rise up and wrench the remaining
life from him. Although this is done only after the
skin has been sent slithering off to deal with the
fellow’s family and has returned with the grisly
proof of the dasterly deed in tow.
-Wyan of Viktal, "Hammer of Shades"
Forlorn husk [Sandstorm
Forlorn husk [SandstormForlorn husk [Sandstorm
Forlorn husk [Sandstorm]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about forlorn husks. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This sinister figure with parchment-like skin
and glowing green eyes is a forlorn husk, the
undead remains of a desert traveler who died of
thirst. This result reveals all undead traits.
19 Forlorn husks are driven by a burning thirst.
They are intelligent and stealthy predators, using
their sharp claws and fangs to slash open wounds
in their victims. A forlorn husk’s dry flesh deflects
glancing blows, but magic weapons can pierce its
24 A forlorn husk can drain moisture from a
grappled victim, sucking out the fluids through
any open wound. Any humanoid killed by having
its fluids drained away rises as a new forlorn husk
within a day or two. A forlorn husk's wounds heal
29 A forlorn husk can climb walls like a spider.
The creature’s ravenous thirst is so overpowering
that may even ignore living foes in favor of
obtaining visible sources of water — even holy
water. A distracted forlorn husk is not helpless,
however; it may attack foes to reach water, and it
can defend itself while drinking.
“Well, ladies and gentlemen, you heard our spell
casting client this afternoon, we are soon going to
Har’Akir”, said the woman, after taking a long
breath at her expensive cigar.
“But, Madame Montarri, how are we to get there
and how will we find such a creature?”, said a
younger men around the table. “Its remains will be
easy to bring back to Darkon after we kill it, but
we will have to find it first! And Har’Akir is an
endless field of sand”, he added.
“Hear, hear… First, my tender one, let me the mist
navigation part. I got a good sense for this, and a
vistani head too, I might add”, she replied with a
mischievous smile.
“Second, if I understand what our well paying
client said, this undead creature is thirsty for
water”, she continued. “Not blood or anything, just
plain water. So we’ll bring plenty of it to fly fish
it. Barrels and barrels. It might be long, as you say,
but this contract is the juiciest in a long time”
“And what our spell caster client wants to do with
the remains of this creature isn’t our business. Our
business is to get there, and bring it back, dead.”
- Heard at a Red Vardo Traders reunion
Formorian giant [Monster Manual I
Formorian giant [Monster Manual IFormorian giant [Monster Manual I
Formorian giant [Monster Manual II]
I] I]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Fox [Frostburn
Fox [Frostburn Fox [Frostburn
Fox [Frostburn -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about foxes. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 10: This bushy-tailed, doglike animal is a fox.
This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Foxes feed on rodents, small birds, and
similar game. They flee from creatures larger than
themselves, and are renowned for their cunning
methods of evading hunters.
Fox Fox
Fox , silverfox
, silverfox, silverfox
, silverfox
see Silverfox
see Silverfoxsee Silverfox
see Silverfox
Frostwind Virago
rostwind Viragorostwind Virago
rostwind Virago
A sort of giant fey from the cold
Fumewood termite [Book of
Fumewood termite [Book of Fumewood termite [Book of
Fumewood termite [Book of
Sacrifices/Spectre of the Black Rose]
Sacrifices/Spectre of the Black Rose]Sacrifices/Spectre of the Black Rose]
Sacrifices/Spectre of the Black Rose]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) or Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about Fumewood termites. In Sithicus, a
Knowledge (local) check reveals the same
information, but the DC increases by +5. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
10 The termites native to the Fumewood of
Sithicus are reputed to have dangerously ravenous
appetites. This result reveals all vermin traits.
15 Fumewood termites hungrily consume both
wood and flesh. They are usually encountered in
swarms, but even a single termite can be
dangerous. A Fumewood termite’s bite is
venomous, capable of numbing or even paralyzing
its victim.
20 A Fumewood termite that bites exposed flesh
burrows into creature, infesting the flesh as other
termites would infest a dead tree. It only burrows
for a few moments a day before eating its fill, but
continues to slowly bore a winding tunnel through
the victim’s flesh until it is extracted or the victim
is stripped of flesh. This result also reveals the
procedure for removing infesting termites.
The employment of the Fumewood termite, native
to the Fumewood logically enough, is essentially
limited to Sithicus. Binding and gagging an
individual in the immediate vicinity of a colony,
while effective, is unambitious, unless there is
some pressing need to be rid completely of both
flesh and bones. It is better to bring a witless
subject into the presence of a swarm, affording a
good show and a better alibi. More
recommendable still, with some time and privacy,
is to introduce a single termite into the arm of a
properly restrained person. The movement of the
creature under the skin can be appreciated, the
pain is sharply focussed, and death comes slowly.
But a case can also be made for the nose, the ear
or even the eye. And with a few spares at hand,
albeit not literally, the cheek or mouth are also
worthy of consideration.
-Torture Techniques both Old and New, doctoral
thesis of Linda Dilisnya, Brautslava Institute
Fungus, shrieker [Monster Manual]
ungus, shrieker [Monster Manual] ungus, shrieker [Monster Manual]
ungus, shrieker [Monster Manual]
CR1; Suggested by Chris Nichols
Fungus, violet fungus [Monster Manual]
, violet fungus [Monster Manual] , violet fungus [Monster Manual]
, violet fungus [Monster Manual]
CR3; Suggested by Chris Nichols
Furies [Denizens of Dread]
Furies [Denizens of Dread]Furies [Denizens of Dread]
Furies [Denizens of Dread]
3 x CR 11 Alecto (the Implacable, She who
must not be named), Tisiphone (the Avenger),
Megarea (the Disputatious)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Ravenloft)
can learn more about the Furies. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
23 These hideous, batwinged bird women are the
Furies, a trio of fiendish harpies who exist to snuff
out the flickers of redemption in a heart turned
black by sin. This result reveals all outsider traits
and the evil, lawful, native and Mists subtypes.
28 When the Furies detect a black-hearted villain’s
desire to redeem himself, they appear to him three
times to lead him astray. If a villain resists all
three visits, the Furies will never appear to him
again. They can take the form of old women, and
each one carries a magic scourge. A Fury’s breath
carries the nauseating stench of rotten flesh, which
she can use as a breath weapon.
33 On their first visit, the Fures simply try to talk
the villain back onto the path of damnation,
turning him against his allies. The Furies have
potent supernatural defenses, but good-aligned
weapons remain particularly effective against
them. The three Furies always appear to together
and coordinate their attacks. A Fury’s scourge
lashes a foe’s spirit as much as his flesh.
38 On their second visit, the Furies resort to
threats, listing the villain’s crimes and declaring
that his soul will never be cleansed. Of the three
sisters, Alecto the Implacable is a powerful divine
spellcaster. Megarea the Disputatious wields
mighty sorcerous powers, and Tisiphone the
Avenger is a fearsome warrior. The Furies are
immune to paralysis, polymorph, and mind-
influencing effects. The attacks of creatures whose
souls are utterly untouched by sin are just as
effective against Furies as blessed weapons.
43 On their final visit, the Furies reveal their true
forms and attempt to destroy (and devour) the
villain. If a single Fury is destroyed, she boils
away as black smoke, but will eventually return. A
mortal slain by the Furies can never be restored to
life; all attempts automatically result in undeath at
best. Although they are not undead, so foul are the
Furies that concentrated positive energy burns
48 To permanently destroy the Furies, all three
must be slain on the same day, and the killing
blows must be delivered by foes whose spirits are
completely pure. A Fury cannot bring herself to
permanently harm any good-hearted creature.
"Call them the Kindly Ones," the crone muttered.
"At that there can be no offense. They have names,
aye, but naming calls, and they must not be called.
They seek you already; all those who walk in
darkness and then turn to the light are their lawful
prey. Beware the Iron Three, the Implacable, the
Avenger, the Disputatious, and if they find
you...only then...must you hail them."
She scrawled three words in Darkonese script on
the paper. Alecto, Tisiphone, Megarea. "Do not
name them unless they find you," she repeated,
putting it in my hands.
Eumenides, from "Twelve Tales of the Macabre",
Jean Lafolie
Gaki, all [Oriental Adventures]
Gaki, all [Oriental Adventures] Gaki, all [Oriental Adventures]
Gaki, all [Oriental Adventures]
Gaki (general): Minor undead spirits, the souls of
wicked mortals forced to return to the world of the
living as punishment for their sins. By far most
common types of “walking dead” in Far Eastern
realms. All gaki share a limited array of stealthy
spell-like abilities, plus the ability to fly and the
power to assume the form of a common insect.
[Oriental Adventures]
Gaki, niku
Gaki, nikuGaki, niku
Gaki, niku-
-gaki [Oriental Adventures]
gaki [Oriental Adventures] gaki [Oriental Adventures]
gaki [Oriental Adventures]
JWM: Medium Undead (Spirit), CR 1, chaotic
evil. The undead forms of miserly merchants and
others who were exceedingly greedy in life.
Phyiscally somewhat similar to jiki-ketsu-gaki, but
they lack any special powers beyond those of all
gaki. Their behavior is more akin to ghouls – they
simply attack people, drag them off into the
woods, and eat them.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about jiki-niku-gaki. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This ghoulish creature with palid, flaking
skin is a jiki-niku-gaki, the restless spirit of
someone who was ruled by greed in life. This
result reveals all undead traits.
DC 16: Like all gaki, jiki-niku-gaki can fly and
turn themselves invisible at will. They can also
take the form of common insects, and several
times a day they can use passwall as a spell-like
DC 21: Jiki-niku-gki killers driven by an obsessive
hunger for living flesh. They possess just enough
cunning to ambush their victims. A jiki-niku-gaki
ignores glancing blows, but weapons wielded by
foes of great honor can pierce their defenses. A
jiki-niku-gaki recovers quickly from its wounds.
Of the merchant Wazira they say that he ate up
men, because his greed took the food from the
mouths of many honest laborers who died in the
famines when he demended their last copper coin
for a bowl of rice. Being himself such a great
glutton, it is no surprise that he hungers, even after
his death, for man's flesh. They say he is seen
sometimes on the road between Takeda and
Moroshi, stirring a pot filled with men's bones; but
that a traveler who presents him with a copper
cash may pass freely.
Kenzo Nakamura, The History of the Islands of
the Sun
Gaki, shikki
Gaki, shikkiGaki, shikki
Gaki, shikki-
-gaki [Oriental Adventures]
gaki [Oriental Adventures] gaki [Oriental Adventures]
gaki [Oriental Adventures]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about shikki-gaki. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 14: This bony, ghoulish humanoid is a shikki-
gaki, the walking corpse of an irresponsible healer,
negligent servant, or even a corrupted nature spirit.
This result reveals all undead traits.
DC 19: Like all gaki, shikki-gaki can fly and turn
themselves invisible at will. They can also take the
form of common insects, and several times a day
they can use passwall as a spell-like ability.
DC 24: Shikki-gaki are dimly intelligent,
compelled by their insatiable hunger for humanoid
flesh. A shikki-gaki’s claws carry a deadly
supernatural disease called gaki fever. A shikki-
gaki’s bony body deflects glancing blows, but
weapons wielded by foes of great honor can pierce
their defenses.
DC 29: A shikki-gaki recovers quickly from its
wounds. Those that were nature spirits in life
spend their daylight hours in the form of large
mushroom. A shikki-gaki in mushroom form can
be destroyed by being doused with a dipper of hot
soup or salt water.
The cave was damp and cold, and made Shiro's
nose itch. He accompanied there his grandfather,
carrying his exorcist staff and a bowl of hot,
steaming soup. Grandfather praied all the way to
the cavern. They discended for about thirty
minutes, then Grandfather took the staff and the
soup and ordered Shiro to wait there. He, then,
disappeared in the dark of the cavern.
He waited for a long time, kicking coobles,
counting the cracks in the cavern's ceiling, and
poking the many mushrooms growing on the
He could hear Grandfather chanting the litany he
sang in every village that requested his assistance.
He could even hear a strange buzzing sound...
Like snoring. The the chant stopped. Then the
sound of something washed on the floor. A
"Grandfather!" he yelled. Nobody answered.
Them from the darkness, a figure came. It was
Grandfather tired as always after he did his work.
The bowl in his hand was empty.
"Let us go, Shiro." the old man said "The village is
now safe"
Gaki, shinen
Gaki, shinenGaki, shinen
Gaki, shinen-
-gaki [Oriental Adventures]
gaki [Oriental Adventures]gaki [Oriental Adventures]
gaki [Oriental Adventures]
Shinen-gaki: Medium Undead (Fire, Spirit), CR 6,
chaotic evil. The undead forms of treacherous or
cowardly soldiers. They appear as a hovering ball
of flame, not unlike a will-o’-wisp, and burn all
that they touch.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about shinen-gaki. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 14: This hovering ball of flame is a shinen-
gaki, the restless spirit of traitorous or cowardly
soldier. This result reveals all undead traits and the
fire subtype.
DC 19: Like all gaki, shinen-gaki can fly and turn
themselves invisible at will. They can also take the
form of common insects, and several times a day
they can use passwall as a spell-like ability.
DC 24: A shinen-gaki burns to the touch. If its
victims attempt to flee, it often attempts to
surround its foes with a circle of fire.
DC 29: Shinen-gaki simply ignore most attacks,
but magic weapons can pierce their defenses. A
shinen-gaki recovers quickly from its wounds.
Military Governor Ozuna had the traitors crucified
in the courtyard before his palace, but his own
cruel deeds (which were very many) soon came
home to roost; for the courtyard was afterward
haunted by their vengeful spirits, who appeared on
every first night of the new moon and burned in
the air until the rising sun dispelled their light. One
year after their death the shinen-gaki appeared and
advanced on his abode, and, entering, burned all
within whom they could find, leaving the
Governor's Palace in ashes. The place is still
widely considered accursed, and none save the
bravest with sleep within its walls.
Kenzo Nakamura, The History of the Islands of
the Sun
Gaki, Gaki,
Gaki, jiki
-gaki [Oriental Adventures]
gaki [Oriental Adventures] gaki [Oriental Adventures]
gaki [Oriental Adventures]
JWM: Medium Undead (Spirit), CR 6, chaotic
evil. The undead forms of corrupted monks and
other holy men. Somewhat akin to vampire spawn
– they have dark, greasy skin, fangs and claws,
and bloodshot eyes. Unlike other gaki, they retain
human-level intelligence and can speak. They
drain blood and can use a musical instrument to
hypnotize victims.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about jiki-ketsu-gaki. A character who
recognizes a jik-ketsu-gaki’s nature can make a
bardic knowledge check to learn more. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (religion)
DC 16: This gaunt, greasily creature with the
sharp fangs and claws is a jiki-ketsu-gaki, the
cursed spirit of a corrupted holy man or woman.
This result reveals all undead traits.
DC 21: Like all gaki, jiki-ketsu-gaki can fly and
turn themselves invisible at will. They can also
take the form of common insects, and several
times a day they can use passwall as a spell-like
DC 26: Jiki-ketsu-gaki are the most cunning and
talkative of their kind. They drain blood from
living foes that fall into their clutches. Their
undead flesh instantly heals most wounds, but
magic weapons can pierce their defenses.
DC 31: Most jiki-ketsu-gaki carry a stringed
instrument called a biwa, with which they play
music that fascinates mortal minds. Jiki-ketsu-gaki
recover quickly from their wounds and are
immune to both fire and cold.
Bardic Knowledge
DC 31: A jiki-ketsu-gaki’s fascinating music is a
sonic effect that can be countered by bardic
There was an old man seated on top of the wall,
dressed in the robes of a monk; but his teeth were
too long for his mouth, and his fingernails were
claws, and his skin was dark and greasy. Kazuo
was not fooled at all; he knew it was no ordinary
monk. But it never does harm to be polite, and so
he said politely, "Pardon me, uncle, but which is
the road that leads to Takeda?
"Well, my nephew," the gaki replied, "if you go to
the left and hurry, you may be there before the sun
rises. Whereas, if you go to the right, you will
never seen the sun rise at all."
"Thank you, uncle, but it is quite dark--which is
the path to the left?" cried Kazuo. but the gaki was
already gone. You can guess what happened next.
Kazuo turned to the right--because he could not
tell his left from right in the dark--and set off
boldly down the road, as he thought, to Takeda.
Foolish Kazuo Goes To Takeda, traditional
Gargoyle [Monster Manual]
Gargoyle [Monster Manual] Gargoyle [Monster Manual]
Gargoyle [Monster Manual]
CR4 Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana)
can learn more about gargoyles. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This monstrous, animate statue is a living
creature called a gargoyle. This result reveals all
monstrous humanoid traits and the earth subtype.
19 Gargoyles can perch indefinitely without
moving, easily passing themselves off as
grotesque statues until victims come near. A
gargoyle possesses only a dim intelligence, but it
speaks Terran and Common.
24 A gargoyle’s stony hide deflects most minor
blows, but magic weapons can pierce its defenses.
29 Several subraces of gargoyle exist, including
the aquatic kapoacinth.
Eventually we decided to just bash any statue we
saw a couple of times with a mace, 'cause it was
hardly worth wonderin' which ones were gonna
jump us when we turned our backs. I told that to a
Dementlieuse muckety-muck one time and he just
about jumped out of his skin; said somethin' about
"destroying artistic treasures". Artistic treasures
my beard, I told him; they were a menace, and any
dungeon-delver with a sense of self-preservation
would've done the same.
--- Geddar Ironheart
See also Pathfinder classic horror revisited
Gaunt (doppelganger) [FoS VRS Dopp]
Gaunt (doppelganger) [FoS VRS Dopp] Gaunt (doppelganger) [FoS VRS Dopp]
Gaunt (doppelganger) [FoS VRS Dopp]
Geist [Denizens of Dread]
Geist [Denizens of Dread] Geist [Denizens of Dread]
Geist [Denizens of Dread] (ex gheist)
(ex gheist)(ex gheist)
(ex gheist)
Bussengeist, poltergeist
Bussengeist, poltergeistBussengeist, poltergeist
Bussengeist, poltergeist
Those on the far side of the Veil vary among
themselves in personality and attributes as much
or more as do those we call the Living...among the
most innocuous are those spirits whose sole stock
and store of influence over the living is to reveal to
them the manner of their passing over. Such an
encounter may be frightening but is unlikely to
prove dangerous; the prospect for freeing a spirit
of this type of whatever shackles bind it to the
world of the Living is much better than for most...
Ars traversis, or The Art of Crossing Over,
anonymous, first published in Mordent, 644 BC
Genie, efreeti [Monster Manual]
Genie, efreeti [Monster Manual] Genie, efreeti [Monster Manual]
Genie, efreeti [Monster Manual]
CR 8 Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the
planes) can learn more about efreet. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
20 This fiery, devilish-looking giant is an efreeti, a
type of genie. This result reveals all outsider traits
and the fire subtype. Efreet speak Auran, Ignan,
Infernal, and Common. Genies are renowned for
their ability to grant wishes.
25 Genies are clever entities who prefer to outwit
opponents. If trapped, they try to bargain their way
out, offering to use their magical abilities as
boons. In fact, however, most genies lack the
power to grant wishes. As a genie, an efreeti can
plane shift itself and up to eight other creatures
between the Material Plane, the Astral Plane, and
any of the elemental planes.
30 The malevolent efreet particularly enjoy
befuddling their foes. Twice per day, an efreeti can
magically enlarge or shrink itself or any
humanoid. An efreeti’s body is so hot it burns to
the touch.
35 An efreeti has numerous spell-like abilities it
can call upon. At will, it can detect magic or
produce flames in a number of different lesser
ways. Three times per day, it can polymorph itself,
use gaseous form or invisibility, and produce a
permanent image or wall of fire.
Rashaad rang the bell once, and the air trembled;
he rang it twice, and the fountain broke and poured
out its water on the earth; he rang it thrice, and the
earth shook as if it would twist itself asunder.
Then there was a murmur, like a fire in a great
furnace, and the air shook like a mirage on a
summer's day, and the afriti stood before him, a
great spirit like a man, with thews of molten brass
and hair like flames rising from his head.
"Master," it greeted him. "To he who rings the bell
I grant three wishes; speak, for thy servant heareth
Rashaad and the Afriti, from The One Thousand
Nights, Ahman ibn Akkad
Ghast Ghast
see ghoul
see ghoulsee ghoul
see ghoul
[Dragon #313
Dragon #313Dragon #313
Dragon #313]
] ]
Suggested by JP
Sort of half-undead
Ghedens are spawned by elding mortal essence
with zombies, skeletons, or other undead
automatons. Sometimes from botched resurrection
Ghost [Monster Manual, Denizens of
Ghost [Monster Manual, Denizens of Ghost [Monster Manual, Denizens of
Ghost [Monster Manual, Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
GHOST LORE Originally posted by Eric Cagle
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about ghosts. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
12 This incorporeal creature is a ghost, the
remnants of one who cannot rest in peace after
death. This result reveals all undead and
incorporeal traits.
17 A ghost lies on the Ethereal Plane and cannot
normally interact with the Material Plane.
However, it can manifest itself in order to do so.
While manifested, a ghost can sometimes be
harmed by corporeal sources and magic.
22 A defeated ghost reforms 2d4 days after its
"destruction" - the only way to permanently defeat
it is to find out the reason why it is unable to pass
27 This result reveals the reason for the ghost's
As we rode from your home at Heather House to
Barrow Cross, where we would turn south for the
road to Valachan, we passed five or six people on
the road; as is my habit I saluted each by raising
my hat and greeting them with a few words, and
all but one surly old fellow replied in kind. George
likewise greeted some, but ignored others.
At length George asked me what in the Mists I
was up to, raising my hat and speaking at random.
When I told him I was simply being polite to his
neighbors and urged him to do likewise, he paled
and was quiet for some time, then told me he had
only seen two of them. It was thus I learned that
my recent illness had given me a strange gift
indeed; I saw the restless dead just as I did the
In Mordent especially this proved very useful, but
sometimes extremely confusing!
Recounted by Mattias Mikkelson to Laurie
See also RL CS
See also Pathfinder classic horror revisited
See also Dragon #336
Ghost brute [Libris Mortis, Dragon #300]
Ghost brute [Libris Mortis, Dragon #300] Ghost brute [Libris Mortis, Dragon #300]
Ghost brute [Libris Mortis, Dragon #300]
“Yes, I’ve been protected by a ghost since I was
young. Yes, you heard me, by a ghost being. You
will think I’m crazy, but I tell you this is true. I
was killed once by wolves. I was only 8, and I
went with Bones, my dog, into the forest to gather
some mushrooms for my mother. She was selling
them at the market, you know.
But a pack of wolves viciously cornered us and
killed us both. Fortunately for me, a priest was
touched by my father’s grief and raised me from
the dead. I have no souvenirs from this event, only
when I was again alive and woke up in my bed,
with my parents crying from joy.
But since then, I’ve often seen the ghost of my dog
around me, and it … protected me from harm.
Since then, many people have tried to harm me,
but they were bitten by my dog. Believe me. Now
that I warned you, you should go your way and
leave me alone. Bones, come here, good dog!”
- heard on a street
See also Dragon #300
Ghoul [Monster Manual
Ghoul [Monster ManualGhoul [Monster Manual
Ghoul [Monster Manual]
] ]
CR 1 Ghoul Lore – WotC:
12 Ghouls are undead who feast upon corpses and
carrion. They are tough and intelligent creatures.
This reveals all undead traits.
17 The bite of a ghoul infects the victim with a
horrible disease called ghoul fever. Those who die
from this disease rise again to become a ghoul
22 The bite or touch of a ghoul causes paralysis in
its victim.
27 There are other variations of ghouls, including
the aquatic lacedon and the more powerful ghast.
Common at lower levels, ghouls are particularly
dangerous foes for adventurers, since their abilities
can help spawn new ghouls for them to face.
Knowledge (Religion)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more ghouls. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 Ghouls are undead who feast upon corpses and
carrion. They are tough and intelligent creatures.
This reveals all undead traits.
17 The bite of a ghoul infects the victim with a
horrible disease called ghoul fever. Those who die
from this disease rise again to become a ghoul
22 The bite or touch of a ghoul causes paralysis in
its victim.
27 There are other variations of ghouls, including
the aquatic lacedon and the more powerful ghast.
Ghoul or ghul, the name most commonly given to
these cannibal horrors, is actually Pharazian in
origin; I am at a loss to explain how it might have
become current throughout the Core at the present
time, unless the creature (which propagates, as so
many creatures of the night do, by defiling human
beings who then fall under the same curse)
actually originated there. Grave robbing and
cannibalized corpses are the key signs of the
presence of these monstrosities...
working notes to Van Richten's Guide to the
Walking Dead
Ghast CR 3
By the Sword and Shield, what a stench! It was
lucky for us we grimetrekkers get just as bad, day
by day, because the topsiders went down quick
when they got a whiff. It was like the Main Line
below the tannery on a hot day. De V. and I were
able to keep our feet, and we went after the dead-
eaters hammer and tongs. They were tougher than
the ordinary sort, though they looked just the
same, and I've been laid up with a fever the last
two days from a scratch I took from one of them; a
fine green color the wound has today, but the
sawbones says I'll probably keep the arm.
Entry 24.3.752 from the journal of Nathanael
Dent, grimetrekker
See also Pathfinder Classic horror revisited
See also Dragon #336
Ghoul, gh
Ghoul, ghGhoul, gh
Ghoul, ghoulish creatures
oulish creaturesoulish creatures
oulish creatures
[Dragon mag
Dragon mag Dragon mag
Dragon mag
] ]
Suggested by JP
Ghoul, ghast
Ghoul, ghastGhoul, ghast
Ghoul, ghastly creatures
ly creaturesly creatures
ly creatures
[Dragon mag
Dragon mag Dragon mag
Dragon mag
Compendium, Dragon # 307
Compendium, Dragon # 307Compendium, Dragon # 307
Compendium, Dragon # 307]
] ]
Suggested by JP
Ghoul, gravetouched [Libris Mortis]
Ghoul, gravetouched [Libris Mortis] Ghoul, gravetouched [Libris Mortis]
Ghoul, gravetouched [Libris Mortis]
“Hungry, they are, my dear. Sweet morsel they
would say you are! So young and pretty! I’m not
hungry for your flesh, but these truly are. Really,
they are corpse eaters, you see. Unbury you and
eat everything including your weak bones. But you
would see one in a pack of ghouls and you would
not notice, they are like the others. But their bite
will make you sick. It would make you very ill,
possibly incurably, trust me. And one of their kind
you would become… madly hungry… but these
flesh hunters lack something that makes us better
… the communion of all these minds
altogether…Now give me a hug, dearest…”
- from notes of a interview with one corpse
possessed by Toben the Many
Ghoul, Ravenous (Dragon mag
Ghoul, Ravenous (Dragon mag Ghoul, Ravenous (Dragon mag
Ghoul, Ravenous (Dragon mag
Suggested by JP
Ghoul lord [Denizens of Dread]
Ghoul lord [Denizens of Dread] Ghoul lord [Denizens of Dread]
Ghoul lord [Denizens of Dread]
“I am the lady of all I survey”, she stated with
manifest glee as her barely clothed arm, with that
leathery skin and taloned hand, cut a grandiose arc
over the vast graveyard, leaving greenish wisps of
vapour in its wake. She continued, “A small
kingdom it is, but it is mine and we do eat good,
very good.” Then she turned her ill eye upon me,
“Your slave is sick and fearful in my presence, but
you not. I know why. You share the hunger. You
would sup with me. What would you have my
slaves fetch us?”
-Interview with a Ghoul
Menu in Celebration of New Year's Eve 750 BC
-Gnome liver terraine soaked in Kartakan port
-Elf tongue stuff with thigh bone marrow
-Leg of Halfling preserved in its own juices
-Blackend Dwarf ribs
-Jellied Lamordian Brains
L'École d’Haute Cuisine, Il Aluk
Giant eagle [Monster Manual
ant eagle [Monster Manualant eagle [Monster Manual
ant eagle [Monster Manual
(Eagle, (Eagle,
] ]
CR 3 Suggested by Chris Nichols
Giant, Hill
Giant, Hill Giant, Hill
Giant, Hill [Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual][Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual]
CR7 Submitted by JP
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Nature) and
Knowledge (Religion) can learn more about Hill
Giants. When a character makes a successful
check, the following lore is revealed, including
information from lower DC’s.
Knowledge (Nature)
DC Result
17 Hill Giants are large brutish creatures that lack
much of an intelligence. This result reveals all
Giant traits.
22 Hill Giants live in small nomadic family units
as hunter-gathers. Larger groups are extended
27 Hill Giants are capable of throwing and
catching large boulders. A favorite tactic of Hill
Giants is to attack from higher ground, throwing
volleys of boulders are their prey until it is
smashed into the ground.
Giant owl [Monster Manual
Giant owl [Monster ManualGiant owl [Monster Manual
Giant owl [Monster Manual
(Owl, giant)
(Owl, giant)(Owl, giant)
(Owl, giant)]
] ]
CR3 Suggested by Chris Nichols
Gibbering mouther [Lords of Madness]
Gibbering mouther [Lords of Madness] Gibbering mouther [Lords of Madness]
Gibbering mouther [Lords of Madness]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about gibbering
mouthers. A character who recognizes a gibbering
mouther’s nature can make a bardic knowledge
check or a Knowledge (the planes) check to learn
more. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (dungeoneering)
DC Result
15 This insane, amorphous mass of eyes and maws
is a gibbering mouther. This result reveals all
aberration traits. Like oozes, it cannot be flanked
and is not subject to precision-based damage (such
as sneak attacks).
20 A gibbering mouther is only semi-intelligent
and is not innately evil, but it feeds on the bodily
fluids of other creatures and instinctively prefers
those of intelligent creatures. Mouthers can speak
Common, but are seldom capable of
communicating anything other than gibberish.
When a mouther senses the presence of other
creatures, it begins to gibber madly. This insane
babble can induce supernatural confusion in those
who hear it.
25 A gibbering mouther attacks by grappling its
prey. Its touch is acidic, and it drains the blood of
trapped foes. A mouther can completely engulf
creatures up to the size of an adult human. A
gibbering mouther’s amorphous flesh simply
absorbs glancing blows from sharp blades, but
bludgeoning weapons can prove quite effective.
30 A gibbering mouther can harry nearby foes by
spitting acid into their eyes. If pressed, it can also
soften the earth beneath its mass, miring its foes in
a knee-deep, quicksand-like morass..
Knowledge (the planes)
DC Result
20 Some sages believe that gibbering mothers
originated in an alien universe called the Far
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
20 A gibbering mouther’s confusing gibberish is a
sonic effect and can be blocked with bardic music.
A thousand eyes to receive Its beauty,
A thousand mouths to taste Its savor,
A thousand tongues to proclaim Its glory.
This is the Messenger which was promised us, the
One who is Legion, whose tongues express all
truths, whose eyes receive all light, whose mouths
consume all that is fit to be consumed. Eagerly we
await the coming of the Messenger!
The Book of Thaan-Naagaaru, supposedly
retrieved from Bluetspur, 637 BC
Glaistig [Monster Manual III]
Glaistig [Monster Manual III] Glaistig [Monster Manual III]
Glaistig [Monster Manual III]
JWM: Medium Fey, CR 6, chaotic neutral.
Incredibly beautiful, female fey that dwell in pools
and lakes. They have an insatiable thirst for
humanoid blood. They mostly resemble human or
half-elven women, but they have goat legs with
long white fur, which they hide with long dresses
or by staying waist deep in the water. They can
actually be somewhat helpful when they’ve
recently fed—unlike vampires, they aren’t purely
malevolent. They have a beguiling song and are
mystically linked to their pools, as dryads are to
their trees.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about glaistigs. Characters who
recognize a glaistig’s nature can make a bardic
knowledge check to learn more. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (nature)
DC Result
16 The gorgeous woman wading in this pool is
actually a glaistig, a dangerous fey. They are
easily distinguished by their sharp fangs and
goatlike legs, though they take pains to conceal
these features. This result reveals all fey traits.
Glaistigs speak Sylvan, Elven, and Common.
21 A glaistig possesses a ravenous thirst for mortal
blood, but she only needs to feed about once a
month. Glaistigs can beguile mortals with their
songs, and can even sing underwater. A glaistig
ignores glancing blows, but weapons forged of
cold iron can pierce her defenses.
26 A glaistig is mystically bound to a single body
of water, such as a pool or river. If a glaistig
wanders farther than 100 paces from her pool, she
begins to drown. In her pool, however, she can
breathe normally underwater. A glaistig is
resistant to cold and fire. Despite their bloodthirst,
glaistigs are not inherently malevolent, though like
most fey they are always fickle and unpredictable.
If a glaistig is well fed, she is as likely to help
mortals as to attack them, and sometimes seeks
mortal companionship.
31 A glaistig can use dancing lights, fog cloud,
and hypnotism at will as spell-like abilities. Once
a day, it can also grant water breathing to a mortal
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
21 A glaistig’s beguiling song is a sonic effect
which can be countered with bardic music.
The folk of that place [Tepest] have their own
strange religion, which until very recent times
made much of the propitiation of fey spirits. There
is a hamlet, I am told (and told more than once)
where not a generation gone by they would, in
every year, take some miscreant or criminal and
cut his throat over the brook which watered their
flocks, to placate the water-woman (who they say
had the form of a beautiful woman above the
waist, and a goat below) who lived therein. This
practice being ended by the Inquisition, the spring
soon went dry, and all those who once lived there
found themselves obliged to find a new home.
Folk-tales of the Eastern Core, Magnus Wolfsbane
[Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual] [Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual]
CR ½ (includes forest gnomes and whisper
gnomes from Races of Stone)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can
learn more about gnomes. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
10 This small, spindly humanoid is a gnome, one
of the civilized nonhuman races. This result
reveals all humanoid traits. Gnomes speak their
own language, but also learn Common. Clever
gnomes often know other racial languages as well.
15 Gnomes can see well in dim light and have
sharp ears. They have a particular dislike for the
more bestial “smallfolk,” such as goblins and
kobolds, and are well-versed at evading the
ponderous attacks of giants.
20 Gnomes are renowned for two traits: their sense
of humor and their innate talents for arcane
illusions. As a spell-like ability, any gnome can
speak with burrowing mammals, and talented
gnomes can produce dancing lights, ghost sound,
and prestidigitation as well.
25 Several varieties of gnome exist, with the rock
gnome by far the most common. More reclusive
variants include forest gnomes, who can blend into
the woodlands, and whisper gnomes, a close
cousin to the rock gnome known for their stealthy
and suspicious natures.
The people of that country calle themselves
Gnomes, which means earth-men or those
instructed in the secret; they are very industrious
in all artifice & very clever in the making of all
potions, draughts & concoctions of all useful sorts;
they are a people diminutive and not handsome,
very given to the making of jests, and very
practiced in the fey arts and magicks which they
claim to be their birthright.
Catalogue of the World Entire
Goatsucker Goatsucker
vampire, vampire,
vampire, goblin
goblin goblin
Goblins (all)
Goblins (all)Goblins (all)
Goblins (all)
Goblins (all): As discussed in RL Gaz V, all
goblin subtypes in RL are different breeds of the
same degenerate race.
For a quick recap, goblins, bakhna rakhna,
forestkith are actual ("natural") breeds.
Hobgoblins are the goblin equivalent of calibans,
and bugbears are produced when hobgoblins breed
with each other.
And here's an added physical detail that got left
out of RL Gaz V: Inbreeding, birth defects, and
childhood scarring are endemic. Most goblinoids
are marked by torn ears, milky eyes, harelips, club
feet, skin left pockmarked by disease or fire,
twisted limbs, birthmarks, and so on, though these
deformities rarely hinder them.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can
learn more about goblins. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
10 This ugly, stunted humanoid is a goblin, the
most common of all goblinoid breeds. This result
reveals all humanoid traits and the goblinoid
subtype. Goblins have their own guttural language,
though a few clever individuals may also learn a
local language.
15 Goblins are nomadic scavengers that live in
large, violent tribes. They are also malicious and
petty, and enjoy raiding the isolated homes of
civilized humanoids for food and supplies.
Goblins can see in the dark.
20 Goblins are talented trapmakers, which they
use to mark their territory and guard their burrows.
They are cowardly creatures, and attack only when
their victims are helpless or they have
overwhelming numbers of their side.
25 Goblins have a natural affinity for worgs,
which they use as mounts and guardians.
Goblin, dread, bakhna rakhna (ghost
Goblin, dread, bakhna rakhna (ghost Goblin, dread, bakhna rakhna (ghost
Goblin, dread, bakhna rakhna (ghost
person) [Denizens of Dread]
person) [Denizens of Dread] person) [Denizens of Dread]
person) [Denizens of Dread]
CR 2 Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local)
can learn more about bakhna rakhna. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
11 This ugly, ashen humanoid is a bakhna rakhna,
a breed of albino goblin. They also also known as
ghost people. This result reveals all humanoid
traits and the goblinoid subtype. Bakhna rakhna
speak Goblin, though some may also learn Sylvan
or a local language.
16 Like most other goblinoids, bakhna rakhna are
nomadic scavengers that like to raid isolated
farmsteads for food and supplies. They are
cowardly creatures, and prefer to avoid combat.
Bakhna rakhna are highly sensitive to light, and
usually hide themselves in dark spaces during the
hours of daylight.
21 If the civilized humanoids they raid resist the
baknha rakhna’s thievery, these creatures quickly
turn vindictive. A bakhna rakhna’s blood contains
a paralytic toxin, which the ghost people use to
coat their weapons.
26 A bakhna rakhna can phase door several times
a day, and use this ability to slip past others’
defenses. Bakhna rakhna flee from serious
resistance, but always return to collect their fallen.
The little old woman was tired of this nonsense;
she wanted to cook her leg of mutton and eat it
herself, and leave her pie to cool on the windowsill
while she went to market without coming back to
find it eaten and the dish thrown in a corner when
the ghost-goblins had finished their meal. She sat
in her rocking-chair and thought and thought about
it; and finally she had an idea.
That evening she came home from market with a
good quantity of rat poison and a pound of sugar,
and she made a most delicious sugar-cake which
she placed with care in the center of her table.
“Oh, how I hope the ghost-goblins do not eat my
beautiful cake!” she exclaimed aloud.
The Old Woman’s Cake, traditional Mordentish
Goblin, dread, forestkith goblin
blin, dread, forestkith goblin blin, dread, forestkith goblin
blin, dread, forestkith goblin [Monster
[Monster [Monster
Manual III]
Manual III] Manual III]
Manual III]
JWM: Small Humanoid (Goblinoid), CR 1/2,
chaotic evil. A, rare, hairy, and particularly feral
breed of goblins that hunt anything that intrudes
on their forested territories. They’re excellent
climbers and can frighten foes with their insane
attacks. They can even transform themselves into
small trees to hide, though once they use this
power, they’re stuck in tree form until sunset or
until they take damage. [Monster Manual III]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) or
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about
forestkith goblins. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 These hairy, apelike humanoids are forestkith
goblins, a rare and feral breed of goblinoid. This
result reveals all humanoid traits and the goblinoid
subtype. Forestkith goblins, also known simply as
kith, speak a little Goblin but are incapable of
learning how to read or write.
17 Like common goblins, forestkith goblins prefer
to ambush their foes, overwhelming their
opponents with trickery and sheer numbers. A
forestkith goblin can see in the dark, but it is
dazzled in bright light.
22 When attacking in numbers, forestkith goblins
enter a chaotic frenzy that can bewilder and
frighten their foes.
27 Forestkith goblins are well adapted to their
forest homes. They can even hide by transforming
themselves into small trees. However, once in tree
form, a forestkith goblin cannot revert to its true
form until it is wounded or the following sunset.
We thought that we had fled beyond the reach of
the forest-folk, and as the afternoon wore into
evening we took refuge in a small copse of strange
crooked trees near (we hoped) where our path
would cross the road leading back to the village. It
was not a restful place, however; it seemed a little
goblin-face peeped at us from each surrounding
tree, and at last Harespex prevailed on me to leave
before the sunset found us there still. Only much
later did I learn of our narrow escape, for there are
those among the goblins who take the form of
trees during daylight hours and walk the woods by
night; if we had found ourselves among such, we
might very well have died that night.
Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in Tepest
Goblin, dread, goblin [Monster Manual]
Goblin, dread, goblin [Monster Manual] Goblin, dread, goblin [Monster Manual]
Goblin, dread, goblin [Monster Manual]
CR 1/3
We heard the drums first, throbbing in the night air
with their wicked rhythm; their beat was a promise
of bloodshed, a glove thrown down to all
civilization, all peace, all tranquility. As we came
closer we heard the high shrill ululations of the
goblins themselves, piercing the night like the
cries of monstrous bats; soon we could see the
fires, and the grotesquely twisted shapes of the
forest-people dancing around them, casting
themselves into the air, twisting, spinning and
leaping in a parody of combat, brandishing their
crude daggers and spears at one another.
Sixty Nights in Tepest, Bertram Mac Laren
Goblin, Dread (Bugbear) [MM]
Goblin, Dread (Bugbear) [MM]Goblin, Dread (Bugbear) [MM]
Goblin, Dread (Bugbear) [MM]
CR 2
“The beast beat the last of the smaller creatures
against the boulder until the goblin was little but a
sack of blood and shattered bone. Turning, it
tossed its victim amongst the other corpses. Now I
could see it clearly. It was both taller and broader
than I, hirsute, much like a bear but with elements
human, porcine, and... other. A filthy loincloth of
uncured animal skin and a rope belt adorned with
three severed hands were the beast’s only
garments. Drool glistened amongst its jutting
fangs. The beast squatted to retrieve a large sword,
scarred and pitted with long use, probably
scavenged from some barrow mound. Suddenly,
the creature snuffled and licked at the air. A feral
light came to its eyes and it took a step toward my
hiding place. It had scented me and would be on
me in moments.”
—Research notes of Eldgar Fionwick, goblin
hunter and researcher
Goblin, dread, hobgoblin [Monster
Goblin, dread, hobgoblin [Monster Goblin, dread, hobgoblin [Monster
Goblin, dread, hobgoblin [Monster
Manual] Manual]
CR ½ (Ravenloft-specific text is underlined -- in
Ravenloft, all goblinoids are members of the same
mongrel race.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can
learn more about hobgoblins. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This ugly, mans-sized humanoid is a
hobgoblin, a larger cousin of the common goblin.
This result reveals all humanoid traits and the
goblinoid subtype. Hobgoblins speak Goblin, and
a few clever individuals may also learn a local
17 On average, a hobgoblin is physically more
powerful than a human, and are capable of
surprisingly sophisticated battle tactics.
Hobgoblins can see in the dark.
22 Hobgoblins are more lawfully-minded and
much braver than their common kin, but are still
bullies at heart and favor stealth over a fair fight.
Unlike common goblins, they keep their weapons
and armor in good repair. Hobgoblins often rule
goblin tribes.
27 Hobgoblins are the goblinoid version of
calibans. They are born when a normal goblin is
warped in the womb by foul supernatural forces.
There are among the goblins of Tepest certain
sports or freaks, much larger than the common run
of such creatures and even more misshapen, which
must be considered analagous to the human
caliban. And yet, how differently are such
aberrations received! Among humans, the "mark
of the beast" is occasion for shame, for loathing, at
best for pity; among the goblins, such a creature is
talismanic or even heroic, superior in strength and
therefore in worth. Is this because the warfaring
culture of the goblins puts a premium on strength
above all else? Because so many goblins are
deformed that any useful deformity is welcome?
Autochthons of Tepest, Erik van Rijn
Goblin beast, goblin hunting spider
Goblin beast, goblin hunting spider Goblin beast, goblin hunting spider
Goblin beast, goblin hunting spider
[Ravenloft Gazetteer V]
[Ravenloft Gazetteer V] [Ravenloft Gazetteer V]
[Ravenloft Gazetteer V]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about goblin beasts. Characters may
need to make separate Knowledge checks to learn
about the base creature. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This creature was been permanently warped by
unnatural forces, transforming it into a goblin
beast. This result reveals all magical beast traits.
19 Goblin beasts are to the beasts of the wild as
calibans are to human kind. Their birth heralds the
presence of supernatural evil, such as a witch.
Goblyn beasts are stronger, smarter, and decidedly
more malevolent than their natural kin.
Fortunately, they are visibly warped as well.
24 Goblins have an unnatural affinity for goblin
beasts, often using them as mounts or guardians.
These fell creatures are often found together.
I dunno. I hate a goblin more than any human, I
guess, but I think you underestimate ‘em. They
aren’t bright, exactly, but if you think they’re
stupid you might end up admiring the inside of
one of their cooking pots. They breed critters up,
like these spiders they have, ‘bout the size of a
small pig. They’re vicious and they’re smart, and
the goblins have ‘em tame, or mostly. Sometimes
the goblins will set ‘em to making traps—webs
and tripwires and nets, things of that kind. Sure,
sometimes they’ll eat a goblin, too, but as my old
friend van Richten says about things like that, “it
would be unwise to rely on it.”
Geddar Ironheart
Goblin beast, goblin wolf (worg)
Goblin beast, goblin wolf (worg) Goblin beast, goblin wolf (worg)
Goblin beast, goblin wolf (worg)
[Monster Manual, Ravenloft G
[Monster Manual, Ravenloft G[Monster Manual, Ravenloft G
[Monster Manual, Ravenloft Gazetteer V]
azetteer V] azetteer V]
azetteer V]
CR 2
I am not sure you’d believe me, old friend, but I
tell you only what I saw and heard myself. The
goblins milled about, and then several more rode
in on the back of wolves—a custom of theirs I am
sure you’re familiar with. One of the chieftains, as
I took him (or possibly her—with goblins I can
rarely tell) to be, asked the riders a question—but
it was one of the wolves who answered. I cannot
claim to speak Goblin at all, but to my ears it
reproduced the familiar goblin gabble near-
perfectly. It could not possibly have been mistaken
for any vocalization commonly made by beasts of
any sort…I am forced to revise my opinion of the
danger posed by goblin wolves upward
George Weathermay to Rudolph van Richten,
private correspondence
Goblyn [Denizens of Dread
Goblyn [Denizens of DreadGoblyn [Denizens of Dread
Goblyn [Denizens of Dread,
, ,
, Dragon
Dragon Dragon
Magazine #339
Magazine #339Magazine #339
Magazine #339]
CR 2 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(arcana) can learn more about goblyns. In Forlorn,
a Knowledge (local) check reveals the same
information. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC 12: This misshapen, leering creature is a
goblyn, a humanoid transformed by dark magic
into a foul minion of a more powerful master.
Goblyns are not actually related to goblinoids in
any way, but they share enough similarities that
they are often confused for each other. This result
reveals all humanoid traits and the goblinoid
DC 17: Goblyns are fearsome, frantic combatants.
They may startle unprepared foes with a sudden
flash of their teeth. Goblyns are most notorious for
their habit of biting off chunks of flesh from the
face and throat of their victims, a trait goblyns call
“feasting.” Goblyn feasting leaves horrific scarring
on its survivors.
DC 22: Goblyns never sleep and are immune to
fatigue and sleep effects. They do not feel pain. A
goblyn is telepathically linked to its master, and
through that master, to all other goblyns the master
The goblyn (Epulum Bestia) is native to the forest
of Forlorn. This bipedel of roughly human stature
and form spends much of its time, curiously
enough, putting to ruin this very forest. Make no
mistake, this is not random violence on the part of
an unthinking brute. The action is perfectly
deliberate, although to what end science cannot yet
say. The distinguishing feature of the goblyn is its
enormous jaw set with teeth that recall nothing so
much as those of the shark. Remarkably, the
humanoid is sleepless and can sustain itself on any
sort of biomass whatsoever. Goblyns, in a parody
of the people who formerly inhabited the domain,
are creatures of the clan. War, sport, and play are
their favoured activities. Torture, combining
elements of each, passes among them for art and is
held in high esteem. More curious is their
fondness, presumably acquired, for playing
noughts and crosses. And of course as my face
attests, no discussion of goblyns is complete
without noting their propensity to feast on the
living flesh of those who meet them in battle.
-Doctor Abelhous Nicholis, Professor of Biology
at the University of Il Aluk in Exile at Karg,
lecturing on the flora and fauna of the great
southern forests
(I'd like to point out that as of Van Richten's
Arsenal, Prof. Nicholsi is dead, as he is referred to
as "the late Professor Abelhous Nicholsi."
Also, in the Ravenloft Gazetteer 1 web
enhancement, there was a sidebar on the origins of
goblyns that may be useful. Chris Nichols)
Goblyn fog
Goblyn fogGoblyn fog
Goblyn fog
] ]
Golem (Constructs)
olem (Constructs)olem (Constructs)
olem (Constructs)
See also Gaz 2, RL CS and CoD
Golem, black ice
olem, black iceolem, black ice
olem, black ice
ragon 324
gon 324gon 324
gon 324]
] ]
Suggested by JP
Golem, carrion
olem, carrion olem, carrion
olem, carrion [
[Pathfinder 7
Pathfinder 7Pathfinder 7
Pathfinder 7]
] ]
Suggested by JP
Golem, coral [Stormwrack]
Golem, coral [Stormwrack] Golem, coral [Stormwrack]
Golem, coral [Stormwrack]
Proposed by C Nichols for the NS Gaz, CR 9
Golem, dread
olem, dreadolem, dread
olem, dread
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread] [Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
Dread Golems: Following a fan question (“how do
we create a zombie golem, mechanical golem etc
through the common, spell using methods? Which
spells and components are used, how much money
and how many XP are expended?”), this
addendum material was proposed by Azalin:
Construction: As described in the Monster
Manual, a golem’s creator must first supply the
golem’s body and a specially prepared workroom.
If the creator uses magic to grant life to her
creation, then the standard creation process
applies. Golems of obsession do not cost
exorbitant sums or require untold magics to
construct, however. The creator of a dread golem
must personally construct the golem’s body
(requiring specific skills), and expend the requisite
costs in gold pieces (body only), XP and time. The
creator need not cast any spells or possess any
craft item feats. A golem created through this
method automatically gains the “dread golem”
template (see Chapter Five of the Ravenloft core
Bone Golem: A bone golem’s body must be
constructed from the bones of skeletal undead.
Only 10% of any one skeleton can be used in the
creation of the golem, so bone golems often
incorporate bones collected from 20 or more
creatures. The golem costs 25,000 gp, including
the scant 100 gp needed for the construction of the
body. Assembling the body requires one month
and a successful Knowledge (anatomy) or Heal
check (DC 12). The creator must be 18th level and
able to cast arcane spells. Completing the ritual
drains 1,400 XP from the creator and requires
animate dead, symbol (fear), binding and wish.
Doll Golem: A doll golem costs 15,000 gp to
create, though only 10 gp of this represents the
cost of constructing the body. Assembling the
body requires two weeks and a successful Craft
(carpentry or sewing) check (DC 15). The creator
must be 15th level and able to cast divine spells.
Completing the ritual drains 1,100 XP from the
caster and requires animate objects, bless, holy
word (or blasphemy), prayer, and Tasha’s hideous
laughter (which must be cast by an arcane
Gargoyle Golem: A gargoyle golem’s body is
carved from a single slab of granite weighing at
least 2,000 pounds. The golem costs 75,000 gp to
create, including 1,000 gp for the body and 15,000
for special vestments, which can be reused.
Assembling the body requires two months and a
successful Craft (sculpting or stonemasonry)
check (DC 17). The creator must be 16th level and
able to cast divine spells. Completing the ritual
drains 1,200 XP from the creator and requires holy
word (or blasphemy), prayer, stone shape, and
flesh to stone (which must be supplied by an
arcane spellcaster).
Glass Golem: A glass golem’s body is
meticulously crafted from hundreds of pieces of
stained glass in a thin iron framework. The golem
costs 100,000 gp to create, including 10,000 gp for
the construction of the body. Assembling the body
requires three months and a successful Craft
(glassworking) check (DC 18). The creator must
be a 14th-level spellcaster; due to the spells
required, these golems are usually created by
arcane and divine spellcasters working in concert.
Completing the ritual drains 1000 XP (which can
be divided between multiple creators) and requires
animate objects, prismatic spray, rainbow pattern
and miracle.
Mechanical Golem: A mechanical golem’s body is
created from thousands of intricate metal parts.
The golem costs 125,000 gp, including 30,000 for
the golem and 60,000 for a special, highly
advanced workshop (CL 8+), which can be reused.
Assembling the body requires 10 months and a
successful Craft (clockmaking) check (DC 30).
Completing the construction drains 1,400 XP from
the creator and requires animate objects, chain
lightning, fabricate, grease, and either miracle or
Zombie Golem: A zombie golem’s body must be
constructed from the ruined corpses of former
zombies. Only 10% of any one zombie can be
used in the creation of the golem, so zombie
golems often incorporate parts collected from 20
or more creatures. The golem costs 50,000 gp,
including the 100 gp needed for the construction
of the body. Assembling the body requires one
month and a successful Craft (leatherworking) or
Heal check (DC 13). The creator must be 16th
level and able to cast arcane spells. Completing
the ritual drains 1,200 XP from the creator and
requires bull's strength, control undead, limited
wish, polymorph any object and stinking cloud.
JWM: Note that these golems aren't necessarily
golems of obsession (the template hasn't been
Golem, alchemical [Monster Manual III
Golem, alchemical [Monster Manual IIIGolem, alchemical [Monster Manual III
Golem, alchemical [Monster Manual III,
, ,
Dragon # 302
Dragon # 302Dragon # 302
Dragon # 302]
] ]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about alchemical golems. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 21: This mass of oily chemicals swirling
within a vaguely humanoid, transparent membrane
is an alchemical golem. This result reveals all
construct traits.
DC 26: An alchemical golem is a mindless
combatant that obeys the commands of its creator.
It is immune to almost all forms of magic, and its
body absorbs most attacks. However, edged
weapons and those forged of adamantine can
pierce its defenses. A neutralize poison spell slows
the creature for a few moments.
DC 31: An alchemical golem secretes highly
potent acid through its membrane, burning anyone
who touches it or is struck by its powerful firsts.
Casting poison on an alchemical golem repairs it.
The golem can also repair itself by consuming a
special alchemical mixture brewed by its master.
Any particularly damaging blow that strikes an
alchemical golem momentarily ruptures its
membrane, releasing a burst of toxic chemicals
that spray all over adjacent creatures. This result
also reveals the procedure for creating alchemical
DC 36: The elemental spirit animating an
alchemical golem is highly unstable. The longer an
alchemical golem fights, the greater the chance
that it will fly into a berserk frenzy, attacking all
that stands before it—even its master. Every few
moments, an alchemical golem can spew a cone of
toxic fumes at its foes. When an alchemical golem
is destroyed, its membrane automatically ruptures,
splattering toxic chemicals on everything within 5
It has become obvious to those practitioners of the
High Alchemy with whom I have spoken that the
creation of an Alchemical Childe is a process
fraught with difficulty and peril. Unfortunately,
not all of them are wise enough to therefore leave
well enough alone. One gentleman of my
acquaintance claims to have improved on the
Alchemical Childe in a way heretofore never seen;
Wisdom forfend that his claims have any grain of
truth to them, for the creature he describes,
merging the Childe with even stronger arcane
essences, could only be a devastatingly powerful
and perverted creation.
Celebrant Agatha Claremont to Gennifer
Weathermay-Foxgrove, private correspondence
Golem, bone [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, bone [Denizens of Dread] Golem, bone [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, bone [Denizens of Dread]
CR 10
"Yasmine tossed her torch down into the new
chamber, then we all entered after it.
"Unlike the hallways and other rooms of the king's
tomb, bones and broken skulls littered the floor: it
was impossible to set foot in that desiccated
abattoir without stepping on the brittle debris.
"When I bent over to retrieve the torch, a bony
claw seized my hand. Then a chorus of shrill
voices burst from the skulls of the room...
""If you all wish to see Mei Fu Wang, you first
must give a tithe to the Duke of Skulls!"
"And with that, a great, dusty bulwark of giggling,
chittering skulls and sharpened bones pulled itself
free of its hiding place."
- from the journals of Jerome Delacroix,
Mordentish adventurer
Golem, brass [Monster Manual II]
Golem, brass [Monster Manual II] Golem, brass [Monster Manual II]
Golem, brass [Monster Manual II]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about brass golems. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 20: What appears to be a hulking, armored
minotaur is actually a construct called a brass
golem. Each of these constructs is created to fulfill
one specific goal. This result reveals all construct
DC 25: A brass golem relentlessly destroys
anything standing in the way of its programmed
goal. A brass golem is immune to almost all forms
of magic, and its metal body deflects most attacks.
However, adamantine weapons can prove
effective, and electricity slows the creature for a
few moments.
DC 30: If a brass golem’s goal becomes simply
impossible, the golem loses its enchantment
permanently. A brass golem attacks by ramming
foes with its curling horns or by delivering
powerful blows with its massive greataxe. Rather
than dealing damage, magical fire actually repairs
an brass golem and breaks any slow effect
currently affecting it. A brass golem is a relentless
tracker. This result also reveals the procedure for
creating brass golems.
DC 35: A brass golem can throw one foe a day
into a magical maze. Brass golems are immune to
their own maze effects, but a golem can willingly
enter its own maze to pursue a trapped foe.
There was at one time a great statue made of brass
situated in the center of King's Court, near the
former University of Il Aluk, notable, in the days
when that city was inhabited by the living, chiefly
because no bird would set foot on it, nor bedung
its noble features. (This writer observed the statue
while a student at the University, and can attest to
this feature, at least.) It is claimed that the statue
walked away from its pedestal on the night of the
Hour of Ascension, and has since been seen at
times on the road between the Slain City and
Castle Avernus; but this writer remains without
reliable evidence of the truth of this story.
Folk-tales of the Eastern Core, Magnus Wolfsbane
Golem, cadaver [H
Golem, cadaver [HGolem, cadaver [H
Golem, cadaver [Heroes of Horror]
eroes of Horror] eroes of Horror]
eroes of Horror]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about cadaver golems. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 This patchwork composite of humanoid body
parts is easily mistaken for a flesh golem, but its
intelligent tactics reveal that it is an intelligent
variant called a cadaver golem. This result reveals
all construct traits. This result also reveals the
procedure for creating cadaver golems.
24 A cadaver golem is immune to almost all forms
of magic, and its unnatural flesh deflects most
minor attacks. However, adamantine weapons can
prove effective, and cure or heal spells slow the
creature for several moments. Some sages believe
cadaver golems were first arose from a errant
attempt to create a standard flesh golem.
29 A cadaver golem flails at foes with its powerful
fists, and it can assimilate body parts from its
fallen foes, replacing limbs, internal organs, and
similar parts. Even more dangerously, a cadaver
golem can inherit skills and abilities from the body
parts it has assimilated. A cadaver golem will
often harvest corpses specifically to gain desired
abilities. Inflict or harm spells break any slow
effects on a cadaver golem.
34 Casting regenerate on a cadaver golem causes
its assimilated body parts to squirm and reject their
unnatural host. This seriously damages the golem
and temporarily prevents it from being able to
utilize any assimilated skills or abilities.
While on the isle of Graben we had one
exceedingly strange and unpleasant interlude; I
cannot think what it might have meant, or if it was
as we thought it was at all. While visiting with the
leading family of that place my companion and I
looked into an adjacent field and saw, as we
thought, a villager plowing--but with the plow
being pulled by a massive figure going on two legs
and with at least two heads. Seeing our horrified
expressions, the goodman of the house hurried us
inside before we could make any closer
examination. Jan, whose eyesight is excellent,
later told me that it almost seemed that the thing
was composed of at least four human corpses
joined together by some horrifying magic.
An Account of the Voyage of the Endurance,
Marko Tellwith
Golem, chain [Monster Manual II
lem, chain [Monster Manual IIlem, chain [Monster Manual II
lem, chain [Monster Manual II
] ]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (the planes) can learn more about
chain golems. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
17 This writhing, humanoid mass of barbed chains
is a chain golem. This result reveals all construct
22 A chain golem is immune to almost all forms of
magic, and its rattling body tends to deflect ranged
attacks. However, electricity slows the creature for
a few moments.
27 The razor-sharp barbs and blades on the
golem’s chains slice through living flesh, opening
wounds that bleed freely unless quickly staunched.
Rather than damaging it, magical fire actually
repairs a chain golem and breaks any slow effect
on the golem.
32 A chain golem can protect itself by throwing a
blade barrier around itself, using its own bladed
chains to create the barrier. The barrier flays most
creatures who dare to cross it.
Knowledge (the planes)
DC Result
17 Chain golems are the creations of chain devils,
who guard the secrets of their construction closely.
22 Chain golems typically serve chain devils as
bodyguards or guardians.
27 Chain devils sometimes send chain golems on
errands to other planes, often to deliver a message
or retrieve a particular item.
As a note, some of these creatures have me
thinking about a pet idea -- a "crititical failure"
result, for creatures that can be easily mistaken for
other monsters. I'm going to refrain from including
them, for the sake of consistency, but for example,
for the chain golem, a result of DC 11 or less (a
failure of more than 5) might net you this:
<11 This chain-wrapped humanoid is a chain
devil. This result reveals all outsider traits.
"You have discovered my child. Isn't it
magnificent? A stroke of sheer brilliance. Do you
know what I call it? What was that? Chain got
your tongue? Well we will see to the most apt
adjustments in a moment. It would be a crime for
you to not be free to lend voice to the ultimate trial
of your existence. You do realise that a chain can
go right through a man? But before that know that
it is called the Automatic Chain and that it is I who
gave barb, hook, and link life."
-The Chaining, unfinished autobiography of
Francois de Penible
Golem, clay [Monster Manual]
Golem, clay [Monster Manual] Golem, clay [Monster Manual]
Golem, clay [Monster Manual]
CR 10
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about clay golems. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
20 This crudely shaped clay figure is a clay golem.
This result reveals all construct traits.
25 A clay golem is immune to almost all forms of
magic, and its solid body deflects most attacks.
However, adamantine weapons can prove
effective. A disintegrate spell slightly damages a
clay golem and slows it for a few moments. This
result also reveals the procedure for creating clay
30 A clay golem flails at foes with its powerful
fists. The cursed wounds it deals do not heal
naturally, and may disrupt magical healing. Move
earth repels a clay golem, and an earthquake spell
momentarily stops it in its tracks. Both spells also
damage the golem. Rather than dealing damage,
magical acid actually repairs a clay golem.
35 The elemental spirit animating a clay golem is
only tenuously controlled by its master. The longer
a clay golem fights, the greater the chance that it
will fly into a berserk frenzy, attacking all that
stands before it — even its master. Once per day, a
clay golem can haste itself in combat.
The mystes of the Zalahiri say, that man is formed
from dust, and the Making God mixed this dust
with his spittle to make mud, from which he
fashioned a man and a woman, who were the first
parents of all humankind. It was and is the custom
among them, therefore, to make to themselves
servitors in their own image, fashioned of barrow
clay, which they call gholam; but just as men to
the gods are but very indifferent servants, proud,
insubordinate and wrathful, so the gholam
inevitably becomes toward his mortal maker.
From the Har'Akiri Book of Heresies, trans.
Malcolm Hopper
Golem, doll [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, doll [Denizens of Dread] Golem, doll [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, doll [Denizens of Dread]
CR 8
"And will it do just what I say, Maman?"
"Yes, of course, Henri darling. M'sieur
Achronnaix made it especially for you, so that you
might have a playmate and a guardian both."
Henri's fat little hands squeezed at the air as he
considered this information. "Thank you very
much, Maman," he said at last. "Come, Jacques!"
And the doll turned to its master and bowed. "I am
coming, M'seiur Henri," it replied in its clear, high
voice, and together they trotted out of the room.
The next morning Julietta, the housemaid, found
her mistress' little pug Harlequin lying on the
hearth-rug strangled; and as the good woman wept
over her pet, Henri looked on in approbation from
a secluded corner. Jacques' feelings were
impossible to decipher, as his porcelain face had
not been endowed with sufficient flexibility to
grant him any power of expression.
Bad Jacques, from Twelve Tales of the Macabre,
Jean Lafolie
See also Pathfinder 7 version: Doll, soulbound
Golem, flesh [Monster Manual
Golem, flesh [Monster ManualGolem, flesh [Monster Manual
Golem, flesh [Monster Manual,
, ,
, Denizens
Denizens Denizens
of Dread]
of Dread] of Dread]
of Dread]
CR 7 MM CR 11 DoD
Errata: Dread Flesh Golem: Hit points are listed as
12d10 (49 hp). However, with the average hit
points (5.5/level x 12), it should be 66. But in
addition, from the monster manual Core Book,
constructs gain bonus hit points according to size.
As large creatures, Dread Flesh Golems should
have +30. So the entry should read: Hit Dice:
12d10+30 (96 hp).
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about flesh golems. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
19 This hideous, humanoid composite of crudely
stitched-together body parts is a flesh golem. This
result reveals all construct traits. This result also
reveals the procedure for creating flesh golems.
24 A flesh golem is immune to almost all forms of
magic, and its unnatural flesh deflects most minor
attacks. However, adamantine weapons can prove
effective, and magical cold and fire slow the
creature for several moments.
29 A flesh golem flails at foes with its powerful
fists. Rather than dealing damage, magical
electricity actually repairs a flesh golem and
breaks any slow effect currently affecting it.
34 The elemental spirit animating a flesh golem is
only tenuously controlled by its master. The longer
a flesh golem fights, the greater the chance that it
will fly into a berserk frenzy, attacking all that
stands before it even its master. However, its
master can forcefully talk the golem back into
This one's kinda silly; let me know if you want
something else.
Vivienne: “But surely, M’sieur Gallimafrey, it
must be a great trial to have so various a nature! I
can only imagine the difficulty one has in finding
shirts when his arms came from two different
The Creature (sighing): “Truly, M’selle Vivienne,
it is very difficult to find a tailor who can
accommodate me; and yet I have other troubles of
an even more pressing nature. You see, my maker
supplied me with the haunches of a svelte young
dancer, and my left hand was borrowed of that
notorious rake Jacques Delgado; so that, unless I
attend with care, I pinch myself quite black and
From the operetta The Adventures of Young
The cage rang like a great bell as lightning struck
the rods at the top of the tower again and again;
sparks flew along the lines between the various
apparati, and within the cage I could see
something writhe.
"Er...Herr Mordenheim?" I said, pointing toward
it. "It's...alive."
He glanced at it with remarkable sang froid and
replied, "Oh. Yes, it's alive." Turning away with
disinterest, he said, "Merely a repetition of an old
experiment; I'm trying to re-establish certain
baselines with the equipment."
I looked into the cage again, and bit back a
scream; a human face looked out at me, its
features locked in an expression of the most
extreme agony.
Journal of Gerard Devolant
See also Pathfinder classic horror revisited
Golem, gargoyle [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, gargoyle [Denizens of Dread] Golem, gargoyle [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, gargoyle [Denizens of Dread]
CR 10
I asked Toret Severin about the stories of
hauntings at the Great Cathedral, and the rumors
that Ezra herself has raised guardians from the
stones to protect Her home. He chuckled slightly
and led me outside; the moonlight washed the
cathedral in light almost as bright as day.
"Whether Ezra has done a miracle or not, I
couldn't say," he said. "But count the gargoyles up
there on this side, where the wall meets the roof."
The Cathedral must be at least one hundred fifty
feet or more in height, and the moonlight, though
clear, cast odd shadows; but I counted six, and told
him so.
"That is my count, as well," he said, looking
upward, "and yet on no fewer than six occasions I
have counted seven."
Gennifer Weathermay-Foxgrove to Laurie
Weathermay-Foxgrove, private correspondence
Golem, glass [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, glass [Denizens of Dread] Golem, glass [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, glass [Denizens of Dread]
CR 8
"He would not pay," the artisan gabbled. "Ten
years we spent, ten years! I put every copper I had
into those windows; children hungry, wife in rags,
but it had to be perfect, perfect. And then he
pretended that my work was late, though the
delays were his, and tore up the contract; and the
judges backed him, of course, a warden of the
Church. But Justice was with me; Justice helped
"Yes," Alanik replied, looking up at the window,
which showed Justice with her scales in one hand
and sword in the other, "I am sure she did. It was
very artistic of you to show her with a
bloodstained sword--old blood, too, not fresh!"
The glazier stared up at the window with us, as if
only now seeing the unmistakable rust-brown
stains on the glass sword of the effigy.
The Accounts of Justice, from The Life of Alanik
Ray, Arthur Sedgwick
See also Stained Glass Golem MMII
Golem, grave dirt [Libris Mortis]
m, grave dirt [Libris Mortis] m, grave dirt [Libris Mortis]
m, grave dirt [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about grave dirt golems. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
21 This vaguely humanoid mass of moist earth,
shattered stone, and shards of bone is a grave dirt
golem. This result reveals all construct traits.
26 A grave dirt golem is immune to almost all
forms of magic, and its earthen body deflects
minor attacks. However, adamantine bludgeoning
weapons can prove effective. A disintegrate spell
slightly damages a grave dirt golem and slows it
for a few moments. This result also reveals the
procedure for creating grave dirt golems.
31 A grave dirt golem flails at foes with its
powerful fists. These strikes grind negative
energy-infused grave soil into the victim’s
wounds, dealing additional damage within a few
seconds. Move earth repels and damages a grave
dirt golem. Rather than dealing damage, electricity
actually repairs a grave dirt golem.
36 The elemental spirit animating a grave dirt
golem is only tenuously controlled by its master.
The longer a grave dirt golem fights, the greater
the chance that it will fly into a berserk frenzy,
attacking all that stands before it — even its
“You were wise to run from that lumbering shade
and to keep running for it is relentless. Know that
it is a thing of earth, but in this land all earth is
earth of the grave, and so a skull crowns its bone-
ridden, bloated bulk. One must not let one’s
person be touched by it, for its soil is fouled with
the unlife of the dead, even if it is not itself one.
Destruction is its yolk and so it is left to its hateful
consumption by the Dark Lady. But it wouldn’t
dare test its strength against that of the Eternal
Order. Within Marbh-Cathair you are safe. Let us
go now to the walls and watch the sunrise.”
-Unwald Rottennail, demented sentinel of the
Eternal Order
Golem, hangman
Golem, hangman Golem, hangman
Golem, hangman (rope golem)
(rope golem) (rope golem)
(rope golem) [Monster
[Monster [Monster
Manual III
Manual IIIManual III
Manual III, Dragon # 302
, Dragon # 302, Dragon # 302
, Dragon # 302]
] ]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about hangman golems. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 23: This tall, gangly humanoid construct is a
hangman golem, also known more simply as a
rope golem. This result reveals all construct traits.
DC 28: A hangman golem is immune to almost all
forms of magic, and its sinuous body deflects most
attacks. However, adamantine weapons can prove
effective. A rope trick spell completely paralyzes a
hangman golem for just a moment. A hangman
golem is vulnerable to fire. This result also reveals
the procedure for creating hangman golems.
DC 33: A hangman golem flails at foes with its
knotted fists, which have an unusually long reach.
Every few moments, the golem can briefly extend
a number of its ropes to strike at every foe within
easy reach. An animate rope spell hastes a
hangman golem for a few moments.
DC 38: When a hangman golem strikes a foe, it
usually grabs the creature and starts strangling it.
Once per day, a hangman golem can completely
unravel itself without causing itself any harm,
becoming nothing more than a loose pile of ropes,
usually to avoid detection. The golem can reform
itself at will.
We met this unknown creature in Darkon, and we
are pretty sure it’s a new form of golem. In a crypt
where we were looking for clues on the
disappearance of duck hunters, we opened a door
to see this huge humanoid, made entirely of rope.
But the first thing we saw in the darkness was its
pair of whitish glowing eyes. With the ropes
swirling on top of its head, my first thought was
that we were facing a medusa, but then it came
into our torch light and we had a good view of its
body constructed with ropes. My sister had the
genius idea to quickly cast a rope trick spell on it,
and this stopped the creature in its track for a
moment. While I used this time to close the door
to this room, I saw many shattered corpses in this
room, surely victims of this rope golem. My sister
then locked the door magically, trapping this thing
inside the crypt forever. We let a warning message
on the stone door and we left this place, grateful
that it didn’t reach us in close combat.
Note added to “Van Richten Guide to Created” by
the twins
Golem, ice [Frostburn]
olem, ice [Frostburn] olem, ice [Frostburn]
olem, ice [Frostburn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about ice golems. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 19: This towering ice sculpture, carved in the
shape of an armored warrior, is an ice golem. This
result reveals all construct traits and the cold
DC 24: An ice golem is immune to almost all
forms of magic, and its frozen body deflects most
attacks. However, bludgeoning weapons can
smash it to pieces, and fire-based magic affects it
normally (taking the golem’s vulnerability to fire
into account). This result also reveals the
procedure for creating ice golems.
DC 29: An ice golem flails at foes with its
powerful fists. Every few moments, it can spray a
burst of razor-sharp, bitingly cold ice shards at
everything within reach. Rather than dealing
damage, magical cold actually repairs an ice
DC 34: An ice golem can climb on any icy
surface, as if using a spider climb spell.
I am pleased to find that the principles which were
sufficient for the creation of the snow golem (see
previous) are sufficient as well for the creation of
the ice golem (see immediately proceeding, esp.
pages 68-222). Although the transition might seem
trivial to the uninitiated, the transferral of
principles between even very similar elements
(viz. the so-called "flesh golem" and my own
recent creation, which I have styled the "cadaver
golem") requires great care lest some oversight of
seemingly minor details lead to great flaws in the
final work.
At any rate, Ice-9 is completed, and I have placed
it with the snow golems in the courtyard until a
more suitable place recommends itself.
laboratory notebook of Meredoth
Golem, iron [Monster Manu
Golem, iron [Monster ManuGolem, iron [Monster Manu
Golem, iron [Monster Manual]
al] al]
CR 13 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(arcana) can learn more about iron golems. When
a character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
23 This massive metal figure is an iron golem.
This result reveals all construct traits.
28 An iron golem attacks by smashing foes with
its powerful fists. It is immune to almost all forms
of magic, and its ironclad body deflects most
attacks. However, adamantine weapons can prove
effective, and electricity slows the creature for a
few moments.
33 Rather than damaging it, magical fire actually
repairs an iron golem and breaks any slow effect
currently affecting it.
38 An iron golem can spew a cone of lethal
poisonous gas at nearby foes. The golem is
affected normally by magical rust effects, such as
a rusting grasp spell.
We heard the tolling of the great bell again as we
crossed the entryway toward the exit leading to the
upper network of passages, sounding far off in the
cavernous expanse of the lich's barrow; as we
reached the door, we were brought to a halt.
Someone or something had barred the door from
the other side! Geddar took his axe and began a
frontal assault, and Shauten endeavoured to find a
spell which would address our needs; I stood back
to watch and listen for anything attracted by the
noise of our attempted exit.
Soon I realized the bell was growing louder; I
dismissed the thought as unimportant, but it grew
louder still, and could now be heard clearly over
Geddar's axe-work.
What on earth? I wondered. Understanding came
almost too late. "Geddar! Shauten!" I yelled,
hurrying to them. "Get away from there! It's
coming!" Not ten seconds later the great iron
golem smashed through the door, its great brutal
bulk, man-shape but three times the height of a tall
man, filling the passageway.
working notes from Van Richten's Guide to the
Golem, lesser, fungus* [Dragon 341]
Golem, lesser, fungus* [Dragon 341] Golem, lesser, fungus* [Dragon 341]
Golem, lesser, fungus* [Dragon 341]
JWM: About the size of a beefy human, composed
of fungi and plant matter fused into a hard rubber-
like substance, Fairly tough and strong, but mainly
dangerous due to the spores it carries. These give
it a poisonous breath weapon, and wounds from its
slam attacks fester so that the damage doesn't heal
naturally. Primarily created by druids.
We did not lack for speed. The Loathsome
Consort had seen to that by limiting our baggage
to little more than what his strange, bipedal
porting creatures could manage. They were
tireless, strong, frightful. A great secret indeed had
been stolen from HER for with them we could
push deep and seize greater knowledge still. But
only in returning did we realised their full value.
For the dead they had left behind, slain by the
spores they exuded and transformed into rich beds
of mushrooms, alone kept us alive, as the
Loathsome Consort had intended.
-Vomited Up From the Bowels of Hell,
unfinished, anonymous manuscript
Golem, lesser, junk* [Dragon 341]
Golem, lesser, junk* [Dragon 341] Golem, lesser, junk* [Dragon 341]
Golem, lesser, junk* [Dragon 341]
JWM: I imagine a Nosos connection for these
Old Jakob made himself a son,
Hey, ho, ain't you most done?
To do his work from dusk till dawn.
Search all the leavings and take up the pickings;
Hey, ho, ain't you 'most done?
Tin cans, old pans, a pail, a nail,
A mop, a strop, a bucket, a locket,
Old rags, old bags, a kite, a knife,
That was the making of Jakob's son.
Search all the leavings and take up the pickings;
Hey, ho, ain't you 'most done?
from Old Jakob's Son, traditional Nosan
Golem, lesser, maggot* [Requiem,
Golem, lesser, maggot* [Requiem, Golem, lesser, maggot* [Requiem,
Golem, lesser, maggot* [Requiem,
Dragon 339]
Dragon 339] Dragon 339]
Dragon 339]
There is a saying in Darkon that Life breeds
Death. And yet, how often we see that Death
breeds Life, as well, as when decaying flesh brings
forth the larval fly! Therefore this creation is a
philosophical whole, binding Life brought from
Death to unlife, that it may thereafter slay the
Fragmentary manuscript held in Special
Collections in the Great Library of Port-a-Lucine,
author unknown
Golem, lesser, paper* [Dragon 341]
Golem, lesser, paper* [Dragon 341] Golem, lesser, paper* [Dragon 341]
Golem, lesser, paper* [Dragon 341]
JWM: Small Construct, CR 1, neutral. An origami
humanoid folded from a single sheet of paper.
Instead of hands, its two arms taper into razor-
sharp points. Very decorative; creators commonly
model them on samurai (with paper "swords"
incorporated into the design). Extremely agile
(especially compared to other golems) and
dangerous in large numbers. Vulnerable to fire and
slashing weapons, as one might expect. Generally
found in the Scattered Lotus Archipelago.
-"What do you mean by this nonsense, noting in
the log of the Retriever that the cause of death was
not, as I and my peers could well imagine, savages
boldly met or sea fearlessly braved, but was by, as
you write, 'paper cut'?"
-"'Paper cuts,' sir. Three score I'd venture."
Inquiry into the death of Captain Weathermay,
discoverer of Sri Raji
Golem, lesser, tin* [Dragon 341]
Golem, lesser, tin* [Dragon 341] Golem, lesser, tin* [Dragon 341]
Golem, lesser, tin* [Dragon 341]
JWM: Looks somewhat like an armored human.
Not very tough in combat; it has no natural
attacks, though it can wield weapons. It has
limited intelligence, which give it the ability to
speak and the ability to perform specific skilled
tasks (the golem's creator "programs" it with ranks
in two Craft or Profession skills).
In Hour of the Knife, a local guild created a tin
golem (a precursor to the creature described here)
and modeled it after a streetwalker, intending to
use it as bait for Bloody Jack.
Little Dorte went a short way, she went a long
way, and at last she came to a little clearing in the
woods, and a wee house; and there before it stood
a most unusual man, a man all made of tin! He
must once have shone beautifully, but he had
rusted stiff, and now the rain and the sun had made
him green and brown, with only a hint of his shiny
skin beneath. Little Dorte knew that such men are
made by witches and warlocks to serve them, and
at first she was afraid; but then she took heart, for
the cottage was long deserted and the man had
obviously not been cared for in years; and it
occurred to her that it might not be an ill thing to
have such a creature at her beck and call.
Therefore she took a little lard from her hamper,
and rubbed it in the tin man's joints 'til he could
"Now, then, Tin Man," she said. "I am your
mistress now, and you must obey me. Nod if you
And the tin man nodded his head.
"That's good," she declared, and handed him her
hamper. "Take this, and follow me." And together
they set off into the woods, the little girl before
and the tin man after.
Little Dorte and the Three Strange Men, traditional
Golem, lesser, wood* [Dragon 341]
Golem, lesser, wood* [Dragon 341]Golem, lesser, wood* [Dragon 341]
Golem, lesser, wood* [Dragon 341]
The interrogation of the corpses proved effective.
The racial hatred that fired the boyer, driven to the
greatest height by the Gundarakite dagger gnawing
at his guts, breached the eldritch sphere as he
gazed upon himself burnt in effigy. But that alone
would not have sufficed to achieve this. The
requisite spiritual vessel was the chain of office
and the catalyst was the murderer himself who
hung it upon the construction and set the whole
alight. And what ironic justice, that fool of a
farmer kneeling down before it, a divinity indeed,
its presence burning away his flesh and its talons
skewering him clean through. He too might have
thrown off the shackles of the mortal coil had he
been cut of better stuff.
-Journal entry of Count Strahd von Zarovich
concerning the Effigy of Ivan Szimin
Golem, mechanical [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, mechanical [Denizens of Dread] Golem, mechanical [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, mechanical [Denizens of Dread]
CR 11
circuits 3, 6, 10 operating below normal tolerances
mechanical defect in sirvomotor 3, lateral
movement compromised
some difficulty with optical detection unit (see fig
6A detail)
continued problems with insulation but offers
interesting options in combat—feature not bug!
get bigger knife
Page from a notebook of Easan the Mad
Golem, mist [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, mist [Denizens of Dread] Golem, mist [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, mist [Denizens of Dread]
CR 14
I can hardly even begin to say how one constructs
a golem, if that indeed was what it was, of mists,
of the Mists. Perhaps one does not so much choose
to do it, as one is chosen to do so . . . . The
emaciated and tattooed Hazlani mage had lent his
very shape, swollen and stretched, to the towering
entity, casting in swirling mist a figure so
improbable that we were carried off by a terrible
laughter that proved ultimately to be the death of
two of our number. The desperation of our plight,
although hammered home by bone crushing
blows, dawned upon us in its full enormity when
Song Mistress Lairelle, who had given us courage
against its frightful howl, was caught squarely in
the chin, dissolved into mists, and was lost to all
existence . . . or so I hope and pray at least . . . .
-Working note for Van Ritchen’s Guide to The
Golem, mud [Monster Manual III
Golem, mud [Monster Manual IIIGolem, mud [Monster Manual III
Golem, mud [Monster Manual III,
, ,
Dragon # 302
Dragon # 302Dragon # 302
Dragon # 302]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about mud golems. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 21: This crudely formed, vaguely humanoid
mound of oozing muck is a mud golem. This result
reveals all construct traits.
DC 26: A mud golem is immune to almost all
forms of magic, and its semisolid body absorbs
most attacks. However, adamantine bludgeoning
weapons can prove effective, and a transmute mud
to rock effect slows the creature for a few
moments. This result also reveals the procedure
for creating mud golems.
DC 31: A mud golem is a mindless combatant that
fights as directed by its master, but it does have
just enough instinctual cunning to hide in swampy
areas by burying itself in the mire. When foes
approach, the golem strikes. A mud golem can
press a grabbed foe into its torso, completely
engulfing it. A transmute rock to mud effect
completely repairs a mud golem.
DC 36: A mud golem can spew a cone of slippery
mud at nearby foes. The mud does no harm, but
may blind opponents as is as slick as a grease
spell. Casting stone to flesh on a mud golem does
not transform it, but does temporarily leave it
vulnerable to physical attacks.
So, I took my axe to it and hacked it into so many
mud-pies, I guess you could say. Afterward I
asked the Doctor about it, 'cause I thought it must
have been some kind of elemental. Maybe if a
water elemental and an earth elemental had kids,
or something. But the Doctor said no, the odds
were it was a golem, and he showed me the
diagram from the book we looted (and it was
about all we got, too). "A golem?" I said when he
told me. "Burn me black, these wizards will make
golems out of anything".
Geddar Ironheart
Golem, Golem,
Golem, rune
[Dragon 343
Dragon 343Dragon 343
Dragon 343]
] ]
Under “creature catalog V” - un peu similaire à
Golem, sand [Sandstorm
Golem, sand [SandstormGolem, sand [Sandstorm
Golem, sand [Sandstorm
] ]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about sand golems. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 22: This vaguely humanoid, walking sand
dune is a sand golem. This result reveals all
construct traits.
DC 27: A sand golem is immune to almost all
forms of magic, and its ever-shifting body absorbs
minor attacks. However, adamantine bludgeoning
weapons can prove effective, and a transmute mud
to rock effect slows the creature for a few
moments. This result also reveals the procedure
for creating sand golems.
DC 32: A sand golem attacks by smashing foes
with its powerful fists. Whenever it strikes a living
foe, some of its sand is rammed into the victim’s
nose and mouth, risking suffocation. Rather than
dealing damage, blast of sand and flaywind burst
spells actually repair a sand golem; a fuse sand
spell repairs it completely.
DC 37: A sand golem is constantly surrounded by
a dense cloud of blowing sand that causes
brownout conditions to the limit of the golem’s
reach. Each sand golem is mystically bound to a
set of magic amulets at the time of its creation.
The wearer of such an amulet can command its
bound golem from any distance
You have begin on the trail of this creature for
how long? One? Two weeks? I have begin
following this creature for three years. All the way
from my homeland. I know what it is and I have
learned where it came from.
The creature was created by Hatem al-Gabali, a
sha’ir. He sought to create a powerful servant.
First he built a large mold to mix the ingredients
and form the creature.
To this he added the sands of Qual-Zinnar, the site
where Caliph Aziz al-Jaffiri was murdered at the
hands of his youngest son, some 80 years ago. The
sand on which the holy caliph’s blood was split
was considered by all to be cursed. No one dared
go there before al-Gabali.
Next the sorcerer added the waters of the Black
Sands Oasis, where the young Princess Jasmine,
beloved daughter of Caliph Said al-Jamae,
With this mixture of sand and water, al-Gabali
used his wizardly powers to capture a gen of the
desert and force it into the form he had created. He
sought a loyal servant bound to his will, but that is
not what he got. Either the curse of Qual-Zinnar or
the haunted waters of the Black Sands
overwhelmed the summon gen, filling it with a
murderous sense of betrayal and loss. In any case
the creature is cursed to never be free of these
sensations. It now hunts those it feels are
responsible for acts of betrayal or who have
caused the death of a young child. And now it has
come to your city.
Notes from an interview conducted by Constable
Sturm Androv in the case file marked The
Golem, Skeletal (FoS Nocturnal Sea
Golem, Skeletal (FoS Nocturnal Sea Golem, Skeletal (FoS Nocturnal Sea
Golem, Skeletal (FoS Nocturnal Sea
This ungainly-looking, morbid automaton
resembles an oversized human skeleton, hastily
assembled from mismatched bones, and bound
together with string and splinters of wood. Its
torso is encased by a metal breastplate. Although
roughly humanoid, the creature has four arms:
two at its shoulders, the other two attached
asymmetrically to its lower ribs. Each of its
fleshless hands carries a sword, which it swings
with a surprising grace.
Golem, snow [Denizens
Golem, snow [DenizensGolem, snow [Denizens
Golem, snow [Denizens
of Dread]
of Dread] of Dread]
of Dread]
The language barrier was here, again,
unexpectedly troublesome; when Kelvar came
running up to us yelling about "snow-men", it took
him several seconds of precious time to explain to
us that he did not mean the innocuous forms piled
up by Lamordian children at Darkest Night, but
rather large and extremely dangerous ambulatory
statues, or golems, made of snow.
Account of the Voyage of the Endurance, Marko
Golem, stained glass
Golem, stained glassGolem, stained glass
Golem, stained glass
[Monster Manual
[Monster Manual[Monster Manual
[Monster Manual
] ]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about stained glass golems. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 21: This glittering figure emerging from the
window frame is a stained glass golem. This result
reveals all construct traits.
DC 26: A stained glass is immune to almost all
forms of magic, and its unnaturally hardened body
deflects most attacks. However, adamantine
weapons can prove effective, and shatter spells
and sonic effects affect it normally. This result
also reveals the procedure for creating stained
glass golems.
DC 31: A stained glass golem attacks by slashing
foes with its limbs, which are exceptionally sharp.
A mending spell repairs a stained glass golem of
some of the damage it has suffered.
Golem, stone [Monster Manual]
Golem, stone [Monster Manual] Golem, stone [Monster Manual]
Golem, stone [Monster Manual]
CR 11 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(arcana) can learn more about stone golems. When
a character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
21 This walking statue is a stone golem. This
result reveals all construct traits.
26 A stone golem is immune to almost all forms of
magic, and its rocky body deflects most attacks.
However, adamantine weapons can prove
effective, and a transmute rock to mud spell slows
the creature for a few moments. This result also
reveals the procedure for creating stone golems.
31 A stone golem attacks by smashing foes with
its powerful fists. A transmute mud to rock spell
repairs a stone golem of all damage it has suffered.
Casting stone to flesh on a stone golem doesn’t
actually damage it, but does drastically weaken its
defenses against attacks and magic for a few
36 A stone golem can slow a nearby opponent
every few moments without having to pause in its
"He breathed life into me, he molded me, he spoke
to me as a son; yes, he loved me."
"And yet you killed him?" I exclaimed.
The cold marble hands clenched until I saw a
powder of dust fall from them. "He poured his
soul into me! He gave me every human appetite,
and the means of satisfying none. How can a
statue eat, sleep, breathe? Where shall he find the
family that will take him in?"
He fell silent, then continued, his harsh voice low
and impassioned, "Did I say 'none'? Your pardon,
Doctor. One human urge I have that I can gratify--
the urge to destroy. And that urge I mean to sate, if
it be possible."
Stonehands, from Twelve More Tales of the
Macabre, Jean Lafolie
Golem, tombstone [Libris Mortis]
Golem, tombstone [Libris Mortis] Golem, tombstone [Libris Mortis]
Golem, tombstone [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about tombstone golems. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
23 This hulking mass of fused headstones is a
tombstone golem. This result reveals all construct
28 A tombstone golem is immune to almost all
forms of magic, and its rocky body deflects most
attacks. However, adamantine weapons can prove
effective, and a transmute rock to mud spell slows
the creature for a few moments. This result also
reveals the procedure for creating tombstone
33 A tombstone golem attacks by smashing foes
with its powerful fists. A transmute mud to rock
spell repairs a tombstone golem of all damage it
has suffered. Casting stone to flesh on a tombstone
golem doesn’t actually damage it, but does
drastically weaken its defenses against attacks and
magic for a few seconds.
38 Every few moments, a tombstone golem can
channel negative energy through one of its melee
attacks, instantly snuffing out the life force of the
creature it strikes like a slay living spell.
Such were the sins of Bloody Stoneheart against
his own people that they cursed him so that the
touch of unworked stone was fire to him. And it
did not take long for the authorities to put him to
flight from the cities. But he would find a reliable
source of cut stone in the graveyards where he set
to the crafting of his revenge. Within a few
months, the named and dated markers of deceased
relatives rose up as a single colossus to strike
down the living.
-Working note for Van Ritchen’s Guide to The
Golem, wax [Denizens of Dread
Golem, wax [Denizens of DreadGolem, wax [Denizens of Dread
Golem, wax [Denizens of Dread, Dragon
, Dragon , Dragon
, Dragon
] ]
CR 6 The fever robbed him of his daughter, his
wife, and his hunger for life. But he eventually
found his appetite and threw himself as never
before into his work. Yet for all his toil, nothing
was forthcoming. The figures of Baron Bahkolis,
Lady Aderre and her son Malocchio were so
overdue that I at last stole into his studio to speak
to him. He was slumped unconscious before two
uncommissioned works. The first, although
unfinished, bore the unmistakable figure and
features of his spouse. The second, perfect in its
every detail, captured the radiant life of his child.
What was strange, however, and that would
presage the terrors to come, was the pose that he
had lent it, for its hand rested, as though lovingly,
upon him as he slept.
-Claudette Petra, proprietor of Madame Petra’s
Wax Museum, interviewed by the Martira Bay
Golem, web [Monster Manual III
Golem, web [Monster Manual IIIGolem, web [Monster Manual III
Golem, web [Monster Manual III,
, ,
Dragon 302
Dragon 302Dragon 302
Dragon 302]
] ]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about web golems. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 17: This vaguely humanoid mass of tightly
wound spider silk, bearing the eight eyes and
fangs of a spider, is a web golem. This result
reveals all construct traits.
DC 22: A web golem is immune to almost all
forms of magic, and its silken body is surprisingly
resilient, deflecting most attacks. However,
adamantine weapons can prove effective, and a
grease spell slows the creature for a few moments.
DC 27: A web golem attacks with its powerful
fists, and its bite injects venom that leaves victims
as weak as babes. Web golems are vulnerable to
fire. A web golem’s silk is extremely sticky, so
anything that strikes it—including weapons and
creatures—risks getting stuck. This result also
reveals the procedure for creating web golems.
DC 32: A web golem can spin a web (as the spell)
several times a day. It can climb walls like a
spider, and its movement is not hindered by web
effects, including its own.
Sir Canifax is truly a fascinating character and we
were eager to meet him after this letter exchange.
This tall, old gentleman with a top hat says he
retired from adventuring (but me and Laurie doubt
he really is). He was willing to share details on a
creature we are hunting, but in fact he didn’t tell
us many things we didn’t knew already about the
Telling Man – see these notes.
However, the discussion later switched to our
uncle, and Canifax expressed regrets never to have
met him in person. Laurie tried to discuss a point
of magick, but we felt his unease and left him take
the conversation elsewhere without insisting.
Then the conversation wandered about golems and
he told us about a particularly disgusting type of
construct, made entirely of webs! Canifax
destroyed one a long time ago. Crawling among
large spiders, this humanoid construct has many
spider features: eight eyes, poisonous fangs and
ability to crawl on ceilings. He said its web body
was also very sticky.
Canifax is a very good raconteur, making the
monster particularly creepy, but I do not think he
was exaggerating this tale. Canifax assured us the
golem builder was also destroyed. But I shiver to
think somebody could find eventual notes and start
building one of these horrors these days…
Note added to “Van Richten Guide to Created” by
the twins
Golem, zombie [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, zombie [Denizens of Dread] Golem, zombie [Denizens of Dread]
Golem, zombie [Denizens of Dread]
CR 12
After consideration, I have decided that the
creation of the 'zombie golem' (see notebooks 471-
3) cannot be described as truly original work, as it
is the merest transposition of principle from the
famous 'flesh golem', the only difference being the
instillation of an necromantic animus into the
constituent corpses before beginning assembly of
the construct. Such is the subtlety of my
Azalin Rex, laboratory notebook 913 page 37
Gorgon [Monster Manual]
Gorgon [Monster Manual] Gorgon [Monster Manual]
Gorgon [Monster Manual]
CR 8
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about gorgons. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
18 This armored bull is called a gorgon. This
result reveals all magical beast traits.
23 A gorgon constantly exhales clouds of sickly
green fumes. A gorgon can use these fumes as a
breath weapon several times a day, instantly
turning living creatures to stone.
28 Gorgons are highly aggressive, and will
trample nearly any creature they see. They cannot
be trained or domesticated.
33 Gorgon blood holds an unusual supernatural
quality: If gorgon blood is stirred into mortar, any
walls built with the resulting mixture become solid
barriers to ghosts and other ethereal travelers.
They still tell stories here of the Iron Bull, who
appears from the deep plains when the land is
befouled by blood or filth or fire to wreak a
horrible vengeance on those who pollute the land.
They say that he is stronger than the strongest
horse, and that a sword or a spear employed
against him will turn again and strike its owner
down; they say also that his breath turns wheat or
wood to chalk and flesh to stone. I was shown
what might, with some imagination, be thought a
human figure carved in stone and told in all
seriousness that it had once been a particularly
wicked quarryman, who fouled the river with
tailings from his pit; the Iron Bull came and turned
him into one of his own stones, and the quarry he
worked lies overgrown and unused to this day.
Folk-tales of the Eastern Core, Magnus Wolfsbane
Grave Ooze
Grave OozeGrave Ooze
Grave Ooze
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread][Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
Graveyard Sludge [MM5]
Graveyard Sludge [MM5] Graveyard Sludge [MM5]
Graveyard Sludge [MM5] -
Ooze, Ooze,
Gray jester [Heroes of Horror]
Gray jester [Heroes of Horror] Gray jester [Heroes of Horror]
Gray jester [Heroes of Horror]
A book on darkonese folklore I was reading told
me about a puzzling being that could possibly be a
subtype of bogeyman? I need to search more on
these “gray jester”, as it is often called, to make an
educated guess on its exact nature.
In short, I learned from this book the creature
always appears as a very thin jester, clown or
mime and mainly attacks children. This fact
attracted my attention, of course. It is said to
entertain children and then use the grim ability of
draining the joyous emotions from the children it
attacks, leaving them as mind drained automatons
under the jester’s control. Does this bogeyman
“feed” on joyous thought?
However I understand from the book many adults
have seen the creature, which is puzzling and
wildly atypical from the other bogeymen. More
enquiry needed on this case.
Hans Gleam, private notes
Gray Wyrm, the
Gray Wyrm, the Gray Wyrm, the
Gray Wyrm, the
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Green Maid
Green MaidGreen Maid
Green Maiden, the
en, the en, the
en, the (Gaz 2)
(Gaz 2)(Gaz 2)
(Gaz 2)
Greenvise [Monster Manual II
Greenvise [Monster Manual IIGreenvise [Monster Manual II
Greenvise [Monster Manual II, Dragon
, Dragon , Dragon
, Dragon
] ]
JWM: Huge Plant, CR 10, neutral. In essence, a
massive, semi-intelligent, ambulatory Venus
flytrap. Its main attack is to slam foes, stuff them
in its leafy maw, and swallow them whole, but if
push comes to shove it can also exude a deadly
acidic fog. It can sense the location of any creature
in contact with vegetation. Only active by day. I
generally consider it useful as a predator in the
jungles of the Verdurous Lands. (I.E., it's "random
encounter" fodder.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about greenvises. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 22: This monstrous plant is a kind of massive,
ambulatory flytrap called a greenvise. This result
reveals all plant traits.
DC 27: A greenvise battering its prey with its
thick tendrils before snapping up the creature with
its thorny maw. A greenvise can swallow an entire
horse in one gulp. Greenvises are diurnal, hunting
by day and resting by night.
DC 32: Twice per day, a greenvise can protect
itself by exuding a large cloud of highly acidic
vapor that hangs in the air for several moments.
Greenvises are themselves immune to acid.
DC 37: Through a strange sort of woodsense, a
greenvise can sense the presence of anything
within 20 paces that is in contact with any plant
"Your system of classification is as quaint as it is
wrong. Omnivorous and carnivorous diets are the
preserve of animals? And teeth too, I suppose!
Hazard a guess as to the creature that burnt me
-The re-education of Charlie Wescote, Ship's
Biologist of the HMS Retriever
Gremishka [Denizens of Dread]
Gremishka [Denizens of Dread] Gremishka [Denizens of Dread]
Gremishka [Denizens of Dread]
CR 1/3
"Mayor Bonnivale emerged from the bushes
around Bellweather Manor to meet his new
"business partner," the spiritualist Glamgel.
Bonnivale thrust a heavy sack of coins before
Glamgel, who casually hid it within his
voluminous blue robe. Glamgel, in turn, shook his
right sleeve, and produced a cat. Or rather, a cat-
like creature with tremendous eyes and huge,
funnel-like ears.
"Bonnivale eagerly pointed Bellweather Manor
out to the creature, who, in turn, simply gawked
back at him, apparently in awe of the mayor's
bowler hat. Glamgel shook his head, picked up a
rock, and hurled it through one of the manor
windows. While the mayor fearfully clutched his
bowler, afraid that his scheme was now laid bare
to the world, the spiritualist pointed to the
smashed pane, and the creature eagerly clambered
up the wall, and entered the house through the
broken window.
"When I turned back to see the two malefactors,
both mayor and spiritualist were gone."
--passage from Spirit Circles And Shadowed Pits,
Memoirs of Jeremy Addler
Grim [Denizens of Dread]
Grim [Denizens of Dread] Grim [Denizens of Dread]
Grim [Denizens of Dread]
CR 6
JWM: Binding a Grim. The true nature of these
strange, spiritual entities is far from certain, but
the method of binding a grim to a site is not so
mysterious. First, the territory the grim is to guard
must somehow be bounded by a physical border,
such as a low stone wall or similar markers.
Temples and other structures are automatically
bounded. Next, a divine spellcaster must sanctify
the site with a hallow spell. A spellcaster must
now cast magic circle against evil within the
hallowed area. Lastly, a spellcaster must cast
summon monster V at night, while inside the
magic circle, with the specific intention of
summoning a grim. If these steps are followed
correctly, a grim appears and guards the site for as
long as it lives, perhaps long after the site itself
has been forgotten and gone to seed.
In lands where the dead are feared or revered, such
as Darkon and Mordent, some folk offer a
different account of the grim’s origin. They claim
that when a new graveyard or other burial site is
consecrated (again, using a hallow spell), the spirit
of the first creature to be laid to rest there
automatically rises up and becomes a grim rather
than moving on to its deserved afterlife. Where
this belief holds sway, one or more animals —
traditionally a dog, cat, and owl sacrificed and
buried together — are often the first to be put to
ground, sparing any deceased humans from
assuming the role. If grims do form from the
spirits of the dead, they retain only dim memories
of their lives, which surface only when the
possibility of their final rest presents itself. Once
created, a grim can reach the afterlife only by
being destroyed or by having another creature
willingly volunteer to take its place shortly before
dying and being interred within the grim’s
territory. Grims are patient creatures, however,
and do not actively seek their own destruction.
Only one grim can be bound to any given site at a
time. Attempts to bind additional grims produce
no results.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (religion) can learn more about grims.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This macabre animal is actually a guardian
spirit called a grim This result reveals all magical
beast traits.
21 Grims can take the form of a large dog, cat, or
owl, but once chosen they must remain in the same
form all night. This result reveals the
shapechanger subtype.
26 Grims are powerful guardians against
supernatural evil, set in place by spellcasters to
watch over hallowed grounds.
31 Grims are powerless during daylight hours,
automatically retreating to the spirit world at
cock’s crow and not returning until the last rays of
sun have set.
“When a young agent of mine failed to return with
the bones I investigated. My approach could not
have been stealthier, at least until dead and live
alike were set on edge by the cry of a great and
ghastly owl who presided over the place with a
sense of propriety proper to none but myself. I bid
it begone. Yet it failed to so much as flinch. More
astonishing still, it fixed its will upon my being
and urged flight upon my soul. Unperturbed by its
failure in this, it leapt from its towering perch and
swooped down at me, its claws extended to rend
my flesh. The grace with which I side-stepped it
gave it no pause. It was a determined and
remarkable creature, but I was impatient,
preoccupied with matters of consequence, and
simply spoke a word that sent it from existence. I
thought nothing more of the thing, until a second
young agent sent to that graveyard failed to return
to me last night, two centuries after the first.”
-Strahd von Zarovich consulting Madame Eva
Grimlock [Monster Manual]
Grimlock [Monster Manual] Grimlock [Monster Manual]
Grimlock [Monster Manual]
CR 1 Suggested by Chris Nichols
Dr#327 - Jan 05 - Ecology of the Grimlock -
These blind creatures are often found with mind
flayers, often as their private armies.
Grim reaper [Denizens of Dread]
Grim reaper [Denizens of Dread] Grim reaper [Denizens of Dread]
Grim reaper [Denizens of Dread]
CR 7
"The wards remained in place, the candles
remained lit, and the magic circles remained
undisturbed. Nothing would be able to harm Mme.
Anna while she recovered from her illness. The
only thing we did not anticipate was Mme. Anna,
"When the clock struck 1:45, she rose from her
bed, something that she could not do in the last 10
days of her illness, and blew out the warding
candle on her nightstand. She turned to me, and
with a sad, wistful smile, she told me, "It is time."
"She stepped out of her bed, and the door gently
opened. A tall figure, shrouded in black silk
emerged from the doorway, offering its skeletal
hand to Mme. Anna.
""It is time."
""Yes, it is time."
"She took its hand, and then they were both gone."
-passage from Spirit Circles And Shadowed Pits,
Memoirs of Jeremy Addler
Grimweird [Monster Manual III]
Grimweird [Monster Manual III] Grimweird [Monster Manual III]
Grimweird [Monster Manual III]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 11, lawful evil. A
weak and withered undead creature that possesses
potent spell-like abilities. The most significant of
these powers is its ability to magically summon
evil creatures to its aid.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about grimweirds. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 21: The weak and withered appearance of this
humanoid undead is deceiving; the presence of its
minions hints that it is a grimweird, a creature that
has tapped into the Negative Energy Plain to reap
great power. This result reveals all undead traits.
Grimweirds speak the languages they knew in life.
DC 26: Grimweirds are best known for their
ability to summon powerful, evil allies to aid it.
Every few moments, a grimweird can use lesser
planar binding and summon monster VI as spell-
like abilities.
DC 31: In close combat, a grimweird drains life
energy with its claws. Once per day, it can use
dispel magic and protection from
chaos/good/evil/law as spell-like abilities.
DC 36: The creatures summoned by a grimweird
are unusually strong and resilient for their kind
Of all the restless spirits said to haunt that dark &
misty land (and there are many), but few are more
feared than the Dark Mourner, whose song is said
to summon all fell creature to its side, so that he
who would oppose it finds himself surrounded at
once by all enemies of the living, drawn from
miles around to the Mourner's aid, perishing,
therefore, before he can so much as raise his blade.
from Catalog of the World Entire
Grisgol [Monster Manual III]
Grisgol [Monster Manual III]Grisgol [Monster Manual III]
Grisgol [Monster Manual III]
JWM: Large Construct, CR 15, neutral. A golem
constructed from broken and worn-out magic
items. Since its limbs are wrapped in magic
scrolls, it can be mistaken for a mummy from a
distance. A grisgol can only be created by a lich,
and the lich’s phylactery sits at the grisgol’s heart,
empowering it. It has numerous lich-like powers,
including a paralyzing, negative energy-imbued
touch and spell-like abilities, plus striking it kicks
up infectious dust. Once it’s destroyed, anyone
examining its remains may be driven mad by a
powerful curse. In short, a powerful guardian for a
lich’s life force.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about grisgols. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
25 What first appears to be a strange kind of
mummy is in fact a grisgol, a construct created by
a powerful spellcaster from scores of broken and
discarded magic items. This result reveals all
construct traits.
30 A grisgol is immune to almost all forms of
magic, and its magic-charged body deflects most
attacks. However, magic piercing weapons can
penetrate its defenses. A grisgol is powered by the
phylactery of a lich imprisoned at its heart. Its
attacks flow with damaging negative energy,
which can also permanently paralyze living
creatures. Remove curse and similar spells can
remove this paralysis. This result also reveals
procedure for creating grisgols.
35 Striking a grisgol with any object other than a
piercing weapon throws out a cloud of choking
dust and mold. Living creatures who breathe it in
may contract slimy doom. Casting erase on a
grisgol damages it. A grisgol can use ten different
spell-like abilities, each once per day, but the
specific spells differ from one grisgol to the next
and reflect the trapped lich’s spirit bonded to the
40 Casting secret page on a grisgol renders it
invisible. Destroying a grisgol frees the lich’s
spirit trapped within it, unless the phylactery is
uncovered and destroyed. However, after a grisgol
is destroyed, anyone who examines the magic
writings on its parchment wrappings may be
driven mad by a powerful curse. Nothing short of
a limited wish can remove this curse.
Standing next to the dread Phantom's Bane was a
creature which we took at first to be a mummy, as
it appeared to be a human frame wrapped in what
appeared to be long rolls of cloth.
"I have no more time to entertain you," the lich
said in its inhuman whisper. "I leave you with my
good friend the Red Hand. At one time he and I
were enemies, but I won him over at last, and he
has served me well. I hope our own relationship
follows the same course, Master Van Richten.
What that the image of the lich flickered and
disappeared--its presence had been merely
illusionary! As it did so the "mummy" strode
forward, and I could see it was actually a creation
of metal rods, crystals, and wood, bound in papyri
on which I seemed to see blasphemous arcana of
great power written...
Working notes for Van Richten's Guide to the Lich
Hag, annis [Monster Manual]
Hag, annis [Monster Manual] Hag, annis [Monster Manual]
Hag, annis [Monster Manual]
CR 6 (underlined text is Ravenloft specific. In
other settings, you can ignore it or pass it off as
mere superstition.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about annis. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This towering, hideous, blue-skinned crone is
an annis, a physically powerful form of hag. This
result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits. Hags
usually speak Giant and Common.
21 An annis has a ravenous appetite for humanoid
flesh. They attack with their razor-sharp talons and
iron-hard teeth. If they get a foe in their clutches,
they can brutally tear through the victim’s flesh.
An annis’ dense flesh resists minor cuts, but
bludgeoning weapons can prove effective. The
mere presence of a hag warps the natural world
around it, which can cause natural processes —
such as a cow producing milk or even childbirth
— to go terribly wrong.
26 Annis can use disguise self and fog cloud
several times a day as spell-like abilities. They
enjoy posing as common folk to lure hapless
victims into their clutches. Like all hags, they are
scheming creatures that despise natural beauty. An
annis is resistant to magic.
31 Annis are often masters of foul magical arts.
When they form coveys with at least two other
hags, they pool their power, gaining the ability to
use animate dead, bestow curse, control weather,
dream, forcecage, mind blank, mirage arcana,
polymorph, veil, and vision as spell-like abilities.
36 Hag coveys can also create hag’s eyes, magical
gems through which the hags can scry at will.
The professor caught my arm as I left his bedside,
though his arms lacked the strength to stop me. "I
could not call myself a friend if I condoned this
course of action," he said to me. "But if you are
determined, I can advise you."
"Then do so, for I am," I replied.
"Very well," he sighed, suddenly looking very
tired. "If you go to the Tall Woman, you must
remember three things: first, be there of your own
free will and tell her as such, for those who are
sent to her are hers by right. Second, no matter
how she treats you, you must treat her with the
utmost respect. Third, you must ask nothing of
her, for such things lead to harm more often than
I nodded and left, all the time wondering how my
friend had knowledge of dealing with such dark
-From the table notes of Dariel Swift, a researcher
of Dark Magiks
See also Pathfinder classic horror revisited, and
Hag, Bheur [Unapproachable East]
Hag, Bheur [Unapproachable East] Hag, Bheur [Unapproachable East]
Hag, Bheur [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: These hags are harbingers of
winter, with terrible powers over cold. Bheurs
carry a wooden staff called a graystaff that is the
focus of much of their power. Bheur hags can also
change to a Large size form to combat their foes.
Perhaps most horrifically, bheur hags can consume
*any* slain or helpless foe in a single round.
Seeing this horrific feast can cause viewers to go
blind or be driven mad.
In Ravenloft, bheur hags dwell in the Frozen
Reaches and the heights of the Balinoks, the
Mountains of Misery and the Sleeping Beast.
When winter comes, the range of the bheurs is
greatly increased, as they may range as far as the
snows reach.
Some claim that there is really only one bheur hag
and that she is the embodiment of winter.
Accordingly, the bheur must be slain for spring to
return, but ever if slain the bheur will return to life
when winter comes again.
As the wind whipped about him and the snow
grew ever deeper, Radu realized he had no choice
but to accept the old woman's request, for a
winter's night in the heights of the Balinoks
without shelter was a sure death.
"Yes, grandmother," said Radu. "I agree that my
horse for a night's shelter is a fair trade."
"You've done right by this old woman, young
man," said the old woman, with a smile that made
her uglier than ever.
And with that, she walked up to Danzi, looked him
up and down once, and struck the horse sharply
between the eyes with her staff. Poor Danzi
instantly fell over dead.
Next, the old woman licked her lips and opened
her mouth wide, kneeling over the horse's body.
What happened next, Radu did not want to know,
so he closed his eyes. But he could still hear, and
thought that if he looked at what the old woman
was doing he might go blind or mad.
- from Radu and Old Woman Winter, in 10 Tales
from the Balinoks
Hag, Bog [Oriental Adventure]
ag, Bog [Oriental Adventure]ag, Bog [Oriental Adventure]
ag, Bog [Oriental Adventure]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about bog hags. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 The green flesh beneath this person’s torn skin
reveals it to be a bog hag, a hideous crone easily
mistaken for a green hag. This result reveals all
monstrous humanoid traits and the shapechanger
subtype. Bog hags speak Giant and Common.
17 A bog hag lacks the physical and mystical
power of her more fearsome kin, but she possesses
the horrific ability to disguise herself as a normal
humanoid by flaying a victim and wrapping
herself in the victim’s skin. This disguise is only
short-term, however, since the dead skin soon rots
22 A bog hag can still rely on her sharp talons
while disguised as a humanoid, but this instantly
shreds the stolen skin. A bog hag’s claws carry a
lethal disease called bog rot.
27 Bog hags prefer to attack by grappling foes and
forcing their heads underwater until they drown,
leaving the skin intact. When a bog hag first dons
a new skin, she quickly heals from her wounds.
Once fully healed, however, a bog hag needs to
don a fresh skin to use this ability again.
Dear Rainard,
I write you in times of pain and sadness. Your dear
sister is no more among us. You know I lost the
only person I ever loved. I do not have a lot of
time to explain the way she died, so I’ll go directly
to the point.
Poor Rustine fell to a terrible creature, a wicked
hag living in the Black swamp. We felt something
was wrong when her behaviour suddenly changed
and she asked us to sell everything we had in order
to “leave this horrible place with the maximum
amount of gold we could get”. We didn’t
understand her sudden desire to leave the place,
but nonetheless I asked around if anybody wanted
to buy our modest house. After, we spent days
packing our things.While we were packing, and
only a few days has passed since her change, then
horror struck us.
A dog in the street bit Rustine, and suddenly, I saw
the flesh on her leg ripped to shreds by the dog. I
was surprised that such a small dog could make
this horrible bite, but people in the street yelled
and I saw Rustine trying to hide her wound. But
we all saw green skin with scales under what
seemed like an horrible disguise of flesh! Then the
thing screamed and large talons ripped Rustine’s
flesh and came out in the light! As horrible as it
was, we burned the thing and we saw it for what it
really was: a green hag wearing Rustine’ skin!
Horrible, let me tell you.
We never found Rustine’s resting place so I
assume the thing that wore her skin also ate her.
More when we meet in a month.
Hag, dread [Ravenloft Third Edition]
Hag, dread [Ravenloft Third Edition] Hag, dread [Ravenloft Third Edition]
Hag, dread [Ravenloft Third Edition]
Baba Yaga ate up the seven loaves of good white
bread; she ate up the great bowl of borscht; she ate
up the suckling pig and the great pile of mashed
turnips; then she ate up the side of beef, a whole
half of a young steer it was, and all the while she
drank down the best vodka as if it were water. At
last she ate up a great round of the best cow's
cheese, wax and all, then she sat back, picking her
iron teeth with a rib of the steer, and lit her pipe.
(Smoking after meals is one of Baba Yaga's many
bad habits.)
"Did you enjoy your meal, Grandmother?" Ivana
asked politely.
"Yes," Baba Yaga allowed reluctantly. "I did. But
you have not yet won! There remains a third task
to be completed before you may go on your way,
and if you cannot finish it--well, then, I'll be eating
you tomorrow at this time."
The Story of Ivana and Baba Yaga, traditional
Hag, dune [Sandstorm]
Hag, dune [Sandstorm] Hag, dune [Sandstorm]
Hag, dune [Sandstorm]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about dune hags. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
(A little Ravenloft-specific info in this one.)
DC Result
14 This inhumanly tall, greenish-brown, and
hideously ugly crone is a dune hag, a twisted
creature that calls the desert wastes her home. This
result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits. Hags
usually speak Giant and a local language.
19 Dune hags have a ravenous appetite for
humanoid flesh. Despite their strength, they prefer
to use trickery and compulsion against their foes.
A dune hag can use the spell-like abilities of
disguise self, haboob, skin of the cactus, and
hallucinatory terrain several times a day.
24 Dune hags can mentally enslave humanoids
with a kiss. A dune hag’s hardened hide deflects
glancing blows. A dune hag is also resistant to
magic. The mere presence of a hag warps the
natural world around it, which can cause natural
processes — such as a cow producing milk or
even childbirth — to go terribly wrong.
Beware of the dune princess, travelers! If this
crone ever kisses you, you will loose your head
and see her as the most beautiful woman of the
desert lands. Then you will follow her in the desert
and you will loose your heart and never be seen
Har’Akir wisewoman tale
Hag, green hag [Monster Manual]
Hag, green hag [Monster Manual] Hag, green hag [Monster Manual]
Hag, green hag [Monster Manual]
CR 5
(I know Dragon did an Ecology article on the
green hag fairly recently - Dr#331 - May 05, but
their lore table wasn't quite to my liking. Ravenloft
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about green hags. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This hideous green crone is a green hag, a
twisted creature found in the deepest swamps. This
result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits. Hags
usually speak Giant and Common.
20 A green hag has a ravenous appetite for
humanoid flesh. Despite their strength, they prefer
to use stealth and trickery against their foes. Green
hags can mimic the sounds of nearly any animal
they’ve ever heard. These hags also know how to
sap a creature’s strength simply by clutching it in
just the right spot. The mere presence of a hag
warps the natural world around it, which can cause
natural processes — such as a cow producing milk
or even childbirth — to go terribly wrong.
25 Green hags have several powerful spell-like
abilities, including dancing lights, disguise self,
ghost sound, invisibility, pass without trace,
tongues, and water breathing. They enjoy posing
as common folk to lure hapless victims into their
clutches. Like all hags, they are scheming
creatures that despise natural beauty. A green hag
is resistant to magic.
30 Green hags are often masters of foul magical
arts. When they form coveys with at least two
other hags, they pool their power, gaining the
ability to use animate dead, bestow curse, control
weather, dream, forcecage, mind blank, mirage
arcana, polymorph, veil, and vision as spell-like
35 Hag coveys can also create hag’s eyes, magical
gems through which the hags can scry at will.
Jenny Greenteeth sits in the moonlight pale,
Pickin' at her teeth with a coffin nail
Hey, Jenny, hey, ho, Jenny, go,
Jenny walking out tonight looking for a beau.
See her in the moonlight pretty as can be,
Hey, Jenny, ho, Jenny, save a kiss for me!
See her in the morning after kissing of her man,
Blood at her lips and blood on her hands.
Jenny in the moonlight, slender as a switch,
Jenny in the sunlight, green-toothed witch,
Careful as you go tonight, fine young man,
Jenny's walking out tonight, catch you if she can.
Hey, Jenny, hey, ho, Jenny, ho
Jenny walking out tonight looking for a beau!
The Ballad of Jenny Greenteeth, traditional
Hag, night
Hag, nightHag, night
Hag, night
[Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual] [Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual]
JWM: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar), CR 9,
neutral evil. Fiendish, midnight-blue hags from the
lower plane of Hades that trade in mortal souls.
They spread disease with their bite, possess potent
spell-like abilities, and can haunt mortal's dreams.
Each night hag carries a magic trinket called a
heartstone, which strengthens her powers. Styrix
(RL Gaz II) is a night hag.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about night hags. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
19 This midnight-hued crone is a type of fiend
called a night hag. This result reveals all outsider
traits and the evil subtype. Some scholars believe
night hags are the ultimate stage of truly ancient
and powerful mortal hags (such as green hags).
24 The connection between night hags and mortal
hags is mere speculation. Night hags are native to
the Gray Wastes of Hades, where they trade in
mortal flesh and souls. They are immune to cold,
fire, charm, sleep, and fear.
29 Night hags resist spells and their iron-hard skin
deflects most weapon blows, though magic
weapions forged of cold iron can still pierce their
defenses. A night hag’s bite carries a dangerous
disease called demon fever.
34 Night hags can haunt the dreams of chaotic or
evil mortals, draining their health. A night hag has
numerous spell-like abilities she can use at will,
including etherealness, magic missile, ray of
enfeeblement, sleep, and the ability to polymorph
herself and detect magic and alignments.
39 All night hags carry a magic periapt called a
heartstone, into which they pour much of their
power. A heartstone instantly cures its bearer’s
diseases, and thus can fetch a high price from the
right buyer. A night hag who loses her heartstone
cannot use etherealness or haunt mortals’ dreams
until she makes another, a process that requires a
month of effort.
"As your soul is about to be dispatched to eternal
torment, I thought that you might appreciate a
truth or three. The beautiful girl in the dream, who
gave herself to you night after night before leading
you here, well that was me. That thing on the floor
over there that so disgusts you, that is what
remains of your cuckolded husband. And oh yes,
your daughter, you know I was going to eat her
too, but then I thought that a lifetime, short though
it will probably be, of servicing the sailors at the
local brothel would be so much more fitting."
-Styrix playing with prey, before feeding it as fuel
to her Rift Spanner
Hag, sea hag [Monster Manual]
Hag, sea hag [Monster Manual] Hag, sea hag [Monster Manual]
Hag, sea hag [Monster Manual]
CR 4
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about sea hags. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This oozing, jaundiced crone is a sea hag, a
twisted creature native to the oceans or stagnant
lakes. This result reveals all monstrous humanoid
traits. Hags usually speak Giant and Common.
19 Sea hags are so hideous that the mere sight of
their faces can cause opponents to go weak at the
knees. They prefer direct attacks, and slash their
enemies to ribbons with their long claws. A sea
hag can survive comfortably both above and
below the water’s surface. The mere presence of a
hag warps the natural world around it, which can
cause natural processes — such as a cow
producing milk or even childbirth — to go terribly
24 Several times a day, a sea hag can cast her evil
eye on another creature, addling its mind with fear
for three days. Some victims are even struck dead
from fright on the spot. Assuming the victim
survives, remove curse or dispel evil can end the
effect. They enjoy posing as common folk to lure
hapless victims into their clutches. Like all hags,
they are scheming creatures that despise natural
beauty. A sea hag is resistant to magic.
29 Sea hags are often masters of foul magical arts.
When they form coveys with at least two other
hags, they pool their power, gaining the ability to
use animate dead, bestow curse, control weather,
dream, forcecage, mind blank, mirage arcana,
polymorph, veil, and vision as spell-like abilities.
34 Hag coveys can also create hag’s eyes, magical
gems through which the hags can scry at will.
He had not gone far when he saw an old woman
sitting on the beach and weeping, just as he had
been told, all wrapped and veiled until her skin
could not be seen at all. Cautiously he came to her
side, and said, "Can I help you, Grandmother?"
"Oh, young man, I've lost my golden ring among
all this sand. Surely you'll help an old woman to
find her golden ring?"
"Of course, Grandmother," he replied, and put on
the spectacles the peddler had given him for just
such an occasion.
And it was just as well he did, for as he bent his
face to the sand the old woman put aside her veil
and grinned, and he felt his heart turn to ice to see
her face, so ugly and evil it was! But the peddler's
spectacles did their work, and he did not fall down
in a faint, nor lose his strength, as men do when
they see that awful face; and so when she flew at
his throat with her horrid clawed hands he was
The Magic Spectacles, traditional Mordentish
Hag, Hag,
Hag, Shrieking [Unapproachable East]
Shrieking [Unapproachable East] Shrieking [Unapproachable East]
Shrieking [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: CR 10. A plains-dwelling hag with
the power to command the wind and a maddening
shriek. They can also rend their foes.
In Ravenloft, these hags dwell primarily on the
Vaasan Plateau.
Laera - Whither goes thou, strange and ancient,
blackheart hag?
Witch - I go where the winds take me. The wind -
it whispers secrets to me, and I follow the course
the secrets set.
Laera - What secret has brought you here?
Witch - The secret of your death, child.
from The Secrets of the Winds, a Nova Vaasan
Hag, spectral [Denizens of Dread]
Hag, spectral [Denizens of Dread] Hag, spectral [Denizens of Dread]
Hag, spectral [Denizens of Dread]
Spectral Annis CR 8
Spectral Green Hag CR 7
Spectral Sea Hag CR 6
JWM: Y'know, honestly, when you break it down
this monster is really just a regular hag with the
equivalent of "spectral creature" template stuck on,
and I'm seriously considering treating it as such.
But go ahead and write a blurb; whether it's under
Hag, Spectral or the sample creature for a Spectral
Creature, I can still use it.
Hagspawn [Unapproachable East]
Hagspawn [Unapproachable East] Hagspawn [Unapproachable East]
Hagspawn [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: CR Character level + 1. Hagspawn
are the rare male offspring of hags. Typically
abandoned at birth, hagspawn resemble
particularly large and brutish humans, and inherit
their mothers' wicked tendencies. They are violent
bullies and thugs, always seeking to intimidate and
dominate those weaker than them. Hagspawn have
high Str and Con, low Cha, an improved AC, spell
resistance. Favored class is barbarian. In
Ravenloft, hagspawn can appear anywhere hags
can be found.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about hagspawn. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This gangly, hunched figure is a hagspawn, the
male offspring of a hag. This result reveals all
monstrous humanoid traits. Hagspawn usually
speak Giant and Common.
19 Desipite their sickly physical appearance,
hagspawn are much stronger and somewhat
healthier than humans. Their considerable strength
is their main asset, so they tend to prefer melee
24 Hagspawn often work in the service of one or
more hags, sometimes bullying weaker creatures
into working with them. When not in the service
of hags, their main motivations are hunger for
flesh and hatred of natural beauty. Hagspawn lack
any spell-like abilities, but are resistant to magic.
The hag simply sat in her chair of woven bones at
the far end of the room, smoking her pipe and
staring at the fire, seemingly unconcerned that we
had just smashed in the door to her cottage. The
ring of drawn swords seemed to bother her not at
"Where is Aryana, witch?" shouted Sir Landrick.
"Tell us now and perhaps we shall let you live!"
The crone chuckled at this. "Little one," she called,
exhaling a long stream of smoke. "Come and get
rid of this rabble for mother, won't you?"
From the darkness of the back room stepped a
hulking brute, its skin a lesser shade of blue than
the hag's. Its skin was hairy and wart-pocked, its
arms long and gangly, its position hunched, its hair
lank and greasy, and its eyes red with malice. It
draw a cracked and blackened sword from
somewhere behind the door frame, and then it
"Yes, maw-maw."
And then it was among us.
- excerpt from an unsigned diary found in an estate
sale in Karg
-farspawn [Lords of Madness]
farspawn [Lords of Madness] farspawn [Lords of Madness]
farspawn [Lords of Madness]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about a creature’s half-farspawn
nature. The DC of the Knowledge check is (half-
farspawn’s CR +10); the DCs below represent the
sample creature. Characters need to make a
separate Knowledge check to learn about the base
creature. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
20 This hideous monster seems to be a hybrid
between a familiar creature and the twisted entities
of the Far Realm, a place of madness and chaos
beyond the bounds of the multiverse. This result
reveals all outsider traits.
25 These alien entities are resistant to acid and
electricity and immune to poison. Their loathsome
flesh instantly heals minor wounds, but magic
weapons can pierce their defenses. A half-
farspawn retains the natural weapons of its mortal
parent, but also sprouts a pair of lashing,
prehensile tentacles.
30 At will, a half-farspawn can shift into a form
reflecting its Far Realm heritage: a grotesque,
tentacled mass. Half-farspawn are resistant to
magic. Sentient half-farspawn can use an array of
spell-like abilities, generally once per day. The
weakest half-farspawn can use abilities like blur
and touch of idiocy, ranging up to scintillating
pattern, summon monster IX, and implosion
among the most powerful of their kind.
35 While in its true, alien form, a half-farspawn
attacks with its tentacles, sprouting yet another
pair to take on foes. Due to its amorphous
physiology, it cannot be flanked and is not subject
to precision-based damage, such as critical hits or
sneak attacks. Once a day, a half-farspawn can
channel its energies to virtually ensure that one of
its attacks strikes home.
“This vistani woman’s case is interesting as it is
unique. From what I understand of what happened
when she lost her marbles, she liked to gaze in the
mists and peek at the travelers stuck in it. It was a
good source of revenue for the tribe to “rescue”
then and bring them back to solid land.
But it seems one day she saw something in the
crystal ball, and that something looked back at her.
She has lost her sanity since this moment and
often screams about “a tentacled being with six
eyes” that would be talking to her in her head. I’m
puzzled for the treatment that could help her and I
will write Dr Illhousen tomorrow about her case.”
Notes on patient # 423, Mordent Asylum
-fey [Fiend Folio/VR
fey [Fiend Folio/VRfey [Fiend Folio/VR
fey [Fiend Folio/VRG tt SF]
G tt SF] G tt SF]
G tt SF]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about a creature’s half-fey nature.
Characters may need to make a separate
Knowledge check to learn about the base creature.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This creature’s otherworldly, sylvan traits
indicate that one of its parents was likely a fey
spirit. This result reveals all fey traits.
20 Half-fey inherit many traits from their fey
parent. They are immune to mind-influencing
effects, and they ignore most minor attacks,
though weapons forged of cold iron can pierce
their defenses.
25 Particularly outgoing half-fey develop spell-
like abilities, such as charm person, dancing lights,
daze, and faerie fire. Half-fey gain a wide variety
of more potent spell-like abilities as they grow in
power, generally in the form of illusions and
30 Half-fey may also inherit specific traits from
their fey parent, such as additional spell-like
abilities, minor resistances, or insect-like wings.
Was a man in the village where I grew up whom
all knew was fey-blooded, for he had horse's
hooves for feet, and his fists like hooves when he
balled them, and a long mane as it were of black
hair down his back. He was main simple and never
harmed a soul, so we didn't go about in fear of
him; he could talk to horses and was a wonderful
ostler, though he never would ride. A weather-
prophet he was, too, and he could say whether a
foal would be colt or filly a month before it were
But an inquisitor came and wanted him to burn;
no, we said, he's a good lad and never any trouble,
for all he's fey. But he took fright and run off, and
never came back for to live in the village again,
though we'd seem him sometimes, at dawn or
dusk, out in the fields; and mama often had me
leave out a bowl of mash, for if he should be
Folk-tales of the Eastern Core, Magnus Wolfsbane
-fiend [Monster Manual]
fiend [Monster Manual] fiend [Monster Manual]
fiend [Monster Manual]
(template) Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(the planes) can learn more about a creature’s half-
fiendish nature. (Characters may have to make a
different Knowledge check to learn about the base
creature’s traits.) When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This creature is the product of a mating
between a mortal creature and a fiend. This result
reveals all outsider traits.
18 A half-fiend is resistant to acid, cold,
electricity, and fire. It is immune to poison and can
see in the dark.
23 A half-fiend’s unnatural flesh resists most
weapon blows, but magic weapons can pierce its
supernatural defenses. The creature is also
resistant to spells.
28 Once per day, a half-fiend can channel its evil
energies into a melee attack, smiting a good-
aligned foe for extra damage. Particularly
powerful and strong-minded half-fiends can also
call upon spell-like abilities, ranging from
darkness and desecrate on up to summon monster
IX and destruction.
"My lord Malocchio can lay claim to a more
distinguished heritage yet. Surely you must have
heard that he grew to manhood in the span of a
day? That the wild wolves and all birds of carrion
are at his beck and call? That on each hand he has
an extra finger, an infallible sign of wizardly
power? That even the Vistani scum tremble before
his evil eye?"
My jailor smiled and combed his greasy hair back
from his forehead with his fingers. "And what are
we to conclude from all these evidences?" He
leaned close, his foul breath pouring over me, and
whispered, "His mother is a witch, aye. But his
father...his father is a duke of Hell itself. What can
your Gundar offer in comparison?"
from a personal account of Vardan Taltos,
Gundarakite rebel, to Toret Johann Severin
golem, golem,
golem, all
all all
all [Monster Manual II
[Monster Manual II[Monster Manual II
[Monster Manual II
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about a creature’s half-golem nature.
Characters need to make separate Knowledge
checks to learn about the base creature or to know
specifics about the types of golem incorporated
into this creature. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 15: This creature has had several limbs
replaced with artificial replacements. The melding
of flesh and lifeless matter makes the creature look
half-alive, half-golem. This result reveals all
construct traits.
DC 20: A half-golem’s unnaturally armored body
deflects glancing blows, but adamantine weapons
can strike home. A half-golem is immune to
almost all forms of magic, but is susceptible to the
same spell effects that can affect the type of golem
incorporated into its body.
DC 25: This result reveals the special attacks and
qualities a half-golem gains from its unnatural
grafts. This result also reveals the process of
creating half-golems.
DC 30: Half-golems are created as the result of
grafting magically created limbs onto living
creatures, usually done to replace lost body parts.
The more body parts a creature replaces with
golem limbs, however, the greater the chance that
the elemental spirits animating the limbs will seize
control of the creature’s mind, robbing the half-
golem of its humanity.
golem, golem,
golem, brass
brass brass
brass [Monster Manual II
[Monster Manual II[Monster Manual II
[Monster Manual II
“I’m so relieved to see this salesman leave my inn.
Not that he was violent, drinking too much, or
otherwise unpleasant, mind you. This traveler was
a quiet gentleman, but there was something really
odd about him. You see, I saw him taking his bath.
Don’t look at me oddly, it was a mistake; I thought
I heard him say “enter” or something. He quickly
took a towel and hid his body from me, but I had
the time to see his left arm was made of metal! I
swear this is true! It was bolted to his shoulder like
the wheel of my cart to the shaft. I apologized,
tried to look like I didn’t see anything odd, and left
his room. I know you would not believe me, but
this man’s arm is made of brass!”
A Inn owner gossip
-golem, clay [Monster Manual II]
golem, clay [Monster Manual II] golem, clay [Monster Manual II]
golem, clay [Monster Manual II]
"Of dust Man was made, and dust he shall become
in the end," Dr. Hawthorne told me, his spectacles
two circles of light before his mask-like face. "Of
course, things are happening rather--well,
asymmetrically--in your case. Half of you,
roughly, has hastened to the grave; therefore, I was
obliged to reinforce what remains with..."
"Dust?" I asked, quizzically. Despite his manifest
madness, it seemed the logical conclusion to this
quasi-theological exposition.
"Well, clay," he responded. "It's within the
meaning of the act, I'm sure. Stand up, m'sieur."
I swung my legs over the edge of the bed
obediently. Words cannot describe my feelings as
I saw them to be two well-formed columns of pale
Autobiography of Malcolm Sykes, published
Mordent 634
-golem, flesh [Monster Manual II]
golem, flesh [Monster Manual II] golem, flesh [Monster Manual II]
golem, flesh [Monster Manual II]
Triumph of modern medicine
The famous anatomist James Fanshaw today
released from his charity clinic day laborer
Edward "Red Ned" Fiennes, who returns to his
vocation as a bricklayer with a new left arm and
leg to replace those lost in a work accident earlier
this week...Fanshaw's surgical skill were sufficient
to graft an arm and leg taken from anatomical
specimens onto the unfortunate Fiennes...
Paridon Newsbill 28 February 748
Tragedy in Bridge Street!
Reknowned man of science James Fanshaw was
found murdered today in his Bridge Street
clinic...his attacker was evidently a very powerful
left-handed man, who beat him severely about the
neck and head and left him for dead...the
constabulary is temporarily stymied in part by the
lack of any discernable motive, as Fanshaw was
well-liked in his social circle, in addition to his
well-known willingness to give advanced and
experimental medical treatment even to the
poorest members of the community.
Paridon Newsbill, 4 April 748
-golem, iron [Monster Manual II]
golem, iron [Monster Manual II] golem, iron [Monster Manual II]
golem, iron [Monster Manual II]
Jacob looked in awe at the mass of sculpted iron
that adorned his once scarred and crippled left
side. Each vein and muscle a testament to the
doctors fiendish skill. With controlled movements
he picked up the stone goblet from the table and
drank deep of the sweet wine.
"Excellent. The wields are holding and joint b-3 is
showing full range of motion. A few more days
and you will ready to exact revenge on those who
attacked you. Are you ready?"
As if answering for him the iron fist clenched
reducing the goblet to a fine powder...
Ironheart By Samual Fairfax
-golem, stained glass
golem, stained glassgolem, stained glass
golem, stained glass
[Monster [Monster
Manual II
Manual IIManual II
Manual II
JWM: The MM2 stained glass golem is the same
creature as Ravenloft's glass golem.
"We had all thought Dannel a little obsessed with
his work, spending days on even the smallest
window. During the creation of rose window for
the grand cathedral I swear he went a fortnight
with nothing but water and will to keep him going.
But when he lost his arm to the rot I've never seen
such sadness in man eyes. He cryed a torrent of
tears over his unfinished masterpiece, a grand
warrior fully as tall as a man made with the finest
Borcan glass. For days on end he would sit before
it with a bottle in his hand staring up at it with
eyes long since cried out.
We did what we could for him, bringing him food
and keeping his shop tidy. After a while the visits
dwindled from once a week to twice a week then a
month then four. With winter closing in I had
though to bring him home with us for Yuletide and
try to break him out of his funk.
I opened the door to his shop and was shocked to
see the grand warrior shattered, a few pieces still
in the frame glinting with frost. It was a twinkle of
light that drew my eye to Dannel sitting in the
lightless workroom...or rather the moster he had
become. Where once had been a clean cut stump
now glittered with the addition of an arm made of
the shards of the shattered window. The arm was a
thing of horrid beauty that can only be made by a
mad man. Small rivers of dried blood dulled the
gleaming as he held the broken form of child in his
arms, a thousand cuts visable on his tiny body.
'I had to do it...the devil children...broke it they
did...REVENGE!' were the last words he said as
the guards drug him away to the gallows
I couldn't bare to look at the rainbow on the
ground as the sun set behind his body as it swung
in the wind..."
Erick Von Holtz speaking to Doctor Van Richten
during his research for VRGT:Created
-golem, stone [Monster Manual II]
golem, stone [Monster Manual II]golem, stone [Monster Manual II]
golem, stone [Monster Manual II]
"And lo the fallen champion was placed on the
sacred alter. Each beat of his heart pumped trickles
of lifeblood from the ragged stubs where his arms
once belonged. With not a word the priests took to
there tasks. Seven to the rituals of healing, seven
more took up the sacred hammers. For one moon
the great hall echoed with the rhythmic sounds of
their craft. As the moon rose over the lands of man
they presented to champion two new arms carved
from the very heart of the earth itself. "
"And so a new champion arose from the altar. And
to him was given the power of mountain and all
fell before his mighty blows. "
Negnar Stonehands Dwarven legend
-illithid [Fiend Folio]
illithid [Fiend Folio] illithid [Fiend Folio]
illithid [Fiend Folio]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about a creature’s half-illithid nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature’s traits.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
17 This tentacle-faced creature strongly resembles
a mind flayer, also known as an illithid, but
unusual traits indicate it may be some kind of
hybrid. This reveals all aberration traits.
22 Half-illithids are not considered true illithids by
their mind flayer kin, and thus hold a lesser status
in their alien society. Like mind flayers, half-
illithids can produce a powerful mind blast that
stuns creatures, but they can do so only once a
day. Half-illithids are often little more than elite
slaves, focusing their unusual talents on special
tasks or terrorizing the lesser races used for
27 Like true mind flayers, half-illithids subsist on
the brains of sentient beings. Their facial tentacles
can grapple with an opponent and extract the brain
in mere moments.
32 Particularly strong-willed half-illithids can
manifest one or more psionic powers as spell-like
abilities a few times a day, including detect
thoughts, suggestion, levitate, and charm monster.
37 Mind flayers reproduce through a process
called ceremorphosis, in which the mind flayers
implant their tadpoles inside a living humanoid’s
brain. Only tadpoles placed within living humans
produces a true illithid. Implanting a tadpole in
other creatures produces a number of illithid-like
horrors, of which the half-illithid is the most
42 Other products of mind flayer fleshcrafting
include urophions (a tadpoles implanted in a
roper) and uchuulons (a tadpole implanted in a
“Yes, Van Richten, the brain eaters love to craft
flesh and create new aberrations at their image.
The creatures you just read about are indeed real.
The illithids play god with their so called science,
but I call it perversion of what was meant to be
and what wasn’t. We were once in this terrible
storm blasted land called Bluetspur, and we saw
these things. They were half like these brain
eaters, and half elves, ogres, calibans and we even
saw one with lycanthropic traits. Who knows what
else their demented brilliant mind created?”
From a discussion with Van Richten
-vampire (see Dhampir)
vampire (see Dhampir)vampire (see Dhampir)
vampire (see Dhampir)
Halfling [Monster Manual]
Halfling [Monster Manual] Halfling [Monster Manual]
Halfling [Monster Manual]
CR ½
(There's a little extra Ravenloft material in here. If
not using RL, replace the underlined sentence with
"These nomadic smallfolk are widely traveled.")
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can
learn more about halflings. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
10 This childlike humanoid is a halfling. These
civilized nonhumans are most common in Darkon,
but have spread throughout the Land of Mists.
This result reveals all humanoid traits. Halflings
have their own tongue, but also speak the local
language. Clever halflings may know other racial
languages as well.
15 Halflings use their small size and nimble
physique to escape notice, evade the ponderous
attacks of larger creatures, and slip into places
where they are not necessarily invited.
20 Desipite their small stature, halflings are
generally brave and good-natured. Legend has it
that, long ago, a hag created halflings when she
tried to strip away all but the best nature of a
human, leaving a benevolent man no bigger than a
25 Several halfling subraces exist, of which the
lightfoot halfling is the most common. Other
varieties include the somewhat rare tallfellows,
who are larger than their cousins and are generally
found in elven lands, and deep halflings, who live
near dwarves far underground.
“Running the little beggars down is easy.
Surprising them and fixing them in place less so.
Sinking one’s claws and teeth into them takes
some effort, for they can be dodgy, unless they are
dead. It is best to get in close by them right quick
for they love to pelt you with all manner of hurtful
stuff. And don’t turn your back on them. They
make good eating, especially the plump one’s,
often smelling of sweet cakes while still kicking
and of fish after a few days. Their shoeless feet are
delectable. Have you ever tried one cooked?”
-Interview with a Ghoul
In the days long past the great provider Yondalla
looked down at the world and spoke."The world is
bare and wild. I need a race that can tend my fields
and tame my animals." And so Yondalla turned to
Corellon Larethian and asked him to make her a
race. Pucking a tree from the great forrests he
caved the first elf but this creature was too frail
and lanky to tend Yondalla's fields. So Yondalla
turned to Moradin and asked him to create a race
for her. Hefting his great axe he carved from the
great mountan the first dwarf but this creature was
too stubborn and greedy to tend Yondalla's fields.
So Yondalla turned to Gruumsh and asked him to
create a race for her. Trusting his gnarled hand
into the great swamp Gruumsh drew up a lump of
sludge and formed it into the first orc but this
creature was far too ugly and stupid to tend
Yondalla's fields.
Degected Yondalla pulled a large clumb of sod
from her fields and thought back on the other gods
creations. She would create a race of her own-
short and stout unlike the elves, kind and generous
unlike the dwarves and lovely and clever unlike
the orcs. And from her hands came the first
halfling and to it was given all Yondalla's fields
and her blessing.
Halfing creation myth
Hannya [Oriental Adventures]
Hannya [Oriental Adventures] Hannya [Oriental Adventures]
Hannya [Oriental Adventures]
JWM: Hannya: Medium Monstrous Humanoid,
CR 4, chaotic evil. A female spellcaster from a Far
Eastern tradition who has made a dark pact to
permanently transform herself into a serpentine
form of hag. Somewhat resembles a reptilian green
hag from the waist up; serpentine body from the
waist down. It has limited innate magical ability
compared to other hags (merely the power to read
and control minds), but can constrict with its coils.
Like other hags, it can shapechange. Violets repel
it, like a mirror repels vampires.
(Ravenloft-specific lore is underlined. Basically, it
just lumps hannya in with other hags.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about hannya. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This serpentine crone is a hannya, a particularly
monstrous form of hag. This result reveals all
monstrous humanoid traits. Hannya speak
Common, Draconic, and Yuan-Ti.
19 Hannya are as cowardly as they are cruel. A
hannya is likely to flee if she faces serious
opposition. When a hannya strikes, she tears her
victim’s flesh with her sharp fangs and claws. If a
hannya latches onto a victim with both claws, she
usually tries to wrap the foe in her serpentine coils
and crush the life from it. Hannya were once
human spellcasters, forever transformed by
unspeakable pacts made in their quest for power.
24 A hannya can assume the form of any
humanoid, usually taking the form of a harmless
old woman. She can also detect thoughts and plant
mental suggestions at will, using these abilities to
lure lone victims into a false sense of security. The
mere presence of a hag warps the natural world
around it, which can cause natural processes —
such as a cow producing milk or even childbirth
— to go terribly wrong.
29 A hannya cannot tolerate the presence of
violets. She will not enter any home decorated
with them, nor can she attack any creature
carrying them. When hannya form coveys with at
least two other hags, they pool their power,
gaining the ability to use animate dead, bestow
curse, control weather, dream, forcecage, mind
blank, mirage arcana, polymorph, veil, and vision
as spell-like abilities.
34 Hag coveys can also create hag’s eyes, magical
gems through which the hags can scry at will.
Kazuo shuddered in spite of himself; the snake
must have been very large to leave such a trail.
But the voice of the old woman called again,
"Help! Help me!" and Kazuo pressed forward, for
surely it would be shameful to leave an old woman
in need of assistance unaided, snake or no snake.
But as he went he saw a patch of violets, and he
remembered the advice of the kami, that the violet
is a flower strong against all evil deeds; so he
stooped and gathered a handful, and hurried to
help the old woman calling for his assistance.
Foolish Kazuo and the Hannya, traditional
"Please, O Most Wise, save my daughter. The
demon took her soul, and so I came to your hut,
crossing the mountains and the wild river, the
swamp and the woods" Jiro said "My clothes are
worn, and my stomach empty"
"Yes, I will help your daughter" the old woman
said "You traveled long and hard, young man.
Now rest"
Thus, Jiro sat in the hut of the wise woman,
adorned of symbols of death.
"I know of the demon in your daughter's body, and
he was my enemy. But mind you, young man: my
help will not come without a price" the wise
woman said "And you will pay it, for I will save,
yes, and then take the life of your daughter, should
you not agree to my price"
It was only then that Jiro saw the small horns on
her face, the terrible visage and bent shoulders,
and understood that the price would be dire ideed.
"Jiro and the witch" traditional Rokumi tale
Blurb note: I know the Hannya of OA is more a
serpentine hag, but since the "true" hannya is like
this, I preferred to depict it more like its traditional
Japanese form.
Haunt, Bridge
unt, Bridgeunt, Bridge
unt, Bridge
Haunt, Forest
unt, Forestunt, Forest
unt, Forest
Haunt, Smoke (PF 3)
Haunt, Smoke (PF 3)Haunt, Smoke (PF 3)
Haunt, Smoke (PF 3)
Haunt, Taunting
unt, Tauntingunt, Taunting
unt, Taunting
Hawk [Monster Manual
Hawk [Monster Manual Hawk [Monster Manual
Hawk [Monster Manual -
CR 1/3
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about hawks.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This small raptor is a hawk. This result
reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Hawks have exceptionally keen vision,
and are sometimes trained by humanoids to hunt
small game.
DC 10: Some mages adopt hawks for use as
familiars. Such mages tend to have particularly
keen vision in good lighting.
Head hunter [Denizens of Dread]
Head hunter [Denizens of Dread] Head hunter [Denizens of Dread]
Head hunter [Denizens of Dread]
CR 3
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about head
hunters. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This ghastly, head-shaped spider is a head
hunter. These creatures take their name from their
habit of collecting humanoid heads. This result
reveals all aberration traits. They are intelligent
and may speak several languages, including Elven
and Undercommon.
20 A head hunter has a deadly bite, and if
threatened, can even spit its venom a short
distance to equally lethal effect.
25 Given time, head hunters spin large webs with
fine strands so sharp and strong they can cleave
through flesh like a hot knife through butter. An
unwary creature who wanders into a head hunter’s
web may find itself sliced to pieces.
30 Head hunters can insert their legs down the
throat of a decapitated humanoid, working the
corpse like a puppet. In this guise, they can move
among humanoids and lure fresh prey to their
35 Head hunters can cocoon corpses in their webs.
Their webbing preserves dead flesh, keeping the
body fresh for up to a year. This also extends the
time limit on casting raise dead and similar spells.
When the mane of dishevelled hair broke the crest
of the ridge we were overcome with joy. Roya had
returned to us. The badlands had not claimed
another victim. And in the moment afterward we
knew the perfect opposite of that emotion, for
worse even than the eight legs that bore her head
towards us, was the twisted, hungry expression
branded upon that formerly cherubic face.
- Beheaded: Collected Tales, an unfinished
manuscript by Jacqueline Montarri
Hearth fiend [Denizens of Dread]
Hearth fiend [Denizens of Dread] Hearth fiend [Denizens of Dread]
Hearth fiend [Denizens of Dread]
CR 2
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about hearth fiends. Characters
who recognize the creature’s nature can also make
a Knowledge (Ravenloft) check to learn more.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (the planes)
DC Result
13 The leering face cackling at you from the fire is
that of a hearth fiend. This result reveals all
elemental traits and the fire subtype. Hearth fiends
speak Ignan.
18 Hearth fiends are weak creatures on their home
plane, which breeds resentment. A hearth fiend
can only exist by possessing an existing fire, much
like a ghost can possess a living creature. A hearth
fiend’s power is determined by the size of the fire
it inhabits. A hearth fiend defends itself by
shooting out fiery bolts, which can ignite
flammable materials. Through a limited form of
telepathy, hearth fiends can communicate with any
creature that has a language.
23 Hearth fiends can sense fires across planar
borders, and can sometimes cross over into them.
A fire inhabited by a hearth flame cannot be
extinguished by standard methods, but magically
created water can still snuff it out. A hearth fiend
always wants to expand the flames it inhabits. To
this end, it whispers to weak-minded individuals,
charming them into setting ever-larger fires.
28 Three times per day, a hearth fiend can expel
several floating embers that stay alight for several
minutes. Until these embers go out, the hearth
fiend can see through them as if using an arcane
eye spell. If the embers ignite a flammable object,
the hearth fiend can transfer itself to the new fire.
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
15 Whenever a fire spell is cast in the lands of
Mist, a small chance exists that a hearth fiend will
take note and enter the newly created flame.
It really was a very charming fire; there is nothing
more pleasant than the motion and color of flame.
I fancied to see a face in it, a little man smiling
and nodding at me with the greatest goodwill. I
thought to myself, "It would be nice to have the
fire bigger," and the little man seemed to nod in
agreement. Amused by the thought of gratifying
this phantasm, I diligently set to thrusting
firewood into the stove and soon had transformed
the little cooking fire into quite a merry blaze.
Flamebrother, from Twelve More Tales of the
Macabre, Jean Lafolie
-onna (snake woman) [Denizens
onna (snake woman) [Denizens onna (snake woman) [Denizens
onna (snake woman) [Denizens
of Dread/Oriental Adventures]
of Dread/Oriental Adventures] of Dread/Oriental Adventures]
of Dread/Oriental Adventures]
CR 16 (This lore favors OA, but I think I
incorporated a few aspects of the DoD version too.
Still, close enough for horseshoes. As always,
underlined text is Ravenloft-only.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about hebi-no-
onna. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (nature)
DC Result
25 This lovely woman with arms like snakes is a
hebi-no-onna, a vain and malevolent creature. This
result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits. Hebi-
no-onna speak the local language and Draconic.
30 Hebi-no-onna prefer to surround themselves
with treasures and zealous admirers. They are
often cult leaders. A hebi-no-onna’s serpent arms
deliver a deadly poison with their bite. A hebi-no-
onna can communicate telepathically with any
intelligent reptile.
35 A hebi-no-onna’s human mouth can also
deliver a poisonous bite that plunges its victim into
nightmarish hallucinations. It can only use this
attack a few times a day, however. A hebi-no-onna
also possesses powerful innate sorcerous abilities.
40 A hebi-no-onna can hypnotize foes with her
gaze. She can command normal serpents to give
their lives for her, and she is immune to the gaze
attacks of other reptilian creatures.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
30 Some folk believe that hebi-no-onna are
distantly related to yuan-ti, another degenerate
race that arose from the unnatural mingling of
humanoids and serpentkind.
35 The Vistani call the venom in a hebi-no-onna’s
human bite daigatu, or “nightmare wine.”
40 When a hebi-no-onna uses her hypnotic gaze,
she sometimes sways like a cobra, and her eyes
become black slits in yellow pupils
Her silken kimono reached the floor. Her porclein,
exotic feature smiled beautifically at Alanik.
"Rokuma women are known for their... talents,
Ray-San," she said, bowing slightly at Alanik.
Alanik merely smiled as she spoke, "But you are
hardly a woman now, are you Samako?"
She hissed, and drew her arms from the billowing
folds of her sleeves. Alanik was right, she was no
woman, for her arms where two writhing snakes.
Before she could move, Alanik had drawn his
pistol and unleashed a shot between her eyes.
"You can come out now, my dear Arthur," he said,
"She will not bother us further tonight."
-From the Journals of Arthur Sedgwick.
Hellhound [Mon
Hellhound [MonHellhound [Mon
Hellhound [Monster Manual]
ster Manual] ster Manual]
ster Manual]
CR 3
Hell Hound Lore – WotC
Hell hounds hunt efficiently, and packs of these
fire-breathing creatures usually surround their
prey. If a victim gets away, hell hounds track the
fleeing victim relentlessly.
Knowledge (the Planes)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about hell hounds. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. Knowledge
(religion) can also be used, but all check DCs
increase by 5.
DC Result
14 This infernal-looking canine is a hell hound.
This reveals all outsider traits.
19 Hell hounds are consummate trackers and often
employ pack tactics. The bite of a hell hound deals
additional fire damage and they can breathe fire
every few rounds.
24 Larger, more powerful versions of the hell
hound exist, including the Nessian warhound.
They are used as mounts and hunters for the devil
princes of the Nine Hells.
"Artabaxes! Ahriman! Chivvy him!" The voice of
the Black Duke rang out behind me, and I heard
the baying of his monstrous hounds as they took
my scent. Cutting sharply to the left, I plunged
into the ravine, making for the stream I had seen
...I had not heard the hounds for some minutes,
and I began to hope against hope that they had
proved fallible, after all. Ducking my head to the
water, I drank; when I raised my face, I found
myself eye to eye with one of the Duke's hell-
hounds. Its eyes glowed with a malignant red
phosphor, and gouts of flames dripped from its
jaws and plunged hissing into the stream.
from The Beast of Ehrendton
Helmed horror [Monsters of Faerûn]
Helmed horror [Monsters of Faerûn] Helmed horror [Monsters of Faerûn]
Helmed horror [Monsters of Faerûn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about helmed horrors. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 20: This empty, yet animate suit of plate mail
is an ancient form of guardian called a helmed
horror. This result reveals all construct traits.
DC 25: A helmed horror is a mindless, physically
powerful combatant that fights as directed by its
master. A helmed horror imbues any weapon it
wields with magical energy. This temporarily
grants the weapon a minor magical power, such as
making it a flaming, keen, or wounding weapon.
DC 30: Each helmed horror is immune to three
spells, as chosen by its creator. Helmed horrors are
most commonly immune to fireball, ice storm, and
lightning bolt.
DC 35: A helmed horror can air walk or feather
fall at will. The arcane secrets of creating helmed
horrors have been lost to time.
“I have finished deciphering the ancient scrolls
about the tomb of Pharaoh Arrtemut. This tomb is
said to be protected by a very ancient being in
armor, possibly an ancient dead that worshiped
this Pharaoh, or a construct, I’m not sure from
what I read. Those texts are not always easy to
understand. It is said this thing is able to walk on
thin air and jump into chasms without arm. This
thing is also wielding the Sword of the Moon; it’s
like a fire sword but made of “the pure cold flames
of a frozen hell layer”. Do we really need to get to
this place?”
Heard while planning the looting of Pharaoh
Arrtemut’s tomb
See also Dragon # 302: Battle Horror
Hestdrikker [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Hestdrikker [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa] Hestdrikker [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Hestdrikker [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Hestskaerere [G
Hestskaerere [GHestskaerere [G
Hestskaerere [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
az. 5, Nova Vaasa] az. 5, Nova Vaasa]
az. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Hippopotamus [Sandstorm
Hippopotamus [Sandstorm Hippopotamus [Sandstorm
Hippopotamus [Sandstorm -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about hippopotamuses. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 16: This massive creature is a hippopotamus,
or “river horse.” This result reveals all animal
DC 21: Hippopotami are herbivores, but they are
highly territorial and can be extremely dangerous.
Their massive tusks can bite through a metal
DC 26: A hippopotamus can hold its breath for at
least 15 minutes.
Homunculus Homunculus
Homunculus [
[monster manual
monster manualmonster manual
monster manual]
] ]
CR 1
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about homunculi. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This misshapen little bat-winged creature is a
homunculus, a magical creation. This result
reveals all construct traits.
17 Homunculi are usually created by arcane
spellcasters, who primarily use them as spies.
Although it is not a fearsome combatant, a
homunculus can inject sleep-inducing venom with
its bite.
22 A homunculus cannot speak, but it is linked
telepathically to its creator. So long as a
homunculus remains relatively nearby, the
creature’s master also sees and hears everything its
minion witnesses. A homunculus never willingly
wanders beyond the range of the telepathic link
with its master.
27 A homunculus’ body is formed from a mixture
of clay, ashes, mandrake root, spring water, and
one pint of the creator’s blood. Destroying a
homunculus instantly strikes a painful blow to its
The homunculus I have created was birthed from
its vessel today. It resembles a newborn babe, but
wizened, with touches of canine and amphibian. A
pair of bat’s wings adorns its back and it smiles at
me with teeth like little nails. Its eyes, though, are
too knowing; perhaps I have made a mistake…
—From the spellbook of Rhodan Borgulio
Hook killer
ok killerok killer
ok killer
See also: Hook Killer "Urban Legends" J.D.
Wiker Dragon#269(97) Alternity
Hopping vampire [Oriental Adventures]
Hopping vampire [Oriental Adventures] Hopping vampire [Oriental Adventures]
Hopping vampire [Oriental Adventures]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about hopping vampires. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This stiff, greenish figure is a hopping vampire.
They are often created when corpses are buried
without due respect. This result reveals all undead
traits. Hopping vampires do not speak, but they
still understand the common languages they knew
in life.
20 Hopping vampires are animated by only part of
the deceased creature’s soul; this leaves their
bodies rigid with death. Hopping vampires attack
with all the subtlety of rabid animals. Like more
powerful vampires, they feed on blood, but they
do not suck it directly from the veins of living
creatures. Instead, they lash out with their razor-
sharp claws, greedily drinking from the victim’s
slashed throat.
25 Anyone who survives the slashing of a hopping
vampire’s claws is subjected to a dire curse that
may transform them into a hopping vampire over
the course of several days. Hopping or dancing on
pure sticky rice for at least an hour a day can
temporarily delay the transformation.
30 Casting remove curse on an accursed victim
before the change is complete lifts the curse and
reverses the transformation. Once the change is
complete, only a wish or miracle can restore the
victim. Hopping vampires cannot see living
creatures — only their breath. If you hold your
breath, hopping vampires cannot see you, but their
senses are unimpeded by darkness, invisibility, or
other visual tricks.
“Dear Ezra, what was this?”, asked Laurie,
“I don’t know, but it seemed like a vampire to
me”, said Xavier while looking at the corpse now
slowly dissolving on the ground.
“Have you noticed its fury and near insane
fierceness?”, said Laurie while looking at Xavier,
“it didn’t care that I was in its back, it just wanted
to get to your throat!”
“And the way it was constantly sniffing around,
that was really unusual. Did this thing needed to
breathe?”, concluded Xavier.
Horse [Monster Manual
Horse [Monster Manual Horse [Monster Manual
Horse [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about foxes. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This sleek equine is a common horse. This
result reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: Horses are commonly domesticated for
use as mounts or to pull carts, wagons, or plows.
Humanoids have bred horses for numerous uses;
some are bred for speed, others for strength.
Horses can also be trained to carry riders fearlessly
into battle.
Horses are widely domesticated for riding and as beasts
of burden.
A horse not trained for war does not normally use its
hooves to attack. Its hoof attack is treated as a
secondary attack and adds only half the horse’s
Strength bonus to damage. (These secondary attacks are
noted with an asterisk in the Attack and Full Attack
entries for the heavy horse and the light horse.)
Horseman, Death’s
Horseman, Death’s Horseman, Death’s
Horseman, Death’s
voir Death
voir Deathvoir Death
voir Death
Hound, mastiff, Phantom Hound, Carcass
Hound, mastiff, Phantom Hound, Carcass Hound, mastiff, Phantom Hound, Carcass
Hound, mastiff, Phantom Hound, Carcass
Hound Hound
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread][Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
Huecuva [Fiend Folio]
Huecuva [Fiend Folio] Huecuva [Fiend Folio]
Huecuva [Fiend Folio]
JWM: A huecuva is a holy person (generally a
divine spellcaster or monk) who failed in their
vows and were thus cursed to an eternity of
undeath. Sometimes they were just evil clerics
cursed by their own gods. They look like skeletons
wearing rotted ceremonial vestments. They
generally retain evil versions of their divine
powers and spread a deadly supernatural disease --
"huecuva blight" -- with their touch.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s huecuva nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 The tattered priestly raiments on this skeletal
corpse hint that it is a huecuva, a once-pious
divine spellcaster who was cursed for failing in
their vows. This result reveals all undead traits.
19 A huecuva retains the divine powers it
possessed in life. However, since those gifts are
now granted by the powers of darkness, they are
often warped into evil equivalents.
24 Huecuva particularly despise good-hearted holy
folk, who remind these wretches of their fall from
grace. A huecuva’s natural attacks carry a wasting
disease known as huecuva blight.
29 A heucuva's skeletal body deflects most minor
attacks, but silver weapons can pierce its
supernatural defenses.
“Dear journal. I again questioned Bishop Terejk
about the fate of my brother, and again felt he
didn’t say everything he knew. He was reluctant to
speak of him. I know my brother was influenced
by this wicked spirit and did a great wrong to the
church, but I still feel he deserves a decent
sepulchre nonetheless.”
“I again had this strange vision of my brother last
night, where he was roaming this abandoned evil
cult chapel in the woods, two days north of here,
so I decided to travel there tomorrow and see for
myself if there are truths behind this vision of my
poor misguided brother.”
“Quiet travel so far. I use the travel hours to pray
for guidance.”
(scribbled: ) “It’s much worse than I thought. Ezra,
save me!”
Last entries of a novice’s journal found in a grotto
See also Pathfinder’s bestiary and Dragon #336.
Hulking corpse [Libris Mortis]
Hulking corpse [Libris Mortis] Hulking corpse [Libris Mortis]
Hulking corpse [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about hulking corpses. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 This massive, walking cadaver is a hulking
corpse, an undead minion that combines brutal
physical power with mindless aggression. This
result reveals all undead traits.
24 A hulking corpse wades among its foes, tearing
them apart with its fangs and claws. If a hulking
corpse grabs a foe, it latches on and rends the
creature’s flesh.
29 A hulking corpse doesn’t even feel most minor
blows to its lifeless flesh. However, bludgeoning
weapons can prove particularly effective.
JWM: In Ravenloft, the most notorious creator of
hulking corpses was Vecna, the Maimed God.
Under his command, hulking corpses were one of
the many horrors dispatched to tear through
Tovagian soldiers in the Burning Peaks. Although
Vecna destroyed the Burning Peaks in 755 BC,
many of his vile creations may have been scattered
into the Mists, only to emerge in other domains
much later and without warning.
“So this is the work of the Whispered One, of the
Breaker of the Chain. But it is artless! There is
almost none of his craft in it. It is a child’s toy, a
witless play thing, a distraction from THEM. It is
fit only for Ezrite terrifying, ogre throwing, treant
wrestling! Or to receive the new Lamordian
ambassador . . . .”
-Lord of Necropolis, a forged and calumnious
autobiographical parody of the life of Azalin Rex
Hulzurdan (
Hulzurdan (Hulzurdan (
Hulzurdan (see vampire,
see vampire, see vampire,
see vampire, dwarven)
dwarven) dwarven)
Human, vistani
Human, vistani Human, vistani
Human, vistani
voir vistani
voir vistanivoir vistani
voir vistani
Hyena [M
Hyena [MHyena [M
Hyena [Monster Manual
onster Manual onster Manual
onster Manual -
CR 1
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about hyenas. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This spotted, doglike creature is a hyena, a
plains-dwelling pack hunter and scavenger. This
result reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: Hyenas are particularly known for their
unsettling, laughter-like barking. When hyenas
bite their prey, they try to wrench it to the ground
so the entire pack can fall upon it.
DC 21: Rather than killing their prey directly,
hyenas tend to chase and harass an animal until it
collapses from exhaustion and can no longer
defend itself. Lions and hyenas often compete for
the same kills and have been known to viciously
attack each other.
Ice beast [Frostburn]
Ice beast [Frostburn] Ice beast [Frostburn]
Ice beast [Frostburn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about ice beasts. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
11 This frozen creature is an ice beast, a construct
created with conjure ice beast spells. This result
reveals all construct traits and the cold subtype.
16 An ice beast is a mindless sculpture of animate
snow and ice. Although it can be modeled on
virtually any creature, it has none of the special
abilities of its model. More powerful ice beasts are
resistant to damage, but magic weapons can pierce
their defenses.
21 The spellcaster who conjures an ice beast can
give it a few special abilities, such an aura of cold
or a freezing breath weapon. Specific abilities vary
from one ice beast to the next.
JWM: Template Construct (Cold), neutral. The
conjure ice beast spell creates artificial creatures
from pale blue ice that exist to serve the caster for
a short duration. The ice beast has some cold-
based abilities, but lacks most of the base
creature’s special abilities. In Ravenloft’s it’s a
useful way to work around the settings limitations
on summoning spells.
The shamans of the high peaks have their own
servitors--beasts made of deep blue glacial ice,
which they summon to their aid in time of distress.
It was never made clear to me if the shamans
sculpt these creatures and then animate them, or if
their spells call them up out of the living ice (as
the Sanguinians call the glaciers that never melt),
but either way they are effective servants to their
masters, and far more convenient in that still, cold
place than any creature which would require that
its master feed and care for it.
Larraby Quift, Adventures of a Wanderer
Icegaunt [Frostburn]
Icegaunt [Frostburn] Icegaunt [Frostburn]
Icegaunt [Frostburn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about icegaunts. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This weathered stranger is not a living creature
— it is an undead creature called an icegaunt. This
result reveals all undead traits and the cold
21 Icegaunts are often created as the result of
ritual sacrifices to mountain gods, though
sometimes they simply died of exposure. They
now roam the high peaks, hoping to lure other
travelers to a frozen death. An ice gaunt is
supernaturally cold to the touch.
26 An icegaunt’s tough, withered flesh resists
most minor attacks. However, magic weapons can
pierce its defenses. They are generally so well
preserved by the cold that they can sometimes pass
themselves off as living guides. In addition to their
biting cold, an icegaunt’s attacks drain the stamina
of its victims.
31 Icegaunts are fairly potent innate druidic
spellcasters. Their spells typically focus on cold-
and wilderness travel-related effects. People slain
by an icegaunt rise as new icegaunts at the next
stroke of midnight.
JWM: Medium Undead (Cold), CR 6, neutral evil.
Humanoids who froze to death and were
essentially mummified by the cold climate.
Because of this, they’re fairly well-preserved, and
sometimes act as false guides, leading other
explorers to be lost and die in the wilderness, just
as they did. Its freezing touch drains life, and it has
considerable druidic spellcasting ability.
You can imagine our joy when we saw Piotr again,
for when the zilinya neskha had separated us we
had given him up for dead. It had been six moons
since we had seen him. He told us he had found a
fallen tree, and bedded beneath it till the snow
passed; then he went south (we had gone north)
and found a little hamlet there, where he had
stayed until striking out for home again.
But little by little our joy turned to doubt, and then
to suspicion. Jan told me that Piotr took off his
glove, and his hand was black with frostbite--and
yet he handled his skinning knife with great
dexterity as we skinned the buck. And I noticed,
too, that he would not come near the fire for any
reason, and he refused the meat we offered, saying
his stomach was upset. So when Piotr offered to
lead us to the "hamlet" where he had stayed, we
knew better than to accept! He cajoled, then grew
angry and threatened; but there were three of us
and only one of him, and he went away.
But if you see Piotr in the woods, well, you must
not leave the path to follow him for any reason.
Any reason at all.
Larraby Quift, from Adventures of a Wanderer;
attributed to Mikhail Zolnik
Illithids (see mind flayer)
s (see mind flayer)s (see mind flayer)
s (see mind flayer)
Illithidae [Lords of Madness]
ithidae [Lords of Madness] ithidae [Lords of Madness]
ithidae [Lords of Madness]
JWM: In the sunless domain of Bluetspur, it is
believed that the mind flayers purposefully
fleshcraft these creatures as part of their long-
range plans to transform the Lands of Mist into a
world more to their tastes.
Illithidae, embrac [Lords of Madness]
ae, embrac [Lords of Madness] ae, embrac [Lords of Madness]
ae, embrac [Lords of Madness]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about embracs. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 This repulsive, tentacled sac is an embrac, a
subterranean ambush predator. This result reveals
all aberration traits and the psionic subtype.
22 Embracs wait for creature to wander near their
cramped boltholes, then snatch up victims with
their tentacles and crush them to death. These
tentacles are also lined with bony hooks that inject
debilitating venom. The presence of embracs
usually indicates a nearby colony of mind flayers.
27 Opponents can sever an embrac’s tentacles to
free a trapped victim. An embrac can call upon
several psi-like abilities to overpower its prey,
including concussion blast, ego whip, greater
concealing amorpha, and mental disruption, which
it can use a few times a day. Embracs are dimly
intelligent and are as likely to prey on mind flayers
as any other creature, so the connection between
these species is unclear.
32 It takes an embrac about two weeks to regrow a
severed tentacle. Embracs are only found in
ecologies that have been completely reshaped by
mind flayers. Embracs may be native to the
original illithid homeworld, or illithids may
fleshcraft these creatures as they reshape worlds in
their own image.
JWM: Large Aberration (Psionic), CR 7, neutral.
Illithidae are other creatures that originate from
the illithid homeworld. The mind flayers also
fleshcraft these creatures to create their own alien
ecologies. These creatures are basically illithid
wildlife, and don’t serve illithids any more than
bears serve humans. They roam around wild in the
tunnels and fissures of Bluetspur.
An embrac is a hulking, dimly intelligent ambush
predator that somewhat resembles a cross between
a spider and a squid. It has poison-barbed tentacles
and psionic powers.
Our party warily trudged along, the constant
droning that the land emitted serving to
breakdown our concentration. We neared a small
rock outcropping when a hideous creature
suddenly darted out and attached itself to our
swordsman, Xarin.
At first glance, it looked like one of the overlords
of this damnable land, with its long tentacles
flailing all about. That is were the similarities
ended, however. It had the short, squat body of a
spider with thin, hairy legs that bound Xarin's
arms to his side.
It was quick, too. Before we could raise our
weapons to attack, it had already darted behind a
large boulder, no doubt skurrying away to its
underground lair to enjoy the fresh catch.
- "On Bluetspur", an excerpt from Hidden Lands,
Hidden Perils by Orbius
Illithidae, kigrid [Lords of Madness]
Illithidae, kigrid [Lords of Madness] Illithidae, kigrid [Lords of Madness]
Illithidae, kigrid [Lords of Madness]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about kigrids. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This hideous, stocky quadruped is a kigrid, a
fiercely cunning subterranean pack hunter. This
result reveals all aberration traits and the psionic
20 A kigrid pounces onto its prey, clamping down
with its powerful jaws as it rakes the victim with
the venomous spurs near its hind claws. The
presence of kigrids usually indicates a nearby
colony of mind flayers.
25 Kigrids are smart enough to steer prey into
dead-end tunnels or off of cliffs. These creatures
also have the psi-like abilities of concealing
amorpha, id insinuation, and read thoughts, which
they can use three times a day. Kigrids speak
Undercommon. Kigrids as dangerous to mind
flayers as are to any other creature, so the
connection between these species is unclear.
30 Kigrids are only found in ecologies that have
been completely reshaped by mind flayers. Kigrids
may be native to the original mind flayer
homeworld, or mind flayers may fleshcraft these
creatures as they reshape worlds in their own
JWM: Medium Aberration (Psionic), CR 5,
neutral. A kigrid is vaguely feline, with eyes along
its jawline (as if its face were upside down). A
powerful predator, somewhat intelligent, that
hunts in packs. It has psionic abilities and poison
barbs in its hind feet, which come into play when
it rakes its prey.
So, these druids all go swarming the one way
swearing that they're going to catch the panther,
and then they all go swarming the other way
screaming "Abomination, abomination!" and so
forth. So I went to have a look. It was pretty
abominable, all right. I guess I could see how the
old man mistook it for a biggish panther, but
anyone who wasn't half-blind wouldn't have made
that mistake. For one thing, panthers usually have
eyes; also, they aren't green.
Harad ap Fittle, interview with Toret Johan
Illithidae, saltor [Lords of Madness]
Illithidae, saltor [Lords of Madness] Illithidae, saltor [Lords of Madness]
Illithidae, saltor [Lords of Madness]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about saltors. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This alien, baboonlike creature with a beard of
tentacles is a saltor, a subterranean scavenger. This
result reveals all aberration traits and the psionic
18 Saltors are nearly as smart as humans. When a
saltor is threatened, it may release a painfully loud,
stunning screech. Once a saltor screeches, it
cannot do so again for an hour. Saltors lie low on
the food chain in their native environs, but make
up for their lack of natural weapons with
intelligence and tool use. They are not particularly
brave, but may attack wanderers who exhibit
weakness. The presence of saltors usually
indicates a nearby colony of mind flayers.
23 Saltors possess a few psionic talents. They can
use concealing amorpha and a sonic energy ray
three times a day, and can hustle once a day.
Saltors are generally dangerous, but they may
cooperate with intruders who offer them useful
tools — such as metal weapons — in trade. Saltors
and mind flayers have little interaction, so the
connection between these species is unclear.
28 Saltors are only found in ecologies that have
been completely reshaped by mind flayers. Saltors
may be native to the original mind flayer
homeworld, or mind flayers may fleshcraft these
creatures as they reshape worlds in their own
JWM: Small Aberration (Psionic), CR 3, neutral
evil. A salter is a subterranean scavenger that
resembles a hairless baboon with eyes along its
jawlike and a “beard” of tentacles. Nearly as
intelligent as humans, they possess psionic powers
and a painful screech.
Some say that Bluetspur is only a figment of a
fevered madman's imagination. Others say it was a
part of our very land not such a long time ago. I
have been there, and I know the truth. I have
walked its wasteland and I have seen some of the
horrors it has to offer…
While hiding out in a cave to protect myself from
the night-lightning I heard a screeching from the
depths. It made all the hairs on my body stand up
on end. I don't know how long I stood there -
maybe seconds, maybe minutes. What finally
broke my fear-induced trance was a second
screeching. This time, it was much, much closer.
I fled as fast as my legs could carry me,
unconcerned with the ubiquitous lightning strikes
that greeted me. I looked back one final time and
could just barely make out two rows of dimly
glowing eyes peering out of the dark mouth of the
- Hidden Lands, Hidden Perils by Orbius
see Devil
see Devilsee Devil
see Devil
Impersonator [Denizens of Dread]
Impersonator [Denizens of Dread]Impersonator [Denizens of Dread]
Impersonator [Denizens of Dread]
CR 3
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about
impersonators. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This amorphous mass is an impersonator, a
bizarre form of ooze that possesses a rudiementary
intelligence. This result reveals all ooze traits and
the shapechanger subtype.
20 Impersonators attack by flowing around
unsuspecting creatures. An impersonator secretes a
toxin that paralyzes on contact, leaving the victim
25 Impersonators feed on blood, which they
siphon from their helpless victims. An
impersonator’s paralytic toxin also has anesthetic
properties, so a sleeping creature may have no idea
that it is being fed upon, sensing only a deepening
30 An impersonator can mimic the form and
memories of any Small or Medium creature from
which it has recently fed.
35 While borrowing a creature’s identity, an
impersonator is not consciously aware of its true
nature, making its masquerade even more
effective. However, its transformation is merely
skin deep, so it has no internal structures and
retains all the advantages of its ooze traits.
JWM: Small Oooze (Shapechanger), CR 3, neutral
evil. A native Ravenloft creature, these strange
oozes paralyze their prey, suck out its blood
through the skin, then replicates the form and
mind of the (Small or Medium) victim it’s just fed
on. It can remain in that form for a number of
hours equal to the Con it drains. While in a
replicated form, the impersonator is only
subconsciously aware of its true nature, which
allows it to “act naturally” with ease.
-"What do you conclude from the facts
-"An unknown man was seen entering this hovel
just before sun rise but was not seen to have exited
it. The woman was seen exiting it an hour later.
Yet her bone white, lifeless body was soon to be
discovered tucked in its bed. It has barely a drop
of blood left in it. There is no evidence of violence
visited upon the corpse and I dare say the woman
died comfortably in her sleep. Nothing obvious
was carted off and it is difficult to imagine that
there was anything worth stealing to begin with."
-"On the contrary Pendleton, for starters there was
the blood."
-"Well, yes Vail, the blood. A vampire then, one
that walks by day and that is possessed of arcane
talent? Or a doppleganger, evidently with sanguine
-"No my good friend, I do not believe so. It is
unthinkable that either would have been so
cautious as to leave no mark upon the corpse yet
so incautious as to have left this mountain of
incriminating evidence. We hunt something else,
something less intelligent, something
indiscriminate, that needs blood but that does not
take it as a vampire would and that assumes its
victim's shape rather than its identity as the
doppleganger does."
-The Case of the Formless Killer, Colonel Oliver
Intellect devourer [Expanded Psionics
t devourer [Expanded Psionics t devourer [Expanded Psionics
t devourer [Expanded Psionics
Handbook] Handbook]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) or Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about intellect devourers. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
17 This quadrupedal brain is an alien creature
called an intellect devourer. These horrors feed on
humanoid brains. This result reveals all aberration
traits and the psionic subtype.
22 An intellect devourer possesses a range of psi-
like abilities, including body adjustment, cloud
mind, compression, detect psionics, ego whip,
empty mind, id insinuation, intellect fortress, and
painful strike. These intelligent predators
understand Common, though they cannot speak.
27 If an intellect devourer overcomes a lone
humanoid, it psionically merges with its victim’s
brain, absorbing it in the process. While implanted
inside the victim’s skull, the intellect devourer can
work the victim’s body like a puppet and can
speak all languages known to the victim. When the
intellect devourer bursts out of the victim’s skull,
the victim is instantly slain. These creatures often
pose as their most recent victim to lure in more
32 Intellect devourers sometimes serve as spies for
more power masters, such as mind flayers.
Intellect devourers are unusually vulnerable to
protection from evil, reacting to this spell like a
summoned creature.
JWM: Small Aberration (Evil, Psionic), CR 7,
chaotic evil. Essentially a brain that clambers
around on four clawed feet. Quite intelligent, it
attempts to kill its prey, then devour the victim’s
brain and crawl inside its head. It can then walk
around, using the victim’s body like a puppet, for
up to a week. Vulnerable to protection from evil,
possesses potent psionic abilities. These creatures
sometimes serve the mind flayers, acting as spies
among the thralls.
“You will spare me the excuse that your people do
not talk of such matters with outsiders. You are in
my land, I am your lord, and this is my preserve.
No one, no thing, hunts here without my
permission. This is to say that my hand is extended
to you and your people. Accept my assistance by
withholding nothing from me as to this deceased
brain that by all evidence clawed its way uninvited
into the skull of this unfortunate lying before us, a
young woman trusted by an important servant of
-Count Strahd von Zarovich in conference with
Chorin Mur’Thaan
Invisible stalker [Monster Manual]
Invisible stalker [Monster Manual] Invisible stalker [Monster Manual]
Invisible stalker [Monster Manual]
CR 7
from WotC know your enemy
These strange beings from the Elemental Plane of
Air most commonly serve as summoned assassins
and guardians. Remarkably intelligent for
elementals, invisible stalkers track their prey with
single-minded purpose. Needless to say, you won't
be finding a D&D Miniature of an invisible stalker
any time soon . . .
Knowledge (the Planes)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about invisible stalkers. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This disturbance of air is actually an invisible
stalker. This reveals all elemental traits and the air
20 Invisible stalkers are so named because they
have natural invisibility, remaining so even when
they attack. Their attack is a powerful buffet of
wind. See invisibility reveals a dim outline while
true seeing shows a roiling cloud of vapor.
25 Invisible stalkers are consummate trackers and
can spot even the tiniest of tracks. They can follow
complex orders, but resent lengthy missions or
complex tasks, which they try to distort as much as
they can.
30 Invisibility purge has no effect on invisible
...we saw Johann suspended in mid-air, struggling
against something that held him captive. "Please,
m'lady," I said. "It was only a bird, he didn't mean
any harm. We didn't know they were your pets."
"I do not care what excuses you make for him,"
the cold-eyed woman in black said. "He is a
murderer, and he will be dealt with accordingly.
Primus, Segundus, tear him apart."
The things that held poor Johan did as she
commanded. We never saw them, and I cannot
imagine what they must have been like, but they
were fearfully strong. They broke his body like a
man might do with a rat.
from the testimony of able seaman Horace
Greenspan regarding the loss of HMS Defiant,
Admiralty Court, Darkon, June 753
Iron cobra
Iron cobra Iron cobra
Iron cobra -
voir Mechanichal serpent
voir Mechanichal serpentvoir Mechanichal serpent
voir Mechanichal serpent
Ixitxachitl (including vampiric ixitxachitl)
Ixitxachitl (including vampiric ixitxachitl) Ixitxachitl (including vampiric ixitxachitl)
Ixitxachitl (including vampiric ixitxachitl)
[Monster Manual II]
[Monster Manual II] [Monster Manual II]
[Monster Manual II]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about ixitxachitls. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
11 This sinister ray is an intelligent creature called
an ixitxachitl. This result reveals all aberration
traits and the aquatic subtype. These creatures
have their own language.
16 Ixitxachitls rule over their undersea lairs,
usually built within coral reefs. They are highly
territorial and ruthlessly command many slaves.
An individual ixitxachitl is not a particularly
fearsome foe, though it will sometimes hide itself
on the sandy sea floor to ambush opponents.
21 Like land-dwelling humanoids, ixitxachitls can
master many careers. They sometimes become
powerful clerics, generally in service to powers of
chaos and evil. Because of this, some ixitxachitls
are cursed to become aquatic vampires in death.
26 The origin of vampiric ixitxachitls given in the
previous result is incorrect. On rare occasion,
ixitxachitl hatchlings can inexplicably mutate into
more fearsome creatures. These creatures are not
undead, but their bite drains life energy and they
heal quickly from their wounds. Vampiric
ixitxachitls often lord over their communities.
JWM: Ixitxachitl, Vampiric: The origins of
vampiric ixitxachitls are obscure, but some occult
sages believe they may be the ixitxachitl
equivalent of calibans, created when a clutch of
ixitxachitl eggs develops in a sinkhole of evil or
similarly tainted undersea location.
Small Aberration (Aquatic), CR 1, neutral evil.
(Vampiric ixitxachitl are CR 3). Basically
intelligent, evil manta rays. Extremely territorial
and slavers, they wage war on other intelligent
races that encroach on their turf. (Although
personally weak, they can take class levels, and
are often clerics.) Vampiric ixitxachitl aren’t
undead, but have an energy drain attack. They may
be the equivalent of calibans.
In the name of Holy Ezra, all this is true. My name
is H...
(large section here made illegible by water
...woke to find ourselves in the dark and
underwater, in an airy cave where the devilfish
have kept us from drowning. We have been here
three sleeps. Oldby and Narrax are dead. They
took Janus before our last sleep; when he returned
he lay in the corner and refused to speak. Harford
says the devilfish eat men's souls and they have
taken his. Harford and I have decided to swim for
it; I will put this in a bottle and release it if we are
(remainder illegible)
Message found in a bottle in Blaustein, 742
Jack fro
Jack froJack fro
Jack frost [Denizens of Dread]
st [Denizens of Dread] st [Denizens of Dread]
st [Denizens of Dread]
CR 3
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about jack frosts. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This blue-skinned creature resembles a frozen
child, but it is actually a malevolent nature spirit
known in folklore as a jack frost. This result
reveals all fey traits.
20 Jack frosts embody the dangers of a winter
storm. They feed on body heat and delight in
playing cruel tricks on mortals. A jack frost is
bitterly cold to the touch, and its bite can inflict
frostbite instantly. This result reveals the cold
25 Jack frosts always travel in groups called
“flurries.” These spirits can also take the form of a
flurry of snowfall or a cloud of freezing vapor.
30 A jack frost in snowfall form can hypnotize
onlookers with the supernatural patterns of its
snowflakes. In vaporous form, a jack frost can
flow around living creatures, freezing them solid.
Hoarfrost spangles sleeping trees,
Winter's fingers, icy breeze,
Come the blizzard, freezing fast,
Jack Frost dances in the blast.
His fingers pluck at every coat,
His breath blows hard at every throat,
Cold wind bringing winter fast,
Jack Frost dances in the blast.
Traveller, careful as you go,
Jack Frost dances in the snow!
Embrace you with his icy grasp,
Jack Frost dances in the blast.
Jack Frost, traditional Lamordian
Jackal lord [Fiend Folio]
Jackal lord [Fiend Folio] Jackal lord [Fiend Folio]
Jackal lord [Fiend Folio]
JWM: In Ravenloft, most jackal lords worship
Anubis, representing a more sinister aspect of that
god. Jackal lord clerics have access to the Law,
Magic, and Repose cleric domains. Alternatively,
jackal lords could be worshippers of Set, in which
case, their alignment is chaotic evil. Jackal lords
that worship Set have access to the Darkness, Evil,
and Strength cleric domains.
Medium Monstrous Humanoid, CR 8, lawful evil.
Jackal lords are slender, wiry humanoids with the
head of a black jackal. They possess significant
divine magical abilities, and lead aristocratic lives
while remaining in the shadows of the Amber
Wastes. A jackal lord can command jackals and
can assume the form of a jackal. Once per day,
with its gaze, it can transform another creature into
a jackal via a powerful curse.
Jackal Lord Lore
Fiend Folio
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about jackal lords. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
18 This slender, dog-headed humanoid is a jackal
lord, a foul creature from the desert wastes. This
result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits.
Jackal lords are highly intelligent; they speak
Infernal and a local language.
23 Jackal lords are cowards at heart, but are
masters at usurping power for themselves. They
prefer to leave combat to their slaves and lackeys,
but are powerful innate divine spellcasters. A
jackal lord instantly heals minor injuries, but
weapons forged of cold iron can pierce its
supernatural defenses.
28 A jackal lord can commincate with, and even
dominate, any canine animals. A jackal lord has
several spell-like abilities, including cat’s grace,
change self, detect good, detect magic, shadow
walk, and suggestion.
33 A jackal lord can assume the form of a large
jackal or summon jackals to its aid. Once a day, a
jackal lord can lay a powerful curse with its gaze
that transforms a foe into a jackal.
38 A jackal lord can lift the curse of the jackal by
meeting the gaze of a polymorphed victim.
Otherwise, only a limited wish, wish, or miracle
can break the curse.
"So, you've come for your lover," the sheikh
growled, his eyes glowing like coals between the
veil that covered his face and the turban that
covered his head. "He has been my slave these
seven years and more, so his debt to me is paid;
but there is amusement to be had in a game of
skill, is there not, m'lady? Let us set a wager; if
you can know him when you see him, he is yours;
if you do not, you...are mine."
"I will never forget his face," Asjanna replied.
"Nothing in the wide world could cause me to
mistake him for another."
"Let us hope you are correct," the sheikh replied
courteously (but there was malice in his voice).
"He is in the plaza with his fellow-servants.
Choose him out and he is yours."
As he spoke the sheikh drew back the curtain, and
Asjanna rushed forward; but what was her
astonishment and horror to see the plaza filled
with jackals. At last she knew why the sheikh was
so closely veiled, and why he had made the wager;
and now both Abdul's life and her own depended
on her choice.
The Garden of the Black Sheikh, traditional
Jackalwere, dread [Fiend Folio, Hour of
Jackalwere, dread [Fiend Folio, Hour of Jackalwere, dread [Fiend Folio, Hour of
Jackalwere, dread [Fiend Folio, Hour of
the Knife]
the Knife] the Knife]
the Knife]
JWM: Small/Medium Magical Beast
(Shapechanger), CR 2, chaotic evil. A trickster
beast that can assume the form of a Small or
Medium humanoid (with a fair amount of control
and variety) to hunt prey. Its gaze can put others to
sleep. While present in Paridon and the Amber
Wastes, they’re most at home in the little-known
domain of Farelle.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about jackalweres. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This dun-colored wild dog is actually a
jackalwere, a trickster beast that takes human form
to lure in its prey. This result reveals all magical
beast amd shapechanger traits. A jackalwere
speaks Common and can communicate with
normal jackals.
17 A jackalwere’s true form is that of a seemingly
normal jackal. It can also assume humanoid form
and a bipedal hybrid form. A jackalwere’s flesh is
unnaturally resistant to damage, but weapons
forged of cold iron can pierce its defenses.
22 A jackalwere can put other creatures to sleep
with its gaze.
27 A jackalwere can take the form of any
humanoid, but it has only limited control over its
exact appearance. It cannot mimic a specific
As opposed to the enmity between wolfweres and
werewolves, jackalweres have no unusual feelings
toward werejackals — they are merely potential
prey, like all other living creatures.
Alternate Form (Su): A jackalwere can shift form
as a standard action as though using the
polymorph spell. Although jackalweres can
assume the form of any Small or Medium
humanoid, their ability is not exact. When it
assumes humanoid form, a jackalwere can select a
race and three generalized characteristics, but not
its exact appearance. A jackalwere can select any
three of the following characteristics to control:
* Gender (male, female, androgynous)
* Size (within the race’s size category — tall,
short, etc.)
* Build (muscular, normal, thin, fat, etc.)
* Comeliness (beautiful, average, ugly)
* Color of body parts (hair, skin, eyes)
* Distinguishing features (scar, lisp, missing limb,
For example, the jackalwere might choose to be
beautiful, blond, and female but would be unable
to control its height, build, or distinguishing
The jackalwere’s body has a shape memory as
well. It can choose to become an exact shape that
it has held before, and usually has a few favorite
forms that it uses over and over when returning to
humanoid form. For example, it might choose to
repeatedly return to the form of a tall man with a
scar. A jackalwere can retain as many different
forms in its shape memory as it has racial Hit Dice
(thus, four for the typical jackalwere presented
He was a very vulgar old man, lewd and wrathful,
but I had been advised to take no note of it, and
took no offence at his jibes; but I began to be
rather sorry I had come. There was also something
strangely soporific in the gleam of his squint eyes;
whether from the fire, or the days exertions, I
began to feel myself slipping into slumber, and as
I did so my host's physiognomy seemed to flicker.
At one moment his face was itself, rather ill-
favoured but by not means unusual; and then I
thought to see it shift to some more canine form,
the eyes yellow, the eyeteeth long and sharp; and
the hand he reached toward me seemed the paw of
a small dog, or perhaps a jackal.
Reginald St. Jacques, Farelle
Jahi [Monster Manual II]
Jahi [Monster Manual II] Jahi [Monster Manual II]
Jahi [Monster Manual II]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about jahis. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
26 This ghostly, three-faced serpent is a jahi, a
malevolent spirit spawned by unfulfilled desires.
This result reveals all undead traits and the
incorporeal subtype.
31 A jahi usually selects a living “chosen one,”
using that poor soul as a puppet to enact its own
hedonistic desires. The jahi usually remains curled
around the chosen one’s neck, and ensures its
puppet’s devotion with its dominate person spell-
like ability, which it can use several times a day.
36 A jahi literally feeds on the animal magnetism
of its dominated thralls. With a mere touch, it can
leave opponents bland and listless. Prolonged
contact results in even more severe loss of
charisma. In extreme cases, a victim may lapse
into a coma.
41 Jahis often form cults dedicated to themselves,
with dominated thralls as their worshippers. A jahi
that completely drains away its chosen one’s
persona can merge with its victim and replace the
chosen one’s allure with its own.
I had been directed to the decrepit tower where the
ancient wizard was said to live.
In the gloomy interior his figure couldn't be seen
clearly. The gravelly voice was steady and calm:
"Jahi? Yes, I know much about those spirits. They
did me a great wrong.
Even then, so long ago, I was a magus of not
inconsiderable power, gained with much toil and
danger. My spells won me great riches and
happiness. But when, after spending a long time
deep underground, learning strange knowledge
from sun-fearing beings, I returned home, I found
it changed into part a whorehouse and part a
temple. My poor wife - so young and so beautiful!
- was leading a life of debauchery, surrounded by
a promiscuous cabal.
She told me many cruel and false words, but I
espied a ghostly three-headed snake coiled on her
breast and I knew the source of my misfortune!
Jahi tried to break my will, but I proved the
stronger. I paralysed its slaves and defeated the
snake, although it resisted my magic and flied
through the air to escape my dagger.
My wife lied senseless on the ground, but my
power could constrain even the gods, and I saved
After putting my house to rights and incinerating
the shameful paramours of my wife, I left again,
since the great works of magic I had began could
only with great loss be left alone.
What a terrible surprise awaited my on my second
return! My wife had escaped. Servants told me she
climbed many times at night a certain bare, mist-
enshrouded hill, and returned at last with another
smoky snake on her neck.
Then I knew that I must delve into deeper lore to
defeat for ever the power of the jahi. After a long
search, I found a book in the library of Il Aluk. It
came through the mists from a foreign land, and
was written in language which no living man can
read. I deciphered it nevertheless, and found
within it much about the great druj Jahi the Whore,
the undead three-headed dragon Azi Dahaka, and
their poisonous brood of snakes. I found also an
incantation to banish them forever.
Alas, my quest was in vain! Only a living man
could speak that spell, and no living man can study
in the library of Necropolis."
He opened the door. The last rays of the setting
sun broken through the clouds and illuminated his
skeletal fingers, withered face and sunken and
lustreless eyes.
From the notes of Gennifer Weathermay-
Jermlaine [Monster Manual II]
Jermlaine [Monster Manual II] Jermlaine [Monster Manual II]
Jermlaine [Monster Manual II]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about jermlaines. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
10 These tiny, wrinkly humanoids are jermalines,
also known as jinx-kin and banemidges, This
result reveals all fey traits.
15 These mischievous fey have an affinity for rats.
Their language sounds like the chittering of
rodents, and they can communicate with rats. A
few jermlaines also know the language of another
subterranean race, such as Dwarf, Gnome, or
20 Jermlaines flee from most foes. However, they
often set traps around their lairs. Once larger folk
are snared, the jermalines surge forth to steal the
creature’s equipment and pummel the victim into
JWM: In Ravenloft, replace Orc as one of the
jermlaine's possible languages with Mongrelfolk.
Tiny Fey, CR 1/2, neutral evil. These tiny,
somewhat ratlike fey have an affinity for rats and
dire rats. They enjoy ambushing larger folk in
their snares and traps, then swarm all over them,
knock them out, and steal all their valuables (and
possibly shave off their hair as well). Appeared in
The Awakening.
--- which he laughed. "Rat-people," he said,
"Terrifying." At which I grew a bit hot under the
collar, I confess, and told him if he had ever been
underground in a tunnel too small to turn in, with
no light because a rat-man had snatched it fron his
hand, and then heard the rat-people working to
open a sluice-gate to the river upstream, he would
laugh out the other side of his face. To this day I
don't know how I didn't drown. I've seen about all
there is to see in those tunnels, and had more close
scrapes than I care to think of, and that's the
closest I've ever been to death.
diary of Nathanael Dent, grimetrekker, 7.3.753
Jolly R
Jolly RJolly R
Jolly Roger [Denizens of Dread]
oger [Denizens of Dread] oger [Denizens of Dread]
oger [Denizens of Dread]
CR 6
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about jolly rogers. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This grinning, waterlogged corpse is a jolly
roger, so named for their similarity to the common
pirate ensign. These creatures are the undead
remains of pirates who died at sea. This result
reveals all undead traits.
19 Foes who see a jolly roger’s decaying face and
hear its gurgling laughter may succumb to
incapacitating fits of maniacal laughter. A jolly
roger doesn’t even feel most minor strikes to its
bloated flesh, but magic weapons can pierce its
defenses. A jolly roger commands a crew of sea
24 A jolly roger’s necromantic touch subjects
living creatures to wracking spasms of painful
laughter that can quickly prove fatal. A jolly
roger’s waterlogged body is resistant to fire and
immune to cold and water-based spells. A jolly
roger never abaondons ship.
29 Victims slain by a jolly roger’s touch rises a
day later as bloated members of its zombie crew.
A jolly roger keeps its ship afloat by will alone. If
the jolly roger leaves its ship or is destroyed, its
ship will soon sink.
“Mournsworth was ever a jolly fellow. He loved a
good joke. He loved a bad joke. He loved a
malicious joke and a vicious prank too. To sign on
with his crew a mate had to demonstrate a sense of
humour. A sailor who in truth lacked one or, for
that matter, a thick skin wasn’t long for his
presence. Roger punned constantly and swore
incessantly. He named his ship the HMS Esra and
he was oft heard whispering and chuckling to
himself, “By the deep, she’s a fine lass, my lady of
the Mists.” The details of his birth were obscure
and there were whispers of Darkonese, Sri Rajan,
Vistana, even fiendish blood. Others suggested
that he was born of a woman long secreted away
in the sanatarium. By Ezra he was eccentric, but
his judgement upon the waves was inspired. For
his callousness I can imagine that he was cursed a
dozen times, thrice in my presence at least, once
by meself. I’d wager that one of those curses
stuck, for he is still out there, long beyond his
time, chuckling upon the sorrowful sea.”
-Interview with retired Captain Walford Halloway
Juju zombie [Unapproachable East]
Juju zombie [Unapproachable East] Juju zombie [Unapproachable East]
Juju zombie [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: Template, CR +2. A powerful
zombie animated by particularly strong
necromancy (create undead by a 16th-level
spellcaster). These zombies have improved Str and
Dex, retain some Int, gain a Climb speed,
improved AC, +4 turn resistance, Improved
Initiative, Power Attack, and Toughness. Their
immune to magic missiles and electricity damage.
Juju zombies are found anywhere sufficiently
powerful necromancers dwell, though they are
particularly common in Darkon and Souragne.
Yf ye be puycyent, know thys - ye strength of your
dead servants ys yn proportyon to your own. Yf ye
be strong, yt too wyll be strong, to crush your
enemyes. Yf ye be smart, yt too wyll be smart, to
weyld weapons - club, blade, and bow. Ye dead
servants shall fyght most fyercely, and run and
climb wyth agylyty, and resyst ye bolts of magyck
and lyghtnyng.
Be warned however, that your dead servants wyll
now hate ye and ever seek to be free of your
command. Lose not your grasp on the reyns of ye
dead servants, lest ye dead servants bryng ye to a
most unfortunate end.
- from the Tyrahgaunt Text by Yrym-Sybarr
] ]
Katane [Dragon #313]
Katane [Dragon #313] Katane [Dragon #313]
Katane [Dragon #313]
Submitted by JP – voir Dhampir
Sorte de half-undead (voir Fetch)
Keeper of Secrets, the
Keeper of Secrets, the Keeper of Secrets, the
Keeper of Secrets, the
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Kelp angler [Fiend Folio]
Kelp angler [Fiend Folio] Kelp angler [Fiend Folio]
Kelp angler [Fiend Folio]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about kelp anglers. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
19 This floating mass of seaweed is a dangerous
predator called a kelp angler. Like a huge jellyfish,
it floats in the water, snatching up prey with its
tangled tendrils. This result reveals all plant traits
and the aquatic subtype.
24 Kelp anglers can alter their coloration, allowing
them to easily blend into kelp beds and similarly
overgrown bodies of water. When a kelp angler
snags a victim in its tendrils, it holds on tight,
crushing and drowning its prey.
29 Kelp anglers can sense nearby creatures —
even invisible ones — with a sense akin to a
dolphin’s sonar. A silence spell can negate this
ability. Kelp anglers are immune to cold and their
pulpy bodies simply absorb bludgeoning attacks.
34 Kelp anglers are only dimly intelligent, but
extremely patient predators. They seldom reveal
themselves before they strike. They quickly
regenerate most forms of damage, but are
vulnerable to acid.
39 A kelp angler can use several spell-like abilities
against its victims, including confusion, dispel
magic, displacement, and entangle.
JWM: Although kelp anglers are present in the
Nocturnal Sea, the Sea of Sorrows, and the waters
of coastal domains, they particularly thrive in the
kelp-choked waters of Saragoss, where they prey
on both creatures swimming under the kelp carpet
and those walking atop it.
Large Plant (Aquatic), CR 9, netural. Resembling
a big clump of tangled seaweed in the shape of a
jellyfish and possessed of dim intelligence, kelp
anglers float on the surface amid kelp beds. They
use their tendrils to lash out at prey that comes
near. Has a few spell-like abilities and is
extremely resilient to damage.
6.16.738 Almst lost D tday to bizrr thing. Srt of
amb. seawd whc puts out feelrs to ctch food. D
was struck of one & ws draggd below, but Mr S
cut "line" w/hs clsp knf, savd him. (Mch sawing
necess., crttr v. tough in skn.) Chased thing away
w/noise, hrpn.
1st mt. said (& I agree) smthing wrng w/a place
whr plants fish for men.
Ship's log of the Stormrake, Captain Elias
Blackburn, recovered from Saragoss in 749
Kelpie [Fiend Folio]
Kelpie [Fiend Folio] Kelpie [Fiend Folio]
Kelpie [Fiend Folio]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about kelpie. Characters who recognize
a kelpie’s nature can make a Knowledge (arcana)
check to learn more. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (nature)
DC Result
20 This sodden horse is actually a malevolent
spirit called a kelpie. This result reveals all fey
traits. Kelpies speak Sylvan and Common.
25 Kelpies live in lakes and ponds, and take great
pleasure from drowning mortals. A kelpies often
knock opponents off their feet with their powerful
30 A kelpie uses a variety of spell-like abilities,
including cause fear, charm person, crushing
despair, and detect thoughts, to lure victims to
their watery doom.
35 A kelpie can assume human form, and can
appear as either gender.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
19 You can summon a kelpie with a summon
nature’s ally IX spell.
JWM: Kelpies have an inconstant relationship
with drownlings. Some folk have reported seeing
the creatures acting in unison to lure victims to
their deaths, while others claim to have witnessed
the creatures battling over territory.
Large Fey (Aquatic), CR 10, chaotic evil. In its
true form, a kelpie resembles a foul-smelling
warhorse that’s been lying in a lake for the last
week. It can also assume human form. It attempts
to lure mortals near its watery lair so it can drown
them. Has a few mind-affecting magical abilities.
"Come with me, child," the great gray horse said.
"You'll never have another chance to ride another
such as myself. I appear only to the most beautiful
child in the Lake Country once in a year, and I
never come to the same child more than once."
He was a beautiful horse, tall and dapple-gray,
with his long white tail and long white mane; but
Marie looked into his great green eyes, and in
them she saw herself drowning in Lake
Duchamps, with the wild green kelp all around
The Kelpie, traditional Dementlieuse
King’s raven (corvus regis) [Ravenloft
King’s raven (corvus regis) [Ravenloft King’s raven (corvus regis) [Ravenloft
King’s raven (corvus regis) [Ravenloft
Gazetteer II]
Gazetteer II] Gazetteer II]
Gazetteer II]
“The guiding premise of the Dead Man’s
Campaign was simply wrong. Still, notable
strategic and tactical errors were made too. A
rarely noted one concerns aerial supremacy. It was
an article of faith that the Falkovnians possessed
it. What king’s raven could ever kill a blood
hawk? What king’s raven could hunt down and
kill a man? But marshal strength is not the whole
of aerial let alone military supremacy. Strength
must be wielded to effect. That is to say with
intelligence. And in that respect Vlad’s forces
were very far from supreme. In terms of
communication and spying the average king’s
raven is more than a match for the best blood
hawk. And the quality of that intelligence is such
that tactics can be, in effect, changed on the fly
and strategy can be sharpened in the moment.
Now how many Falkovnians do you think that sent
to the grave . . . not that they stayed there . . .”
-Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse smuggler
wanted for desertion from the Falkovnian army,
discussing the Deadman’s Campaign over a glass
of wine in the Blood o’ the Vine Inn
Kizoku [Denizens of Dread]
Kizoku [Denizens of Dread] Kizoku [Denizens of Dread]
Kizoku [Denizens of Dread]
CR 7
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can
learn more about kizoku. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 This handsome and charming man is not the
human he appears to be — he is a kizoku, a foul
creature that feeds on the life energy of his lovers.
This result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits.
Kizoku are known to speak many languages.
22 All kizoku are male, and each one bears a
beauty mark in the shape of a crescent moon
somewhere on his body. For a kizoku, it is not
enough to merely take a woman’s soul; first he
must corrupt her, feeding as much on the loss of
innocence as on the spirit itself. A kizoku who
spends any extended time with a woman can
seduce her into an euphoric state in which her life
holds joy and meaning only with the kizoku at her
side, similar to a powerful form of charm person.
27 After a kizoku has wooed a victim for a month,
he entices her to perform a terrible act of betrayal
against those who truly care for her. The deed
done, the kizoku takes the damned woman’s soul
and her body transforms into a weeping willow. A
kizoku must consume the soul of at least one
woman a year to sustain itself, so its home is often
distinguished by a grove of these willows.
32 A kizoku can call upon a potent array of spell-
like abilities, including alter self, calm emotions,
charm person, color spray, command, confusion,
crushing despair, daze, detect scrying, dimension
door, disguise self, displacement, enthrall, gaseous
form, hold person, hypnotism, mind fog, mislead,
rage, slow, and suggestion, using each once a day.
It can also fly and turn itself invisible at will.
37 A kizoku is legendarily difficult to kill, since it
regenerates from all forms of damage. To slay a
kizoku, someone who loved one of the kizoku’s
victims must find her willow and craft a weapon
from its heartwood, killing the tree. Only such a
weapon can permanently destroy the kizoku. Once
a kizoku is slain, the souls it consumed return to
their willows. If the trees are still alive, victims
can be then restored to normal with the appropriate
“He is so handsome, so charming, that I can barely
abide his absence. When I am with him, I feel as
though I have been lifted into the heavens;
compared to him, my husband is a greedy,
graceless lout. Even the strange mark upon his
right hand does nothing to detract from his beauty,
for he is indeed as fair as the moon and as
mysterious as the ebon night.”
—Diary of a Rokuma noblewoman
Knight Terror
night Terrornight Terror
night Terror
See also: Knight Terror "Seeds of Evil" James
Wyatt Dragon#249(33) D&D2
Kobold [Monster Manual]
Kobold [Monster Manual] Kobold [Monster Manual]
Kobold [Monster Manual]
CR ¼
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can
learn more about kobolds. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
10 This spindly little humanoid lizard is a kobold.
This result reveals all humanoid traits and the
reptilian subtype. Kobolds speak Draconic.
15 Kobolds are not known for their bravery or
ferocity in battle. However, they can be cunning,
and usually attack only when they have
overwhelming odds in their favor.
20 Kobolds are rather pettily malevolent. They are
omnivores, and live in dark places, usually dense
forests or underground. They are talented miners
and can see in the dark, but their eyes are sensitive
to bright light.
25 Kobolds hate most humanoids and fey, but they
particularly despise gnomes and sprites. They
often protect their warrens with clever mechanical
traps. Some folk claim that kobolds are distantly
related to dragons.
A decided change has come over the kobold bands
roaming the Mountains of Misery. They have
become more focused in their raids on caravans,
especially at night. Many of their attacks are
preceded by some large thing blocking out the
moonlight. Black from soot and ash the painted
fiends attack, all the while yipping about their
great- winged goddess born from shadow.
From the journal of Arken Vandred, Darkonese
Konge Skyggehest
Konge Skyggehest Konge Skyggehest
Konge Skyggehest
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Kopru [Monster Manual II]
Kopru [Monster Manual II] Kopru [Monster Manual II]
Kopru [Monster Manual II]
JWM: Many generations ago, the koprus built a
large and mysterious civilization under the sea.
For unknown reasons their society declined,
becoming ever more decrepit and degenerate, until
now almost none of its former glory remains.
Kopru are suspected to be the builders of the
monolithic, sealed city of Shay-lot lying at the
bottom of the Nocturnal Sea, and they are often
seen swimming through its shadows.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about kopru. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This vaguely eel-like creature with barbed tails,
clawed arms, and four tentacles on its face is a
kopru, a sinister denizen of the deep. This result
reveals all monstrous humanoid traits and the
aquatic subtype. Kopru speak Aquan and a local
21 In addition to their vicious claws and bites,
kopru attempt to wrap their tails around their foes,
constricting them as they continue the attack.
26 Once per day, a kopru can use dominate person
on a foe up to sixty paces away. Although a
fearsome melee combatant in water, a kopru is
nearly helpless on land.
31 Kopru were once masters of a grandiose
underwater civilization, but their society has
degenerated over time. Some sages believe kopru
may be distantly related to mind flayers.
"Isn’t it precious? The pearls, the platinum, the
strangely long, fluid design? Have you ever
witnessed anything comparable? No doubt one
such as you will have heard whispers of Shay-lot,
of the city lost beneath the sea. This is its key.
Take it into your hand. Do you not hear the waves,
taste the salt, feel the tug of the current in your
hair? I assure you that its owner dreams much,
much more. But what is one such as I to do with
the sea? What is gold, indeed forgotten treasures
untold, to the Vistani? But a chain that is not to be
borne. The thing offends me. It is a curse, filling
my thoughts with concerns that would turn me
from the open road. Veritably I have spoken of it,
have told you its truth. It is mine now to do with as
I wish and I would sell it to you. Let us come to a
mutually agreeable price for a key that is a
-Dr. Vinchenzio, travelling showman and Vistani
See also: Kopru "Ecology of the Kopru, The"
Tito Leati Dragon#354(58) D&D3
Kraken [Monster Manual]
Kraken [Monster Manual] Kraken [Monster Manual]
Kraken [Monster Manual]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
(JWM: This lore uses as its basis the kraken lore
presented in “The Ecology of the Kraken” by
Richard Pett, Dragon Magazine #334.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about krakens. Sailors and seafolk (any
character trained in Profession [sailor]) can make a
Knowledge (local) check to learn the same
information, but in this case the DC rises by 5.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 22: This brutish and gigantic squid is a kraken,
a beast of legendary power. Krakens plunder ships
in search of food and wealth, which they collect in
coral palaces deep underwater. This result reveals
all magical beasts traits and the aquatic subtype.
DC 27: A kraken possess malign pride and
intelligence to match its incredible physical
prowess. A kraken uses its two massive, barbed
tentacles to snatch sailors off the decks of their
ships, then crushes them with its eight arms before
devouring them with a beak strong enough to bite
through steel. In some cases, a kraken may simply
crush the ship itself to splinters, picking off
survivors as they try to save themselves. A kraken
can also turn the sea’s denizens against its
opponents by mentally dominating sea animals
and pressing intelligent aquatic creatures into
slavery. Krakens speak Common and Aquan.
DC 32: A kraken will usually retreat if several of
its tentacles are severed. Lost tentacles eventually
grow back. A kraken can cover its retreat by
ejecting clouds of murky black ink, and can jet
through the water at high speeds. A kraken can
also use resist energy as a spell-like ability to
protect itself.
DC 37: A kraken can control weather and control
winds as spell-like abilities, turning the winds and
sea itself against its hapless victims. Krakens often
rule vast undersea kingdoms, far beneath the
See also: Kraken "Ecology of the Kraken, The"
Richard Pett Dragon#334(60) D&D3
Krenshar [Monster Manual]
Krenshar [Monster Manual] Krenshar [Monster Manual]
Krenshar [Monster Manual]
CR 1
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about krenshars. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
11 This strange, catlike creature is a krenshar. This
result reveals all magical beast traits.
16 Krenshars are social creatures that hunt in small
packs or prides. They possess a sharp cunning that
sometimes seems eerily intelligent.
21 The skin on a krenshar’s face is extremely
flexible. A krenshar can pull this skin back,
exposiring the skull beneath to frighten prey.
26 Krenshar cubs raised in captivity can be
domesticated (if not truly tamed), producing fierce
and loyal companions.
JWM: (Krenshars are included on the encounter
list for Hazlan in Gaz I, implying that, in this
setting, they might be a product of Hazlik's
Chris Nichols: In fact, S specifically mentions
krenshar in the text as being believed to have been
created by the wizard-kings of Hazlan's past.
I can only suppose it was the product of
experimentation on a plains cat; when it pulled the
skin back from its face to reveal the naked skull
beneath I wondered if it might be some kind of un-
dead, but a cursory examination of the corpse after
I dispatched it proved this was not so. I was led to
marvel again at the sheer grotesqueness of so
many products of the Tables; they are not merely
perversions of nature, but pointless perversions,
apparently produced in answer to mere whim
indulged to the point of madness.
George Weathermay, private journal
Lake Lake
Lake serpent, undead
serpent, undeadserpent, undead
serpent, undead
(Forlorn Serpent)
(Forlorn Serpent)(Forlorn Serpent)
(Forlorn Serpent)
[Ravenloft Gazetteer I, Castles Forlorn]
[Ravenloft Gazetteer I, Castles Forlorn] [Ravenloft Gazetteer I, Castles Forlorn]
[Ravenloft Gazetteer I, Castles Forlorn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about the forlorn serpent Agatha. In
Forlorn, a Knowledge (local) check can reveal the
same information, but in this case the DC
increases by 5. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 23: The Lake of Red Tears is reputed to be
home to a massive, decaying lake serpent. This
result reveals all undead traits and the aquatic
DC 28: Denizens of Forlorn have named this
creature Agatha, or “Aggie” for short. The forlorn
serpent is seldom seen, but is known to feed on
living creatures. Despite its bulk, the serpent is
capable of surprising bursts of speed. It can lunge
from the water like the crack of a whip, snatching
up prey nearly 10 paces away and dragging them
into the lake’s depths to drown.
DC 33: The attack of the forlorn serpent is
terrifying to behold. The serpent’s rotting flesh
simply ignores most weapon strikes, but hacking
at it with slashing weapons has proven effective in
the past.
DC 38: Agatha can spew a line of toxic fumes
over long distances every few moments. In the
absence of high winds, the deadly fumes hang in
the air for several seconds before dissipating.
No biologist trained in Darkon is wholly
unfamiliar with necrology. And only the most
bigoted would deny that something of the nature
of life can be learned through it. Still, it is an art,
not a science, and a very black art at that. The
biologist who openly professes interest, let alone
competence, in necrology is a rare bird. My
expedition to Forlorn included one. He had pieced
together centuries of information concerning the
creature said to lurk in the Lake of Red Tears.
When we reached its bleak shore, he disturbed the
placid waters and the great coiled thing rose up to
indulge our curiosity. Rather than join us at a safe
distance, he waded forth towards the monstrous
serpent, intent, I dare say, upon commanding its
might, although to what purpose I do not know.
But Agatha, as he had always referred to it,
snapped him up with a single bite and his agonized
scream, escaping from that ripped and holed
carcass of unlife, survived him, echoing from the
-“Inaugural address to the Biology Department of
the University of Dementlieu,” Doctor Abelhous
Nicholis, visiting professor from the University of
Il Aluk in Exile at Karg
Lamia [Monster Manual]
Lamia [Monster Manual] Lamia [Monster Manual]
Lamia [Monster Manual]
CR 6 Suggested by Chris Nichols
Lantern jack
Lantern jack Lantern jack
Lantern jack
[Van Richten’s Arsenal p46]
n Richten’s Arsenal p46]n Richten’s Arsenal p46]
n Richten’s Arsenal p46]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about lantern
jacks. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
10 This jack-o’-lantern-headed walking plant is a
lantern jack. They sprout from magic pumpkins
called lantern jack seeds. This result reveals all
plant traits. They can only use simple gestures to
communicate, but they understand the language of
whoever sprouted them.
15 Lantern jacks are generally useful for menial
labor. They can fight with weapons if so
commanded, but are ungainly at it. If using
Knowledge (nature), the character also knows the
specifics of the rite to create a lantern jack seed.
20 Although lantern jack seeds last indefinitely, a
sprouted lantern jack only lives for a week before
it withers. A lantern jack must plant roots and rest
for three hours a night.
25 On occasion, a lantern jack may develop free
will and the desire to extend its brief life — at any
And the pumpkin said, “But I do not wish to spoil
and die. I am new to this world and its wonders.”
The magician replied, “Death is the spice of life.
All who are born are born to die.”
The pumpkin thought about this for a long
moment before replying brightly, “You created
me, you created life, you are a god, give me
everlasting life.”
The magician chuckled bitterly, “Oh, were it so
Jack. My beloved Sylvie would not die. But know
that I am only a humble stage magician. She too
shall one day die.”
After the magician had returned to his tinkering
the pumpkin whispered, “Indeed she will. And
then we will have your measure.”
-Lantern Jack and the Stage Magician,
Dementieuse folktale
Larval Flayer Lore
Larval Flayer LoreLarval Flayer Lore
Larval Flayer Lore
see mind
see mindsee mind
see mind
Lashweed [Denizens of Dread]
Lashweed [Denizens of Dread] Lashweed [Denizens of Dread]
Lashweed [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Large Plant, CR 4, neutral. Dimly
intelligent, mobile plants with thorty, lashing vines
and the ability to spit blinding poison. Seemingly
inspired by the Triffids.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about lashweeds. A character who
recognizes a lashweed’s nature can make a bardic
knowledge check to learn more. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (nature)
DC Result
14 This shuffling, veiny snarl of thorny vines and
dark fibers is a lashweed, a monstrous plant that
feeds on animals. This result reveals all plant
19 Lashweeds sense their prey in large part by
sensing the vibration of their footfalls. Lashweeds
sometimes stand silently, listening to the earth as
they blend in with surrounding flora. When on the
prowl, however, they emit a deep thrumming, like
a beating of a war drum. This makes them easy to
detect, but greatly enhances their tremorsense.
24 Lashweeds always launch an attack by trying to
spray a blinding poison into its victim’s eyes, then
uses the razor-sharp thorns on its lashing tendrils
to flay them as they stumble about. After a
lashweed kills a victim, it feeds on the creature’s
blood. Excess blood oozes out through pores on its
central stalk.
29 Three times a day, a lashweed can entangle
foes as a spell-like ability. Lashweeds move
quickly through even dense undergrowth, but
magically manipulated plant growth (such as
entangle) affects them normally.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
19 Vistani legend claims that lashweeds were first
created when a powerful necromancer defeated a
band of druids and staked them out in a field to die
of exposure. They used their dying breaths to
chant druidic curses, and the first lashweeds
sprouted from their corpses to seek revenge.
Mistress Montarri's group came through again,
delivering the seed-pod as requested. A little death
- perhaps a child from the Quartier Ouvrier, a bit
of blood, and my new darling will grow. I do hope
it will play well with my other children...
It is a pity dear Abelhaus has passed on. I would
have loved for my newest baby to have him as a
playmate... for a little while.
- Journal of Julia Fyrehaaven, director of
the Royal Botanical Gardens of
[Denizens of Dread
[Denizens of Dread[Denizens of Dread
[Denizens of Dread, FoS NS
, FoS NS , FoS NS
, FoS NS
] ]
“I was watching Lady Katya down by the lakeside
— she’s a beauty, that one. She took off her shoes,
then her gown. I knew I shouldn’t be watching,
but I kept on anyway, and then, she — she took of
her head!”
—Tale of a commoner from Graben Island
See FoS NS Gaz: Lebendtod template
[Monster of Faerun
Monster of FaerunMonster of Faerun
Monster of Faerun]
] ]
(listed in random encounter table of Feast of
Leech, giant [Stormwrack]
Leech, giant [Stormwrack] Leech, giant [Stormwrack]
Leech, giant [Stormwrack]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about giant leeches. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
10 This black, flattened, squirming worm is a
monstrously large leech. This result reveals all
vermin traits and the aquatic subtype.
15 Like their lesser kin, giant leeches feed on
warm blood. A single giant leech will usually
drink its fill and detach before killing its prey, but
three or four leeches attached to the same creature
can drain their victim dry.
20 A giant leech naturally anesthetizes the wound
it makes as it bites, so sleeping or unwary victims
may not even be aware that a leech has attached
itself to them. Giant leeches spread red ache with
their bites.
25 Giant leeches are eyeless. They sense their
surroundings through a combination of scent,
vibration, warmth, and sound, so they cannot be
"Thanks to Yasmine's counterspells, that accursed
spiritualist was out of both magic and blasting
powders. The trail of his blood lead us deep within
the mine shaft.
"The game is over, Glamgel! Your bag of tricks is
empty!" I screamed.
"Glamgel grinned as he clutched his bleeding
""That may be so, but I always have a friend to
help me out!" He snapped his fingers, and an ox-
sized worm with tarry skin oozed out of a crevisse
in the ceiling. It bared its fanged, triple-jawed
mouth at us in a gurgling roar. Glamgel fled our
wrath, laughing all the way."
-- from the journals of Jerome Delacroix,
Mordentish adventurer
Leech, occult, mindsapper leech [RL MC
Leech, occult, mindsapper leech [RL MC Leech, occult, mindsapper leech [RL MC
Leech, occult, mindsapper leech [RL MC
III (as p
III (as pIII (as p
III (as ps
sionic leech)]
ionic leech)] ionic leech)]
ionic leech)]
JWM: Leeches, standard in size and appearance,
that attach themselves to larger creatures and
parasitically feed on them. Unlike standard
leeches, they drain supernatural energy as well as
blood (they don't drain enough blood to cause
lasting harm, however).
Mindsapper Leech: Fine Vermin (Aquatic,
Psionic), CR 1/3, neutral. Leeches that drain
power points and/or daily uses of psi-like abilities
from its victims. If attacked, it unleashes a
backlash of psionic energy. Distinguished from
normal leeches by a slight bluish tinge and an
ever-so-faint red glow. [RL MC III]
"I know you have your methods, Alanik," I said,
"but was it really necessary to trek to the middle of
a mosquito, horsefly, and leech-infested swamp to
confront M'sieur Negroponte?"
"Perhaps not strictly necessary," he replied coolly,
his eyes scanning the surroundings carefully. "But
it will make our task much easier, considering his
unusual talents, of which we heard so much earlier
today. I take it you failed to notice the very slight
blue tint to the leeches you have been pulling from
your legs the last half-hour or so?"
"I confess, it had quite escaped my attention," I
responded drily.
Alanik chuckled. "Good. Let us hope M'sieur
Negroponte is no more observant than you are."
The Mind Leech, from The New Casebook of
Alanik Ray, Arthur Sedgwick
Leech, occult, witchbane leech [RL MC
Leech, occult, witchbane leech [RL MC Leech, occult, witchbane leech [RL MC
Leech, occult, witchbane leech [RL MC
III (as magical leech), Denizens of
III (as magical leech), Denizens of III (as magical leech), Denizens of
III (as magical leech), Denizens of
JWM: Fine Vermin (Aquatic), CR 1/3, neutral.
These leeches drain arcane magical energy,
including spell slots and supernatural and spell-
like abilities with limited uses per day. If attacked,
they release a backlash of arcane energy. [RL MC
The thorp had a girl they were certain had been
aiding the fey. While Jermeyn, the local Inquisitor,
was investigating the matter, they kept her in a
little hut the community used as a jail cell. I got a
chance to look at her one night and it was a pitious
thing. She couldn't have been more than thirteen or
fourteen, rail-thin, dirty, and sobbing. Her hands
were bound in front of her with a short manacle.
But the worst thing was that her ragged blouse had
been torn away at the back. Attached to the girl's
shoulders were three fat leeches. When I asked
about this later, one of the villagers told me that
the leeches prevented the girl from using "fey
deviltry," but could not explain how. Supposedly,
Inquisitor Jermeyn could explain it better, but it
seemed better to move onward given the
suspicious glances the villagers had been giving
me since my visit to the jail-hut.
Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in Tepest
Leechwalker [Monster Manual II]
Leechwalker [Monster Manual II] Leechwalker [Monster Manual II]
Leechwalker [Monster Manual II]
JWM: Medium Vermin, CR 10, neutral. A human-
shaped form composed of thousands of linked
leeches. It can grapple foes and drain their blood.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about
leechwalkers. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
20 This loathsome, shambling humanoid is
actually a leechwalker, a creature composed of a
colony of thousands of individual leeches. This
result reveals all vermin traits.
25 Leechwalkers feed on blood. Not only can they
drink the blood of living foes, the wounds they
deal continue to bleed freely unless quickly
30 A leechwalker can see in all directions at once,
so it cannot be flanked and is not easily surprised.
35 Because it is composed of many different
creatures, a leechwalker is immune to many things
that can harm normal vermin, including nonlethal
damage, ability drain, and death from massive
T.B. opined that the corpse we found in the New
River Channel must have been attacked by
vampires! Because the body had been drained of
blood! So we should bring garlic! And mirrors! (!s
are to depict T.'s conversational style, which can
never end a sentence without a flourish.) Pointed
out that it is the custom of vampires to bite once at
the neck, not hundreds of times across the entire
body, and advised him to formulate an alternative
hypothesis. (!)
Journal of Nathanael Dent, grimetrekker,
Leopard [Monster Manual
Leopard [Monster Manual Leopard [Monster Manual
Leopard [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about leopards. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 12: This sleek, spotted great cat is a leopard.
Numerous similar great cats exist in a variety of
environments, including panthers, jaguars, and
mountain lions. This result reveals all animal
DC 17: These deadly jungle cats can pounce on
their prey from considerable distances. Once they
strike, they dig in with their fangs and forepaws
and use their hind claws to rake the creature’s soft
Leucrotta [Monsters of Faerûn]
Leucrotta [Monsters of Faerûn] Leucrotta [Monsters of Faerûn]
Leucrotta [Monsters of Faerûn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about
leucrottas. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This ugly cross between a stag and a badger is
called a leucrotta. These malevolent creatures
roam desolate areas. This result reveals all magical
beast traits.
19 Leucrotta are quite intelligent. They are also
murderous bullies, and sometimes hunt humans.
Leucrottas speak Draconic, Giant, and Common,
and they have an uncanny knack for mimicking
voices they’ve heard. Natural animals will not feed
from a leucrotta’s kill.
24 Rather than teeth, a leucrotta’s jaws are lined
by sharp ridges of incredibly hard bone. A
leucrotta can bite right through an opponent’s
armor, rending leather, steel, and the flesh
29 Leucrottas are immune to charm and
compulsion effects. Leucrottas like to fight near
cliffs. If they can, they take the opportunity to
force foes over the edge, hopefully to their deaths.
JWM: Leucrottas have appeared in a handful of
Ravenloft sourcebooks and adventures, including
Gaz I and Dark of the Moon. Large Magical Beast,
CR 4, chaotic evil. Resembling an ugly cross
between a stag and a badger, these creatures are
smarter than humans and sometimes hunt them for
sport. The bone ridges they have for teeth can
deliver an exceptionally damaging bite. [Monsters
of Faerûn]
We heard the clop of hooves, and then something
outside spoke with Randolph's voice--but spoke
without words, a mere mimicry of the rise and fall
of human speech, perfectly phrased and perfectly
meaningless. It was too much for Sarah; she leapt
for the door and threw it open.
In the next instant she and I were trying to force it
closed; but the beast threw its shoulder against the
door and bowled us over, forcing its way into the
room. It was a thing like a horse, with the head of
a badger, and it stank like a rotting corpse on a hot
Eyewitness account recounted by Lukas Kaspan,
recorded in private diary of Rudolph van Richten
Lich [Monster Manual]
Lich [Monster Manual] Lich [Monster Manual]
Lich [Monster Manual]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (religion) can learn more about liches.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
23 This withered, nearly skeletal mage is an
arcane horror known as a lich, a spellcaster who
used foul magic to defy death. This result reveals
all undead traits.
28 A lich is every bit as potent a spellcaster as it
was in life, and it has centuries to study the arcane
arts. A lich’s body is unusually tough, but magic
bludgeoning weapons can pierce its defenses. A
lich’s touch flows with necromantic energy,
permanently paralyzing living creatures with its
unnatural chill.
33 A lich is surrounded by a necromantic aura that
visibly dims nearby light sources. Living creatures
exposed to this aura may be terrified by its
unnatural energies. A lich is resistant to turning,
and is immune to cold, electricity, and mind-
influencing effects. A lich cannot be polymorphed
unless it wants to be.
38 A lich stores its life force in a magic container
called a phylactery. This item is usually extremely
valuable and easily portable, such as a gem or
piece jewelry. If a lich is destroyed, its life force is
drawn back into its phylactery. After recuperating
for a few days, the spirit re-emerges to occupy a
nearby corpse, restoring the lich at full strength.
You cannot permanently destroy a lich without
also destroying its phylactery, so liches usually
hide their phylacteries well.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
28 This result reveals the process for becoming a
There are only three things worth seeking:
Immortality, Omniscience, Omnipotence.
There is only one way to achieve them.
He who is clothed in the Raiment of Clarity will
rule over Existence; he who is not clad in that
garment must serve the one so clothed. Herein is
written the beginning of power, and of wisdom,
and of eternal life.
Preface to The Raiment of Clarity
See also RL CS, Dragon #336
Lich, dry [Sandstorm]
Lich, dry [Sandstorm] Lich, dry [Sandstorm]
Lich, dry [Sandstorm]
JWM: Template Undead. The final fate of a
walker in the waste (a Sandstorm prestige class).
A salt-encrusted, desiccated undead that could be
mistaken for a salt mummy. Surrounded by an
aura of despair and drains Con with its touch.
Normal water burns it like holy water.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (religion) can learn more about a
creature’s dry lich nature. Characters need to make
a different Knowledge check to learn about the
base creature. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
23 This desiccated, nearly skeletal mage is an
arcane horror known as a dry lich, a walker in the
waste who used foul magic to defy death. This
result reveals all undead traits.
28 In life, a dry lich was a potent desert spellcaster
known as a walker in the waste, and it retains
these harsh gifts in undeath. A dry lich’s salt-cured
flesh is unusually tough, but magic bludgeoning
weapons can pierce its defenses. A dry lich’s
touch flows with necromantic energy that drains
moisture from living creatures. Plants and
creatures of elemental water are particularly
vulnerable to the touch of a dry lich.
33 A dry lich is surrounded by a necromantic aura
that living creatures sense as an overwhelming
sense of age, loss, and death. Such creatures
exposed to this aura may be terrified by its
unnatural energies. A dry lich is resistant to
turning and immune to mind-influencing effects.
A dry lich cannot be polymorphed unless it wants
to be. A dry lich draws energy from the desert
around it, allowing it to rapidly recover from
wounds so long as it is in an arid environment.
Exposing the dry lich to significant moisture (such
as fog) or humidity suppresses this ability. All
water burns a dry lich like holy water.
38 A lich stores its internal organs in a set of five
magic containers called canopic jars. If a dry lich
is destroyed, its life force is drawn back into these
canopic jars. After recuperating for a several
weeks, the spirit re-emerges to occupy a nearby
corpse, restoring the dry lich at full strength. You
cannot permanently destroy a dry lich without also
destroying its canopic jars, so dry liches usually
hide their canopic jars well.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
28 This result reveals the details of the Sere Rite.
It is, of course, quicker to go by way of the Dry
Lakes, but this can only directly after the rainy
season, when the lakes are filled; not, as many
outlanders think, because then the Dry Lakes can
be used for water (they are much too brackish to
drink at any time), but because when the lakes are
gone, leaving only the hard salt pan, the Old Man
of the Dunes comes down out of his winter home
and walk to and fro throughout all the dry season,
killing any he finds there.
Luq al-Taber, Pharazian caravan leader
Lich, elemental [Denizens of Dread]
Lich, elemental [Denizens of Dread] Lich, elemental [Denizens of Dread]
Lich, elemental [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Template Undead. A lich variant that
specializes in commanding the elements.
Earth, air, fire, water, life and death. I am the
master of all these things. There is nothing beneath
sun or moon to which I bow, nothing between
Mist and Mist over which I have no dominion.
Who shall stand against me? I shall rend him spirit
from flesh, he shall be made an offering upon the
Four Altars. He who seeks me here seeks in vain;
the tomb itself has no power to hold the Master of
Inscription on a cenotaph located outside Har-
Thelen, Sithicus
Lich, Lich,
Lich, psionic (see Psilich)
psionic (see Psilich)psionic (see Psilich)
psionic (see Psilich)
Lion [Monster Manual
Lion [Monster Manual Lion [Monster Manual
Lion [Monster Manual -
CR 3
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about lions. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 13: The mane on this tawny great cat marks it
as a lion, a deadly savannah predator. This result
reveals all animal traits.
DC 18: Lions pounce on their prey. Once they
strike, they dig in with their fangs and forepaws
and use their hind claws to rake the creature’s soft
Living tattoo [Denizens of Dread]
Living tattoo [Denizens of Dread] Living tattoo [Denizens of Dread]
Living tattoo [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Template Construct (Symbiont). Abber
nomads trap dream spirits and imbue them into
tattoos, creating semiliving companions for their
All night we heard Kiroborobo talking, as if in
conversation; and every so often the wind sat just
so, so that a strange high voice seemed to answer
In the morning I ventured to ask him who he had
been speaking to, and he said, "My otherself,"
pointing to his chest. I did not understand him
then, nor for a long time afterward; but when I
learned more of the Abbers' customs I knew he
had been pointing, not to indicate himself, but to
the black skull emblazoned on his very skin.
from a puported diary of Dr. Gregory Illhousen
Living wall [Denizens of Dread]
Living wall [Denizens of Dread] Living wall [Denizens of Dread]
Living wall [Denizens of Dread]
CR 8
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about living walls. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
18 The groping mass of wailing corpses reaching
for you from the wall are an unholy construct
called a living wall, created by melding scores of
bodies together. This result reveals all construct
23 A living wall may rely on many different attack
forms, depending on the corpses fused into their
mass. Warriors still lash out with their weapons,
spellcasters can utilize the spells they had prepared
as spell-like abilities, and so on. If a living wall
strikes a foe with claws, a bite, or another natural
weapon it attempts to grab on tight. Like mundane
walls, living walls are immobile, impassible
28 If a living wall grabs hold of a living creature
or a once-living corpse, it attempts to absorb the
creature into its mass. The creature soon partially
emerges as yet another doomed soul lashing out at
anything that draws near. Although absorbed
creatures may cry out to former allies, their
individual identities are completely consumed by
the wall’s gestalt. When at rest, a living wall hides
behind a glamer that lets it blend into the mundane
walls around it. This result also revels the process
for creating a living wall.
33 A living wall is immune to flesh to stone spells
and the like. Despite its appearance, a living wall
is not made of stone, so magic used to bypass
stone barriers fail against it. Any corpse
abandoned within 100 paces of a living wall for a
month animates just long enough to merge with
the wall. Living walls exist in a state of constant,
insane agony. They seek their own destruction, but
not as much as that of all that lives. They hate their
creators most of all. Only true resurrection can
restore an absorbed creature.
“There is hardly a man, woman or child who does
not know at least one thing worth preserving. Yet
they all are to die and rot away, even the children,
damning their knowledge to oblivion. No longer. I
save them. I guard what they have learnt. They
endure within these walls. They are not corpses
difficultly unearthed. And they are not hollowed
out shells of their former selves. They are at hand.
They are possessed of intelligence. And once I
have mastered the rite for breaking through their
raving madness, few indeed will be the secrets
hidden from me. And so it is time. Tell me. Tell
me all. And you will serve me in life, enjoying a
natural death. Otherwise, I will give you, as I have
given your servant, to their grasping hands. I will
wed you to them in collective torment til stone
becomes sand and perhaps beyond.”
-Interview with a Lich
See also Dragon 343 version
Lizard [Monster Manual
Lizard [Monster Manual Lizard [Monster Manual
Lizard [Monster Manual -
CR 1/6
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about foxes.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This lethargic little reptile is a common
lizard. It primarily feeds on fruit and insects. This
result reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Many different varieties of lizard exist, in
all different shapes and sizes. Horned lizards are
covered in sharp spines and can startle predators
by spraying blood from their eyes. Monitor lizards
can grow to the size of a man and are dangerous
DC 20: Some mages adopt lizards for use as
familiars. Such mages tend to be particularly
talented climbers.
Lizardfolk [Monster Manual]
Lizardfolk [Monster Manual] Lizardfolk [Monster Manual]
Lizardfolk [Monster Manual]
CR 1 Suggested by Chris Nichols
Lost (or Echoes, or Shells) (DT&DL)
Lost (or Echoes, or Shells) (DT&DL)Lost (or Echoes, or Shells) (DT&DL)
Lost (or Echoes, or Shells) (DT&DL)
Lost Ones
Lost Ones Lost Ones
Lost Ones
now is under “madness”
w is under “madness”w is under “madness”
w is under “madness”
Lost soul [The Nightmare Lands]
Lost soul [The Nightmare Lands] Lost soul [The Nightmare Lands]
Lost soul [The Nightmare Lands]
JWM: 1 soul: Medium Undead (Dream), CR 1/4,
chaotic evil. 2 souls: Medium Undead (Dream),
CR 1/2, chaotic evil. 8 souls: Large Undead
(Dream), CR 3, chaotic evil. 32 souls: Huge
Undead (Dream), CR 9, chaotic evil. The mortal
remains of humanoids who die while physically
wandering the Nightmare Lands. Semitransparent
undead, individually not much more than an eerie
zombie. However, when two lost souls tough, they
merge together into an ever-growing, semi-
amorphous mass that can tear its victims apart.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
or Knowledge (religion) can learn more about lost
souls. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (the planes) or Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
12 This writhing mass of corpses is a lost soul, a
remnant of those who have died while physically
present in dreamscapes. This result reveals all
undead traits and the dream subtype.
17 An individual lost soul poses little threat, but
whenever two or more of these creatures touch,
they permanently meld together into ever larger
and more powerful forms.
22 Entering melee with a melded lost soul can be a
lethal prospect, since they can latch onto victims
and tear them apart.
27 Once merged, only a wish or miracle can
separate individual lost souls.
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
20 Any giant, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid
that dies while physically present in the Nightmare
Lands will likely rise within a few hours as a lost
25 Lost souls created in the Terrain Between
appear corporeal, while those created in
dreamscapes have a ghostly appearance. The only
difference between the two varieties, however, is
that ghostly lost souls gradually fade from
existence if they leave dreamscapes.
I have now seen several of these strange
wandering spirits, which I have dubbed "lost
souls" from the impression of loneliness and dread
which I have always sensed in their presence.
They are certainly not kindly disposed to such as I,
but when solitary they are not truly menacing,
often seeming to lack either the will or the
confidence to approach even a lone wanderer such
as I. I have, however, seen three or four join
together into a frightful and aggressive creature of
many arms and hands; if their ability to aggregate
is not limited, a dozen of them acting together
would surely be able to dismember even a strong
man in mere moments.
from a purported diary of Dr. Gregory Illhousen
See also: Lost Soul "Chinese Undead" David
Sweet Dragon#26(20) OD&D
Lycanthrope Lore
Lycanthrope LoreLycanthrope Lore
Lycanthrope Lore
(Ravenloft-specific info is underlined. Conversely,
a few bits of lore here actually don't apply in
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about a
creature’s lycanthropic nature. The base DC for
this check is based on the racial Hit Dice of the
base animal.
Base Animal Hit Dice Knowledge Check DC
1–2 HD HD +12
3–5 HD HD +13
6–10 HD HD +14
11–20 HD HD +15
21+ HD HD +16
Characters may need to make a separate
Knowledge check to learn about the base creature.
DCs on the table below represent the common
werewolf. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This snarling beast is a lycanthrope, an
accursed person with the ability to transform into a
feral beast. This result reveals all traits of the
shapechanger subtype.
19 A lycanthrope’s true form is humanoid.
However, it can also assume the shape of a
specific animal (such as a wolf) or a hybrid form
combining the worst features of man and animal.
A lycanthrope transmits the curse of lycanthropy
with its bite; victims who survive a lycanthrope
attack may be doomed to become lycanthropes
themselves. If you are bitten by a lycanthrope, you
should eat a sprig of belladonna as soon as
possible — it may fight off the affliction.
24 Lycanthropy manifests on one of two ways.
True lycanthropes are born that way. The dread
disease is natural to them; they can transform at
will, and they cannot be cured. Their victims are
afflicted lycanthropes — otherwise normal folk
cursed to become lycanthropes by the bite of a
werebeast. These folk cannot control their
changes, transforming only under the light of the
full moon. These folk can be cured, but the
process is not easy. Fortunately, afflicted
lycanthropes cannot further spread the dread
disease. While in a bestial form, a lycanthrope
nearly instantly heals most lesser wounds, but
silver weapons can pierce its supernatural
defenses. A remove disease or heal spell cast by a
powerful cleric can cure lycanthropy, but only
within three days of contracting the affliction.
29 Many different varieties of lycanthrope exist,
each one taking the shape of a different animal
(such as werewolves, wererats, and the like).
Afflicted lycanthropes often have no memory of
their lunar transformations. A lycanthrope has
sharp senses and is empathically attuned to normal
animals like its bestial shape. It can control such
animals as its minions. This result also reveals the
lycanthrope’s chemical vulnerability. A remove
curse or break enchantment spell cast by a
powerful cleric can cure an afflicted lycanthrope
regardless of when the victim was afflicted, but
the spell must be cast on a night of the full moon.
34 By exerting a great deal of effort, afflicted
lycanthropes can gradually gain limited control
over their transformations. Pain can also trigger a
lycanthrope’s change into bestial form. This result
also reveals whether this type of lycanthrope is
particularly good or evil by nature and the full
details of the cleansing cure.
See also RLCS, CoD and Classic horrors revisited.
Lycanthrope, loup
Lycanthrope, loupLycanthrope, loup
Lycanthrope, loup
du noir
du noirdu noir
du noir
] ]
This is the oath, as Mikhail revealed it to me:
I am Hunger. I am Thirst. All those who go on
four legs or on two are my lawful prey. Only
against he who wears the skin, his wife and
children, shall I not raise my hand nor paw nor
mouth. He who wears the skin is my brother, and I
support him in all things he may do. In all things I
heed the word of the Black Wolf, who feeds us all.
I did not ask him how he learned it.
Larraby Quift, Adventures of a Wanderer
Lycanthrope, loup
Lycanthrope, loupLycanthrope, loup
Lycanthrope, loup-
-garou, lowland
garou, lowland garou, lowland
garou, lowland
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread] [Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
CR 5 JWM: A moderately powerful werewolf
variant that uses a worg as its phenotype.
"Luke!" the cooler-headed of the two said,
grabbing his companion by the arm. "Remember
what Captain Timothy said about fighting while
ashore." The young bravo stepped back and
snarled. "Very well, then," he said, his face
distorted into a mask of rage in which his long
white teeth were very apparent. "I won't give you
the lesson you deserve here. Meet me at the dog-
fighting pit this evening, and we'll settle this once
and for all."
He did not know, of course, that I had already
guessed his secret; and he could not have guessed
at mine.
private diary of Matton Blanchard
Lycanthrope, loup
Lycanthrope, loupLycanthrope, loup
Lycanthrope, loup-
-garou, mountain
garou, mountain garou, mountain
garou, mountain
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread] [Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
CR 5
The hills rang with howling, and the tall old crone,
her eyes the color of the yellow moon, stepped
forward. Behind her came a great gray wolf, of the
height of a man at the shoulder, who fawned on
her as a lapdog on its mistress.
"You have fled in vain, fools," she said, her voice
high and harsh. "You have thought to find shelter
among your own kind, behind your walls, beneath
your roofs, within your stockades. All for naught,
and now you must join with us or die. Here reigns
the Wolf!"
Kartakan feeshka, first teller unknown
Lycanthrope, Lycanthrope,
Lycanthrope, sea stalker
sea stalker sea stalker
sea stalker
voir voir
lycanthrope, weresea cat
thrope, weresea catthrope, weresea cat
thrope, weresea cat
Lycanthrope, wereape [new]
Lycanthrope, wereape [new] Lycanthrope, wereape [new]
Lycanthrope, wereape [new]
"My esteemed colleague, is this proof enough? I
told you, I told everybody. Man is descended from
ape. Your childish prejudices are as nothing before
my serum of regression. Yet you, my ever dim-
witted fellow, seem even thicker in the skull for
the experience."
-Last words of Doctor David Strickland, from The
Animality of Man, a novel written and published
anonymously in Paridon and declared anathema by
the Church of the Divinity of ManLycanthrope,
rope, rope,
rope, werebadger [Denizens of
werebadger [Denizens of werebadger [Denizens of
werebadger [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
CR 4
"Tell us, Doctor," the guard officer grumbled
skeptically, "since you claim such expertise: what
could have done this to my men?" Behind his thick
muttonchop whiskers, the Baronial sergeant's surly
expression lived up to the dour stereotypes oft
applied to his people.
Van Richten lifted the military-issue ax from the
table, fingered the deep gouges in the steel of the
blade's edge, then glanced aside at Geddar. The
human hunter's normally-jovial friend frowned
grimly, nodding in agreement with the doctor's
unspoken diagnosis, and spoke: "Vermin".
The watchdwarf's eyes widened in disbelief.
"Vermin? You're saying rats did this?! Nonsense;
rats might gnaw wood or pewter, but their teeth
are no match for finest Corvian steel! No four-
legged beast's would be!"
"Indeed," the physician replied wearily, laying
down the heavy, tooth-marked weapon. "No four-
legged beast's...."
-- Private interview in the Obsidian Heart, as
documented in Baronial police investigation of the
Rooksclaw Tower murders
Lycanthrope, werebat [Monsters of
Lycanthrope, werebat [Monsters of Lycanthrope, werebat [Monsters of
Lycanthrope, werebat [Monsters of
Faerûn] Faerûn]
“Not only is our killer unhindered by darkness, he,
she, it can distinguish between vessels identical in
every way save for that one is full and the other
empty. Pendleton, what clue does this fact cast in a
whole new light?"
“I have not the foggiest idea. Pray tell Vail."
"It is obvious Colonel. The sound of leather
snapped taunt of course. As well as the absence of
any evidence that the walls were scaled.”
-The Case of the Sightless Death From Above,
Colonel Oliver Pendleton
Lycanthrope, werebear [Monster
Lycanthrope, werebear [Monster Lycanthrope, werebear [Monster
Lycanthrope, werebear [Monster
Manual] Manual]
CR 5
They still practice the Rite of the Bear in that
place, dressing themselves in bearskins and
dancing in the strange shuffling cadence of the
Moon Dance; and it is said that Bear himself
dances with them, taking now a human form, and
now that a great grizzled bear whose eyes are stars
and whose breath is the wind of winter itself.
Larraby Quift, Adventures of a Wanderer
Lycanthrope, wereboar [Monster
Lycanthrope, wereboar [Monster Lycanthrope, wereboar [Monster
Lycanthrope, wereboar [Monster
Manual] Manual]
CR 4
"There is folks," the stranger said, with the careful
diction of a drunk, "what thinks that a dog is a
noble beast, and a pig a no-good filthy creature
which can only be loved as hams. But such folks is
mistaken; the pig is braver, and a better fighter.
Also smarter. Wise animals, is pigs."
I suspected he might have some partiality, as he
was rather a piggy looking fellow himself; but his
heavy build promised more muscle than fat, and I
well recalled our own saying, "that Grandfather
Boar is the most dangerous creature of the forest,
saving only his wife"; so I held my peace.
Diary of Matthew Swiftsinger of Skald
Lycanthrope, werecrocodile [Sandstorm
Lycanthrope, werecrocodile [SandstormLycanthrope, werecrocodile [Sandstorm
Lycanthrope, werecrocodile [Sandstorm
+ Monst. of Faerun
+ Monst. of Faerun+ Monst. of Faerun
+ Monst. of Faerun]
] ]
"Sobek demands a sacrifice," the wanderer
repeated. "Tomorrow. A man is better..."
"No!" I answered sharply. "We will give Sobek no
such thing."
He glanced around the space lit by the fire and
continued, "A pack-horse. That will do. Bring it to
the watering hole," here he pointed to the north-
east, "tomorrow at dawn, and Sobek will not
trouble you."
I looked at him again, noting his skin condition--it
was layered thick, cracked across his torso, and, I
suspect, hard as horn--his short arms and legs, and
his strange dead eyes. I believed I knew who the
sacrifice would really propitiate, and how a single
man could live in the deep desert of Sebua; but the
horses would die soon in this climate at any rate.
"I accept," I told him.
Rudolph van Richten, private journal
Lycanthrope, werefox (vixen) [Ravenloft
Lycanthrope, werefox (vixen) [Ravenloft Lycanthrope, werefox (vixen) [Ravenloft
Lycanthrope, werefox (vixen) [Ravenloft
Gazetteer I]
Gazetteer I] Gazetteer I]
Gazetteer I]
I am worried about Dallisar; he took up with a
woman of his own race yesterday afternoon, a pert
silver-haired vixen named Coraline, and told us
that she had invited him to dine with her at the Old
Kartakan Inn. Even if he had made an amorous
conquest (or perhaps, an amorous surrender--the
woman was very forward) I would expect him
back by this time, but he has neither returned nor
sent word. I will visit the Inn this evening to see if
I cannot find out where he might have gone.
last letter from adventurer Tolroy Glock to his
sister Annabella, 5 May 742
Lycanthrope, werehyena [new]
Lycanthrope, werehyena [new] Lycanthrope, werehyena [new]
Lycanthrope, werehyena [new]
"The jolly young man who led us out of the jungle
insisted that we stay in his hut for the night. As we
passed through the threshold, he pulled off the
bandana he wore around his neck. It was then I
noticed that there was a puckered scar on the back
of his neck."
""Tis an interesting wound you have there," I
"Without turning around, he started his shrill
tittering again. And it was then I saw the scar
unpucker, revealing itself to be the young man's
second mouth..."
-- from the journals of Jerome Delacroix,
Mordentish adventurer
(FYI: the telltale sign of a werehyena in human
form is the second mouth on the back of his neck,
or the base of his skull - It was mentioned in the
Al Qadim Monstrous Manual Appendix, and from
Angolan legends about a shapeshifting hyena
monster called a "kishi," that had two heads (a
human head, and a second hyena head kept hidden
in its hair))
Lycanthrope, werejackal [Denizens of
Lycanthrope, werejackal [Denizens of Lycanthrope, werejackal [Denizens of
Lycanthrope, werejackal [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
CR 3
Errata: The canon-wise suggested chemical banes
for the new lycanthropes:
Lycanthrope Chemical Bane
Werejackal Fennel
Again I struggled to ascend the side of the sand-
pit, and again I was thwarted by the downward
drift of each step; it seemed the more I struggled to
rise, the more quickly I fell. I therefore ceased my
exertions and called out to Geddar to come with a
rope; but (as I later learned) he was then engaged
with our guide in attempting to collect our camels,
which had had their hobbles cut and had wandered
into the night.
When the silouette of a human-like figure thrust its
head over the side of the sand-pit I thought for a
moment I was saved; but then I saw the great bat-
ears and the outline of the dog-muzzle against the
rising moon.
“Feed us, feed us, Protector of the Poor,” it called
down, in imitation of the Pharazian beggar’s call,
and laughed horribly. “You see now how the
Jackal-People provide for themselves! In a day or
so we will come for you again; yes, we will help
you out of the pit then.”
Rudolph van Richten, working notes to Van
Richten’s Guide to Werebeasts
Lycanthrope, werejaguar [Denizens of
Lycanthrope, werejaguar [Denizens of Lycanthrope, werejaguar [Denizens of
Lycanthrope, werejaguar [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
Errata: The canon-wise suggested chemical banes
for the new lycanthropes:
Lycanthrope Chemical Bane
Werejaguar Cocoa
…[T]here are among them Lodges, or Cabals,
brotherhoods sworn to some joint purposes; chief
among these is the Cabal of the Tiger, or Jaguar as
the natives name it, the great spotted yellow cat
who prowls the deep jungle and whom they take
for their Totem or spiritual guide. By some
deviltry there are those among them who take on
the very form of the cat itself and do battle as half-
man, half-beast, the violence they wreak being
horrible to behold. I have seen one of them tear a
man to pieces using only its terrible clawed
letter from one Hernan Mouriros, origin otherwise
unknown; Special Collections, Great Library of
Lycanthrope, wereleopard [Denizens of
Lycanthrope, wereleopard [Denizens of Lycanthrope, wereleopard [Denizens of
Lycanthrope, wereleopard [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
CR 4
Errata: The canon-wise suggested chemical banes
for the new lycanthropes:
Lycanthrope Chemical Bane
Wereleopard Mercury
We had built the kraal only two meters hight; we
did not know that the plainsmen, if they go there at
all, build to a height of at least five, and always
use the greenest thorn bushes. I was on watch at
midnight or thereabouts when it came into the
camp, leaping the kraal as an athletic man might
leap over a stile. It was a thing like a cat on two
legs, with horrible green eyes; it struck left-right,
left-right, with its hands (like a man but with claws
two inches long). I shot at it, but I do not know if I
hit. Seizing Vermijson, it picked him up as a man
might pick up a child, threw him over the kraal,
and leapt over after him. He did not scream for
Manuscript found in a bazaar in Sri Raji, script
and language previously unidentified; Special
Collections, Great Library of Port-a-Lucine
Lycanthrope, werelion [new]
Lycanthrope, werelion [new] Lycanthrope, werelion [new]
Lycanthrope, werelion [new]
In all that land we found only one sign of the work
of any human hand; on a great stone we found the
following characters engraved...the inscription we
found there has since been translated by Dr.
Robert Pembroke, who gives it as follows:
Behold the king Sundiata! How great his strength
like the sun! How terrible his rage like the summer
tempest! How generous to his true servants like
the winter rains! Truly, truly we may say he is the
son of the lion! Truly, truly we may say the spirit
of the lion is in his heart! Truly, truely we may say
the majesty of the lion beams from his face! Truly,
truly the form of the lion marks him as the true
king of kings!
In the Wildlands, Captain John Smith
Lycanthrope, wereoctopus [new]
Lycanthrope, wereoctopus [new] Lycanthrope, wereoctopus [new]
Lycanthrope, wereoctopus [new]
"Aye, I know the ship with the green sails. Flies
under the skull and the squid, don't she? That'd be
the Hullbreaker, captain'd by Telson Greenbeard.
Might just be the fiercest pirate o' the Murky Sea.
Telson's been at sea so long, they say, what his
beard's gone green from seaweed."
"'Course they also say that the ol' Greenbeard
made deals with the devils of the deeps - gives
them the gold and men he captures - in 'change for
more ships to plunder and a chance to become a
devil himself."
"Aye, Captain Telson Greenbeard ain't human no
more. He might look it a'times, but a'times he's a
wet, suckin' horror what walks like a man but wi'
tentacles or other times a giant octopus, swimmin'
down to meet his sea devil masters."
- an interview with Old Sharkey of Souragne
Lycanthrope, wereooze [new]
Lycanthrope, wereooze [new] Lycanthrope, wereooze [new]
Lycanthrope, wereooze [new]
JWM: The wereooze is an unusual variant, in that
the phenotype is a gray ooze. The general concept
is that wereoozes generally arise from maledictive
origins. Merely being damaged by a wereooze isn't
enough to expose a victim to lycanthropy; the
victim must be killed. At the moment of death
(when the victim is absorbed by the ooze), the
victim gets a Fort save. If it fails, the victim dies
and is digested. If it succeeds, it becomes a
wereooze; the absorbing wereooze splits in two, its
"offspring" being the new wereooze.
"I had second thoughts about hiring the urchin as
our guide but we had little choice as our own
search for the theaving wererats had gone cold. He
smelled of sewage and the pungent odor of
chemicals and his skin constantly glissened with
grime and sweat but begriudgingly I had to agree
that he knew his way around the labyerinth of
tunnels under the city.
Three days into the strench filled tunnels we came
aross thier den but it turned out they had been
following us as well. Leaping from every crack
and hole three of my guards were dead before they
could draw thier weapons. The largest of the
swarm jumped at me as I rolled to the side only to
be leap upon in turn by the urchin. In mute shock I
watched as his flesh melted into a grey mass of
ooze and disolving bone engulfing the wererat.
Within moments only a puddle of fur and blood
remained of the once horiffic creature as the grey
ooze solidified back into the form of a child..."
Memiors of Sir Jerod Marcus, City watch, Port-a-
Lycanthrope, werepanther [new]
Lycanthrope, werepanther [new] Lycanthrope, werepanther [new]
Lycanthrope, werepanther [new]
The tallest and youngest of the guardsman turned
and looked at me, and I could see in his cat's-eyes
that he knew me; but the change on all those who
receive the Mark meant that I did not know him.
They dragged Master Arvenson from the post and
thrust him into the arms of his son, and there was a
little disturbance in the crowd; the tall young
guardsman took advantage to stop near me and
say, so low only I could hear, "Mother...I'm sorry."
I knew the voice, then; it was my son, little
Torvald, whom we had thought dead. If only I
could have rejoiced in finding him again; but now
he had the cat's-eyes, and the Mark, and I knew
my little boy had become a monster.
Interview of Rejna Haraldsdottir with Gennifer
Lycanthrope, wererat, abberant
Lycanthrope, wererat, abberant Lycanthrope, wererat, abberant
Lycanthrope, wererat, abberant
[Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol. 3]
[Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol. 3] [Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol. 3]
[Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol. 3]
See also: Wererat "Infestation" Kristin J.
Johnson Dragon#251(82) D&D2
Lycanthrope, wererat [Monster Manual]
Lycanthrope, wererat [Monster Manual] Lycanthrope, wererat [Monster Manual]
Lycanthrope, wererat [Monster Manual]
CR 2
Errata: The canon-wise suggested chemical banes
for the new lycanthropes:
Lycanthrope Chemical Bane
Wererat Varies
We had amputated the hand, so badly had it been
bitten, so fearful were we of the disease. Would
we have to take the life? How could we know?
Would there be warning? Would there be warning
enough? A dull thud, accompanied by a slight
shutter, fixed our eyes upon the door. But we were
not overly concerned. Not only was it well made.
It was thoroughly barred. A sharp squeak reached
us from the other side. We all looked at Alain. He
looked beyond the portal and shuttered. We could
almost see reflected in his eyes the flashing blades,
that feral face, his blood dripping from its chin.
But our composure did not elude us for long. And
then it began, the gnawing at the door.
-La mort de l’innocence, Chantelle Yvrie
Lycanthrope, wereraven [Denizens of
Lycanthrope, wereraven [Denizens of Lycanthrope, wereraven [Denizens of
Lycanthrope, wereraven [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
CR 3
Errata: The canon-wise suggested chemical banes
for the new lycanthropes:
Lycanthrope Chemical Bane
Wereraven Unknown
The monstrous ravens circled around us, coming
lower and lower, and Alexandra and I prepared to
sell our lives dearly--but suddenly, a short,
handsome man, wiry and of dark hair and eyes,
stepped onto the road. "Fear not, travelers!" he
said, in a voice which somehow made me believe
his intentions were good. "The Vistani may speak
of an "unkindness" of ravens, but you will see that
"kindness" suits us better. We saw your fight
against the un-dead in the ravine, and wish to offer
you assistance; their master has set his minions on
the road to search for you, and we must go by a
path they cannot follow."
Memoirs of Mortimer Wachter, written 647
Lycanthrope, wereray [Denizens of
Lycanthrope, wereray [Denizens of Lycanthrope, wereray [Denizens of
Lycanthrope, wereray [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
CR 3
Errata: The canon-wise suggested chemical banes
for the new lycanthropes:
Lycanthrope Chemical Bane
Wereray Water Lily
They also say of that city, doomed Shay-lot, that
there are some who walk among us day by day,
yet still visit the Drowned City and go up and
down its streets, cloaked in their own wide wings.
Catalog of the World Entire
Lycanthrope, weresea cat (sea stalker)
Lycanthrope, weresea cat (sea stalker) Lycanthrope, weresea cat (sea stalker)
Lycanthrope, weresea cat (sea stalker)
[Ravenloft Gazetteer II]
[Ravenloft Gazetteer II] [Ravenloft Gazetteer II]
[Ravenloft Gazetteer II]
JWM: This was written as a take on sea wolves,
which have since been updated for 3.5, so I may
scrap this one for being redundant.
Captain Harris laughed his booming, cruel laugh.
"So it's to be the plank, is it?" he asked of our
captors, grinning. (Never had those strong white
teeth, gleaming from that tangle of black beard,
seemed fiercer or less human than they did then.)
"Well, I suppose I’ll just have to take it like a
man.” I thought to myself that these pirates could
hardly have chosen a less effective means of
execution; they had not seen (as I had) the captain
leap overboard in a high sea after a fallen
crewman, to surface with the sailor’s collar in his
teeth, his nails (now claws) digging deep into the
ship’s timbers as he clambered up the side.
The Teeth of the Gale, from Twelve Tales of the
Macabre, Jean Lafolie
Lycanthrope, w
Lycanthrope, wLycanthrope, w
Lycanthrope, wereshark [Monsters of
ereshark [Monsters of ereshark [Monsters of
ereshark [Monsters of
Faerûn] Faerûn]
"Bad things happen to those who dive for pearls
here without permission," the taller of the two
young men said, his blank face more menacing
than any bully's scowl. "Bad things?" I asked,
feigning skepticism (I had already heard stories
from others on the island).
"Sharks," he replied laconically.
"And yet, nothing happens to you," I replied.
"Why is that?" He shrugged, fingering the shark-
tooth necklace at his throat. "My brothers and I,
we bite back," he said, and grinned, showing a
mouthful of teeth filed to points.
Journeys in the Mists, volume 2, Simon Torrens
Lycanthrope, weresnake [new]
Lycanthrope, weresnake [new] Lycanthrope, weresnake [new]
Lycanthrope, weresnake [new]
Suddenly someone screamed, and then the whole
ballroom was in an uproar--men shouting and
pulling at their dress swords, women screaming
and swooning. I turned quickly, but at first I could
not locate the source of the confusion. Then
someone pointed to the floor, and I saw it--a great
venomous snake, of the kind they call
"bushmaster", writhing out of the clothing of
Senor Garibado.
Prompted by some instinct, I looked toward
General Maconda, who observed the confusion
with a smile fit for a devil; he alone seemed
unsurprised by Garibado's ghastly transformation.
Journeys in the Mists, volume 2, Simon Torrens
Lycanthrope, weretig
Lycanthrope, weretigLycanthrope, weretig
Lycanthrope, weretiger [Monster
er [Monster er [Monster
er [Monster
Manual] Manual]
CR 5
"In the excitement of the fight, the village boy we
were using as a guide lost his footing and
plummeted into the swift river below. Yasmine
and Michael moved to stop the shaggy, redheaded
man, he grabbed Michael by his armored shoulder
and hurled him into her as though the knight were
but a cord of wood. The redheaded man plunged
into the river, too. In less than a minute, a huge
tiger burst out of the white waters with the sodden
boy dangling safely from his mighty jaws."
"Word quickly spread about our fight with the
"Man-Tiger," and the mood of all the villagers
soured upon our return. Our guide's mother, in
particular, decided to repay our attack upon her
son's guardian by launching an arrow into my
-- from the journals of Jerome Delacroix,
Mordentish adventurer
Lycanthrope, werewolf [Monster
Lycanthrope, werewolf [Monster Lycanthrope, werewolf [Monster
Lycanthrope, werewolf [Monster
Manual] Manual]
CR 3
"We thought they were Vistani. They talked like
Vistani, but they were dressed all in black. We
made a horrid mistake of letting them tend to
Claude's wounds. The old crone of theirs poured a
red liquid into the gashes, and they closed up. Yet,
for some reason, no one said anything about the
black hairs that started sprouting all over his skin.
Yasmine said it was a miracle, as did I, and then
those damned fake gypsies went on their merry
"Claude's renewed vigor came to a head at
moonrise, I saw him crouching over the torn
carcass of my horse."
-- from the journals of Jerome Delacroix,
Mordentish adventurer
Lycanthrope, werewolverine [new]
Lycanthrope, werewolverine [new]Lycanthrope, werewolverine [new]
Lycanthrope, werewolverine [new]
Of all the wild and fierce spirits which they claim
can descend on a man and lend him their own
form, none is more feared than that they call
"wolverine" (despite its name, it is a creature like a
badger, but larger and fiercer still). Even the bear-
shirts and wolf-shirts (or, in their tongue, berserkr
and wulfserkr) will step aside from such a one
unless the full battle-fury is on them, for the
wolverine-spirit has no thought at all for life or
death, nor for the strength of his enemy; for him
there is only deadly hunger and deadlier rage.
Larraby Quift, Adventures of a Wanderer
Maddening flea [Ravenloft Monstrous
Maddening flea [Ravenloft Monstrous Maddening flea [Ravenloft Monstrous
Maddening flea [Ravenloft Monstrous
Compendium III, Adam’s Wrath]
Compendium III, Adam’s Wrath] Compendium III, Adam’s Wrath]
Compendium III, Adam’s Wrath]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about maddening
fleas. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
10 This barely perceptible insect is a maddening
flea, an otherwise normal parasite that spreads a
supernatural disease with its bite. This result
reveals all vermin traits.
15 A victim that succumbs to the infection spread
by a maddening flea begins to feel giddy within
moments. Mere moments after that, the victim
succumbs to a euphoric fit, either laughing or
dancing uncontrollably. Remove disease can cure
the maddening infection.
20 Victims who succumb to euphoria also suffer
longer-lasting symptoms of the disease, which
take the form of strange delusions and encroaching
madness. Left unchecked, the delirium can reduce
an individual to the state of a lost one.
25 Like normal fleas, maddening fleas usually lay
their eggs in the fall, then die out come winter.
Sometimes, however, they may be carried inside
warm structures, which they can infest throughout
the colder months. Maddening fleas are so small
that they simply crawl under armor, ignoring its
JWM: Fine Vermin, CR 1/4, neutral. Maddening
flea swarm: Fine Vermin (Swarm), CR 3, neutral.
Otherwise normal fleas that spread a supernatural
disease with their bite, causing madness.
There was once an asylum on the outskirts of
Silbervas, as well, but it suffered a strange and
grisly fate. It was, of course, a repository for the
mad, but at length it became apparent that all who
entered its gates were at risk of insanity, as if some
contagion breathed from the very stones. The
attendants, the doctors, even the military police
sent to maintain order all succumbed.
At last the Kingfuhrer ordered the doors barred
from without, and the asylum was burned to the
ground. In this way the contagion was purged,
although the ground where once the madhouse
stood is no friendly place, and some claim still to
hear the cries of the madmen on the night air.
History of the Asylum, Lars Lorenz
Mahr [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Mahr [Gaz. 1, Barovia] Mahr [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Mahr [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
] ]
Suggested by Chris Nichols for the NS Gaz
Manta Ray
Manta Ray Manta Ray
Manta Ray
see ray
see raysee ray
see ray
Marikith (all) [Denizens of Dread]
Marikith (all) [Denizens of Dread] Marikith (all) [Denizens of Dread]
Marikith (all) [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Ravenloft’s answer to Aliens. These
aberrations inhabit the domain of Timor, located
beneath the sewers of Paridon. They feed on fear.
Marikith (shadow killer), hunter
arikith (shadow killer), hunter arikith (shadow killer), hunter
arikith (shadow killer), hunter
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread] [Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
CR 2 JWM: Black, humanoid creatures that attack
in swarms. They can squeeze their bodies through
impossibly tight spaces.
See also FoS Zherisia report : updated to a v3.5
format and Marikith Breeds : Spiderkin,
Chitterling, Man O'War, Seeker.
Shocking Incident in Devlin Street!
We have learned through reliable sources of a
gruesome occurence in Devlin Street which
occured between seven and eight P.M. yesterday
evening. While on the beat in Devlin Street Police
Constable J. Thomas Talboy came upon an
altercation involving a working man under assault
by a "black, spidery man", in PC Talboy's
memorable locution. PC Talboy raised the alarm
and gave chase and the attacker fled; when pursuit
grew hot the creature (which those who saw it
agreed could not be human) squeezed itself
through a sewer drain some 4 inches by 12 and
made good its escape. All who witnessed it agreed
it was not human, and there was much
commentary on its evil face and glowing red eyes.
In the face of such continued evidences, who can
doubt the existence of these shadow killers among
Paridon Newsbill, 7 January 758
Marikith (shadow killer), queen
Marikith (shadow killer), queen Marikith (shadow killer), queen
Marikith (shadow killer), queen
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread] [Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
CR 11 JWM: The massive, spider-like queen of a
marikith hive. (Note, the Hive Queen is an
advanced marikith queen; the DoD entry doesn’t
represent her directly.)
We had gone far, far below any point I had ever
heard of being reached by explorers; farther, in
fact, than I had believed possible. The depths of
ruined Timor contain more, both of the marvelous
and the horrible, than can be reckoned.
Its chief horror we did not meet, but my guide
described it to me, and showed me a place where a
rude picture had been daubed on a building wall--a
thing like a massive spider, but with the torso and
head of a beautiful woman, her face distorted by
fangs. If the human portion was of human size, the
whole must be larger than a horse. Those few who
have heard of her call her only "The Queen
Alfred Larner to Malcolm Scott, private
Marzanna (winter hag) [Frostburn]
Marzanna (winter hag) [Frostburn] Marzanna (winter hag) [Frostburn]
Marzanna (winter hag) [Frostburn]
JWM: Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Cold), CR
6, chaotic evil. A 5-to-8-ft. hag dressed in white
furs. Native to frozen regions, they possess several
cold- and weather-based spell-like abilities, can
tear foes apart with their claws, and can panic
creatures with their gaze. [Frostburn]
JWM: "In Vorostokov, the scheming sisters of
Gregor Zolnik were transformed into marzannas
after their brother became darklord and slew their
treacherous mother. They haunt the wilds to this
day, preying upon the populace and plotting
against their hated brother and his wolfen kind."
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about marzannas. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This crooked, marble-white crone dressed in
white furs is a marzanna, also known as a winter
hag. This result reveals all monstrous humanoid
traits and the cold subtype. Marzannas speak Giant
and Common.
21 Like all hags, marzannas possess a ravenous
appetite for humanoid flesh. Many folk believe
that marzannas hold the power of death itself, and
that by outwitting a marzanna, one may gain
immortality as the prize. If a marzanna grabs hold
of a foe with both of her claw-like hands, she can
tear the hapless creature limb from limb. The mere
presence of a hag warps the natural world around
it, which can cause natural processes — such as a
cow producing milk or even childbirth — to go
terribly wrong.
26 Marzannas do not hold the power of death
itself. Outwitting them can extend your life, but
only by convincing them not to eat you. However,
they do command many aspects of winter’s fury,
in the form the spell-like abilities alter self, bestow
curse, control weather, dancing lights, ghost
sound, ice storm, nightmare, numbing sphere,
obscuring snow, pass without trace, ray of frost,
and wall of ice. A winter hag is resistant to magic.
31 Three times per day, a marzanna can cast the
evil eye on a nearby creature just by looking at it.
Those who succumb to its dreadful power may
feel their blood run cold with fear — some may
even die of fright, their hair instantly turning
The Zolniks are all monsters at heart. Gregor is the
worst, but his sisters are not much better. They say
that his sisters hated him after he killed their
mother, and that they went out into the woods, and
took the heart of a bear and other things, and
offered it to the Old Witch herself; and the Old
Witch adopted them. Now they aren't human
either. Ogres, that's what they are. Hags. Iron
teeth, bone fingernails, breath like winter itself.
Dimitri Rossenov, Vos hunter, now residing in
Master of the Wild Hunt, the
Master of the Wild Hunt, the Master of the Wild Hunt, the
Master of the Wild Hunt, the
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Meazel [Monsters of Faerûn]
Meazel [Monsters of Faerûn] Meazel [Monsters of Faerûn]
Meazel [Monsters of Faerûn]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about meazels. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This mottled, diseased-looking humanoid is a
meazel, a race of vicious killers. This result
reveals all monstrous humanoid traits. Meazels
speak the local language.
19 Meazels are natural assassinsmost at home in
damp environments, such as swamps or sewers.
They rely on stealth when tracking their victims,
and their surprise attacks are particularly
24 Meazels are adept at dodging out of the way of
area attacks. Thanks to their webbed toes, they are
swift swimmers.
29 Most meazels suffer from a scabrous skin
disease. It causes them little discomfort, but is
highly infectious and can be lethal to non-meazels.
JWM: Medium Monstrous Humanoid, CR 4,
chaotic evil. Diseased-looking humanoids that act
as malevolent killers. They have roguish abilities
and spread their skin disease with their claws.
I often wonder what happened to Il Aluk’s
bogeyman? Since the infamous destruction of the
city, we heard nothing of this infamous sewer
denizen afterward. I guess it was destroyed with
the rest? Or is still lurking in the black shadows of
the under ground? Are his jet-black eyes still
watching for preys? Could it be possible that his
terrible needle-like teeth are still ready to kill
Added later: There was a sighting last month. So
this thing is still there. More details later after
investigate the witness.
Hans Gleam’s notes on Il Aluk’s sewer killer
Mechanical Serpent (all)
Mechanical Serpent (all) Mechanical Serpent (all)
Mechanical Serpent (all)
JWM: Golem-like constructs modeled on snakes.
Mechanical serpent, bronze serpent
Mechanical serpent, bronze serpent Mechanical serpent, bronze serpent
Mechanical serpent, bronze serpent
[Monster Manual II p40]
[Monster Manual II p40] [Monster Manual II p40]
[Monster Manual II p40]
JWM: Huge Construct, CR 10, neutral. A massive
bronze snake that can constrict and electrify foes.
Electricity repairs damage it has taken.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about bronze serpents. Characters who
recognize a bronze serpent’s nature can make a
bardic knowledge check to learn more. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
20 This massive, metal snake is a magical
construct called a bronze serpent. This result
reveals all construct traits.
25 A bronze serpent is a mindless combatant that
follows the commands of its creator. Its fangs flow
with powerful arcs of electricity rather than
venom. A bronze serpent’s metal body deflects
most attacks, but adamantine weapons can prove
30 Along with its crackling bite, a bronze serpent
can constrict its foes. It is highly resistant to
magic. This result also reveals the process for
creating bronze serpents.
35 Electricity repairs a bronze serpent rather than
dealing damage.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
25 The first bronze serpents were created in a
tropical land to guard the ancient temples of
strange serpent gods.
"The scenes caught upon the tain of the mirrors
hardly seemed to be of this world. Yet one
indisputably was. A strange serpent had infiltrated
the throne room and slithered with nigh impossible
stealth and speed into reach of the ancient seat,
being nowise deterred by the motionless and
seemingly oblivious occupant. Its strike was little
more than a blur yet a gauntleted hand swept down
to catch and hold it in mid-air. The great bulk of
the metal thing twisted and clattered about the
mailed arm, neck and leg but to no avail. It tried to
slip back into the shadows, winning but an
instance's reprieve from the iron grasp. Its captor
whispered a few words. The shape of the creature
grew perfectly distinct and the thing crashed like
thunder onto the floor where it lay still. A minute
inspection of it followed, with particular attention
falling upon its three pairs of retractable teeth and
the poisons that they bore. It stirred back to life
and no resistance was offered to it as it sought to
pierce the blackened and scorched armour and lay
the bearer low. After a flurry of strikes, it turned
and left as it had come, its bearing somehow
conveying dejection, frustration and rage."
-Tindal interviewed by Isolde
The deceased (Professor Mortimer) had just
completed the following translation, which may be
of interest:
Here rests Ashar-kon, Dweller in Eternity, Prince
of a Thousand Years. All that the earth provides
lies here with him, gold and lapis lazuli, corn,
meat and beer, weapons of war, the crook and
flail, honored servants. Over all these things we
have set a guardian, the Bronze Serpent, child of
Apep, itself a servant more faithful than death and
stronger than the passing years. Turn aside, o
faithless one, before you do harm to any thing here
present, or take one grain of corn; the Bronze
Serpent is witho...
(The translation ends here; the deceased was
apparently translating a stone tablet set on the
table before him.)
The deceased appears to have been bitten twice by
a snake of surprising size--perhaps one of the
specimens brought back from his recent expedition
to Har'Akir?
Constable Sturm Androv, from the official report
on the death of Mordentish scholar Prof. Jaspar
Mortimer in Kantora
Mechanical serpent, iron cobra [Fiend
Mechanical serpent, iron cobra [Fiend Mechanical serpent, iron cobra [Fiend
Mechanical serpent, iron cobra [Fiend
Folio p103]
Folio p103] Folio p103]
Folio p103]
JWM: Small Construct, CR 2, neutral. A cobra
constructed of iron bands, capable of tracking
down targets and delivering a poisonous bite.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about iron cobras. Characters who
recognize an iron cobra’s nature can make a bardic
knowledge check to learn more. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
12 What appears to be an armored serpent is
actually a magical construct called an iron cobra.
This result reveals all construct traits.
17 An iron cobra is a mindless combatant that
follows the commands of its creator. Like a living
serpent, an iron cobra injects venom with its fangs.
An iron cobra’s metal body deflects glancing
blows, but adamantine weapons can prove
22 An iron cobra’s internal reservoir can hold only
three doses of venom, and must be refilled by its
creator. An iron cobra is quite stealthy and is
resistant to magic. This result also reveals the
process for creating iron cobras.
27 An iron cobra can be commanded to flawlessly
track any creature whose name the creator recites,
as if using a locate creature spell.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
17 According to legend, the first iron cobras were
created ages ago and were nearly indestructible.
Fortunately, vital secrets of their construction died
with their creator, so the iron cobras that exist
today are far less powerful.
As I spoke with the famed swami we looked out
over his impeccably groomed estate. I made some
remark about the difficulty of keeping the public
from using so attractive a space as a public garden,
and Master Suriben smiled. "It is not so difficult,"
he said. "They fear the cobras."
I assured him that in their shoes (or lack thereof) I
would do the same, but that it must be difficult to
find and keep garden workers in that case. "You
have not seen my cobras," he said, smiling more
broadly now, and raised a whistle to his lips. I
heard nothing, but suddenly there was a shining
and a twinkling as what seemed to be dozens of
smooth steel-colored snakes slipped into the
garden paths and made their way toward us. As
they came and danced before their master I could
see they did not merely appear steely--they were
made of steel.
Captain John Smith, Expedition to Sri Raji
Mechanical serpent, the Shadow Serpent
Mechanical serpent, the Shadow Serpent Mechanical serpent, the Shadow Serpent
Mechanical serpent, the Shadow Serpent
(iron cobra) [Book of Souls
(iron cobra) [Book of Souls (iron cobra) [Book of Souls
(iron cobra) [Book of Souls
Keepers of
Keepers of Keepers of
Keepers of
the Coil]
the Coil] the Coil]
the Coil]
JWM: Medium Construct, CR 5, neutral evil. A
unique, major artifact version of the iron cobra.
Can merge with shadows and deliver shadow-
based effects with its poisonous bite.
“My beautiful black snake! Where is it? I lost it? I
need another one! Blue! Beautiful assassin, so
lovely, so deadly! I need meteoric iron, I need it!
Snake so deadly! And the snake ink: delightfully
distilled shadow asps! More victims for them to
bite while they die and become liquid! So
interesting to watch them shiver. The beautiful
look in their eyes. Their eluding souls! Their
beautiful souls! And then my snake is alive! By
my genius! It’s ready to punish petty offenders!
Ready to eliminate those that laugh behind my
back! Its crystal coffer will get the hairs of Lady
Islena, then the smoke pipe of Walter of Abdok,
then this farmer who’s egg contained two yolks.
All punished! All vanished! Who’s laughing now?
Then this boy who looked at me yesterday, then
Lady Islena again! Bitten! Bitten! Bitten!”,
followed by mad laughing.
Heard in a backalley of Abdok
Medusa* [Monster Manual]
Medusa* [Monster Manual] Medusa* [Monster Manual]
Medusa* [Monster Manual]
JWM: Included mainly for the sake of Althea,
darklord of Demise.
JWM: Medium Monstrous Humanoid, CR 7,
lawful evil. Female, reptilian-looking humanoids
with snakes for hair and an appearance so
repulsive, their gaze turns living creatures to stone.
from WotC know your enemy
The insidious medusa often serves as a criminal
mastermind or dastardly lieutenant to more
powerful creatures. Despite their awful
appearance, medusas possess high Charisma
scores, making them smooth-tongued liars and
dealmakers. Remember that while players may be
fully aware of the medusa's stony gaze, their
characters may not.
Knowledge (Arcana)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about medusas. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This horrific humanoid is a medusa. This
reveals all monstrous humanoid traits.
21 The gaze of a medusa turns its victims
permanently into stone.
26 Medusas have snakes for hair that inflict
powerful poison when they successfully bite.
31 Medusas are skilled at lying and keeping their
appearance hidden. They use these skills to lure
victims into believing the situation is safe before
using their abilities.
“What form! What classical beauty! Never have I
seen a finer figure. Never have I seen a fouler face.
A visage of reptilian repugnance and a crown of
hissing, spitting, snapping asps! And the eyes, my
lord, the eyes, antipodes each of that exotic,
seductive voice! Had I been still cut of the weak
stuff of mortals, the revulsion that seized me could
well have left your worthy servant as mute and
dusty as the five score of men, women and
children who will furnish till the end of the world
those twisted and accursed corridors.”
-Court Painter Octavian Marcus showing off the
latest official portrait to Azalin Rex
Meenlock* [Monster Manual II]
Meenlock* [Monster Manual II] Meenlock* [Monster Manual II]
Meenlock* [Monster Manual II]
JWM: These creatures are primarily the result of
illithid fleshcrafting, and as such are generally
found in Bluetspur.
JWM: Tiny Aberration, CR 3, lawful evil. Pitiful,
wretched creatures, the product of normal
humanoids subjected to torturous illithid
fleshcrafting. Covered in spines, and have vaguely
insect-like features. They can invade their foes’
minds, causing fear and paranoia. They can also
paralyze with a touch and, given time, transform
captured humanoids into more of their kind.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about meenlocks.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This tiny, grotesquely misshapen, insectlike
creature is a meenlock. It was once a normal
humanoid, but was monstrously transformed by
forces unknown. This result reveals all aberration
19 Meenlocks communicate using telepathy. They
shun bright light, though it does not actually harm
them. A meenlock attack with its pincers, which
secrete a paralytic toxin. The paralysis only lasts
for a minute or so, but meenlocks generally try to
bind their captive before it recovers.
24 Meenlocks are created by mind flayers through
the obscene arts of fleshcrafting. Meenlocks can
forcibly project their thoughts into other creatures’
minds, sometimes using paranoid imagery to break
a victim’s will. A meenlock can also produce an
aura of terror capable of driving victims catatonic
with fear. Meenlocks always try to capture foes
alive when they can. Live captives are dragged
deep into the meenlock’s lair.
29 A meenlock can teleport every few moments
using an ability similar to dimension door.
Meenlocks are capable of transforming normal
humanoids into more of their wretched kind. The
process requires at least three meenlocks and
several hours, so captives must be bound (and can
be rescued) in the meantime.
34 About halfway through the transformation
process, mild mutations begin and the victim falls
into a mindless coma. At this stage, the victim can
be restored to normal with a heal or greater
restoration spell. Once the transformation is
complete, the victim has no memory of its former
life. Only a wish or miracle can restore a meenlock
to normal.
We used to get all kinds of horrible things in that
part of the country. There were unfortunate
creatures--I suppose they might have been human,
or something like it, once--who appeared with
some regularity. Rather human-looking at a
distance, but with claws like a crab and mandibles-
-hence no conversational ability to speak of. My
own taste runs to the human, without elaboration
or these "meldings", but the masters of that place
apparently disagreed... I'm glad they're gone. Good
fences make good neighbors, and the Mists a good
Harkon Lukas to Jameld of Hroth, as reported to
G. Weathermay-Foxgrove
Megalodon [Monster Manual II]
Megalodon [Monster Manual II]Megalodon [Monster Manual II]
Megalodon [Monster Manual II]
Proposed by C Nichols for the NS Gaz CR 11
Merfolk [Monster Manual]
Merfolk [Monster Manual]Merfolk [Monster Manual]
Merfolk [Monster Manual]
CR ½ Proposed by C Nichols for the NS Gaz
Merrshaulki (FoS Souragne report)
Merrshaulki (FoS Souragne report)Merrshaulki (FoS Souragne report)
Merrshaulki (FoS Souragne report)
In the western part of the swamp, amidst the fetid
vines lies the mighty Ziggurat of the Great
Crocodile and heart of the Merrshaulki
civilization. The remnants of a once great race,
Merrshaulki have regressed to a more primitive
way of life, yet the still yearn for the greatness
they once had.
Midnight cat [Denizens of Dread]
Midnight cat [Denizens of Dread] Midnight cat [Denizens of Dread]
Midnight cat [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Tiny Magical Beast, CR 3, neutral evil.
Black cats, easily mistaken for housecats, which
are supposedly descended from Unseelie fey. They
feed on life force by stealing the breath of living
creatures, and they are the masters of curses, able
to deliver or remove them at will.
"How thoughtful . . . a cold, dead rat from the
local cesspool . . . . It is with slight difficulty that I
imagine those abominable wanderers laying a
curse upon you. But of this world we must put
down the piddling and the petty. Rest. Sleep. By
the dying darkness of the dawn, their shackles
shall not trouble you, your soul shall be freed of
their grasp."
-Midnight Black and The Barovians, calumnious
Invidian folktale
"You and I know that this is no trifling curse of
those abominable wanderers. There are Mist-
threaded maledictions that no claw may shred."
-The Black Cat of Beltis receiving Lord
Malocchio Aderre
Mimic [Monster Manual]
Mimic [Monster Manual] Mimic [Monster Manual]
Mimic [Monster Manual]
CR 4 Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks
in Knowledge (dungeoneering) can learn more
about mimics. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (dungeoneering)
DC Result
14 This seemingly normal object is actually a
mimic, a clever ambush predator. This result
reveals all aberration traits and the shapechanger
19 A mimic is an amorphous creature that can
assume the shape and outer appearance of nearly
any inanimate object. These creatures usually pose
as innocuous objects like chests or furniture. No
matter what shape it takes, however, a mimic is
always hard and rough to the touch.
24 Mimics wait for unwary victims to come near
— or even touch them — before striking. When
they attack, they quickly sprout pseduopods and
flail at their victims, beating and crushing them to
death. They are immune to acid. Mimics are
intelligent creatures that speak Common.
29 A mimic secretes a strong adhesive slime.
Creature or weapons that strike the mimic are
stuck fast. Alcohol dissolves the adhesive slime,
and it breaks down naturally within moments of
the mimic’s death.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
19 Mimics are sometimes used as guardians for
great treasures.
24 Some folk say mimics were created long ago
by a mad wizard, whose name is now lost to time.
JWM: Large Aberration (Shapechanger), CR 4,
neutral. An amorphous ambush hunter that takes
the form of inanimate objects, such as chests or
furniture, waiting for victims to wander up and fall
prey to its adhesive touch.
The guards' change-of-shift drew nearer, but Clive
would not be rushed in his work. Heavy gloves
protected his hands as he probed the brasswork
decorating the oaken chest, seeking a hidden catch
or keyhole. All too conscious of how soon the
sorcerer's goblyn minions would discover their
companions' demise, I would have chided him for
such overcaution ... until I recalled the story of the
Carnivorous Coffer.
Glancing up at my expression, Clive chuckled --
now, I knew why he'd told me that old thieves'
legend -- and then bared his right hand, to better
feel the tumblers shifting in the lock he'd found.
The rogue's skills proved their worth, yet again;
the chest's heavy lid swung open with nary a
creak. Inside, the medallion we'd come to liberate
lay cushioned upon rich, baled silk, its gleam
untarnished by the foulness of the fiend-marked
villain who'd hoarded it.
"Easy as cloudberry pie," my companion
murmured smugly. He reached for the medallion,
careful not to let his skin brush against the
mystical -- and dangerous -- gem inset within it.
Alas, it was the rolled-up silk beneath our prize he
should have taken equal pains not to touch....
-- Exerpt from The Sorcerer And The Succubus,
adventure-romance novel by Mrs. Felicity Henry
Mind flayer (all)
Mind flayer (all) Mind flayer (all)
Mind flayer (all)
JWM: Various life stages and subspecies of mind
flayers, the fleshcrafting rulers of Bluetspur.
Intensely alien creatures.
Mind flayer, illithid* [Mon
Mind flayer, illithid* [MonMind flayer, illithid* [Mon
Mind flayer, illithid* [Monster Manual]
ster Manual] ster Manual]
ster Manual]
JWM: Not that it matters much for these blurbs,
but just for the sake of trivia, I'm using the psionic
versions of these creatures as the default.
JWM: Medium Aberration (Psionic), CR 8, lawful
evil. Human-shaped horrors with powerful psionic
abilities and heads like cuttlefish. They see
humanoids as nothing more than chattel. [Monster
from WotC know your enemy
The dreaded mind flayer has been a favorite (and
hated) enemy of players for decades. Highly
intelligent, motivated, and possessing powerful
abilities, most players cringe at the thought of
facing one in combat. Characters are wise to do
the same or at least find out as much as they can
about these foul aberrations before rushing into
Knowledge (Arcana)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about mind flayers. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This tentacle-faced creature is a mind flayer,
also known as an illithid. This reveals all
aberration traits.
20 Mind flayers are so named for their ability to
produce a powerful mind blast that stuns creatures.
They commonly enslave sentient creatures to use
as slave labor, chattel, or both.
25 Mind flayers subsist on the brains of sentient
beings. Their facial tentacles can grapple with an
opponent and extract the brain in mere moments.
30 Mind flayers can use their psionic ability to use
the following as spell-like abilities: charm
monster, detect thoughts, levitate, plane shift, and
Sena gazed upon the blasted place with wide-eyed
confusion. Horace had the look of a hunted
animal. Which in fact he was, as were we all. I
was very much worse for wear, and more than a
little concerned that our fate now rested upon the
trustworthiness of the Vistani, and, for that matter,
of our employer. Lying on the ground between us
was a native of the sunless realm, one of the
proprietors of the vast butcher shop. The thing,
tentacles and all, was bound tight as a drum, or
nearly so, and covered with two score of leeches
supplied by the doctor. They, or at very least my
swift kick to its head, were proving to be effective.
Nonetheless, not two feet away from me, the
thing's stomach noisily digested Victor's brain. A
second kick to its head did my toe little good and
less for poor Victor. Repeated kicks to its belly
had failed to oblige it to part ways with its
breakfast. Minutes seemed to pass as hours. Then
a sudden and violent gust of wind threw up a wall
of dust. When I could see clearly again, our
rescuers and their vardos stood in waiting. We
would live to reach the ile of Domina, to deliver
the damned thing, to reap our reward.
-Brutus Nostrum retelling himself how he came to
be confined in Doctor Daclaud Heinforth's Asylum
for the Mentally Disturbed
See also: Mind Flayer "Ecology of the Mind
Flayer, The" Roger Moore Dragon#78(66)
Mind flayer, alhoon (illithilich) [Lords of
Mind flayer, alhoon (illithilich) [Lords of Mind flayer, alhoon (illithilich) [Lords of
Mind flayer, alhoon (illithilich) [Lords of
Madness] Madness]
JWM: Template Undead. An undead mind illithid
or ulitharid that, for whatever strange reasons,
chooses to become a lich rather than join the elder
brain in death. Has various lich-like powers.
See alhoon
Mind flayer, larval flayer* [Complete
Mind flayer, larval flayer* [Complete Mind flayer, larval flayer* [Complete
Mind flayer, larval flayer* [Complete
Psionic] Psionic]
JWM: Tiny Aberration (Psionic), CR 2, chaotic
evil. The larval form of illithids, just after they’re
too old to be implanted in a humanoid’s brain.
Resembles a 2-ft.-long, eyeless octopus with four
tentacles. Possesses a few psi-like abilities which
help it sneak up on prey, and can consume brains.
Dimly intelligent.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about larval flayers. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This four-tentacled, vaguely squidlike creature
is an overgrown example of a mind flayer tadpole.
This result reveals all aberration traits and the
psionic subtype.
18 Larval flayers may be less dangerous than an
adult illithid, but they pose a significant threat in
their own right. They are only dimly intelligent,
but have started to develop their psionic powers
and a taste for humanoid gray matter. Larval
flayers attack by using their tentacles to latch onto
a creature’s body, preferably its head.
23 An attached larval flayer gnaws its way through
its victim’s skull and begins devouring the
creature’s brain and spinal fluid. A larval flayer
usually eats its fill and detaches before killing its
victim, but the creature is left brain-damaged.
28 A larval flayer has developed a small array of
psi-like abilities. It can use burst and psionic
levitate three times a day, and psionic dimension
door once a day. It uses these powers to get the
drop on its prey — literally.
33 Mind flayers reproduce through a process
called ceremorphosis, in which the mind flayers
implant their tadpoles inside a living humanoid’s
brain. However, this larval flayer has grown too
large to undergo that process. If allowed to live, it
could eventually develop into a massive horror
called a neothelid.
At first I thought they was some kind of squid, or
octopus; but they warn't. There's only the four
tentacles, and the mouth's wrong; so are the eyes. I
dunno. Damnedest things I ever did draw up in my
net. They didn't look good to eat--I wouldn't eat
one--so we just chunked 'em back in the bay.
Alistair MacGrim, Mordentish fisherman
Mind flayer, neothelid* [Expanded
Mind flayer, neothelid* [Expanded Mind flayer, neothelid* [Expanded
Mind flayer, neothelid* [Expanded
Psionics Handbook]
Psionics Handbook] Psionics Handbook]
Psionics Handbook]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about neothelids. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
25 This monstrously huge, slimy, squirming worm
could be mistaken for a purple worm, but the four
tentacles ringing its lamprey-like mouth are
reminiscent of even worse horrors. This psionic
behemoth is a neothelid, said to be distantly
related to mind flayers. This result reveals all
aberration traits and the psionic subtype.
30 A neothelid can spew a cone of incredibly
acidic digestive juices at its foes, literally
liquefying them before slurping up the remains. Its
rubber hide and slime coating absorb glancing
weapon blows. Neothelids are quite intelligent and
understand Undercommon, but their minds are far
too insane to communicate with other beings.
35 Neothelids are eyeless and cannot be blinded.
They sense their surroundings through a
combination of scent, vibration, and telepathy.
Neothelids are highly resistant to psionics. Mind
flayers never speak of neothelids, and seek to
destroy them when they can.
40 Neothelids can seize creatures up to the size of
an elephant with their facial tentacles and quickly
swallow the victim whole. Neothelids also possess
the following array of psi-like abilities: body
equilibrium, psionic charm, clairvoyant sense,
psionic levitate, mind thrust, read thoughts,
psionic suggestion, psychic thrust, telekinetic
force, telekinetic maneuver, telekinetic thrust,
psionic teleport, trace teleport, and truevenom.
Neothelids are the ultimate result when mind
flayer tadpoles are allowed to mature to adulthood
without undergoing ceremorphosis. Some sages
even suggest they may represent the “true face” of
the mind flayer race.
XXVIII. The Tree of the Hydra
In a place, deep below
the lightning-wracked skies,
there is a vast cavern.
In the cavern,
grows a tree
that sings.
The tree is
In the branches,
in the leaves,
dance visions,
near and far,
was and will be.
Beneath the tree,
pinned by roots,
sleeps the Hydra.
The Hydra,
the mad worm,
with its head
of lashing whips.
Crystal roots
grow through
its hide.
The Hydra sleeps
and dreams,
one day
to awaken
and rise
and consume
the world.
-from Aark'tluch Thaan, Eleventh of the Thirteen
Texts of Thaan
"Tell us another one of your fetching stories, I
always love a good spinetingler!"
"Your words are kind, Herr Meistersinger. Since
you insist, I'll tell you about a dream I once had."
"A dream, eh? How many milkmaids were in it?"
"None, I'm afraid. I had a dream about a great, red
rock beneath a shadowed blue sky without sun or
stars, swathed in darkness without night. Beneath
this great, red rock, there was a great roaring
"Was there a great thirst in there, too?"
"I'm not sure. There was a darkness: in it, I saw
four worms. I think they were a part of that roaring
"You said it was "hunger.""
"Yes, and deep, deep down inside of that hunger, I
could hear something else. A want, a need, it was
so sad, like a teardrop falling inside of a wasp's
"What strange dreams you have."
-Retelling of a feeshka, as witnessed by Harkon
Mind flayer, ulitharid* [Lords of
Mind flayer, ulitharid* [Lords of Mind flayer, ulitharid* [Lords of
Mind flayer, ulitharid* [Lords of
Madness] Madness]
JWM: Large Aberration (Psionic), CR 12, lawful
evi. A larger, more powerful variety of illithid
with six face tentacles. They are quite rare
compared to illithids, and not even the mind
flayers themselves can predict which tadpoles will
develop into ulitharids. Leaders of the mind flayer
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about ulitharids. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
22 This mind flayer’s towering height and two
long, extra tentacles mark it as an ulitharid, a rare
and superior variety of mind flayer. This result
reveals all aberration traits and the psionic
27 Like lesser mind flayers, an ultiharid can
produce a powerful mind blast that stuns creatures.
Where ulitharids appear, they quickly rise to rule
mind flayer societies, where they are treated much
like gods.
32 Like illithids, ulitharids subsist on the brains of
sentient beings. Their facial tentacles can reach
much farther than a human arm to grapple with an
opponent and extract the brain in mere moments.
Ulitharids see all other mind flayers, including true
illithids, as lesser creatures to be used or disposed
of at will.
37 Ulitharids are powerful innate psions,
specializing as telepaths. Mind flayers reproduce
through a process called ceremorphosis, in which
the mind flayers implant their tadpoles inside a
living humanoid’s brain. Less than one in a
hundred tadpoles develops into an ulitharid.
Fortunately, not even the mind flayers themselves
understand what forces spur an ultiharid to
develop, nor do its physical characteristics develop
until ceremorphosis is well underway.
42 Ulitharids are not the ultimate rulers of mind
flayer society. Even they answer to the elder brain,
a nearly godlike entity of immense psionic power
that rules each mind flayer colony.
The darkness at the top of the dias stirred, and then
it spoke (if it did speak, for it seemed that the
words wormed directly into our minds without
passing through the air). "You will be greatly
rewarded for loyal service," it said, and there was
a feeling--like it was the most wonderful thing in
the world we had been promised, and the thing on
the dias was our kindest friend. "Come forward
and receive my blessing."
That was why we went forward, and why we didn't
run when the tentacle oozed out of the darkness,
from where the thing seemed to speak (as if--
Belenus save me!--the tentacle came from its face)
and touched each of us on the forehead in turn.
"Now," it said, and its pleasure was unmistakeable
and unspeakable, "you are mine."
Now you understand. It is calling me, and I must
from a manuscript written by Dereg ApMorte at
the time of his disappearance, Hazlan, August 759
Mind flayer, vampiric [Lords of Madness]
Mind flayer, vampiric [Lords of Madness] Mind flayer, vampiric [Lords of Madness]
Mind flayer, vampiric [Lords of Madness]
JWM: Medium Aberration (Vampire), CR 9,
chaotic evil. The product of a failed experiment
combining Lyssa von Zarovich’s necromancy with
the fleshcrafting of an ulitharid, these insane mind
flayers extract brains and drain blood.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about vampiric illithids. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 This colorless illithid is actually a feral predator
called a vampiric mind flayer. They can be
distinguished from true mind flayers by their gray
coloration and several physical mutations: long
fangs circling their lamprey-like mouths, and the
tip of each tentacle ends in a tiny, leech-like
sucker. This result reveals all undead traits.
24 Vampiric mind flayers feed on brains, blood,
and life energy — whatever presents itself. Like
living illithids, vampiric mind flayers can generate
a cone of psionic energy to stun their foes. A
vampiric mind flayer drains blood by attaching its
tentacles to a living victim, and its physical attacks
drain life energy.
29 A vampiric mind flayer’s facial tentacles can
grapple with an opponent and extract the brain in
mere moments. The creature’s slimy flesh is
unnaturally tough, but magic silver weapons can
pierce its defenses. A vampiric mind flayer’s
wounds heal very quickly.
34 Vampiric mind flayers are resistant to cold and
electricity. They are strongly resistant to magic.
The origin of vampiric mind flayers remains a
mystery, as is the question of whether they are
capable of reproducing.
JWM on the WotC board: I changed the creature's
stats for my collection (to better reflect their
origins in Ravenloft products):
DC Result
19 This colorless, feral illithid is actually a
mutation called a vampiric mind flayer. Despite
the name, these creatures are not undead. They can
be distinguished from true mind flayers by their
gray coloration and several physical mutations:
long fangs circling their lamprey-like mouths, and
the tip of each tentacle ends in a tiny, leech-like
sucker. This result reveals all aberration traits.
Actually Vampiric Mind Flayers are undead. The
entry in Lords of Madness p.g 160 lists the
creature as Medium Undead. It also says the
following in the description:
A vampiric mind flayer is a unique form of
undead, more like a wight or a wraith than a
vampire. It is not derived from adding the vampire
template to a mind flayer.
Take a beautiful and rebellious blood sucker,
naturally a von Zarovich, who gains in a few
moments, by way of a tussle with a ghost and
former lover, power that rivals that of the most
venerable vampire. Add a daring, would be
usurper from a race of cuttlefish-headed, brain
eating, telepathic humanoids who are all thralls of
omniscient fused grey matter afloat in a vat. Stir
blood sucking and brain eating together in an ill-
advised, indeed unspeakable, abomination, so that
Count Strahd and, for want of a better title, Lord
Brine, and indeed the sun itself might shake with
fear. Toss in a dash of the Apparatus for extra
terror. And serve. A recipe that not only beggars
belief, but that invites suspicion. What party has
put it into my hands, thinking me fool enough to
publish it and thereby discredit myself and my
-Working note, Van Ritchen’s Guide to Vampires
JWM: I'm going to have to veto this one on a
trifling matter -- at the time that Van Richten
published VRGtVampires (735 BC), it would be
another four years before Lyssa von Zarovich and
the High Master Illithid created vampiric mind
flayers (739 BC).
The tableau was of a beautiful young woman,
scantily clad, beset by two unclothed, cuttlefish-
headed humanoids. The one had torn open her
neck and was about to lap with its veined, purple
tongue at the blood that flowed freely. The other
had wrenched open her skull and with its tentacles
was ripping her brain from its seat. This was a
death unlike any I had witnessed. And if I dared
reach out and touch the orb, I too could savour the
experience .
“Chapter 26 - The Hall of Records,” Secrets of the
Sith, unpublished work of the Kartakan dirgist
Life’s Long Lament
Mind flayer
Mind flayer Mind flayer
Mind flayer
voir aussi MM5 Thoon
voir aussi MM5 Thoonvoir aussi MM5 Thoon
voir aussi MM5 Thoon
Mist Mist
Mist subtype
] ]
Voir VRGttM p 24
] ]
] ]
Mist ferryman [Denizens of Dread]
Mist ferryman [Denizens of Dread] Mist ferryman [Denizens of Dread]
Mist ferryman [Denizens of Dread]
CR 4
Ferryman, Ferryman what do you charge?
One for the small, two for the large
Ferryman, Ferryman where do we tread?
Across the river and past the dead
Ferryman, Ferryman what shall we see?
The rolling mists and the hanging tree
Ferryman, Ferryman we cannot pay!
You shall not see the light of day
Darkonian childrens rhyme
Mist horror* [Denizens of Dread]
Mist horror* [Denizens of Dread] Mist horror* [Denizens of Dread]
Mist horror* [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Template Outsider (Incorporeal, Mists,
Shapechanger). See below; mist horrors are the
final form of creatures that failed enough powers
checks to become darklords, but didn’t interest the
Dark Powers enough to earn one. Entry also
includes the wandering horror variant.
The skald's frightful words of warning, whether
intended for our good or his private amusement,
were well founded or nearly so. The swamp that
we sought, deep in the south, was as thick with
dead trees as any of us had seen and was thicker
still with mists. Our every step was laboured, we
lost our way repeatedly, sound travelled oddly, the
thing that we sought proved to be elusive, and we
could not shake the sense of impending doom.
Then, as exhaustion set in, the atmosphere seemed
to lighten a bit and we paused upon a solid and
barren piece of ground. Perhaps we stayed too
long. Whatever the case, our surprise was total
when the blows of the dead tree, which had not
been there when we arrived, crashed down about
our heads. The thing was as massive, twisted,
withered, monstrous and dreadful as the bard had
said. It preceded to rush forth, driving those of us
that it did not manage to trample, into the fetid
muck, where our disadvantage was complete. It
had overlooked Ulrich however, who had dosed
off and was ever slow in rousing himself. When he
had at last collected his senses, his brain refused to
credit the sight before him, bard’s tale be damned.
Apparently no tree in Lamordia ever mired men in
water and raked them with choking eldritch forces,
or indeed anything of the sort. And so the tide
began to turn.
-From the last journal entry of Hardian
Wordsworth, the work being held in the private
collection of Harkon Lukas
JWM: For sake of trivia, I completely rewrote this
template from scratch, essentially ignoring
everything Denizens of Dread has to say. Just keep
in mind that a mist horror is an animate bank of
mist that has no "true form"; using the template
system, it reaches into its victims' minds and takes
the form of their greatest fear -- partly physically,
and partly through illusion. (The two "example
mist horrors" I provide are "mist horror, kraken
form" and "mist horror, drider form.") The mist
horror encounter early in Dance of the Dead is a
nice example.
Mist Horror
Mist horrors lurk within the swirling Mists of
Ravenloft. These wrathful entities are drawn to
any travelers who linger too long in the Misty
In its true form, a mist horror is a vast, shapeless
cloud of thin mist. Since they can never leave the
Misty Border, mist horrors are nearly undetectable
in this form. When they attack, they coalesce into
nightmarish forms drawn from the deepest fears of
their victims. Thus, if a victim is terrified of
snakes, a mist horror might assume the form of a
dire snake or monstrous viper. A mist horror’s
combat forms are featureless shapes seemingly
composed of incredibly dense fog, but it conceals
itself within phantasmal facades to complete the
Countless theories have been presented to explain
the origin of mist horrors. For example, many
Vistani strongly believe that anyone who is buried
on a foggy day is fated to rise as a mist horror.
This may not be true, but the Vistani’s belief has
lent it great credence among many folk.
Another theory holds that mist horrors arise from
the slain victims of mist golems (see pg. #). If this
is true and former comrades can capture the
particular horror, the creature may be restored to
life by means of a resurrection or true resurrection
Others believe that mist horrors represent the fate
of evil creatures who enter the Misty Border and
refuse to leave, either because they are desperately
seeking a way out of the Demiplane of Dread or
because they hope to avoid some worse fate back
in the material world. In the strangely twisting
time of the Mists, creatures can survive far longer
in the Mists than they should. Eventually, their
bodies fade away, but their spirits live on,
becoming mist horrors.
The grimmest theory may also be the closest to the
truth: That mist horrors represent the final,
pathetic fate of evildoers who condemned
themselves with their evil deeds but failed to
convince the Dark Powers that they deserved their
own domains. These damned and discarded souls
are exiled to the Mists, each villain imprisoned in
its own featureless territory, forever. Long after
their bodies die, these wretched spirits live on,
slowly merging with the Mists of Ravenloft
themselves. Mist horrors are aware that they have
been passed over, and their envy of even the most
pathetic true darklords drives them to terrorize
victims to prove themselves “worthy” of their own
Although mist horrors are technically undead, they
have merged so thoroughly with the planar fabric
of the Demipane of Dread that little of their
undead essence remains.
A mist horror in its true, dispersed form fills a
space (10 feet × Hit Dice) to a side. Its vaporous
form is weightless.
Mist horrors can communicate telempathically
with any creature within 100 feet that has a
language. This communication takes the form of
impressions and feelings rather than concrete
words or concepts. They sometimes try to use this
ability to persuade creatures to enter the Misty
Border but, due to the range limit, can only do so
when the creatures are already on the verge of
entering on their own.
Mist horrors lurk in the Misty Border in their mist
form, eagerly waiting for travelers to wander
through their territory. Once a mist horror detects
new victims, it uses its empathic probe first to
subtly persuade the creatures to stop and rest, then
again to draw a monstrous shape from its victims’
deepest fears. This monstrous shape becomes the
base creature used in this template. While its
unwitting victims remain in the area, the mist
horror uses its alternate form ability to assume the
shape of its victims’ nightmares and attacks.
A mist horror remains unseen until it assumes a
combat form and attacks, at best visible as an
ominous ripple in the omnipresent fog. Once it has
assumed a combat form, a mist horror tries to take
its victims by surprise, lunging at them from out of
the fog. If possible, it may use its empathic probe
again to terrify and scatter a group of foes. A mist
horror uses its phantasmal façade to try to
convince foes that it actually is a creature straight
from their nightmares, but usually continues to
fight if this façade is shattered. Should the tide of
battle turn against a mist horror, it shifts back into
its dispersed true form and blends into the Mists of
Ravenloft to hide.
Sample Mist Horrors
Mist Horror, Drider Form: Large Outsider
(Incorporeal, Mists, Shapechanger), CR 8, neutral
Mist Horror, Kraken Form: Gargantuan Outsider
(Incorporeal, Mists, Shapechanger), CR 13,
neutral evil.
The template in a nutshell:
* d8 HD.
* Natural AC replaced by deflection bonus, like
* Tentacle rake attacks
* Disruptive aura: spellcasters need to make
Concentration checks to cast spells within 30 feet
of a mist horror.
* Empathic probe: A mist horror can scan surface
thoughts as a standard action. This has two uses: it
can improve or worsen a foe's morale, or it can
grab a feared mental image and take that form.
* Phantasmal Facade: In a combat form, a mist
horror gains none of the base creature's special
attacks. However, it can wrap itself in phantasms
to complete the illusion of being that creature.
This also allows it to use phantasmal versions of
the base creature's special attacks (which can be
disbelieved). A foe who disbelieves one attack
sees through the facade and can't be affected by
any of the mist horror's other phantasms for 24
* Alternate Form: A mist horror can take any form
(noting the above), but takes 4d10 minutes to do
* Damage reduction 10/magic.
* Mistbound: Can never leave a specific "territory"
within the Misty Border (usually about a square
* Mist Form: The mist horror's true form.
Gaseous, hard to detect or damage, but can't make
any physical attacks.
Mistvision: A new special quality shared by a
couple of creatures: It can see twice as far as
normal in fog or mist, including obscuring mist.
* Spell resistance 20.
* Has most of the standard undead immunities, but
can't be turned.
* Dex +4, Cha +2, if base creature has no Con,
then Con equals Cha.
* CR: Base creature +1.
Basically, mist horrors would have been explicitly
written into the revised powers check rules -- the
result of someone who fails all the powers checks
but isn't worthy of becoming a darklord.
] ]
Mob* Mob*
[Dungeon Master’s Guide II p59]
[Dungeon Master’s Guide II p59] [Dungeon Master’s Guide II p59]
[Dungeon Master’s Guide II p59]
Riot (Mob of Humans): This example uses a 1st-
level human warrior as the base creature. These
mobs often form as the result of social uprisings or
entire villages pouring out of their homes with
torches and pitchforks to hunt down some
despised monster plaguing their community.
What world worn and weary travellers were we
when we reached the village, with a horde of
goblins, Marbh-Cathair, and Dargal Pass behind
us. But civilization was no salvation. I was tried
and, in due course, found innocent, by reason of
enchantment, of consorting with fey. And Ellana
was spared the torment of being burnt alive. For
not a moment was lost by the rabble that had been
gathered against us in bending its pitch-forks and
blunting its scythes in the task of reducing her
lithe form to an unrecognisable pulp. The crime
was instigated by a man possessed of a silver
tongue, more so than any agent of the Kargat, and
a terrible cruelty, for at trial he took up my
defence and imposed upon me the sentence of life
without her.
-Hatred Cannot Be Defeated with Hatred’s
Weapons, autobiography of Cato August
Shambling Horde (Mob of Zombies): This
example uses a human warrior zombie as the base
creature. An unbroken line of shambling hordes
like this one, two mobs deep, forms along
Darkon’s borders whenever Azalin closes the
domain’s borders. If one such shambling horde is
dispersed, its neighbors move over on their next
turn to close the gap.
The Great King then said, "This is unacceptable.
Call up the Fourth Light Horse, and have
Brigadier Jespeth bring his archers to the site of
the incursion. There will be no servant of the
Hawk left alive in my dominion by nightfall."
At the time I privately doubted our monarch could
make good on his boast. I did not know--could not
know--the sheer magnitude of the Horde's
terrifying strength. The dead themselves rose
against the invaders, and like the seventh wave
they swept all before them.
General Amarad Faspain, Memoirs, chapter six,
"The First Dead Man's Campaign"
Stampede (Mob of Horses): This example uses a
horse as the base creature. The herds of wilds
horses that roam Nova Vaasa are easily spooked,
particularly if startled by a creature canny enough
to send them trampling through a group of its
Upon the Thundering Plains there are many
reasons to sleep in the saddle: diamondbacks,
sidewinders, ironwhips, cobras and, of course,
plain cats. But let me tell you another: stampedes.
Rødbuge are more likely to run you down than to
go around you. And Vindhåre, although less likely
to trample you as you flee, are far quicker, often
catching you where you lie. These earth shaking
waves break about you all too often. Hestdrikkers
get among the horses or, worse, hestskærere get
into them. To say nothing of the stallions with
hell-fire for blood. And of course a few of the
animals are simply born misanthropic or mad.
-Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse smuggler
wanted for desertion from the Falkovnian army,
recounting the dangers of his profession
Mohrg [Monster Manual]
Mohrg [Monster Manual] Mohrg [Monster Manual]
Mohrg [Monster Manual]
CR 8 Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(religion) can learn more about mohrgs. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
18 The writhing intestines in this skeletal horror
mark it as a mohrg. This result reveals all undead
23 Mohrgs are the animated corpses of
unrepentant mass murderers and similar ilk. The
touch of a mohrg’s long, clawed tongue paralyzes
living creatures.
28 These powerful undead llatch onto foes with
their bony hands, then continue to attack them
while grappling.
33 People killed by mohrgs rise from the grave
several days later as mindless zombies under the
mohrg’s control.
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 8, chaotic evil. The
animated corpses of mass murderers. Though
nearly skeletal, they have long, prehensile tongues
that can paralyze their foes. Slain victims spawn
more mohrgs.
Only after consulting the dusty, worm-eaten tome
given to me by Mad Mikaal did I grasp the nature
of the killings that gripped the city for the last four
months. A murder once every five days, done with
varying weapons - axe, spear, sword, flail, scythe,
dagger, sickle, club. At every murder, three
symbols smeared in blood. Every body marked
with strange punctures.
The book, a ancient history of Bergovista, at first
seemed a pointless distraction, written in an
archaic form of Vaasi and so deteriorated that its
title was lost to mildew. But in the midst of lists of
long-dead officals and accounts of criminals hung,
I found the clue Mikaal had meant for me to find.
The three symbols from the crimes looked back at
me from the page.
The faded script revealed that the symbols, reading
'Roh An Kaut' described a kind of spiritual belief -
the details of which were over my head -
subscribed to by a society or cult called the Circle
of Roh An Kaut. The followers of Roh An Kaut
plagued the city at some point in the past, killing
once a fiveday. Each member of the Circle of Roh
An Kaut weilded a specific weapon; an axe, a
spear, and a flail were mentioned.
According to the record, the entire Circle was
eventually trapped in their lair and the entire
structure put to the torch. After the fire had done
its work, the bodies of the killers were thrown into
a deep pit beneath the city and the pit filled with
At the end of this tale was a drawing, without
caption or explanation. It showed a gape-jawed
skull of malevolent aspect with a fat, clawed worm
protruding from its jaws.
- report by Constable Hardan Harstin of
See also Dragon #336
Mongrelfolk [Fiend Folio]
Mongrelfolk [Fiend Folio] Mongrelfolk [Fiend Folio]
Mongrelfolk [Fiend Folio]
JWM: "Mongrelfolk, hideous creatures descended
from generations of crossbreeding among the
worst examples of many species, exhibit few
redeeming qualities. The darklord of G’Henna,
Yagno Petrovna, possesses the ability to transform
those who have failed his god Zhakata into
mongrelfolk. Many folk believe, perhaps not
wrongly, that these wretched creatures are merely
a particularly twisted form of caliban."
JWM: Medium Humanoid (Mongrelfolk), CR 1/2
(1st-level warrior), lawful neutral. Hideously
deformed humanoids created by generations of
interbreeding between disparate humanoid
creatures. Yagno Petrovna can transform
humanoids into mongrelfolk with a special rite.
Considered a form of caliban. Excellent mimics.
Mongrelfolk Lore
Fiend Folio
(Again, this one comes with a little extra
Ravenloft content. Just ignore the underlined bits
if you aren't playing Ravenloft.)
Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks in
Knowledge (local) can learn more about
mongrelfolk. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
10 This hideously misshapen humanoid is a
mongrelfolk, a twisted hybrid of many different
humanoid races. This result reveals all humanoid
15 A mongrelfolk can mimic any sound or voice it
has heard. Many people believe mongrelfolk are
closely related to calibans.
20 Because their heritage blends so many different
racial backgrounds, a mongrelfolk can emulate a
specific race for the purpose of using magic items,
much like a rogue can emulate a specific
alignment to the same end.
25 The high priest of G’Henna, Yagno Petrovna,
knows a rite that can permanently transform
normal humanoids into mongrelfolk. It is believed
he can also restore mongrelfolk to normal, though
he has never done so.
Petrovna turned and stared out over us, his eyes
bulging. "See now the hand of the Destroyer raised
against this heretic!" he shouted, and raved in like
manner for something like half an hour. I will not
bother to repeat his tirade, most of which was
repititious in the extreme, but the climax, when it
came, was appallingly swift. Turning back to the
young woman chained to the altar, he drews his
hand down her face, then across her torso, and spat
on her. For a moment she struggled, screaming,
against her bonds, and as she did so her limbs
twisted out of true and her flesh ran like melting
wax. She had gone up a plain girl, ordinary in
every way save for her supposed sin; she came
down inhumanly wracked and deformed, and fled
into the desert as we watched. That ended the
Larraby Quift, Journeys Through the Mists
See also: Mongrelman "Ecology of the
Mongrelman, The" Jonathan M. Richards
Dragon#242(86) D&D2
Monkey (monster manual)
Monkey (monster manual)Monkey (monster manual)
Monkey (monster manual)
Moonbeast [Monster Manual II]
Moonbeast [Monster Manual II] Moonbeast [Monster Manual II]
Moonbeast [Monster Manual II]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about
moonbeasts. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
26 This towering mass of writhing tentacles is an
unearthly horror called a moonbeast. Moonbeasts
are rarely seen, even by their victims, since they
can remain invisible even in combat. This result
reveals all aberration traits.
31 Moonbeasts attack by snatching up smaller
creatures with their tentacles. They then crush the
life from their victims while transferring them to
its jawless, fanged mouth to devour them.
Moonbeasts are strictly nocturnal.
36 A moonbeast’s four rings of eyestalks can see
in all directions at once, making it very difficult to
catch the creature unawares. A moonbeast is
continuously surrounded by a terrifying aura.
Despite its bulk, a moonbeast’s slightly
amorphous physique allows it to squeeze through
gaps much smaller than itself. Moonbeasts are
often found guarding large, valuable gems called
41 A moonstone can call upon several potent
spell-like abilities, including cloudkill,
disintegrate, dispel magic, Evard’s black tentacles,
fog cloud, and mirror image. It can also blast foes
with storms of fire, sleet, and lightning and
summon creatures to its aid. The moonbeast itself
is highly resistant to spells, however. Moonbeasts
actually produce moonstones themselves, much as
an oyster produces a pearl. Mortals who gain
possession of moonstones often find them
enchanting, and are unusually reluctant to part
with them.
46 Moonbeasts are mystically linked to their
moonstones. A moonbeast will relentlessly track a
stolen moonstone, mercilessly destroying any
resistance it meets along the way.
JWM: "In sunless Bleutspur, moonbeasts' activity
cycles are somewhat reversed; they emerge from
their subterranean niches to prowl the shattered
plains during the lightless 'day,' retreating into the
earth as the first bolts of lightning strike the
mountain peaks to mark the coming of 'night.'"
On Moonstones: "The illithids of Bluetspur are
aware of the connection between moonbeasts and
moonstones and sometimes turn it to their
advantage, scheming to slip a moonstone into the
hands of an elusive rival or dissident. The illithids
then sit back and wait, patiently waiting for the
roused moonbeast to eliminate the marked foe for
"A moonbeast cannot sense the location of its
moonstone across a planar boundary (including the
Misty Border), but it can sense its moonstone
anywhere within the same Mist-bound cluster. A
moonbeast that cannot sense its moonstone
rampages blindly, wandering at random and
attacking any creatures it encounters. Such a
rampaging moonbeast may enter the Misty Border,
emerging in another domain. "
JWM: Huge Aberration, CR 16, chaotic evil. A
massive, nocturnal cylinder of flesh covered in
writhing tentacles. It’s surrounded by a fear aura,
can crush foes, and possesses lethal numerous
spell-like abilities. They excrete pearl-like
moonstones, which they usually ignore, but cannot
stand to have in the possession of other creatures.
Moonbeasts have a mystical bond with their
moonstones and relentlessly hunt down those who
carry them. More Bluetpsur fauna.
The old man came in quietly; I do not know how
long he had been there when I first saw him. When
he saw I had noticed, he came forward, smiling a
soft unpleasant smile. "You must be Master
Goldwin's daughter," he said. I assured him he was
correct and asked if he knew my father. "Yes," he
replied. "He and I are...old friends." There was
something in his voice and manner which I did not
like, but I thought little of it then.
He reached into his pocket and brought out a
beautiful grey-blue gemstone of a kind I have
never seen previously. "I owe your father a gift,"
he said, still smiling. "Please, give this to him, and
tell him with it I intend to heal the rift between us.
If only he will accept it, all is forgiven, all is
forgotten. Can you do that?"
I said I would, but that if he cared to wait he could
present it to my father himself. "Ah," he said, "the
press of business takes me from here, and I must
be far off before he returns. But see that he gets
the stone." Turning, he donned hat and jacket and
The Moonstone, from Twelve Tales of the
Macabre, Jean Lafolie
Moonrat [Monster Manual II]
Moonrat [Monster Manual II] Moonrat [Monster Manual II]
Moonrat [Monster Manual II]
JWM: Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1/4, any evil.
Otherwise normal rats that gain up to human-level
intelligence under the light of the moon, growing
stronger and smarter as the moon waxes.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about moonrats. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This normal-looking rat is actually a moonrat, a
creature mystically linked to the cycles of the
moon. This result reveals all magical beast traits.
17 A moonrat has an exceptionally sharp sense of
smell, which warn it in time to dodge away from
many area attacks. It cannot be flanked.
22 As the moon grows full, a moonrat grows
stronger and more intelligent. During the three
nights of a full moon, a moonrat is as strong and
intelligent as the average human. During these
phases, moonrats plot and scheme to fulfill their
selfish desires.
“We had come prepared for trouble. But there was
no sign of the giant rats or their even more terrible
kin. Still our advance was shadowed by the plague
of their mundane cousins. They twittered among
themselves, some in front, some behind, some to
the flanks, occasionally growing most excited, as
we paused in, or met hurdles to, our advance.
After much toil we reached the ruins and attained
their pinnacle, free at last of the scurvied
company. And there was the circle, inscribed upon
a sheet of basalt, its lines glowing faintly in the
moon light. It was ours but we were still far from
the security of home. One by one we died. A rope
broke. A hail of stone swept down the cliff. A
horse reared and fell. Our food bore the touch of
Death. The flashing tusks of enraged boars were
anointed with our blood as saddle straps snapped
and stirrups failed. It was my near immolation that
proved, the Smiling One be thanked, my salvation.
I hurdled myself into la Rivière des Sacrifices and
was swept beyond the claws of the doom that
stalked us.”
- Pierre Gauldamon justifying his failed expedition
into la Maison des Savants
Moorfolk (Moor Man) [Denizens of
Moorfolk (Moor Man) [Denizens of Moorfolk (Moor Man) [Denizens of
Moorfolk (Moor Man) [Denizens of
ead] ead]
JWM: Medium Humanoid (Moorfolk), CR 3,
chaotic evil. Pale, hairless human-like creatures
with outsized eyes. They hunt in swamps and
moors, and decorate their bodies with magic
symbols that grant them special abilities.
[Denizens of Dread]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can
learn more about moorfolk. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This mud-caked, bald, humanlike person is one
of the moorfolk. This result reveals all humanoid
traits. The moorfolk have their own language, but
a few clever members of each clan might also
speak a local tongue.
18 Moorfolk are nocturnal hunters. They generally
subsist on fish and the other small game found in
their damp territories, but they are not above
hunting humanoid intruders for food as well. The
moorfolk’s oversized eyes allow them to see
exceptionally well in the dark, but they are blinded
by bright daylight.
23 Moorfolk decorate their bodies with arcane
designs painted on with mixtures of pigment and
clay. Each sigil actually holds a small amount of
magical power, giving the moorfolk who wears it
special talents or bonuses to its existing abilities.
There are, of course, little people who live in the
fens, that much is true; but much of what is
associated with them by folklore and tittle-tattle
has no basis in fact. To mention only a few
examples, they do not eat human flesh, they do
have shadows, they are not fey, and they cannot
turn into moor-hounds (at least, we have found no
reliable reports of such). They do practice the
strange and powerful art of making living tattoos,
and every adult moor-man bears one; but this is an
idiosyncracy which confirms, rather than denying,
their essential humanity.
Laurie and Gennifer Weathermay-Foxgrove,
Survey of Mordent (still unpublished)
Moose [Dragon Magazine #327 p 87]
Moose [Dragon Magazine #327 p 87]Moose [Dragon Magazine #327 p 87]
Moose [Dragon Magazine #327 p 87]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about moose. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This great antlered creature is a moose, a
large herbivore. This result reveals all animal
DC 16: Moose are physically powerful, and they
can prove dangerous when defending themselves
or their young.
Morkoth [Monster Manual II]
Morkoth [Monster Manual II] Morkoth [Monster Manual II]
Morkoth [Monster Manual II]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about morkoths.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
17 This strange cross between a deep-sea fish and
an octopus is called a morkoth. This result reveals
all aberration traits and the aquatic subtype.
22 Morkoths are highly intelligent predators that
construct labyrinthine lairs for themselves out of
rocks or coral on the sea bed. When they strike,
morkoths snap at prey with a painful bite.
27 Morkoth tunnels have strangely hypnotic
effects. Any creature passing near the entrance to a
morkoth’s lair may be entranced to enter the
tunnels, swim to the center of the maze, and
calmly wait to be devoured. A morkoth can still
hypnotize nearby creatures while outside its lair,
but its ability is less potent.
32 A morkoth is powerfully resistant to magic. If a
morkoth successfully resists a spell, it actually
reflects the magic back at its caster. If a morkoth
fails to deflect a dispel magic spell, its spell
reflection is suppressed for a few seconds. It is
always possible to find a way out of a morkoth’s
lair by simply putting a hand to the wall and
following it, though this is rarely the shortest
possible route.
JWM: Medium Aberration (Aquatic), CR5,
chaotic evil. Highly intelligent sea monsters
resembling a cross between a deep sea fish and an
octopus. Their spell resistance actually reflects
spells at their casters, and they construct winding,
hypnotic mazes for lair, which they use to lure,
trap, and disorient prey.
Down, down, down!
Round, round, round!
The master of the ocean deep
Has bid you dine within his keep.
A garden maze he's laid without
To keep unwelcome people out,
A labyrinth he's laid within
To keep his dinner guests with him.
He has a beak to nibble with,
He has the body of a fish.
Down, down, down!
Round, round, round!
Blaustein children's rhyme
Mule Mule
Mule [Monster Manual
[Monster Manual [Monster Manual
[Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about mules. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This equine creature is a common mule, a
domestic cross between a horse and a donkey.
This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: Mules are commonly used as beasts of
burden, and are noted for being particularly
surefooted. They have a reputation for being
Mummified cre
Mummified creMummified cre
Mummified creature* [Libris Mortis
ature* [Libris Mortisature* [Libris Mortis
ature* [Libris Mortis,
, ,
Dragon 300
Dragon 300Dragon 300
Dragon 300]
] ]
(This is based on Eric Cagle’s Mummy Lore)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s mummified nature.
Characters may need to make a separate
Knowledge check to learn about the base creature.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
18 This withered, monstrous corpse, still wrapped
in tattered funereal wrappings, is a mummified
creature. This result reveals all undead traits.
23 Mummified creatures are often created to act as
guardian for holy sites, such as tombs or temples.
They are often marked with symbols of the gods
worshipped by their creators. It relentlessly hunts
down all intruders. Mummified creatures generally
retain all the special attacks and qualities of the
base creature.
28 The mere sight of a mummified creature
invokes tremendous despair, which can paralyze
its victims. Mummies have unnaturally tough flesh
that resists glancing weapon blows, but they are
highly flammable.
33 The touch of a mummified creature inflicts a
horrible disease known as mummy rot. This
incredibly fast-acting disease is actually a curse,
and is cured only by casting break enchantment or
remove curse. This disease is highly resistant,
though not immune, to healing spells. Victims
killed by mummy rot crumble away to dust.
JWM: These creatures are undead (walking dead),
rather than deathless (ancient dead). The rationale
is that their origins lie in twisted necromantic
attempts to replicate the nature of the ancient dead.
JWM: Template Undead. A mummified version of
just about any creature. (The sample creature is an
ogre.) [Libris Mortis]
What fools we were to let hope cloud judgement.
Clearly Raoul’s mind had been unhinged by our
time in the Amber Wastes. Our personable,
unassuming, ever practical friend had become
haughty, domineering, grandiose, and not just a
little delusional. After he roast alive a flock of
sheep, insisting that they were assassins sent
against his august person, we at last broached with
him the question of institutionalisation. He seemed
saner afterwards, persuading us that he only
needed bed rest and accepting that Annabel
accompany him home. Two months later the
enormity of our error came loping down his
laneway. There to greet us was his beloved old
wolf hound Luthia or rather an abomination of the
loyal old gal. For between those creaking bones
and within that drum tight skin there was no life.
-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Luteum,
Darkonese adventurer
See also Dragon #300
Mummy* [Monster Manual]
Mummy* [Monster Manual] Mummy* [Monster Manual]
Mummy* [Monster Manual]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 5, lawful evil.
Desiccated humanoids that are resistant to damage
and spread supernatural disease with their touch.
An undead version of the ancient dead.
Dr#300 - Oct 02 - Ecology of the mummy -
Interesting read for any Amber Wastes campaign.
Useful ideas.
from WotC know your enemy
Knowledge (Religion)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more mummies. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
18 This withered and desiccated corpse, which is
wrapped in funerary bandages, is a mummy. This
result reveals all undead traits.
23 Mummies are used as guardians for great tombs
or temple complexes, hunting down and
destroying grave robbers. They never retreat.
28 The mere sight of a mummy invokes
tremendous despair, which can paralyze its
victims. Mummies have DR 5/--, but they are
vulnerable to fire damage.
33 The touch of a mummy inflicts a horrible
disease known as mummy rot. This incredibly
fast-acting disease is not natural and is cured only
by casting break enchantment or remove curse.
This disease is highly resistant, though not
immune, to healing spells. Sometimes, powerful
individuals are preserved as greater mummies,
retaining some of their skills and abilities that they
had in life.
Foreboding fired by silence brought us to his door.
But not one of us had come prepared for the horror
of having to hammer to dust the dried and
withered shell of his wolf hound, a creature that in
life was loved by all. Each of us knew a grimmer
task, indeed grimmer tasks, lay within. It would
probably not be the life but rather the soul of
Annabel that we would have to save, or rather lay
to rest. And as for Raoul, in life or in death, he and
the secret knowledge he had acquired during our
damnable visit to the great tomb of Anhktepot had
to be purged from existence. We did not, however,
proceed rashly. We had not forgotten the terrible
strength of those accursed bones and the rotting
touch of that leathery skin. We would confirm the
fate of Annabel and, having laboured hard so that
all was in readiness, burn the place to the ground.
-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Luteum,
See also Pathfinder classic horror revisited and
#300 and 336.
Mummy, bog (Dragon mag
Mummy, bog (Dragon mag Mummy, bog (Dragon mag
Mummy, bog (Dragon mag
Proposed par JP
Murk [Libris Mortis]
Murk [Libris Mortis]Murk [Libris Mortis]
Murk [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Medium Undead (Incorporeal), CR 3,
chaotic evil. A blot of undead essence with a sliver
of sentience. Appears as a humanoid silhouette. Its
touch deals Wisdom damage, which upgrades to
negative levels once the victim loses all Wisdom.
Slain victims spawn more murks.
"Step out into the light!" the farmer told us, and
we obliged. As we did so he relaxed visibly, and
said, "Come on up, then. Slowly, now!" We did as
he asked, and I saw that he took careful note of the
footprints we left in the pre-dawn dew on the
"Sorry," he said, shaking our hands as we reached
him. "I've gotten some visitors recently as have me
jumping at every shadow--and I do mean, shadow.
The other day my son saw one in the barn--a big
black shadow with no man to cast it, and eyes like
red embers. I guess our neighbors have gotten
restless." He nodded in the direction of the
Shallowford cemetary, perhaps a furlong to the
Mattias Mikkelson to Laurie Weathermay-
Foxgrove, private correspondence
Naga, Naga,
Naga, all
JWM: Serpents with humanoid-like heads. Highly
intelligent and possessed of supernatural powers.
Generally found in Sri Raji.
Naga, bone [Monster Manual II]
Naga, bone [Monster Manual II]Naga, bone [Monster Manual II]
Naga, bone [Monster Manual II]
JWM: Large Undead, CR 11, lawful evil. A dark
naga in life, transformed into a skeletal monster
after death by another dark naga using a magical
rite. They're powerful sorcerous spellcasters, and
can still deliver a poisonous bite or sting. They
serve the master that created them, but are highly
intelligent and can choose how to follow those
orders. Communicate telepathically.
(I used Eric Cagle's spirit naga lore as a basis for
this and the following entry.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about bone nagas. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
21 This skeletal serpent is an undead creature
called a bone naga. It was a dark naga in life, and
could only have been created through the magic of
another dark naga. This result reveals all undead
26 Bone nagas are intelligent minions and
powerful sorcerous spellcasters. The retain a living
dark nagas’s poisonous bite and tail stinger. A
bone naga’s negative-energy infused venom is
much deadlier than that of its living kin, however..
31 Because they lack internal organs or other
fleshy tissues, bone nagas are unbothered by cold
and simply shrug off minor blows from slashing
and piercing weapons.
36 A bone naga can read other creatures’ minds
and communicate with them telepathically.
However, their own minds cannot be penetrated.
"I am my brother's slave," the bone-naga
whispered, and its bones rattled like the castanets
of a dancer as it wound its way around the pillars
of the temple chamber. "He has commanded me
that I shall slay all who enter the antechamber of
his abode."
"All who enter the antechamber," Suri said. "Then
if I came into your brother's house by another
"I guard the antechamber," the bone-naga replied.
Then Suri knew what she should do. "Kali bless
you, Wise One," she said, "and send you rest."
The House of the Naga, Amrit Sri Kefnan
See also Dragon #336
Naga, dark [Monster Manual]
Naga, dark [Monster Manual] Naga, dark [Monster Manual]
Naga, dark [Monster Manual]
(under Naga)
(under Naga)(under Naga)
(under Naga)
JWM: Large Aberration, CR 8, lawful evil. A
scheming serpant with a rubbery, purple hide,
making it look somewhat like an eel. They have a
poisonous bite and a stinger at the end of their tail.
They're resistant to mind control and are powerful
innate sorercers. Generally live in hilly terrain.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about dark nagas.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
18 This slithering eel-like creature with the
vaguely human-like face is a scheming creature
called a dark naga. This result reveals all
aberration traits.
23 A dark naga is a talented innate sorcerous
spellcaster. They often form alliances with other
foul creatures for their mutual gain.
28 A dark naga’s fangs and the stinger in its tail
both deliver a debilitating venom that can plunge
its victim into a nightmare-wracked coma for
several minutes.
33 Most dark nagas speak Infernal and Common,
but they can also read thoughts as easily as a
wizard reads a book.
38 If a dark naga is slain, other dark nagas —
using a necromantic rite known only to their kind
— can reanimate the corpse into a powerful
skeletal minion called a bone naga.
Every year there is pilgrimage made to that shrine,
the shrine of the death goddess Kali; and they
make there offerings intended to placate the
monsters over that dark goddess holds sway. In
addition, two times in every cycle of the moon her
priests stake there a goat-kid for the benefit of the
guardian of the shrine, which they say is a great
snake, with a scorpion's sting in its tail and (most
strange and wonderful still) the head of a man,
which converses sensibly with the priests who
serve its mistress, and withal is a most fell
Catalog of the World Entire
Naga, spirit [Monster Manual]
Naga, spirit [Monster Manual]Naga, spirit [Monster Manual]
Naga, spirit [Monster Manual]
JWM: Large Aberration, CR 9, chaotic evil. These
serpent have black-and-crimson banded bodies
and stringy black hair on their humanlike heads.
They get their name from their tendency to live in
dismal, evil places. They have a posionous bite, a
charming gaze, and are powerful sorcerers. A dark
naga appears in Web of Illusion.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about spirit nagas.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 This large serpent with the black-and-crimson
bands and the humanlike head is a spirit naga. This
result reveals all aberration traits. Most spirit
nagas speak Abyssal and Common.
24 Spirit nagas possess significant innate
sorcererous ability. Their name comes from their
habit of lairing in spiritually unclean areas.
29 A spirit naga’s bite carries a deadly poison.
34 A spirit naga can charm people simply by
meeting their gaze.
39 Other varieties of naga exist, including the eel-
like dark naga and the bone naga, an undead
horror created from a dark naga’s skeleton.
Volek helped me down, and we waited there for
several minutes to allow our eyes to adjust to the
dark. There was something pale a few meters off--
a long, thin veil, seemingly of white leather. After
a moment Volek said, "It's a snake skin!"
The realization made it an object of horror; I
guessed that to cast a skin of that size the snake
must have been twenty feet long and as big around
as a man at the waist. "We should be careful," I
muttered. "It's probably still here."
"Yes, it is," someone hissed from behind us.
Turning, I saw it...the woman's head, blank-eyed
and horrible, and the black python body scrawled
with red runes.
Janna Yarlsdottir, as recounted to Perseyus
Necromental [Libris Mortis]
Necromental [Libris Mortis]Necromental [Libris Mortis]
Necromental [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Template Undead (Augmented Elemental),
CR +1, neutral evil. A template for generic undead
elementals. Necromentals gain an energy drain
attack, and any elementals they drain rise again as
more necromentals. (The sample creature is a
Large earth elemental.) They have minimal
intelligence (though they are not truly mindless).
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about necromentals. The DC for
the check is the necromental’s CR + 10; the DCs
listed below are for a Large earth necromental.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This creature is a necromental, an undead
elemental. The transformation robs the elemental
of most of its mind. This result reveals all undead
traits, as well the the appropriate elemental
22 In most cases, elementals simply die if slain,
leaving no spirit behind. The creation of a
necromental is a rare event, requiring that the
elemental be destroyed by massive exposure to
negative energy — a grim event indeed. Because a
necromental is so infused with negative energy, it
can drain life energy from living creatures with its
26 A necromental can rapidly heal any damage it
has suffered by draining energy from its original
native element. To maintain this ability, it must
remain with within a pace or two of that element.
32 Elementals slain by a necromental’s energy
drain rise again as necromentals themselves a few
days later
“The thing that did this was for a century confined
within sewers and charged with the gathering of
bone. The night that birthed Necropolis undid its
chain and its life, bequeathing freedom and
undeath upon what had been a corrupted elemental
of water. It fled the power that arose to command
the slain and made the Musarde and its tributaries,
save for the Vulchar to which it does not return, its
abode. Its passions are strong currents, rushing
waters, and living bone. The ivory of its victims it
dons as you or I might a fine cloak. The cloak does
not make the man, but the man makes much of the
cloak. Listen for a soft chattering. Listen for a
rattling roar. And where man, woman and child
are flood caught, their screams cut short are its
-Count Strahd von Zarovich XI, instructions for
the hunt of Old Bones
Necronaut [Monster Manual III]
Necronaut [Monster Manual III]Necronaut [Monster Manual III]
Necronaut [Monster Manual III]
JWM: Gargantuan Undead (Chaotic, Evil,
Extraplanar), CR 14, chaotic evil. Created by
demons from plains of bones in the Abyss, they
are sent to the Material Plane to kill everything in
their path, adding the corpses of their victims to
their own mass. In Ravenloft, Vecna is rumored to
have acquired at least one necronaut, using it like a
seige tower; another of the battlefield horrors he
sent against the armies of Tovag. Because it's
constructed of corpses, spells that create undead
deal damage to it. Beyond that, it basically just
bashes foes into paste.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) or
Knowledge (the planes) can learn more about
necronauts. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
24 This scuttling tower of bones is a necronaut, an
undead behemoth created specifically to wipe out
all life in its path. This result reveals all undead
29 Necronauts are created by demons in the
Abyss, then sent to the Material Plane to wreak
havoc. Necronauts speak Abyssal. A necronaut
attacks by trampling foes beneath their massive,
spider-like limbs. This result reveals the chaotic
and evil subtypes.
34 Necronauts communicate only with constructs
and undead, and even then only begrudgingly. A
necronaut can pause in battle to snatch up any
nearby corpse and assimilate it into its mass. The
process takes a few seconds, during which time
the body can be pulled free again with a heroic
feat of strength. Completing the process
strengthens the necromaut, with larger corpses
providing greater benefits.
39 If cast directly on a necronaut, spells that
normally animate the dead disrupt the necronaut’s
amalgam structure, damaging it. More powerful
necromancy harms the necronaut more gravely.
The Third Battle of Nevasham Gorge was the
turning point of the battles of that summer. The
Third Corps had feinted at the Road of Bones and
drawn an army into the hills after them, which
they proceeded to destroy from their redoubts and
positions of strength; but there position was
broken when the Enemy summoned forth a great
war-engine, unlike any seen up to that time; like
all his engines composed principally of dead men's
bones, and capable of binding all who fell before it
(whether valiant foe or craven slave of the Enemy)
to its own obscene will. Rending the wall of the
redoubt in two places, it gapped the defences and
forced the Third Corps to retreat, ending all
advance into the enemy's territory for that year and
much of the year after.
From History of Tovag, volume II
Necrophidius [Fiend Folio]
Necrophidius [Fiend Folio]Necrophidius [Fiend Folio]
Necrophidius [Fiend Folio]
JWM: Medium Construct, CR 2, neutral. A
mindless but stealthy construct created using a
serpent's skeleton attached to a human skull.
Easily mistaken for an undead creature (such as a
bone naga). its bite can paralyze, and it can daze
opponents with a hypnotic, dance-like swaying.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about necrophidia. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This skeletal serpent with the humanoid skull is
not undead; rather, it is a type of construct called a
necrophidius. This result reveals all construct
17 A necrophidius can paralyze creatures for
several minutes with its bite. Necrophidia are
created by spellcasters, which they then serve.
These creatures are often found in the service of
necromancers or undead spellcasters, such as
22 Although it is mindless, a necrophidius is an
instinctually stealthy combatant and prefers to
attack when its foes drop their defenses. Despite
its sinister demeanor, creating a necrophidius does
not call upon any particularly malign magical
27 A necrophidius can mesmerize creatures that
watch its hypnotic, swaying dance. Those who
succumb to the sight are dazed, giving the
necrophidius the drop on them.
"Captain Weathermay was to the end, and even
beyond, a collector of curios. A crate arrived for
him the very morning of our departure. I had little
right and no reason to examine it, so had it stowed
in the hull and hoped that its sizable trinket might
bring his wife and children some solace. Too late I
learned that it had excited the avarice of several
crewmen. Three nights out of Sri Raji they pried it
open and set loose the contents. These I
encountered when a loud thump brought me out on
deck. There the men had sprouted roots, their eyes
held by the swaying, indeed the dancing, of a giant
serpent. Only it was indecently clothed in neither
skin nor even flesh. The thing was bare bones, a
complete skeleton of a great constrictor, save for
the substitution of a human skull. Blade wielding
men, skeletons of men that is, accompanied it and
were making mincemeat of my deckhands. I rang
the general alarm and, at length, we prevailed,
albeit by the narrowest of margins. At dawn we
roused ourselves to wipe down the deck. The
thing's fanged skull was discovered and I
examined it. Judging by the broken and poorly
healed jaw bone, the man to whom it had belonged
had been a brawler or at least had suffered some
terrible accident. Then I thought, like Captain
Weathermay had long ago, whose body we had
just left behind, buried in the soil of that fell land .
. . ."
-Extract from the testimony of Lieutenant
Hawthorne Wescote of the HMS Retriever
see Slain
see Slainsee Slain
see Slain
see mind flayer
see mind flayersee mind flayer
see mind flayer
Proposed by C Nichols for the NS Gaz
Night hag
Night hag Night hag
Night hag
see h
see hsee h
see hag, nighthag
ag, nighthagag, nighthag
ag, nighthag
Night twist [Monster Manual III]
Night twist [Monster Manual III]Night twist [Monster Manual III]
Night twist [Monster Manual III]
JWM: Large Plant, CR 12, neutral evil. Ancient
night twist: Huge Plant, CR 20, neutral evil. A
monstrous, leafless, black tree that lurks in
marshes (generally Souragne). It lures in its prey
with a sorrowful song. Those who fall under the
song's influence, but are physically restrained from
seeking out its source slowly waste away. When
victims reach the night twist, it batters them to
death with its branches and feeds on the carrion.
Also possesses useful spell-like abilities and the
ability to produce a powerful gust of wind. When
killed, a night twist powerfully curses its
destroyer, resulting in nightmare-wracked sleep.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about night twists. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
25 This marsh-dwelling, black, leafless tree is a
predatory plant called a night twist. This result
reveals all plant traits. Night twists speak Elven,
Slyvan, and Common.
30 Every evening, a night twist emits a rueful song
that carries on the night air. Everyone who hears
this song of sorrow hears a different melody, one
speaking directly to the listener’s old regrets and
personal tragedies. Listeners who succumb to
despair feel compelled to seek out the source of
their sorrow. When these poor folk reach the night
twist, it batters them to death with its branches,
then feeds on their rotting corpses.
35 A night twist resists damage, but slashing
weapons can hack through its woody trunk quite
effectively. Creatures affected by a night twist’s
song who are physically restrained from seeking
out its source slowly waste away, consumed by
their own sorrow. If the enchantment is not
broken, such victims eventually die.
40 A night twist can create a sudden blast of wind,
which it does to protect itself or extinguish flames.
Only three things are guaranteed to break the
enchantment of a night twist’s song: being
attacked by the night twist itself, the death of the
night twist, or a limited wish or more powerful
magic. A bard’s song of freedom offers a chance
of escape, however. If a night twist is killed, it lays
a powerful curse on its killer, incuding nightly
nightmares so terrible they cause the victim to
slowly waste away.
45 A night twist has several useful spell-like
abilities, including blight, deeper darkness,
entangle, fear, and phantasmal killer. Night twists
grow larger and more powerful as they age.
Ancient night twists develop additional spell-like
abilities, including circle of death, insanity, and
weird. The only way to lift a night twist’s death
curse is to cast limited wish (or a more powerful
spell) on the victim while it is suffering from a
bout of nightmares.
50 If the victim of a night twist’s death curse dies
before the curse is lifted, a new night twist sapling
will sprout from the victim’s grave one month
after burial.
Away down deep in the swamp, deeper than the
Green Maiden, deeper than ol' Chicken Bone,
deeper even (some say) than the Lord himself,
that's where Old Man Willow grows, singing to
himself about all the wrong done in the world, and
all the wrong yet to do. It's a sad song, and a cruel
song; don't never harken to it, child, because them
that do find theyselves always turning a little
deeper, always turning a little deeper, until they
find theyselves at the foot of an ol' black willow
tree without any leaves on him, an ol' black willow
tree watered in blood and grown on dead men's
bones. And then you may cry, you may scream,
you may run, but you'll never come home again,
and your bones will lie mouldering between the
roots of Old Man Willow.
traditional Souragnian
Nightmare, dread
Nightmare, dreadNightmare, dread
Nightmare, dread
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread][Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
JWM: CR 6, Fiendish black horses with flaming
hooves and breath. They sometimes serve evil
riders (such as Lord Soth).
Errata: Descriptors correct as presented. The
sentence "Though dread nightmares are in some
ways more powerful than their infernal kin, the
Mists have bound them to earth." is intended to
imply that over the course of generations, these
creatures have lost their wrinkles. They do not
have reality wrinkles
from WotC know your enemy
Neither demon nor devil, nightmares still fulfill
the role of powerful, terrifying outsiders bent on
destruction and mayhem. Although difficult
enough to fight on their own, nightmares
commonly ally themselves with powerful, evil
beings to serve as companions or steeds.
Knowledge (the Planes)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about nightmares. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This ebon-skinned, flame-covered steed is a
nightmare. This result reveals all outsider traits.
20 The powerful hooves of a nightmare are
sheathed in flame and a blow from them sets
combustible objects alight.
25 Nightmares can fly and often serve as
companions and steeds for powerful, evil
individuals. Nightmares produce a thick, black
smoke when enraged, granting it concealment, as
well as blinding and choking opponents.
30 Nightmares, at will, can use astral projection
and etherealness, as the spells.
“But Uncle Bela, why must we never seek for
horses at night?”
“Because, darling Karov, at night the Horses of
Hell — the Nightmares — ride across the planes.
They may look like mortal horses at a distance —
and fine and spirited ones, to be sure — but their
manes and hooves burn with the fires of
damnation, and their coats are blacker than the
Devil Strahd’s heart.”
—Dialogue between Equaar apprentice and master
on a trip to Nova Vaasa
Nightmare (true) [Monster Manual]
Nightmare (true) [Monster Manual]Nightmare (true) [Monster Manual]
Nightmare (true) [Monster Manual]
JWM: Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar), CR 5,
neutral evil. Native to the Gray Waste of Hades,
these flame-belching horses can shift into the
Astral or Ethereal Planes at will.
“You seek a gift for your lord, one worthy of the
count, a stallion, black, the fiercest there be. Put
away your two score gold pieces. We will not
fetch it from the land of the cat for that. Nor for far
more. But promise me a favour and I will name
the place, the night, the hour of the beast’s
-Madame Eva receiving Boris von Zarovich,
distant relative of the lord of Barovia
Nightmare, lesser [Planar Handbook]
Nightmare, lesser [Planar Handbook] Nightmare, lesser [Planar Handbook]
Nightmare, lesser [Planar Handbook]
JWM: Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar), CR 4,
neutral evil. A less powerful variant of the true
nightmare, generally useful for blackguard steeds
and the like.
The cost to himself, if not to others, of his crusade
could no longer be put out of mind. It loomed over
him. It had come in answer to his summons. It was
manifest in the stallion. And before that dark
mirror, with one last chance to save his soul, he
chose to become the monster that he was.
-The Black Knight, forbidden Nidalan folktale
Nightshade, nightcrawler [M
Nightshade, nightcrawler [MNightshade, nightcrawler [M
Nightshade, nightcrawler [Monster
onster onster
Manual] Manual]
JWM: Gargantuan Undead (Extraplanar), CR 18,
chaotic evil. Nightshades are massive, powerful
undead composed of cold and darkness, native to
the Plane of Shadow. All nightshades emit a
desecrating aura and are adverse to sunlight. A
nightcrawler is a wormlike nighshade with the size
and power of a purple worm. It has a poison
stinger, can swallow foes whole, can summon
undead minions, and has powerful spell-like
abilities. A nightcrawler is trapped by its sheer
size in the Temple of Apophis in Sebua; Tiyet
believes the fearsome horror to be the god
Apophis himself. Desert legends claim the
monster guards a great treasure, or perhaps even a
portal to another world. (In fact, it guards Sebua's
heart, though it does not serve Sebua in any way.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about nightcrawlers. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
28 This massive, pitch-black worm is a
nightcrawler, an entity native to the Plane of
Shadow. This result reveals all undead traits.
33 Nightcrawlers are one of several kinds of
undead creature called nightshades. Nightshades
emit a desecrating aura, giving off unholy power
like a shrine of evil. Nightshades recoil from
natural sunlight; although it does not harm them, it
does distract them. A nightcrawler is telepathic
and can communicate with any creature with a
38 A nightcrawler can swallow smaller creatures
whole with its massive maw, and its tail stinger
injects a debilitating venom. A nightcrawler’s
chtinous armor is incredibly resistant to damage,
but magic silvered weapons can pierce its
43 Creatures swallowed by a nightcrawler quickly
have their life energy drained away. If pressed, a
nightcrawler can summon undead spirits to its
side. A nightcrawler is immune to cold.
48 A nightcrawler has a variety of spell-like
abilities, including cone of cold, confusion,
contagion, deeper darkness, detect magic, finger of
death, haste, hold monster, invisibility, plane shift,
and unholy blight. However, the nightcrawler
itself is highly resistant to magic.
We fled into a narrow valley of red sand and
towering cliffs, running the risk of ambush to
escape the teeth of the storm. A lone edifice stood
among the ruins. By every evidence it was a
temple long abandoned. None of us hesitated upon
its threshold. But the nerve of the surviving
crewmen quickly frayed. Our torches seemed
feeble indeed, overawed by the vastness of the
place, barely able to hold back its suffocating
darkness and its enervating chill. The captain,
defiant as ever, sought to fortify his men by
declaring that it was the will of the Lawgiver that
this place of pagan worship be sacked and that
each man would be rewarded in proportion to his
effort. No sooner had he finished, than the
shadows, which had been playing cruelly upon our
imagination, gathered themselves up and
swallowed him whole. The nightmare had begun
and with it, I believe, Raoul's descent into
-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Luteum,
Darkonese adventurer
See also Dragon #336
Niksiee [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Niksiee [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa] Niksiee [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Niksiee [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Nilshai [Unapproachable East]
Nilshai [Unapproachable East] Nilshai [Unapproachable East]
Nilshai [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: Medium-size aberration, CR 7.
Malevolent alien spellcasters from the Ethereal
Plane, similar to ethereal marauders and ethereal
slayers. Nilshais trilaterally symmetrical, having a
ropy body supported by three stumpy legs, three
tentacles ending in blunt three-fingered hands,
bulbous heads with three eyestalks, and three
membranous wings the fold into their bodies. All
nilshais cast spells as 8th-level sorcerers and may
gain additional character levels (usually sorcerer)
on top of that. They have a natural mind blank,
and due to their alien symmetry gain an extra
action each round. Nilshais have a burning hatred
of elves above all else.
In Ravenloft, nilshais are another "if you can see
them, they can see you" monster that is trapped in
the demiplane's ethereal borders. These ethereal
horrors seek out elves to destroy, making them
particular menaces in Darkon and Sithicus.
Back in 752, we were trying to find the source of
the deadly haunting at Sunnurieth Tower.
Whicleth, a wizard in the Sithican tradition, was
with us. He had one eye that had been replaced
with a orb of black glass and claimed that this
allowed him to see spirits. We hoped this would
give us an advantage against whatever had killed
the Sunnurieth family. It was only once we
reached the highest floor of the tower that
Whicleth saw something.
"There!" he shouted, pointing to a seemingly
empty corner of the room. "That three-eyed thing!
And at that point Whicleth dropped dead. We
never found the thing he had seen and had killed
him and the others. No one ever bothered to move
back into Sunnurieth Tower, only left it to decay.
The tower still stands outside Hroth, but what
dwells there now, I do not know.
- Jameld of Hroth, private correspondence with
Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove
Nocnitsa [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Nocnitsa [Gaz. 1, Barovia] Nocnitsa [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Nocnitsa [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Nonaris (
Nonaris (Nonaris (
Nonaris (see vampire, gnomish)
see vampire, gnomish)see vampire, gnomish)
see vampire, gnomish)
Nosferatu (daywalker vampire) [Denizens
Nosferatu (daywalker vampire) [Denizens Nosferatu (daywalker vampire) [Denizens
Nosferatu (daywalker vampire) [Denizens
of Dread]
of Dread] of Dread]
of Dread]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s nosferatu nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 This coldly beautiful figure with such
aristocratic bearing is a nosferatu, a sinister
undead creature that feeds on the blood of the
living. Nosferatu are also known as daywalker
vampires or moonspawn vampires. This result
reveals all undead traits. Nosferatu speak the
languages they knew in life.
24 Nosferatu drain blood from victims they get in
their clutches, Victims they drain rise from the
grave as new nosferatu several days after burial. A
nosferatu does not cast a shadow and has no
reflection in mirrors. A nosferatu is spiritually
bound to the grave in which it was first buried, and
must return to that coffin to replenish its unholy
29 A nosferatu can climb vertical surfaces as
easily as a spider and can dominate the weak-
minded simply by looking into their eyes. A
nosferatu can also exert mental control over those
whose blood it has tasted until the nosferatu is
slain. Nosferatu are destroyed by immersion in
running water. Sunlight does not harm them, but it
does rob them of most of their dark power until
they rest in their coffin. Moonlight quickly heals a
nosferatu’s wounds, but magic silver weapons can
pierce their supernatural defenses. Nosferatu
cannot stand the presence of garlic, and they
cannot approach a mirror or holy symbol
presented with forceful conviction. To destroy a
nosferatu, one must hammer a stake through its
heart, but this is nearly impossible in direct
combat. Not all victims slain by a nosferatu rise as
new nosferatu; most rise as nosferatu spawn, a
lesser horror that exists solely to serve its master
as a pathetic slave.
34 A nosferatu cannot enter a private residence
unless it is invited inside, nor can it cross running
water under its own power. A nosferatu is resistant
to cold and electricity, and can transform into a
cloud of fog at will. If slain, a nosferatu
automatically assume gaseous form and must
return to its grave to recover. A nosferatu can also
assume the form of a bat or a wolf, and can
command like creatures. Staking a nosferatu does
not permanently destroy it — it merely renders the
nosferatu helpless. Even a nosferatu that has been
hacked to pieces can be fully restored if its body
parts are reunited and exposed to moonlight. To
permanently destroy a nosferatu, one must burn its
body to ash.
39 Many different strains of vampirism exist.
Destroying a master nosferatu usually has no
direct effect on its spawn, other than to free them
from their master’s control. In some cases,
however, slaying the master instantly destroys all
of its spawn.
JWM: Template Undead (Augmented Humanoid,
Vampire). A vampire variant that lacks an energy
drain attack, but possesses a powerful ability to
charm its victims and is weakened, but not
harmed, by exposure to sunlight. Inspired by the
literary tradition of Byronic vampires, including
Dracula. Baron Urik von Kharkov is a nosferatu
vampire. The sample nosferatu is a human
beguiler 5.
I paused for a long moment. The three-quarters
moon had attained the zenith. The sun had crept
very low in the sky, its rays dancing along the
storefronts. The other patrons, chased off by the
autumn chill, were safely inside. I returned to my
notes, reorganising my questions, devising my
plan of attack. And then he appeared as from
nothing, startling me, arriving well in advance of
the appointed hour. The man was tall, gaunt, pale,
his dress every bit that of a Dementlieuse
aristocrat, but his curious accent, not quite Balok,
marked him as a foreigner. I invited him to sit,
poured him a glass of wine, and we exchange the
requisite pleasantries, where after he came straight
to the point. His eyes seized hold of mine and he
said: "Were you a lost wanderer upon the burning
sands of Har'Akir, parched beyond measure, mad
with thirst, and you came upon an oasis, would
you not drink?" I nodded slowly, thoughtfully. He
continued, "Come with me, let me show you." He
was irresistible, or nearly so, a second Dominic
d'Honaire, but cut of a less urbane, tougher stuff.
-Interview with a Vampire
Dr. Heinfroth was quite unlike what I had
imagined--a tall and heavy man, with sharp, even
lupine he showed me around the
asylum I ventured to opine that such spartan
surroundings seemed unlikely to be really
conducive to the recovery of the many unhappy
souls housed there--surely a place of more
physical comfort would be more salubrious?
"Now then, my good man," Heinfroth replied,
smiling. "It has been said that man cannot live by
bread alone. All those physical comforts are
merely distractions. Personally, I have always
found the greatest sustenance in the life of the
Mattias Mikkelson to L. Weathermay-Foxgrove,
private correspondence
Nosferatu, cerebral vampire [Denizens of
Nosferatu, cerebral vampire [Denizens of Nosferatu, cerebral vampire [Denizens of
Nosferatu, cerebral vampire [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
JWM: Template Undead (Augmented Humanoid,
Vampire). A nosferatu variant that drains cerebral
fluid (Intelligence) rather than blood. All cerebral
vampires are the creation of Daclaud Heinfroth
(aka Dr. Dominiani), and as such are generally
encounted in Dominia or sailing the Sea of
Sorrows. Cerebral vampires are featured in Bleak
Nosferatu [
Nosferatu [Nosferatu [
Nosferatu [Pathfinder 8
Pathfinder 8Pathfinder 8
Pathfinder 8]
] ]
Nymph [Monster Manual]
Nymph [Monster Manual]Nymph [Monster Manual]
Nymph [Monster Manual]
Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks in
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about nymphs.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (nature)
DC Result
15 This stunningly gorgeous woman is a nymph, a
spirit that embodies the beauty of nature. This
result reveals all fey traits. Nymphs speak Sylvan
and Common.
20 Nymphs usually avoid contact with mortals, but
they sometimes act as guardians of a natural
locale, such as a waterfall or forest grove. A
nymph possesses such unearthly beauty that
anyone who looks too closely at her may be
permanently blinded. A nymph can even stun foes
simply by briefly meeting their gaze.
25 Nymphs can be mercurial and dangerous, but
they are generally well-disposed to those they sees
as the allies of nature, such as elves and druids.
Nymphs are themselves innately powerful druidic
30 Nymphs can also call upon the creatures of
nature to defend her, and can dimension door
away should she need to escape.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
15 Nymphs have been known to take mortal
lovers, on the rare occasion when a man’s grace
and beauty catches her eye. Such mortals are
seldom willing to leave the nymph’s side.
JWM: Medium Fey, CR 7, chaotic good. An
incredibly beautiful, female fey that shares nature's
mercurial temperament. So great is their beauty
that it can blind mortal onlookers, and they can
stun with a glance. Also potent innate druids.
Animals are drawn to nymphs, but nymphs turn
their fury on those that despoil nature. (Very rare
in Ravenloft.)
"We'd being tracking some of the kobolds that had
been attacking patrols on the Seelewald road when
it happened. I got separated from the group...
mistled, right? I wandered in the forest for days."
"It was in the deep woods where no one ever goes
that I saw her. Beautiful, beautiful, like an angel.
No... more natural, like dawn on a meadow. Like a
cool brook... I can't describe it, seeing her. But, I
saw her, bathing in a pool in that glade, and she
saw me."
"For five years, I've searched the Seelewald, trying
to find her again. You wouldn't think a blind man
could. After all, the army didn't want me any more
and punished me for it - a hobbled leg, a crushed
hand, and a scarred face. But I learned. Left my
wife, left my children. I learned. Five years and I
still haven't found her. My love. My life."
"But I'll find her, one day, bathing in her pool in
the grove. And then... then, I can die happy."
- interview with Echer Degault in the Kneeling
Mage, Aerie, Falkovnia
Octopus [M
Octopus [MOctopus [M
Octopus [Monster Manual
onster Manual onster Manual
onster Manual -
CR 1 (Giant CR 8)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about octopuses. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This eight-tentacled cephalopod is an
octopus. This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: An octopus uses its tentacles to snatch up
small fish and invertebrates, transferring them to
its parrot-like beak. When threatened, an octopus
can release a murky cloud of black ink, then jet
away at high speeds. These invertebrates can
squeeze through surprisingly tight spaces.
DC 21: Although most octopuses are inoffensive
to swimming humanoids, some of them can grow
to enormous sizes. A giant octopus is a dangerous
and clever predator with tentacles up to 20 feet in
length. Some varieties of octopus can also alter the
color and texture of their skin to blend in with
their surroundings.
Octopus tree [Fiend Folio]
Octopus tree [Fiend Folio]Octopus tree [Fiend Folio]
Octopus tree [Fiend Folio]
Proposed by C Nichols for the NS Gaz, CR 12
Odem [Deniz
Odem [DenizOdem [Deniz
Odem [Denizens of Dread]
ens of Dread]ens of Dread]
ens of Dread]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about odems. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This spirit is an odem, a ghostly force that
craves nothing but senseless chaos and slaughter.
This result reveals all undead traits and the
incorporeal subtype.
20 Odems are naturally invisible. If somehow
perceived, they appear only as faint tendrils of
mist. An odem can sap the willpower of a living
creature with its touch.
25 Odems can possess living creatures, taking total
control of the victim’s body like a puppet master.
An odem in a living body ignores the pain its host
feels, making the possessed creature immune to
most nonlethal attacks.
30 Animals panic in the presence of an odem,
regardless of its form. An odem is completely
unharmed by damage dealt to a possessed host, but
killing the host expels the odem. The host’s mind
remains aware of its surroundings, but has no
control over its own body. An odem cannot be
turned while possessing a living host
JWM: Medium Undead (Incorporeal), CR 5,
chaotic evil. Invisible, intangible spirits that
possess living hosts, using their bodies to commit
terrible deeds for no reason beyond their own
deranged enjoyment.
-"Vail, if the violent reaction of animals
establishes that the responsible party is not brother
Thomas, then some likeness of him, say a
doppelganger which has dispatched the poor
fellow, has taken his place and amuses itself?"
-"Motive Pendelton, motive! The crimes have
been perpetrated in such a way as to be not only as
harmful as possible to their victims, but moreover
and chiefly to the good brother himself. They are
anathema to everything he stands for, the perfect
betrayal of all that he built and loves."
-"No, loves. You see Pendleton, he assuredly lives.
We may yet save not only his reputation, but his
life, and perhaps even his mind. The deeds are
done in their every gruesome detail with him as
their unwilling and helpless witness. They are
conceived of as torture, a torture the likes of which
few men have ever experienced and that not one
has merited."
The Case of the Captive Conscience, Oliver
Ogre [Monster Manual]
Ogre [Monster Manual]Ogre [Monster Manual]
Ogre [Monster Manual]
Ogre skullcr
Ogre skullcrOgre skullcr
Ogre skullcrusher
JWM: Large Giant, CR 3, chaotic evil. Big, dumb,
ugly giants that enjoy eating humanoid flesh. In
Ravenloft, ogres are most common in the deep
wilderness of the southwestern Core. Ogres
generally avoid settled areas, but Malocchio
Aderre has managed to recruit quite a few to serve
Ogre: Monster Manual
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about ogres. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 13: This brutish and bestial giant is called an
ogre. These creatures are renowned for their love
for the taste of humanoid flesh. This result reveals
all giant traits. Ogres speak Giant, and
exceptionally clever ones may have learned
Common as well.
DC 18: As one might expect from their build,
ogres are physically powerful but somewhat
clumsy. They are dimwitted and cruel, but can
sometimes be bargained with. Some ogres have
been specifically bred and trained for war over the
course of generations. These are known as
skullcrusher ogres and have formed a crude,
heavily militarized society.
DC 23: Skullcrusher ogres are somewhat more
clever and powerful than their common kin. They
have also adopted the tactic of hurling rocks from
giants. A scaly, aquatic variant of the common
ogre lurks in freshwater lakes and rivers; these
creatures are called merrow. Merrow can breathe
air, but are slower on land than their more
common kin.
DC 28: Ogres sometimes associate with other
monstrous giants, such as trolls, ogre magi, or oni.
Ogres can also interbreed with humans, though
such offspring are incredibly rare.
Fee, fi, fo, fun
Nails of iron, teeth of stone.
Fan, tan, ran, ren,
With which to crack the skulls of men.
High as a cottage, wide as a barn,
Hairs as thick as weaver's yarn,
Man's flesh is his only meat,
Children's flesh his only sweet.
Fee, fi, fo, fun,
Nails of iron, teeth of stone.
Traditional Invidian children's rhyme
[Pathfinder 3
Pathfinder 3Pathfinder 3
Pathfinder 3]
Caliban-like son of ogres and humans
Ogre mage [Monster Manual]
Ogre mage [Monster Manual]Ogre mage [Monster Manual]
Ogre mage [Monster Manual]
JWM: Large Giant, CR 8, lawful evil. Distantly
related to ogres, these creatures are actually a type
of oni. As such, they’re most commonly
encountered in the Scattered Lotus Archipelago.
An ogre mage resembles a massive, demonic,
horned human. It regenerates damage, can fly, and
possesses potent spell-like abilities.
Lord Matsuzaka waited a moment before nodding,
and now Kentu could see the movement, ever so
slight, of the rice curtain that had signalled the
nobleman's response.
"Your pardon, Lord Matsuzaka," he said boldly.
"But our conversation is being overheard by an
eavesdropper!" As he spoke he rose and parted the
rice curtain with the tip of his katana. There, in the
darkened room beyond, he saw the great gross
eyes and the terrible tushes and the single great
horn; Lord Matsuzaka's "advisor" was none other
than the infamous oni Kaketsu himself!
Romance of the Water-Steel Blades, Orija
Omnimental [Monster Manual III]
Omnimental [Monster Manual III] Omnimental [Monster Manual III]
Omnimental [Monster Manual III]
JWM: Gargantuan Elemental (Air, Earth,
Extraplanar, Fire, Water), CR 15, neutral.
Originally magical creations intended to act as
liaisons between the Elemental Planes, they better
serve as warriors. Massive elementals combining
traits and powers of all four elements. When
killed, an omnimental bursts into one Huge
elemental of each element. Not native to
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about omnimentals. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
25 This living conflagration of energy is an
omnimental, a powerful entity composed of all
four elements. This result reveals all elemental
traits and the air, earth, fire, and water subtypes.
30 An omnimental is immune to fire and
electricity, but vulnerable to cold.
35 An omnimental’s powerful slam attacks also
carry the threat of fire and lightning. The creature
can also detach parts of itself in the form of balls
of elemental energy and lob them at foes.
40 When slain, the opposing forces comprising an
omnimental are freed, forming four powerful
elementals — one of each element — which
continue to battle.
Now add to the surging Air the strong Earth, to the
shifting Fire the force of Water; from Air Wisdom,
from Water Patience, from Fire Wrath, from Earth
Fortitude. Thus is formed by the combination of
All in All, in equal measure, the strong servant
known as Universal Epitome, or Omnimental.
from The Book of First Things, standard
introductory arcane text
Oni, Oni,
Oni, all
[Oriental Adventures]
[Oriental Adventures][Oriental Adventures]
[Oriental Adventures]
JWM: Monstrous, supernatural giants native to Far
Eastern lands, such as the Scattered Lotus
Archipelago. Like common ogres, they savor the
taste of humanoid flesh. Like ogre mages, oni
possess significant spell-like abilities and can
regenerate damage.
Oni, common [Oriental Adventures]
Oni, common [Oriental Adventures]Oni, common [Oriental Adventures]
Oni, common [Oriental Adventures]
JWM: Large Giant (Spirit), CR 7, neutral evil.
Big, hairy giants with anywhere from one to three
eyes. Once a day, they can spit molten copper at a
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about oni. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 This hairy, three-eyed giant is the most
common variety of oni, a race of supernatural
giants. This result reveals all giant traits. Common
oni speak Giant, Tengu, Goblin, Sylvan, and
22 Common oni are brutish bullies, but they are
capable of fairly sophisticated strategies when
working in groups. Bands of oni usually roam as
violent brigands and highway bandits. These oni
primarily rely on their physical prowess to tear
through foes.
27 Once a day, an oni can split a gob of molten
copper at a nearby target. If this copper is
collected after it cools, it fetches the standard price
at market.
32 A common oni possesses several useful spell-
like abilities, including cause fear, cloud chariot,
fly, and invisibility. A common oni can also
polymorph itself at will.
37 Many different varieties of oni exist, including
ogre magi and the more powerful go-zu and me-zu
oni. Oni are also distantly related to common
Then an oni stepped onto the path, twice as tall as
a man and three times as broad; his teeth were like
boar's teeth, and three gross green eyes blinked in
his forehead. He wore a necklace made of human
skulls plated in copper, and his club was like a
"By decree of the Forest Lord Kaketsu, none shall
pass!" the oni growled, and raised its club.
Kentu bowed. "While I have no desire to offend
the Forest Lord Kaketsu, I am obligated to speak
to Lord Matsuzaka, and therefore to traverse this
forest. I must therefore command you to stand
aside, oni, as my mission demands the utmost
Romance of the Water-Steel Blades, Orija
-zu oni [Oriental Adventures]
zu oni [Oriental Adventures] zu oni [Oriental Adventures]
zu oni [Oriental Adventures]
JWM: Large Giant (Spirit), CR 9, lawful neutral.
Go-zu are even larger than common oni, and they
have the heads of bulls, so they may be mistaken
for minotaurs. Powerful warriors, and they can see
the invisible.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about go-zu oni. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
19 This powerful, bull-headed warrior is a go-zu
oni, a powerful variety of these supernatural
giants. This result reveals all giant traits. Go-zu
oni speak Giant, Tengu, Goblin, Sylvan, and a
local language.
24 Go-zu oni serve as soldiers in the spirit armies.
They wield massive weapons, favoring o-dachi or
polearms. They also regenerate most wounds, but
take damage normally from acid and fire.
29 Go-zu oni can see nearby invisible objects and
34 Go-zu oni possess a variety of spell-like
abilities, including cause fear, fly, cloud chariot,
fire shuriken, and invisibility. A me-zu oni can
also polymorph itself at will.
39 Many different varieties of oni exist, including
ogre magi, less powerful common oni, and the
more powerful me-zu oni. Oni are also distantly
related to common ogres.
It is said of Mt. Hakare, that there is an oni who
lives there, Jatsurate by name, who is no enemy
(though no great friend) of men; he can be
persuaded to give counsel to those who find him if
they can show the justice of their cause. He is
known by his great bull's head, and can see all
spirits and hidden things; the famed samurai Kentu
is said to have learned from him many techniques,
including Bull's Charge and Flowering Lotus, for
which he later became famous.
Kenzo Nakamura, The History of the Islands of
the Sun
Oni, me
Oni, meOni, me
Oni, me-
-zu oni [Oriental Adventures]
zu oni [Oriental Adventures]zu oni [Oriental Adventures]
zu oni [Oriental Adventures]
JWM: Large Giant (Spirit), CR 10, lawful neutral.
The largest oni, they have the heads of shaggy
horses. They have continuous true seeing, and they
cast spells as wu jen.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about me-zu oni. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
20 This horse-headed warrior is a me-zu oni, the
most powerful variety of these supernatural giants.
This result reveals all giant traits. Oni speak Giant,
Tengu, Goblin, Sylvan, and Common.
25 Me-zu oni are powerful warriors and the
natural leaders of the spirit armies. They wield
massive naginta and whips, and wear only the
finest armor. They also regenerate from most
wounds, but take damage normally from acid and
30 Me-zu oni are powerful innate wu jen, usually
favoring spells that utilize fire. They also possess a
continuous true seeing ability.
35 Me-zu oni possess a variety of spell-like
abilities, including astral projection, cause fear,
cloud chariot, ethereal jaunt, fly, and invisibility.
A me-zu oni can also polymorph itself at will.
40 Many different varieties of oni exist, including
ogre magi and the less powerful common and go-
zu oni. Oni are also distantly related to common
"The fires continued to burn unabated, even as the
thunderstorm raged on. Some of those fleeing soon
noticed a towering figure walking through the
great flames. The giant creature had the head of a
shaggy horse, and was bedecked in green armor. It
waved the massive spear in its hand, and
extinguished the fires in a deafening boom.
""I am Meifushin Sureipuniru," the creature
roared. "You, the people of this wretched city,
wallow in your sins! The governor and his samurai
prey upon the subjects as though they were wild
beasts, and the commoners are naught but thieves.
The Great Kami have tasked me with bringing
Shinbatsu upon this wicked place, and exterminate
you all! But before that..." And the governor's
palace burst back into flame, once more. "I shall
grant you a reprieve so you may repent your sins.
Your destruction shall be deferred until this last
fire is extinguished: be grateful that I shall give
you time to shriek the pleas for your miserable
lives and shiver in fear, as you await your
miserable deaths!"
"With that last act, the horse-headed creature
vanished, and the storm ceased."
-excerpt from The Demise of Kashiwa-No-Nami
JWM: All the oozes are collected under two
categories: "Ooze, Common" and "Ooze, Exotic."
Wasn't always that way, but I eventually came
round to finding them easier to find when
collected together. Although I'm somewhat on the
fence about it, the impersonator is still listed
"Common" oozes are basically the MM varieties
(black pudding, gelatinous cube, gray ooze, ochre
jelly, white pudding). "Exotic" oozes are ones that
have special or extraplanar properties (bone ooze,
ethereal ooze, flesh jelly, grave ooze, shadow
jelly, void ooze).
Unlike some of the new monsters Denizens of
Darkness added to the setting, I actually do like
the grave ooze quite a bit, so I'm not just ignoring
it (unlike the scavyt, say -- sorry to whoever was
tingling with anticipation to write a blurb for that
Ooze, Common
Ooze, Common Ooze, Common
Ooze, Common
JWM: Amorphous monsters, mindless and neutral.
They generally attack by engulfing and absorbing
prey. Think the Blob.
Ooze, common, black pudding [Monster
Ooze, common, black pudding [Monster Ooze, common, black pudding [Monster
Ooze, common, black pudding [Monster
JWM: Huge Ooze, CR 7. Big black acidic blobs.
Note that circa 735, sages generally considered
black puddings to be extinct in the Core — but, in
fact, there were still a few around (Scholar of
Decay: Without pulling out the book to
doublecheck, I believe that is the context. While
the main character is exploring the catacombs
beneath Pont-a-Museau, I think he comes across a
slimy trail, or some other sign of a black pudding's
recent passage, and finds it remarkable that such a
creature still exists down there, despite scholars
thinking them extinct. There's no black pudding
"encounter" in the book, however.).
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about black
puddings. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
17 This inky black blob is a black pudding. This
result reveals all ooze traits.
22 A black pudding is a mindless predator that
attacks creatures by lashing out with its
pseudopods, then attemps to crush them to death.
27 A black pudding continuously secretes acid that
digests prey even as they struggle to escape the
pudding’s grasp. Black pudding acid dissolves
organic materials and metal, but not stone.
32 Any weapon striking a black pudding is
immediately subjected to the ooze’s acid and may
be instantly dissolved. In addition, the pudding’s
amorphous mass is utterly unharmed by attempts
to hack it to pieces. Instead, slashing or piercing
weapons split the pudding in half, creating two
smaller — but otherwise just as dangerous —
"Leave it be for now. As you Dementlieuse are
fond of saying, Bon chat, bon rat. But you will
find for me a means of directing its movements."
-Jacqueline Renier to her court magician
"Why should we exterminate them? We can
outrun them. We are their equals at climbing. It is
us who are the masters of the maze, we won’t let
ourselves get boxed in. We know not to wield
claw, sword or rapier against them. To us they are
but a nuisance. To our enemies they are a deadly
foe. You do recall that delectable story that
grandfather used to tell . . . The Pudding and the
Pakas . . . not so much as a furball remaining . . . .
You should know better than most that a friend is
a foe's foe. But go get your tail singed if you must.
I won’t stop you. Just don't foolishly expect me to
waste good rats on your folly."
-Jacqueline Renier chiding her twin sister Louise
Ooze, gelatinous cube [Monster Manual]
Ooze, gelatinous cube [Monster Manual] Ooze, gelatinous cube [Monster Manual]
Ooze, gelatinous cube [Monster Manual]
JWM: Large Ooze, CR 3. 10’ semitransparent
cubes. Several villains in Ravenloft have had
gelatinous cubes trapped at the bottom of 10’
square pits, essentially using them to dispose of
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about gelatinous
cubes. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This sliding, nearly transparent wall is a
gelatinous cube. This result reveals all ooze traits.
19 A gelatinous cube is a mindless scavenger that
feeds by sliding down passageways, absorbing
everything it moves over — including smaller
creatures. A gelatinous cube is immune to
24 A gelatinous cube continuously secretes an
anesthetizing slime that can paralyze any creature
that touches it. Paralyzed creatures are soon
29 A gelatinous cube continuously secretes acid,
which it uses to slowly digest creatures it has
absorbed. A cube’s acid canot affect metal or
stone, however, so precious items (such as coins or
jewels) are often left visibly suspended within the
"There!" exclaimed my local guide, Dvash. "On
the floor of this shaft, there lies the Amulet of
Rakh Nagar. Can you see it glint in the firelight?"
Indeed, far below was something of a metallic
nature. But our poor torches could reveal no more,
other than a faint shimmer in the air perhaps ten
feet above the object. A mystic field of some kind?
Or a very still pool of water? I found it hard to
believe the object of our quest lay unguarded at
the bottom of a pit, but saw no other way to be
sure than rappel down and check. As I neared the
depth where I saw the shimmer, suddenly the rope
no longer bore my weight and I plummeted,
landing thankfully on something soft and yielding.
But my thanks were shortlived, as I felt my body
go rigid and begin to sink. My eyes were fixed
open and high above I saw Dvash, knife in hand,
remove his "religious head covering." The light of
his torch flickered against the mark of the hawk
that it had concealed, as he shouted down to me,
"I'm sorry to decieve you, Monsieur Devane, but
my orders were explicit. Herr Kramer sends his
regards. Goodbye, sir." His mocking smile burned
in my eyes as I sunk, and my vengeance upon
"Dvash" and Kramer became my sole motivation
to escape from this unfortunate predicament.
-- from Lost Artifacts of the Ars Nagari by Dr.
Harlon Devane of the University of Port-a-Lucine
Ooze, gray ooze [Monster Manual
Ooze, gray ooze [Monster ManualOoze, gray ooze [Monster Manual
Ooze, gray ooze [Monster Manual
JWM: Medium Ooze, CR 4. Transparent oozes
that are nearly invisible in water. They dissolve
whatever they touch.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about gray oozes.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This seemingly harmless pool of water is
actually a gray ooze. This result reveals all ooze
19 A gray ooze is a mindless predator. It attacks
like a serpent by lashing out with a pseudopod and
attempting to constrict its prey. A gray ooze is
immune to cold and fire.
24 A gray ooze continuously secretes acid, which
the gray ooze uses to digest its prey. A gray ooze’s
acid dissolves organic matter and metal, but not
stone. A gray ooze’s acid can instantly dissolve
metal or wooden armor or weapons that touch it,
rendering them useless.
29 A gray ooze is nearly transparent and virtually
invisible when submerged in water.
Close shave today. Was exploring with deV. in the
Upper Cloaca, about a hundred yards off the Main
Line; we were discussing which way to go next
when deV. asked if that puddle of water wasn't
quite a bit closer than it had been when we started
the conversation! She was right, of course; it
wasn't any honest puddle. It was biggish as oozes
go, too--maybe four meters across.
A quick retreat followed by a couple of vials of oil
and some alchemist's fire soon put that right, but if
we had taken just a few steps down that tunnel
neither of us might have come back.
Journal of Nathanael Dent, grimetrekker, 12.7.752
Ooze, ochre jelly [Monster Manual
Ooze, ochre jelly [Monster ManualOoze, ochre jelly [Monster Manual
Ooze, ochre jelly [Monster Manual
(as (as
] ]
JWM: Large Ooze, CR 5. A big, yellow amoeba.
It envelops and crushes its prey.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about ochre
jellies. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This mustard-colored creeping pool of slime is
an ochre jelly. This result reveals all ooze traits.
21 An ochre jelly is a mindless predator that
attacks prey by lashing out with its pseudopods.
An ochre jelly is unharmed by electricity.
26 An ochre jelly continuously secretes acid,
which it uses to digest its grappled prey. An ochre
jelly’s acid only dissolves flesh.
31 An ochre jelly’s amorphous body is utterly
unharmed by attempts to hack it to pieces. In fact,
attacks using electricity or slashing or piercing
weapons cause the ooze to split into two smaller
— but otherwise just as deadly — ochre oozes.
So we had busted into the crypt and were
exploring the upper levels, and I'm thinking to
myself that this stiff has the worst taste in decor of
anyone I'd ever heard of. Everything was painted
mustard yellow--walls, ceiling, floors, most of the
furniture--it made your teeth vibrate just lookin' at
it pretty quick.
But we come to find out pretty quick that it wasn't
lack of taste--it was camouflage for his pets...
Geddar Ironheart
Ooze, white pudding [Frostburn]
Ooze, white pudding [Frostburn]Ooze, white pudding [Frostburn]
Ooze, white pudding [Frostburn]
Large Ooze, CR 6. White oozes, related to black
puddings, but adapted to frozen climes, such as the
Frozen Reaches. Most active at night, but like all
oozes they never sleep.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about white
puddings. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 This snowy white blob is a white pudding, a
close relative to the black puddng that has adapted
to arctic regions. This result reveals all ooze traits.
24 A white pudding is a mindless predator that
attacks creatures by lashing out with its
pseudopods, then attemps to crush them to death.
Due to its coloration, a white pudding is difficult
to spot against a snowy background.
29 A white pudding continuously secretes acid
that digests prey even as they struggle to escape
the pudding’s grasp. White pudding acid dissolves
organic materials and metal, but not stone. A white
pudding is resistant to cold.
34 Any weapon striking a white pudding is
immediately subjected to the ooze’s acid and may
be instantly dissolved. In addition, the pudding’s
amorphous mass is utterly unharmed by attempts
to hack it to pieces. Instead, slashing or piercing
weapons split the pudding in half, creating two
smaller — but otherwise just as dangerous —
I was about to break the ice before putting down
my line, baited with a bit of the squirrel our traps
had caught, when Mikhail took me by the
shoulder. "Not here," he said flatly. "The water is
alive." He pointed to something below the clear
black ice, but I could not make out what it was he
had seen.
Seeing my look of blank incomprehension, he
said, "Watch." We retreated about thirty feet, and
he found a stone of perhaps twenty pounds which
he heaved into the center of the pond. There was a
booming and cracking as the ice gave way, and
then something--in appearance very like an
ambulatory snowbank--rose in the black water and
tested the edges of the ice with its psuedopoda
before sinking again.
Larraby Quift, Adventures of a Wanderer
Ooze, Exotic
Ooze, ExoticOoze, Exotic
Ooze, Exotic
JWM: Like their more common kin, exotic oozes
are mindless, amorphous creatures driven by their
relentless appetite. Fortunately for the good folk of
Ravenloft, however, they are far more uncommon,
perhaps partly due to their strange, seemingly
supernatural natures.
Ooze, exotic, bone ooze [Monster
Ooze, exotic, bone ooze [Monster Ooze, exotic, bone ooze [Monster
Ooze, exotic, bone ooze [Monster
Manual II]
Manual II]Manual II]
Manual II]
JWM: Gargantuan Ooze, CR 21. An undulating
mass of goo the color of bleached bone. They feed
on the calcium in bones, and can literally suck the
bones right out of engulfed prey. Because of the
semi-digested shards of bone suspended in their
bodies, they can slash creatures apart even as they
crush them. These creatures are thankfully rare in
the Land of Mists, simply due to their immense
dietary needs. On at least one occasion, however, a
bone ooze was sighted emerging from a cavern in
the Burning Peaks to scavenge from the
battlefields between Cavtitius and Tovag. This
creature may have survived the cluster’s
destruction, to emerge from the Mists at some
unknown time and place.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about bone oozes.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
31 This towering mass of ivory-hued jelly is a
bone ooze, also known as a rolling graveyard. This
result reveals all ooze traits.
36 A bone ooze is a mindless predator that attacks
by simply rolling over smaller creatures and
absorbing them into its mass.
41 Bone oozes feed on the minerals in creatures’
bones. The mere touch of a bone ooze dissolves
bone matter, seriously debilitating its victim. If a
victim is totally engulfed, the bone ooze can
literally tear the skeleton right out of its trapped
46 Razor sharp, semi-digested shards of bone are
peppered throughout a bone ooze’s mass and poke
out through its outer membrane. These bone
shards slice through a victim’s flesh, causing
serious blood loss unless the bleeding is
Our nearly hysterical biologist had not overstated
in the least the unnaturalness of the sight. In the
span of a handful of hours sea lions, dolphins,
sharks, small whales and even a pair of immense
ones, the likes of which we had never seen, swam
listlessly into the shallow bay and threw
themselves upon the mass of undulating goo that
blanketed the beach. The bleached stuff would
seize upon the unfortunate creatures and set to
ripping their very bones from them, the searing
pain rousing the prey too late from the stupor that
was its undoing. Perhaps worse still, waist deep in
water, witnessing the spectacle or presiding over
it, were fishmen, some coming, some going, some
spell bound, others chanting, if you could call it
that, as though at High Mass. At last Ensign
Campbell pondered aloud whether a rifle shot
might be in order. Saving the bullets seemed the
wiser course. We crept back from the hill crest,
then ran for our lives, desperate for the imaginary
safety of our ship.
-From Bristol to Mordentshire: an outsider's tale,
the autobiography of James Duegon
Ooze, exotic, ethereal ooze [Fiend Folio]
Ooze, exotic, ethereal ooze [Fiend Folio] Ooze, exotic, ethereal ooze [Fiend Folio]
Ooze, exotic, ethereal ooze [Fiend Folio]
JWM: Huge Ooze (Extraplanar, Incorporeal), CR
10. Oozes native to the Ethereal Plane. Its
appearance is somewhat similar to a gelatinous
cube, but in the zero-gravity of its native plane, it
grows into strange, almost crystalline shapes.
Similar combat tactics as a gelatinous cube, except
that it can materialize on the Material Plane,
engulf a victim, and then slip back into the Near
Ethereal, taking its engulfed victims with it.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about ethereal oozes. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
22 This strangely crystaline mass is an ethereal
ooze. This result reveals all ooze traits.
27 An ethereal ooze is a mindless predator that
attacks simply by mowing down creatures on the
Ethereal Plane and absorbing them into its mass.
32 An ethereal ooze continuously secretes acid.
Ethereal engulfed victims are crushed and rapidly
digested. An ethereal ooze’s acid can dissolve only
organic materials, however.
37 The Ethereal Plane is an ethereal ooze’s true
home. To attack creatures on the Material Plane,
the ooze must manifest, partly entering the
Material Plane. When it manifests, it becomes
visible but remains incorporeal to Material
creatures. It then slides over its material prey.
42 If an ethereal ooze moves its incorporeal mass
over Material creatures, it can attempt to forcibly
shift them onto the Ethereal Plane, where they are
instantly engulfed within the ooze and quickly
digested. An ethereal ooze has nether the
inclination nor the ability to return trapped
creatures to the Material Plane.
"Mere vaults of stone should not hold it. But this
place is painted thickly with a grim history of fear
that its predations have only darkened. And that is
the stuff of which ethereal resonance is made. The
thing is as imprisoned in the ethereal as it is here,
with the difference that there its chains are partly
of its own making. Were it to go for a decade or
two without claiming a terrified soul those chains
might well fade to nothing. That is to say that the
better we brick it in the more certain it is to
escape. We must find a way to kill it instead."
-Rudolph van Richten, investigating the 'haunted'
cellar maze of Gauldamon Manor
Ooze, exotic, flesh jell
Ooze, exotic, flesh jellOoze, exotic, flesh jell
Ooze, exotic, flesh jelly [Monster Manual
y [Monster Manual y [Monster Manual
y [Monster Manual
JWM: Gargantuan Ooze, CR 19. A nauseating
mass of boneless, reeking flesh, usually found in
tropical regions. Along with the usual threats of
massive oozes, its touch spreads disease and it can
sicken victims with the sheer wretchedness of its
stench. A few occult scholars believe that flesh
jellies arise when a mass grave occupies a sinkhole
of evil. However, even they do not know whether
the macabre taint of the sinkhole affects the
corpses directly, or whether the flesh jelly was
originally a grave ooze drawn to the rotting flesh
and then mutated by the evil energies embued in
its meal.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about flesh jellies.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
29 This nauseating mound of rancid, gelatinous
flesh is a flesh jelly. This result reveals all ooze
34 A flesh jelly is a mindless predator that attacks
smaller creatures simply by rolling over them and
absorbing them into its mass. Once it absorbs one
victim, it usually defends itself by lashing out at
remaining foes with its pseudopods.
39 Unlike most oozes, a flesh jelly does not
secrete acid. Instead, it directly absorbs the flesh
of engulfed victims into its own mass. Fleshless
creatures, such as skeletons, cannot be absorbed
and are quickly expelled.
44 Any creature that comes into contact with the
jelly’s rancid flesh runs the risk of contracting filth
fever, a dangerous disease. A flesh jelly’s rancid,
disease-wracked mass continuously emits a
nauseating stench.
"And your flesh shall not return to the earth,
neither as ash, nor as dust. It will mass and merge
together into the bringer of festering doom that
shall be the death of all. Such will be the hour of
darkness unparalleled."
-Ravings of a madman in the streets of Tvashti
Ooze, exotic, grave
Ooze, exotic, graveOoze, exotic, grave
Ooze, exotic, graveyard Sludge
yard Sludgeyard Sludge
yard Sludge
Ooze, exotic, grave ooze [Denizens of
Ooze, exotic, grave ooze [Denizens of Ooze, exotic, grave ooze [Denizens of
Ooze, exotic, grave ooze [Denizens of
JWM: Large Ooze, CR 6. An amorphous mass of
putrid flesh that can smell rotting flesh through the
earth for miles around. It burrows through soil and
fills coffins as it feeds on their occupants,
presenting a possible surprise for grave robbers.
Along with its reek, it is both acidic and
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about grave
oozes. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This rancid mass of pustulent slime and semi-
digested carrion is a grave ooze. This result
reveals all ooze traits.
21 A grave ooze is a mindless predator that
primarily feeds on decaying flesh. However, it just
as readily attacks any living creatures that disturb
it. A grave ooze attacks by flailing at creatures
with its pseudopods.
26 A grave ooze continuously secretes chemicals
which help it digest its prey. These chemicals are
both acidic and poisonous to the touch. Grave
ooze poison is not lethal by itself, but leaves a
victim weak and helpless.
31 A grave ooze gives off a sickening stench so
powerful it’s sometimes noticeable even through
six feet of earth. If a grave ooze latches onto a
victim, it attempts to flow over the creature’s body
and crush it to death.
36 A grave ooze takes no notice of piercing
weapons, and is so attuned to the energies of death
that is is immune to necromantic magic as well.
-"Nothing, and I mean nothing, is as disgusting as
grave ooze.", snarled Hare.
-"Not Ezrighties?", asked Burke.
-"They don't eat us out of house and home.", Hare
answered sagely.
-"Mornin'lordies then?", Burke persisted.
-"We only know one and he is dead, buried and
eaten long ago.", snapped Hare.
-"Dwarf entrails!", Burke answered brightly.
-"Not if you shake them out well like I have
shown you a dozen times.", Hare shot back.
-"Ok, ok, nuffin' as digusting as the ooze," Burke
conceded with a shrug, "but what we goin' a do
about it?"
-"Well for starters, you are not going to throw our
tools at it like last time.", replied Hare with the
profoundest irritation.
William Hare & William Burke back in the
heydays of Il-Aluk when they were in the undead
Ooze, exotic, shadow jelly [Planar
Ooze, exotic, shadow jelly [Planar Ooze, exotic, shadow jelly [Planar
Ooze, exotic, shadow jelly [Planar
Handbook] Handbook]
JWM: Large Ooze (Extraplanar), CR 6.
Undulating pools of darkness native to the Plane
of Shadow. It lurks in the shadows and drains
Strength with its touch.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about shadow jellies. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This pool of undulating darkness is a shadow
jelly, a creature native to the Plane of Shadow.
This result reveals all ooze traits.
21 A shadow jelly is a mindless predator that lurks
in the darkest of places. It attacks by lashing out
with a pseudopod, then attempts to latch onto its
26 A shadow jelly does not absorb its prey.
Instead, it feeds on warmth and life energy. The
touch of a shadow jelly drains the strength from
living creatures.
The thing oozed across the floor, black as the void
and liquid as mercury, flowing first this way, then
that, just as I had seen amoebas do under the
microscope; but this was an "amoeba" large
enough to devour a man! I was still and silent,
hoping that both for the return of my host and that
his pet--if pet it was--would not notice me in the
And then a pause to its undulations! And it began
to roll with evil purpose toward me. Precisely at
this moment of alarm Master Shadowcloak entered
and saw the thing; taking something from his coat-
sleeve, he put it to his mouth, and a soundless
shrill of music seemed to pass through the air. The
creature immediately retreated, passing through a
small dark portal in a corner of the laboratory
which I had not noticed until that moment.
Stepping after it, Shadowcloak closed the door
behind it. "Your pardon, Master Whitesides," he
said coolly. "It was careless of me to leave that
door ajar."
In the House of Fallen Leaves, Mortimer Jacques
Ooze, exotic,
Ooze, exotic, Ooze, exotic,
Ooze, exotic, toxic
ooze [
ooze [ooze [
ooze [Dragon 350
Dragon 350Dragon 350
Dragon 350]
Proposed par JP
Ooze, exotic, void ooze [Planar
Ooze, exotic, void ooze [Planar Ooze, exotic, void ooze [Planar
Ooze, exotic, void ooze [Planar
JWM: Large Ooze (Extraplanar), CR 8. Imbued
with negative energy, void oozes often cohabitate
with undead — the creatures tend to ignore each
other’s presence. Its touch drains energy, and it is
always surrounded by a mass of flitting shadows.
It is essentially weightless, and floats through the
air toward its prey.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about void oozes. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
20 This floating cloud of flitting shadows is a void
ooze, a creature native to regions saturated with
negative energy. This result reveals all ooze traits.
25 A void ooze is a mindless predator that attacks
living creatures with its pseudopods. The ooze’s
touch drains life energy. Void oozes tend to ignore
the undead, and vice versa.
30 A void ooze can flow over smaller creatures,
totally engulfing them and devouring their life
energy. If a void ooze absorbs enough life energy,
it splits into two void oozes.
35 A void ooze is continuously shrouded by an
aura of shadow and negative energy. Any living
creature that enters close combat with a void ooze
is subjected to the ooze’s otherworldly chill.
40 A void ooze is immune to all negative energy
effects, including energy drain, death spells, and
magical death effects.
-mobile & free floating
-needless but insatiable
-waste free
-undead friendly
-may afford concealment
-may afford limited protection against light
-highly resistant to turning
-kills bacteria on contact
-reliably dispatches vermin
-a significant threat to life generally
-not a cause of unplanned undeath
-worthy guardian for the undead, in particular
those preferring a sterile environment
-appropriate for the living only with sound binding
or containment
-a means in a pinch of slowing the decomposition
of corpses and tissue matter
-of mild interest to the torturer who “has
-research its applicability to the construction of
egoless, enervating weapons
“Something From Nothing With Void Ooze”, The
Red Wizards Almanac 1358 DR, private library of
"The Mists are not in nothing,", the phrase
recurred throughout his notes, it was scribbled into
the margins of most of the books and scrolls, it
was carved crudely into the wood of his desk, it
was chiseled brazenly upon the wall. We had a
vague inkling of its meaning, although we did not
appreciate at the time that it also appeared in the
so called 'portal passage' of the Third Book of
Ezra. You see the rest of us had come to accept
that our lives beyond the Mists were forever lost to
us. But not Morgan. He had sworn upon the dead,
the living, even the gods to escape this place
which he had never ceased to describe as a
'prison.' And in the decade since we parted he had
been busy. We sought to grasp the guiding thread
of his research. But madness and that cursed
phrase, staring back at us from the wall opposite
his desk, alone seemed to make some slight sense
of the vast resources that he had marshaled. At last
overcome by frustration, I hurled an especially
esoteric tome at those taunting words. But the
flutter of the pages became dull, indistinct. As did
the chiselled letters and the stone that bore them.
Time grew heavy, ponderously so, as though
expiring. All the distinctions of sound, of colour,
of moment gave way to . . . well . . . nothing . . . or
very nearly so. For something, slowly, ever so
slowly at first, oozed into existence. The book had
escaped the bonds of this world, had gone out of
existence, but in return, in some unspeakable
accounting, a terrible danger to us all had come
into existence. It was precisely nothing, nothing at
all, nothing to be feared, void ‘itself’ incarnate.
-Guest speaker addressing the Department of
Philosophy at the University of Dementlieu
The Mists are not in nothing,
Flee who must into the the void,
But in return seeps something,
Absence that we pray avoid.
-From the much debated 'portal passage' in the
Third Book of Ezra
Orglash [Unapproachable East]
Orglash [Unapproachable East] Orglash [Unapproachable East]
Orglash [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: Orglashes are air elementals with
the cold subtype native to frigid climes. They
appear as standard air elementals filled with
swirling snow and two dark spots for eyes. These
elementals deal cold damage in addition to their
standard attack damage, and can cast a cone of
cold thrice daily. Orglashes have fast healing when
in cold areas, and are native to the Material Plane
(or Ravenloft).
In Ravenloft, orglashes are found in the Frozen
Reaches cluster or the high mountains of the Core.
A hot weather variant of the orglash is native to
Hazlan, where certain Rashemi witches summon
"Urdursh va thasku!
Come freezing wind!
Han yetsha mir obansk!
Rise icy air!
Dur mitank akalushk!
Appear Orglash!
I command you!
I command you!"
- invocation spoken by a Vos witch
Otter [Otter: Stormwrack, Se
Otter [Otter: Stormwrack, SeOtter [Otter: Stormwrack, Se
Otter [Otter: Stormwrack, Sea Otter:
a Otter: a Otter:
a Otter:
Frostburn; Frostburn;
Frostburn; -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about otters.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This sleek, playful creature is an otter, a
mammal that spends most of its time in the water.
This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Otters primarily feed on small fish,
shellfish, and insects. They are inoffensive
creatures, and fight only if cornered. River otters
are about a yard long, while sea otters can reach
twice that size.
DC 20: Some aquatic mages adopt otters for use as
Owl [Monster Manual
Owl [Monster Manual Owl [Monster Manual
Owl [Monster Manual -
CR ¼
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about foxes.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This wide-eyed bird of prey is an owl, a
nocturnal huter. This result reveals all animal
DC 15: Owls can see extremely well in the dark.
They spot their prey—usually tiny mammals such
as mice or voles—from the air, then silently
swoop down to strike with their sharp talons.
DC 20: Some cultures view owls as symbols of
wisdom. Some mages adopt them for use as
familiars. Such mages tend to have particularly
keen vision in shadowy conditions.
Owl, giant [Monster Manual]
Owl, giant [Monster Manual]Owl, giant [Monster Manual]
Owl, giant [Monster Manual]
JWM: Large Magical Beast, CR 3, neutral good.
An owl as intelligent as a human and significantly
larger besides. A power for good, despite being
nocturnal predators.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about giant owls. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This massive night hunter is a giant owl, a
noble creature as intelligent as a human. This
result reveals all magical beast traits.
18 A giant owl can see extremely well by
moonlight. They speak Sylvan and Common.
23 Giant owl young can be trained to accept a
rider. Giant owl eggs thus demand exorbitant
prices on the open market.
Hulbig ducked, but not in time--the great dark
shadow had seized him by the arms and carried
him up, up, up into the night sky!
It would have been wonderful to rush through the
dark at that speed if he had not been so afraid of
what would happen when he landed; the thing that
held him was very large and strong, and he could
feel its claws prickle him through his nightshirt.
At last they came to a great old tree in the heart of
the forest, and he was set down gently on a branch
as broad as his own kitchen floor. As he caught his
breath and his eyes adjusted to the dark, he saw all
around him...owls. Dozens of owls, each much
larger than a person, perched all over the tree!
"Hulbig Hairfoot," one of them said. "Welcome to
the Parliament of Owls."
The Parliament of Owls, traditional halfling
Paka (catkin) [Denizens of Dread]
Paka (catkin) [Denizens of Dread] Paka (catkin) [Denizens of Dread]
Paka (catkin) [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
(Shapechanger), CR 5, chaotic evil. Feline
humanoids with a limited shapechanging ability to
assume human form. Can control feline minions,
but canines don't like them. Harbor an ancestral
grudge against humanity. They worship the Cat
JWM: in my personal 3.5 retweaking of the paka,
it has the Change Shape special quality.
Change Shape (Su): At will, as a standard action,
a paka can subtly alter its appearance to appear
fully human. In human form, the paka loses its
natural attacks. A paka can remain in human form
until it chooses to change to its true form. A
change in form cannot be dispelled, but a paka
reverts to its true form when killed. A true seeing
spell or ability reveals its natural form. The
transformation is not major enough to affect a
paka’s clothing or armor.
I also tweaked the rest of its abilities a bit and
upped its LA to +3.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about pakas. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This catlike humanoid is a paka, a distant
relation of catfolk. This result reveals all
monstrous humanoid traits.
18 When they wish, pakas can assume an entirely
human appearance. This result reveals the
shapechanger subtype.
23 Pakas are extremely nimble and have an
empathic bond with all kinds of cats, but strongly
dislike dogs, wolves, and related creatures.
28 Pakas live in a matriarchal society, and are an
extremely vengeful people. Paka maintain that at
some point in history, their entire race was
betrayed by humanity, and they still seek revenge.
The people of the ape honoured and worshipped
the people of the cat who taught them the cunning
cruelty of the hunt. But the ape man was
ambitious, taking what he wanted, betraying the
cat people, allying himself with their most bitter
foe, the people of the dog, who offered their
loyalty eternal. And for this treachery, the catkin
swore that man would be layed low, sliced open,
devoured alive.
–Excerpt from the Madrigorian
"We are both predators. We lust for the hunt. We
are connoisseurs of its cruelty. We always decline
the first opportunity to deliver the coup de grace.
We are the antithesis of mercy. We prolong the
agony of our prey. We torture and torment it, until
it would gladly take its own life, but we strive to
deny it even that luxury. I with my claws and you
with your laws are the enemies of hope. Perhaps
we are kindred spirits, but we are not of kindred
races. We are the agile, I among the agile and you
among the clumsy. But it is not for that reason
alone that you Hector Vail and your human kind
must die. You betrayed us. And never shall we
forgive the crime that you have forgotten.”
Excerpt from The Theft of the Cat’s Eye, Colonel
Oliver Pendleton
Pale Rider
Pale RiderPale Rider
Pale Rider
] ]
Pennaggolan [Oriental Adventures
Pennaggolan [Oriental AdventuresPennaggolan [Oriental Adventures
Pennaggolan [Oriental Adventures]
JWM: Template undead, CR +2, lawful evil. A
kind of vampire that seems human by day, but at
night its head and internal organs pull themselves
free to fly along and drain victims' blood.
Generally found in the Scattered Lotus
(Explicitly classifying pennaggolans as an exotic
variety of vampire is technically a Ravenloft-
specific thing, but I doubt anyone will see it as a
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s pennaggolan nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
17 This grotesque floating head trailing a mass of
bloody internal organs is a pennaggolan, a
vampiric undead creature that feeds on the blood
of the living. This result reveals all undead traits.
Pennaggolans speak the languages they knew in
22 Pennaggolans attack by wrapping their
glistening entrails around a victim’s throat. The
pennaggolan drains blood with its bite as it
strangles its victim. Victims who die from a
pennaggolan’s blood drain and are allowed to
remain unburied for three days rise as new
pennaggolans themselves.
27 A pennaggolan can dominate the weak-minded
simply by looking into their eyes. Pennaggolans
are tough and quickly recover from most wounds,
but magic weapons can pierce their supernatural
defenses. A pennaggolan can pose as the mortal it
was in life by stuffing its entrails back into its
body. While so disguised, a pennaggolan cannot
be turned and its malignant spirit is hidden from
magical scrying.
32 A pennaggolan is resistant to cold, electricity,
and turning. Pennaggolans typically pose as
mortals by day, but when the sun sets, their heads
and entrails tear free to feed upon the living. The
creature’s entrails bloat once exposed to the open
air, so a pennaggolan must soak its entrails in
vinegar to fit them back into its body. While a
bodiless pennaggolan roams free, its hollow,
unattended body lies helpless. Unlike other
vampires, a pennaggolan is mystically bound to its
body rather than to a grave. If a pennaggolan’s
body is destroyed while its head roams, the
pennaggolan wastes away and is permanently
destroyed within a few days.
37 Many different strains of vampirism exist —
this is simply one of the most hideous.
January 4th, 749; He visited me again last night,
the weary traveller. Oh, what joy I find in his
embrace! The teachings of Hala have become
hollow indeed.
January 8th, 749; The Lonley Traveller, as I call
him, he showed me such wonders last night, I
thought the joy would never stop. He promised me
that in the end he would make all my troubles slip
January 12th, 749; My Gentleman called again last
night. He promised to take me away and live with
him forever, all I had to do was worship him. Oh,
how I love him. He is my god.
January 15th, 749; Lies! Betrayal! My Gentleman
is a fraud! I saw him with Sister Bernadette,
supping from her as he once supped from me! He
whispered his sweet poison to her and she took it
from him willingly! I will show him that only I am
worthy of his love!
Here there is blood smeared across the paper and
the handwriting is the same, yet different, wilder,
somehow more passionate.
I did it! He took me into him and showed me
beauty! Oh, how I screamed as he administered his
sweet tortures, how I cried as he brought exquisite
I felt it all slip away, a weight lifted from my
shoulders. I felt my head rise high, yet my body lie
down. I know not what he has done, yet
understand he has granted me freedom. We took
our revenge on the whores of Hala, but he left me.
Left me with the knowledge that now that I am
-Diary found in the room of Sister Marla, in the
Hospice of the Sisters of Grace
See also:Penanggalan "Undead Again" Steven
Brown Dragon#234(31) Requiem
Penanggalan "Necrology of the Penanggalan,
The" Paul F. Culotta Dragon#222(16) D&D2
Phantasmal slayer [Heroes of Horror
Phantasmal slayer [Heroes of HorrorPhantasmal slayer [Heroes of Horror
Phantasmal slayer [Heroes of Horror]
JWM: Medium Outsider (Evil, Incorporeal,
Native), CR 15, chaotic evil. Fear incarnate, these
horrors exist to terrify creatures to death. It has
numerous spell-like abilities and the ability to
cloak itself in illusion.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about phantasmal slayers.
Characters who recognize a phantasmal slayer’s
nature can make a Knowledge (arcana) or Bardic
Knowledge check to learn more. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (the planes)
DC Result
25 This living nightmare is a phantasmal slayer, a
fiendish manifestation of fear itself. This result
reveals all outsider and incorporeal traits.
Phantasmal slayers can communicate
30 Phantasmal slayers have no true form. Instead,
they cloak themselves in illusory images drawn
from onlookers’ deepest, most intense fears. Foes
canny enough to pierce the slayer’s illusions still
perceive the slayer as a shadowy image of their
greatest fear. Opponents who lack the wits to
realize what they face may be literally terrorized to
death. Phantasmal slayers speak Abyssal,
Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Infernal, and Common.
35 Phantasmal slayers are resistant to magic and
completely immune to fear. A slayer’s touch
strikes directly at the victim’s spirit, bypassing all
forms of damage reduction other than those that
require a special material, such as silver or cold
iron. Phantasmal slayers often focus their attacks
on spellcasters and paladins.
40 These powerful fiends possess the spell-like
abilities of scare, crushing despair, fear,
feeblemind, ray of exhaustion, and waves of
fatigue, which they use to shred their victims’
mental resolve.
Knowledge (arcana) or Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
30 Rumor has it that the mage who first created
the phantasmal killer spell was inspired by tales of
these dreadful entities.
This Lorelei X was a patient with a terrible case of
self-inflicted delusions. She adventured in the
deep Falkovnian forest and was found in delirium
on the road and brought to me. Other than
screaming from fear, she didn’t talk much but
sometimes whispered that “her worst nightmare
was after her”. But I didn’t have time to really put
her to the psychometric tests, as she died less than
24 hours before being admitted in the clinic. Her
heart stopped beating suddenly, after she had
screamed louder than usual. It’s amazing the
powers self-delusion can have on someone.
-- last entry in the personal notes of Dr Ernst
Phantom hound [Denizens of Dread]
Phantom hound [Denizens of Dread] Phantom hound [Denizens of Dread]
Phantom hound [Denizens of Dread]
Phase spider [Monster Manual
Phase spider [Monster ManualPhase spider [Monster Manual
Phase spider [Monster Manual]
JWM: Large Magical Beast, CR 5, neutral. A
spider that can jump back and forth between the
Material and Ethereal planes. "Like many other
ethereal predators, they sometimes enter Ravenloft
inadvertently and stalk the Near Ethereal."
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about phase spiders. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 Judging by its markings, this monstrous
arachnid is a phase spider. This result reveals all
magical beast traits.
20 A phase spider is fairly intelligent and its bite
delivers a deadly venom.
25 A phase spider can shift into or out of the
Ethereal Plane without warning. Its usual tactic is
to suddenly appear on the Material Plane, bite a
victim, and then immediately retreat to the
Ethereal Plane, where it waits for the creature to
die before returning to feed.
...what I find far more troubling, if true, are the
accounts of monstrously large ghost-spiders in the
vicinity; they have been blamed for the death of
several household pets and even livestock,
although there are no reports of human fatalities.
Three witnesses claim that the spider or spiders in
question materialized from nothing, attacked the
unfortunate animal, and retreated to the Other
Side, prey in tow. The idea of mere vermin,
however large, having enough psychic energy to
produce a ghost boggles the mind; but if we reject
that hypothesis how does we explain the
phantasmal character these creatures supposedly
Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove to Gennifer
Weathermay-Foxgrove, private correspondence
Phooka Phooka
Phooka [
Phrenic creature [Expanded Psionics
Phrenic creature [Expanded Psionics Phrenic creature [Expanded Psionics
Phrenic creature [Expanded Psionics
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about a creature’s phrenic nature.
Characters may need to make a different
Knowledge check to learn about the base creature.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This creature’s psionic abilities betray its
phrenic nature. This result reveals the psionic
18 Phrenic creatures are naturally psionic and are
themselves resistant to psionics.
23 Phrenic creatures manifest increasingly potent
psi-like abilities as they grow in size and power.
Lesser phrenic creatures can use abilities such as
defensive precognition and force screen. More
powerful individuals add a increasing variety of
abilities, including body adjustment, psionic
dominate, tower of iron will, and even ultrablast.
JWM: A simple template that makes creatures
psionic. "Although they can arise naturally, in the
Demiplane of Dread such creatures are typically
the product of illithid fleshcrafting."
The goblin-wolf at the base of the tree growled,
and I became aware of an itching sensation at the
base of my skull--a sensation which increased in
intensity until it was all I could do not to scream
aloud. Suddenly I felt myself opening my hands;
by exerting all my willpower I was able to keep
them clasped around the branch, but only a
constant effort of will kept me from loosing my
grasp and falling.
It occurred to me that the wolf was willing me out
of the tree; however irrational the thought, the fact
that my hands were effectively doing their best to
kill me showed that the situation was not really
rational to begin with.
Giles ApMorte, An Adventure in Kartakass
Pickled punk [Carnival]
Pickled punk [Carnival] Pickled punk [Carnival]
Pickled punk [Carnival]
JWM: Tiny Aberration, CR 1, neutral evil.
Professor Pacali's repressed desires made flesh.
Monstrously deformed fetuses that can unleash
viewers' hidden desires with their gaze.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about pickled punks. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DCs. The DC is unusually high due to the extreme
rarity of these creatures.
DC Result
16 This monstrously malformed fetus is
commonly labeled as a pickled punk. This result
reveals all aberration traits.
21 A pickled punk doesn’t present much of a
physical threat. In addition, it is saturated with
alcohol, and is highly flammable.
26 A pickled punk can latch on to larger foes with
its surprisingly powerful bite.
31 By staring into a humanoid’s soul, a pickled
punk can unleash the target’s repressed desires.
This effect is similar to charm person, but the
target acts out its own darkest impulses rather than
obeying the punk itself.
36 Pickled punks sprout directly from the body of
Professor Pacali, who exercises a small degree of
control over them.
"Come on, dear Prof, having these out in the
sunlight will entice more Georges to partake in the
Hall of Horrors."
"Tindal, you insipid buffoon, my 'punks' as you
derisively, are a medical marvel. They are a
unique creation that my contact outside the
Carnival supplies for me. They are not, not simply
there for the slack jawed inbreds that you and your
fellow troupers entertain to stand and gawk at."
-Overheard conversation at Carnival.
Plague blight [Libris Mortis
Plague blight [Libris MortisPlague blight [Libris Mortis
Plague blight [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Medium Undead (Evil, CR 6, any evil.
Animated corpses of those killed by plague.
Swollen and putrescent. They carry a sickening
stench and their touch causes gangrene.
“And there we were, discarding our weapons to
stay afloat, doomed if we let ourselves be carried
deeper into the spinning cauldron of sewage and
twice doomed if we strove for its edge where the
gloating rat shaman and his abominations stood in
waiting. It was the rotting touch of these latter that
had devoured Lucien alive in seconds. And their
unspeakable stench robbed Jean-Jacques of his
strength, sending him spiralling down into the
–Interview with a Ghost
"Deep in the bowels of this place is a room that is
less than the arms span of a man to a side. A row
of iron bars cuts it in two. The one half is occupied
by a gentleman, if I can call him that, who has
been there for as long as I can remember. The
other hosts, from time to time, individuals such as
yourself who are not as forthcoming as they might
and should be. Now what is precious is that the
mere touch of the confined fellow will rot an
unfortunate alive in less than an hour. Keeping out
of his reach is possible . . . for a time. But he is as
driven and as untiring as they come. Undead is, I
believe, the technical term. My grandfather
claimed a woman once put off her gruesome end
for a week. But all I have seen have been reduced
to mouldering bone within four days. Perhaps that
spry daughter of yours will surprise us. We could
go take a look if you would like. I warn you
though that the stench is overpowering. Or was
there, after all, something that you wished to tell
-Jacqueline Renier soliciting information
concerning her lost love
Piranha [Monster Manual
Piranha [Monster Manual Piranha [Monster Manual
Piranha [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about piranhas. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 10: This toothy fish is a piranha, a predator
found in some tropical rivers. This result reveals
all animal traits and the aquatic subtype.
DC 15: Piranha fly into a frenzy when they taste
blood in the water. A single piranha has a nasty
bite, but ultimately poses little true threat.
However, these fish usually congregate in large
schools which can strip the flesh from a creature’s
bones in a matter of moments.
Plague Plague
Plague Moth
See also: Plague Moth "Dragon's Bestiary:
Spawn of the Sewers, The" John Baichtal
Dragon#238(70) D&D2
Plague spewer [Monster Manual III
Plague spewer [Monster Manual IIIPlague spewer [Monster Manual III
Plague spewer [Monster Manual III]
JWM: Huge Undead, CR 10, neutral evil. A
massive undead creature that exists only to destroy
life. Its body is infested with swarms of plague-
ridden rats, which it can spew at foes.
Monster Manual III
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about plague spewers. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 20: This massive shambling corpse is a
mindless undead horror called a plague spewer.
This result reveals all undead traits.
DC 25: Plague spewers spread a lethal
supernatural plague with their touch. Plague
spewers ignore most lesser attacks, but slashing
weapons are particularly effective against them.
DC 30: A plague spewer’s skin ripples from the
movements of the countless rats infesting its flesh.
Several times a day, a plague spewer can spit a
swarm of rats at a nearby foe.
DC 35: Any truly massive creature, such as a
giant, slain by a plague spewer’s plague rises as a
new plague spewer a few days later.
"As we travelled deeper through the bowels of that
infernal tomb, the rotting talons of a gigantic beast
burst through a false door. As the walls collapsed
around it, we could see that it was the still-moving
corpse of a tremendous dog. At least I thought it
was a dog: it wore a fanged, conical mask. The
mouth of the mask dropped open, and it let loose a
bone-rattling roar. Then its jaw fell off, and a
torrent of slimy rats leapt from its loathsome
- from the journals of Jerome Delacroix,
Mordentish adventurer
Plants, carnivorous plants
lants, carnivorous plantslants, carnivorous plants
lants, carnivorous plants
See also: Plants, carnivorous "Ecology of
Carnivorous Plants, The" Gregg Chamberlain
Dragon#137(26) D&D1
Poltergeist Poltergeist
voir geist
voir geistvoir geist
voir geist
Poludnitsa [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Poludnitsa [Gaz. 1, Barovia] Poludnitsa [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Poludnitsa [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Pony [Monster Manual
Pony [Monster Manual Pony [Monster Manual
Pony [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about ponies. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 10: This small, stocky equine is a common
pony. This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Ponies are quite sturdy, often used as
mounts or as beasts of burden. Some small
humanoids train ponies to carry them fearlessly
into battle.
Porcelain lady (alabaster bride) [VRG to
Porcelain lady (alabaster bride) [VRG to Porcelain lady (alabaster bride) [VRG to
Porcelain lady (alabaster bride) [VRG to
the Walking Dead]
the Walking Dead] the Walking Dead]
the Walking Dead]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 5, neutral evil. A
undead woman who appears to have cracked
porcelain for skin and blank faces. They can create
enthralling, supernatural music and can weep tears
of blood which befuddles the minds of any
creature touching it. It can also drain blood with its
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about porcelain ladies. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 The hard, white, cracked skin and frozen,
emotionless face of this woman mark her as a
porcelain lady, also known as an alabaster bride.
These undead horrors are reputed to rise from the
graves of women who bathed in the blood of
others to preserve their youth and beauty. This
result reveals all undead traits. Porcelain ladies
understand the languages they knew in life, but
cannot do more than murmur or whimper.
20 If a living creature meets the eyeless gaze of an
alabaster bride, the bride draws a fine spray of the
creature’s blood into her empty, bloody eye
25 A porcelain lady sometimes breaks off her
attack to stand in place and weep a torrent of
bloody tears. These tears stream down her body to
form a pool around her feet, eventually spreading
10 paces in every direction. Living creatures that
touch these toxic tears have their minds filled with
nightmarish, confusing imagery.
30 Once per day, a porcelain lady can create
haunting, spectral music to play from an invisible
source up to 40 paces away. This music can
enthrall living creatures, luring them toward its
source — even if that means walking into obvious
“I think that bard was pulling our leg, no? Or he
had too many of these Invidian liqueurs, I’d say. A
baroness had been walled up in her own plantation
since a century, and now she is back as a figure of
porcelain? What do you fellows think? I wouldn’t
question other kinds of undead, but that this
baroness whatever would be back as a doll-like
creature doesn’t make sense. Somehow. That she
is back from the dead has been seen before, but
not as a doll! Or perhaps it’s one of these
construct? Can a spirit come back and animate a
doll made of porcelain? There has to be something
else involved, perhaps a wizard, or someone
obsessed with this baroness… What we have to
do, and how we have to work this case isn’t clear
to me …”
-- heard at the Two-Hares Inn, Souragne
Porpoise [Monster Manual]
Porpoise [Monster Manual]Porpoise [Monster Manual]
Porpoise [Monster Manual]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about porpoises. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 10: This playful, streamlined sea mammal is a
porpoise, known for its intelligent and helpful
manner. This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Porpoises feed on fish, using echolocation
to sense their surroundings with great accuracy. A
porpoise that cannot hear must rely on vision
DC 20: A porpoise cannot breathe underwater, but
it can hold its breath for extended periods—nearly
8 minutes in general.
Pseudonatural creature [Complete
Pseudonatural creature [Complete Pseudonatural creature [Complete
Pseudonatural creature [Complete
Arcane, Lords of Madness, etc.]
Arcane, Lords of Madness, etc.] Arcane, Lords of Madness, etc.]
Arcane, Lords of Madness, etc.]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about a creature’s pseudonatural
nature. Characters may need to make a separate
Knowledge check to learn about the base creature.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
12 This creature’s hideous mutations reveal its
pseduonatural origins. Pseudonatural creatures
originate in a little known, alien cosmos. This
result reveals all outsider traits.
17 Pseudonatural creatures are native to the Far
Realm, a place of madness and chaos. These alien
entities are resistant to acid and electricity. More
powerful individuals can instantly heal most minor
wounds, but magic weapons can pierce their
eldritch defenses.
22 At will, a pseudonatural creature can revert to
its true form: a grotesque, tentacled mass. These
entities are resistant to magic.
27 Despite its unsettling appearance, a
pseudonatural creature’s abilities are unchanged
while in its true form. Once a day, a pseudonatural
creature can channel its energies to virtually
ensure that one of its attacks strikes home.
JWM: Template Outsider. A creature from the Far
Realm, an utterly alien alternate reality. Has some
odd little abilities.
"Wake not the Sleeper in this Tomb
"Disturb not the Dreamer in this Darkness
"Behold the coming of the Serpent's Head
"Behold Rahu, Eater of the Sun
"Woe upon us all"
-translated inscription from a sealed urn found in
Sri Raji
Psicrystal [Expanded Psionics Handbook
Psicrystal [Expanded Psionics HandbookPsicrystal [Expanded Psionics Handbook
Psicrystal [Expanded Psionics Handbook]
JWM: Diminutive Construct, CR NA, alignment
varies. The psionic version of a familiar; a crystal
charged with an aspect of its psionic master's
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about psicrystals. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
10 This glowing crystal is a psicrystal, which
contains a sliver of its psionic owner’s
consciousness. This result reveals all construct
15 A psicrystal grants its psionic master several
special abilities, just as a familiar does for an
arcane spellcaster.
20 A psicrystal grows more powerful along with
its master, as does the fragment of its master’s
mind that it contains.
The Taverners had found shelter after Jasper
convinced Willow to allow them to pass the day
there. Utterly exhausted, most of the Taverners
collapsed into bunks and fell into fitful sleep.
Before doing so, however, the group was
introduced by the psionicist to Brace, a large
sapphire imbued with sentience and functioned as
a sort of “psionic familiar” to Brom.
Unfortunately, Brace later proved himself a raving
coward, always terrified that he would be dropped,
smashed, eaten, sold to gemcutters, or another
dozen other horrible things.
-- from the Galen story
Psilich [Ravenloft Dungeon Master’s
Psilich [Ravenloft Dungeon Master’s Psilich [Ravenloft Dungeon Master’s
Psilich [Ravenloft Dungeon Master’s
Guide] Guide]
JWM: Template undead, CR +2, any evil. A
psionic version of the lich.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about a creature’s psilich nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (psionics)
DC Result
23 This withered, nearly skeletal psion is a psionic
horror known as a psilich, a master of the higher
dimensions who used psychic power to defy death.
This result reveals all undead traits and the psionic
28 A psilich is every bit as potent a psionic
manifester as it was in life, and has centuries to
hone their psionic talents. A psilich’s body is
unusually tough, but psionic bludgeoning weapons
can pierce its defenses. A psilich’s touch flows
with necromantic energy. It also drains energy
from psionic minds, bolstering the psilich’s own
psionic reserves. This result also reveals the
process for becoming a psilich.
33 A psilich is surrounded by a invisible aura of
psionic disruption, usually experienced in the form
of a cacophony of mental screams. Living
creatures exposed to this aura may be terrified by
its unnatural energies. A psilich is resistant to
turning, and is immune to cold, electricity, and
mind-influencing effects. A psilich cannot be
polymorphed unless it wants to be.
38 A psilich stores its life force in a psionic
container called a phylactery. This item is usually
easily portable, and often takes the form of a
smooth, elaborately decorated stone called a linga.
If a psilich is destroyed, its life force is drawn
back into its phylactery. After recuperating for a
few days, the spirit re-emerges to occupy a nearby
corpse, restoring the psilich at full strength. You
cannot permanently destroy a psilich without also
destroying its phylactery, so psiliches usually hide
their phylacteries well.
"What just happened? I really don't get it... he
didn't even have spell components how could it
have casted all of these spells without any
"Whatever those powers were, we have to get
Lucian back. That lich made him go mad. What is
it, was your head wounded?"
"I hear the lich... it's in my head... I can't get it
"You have to... oh no... it's now in mine too!"
Adventures upon discovering the real nature of the
lich they hunted
Pthisic [Expanded Psionics Handbook]
thisic [Expanded Psionics Handbook] thisic [Expanded Psionics Handbook]
thisic [Expanded Psionics Handbook]
JWM: Large Monstrous Humanoid (Psionic), CR
6, chaotic evil. A repressed neurosis ripped from
someone's subconconscious mind to become flesh.
It feeds on Intelligence with its bite and has
numerous psi-like abilities. "A phthisic is initially
drawn from a troubled psyche by means of an
unknown psionic power, possibly a twisted
version of psychic chirurgery. In some cases, an
insane astral construct of 6th level or higher may
spontenously transform into a phthisic if its
manifester is killed. Once free, a phthisic is an
independent creature and may very well attack its
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about phthisics. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This distorted creature is a phthisic, a
suppressed form of fear or madness ripped from a
dreamer’s mind and given physical form. This
result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits.
21 A phthisic possesses many powerful psi-like
abilities, including brain lock, dimension slide,
ego whip, and mind thrust.
26 A phthisic feeds on the thoughts of its victims,
which it rips from their minds with its bite. This
attack drains Intelligence.
31 A phthisic regenerates most forms of damage,
but is vulnerable to fire and acid
“It’s my son! He’s in my head!”
“Milady, with all respect, it can’t be. Your son
drowned two years ago. We all went to his
funerals. Touching funerals, in Summer, you
“I know! But he’s in my head now! My lovely
son! He wants to come out! He tells me he will be
with us in this room soon!”
-- over heard conversation reported by the maid,
during the Wilson family massacre enquiry
Puppeteer [Expanded Psionics
Puppeteer [Expanded Psionics Puppeteer [Expanded Psionics
Puppeteer [Expanded Psionics
JWM: Fine Magical Beast (Psionic), CR 1, lawful
evil. Psionic parasite that attaches itself to a
creature's brain stem and controls it like a puppet.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about puppeteers. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
11 This grotesque leech is a puppeteer, a sinister
psionic parasite. This result reveals all aberration
traits and the psionic subtype.
16 Puppetteers try to touch more powerful
creatures, such as humanoids. Once a puppeteer
makes physical contact, it can take control of the
creature’s mind, working its body like a puppet.
Puppeteers can psionically manipulate their own
eggs to create even more monstrous mutations
called flesh harrowers or dire puppeteers.
21 Once a puppeteer takes control of a host, it
attaches itself to the host’s nervous system —
usually somewhere out of sight — and forms a
parasitic rapport, using its host to shield it from
area attacks. Puppeteers often infiltrate humanoid
groups, using them to produce a supply of bodies.
Flesh harrowers are much more physically
powerful than puppeteers, and attack with their
fang-filled maws. They lack the ability to control
hosts, however.
26 A puppeteer can manifest several psi-like
abilities, including detect psionics, mental barrier,
and psionic charm. Despite its powerful psionic
gifts, a puppeteer can completely conceal its
psionic potential from all scrying attempts. Flesh
harrowers have their own psionic powers,
including concealing amorpha, hustle, mental
barrier, and vigor.
“Dear journal,
My fiancé has changed. Since his return from the
Darkon mines expedition, he isn’t totally the
same. He still loves me and often says so, but his
behaviour is sometimes changed. He’s often trying
to convince me to leave my tanning work and
come with him - and his strange new friends -
back to these Darkonese mines. He wants to show
me something there, he says, but do not want to
say what he has in mind. What shall I do?”
Puppeteer, flesh harrower [Expanded
eteer, flesh harrower [Expanded eteer, flesh harrower [Expanded
eteer, flesh harrower [Expanded
Psionics Handbook
Psionics HandbookPsionics Handbook
Psionics Handbook]
JWM: Small Magical Beast (Psionic), CR 2,
neutral. A mutant puppeteer that has a few psi-like
powers, but mainly relies on its massive maw of
fangs. For when violence is called for.
“Dear journal,
I fear for my fiancé’s safety. I’m writing this from
the Ezran church, shivering despite the warm
fireplace. Father Bouliane has been of great
comfort, and we spoke for hours. Now I’m starting
to doubt what I’ve seen is real: one of my fiancé’s
new aloof friend came to my father’s house while
my fiancé was there and wanted to talk to my
lover, in private. But I spied on them and saw this
thing! It crawled on his back, hidden in a cloak! A
large slug, but with an immense toothy maw! To
my horror, my fiancé embraced it! I screamed and
ran. Father Bouliane said he will meet them to
prove me what I saw is my imagination.”
Quell [Libris Mortis
Quell [Libris MortisQuell [Libris Mortis
Quell [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about quells. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This shrouded, vaguely humanoid spirit is a
quell, easily distinguished by the dark symbols
floating in the air around it. This result reveals all
undead traits and the incorporeal subtype. Quells
speak Infernal and Common.
18 Quells are malevolent spirits that despise all
life and the gods that grant it. Fortunately,
however, they are not very powerful individually.
They flee from daylight, which renders them
23 A quell can exert its unholy power to
temporarily sever the spiritual ties between a
divine spellcaster and his or her divine patron.
Affected divine spellcasters lose their spellcasting
abilities for a full day. Because of this, quells are
often recruited to serve more powerful undead
28 An affected character can regain his or her
divine spells more quickly by receiving an
atonement spell or by being attacked by the quell.
Multiple quells can pool their powers, severing the
spiritual ties of more powerful clerics and their ilk.
JWM: Medium Undead (Incorporeal), CR 3,
lawful evil. Quells despise themselves, all life, and
the gods who grant it. Not very powerful in
combat; however, they possess the ability to cut
off divine spellcasters from their deities, the
source of their power. Multiple quells can
cooperate to tackle more powerful clerics and the
like. Appears somewhat like a ghostly, robed
humanoid, with dark magical symbols floating
around its head. Sometimes sought out as minions
by more powerful undead masters.
There being nothing so tiresome as a meddling
priest, I have been at some pains to procure the
services of several new hirelings to deal with any
such god-touched nuisances. They are of the best
sort--not so powerful as to give any worry of their
eventual insurrection, but with powerful abilities
precisely tailored to meet a pressing need--in this
case, to keep clerics far away from me.
From a notebook found in the library of the lich
known as Phantom's Bane
Quevari [Denizens of Dread]
Quevari [Denizens of Dread] Quevari [Denizens of Dread]
Quevari [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Medium Humanoid (Quevari), CR 1/2 or
CR 1, lawful good or chaotic evil. A race of
normally peaceful folk, otherwise identical to
humans, who're cursed to become homicidal
maniacs whenever the moon grows full.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can
learn more about Quevari. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
11 This person belongs to a reclusive folk called
the Quevari. This result reveals all humanoid
16 The Quevari are a peaceful, almost meek
people who abhor violence. They are also known
as being a clever and hearty folk.
21 As a people, the Quevari suffer from an
inescapable curse called the Bloodmoon. When
the full moon rises, they become deranged,
sadistic killers. They do not attack each other —
only newcomers.
"We stayed at the village for three days before the
full moon. They where the lovliest of people, kind
and caring. Lissia Viran took us in and we enjoyed
her families company, her husband and her two
young girls.
"It was the day that the first full moon rose that we
noticed things where getting odd. Lissia's husband
started to get angry at Neville the halfling for little
things, not putting his cup on the table straight,
sitting too close to the fire.
"After midday, the girls started to get violent,
hitting Mah-Loa, our Rokuma mage and pulling
her hair. We tried to get them to stop and asked
Lissia to keep them under control, but she shouted
at us not to tell her how to raise her children.
"Then night fell and the moon rose. As soon as the
moonlight poured through the window Lissia's
husband changed. He grabbed the poker from near
the fire and caved Mah-Loa's skull in. Then the
children held Neville down as Lissia throttled him.
"I ran, ran as far as I could. That night I slept in
the woods. Never been back to that village, never
will again."
-Thron Vaillgarn, Falkovian warrior.
Quickwood (spy tree) [Denizens of
Quickwood (spy tree) [Denizens of Quickwood (spy tree) [Denizens of
Quickwood (spy tree) [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
(under Plant, Quickwood)
JWM: Huge Plant, CR 10, neutral. Intelligent,
carnivorous oak tree that attacks with its buried
root tendrils, dragging creatures toward its maw
like a roper. Can emit a deep thrumming sound
through the soil, acting as an alarm system of
sorts. Can also animate oak trees and see through
their senses.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about quickwoods. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
20 This plant resembled an oak tree at first glance,
but is in fact a monstrous plant called a
quickwood, also known as a spy tree. This result
reveals all plant traits. Quickwoods speak Sylvan,
and may know other languages as well.
25 A quickwood uses its long, rootlike tendrils
both to haul its massive bulk along the ground and
to attack its foes. A quickwood tries to lash its
tendrils around foes, then drag the creatures into
its maw. A grappled victim can be rescued by
severing the tendril, but most of their length
remains underground, which grants them cover.
30 A quickwood has potent defenses. It channels
electricity into the ground beneath it, and secretes
sap to extinguish fire, making it resistant to both
energy types. If targeted by magic, it reflexively
attempts to channel the magical energy into a
brief, fear-inducing aura.
35 A quickwood can animate nearby oak trees,
and can scry through their senses, making them
natural sentries. Quickwoods are often recruited
by powerful masters to act as border guards.
"Our trek to the cottage of Moag the Apocathery
was short, yet arduous. Roots and rocks jutted out
from the path as though they purposely sought to
trip us. Perhaps they were. When we came to his
cottage, that pale bastard was waiting for us with
his happy little rictus grin stretched across his
clown white face."
""You know why we've come, alchemist!"
Yasmine hollered."
""Indeed I do... It's about your lovely little friend's
condition, isn't it? But why should I go through the
trouble of ruining my comrades' handiwork?
That's not very polite, you realize.""
"Michael leveled his crossbow at Moag."
""You can break his curse: break it, and we'll let
you live.""
"The alchemist closed his awful mouth, tapping
his lips as he strutted before us."
""My goodness, what a generous offer... But let
me make a counter offer... My sources tell me that
you nice people had a certain Spear of Dagon
come into your grubby little hands: get it for me,
and we have a deal.""
"Michael fired his crossbow at the smiling wretch.
After all those lives the Spear had cost us, no hell
clown should be allowed to mock us."
"As the crossbolt flew toward him, Moag's ugly,
toothy grin turned into a disappointed pout. Then
it stopped about a foot before his left eye: a long
wooden tendril had emerged from the ground to
seize the crossbolt. "
""How sad." And with that statement, the oak to
Moag's side opened its toothy maw, and scowled.
"Eat them," and with that, the oak smiled a toothy
-from the journal of Jerome Delacroix, Mordentish
Radiant spirit [Denizens of Dread]
Radiant spirit [Denizens of Dread] Radiant spirit [Denizens of Dread]
Radiant spirit [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Medium Undead (Incorporeal), CR 10,
lawful evil. The corrupted spirit of a paladin who
died while unsuccessfully trying to complete a
holy quest. Has several light- and sunlight-based
attack forms.
"What we seek is a life lived in pursuit of virtue, a
noble death, and calm repose in the embrace of the
earth. But not all of us find it. For some, what they
have left undone they cannot let pass to other
hands. They endure even beyond death to achieve
some great purpose, and in so doing they pervert
their purpose, and themselves, and end a force of
darkness clothed in light. Beware pride, Eia; it can
work evil even with the brightest spirits.
Now do you understand what happened to
Swordmaster Caroll?"
I nodded; the elder's words had made clear the
origin of that fierce bright spirit with which I had
crossed swords earlier, that wore the face of my
former friend. How bitter a realization! How stark
a warning!
Reflections of Eia Pax, compiled by Roderick
Ragewind (sword spirit) [Monster
Ragewind (sword spirit) [Monster Ragewind (sword spirit) [Monster
Ragewind (sword spirit) [Monster
Manual II]
Manual II]Manual II]
Manual II]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about ragewinds. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
29 This whirlind of clashing weapons is an undead
spirit called a ragewind or a sword spirit. This
result reveals all undead traits. Ragewinds can
usually speak Common in a voice like a howling
wind, but they seldom bother.
34 Ragewinds are the sprits of soldiers whose lives
were thrown away in useless battles. They now
vent their violent rage on the living. A ragewind
attacks foes with the weapons constantly swirling
in its otherworldly winds. If it wishes, a ragewind
can suppress its whirlwind to render itself
39 Three times a day, a ragewind can briefly
expand its winds, filling a wide area with a furious
storm of swirling weapons that attack all foes
within range. Once a ragewind uses its blade fury,
it must rest for a few moments before it can do so
again. A ragewind’s immaterial form is difficult to
damage, but magic weapons can pierce its
44 A ragewind can also transform itself into a 20-
foot-tall whirlwind capable of lifting foes off the
ground and kicking up a blinding cloud of dust. A
ragewind can see invisible creatures, and is highly
resistant to magic.
JWM: The embodied wrath of dead warriors,
ragewinds appear as a whirlwind of swirling
weapons. Its true form is a cloudy humanoid
silhouette. It attacks with multiple weapons, and
can expand itself for extra reach. It can also
transform itself into a whirlwind, dealing extra
damage and kicking up dust. A ragewind is
invisible when it suppresses its whirling winds.
Here entereth the Devilish Dancer, the Sword-
See the blades that were his arms spin in the
moving air!
Morning to morning he dances,
Nightfall to nightfall is his shedding of blood.
Those who for the battle live, for the battle endure,
Until the ending of all war.
Song of the Sword-Wraith, traditional Pharazian,
trans. Malcolm Hopper
Raiment [Libris Mortis]
Raiment [Libris Mortis]Raiment [Libris Mortis]
Raiment [Libris Mortis]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about raiments. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
11 These floating rags are not being worn by an
invisible creature. Rather, they comprise a pathetic
undead spirit called a raiment. This result reveals
all undead traits.
16 Raiments arise when the restless souls of
murder victims merge with the clothes they were
wearing when they died. Driven mad in undeath,
they are driven by the mindless desire to spread as
much suffering as they felt as they took their final
breaths. A raiment’s fluttering clothes simply
absorb most glancing blows, but magic weapons
can prove effective.
21 Raiments attack by battering foes with their
sleeves. If a raiment strikes a victim, it tries to
wrap itself around its victim’s throat and choke the
life out of it.
JWM: Small Undead, CR 1, chaotic evil. The
spirit of a crime victim that has merged with the
clothing it was wearing at the time of its death.
The clothes can wrap themselves around foes to
choke them. Raiments exist to mindlessly avenge
themselves on the living.
-"The witness claims that the proprietor, a Charlie
Windsor, of the used clothing store, Second
Chance on Finch Street near the slum, strangled
himself with his own scarf."
-"This is it?"
-"Yes sir."
-"A rather hansom piece you must admit. The man
had an eye for clothes."
-"Yes sir."
-"Might the witness have killed him?"
-"She is a little old lady and we are very sure of
-"No time to waste. Rule it a suicide. And keep the
scarf if you like."
Conversation overheard at the Paridon Police
Rajput Ambari
jput Ambarijput Ambari
jput Ambari
[Pathfinder 9
Pathfinder 9Pathfinder 9
Pathfinder 9]
Sort of undead elephant – as mount or war
elephant (Sri Raji?)
Rakshasa [Monster Manual]
Rakshasa [Monster Manual]Rakshasa [Monster Manual]
Rakshasa [Monster Manual]
JWM: These fiends appear as humanoid tigers.
They are masters of illusion, and in the Sri Rajian
religion, the enemies of mankind. They are
powerful sorcerers, can read minds, and can take
any humanoid form. Arijani is the only
documented rakshasa in Ravenloft.
Dr#326 – Dec 04 - ecology of the Rakshasa - To
update your next Web of Illusion game?
Rakshasa "Ecology of the Rakshasa, The" Eric
Cagle Dragon#326(66) D&D3
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
or Knowledge (religion) can learn more about
rakshasas. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
(Note: I'm actually writing these up for my
Ravenloft notes, which is what Sri Raji refers to
down below. Since most folks aren't playing
Ravenloft, just replace "complex religion of Sri
Raji" with "Hindu pantheon" or ignore the table
Knowledge (the planes)
DC Result
20 This malevolent tiger-headed humanoid is
actually a fiend called a rakshasa. This result
reveals all outsider traits.
25 Rakshasas are masters of deceit and illusion.
They are also highly resistant to physical harm,
though good-aligned piercing weapons can
penetrate their supernatural defenses.
30 A rakshasa can read minds and is a talented
innate sorcerous spellcaster.
35 Not only are rakshasas strong, intelligent, and
charming, they can transform themselves to
assume any humanoid form. True seeing can still
reveal the fiend’s true appearance.
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
20 The complex religion of Sri Raji teaches that
rakshasas are demons — specifically, fallen,
malevolent spirits that wage an eternal war against
those who seek enlightenment, be they man or
god. They may have been extremely wicked
humans in previous incarnations.
25 The king of the rakshasas is Ravana, a
mountainous demon lord with ten heads. Ravana is
more powerful than he is clever, and considers
himself the enemy of the god Vishnu.
30 Rakshasas feed on human flesh. Fortunately, a
blessed crossbow bolt, fired into a rakshasa’s
heart, will slay the fiend instantly, forcing it back
into the cycle of reincarnation.
The last of the monks advanced upon me, kukri
raised, and I prepared myself for death; but a
crossbow bolt humming like a great bee struck
him full in the chest, and he fell, the poisoned
blade in his hand cutting the jungle mould not a
finger's width from where my foot lay. Standing
with difficulty, I looked for my benefactor, and
saw him at last; a small slender man with
crossbow in hand and scimitar at his waist. I noted
immediately the palms of his hands, turned out
from the body, and fell again to my knees.
"Have you come for my soul, Lord of Darkness?"
I asked it, eyes averted.
"Nay, child of war. I spare you, for we have a
common enemy. Look on me!"
It was in its true form; I looked into the tiger eyes
as long as I could, and it was not long.
"The thing you seek, Ravana's Bane, is real. Bring
it to me, and you shall hold this world in the palm
of your hand."
"I hear, Lord," I said. When I raised my head again
it was gone.
Unattributed manuscript, found in Special
Collections of the library of the University of
Rakshasa Rakshasa
Rakshasa Maharajha
Maharajha Maharajha
Maharajha [
[Pathfinder 9
Pathfinder 9Pathfinder 9
Pathfinder 9]
Rat [Monster Manual
Rat [Monster Manual Rat [Monster Manual
Rat [Monster Manual -
CR 1/8
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about rats.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This rodent is a rat, a ubiquitous urban
scavenger. This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Rats sometimes contract diseases like filth
fever in the sewers they infest and spread these
diseases with their bite.
DC 10: Some mages adopt rats for use as
familiars. Such mages tend to be particularly
Raven [Monster Manual
Raven [Monster Manual Raven [Monster Manual
Raven [Monster Manual -
CR 1/6
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about ravens.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This raspy black bird is a raven, a
scavenger that often feeds on carrion. This result
reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Ravens are fairly clever and are attracted
to shiny objects, which they steal to adorn their
DC 10: Some mages adopt ravens for use as
familiars. Such mages tend to have a particularly
talented eye for appraising valuables. Raven
familiars can speak.
Raven Raven
Corvus Regis (King’s Raven) &
Corvus Regis (King’s Raven) & Corvus Regis (King’s Raven) &
Corvus Regis (King’s Raven) &
Zweifalk Zweifalk
see Zweifalk
see Zweifalksee Zweifalk
see Zweifalk
Raven, giant [Frostburn]
Raven, giant [Frostburn]Raven, giant [Frostburn]
Raven, giant [Frostburn]
JWM: Large Magical Beast, CR 2, neutral. An
intelligent raven the size of a horse. Typically
fight only to defend themselves or their nests. Can
be trained as aerial mounts.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about giant ravens. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This massive bird is a giant raven. This result
reveals all magical beast traits.
17 Although still a wild creature, giant ravens are
at least as intelligent as humans.
22 Giant ravens are nimble fliers, and are talented
at dodging away from area attacks.
27 A giant raven can be trained to accept a rider,
but the process requires several weeks. For this
reason, giant raven eggs fetch exceptionally high
prices on the open market.
"How is it that the ravens grow so big in this part
of the world, friend?" I asked him.
He smiled bitterly and said, "On what do ravens
feed, sir?"
"Carrion, in the main."
Gesturing to the north and the Darkonese border,
he answered, "Where there is much food, men
grow fat. Why should ravens not do the same?"
Impressions of Falkovnia, Reginald St. Jacques
Ravenkin [Denizens of Dread]
Ravenkin [Denizens of Dread] Ravenkin [Denizens of Dread]
Ravenkin [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Small Monstrous Humanoid, CR 2, neutral
good. Intelligent ravens with prehensile hands.
Very long-lived, and a force of good in Ravenloft.
Mainly found in Barovia. Minor innate sorcerous
powers, and they have an empathic link with
ravens and dire ravens.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about ravenkin. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This ebon bird is a noble creature known as a
ravenkin. This result reveals all monstrous
humanoid traits.
17 Ravenkin are exceptionally intelligent and
wise, and possess moderate sorcerous talents.
22 Ravenkin try to blind their foes when attacked,
but they are widely considered a shining beacon of
good in the Lands of Mist.
The wise-ravens (they are no ordinary birds)
follow our encampments at times; they are good
friends and should be fed, and their advice heeded.
When I was a lad I thought them frightful and
ugly, because they eat dead things; but when I
threw a stone at one, my mother saw it and
whipped me--almost the only whipping she ever
gave me. "Never harm a raven," she told me.
"Even an ugly frame may hide a wise heart."
When I grew up I remembered that often, and it
was a comfort to me, as I am not beautiful!
Attributed to Karoly Firemarked, Equaar Vistani,
working notes to Van Richten's Guide to the
The Old Kartakan Inn loomed up before us,
wrapped in an ever-shifting shroud of mist,
glowing faintly under the gibbous moon. Our best
hope, and a desperate one at that, was to seize this
Lukas fellow and trade him for Maria. And as we
steeled ourselves for the attempt, a great and
ghastly raven alighted before us and spoke. It
offered to rescue her. In return it asked only that
we show its brethren, large and small, kindness
and swear never to reveal its involvement. We
agreed. The bird borrowed a rope and slipped from
sight at the west end of the structure. A few
minutes later the mist thickened there and soon
Maria emerged, looking very much worse for
wear. She had been awoken from a tortured sleep
by the smell and the hiss of acid, which were
gradually overwhelmed by the taste of fresh air
and the roaring of water. Then she had heard a
great fluttering, a light had burst into existence,
and she had found herself staring into the eye of a
raven that announced itself to be her savior. It had
freed her of her bonds with acid and had covered
her descent to the ground with fog, both arcanely
summoned. We made haste to quit the vicinity and
soon came upon our rope neatly coiled.
-Extract from the private journal of William
Lamont, held in the library of Strahd von Zarovich
Ravenous (Dragon mag compendium)
Ravenous (Dragon mag compendium) Ravenous (Dragon mag compendium)
Ravenous (Dragon mag compendium)
voir ghoul
voir ghoulvoir ghoul
voir ghoul
Ravyanatha [V
Ravyanatha [VRavyanatha [V
Ravyanatha [VRG
tt Walking Dead]
tt Walking Dead] tt Walking Dead]
tt Walking Dead]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 13, neutral evil. A
powerful obedient dead, originally from Sri Raji.
Created through a magical ritual, it appears as a
four-faced humanoid with only hints of decay. It’s
basically a powerful berserker. They can see in all
directions and can penetrate most magical barriers.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about ravyanathas. If a character
recognizes a ravyanatha’s nature, a Knowledge
(arcana) check can reveal more. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
23 This four-faced, blue-tinted warrior is a
ravyanatha, a powerful undead minion found in
Rajian mythology. This result reveals all undead
28 A ravyanatha smashes foes with its incredibly
powerful fists. Its four faces can see in all
directions at once, so it cannot be flanked.
Animals balk at the presence of a ravyanatha.
They grow noticeably uneasy within a mile of a
ravyanatha and flee if they come within twenty
paces of one. A ravyanatha’s body is unnaturally
tough, but magic weapons can pierce its defenses.
33 Ravyanathas deal massive damage to inanimate
objects or structures and can quickly reduce a
barrier to rubble. If a ravyanatha strikes a foe with
both fists, it tears the creature’s flesh. The
presence of a ravyanatha is often accompanied by
lightning storms, but the creature has no direct
control over this phenomenon.
38 Ravyanathas possess the supernatural ability to
destroy magical barriers placed before them.
Twice a day, a ravyanatha can fly into a berserker
rage while in combat, similar to a barbarian.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result 28 This result reveals the method for
creating a ravynatha.
"Rise, slave," said the fakir to the four-faced man,
and it rose.
"I have brought you back through the Gates of
Death to perform a service to me, and you shall
not be reborn and take your place again in the
Wheel until you complete it. You must find the
prince Malmud, who has stolen from me a certain
gold ring set with emeralds; you must kill him, and
bring me the ring and his heart. Let neither stone
nor wood, neither gods nor demons, no
enchantment, no glamer, no false seeming detain
you. To you all walls are doors, and those doors
are open. Go!"
And the four-faced man turned and went.
The Fakir's Ring, traditional Rajian
Ray [Manta Ray: Monster Manual,
Ray [Manta Ray: Monster Manual, Ray [Manta Ray: Monster Manual,
Ray [Manta Ray: Monster Manual,
Stingray: Stormwrack;
Stingray: Stormwrack; Stingray: Stormwrack;
Stingray: Stormwrack; -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about rays. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This strange, kite-shaped cartilaginous fish
is called a ray or a skate. This result reveals all
animal traits and the aquatic subtype.
DC 16: Rays are generally inoffensive, and come
in many different varieties. Manta rays can reach a
20-foot wingspan, but feed by filtering plankton
with their gaping, toothless maws. Stingrays are
bottom feeders; they are must smaller, but can
defend themselves with a poisonous barb in their
tail. Stingray venom is nonlethal but nauseatingly
DC 21: Stingrays sometimes burrow just beneath
the sandy surface of the sea bed, either to rest or to
ambush their usual prey. Creatures who
unwittingly step on a stingray are sure to be stung.
Razorback Razorback
Razorback [Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread][Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
Reaver [Denizens of Dread]
Reaver [Denizens of Dread] Reaver [Denizens of Dread]
Reaver [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic),
CR 4, chaotic evil. Think the Creature from the
Black Lagoon. Evil, reptilian/fishfolk covered in
razor-sharp scales.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about reavers. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This scaly humanoid fish is a reaver, a
bloodthirsty sea creature that prefers to feed on
prey that walks on land. This result reveals all
monstrous humanoid traits and the aquatic
19 Reavers are brutal predators. They typically
grapple their foes, continuing to bite and claw
while raking the victim across the razor-sharp
scales covering their bodies. Reaver skin should be
touched only with great caution.
24 Although reavers often come ashore to hunt,
they can only survive in air for little more than
half a day before drowning.
29 Reavers can survive in both salt and fresh
water. Lone reavers which are outcast from their
kind often swim far inland, turning some lake or
pond into its new hunting grounds
They had swarmed up from the deep, taking us by
surprise, as we sat becalmed. Well placed bullets
could fell them but frightened them not in the
least. Rather it was us who were panicked,
organising ourselves not at all, mistaking every
glimmer in the night for their fish eyes and tiger
claws. They might have carried us - seperated and
cowering - off to the last. But never was the
ransacking of a ship less carefully orchestrated.
From Bristol to Mordentshire: an outsider's tale,
the autobiography of James Duegon
Red widow (spider queen) [Denizens of
Red widow (spider queen) [Denizens of Red widow (spider queen) [Denizens of
Red widow (spider queen) [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
JWM: Medium Magical Beast (Shapechanger),
CR 6, neutral evil. Female trickster beast spiders
that can assume a beautiful, red-haired humanoid
form, which they use to lure humanoid mates they
use to feed and breed. Short lifespan.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about red widows. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This monstrous spider is a red widow, a
trickster beast capable of taking humanoid form. It
is closely related to araneas. This result reveals all
magical beast traits and the shapechanger subtype.
21 Like other monstrous spiders, a red widow
injects deadly venom with its bite and can spin
thick webs to trap its prey. Red widows and
araneas are not actually related.
26 Red widows are always female. In humanoid
form, they are distinguished by their great beauty
and bright red hair.
31 Red widows generally feed by draining the
fluids of their trapped lovers, but occasionally they
are compelled to breed. On these occasions, a red
widow keeps her victim alive in a web cocoon, but
lays eggs in his abdomen. The newborn spiders
slowly consume their helpless father after they
November 16th, Port-à-Lucine
I just accepted the case of a lady named Jeanne
d'Anjou. She claims that her newly wed husband
recently vanished. She gave a description in the
hopes that I find him before his family starts
I will take the case of course. But I must admit I
wouldn't find it a shame if I discovered that this
red haired beauty just became widow. She's really
to die for.
Personnal journal of a now-vanished gendarme of
Redcap [Monster Manual III
Redcap [Monster Manual IIIRedcap [Monster Manual III
Redcap [Monster Manual III, Pathfinder
, Pathfinder , Pathfinder
, Pathfinder
Unrelated but similar. (A more accurate nickname
for powries would be "shadow redcap.") These
redcaps aren't shadow fey.
ETA: To clarifiy further: Powrie aren't actually
redcaps, just like none of the other shadow fey
types are "really" the kinds of fey they're
sometimes known as. Powrie just share a few traits
in common with actual redcaps -- enough to trick
someone who isn't an expert on the fey (such as
the typical Tepestani) into mistaking the former
for the latter.
(Ravenloft-specific info is underlined.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about redcaps. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This psychotic creature is a fey spirit called a
redcap. These creatures take their name from their
sadistic habit of murdering mortals simply so they
can keep their caps dyed with fresh blood. This
result reveals all fey traits. Redcaps speak Sylvan
and Common.
17 Despite its small size, a redcap is deceptively
powerful and can wield weapons that would
normally be far too large for it to handle, such as a
scythe. Redcaps simply ignore most minor attacks,
but weapons forged of cold iron can disrupt their
otherworldly defenses. Redcaps are drawn to
ruined keeps and towers — usually the sites of
ancient atrocities. Redcaps are incredibly
superstitious. For example, they distrust even
numbers, so they always travel in odd-numbered
22 Redcaps imbue the stones they fire from their
slings with eldritch power. These stones cause
unusually painful wounds and act as magic
weapons. When a redcap dips its cap in the blood
of a mortal it has just slain, it absorbs part of the
victim’s life force and permanently grows more
powerful. Redcap superstition holds that running
water hides spirit that may steal their souls, so they
bathe only in stagnant water.
27 When a redcap is slain, its body vanishes,
leaving only a pool of rapidly drying blood and a
single tooth. Fey in general — and redcaps in
particularly — are more respectful to the bearer of
a redcap tooth. Redcaps fight and slaughter each
other all the time, but they never dip their caps in
each other’s blood. Doing so would prevent the
fey’s immortal spirit from reforming, forcing it
into true death.
JWM: Youngling redcap: Small Fey, CR 2,
chaotic evil. Elder redcap: Small Fey, CR 7,
chaotic evil. Particularly malicious, scythe-
wielding fey that like to dye their caps by
regularly dipping them in fresh blood. “Although
redcaps are as immortal as all fey, the recap
incarnation is inherently unstable and destructive,
made even more so by the steady absorption of
mortal life essence. A fey can maintain a redcap
incarnation for up to 150 years, although they
typically destroy themselves after a much shorter
period of time. They are asexual creatures that
propagate by budding. A redcap buds once or
twice over the course of its incarnation, carrying
each bud on its back like a hump for six months
before it falls off and sprouts a head and limbs. A
newborn redcap may be an entirely new fey, or it
may be the new incarnation of a maniacally
devious fey that was previously discorporated. It
must fend for itself immediately and quickly
develops a ravenous and foul demeanor. It grows
to full size within a year after its birth.
Young Donal stepped forward and said, "Me and
mine have long had good dealings with the Fair
Folk, and you are trespassing..."
But as he spoke the mannikin threw back its head
and laughed. "So yer the young laird, is't? Well,
me lad, whatever bargain ye may have struck with
the Shadies is nothin' to me, for we're not of their
kind, nor bound by their laws. But I'll be glad to
see the bluid of a laird on me scythe, for it would
be a fine thing to be known as Bluecap!"
It whirled the scythe it held about it as it spoke,
and at the last word it charged, quick as a
dragonfly and agile as a cat.
Ian MacTeague to Donovan MacTeague, private
See also Pathfinder 4
Remnant [Denizens of Dread]
Remnant [Denizens of Dread] Remnant [Denizens of Dread]
Remnant [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Small Undead (Incorporeal, elemental
subtype), CR 3, chaotic neutral. Previously limited
to the aquatic remnant, I’ve expanded this to
include the airy remnant, the earthen remnant, and
the fiery remnant. Minor spirits of people whose
bodies were simply discarded, rather than being
given a proper burial. The type of remnant created
depends on how the body was abandoned. Bodies
left dangling in the air (as from a noose or a
gibbet) become airy remnants. Bodies simply
tossed into bodies of water become aquatic
remnants. Bodies unceremoniously buried or
tossed in a ditch become earthen remnants. Bodies
simply tossed in a fire become fiery remnants. All
remnants appear as ghostly hands and faces
emerging from the element from which they’ve
merged. A remnant can only manifest in its
bonded element, and can partially draw corporeal
creatures they touch into the Ethereal Plane,
offering limited protection from that element (airy:
feather fall; aquatic & earthen: the ability to
breathe; fiery: fire reduction 5. Remnants can be
persuaded to help the foes of whoever threw away
their lives. If attacking, they drain Dexterity.
My flight ended with a misplaced step that sent me
crashing into the water. Drowning would have
been a cleaner death than that snapping at my
heels, but heedless instinct forced me to surface.
Only I was stopped short. A woman, beautiful,
tragic, with eyeless sockets, took my head in her
hands and set her mouth upon mine in a long,
passionate kiss that slowly faded away. When I
breached the surface my expected doom was
nowhere to be seen, departed I dare say in search
of other sport.
-Youthful adventure of Jules Weathermay
Revenant, dread [Van Richten’s Guide to
Revenant, dread [Van Richten’s Guide to Revenant, dread [Van Richten’s Guide to
Revenant, dread [Van Richten’s Guide to
the Wal
the Walthe Wal
the Walking Dead
king Deadking Dead
king Dead, Pathfinder 2
, Pathfinder 2, Pathfinder 2
, Pathfinder 2]
] ]
JWM: Template Undead, CR +1, neutral. A
walking corpse that exists solely to avenge its own
death. Its gaze can paralyze those the revenant
considers responsible for its death. It strangles foes
to death and deals extra damage to those it
considers guilty of its murder. It has numerous
immunities and always knows where its killer is.
The template I’m using is a combination of the
revenant templates found in VRGttWD and
Monsters of Faerûn.
(I don't remember exactly, but I believe this
version of the revenant may incorporate a few
traits found in the version of the revenant
presented in Van Richten's Guide to the Walking
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about revenants. Characters need to
make a separate Knowledge (local) check to learn
about the base creature. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 The fury in the eyes of this walking corpse
marks it as a revenant, a murder victim driven to
avenge its own death. This result reveals all
undead traits.
20 Revenants retain all the skills they possessed in
life, but they often choose attack with their
powerful fists. If a revenant gets both of its hands
on a foe, it wraps them around the foe’s throat and
tries to strangle it to death.
25 A revenant’s physical attacks are particularly
lethal to those responsible for its death. Even
worse, a revenant can paralyze those it simply
believes to be its murderers with fear merely by
looking into their eyes.
30 A revenant’s taut flesh deflects glancing blows,
but magic weapons can prove effective. A
revenants wounds quickly seal shut, but fiery
burns take much longer to heal. A revenant is
always aware of the general direction and distance
of its murderer, making it a relentless tracker.
35 A revenant is so intent on vengeance that it
cannot be turned or rebuked. Revenants are also
immune to acid, cold, electricity, and they cannot
be polymorphed.
"Thirty-five years ago to this day a man died. He
was a thief. Not the best in Il Aluk, but good, and
on the rise. He had his share of enemies. But he
took the necessary precautions. And despite them,
someone slid a blade through his heart as he slept.
If any mistake at all was made in the commission
of the crime, it was in affording the victim a
blurred and fleeting glimpse of a yellow fabric,
perhaps a scarf. The murderer still lives or, at very
least, still exists. As does the murdered. The
latter’s name is my own, Ubel Ratik. Find my
killer. Afford me peace. And all that is mine is
-Alanik Ray offered the case of his life
-ceann's fhuil
ceann's fhuilceann's fhuil
ceann's fhuil-
-cnaimh [Gaz. 1,
cnaimh [Gaz. 1, cnaimh [Gaz. 1,
cnaimh [Gaz. 1,
Forlorn] Forlorn]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Rhinoceros [Monster Manual
Rhinoceros [Monster Manual Rhinoceros [Monster Manual
Rhinoceros [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about rhinoceroses. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 14: The single horn on this hulking beast’s
nose marks it as a rhinoceros. This result reveals
all animal traits.
DC 19: Rhinoceroses are herbivores, but are
known for their bad temper. An aggressive rhino
lowers its head and charges its foes, lethally
goring them with its horn.
-kubi [Oriental Adventures]
kubi [Oriental Adventures]kubi [Oriental Adventures]
kubi [Oriental Adventures]
JWM: A creature found in Far Eastern lands like
the Scattered Lotus Archipelago or Sri Raji.
Distantly related to yuan-ti, rokuro-kubi are also
the result of racial mixing between humanoids and
serpents. However, a rokuro-kubi’s only
serpentine feature is its long, retractable neck,
which it can use to constrict foes. Otherwise
passes for human.
Rokuro-Kubi Lore
Oriental Adventures
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about rokuro-kubi. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This strange person with the serpentine neck is
a rokuro-kubi. This result reveals all monstrous
humanoid traits.
17 A rokuro-kubi usually looks human, but
possesses serpentine traits, and may be distantly
related to nagas, yuan-ti, or hebi-no-onna.
22 A rokuro-kubi’s only serpentine feature is its
long neck, with which it can constrict its victims.
When not attacking, a rokuro-kubi can retract its
flexible neck, concealing it.
And so, Tetsuro awoke the next morning, his body
numb and his heart intoxicated from the passionate
embrace of his newly found lover.
He looked around the bedchamber of her mistress,
so he could again witness the sapphire eyes that
made him fall in love with her. As he found her
body, he caressed her bare shoulders... But he
watched in horror as her neck stretched, her
auburn hair moving like waves on the sea...
Tetsuro's eyes were fixed in the deep blue of the
girl's iris, going up, up, until her neck was long as
her slim legs.
"I had yet to find a such energic person" the girl
said, her head towering on him "For to love me is
to embrace death" she paused and gave him a kiss
"Today you will live, my love, for I am satisfied.
Tomorrow, I will find another, I think"
This said, she vanished in the dawning light,
leaving Tetsuro to mourn the love of the monster
he thought was a woman.
Popular kawaidan (ghost story) from Rokushima
Blurb author note: I tried to merge the "classical"
rokurokubi with the OA one. Hope you like it.
JWM: So I take it the OA rokuro-kubi has been
somewhat bowdlerized? I did actually get the
impression that there was probably a little more to
that creature in folklore.
(As a fun note, some rokuro-kubi show up in the
animated Hellboy movie that aired recently.)
Blurb author note: Essentially, a rokurokubi is
something more of a "sexual vampire", in a
manner of speaking.
For instance, the rokurokubi is often created from
a curse, when the spirit of a dead person cannot
leave its body. During the night, and during night
only, his (or more commonly, her) head floats
from the body, absorbing life energy from the
sleepers (both human and animal. In the first case,
a man she stunned with sex) and (not joking)
licking dry the oli from lamps.
That said... They're not evil in tradition, but
more... Well, let's say amoral.
And unlucky in love. Always. Like yuki-onna:
sooner or later, the husband will find out their true
Rusalka [Frostburn]
Rusalka [Frostburn]Rusalka [Frostburn]
Rusalka [Frostburn]
JWM: Medium Fey (Aquatic), CR 1, chaotic
neutral. Female spirits that lurk in lakes and ponds
in cold regions. They are lonely and seek to
beguile men into staying with them as lovers.
They have a beguiling song, and can give their
lovers the ability to breathe underwater. A rusalka
is mystically linked to her pool and cannot leave it
(like a dryad and her tree).
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about rusalkas. A character who
recognizes a rusalka’s nature can make a Bardic
Knowledge check to learn more. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (nature)
DC Result
11 The lovely, pale damsel bathing herself in this
icy lake is a rusalka. Some folk believe rusalkas
are the ghosts of drowned maidens, but in fact they
are spirits of nature. This result reveals all fey
16 Rusalkas are lonely spirits who use their eerie
songs to beguile mortals into joining them beneath
the water. Rusalkas dislike physical violence, but
like many nature spirits, they are capable of both
kindness and cruelty. Rusalkas’ longing for
companionship makes interacting with even the
most benevolent of their kind a risky proposition
for mortals who catch their eye. Rusalkas speak
Aquan, Sylvan, and Common.
21 A rusalka is mystically bound to the body of
water in which she resides, much as a dryad is
bound to her tree. A rusalka drowns if she ventures
farther than 100 paces from her body of water.
26 Rusalkas can grant mortals the ability to
breathe underwater with the gift of a kiss. They
may use this ability to sustain their enamored
mortals, or they can refuse the gift to drown foes
or victims. Some sages believe rusalkas are closely
related to the enchanting spirits known as glaistigs.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
16 A rusalka’s beguiling song is a sonic effect
which can be countered with bardic music.
You might think that a man would be wiser than to
follow a naked girl he met in the woods; but
Clever Ivan was cold, and tired, and the girl was
very beautiful, with hair like sunlight on the snow
and eyes like a clear sky. And perhaps he was a
little bewitched, for such maidens have a power
the minds of men, and so he followed her down to
a little pool, a pool of liquid water, for it had not
frozen over.
Clever Ivan and the Rusalka, traditional Vos
Rushlight [Denizens of Dread]
Rushlight [Denizens of Dread] Rushlight [Denizens of Dread]
Rushlight [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Small Undead (Fire, Incorporeal), CR 8,
chaotic evil. Naturally invisible, a ball of fire,
representing the spirit of someone burned alive.
Burns to the touch.
It is one of the laws of nature that one can never
foresee all the consequences of one's actions. I
have in mind the haunting of Kilbarrow, that
village in Tepest where the Inquisition had so
notable a "success", and burned seven reputed
witches to death in one afternoon.
The burning did not end there; after the Inquisitors
had gone on their way the good people of
Kilbarrow found their pets, their livestock, and
finally their children burned to death, one by one,
by the vengeful spirits of the murdered, until all
were forced to flee.
Such was the purification the Inquisition brought
to Kilbarrow.
private journal of Magda Lammaster, cleric of
Sahuagin [Monster Manual]
Sahuagin [Monster Manual] Sahuagin [Monster Manual]
Sahuagin [Monster Manual]
JWM: Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic),
CR 2, LE. Also known as sea devils, these scaly
shark-men are a major menace beneath the waves.
Beyond Ravenloft, they’re the natural enemy of
aquatic elves, but the latter aren’t really present in
the Demiplane of Dread. Their race is also known
for its mutations: about one in two hundred has
four arms, and if a community of aquatic elves
lives nearby, about one in a hundred is born as a
malenti: a sahuagin that outwardly looks just like
an aquatic elf.
Should have understood something was a bit off
that summer. All season, more and more fish;
bigger too. Swordfish, rays, sharks; you name it,
we caught it: and we caught tons of it.
Then nothin. All at once, one mornin' it was like
we got all it could give.
Then folk started dissappearin'. First out by then
reef, manless boats an that kinda' thing. Then
closer. We thought maybe a rogue shark or some
loon from up the coast was doing the gettin'; you
know how they get up there. But i tell ya, we
found out soon how wrong we was.
They came in with the tide. Right up an under our
noses. Musta' waited under the docks till the moon
was big n' yella'. Then they slithered on out. Those
scaly, green, shark-mouthed bastards! Stinking
like rotten clams they came out of the sea; those
devils! Us poor boys down by the docks never
knew what hit us'. Thankfully i was half-loaded;
sittin in a crate this time. Watchin em'cut my
mates up really bad an draggin em' screamin back
out to sea; back out to the depths beyond the reef
made me sober up good n'quick though. And damn
what a mess, lil' bit o' James here, some Curt or
maybe Ed over there, never really could pick
em'out. I tell ya, thankfully a downpour washed
most o'the blood up that morn.
Yeah i tell ya though, what you take from the sea;
the sea comes right back up n'takes from you.
-Ol'Salteye, mordentish drunken sailor
Salt mummy [Monster Manual III]
Salt mummy [Monster Manual III] Salt mummy [Monster Manual III]
Salt mummy [Monster Manual III]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 8, chaotic evil. The
walking corpse of a humanoid whose body was
inadvertently desiccated by salt deposits after
burial. Its desiccated body is encrusted with salt
crystals. Its touch desiccates living creatures, but
all water burns it like holy water.
According to Rachid, whom we met in Hazlan to
be our guide in the Amber Wastes, Azmail is a
very rare type of restless dead. This creature
haunting the tomb of the Pharaoh’s son is
rumoured to be created from brine, instead of oils
and other body perfumes usually used. It is said it
made the creature extremely resilient and
powerful, and its touch devastating for anything
living and water based.
We’ll try to get more information when we get
there, and Rachid also said we should remember to
bring a lot of water to drink while looking for our
Jameld of Hroth’s monster hunting notes
Salt shadow [Ravenloft Gazetteer IV]
Salt shadow [Ravenloft Gazetteer IV] Salt shadow [Ravenloft Gazetteer IV]
Salt shadow [Ravenloft Gazetteer IV]
JWM: Medium Undead (Cold), CR 7, chaotic evil.
Living pools of semi-liquid salt and darkness,
which originate from a pool in the Veidrava mines
beneath Sithicus. Their touch can corrode flesh or
sap Strength. They can also possess the living
indefinitely, and can spawn new salt shadows. Due
to Inza’s role as darklord, salt shadows in Sithicus
cannot possess Innocent folk.
"Do you know what they take from this mine,
elf?" the giant asked me, its voice low and weary.
"It is a salt mine," I answered. "All know it."
"Do you know what they leave here?"
For that I had no answer.
"Cruelty breeds cruelty, death makes death,
darkness cleaves to darkness, salt seasons salt," he
said, making a sort of song of it. "They leave their
lives and their shadows here." Flinging the stone
in his hands into the cavern, he and I listened to it
skip across the floor and rattle down a shaft.
"Do not enter unless you wish to do likewise."
Jameld of Hroth to Laurie and Gennifer
Weathermay-Foxgrove, private correspondence
Scarab, hoard (voir aus
Scarab, hoard (voir ausScarab, hoard (voir aus
Scarab, hoard (voir aussi swarm)
si swarm) si swarm)
si swarm)
[Draconomicon] [Draconomicon]
JWM: Fine Vermin, CR 1/2, neutral. Eyeless
golden beetles that often infest vast hordes of
treasure. They can be easily mistaken for coins by
the unwary. They burrow into the flesh of their
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about hoard
scarabs. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This glittering, gold coin is actually a
hoard scarab, a ravenous beetle. This result reveals
all vermin traits.
DC 15: When a hoard scarab bites a living
creature, it burrow into the victim’s flesh,
devouring it from the inside out. Hoard scarabs
cannot burrow into creatures with particularly
tough hides, such as dragons. These beetles are a
often found swarming in large hoards of treasure.
DC 20: Hoard scarabs are eyeless and cannot be
blinded. They sense the vibrations of nearby
"Achmed was a fool. He was always lead astray,
whether it was the twinkle of a woman's eye, or
the glitter of gold."
"The glitter of gold, by the way, was what lead to
his demise, in fact, ever since he stole a handful of
coins from a dead beggar's alms bowl. Every
merchant he gave one of those strange little coins
to was found dead and coinless, each with gaping
holes in their bodies. The townsfolk gossipped on
how Achmed was turning to thievery and murder,
and eventually lynched the fool."
-from "The Tale of the Hungry Coins"
Scarab, monstrous [Denizens of Dread]
Scarab, monstrous [Denizens of Dread] Scarab, monstrous [Denizens of Dread]
Scarab, monstrous [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Tiny to Colossal Vermin, CR 1/4 to 11,
neutral. Giant, flesh-eating scarab beetles with
ravenous appetites. Generally found only in the
Amber Wastes.
"For our crime of trespass, the nomads' chieftain
said we would be made pure by their god,
"Khepri," whatever it was. Once judgement had
been made, we were tied to a pair of stone pillars
at the bottom of a boulder-filled gorge, then
doused with a ceremonial... potion made from
rotten fruit. Having done this, the nomads
immediately fled the gorge.
"A minute had passed when we noticed a carriage-
sized boulder started moving. Three pairs of spear-
like legs unfolded from underneath the boulder.
The spear-legged boulder wheeled around,
revealing a shovel-shaped head.
"Khepri had awoken in time for dinner."
- from the journals of Jerome Delacroix,
Mordentish adventurer
Scarab swarm, death
Scarab swarm, deathScarab swarm, death
Scarab swarm, death
voir Swarm
voir Swarmvoir Swarm
voir Swarm
Scarecrow, dread [Denizens of Dread]
Scarecrow, dread [Denizens of Dread] Scarecrow, dread [Denizens of Dread]
Scarecrow, dread [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: CR 3 Medium Construct, neutral evil. Like
grisgols, dread scarecrows are constructs animated
by an undead, rather than elemental, spirit. Not
terribly tough, they usually attack with farmer’s
weapons, such as scythes. Vulnerable to fire. Their
attacks curse the victim, drawing swarms of
vermin to attack them. Created when a farmer’s
spirit is trapped within a common scarecrow, by
lashing a living victim inside a scarecrow’s frame
and leaving them to die of exposure in the fields.
They can be created on purpose or self animated.
Ever hear of Raggedy Jack? No? Well, lassie, he's
no' a man ta mess wit'. Folks say tha' Jack
MacGreggor was the best farmer tae ever live.
Aye, only tha' Fincher Blackstock was his equal.
An' ol' Fincher dinnae like this at a'.
Folks say that Fincher beat Jack black an' blue an'
tied him intae his own scarecrow. Aye, left Jack
fair daied, he did. But folks say Jack clung ontae
life faire fower more days before th' Reaper came
for his soul. They whisper tha' Jack made a deal
with th' Reaper an' got tae stay in his new body.
He climbed doon fra' tha' there pole and wen' and
made tha rats and mice and other wee beasties go
to Fincher's farm. Fincher was penniless and wen'
tae Jack's pole an' cried an' cried an' cried aboot
hae he was sorry faire beatin' Jack bloody.
They say Jack climbed doon fra his pole again an'
accept'd Fincher's apology. Then ol' Jack snapped
the bastard's neck like it t'were a twig and climbed
back ontae his pole.
Raggedy Jack's stayed there ever since, watchin'
th' farmers of the area, makin' sure they're all bein'
fair. Good on him I say.
-Notes from Gennifer Foxgrove-Weathermay's
expedition to Tepest, collecting notes on the Fae.
Scavyt Scavyt
Scavyt [
[Denizens of Darkness
Denizens of DarknessDenizens of Darkness
Denizens of Darkness]
] ]
Scorpion, monstrous [Monster Manual p
Scorpion, monstrous [Monster Manual p Scorpion, monstrous [Monster Manual p
Scorpion, monstrous [Monster Manual p
287] 287]
JWM: Tiny to Colossal Vermin, CR 1/4 to 11,
neutral. Giant scorpions. Generally found only in
the Amber Wastes.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) or Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about monstrous scorpions. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This clawed arachnid is a monstrously
oversized scorpion. This result reveals all vermin
DC 15: Monstrous scorpions feed on creatures
smaller than themselves, but they will attack
anything that approaches them. They usually
charge their prey.
DC 20: A monstrous scorpion attacks by clutching
its prey with its pincers, then quickly jabs the
creature with the stinger at the end of its arching
tail. A scorpion’s venom can be deadly in larger
DC 25: Monstrous scorpions can reach truly
enormous sizes. Larger scorpions have more
potent venom.
The sand exploded upward, forcing us to protect
our eyes, even as we struggled to draw our
weapons. The scorpion, easily the size of a horse,
had caught a sailor between its claws and, with a
flick of its tail, drove its poisoned stinger clean
through the poor fellow. As the thing wheeled in
search of its next victim, Raoul called a swarm of
bats down upon it. I doubt that they harmed it
much, but they surely caused it near infinite
irritation, its claws and stinger striking futilely at
its tormentors. To escape the besieging plague, as
well as the rain of our missiles, the thing raced off
into the desert, at such speed that it broke free of
the pursuing bats.
-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Lutuem,
Darkonese adventurer
Scourged [Ravenloft Gazetteer V]
Scourged [Ravenloft Gazetteer V] Scourged [Ravenloft Gazetteer V]
Scourged [Ravenloft Gazetteer V]
Scourged: Template Undead (modifies zombies),
CR +1, neutral evil. Sand-scoured victims of the
Scourge of Arak, the sandstorm that wiped out all
surface life in 588 BC. Basically the same as a
zombie, but once a day a scourged can breathe a
flensing cone of sand. People killed by a
scourged’s breath weapon rises as a new scourged.
“I have often wondered whether the Marbh-
Cathairians are just going through the motions.
While my admonition that the Hour of Ascension
is nigh commands their earnest attention, it fails to
strike terror into their hearts. Even the blind would
recognise in them a passionless lot, cut from a
drab cloth, sadly afflicted with withering breath.
You will see that they are surely too lost in their
petty concerns to ever recover a visceral fear of
the Gray Realm. But join me on the walls
tomorrow at dawn and discover their hidden face.
They are a good people. They do what they can,
the best way they know how, to sustain the
kingdom of life in the desert of Death. Of course
their efforts are imperfect. But that is why my
place is at their side, to buttress them that there
might still be a world for our children.”
-Unwald Rottennail, demented sentinel of the
Eternal Order
Scyllan [S
Scyllan [SScyllan [S
Scyllan [Stormwrack]
tormwrack] tormwrack]
Proposed par C Nichols pour le NS Gaz CR13
-claimed template
claimed template claimed template
claimed template (or Shay
(or Shay(or Shay
(or Shay-
marked) marked)
(FoS NS Gaz)
(FoS NS Gaz)(FoS NS Gaz)
(FoS NS Gaz)
Sea cat [Monster Manual]
Sea cat [Monster Manual] Sea cat [Monster Manual]
Sea cat [Monster Manual]
JWM: Large Magical Beast, CR 4, neutral. A
vicious predator of the seas. Basically a sea lion
with a head and webbed paws resembling those of
a great cat. They hunt in shallow coastal waters.
They go out of their way to attack selkies and
sharks, but otherwise basically act like aquatic
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about sea cats. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This creature is a sea cat, a vicious aquatic
predator that combines the body of a sea lion with
the head and forepaws of a great cat. This result
reveals all magical beast traits.
21 A sea cat cannot breathe underwater, but it can
hold its breath for more than ten minutes.
26 A sea cat tries to strike its victim with both
claws, then rends the creature’s flesh.
“No sir, I have seen big seals before, even the
large ones from the frigid coasts. What attacked
Humfred was something very similar, but also
different. Seals are harmless. Listen, after it had
dragged Humfred in the water, it looked at me in a
strange way, like when my cat is purring after it
got a mouse. There was something horribly playful
in its attitude, the way it jabbed on the net floaters
with its fin. It circled my boats a few times then
disappeared in the depths… I really had the feeling
it played with us, but in a deadly way. For the last
time, I didn’t kill Humfred…”
- as told by Maynard, darlonese net fisherman
Sea Lion [St
Sea Lion [StSea Lion [St
Sea Lion [Stormwrack
ormwrack ormwrack
ormwrack -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about sea lions. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This large, blubbery, seal-like creature is a
sea lion, a clever sea mammal that feeds on fish.
This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: Sea lions generally aren’t dangerous, but
they are highly territorial and will bite those who
intrude on the beaches they claim for themselves.
A sea lion is protected from the cold by a layer of
blubber, and can hold its breath for more than 7
Seal [Frostburn & Sto
Seal [Frostburn & StoSeal [Frostburn & Sto
Seal [Frostburn & Stormwrack
rmwrack rmwrack
rmwrack -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about seals. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 10: This streamlined creature is a seal, a clever
sea mammal that feeds on small fish. This result
reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Seals generally aren’t dangerous, but they
are highly territorial and may dissuade intruders
with a nasty bite. A seal is protected from the cold
by a layer of blubber, and can hold its breath for at
least 8 minutes.
DC 20: Seals can sense the presence of
shapeshifting monsters called sea stalkers, and
attack them on sight.
Sea spawn, master [Denizens of Dread]
Sea spawn, master [Denizens of Dread] Sea spawn, master [Denizens of Dread]
Sea spawn, master [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Large Aberration (Aquatic), CR 5, lawful
evil. Master sea spawn are aquatic reptilian
monsters that hunt by sending their eel-like,
amphibious larva (sea spawn minions) onto land.
The minions slip inside humanoids, taking control
of them. After infiltrating society, the hive-mind
spawn return to the sea, often dragging non-
infected neighbors along with them, where the
master waits to feed. The scenario’s a little bit like
an aquatic version of the movie Slither, come to
think of it.
"The autopsy is proving...unusual," Dr. Rathburn
said, his usually cheerful face grim. "Please follow
me. I apologize, by the way; it is more than
commonly grisly."
I followed him into the morgue, where the victim's
corpse had been laid on the metal dissection table.
"Cause of death--the shovel blow from Donahue,
of course. But I found this."
Even someone so inexpert in anatomy as I could
see immediately that the long gray eel-thing which
had entwined itself around the base of the skull
and the spinal column was no human organ.
"Then Donahue...?" I muttered, still unbelieving.
"Probably correct about everything," the doctor
replied, covering the corpse again. "Veck's actions
were quite possibly controlled by this parasite."
"And the 'Master in the Sea' he spoke of?" I asked.
"Could it have possibly really use that--thing--to
control a human body?"
"At this point we can assume nothing," Rathbone
replied. "We had better get Donahue out of the
cell...and find a way to learn who is already at the
'Master's' beck and call."
Between the Tides, from Twelve More Tales of
the Macabre, Jean Lafolie
Sea spawn, minion [Denizens of Dread]
Sea spawn, minion [Denizens of Dread] Sea spawn, minion [Denizens of Dread]
Sea spawn, minion [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Diminutive Aberration (Aquatic,
Symbiont), CR 1, lawful evil.
[Gaz II
Gaz IIGaz II
Gaz II]
JWM: For the record, if Stormwrack had been
published when I started working on Gazetteer II,
I wouldn't have created the sea stalker.
Seawolf [Stormwrack]
Seawolf [Stormwrack] Seawolf [Stormwrack]
Seawolf [Stormwrack]
JWM: Medium Magical Beast (Shapechanger),
CR 3, chaotic evil. A lycanthrope-like trickster
beast. Its true form is a wolf-headed seal. Like
lycanthropes, their bite spreads a dire curse that
permanently transforms humans into seawolves
like themselves. They usually live as pirates and
scavengers. “In Ravenloft, the largest seawolf
community is a shantytown called Baytown,
located on the northeastern coast of the Isle of
Agony in Lamordia. Their rough-and-tumble
shacks are constructed from driftwood and
supplies stolen from wrecked or raided ships.
When the Baytown raiders create a new seawolf,
they imprison the unfortunate victim in an unused
shack while they await the new moon.”
(Ravenloft-specific info is underlined.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about seawolves. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This savage sea creature is a seawolf, a
dangerous and cunning shapechanger. This result
reveals all magical beast traits and the
shapechanger subtype.
18 A seawolf’s true form is that of a wolf-headed
seal. It can also assume a human form and a
hybrid form that resembles a manwolf with
particularly dense, matted hair. In any form, a
seawolf can hold its breath for longer than eight
23 Seawolves were once human. Their bite carries
a terrible curse, not unlike lycanthropy. As the first
new moon following the attack nears, an afflicted
victim will feel increasingly feverish and
emotionally volatile. On the night of the new
moon, the victim is doomed to transform into a
seawolf. Unlike lycanthropy, this transformation is
profound, leaving the victim permanently changed
in body and spirit. In human form, seawolves tend
to have dense, sleek hair and small, low-set ears.
28 If the new moon has not yet arrived, an
afflicted victim can be freed from the curse with a
break enchantment or remove curse spell. If the
victim has already transformed into a seawolf, the
seawolf that afflicted the victim must first be slain;
otherwise the curative magic cannot succeed.
They capsized our longboat and tore Merwyck in
pieces in the first moment. I believe they were
confused by my small stature, or possibly they
thought me no threat, as they did not attack me at
first; I killed one, I think, with my knife, but the
main work was done by Jollyn and the others with
their harpoons. When we got one up onto the ice I
saw it was not a shark, nor a whale, as I had first
supposed, but a sort of seal-wolf, with flippers
rather than feet but improbably canine in its head
and upper torso. Could it have been produced by
biomancy? They say the Winter Wizard rules
these waters.
Wanderers of the Waves, Nasran Waterwick,
halfing whaler (as told to Larraby Quift, author)
Secret Watcher [Book of Exalted Deeds]
Secret Watcher [Book of Exalted Deeds] Secret Watcher [Book of Exalted Deeds]
Secret Watcher [Book of Exalted Deeds]
JWM: I don't actually have the Sacred Watcher in
my collection (since it's just a deathless ghost), but
I'll save your blurb and include it in the
"Will you serve?"
"I will serve"
"Will you obey?"
"I will obey"
"Will you uphold the will of Ezra?"
"The will of Ezra is mine"
"Shall Ezra, then, bless you"
In the secret catacombs under Ste-Mere-des-
Larmes, Warden Armand Pineau looked intently at
the holy warrior crouching at his feet. He
whispered an incantation, and felt the Holy Ghost
of Ezra descend upon the man. He reached for a
knife, and silently slit the man's throat. Blood
spilled upon the holy icon at his feet.
The eyes of the man were filled with happiness
and wholeness.
Then Pineau watched dispassionately as the spirit
of the man, a skeletal ghost clad in chainmail,
lifted from the corpse.
"Shall your life forever be in service of Our Lady
in the Mists" said the Anchorite.
The ghost was immediately joined by three others,
who greeted him with camaraderie and joy, and
disappeared in the walls of the cave complex.
Closing the trap door in the St-Mere's floor, the
Warden smiled, covering his head with a cowl.
The secrets of Ezra had now a new protector.
Selkie, dread [Fiend Folio]
Selkie, dread [Fiend Folio] Selkie, dread [Fiend Folio]
Selkie, dread [Fiend Folio]
JWM: Medium Humanoid (Aquatic,
Shapechanger), CR 1, N. These shapechangers are
seals at sea, humans on land. They change shape
by removing their sealskin, and can only change
shape in between the land and the sea – namely, in
the surf. They’re curious about the land and its
people, but ultimately tied to the sea. Many coastal
folk (such as the Mordentish) tell tales of
fishermen who espied beautiful selkies and stole
their sealskins, forcing them into marriage. If a
selkie ever finds its sealskin, it immediately
returns to the sea, abandoning any life it may have
had on land. The children of humans and selkies
are entirely human, though they two have a deep
longing for the sea and often become noted
seafarers. Selkies often bear mithril weapons, but
where they get them is a mystery. Selkies are often
mistaken for similar monsters such as seawolves
or were-sea cats.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) or
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about selkies.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This peculiar seal is actually a selkie, a
reclusive shapechanger that sheds its skin to take
human form. This result reveals all humanoid
traits and the aquatic and shapechanger subtypes.
18 A selkie is a seal at sea, and a human on land. It
has the power to change shape only at the border
between them, such as a sandy beach.
23 Selkies often carry mithril weapons to defend
themselves. No landlubber knows where the
selkies get these precious items. Selkies are not
warlike or violent by nature, but face dangerous
foes in their home waters. This includes sea cats,
which all selkies despise.
28 A selkie is curious about land dwellers, but
ultimately drawn to the sea. A selkie must have its
sealskin to assume seal form, and it cannot replace
its sealskin once lost. If a human finds a selkie’s
sealskin and hides it well enough, that person may
be able to force the selkie to do his or her bidding
for as long as he has it — even in the form of
marriage. Such forced marriages often come to
tragic ends, however.
33 The child of a human and a selkie is entirely
human, but usually inherits its selkie parent’s deep
longing for the sea. Such folk often become
talented fishermen or sailors.
He hid that seal's hide, and the selkie became his
bride and then the mother of his children; bright-
eyed, smooth-skinned, dark-haired, and they could
swim like fish--or seals, or their own fair mother.
But she never smiled.
Came one day when he returned home from the
sea, his little skiff full of fish, and found his home
burned to ashes, his wife gone, and his children
hewn in pieces. Ah, how he beat his breast and
cried for woe! But when he searched among the
ruins, he saw the mantle-stone lifted, and the
selkie's skin gone. Then he knew that she had born
her slavery in silence for many a long year, 'til her
seal-skin had once again come into her hands; then
she had taken her vengeance, and returned to the
The Selkie, traditional Mordentish
Seryulin [Monster Manual III]
Seryulin [Monster Manual III] Seryulin [Monster Manual III]
Seryulin [Monster Manual III]
Proposed par C Nichols pour le NS Gaz; for
Sahuagins; CR 7
] ]
Serval Serval
see cat, serval
see cat, servalsee cat, serval
see cat, serval
Shadow [Monster Manual]
Shadow [Monster Manual] Shadow [Monster Manual]
Shadow [Monster Manual]
JWM: Medium Undead (Incorporeal), CR 3,
chaotic evil. Undead spirits spawned by the Plane
of Shadow. Their touch drains Strength and
spawns more shadows.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about shadows. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This mobile shadow is an undead spirit strongly
tied to the Plane of Shadow. This result reveals all
undead traits and the incorporeal subtype.
18 Shadows despise light and life. They lurk in
dark places, waiting for victims to wander by. A
shadow is easily spotted in brightly lit areas, but
effortlessly blends into the shadows in their dimly
lit lairs.
23 A shadow’s touch carries the numbing chill of
nonexistence, sapping the strength from living
creatures. The souls of victims slain by a shadow’s
touch rise as new shadows themselves just a few
moments later, with no memory of their former
28 Although common undead shadows are
dangerous enough, far more powerful varieties
have also been encountered.
In my youth, in times of boredom or nervousness,
I developed a minor habit or tick of counting
things. I cannot say I find it soothing exactly, but
try as I might to quiet the numbers in my head,
they come unbidden. I never imagined this
compulsion would save my life. As the single light
source of my glowing orb cast our shadows in
sharp detail on the floor of the ancient tomb, my
eyes flicked across the group. One... two... three...
four of us. One... two... three... four... five
shadows. That was how I took the thing by
surprise, casting flame upon it before the rest of
you knew it was there. Knowing what we now do
of these creatures, and remembering the sorry state
we were in, if it had surprised us instead, I daresay
we'd have joined its ranks that day.
- Unused interview of Antayla the mage for Van
Richten's Guide to Ghosts
See also Dragon #336
Shadow asp [Fiend Folio/Denizens of
Shadow asp [Fiend Folio/Denizens of Shadow asp [Fiend Folio/Denizens of
Shadow asp [Fiend Folio/Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
JWM: Tiny Magical Beast (Extraplanar), CR 1,
neutral. Serpents from the Plane of Shadow,
sometimes summoned to act as guardians for
ancient tombs in the Amber Wastes. They are
destroyed by daylight, but their venom transforms
living victims into undead shadows.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (the planes) can learn more about
shadow asps. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This ebon cobra is a shadow asp. This result
reveals all magical beast traits.
18 Shadow asps are native to the Plane of Shadow,
but are often summoned to the material world to
act as guardians. This result reveals the extraplanar
23 A shadow asp can partially merge with the
shadows. This result reveals the incorporeal
subtype. However, it can be instantly slain by
exposure to any light as bright as daylight.
28 A shadow asp’s venom saps a victim’s strength
and slowly converts its flesh into shadowstuff,
transforming the victim into an undead shadow.
Thirst. Avarice. Lust for power. They were the
whip that our impromptu guide wielded
dexterously in driving us to a destination of his
choosing. We reached the Tomb of Ankhtepot at
sunset and the disturbing baying which had
punctuated our approach fell silent, pleasing
greatly the fellow, as though confirming some
secret calculation. Awe alone - inspired by the
magnificent structure and its soaring statues -
slowed our passage from the world above to that
below. A great temple emerged from the darkness,
then a greater one still, dominated by a colossal
statue, that of the deceased pharaoh himself.
Avarice overcame thirst and good sense, for rather
than pausing there, to seek out the rumored well,
we rushed onward, our company scrambling up a
wide, steep staircase. Whereupon the first of six
horrors befell us. Countless cobras, hooded and
black as night, materialized in our midst,
seemingly from the very shadows. Four crewmen
and our guide did not quit that staircase, at least
not alive, they being poisoned and trampled to
death. And the second horror was already upon us.
As we stumbled back to safety, our skin,
beginning at the point or points where we had
been bitten, was turning the inky black of the
snakes. The surviving crewmen wailed that it was
the mark of death and indeed we all thought as
much, but it was not so, for a majority of us lived
and for the rest it was worse. Some collapsed
utterly, their bodies dissipating into mere shadow.
Others, and this was the third horror, joined their
fallen brothers from the staircase as living, or
rather unliving, shadows bent upon our perdition.
-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Luteum,
Darkonese adventurer
Shadow Fiend [voir Demon, Shadow]
Shadow Fiend [voir Demon, Shadow] Shadow Fiend [voir Demon, Shadow]
Shadow Fiend [voir Demon, Shadow]
Shadow mastiff [Monster Manual]
Shadow mastiff [Monster Manual] Shadow mastiff [Monster Manual]
Shadow mastiff [Monster Manual]
JWM: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar), CR 5,
neutral evil. Black hounds native to the Plane of
Shadow. They can panic creatures with their
baying howls and blend with shadows. Semi-
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about shadow mastiffs. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This ebon hound is a shadow mastiff, a creature
native to the Plane of Shadow. This result reveals
all outsider traits.
20 Shadow hounds snap at foes with their
powerful jaws. When they bite an opponent, they
try to twist the creature to the ground.
25 Shadow mastiffs possess an eerie cunning, and
they can slip into the shadows, disappearing from
view. Bright lights, such as daylight, can reveal
the mastiff’s presence.
30 A shadow mastiff’s howl is positively
terrifying to most creatures other than most fiends
Your bastard son has acquired a trio of mastiff’s as
black as night. Their baying suffices, in the
absence of a steeling bard, to break our human
ranks. In a fight they attack from the shadows and
have each other’s back. If they could be cornered,
we Narrulve would rip them to shreds. But they
are not mere dogs. They are preternaturally
intelligent, masters of our own guerrilla tactics,
and disappear into the slightest shadow. And we
alone labour under the burden of discretion.
-Matton Blanchard reporting to Gabriel Aderre
Shadow spider [Monster Manual II]
Shadow spider [Monster Manual II] Shadow spider [Monster Manual II]
Shadow spider [Monster Manual II]
JWM: Huge Magical Beast (Extraplanar), CR 12,
neutral. A massive, shadowy spider native to the
Plane of Shadow. It has a paralytic venomous bite,
and its black silk is extremely slippery. It can
shadow walk at will.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (the planes) can learn more about
shadow spiders. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 This huge, shadowy arachnid is a shadow
spider. This result reveals all magical beast traits.
22 Shadow spiders are native to the Plane of
Shadow. This result reveals the extraplanar
27 A shadow spider’s venom paralyzes its prey,
and its black webbing is as slick as a grease spell.
32 A shadow spider can shift back and forth
between the material world and the Plane of
Shadow at will.
-walker [Unapproachable East]
walker [Unapproachable East] walker [Unapproachable East]
walker [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: Template, CR +1. Shadow-walkers
are people who have performed a rite or entered a
pact that exchanges some of their life force for
shadowstuff. From this bond, they gain powers
related to shadow and darkness that grow with the
shadow-walker's character level, though they can
not use these powers in bright light. Shadow-
walkers gain darkvision, but are blinded for a
round by bright light. A shadow-walker's shadow
always stands out crisp and dark, no matter how
dim the lighting.
In the Forgotten Realms, shadow-walkers are
given their powers by the god Mask, but in
Ravenloft the powers of shadow-walkers are
granted through pacts with evil spirits and dark
forces, possibly even the Dark Powers themselves.
Most shadow-walkers are rogues, and are often
members of criminal syndicates and thieves
guilds, such as the Buried Circle or the criminals
employed by Malken.
"According to the coachman, who was thrown
clear of the wreck, the robber's face was obscured
by a cloud of darkness. He threw blobs of shadows
at the horses, forcing the coach off the road, and
then unnatural darkness descended. The coachman
heard the screams of the passengers as the bandit
struck them down, but could not aid them as his
leg had been broken in the fall. Shortly thereafter,
the robber strode out of the darkness, walked into
the shadows behind a nearby boulder, and did not
return. The coachman was not found until some
time later, after the wreckage was noticed by a
passing traveler."
- Notes by Constable Sturm Androv on a coach
robbery outside Kantora
Shambling mound, dread (mandragora)
Shambling mound, dread (mandragora) Shambling mound, dread (mandragora)
Shambling mound, dread (mandragora)
[Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual] [Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual]
JWM: Shambling Mound, Dread (Mandragora):
Large Plant, CR 6, neutral. A hulking, vaguely
humanoid mass of vegetation. Unharmed by
electricity; in fact, it strengthens them. They crush
their foes. “In the Boglands of Darkon, the twisted
skein of life has produced spuma vita, a form of
pond scum overwhelmingly flooded with positive
energy. A creature that consumes spuma vita gains
fast healing 1 for 24 hours, but if it dies while the
scum is still active in its system, the algae merges
with the residue of the creature’s life force. Over
the course of weeks or months, the pond scum
absorbs the corpse, growing into its rough shape.
When the process is complete, the now-digested
corpse rises as a shambling mound of the same or
similar size category as the dead creature.
“To determine a mandragora’s Intelligence score,
reduce the dead creature’s Intelligence by 2d4
points. If this results in a score below 1, the
shambler has no (—) Intelligence score. The
creature also loses a percentage of its living
memories equal to the above dice result × 10%. A
shambler retains none of the special abilities of the
original creature.
“Mandragorae resemble the creatures they
absorbed in only the vaguest of terms. A shambler
arising from a humanoid’s corpse has a generally
humanoid form, with a barrel-shaped body, ropy
arms, stumpy legs, and at most a spongy lump
where its head should be. A shambler’s brain and
sensory organs are located in its upper body.
“A shambler is almost totally silent and invisible
in its natural surroundings, often catching
opponents flat-footed. It may lie partially
submerged in a shallow bog, waiting patiently for
some creature to walk onto it. Shamblers move
easily through water as well, and they have been
known to sneak into the camps of unsuspecting
travelers at night. In a few rare and infamous
cases, shamblers have been reported that retained
enough scraps of their living memory to act on
them, often crudely attempting to complete
unfinished tasks important to the digested creature
at the time of its death — such as seeking
from WotC know your enemy
These mobile, voracious compost heaps can be
found in the deepest forests and tagging along with
druids, rangers, and other outdoorsy types.
Knowledge (Nature)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about shambling mounds. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
18 This animated mound of vegetation is a
shambling mound. This result reveals all plant
23 Shambling mounds are immune to electricity
and resistant to fire. They are virtually silent and
invisible in their natural environment.
28 Shambling mounds become incredibly active
during powerful thunderstorms and can survive
direct strikes from lightning.
-“Your highness, the lost cast of the Ballet
National du Dementlieu, it’s fate, learned I have, I
think,” stammered my new Master of Ceremonies.
-"By the Vulchar, how delicious, do tell," I
answered with feigned indifference.
-The elf continued with little more composure,
“After its command performance, that is to say its
commanded performance, I mean its shambles of a
command, commanded performance, it some how
took a horribly wrong turn and got itself into the
Bog Lands, where - I can’t say or imagine how -
the members have become, well, mounds of plant
matter in want of firm roots."
-Dryly I remarked, "How unfortunate," then asked
sternly, "Are you certain?"
-He screwed up his scant courage and dared look
me in the eye socket as he replied: "It is them lord,
for the things, or at least the most lucid of them,
were performing, albeit silently, Vacheq’s Raven
Field with the same improvisations that had so
utterly incensed, that had so rightly, utterly
incensed, your august person.”
-Whereupon I permitted myself the thought of the
thinnest of smiles and said flatly: "Inform the
ambassador of their location but not of their
Lord of Necropolis, a forged and calumnious
autobiographical parody of the life of Azalin Rex
Shattered brethren (psionic Bluetspur
Shattered brethren (psionic Bluetspur Shattered brethren (psionic Bluetspur
Shattered brethren (psionic Bluetspur
broken ones)
broken ones)broken ones)
broken ones)
[Monster Manual
[Monster Manual [Monster Manual
[Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about sharks. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This large, sleek fish is a shark, a
dangerous predator with a mouth full of razor-
sharp teeth. This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: Sharks have exceptionally acute senses
underwater. They are drawn to vibrations, and can
be drawn to the scent of blood from up to a mile
DC 21: Smaller sharks generally aren’t dangerous
to most creatures, but some species can grow up to
20 feet in length and are prone to make
unprovoked attacks against anything that disturbs
Sheet Phantom (dragon 276)
Sheet Phantom (dragon 276)Sheet Phantom (dragon 276)
Sheet Phantom (dragon 276)
Submitted by JP
Shipbane (FoS Nocturnal Sea report)
e (FoS Nocturnal Sea report)e (FoS Nocturnal Sea report)
e (FoS Nocturnal Sea report)
Silver fox (elven fox) [Ravenloft
Silver fox (elven fox) [Ravenloft Silver fox (elven fox) [Ravenloft
Silver fox (elven fox) [Ravenloft
Gazetteer I
Gazetteer IGazetteer I
Gazetteer I
p 126
p 126p 126
p 126]
JWM: Small Magical Beast, CR 1/2, neutral. A
swift, clever, silver-furred fox native to elven
forests, such as eastern Darkon and Sithicus.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about silver foxes. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
10 This vulpine animal is a silver fox, a creature
commonly associated with elven woodlands. This
result reveals all magical beast traits.
15 Silver foxes are extremely fleet of foot and
exceptionally difficult to track.
20 Silver fox pelts can attract high prices in some
markets, though elves won’t buy them.
25 Elf mages sometimes seek out silver foxes for
use as familiars
The elf-fox, or silver fox (Vulpus argentine) is not
widely hunted, although its pelt is gorgeously
ornamental; the more primitive among the elves of
Sithicus are said to believe they are ancestral
spirits, while the woodsmen of Kartakass and
Valachan (though they agree on little else) both
say that a hunter taking such a skin often simply
disappears into the Mists. Because of this belief,
and their coloring, the Valachani also sometimes
refer to them as mist-foxes.
Harrald’s Bestiary, published in Il Aluk, 693
Sirine [Monster Manual II]
Sirine [Monster Manual II] Sirine [Monster Manual II]
Sirine [Monster Manual II]
JWM: Medium Fey (Aquatic), CR 5, chaotic
neutral. Playful female fey that live beneath the
waves. They sometimes enjoy companionship, for
a time. Not terribly fearsome in a fight, but they
can charm people with their song, sap (or restore)
Intelligence with their touch, and they have a few
useful spell-like abilities. Primarily included for
the Lady of the Lake.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about sirines. A character who
recnoginizes a sirine’s nature can make a bardic
knowledge check to learn more. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (nature)
DC Result
15 This lovely, green-tinged woman is a sirine, a
gregarious fey spirit that spends most of her time
beneath the waves. This result reveals all fey traits
and the aquatic subtype.
20 Sirines enjoy entertaining outgoing strangers
with songs and dance, but they do not seek long-
term companionship with mortals. Sirines
sometimes offer small parting gifts to mortals they
consider particularly charming. Sirines are not
powerful combatants, but are talented at
distracting or escaping foes. A sirine can charm
mortals with her songs, and she can dull the wits
of any mortal who offends her with just a tap of
her finger. A sirine ignores glancing blows, but
weapons forged of cold iron can pierce her
25 A sirine is surrounded by a magical, invisible
aura that helps deflect attacks. With another touch,
a sirine can restore the wits of any mortal whose
mind she or any other sirine sapped.
30 Once per day, a sirine can use fog cloud and
improved invisibility as spell-like abilities. She
can also polymorph herself once a day, A sirine
can commune with natural animals, just like the
wild empathy of a druid.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
20 A sirine’s charming song is a sonic effect
which can be countered with bardic music.
We came at last to the standing stone, engraved
with strange inscriptions, where Doneth had
arranged to meet us; the morning mist hung over
the water, and the waters of the lake were dark and
chill in the autumn dawn. As we stood we heard a
snatch of song echoing over the water, seeming to
come from the broken castle on its island, only just
visible through the fog. It was heartbreakingly
beautiful, and yet I seemed to hear the clash of
swords, the screams of dying men, and the sobbing
of a widow bereft in each note.
“How she must hate us,” Harespex muttered.
Bertram Mac Laren, Sixty Nights in Tepest
Skarphove [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Skarphove [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa] Skarphove [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Skarphove [Gaz. 5, Nova Vaasa]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Skeletal Dread Companion (CoD)
Skeletal Dread Companion (CoD)Skeletal Dread Companion (CoD)
Skeletal Dread Companion (CoD)
Skeletal Guardian (VRGttWD WE)
Skeletal Guardian (VRGttWD WE)Skeletal Guardian (VRGttWD WE)
Skeletal Guardian (VRGttWD WE)
Skeletal warbeast [Heroes of Battle
Skeletal warbeast [Heroes of BattleSkeletal warbeast [Heroes of Battle
Skeletal warbeast [Heroes of Battle
p 156
p 156p 156
p 156]
] ]
JWM: Large Undead, CR 4, neutral evil. Created
by necromancers, these war steeds have the
skeletal bodies of warhorses attached to an oryx (a
type of antelope) skull. “In Ravenloft, skeletal
warbeasts first appeared in the Burning Peaks,
created to serve the cavalry in the undead armies
of Cavitius. The secrets of their creation may have
since spread along with Vecna’s surviving
cultists.” They have a powerful charge and can
pass without trace.
(Note that the Knowledge [arcana] info is just my
interpretation, rather than canon.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) or
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about skeletal
warbeasts. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (religion)
DC 14: This fleshless, horned steed is a skeletal
warbeast, created by necromancers to serve as
mounts in their undead armies. This result reveals
all undead traits.
DC 19: A skeletal warbeast often charges foes,
dealing horrendous damage with its horns when it
does so. Glancing blows skitter off a warbeast’s
skeletal frame; the best way to destroy it is to
smash it to pieces with bludgeoning weapons.
Unlike mere skeletons, these warbeasts possess
much of the cunning and prowess they had in life.
DC 24: Because it lacks soft tissues, a skeletal
warbeast is immune to cold. Through the unearthly
forces empowering it, a skeletal warbeast leaves
no tracks of any kind.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC 14: A spellcaster of at least 12th level can
create a skeletal warbeast with create undead, the
skeleton of a warhorse, the skull of an oryx, and a
black onyx gem worth at least 400 gp.
"And lo! A great horse with a rider came bursting
through the woods!"
"Well, it looked like a horse: it had these big
swords stuck to its head."
"They were horns, but they cut like swords! And
the beast had a saddle and jewels and gold all over
it, matched the rider's armor."
"After it tore up the marketplace and set the chapel
on fire, the fiends leapt into the forest."
"What did the rider look like?"
"Hard to say... He was dressed up in old dusty
"And neither of'em had any flesh... When they
leapt into the forest, the rider turned his head
"Like an owl!"
"And he screamed "Help me!" at us."
-From the notes of Rudolph Van Richten,
concerning the "Horned Fiend of Rivalis"
Skeleton [Monster Manual]
keleton [Monster Manual] keleton [Monster Manual]
keleton [Monster Manual]
JWM: Template Undead, CR varies, neutral evil.
Standard, mindless walkin’ bones. Includes
several variants.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s skeletal nature. They
may need to make a separate Knowledge check to
learn about the base creature. Characters who
recognize a skeleton’s nature can make a
Knowledge (arcana) check to learn more. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
10 These walking bones are nothing more than the
undead skeleton of a once-living creature, given
independent life through foul magic. This result
reveals all undead traits.
15 Skeletons are mindless undead that retain
almost none of the knowledge or abilities they
possessed in life.
20 Because a skeleton lacks soft tissues, it ignores
exposure to cold, and most minor weapon strikes
simply clatter off its dry bones. The most effective
means of destroying skeletons is to simply smash
them to pieces with bludgeoning weapons.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
13 Skeletons can be created with a basic animate
dead spell. They are often found in the service of
necromancers or other masters of the undead.
Have you seen the ghost of John?
Snow white bones and rest all gone...
Oooh! Wouldn't it be chilly with no skin on?
- Traditional
" They tore free of the bodies! The bloody
bones...leering skulls all around us! No sound, no
scream, no laughter! They came after us...ever
after us...ever after us...knowing we would rest
and they wouldn't...hunting, hunting, their bones
clicking...clicking...clicking...until we would be
like them! Forever bearing the death-grin..."
-Ramblings of a veteran of the Dead Man's
See also: Animal Skeleton "New Monsters For
Low Levels" Len Lakofka Dragon#66(57)
See Pathfinder Classic Horror revisited
Skeleton, archer
Skeleton, archer Skeleton, archer
Skeleton, archer (VRGttWD WE)
Skeleton, pyroskeleton
eleton, pyroskeletoneleton, pyroskeleton
eleton, pyroskeleton
[Denizens of
[Denizens of [Denizens of
[Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
Skeleton, warlock (VRGttWD WE)
Skeleton, warlock (VRGttWD WE)Skeleton, warlock (VRGttWD WE)
Skeleton, warlock (VRGttWD WE)
Skin kite [Libris Mortis]
Skin kite [Libris Mortis] Skin kite [Libris Mortis]
Skin kite [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Small Undead, CR 3, neutral evil. A flying
flap of tattered skin that melds with living
creatures, then feeds on their skin, spawning more
skin kites.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about skin kites. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 13: This ragged, writhing flap of skin is a skin
kite, a necromantic creation driven by its hunger
for living skin. This result reveals all undead traits.
DC 18: Skin kites attack living creatures by
wrapping its tattered flaps around the victim’s
body and melding itself to their skin. An attached
skin kite can be removed, but not without effort.
DC 23: While attached to a living creature, a skin
kite gradually absorbs the creature’s skin.
Fortunately, skin kites usually sate their hunger
and detach before killing its victim, but these
creatures suffer terrible scarring.
DC 28: Whenever a skin kite absorbs enough skin,
it rerreats to a hidden lair, where it takes a few
moments to spawn a new skin kite.
The great spinning pin wheel of beautiful young
women, breathtakingly dressed, and of richly
endowed men, decadently clad, flew apart as
shrieks shattered the ballroom’s decorum. No, not
yet another case of thankless and spiteful Borcan
servants poisoning the punch. A fetching beauty,
well attired in our latest fashion, but of entirely
suspect nobility, her nouveau riche family owning
a scrap of land outside of Ilvin, was making a
perfect spectacle of herself, her arms flapping
about hysterically, somehow reminiscent of a
wounded duck. Granted, not without reason. For
the most hideous hunk of skin you could ever
imagine, which would have looked out of place
even on a Vistani crone or a caliban, hung between
her neck and her bosom like half sheered wool.
Ivana would not have invited her to Misericordia,
let alone let her in, looking like that, so evidently
something unspeakable had just befallen the poor
thing. The devilishly handsome, if somewhat
unimaginatively clothed, Peter Mournesworth of
Mordent, who is beginning to carve out for
himself quite a reputation as an incorruptible force
for truth and justice on both sides of the Musarde,
stepped boldly forth, offered a brief, dignified
apology to the strickened whelp for what he was
about to do, then seized most shockingly and most
violently that piece of ‘flesh’ and tore it free. As
with one arm he caught the swooning, bloodied
girl, who he passed foolishly into the ever
lecherous hands of Ivan Dilisnya, with the other he
fought to hold and to fend off a thing that
struggled with all the savagery of a landlocked sea
devil, at last pinning it under his boot and cutting
it to ribbons with his very long sword.
-Extract from the society pages of Port-a-Lucine
Skin thief [Denizens of Dread]
Skin thief [Denizens of Dread] Skin thief [Denizens of Dread]
Skin thief [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
(Shapechanger), CR 2, chaotic evil. Vicious,
shaggy, vaguely ursine humanoids with clawed,
eight-fingered hands. They can flay their dead
victims, then wear their skin, disguising
themselves as normal Medium humanoids. Think
“Texas Chainsaw Massacre” or “The Hills Have
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about skin thieves. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 The shaggy hide and wicked claws revealed
beneath this stranger’s shredded skin reveals its
true nature as a skin thief, a debased shapechanger.
This result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits
and the shapechanger subtype.
17 Skin thieves have eight gnarled fingers on each
hand, each one ending in a long, razor-sharp talon.
A skin thief can use its claws to quickly skin a
helpless victim. It then slips inside and alters its
shape to fill the skin perfectly, allowing the
monster to pose as its victim.
22 A skin thief gains none of the knowledge or
abilities of the victims whose skin it wears.
Creatures with sharp senses can identify a given
skin thief by scent, regardless of its current
disguise. A skin thief’s bite injects a mildly
paralytic poison.
27 Unlike doppelgangers and similar
shapechangers, skin thieves seldom attempt to
assume the roles of specific individuals or
infiltrate society. Instead, they keep to their own
barbaric clans, using their human appearance to
lure new victims into their clutches. Skin thieves
often wear shiny trinkets and trophies made from
past victims, further betraying their true identities.
-I asked with a shiver: “What sort of man skins
another alive?”
-Vail replied: “A torturer, a mad man of science,
or no man at all.”
-Uneasily, I asked: “A Fey?”
-Vail, as he reexamined the half-eaten remains,
answered absently: “Something highly dexterous
and reasonably intelligent, that can tie knots.
There are stories of certain Fey fraying men alive,
but none to my knowledge of the victims being
eaten alive too. The same is generally true of
sadists and crazed doctors. Also there is the fact
that the killer, to string up the victim like this,
must have above average strength.”
-Vail drew my attention to the raw meat of the
neck and I whispered: “Teeth marks.”
-He added: “Not at all human, indeed almost
ursine, and perhaps bearing poison, notice the
slight discolouration. Further, the half dozen black
hairs clinging to the raw flesh are not human
-I summarised: “We are looking for a man-eating
beast, black haired, strong, dexterous,
preternaturally intelligent.”
-Vail responded: “While that is true, I doubt very
much that a single witness will have seen the
creature that you describe. What is missing from
our crime scene?”
I observed perplexedly: “His clothes. What would
a beast want with his clothes?”
Triumphantly, Vail cried: “Not just his clothes!
His skin, Colonel his skin! And why would a
bestial thief take a man’s clothes and his skin?”
The Skin Thief, Colonel Oliver Pendleton
Skogsra [Gaz. 4, Valachan]
Skogsra [Gaz. 4, Valachan] Skogsra [Gaz. 4, Valachan]
Skogsra [Gaz. 4, Valachan]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
Skulking cyst [Libris Mortis]
ulking cyst [Libris Mortis] ulking cyst [Libris Mortis]
ulking cyst [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Small Undead, CR 4, chaotic evil. A
roiling mass of internal organs and tumors, created
by the necrotic cyst spell. It attaches itself to living
victims and drains their blood. Can also create
magical darkness and create new necrotic cysts.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (religion) can learn more about
skulking cysts. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (religion)
DC 14: This repulsive, heaving sac of viscera and
organs is a necrotic cyst, the creation of foul
necromantic magic. This result reveals all undead
DC 19: A necrotic cyst is surprisingly intelligent
and stealthy. It attacks with its intestines
whipping, often lashing itself to its victim. A
necrotic cyst is slightly resistant to turning.
Necrotic cysts still understand the languages they
knew in life.
DC 24: Once a necrotic cyst lashes itself to a
living creature, it drains blood. Fortunately, these
cysts usually sate their hunger and retreat before
the victim dies from blood loss. A necrotic cyst’s
oozing body is slightly resistant to fire.
DC 29: Before a necrotic cyst detaches itself from
its prey, it uses its necrotic cyst spell-like ability
on the victim. It can only do this once a day, but it
can use darkness several times a day to aid its
stealth tactics.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC 12: Necrotic cysts are created as a result of the
necrotic cyst spell.
Fortunately, a ship was leaving port and its captain
was greedy for our gold. Soon the accursed town
of Nevuchar Springs was but a speck on the
horizon. We had survived the trials of the last
month. We had escaped, with our minds and
bodies intact, the anarchy of my decapitated
homeland. Gregor, our indomitable cleric, was not,
however, looking so well, indeed was an
unhealthy shade of green, and retired to our cabin.
A few minutes later a sailor screamed for the
captain. We were led below deck. Our friend was
lying on his back. His head, which rested at a
distance of a few feet, appeared to have been torn
from his body. I unbuckled his armour. Where his
neck, rib cage, heart and lungs, stomach and
intestines should have been a hole gaped. Eleanor
drew our attention to the floor. A trail, traced in
blood and gore, led from the body, passed the
head, and down the passageway.
-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Lutuem,
Darkonese adventurer
Skull beetle [Tower of Doom, Book of
Skull beetle [Tower of Doom, Book of Skull beetle [Tower of Doom, Book of
Skull beetle [Tower of Doom, Book of
Sacrifices] Sacrifices]
JWM: Fine Vermin, CR 1, neutral. A stupidly
aggressive beetle with an incredibly toxic bite. In
the worst case scenario, its venom dissolves all
flesh in the victim, leaving nothing but the eyes.
Can also spray acid.
"She had the most beautiful eyes. I could stare into
their blue depths for hours. And so I did. For that
was all that remained of her after that damn bug."
-Distraught resident of Nartok
Skull Ripper
l Ripperl Ripper
l Ripper
[Pathfinder 3
Pathfinder 3Pathfinder 3
Pathfinder 3]
] ]
Sort of scorpion-like construct, that collects skulls
Skum [Monster Manual]
Skum [Monster Manual]Skum [Monster Manual]
Skum [Monster Manual]
Proposed par C Nichols pour le NS Gaz; created
by Aboleth
Slain (Gaz II)
Slain (Gaz II)Slain (Gaz II)
Slain (Gaz II)
Ghoul, Shadow, skeleton, wight, zombie
Ghoul, Shadow, skeleton, wight, zombieGhoul, Shadow, skeleton, wight, zombie
Ghoul, Shadow, skeleton, wight, zombie
Slaymate [Libris Mortis]
Slaymate [Libris Mortis] Slaymate [Libris Mortis]
Slaymate [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Small Undead, CR 2, lawful evil. The
animated corpse of a child who died due to the
malice or neglect of a parent or guardian. They
have a diseased bite, but they aren’t very fierce in
combat. However, their invisible aura empowers
necromantic spells, so necromancers sometimes
wear one of these creatures for the power boost.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about slaymates. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This discomfortingly pale child is an undead
creature known to some as a slaymate. This result
reveals all undead traits. They speak the language
they knew when alive, usually Common.
17 Slaymates are created when children die due to
the malice or neglect of their guardian. A
slaymate’s rot-infested mouth delivers a deadly,
supernatural disease called pale wasting with its
22 A slaymate emits an invisible aura to a range of
a few paces. Within this aura, spellcasters find it
easier to prepare or use necromantic magic. For
this reason, slaymates are almost always
encountered in the presence of necromancers, who
may even wear the little horrors on their backs.
-Trina nearly squealed: “Count von Zarovich, lord
of Barovia, ancient as the land itself, the very devil
incarnate, has a rag doll!” And she dared continue,
“Do you take her to your bed, to keep you warm,
to hold at bay the terrors of the day?”
-Strahd turned, fixed upon her a withering gaze,
and replied levelly, even as the walls shook with
the first retort of a thunderstorm, “Dog, you have
no idea.”
Journal of Jander Sunstar
Smoke Haunt
moke Haunt moke Haunt
moke Haunt [
Pathfinder 3
thfinder 3thfinder 3
thfinder 3]
Fire spirit
Snake [Monster Manual
Snake [Monster Manual Snake [Monster Manual
Snake [Monster Manual -
Constrictor : 2 (Giant : 5)
Viper : 1/3, ½, 1, 2, 3
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about snakes.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This slithering, scaly serpent is one of
many varieties of dangerous snakes. This result
reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Dangerous snakes are divided into two
general categories. Vipers kill their prey with their
venomous fangs. Constrictors are nonpoisonous;
they strike with their jaws to seize their prey, then
wrap their coils around its torso, slowly
suffocating it. Once snakes make a kill, they
swallow their prey whole. Although rare, some
species of both constrictors and vipers can grow to
enormous sizes. Some snakes have adapted to
aquatic environments, and can hold their breath for
minutes at a time.
DC 10: Some mages adopt vipers for use as
familiars. Such mages tend to be particularly sly.
Snake, sea
, sea, sea
, sea
[Stormwrack p 170
Stormwrack p 170Stormwrack p 170
Stormwrack p 170]
Proposed par C Nichols pour le NS Gaz
Soul kraken [Neither Man Nor Beast]
Soul kraken [Neither Man Nor Beast] Soul kraken [Neither Man Nor Beast]
Soul kraken [Neither Man Nor Beast]
JWM: Huge Magical Beast (Aquatic), CR 9, NE
(and the elder soul kraken, Gargantuan Magical
Beast, CR 12, NE). A smaller version of the MM
kraken. Less physical power, can’t charm
creatures, and doesn’t care about ruling deep-sea
kingdoms. Instead, these smaller kin dwell in
shallow waters, usually near reefs or shoals. They
sink ships to use as lairs, surrounding themselves
with sunken treasures. Soul krakens can mount
creatures’ heads on the tips of their tentacles. They
can work these heads like puppets — even see
through their eyes and use them to speak — which
has fooled many sailors into thinking these
creatures devour their victims’ souls. Soul krakens
use their head-mounted tentacles like long serpents
to reach inside foundering ships and snatch up
hiding crewmen. The elder soul kraken is as
powerful as the MM kraken. This creature is
inspired by an encounter in Neither Man Nor
Beast, although the soul kraken there is actually
just a regular AD&D kraken with a fresh coat of
Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks in
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about soul
krakens. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 This massive squid-like creature is a soul
kraken, a distant relative of the true kraken easily
distinguished by the skulls and rotting heads
skewered onto the end of its tentacles. This result
reveals all magical beast traits and the aquatic
24 Soul krakens often attack during sudden
storms. They can reach onboard a ship to snatch
up sailors with their long tentacles, pulling them
down into the water to drown or be devoured. Soul
krakens devour both the flesh and the spirits of
their victims. They sink ships to use as their lairs.
29 If a soul kraken gets its clutches on a helpless
sailor, it can rip the hapless victim’s head off with
one violent motion. A soul kraken may retreat if
its foes manage to sever several of its tentacles. A
retreating soul kraken can propel itself through the
water at high speeds and mask its escape with a
cloud of black ink.
34 Soul krakens are highly intelligent and can see,
hear, and even speak through the rotting heads
mounted on the tips of their tentacles. Beware a
soul kraken with skulls on the end of its tentacles
— the beast will want fresher replacements.
39 It’s no coincidence that soul krakens attack
during storms. They can control the winds and
waves, often driving ships onto rocky shoals just
before launching a sudden attack.
(Fun fact: In 2E, the soul kraken turns out to be
one of many, many Ravenloft monsters -- such as
pyre elementals and evil treants -- that are
mechanically identical to the common MM
versions, once you actually compare stats. My 3E
update is a CR 9 Huge magical beast, based on the
MM kraken, with a few new abilities.)
Unfathomed depths the dark sea holds,
Wandered far by mariners bold;
Unknown creatures there abide,
Things which never see the light...
The sea-witch cast her awful spell
To bring a servant up from Hell,
Its ten arms raised to do her will,
Its snapping beak those men to kill.
It seized upon that doughty ship
Its hull to maim, its rigging strip,
And every tar aboard did know
The sea-witch aimed to bring them low,
Down beneath the ocean wave,
Their blood to slake her kraken slave!
Ballad of the Stormrunner, traditional Darkonese
JWMangrum :
Here's the Soul Kraken conversion I wrote up for
myself some time back; do with it what you will.
As a note, when the soul kraken appeared in
Neither Man Nor Beast it was, mechanically, just a
normal Monster Manual kraken with a minor
cosmetic change. I expressed that cosmetic change
in actual game mechanics for the 3E version.
Oh -- apologies for the non-standard stat block
below. All the needed info is there, however.
Soul Kraken
Usually NE Huge Magical Beast (Aquatic)
Initiative: +4
Speed: Swim 20 ft. (4 squares)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen
+19, Spot +19
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with tentacle, 20
ft. with arm)
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+28
Attack: Tentacle rake +18 melee (2d6+8/19–20)
Full Attack: 2 tentacle rakes +18 melee
(2d6+8/19–20) and 6 arm rakes +13 melee
(1d4+4) and bite +13 melee (2d8+4)
Attack Options: Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise,
Improved Trip
Special Attacks: Head snatch, improved grab,
constrict 2d6+8 or 1d4+4, soul puppets
Hit Dice: 12d10+84 Hit Points: 139
Armor Class: 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (–2 size,
+10 natural)
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +8
Special Qualities: Ink cloud, jet, spell-like abilities
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 20, Wis 19,
Cha 20
Skills: Concentration +16, Hide +0, Search +19,
Survival +6 (+8 to follow tracks, avoid getting
lost, or avoid hazards), Swim +16, Use Magic
Device +14
Knowledge: Geography +14, Nature +13
Social: Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +14, Sense
Motive +13
Languages: Aquan, dead man’s tales (see text)
Outcast Rating: 10 (+4 size, +3 appearance, +2
reputation, +1 unnatural powers)
Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Improved
Critical (tentacle), Improved Initiative, Improved
Environment: Temperate and warm aquatic (Sea
of Sorrows)
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Triple standard
Advancement: 13–19 HD (Huge); 20–32 HD
(Gargantuan); 33–60 HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: —
Soul krakens are aggressive and cruel behemoths
distantly related to the true krakens of other
worlds. They are as cruel and cunning as true
krakens, but they adapted to existence in the
merciless seas of the Demiplane of Dread. Soul
krakens are smaller than true krakens, but no less
dangerous or malevolent. Soul krakens are most
active at dusk and dawn. During the daylight
hours, they tend to slumber inside their lairs,
waiting for the daylight to fade.
While true krakens lurk in the abyssal ocean
depths, soul krakens roam relatively shallow
waters, often lingering near coral reefs or rocky
outcroppings. They make their lairs inside
shipwrecks—often those of their own making.
Soul krakens often drive ships onto jutting rocks,
then devour their crews. Once a soul kraken has
destroyed all resistance, it smashes a hole in the
ship’s hull, drags the ship to the seabed, and slips
inside to surround itself with its sunken treasures.
The hunting grounds of soul krakens often acquire
an accursed reputation among the region’s seafolk:
a place where ships vanish without trace.
Fortunately, soul krakens are solitary beasts with
no use for others of their own kind or the
humanoid slaves favored by their true kraken kin.
A soul kraken resembles a massive, monstrous
squid. Its clammy flesh is a pale, bluish gray, with
a black beak and silvery eyes. Six of the beast’s
tentacles are shorter arms about 30 feet long; the
remaining two are nearly sixty feet long and
covered with barbs. Its beaklike mouth is located
where the tentacles meet the lower portion of its
A soul kraken’s most disturbing trait is its habit of
ripping the heads off humanoid victims and
skewering them on the tips of its writhing limbs. A
soul kraken can manipulate these heads like
puppets and, so long as flesh clings to their skulls,
can scry through their senses and even gain limited
access to the corpses’ memories. A soul kraken
extends its skull-tipped limbs into crippled ships to
track down any victims attempting to hide. Sailors
who dare speak of soul krakens claim that they eat
not just men’s flesh but their very souls—thus the
Soul krakens understand Aquan, though they
cannot communicate by any means humanoids can
understand. Through their dead man’s tales ability,
they can also communicate through their soul
puppets, gaining the ability to understand and
speak any language known to a fresh severed
head’s former owner—usually one or more
domain tongues of nearby coastal regions.
Soul krakens strike their opponents with their
barbed tentacles, then grab and crush victims with
their arms or drag them into their huge jaws. If
opponents take cover, the soul kraken uses the
severed heads mounted on the ends of its limbs to
seek out or taunt hiding prey.
An opponent can make sunder attempts against a
soul kraken’s tentacles or arms as if they were
weapons. A soul kraken’s tentacles have 20 hit
points, as its arms have 10 hit points. If a soul
kraken is currently grappling a target with one
tentacle or arm, it usually uses another limb to
make its attack of opportunity against the sunder
attempt. Severing a soul kraken’s tentacle or arm
deals damage to the kraken equal to half the limb’s
full normal hit points. A soul kraken usually
withdraws from combat if it loses both tentacles or
three of its arms. A soul kraken regrows severed
limbs in 1d10+10 days.
Head Snatch (Ex): If a soul kraken successfully
performs a coup de gras against a helpless
defender at least one size category smaller than
itself (but no smaller than Tiny), then instead of
the usual coup de gras result, it forcibly tears the
creature’s head from its body, instantly killing the
creature. If the soul kraken has the victim grappled
when it performs a head snatch, it can maintain its
grapple on both the victim’s head and body with a
single tentacle or arm if it so desires. Creatures
that do not need their heads to survive are not
instantly slain, suffering the normal coup de gras
effects instead.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the soul
kraken must hit a Large or smaller creature with
an arm or tentacle attack. It can then attempt to
start a grapple as a free action without provoking
attacks of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check,
it establishes a hold and can constrict.
The soul kraken has the option to conduct the
grapple normally, or simply use the part of its
body it used in the improved grab to hold the
opponent (an option soul krakens often take while
fishing victims out of a crippled ship). If it chooses
to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on grapple
checks (for a total +8 grapple check modifier), but
is not considered grappled itself; the soul kraken
does not lose its Dexterity bonus to AC, still
threatens an area, and can use its remaining attacks
against other opponents.
Constrict (Ex): A soul kraken deals automatic arm
or tentacle damage with a successful grapple
Soul Puppets (Su and Ex): As a move action, a
soul kraken can insert the end of a tentacle or arm
into the severed head of any Small or Medium
animal, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid. The
slender tendrils at the end of a soul kraken’s arms
and tentacles wrap themselves around the facial
skeleton and pierce the skull, partially fusing
themselves to the creature’s brain. An attached
head grants the soul kraken several abilities.
Dead Man’s Eyes (Su): The soul kraken gains the
ability to use the head’s senses as if scrying
through an arcane eye. If the head had any
extraordinary sensory qualities (such as low-light
vision, darkvision, scent, and so on), then that
head retains those qualities.
For example, if a soul kraken attaches a fresh
sahuagin head to the end of a tentacle, then it can
see and hear through that head. Furthermore, when
the soul kraken uses that head’s senses, the head
retains the sahugain’s blindsense and darkvision
but is also subject to the sahuagin’s light
Barring other factors, an attached head decays
beyond the ability to transmit its senses one week
after it is severed.
Dead Man’s Teeth (Ex): The soul kraken can
physically work the head like a puppet. If the
creature had a bite attack, then the soul kraken can
make a bite attack with that arm or tentacle. A bite
attack is always considered a secondary attack
(taking a –5 penalty on the attack roll), and does
not benefit from any feats that apply specifically to
the soul kraken’s tentacle attacks (such as
Improved Critical). Use the original creature’s
base bite damage, plus half of the soul kraken’s
Strength modifier. When used to make a bite
attack, that specific tentacle gains an extra 5 feet
of reach, since only the very tip of the tentacle
needs to reach its target. The head loses all special
attack forms (such as poison).
A soul kraken can alternate between making
tentacle rake attacks or bite attacks as it chooses,
but the same arm/tentacle cannot make both a bite
and a rake attack in the same turn. However, a
single tentacle can both constrict and bite a
previously grappled foe in its clutches.
For example, if a soul kraken attaches a sahuagin’s
head to the end of a tentacle, then it can make bite
attacks with that tentacle as follows: Tentacle bite
+13 melee (1d4+4), reach 55 ft.
A soul kraken can continue making bite attacks
with its attached heads well after the head has
been reduced to an algae-tinted skull, so it tends to
keep old skulls attached until it can replace them
with fresh heads.
Dead Man’s Tales (Su): Once it fuses with a brain,
a soul kraken contacts the lingering imprint of the
slain creature’s soul as a free action. This ability is
similar to speak with dead (caster level 9th),
except that the soul kraken only needs the head
intact. The head gets a Will save to resist, as
normal. On a failed save, a typical soul kraken can
ask the head up to four questions (as per the spell),
which usually pertain to the capabilities and/or
hiding places of the corpse’s allies, and gains the
ability to understand any language known by the
dead creature for as long as the head remains
relatively fresh (about a week).
Ink Cloud (Ex): A soul kraken can emit a cloud of
jet-black ink in a 60-foot spread once per minute
as a free action. The cloud provides total
concealment, which the soul kraken normally uses
to escape a fight that is going badly. Creatures
within the cloud are considered to be in darkness.
Jet (Ex): A soul kraken can jet backward once per
round as a full-round action, at a speed of 280 feet.
It must move in a straight line, but does not
provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—control weather,
control winds, resist energy. Caster level 9th. The
save DC is Charisma-based.
Skills: A soul kraken has a +8 racial bonus on any
Swim check to perform some special action of
avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on
a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It
can use the run action while swimming, provided
it moves in a straight line.
This soul kraken gains a +2 synergy bonus on
Survival checks made aboveground (including its
aquatic environment), which has already been
included in its statistics.
Elder Soul Kraken
Usually NE Gargantuan Magical Beast (Aquatic)
Initiative: +4
Speed: Swim 20 ft. (4 squares)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen
+30, Spot +30
Space/Reach: 20 ft./15 ft. (60 ft. with tentacle, 30
ft. with arm)
Base Attack/Grapple: +20/+44
Attack: Tentacle +28 melee (2d8+12/19–20)
Full Attack: 2 tentacles +28 melee (2d8+12/19–
20) and 6 arms +23 melee (1d6+6) and bite +23
melee (4d6+6)
Attack Options: Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise,
Improved Trip
Special Attacks: Head snatch, improved grab,
constrict 2d8+12 or 1d6+6, soul puppets
Hit Dice: 20d10+180 Hit Points: 290
Armor Class: 20, touch 6, flat-footed 20 (–4 size,
+14 natural)
Saves: Fort +21, Ref +12, Will +13
Special Qualities: Ink cloud, jet, spell-like abilities
Abilities: Str 34, Dex 10, Con 29, Int 21, Wis 20,
Cha 20
Skills: Concentration +21, Hide +0, Search +28,
Survival +5 (+7 to follow tracks, avoid getting
lost, or avoid hazards), Swim +20, Use Magic
Device +16
Knowledge: Geography +17, Nature +16
Social: Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +16, Sense
Motive +17
Languages: Aquan, dead man’s tales (see text)
Outcast Rating: 14 (+8 size, +3 appearance, +2
reputation, +1 unnatural powers)
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise,
Improved Critical (tentacle), Improved Initiative,
Improved Trip, Iron Will
Environment: Temperate and warm aquatic (Sea
of Sorrows)
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: Triple standard
Advancement: 21–32 HD (Gargantuan); 33–60
HD (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: —
These massive soul krakens are the eldest of their
kind. Centuries old, they largely lurk in the
deepest, coldest, darkest abysses of Ravenloft’s
seas, seeking larger prey to feed their terrible
hunger. Over the centuries, several “ghost ships”
have been found drifting without their crews.
Many superstitious old salts insist that these
doomed crews met their strange fate when they
were unlucky enough to be present on the rare
occasion when an elder soul kraken returned to the
This soul kraken has been advanced by 8 HD and
has grown by one size category, making several of
its attacks more effective.
Head Snatch (Ex): This advanced soul kraken can
sever the heads of helpless creatures of up to Huge
Improved Grab (Ex): If this advanced soul kraken
simply uses the part of its body it used in the
improved grab to hold an opponent, it has a total
+24 grapple modifier.
Soul Puppets (Su and Ex): If an elder soul kraken
attaches a sahuagin’s head to the end of a tentacle,
it uses the following statistics attacks with that
tentacle’s bite attacks: Tentacle bite +23 melee
(1d4+6), reach 65 ft.
Ink Cloud (Ex): This advanced soul kraken can
emit a cloud of jet-black ink in an 80-foot spread.
Tactics Round-by-Round
A soul kraken attacks without warning, using its
long reach to pull an initial round of sailors to their
doom. If the remaining survivors hide out of sight,
the soul kraken uses its soul puppets to hunt them
down and say them all before turning the
wreckage of their ship into a new lair.
Prior to Combat: The soul kraken uses control
weather and control winds to drive an unlucky
ship onto rocks or reefs, crippling it and possibly
even punching holes in the hull. One round before
it surfaces to attack, the soul kraken uses resist
energy on itself, typically choosing to resist fire or
electricity unless it sees that the crew is using a
different energy type.
Round 1: The soul kraken surfaces adjacent to the
ship, possibly grappling the ship itself with an
arm. It uses its arms and tentacles to reach onto the
upper decks and attack any visible crew, grappling
as many as possible.
Round 2: The soul kraken constricts any creatures
it has grappled, plucks them off the deck, and pulls
them underwater to drown them. Any arms or
tentacles that have not successfully grappled an
opponent continue their attacks on deck. The soul
kraken begins to bite the ship itself, gnawing
through the wooden hull with its beak.
Round 3: The soul kraken continues to constrict
opponents while holding them underwater. As
soon as a victim reaches –1 hit points or otherwise
becomes a helpless defender, the soul kraken uses
its head snatch attack. If the remaining crew on
board retreat below decks, the soul kraken uses
any free arms or tentacles to blindly reach inside
the ship and grope around for victims (treating
hidden foes as if they were invisible). The soul
kraken alternatively uses its bite to attack the ship
or devour decapitated corpses, as appropriate.
Round 4: The soul kraken attaches freshly severed
heads to its arms and tentacles, then immediately
extends them into the ship to attack the remaining
crew. The soul kraken uses its soul puppets to find
and sense foes below decks, negating their total
Round 5: When the soul kraken has slaughtered
the crew, replaced its rotted soul puppets with
fresh heads, and eaten the headless bodies, it
continues its attempts to smash the ship’s hull and
drag it to the bottom.
Soul Kraken Lore
Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks in
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about soul
krakens. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 19: This massive squid-like creature is a soul
kraken, a distant relative of the true kraken easily
distinguished by the skulls and rotting heads
skewered onto the end of its tentacles. This result
reveals all magical beast traits and the aquatic
DC 24: Soul krakens often attack during sudden
storms. They can reach onboard a ship to snatch
up sailors with their long tentacles, pulling them
down into the water to drown or be devoured. Soul
krakens devour both the flesh and the spirits of
their victims. They sink ships to use as their lairs.
DC 29: If a soul kraken gets its clutches on a
helpless sailor, it can rip the hapless victim’s head
off with one violent motion. A soul kraken may
retreat if its foes manage to sever several of its
tentacles. A retreating soul kraken can propel itself
through the water at high speeds and mask its
escape with a cloud of black ink.
DC 34: Soul krakens are highly intelligent and can
see, hear, and even speak through the rotting heads
mounted on the tips of their tentacles. Beware a
soul kraken with skulls on the end of its tentacles
— the beast will want fresher replacements.
DC 39: It’s no coincidence that soul krakens attack
during storms. They can control the winds and
waves, often driving ships onto rocky shoals just
before launching a sudden attack.
Spawn of Kyuss [Monster Manual II]
Spawn of Kyuss [Monster Manual II] Spawn of Kyuss [Monster Manual II]
Spawn of Kyuss [Monster Manual II]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 5, chaotic evil. A
zombie-like corpse infested with otherworldly
worms. When the spawn attacks, it transfers a few
worms to its victim. These worms then burrow
into the victim’s flesh, creating a new spawn of
Kyuss. These creatures recently received a lot of
attention in Dungeon Magazine’s “Age of Worms”
adventure path.
(This lore is based on the lore presented in
“Ecology of the Spawn of Kyuss” by James
Jacobs, Dragon Magazine #336.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (religion) can learn more about spawn
of Kyuss. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC 15: This worm-infested zombie is a foul
undead horror called a spawn of Kyuss, a
legendary death priest in an ancient age. This
result reveals all undead traits.
DC 20: A spawn of Kyuss is infested with strange
green worms, which are actually the source of its
power. A spawn’s wounds close quickly.
DC 25: A spawn of Kyuss exudes a supernaturally
potent aura of fear. A spawn’s touch spreads a
supernatural disease called Kyuss’ gift, which
manifests the symptoms of necrotic flesh and
dementia. Even worse, one or more worms may
transfer from the spawn to infest the living subject.
The touch of silver and deft hands might pluck
these worms away before they burrow into a
victim’s brain.
DC 30: Once a worm burrows into a creature’s
flesh, the victim has only a few moments to act
before the worm reaches its brain and transforms it
into a new spawn of Kyuss. A healer with a sharp
blade may be able to extract it, and a dispel evil or
neutralize poison spell can halt the worm’s
progress for up to an hour. Magic that removes
curses or diseases kills all infesting worms, saving
the victim. Using such magic on spawn themselves
transforming all but the most powerful of their
kind into simple zombies.
DC 35: Some of Kyuss’ spawn are much more
powerful than the typical spawn and possess
strange powers like the ability to exhale clouds of
noxious grave wind or the ability to spray the
surrounding area with infectious worms. Not all
spawn of Kyuss are humanoid in shape and might
infest a variety of natural and monstrous forms.
DC 16: This result reveals the process for creating
a spawn of Kyuss.
"Corruption is the way of all the earth," the corpse
muttered, twisting against the bonds of force that
held it. "You are dying even as we speak, your
body failing, slowly but surely. Whereas I...I live.
Even in death."
I saw then the worms writhing beneath its skin,
and could not fully bite back a scream of horror as
it continued, "Come closer...and I'll show you
what it means to be immortal."
Laurent St. Reginald to Gennifer Weathermay-
Foxgrove, working notes to Van Richten's Guide
to the Walking Dead
See also Dragon # 336
Spectral Spectral
Spectral creature
[Savage Species p129
Savage Species p129Savage Species p129
Savage Species p129]
] ]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s spectral nature.
Characters may need to make a separate
Knowledge check to learn about the base creature.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 17: This transparent, slightly luminous spirit is
a spectral creature. This reveals all undead traits
and the incorporeal subtype.
DC 22: Spectral creatures are commonly mistaken
for ghosts, but they are much more malevolent.
Animals balk at the presence of spectres and flee if
they come within ten paces of one.
DC 27: The mere touch of a spectral creature
drains the target’s life energy. A living creature
slain by a spectre becomes one itself soon after
DC 32: Spectral creatures are powerless in
sunlight and flee from it. When exposed to
sunlight, they cannot attack and can barely move.
Spectral lyrist [Libris Mortis]
Spectral lyrist [Libris Mortis] Spectral lyrist [Libris Mortis]
Spectral lyrist [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Medium Undead (Incorporeal), CR 4,
chaotic evil. The spirit of a bard who used its
artistic talents to ruin lives in life. They can pose
as living, corporeal folk. Their touch drains
Charisma, and they retain some of their bardic
Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks in
Knowledge (religion) can learn more about
spectral lyrists. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
14 This musician is actually a spectral lyrist, the
undead spirit of a bard who in life used their
artistic talents for evil ends. This result reveals all
undead traits. These spirits often speak several
common languages.
19 A spectral lyrist can assume the appearance of
any human-sized person, though it can’t mimic
specific individuals. While disguised, the lyrist is
easily mistaken for a corporeal, living creature, but
it remains a weightless, incorporeal spirit. This
result reveals the incorporeal subtype. Spectral
lyrists can enthrall and command the living with
their bardic music.
24 The touch of a spectral lyrist drains a living
creature’s vivacity and outgoing nature, leaving
the victim dull and listless. Spectral lyrists feed on
these stolen slivers of personality.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
14 Spectral lyrists are the restless spirits of bards
who in life used their artistic talents for evil ends.
19 A spectral lyrist’s music can be countered with
bardic music.
The harpist produced a surprisingly large lyre
from her dress. As she smiled, her face flushed a
deep red, matching the red of her blouse.
May I sing you a song?
We nodded our approval, and her smile stretched
wider, just like the rictus grin of a skull.
-Excerpt from "The Greatest Feeshka"
Spectral Spectral
Spectral panther [Monsters of Faerûn]
panther [Monsters of Faerûn] panther [Monsters of Faerûn]
panther [Monsters of Faerûn]
JWM: Large Magical Beast (Incorporeal), CR 4,
neutral evil. A black panther that can make itself
incorporeal for a limited time while still attacking
corporeal foes. Also has a fear aura. Generally
found in Valachan.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about spectral panthers. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This shadowy feline is a spectral panther. This
result reveals all magical beasts traits
19 Several times per day, a spectral panther can
shift into an insubstantial form. This result reveals
the incorporeal subtype.
24 A spectral panther can continue to attack
material foes, even while incorporeal.
29 A spectral panther is also surrounded by a
terrifying aura.
We were about to press forward, swords in hand,
when von Kharkov raised a silver whistle to his
lips and blew. Immediately four great black
panthers sprang, as it seemed, from the walls
themselves and ranged themselves before him.
"I'm fond of cats," he continued conversationally,
"for the most part. And these are among my
favorites. Night itself is not more silent, nor more
deadly--as you are about to learn."
Private journal of Lazarus Jakes, adventurer
Spectre [Monster Manual]
Spectre [Monster Manual] Spectre [Monster Manual]
Spectre [Monster Manual]
JWM: Medium Undead (Incorporeal), CR 7,
lawful evil. These evil ghosts drain life energy
with their touch, spawning more specters. Sunlight
renders them powerless, and animals panic in their
Originally posted by Eric Cagle
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about spectres. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (Religion)
DC Result
17 This incorporeal being is a spectre. This reveals
all undead traits.
22 Spectres are commonly mistaken for ghosts,
but they are much more malevolent. Animals balk
at the presence of spectres and flee if they come
within 30 feet of one.
27 The mere touch of a spectre drains the target's
energy. A humanoid slain by a spectre becomes
one itself soon after death.
32 Spectres are powerless in sunlight and flee
from it. When exposed to sunlight, they cannot
attack and can barely move.
The accounts pointed to one thing and one thing
alone. The unknown young woman who had
haunted Dobson Manor from time immemorial
had a weakness. Never had she been met in a room
awash in the light of the sun. So one bright
morning, our very presence sufficiently concealed,
we hoped, by a spell of Ezra, we went to the
manor and covered its greenhouse with a great
tarp, carefully stopping up the least ray of light. A
month later we returned, under the same
concealment, with a wizard added to our company.
We emptied the greenhouse of its contents,
covered the interior wall and the floor with thin
sheets of polished metal, and our cleric
consecrated the very ground of the place.
Whereupon our hound panicked and our
spellcasters barely had time to complete their
defensive incantations before the young woman
swept through the wall and into the room. She
scanned it in vane for the source of the disturbance
in the eldritch fabric of her existence and did not
hear the very arcane words that sprung our trap.
The tarp vanished from sight and we were blinded.
She shrieked in fear and confusion, her every
possible retreat aflame with the light of the sun.
An arcane spell fixed her in place, and although it
would be broken by our attack, it gave us the
chance to gather ourselves and launch point blank
a concentrated assault consisting of holy water and
rays of searing light. Her incorporeal form burnt,
shrivelled, and faded to nothing, hopefully
affording her peace at last.
-The private journal of Rudolph van Richten
See also Dragon #336
Spellstitched creature [Complete Arcane,
Spellstitched creature [Complete Arcane, Spellstitched creature [Complete Arcane,
Spellstitched creature [Complete Arcane,
Monster Manual II]
Monster Manual II] Monster Manual II]
Monster Manual II]
JWM: Template Undead, CR +1. Undead
creatures that have been enhanced through the use
of arcane runes carved into its body. The base
creature gains several spell-like abilities, damage
reduction, and spell resistance.
Monster Manual II, some others too I think
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about a creature’s spellstitched nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
(religion, typically) check to learn about the base
creature. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC 13: This undead creature has been
spellstitched: arcane runes have been carved into
its flesh and bone, granting it enhanced power.
DC 18: A spellstitched creature retains all the
traits of the base creature, but it is unusually
resilient in general and resistant to spells and
turning. A spellstitched creature’s flesh
unnaturally resists lesser wounds, but silver
weapons can strike home surely enough.
DC 23: A spellstitched creature with a largely
intact mind can have magical symbols carved into
its body, permanently imbuing it with the ability to
use those spells several times a day as spell-like
abilities. The stronger the undead’s will, a greater
number and power of spells can be imbued. An
intelligent undead creature that learns this
technique can spellstitch itself.
“As seasoned troops, the survivors of the first
invasion were kept close to the Darkonese border.
The unpleasant assignment took an ugly turn after
a few weeks. Whenever we would raise our heads
up out of the muck to assume the slightest
offensive posture, a flock of Drakov’s beloved
Zweifalk, only no longer living and partially
stripped of their plumage, with eldritch runes
inscribed upon their bared flesh, would swoop
down, seeking to main and terrorise. Magically
and mundanely, with fell enchantments and with
claws and beaks, each would seek to steal our
sight, their frightful presence often sufficing to put
our bravest to ignominious flight.”
-Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse smuggler
wanted for desertion from the Falkovnian army,
describing his posting to the Drogash front
hairy [Monsters of Faerûn]
hairy [Monsters of Faerûn] hairy [Monsters of Faerûn]
hairy [Monsters of Faerûn]
JWM: Fine Vermin, CR 1/4, neutral. Hairy,
subterranean spiders the size of a human hand.
Mildly poisonous bite. Subterranean spellcasters
sometimes use them as familiars.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about hairy
spiders. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This hairy, black spider is a dangerous
subterranean predator. This result reveals all
vermin traits.
DC 15: A hairy spider’s bite delivers a numbing
venom. Hairy spiders typically hunt in packs, and
do not spin webs.
The creature had been badly injured and fell,
escaping our line of sight. We crept forward after
it, well spread out lest we be caught together by
another of its dire spells, exploiting every bit of
cover afforded to us by the boulders and the cracks
of the cave. I spotted a small spider above us, well
out of reach, doing its best to keep out of our light.
We passed beneath it warily, without incident, and
left it unmarked at our backs. As we drew near the
turn in the passage and could hear the near death
panting of the creature, there was a terrible clatter
at our rear. Tirus had collapsed and I knew that he
was dead in the instant that I saw that hairy spider
scuttling away from him. Whereupon we heard the
strange voice of the creature, strong and forceful
once more. Before we could act black tentacles
burst up from the floor and engulfed us.
-The Familiar: instructive cases, library of the
Fraternity of Shadows
Spider, monstrous [Monster Manual]
Spider, monstrous [Monster Manual] Spider, monstrous [Monster Manual]
Spider, monstrous [Monster Manual]
JWM: Tiny to Colossal Vermin, CR 1/4 to 11,
neutral. Giant spiders. Most common in the
Mountains of Misery.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about monstrous spiders. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (nature)
DC Result
10 This eight-legged beast is a monstrous spider,
an aggressive cousin of the more common, smaller
arachnid. This result reveals all vermin traits.
15 Like some of their smaller kin, monstrous
spiders have a nasty poisonous bite. They can also
spin webs of surprisingly strong and difficult to
spot silk. Generally, the larger the spider the
nastier the poison and the stronger its webs.
20 Monstrous spiders come in all shapes and sizes,
but most can be grouped into one of two types -
hunters and web-spinners. Hunters are fast, expert
jumpers and have keen eyesight. Web-spinners
can launch a web attack to trap their foes and are
experts at remaining unnoticed when in their silky
Seeing my surprise--indeed, my terror--at the
entrance to that grim lair, enroped about with
threads as thick as cables, Meistersinger Lukas
grinned. "What, Swiftsinger? Have you never
heard of Grandfather Boar? Grandfather Tree?
Grandfather Wolf?"
"Yes, of course," I replied.
Lukas kicked a skull--human, by its appearance--
out of the way and lifted his torch higher as he set
off into the tunnel. "Then why not Grandmother
Spider?" his voice wafted to me. "Let us go make
our salutations to her."
Journal of Matthew Swiftsinger of Skald
Spider, shroud web [Book of Sacrifices
Spider, shroud web [Book of Sacrifices Spider, shroud web [Book of Sacrifices
Spider, shroud web [Book of Sacrifices
Ilsabet’s Kiss]
Ilsabet’s Kiss]Ilsabet’s Kiss]
Ilsabet’s Kiss]
JWM: Fine Vermin, CR 2, neutral. Extremely
poisonous spiders found only in the domain of
Kislova. See Baroness of Blood for more details.
Baroness Obour smiled her thin cruel smile as
Yeflem screamed and clapped his hand to his
armored neck, took two more steps toward her,
and fell. "Men," she said. "Always so quick to put
on your armor and wave your swords. There are
better ways to kill."
As she spoke, I saw a tiny black-and-blue spider
creep from the neck hinge of Yeflem's plate, and
remembered the cobwebs we had passed beneath
to enter this chamber. She had anticipated our
coming, and arranged all to receive us.
from Tyranny in Kislova, or, The Baroness of
Blood, anonymous memoir
Spider, sword [Monsters of Faerûn]
Spider, sword [Monsters of Faerûn] Spider, sword [Monsters of Faerûn]
Spider, sword [Monsters of Faerûn]
JWM: Large Vermin, CR 5, neutral. Big, black,
hairy spiders with long, bladelike legs. They have
a poisonous bite and can impale foes on their
blades. Most common in the Mountains of Misery.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about sword
spiders. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 15: This monstrous arachnid is a sword spider,
so called for the sharp, chitinous blades on its legs.
This result reveals all vermin traits.
DC 20: Although a sword spider usually attacks
with its sharp legs, its bite delivers a potent venom
that saps its victim’s strength. Sword spiders do
not spin webs, but they are gifted jumpers.
DC 25: if a sword spider feels threatened, it may
leap into the air, attempting to land on its opponent
and impale the creature with all eight of its legs at
Something large and black hurtled past me and
struck Janis full in the back, knocking her to the
jungle mould. At first it was simply a nightmare of
black limbs, but in a moment I could see it was a
spider the size of a large dog. I thrust it through; it
was horribly long in dying, but I killed it at last,
and I believed I had prevented it from biting Janis
at all.
I had, but it had been to no avail. The arachnid had
pierced her torso in several places with its cruelly
sharp forelimbs limbs in its first leap; she must
have died at once.
Tales of the Outlands, Erik Naswrond
Spirit animal [Frostburn]
Spirit animal [Frostburn] Spirit animal [Frostburn]
Spirit animal [Frostburn]
JWM: Template Fey, CR +1, neutral. Natural
manifestations of the collective will of animals,
these spirits are sometime mistaken for ghosts.
Usually manifest only when conjured by powerful
spellcasters (such as druids and spirit shamans).
"What is he doing?" I asked Mikhail as the shaman
bowed himself again before the circle he had
"He speaks to the unseen wolf, the totem," Mikhail
muttered in return. "It guides, sometimes. He is a
very great shaman to do such a thing."
Rising and standing on his feet, the shaman
pointed to the east, where the moon was rising
over a low hill; a great white wolf stood there, and
for a moment I believed the moon shone through
it, rather than merely reflecting from its pelt. It
gazed on us for a moment, then trotted off toward
the north.
"We follow," Mikhail said, suiting deed to word.
Larraby Quift, Adventures of a Wanderer
Waif [Denizens of Dread]
aif [Denizens of Dread]aif [Denizens of Dread]
aif [Denizens of Dread]
Spiritus Anime (Dragon mag
Spiritus Anime (Dragon mag Spiritus Anime (Dragon mag
Spiritus Anime (Dragon mag
Submitted by JP
Splinterwaif [Monster Manual III,
Splinterwaif [Monster Manual III, Splinterwaif [Monster Manual III,
Splinterwaif [Monster Manual III,
Dragon # 307]
Dragon # 307] Dragon # 307]
Dragon # 307]
JWM: Medium Fey, CR 2, neutral evil. These
urban fey are gaunt humanoids with hair and skin
covered in jagged splinters and spurs. They can
sneak attack like rogues, can cause thorn bushes to
spring up on command, can spit splinters at foes,
and can camouflage themselves at will. They can
also transform some corpses into thorn bushes.
Rumored to be the twisted spirits of dryads whose
trees were destroyed. They are malevolent, and
enjoy catching and eating children.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about splinterwaifs. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This gaunt, woody, and spine-covered
humanoid is a splinterwaif, a sinister fey spirit that
prowls urban areas, often lairing in lumberyards.
This result reveals all fey traits. Splinterwaifs
speak Sylvan.
17 Splinterwaifs hunt the weakest inhabitants of
the cities they roam, and take particular delight in
murdering children. A splinterwaif is a stealthy
combatant. It can change its coloration to
camouflage itself, and it can make sneak attacks
like a rogue. A splinterwaif ignores glancing
blows, but silver weapons can pierce its defenses.
22 A splinterwiaf can move through thorns and
overgrown areas without impediment. It can also
will a thorny bramble bush to magically sprout
from any mundane wooden surface. The
splinterwaif can then animate the bush, using it as
an ally to harry foes. Splinterwaifs are slightly
resistant to magic.
27 Splinterwaifs can spit wooden splinters up to
ten paces away. They can also transform any
humanoid corpse into a thornbush with a minute of
concentration. They often eat bushes created from
children, but they find the taste of bushes created
from adults to be sour. Some folk believe that
splinterwaifs are the twisted spirits of dryads who
somehow survived the destruction of their oak
trees, but this is far from certain.
Child of summer dawn,
Despoiled, hewn down, bereft!
How each green leaf weeps.
Thornheart they name you.
Now, each tear’s a drop of blood,
Every leaf a sword.
Thornleaf Songs, trans. Malcolm Hopper
Spriggan [Fiend Folio]
Spriggan [Fiend Folio] Spriggan [Fiend Folio]
Spriggan [Fiend Folio]
JWM: Small Fey, CR 2, neutral evil. A nasty little
fey, resembling an ugly gnome. At will, they can
sprout up into a Large form with the physical
power of an ogre. In their true form, they can
sneak attack like rogues and can use produce
flame, scare, and shatter as spell-like abilities.
They sometime pose as gnomes.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about spriggans. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
Knowledge (nature)
DC Result
12 This ugly, malicious gnome is actually a fey
spirit called a spriggan. This result reveals all fey
traits. Spriggans speak Gnome and Sylvan, though
a few may also learn Kobold and Common.
17 At will, a spriggan can suddenly enlarge itself,
gaining the size and physical power of an ogre.
While enlarged, a spriggan relies entirely on its
powerful blows to overcome foes.
22 Spriggans are stealthy creatures. Their attacks
are particularly dangerous whenever they catch
their foes off-guard.
27 A spriggan can call upon several spell-like
abilities, including produce flame, scare, and
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
14 You can summon a spriggan with the summon
nature’s ally IV spell.
Tell me a tale of Dancing Tim,
Man so short he danced on a pin,
Three feet tall and fierce as Hell,
Dancing Tim had a story to tell,
Along came a warrior into his glade,
Seven feet tall and armed with a blade,
He saw Tim dancing and began to grin,
An attack he launched, to do Tim in,
Tim was quick and Tim was clever,
Tim jumped away from the tall fella,
Up Tim stood and carried on going,
The warrior stopped and Tim kept growing,
With a mighty fist he broke the man's back
With a mighty twist he snapped the man's neck,
With sword on ground and blood spilt,
Tim carried on dancing, the man's skin as his kilt.
Traditional Tepestanii folksong, warning of the
terribt fey.
Squid [Monster Manual
Squid [Monster Manual Squid [Monster Manual
Squid [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about squids. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This cephalopod is a squid, easily
distinguished from an octopus by its semi-rigid
body and the two extra-long “arms” emerging
from its cluster of eight tentacles. This result
reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: A squid uses its arms and tentacles to
snatch up small fish and invertebrates, transferring
them to its parrot-like beak. When threatened, a
squid can release a murky cloud of black ink, then
jet away at high speeds.
DC 21: Although most squid are inoffensive to
swimming humanoids, some of them can grow to
enormous sizes. A giant squid is a dangerous and
clever predator with arms up to 30 feet in length.
Stakewood tree [new]
Stakewood tree [new] Stakewood tree [new]
Stakewood tree [new]
JWM: Huge Plant, CR 8, neutral. See the New
Monsters file I put out a while ago.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about stakewood trees. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
18 This bulbous, towering growth is a stakewood
tree. This result reveals all plant traits.
23 A stakewood tree takes its name from the
woody projectiles it fires from its upper trunk. The
tree only attacks nearby warm-blooded creatures at
least the size of a halfling.
28 These stakes remain attached to the stakewood
tree via vinelike tethers, and immediately take root
in the victim’s flesh. Unless removed, an impaled
stake quickly immobilizes, then kills and absorbs
its victim.
33 Severing the tether connecting a stake to the
tree drastically slows the stake’s growth rate. An
implanted stake must be removed surgically (with
a Heal check), but spells like diminish plants can
significantly aid the procedure.
“The day that Captain Weathermay died Yakov
Dilisnya was with Nicolae Valentin and myself.
Lest some misunderstanding be provoked by one
or the other with their talk of gods at dawn and in
the Mists, they were being kept away from the
populous and nowhere was farther away than my
expedition into the jungle. The diversity and the
peculiarity of its species was astonishing. Our
guide was in the middle of correcting my
hopelessly inadequate system of classification
when a tethered stake, much like a harpoon, struck
the translator square in the chest. Nicolae caught
the man as he fell, not realising that he was
beyond saving, the stake having pierced his heart.
Yakov stepped forward boldly, shielding them
even as he conjured about himself a thin film of
faintly glowing mist. Our guide stepped behind
me, called forth from thin air four rats of
extraordinary size, and gestured frantically for me
to cut the tether. This proved to be hideously
difficult and no sooner had I begun than two more
missiles burst forth from high in a tree, each
staking a rat which promptly vanished. Our guide
conjured more rats and unleashed, strangely, a
verbal tirade, laced with the word Kali, against
Yakov for having conjured a cloaking mist.
Despite the concealment it afforded us two more
stakes struck home, the one sending a rat
squealing back to whence it came and the other
forcing a gasp from Yakov’s lungs. Nicolae rose,
declared our translator dead, ordered us to
withdraw, and turned to the freeing of Yakov.
Three more rats were heard to perished before the
pair managed to join us at a safe distance where
the grisly task could be attempted of extracting the
tendrils that were coursing through Yakov’s body
and threatening to root him to the ground. For you
see our assailant was a tree.”
-Charlie Wescote, Ship's Biologist of the HMS
Retriever, giving evidence to the board of inquiry
investigating the death of Captain Weathermay,
discoverer of Sri Raji
This monster is presented by JWM in the netbook:
Stirge [Monster Manual]
Stirge [Monster Manual] Stirge [Monster Manual]
Stirge [Monster Manual]
Considered a nuisance individually, stirges travel
in large flocks that can quickly drain the blood
from an adventuring party. A staple monster at
low-levels, this tiny beast presents a danger that
player characters should not easily dismiss.
Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Nature)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (nature) can learn more about stirges.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
10 This strange flying creature is a stirge. This
result reveals all magical beast traits.
15 Stirges are little threats singly, but they travel
in large colonies. The long proboscis of the stirge
allows it to attach to its victim, making it
extremely difficult to remove. Stirges drain blood
from their victims.
20 If a victim dies before a stirge is satiated, it
detaches and seeks a new target.
Stitched [Van Richten’s Guide to the
Stitched [Van Richten’s Guide to the Stitched [Van Richten’s Guide to the
Stitched [Van Richten’s Guide to the
Walking Dead]
Walking Dead] Walking Dead]
Walking Dead]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 4 (-ish), chaotic evil.
Necromantic creations, stitched are created from
two humanoid corpses sewn together. Their claws
deal bleeding wounds and spread a disease called
stitching rot. This disease slowly paralyzes the
victim, stitching its limbs together and its eyes,
nose, and lips shut. Unless cured, the victim
eventually suffocates.
IDENTITY: Never determined.
LOCATION: Maykle, Darkon.
DATE: October 743.
were found arranged in their place of work, their
eyes, mouths, and noses sewn shut. Suppurating
wounds were found on their torsos and arms, but
suffocation was the apparent cause of death. Most
notable, however, was the "inscription" sewn into
the chest of Master Gullsby White: "A timely
stitch slays six."
RELATED CRIMES: Popular rumor related these
killings to the burning of the gnomish tailor
Master Eber Alloways' shop and home, which
caused the death of his daughters Petreka and
Alsanea. The victims (at least three of whom were
business competitors of Master Alloways) were
supposedly the instigators or the actual
perpetrators of this crime, but lack of evidence
lead to the case being thrown out of court. Master
Alloways left Maykle after this sad incident and
was resident in Corvia at the time of crime; no
evidence was found to connect him to this second
The Book of Murderers, Magnus Wolfsbane.
Strahd Undead [R
Strahd Undead [RStrahd Undead [R
Strahd Undead [RL
Gazetteer I]
Gazetteer I] Gazetteer I]
Gazetteer I]
JWM: Template undead, CR +1, neutral evil.
Mindless zombies and skeletons created by Strahd
von Zarovich. They’re slightly more powerful and
can prove hard to permanently kill. Although only
one blurb is needed, I’ll also accept separate
blurbs for the Strahd zombie (human warrior +
zombie template + Strahd undead template),
Strahd skeleton (human warrior + skeleton
template + Strahd undead template), and Strahd’s
sksletal steed (warhorse + skeleton template +
Strahd undead template).
JWM: Template undead, neutral evil. A template
added to any mindless undead animated by Strahd
von Zarovich. Slightly beefed up versions of
standard skeletons and zombies. Their main
advantage is that once defeated, foes need to coup
de grace them to keep them down – otherwise they
get up again after a few rounds. I’m happy to get
one blurb for the template, but I’ll also accept a
blurb each for Strahd zombies (Strahd human
warrior zombie), Strahd skeletons (Strahd human
warrior skeletons), and Strahd’s skeletal steeds
(Strahd warhorse skeleton).
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Ravenloft)
can learn more about the special traits of Strahd
undead. Characters need to make a separate
Knowledge (religion) check to learn about the
base undead. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
18 These shambling undead have been animated
by Count Strahd von Zarovich, the lord of
Barovia. His undead creations are reputed to be
unusually powerful.
23 Strahd undead are resistant to turning and to
28 Strahd can command his undead to report back
to him telepathically, informing him of whether
they have succeeded in their assigned tasks. A
Strahd undead must briefly break off its attack to
issue these empathic messages.
33 Strahd are exceptionally difficult to slay
even when struck down and seemingly destroyed,
they may simply rise to their feet again a few
moments later and return to the battle. To
permanently destroy one of Strahd’s undead, be
sure to mutilate the corpse (a coup de grace) as
soon as the creature falls.
“Only the maddest of militiamen pursues a
smuggler across the border and up the Old Svalich
Road. For long ago at the frontier the Devil Strahd
had nailed to the trunks of a corpse of trees the
still uniformed bodies of a dozen Vistin troops
each with the word trespasser, in Balok and Vassi,
hung about the neck. A captain come seeking his
missing men ordered that they be taken down and
buried. A mass grave was dug, but as the last
corpse came free, it and the others set upon the
living. The captain and his men narrowly prevailed
and orders were given for the grave to be much
enlarged. Yet hardly had the work begun, than
their rotted comrades rose again, routing the
living. To this day the putrescent bodies stand
there, nail pierced palms seemingly affixed to the
-Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse smuggler
wanted for desertion from the Falkovnian army,
explaining the rules of the game
Strahd skeleton [Denizens of Dread]
Strahd skeleton [Denizens of Dread] Strahd skeleton [Denizens of Dread]
Strahd skeleton [Denizens of Dread]
Strahd skeleton steed [Denizens of Dread]
Strahd skeleton steed [Denizens of Dread] Strahd skeleton steed [Denizens of Dread]
Strahd skeleton steed [Denizens of Dread]
Subdweller [Denizens of Dread]
Subdweller [Denizens of Dread] Subdweller [Denizens of Dread]
Subdweller [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Medium Humanoid (Human), CR 1, chaotic
evil. Humans who have adapted to — and have
been driven hopelessly mad by — life in the
labyrinthine tunnels of Bluetspur.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about
subdwellers. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
11 This deranged humanoid is a subdweller. This
result reveals all humanoid traits.
16 Subdwellers have adapted to life underground.
They can see in the dark, but bright light blinds
their oversized eyes.
21 Subdwellers have been driven insane by their
subterranean existence. If approached, they can fly
into mad rages, and it is dangerous to make mental
contact with them.
Victor was inclined to believe that they had
thrown themselves upon us, without so much as a
weapon, that we might release them from their
tortured existence. I had seen in their eyes not
suicidal fury but rather hunger and madness.
Either way it would have been kinder to cut them
down. Instead Sena incapacitated the lot with a
spell, reasoning vainly that they might afford us
useful information about our subterranean
surroundings and our tentacled quarry. When we
later returned they were being eaten alive by their
equally sundered brethren who eyed us with the
enthusiasm of children unexpectantly offered
-Brutus Nostrum retelling Doctor Daclaud
Heinforth of his ‘adventure’ in the mythical land
of Bluetspur
Swarm, General
Swarm, GeneralSwarm, General
Swarm, General
Swarms of lesser creatures acting as a single mass.
All these varieties are here because they often
come up as minions for more powerful creatures.
Swarm, bat [Monster Manual]
Swarm, bat [Monster Manual] Swarm, bat [Monster Manual]
Swarm, bat [Monster Manual]
JWM: Diminutive Animal (Swarm), CR 2, neutral.
A swarm of bloodthirsty bats. A common sight in
the Barovian night sky.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about bat swarms. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 12: This screeching cloud of leathery wings is
a swarm of bloodsucking bats. This result reveals
all animal traits and the swarm subtype.
DC 17: Bat swarms use high-pitched screeching
and an acute sense of hearing to detect nearby
prey. Bat swarms cover their prey with a multitude
of tiny bites that bleed freely.
DC 22: A bat swarm can be easily dispersed by
strong winds.
The bats tore like a tornado into the angry mass of
mosquitoes. Raoul commanded our foe, on pain of
being blasted from existence, to remain in its
swarm shape. But the mosquitos drew back
together and a moment later the bats were
blanketing a humanoid form. Seemingly
unbothered by their writhing, ravenous presence, it
began an incantation. Raoul, however, was
quicker, unleashing a fireball. It singed our
eyebrows and reduced the bats to fine dust. This
covered and hung about our enemy who, no worse
for wear but very much unalive, completed his
own dire casting.
-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Lutuem,
Darkonese adventurer
Swarm, cat [new]
Swarm, cat [new] Swarm, cat [new]
Swarm, cat [new]
JWM: Tiny Animal (Swarm), CR 3, neutral. A
swarm of feral cats (pakas can call them to
How did the fire start? Well it all started with the
The noise was aweful. That screeching, yawling,
horrible crying. Thats how you knew they were
coming. I poked my head up to spy on the
abhorent event unfolding. Their shadows raced
along fences and down past alley walls; all
converging on the sight of their fallen, poisoned
and stiff "tabby comrade". It lie at the doorstep of
the widow Winthrop, the bowl of poisoned milk
spilt at it's side. It hadn't been the first, it was
weekly infact. She hated them and blamed their
nightly noise for her Edwards' eventual madness
and untimely self-annihilation those eleven
winters past. And with that thought i returned my
head to my pillow and attempted to close my eyes.
The cats must have paced for a few minutes near
her windows, her doorstep and along the roof top.
Screeching the whole time in that aweful
mourning tone you sometimes hear on terrible
nights. Then the screeching morphed into a low
growl used by all. And at the sound of broken
glass I finally peared out my window to gander at
the horror resulting at widow Winthrops. The cats
had somehow found or should i say made a hole in
one of her windows and were pouring in. There
must have been at least two-dozen maybe more
pouring in and crashing about inside.
I saw the flare of a oil lamp go up and heard the
screeching in her house of what i thought to be the
cats; but understood to my growing horror to be
the widow Winthrops'. With a sudden burst of
light and a shout i believe the lamp was dropped
and the fire started.
And the last thing i saw before my mind blissfully
relieved me of my consciousness was the widow
Winthrop slamming up against the window,
bloodied arm reaching out of the feline made hole
with her face eyeless and slashed to ribbons,
screeching at the top of her lungs; amid the rising
-Charles J.Omera; Nova Vassan author
Swarm, centipede [Monster Manual]
Swarm, centipede [Monster Manual] Swarm, centipede [Monster Manual]
Swarm, centipede [Monster Manual]
JWM: Diminutive Vermin (Swarm), CR 4,
neutral. A swarm of poisonous centipedes.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about centipede swarms. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 14: This scuttling tapestry of segmented
insects composes a swarm of centipedes. This
result reveals all vermin traits and the swarm
DC 19: Centipede have a voracious appetite for
living matter. When they swarm over living
creatures, they deliver countless venomous bites,
causing loss of muscle control.
"With a final shudder, the Duke of Skulls crashed
through the wall, and slumped to the floor in a
silent heap. Yasmine thought it strange for all
those bones and skulls to clatter upon the floor and
make no noise. We brought a torch to a portion of
its carcass, and saw why: the bones landed a
seething legion of centipedes. A snake-sized
beastie reared up and clicked its fangs in
disapproval. We obliged the beastie, and beat a
hasty retreat from that chamber."
- from the journals of Jerome Delacroix,
Mordentish adventurer
Swarm, death s
Swarm, death sSwarm, death s
Swarm, death scarab [Sandstorm]
carab [Sandstorm] carab [Sandstorm]
carab [Sandstorm]
JWM: Diminutive Undead (Swarm), CR 7,
neutral. A swarm of black, undead scarab beetles
with ravenous appetites. These swarms have hive
minds. While swarming over a victim, the beetles
try to crawl into the creature’s mouth and other
orifices, quickly devouring the victim from the
inside out and from the outside in. Generally only
found in the tombs of the Amber Wastes.
Swarm, fumewood termite [Book of
Swarm, fumewood termite [Book of Swarm, fumewood termite [Book of
Swarm, fumewood termite [Book of
Sacrifices] Sacrifices]
JWM: Fine Vermin (Swarm), neutral. A swarm of
fumewood termites. Native to Sithicus, they eat
flesh as readily as wood.
“If he could be ravaged by disease, why couldn’t
he be devoured alive? The liberation of Sithicus
was at hand. A swarm of the Fumewood’s termites
would put an end to the flagitious dwarf. Luring
him to his death was easy. And how he howled on
encountering the caltrops and the less mundane
means by which we held him fast. But then a
terrible rage filled his eyes and a dreadful change
came over his body. He tore himself free and we
fled for our lives.”
-A refugee from Sithicus sharing his campfire with
Harkon Lukas
Stats: see Fumewood termites
Swarm, Hoard Scarab
Swarm, Hoard Scarab Swarm, Hoard Scarab
Swarm, Hoard Scarab [Draconomicon]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about hoard
scarab swarms. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 15: The glittering, gold and silver coins in this
rustling pile of treasure are actually a swarm of
hoard scarabs. This result reveals all vermin traits
and the swarm subtype.
DC 20: When hoard scarabs swarm over a living
creature, they burrow into its flesh, devouring it
from the inside out. Hoard scarab swarms cannot
burrow into creatures with particularly tough
hides, such as dragons.
DC 25: Hoard scarabs are eyeless and cannot be
blinded. They sense the vibrations of nearby
Out of the darkness loomed a ship, wrecked as
improbably as our own, a sand dune claiming its
stern. With the fiery heat of the day not far off, we
were glad of the shelter. It had been stripped, not
only of supplies and materials that might have
assisted its crew in escaping the blasted wastes,
but pretty much of everything of value. We slept
in the relative coolness of the cargo hold and were
all visited by the same dream, that of a mound of
gold with which we might overfill our pockets.
The second watch, and Annabel with it, snuck off
in search of the captain’s quarters where the prize
supposedly lay. Sand had burst through the
portholes and had half filled the cabin. A small
skeleton with a twisted neck and perfectly clean
bones, in life probably a cabin boy, was the only
obvious inhabitant. Just beyond his feet, lying
thickly upon the sand, twinkled more gold coins
than any of the sailors had ever seen. As in the
dream, one threw himself upon the pile. His joy
was not long lived. The treasure stirred to life and
before the poor fellow could escape it, he was
covered by burnished golden beetles that devoured
him alive. And between his choked, stifled
screams, could be heard the laughter of a child.
-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Lutuem,
Darkonese adventurer
Swarm, jellyfish [Stormwrack]
Swarm, jellyfish [Stormwrack] Swarm, jellyfish [Stormwrack]
Swarm, jellyfish [Stormwrack]
JWM: Diminutive Vermin (Aquatic, Swarm), CR
5, neutral. A swarm of normal, toxic jellyfish.
I was preparing for my morning dip when the
captain came on deck; seeing me, he shook his
head emphatically and pointed over the side,
saying only, "Maleaus." I could not understand
what he meant by "bad waters", but Professor
Jenkins laughed and pulled my arm, pointing to a
vast pale-blue mass a few feet below the surface.
"Jellyfish!" he said. "Thousands, I would suppose.
They say a cloud like that one can kill sharks. Just
as well you didn't go it, Simon."
Looking over the side at that vaguely obscene
demi-organism undulating in the waves, I could
only agree.
Simon Torrens, Travels in the Mists
Swarm, leech [Stormwrack]
Swarm, leech [Stormwrack] Swarm, leech [Stormwrack]
Swarm, leech [Stormwrack]
JWM: Fine Vermin (Aquatic, Swarm), CR 1,
neutral. A swarm of normal leeches. Usually
encountered in the bottom of goblin pit traps.
“The plan had that madness about it that bespeaks
divine inspiration. And besides, surrounded as I
was, I could do nothing else. I managed, despite
being grazed by a javelin, to afford myself the
Sanctuary of Brigantia. But neither would it save
me from the entire horde nor was it intended to.
Next I had to appear to accidentally stumble and
fall, while in fact slipping, into the pit. My
performance seemed unconvincing to me, but
there was no time to dwell on that. For I was now
up to my neck in leeches, which, Brigantia be
praised, were ignoring me for the moment, was
sinking fast, and was assured of dying in their
loathsome midst if I did not complete my second
spell. Desperately fighting down revulsion and
bile, I summoned a raven just beneath the lip of
the pit and pointed towards the surrounding forest,
praying both that the goblins would mistake it for
myself mystically transformed and that it would
lead them on a merry chase before vanishing into
the night. Filling my lungs with air, I vanished
from sight and started counting. When I surfaced,
my worst fear was realised. Not far above me,
outlined against the star filled sky, was the shape
of my enemy. But miraculously there was only
one. Recalling the little of its tongue that I knew, I
commanded it to fall which it obligingly did,
landing beside me and hastening my climb out of
the pit, which it would never leave. I gave the
distracted horde the slip, but I did not so easily
escape the last of the leeches. Indeed they have
never ceased slithering through my dreams.”
-Melissa of Linde in pleasant dinner conversation
with Inquisitor Mannenn
Swarm, locust [Monster Manual]
Swarm, locust [Monster Manual] Swarm, locust [Monster Manual]
Swarm, locust [Monster Manual]
JWM: Diminutive Vermin (Swarm), CR 3,
neutral. A swarm of ravenous locusts. They eat
creatures and crops alike.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about locust swarms. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 13: The deep drone of this dark cloud of
insects warn that it is a swarm of locusts. This
result reveals all vermin traits and the swarm
DC 18: Locusts have ravenous appetites and will
eat virtually anything. In large enough numbers,
locust swarms can pick creatures clean of flesh
and wipe out entire crops.
I looked to the horizon, where a low dark line
could be seen, quite unlike the usual clouds of the
deep plains. "What's that, Master Halvarsson?" I
said. "Bad weather coming?"
Halvarsson turned and blanched. "Aye, hell's hail,"
he said fiercely. "Those are locusts, Master Quift.
We must spread the word at once." Turning, he ran
for the house, shouting in his own tongue as he
went; before we had reached his homestead I saw
one of the hired men depart on horseback,
apparently to spread the word.
"Will you be able to save the crops?" I asked,
catching up to him.
"No," he said. "We will save the men and animals.
I hope."
Adventures of a Wanderer, Larraby Quift
Swarm, pest [Cityscape]
Swarm, pest [Cityscape] Swarm, pest [Cityscape]
Swarm, pest [Cityscape]
JWM: Tiny Animal (Swarm), CR 3, neutral. A
swarm of stray cats, dogs, birds, and vermin;
basically an amalgamation of unwanted urban
animals. Usually comes into being due to a spell
introduced in Cityscape.
The demon child would die. That we had sworn.
Imagine then our delight when he appeared before
us, flanked by three ravens. We greeted him with
savage smiles. Yet he answered us with a grin at
once more bestial and rapturous. Then his pets
cried forth and a terrible cawing erupted in
answer. We wheeled to find the trees full of
ravens. “Their eyes are yours my children,” purred
the fiend spawn, “but their souls are mine.” And in
a heartbeat we were beset with claws and beaks all
too apt to their assigned work.
-Extract from an interview found in a dossier
marked The Chaining of Malocchio Aderre
Swarm, piranha [Stormwrack]
Swarm, piranha [Stormwrack] Swarm, piranha [Stormwrack]
Swarm, piranha [Stormwrack]
JWM: Tiny Animal (Aquatic, Swarm), CR 4,
neutral. A danger to look out for in the Verdurous
Lands (yes, I know piranhas don’t live in India or
Africa, but guess what — Sri Raj and the
Wildlands ain’t India or Africa).
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about piranha swarms. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 14: This swift school of toothy fish is a swarm
of piranha, dangerous tropical predators. This
result reveals all animal traits and the aquatic and
swarm subtypes.
DC 19: Piranha swarms converge whenever
provoked by vibrations in the water or the scent of
blood. If particularly hungry, a piranha swarm can
quickly reduce even a sizeable animal to nothing
but ragged bones.
It is the common practice of the herdsmen of that
place, when they must cross the river, to send one
man well upstream with the weakest of the herd;
this unfortunate is cut lightly and forced into the
water, where the devilfish swarm to devour it.
Thus decoyed and sated, the devilfish generally
ignore the other herdsmen bringing the rest of the
herd across the river downstream of them.
Larraby Quift, Adventures of a Wanderer
*I was once told IRL of this being common
practice for the cattle herders on the Venezuelan
plains--it's probably just be an urban legend,
because piranha aren't all that agressive, but I
thought it was pretty cool.
Roti: Definitely there's no biological basis, since
piranha only turn psycho when they're trapped and
starving in isolated pools when the seasonal floods
dry up. (Even then, they're usually too busy eating
each other to attack anything as big as a cow.) In a
flowing river, there'd be plenty of natural prey and
carrion to keep them mellow.
Swarm, rat [Monster Manual]
Swarm, rat [Monster Manual] Swarm, rat [Monster Manual]
Swarm, rat [Monster Manual]
JWM: Tiny Animal (Swarm), CR 2, neutral. A
common sight in the sewers of Richemulot, and
many vampires can call them to service.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about rat swarms. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 12: This stinking, scurrying mass is a swarm
of common rats. This result reveals all animal
DC 17: Rat swarms often spread filth fever with
their numerous bites.
“You didn’t have to be a rat to appreciate the
delectable irony. The fellow had summoned us
with his irresistible piping to the banks of the
Musarde that we might be drowned en masse. And
there he was, sinking into the muck, mad with
pain, as we gnawed through his face, I myself
feasting on an eyeball.”
-La malédiction de la Raunie: six ans comme un
rat, anonymous work banned in Richemulot
Swarm, scarab beetle [Fiend
Swarm, scarab beetle [Fiend Swarm, scarab beetle [Fiend
Swarm, scarab beetle [Fiend Folio]
Folio] Folio]
JWM: Fine Vermin (Swarm), CR 19, neutral. A
swarm of ravenous scarab beetles. They can
devour creatures in moments, leaving nothing but
inorganic materials. A menace in the caverns of
the Amber Wastes.
Swarm, Hoard Scarab: Fine Vermin (Swarm), CR
5, neutral. A swarm of hoard scarabs.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about scarab beetle swarms. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 20: This rippling, iridescent carpet is a swarm
of scarab beetles. This result reveals all vermin
traits and the swarm subtype.
DC 25: Scarab beetle swarms have such a
ravenous appetite that they can completely
consume a victim in moments, leaving only
inedible, inorganic items behind.
DC 30: Scarab beetle swarms can subsist for long
periods between feeding by falling into a passive
state of near-stasis. They become rapidly agitated
in the presence of food, however.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about scarab swarms. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 This scuttling black mass is a swarm of undead
beetles called death scarabs. This result reveals all
undead and swarm traits.
22 Death scarabs are usually found in desert
tombs, where they can wait decades — or even
centuries — between meals. Death scarabs have
ravenous appetites. If a creature panics while these
beetles swarm over its body, they try to push their
way into its mouth and other orifices, rapidly
devouring the victim from both inside and out.
Victims abandoned to death scarabs are
completely devoured, leaving not a scrap of flesh
or bone behind.
27 Casting remove disease or heal on a creature
infested with grave scarabs expels the beetles from
its body (but does not prevent the scarabs from
trying to force their way back in moments later).
32 Death scarab swarms are united by a hive mind,
which grants it an uncanny degree of cunning.
However, a swarm that has been largely scattered
or destroyed loses its mental cohesion, once again
acting like mindless beetles.
(or SWARM, SCARAB BEETLES as Ankhtepot
can magically sustain them as with the Death Dogs
outside the tomb complex)
Elaenor, with those sharp eyes of hers, spotted the
secret door. We opened it and mounted the
staircase beyond with the greatest caution, fearing
in equal measure traps and snakes. After many
minutes and our terror at finding another
sarcophagus, we were overjoyed to again feel
upon our flesh the fiery sun. But it was barely
mid-morning and as mad as it was to spend
another moment in the tomb, it was madder still to
brave the coming mid-day heat. A watch was set
and we rested as best we could. As the hours crept
by, our courage returned, as did the lure of the
realm below where treasure, a well and Raoul
might still be found. Elaenor and Theben led the
way, unwisely taking for granted the steps which
we had previously trod. A loud crack announced
the sixth and final horror, as the pair plunged from
sight. The initial shriek of Elaenor was followed
not by a sickening thud but rather a terrible scream
choked off quickly. At the bottom of the pit we
could distinguish her prone form engulfed by
insects. Theben had been luckier, having managed
to catch himself. But the beetles swarmed up the
side of the pit and were upon him even as we put a
rope into his hands. In the mere seconds that it
took for us to haul him up, the ravenous horde had
eaten through to bone.
-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Lutuem,
Darkonese adventurer
To the Most Noble Sef, Ivan Dilisnya:
We are devastated beyond measure to report that
your request for a functioning colony of grave
scarabs can no longer be fulfilled by this May.
Unexpected difficulties with transportation and
feeding have prevented delivery; Your Grace's
erudition will already have supplied the trifling
fact that the beetles in question are extremely
aggressive and voracious, and the stupidity of an
employee allowed the escape of the colony we had
previously mentioned. We cheerfully refund the
very generous sum you supplied to us, together
with an added sum which we hope very much will
alleviate any lingering discontent with our dismal
failure. Please rest assured that the responsible
employee has already been punished, in a way
which Your Grace could not fail to find both
amusing and apposite; accounts of the surviving
caravan members indicate he was literally a mere
skeleton a matter of seconds after carelessly
opening the container in which they were held.
We remain Your Grace's most humble, abject, and
apologetic servants,
Nissl Van Kant of Van Kant and Son,
formerly Van Kant and Sons
Swarm, scorpion [Sandstorm]
Swarm, scorpion [Sandstorm] Swarm, scorpion [Sandstorm]
Swarm, scorpion [Sandstorm]
JWM: Diminutive Vermin (Swarm), CR 5,
neutral. A swarm of scorpions. Another desert
menace from the Amber Wastes.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about scorpion swarms. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 15: This crawling, brownish mass is a swarm
of scrpions. This result reveals all vermin traits
and the swarm subtype.
DC 20: Scorpion swarms crawl all over their
target, jabbing it with countless poisonous stings.
The scorpions’ venom causes loss of muscle
DC 25: If a creature allows itself to lose its
composure while being attacked by a scorpion
swarm, the agitated scorpions jab at the subject
with thousands of tiny pincers, severely lacerating
the victim’s flesh
Alwen disappeared from view, her shout of
surprise causing all of us to turn and hurry to
where she was. She had stepped on what seemed
to be solid stone and plunged through into a cavity
or catacomb of some kind, land on her feet but
turning her ankle rather badly.
That was not the worst of her predicament,
though; when I thrust down a torch to illumine her
surroundings we saw the whole floor shift and
move around her heavy boots, slick with the ichor
of the scorpions she had crushed and the venom of
those who struck at her. If she had fallen in any
other position she would have been killed
Rudolph van Richten, working notes to Van
Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead
Swarm, spider [Monster Manual]
Swarm, spider [Monster Manual] Swarm, spider [Monster Manual]
Swarm, spider [Monster Manual]
JWM: Diminutive Vermin (Swarm), CR 1,
neutral. A swarm of spiders. Usually summoned
up by monsters or magic, but also an occasional
problem in the Mountains of Misery.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about spider swarms. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: The black mass scuttling through this web-
choked area is a swarm of spiders, each the size of
a human hand. This result reveals all vermin traits
and the swarm subtype.
DC 16: When spiders swarm over a creature, they
cover it in countless venomous bites, sapping the
creature’s strength.
"Here I must leave you, gentles and churls," the
Baroness continued, stepping back quickly. "I
have arranged for your lodging and entertainment;
I trust there will be no complaints."
As she spoke the floor beneath us collapsed,
plunging us into darkness. At first I could not
identify the strange gossamer threads which filled
the air, nor the prickling which crossed my face
and hands; but when Caronas screamed, just as
Yeflem had, I knew what had befallen us. These
were cobwebs, and spiders by the thousands or
tens of thousands surrounded us in the dark.
from Tyranny in Kislova, or, The Baroness of
Blood, anonymous memoir
Swarm, viper [Fiend Folio]
Swarm, viper [Fiend Folio] Swarm, viper [Fiend Folio]
Swarm, viper [Fiend Folio]
JWM: Diminutive Animal (Swarm), CR 3, neutral.
A swarm of poisonous snakes.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about viper swarms. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 13: This slithering carpet is a swarm of
poisonous vipers. This result reveals all animal
DC 18: The vipers that form swarms often carry
venom that can numb or even paralyze the
creatures they bite.
DC 23: Viper swarms react to their surroundings
with one unified mind, making the swarm
susceptible to mind-affecting spells and effects.
"You are wrong, however," the General replied,
his black eyes glittering. "I am not alone; in fact,
my most faithful servants surround us now."
As he spoke a pretty little serpent, banded with
red, gold and black, fell from the mango tree onto
the table; picking it up with one hand, the General
gestured to the vine-covered walls of the patio,
and I saw that they writhed with snakes, both of
that kind and of many others--fer-de-lance,
boomslang, cottonmouth, copperhead, and other
kinds with which I was not familiar.
Simon Torrens, Travels in the Mists
Swarm, wasp [Fiend Folio]
Swarm, wasp [Fiend Folio] Swarm, wasp [Fiend Folio]
Swarm, wasp [Fiend Folio]
JWM: Fine Vermin (Swarm), CR 2, neutral. A
swarm of normal, agitated wasps.
"Grandfather Boar," said Grandfather Wolf, "are
you sure there is nothing I can do to make up for
the grievous embarrassment I have, however
inadventantly, inflicted on you, in stripping your
fine long furry tail down to a curly little nub?"
Grandfather Boar said nothing, but grunted deep in
his chest, still circling beneath the tree where
Grandfather Wolf had hidden himself.
"In that case, let me make you a present,"
Grandfather Wolf said, and cut the branch holding
the hornet's nest, and out rushed the Little People,
each liveried in gold and black and with his
poisoned sword in hand.
Alas, he might have thought better before doing
such a thing! For Grandfather Boar (whose skin is
thick, and full of fat) suffered but little as he fled;
but Grandfather Wolf went home that night a
pincushion, for the Little People treated him full
sore for his rudeness.
How Grandfather Boar Lost His Tail, traditional
-shifter [Libris Mortis]
shifter [Libris Mortis] shifter [Libris Mortis]
shifter [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Template Undead, CR +1. A creature that
can the form of a swarm of tiny creatures, such as
flies, rats, or the like. Price Mircea, darklord of
Sanguinia, is a swarm-shifter. As a point of trivia,
one of the Seven Scarabs of Sakkaramon (see
Jameld of Hroth’s Dread Possibility in Van
Richten’s Arsenal) granted the power to become a
swarm-shifter (taking the form of a swarm of
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s swarm-shifter
nature. Use a separate Knowledge (religion) check
to learn about the creature’s undead nature. If the
base undead is also a template, characters may
need to make yet another Knowledge check to
learn about the base creature. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This creature’s startling transformation reveals
it to be a swarm-shifter, an undead creature
capable of assuming the form of a swarm of lesser
creatures. This result reveals all undead traits and
the shapechanger subtype.
20 A swarm-shifter has a hive mind in swarm
form. All of its component creatures resist mental
attacks and turning attempts as a single entity, and
the swarm is immune to any spell or effect that
affects a specific number of targets, unless it
affects undead specifically. This result reveals the
swarm subtype.
25 Various swarm-shifters have been known to
take the form of swarms of undead rats, spiders,
bats, and more — even animate sand or a pile of
body parts. Various forms have their associated
special abilities, such as leeches draining blood or
rats spreading filth fever. However, a given
swarm-shifter generally can assume only one
swarm form.
Raoul returned from the windy night shrouded in
blue flames, a spell upon his lips. Eldritch bands
of force whirled forth. Under my very eyes our
gracious host, with whom I had been pleasantly
engaged in conversation, came apart. And I found
before me, retaining for a heartbeat the shape of a
man, a cloud of thousands upon thousands of
mosquitos buzzing furiously and reeking terribly.
Annabel and Salvador, with whom Raoul had been
in secret communication, sliced through the mass
with their blades. Futilely. In the next heartbeat we
were engulfed. My flesh crawled, arms, neck,
scalp, ears, cheeks, nose, lips, eyelids, all violated
repeatedly, unceasingly, my lifeblood pounding
out of me. I vomited. And in the moment that I
concluded that I had to run for my life, I also
realised to my acute terror that I was caught in a
perfect darkness that deprived me of the
possibility. I actually prayed that Raoul would
unleash a cleansing fireball. Instead he dispelled
the darkness and called a swarm of ugly white bats
to feast upon our foe. And for a brief instant it
seemed as if we would escape the Red Oasis only
a little less sanguine.
-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Lutuem,
Darkonese adventurer
Swordwraith [Fiend Folio]
Swordwraith [Fiend Folio] Swordwraith [Fiend Folio]
Swordwraith [Fiend Folio]
JWM: Template Undead, CR +2, lawful evil.
Undead remains of mercenaries who lived and
died by the sword. They appear as slightly
translucent corpses wearing battered gear. Their
eyes glow dimly in low light. They haunt the sites
of their deaths — often battlefields — looking to
put more soldiers to death. The base creature
(always a fighter) gains damage reduction and its
weapon attacks also deal Strength damage.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about swordwraiths. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
If characters attempt to parlay with a swordwraith,
successful Knowledge (nobility and royalty)
checks (to identify the swordwraith’s insignia) or
Knowledge (history) checks (to idendify the battle
in which the swordwraith died) may help them
convince the swordwraith that they are worthy of
its respect. DCs will vary depending on the
obscurity of the battle and/or heraldry in question.
DC Result
17 This battered and slightly transparent warrior is
a swordwraith, the restless corpse of a mercerany
who lived and died by the sword. This result
reveals all undead traits.
22 In life, a swordwraith lived for battle, and it
retains its martial training in death. A
swordwraith’s strangely insubstantial body ignores
glancing blows, but magic slashing weapons can
pierce its supernatural defenses. Swordwriaths still
speak the languages they knew in life, and may be
willing to parlay with those they consider military
27 Swordwraiths are slightly resistant to turning.
In the hands of a swordwraith, any melee weapon
can sap the strength of living creatures with each
The wind blew more strongly as we approached
the border; here and there we could still see metal
(armor? the blades of swords?) mostly hidden in
the short grass, and every so often a bone. "The
spoils of war," Heron muttered.
"Aye, lad, for the lucky ones."
The speaker had emerged suddenly from the trees,
a tall man, armored and bearing a sword; his eyes
burned red beneath his helm, and the flesh had
long since fallen from his bones. Heron muttered
something in his own tongue, and the swordwraith
laughed. "I'm no slave of the Witch-King, boy;
we're still in Drakov's lands. Are you ready to
"Are you, spirit? Those who live by the sword
shall die by the sword," Milka said, her voice
shockingly sweet and clear.
"I've already done that," it replied, and attacked.
Journal of Roger Arrowsmith, adventurer
See also Dragon #336
Telthor [Unapproachable East]
Telthor [Unapproachable East] Telthor [Unapproachable East]
Telthor [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: Template, CR +1. Telthor are spirit
animals or people that guard the land. In the
Forgotten Realms, telthors are tied to Rashemen,
while in Ravenloft, they are found in regions of
Hazlan populated by the Rashemani. When a
person or animal dies defending Rashemani lands,
they may rise up as a telthor. They become fey
with the incorporeal subtype. Telthor gain a fly
speed, have animal empathy with one animal type,
and communicate telepathically with other nearby
telthors. Telthors are bound to a particular place
that they defend and may not travel farther than
one mile from it. If they travel more that a mile
from the site they are bound to, they take one point
of damage every minute.
In Ravenloft, telthor are native only to Hazlan and
are often found dwelling in or near the strange
windmills that dot the Hazlani countryside, though
many other places within the domain harbor
telthors. Certain Rashemani women know to
propitiate these spirits with offerings and gifts,
telling them of life in the village. The telthor who
are shown this respect are more likely to defend
the Rashemani living nearby. Because they are
bound to the land, telthor never oppose Hazlan's
darklord, Hazlik.
When I was young, maybe five, maybe six, I'd go
with my grandmother to the windmill near our
village. Grandmother was a wise woman, an elder
of the village, and it was her duty to take offerings
and tidings to the spirits that watched over the
village from the windmill.
That day we took a loaf of bread, a roast chicken,
a jug of milk, and a jug of beer - a real feast by
most standards. Naturally, I wanted some of this
food - it smelled wonderful. But naturally,
grandmother said 'no,' and carried the chicken and
bread herself, leaving the jugs for me to carry.
Eventually, we get to the windmill, an old
abandoned place no one used. Instead,
grandmother and the other elders would come out
here and paint little drawings and stories about life
in the village on the walls. Grandmother had
taught me about some of the images - the picture
for my birth, the old picture of her birth, the time
when the Red Wizard visited the village and took
five young boys and five young girls from us,
never to be seen again.
Grandmother pushed open the mill's door and we
went in. All the food and drink we set in the center
of the dusty room. I drew a circle in the dust
around the food and grandmother addressed the
empty room, saying that we had brought food and
drink for the spirits and asking them to bless and
protect the village. She spoke a few minutes
further, recounting events from the village since
she had last visited the windmill, finishing by
repeating that the food was for the spirits and
repeating the request that the spirits protect the
After that, we turned and left, not even bothering
with the door. Grandmother had told me on one of
our previous trips to never look back when we left
the windmill. She said the spirits didn't like it. But
that day, I snuck a quick glance back.
There were shimmery, transparent figures
gathering around the food we'd left. Some were
human, but I saw a wolf and a hawk among them.
But I only looked for a moment before
grandmother grabbed my ear and started scolding
me. She never took me with her after that, and
steadily grew more and more odd and withdrawn,
until one day she walked out into the plains and
- a tale related by Itran the Badger, a Rashemi ruin
Tenebris [Denizens of Dread]
Tenebris [Denizens of Dread]Tenebris [Denizens of Dread]
Tenebris [Denizens of Dread]
Errata : Descriptors correct as presented. These
creatures do have reality wrinkles
Tentacle Rat [Denizens of Dread]
Tentacle Rat [Denizens of Dread]Tentacle Rat [Denizens of Dread]
Tentacle Rat [Denizens of Dread]
Thomil [Unapproachable East]
Thomil [Unapproachable East] Thomil [Unapproachable East]
Thomil [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: Template, CR +2. Thomils are
guardian earth elementals that resemble humanoid
forms sprouting from the earth beneath it. Thomils
can engulf enemies of at least one size category
smaller that themselves. Thomils can defend
themselves by transforming into boulders, have
DR and SR, and cold resistance. They gain +4 Con
and have a minimum Int of 10. They are native
In Ravenloft, thomils are found in mountains and
other rocky regions, guarding those environments
from those who would molest them. In Hazlan,
thomils can be found that have fire resistance
instead of cold resistance.
Tetin raised his pick, ready to start digging. The
site was good - he was sure to strike a vein of ore
in this hollow. But just as his pick was about to
strike, a booming voice called out.
"Ho, little man! What do you think you are doing
and who gave you permission to do it?"
Tetin looked behind him and saw a massive man
of stone standing among the rocks. The big stone
man had no legs, but rose in a unbroken column
from the stone.
"Why, I plan to strike a claim here and dig for
ore," said Tetin. "I will take the ore to town and
make my fortune. As for permission, I have none,
for who would I ask?"
The stone man frowned ferociously. "You shall
not dig here," it boomed. "You did not ask me or
the other spirits of the mountains for permission,
but you could have. And now, if you strike your
mine here, I will swallow you up and deliver you
to a stony grave!"
Tetin knew better than to challenge the stone man,
so he grabbed his pick and his pack and left the
stone man's hollow behind.
- from Tetin's Claim in 10 Tales of the Balinoks
Thoqqua [Monster Manual]
Thoqqua [Monster Manual] Thoqqua [Monster Manual]
Thoqqua [Monster Manual]
JWM: Medium Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar,
Fire), CR 2, neutral. A red-hot, rocky worm native
to the Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire. Burns to
the touch. “When called to the Demiplane of
Dread, they typically take the first opportunity to
turn on their conjurers, then burrow deep into the
earth, where they occasionally pose trouble for
spelunkers or miners.” It might be helpful to note
that hulzurdans (dwarven vampires) can call upon
thoqquas as part of their children of the night
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about thoqquas. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This rocky, red-hot worm is a thoqqua. This
result reveals all elemental traits plus the earth and
fire subtypes.
17 These creatures are generally summoned from
the Elemental Plane of Fire or, more rarely, the
Elemental Plane of Earth. A thoqqua is so hot that
its mere touch can ignite almost any material.
The Red Wizard summoned and bound into
servitude, at the cost of a sacrifice a day, a fiery
creature of the deep, a sort of worm, roughly a foot
across and five times that in length. It cut out of
solid stone the pipes and the sewers of Ramulai,
and other channels too with no readily apparent
use. All this was done not in a day, propaganda be
damned, but with astonishing speed, say at the
eminently affordable price of not more than fifty
-Mulan defector interviewed by Strahd von
Tiger [Monster Manual
Tiger [Monster Manual Tiger [Monster Manual
Tiger [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about tigers. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 14: This striped great cat is a tiger, a cunning
jungle predator. This result reveals all animal
DC 19: Tigers pounce on their prey, then quickly
kill the creature with their powerful jaws and sharp
Toad [Monster Manual
Toad [Monster Manual Toad [Monster Manual
Toad [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about
porpoises. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This warty amphibian is a common toad.
This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 15: Toads are harmless to any creature other
than the insects they eat. Spellcasters sometimes
adopt them as familiars.
DC 10: Some mages adopt toads for use as
familiars. Such mages tend to slightly more
physically resilient.
Tomb mote [Libris Mortis]
Tomb mote [Libris Mortis] Tomb mote [Libris Mortis]
Tomb mote [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Tiny Undead, CR 2, chaotic evil. Clumps of
tomb litter (dust, stone chips, bone shards, etc.)
animated essentially by accident by strong ambient
necromantic or tainted energy, such as that found
in cursed areas or sinkholes of evil. Very fast and
surprisingly intelligent, their bite spreads a disease
called corpse bloat.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about tomb motes. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This tiny clump of dirt, stone, bone chips, and
teeth is a tomb mote. The ambient negative energy
animating these scattered bits of funereal debris
often indicates the presence of unclean forces.
This result reveals all undead traits.
17 Although they mostly come into being by
accident, tomb motes are surprisingly cunning and
malicious. A tomb mote’s bite spreads a
debilitating disease called corpse bloat.
23 A tomb mote is supernaturally quick, and its
unnatural body simply absorbs minor nicks and
scrapes. However, magic weapons or those forged
of cold iron can pierce its defenses.
Trespasser beware! Stone and sky, river and flame
alike defend Ankh-Memri. All things stand to
protect his resting place, yea, even the very dust
between these stones shall arise by the power of
his word to strike down the impious, the grave-
robber, and they shall long for death and not find it
for the curse which lies upon them.
Inscription found on a Sebuan cartouche
Topiary guardian [Monster Manual III]
Topiary guardian [Monster Manual III] Topiary guardian [Monster Manual III]
Topiary guardian [Monster Manual III]
Boar: Medium Plant, CR 3, neutral; Lion: Large
Plant, CR 7, neutral; Triceratops: Huge Plant, CR
12, neutral.
Magically animated plants—practically
constructs—created by spellcasters to guard their
lands. Mimic the attack forms of the creatures they
are sculpted to resemble, plus can deal nonlethal
damage instead of lethal without penalty.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about topiary guardians. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This creature is a topiary guardian, a normal
bush carefully pruned into an animalistic shape
and magically animated. This result reveals all
plant traits.
20 A topiary guardian is a mindless creature that
attacks as its creator commands. It mimics the
attack forms of the animal it is modeled after.
When a topiary guardian isn’t moving, it’s
indistinguishable from a normal topiary bush.
25 A topiary guardian’s flexible branches simply
absorb most minor attacks. However, slashing
weapons can prune it quite effectively. Topiary
guardians are highly flammable. This result also
reveals the procedure for creating these creatures.
30 A topiary guardian can sense the vibrations of
nearby creatures. These guardians are often used
to subdue, rather than kill, their master’s foes.
Magister Amward's estate was famous for its
carefully tended gardens, and I was pleased to
have a moment to look out over them as my host
busied himself within. So captivating, even when
viewed from the high window at nightfall, was the
scene that it was some time before I noticed an
odd discord in the scene. The gentle wind swayed
the cypresses in time with its rhythms, but in the
topiary garden the tree-forms seemed to be stirred
by some other force out of step with the gusting
When Magister Amward returned I pointed out the
anomaly to him and voiced a concern that there
might be trespassers in his garden; we had, after
all, been told there were gypsies in the vicinity.
"Unlikely," he replied briefly, looking out. "I
suppose it's time for a trim."
With which cryptic remark he led me away.
Greenleaf, from Twelve More Tales of the
Macabre, Jean LaFolie
Treant [Monster Manual]
Treant [Monster Manual] Treant [Monster Manual]
Treant [Monster Manual]
In other worlds, treants protect ancient, verdant
forests from evil creatures and fire. Although
usually neutral good and relatively uncaring about
the plight of other creatures, treants are terrifying
opponents when roused from their slumber and
they turn the nearby forest into a virtual army to
smash interlopers – see treant, dread.
Knowledge (Nature)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about treants. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 This sentient treelike creature is a treant. This
result reveals all plant traits.
22 Treants are capable of animating other trees to
fight on their behalf. If a treant sits immobile, it's
nearly indistinguishable from a regular tree.
Treants are vulnerable to fire and can trample
creatures into the dirt.
27 Treants deal massive damage to inanimate
objects or structures and can quickly reduce a hut
to rubble. If treated with respect, treants can
sometimes be convinced to reveal information
about their forest.
32 Treants speak Common and Sylvan, along with
a few phrases of other humanoid languages,
typically to warn creatures away from their forest
See also: Treant "Ecology of the Treant, The"
Susan Lawson Dragon#79(6) D&D1
Treant, Dread
Treant, Dread Treant, Dread
Treant, Dread (all)
JWM: “Treants combine features of trees and
humans. Unlike the cunning predators that make
up most intelligent plants, the thoughts and
philosophies of treants can be as complex as those
of any humanoid. In other worlds, this is a
strength, but in the Demiplane of Dread, it is the
source of their spiritual weakness. Treants in
outlander worlds are peaceful by nature but deadly
when angered. They hate evil and the unrestrained
use of fire, considering themselves guardians of
the trees. In Ravenloft, treants absorb the lurking
spiritual taint of the Land of Mists from the very
soil, warping them into towering monsters, the
embodiment of nature’s cruelty.”
Treant, warped [Monster Manual,
Treant, warped [Monster Manual, Treant, warped [Monster Manual,
Treant, warped [Monster Manual,
Denizens of Dread]
Denizens of Dread] Denizens of Dread]
Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Huge Plant, CR 8, neutral evil. An evil
version of the common MM treant. Known in 2E
as an “evil treant” and in Denizens of Dread as a
“dread treant.”
See also Dragon mag compendium “Blackroot
Treant, wormeaten [Denizens of Dread
Treant, wormeaten [Denizens of Dread Treant, wormeaten [Denizens of Dread
Treant, wormeaten [Denizens of Dread
(under Plant, Undead Treant)]
(under Plant, Undead Treant)] (under Plant, Undead Treant)]
(under Plant, Undead Treant)]
JWM: Huge Undead (Augmented Plant), CR 11,
neutral evil. An undead version of the warped
treant. It can drain blood, cast druid spells, and
stun foes with its negative-energy-charged blows.
Published as “undead treant.”
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or
Knowledge (religion) can learn more about
wormeaten treants. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
21 This animated dead tree is actually a
wormeaten treant — the result of what happens
when a warped treant refuses to succumb to its
natural death. This result reveals all undead traits.
26 If a wormeaten treant sits immobile, it’s nearly
indistinguishable from a normal dead, rotting tree.
Wormeaten treants are vulnerable to fire and can
trample creatures into the dirt. Unlike living
treants, they cannot animate trees, A wormeaten
treant sustains itself by draining the blood of living
creatures with special, rootlike tendrils.
31 Wormeaten treants deal massive damage to
inanimate objects or structures and can quickly
reduce a hut to rubble. Unlike their living kin,
wormeaten treants make no pretense toward being
guardians of their forests. They exist solely for
existence’s own sake, and often rule a copse of
living treants.
36 Wormeaten treants are significant innate
druidic spellcasters, but they never use fire-based
spells. Wormeaten treants retain the languages
they knew in life, along with a few phrases of
other humanoid languages, though they seldom
have anything to say to anyone other than their
unnatural minions.
“Yes, mama, I had a nightmare yesterday. But
when I woke up, in cold sweat, I was under the
impression this was something that didn’t happen
yet. This dream was all nice at the start, but it
turned very bad. Mama, when it started, we were
near the City of the Dead on Vieil Branch ritual
day, the Kaokoun, and we were bringing him a
part of the shirt papa often wore. We were to offer
it to Vieil Branch to ask the loas to be kind with
papa, you know. It was nice and sunny and many
other people were tying pieces of clothing to its
branches, while singing and praying for their dead
family members.
Then the earth shook, and Vieil Branch started
shaking! It became an awful thing, with a huge
mouth where it began throwing and eating people!
But its eyes were the worst, mama. They were
huge, red and so horrible to look at! So mean!
Then it moved through the cemetery wall as if it
was a wall made by a child, and started destroying
the graves… It was awful, mama. I don’t want to
go next week to the Vieil Branch ritual.”
As told to an old Souragnien widow by her
Troll, dread, common troll [Monster
Troll, dread, common troll [Monster Troll, dread, common troll [Monster
Troll, dread, common troll [Monster
Manual] Manual]
JWM: “Trolls are monstrous, carnivorous giants
with a particular taste for humanoid flesh. They
are blessedly rare in Ravenloft — even Dr. van
Richten spent most of his career dismissing them
as the stuff of legend. However, those that do
emerge from the wilds are invariably vicious,
butchering killers.
“It is commonly believed that trolls first entered
the Land of Mists when the domain of Arak
formed in 575 BC. They largely remained there,
menacing anything that trespassed on their
mountainous hunting grounds, until the Scourge of
Arak in 588 BC. Supposedly, most trolls survived
the sandstorm — having turned to stone just
before it began — but the sudden lack of game to
hunt forced them to spread further out along the
Balinoks. The dwarves of Darkon have long
despised these creatures, which to this day
occasionally burst into their mines or raid isolated
strongholds in the Mountains of Misery.
“Dread trolls and goblins sometimes work together
to form hunting parties, but only when united
under the banner of a more powerful master, such
as a hag. Left to their own devices, trolls hunt and
devour goblins like any other prey. Because of
this, goblins sometimes enslave trolls when they
can, but more often simply try to avoid them
All trolls in Ravenloft share the following special
Daylight Petrification (Su): Exposing a dread troll
to direct sunlight disorients it: It can take only a
single move action or attack action and is petrified
(as the spell flesh to stone) in the next round if it
cannot escape. A petrified troll assumes a
naturalistic shape resembling a rough, mossy
boulder; forest trolls are particularly covered with
moss and lichens. Since a troll looks like a normal
boulder while petrified, it takes a DC 25 Spot
check to notice its true nature.
Anyone with ranks in Survival or Knowledge
(nature) can use one of those skills instead of Spot
to notice the troll. Dwarves can use stonecunning
to notice it as well.
A petrified troll remains in boulder form until it is
no longer exposed to direct sunlight, at which time
it reverts to normal flesh (as a stone to flesh spell).
Dread trolls are not harmed by these
transformations, but they dislike them and avoid
sunlight when they can. Even the most brutish
trolls know to be well hidden far from civilized
areas before dawn, lest the local humanoids smash
them apart and scatter their pieces.
JWM: Common Troll: Large Giant, CR 5, chaotic
evil. Other than adding the trait above, this is the
standard MM troll.
Troll Lore (Ravenloft-specific results)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about trolls. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This gangly, rubbery, greenish humanoid is a
troll. This result reveals all giant traits. Trolls
speak Giant.
21 A troll is a fearless combatant with a ravenous
appetite for raw flesh. Trolls have a strong sense
of smell and can see in the dark.
26 A troll quickly regenerates most forms of
damage, and can even regrow or reattach severed
body parts. However, a troll cannot regenerate fire
or acid damage.
31 If a troll is exposed to direct sunlight, it
instantly turns to stone, resembling a natural
boulder. It remains lifeless stone until the next
sunset. Trolls come in many different varieties,
which have adapted to many different
environments, including the humungous mountain
troll and the aquatic scrag.
Going to Kellee eh my boy? Sit down for a
second. Thats a long ways from Egertus, and
there's more to worry about then cutthroats while
riding out there.
So, while travelling across the grasslands one
might note the occasinal outcroppings of boulders
or stones that lie in clusters and groups. I'm sure
you know of what i speak, those wretched cats
sleep, cry and lie about them during the day.
Giant, squat and mossy, strange that they never
seem to be in the same place twice eh?
Scare off the cats and it seems like a good place to
hold up for a night eh? You're dead wrong. You
wouldn't believe me if i told you why, but you be
better off cutting your own throat.
Listen up and listen good. Never trust anything out
there, for on the plains of Nova Vasa there is
always something sinister lurking just beneath.
Troll, dread, bridge [Denizens of Dread
Troll, dread, bridge [Denizens of Dread Troll, dread, bridge [Denizens of Dread
Troll, dread, bridge [Denizens of Dread
(as Troll, Dread)]
(as Troll, Dread)] (as Troll, Dread)]
(as Troll, Dread)]
JWM: Large Giant, CR 6, lawful evil. An
unusually intelligent troll that lingers near urban
areas. During daylight hours it hides out of sight,
such as under bridges or in abandoned buildings.
Although Large, it can squeeze into tight spaces
like a Medium creature. A bridge troll can smell
spiritual innocence, and loves the taste of innocent
flesh that has just been corrupted by sin. Theyk on
children, trying to intimidate them into committing
evil acts — such as leading other children to their
deaths — before eating them. Published in
Denizens of Dread as the dread troll.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about bridge trolls. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This rubbery, brownish-greeni humanoid with
metallic-hued hair is a bridge troll, a creature
closely related to the common troll. This result
reveals all giant traits. Bridge trolls speak Giant,
Sylvan, and a local language.
21 A bridge troll is a sadistic predator with a
ravenous appetite for raw flesh, particularly that of
helpless, innocent people. Bridge trolls have a
strong sense of smell and can see in the dark.
Unlike other trolls, bridge trolls tend to lair near or
even within urban areas. These lairs are usually
located in cramped, out-of-the-way areas. A bridge
troll is unusually talented at slipping into these
cramped areas.
26 A bridge troll quickly regenerates most forms
of damage, and can even regrow or reattach
severed body parts. However, it cannot regenerate
fire or acid damage. A bridge troll can sense the
presence of innocent souls.
31 If a bridge troll is exposed to direct sunlight, it
instantly turns to stone, resembling a natural
boulder. It remains lifeless stone until the next
sunset. Trolls come in many different varieties,
which have adapted to many different
environments, including the common troll and the
aquatic scrag.
"So, oath-sworn to his Jarl, Eigal tracked the beast
that men named Orm Rend-Jaws into the stone-
fields, and found that great stane as which it slept
by day as unto one dead. With Lokar's wit, Eigal
bound the great stone to which the tracks had led
him in hempen hawsers, and staked the ropes hard
into the frost-touched soil. And when Orm Rend-
Jaws woke to dusk, and the snows of the day shed
from the beast's iron-stubbled pate risen anew
from stone, Eigal Wolf-feeder feared not, but
hewed the hook-clawed hands from Orm's wrists,
that the bairn-eater could not tear free of its bonds.
The trow-beast thrashed, like-unto the chained
Fenris, and gnawed the great ship's tethers that
bound it, but could not wrest free.
"Then the Norns' fate-weavings turned cruelly
upon Eigal, strong arm of the Hird, for the taloned
paws of Orm Rend-Jaws lept, body-reft, to strike
as one..."
-- From the Edda of Eigal Wolf-feeder, Grabenite
skald's saga of the Age of the Sea-Raiders
Interesting (possibilities here?)
-- Hand-written marginalia from a transcription of
Eigal's Edda dated 650 BC, private library of
Meredoth the Necromancer
Troll, fell [Una
Troll, fell [UnaTroll, fell [Una
Troll, fell [Unapproachable East]
pproachable East] pproachable East]
pproachable East]
Chris Nichols: CR 14. Fell trolls are huge (over 15
feet tall and 5000 lbs) two-headed trolls. These
monsters lurk in uninhabited regions and are ever
hungry for man-flesh. Like other trolls, these
beasts regenerate, can rend foes, and track by
scent. Additionally, because fell trolls have two
heads, they roll all Will saves twice and use the
better result.
In Ravenloft, fell trolls lurk in desolate regions
such as the Arak region of the Mountains of
Big as a hill,
waits to kill,
stone for a soul,
old fell troll.
Big two-head,
eats up the dead,
size of a knoll,
old fell troll.
- traditional Darkonese rhyme
Troll, dread, forest [Monster Manual III]
Troll, dread, forest [Monster Manual III] Troll, dread, forest [Monster Manual III]
Troll, dread, forest [Monster Manual III]
JWM: Medium Giant, CR 4, chaotic evil. Man-
sized, mossy trolls. Not as physically powerful as
other trolls, but far more cunning. They can create
a poison from their saliva, which they use to coat
their weapons. Has a limited chameleon-like
ability to change its coloration. Has fast healing
rather than regeneration.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about forest trolls. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This man-sized, rubbery green humanoid is a
forest troll, a creature closely related to the
common troll. This result reveals all giant traits.
Forest trolls speak Giant.
20 Forest trolls are hunters compelled by their
ravenous hunger for flesh. A forest troll has a
strong sense of smell and can see in the dark.
25 Forest trolls recover quickly from wounds, but
their healing ability is not as powerful as that of
more powerful trolls. Instead, a forest troll relies
on its greater cunning and more sophisticated
tactics. Forest trolls can even prepare a special
poison from their own saliva, which they use to
coat their claws and weapons.
30 If a forest troll is exposed to direct sunlight, it
instantly turns to stone, resembling a mossy,
natural boulder. It remains lifeless stone until the
next sunset. Trolls come in many different
varieties, which have adapted to many different
environments, including the humungous mountain
troll and the aquatic scrag. A rare variety of forest
troll is the muskwart, which is distinguished by the
warty pustules covering its skin. These pustules
emit a blinding musk, though forest trolls are
“A mindless brute a troll is not. Indeed there are
tales of them hungering after innocence, delighting
particularly in the patient and clever corruption of
children. But any that I have met were far more
interested in my flesh. They pick their fights with
some care, strike from ambush when feasible, and
often employ poison. Happily, they are susceptible
to music. Why fight beasts that are healed as quick
as you cut them when a little beguilement with
song is far more agreeable? As the dawn draws
nigh they typically rouse themselves and run for
the darkness of their caves. It is possible
sometimes to send them west so that our well
loved protectors, the mercenary soldiers of
Malocchio Aderre, might do their duty or at least
find a noble death in the attempt.”
-Constantine, an impeccably dressed Invidian
woodsman with a faint Kartatan accent, in
conversation with S
Troll, ice [Unapproachable East]
Troll, ice [Unapproachable East] Troll, ice [Unapproachable East]
Troll, ice [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: CR 4. A breed of troll native to
frozen lands, ice trolls are somewhat more
intelligent than most of their breed. They are able
to forge and craft armor and weapons, favoring
great warhammers and oversized swords. Ice trolls
spit a freezing, nauseating slime that does cold
damage and can extinguish flames such as torches.
Ice trolls have the cold subtype and like other
trolls can regenerate and track by scent.
High in the icy mountains,
where the cold wind sings,
surrounded by his captains,
frozen sits the mountain king.
Fires doused by freezing slime,
hammers pound in the night,
waiting since the dawn of time,
sits the troll king in his might.
- Saga of the Mountain King, traditional Vos
Troll, dread, mountain [Monster Manual
Troll, dread, mountain [Monster Manual Troll, dread, mountain [Monster Manual
Troll, dread, mountain [Monster Manual
JWM: Huge Giant, CR 10, chaotic evil. Massive
and incredibly powerful trolls. Stony, greenish-
gray in color. Exceptionally stable on their feet,
but their blows can knock foes prone. Have a
potent fast healing ability rather than regeneration.
“Most mountain trolls in Ravenloft still roam the
former lands of Arak, where they subsist on a diet
of monstrous spiders and occasionally clamber
down to lower elevations to harass travelers and
dwarven settlements.”
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about mountain trolls. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
20 This hulking, rubbery, brownish-green giant is
a mountain troll, the largest member of the troll
family. This result reveals all giant traits.
Mountain trolls speak Giant.
25 Mountain trolls live atop mountain peaks, and
emerge from their lairs only to sate their ravenous
appetites for flesh. A mountain troll has a strong
sense of smell and can see in the dark.
30 Mountain trolls recover quickly from wounds,
but their healing ability is not as powerful as that
of lesser trolls. Instead, a mountain troll relies on
its sheer strength and mass to overcome foes.
These trolls are exceptionally sturdy and stable on
their feet, and their blows are powerful enough to
knock opponents to the ground.
35 If a mountain troll is exposed to direct sunlight,
it instantly turns to stone, resembling a huge,
natural boulder. It remains lifeless stone until the
next sunset. Trolls come in many different
varieties, which have adapted to many different
environments, including the common troll and the
aquatic scrag.
We were at the foot of the Dargal Pass when it -
all 20 feet of it - burst into our encampment. The
carnage was frightful, but we were a well
disciplined lot, and lost not a moment in arming
ourselves with fire. But it did not fear flames and
was untouched by them. Indeed it broke off its
slaughter, snatching up a torch, as well as the arm
that bore it and the man connected to that arm,
poking the whole at us mockingly. Whereupon
Scar emerged behind it, his face a frightful mask
of wrath. Our dark leader spat out what I knew to
be a curse. This was followed with another fell
Vistani enchantment which he had used often. The
troll was struck blind and roared with fury. Scar
signalled for a horse. This I fetched and received
instructions to follow with hammers, chisels, wood
and water. A sniping barrage led the thing far out
into the scoured plain where the first rays of dawn
turned it to stone. We were then set to work, at
first hacking, and then shattering, by heating with
fire and cooling with water, one end of the great
block. A little before sunset we were ordered to
return to our camp and to scatter the broken pieces
as we went. A couple hours later our leader
returned, looking entirely pleased with himself. I
dared raise an inquiring eyebrow and he said: “I
wish to know from it how it had laughed off the
flames. And I wished it to know who had taken its
-Tales of the Crippled Troll, anonymous
Darkonese work
Turtle [
Turtle [Turtle [
Turtle [
Tortoise: Just a little something I cooked
Tortoise: Just a little something I cooked Tortoise: Just a little something I cooked
Tortoise: Just a little something I cooked
up myself. Snapping Turtle: Stormwrack
up myself. Snapping Turtle: Stormwrack up myself. Snapping Turtle: Stormwrack
up myself. Snapping Turtle: Stormwrack -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about turtles. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This armored reptile is a common turtle or
tortoise. This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 16: Turtles feed on plants, insects and,
sometimes, small fish. They can hold their breath
for more than 10 minutes as they swim in search
of food. When a turtle feels threatened, some
species retreat inside their hard shells, protecting
them from predators.
DC 21: Some turtles can grow to the size of a cart
wheel. Snapping turtles have sharp, powerful
beaks, easily capable of killing a fish or biting off
exposed fingers or toes.
Uchuulon (slime chuul) [Stormwrack]
Uchuulon (slime chuul) [Stormwrack] Uchuulon (slime chuul) [Stormwrack]
Uchuulon (slime chuul) [Stormwrack]
JWM: Large Aberration (Aquatic), chaotic evil,
CR 6. A fleshcrafted chuul created by illithids to
act as a guardian. They’re actually slightly more
feeble than regular chuuls; mind flayers find them
more manageable than the standard varieties. The
main advantage it has over standard chuuls is a
coating of psionically-charged slime that helps
protect it from touch attacks and critical hits.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) or Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about uchuulons. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 This slimy, tentacled crustacean is a slime
chuul, also known as an uchuulon, the result of a
normal chuul that has been implanted with a mind
flayer tadpole. This result reveals all aberration
traits and the aquatic subtype.
31 An uchuulon moves more slowly on land than a
normal chuul, but it can survive out of water
indefinitely. Its translucent carapace is also softer,
and thus easier to damage. Like normal chuuls,
uchullons lash out and crush foes with their
26 If an uchuulon grabs another creature, it
transfers the victim to the paralytic tentacles
surrounding its mandibles, then immediately starts
devouring the helpless prey. Mind flayers often
create uchuulons to act as guardians for their lairs.
41 The thick layer of mucus coating an uchuulon
is psionically charged and highly protective. Not
only does it help deflect attacks, it offers partial
protection to the creature’s internal organs against
sneak attacks and similar penetrating strikes.
The crab like creature subdued yesterday by the
chill golems is imbued with magical powers, but I
wasn’t able to identify which type. Its slime is
gooey and awfully disgusting to all points of view.
From test with unwilling subjects, I found its
tentacles to have immobilisation powers, followed
by a deadly clutch with its crab claws.
The message sent with it was undecipherable, as
usual. I wonder why the squid heads sent that to
me. Is it a present, a spy, or a warning? I really
hate them.
Hazlik lab notes, 762
Umbral creature [Libris Mortis]
Umbral creature [Libris Mortis] Umbral creature [Libris Mortis]
Umbral creature [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Template undead (Incorporeal), chaotic
evil, CR +2 or +3. A template version of the
standard MM shadow. Umbral creature lore is
available over on the WotC boards (follow the link
in the Monster Lore thread).
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about umbral creatures. Characters
may need to make a separate Knowledge check to
learn about the base creature. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This umbral spirit is all that remains of a
creature slain by the chilling undead of the Plane
of Shadows. This result reveals all undead traits
and the incorporeal subtype.
19 Umbral creatures are composed of seething
darkness. They despise life and light. Their touch
saps the strength from living creatures’ bones.
24 A living creature whose prowess is completely
drained away dies, its heart lacking the strength to
beat. Such victims soon rise as undead shadows
under the control of their killer.
It was impossible to say what the ruins had once
been. Only thick walls of stone, much eroded,
remained. Then we saw it, a gurgling fountain. We
greeted the sight with incredulity, save for
Annabel, apparently lost in her thoughts. Salvador,
guarding our rear, yawned loudly and collapsed. A
moment later, a clear, feminine voice rang forth:
“Drink of the water; it will cool you; it will drive
off the exhaustion that has layed low your friend.”
But it was our fallen comrade who commanded
our attention. And so we failed to notice that
Annabel had obeyed and entered the ruins. No
sooner had we aroused Salvador, than we heard
her cry. We found her beset by a large shadow,
mirrored many times over, that would dart forth
from one wall to attack her and vanish into
another, only to race out again from a different
point. We fared poorly against it, our weapons
growing heavier and our judgement cloudier with
each numbing touch. But Raoul, grinning like a
fiend, turned the tide, shackled it with bands of
eldritch force.
-The Wreck of the Albatross, Juno Lutuem,
Darkonese adventurer
Undead, Strahd
Undead, Strahd Undead, Strahd
Undead, Strahd
see Strahd
see Strahdsee Strahd
see Strahd
Undead symbiont: ghostly visage [Fiend
Undead symbiont: ghostly visage [Fiend Undead symbiont: ghostly visage [Fiend
Undead symbiont: ghostly visage [Fiend
Folio p221]
Folio p221] Folio p221]
Folio p221]
JWM: Ghostly Visage: Tiny Undead (Incorporeal,
Symbiont), chaotic evil, CR 2 or host +1. A minor
spirit that can merge with a corporeal creature,
disappearing into its body (but not taking control
of its actions). It can then manifest its own face
anywhere on the host’s body, including over the
host’s face (thus acting as a sort of disguise). It
also protects its host from mind-influencing
effects. I think these spirits can be used as
improved familiars.
Poor Tanya was very agitated when we met Dr
Lour. Seeing her anxiety, we were on alert, but
couldn’t suspect why, since she was looking at
him directly, and not at an empty space in the
room as usual when her ghost sight made her saw
something supernatural.
When later we were alone with her, and we asked
her what she saw exactly, she simply said “Dr
Lour has two faces”, and then refused saying
I despise the thing that made Tanya loose her
marbles and I vow we’ll destroy it soon.
Jameld’s private journal
Unholy scion [Heroes of Horror]
Unholy scion [Heroes of Horror] Unholy scion [Heroes of Horror]
Unholy scion [Heroes of Horror]
JWM: Template Outsider (Evil, Native), evil. A
particularly evil product of a fiend siring a child
with a mortal mother. The scion is fully sentient
and capable of using its powers while still in the
womb. It can charm its mother, has a number of
spell-like abilities.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
can learn more about a creature’s unholy scion
origins. Characters may need to make a separate
Knowledge check to learn about the base creature.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
13 This subtly disturbing creature is an unholy
scion (or perhaps its possessed mother), the child
of a fiendish father and mortal mother. This result
reveals all outsider traits.
18 Most fiend-mortal couplings result in half-
fiends. Unholy scions are comparatively rare,
resulting when the child is conceived in a
spiritually unclean area, or when a fiend possesses
an unborn child still in the womb. Compared to
their mortal parents, unholy scions possess
powerful minds and souls of utter malevolence.
An unholy scion’s body pulses with fiendish
energy, so its attacks are particularly damaging to
good-hearted creatures.
23 An unholy scion is somewhat resistant to
magic, acid, cold, electricity, and fire. It heals
quickly from its wounds, and its unnatural flesh
deflects most minor attacks, though blessed or
magic weapons can pierce its unholy defenses.
28 An unholy scion with a particularly strong
mind possesses a variety of spell-like abilities,
ranging from charm person and desecrate on up to
gate and polymorph any object. Unholy scions
develop a wider range of spell-like abilities as they
grow in power.
33 Unholy scions are highly dangerous even
before they are born. An unholy scion quickly
develops its full intellect while still in the womb. It
can continuously control its pregnant mother as
with a charm person or charm animal spell, and
can even channel its spell-like abilities through
her. The scion retains this overbearing spiritual
bond with its mother after birth as well.
It was near the Harvest in 748. For fear of some
black pestilence similar to what was gripping
Pont-a-Museau at this time; i was appointed to
look into a feverish patient in Chataufaux. What i
knew was that she was with child, in her early
twenties, and that she came from a lowbrow famiy
with little traces of madness and may or may not
have been a whore for a while.
Upon first finding the woman i noticed greying
skin and a very high fever. For what we call
speech; she would glibber stupidly for a few
moments about "whats to come" and "the
suffering" then give us nasty stares and spit a little.
note: One men who had been there longer then i
stated that the woman had vomited most fouly on
him once but i highly doubt this, i believe the
mans "advances" were likely spurned earlier and
thus he felt the need to exagerate.
After studying the sickly woman for some four
days i had found my mark. And how dreadful, it
was something in the water here. I belived the
womans slow decaying mental and physical health
to be a sign of the occasinal truth to Chateaufaux's
street-corner rumors. Making note of this, I had
suggested/issued a water boil for the (noted)higher
districts. Not wanting to remain in this filthy,
horrid womans dwelling anylonger I then gathered
my things, said my goodbyes, wished the dying
woman well(though i knew she wouldn't make it
though the month) and headed back to Port
Some months later i came back through
Chateaufaux on my way to Mordent, and there she
was. I stopped dead in my tracks, for she was
watching me from a first floor window right next
to me, not arms length away. With a tiny newborn
in her arms silently watching me, she spit at the
ground. She must still be angry at that whole
"leaving her to die thing". Now though, I was glad
to she her alive and all however i felt rather chill.
Something about the two of them staring with
those little smirks made my blood run cold and my
neck hairs stand straight. So i decided to tip my
hat and put it behind me.
Just as i reached for my cap the babes little ashen
arm jutted out like a worm; pointing qweerly at
me. Its face contorted and twisted into somthing
most un-innocent. Eyes blazing yellow it's mouth
wide and black with a red little tongue flicking.
And i admit i shuddered, not do to its horrid
features but to what in clear mordentish i must of
heard and swear i heard that aweful child hiss:
"There is nothing you can do, nowhere you can go.
I am your end and i'll see that you suffer for
leaving me as you did. For treating my dear carrier
as a whore, you good sir shall rot forever more."
-spoken by Dr. Armond "the ever dying" DeGreen
in a fit of hysteria on his deathbed.
Unicorn, dappled [Monster Manual]
Unicorn, dappled [Monster Manual] Unicorn, dappled [Monster Manual]
Unicorn, dappled [Monster Manual]
JWM: Large Magical Beast, chaotic good, CR 3.
The standard MM unicorn, other than their
speckled gray coats. The rare, freak offspring of
shadow unicorns, below. Shadow unicorns kill
them on sight once detected.
"Quick! To me!"
I looked about me, wondering what new horror the
night would hold, to see a great horse, dappled
silver in the moonlight, with a white horn like a
sword in its forehead.
"Mount!" it said, "and I'll carry you to the border."
Any lingering doubt as to its motives was stilled
by the chorus of howls behind me. The thousand
heart's-beats allotted me in the Circle had expired,
and the Hunt was up. With the horn-horse's
assistance I clambered onto its back, and it darted
off, carrying me through the night, surer and more
swift-footed by moonlight than any true horse
could be at noon.
Interview with Elliot MacPherson, working notes
to "Van Richten's Guide to Lycanthropes"
Unicorn, dread [
Unicorn, dread [Unicorn, dread [
Unicorn, dread [new?
JWM: Unicorns native to the Land of Mists.
They’re all descended from the unicorn Addar
(mount of Lady Kateri Shadowborn), who was
seduced and corrupted by a nightmare (a minion of
Ebonbane) following Lady Kateri’s death.
JWM adds: It's something that would have been
formally introduced in Ravenloft Gazetteer IX or
so, when we would have finally been able to
devote some needed attention to cleaning up the
For a hint of what would have been, read the Book
of Shadows framing fiction.
Like horses, but with horns? But if there are
unicorns here, surely we can call on them for
assistance?" I asked.
Lochraim shuddered and said, "You must be mad,
or you really are an outlander. The devil-horses
here do not assist men, except to their graves.
They, too, are servants of Faith-hold, or they were.
Perhaps they were even too cruel to serve her
Journal of Akkarath Losander, adventurer
Unicorn, dread, shadow [Denizen
Unicorn, dread, shadow [DenizenUnicorn, dread, shadow [Denizen
Unicorn, dread, shadow [Denizens of
s of s of
s of
Dread] Dread]
JWM: Large Magical Beast, chaotic evil, CR 5.
Evil, violent, dappled gray unicorns. They can will
their horns to burst into flame, and can use their
horns to inscribe a magical glyph of doom, which
acts as an unhallow spell. They can also merge
with shadows.
It leaped out of the shadows so close to us, it
seemed like if it was spawned from the dusk itself.
But the most awful was its scream, like if it could
concentrate all Hell’s hatred into one ghastly
scream. My legs felt like jelly. I screamed when its
horn became fiery and it attacked me.
How its face seemed hateful when mine showed
pain from the burn! How its glowing red eyes
burnt into my head!
But my wife took my hand and cracked the tube,
sending us away from that dark and sinister forest.
During a discussion with Friedrich Kreutzer
Unseelie Fey (dragon mag compendium)
Unseelie Fey (dragon mag compendium)Unseelie Fey (dragon mag compendium)
Unseelie Fey (dragon mag compendium)
Submited by JP
Urophion [Lords of Madness]
Urophion [Lords of Madness] Urophion [Lords of Madness]
Urophion [Lords of Madness]
JWM: Large Aberration (Psionic), lawful evil, CR
13. A fleshcrafted roper. Like uchuulons, illithids
create them to act as guardians. Basically a
slightly beefed up standard roper, adding the
ability to mind blast and extract brains like a mind
flayer, plus a few psi-like abilities. Much more
intelligent than ropers, they are lonely, brooding
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) or Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about urophons. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
23 This tentacled stalagmite could be easily
mistaken for a roper, but it is actually a rare
psionic variant called an urophon. This result
reveals all aberration traits and the psionic
28 Urophons are the result of mind flayers
implanting an illithid tadpole in a roper’s brain.
Like ropers, urophons are ambush predators. They
pose as stone formations, then lash out at nearby
prey with their strong, adhesive, tentacle-like
strands. Opponents can sever a strand to free a
trapped ally.
33 Like a jellyfish, an urophon’s strands inject
toxins that sap a tangled creature’s strength.
Urophons drag tangled foes toward their maws,
then extract their brains, instantly killing them. An
urophon can also defend itself with a powerful
psionic mind blast.
38 Urophions can use detect thoughts and
suggestion at will as psionic abilities. Mind flayers
create urophions to serve as guardians and
sentinels. Urophions are extremely intelligent, but
have no place in mind flayer society. Their only
reward is the chance to join the elder brain in
The satrap from the west border, I again forgot his
name, sent me messengers about something that he
felt should get my attention.
One of them was among men patrolling the
southern border when they were attacked by a
“monolith of flesh”, lashing at them with tentacles
and melting their brains to white béchamel
I really wish they’d stop trying to entertain me
with their prose when making patrol reports.
The creature supposedly destroyed all the patrol,
except one man. This survivor said the creature
plucked his companion’s brain like when breaking
nut shells for their tasty inside, then it put a piece
of paper to this last man’s hand, who collapsed
into unconsciousness from fear. When he awoke,
the thing was gone.
I wondered if the patrol consumed too much
poppies again, but then the paper he carried was
another undecipherable note from the squid heads.
What do these creatures want? Can’t they be
clearer? If I knew they were waiting for my
answer at the border, I’d fry them without
hesitation. I really hate them.
Hazlik lab notes, 763
Uthraki [Unapproachable East]
Uthraki [Unapproachable East] Uthraki [Unapproachable East]
Uthraki [Unapproachable East]
Chris Nichols: Large monstrous humanoid
(Shapechanger), CR 3. Uthraki are man-eating
shapeshifter that haunt lonely roads and other dark
places. They take on human forms, presenting
themselves as fellow travellers, lost children and
similar folk, before killing those they encounter
when they drop their guard. Uthraki appear to be
large apes with gray fur and twisted limbs. Their
heads are too small for their frames and are ringed
by a dozen solid black eyes that give them all-
around vision. At night, uthraki have fast healing.
In Ravenloft, uthraki haunt the Vaasan Plateau,
menacing travellers on the lonely plains between
We were travelling from Arbora to Sly-Var when
a farmer joined us on the road one evening. He
travelled with us and talked, proving to be a
reasonable companion. When we stopped for the
night, he ate with us and when to sleep in the
shadow of one of the wagons.
Later that night, I was awoken by a high, crazy
scream, like what a rabbit in a snare makes. I
grabbed my sword and ran out of my tent to see
what was going on. I find the farmer who joined
us standing in front of Donde's tent with Donde's
dagger - she always slept with one under her
pillow - sticking out of his shoulder. Donde looks
over to me and points to the bruises around her
neck - the bastard had tried to strangle her!
After that, we were a bit over-zealous in subduing
our guest. Which was fine, since whatever it was
fought back and nearly clawed the guts out of
young Simon. Once we killed it, it didn't look like
a farmer anymore. It was a grey-furred ape-thing
with twisted limbs and a head that was a size too
small for its body. And all around the head, front
and back, were these glassy black eyes.
We burned the carcass and laid heavy stones over
the bones. It will be a long time before we let
travellers join us on the road anymore.
- Journal of Brego Sandeskov, Arboran merchant
Valpurleiche (hanged man) [Deni
Valpurleiche (hanged man) [DeniValpurleiche (hanged man) [Deni
Valpurleiche (hanged man) [Denizens of
zens of zens of
zens of
Dread] Dread]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 9, chaotic evil. A
form of revenant, the vengeful undead corpse of
someone wrongfully hung for crimes they did not
commit. It strangles its victims, can animate rope,
and regenerates – it can only be harmed by
weapons of the same type it was accused of using
in the crime for which it was killed. I’m strongly
considering making this one a template, but that
doesn’t affect the blurb.
The man was running down the street screaming
about something; his garb and colourful language
marked him as a dockworker.
"He's back! He's back! The Shoreline strangler has
returned!" shouted the rather wide-eyed man.
I quickly spepped infront of him.
"You there, describe him; what did he look like?"i
"He was tall, dark of skin. His neck...HIS NECK
WAS BROKEN! It just lolled to the side with the
same noose just dangling off."
"And where did you see him?" i asked.
"By the shipping yard. Jus' squeezing the life out a'
some boy! Thing was, he wasn't using his hands; it
was the ropes. They jus' kept snappin' off of crates
and wrappin round this boys neck. And the
strangler jes kept watching, like the boy deserved
it or something-"
"and your positive the events played out as you
said?" i interupted.
He nodded his head, looked around wildly and
grabbed me by the sholders.
"He's back! He's back to kill again! The Shoreline
Stangler has come back from the dead to kill
again!" shouted the crazed man.
I placed my gloved hand over his mouth to keep
this quiet for now.
"Actually, if what you say is true; and if my
deductions are correct: the man you saw tonight
never killed anyone in life." i stated.
"which does spin a rather grim tale that we now
have two killers walking the streets. One vile and
undead seeking revenge, the other clever and
hiding like a viper."
-The Murder Mysteries featuring Alanik Ray
Vampire, Barovian [Monster Manual
Vampire, Barovian [Monster ManualVampire, Barovian [Monster Manual
Vampire, Barovian [Monster Manual
as as
normal vampire
normal vampirenormal vampire
normal vampire]
] ]
JWM: Template Undead (Vampire), CR +2, any
evil. The standard MM vampire. Drains blood and
life energy. Strahd and his vampire brides are
prime examples.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s vampiric nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
17 This pale figure with blood-stained lips is a
vampire, a sinister undead creature that feeds on
the blood of the living. This result reveals all
undead traits. Vampires speak the languages they
knew in life.
22 Vampires drain blood from victims they get in
their clutches, and they drain life energy with their
physical attacks. Victims they drain rise from the
grave as new vampires several days after burial. A
vampire does not cast a shadow and has no
reflection in mirrors. A vampire is spiritually
bound to the grave in which it was first buried, and
must return to that coffin to replenish its unholy
27 A vampire can climb vertical surfaces as easily
as a spider and can dominate the weak-minded
simply by looking into their eyes. Vampires are
destroyed by exposure to sunlight or immersion in
running water. They quickly recover from most
wounds, but magic silver weapons can pierce their
supernatural defenses. Vampires cannot stand the
presence of garlic, and they cannot approach a
mirror or holy symbol presented with forceful
conviction. To destroy a vampire, one must
hammer a stake through its heart, but this is nearly
impossible in direct combat. Not all victims slain
by a vampire rise as new vampires; most rise as
vampire spawn, a lesser horror that exists solely to
serve its master as a pathetic slave.
32 A vampire cannot enter a private residence
unless it is invited inside, nor can it cross running
water under its own power. A vampire is resistant
to cold and electricity, and can transform into a
cloud of fog at will. If slain, a vampire
automatically assumes gaseous form and must
return to its grave to recover. A vampire can also
assume the form of a bat or a wolf, and can
command like creatures. Staking a vampire does
not permanently destroy it — it merely renders the
vampire helpless. To permanently destroy a
vampire, one must sever its head and fill its mouth
with holy wafers.
37 Many different strains of vampirism exist
this is simply one of the most common.
Destroying a master vampire usually has no direct
effect on its spawn, other than to free them from
their master’s control. In some cases, however,
slaying the master instantly destroys all of its
“I have survived the nights of seventy-two winters,
many of them passed in Barovia, and that is
something. I have scattered the ashes of my wife,
my children and my children’s children. Long ago
and in a far away place a Vistani seer foretold the
manner and the hour of my death. Events, I
believe, have proven and will prove her true. And
so I have invited you here. For a price I will tell
you all that I have learned of Count Strahd von
Zarovich. But know, as you already should, that
you court eternal damnation by not quitting me
and this land at once. So you be brave fools then.
Good. Swear then by the light and upon your
undying souls to carry me a week hence beyond
the choking mists that surround this village and
that have held me for twenty years, take my body
with all haste to Darkon where a priest of the
Eternal Order must grant me final rest, cremate my
remains and scatter the ashes. My story begins
with my birth in this very room. As a young man I
escaped the shadow of Castle Ravenloft to become
a force for good and justice. I have fought at the
side of Ivan Dragonov, George Weathermay,
Gondegal, although he was not yet then the man
he would become, and many others who you
would not know. And having seen and survived
more than any man should, I retired. But I bore
with me a copy, a gift from the good doctor
himself, of Rudolph van Richten’s Guide to
Vampires, a work that you will need. A man of my
reputation in possession of such a tome attracted
the personal attention of the count who entered
this place unbidden. Perhaps the old woman’s
prophecy saved me. Perhaps the devil Strahd could
read in my eyes that I spoke truth, that I had not
returned to hunt him and his ilk. He feasted on my
blood, long minutes of the most delirious fright,
yet paling in comparison to the horror to come.
Laying his hands upon me, he took from me the
competences, the abilities, the dearly bought
experience of a lifetime that made me a dangerous
man to his eye, stopping only a hair’s breath from
consuming my soul. And I was conscious of the
loss, of all that was being ripped from me, in those
terrible seconds which bespoke an eternity of vile
lusts and merciless enslavement.”
-Sasha Valentin conspiring with powerful
See also RLCS and Dragon #336
See also: Vampire:
"Fangs Alot!" TSR staff Dragon#150(28)
"Bloodlines" Michael J. Montesano
Dragon#348(39) D&D3
“Vampires A-Z" William W. Connors
Dragon#An1(67) D&D2
Vampire spawn [Denizens of Dread]
Vampire spawn [Denizens of Dread] Vampire spawn [Denizens of Dread]
Vampire spawn [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Medium Undead (Vampire), CR 4, any evil.
Lesser vampires created by a vampire’s secondary
draining attack (life energy for Barovian
vampires), or because the victim wasn’t powerful
enough to transform into a true vampire. They are
stagnant, disposable creatures that exist solely to
serve their creator. Seven variants are presented,
but a single blurb for the standard MM (Barovian)
vampire spawn will do just fine.
(And again, with some extra Ravenloft material
included. Simply ignore the underlined bits if you
aren't using Ravenloft. The "Barovian vampire"
referenced below is the standard MM vampire.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about vampire spawn. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. The information
below refers to the infamous Barovian vampire;
for other vampiric strains, add 2 to the DC and
change the lore provided to reflect the specific
traits of each strain.
DC Result
14 This pale, hissing creature is a vampire spawn,
the minion of a master vampire. Unlike their
masters, vampire spawn are pathetic, stagnant
creatures that exist only to serve their master’s
will. This result reveals all undead traits.
19 Like their vampire masters, vampire spawn
feed on blood and life energy, Fortunately,
however, the victims they slay do not join the
ranks of the undead.
24 Vampire spawn share all the weaknesses of the
master vampire that created them, and are
destroyed by exposure to sunlight or immersion in
running water. They quickly recover from most
wounds, but silver weapons can pierce their
supernatural defenses.
29 A vampire spawn is resistant to cold and
electricity, and can transform into a cloud of fog at
will. Unlike its master, however, if slain it does
not automatically assume gaseous form and return
to its grave.
34 Destroying a master vampire usually has no
direct effect on its spawn, other than to free them
from their master’s control. In some cases,
however, slaying the master instantly destroys all
of its spawn.
-Over the distant but insistent caterwauling of the
cats, which were attempting to claw their way
through the heavily shuttered windows and well
secured doors of our rented abode, Dr. Stubbins
cried out: “Harm so much as a hair upon my head
and my mistress will be your deaths.”
-Ray drew deeply upon his pipe before replying:
“To silence us, I have no doubt that she shall try to
destroy us. But you do realise that in the event that
you escape us, she will snuff you out, like the
feeble flame that you are, for having betrayed her
-Horror filled the eyes of the halfling as he
whispered without believing the words, “She
wouldn’t. She couldn’t.”
-After a long silence Ray stated: “All that is left to
you is revenge. Tell us all you know of her,
withholding nothing, and we will see that your
mistress shares the fate to which she has so
unkindly damned you.”
-“The Wrethfetin’s Blood” from The Casebook of
Alanik Ray, Dr. Arthur Sedgewick
From Denizens of D :
See each strain for details on spawns
See also Vampire Companion sidebar under
Vampire, Caliban (FoS Zherisia report)
Vampire, Caliban (FoS Zherisia report)Vampire, Caliban (FoS Zherisia report)
Vampire, Caliban (FoS Zherisia report)
Already outcasts on the fringes of society some
calibans openly embrace undeath as a way to gain
revenge on their tormentors. For them, death is a
means to compensate for their misshapen birth.
Caliban vampires appear as exaggerated
mockeries of their normal form with even minor
deformities enlarged and made prominent. Oddly,
all caliban vampires grow an umbilical cord upon
their descent into vampirism.
Vampire, Vampire,
Vampire, Chiang
-shi (oriental vampire)
shi (oriental vampire) shi (oriental vampire)
shi (oriental vampire)
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread][Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s chiang-shi nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 This luminous, white-haired figure is a chiang-
shi, a form of vampire found in Far Eastern lands.
This result reveals all undead traits. Chiang-shi
speak the languages they knew in life.
24 Chiang-shi drain blood from victims they get in
their clutches, and they drain life energy with their
long, razor-sharp claws, Victims they drain rise
from the grave as new chiang-shi several days
after burial. A chiang-shi does not cast a shadow,
has no reflection in mirrors, and never leaves
footprints. A chiang-shi is spiritually bound to the
grave in which it was first buried, and must return
to that coffin to replenish its unholy powers.
29 Although corporeal, a chiang-shi is virtually
weightless; it can levitate and float through the air.
A chiang-shi can paralyze the weak-minded
simply by looking into their eyes. Chiang-shi are
destroyed by exposure to sunlight or immersion in
running water. They quickly recover from most
wounds, but magic weapons crafted from bamboo
can pierce their supernatural defenses. Chiang-shi
cannot stand the odor of burning rosemary and
myrrh incense, and they cannot approach a garland
of rosemary and ivy presented with forceful
conviction. To destroy a chiang-shi, one must
hammer a bamboo shaft through its heart, but this
is nearly impossible in direct combat. Not all
victims slain by a chiang-shi rise as new chiang-
shi; most rise as chiang-shi spawn, a lesser horror
that exists solely to serve its master as a pathetic
34 A chiang-shi cannot cross running water under
its own power. A chiang-shi is resistant to cold
and electricity, and can turn itself invisible at will.
If slain, a chiang-shi automatically becomes an
invisible, incorporeal spirit and must return to its
grave to recover. A chiang-shi can assume the
form of a tiger, and can command cats and
leopards. Staking a chiang-shi does not
permanently destroy it — it merely renders the
chiang-shi helpless. To permanently destroy a
chiang-shi, one must place a blessed rosemary
blossom in the chiang-shi’s mouth and sew the
creature’s lips and eyes shut with a silver needle
and golden thread.
39 Many different strains of vampirism exist
this is simply the most common strain in Far
Eastern lands. Destroying a master chiang-shi
usually has no direct effect on its spawn, other
than to free them from their master’s control. In
some cases, however, slaying the master instantly
destroys all of its spawn.
Well how was I to know?
I mean... that new incense that Father Claude had
bought was a disgrace to Ezra, and he knew that
we don't strew flowers all about the place. We're
not into fripperies like that. As far as I saw it, I
was tidying up the place.
And if he'd only explained that the girl with white
hair had something against him. Strange, foreign
looking piece, was thinking of turning her away
until she looked at me. Oh my, those eyes...
couldn't move for thinking about them for
minutes... no wonder Father Claude got himself
involved with her, I thought...
Of course I tried fighting back, once I snapped out
of it.
Wasn't quite prepared to see my mace melt when it
hit her though.
And the cats... whoever thought Madame
Genevive's old tom could have been so vicious.
I mean... I'm not a mind reader... if you get
yourself involved with orientals what do you
- Transcribed by dictation from Michael Jendalis,
medium. The Spirit in question declined further
Vampire, dwarven (Hulzu
Vampire, dwarven (HulzuVampire, dwarven (Hulzu
Vampire, dwarven (Hulzurdan)
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread] [Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
Errata: Under Slaying a Dwarven Vampire”:
change the sentence “Exposing a Dwarven
vampire disorients it” to “Exposing a dwarven
vampire to sunlight disorients it”
Hulzurdan Lore
Denizens of Dread (as Vampire, Dwarven)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s hulzardan’s nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
(local) check to learn about the base dwarf. When
a character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
19 This dusty dwarf with skin as hard and cold as
marble is a hulzurdan, a sinister undead creature
that feeds on the blood of the living. This result
reveals all undead traits. Hulzarudans are victims
of a strain of vampirism unique to dwarves.
Vampires speak the languages they knew in life.
24 Hulzurdans drain blood from victims they get
in their clutches, and their physical attacks sap the
victim’s strength. Dwarves they drain rise from the
grave as new hulzurdans several days after burial.
A hulzurdan does not cast a shadow and has no
reflection in mirrors. A hulzurdan is spiritually
bound to the grave in which it was first buried, and
must return to that stone tomb to replenish its
unholy powers.
29 A hulzurdan can swim through stone like an
earth elemental and can terrify foes simply by
looking into their eyes. Sunlight turns hulzurdans
to stone, and water drawn from a mineral spring
burns them like holy water. They quickly recover
from most wounds, but magic weapons forged of
adamantine can pierce their supernatural defenses.
Hulzurdans heal even more quickly underground.
Hulzurdans cannot approach a mirror or holy
symbol presented with forceful conviction. To
destroy a hulzurdan, one must drive a natural stone
spike (such as a stalagmite) through its heart, but
this is nearly impossible in direct combat. Not all
dwarves slain by a hulzurdan rise as new
vampires; most rise as hulzurdan spawn, a lesser
horror that exists solely to serve its master as a
pathetic slave. To create a new hulzurdan, the
victim must be interred underground, in contact
with uncut stone (common among dwarf
traditions), and the master hulzurdan must sprinkle
the corpse with powdered metals, so these
creatures are never created accidentally.
34 A hulzurdan cannot enter a building unless it is
at least partially constructed of stone or earth, nor
can it cross an unbroken line of metal shavings
under its own power. A hulzurdan is resistant to
cold, electricity, and magic. If slain, a hulzurdan
automatically enters its stonewalking state and
must stonewalk back to its grave to recover; it
cannot leave the stone until it enters its grave, and
is destroyed if it cannot do so. A hulzurdan can
sense the footsteps of nearby creatures, and can
command burrowing creatures, such as badgers,
wolverines, or thoqquas. Impaling a hulzurdan
does not permanently destroy it it merely
renders the hulzurdan helpless. To permanently
destroy a hulzurdan, one must cut out its heart,
soak it in oil for three days, and then burn it to ash
in a dwarven forge.
39 Many different strains of vampirism exist
this one is simply the most notorious among
dwarves. Destroying a master hulzurdan usually
has no direct effect on its spawn, other than to free
them from their master’s control. In some cases,
however, slaying the master instantly destroys all
of its spawn.
"Blood, blood, granite and blood.
He fills the halls with envy.
And if you see his grave dust trail
give thanks your end comes quickly.
His hammer rots, his axe does break
his castle will come down one day.
His honour fades, his faith forsake
His time is now too plenty.
Do not under estimate one who has been robbed of
what he feels he deserves. Does faith matter? Is
there really pearly white gates awaiting us all? Do
our acts in life have any effect upon the end? Does
the journey matter at all?
It certainly didn't for him. Bet he feels like a nit-
- Improvised Story by Jonathan Midwinter after
reading something on Hulzurdans.
Vampire, Elven
Vampire, ElvenVampire, Elven
Vampire, Elven
) )
) [Denizens
[Denizens [Denizens
of Dread]
of Dread]of Dread]
of Dread]
Errata: When an elven vampire creates a new
vampire or spawn, what is the new vampire or
spawn's CHA score? Like the cerebral vampire,
the change to undeath should "reset" the drained
ability to its original score (i.e., whatever it would
be if not for the vampiric drain)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s albesadow nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base elf. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 This ashen, hideously deformed elf is an
albesadow, a sinister undead creature that feeds on
beauty and the will to live. This result reveals all
undead traits. Albesadows are victims of a strain
of vampirism unique to those with elven blood.
Albesadows speak the languages they knew in life.
22 Albesadows drain the will to live with their
physical attacks, and their touch withers living
plants. Elven victims they drain rise from the
grave as new albesadows several days after burial.
An albesadow has no reflection in mirrors. An
albesadow is spiritually bound to the grave in
which it was first buried, and must return to that
coffin to replenish its unholy powers.
27 An albesadow’s face is so hideous that those
who see it may be frozen in horror. Unlike most
vampires, albesadows are not harmed by exposure
to sunlight. In fact, they require it — if an
albesadow leaves its coffin during the hours of
night it is quickly destroyed, and it quickly wastes
away if it ventures underground. Albesadows
quickly recover from most wounds, but magic
silver weapons can pierce their supernatural
defenses. Albesadows cannot approach a holy
symbol presented with forceful conviction. An
albesadow can be utterly enthralled by the sound
of music. Fresh tree sap burns an albesadow like
holy water. To destroy an albesadow, one must
hammer a charcoal stake through its heart, but this
is nearly impossible in direct combat. Not all
victims slain by a albesadow rise as new
albesadows; most rise as albesadow spawn, a
lesser horror that exists solely to serve its master
as a pathetic slave. Only elves who commit suicide
as a result of an albesadow robbing them of the
will to live are doomed to rise as true albesadows.
32 An albesadow cannot cross an unbroken line of
fresh flower petals under its own power. An
albesadow is resistant to cold and electricity. An
albesadow can tree stride at will between living
trees, but this kills its means of transport. If slain,
an albesadow attempts to tree stride back to its
grave to recover, and is permanently destroyed if it
cannot do so. An albesadow can also assume the
form of a great eagle. An alebsadow can command
the lesser creatures of elven woods, and it can use
spell-like abilities like entangle, warp wood, and
wall of thorns to command the forest itself.
Staking an albesadow does not permanently
destroy it — it merely renders the albesadow
helpless. To permanently destroy an albesadow,
one must sever its head, then burn the head for a
full day on a pyre fueled with flowering plants.
37 Many different strains of vampirism exist —
this is simply one of the most notorious among
elves. Destroying a master albesadow usually has
no direct effect on its spawn, other than to free
them from their master’s control. In some cases,
however, slaying the master instantly destroys all
of its spawn.
Alas! Child of light,
No more shalt thou see the stars
Wheeling in Heaven.
Crooked hands; the rose
Withers at thy touch, the tree
Turns her face, shudders.
From Narthang eolinde, trans. Malcolm Hopper
Vampire, Vampire,
Vampire, Gnomish (Nonaris)
Gnomish (Nonaris) Gnomish (Nonaris)
Gnomish (Nonaris) [Denizens
[Denizens [Denizens
of Dread]
of Dread]of Dread]
of Dread]
JWM: Template Undead (Augmented Humanoid,
Vampire). The sample nonaris is a gnome Ill5, CR
7. A gnomish vampire strain that drains blood and
Dexterity. Its flesh is withered and taut, robbing
them of the ability of speech. They can induce
insane laughter with their rictus grin and can
assume a spectral form. They are immune to
illusions and metal weapons pass right through
them. [Denizens of Dread]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s nonaris nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
(local) check to learn about the base gnome. When
a character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
18 This stiff, wizened gnome is a nonaris, a
sinister undead creature that feeds on the blood of
the living. Nonarises are victims of a strain of
vampirism unique to gnomes. This result reveals
all undead traits. Nonarises understand the
languages they knew in life, but cannot speak.
23 Nonarises drain blood from victims they get in
their clutches, and their physical attacks stiffen
muscles and joints. A nonaris does not cast a
shadow and has no reflection in mirrors. A nonaris
is spiritually bound to the sarcophagus in which it
was first buried, and must return to that grave to
replenish its unholy powers. Because a nonaris has
lost the ability to speak, it must use techniques
such as Silent Spell to utilize its magical gifts.
28 A nonaris can climb vertical surfaces as easily
as a spider and can dominate the animals’ minds
simply by looking into their eyes. Nonarises are
destroyed by exposure to sunlight. They quickly
recover from most wounds, but magic silver
weapons can pierce their supernatural defenses.
Weapons forged of other metals — even magic
weapons — simply pass through their bodies, as if
they weren’t there. Nonarises cannot approach a
silver-backed mirror or holy symbol presented
with forceful conviction. A nonaris can also be
enthralled by a strongly presented jewel. To
destroy a nonaris, one must hammer a silver stake
through its heart, but this is nearly impossible in
direct combat. To create a new nonaris, a nonaris
must place one of its drained gnome victims in its
own sarcophagus and lie atop the corpse for
several days, so these creatures are never created
33 A nonaris cannot enter a private residence
unless it first knocks at a door or window and is
answered by an occupant. A nonaris is resistant to
cold, fire, and electricity, and sees through all
illusions. At will, a nonaris can transform into a
ball of light, similar to a will-o’wisp. If slain, a
nonaris automatically assumes wisp form and must
return to its grave to recover. A nonaris can also
use disguise self as a spell-like ability at will.
Once a minute, it can pull its features into a rectal
grin, forcing witnesses into fits of unnatural
laughter. Staking a nonaris does not permanently
destroy it — it merely renders the nonaris helpless.
To permanently destroy a nonaris, one must sever
its hands and boil them in a volcanic spring for a
full day. The body must then be placed in a
masterwork coffin (perhaps its own), and its eyes
must be cut out and replaced with valuable gems.
Only when the coffin is nailed shut and buried is
the nonaris finally destroyed.
38 Many different strains of vampirism exist —
this is simply the most notorious among gnomes.
There is no want of things to fear in the prisons of
Falkovnia. Yet this was a terror unto itself. It
hunted both inmate and guard. The grim stones
and iron bars held fast not it in the least but rather
its ill-fated prey. It would take a lone individual by
surprise and leave as its sign a bloodless corpse. It
would enthral groups with an inspired pantomime,
bringing a brief respite of joy to the bleakest of
lives. But the laughter it birthed would spiral
beyond measure. The revellers would die of their
very merriment as it rubbed its hands, a leering
grin painted upon its face. Its stature and
appearance was not constant, but more often than
not that of a slight human boy dressed as though
taking the stage in some garish comedy. Beneath
this mask was a small withered form, that of a
female gnome, hideous to the eye and restless in
her grave.
-Working note, Van Ritchen’s Guide to Vampires
Vampire, Vampire,
Vampire, Goblin (Goat sucker)
Goblin (Goat sucker) Goblin (Goat sucker)
Goblin (Goat sucker) [
This is a new racial vampire subtype, with no real
connection to the unique goblin vampire that
appeared in Servants of Darkness. In short, it's a
pathetic, wretched creature, as befits a goblin,
somewhat akin to vrykolakas (but without the
emphasis on plague). I'm still pencilling in the
details, so just be creative. The name is basically
Tepestani folklore/slang and isn't necessarily to be
taken literally.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about goatsuckers. Characters need to
make a separate Knowledge check to learn about
the base creature. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 This particularly grotesque goblinoid with
lamprey-like fangs and nearly transparent skin is a
goblin vampire, a wretched undead creature that
feeds on the blood of the living. They are better
known among common folk as goatsuckers, since
they are known to attack stay livestock. This result
reveals all undead traits. Goatsuckers are victims
of a strain of vampirism unique to goblinoids.
Goatsuckers speak the languages they knew in life.
22 Goatsuckers drain blood from victims they get
in their clutches,. They are so ravenous they can
gulp down blood even with a moment’s bite.
Goblinoid victims they drain rise from the grave as
new goatsuckers several days after burial. A
goatsucker does not cast a shadow and has no
reflection in mirrors. A goatsucker is spiritually
bound to the grave in which it was first placed,
and must return to that dank pit to replenish its
unholy powers.
27 A goatsucker can climb vertical surfaces as
easily as a spider. Animals balk at the presence of
goatsuckers and flee if they come within ten paces
of one. Goatsuckers are destroyed by exposure to
sunlight or immersion in running water. They
quickly recover from most wounds, but magic
weapons forged of cold iron can pierce their
supernatural defenses. Goatsuckers cannot stand
the presence of garlic, and they cannot approach a
holy symbol presented with forceful conviction.
To destroy a goatsucker, one must hammer six
iron nails into its heart, but this is nearly
impossible in direct combat. Few goblinoids slain
by a goatsucker rise as new goatsuckers; most lack
the power to survive the transition into undeath.
32 A goatsucker cannot enter any building with
doors marked with the Goblin rune for the sun, nor
can it cross running water under its own power. A
goatsucker is resistant to cold and electricity, and
can transform into a swarm of flies at will. If slain,
a goatsucker automatically assumes swarm form
and must return to its grave to recover. A
goatsucker can also assume the form of a goblin
bat or a goblin wolf, and can command like
swarms of common bats, rats, or spiders. Nailing a
goatsucker does not permanently destroy it — it
merely renders the vampire helpless. To
permanently destroy a goatsucker, one must cut
out its nail-riddled heart and burn it to ash.
37 Many different strains of vampirism exist —
this is simply one of the most notorious among
goblinoids. Unlike almost all vampires,
goatsuckers are so debased that they can subsist on
animal blood. They hunt goblins and more
civilized humanoids only when the opportunity
presents itself.
A more wretched creature can hardly be imagined;
to all the crookedness of the goblin it once had
been it added the deformities of undeath, its needle
teeth thrusting through the skin of its cheeks, its
fingers distorted into claws, its body warped out of
true like wood left to dry uncured.
I pitied it, and pity was almost the end of me.
Without warning it leapt at us with frightening
speed, slashing with its clawed hands and ripping
with its inch-long teeth.
Sixty Nights in Tepest, Bertram Mac Laren
Vampire, Vampire,
Vampire, Halfling (
Halfling (Halfling (
Halfling (Wrethfetin
) )
) [Denizens
[Denizens [Denizens
of Dread]
of Dread]of Dread]
of Dread]
JWM : Template Undead (Augmented Humanoid,
Vampire), CR +2, chaotic evil. A strain of
vampirism that only affects halflings. Lore is
available in the Monster Lore thread.
gonzoron wrote: Are "bitterkinder" simply
Sithican wrethfetin? or is there a difference? (i.e.
the difference between kender and halfling)
JWM : Basically, yes, perhaps with enough minor
tweaks to make it a variant.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s wrethfetin nature.
Characters need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
17 This ashen halfling with blood-stained lips is a
wrethfetin, a sinister undead creature that feeds on
the blood of the living. Wrethfetins are victims of
a strain of vampirism unique to halflings. This
result reveals all undead traits. Wrethfetins speak
the languages they knew in life.
22 Wrethfetins drain blood from victims they get
in their clutches, and their physical attacks sap the
physical vitality of the living, Victims whose
blood they drain rise from the grave as new
wrethfetins several days after burial. Wrethfetin
habitually collect small “trophies” from the
corpses of their victims. As a former victim
themselves, wrethfetins are often missing a small
body part, such as an ear or a finger. A wrethfetin
is spiritually bound to the grave in which it was
first buried, and must return to that coffin to
replenish its unholy powers. A wrethfetin can
purify or despoil food and drink by touch.
27 A wrethfetin can effortlessly move in total
silence and its mere presence fatigues nearby
living creatures. It can create food and drink three
times a day as a spell-like quality. Wrethfetins are
destroyed by exposure to sunlight or immersion in
running water, and rainfall burns them like acid.
They quickly recover from most wounds, but
magic silver weapons can pierce their supernatural
defenses. Wrethfetins cannot stand the presence of
tobacco smoke, and they cannot approach a holy
symbol presented with forceful conviction. To
destroy a wrethfetin, one must hammer a stake
through its heart, but this is nearly impossible in
direct combat. In addition, the stake must have just
been drawn from a hearth fire, so that its tip is still
burning. Not all halflings slain by a wrethfetin rise
as new vampires; most rise as wrethfetin spawn, a
lesser horror that exists solely to serve its masters
as a pathetic slave.
32 A wrethfetin cannot enter any room that has a
fire burning in its hearth, nor can it cross running
water under its own power or pass through any
door or window adorned with a lucky horseshoe.
A wrethfetin is resistant to cold and electricity,
and can transform into a cloud of aromatic tobacco
smoke at will. If slain, a wrethfetin automatically
assumes gaseous form and must return to its grave
to recover. A wrethfetin can also assume the form
of a boar, dog, or owl, and can command packs of
dogs. Staking a wrethfetin does not permanently
destroy it — it merely renders the wrethfetin
helpless. To permanently destroy a wrethfetin, one
must sever its head and hands, then burn them in a
hearth fire for at least three hours. Unlike other
vampires, a wrethfetin can never move the earth
from its grave, forever binding it to a single burial
37 Many different strains of vampirism exist —
this is simply the most notorious among halflings.
Destroying a master wrethfetin usually has no
direct effect on its spawn, other than to free them
from their master’s control. In some cases,
however, slaying the master instantly destroys all
of its spawn.
It is a prejudice of you the living that the Requiem
was a disaster for the living alone. When in truth
the suffering of many of the undead was far worse.
Once the funeral homes and the surrounding
villages had been emptied and after every zombie
unworthy of its flesh had been run down and torn
apart, the ghoul packs could do nothing but devour
themselves. And the situation was bleaker still for
the bloodsuckers. The surrounding countryside
was soon bled dry. Further afield, a spirited
resistance, secretly led by your beloved Kargat,
resulted in frightful rates of attrition. Half-starved,
the vampire set to eliminating one another. The
survivors, many of who had lived in Il Aluk for a
century or more, in the end embraced emigration.
But this was not an option for the Wrethfetin, who
would rise each night and, driven mad by their
unsatiated hunger, would attack anything that
moved, until they were themselves sent back to
their graves, from which they would invariably
return, save for when it rained. Mercifully, Death
had the damned halflings staked where they lay.
-Vice-Chancellor August Montalva of the
University of Il Aluk, in correspondence with
Doctor Abelhous Nicholis, Professor of Biology at
the University of Il Aluk in Exile at Karg
Ray whispered with unmoving lips: “We are
surrounded by a dozen halflings who do not
smoke. Do you realise how unlikely that is? Ask
for some tobacco when the serving wench
returns.” This I did and was told that smoking was
unhealthy and thus was forbidden on the premises.
Ray smiled and said to the young halfling: “Sadly,
my friend here is incorrigible, it would be good if
whoever has talked sense into your heads might
have a word with him too.” She offered
enthusiastically, “That would be Dr. Stubbins.”
Ray inquired: “A no nonsense military man who
cut his teeth tending to the victims of Drakov’s
two, or was it three, invasions? Perhaps you are
better at history than I am.” She said: “No, a
young halfling from out east. Comes in most
evenings, though probably not tonight unless the
weather clears. And it was four invasions, I
witnessed each of the horrors with these very
eyes.” The moment she left us Ray whispered just
above the threshold of my hearing: “She is not the
only person who looks two decades younger than
nature should allow. The same is true of the
scarred veterans. The same is true, I would
venture, of every halfling in the place.”
-“The Wrethfetin’s Blood” from The Casebook of
Alanik Ray, Dr. Arthur Sedgewick
Vampire, Vampire,
Vampire, Nosferatu
Nosferatu Nosferatu
Nosferatu [Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread][Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
Including Cerebral vampire
Vampire, Vampire,
Vampire, Nosferatu
Nosferatu Nosferatu
cerebral vampire
cerebral vampire cerebral vampire
cerebral vampire
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread][Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
Vampire, Vampire,
Vampire, vrykolaka
vrykolaka vrykolaka
vrykolaka (plague vampire)
(plague vampire) (plague vampire)
(plague vampire)
[Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread][Denizens of Dread]
[Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Template Undead (Vampire), CR +2,
chaotic evil. Debased, plague-ridden vampires that
resemble ghouls with long, barbed tongues (rather
than fangs). Price Mircea of Sanguinia and his
spawn are the most noteworthy vrykolakas.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) or
Heal can learn more about a creature’s vrykolaka
nature. Characters need to make a separate
Knowledge check to learn about the base creature.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 You can identify the diseases the vrykolaka
carries by its external symptoms.
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
19 This ghoulish creature with the long, barbed
tongue is a vrykolaka, a repulsive undead creature
that feeds on the blood of the living. This result
reveals all undead traits. These creatures are also
known as plague vampire. Vrykolaka remember
the languages they knew in life, but are rarely
capable of speech.
24 Vrykolakas drain blood from victims they get
in their clutches, and their attacks also spread the
diseases coursing through their systems. Victims
they drain rise from the grave as new vrykolakas
several days after burial. A vrykolaka does not
cast a shadow and has no reflection in mirrors. A
vrykolaka is spiritually bound to the grave (or
plague pit) in which it was first buried, and must
return to that grave to replenish its unholy powers.
The transformation into undeath ravages a
vrykolaka’s mind, so it usually acts like a
scavenger or feral beast, rather than the careful
scheming of greater vampires.
29 A vrykolaka can climb vertical surfaces as
easily as a spider and can plunge weak-minded
victims into feverish sleep simply by looking into
their eyes. Vrykolakas are destroyed by exposure
to sunlight or immersion in running water. They
quickly recover from most wounds, but magic
weapons forged of cold iron can pierce their
supernatural defenses. Vrykolakas cannot stand
the presence of garlic, and they cannot approach a
mirror or holy symbol presented with forceful
conviction. To destroy a vampire, one must
hammer an iron spike through its skull, but this is
nearly impossible in direct combat. Not all victims
slain by a vrykolaka rise as new vrykolaka; most
rise as vrykolaka spawn, a lesser horror that exists
solely to serve its master as a pathetic slave.
34 A vrykolaka cannot enter any room that is
scrupulously kept clean, nor can it cross running
water under its own power. A vrykolaka is
resistant to cold and electricity. A vrykolaka can
assume the form of a dire rat, a swarm of rats, or a
swarm of flies, and it can command swarms of
vermin to do its bidding. If slain, a vrykolaka
automatically assumes swarm form and must
return to its grave to recover. Impaling a vrykolaka
does not permanently destroy it it merely
renders the vrykolaka helpless. To permanently
destroy a vrykolaka, its body must be burned to
ash. Alternatively, remove disease disrupts the
unclean energies animating a vrykolaka, and
repeated castings can eventually destroy it. A
vrykolaka sleeping or impaled in its coffin is
particularly vulnerable to this tactic. When a
vrykolaka is destroyed, it dissolves into nauseating
39 Many different strains of vampirism exist —
this is simply one of the most vile. Destroying a
master vrykolaka usually has no direct effect on its
spawn, other than to free them from their master’s
control. In some cases, however, slaying the
master instantly destroys all of its spawn.
Prince Mircea has invited me to the Castle. I am in
high hopes that he has chosen me for his bride. His
looks are legendary. His features exquisite. I will
make him a good wife.
My parents are feared for me, however. They
suspect that the tales of the misshapen beast at the
Castle are true, that the creature with the lance-
tongue haunts the battlements. The Prince assures
me in his letters that such monstrosities do not
exist and that he only seeks to meet with me.
Vrykolakas do not exist, he writes, and that is
enough for me.
Oh, sweet prince, only three more days until we
meet, I can bare not the wait!
-From the diary of Mildred, daughter of Baron
Vampyre [Den of Dr]
Vampyre [Den of Dr]Vampyre [Den of Dr]
Vampyre [Den of Dr]
Errata: Vampyre Level Adjustment is too high. LA
is added to the Hit Dice to show its equivalent
level in the base race and classes. A vampyre, a
CR 4 monster, is not equivalent to a level 16
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about vampyres. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This sensual person is a vampyre, a living
creature with traits similar to those of an undead
vampire. This result reveals all monstrous
humanoid traits.
20 Vampyres are physically powerful, possess
animalistic charm, and drink the blood of their
25 Vampyre saliva contains a strange toxin that
breaks down a victim’s will. Victims of a
vampyre’s blood drain become particularly
susceptible to the vampyre’s suggestions.
30 Vampyres are urban predators that operate in
packs. They exist alongside humanity, but see the
humans in their midst as little more than cattle.
“At first, I took them for beautiful and depraved
humans, their depravity made all the more
loathsome by their beauty. Several long seconds
passed before I noticed the salient details the
clawlike nails, the feline cast to their features, and
the fiery gleam in their eyes. As I staggered back
against the door, they stalked towards me, like
wolves closing on a cornered hare.
“Alanik, of course, was already on the move…”
—Arthur Sedgewick, “The Nest of the
Vampyres,” The Casebook of Alanik Ray
] ]
See also: Vartha "Beyond the Grave" Tom
Moldvay Dragon#198(29) D&D2
Vassalich [Ravenloft Gazetteer II]
Vassalich [Ravenloft Gazetteer II] Vassalich [Ravenloft Gazetteer II]
Vassalich [Ravenloft Gazetteer II]
JWM: Template Undead, CR +1, any evil. Lesser
liches created to serve a master lich. These
spellcasters lack the power to become true liches,
so they trade eternal servitude for eternal life.
Basically a scaled-down lich in most respects.
They can advance in level only by having their
lich master donate XP, but they can theoretically
upgrade to full lichdom if they reach 11th level,
gain possession of their vassalich phylactery, and
create their own lich phylactery.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (religion) can learn more about a
creature’s vassalich nature. Characters need to
make a separate Knowledge check to learn about
the base creature. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DCs. The DCs are unusually high due to the rarity
of these creatures.
Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
25 This nearly skeletal mage could be easily
mistaken for a lich, a spellcaster who used foul
magic to defy death. However, its relative lack of
magical prowess indicates that it is merely a
vassalich — a lesser undead spellcaster willingly
enslaved to a lich master. This result reveals all
undead traits.
30 A vassalich sacrifices much of its spellcasting
mastery to obtain eternal life, and can restore its
power only through the patronage of its lich
master. A vassalich’s body is tough enough to
deflect minor blows, but magic bludgeoning
weapons can pierce its supernatural defenses. A
vassalich’s touch flows with negative energy,
slowing living creatures with its unnatural chill.
35 A vassalich is surrounded by a necromantic
aura that slightly dims nearby light sources. Living
creatures exposed to this aura may be frightened
by its unnatural energies. A vassalich is resistant
to turning, and is immune to cold, electricity, and
mind-influencing effects. A vassalich cannot be
polymorphed unless it wants to be.
40 A vassalich stores its life force in a magic
container called a phylactery. This item is usually
a small, but extremely valuable gem. If a vassalich
is destroyed, its life force is drawn back into its
phylactery. After recuperating for a week or two,
the spirit re-emerges to occupy a nearby corpse,
restoring the vassalich at full strength. You cannot
permanently destroy a vassalich without also
destroying its phylactery. A vassalich’s phylactery
is usually kept in the bony clutches of the
creature’s master..
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
30 This result reveals the process for creating a
35 This result reveals the process by which a
vassalich can become a true lich.
From the burned down remains of Demnadon's
"4th April:
The cough is getting worse. I cannot sleep well at
night. The priests of the eternal order will not help
an aging sick man! As if I'm the common peasant
they're use to babysittinh! They fail to see my
importance. I will get over that ailment without
their help. I have already started getting treatment
and medicines until I manage to use my arcane
powers to deal with that sickness.
23th April:
I'm usually with fever. I need minor spells to keep
my head clear and work on my projects and spells.
I shouldn't have tried to use my enchantment spells
on the cleric to convince him. How could the
simpleton so easily shake it off? He told me
straight that he suspects me for using spells on him
and that if I show my face again there I'll regret it.
Morons! I'm one of the protectors of this realm.
I'm a brilliant mind.
The basics of the magic formula I'll use to cleanse
myself are starting to crystalize in my mind.
16th May:
Doctor Wandon doesn't seem very optimistic
about me. The painkiller herbs are not as effective
as when I started my treatment. He hinted that I
should start make preparations on how I will split
my fortune. As if I'll let the vultures that surround
me lay hands on my hard earned treasure and
occult tomes.
I manage to keep my mind mostly clear with spells
and some treatment from a minor priest that I
managed to bribe. I'm tired, but I should go on.
On another note... it seems that in order to live on,
I should actually steal the years that life owes me.
Someone must pay the price. Can I sacrifice
someone so young as that child? Perhaps there is
another way.
2nd June:
I cough up blood, I'm getting physically weaker. I
have to stay at bed at least half the day. If I didn't
have my magic I would be unable to get up at all. I
have to continue, I have to go on.
I wish I had the time to do it another way. I have
to go on. It was harder than I thought to slice the
throat of that child but I needed her blood. She
would probably become nothing more than her
parents; a muddy, ugly peasant with a horde of
9th June:
Am I getting insane? Has the fever finally started
addling my mind? I can hear whispers calling me.
I can feel as if my mind is "touched" sometimes.
The voice calls my name at night when I cough in
pain, promises to take away the pain, rains doupts
on my plans telling me that my ritual won't work,
that I have sacrificed a kid for nothing.
18th June:
I passed out yesterday. The Doctor tells me that I
have a couple of months, maybe three. He warns
me that I'll get even more weak. Fool! I won't lay
down and die. I'm almost done. I'll be healed using
the stolen blood from that girl, Gods bless her. I'll
live on and put to shame the doctors and the
priests. I have to go on, I have so many things to
The voice is getting more persistent. I won't lose
my mind! Never that! He (it seems to be a male
voice) keeps on hinting he has the way.
21st June:
How was that possible? I failed! I failed! I have
murdered a girl and I'll die in my bed in a couple
of months! It cannot be! Not me, Gods not me! I
have to go on!
That damned voice has gone silent. Come to me
you thrice damned fiend! Speak to me!"
25th June:
The price to pay is steep. But I will live forever.
I'll be a servant but to a master of magic so great
that it clouds my feverish mind. He has been
preparing for me, he knew that I will fail. He
hinted that I'll lose some power for a time, but he
promised it will be restored in time. What else can
I do?"
Vasuthant [Monster Manual III]
Vasuthant [Monster Manual III] Vasuthant [Monster Manual III]
Vasuthant [Monster Manual III]
JWM: Small Undead, CR 2, chaotic evil (and
Horrific Vasuthant: Huge Undead, CR 17, chaotic
evil). A roiling ball of shadowy nothingness. It
grows in size and power as it feeds on life. It can
pull creatures into its mass, then drain their
Strength while it crushes them. Absorbs light, and
completely unharmed by light and sunlight
(including spells from the Sun cleric domain). Has
a limited degree of control over reality, allowing it
to reroll a die roll or force a foe to do the same.
Horrific vasuthants have a variety of spell-like
abilities and stronger influence over time and
reality: three times a day, it can take a “do over”
on its last turn.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about vasuthants. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
12 This roiling ball of shadow is a vausthant, an
undead blot of nothingness that exists solely to
consume light and life. This result reveals all
undead traits.
17 Vasuthants snatch up victims with their inky
tendrils, pulling the hapless creature into the core
of their being. While trapped, the victim faces both
crushing pressure and strength-sapping negative
22 Vasuthants feed on light. They are completely
unharmed by any form of light, including magical
light, sunlight, and divine spells dedicated to the
27 Vasuthants have a limited ability to warp the
forces of time and reality, slightly bending the
rules of chance in their favor. These entities
continually grow larger and more powerful as they
feed on existence. Vausthants that are at least 15
feet across are known as horrific vasuthants. These
powerful horrors develop abilities even more
dangerous than those of their lesser kin.
32 Horrific vasathants absorb light so ravenously
that they throw the area surrounding them into
shadow, and any light sources are suppressed.
37 Horrific vasathants are reputed to be capable of
redirecting the flow of time several times a day,
allowing the creature to relive and retry the
last few seconds of its existence.
42 Horrific vasuthants can also call upon levitate,
reverse gravity, slow, telekinesis, temporal stasis,
time stop, waves of exhaustion, and waves of
fatigue as spell-like abilities.
The old priest shivered before he began, recalling
memories his ancient mind had struggled to
suppress. His vestments were tattered and
unkempt, his holy symbol lie caked in dust on the
"The seal has been broken only once. Once since
the beginning of this world. Its cage was forged of
the souls of angels, eight slain to save us from
ourselves. The lock spun from an innocent's heart.
We faltered once, for the blink on an eye, and the
cage was split."
At this point the man seemed to shrivel, to shrink
and his eyes to darken as he thought of the
creature they set free.
"At first it was so dark, we thought it was magical
but our prayers did nothing remove it. It wasn't
until Eziah screamed that we fully realized what
we'd done. The darkness was blacker than the
thickest pitch and yet we could still make out
something darker moving within it. I am filled
with shame to this day, but I scrambled on base
instinct to the kitchen. I hid in a cabinet until I
could no longer hear the cries of my brothers, may
their souls find peace."
He turned to face us and his cheeks were streaked
with tears, his sunken eyes full of disgrace and
"As I fled the temple, I witnessed the remains of
my brethren. Their bodies withered and their faces
frozen in terror, as if their very souls had been torn
from them while they still lived. Our god did
nothing to save us, perhaps because it was I who
set it free. I set it free..."
The old man fell to the floor and began beating his
fist against the stone, cursing himself for releasing
that horror upon his fellow men.
Veela [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Veela [Gaz. 1, Barovia] Veela [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Veela [Gaz. 1, Barovia]
Suggested by Chris Nichols
[Dark Tales & Dist. Legends
Dark Tales & Dist. LegendsDark Tales & Dist. Legends
Dark Tales & Dist. Legends]
The dark-haired beauty continued to sing, her
angelic voice horrifically at odds with the orgy of
violence unfolding in the grand hall as men who
hours earlier had been comrades-in-arms hacked
each other to pieces. A warrior charged at her,
blood-encrusted axe upraised, only to fall dead at
her feet as his eyes met her calm, dark-eyed gaze.
She never stopped singing.
—Traditional, Ye Lamentable Tradgedie of
Ashingtonne Manor
(see also Maekon in DT&DL)
Vilewight [Book of Vile Darkness]
Vilewight [Book of Vile Darkness] Vilewight [Book of Vile Darkness]
Vilewight [Book of Vile Darkness]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 8, neutral evil. A
particularly nasty wight, created from those who
delved too long in the black arts. Its intestines
rupture from its gut and act as flailing tendrils.
Drains energy and creates spawn like a regular
wight, plus it can fire off beams of negative
energy. Bites from its intestine maws spread a
supernatural disease that prevents carriers from
being able to see living creatures.
Vine horror [Fiend Folio]
Vine horror [Fiend Folio] Vine horror [Fiend Folio]
Vine horror [Fiend Folio]
JWM: Medium Plant (Aquatic), CR 4, neutral evil.
Human-shaped algae colonies, often mistaken for
rough-featured, green humanoids. The algae’s hive
mind makes these creatures nearly as intelligent as
humans. They can animate vines and squeeze
through tight crevices. Malicious, territorial
hunters. In Ravenloft, they’re generally found in
the Boglands of Darkon, created by the same
forces that create shambling mounds (see S is for
Sinister) and other mandragorian plants.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about vine horrors. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This coarsely-featured green humanoid is
actually a walking colony of algae called a vine
horror. This result reveals all plant traits.
19 Vine horrors are malicious and highly
territorial. A vine horror can squeeze its semisolid
body through gaps so narrow no humanoid its size
could ever fit through. Minor stabs and cuts
simply sink into a vine horror’s mushy body, but
bludgeoning weapons can splatter it apart. Vine
horrors speak Sylvan.
24 A vine horror can animate nearby normal vines,
which then lash out at the vine horror’s foes like
assassin vines. Vine horrors often lie in shallow,
murky water, staying out of sight while using
these vines to attack intruders.
Virus, Phagian
Virus, PhagianVirus, Phagian
Virus, Phagian
[Ravenloft Monstrous
[Ravenloft Monstrous [Ravenloft Monstrous
[Ravenloft Monstrous
Compendium III]
Compendium III] Compendium III]
Compendium III]
JWM: CR 5. Supernatural diseases created by the
late Invidian wizard Phagius the Unclean
sometime in the mid- to late-600s (during the reign
of Bakholis). Phagian viruses are quasi-living
diseases that manifest supernatural (and lethal)
symptoms, and possess a dim sort of will to exist
and spread, which makes them more difficult to
cure. In terms of game mechanics, Phagian viruses
are hazards like slimes and molds, not actual
creatures. Symptoms manifest in three stages.
Generally, the first is cosmetic and brief, the
second damaging, and the third fatal.
JW Mangrum, FoS board dec 07:
The Land of Mists is home to many terrible
diseases. Some of these, such as the infamous
crimson death of Darkon or white fever of
Valachan, have claimed countless lives over time.
But of all the lethal plagues in Ravenloft, only the
hideous, quasi-living viruses of Phagius the
Unclean are spoken of in the hushed tones of those
afraid that their subject will overhear—and
Phagius the Unclean was a wizard who lived in
Invidia under the rule of Bakholis. Early in the
seventh century, his wife bore him six children
before finally dying in childbirth. Choosing to
focus on his arcane research, Phagius paid little
attention to his brood, but he did demand from
them total obedience, bordering on worship. Over
the years, Phagius grew elderly and embittered,
turning more petty and tyrannical all the while.
Treating his children like slaves, he refused to
allow them to marry or apprentice themselves to
any mages other than himself. Finally, his
desperate offspring concocted a lethal poison and
slipped it into his evening meal, hoping to finally
be free of their sire. They succeeded in taking their
father’s life, but not before he had his revenge.
Phagius had spent years secretly developing a
number of deadly potions, each one a highly
infectious, supernatural disease. With these
plagues—and the cures he had simultaneously
developed—Phagius hoped to seize control of
Invidia, giving its populace the choice of obeying
him or dying in agony. But now, with the poison
coursing through his veins, Phagius knew he had
but moments to live. Cursing his children, he
drank each of the infectious potions, then hurled
their respective cures into the hearth fire along
with all of his research.
As the aged wizard collapsed onto his bed, his
body transformed. The supernatural diseases
mixed inside him, further mingling with the
malign power of his dying words.
After the sounds of Phagius’s final tantrum died
out, his children crept up to his room to witness
the result of their betrayal. When one reached out
and tentatively touched the body to ensure Phagius
was dead, the corpse instantly collapsed into dust,
filling the air with an infectious taint.
Horrified and choking, Phagius’s six children fled
from his house, now bearing his dying gift to the
world: Phagian viruses. Each child became the
carrier of a quasi-living disease, involuntarily
spreading the evil legacy of Phagius the Unclean
for the rest of their days.
Phagian viruses are magical, mindless,
microscopic, quasi-living aberrations, too small to
be seen or battled directly. At their core, Phagian
viruses are just supernatural diseases and are
largely treated as such. However, unlike even the
most virulent supernatural disease, a Phagian virus
possesses an independent will to survive and
spread, and it uses that will to resist attempts at a
cure. Like traps, slimes, and molds, Phagian
viruses have Challenge Ratings, and characters
should earn XP for encountering them.
The Phagian viruses presented here use the
following format:
Infection (Ex): The disease’s method of delivery.
Phagian viruses are all spread by contact, though
the means of contact varies from one virus to the
next. Unless noted otherwise, contact diseases can
also be inhaled or ingested.
A Phagian virus exists in one of two states:
dormant or active. Viruses are infectious only in
their dormant state. Once a virus infects a living
creature, it switches to its active state and
manifests symptoms. An active Phagian virus
cannot survive outside of a viable host, so
ironically, a living victim currently infected with a
Phagian virus cannot infect others. Each virus
description below details how the disease can be
encountered in its dormant, infectious state.
Any creature immune to supernatural diseases
cannot be infected by Phagian viruses or become a
Like other diseases, each virus allows Fortitude
saving throws to prevent infection when exposed,
to prevent each instance of repeated damage once
infected, and to recover from the disease. The
saving throw DC is based on the Constitution of
the creature spreading the virus (in other words,
the previous victim or carrier) at the time of
infection. Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2 carrier’s HD +
carrier’s Con modifier.
Incubation Period: The time before damage
Damage (Su): The effects the virus imposes on its
host after incubation and each day afterward.
Phagian viruses have more complex symptoms
than most diseases, with their effects organized
into three phases.
Phase One: Phase one begins when the incubation
period ends and the victim fails her first saving
throw against the disease. The virus sets in by
imposing troubling but largely cosmetic
Phase Two: Phase two begins when the victim
fails her second saving throw against the disease.
The symptoms grow more severe, often imposing
penalties or dealing ability score damage.
Phase Three: The effects typically turn fatal.
The effects of each phase of each virus are
detailed below. Typically, a virus develops from
one phase to the next after the victim fails a certain
number of daily Fortitude saves; see the individual
entries for details.
Recovery: If a victim is cured before the virus kills
her, she recovers at the rate detailed here. In
general, a cured victim slowly recovers by
reversing the effects of one failed save against the
virus each day until she returns to normal.
CR: 5. As with other hazards, characters earn
experience for overcoming a Phagian virus (either
by curing it or merely surviving infection).
The first time a living creature is exposed to a
given Phagian virus, if it succeeds on its initial
Fortitude save to resist infection, it must
immediately make a second Fortitude save at the
same DC. A subject that fails this second saving
throw becomes a carrier. Conversely, if this
second saving throw succeeds, the subject does not
and can never become a carrier of that kind of
A carrier is infected with the virus, but the virus
remains in its dormant state. This means that the
carrier suffers none of the virus’s symptoms, but
the virus remains virulent and can spread to others.
Once a creature becomes a carrier, it cannot be
infected again by that type of virus (effectively
becoming immune to it) until the disease has been
completely eliminated from its body (see
Treatment, below).
Creatures immune to disease (such as constructs
and undead) cannot become carriers, though in
some cases they can physically carry dormant
viruses and spread them with their touch. See
below for details.
Diagnosis of a Phagian virus is usually quite
difficult. Regardless of their form or current state,
Phagian viruses emit a weak necromantic aura.
Detect magic and similar spells can detect this
aura on infectious materials and infected creatures,
even before symptoms begin to develop. (This
may fool observers into believing that the virus’s
bearers are actually magic items or under the
effects of a necromantic spell.)
Once symptoms begin to develop, a successful DC
15 Heal check can identify the virus (see Phagian
Virus Lore, below). The Vistani have incorporated
Phagian viruses into their cultural healing lore and
are reputed to possess several cures, though they
rarely share these with giorgios. Those raised
within Vistani tasques gain a +2 insight bonus on
Heal checks to identify these diseases. Vistani-
blooded characters have no special immunity to
Phagius’s creations, but they do gain a +2 racial
bonus on Fortitude saves to resist them.
Mundane forms of treatment are of little help
against Phagian viruses. Although successful Heal
checks can help an infected creature resist the
virus’s effects, a Phagian virus—like many
supernatural diseases—continues until it kills its
victim or is cured, no matter how many successful
Fortitude saving throws the victim makes to fight
it off. Magic is the only effective means of
countering a Phagian virus.
If cast on a dormant virus while it is outside a host
(see the infection examples below), spells such as
dispel magic, break enchantment, or purify food
and drink instantly kill the virus within the spell’s
area, without a saving throw.
Heal, remove disease, and similar spells and
effects are effective against Phagian viruses, but
the virus is entitled to a Fortitude save to resist the
cure. A virus’s Fortitude save bonus is +2 per
failed save the host has made to prevent the virus’s
damage. For example, if a host infected with a
combustion virus has failed three daily saving
throws to resist combustion, then the virus uses a
+6 bonus when it makes its Fortitude save. If the
virus fails its saving throw, it is destroyed.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Heal can learn more about Phagian viruses; if
using the Heal skill, add +5 to the DC. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This strange ailment is the result of a Phagian
virus: a supernatural disease that possesses a will
of its own. Without magical assistance, the victim
will eventually succumb.
20 Phagian virus infection generally passes
through three phases. The first manifests
disturbing, but not particularly harmful symptoms.
The second phase manifests painful and damaging
effects, sometimes with bizarre or even
supernatural side effects. The third and final phase
is invariably fatal. This result reveals the basic
symptoms of each phase.
25 This result reveals the means by which the
virus spreads and the specific recovery methods.
30 The Vistani have incorporated cures for
Phagian viruses into their healing lore, and may be
able to provide infected victims with improved
odds of a full recovery.
Virus, Phagian, combustio
Virus, Phagian, combustioVirus, Phagian, combustio
Virus, Phagian, combustion [Ravenloft
n [Ravenloft n [Ravenloft
n [Ravenloft
Monstrous Compendium III]
Monstrous Compendium III] Monstrous Compendium III]
Monstrous Compendium III]
JWM: “A combustion virus causes the cells in the
body of its host to continually increase their levels
of activity until they grow wildly out of control.
Unless cured, the victim begins to literally smolder
and, ultimately, dies an agonizing death as she
burns from the inside out.”
Mangrum, FoS board dec 07:
A combustion virus causes the cells in the body of
its host to continually increase their levels of
activity until they grow wildly out of control.
Unless cured, the victim begins to literally smolder
and, ultimately, dies an agonizing death as she
burns from the inside out.
Infection (Ex): Contact or inhaled. When an
infected victim spontaneously combusts, all that
remains is a pile of highly virulent gray ash. Any
contact with this ash risks exposure to the virus.
This ash is easily scattered by the wind, risking not
just physical contact but accidental inhalation as
well. Evil spellcasters have been known to
sprinkle this ash on their undead minions, making
even lowly skeletons deadly to the touch.
Incubation Period: 24 hours.
Combustion (Su): A combustion virus slowly
builds the internal temperatures of the host’s body
until the victim literally bursts into flame.
Phase One: The victim develops a high fever and
sore skin. This imposes no penalties, however.
Phase Two: When the victim fails her first saving
throw to resist the disease, she suffers 1d3 points
of Constitution damage and her skin develops
painful, bloody lesions. The victim is
continuously, uncomfortably hot, but she gains
resistance to cold 2 as an extraordinary special
quality. If the victim already has resistance to cold,
it stacks with the virus’s effects. Each additional
failed saving throw deals another 1d3 points of
Constitution damage and increases the victim’s
resistance to cold by a cumulative +1. When the
victim’s Consitution drops to half or less of its
normal score, the victim becomes painfully hot to
the touch and gains vulnerability to fire.
Phase two continues until the victim’s Consitution
reaches 0.
Phase Three: When the victim’s Constitution
reaches 0, she spontaneously combusts, dealing
3d6 points of fire damage to everything within a
10-foot-radius burst and igniting any combustable
materials. Reflex DC 15 half. The victim is
automatically killed and reduced to fine ash.
Recovery: If cured before combusting, the victim
regains 1 point of Constitution and loses 2 points
of cold resistance per day until all scores return to
normal. When her Constitution is again at least
half of its normal total, she loses her vulnerability
to fire (assuming she doesn’t normally have that
Led by her dark dreams she came to the seaside
and found the beached whale, its immense and
steaming bulk covered with lesions. With a terrible
groan and a frightful whoosh the creature
exploded into flames. In its ashes she covered
herself and set forth to raze from existence all
'intelligent' life.
-"Le culte de la nature", L'encyclopédie des
Virus, Phagian, crystal [Ra
Virus, Phagian, crystal [RaVirus, Phagian, crystal [Ra
Virus, Phagian, crystal [Ravenloft
venloft venloft
Monstrous Compendium III]
Monstrous Compendium III] Monstrous Compendium III]
Monstrous Compendium III]
JWM: “A crystal virus spreads more slowly than
other Phagian viruses, but its effects are just as
monstrous. Victims of this disease slowly
crystallize, suffering through a slow death as their
lungs lose the ability to take in air and their blood
hardens in their veins.”
J W Mangrum, FoS board dec 07:
A crystal virus spreads more slowly than other
Phagian viruses, but its effects are just as
monstrous. Victims of this disease slowly
crystallize, suffering through a slow death as their
lungs lose the ability to take in air and their blood
hardens in their veins.
Infection (Ex): Contact or ingested. The crystalline
remains of a slain host are highly virulent.
Curiously, the crystals are safe to handle so long
as they remain completely dry. However, exposure
to even the smallest drop of water—including
sweat—dissolves the crystals into a highly
infectious fluid. (If drenched and then allowed to
dry, a crystallized victim is reduced to a sandy
heap.) Assassins have been known to slip this
water-soluble powder into their victims' drinks.
Incubation Period: 48 hours.
Crystalization (Su): A crystal virus slowly worms
its way though its host’s body, forming complex
crystaaline threads that gradually bind the body’s
cells together.
Phase One: The victim suffers from aching joints,
fever, and patches of numb or tingling skin. None
of these ailments inflict actual penalties, however.
Phase Two: When the victim fails her first saving
throw against the disease, her soft tissues begin to
crystallize, resulting in sharp pains whenever she
moves. For each failed saving throw, the victim
suffers 1d4 points of Dexterity damage. However,
as her eyes crystallize into intricate lenses, each
failed saving throw also grants a +1 competence
bonus on Seach checks and Spot checks. Starting
when the victim’s Dexterity drops to below half of
its normal total (round down), her eyes function as
lenses of detection and she gains vulnerability to
sonic energy.
Phase two continues until the victim’s Dexterity
reaches 0.
Phase Three: When the victim’s Dexerity reaches
0, her body completely crystallizes, killing her.
Within hours of the victim’s death, the resulting
crystalline structure crumbles into fine red, highly
virulent sand.
Recovery: After being cured, the victim regains 1
point of Dexterity per day until it returns to
normal. When her Dexterity is again at least half
of its normal total, her eyes cease acting as lenses
of detection and she loses her vulnerability to
sonic energy (assuming she does not normally
have this quality). The competence bonus to
Search checks and Spot checks is reduced by 1
point per day until it fades completely.
“Trust me my good doctor, music is what these
patients need. And you say that they are
crystalizing? The ever righteous Lord Esben
turning to glass? Tend to your other wards. Setting
bodies arringing, striking the right note, liberating
shackled spirits, tis bard's work.”
-“The Shattering,” Murders by Music, Baron
J W Mangrum, FoS board dec 07:
A petrification virus slowly calcifies its victims
into a hard, stonelike material. Disturbingly,
survivors of this disease have claimed that they
remained conscious for months after their bodies
had completely petrified.
Casting stone to flesh on a victim infected with a
petrification virus removes all of the virus’s
effects (returning the victim’s Dexterity, natural
armor, and weight to normal), but this is a
temporary remedy, not a cure.
Infection (Ex): Contact or inhaled. The statue
created from a dead victim’s body is composed of
incredibly virulent stone, which remains infectious
even if ground into dust (which is equally
infectious if touched or inhaled). At least one
madman is known to have used this infectious
stone to create a deadly sculpture garden of his
Incubation Period: 1d6 minutes.
Petrification (Su): A petrification virus slowly
spreads through its host’s body, turning all the
tissues it contacts into stone.
Phase One: The virus first makes its presence
known at the very point of infection. Within
minutes of infection, whatever spot of skin
touched the dormant viruses becomes noticeably
stiff. Within half an hour, that spot (usually about
the size of a coin) completely hardens and
discolors into a veiny gray similar to marble.
Phase Two: When the victim fails her first saving
throw to resist the disease, the hardened tissue
begins to spread across her body. For each failed
saving throw, the victim suffers 1d3 points of
Dexterity damage, but her natural armor bonus
improves by +1. (If a victim has no natural armor
bonus, consider it to be +0.) In addition, the
victim’s increasing density causes her weight to
increase by +10% for each failed saving throw.
Phase two continues until the victim reaches 0
Phase Three: When the victim reaches 0 Dexterity,
she turns to virulent stone as if the subject of a
flesh to stone spell. Although completely petrified,
she is still alive. She cannot take any actions,
sense her surroundings, or even feel pain, but she
can still think. While so petrified, the victim takes
1 point of Constitution drain per month (30 days).
When the victim’s Consitution reaches 0, she dies.
Recovery: If a victim is cured during phase two,
then for every 24 hours that pass, she regains 1
point of Dexterity, her natural armor bonus drops
by 1 point, and her weight lowers by 10% until all
scores return to normal.
If a victim is cured during phase three, then she
regains 1 point of Constitution each day until it
returns to normal. Once her Constittion is restored,
she reenters phase two and recovers as detailed
above. The character can move and take actions
again as soon as she has at least 1 point of
Casting stone to flesh on a cured victim rids her
body of the virus’s lingering effects, instantly
returning her to normal.
“Where the Nightmare Lands had once stood we
found a roiling wall of mist and something hardly
less strange, a forlorn statue of a man dressed in
rotting cloth. The figure was lifelike in its every
detail and was akin in appearance to the tattooed
men said to wander that accursed realm. Our
amazement only grew when a raven tore itself free
from the stone and spoke. It said that disease had
petrified its companion. It insisted that he still
lived, offering disturbing evidence to that effect.
And it beseeched us to save him. That, however,
proved to be beyond our power.”
-Juno Luteum, Darkonese adventurer
Virus, Phagian, phobia [Ravenloft
Virus, Phagian, phobia [Ravenloft Virus, Phagian, phobia [Ravenloft
Virus, Phagian, phobia [Ravenloft
Monstrous Compendium III]
Monstrous Compendium III] Monstrous Compendium III]
Monstrous Compendium III]
JWM: “The phobia virus is the only one of
Phagius’ creations that is not necessarily lethal to
its host. This disease attacks its host’s mind,
causing the victim to develop crippling fears.
Although the virus cannot kill by itself, the insane
fear it breeds in its host may lead to desperate
behaviors that are all too fatal.”
J W Mangrum, FoS board dec 07:
The phobia virus is the only one of Phagius’
creations that is not necessarily lethal to its host.
This disease attacks its host’s mind, causing the
victim to develop crippling fears. Although the
virus cannot kill by itself, the insane fear it breeds
in its host may lead to desperate behaviors that are
all too fatal.
Spells such as remove fear and similar morale
boosts can offer temporary relief from this virus,
but the symptoms return the moment the relief
Infection (Ex): Contact. The corpse of any creature
that dies while infected with a phobia virus
remains highly virulent.
Incubation Period: 12 hours.
Phobic Psychosis (Su): A phobic virus rewrites its
host’s mind, eventually driving the victim mad
with fear.
Phase One: The victim develops a slight fever and
feels generally nervous, but otherwise suffers no
ill effect.
Phase Two: The first time a victim goes to sleep
after failing her first saving throw against this
disease, she suffers vague yet unsettling
nightmares. These fearful dreams interfere with
her rest, so she cannot heal naturally and she
suffers a –1 penalty to Strength and Dexterity.
After two failed saving throws, the nightmares’
intensity increases and the victim is fatigued. After
three failed saving throws, the character can barely
close her eyes and is exhausted. (These fatigue
penalties do not stack.)
Phase two continues until the victim is exhausted
by her nightmares and fails a subsequent saving
throw against the virus.
Phase Three: When the victim fails her fourth
saving throw, her nightmares coalesce into a
crippling phobia. She no longer suffers from
nightmares, so she can again gain the benefits of
rest. However, she now develops a crippling
phobia of some common aspect of her
surroundings—something she typically encounters
every day. Whenever the victim encounters the
subject of her phobia, she must make a Fear save.
The DC is 10 +1 per failed saving throw made to
resist the virus –1 per successful saving throw
made to resist the virus. There is no effective
maximum to this DC.
Recovery: After being cured, the phobia’s Fear
save DC is reduced by 1 each day. When the DC
reaches 0, the phobia fades away entirely. Any
lingering fear, horror, or madness effects caused
by failed Fear saves exist independent of the virus
and must be cured by the standard means.
Something is very wrong in her dreaming. It is not
a presence, not a consciousness, not so much as a
pale morph. It is an imperceptible weight, a silent
gnawing, nothing so articulate as the hunger of a
wolf; rather an unconscious—better perhaps, a
proto-conscious—lust and menace. And what is
more, I am beginning to know it well, for it now
plagues my dreams.
—Note of Doctor Gregorian Illhousen
Virus, Phagian, psionic [Ravenloft MC III]
Virus, Phagian, psionic [Ravenloft MC III] Virus, Phagian, psionic [Ravenloft MC III]
Virus, Phagian, psionic [Ravenloft MC III]
JWM: “A psionic virus continually restructures the
synapses of its host’s brain, opening new pathways
in the victim’s mind. In the short term, a psionic
virus can be empowering, since it causes the
victim to develop psionic gifts, even if she never
possessed them before. However, the infection
inevitably continues until even the strongest mind
can no longer withstand the psionic pressure
building within it.”
J W Mangrum, FoS board dec 07:
A psionic virus continually restructures the
synapses of its host’s brain, opening new pathways
in the victim’s mind. In the short term, a psionic
virus can be empowering, since it causes the
victim to develop psionic gifts, even if she never
possessed them before. However, the infection
inevitably continues until even the strongest mind
can no longer withstand the psionic pressure
building within it.
Infection (Ex): Contact or mental contact. A
psionic virus can spread through either of two
methods. First, the corpse of any creature infected
with the virus remains highly virulent. Any
creature that touches the corpse is exposed to the
virus. Secondly, any creature that makes mental
contact with an infected victim (such as with a
detect thoughts spell, an empathic link, dream
contact, or similar spells, effects, or psionic
powers) is likewise exposed. For the purpose of
exposure, it does not matter whether the infected
host is being contacted or is making contact.
Incubation Period: 24 hours.
Psionic Overload (Su): A psionic virus continually
fills its host with psionic energy until, like a
bladder filled with too much water, the host’s
mind finally bursts.
Phase One: The victim begins to feel strangely
disoriented, which develops as a buzzing in her
ears and a sense of light-headedness. These
ailments are not severe enough to impose
penalties, however.
Phase Two: The victim slowly gains psionic
abilities. After the victim fails her first saving
throw against the disease, she gains the power
points and manifesting ability of a 1st-level psion,
including the ability to take psionic feats. If the
victim already has levels in psion, they stack with
the effects of the disease. For example, after
failing one saving throw against the effects of a
psionic virus, a 4th-level psion would have the
manifesting ability of a 5th-level psion. Each
subsequent failed saving throw against the disease
increases the victim’s equivalent manifesting
ability by one level.
However, whenever the victim fails a saving throw
to resist the disease, she also is also struck by a
crippling headache that lasts for a number of hours
equal to the total number of failed saves. The
victim is nauseated while the headache is in effect.
When the headache ends, the victim must make a
Madness save with a DC of 10 + number of
effective psion levels.
For example, when a victim fails her third
Fortitude saving throw against a psionic virus, she
gains (in total) the power points and manifesting
ability of a third-level psion. She also suffers from
a nauseating headache that lasts three hours, and
must make a DC 13 Madness save at the
headache’s conclusion.
Phase two continues until failed Madness saves
drive any of the victim’s mental ability scores to 0.
Regardless of how long the disease progresses,
this virus can grant only a total number of 20
levels of psion, including those that the victim
may already possess.
Phase Three: When any mental ability score
reaches 0 due to the effects of a failed Madness
save, the victim’s brain explodes, instantly killing
the creature. If the victim has multiple heads, they
all explode.
When a victim’s head explodes, it sprays virulent
blood and brain matter in a 10-foot-radius burst.
All creatures within this area must make a DC 15
Reflex save or be exposed to the dormant virus.
Recovery: After being cured, a victim loses 1 level
of psion every 24 hours until all virus-granted
psion levels are lost. She continues to suffer a
headache each day, but each subsequent headache
lasts 1 fewer hour until they stop completely.
These headaches still cause nausea, but they no
longer provoke Madness saves. Madness effects
gained from failed Madness saves exist
independent of the virus and must be cured by the
standard means.
“Swiftsinger afforded us a most dangerous means
of improving our chances against his erstwhile
master. There was a sickness of fell Invidian
creation that would open to us unimagined
potentialities of the mind. And so behind our eyes
an ever growing power was kindled. It came at the
price of blinding headaches, which lengthened like
the shadows of the dying day. We faced, thus
armed, and undid, by the skin of a worg’s fang, the
mentalist lich, a old flourish of mine being the
difference. Arrangements had been made for us to
be cured, but the disease had a lover’s hold over
me and I had no wish to forsake the strength
swelling within my head. And so my mind
exploded. An experience, I assure you, not to be
-Harkon Lukas in pleasant before dinner
Virus, Phagian, shadow [Ravenloft
Virus, Phagian, shadow [Ravenloft Virus, Phagian, shadow [Ravenloft
Virus, Phagian, shadow [Ravenloft
Monstrous Compendium III]
trous Compendium III] trous Compendium III]
trous Compendium III]
JWM: “Perhaps the strangest of all of Phagius’
diseases, this virus exists partly in the Umbral
Curtain. The infection begins by destroying the
host’s shadow, then converts the host’s body into
yet more shadowstuff. If the virus is left
unchecked, the victim becomes an undead shadow
(The Umbral Curtain is to the Plane of Shadow as
the Near Ethereal is to the Ethereal Plane.)
J W Mangrum, FoS board dec 07:
Perhaps the strangest of all of Phagius’ diseases,
this virus exists partly in the Tenebral Curtain. The
infection begins by destroying the host’s shadow,
then converts the host’s body into yet more
shadowstuff. If the virus is left unchecked, the
victim becomes an undead shadow herself.
Creatures that cannot cast a shadow (such as
vampires and entities native to the Plane of
Shadow) are immune to this virus.
Infection (Ex): Incorporeal contact. Undead
shadows created by this virus are highly virulent.
Whenever the shadow touches a living creature
(such as when using its incorporeal touch attack),
that creature is also exposed to the virus.
Fortunately, like other incorporeal undead, an
infectious shadow that is destroyed leaves nothing
behind, eliminating the threat of the virus it
Incubation Period: 24 hours.
Umbral Rot (Su): A shadow virus dissolves the
delicate planar balance inherent to all creatures
capable of casting a shadow. The umbral rot first
destroys its host’s shadow, then converts the host’s
tissue into shadowstuff in an attempt to
Phase One: The victim feels a slight tingling in her
scalp, and develops a slight fever. These
symptoms are far too mild to cause any real
problems, however.
Phase Two: After a victim fails her first Fortitude
save to resist the disease, her shadow seems to fray
around the edges. After two failed saving throws,
the victim’s shadow appears distinctly faded and
tattered. After three failed saving throws, the
victim’s shadow fades away entirely.
Phase Three: When a victim fails four saving
throws to resist this virus (in other words, one
failure after her shadow disappears), she suffers
1d4 points of Strength damage. In addition, her
body coloration noticeably darkens, and although
she does not visibly seem to grow thinner, her
body weight drops by 10%. Each subsequent
failed saving throw carries the same effects. When
the victim’s Strength reaches 0, the victim dies
and becomes a virulent, undead shadow. This
shadow has none of the memories or abilities of
the original creature.
Recovery: After being cured, a victim regains 10%
of her body weight and 1 point of Strength every
24 hours until she returns to normal.
I could not bring myself to share Drakov’s
enthusiasm. Darkon, even if the Rex was gone,
was not a fruit ripe for the picking. As ever, the
conflict began well enough but soon took the
grimmest of turns. The sun that we fought under
was blotted out as a storm gathered at the enemy’s
back. And at its head, reaching far into the sky,
floating towards us upon the wind, was a shadowy
horror the likes of which none of us had ever seen
. . . or even imagined in our most twisted dreams. I
learned subsequently from a Lamordian doctor
that it was, or at least had the shape of, a sea
monster, supposedly of sailors’ invention,
whispered to be able to drag whole ships down to
their doom. He named it a kraken. Our ranks did
not break before it, though it might have been
better that they had. The thing bore down upon
me. Its presence drove my charger mad. Then it
struck with one of its immense, intangible
tentacles. The chill of death pierced my heart and
my armour was as chains hung about a drowning
man. I crashed to the ground, unable to lift myself,
even as the terrible spectacle unfolded above me.
My lieutenants were similarly laid low. The storm
was then upon us, mercifully banishing the
abomination from sight, but the rain nearly
drowning me and the winds sweeping away my
army. A lieutenant, himself badly weakened,
found me and dragged me away. But he now lies
dead beside me, by his own hand, and I will
likewise join him. For although our strength
returned, we soon realised that our shadows were
dissolving. And this was followed implacably by
our flesh.
-From the last will and testament of General
Demietri Kreig
Vistani Vistani
Vistani -
[Denizens of Dread, etc
[Denizens of Dread, etc[Denizens of Dread, etc
[Denizens of Dread, etc.]
.] .]
JWM: Vistani: Medium Humanoid (Human,
Vistani). Ravenloft’s supernatural gypsies. You
know the score. The Vistani below are example
NPCs for ease of use.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) or
Knowledge (Ravenloft) can learn more about the
Vistani. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
11 This aloof, colorfully dressed stranger is one of
the Vistani, a mysterious, nomadic folk. This
result reveals all humanoid traits and the human
16 The Vistani are infamous for their ability to
cast the evil eye or terrible curses on anyone who
cross them. They have no respect for the laws of
any society but their own.
21 Vistani can navigate the Mists, and can lead
others to any destination. Female Vistani possess
the Sight, allowing them to see the future. The
Vistani are usually willing to provide their
services to non-Vistani, for a price. Vistani speak a
patchwork language called patterna, but they often
know other languages as well.
26 Although Vistani are always on the move, a
semi-permanent camp can be found at the foot of
the Tser Falls, in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft
in Barovia. The Vistani sell an antidote for the
poisonous fog that surrounds the Village of
31 The Vistani must always stay on the move. If
they abandon their nomadic ways, they destroy the
strange magic that grants them their powers.
Vistani are divided into several “tasques,” or
nations. Members of each tasque specialize in
different skills and talents.
36 The Vistani fear a legendary foe called the
Dukkar. Any male Vistana with the Sight is fated
to become a Dukkar unless quickly put to death.
See also RL CS and VRGttM
Vistani tradesman [Denizens of Dread,
Vistani tradesman [Denizens of Dread, Vistani tradesman [Denizens of Dread,
Vistani tradesman [Denizens of Dread,
.] .]
JWM: Male Kamii Vistani Expert 1. A “typical”
Vistani. This particular fellow is a skilled
I told him his price is ridiculous and past
ridiculous. I could buy five master-forged swords
in the Rue des Armes for that price. I could buy a
songforged blade for that price!
"True," the Vistani smith replied, turning the long
dagger in his fire-scarred hands so that the light
played along the silver edge. "But we are not in
Port-a-Lucine, nor Kartakass. Best of luck finding
another here in Verbrek who will sell you a
silvered blade, Master Weathermay."
Private journal of George Weathermay
Vistani captain [Denizens of Dread, etc.]
Vistani captain [Denizens of Dread, etc.] Vistani captain [Denizens of Dread, etc.]
Vistani captain [Denizens of Dread, etc.]
JWM: Male Equaar Vistani Ranger 8. The male
leader of a caravan. Tough in a fight, but no magic
to speak of beyond his evil eye and ranger spells.
The Vistani captain is a diplomat who must
represent his caravan to the giorgios (and vice-
versa), a servant who must heed the raunie, a
master who must direct the caravan, a
businessman who must manage trade and handle
money, a warrior whose caravan is his to protect.
We who are not of their society are, perhaps,
overly influenced by the raunie's extraordinary
gifts in our depictions of Vistani society and
culture; he leadership of the caravan captain is
probably of even greater importance in their day-
to-day life than the more exotic abilities of the
working notes to Van Richten's Guide to the
Vistani performer [Denizens of Dread,
Vistani performer [Denizens of Dread, Vistani performer [Denizens of Dread,
Vistani performer [Denizens of Dread,
etc.] etc.]
JWM: Female Naiat Vistani Bard 3. A Vistani
entertainer, skilled at dance and the violin. Her
bard spells focus on enchantments and crowd
-The old man asked, “Stranger, where are you
from? Are you not an outlander?”
-The young man replied, “Yes, you could call me
that. I am of a land far, far away, beyond the
Mists. But how have you guessed this?”
-The old man said, “Look around you, look at
these men, look how they gaze upon the dancing
Vistana girl, and tell me what you see.”
-The young man answered, “I see longing and
-The old man warned, “Take care friend, in your
eyes there is but longing. And that could be your
death . . . or worse. For her and her people are the
devil's own.”
Conversation overheard in Vallaki
Vistani seer [Denizens of Dread, etc.]
Vistani seer [Denizens of Dread, etc.] Vistani seer [Denizens of Dread, etc.]
Vistani seer [Denizens of Dread, etc.]
JWM: Female Canjar Vistani Sorcerer 6. A sample
raunie/fortuneteller. Her spells focus on
divinations and enchantments.
“Only a fool curses lightly another. Usually it is a
waste of good breath. When it is not, he sets in
motion events that he cannot foresee, that are
unlikely to spare him, that answer to an all too
alien sense of justice. The curse worth uttering is a
passionate demand for a definite future that is the
stuff itself of a rigorous, poetic, retributive justice.
And that is the curse upon the tip of the raunie’s
tongue, sharpening it, blackening it, making it a
thing of terror.”
-Arturi Radanavich speaking to Rudolf van
Vistani recluse (fatah) [Denizens of
Vistani recluse (fatah) [Denizens of Vistani recluse (fatah) [Denizens of
Vistani recluse (fatah) [Denizens of
Dread] Dread]
JWM: Template Humanoid (Human, Vistani): A
Vistana who has turned her back on her Vistani
kin, choosing to live in solitude, communing with
unseen spirits. They become physically feeble, but
they become exceptionally powerful diviners and
masters of the evil eye.
The captain asked, "Lord Aderre, why do you send
only foreigners to hunt the Witch of the Mantel
Woods?" Malocchio replied, "I am not wasteful."
The soldier betrayed no sign of understanding his
superior so the latter continued, "Adventurers are
perfectly expendable and are paid - at least in gold
- only for success." The fellow nodded slightly,
vaguely, evidently only somewhat less puzzled.
The black clad master brought the conversation to
an end, "What matters is that if your sword ever
fails me, I shall make a point of sending you to
match wits with her and you can be sure that you
will live out your slight existence as a rotting
puddle of slime."
-From the journal of Gesmas Malaturno
Voidmind creature [Monster Manual III]
Voidmind creature [Monster Manual III] Voidmind creature [Monster Manual III]
Voidmind creature [Monster Manual III]
JWM: Template creature, CR +1, lawful evil. A
creature that has been forcibly transformed into a
semi-autonomous puppet that acts as a spy for the
mind flayers. Illithids create it by removing a
creature’s brain and replacing it with special,
psionically-charged slime. A voidmind can extend
a long, prehensile tentacle and blast foes with a
spray of acidic, stunning slime. A voidmind’s
three masters can scry through its senses, control
its actions, and manifest their psychic powers
through it as well. Used to infiltrate and help
manage the slave races in the tunnels beneath
Bluetspur. A similar, but not identical, concept to
that found in “The Man Who Lost His Mind.”
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about a creature’s voidmind nature.
Characters may need to make a separate
Knowledge check to learn about the base creature.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs. These DCs are
unusually high due to the rarity of these creatures.
DC Result
17 The dexterous, slimy tentacle sprouting from
this creature’s head marks it as a voidmind — a
creature that has been forcibly transformed into a
spy for the mind flayers. The base creature’s type
traits are unchanged.
22 Mind flayers create voidminds by removing
most of the creature’s brain and replacing it with a
form of psionically charged slime. In the process,
a group of three mind flayers bonds to the
voidmind, gaining the ability to scry through the
creature’s senses and control it like a puppet.
Despite the loss of its identity, the transformation
enhances the creature both physically and
mentally. A voidmind can be identified by the four
plugged holes in its head, which are usually kept
hidden or disguised. A voidmind can strangle foes
with its retractable tentacle. The psionic charge
that animates a voidmind also allows it to deflect
glancing blows, but magic weapons can pierce its
27 A voidmind creature’s three masters can
channel their psionic abilities through the
voidmind, as if the voidmind were manifesting
them itself. A voidmind creature is resistant to
psionics and immune to acid, ability damage,
ability drain, energy drain, and mind-affecting
spells and abilities.
32 Once a day, a voidmind can expel the psionic
slime from its head in a cone, stunning foes and
burning them with acid. Destroying a voidmind
creature does not harm its masters, but they are
instantly aware of its fate. Slaying a voidmind’s
masters restores its free will, but otherwise leaves
it unchanged. A properly worded wish or miracle
can restore a voidmind creature to normal.
Vorlog [Denizens of Dread]
Vorlog [Denizens of Dread] Vorlog [Denizens of Dread]
Vorlog [Denizens of Dread]
Errata: The sample Vorlog’s Level Adjustment is
1 too high (6+8=14, not 15)
Vorlog’s “Attack” column is a reprint of “Full
JWM: Template Humanoid or Monstrous
Humanoid (Vampire), CR +1, any evil. (Sample is
a human bard 6). The recipient of a vampire’s
failed Dark Kiss, trapped between life and
undeath, created when a master vampire is
destroyed in the midst of creating a vampiric
“bride.” The bride lives on as a vorlog. Vorlogs
appear normal, but are strong and charismatic.
They can drive nearby animals into a rage, and
drain Wisdom with their attacks. However, they
are tormented by the loss of their vampire master,
and must create empathic links with living
surrogates to combat their lonliness. A vorlog’s
surrogate slowly wastes away as the vorlog feeds
on its spirit. Vorlogs also have some undead
immunities. A vorlog is damaged by sunlight and,
like a vampire, recoils from holy symbols. A
vorlog eventually starves if denied a surrogate.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about vorlogs. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
17 This woeful individual is a vorlog, an accursed
creature trapped between life and undeath. This
result reveals all undead traits and all humanoid or
monstrous humanoid traits, as appropriate.
22 Vorlogs are the result of a vampire’s failed
attempt to give the Dark Gift of vampirism to a
favored mortal. For a vorlog to come into
existence, the vampire that created it must have
been destroyed. They are living creatures, but due
to their origins, vorlogs share some traits with
vampires. A vorlog’s skin burns when touched by
27 A vorlog forever yearns for the eternal
companionship that was snatched away when its
vampire creator was destroyed. To recreate that
bond, vorlogs create spiritual ties to surrogate
mortals, upon whose life energy they slowly feed.
32 A vorlog’s wounds heal quickly, but silvered
magic weapons can pierce their supernatural
defenses. A vorlog cannot approach a strongly
presented holy symbol.
37 If a vorlog is struck down in combat, it
dissolves into a puddle of tears. If the liquid vorlog
can seep into a dark place to recuperate, it reforms
in a few hours. If prevented from reaching
darkness for two hours, however, it is truly slain.
Vulture [Sandstorm
Vulture [Sandstorm Vulture [Sandstorm
Vulture [Sandstorm -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about vultures. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 10: This black, bald-headed bird is a vulture, a
carrion-feeding scavenger. This result reveals all
animal traits.
DC 15: Vultures only attack living prey when they
are on the verge of starvation. Usually, they
simply drift on the desert winds, watching and
waiting for dying creatures to perish.
DC 20: Due to their carrion diet, vultures develop
a strong resistance to mundane disease.
Waff (shadow dryad)
Waff (shadow dryad)Waff (shadow dryad)
Waff (shadow dryad)
Walking Dead (z
king Dead (zking Dead (z
king Dead (zombie, skeleton, ghoul)
ombie, skeleton, ghoul) ombie, skeleton, ghoul)
ombie, skeleton, ghoul)
see VRGttWD
see VRGttWDsee VRGttWD
see VRGttWD
Walrus [Frostburn
Walrus [Frostburn Walrus [Frostburn
Walrus [Frostburn -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about walruses. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 12: This bristly snout and long tusks on this
massive, seal-like animal identify it as a walrus.
This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 17: Walruses are largely inoffensive creatures,
but they can be territorial, goring foes with their
dangerous tusks. A walrus cannot breathe
underwater, but it can hold its breath for at least 7
Weasel [Monster Manual
Weasel [Monster Manual Weasel [Monster Manual
Weasel [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about weasels.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 10: This lithe little animal is a weasel, an
aggressive predator that feeds on birds and
mammals smaller than itself. This result reveals all
animal traits.
DC 15: When a weasel bites its prey, it latches on
with its jaws and doesn’t let go until its victim is
DC 10: Some mages adopt weasels for use as
familiars. Such mages tend to have particularly
quick reflexes.
Wendigo [Fiend Folio, Pathfinder 6]
Wendigo [Fiend Folio, Pathfinder 6] Wendigo [Fiend Folio, Pathfinder 6]
Wendigo [Fiend Folio, Pathfinder 6]
JWM: Template Fey (Cold), CR +2, chaotic evil.
A spirit of the frozen wastes that transforms
mortals into more of its kind by infecting them
with a terrible hunger for the flesh of their own
kind. Lore is available in the WotC monster lore
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about wendigos. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
16 The charred stumps where this savage
creature’s feet should be mark it as a wendigo: a
terrible and ravenous spirit of the winds that
haunts the frozen tundra. Some folk believe
wendigos are fiends or undead, but they are
actually spirits of nature. This result reveals all fey
traits and the cold subtype. Wendigos speak
21 A wendigo spends most of its time merged with
the wind, howling across the frozen landscape.
While a wendigo is wind walking, its victims may
glimpse it out of the corner of their eye, but
whenever they turn to look directly at the dreadful
spirit, it vanishes from view. When a wendigo
takes corporeal form, its frozen body deflects
glancing blows, but weapons forged of cold iron
can pierce its defenses.
26 A wendigo’s terrible bite tears bloody chunks
of flesh from its victim’s body. Even worse,
mortals who survive a wendigo’s attack may be
infected with its hunger. A mortal afflicted with
this supernatural disease is faced with an insatiable
craving for the flesh of its own kind. If the victim
does succumb to cannibalism, it loses all memory
of its crime.
31 While in wind form, a wendigo can drive a
mortal mad with insane whispers that only the
chosen victim can hear. Over the course of days, a
wendigo’s victim may go completely mad. A
wendigo regenerates from its wounds, but has no
defense against fire. , The most terrible truth about
wendigos is that they were all once mortal. If a
mortal victim goes mad while afflicted with the
wendigo’s cannibalistic hunger, it dissipates in the
wind, only to reform later as one of these
monstrous entities. Wendigos retain the abilities
they possessed as mortals.
The Lamordian warned, “Beware of the wendigo.”
I cocked a quizical eyebrow and, after a long
moment, he added with the poetic obscurity of a
drunken Barovian, “The whisperer in the wind.” I
persisted, “What is this whisperer in the wind, this
wendigo of yours?” He shuttered in reply, “Best
you not find out!” Irritated, I brought him along.
Initially he carried himself well enough, but hardly
had we begun the ascent of the glacier than he was
reduced to a frightened wreck by a howling gust of
wind. Having glimpsed something in it, I decided
to put up with his terrified, hideously repetitive
raving, “It whispers to me, it whispers to me!”
Slowly I extracted from him the supposedly
whispered Sylvan words, "Blood, burning blood,
burning blood to quench.” With a gibbous moon
brightening the night, I put him on watch. My
sleep was soon disturbed by the man’s screams
and I found him in great pain, a powerful bite
having ripped through his coat and torn from his
shoulder a sizeable hunk of flesh. I considered the
situation, noting that the only tracks in the snow
were our own, and decided to tend the wound as
best I could, put him back on watch with a burning
torch, and think further on the matter. I was
plombing my memories when a sword, which I
partially deflected at the last instant, crashed down
about my ears. To my surprise, my unhappy
companion did not attempt a second blow. Instead
he threw himself upon me, sending us tumbling to
the ground. Manifestly it was time that I make a
meal of him. But the the poor, crazed fellow’s
teeth were quicker as it was he who attempted to
devour me!
-Matton Blanchard entertaining his fellow
See also: Wendigo "Dragon's Bestiary, The"
Mark DeForest Dragon#119(51) D&D1
"Ungrateful Dead, The" Tom Moldvay
Dragon#138(32) D&D1
Whale [Monster Manual
Whale [Monster Manual Whale [Monster Manual
Whale [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about whales. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 15: This massive marine mammal is a whale.
Humanoids often hunt these creatures for their
blubber. This result reveals all animal traits.
DC 20: Many different varieties of whale exist.
Some of the largest, called humpback whales, are
entirely inoffensive, feeding on nearly microscopic
creatures called plankton. Other varieties, such as
sperm whales and orcas, are predators, though
even they are generally dangerous only to their
typical prey, such as fish, squid, or seals, Whales
cannot breathe underwater, but can hold their
breath for extended periods—nearly 20 minutes
for a sperm whale, for example.
DC 25: Whales use the echolocation of their
whalesong to sense their surroundings with great
precision. A whale that cannot hear must rely on
vision alone. Among sages, humpback whales and
sperm whales are sometimes known as baleen
whales and cachalot whales, respectively.
Wheep [Libris Mortis]
Wheep [Libris Mortis] Wheep [Libris Mortis]
Wheep [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 11, lawful evil. A
wizened obedient dead. Its fangs and claws are
splattered with the poisonous black tears that
continuously stream from its empty eye sockets.
Also emits a fearful dirge. Lore is available in the
WotC monster lore thread.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about wheeps. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
21 This wizened corpse is a wheep, distinguished
by the black ichor leaking from its empty eye
sockets. This result reveals all undead traits.
26 Wheeps are usually encountered in the service
of more powerful undead. They attack with their
sharp claws and fangs. These creatures also near-
continually wail a supernatural dirge that can leave
those who hear it pale with fright. A wheep’s
tough body deflects glancing blows, but magic
piercing weapons can prove effective.
31 The tears oozing from a wheep’s eyes are
poisonous, and this black bile ends up splattered
and smeared all over the wheep’s claws and fangs,
A wheep leaves an ebon trail of tears wherever
they go, but the poison loses its potency after an
hour. Wheeps are resistant to turning.
36 Until a wheep is destroyed, its wounds heal
with startling speed.
Important though secrecy may be in such matters,
Kunduktør, fully investigating such a blasphemous
incident remains paramount. Such abominations
do not roam at random; the loathesome thing must
have had a master. Bind the slain guardsmen's
families to silence as you see fit, but do not
hesitate to question anyone who may have
witnessed its passage or venomous trail. We must
know if this attempted violation of the peace of the
Lawgiver's Elect arose from the dead-accursed
north, the benighted west, or the storm-wracked
-- Confidential message from the Himmelsk Naeve
to the senior overseer of Kantora's royal
-Fang (FoS Nocturnal Sea Report)
Fang (FoS Nocturnal Sea Report)Fang (FoS Nocturnal Sea Report)
Fang (FoS Nocturnal Sea Report)
The hiss of scales over snow is nearly silent, but it
draws your attention in time to catch a glimpse: a
serpentine form, tracing curves in the snowdrift as
it glides forward, its frosty pelt as white as the
snow itself. Brilliant blue eyes with slit pupils
glitter brightly against the whiteness, above a
pale, gaping throat and fangs translucent as
icicles. The creature is as hypnotically beautiful
as it is deadly, and swifter than thought as it
Wicker man [Fiend Folio]
Wicker man [Fiend Folio] Wicker man [Fiend Folio]
Wicker man [Fiend Folio]
JWM: Huge Constrict, CR 11, neutral. A huge,
hollow wooden structure built by druids for
seasonal ceremonies. When animated, it can
engulf itself in flame and trap creatures inside its
torso. Lore is available in the WotC monster lore
thread. “Long ago, the druids of Forlorn would
sometimes erect wicker men to mark their spring
festivals. Today, that practice has died out, but the
goblyns have adopted it in their place, partly to
spite the old faith, and partly to honor their own
god, Arawn. The goblyns lack the ability to
animate a wicker man, but legend has it that when
a true Innocent is locked within the wicker man’s
cage and burned alive, the wicker man may
spontaneously animate as a construct of
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (religion) can learn more about wicker
men. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
21 This massive, burning, wooden structure is a
magically animated construct called a wicker man.
This result reveals all construct traits.
26 A wicker man is a mindless combatant that
follows the commands of its creator. The size of a
giant, it attacks by crushing foes with its massive,
wooden fists. A wicker man is immune to almost
all forms of magic, but it suffers damage from
entangle spells. This result also reveals the
procedure for creating wicker men. The woven
timber comprising a wicker man’s body deflects
most glancing blows, and piercing weapons
simply slide between the gaps, leaving the wicker
man undamaged.
31 When a wicker man slams foes up to the size of
a horse with its fist, it often grabs the foe, then
stuffs the creature into the hollow cage in its torso.
Trapped victims can try to hack their way free, and
a warp wood or wood shape spell briefly forces
the cage door open.
36 If a wicker man is exposed to fire, it is
unharmed but bursts into flame. The wicker man
continues to burn for ten minutes. During this
time, any creature struck by the wicker man’s
attacks, trapped inside its torso cage, or that
otherwise comes into physical contact with the
wicker man is exposed to its searing flames.
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
21 Wicker men are usually constructed, and then
ritually burned, by divine spellcasters to
commemorate seasonal religious festivals.
26 A wicker man’s torso is hollow, and criminals
or other undesirables are usually sealed inside
during the festival. When the wicker man is set
ablaze, these unfortunates become live sacrifices.
31 Druids or similar spellcasters can sometimes
animate wicker men through the sacrifice of
innocents to hunt down escaped sacrificial victims.
Hildred's screams rose higher and higher as the
straw-giant burned; suddenly, they ceased, and I
thanked the Dagda that her suffering had ended--
and hoped that I might join her sooner rather than
later, for the goblyns delight in slow torture.
Then (I swear it by all gods, high and low)--the
wicker man walked. Tearing itself from the frame
which had held it upright, it lashed out with its
burning limbs at the goblyns around it and
scattering them like rats fleeing a man with a
scythe. Whatever dark spirit they had summoned
into the burning giant, it cared not a straw for
them; all who stood in its path were burnt alive as
Hildred had been.
journal of Matton ap Herred
Widderrìbhinn [Ravenloft Gaz V]
inn [Ravenloft Gaz V] inn [Ravenloft Gaz V]
inn [Ravenloft Gaz V]
JWM: Template Undead (Augmented Fey), CR
+2, any evil. Undead spirits of fey creatures that
somehow died a true death due to terrible violence
or foul magic. Basically a fey-specific variant of
the ghost template. Tristessa’s ghostly followers
Keening are widderrìbhinn.
First, I knew something was coming because my
faithful dog piteously yelped from fear and ran
away. Then I felt the bodiless thing pass near me,
a wave of cold, then it passed trough me, as if it
was looking inside me. I was very cold and I
began to think I was going to die soon. I thought I
had made the wrong decision. But I stood there,
praying for inner strength. I heard it rummaging
through my back pack, throwing my things around
on the floor. Then it passed through me again and
I heard it speak: “She wants the child, her lost
child” in a ghostly, but also very beautiful and
calm voice. Then it left as quickly as it came to
- as told by Tobias the blind monk, after his
expedition through Keening.
[Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual] [Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 3, lawful evil.
Standard, barrow-lurking undead that drain energy
with their attacks. Lore is available in the WotC
monster lore thread.
Wights are fierce and terrifying undead sure to
strike fear in the hearts of adventurers. Most
players cringe when their PCs face these creatures,
knowing that if one of their number falls under the
claws of a wight, their former comrade will rise
soon after to cause even more mayhem.
Knowledge (Religion)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion)
can learn more about wights. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This walking corpse with malevolently burning
eyes is a wight. This result reveals all undead
20 The mere touch of a wight drains energy from
living creatures. A humanoid slain by a wight
becomes one themselves soon after, enslaved to
the wight that spawned it. Wights are incredibly
stealthy and easily can sneak up on most creatures.
25 Although undead, wights are intelligent and can
even speak.
-“Brother, why do you not rest?”
-“My enemies still live.”
-“Sister, why do you not sleep?”
-“My lover betrayed me.”
-“And you small one, why don’t you lie
-“My friends still play.”
The Barrow, Doctor Tyranim Rienis, Chair of
Psychology, the Brautslava Institute
See also Dragon #300 and 336
See also: Wight "Ecology of the Wight, The"
Graeme Davis Dragon#348(60) D&D3
Wailing Wight "Return To the Tomb of Horrors"
Bruce R. Cordell Dragon#249(41) D&D2
Barrier Wight "Dragon's Bestiary: Myth: Foes of
Muirthemne" Peter Whitley Dragon#261(77)
King-Wight "Beyond the Grave" Tom Moldvay
Dragon#198(26) D&D2
Wight, dread [Denizens of Dread]
Wight, dread [Denizens of Dread] Wight, dread [Denizens of Dread]
Wight, dread [Denizens of Dread]
Wight creature [Savage Species]
Wight creature [Savage Species] Wight creature [Savage Species]
Wight creature [Savage Species]
JWM: Template Undead, CR +3, lawful evil. A
simple template that turns non-humanoid creatures
into wights.
I had never hunted whales but I certainly knew
men who did. They were a brave and superstitious
lot, invariably with yarns to spin. An especially
grim one concerned a great and venerable sperm
whale. Its heavily scarred flesh was a sickly off
white. The creature was said to never bleed, to be
capable of holding its breath far longer than any of
its kind, and to offer every evidence of being
misanthropic in the extreme. But it was the fate of
the few men who had faced it in close quarters and
had survived the encounter that made me shutter
with recognition. For far too many of them had
returned from the fight as shadows of their former
selves, weakened or broken in body and spirit.
-From the journal of Rudolf van Richten
Wight, slaughter [Libris Mortis]
Wight, slaughter [Libris Mortis] Wight, slaughter [Libris Mortis]
Wight, slaughter [Libris Mortis]
JWM: Medium Undead, CR 8, chaotic evil. A
particularly powerful and vicious wight touched
by the power of evil gods or the Dark Powers.
"When the Horsemen came..." I said, my mouth
"I came with them," it replied, nodding. "Riding in
the stirrup of War itself." It paused to give a long,
silent chuckle, rotted shoulders shaking.
"Slaughter, slaughter, slaughter, all the sons and
daughters, rising moon and falling sun, slaughter
'til the battle's done...I forget the rest. Help me
private correspondence, G. Weathermay-Foxgrove
to Mattias Mikkelson
Wild Hunt [
Wild Hunt [Wild Hunt [
Wild Hunt [MM5]
MM5] MM5]
Wildlands beast [new,
Wildlands beast [new,Wildlands beast [new,
Wildlands beast [new,
briefly touched on
riefly touched on riefly touched on
riefly touched on
in Ravenloft Dungeon Master's Guide
in Ravenloft Dungeon Master's Guidein Ravenloft Dungeon Master's Guide
in Ravenloft Dungeon Master's Guide]
] ]
JWM : Template Magical Beast, CR +1, neutral. A
simple template that basically applies the awaken
spell to the Wildland’s animals. All animals that
enter the Wildlands gradually become sentient.
Their intelligence fades again if they leave the
domain. The sample creatures are a Wildlands ape
and a Wildlands crocodile. Lore is available in the
Monster Lore thread.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) or
Knowledge (Ravenloft) can learn more about
Wildlands beasts. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This animal is what the folk of Sri Raji call a
Wildlands beast: a creature native to the untamed
wilderness they call the Wildlands This result
reveals all magical beast traits.
18 Animals native to the wildlands are so cunning
that they often seem to possess an eerie sort of
humanlike intelligence.
23 All normal animals that enter the Wildlands
soon develop human-level intelligence, but remain
wild beasts at heart and are not necessarily well
disposed toward humanoids.
28 Wildlands beasts possess a feral language,
indistinguishable to humanoid ears from normal
howls and roars, which allows them all to
communicate with each other.
As Ape:
They came into our camp during the second watch
of the night, bounding down from the trees,
overcoming the watchmen, the great grey apes of
the Wildlands--as neat an assault as was ever made
by a Zherisian captain of arms, and all over in a
trice. Only two of us even fired our muskets before
they were among us; we did our best to make play
with steel, but to little avail. Their strength is past
I have said already that the animals of that place
speak like men (little though it may be credited).
For the first time, seeing them herd us as a dog
does sheep, I realized that their reasoning must
also be equal to a man's. How gravely we had
underestimated the perils of this adventure! And
not for the last time...
Expedition to the Wildlands, Captain John Smith
As crocodile:
When I was little, I remember a book. I can't
remember where it came from, I just remember
reading it in our library. There was a phrase inside
it that made me laugh, and I always remembered
it; "Never smile at a crocodile."
I recall this now, because we are tracking the great
beasts on this hunt. Our Rajian guide says they
congregate in the great swamps of these
As we approached the monsters, I saw in
amazement how they allowed small birds to filt in
and out of their mouths, cleaning them. I shifted in
position, grinning at this amazing discovery.
Zoologists all over the Core would be fascinated
by this.
One of the birds was startled by the slight noise I
made, and flew to the side of the largest of these
creature's heads. What happened next was
The beast turned and gazed in my general
direction, "Come out," it said with a voice as dark
and echoing as a cave, "Come out and give
audience before your King."
-Collected from the unpublished Notes on the
Wildlands by Sir Ranulph Victor Carter, before his
disappearence in Sri Raji.
-Wisp, Dread, all
Wisp, Dread, allWisp, Dread, all
Wisp, Dread, all
JWM : Will-o’-wisp variants. Lore for all of the
Ravenloft variants is available in the Monster Lore
See also: Will-o'-Wisp "Ecology of the Will-o'-
Wisp, The" Nigel D. Findley Dragon#99(18)
"Ecology of the Will-o'-Wisp, The" Amber E.
Scott Dragon#328(54) D&D3
-wisp, dread, will
wisp, dread, willwisp, dread, will
wisp, dread, will-
dawn dawn
dawn (Feu
(Feu (Feu
Follet) Follet)
Follet) [Ravenloft Monstrous
[Ravenloft Monstrous [Ravenloft Monstrous
[Ravenloft Monstrous
Compendium III]
Compendium III] Compendium III]
Compendium III]
JWM : Tiny Aberration (Air), CR 4, chaotic good.
A benevolent will-o-wisp that appears only at
dawn. It can’t physically harm opponents, but can
confuse them. Harmed by magical darkness. Feeds
off the emotions of excited, happy, relieved minds.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about will-o-dawns. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DCs. The DC is unusually high due to the rarity of
these creatures and their similarity to more
common will-o’-wisps.
DC Result
21 This floating, glowing orb resembles a creature
called a will-o’-wisp, but is actually a close cousin
called a will-o’-dawn. This result reveals all
aberration traits and the air subtype.
24 Will-o’-dawns appear only at daybreak. They
can fly with remarkable agility. They are
completely immune to most spells or spell-like
effects.. Unlike other will-o’-wisps, will-o’-dawns
are benevolent creatures that try to help lost
wanders find their way back to safety. If it must
defend itself, a will-o’-dawn uses its color spray
and hypnotic pattern spell-like abilities to confuse
its foes.
29 When startled or frightened, a will-o’-dawn can
extinguish its glow, effectively turning it invisible.
Although immune to most spells or spell-like
effects, they are highly vulnerable to magical
34 Other varieties of will-o’-wisp exist. Although
their abilities are similar, these creatures — such
as the will-o’-deep and will-o’- sea — have
adapted to specialized environments.
"For Ezra's sake, why am I out of my cabin at this
unholy hour?" I grumbled, glaring at the man who
had convinced me to do this. The captain merely
brushed me off with an irritated glance, pointing
out over the sea towards the pink horizon.
"Look," he said.
As my eyes focused, I could see them, little warm
lights like fireflies that danced upon the waves.
The cheerful display lighted the ship, decorating
her with colors finer than all the balls and galas I
had ever attended. I couldn't help but laugh. For
the first time in a long while, I felt at peace.
-From the private Journal of Jean Marsanne, Ezran
-wisp, dread, will
wisp, dread, willwisp, dread, will
wisp, dread, will-
deep deep
[Ravenloft Monstr
[Ravenloft Monstr[Ravenloft Monstr
[Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III]
ous Compendium III] ous Compendium III]
ous Compendium III]
JWM : Tiny Aberration (Air), CR 3, neutral evil.
A subterranean will-o’-wisp that leads lost
spelunkers and/or dungeon crawlers into cave-ins
and similar hazards.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (dungeoneering) can learn more about
will-o’-deeps. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This floating, flickering candle flame is
actually a creature called a will-o’-deep, a variety
of will-o’-wisp adapted to a wholly subterranean
existence. This result reveals all aberration traits
and the air subtype.
20 Will-o’-deeps can fly with remarkable agility.
They are completely immune to most spells or
spell-like effects, and they lack the powerful
electrical shocks of the more common will-o’-
wisp, but the sparks they can generate can knock
over small objects are more than capable of
igniting flammable materials, such as trapped
pockets of natural gas.
25 When startled or frightened, a will-o’-deep can
extinguish its glow, effectively turning it invisible.
Although immune to most spells or spell-like
effects, they are affected by magic electrical
attacks. A will-o’-deep is resistant to acid, cold,
and fire.
30 Other varieties of will-o’-wisp exist. Although
their abilities are similar, these creatures — such
as the will-o’-mist and will-o’- sea — have
adapted to specialized environments.
We extinguished every flame and followed the
Loathsome Consort deeper into the Earth. Our
breath became laboured as we were assailed by
foul fumes. Then three lights winked into
existence and struck at us with crackling fire,
causing the very air about us to burst with a
deafening roar into seething flames.
-Vomited Up From the Bowels of The Earth,
unfinished, anonymous manuscript
-wisp, dread, will
wisp, dread, willwisp, dread, will
wisp, dread, will-
mist mist
[Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III]
[Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III] [Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III]
[Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III]
JWM : Small Aberration (Air, Mists), CR 5,
chaotic neutral. A will-o’-wisp that roams the
Misty Border. Can navigate the mists, but cannot
survive beyond them.
Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks in
Knowledge (Ravenloft) can learn more about will-
o’-mists. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
22 Will-o’-mists and the Vistani never disturb
each other when they cross paths.
27 Will-o’-mists can find their way through the
Misty Border as unerringly as the Vistani.
Supposedly, they could be used as guides, if one
could somehow gain their aid.
Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result
17 The diffuse ribbon of light drifting through the
blinding fog is actually a creature called a will-o’-
mist, an obscure variety of will-o’-wisp found only
in the Misty Border. This result reveals all
aberration traits and the air and Mists subtypes.
22 Will-o’-mists can fly with remarkable agility.
They are completely immune to most spells or
spell-like effects, and they attack by inflicting
powerful electrical shocks. However, they prefer
to simply lead Mist travelers astray, feeding on
their fear and despair as they wander aimlessly.
Will-o’-mists cannot survive outside the Misty
27 When startled or frightened, a will-o’-mist can
extinguish its glow, effectively turning it invisible.
Although immune to most spells or spell-like
effects, they are affected by energy drain effects.
32 Other varieties of will-o’-wisp exist. Although
their abilities are similar, these creatures — such
as the will-o’-deep and will-o’- sea — have
adapted to specialized environments.
"I'm tellin' you, the Mists have eyes! I've seen
them myself, late at night when I'm lockin' up the
barn. Makes the hair stand up on the back o' my
neck when I see them hanging in the air, glowing
with that wicked light o' theirs. Whenever I catch
sight of one out of the corner of my eyes I just
hurry up and head for my front door, and don't
look left nor right until I'm safe inside."
- Farmer Williams of the Gray Heath, from
the working notes for Van Richten's Guide
to the Mists by Gennifer & Laurie
-wisp, dread, will
wisp, dread, willwisp, dread, will
wisp, dread, will-
sea sea
[Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III]
[Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III] [Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III]
[Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III]
JWM : Huge Aberration (Air), CR 8, neutral evil.
The most powerful will-o-wisp variety, which
exists in and around the seas of Ravenloft.
Appears as a sheet of electricity or St. Elmo’s Fire.
Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks in
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about will-o’-
seas. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Bardic Knowledge
DC Result
25 Will-o’-seas are malevolent lights that try to
lure lost ships onto unseen shoals, then feed on the
torment of the drowning sailors.
30 The scaly devils of the deep sea have learned
the strange language of the will-o’-seas, and join
forces with them to send ships down to the briny
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
25 This cascading curtain of color, resembling St.
Elmo’s fire or the northern lights, is actually a
creature called a will-o’-sea, a powerful variety of
will-o’-wisp adapted to life at sea. This result
reveals all aberration traits and the air subtype.
30 Will-o’-seas can fly with remarkable agility
and can move just as freely underwater. They are
completely immune to most spells or spell-like
effects, and they attack by generating crackling
lightning bolts. However, a will-o’-sea needs a
few moments to recharge its electrical attacks, and
it cannot unleash them underwater.
35 A will-o’-sea can alter the size and shape of its
glow, sometimes mimicking the beacon of a
lighthouse or the glint of sunken treasures.
Although immune to most spells or spell-like
effects, will-o’-seas are affected by magical cold.
40 Other varieties of will-o’-wisp exist. Although
their abilities are similar, these creatures — such
as the will-o’-deep and will-o’- sea — have
adapted to specialized environments.
Revised by JWM, FoS board nov 07:
Will-o’-Sea Lore
Characters with bardic knowledge or ranks in
Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about will-o’-
seas. When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC 18: This cascading curtain of color,
resembling St. Elmo’s fire or the northern lights, is
actually a creature called a will-o’-sea, a powerful
variety of will-o’-wisp adapted to life at sea. This
result reveals all aberration traits and the air
DC 23: Will-o’-seas can fly with remarkable
agility and can move just as freely underwater.
They are completely immune to most spells or
spell-like effects, and they attack by generating
crackling lighning bolts. However, a will-o’-sea
needs a few moments to recharge its electrictal
attacks, and it cannot unleash them underwater.
DC 28: A will-o’-sea can alter the size and shape
of its glow, sometimes mimicking the beacon of a
lighthouse or the glint of sunken treasures.
Although immune to most spells or spell-like
effects, will-o’-seas are affected by magical cold.
DC 33: Other varieties of will-o’-wisp exist.
Although their abilities are similar, these
creatures—such as the will-o’-deep and will-o’-
sea—have adapted to specialized environments.
DC 18: Will-o’-seas are malevolent lights that try
to lure lost ships onto unseen shoals, then feed on
the torment of the drowning sailors.
DC 23: The scaly devils of the deep sea have
learned the strange language of the will-o’-seas,
and are in league with them to send ships down to
the briny bottom
JMW, FoS board nov 07:
Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III
Usually NE Huge Aberration (Air)
Initiative: +10
Speed: Fly 50 ft. (perfect) (10 squares)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +11, Spot +11
Space/Reach: 15 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+14
Attack: Shock +15 melee touch (6d6 electricity)
Attack Options: Blind-Fight
Special Attacks: Shocking burst
Hit Dice: 15d8+15 Hit Points: 82
Armor Class: 24 (–2 size, +6 Dex, +10 deflection), touch 24, flat-
footed 18
Immune: Magic
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +13
Defense Options: Dodge
Special Qualities: Lightning bolt
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 22, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 14
Skills: Search +5, Survival +5 (+7 following tracks)
Social: Bluff +17, Disguise +10 (+12 acting), Intimidate +3, Sense
Motive +4
Languages: Auran
Outcast Rating: 11 (+4 size, +3 appearance, +2 reputation, +1
beyond the pale, +1 unnatural powers)
Feats: Ability Focus (lightning bolt), Alertness, Blind-Fight, Dodge,
Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon FinesseB
Environment: Any aquatic (Sea of Sorrows, Nocturnal Sea)
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: Standard
Advancement: 16–24 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:
Will-o’seas are a powerful form of will-o’-wisp
that make their home on and around the seas of
Ravenloft. Will-o’-seas lure sailors to watery
graves, then feed on the horrified, frenzied panic
of their drowning victims. Will-o’-seas are usually
encountered just off common trade routes,
appearing most frequently at dusk or in the early
evening, particularly during storms. The rest of the
time, they retreat beneath the waves, usually
lairing in one of the shipwrecks they have created.
A will-o’-sea generally appears as a shifting
cascade of glowing energy from 12 to 20 feet in
length, often indistinguishable from the luxuriant
displays of color produced by an arora borealis.
Unlike other will-o’-wisps, a will-o’-sea cannot
extinquish its glow, though it can dim itself
somewhat. Although these massive will-o’-wisps
cannot turn invisible, they are adept at altering
their size and shape. Will-o’-seas often mimic the
shape of a ship or lighthouse, using their glow to
outline empty shapes. By altering the intensity of
their aura, they can appear as gentle St. Elmo’s
fire or a fiery blaze, hoping to attract investigators.
Alternatively, a will-o’-sea may lurk beneath the
surface of seaweed-choked waters, mimicking the
silvery shimmer of half-seen sunken treasures.
A will-o’-sea’s body is a latticework of spongy
globes and interconnecting tendrils, stretching
about 10 feet across and weighing about 20
pounds, and its glowing body can shed as much
light as a bonfire.
Will-o’-seas speak Auran. They have no vocal
apparatus, instead communicating through a
combination of visual cues and a series of
electrical snaps, clicks, and hums. A few old salts
along the shores of the Sea of Sorrows and the
Nocturnal Sea claim that the scaly devils of the
deep have learned this language and cooperate
with will-o’-seas to lure seamen to the bottom.
Will-o’-seas usually position themselves above
hidden reefs or shoals, hoping to lure ships to their
doom. They delight in the frenzy of drowning
men, and so often try to sink ships while leaving
as many of the crew alive as possible. They then
hover over the survivors, taunting them and
thwarting their every attempt to reach safety.
Should the crew prove more resilient than
expected, a will-o’-sea can release lethal bolts of
electricity to kill men, shatter masts, and set ships
Will-o’-sea hunting grounds often gain reputations
as ships’ graveyards, with numerous wrecks
littering the bottom. These wrecks are often
haunted by ghosts, sea zombies, and other restless
drowning victims. The will-o’-sea typically
ignores these undead, using them to guard its lair.
Lightning Bolt (Su): Once every 1d4+1 rounds, as
a standard action, a will-o’-sea can produce a
lightning bolt, dealing 10d6 points of electricity
damage (Reflex DC 21 half; caster level 10th).
The save DC is Charisma-based.
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A will-o’-sea is immune
to most spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell
resistance, except those that deal cold damage.
Semiaquatic (Ex): A will-o’-sea can move and
breathe as freely underwater as it can in the air.
However, it cannot use its electrical attacks while
“The installation of brightly coloured buoys along
the channel considerably reduced the number of
vessels claimed each year by the Maiden’s Rock.
And the addition to the buoys of lamps, effective
in all but the thickest mist, spared many more
lives. But our good work has come to naught in
the last year. Ships, in all but the clearest weather,
are again frequently impaling themselves upon
that foul black spear. Worse, not so much as a
single man has escaped the wrecks and reached the
docks alive. When we find the bloated corpses
terror is invariably etched upon their faces. And
we know to row out in search of bodies the day
after hearing thunder in the fog.”
-Milton Hargrove, Assistant Harbour Master of
-wisp, dread, will
wisp, dread, willwisp, dread, will
wisp, dread, will-
wisp wisp
[Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual] [Monster Manual]
[Monster Manual]
JWM : Small Aberration (Air), CR 6, chaotic evil.
The standard MM will-o’-wisp.
Dr#328 - Feb 05 - The Ecology of the Will-O’-
Wisp - Interesting article, if we forget the cheesy
biological explanations (gas nodes that feed on
natural gas, allowing it to be lighted and
propelling it…).
Will-o'-wisps are clever and insidious creatures
that roam swamps and brackish wetlands. They are
commonly mistaken for lanterns or torches in the
thick mists.
Knowledge (Arcana)
DC Result
19 This floating, glowing orb is actually a creature
called a will-o'-wisp. This result reveals all
aberration traits and the air subtype.
24 Will-o'-wisps can fly with remarkable agility.
They are completely immune to most spells or
spell-like effects, and they attack by inflicting
powerful electrical shocks.
29 When startled or frightened, a will-o'-wisp can
extinguish its glow, effectively turning it invisible.
Although immune to most spells or spell-like
effects, they are affected by magic missile and
When I was a child, mama always said when
you're lost, go towards light, it's men looking for
you. I always remembered that, because your
mama doesn't ever lie.
When we got stuck in the bog, I thought, "head for
the lights, that's what mama said, and mama never
When we saw three torch lights flickering through
the trees, I headed right for them, knowing that I
was a good boy and doing what mama taught me.
The torches turned out to be marsh light, and I
wept. The more we wept the stronger they shone,
then they started spitting sparks and lightning at
I learnt an important lesson that day.
Mama lied.
-Written in a unmarked journal in the backpack of
a corpse found in the bogs of Mordent
Winter wol
Winter wolWinter wol
Winter wolf [Monster Manual]
f [Monster Manual] f [Monster Manual]
f [Monster Manual]
JWM : Large Magical Beast (Cold), CR 5, neutral
evil. Large, white, intelligent wolves with a cold
breath weapon. Lore is available in the WotC
monster lore thread.
Characters expecting a regular wolf are in for a
surprise when they face one of these creatures.
Knowledge (Arcana)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
learn more about winter wolves. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DCs. Knowledge (nature) can also be used, but all
check DCs increase by 5.
DC Result
15 This result reveals all magical beast traits and
cold subtype.
20 Like regular wolves, winter wolves can make
trip attacks after a successful bite attack. They are
remarkably intelligent and can speak Common and
25 Winter wolves are so named because their bite
produces freezing cold. They have a breath
weapon -- a cone of cold. Winter wolves are
immune to cold and vulnerable to fire.
Mikhail knelt to examine the corpse of the moose,
and hissed in dismay at what he found. "What is
it?" I asked.
"Frostbite," he answered, standing and looking
around us. Seeing my incomprehension, he said,
"Look for yourself."
Kneeling as he had done, I saw that the flesh of the
great deer beneath its shaggy pelt was blackened
and hard; touching it, the flesh crackled beneath
my fingers. "Not even the zilinya neshka blows so
cold as to burn," Mikhail muttered. "This was
done by the white wolves; they must be very
Adventures of a Wanderer, Larraby Quift
Witchfire [Pathfinder 5]
Witchfire [Pathfinder 5] Witchfire [Pathfinder 5]
Witchfire [Pathfinder 5]
Undead hag
Wolf [Monster Manual
Wolf [Monster Manual Wolf [Monster Manual
Wolf [Monster Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about wolves. When a character makes
a successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC 11: This shaggy gray canine is a wolf. Closely
related to domesticated dogs, wolves are social
predators that hunt in packs. This result reveals all
animal traits.
DC 16: Wolf packs coordinate their attacks to
stalk and take down larger game. When a wolf
bites its prey, it tries to wrench the creature to the
ground, where the entire pack can quickly finish it
See also: Wolf: "Collection of Canines, A"
Stephen Inniss Dragon#102(21) D&D1
"Howls of Nature's Wrath" Eric Cagle
Dragon#293(82) D&D3
Wolf, zombie
Wolf, zombie Wolf, zombie
Wolf, zombie
voir Zombie wolf
voir Zombie wolfvoir Zombie wolf
voir Zombie wolf
Wolfwere [Den of Dr]
Wolfwere [Den of Dr]Wolfwere [Den of Dr]
Wolfwere [Den of Dr]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or,
in Kartakass, Knowledge (local) can learn more
about wolfweres. When a character makes a
successful skill check, the following lore is
revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This cunning wolf is actually a shapechanging
trickster beast called a wolfwere. This result
reveals all magical beast traits and the
shapechanger subtype.
19 Wolfweres are talented shapechangers, and can
take the form of any humanoid race or sex, even
mimicking specific individuals. They change
shape by turning their skins inside out, so that
while humanoid, their fur grows on the inside.
Weapons made of cold iron can pierce a
wolfwere’s supernatural defenses.
24 Wolfweres cannot mimic specific individuals,
nor do they turn their skin inside out. A wolfwere
can perform a magical song that fatigues its
potential victims.
29 More powerful varieties of wolfwere exist. The
greater wolfwere can summon wolves to its aid
and rapidly heals most forms of damage.
“The wolf growled, and then, to our shock and
amazement, it stretched, standing upright like a
man. Its paws lengthened to cruel, clawed hands.
Its limbs popped and shifted, bending in ways that
no beasts ought to. Its back arched and curved, so
that as it rose on its misshapen legs, it kept its
gleaming yellow eyes fixed on us.”
—From the tales of Matthew Swiftsinger of
Wolverine [Monster
Wolverine [MonsterWolverine [Monster
Wolverine [Monster
Manual Manual
Manual -
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about wolverines. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC 12: This shaggy, badgerlike animal is a
wolverine, a predator known for its ferocity. This
result reveals all animal traits.
DC 17: Injured wolverines often fly into mad
rages. A raging wolverine is particularly
dangerous and never backs off from a fight.
Wraith [Monster Manual]
Wraith [Monster Manual] Wraith [Monster Manual]
Wraith [Monster Manual]
JWM : Medium Undead (Incorporeal), CR 5,
lawful evil. Shadowy spirit, resembling a robed
humanoid. Animals panic in its presence. It drains
Constitution with its touch, but is rendered
powerless by daylight. Lore is available in the
WotC monster lore thread.
Wraiths, the "cousins" of spectres and other
incorporeal undead, inspire the same sort of dread
as spectres. Because their victims turn into
additional wraiths, adventurers are wise to find
ways to combat them ahead of time.
Knowledge (Religion)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religions)
can learn more about wraiths. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
15 This sinister incorporeal creature is a wraith.
This result reveals all undead traits.
20 Animals balk at the presence of a wraith and
flee if they come within 30 feet of one. They are
highly intelligent and speak both Common and
25 The mere touch of a wraith drains the target's
Constitution, granting the wraith additional unlife.
A humanoid slain by a wraith becomes one itself
soon after death. Wraiths are resistant to turning
30 Wraiths are powerless in sunlight and flee from
it. When exposed to sunlight, they cannot attack
and can barely move. Larger and far more
powerful versions, called dread wraiths, are
sometimes seen.
"The wraith of the Grayrock village? Aye, I
remember that shady business. It was a difficult
fight. The adventuring party I was in was passing
through the village and the Mayor informed us
about the wraith. He offered a good reward.
We were looking for it all day, but it was nowhere.
Ferderun, our ranger, noted that it appears only at
night to haunt the roads near the village. So we
slept and waited for the night.
After a couple of fruitless nights, Ferderun spotted
a place that animals avoided; a patch in the forest
that was devoid of animals. Creepy place that.
Dark and silent. Anyway, we approached under
the protection of Ezra provided by that Ancorite
fellow Drevin.
Then we saw it: a white semi-trasparent, cloaked
figure floating out of large, dead oak in eerie
silence. Ferderun left an arrow fly from his
enchanted bow, I raised my spear to attack and the
Ancorite mouthed a prayer. We had a couple of
young warriors with us that night. Caravan guards
who were looking to make some fame for
themselves. They charged in with their axes, even
after Drevin shouted to them to stay back... poor
Their weapons were normal, the short you find in
a blacksmith, the honest weapons as I call them...
not what you find in the hands of a vampire like
my spear. They passed through the wraith's body
leaving it unharmed. Then it moved its hand and
touched one of the warriors, who suddenly grew
pale and clutched his heart.
We kept on pressing on the fiend some of our own
attacks missing, some finding their mark. The
wounded man tried to retreat but it just passed
through a tree in its way and touched the unlucky
fellow again, and with a coarse scream, he
dropped dead.
His fellow screamed in terror and froze in his
place, I'm sure he wetted his pants although I
cannot blame him. His friends was dead without a
scratch, not a way for a warrior to die. Enraged by
the loss of our new companion we pressed the
attack and probably wounded the unholy thing
much because it retreated to the ground.
As we turned to look at our fallen companion,
Drevin started to say something, a warning
probably about what would follow. Before he
mouthed more than a word though, we saw
another figure, hazy and semi-transparent rise
from the corpse of our lost companion. The
features of his face were not clear but we could
recognise the similarities to him.
Aye, you guessed it right. A few moments after he
was killed by the touch he returned as another
spawn of evil.
The first target of this new threat was his once
before friend, frozen in terror. He managed to kill
the other lad too, just before I managed to dissolve
its unholy essence with my magic spear. Devin
this time managed to sprinkle the body with holy
water and say some prayer on time, so at least this
lad's soul was saved.
It was a full week before we managed to destroy
the original wraith of the Grayrock village. And
that not before it managed to touch Fedrerun.
While Dervin's prayers helped him, Fedrerun's
health waned from that encounter; he become
somewhat feeble for his age and was the first to
catch a cold from our troop from there on. "
- From the saying's of a gray-haired man at an
Invidian Inn.
See also Dragon #300 and 336
Wraith, war [Book of Souls]
Wraith, war [Book of Souls] Wraith, war [Book of Souls]
Wraith, war [Book of Souls]
JWM : Medium Undead (Incorporeal), CR 5,
lawful evil. Shadowy warriors that haunt
battlefields, draining the last life from the
wounded. See the Book of Souls for the full scoop.
“Beyond the Shroud there are brothers, whisperers
of mortifying secrets, who have thrown off the
yolk of Azalin. Would they obey or defy our lord?
Are they our avant-garde or that of some even
more ineluctable end to all life that readies in the
Grey Realm its ascension?
-Vice-Chancellor August Montalva of the
University of Il Aluk pondering his allegiance in
the gathering Time of Unparalleled Darkness
Wraith creature [Savage Species]
Wraith creature [Savage Species] Wraith creature [Savage Species]
Wraith creature [Savage Species]
JWM : Template Undead (Incorporeal), CR +3,
lawful evil. A basic template that turns non-
humanoid creatures into wraiths.
In front of the inn’s patrons the leader of the
surviving adventurers dared address Lukas in these
“You warned us that the underbrush would not
slow its charge - not that it could rush headlong
through trees. You hinted that it might not be
easily pricked by our blades - not that they might
pass clean through it. You confessed that there
was something unnatural about it - not that it was
unholy. You said it would not easily be put out of
existence - not that it had no life to yield.”
To which the old rogue replied with a wolfish
“You came from your land seeking adventure,
n’est-ce pas? I afforded you a grand one for not so
much as a Rat-Tooth. And had you ended
Grandfather Boar suffering I would have gladly
paid you the bounty. But of course as proof you
would have had to bring me his head.”
-Extract from “Recent events in Kartakass”
compiled by Barovian spies
Wrethfetin Wrethfetin
voir vampire, halfling
voir vampire, halfling voir vampire, halfling
voir vampire, halfling
Yellow musk creeper [Fiend Folio]
Yellow musk creeper [Fiend Folio] Yellow musk creeper [Fiend Folio]
Yellow musk creeper [Fiend Folio]
JWM : Always N Huge Plant, CR 4. A tropical
climbing vine with beautiful, orchid-like flowers,
found in the Verdurous Lands. It can defend itself
by lashing out with its long tendrils, but the real
danger lies in its musk. The creeper can release a
puff of pollen; creatures that inhale this musk may
drop unconscious. The creeper then extends its
tendrils into the helpless creatures’ skulls,
consuming their brains and implanting them with a
seed. If the creature survives the process, it is
transformed into a yellow musk zombie.
A yellow musk creeper and its zombies are
featured in the adventure Adam’s Wrath.
Yellow Musk Creeper/Yellow Musk Zombie Lore
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about yellow musk creepers. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 The plant producing these beautiful yellow and
violet flowers is called a yellow musk creeper.
This result reveals all plant traits.
19 These plants are extremely dangerous. If a
creature comes too close, the creeper can spray a
puff of spores in the victim’s face. The spores
affect the victim’s mind, compelling it to nustle up
to the plant and remain motionless and dazed.
24 Once a victim is at hand, the creeper extends
tendrils into the creature’s brain, devouring the
victim’s brain.
29 Not all of those whose minds are devoured by a
creeper die. Sometimes, the creeper implants seeds
in the victim’s brain, which control the body like a
dimly intelligent puppet. These “yellow musk
zombies” are not actually undead, but exist solely
to procure more victims for the creeper. If the
yellow musk creeper is destroyed, a regenerate or
heal effect can restore its zombies to their normal
The tale was less wild and all the more frightful
after witnessing those tendrils coursing through
Yakov’s body. If a tree could stake a man and
plant in him its seed, was it beyond belief that a
creeper could seize a man, feed upon his brain,
and reduce him to its slave? The thought was
monstrous. Yet no more so than the raja said to
keep a specimen in his garden to which he fed his
enemies that they might be cheated of the mercy
of death and that he might rise each day to the
sight of their ceaseless torment.
-Journal of Charlie Wescote, Ship's Biologist of
the HMS Retriever
Yellow musk zombie [Fiend Folio]
Yellow musk zombie [Fiend Folio] Yellow musk zombie [Fiend Folio]
Yellow musk zombie [Fiend Folio]
JWM : Always N Medium Plant, CR 1/2
(template). Mindless victims under the control of
the yellow musk creeper that created them. Their
sole purpose is to procure more victims for their
creeper. If killed, a new yellow musk creeper
sprouts from the corpse within an hour. Although
easily mistaken for zombies, yellow musk zombies
are still alive (and can be cured, if not without
"Believe me my dear, I would not, could not, kill a
man beloved by you. Rather I took him into my
employ. He works in my garden. But come see for
yourself the truth of this. He is charged with caring
for my most beloved plant, a very fine creeper,
and he shall continue caring for it until you
renounce your love for him and give your heart to
-Jawahar Ghee from the play The Raja and the
Shudra by Lemot Sediam Juste
-ti, all [Monster Manual]
ti, all [Monster Manual] ti, all [Monster Manual]
ti, all [Monster Manual]
JWM : The descendants of degenerate humans
whose bloodlines were mingled with those of
serpents. A debased, psionic race, dedicated to
their foul god. They are calculating schemers,
probably most active in Sri Raji. All yuan-ti can
transform themselves into vipers and psionically
detect hostile intent.
-ti, pureblood [Monster Man
ti, pureblood [Monster Manti, pureblood [Monster Man
ti, pureblood [Monster Manual
& &
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Expanded Psionics HandbookExpanded Psionics Handbook
Expanded Psionics Handbook]
] ]
JWM : Usually CE Medium Monstrous Humanoid
(Psionic), CR 3. The least powerful, and most
human, yuan-ti. Mostly human in appearance, with
some serpentine features which they can usually
disguise. They often pose as humans, working
against human societies from within. They have
several psionic powers.
Lore for individual yuan-ti varieties is given
below. However, a character that recognizes a
yuan-ti’s nature can can also make a Knowledge
(religion) check to learn more about yuan-ti in
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
22 Yuan-ti worship Merrshaulk, the serpentine
god of chaos and evil who created their fell race.
Positions of power in the priesthood are filled by
yuan-ti abominations or anathemas.
Yuan-Ti Pureblood Lore
Monster Manual & Expanded Psionics Handbook
(This lore reflects the psionic version presented in
the XPH. If using the MM’s arcane version, swap
out detect hostile intent for detect poison, swap the
listed psi-like abilities for its spell-like abilities,
and generally replace any use of “psionics” with
“arcane” equivalents.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about yuan-ti purebloods. Characters
that recognize a yuan-ti’s nature can make a
Knowledge (religion) check to learn more (see
above). When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (psionics)
DC Result
13 This humanoid’s subtle, snakelike features
reveal that it is actually a yuan-ti pureblood, a
degenerate race that arose from the unnatural
mingling of humanoid and serpent bloodlines.
This result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits
and the psionic subtype. Yuan-ti speak their own
language, and generally know Draconic, Abyssal,
and the local language as well.
17 Compared to humans, yuan-ti purebloods are
relatively agile, intelligent, and forceful. Like all
yuan-ti, purebloods can psionically detect hostile
intent and can transform themselves into vipers.
23 Yuan-ti purebloods can see in the dark. They
can manifest a variety of psionic powers, including
aversion, concealing amorpha, darkness,
entangling ectoplasm, psionic charm, and psionic
daze. They are resistant to psionic attacks.
27 Of all the true yuan-ti, purebloods possess the
least serpentine taint in their blood. They are also
the least intelligent and the socially lowest of their
kind, but they can easily pass for humans and
often act as spies for their more monstrous lords
and masters.
“But that is the terrible thing. We were warned, we
disregarded the poor fellow’s words, and we
should have known better. For although you or I
may say with poetic licence that a man has a
forked tongue, a simpleton is not likely to detect
the duplicity of others let alone describe them
-Doctor Abelhous Nicholis, Professor of Biology
at the University of Il Aluk in Exile at Karg,
recalling his expedition to Sri Raji
-ti, halfblood [Monster Manual
ti, halfblood [Monster Manualti, halfblood [Monster Manual
ti, halfblood [Monster Manual&
& &
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Expanded Psionics HandbookExpanded Psionics Handbook
Expanded Psionics Handbook]
] ]
JWM : Usually CE Medium Monstrous Humanoid
(Psionic), CR 5. Still humanoid, but with obvious
serpentine features, such as scales or a snake’s
head or tail. They hold a middling position in
yuan-ti society, more esteemed than purebloods
but below abominations. They have several
psionic powers. They also have a poisonous bite
and may be able to constrict, depending on their
Yuan-Ti Halfblood Lore - Monster Manual &
Expanded Psionics Handbook
(This lore reflects the psionic version presented in
the XPH. If using the MM’s arcane version, swap
out detect hostile intent for detect poison, swap the
listed psi-like abilities for its spell-like abilities,
and generally replace any use of “psionics” with
“arcane” equivalents.)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about yuan-ti halfbloods. Characters
that recognize a yuan-ti’s nature can make a
Knowledge (religion) check to learn more (see
above). When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (psionics)
DC Result
15 This humanoid’s distinctly serpentine features
(such as scaly skin and a snakelike head or tail)
reveal it to be a yuan-ti halfblood, a degenerate
race that arose from the unnatural mingling of
humanoid and serpent bloodlines. This result
reveals all monstrous humanoid traits and the
psionic subtype. Yuan-ti speak their own
language, and generally know Draconic, Abyssal,
and Common as well.
20 Yuan-ti halfbloods are both physically and
mentally more powerful than humans. Like all
yuan-ti, halfbloods can psionically detect hostile
intent and can transform themselves into vipers.
Their venomous bite can be deadly. In combat,
they frequently rely on their chameleon and
exhaltation of the black dragon psi-like abilities.
25 Yuan-ti halfbloods can see in the dark and have
a keen sense of smell. They can manifest a variety
of psionic powers in addition to those listed above,
including aversion, body purification, concealing
amorpha, deeper darkness, entangling ectoplasm,
mind thrust, psionic charm, psionic daze, and
psionic suggestion. They are resistant to psionic
30 Yuan-ti halfbloods hold a middling position
within the malign yuan-ti society. They are among
the most common yuan-ti, but seldom deal with
outsiders (unlike purebloods) and rarely hold
positions of true power
"The taxidermist, having clarified the matter to my
satisfaction, offered to show me a uniquely
challenging commission for a rich and famous
client whose name he declined to give.
Indisputably, the body was monstrous, that of a
snake nearly as thick as my leg, but the head was
far worse, for it was that of a innocent human girl
of no more than five years."
-George Weathermay in fireside conversation with
Rudolf van Ritchen
-ti, abomination [Mons
ti, abomination [Monsti, abomination [Mons
ti, abomination [Monster Manual
ter Manual ter Manual
ter Manual &
& &
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Expanded Psionics HandbookExpanded Psionics Handbook
Expanded Psionics Handbook]
] ]
JWM : Usually CE Large Monstrous Humanoid
(Psionic), CR 7. The rulers of yuan-ti society, they
appear as massive snakes with burly, humanoid
arms. They have poison bites and can constrict.
They also have numerous psionic powers.
Yuan-Ti Abomination Lore - Monster Manual &
Expanded Psionics Handbook)
(Again, this is the psionic version of yuan-ti. Make
adjustments as needed for the arcane MM
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about yuan-ti abominations. Characters
that recognize a yuan-ti’s nature can make a
Knowledge (religion) check to learn more (see
above). When a character makes a successful skill
check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (psionics)
DC Result
17 This monstrous serpent has a pair of humanoid
arms and an unnervingly intelligent demeanor. It is
a yuan-ti abomination, a powerful member of a
degenerate race that arose from the unnatural
mingling of humanoid and serpent bloodlines.
This result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits
and the psionic subtype. Yuan-ti speak their own
language, and generally know Draconic, Abyssal,
and the local language as well.
22 Yuan-ti abominations are physically powerful
and possess a superhuman intellect. Like all yuan-
ti, abominations can psionically detect hostile
intent and can transform themselves into vipers.
Their venomous bite can be deadly, and they can
crush foes in their serpentine coils. However,
abominations prefer to lead from the rear, sending
their lesser minions to fight for them.
27 Yuan-ti abominations can see in the dark and
have a keen sense of smell. They can manifest a
variety of psionic powers in addition to those
listed above, including aversion, baleful
polymorph, body purification, chameleon,
concealing amorpha, deeper darkness, entangling
ectoplasm, exhaltation of the black dragon, mind
thrust, psionic charm, psionic daze, and psionic
suggestion. They are resistant to psionic attacks.
32 Abominations are the masterminds of yuan-ti
society. While their expendible minions enter
melee, they analyze the battlefield, using their
psionic powers to maximum effect.
As they brought us in I saw that we had not yet
plumbed the depths of madness. Seated (if such a
word can be used) on the throne at the head of the
ruined temple was an enormous serpent, obviously
heavier than a man. At first I did not dare to
believe my eyes, for it seemed the thing had arms
like those of a strong man, but when it spoke I
knew it was, like the men who had found us in the
jungle, some hideous amalgamation of man and
serpent--only here the serpent predominated over
the man.
So great was the shock of this newest horror that it
was several moments before I realized the creature
was actually speaking to me. "What is your name,
human?" it hissed.
"Paul D'Arcenaux," I managed to reply.
The Forge of Darkness, by Jean Lafolie (novel)
-ti, anathema [Fiend Folio]
ti, anathema [Fiend Folio] ti, anathema [Fiend Folio]
ti, anathema [Fiend Folio]
JWM : Always CE Huge Aberration (Psionic), CR
18. A massive yuan-ti mutation, revered — yet
also held at arm’s length — by yuan-ti society as
divine incarnations of their vile god. Somewhat
resembles a cross between a yuan-ti and a hydra,
with six heads and only vague hints of humanity.
Poison bites, constrict, powerful psionic abilities,
and the ability to create and apply yuan-ti grafts.
"It is the god made visible, the most holy. You are
fortunate indeed to have been selected as the
offering," my captor said, his weird snake-eyes
catching the firelight and shining yellow. "Abase
yourself, for you come into the presence of the
As he spoke the door was opened and I was thrust
forward into the room. For a moment reason
refused to countenance it; larger even than the
elephant on which we had ridden, it writhed above
me like a whole nest of snakes forged somehow
into a grotesque and awful whole.
The Forge of Darkness, Jean Lafolie (novel)
-ti, servitor [Monsters of Faerun,
ti, servitor [Monsters of Faerun, ti, servitor [Monsters of Faerun,
ti, servitor [Monsters of Faerun,
Savage Species]
Savage Species] Savage Species]
Savage Species]
JWM : Usually CE Medium Humanoid (Psionic),
CR 5 (template). A template that creates two
separate servitor races. Yuan-ti cultists create
these servitors by force-feeding normal humans a
vile concoction. If the process works, the human
becomes a tainted one. Tainted ones appear
physically human, but develop serpentine
mannerisms. They are loyal to the yuan-ti, and are
used to infiltrate humanoid societies. If the process
fails, the victim becomes a broodguard.
Broodguards are near-mindless, reptilian
humanoids that attack with tooth and claw. Only
need one blurb for this entry.
JWM Yuan-Ti Tainted One Lore
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about yuan-ti tainted ones. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
16 This stranger’s subtly serpentine habits suggest
he is a tainted one, a former human transformed by
the degenerate serpentfolk known as yuan-ti to
serve their race. This result reveals all humanoid
21 Yuan-ti use a foul concoction created from
various herbs and their own venom to create
servitors. The same process creates both tainted
ones and broodguards. Tainted ones are the result
of successful transformations, while the more
numerous broodguards are the result of failures. A
tainted one’s saliva is venomous; while its bite can
be deadly, even a kiss may be dangerous.
26 A tainted one gains the psi-like abilities to
polymorph itself into serpentine forms and to
poison its foes. Tainted ones are immune to all
forms of snake venom.
31 Tainted ones are mildly resistant to magic.
Yuan-Ti Broodguard Lore
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can
learn more about yuan-ti broodguards. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
15 This emaciated, scaly humanoid is a tainted
one, a former human transformed by the
degenerate serpentfolk known as yuan-ti to serve
their race. This result reveals all monstrous
humanoid traits.
20 Yuan-ti use a foul concoction created from
various herbs and their own venom to create
servitors. The same process creates both
broodguards and tainted ones. Tainted ones are the
result of successful transformations, while the
more numerous broodguards are the result of
failures. Broodguards attack with their sharp claws
and fangs, but fortunately they are not venomous.
25 Once a day, a broodguard can fly into a
berserker rage in the heat of battle. Broodguards
are immune to all forms of snake venom.
30 Broodguards’ enhanced mental defenses render
them immune to hold and charm spells and effects.
My blood seemed to throb as the chanting
increased to fever pitch, the primal, animalistic
sensations it called forth enhanced by the heady
senses of the incense.
"Keep your head about you, Doctor," Sir Anthony
hissed, grabbing my arm. "These people may be
debased madmen, but they are as dangerous as the
most cunning villain. Look, there!"
I could barely stifle a gasp as the high priest of the
serpent cult beckoned, and two of his men pulled a
figure forward from the shadows, undulating as
they walked in a way that was not entirely human.
"Now, we shall see whether our god shall convey
his blessing on this daughter of foreign shores, or
whether she shall be proof that we must overthrow
the devil Arjani before setting our eyes beyond Sri
I saw, then, the rolling eyes, the sheen of sweat on
her limbs, and I realized the truth.
"For Ezra's sake, Sir Anthony!" I screamed.
"They've already given her their foul poison!"
from The Insidious Dr. Yuan, originally posted in
serial format in "Chilling Tales," Paridon Press
Yugoloth, arcanoloth [Monster Manual II]
Yugoloth, arcanoloth [Monster Manual II] Yugoloth, arcanoloth [Monster Manual II]
Yugoloth, arcanoloth [Monster Manual II]
JWM : Always NE Medium Outsider (Evil,
Extraplanar), CR 17. Arcanoloths are the record
keepers of these fiends. They appear as jackal-
headed humanoids and long, taloned fingers.
Incredibly intelligent. Can communicate
telepathically, but it can also speak and write in
any language. Its claws are poisonous and it has
several significant spell-like abilities. All
arcanoloths are also powerful sorcerers.
“Why shouldn’t it be in your power to avenge
yourself, to share with your enemies the pain that
they visit upon you, or indeed to seize their very
bones and pay back with interest their each and
every transgression? Would that not be just? Do
you not deserve justice? Are you not worthy of
justice and justice in this life? I would not deny it
to you, could not deny it to you. Take back what is
yours and yours by right.”
-Inajira striving to add a soul to his Book of
-na [Oriental Adventures,
na [Oriental Adventures, na [Oriental Adventures,
na [Oriental Adventures,
JWM : Often CN Medium Fey (Cold, Spirit), CR
4. Beautiful female spirits of winter and blizzards.
Like winter itself, they can be fickle and
unpredictable. They can paralyze foes with a
glance. With a touch, they can render a creature
completely unable to find its way for several
hours, unable to find its way from one room to
another, much less blaze a trail across the
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about yuki-on-nas. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
14 This beautiful woman wearing snowy white
robes is a yuki-on-na, a fey spirit embodying the
forces of winter. This result reveals all fey traits
and the cold subtype. Yuki-on-na speak Sylvan
and a local language.
19 Like a blizzard itself, a yuki-on-na is neither
inherently good nor evil. Likewise, it can produce
both great beauty and numbing death. These spirits
are almost always encountered during blizzards. A
yuki-on-na can paralyze creatures with a mere
24 A yuki-on-na can cause a creature to become
lost — completely losing itself ability to find its
way across wintry terrain for several hours — with
but a touch.
29 A yuki-on-na can call upon several spell-like
abilities, including disguise self, comprehend
languages, and detect thoughts.
"No, no, he'll walk again, no fear on that account.
Many a young fool's lost more toes than this to
frost's nibbling, of a winter, and been fit to dance
with his lovie by Springfest. It's his head that
worries me most, to be truthtelling: rambling on as
he did, of chasing wee twirling missies through the
snow, and near to breaking his neck on the steps to
the cold cellar what he thought 'twas the privy,
poor lad."
-- Medical prognosis by Hilda Larsen of Seaheim
Zeugalak [Lords of Madness]
Zeugalak [Lords of Madness] Zeugalak [Lords of Madness]
Zeugalak [Lords of Madness]
JWM: Usually CN Huge Aberration, CR 12. An
observant and patient predator found in Bluetspur.
Resembles a reptile; its head consists of three
tentacles that open up to reveal a fanged maw. Its
body crackles with deadly electricity, which it can
project as a breath weapon. Naturally, it’s also
immune to lightning.
“In Ravenloft, zeugalaks were extremely rare
creatures of Thaani legend before the final
downfall of humanity. In the decades since Thaan
was transformed into lightning-blasted Bluetspur,
their numbers have grown. Unwary adventurers or
slaves fleeing the illithids may be shocked to
discover Bluetspur’s barren surface inhabited by
extremely dangerous predators. Due to the
lethality of the domain’s frequent lightning storms,
a handful of zeugalaks have Bleutspur’s surface
almost entirely to themselves. Between storms,
hunger often drives the zeugalaks into upper
caverns in search of prey. Zeugalaks do not
differentiate between illithids and other forms of
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(dungeoneering) can learn more about zeugalaks.
When a character makes a successful skill check,
the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
22 This massive, tentacled beast is a zeugalak, a
powerful predator usually found in tropical
foothills. This result reveals all aberration traits.
27 Zeugalaks are most active during lightning
storms, and often emerge from their lairs to caper
and howl with delight as they are struck by
lightning. A zeugalak’s skin constantly crackles
with arcs of electricity. Zeugalaks are unharmed
by electrical attacks. Zeugalaks usually begin
combat by charging their foes or leaping down on
them from extreme heights, using an innate feather
fall ability to avoid harm.
32 A zeugalak’s tentacled face peels back to reveal
a maw filled with sharklike fangs. Several times a
minute, it can release a 100-ft.-long lightning bolt
as a breath weapon. Not only are zeugalaks
unharmed by electricity, it supercharges them,
temporarily making them much more agile.
37 If a zeugalak pins an opponent to the ground
with a claw, it can channel electricity through the
victim, into the ground, frying the creature. The
stinger at the end of a zeugalak’s long tail injects
venom that saps the strength from the victim’s
Our joy at reaching the surface was soon
tempered, and then withered entirely, by the sight
that greeted us. A lightning storm of inconceivable
intensity played across the surface; there was no
rain, only the fall of bolt after bolt, sometimes as
many as ten in a minute.
"Well, at least nothing is likely to be up here with
us," Kruezerhoff offered. "Unless it likes being
struck by lightning."
Dorne frowned and pointed. "We should be so
lucky. Look over there."
It took several minutes, but at last I saw what his
elvish eyes had seen almost immediately;
something vaguely like a crocodile was "sunning"
itself on a high ridge a few hundred yards away.
Lightning struck it directly twice as we watched,
to no obvious effect.
Yaro Kaleks, The Caverns of Madness
Zeuglodon (dire animal) [Frostburn]
Zeuglodon (dire animal) [Frostburn]Zeuglodon (dire animal) [Frostburn]
Zeuglodon (dire animal) [Frostburn]
Proposed par C Nichols pour le NS Gaz
Zombie [Monster Manual]
Zombie [Monster Manual] Zombie [Monster Manual]
Zombie [Monster Manual]
JWM: Always NE template undead. A mindless,
shambling corpse.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s zombified nature.
They may need to make a separate Knowledge
check to learn about the base creature. Characters
who recognize a zombie’s nature can make a
Knowledge (arcana) check to learn more. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
10 This shambling, rotting creature is a zombie,
little more than a walking corpse. This result
reveals all undead traits.
15 Zombies are mindless undead that retain almost
none of the knowledge or abilities they possessed
in life.
20 A zombie’s reflexes are all but destroyed by the
rot slowly consuming its body. A zombie has such
poor coordinatation that it cannot move and attack
at the same time.
25 A zombie doesn’t even feel most minor blows
to its putrid flesh.The most effective means of
destroying zombies is to simply dismember them
with slashing weapons.
Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
13 Zombies can be created with a basic animate
dead spell. They are often found in the service of
necromancers or other masters of the undead.
When we arrived at the grotto, we detected the
rotting meat stench of the zombies, then we heard
the noise of carrion flies feeding on the zombie's
decaying flesh and fluids.
Then we saw the pack of creatures slowly moving
toward us. It was an horrible sight: their pale gray
skin had the color of rotting meat, with many
blood red holes or bruises seen on their viscous
skin. Their eyes were dead and not always focused
front. Many had worms crawling on their rotting
flesh. A few had missing upper limbs. I think it
was Daniel who screamed madly, but the rest kept
our place until they were on us...
A dwarf defender tale in Darkon
See also: Zombie
Absorbing "Dragon's Bestiary: The
Necromancer's Armory" Rudy Thauberger
See also zombie (FoS Souragne report) : general
zombie notes and Souragnien Zombie
Zombie Fog [Den of Dr]
Zombie Fog [Den of Dr]Zombie Fog [Den of Dr]
Zombie Fog [Den of Dr]
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or
Knowledge (the planes) can learn more about
zombie fogs. When a character makes a successful
skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
DC Result
17 This unsettling, pulsing fog is a zombie fog.
This result reveals all outsider traits plus the air
and native subtypes.
22 Because a zombie fog is entirely vaporous, it is
immune to most forms of attack. The shuffling
figures half-glimpsed moving through the fog are
not zombies, but fog cadavers. They are animated
by the zombie fog itself, rather than by negative
energy. This result reveals all construct traits.
27 A zombie fog can animate the humanoid
corpses within the area it fills, and if the cadavers
are slain, it animates them again. To permanently
stop fog cadavers, foes must completely destroy
their bodies or somehow isolate them from their
animating force, the zombie fog itself.
32 A zombie fog feeds on positive energy, and
drains away the ebbing life force of dying
creatures. Fortunately, a zombie fog is rendered
completely powerless by the light of day.
“The mist blanketed the graveyard, its white
tendrils caressing the tombstones. Slowly, the
opened graves began to tremble, and the bodies
stirred within the coffins. One by one, they
shambled forth, their eyes veiled in fog, called by
the siren spell of the fog that lured the living
toward slow death and the dead toward a mockery
of life.”
—Mist of the Living Dead: A Tale of Horrific
Love, fifth sequel to The Dead Travel Fast
Zombie, cannibal, desert, mud, sea,
Zombie, cannibal, desert, mud, sea, Zombie, cannibal, desert, mud, sea,
Zombie, cannibal, desert, mud, sea,
Strahd (Denizens of Darkness,
Strahd (Denizens of Darkness, Strahd (Denizens of Darkness,
Strahd (Denizens of Darkness,
Zombie, fog & fog cadaver (Denizens of
Zombie, fog & fog cadaver (Denizens of Zombie, fog & fog cadaver (Denizens of
Zombie, fog & fog cadaver (Denizens of
Zombie, wolf (Gaz I
Zombie, wolf (Gaz IZombie, wolf (Gaz I
Zombie, wolf (Gaz I)
Zombie lord [Denizens of Dread]
Zombie lord [Denizens of Dread] Zombie lord [Denizens of Dread]
Zombie lord [Denizens of Dread]
JWM: Usually NE template undead, CR +3. A
powerful and intelligent zombie-like creature
created when an evil humanoid or monstrous
humanoid is killed by undead and then undergoes
an unsuccessful attempt to restore it to life. Gives
off a necromantic reek that can sicken or kill its
victims. Can animate corpses as standard zombies
or transform a living creature into a zombie 1/day.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about a creature’s zombie lord nature.
Characters may need to make separate Knowledge
checks to learn about the base creature. When a
character makes a successful skill check, the
following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
DC Result
14 This animated corpse may appear to be a
zombie, but its cruel intellect reveals that it is
actually a zombie lord, a powerful master of lesser
undead. This result reveals all undead traits.
Zombie lords retain the languages they knew in
19 Zombie lords arise only in extremely rare
circumstances. First, a villainous person must be
killed by the undead. Then, a magical attempt to
restore the victim to life must fail. The
combination of events pulls the victim back from
death as a rotting undead horror. A zombie lord
doesn’t even feel glancing blows to its rotting
flesh, but dismembering the creature with slashing
weapons can prove quite effective.
24 Unlike mere zombies, zombie lords are not
slow-moving creatures, and retain their full
intellect and abilities. Zombie lords are also
surrounded by a foul necromantic aura that sickens
the living sometimes even killing them outright
and immediately animating them as zombies.
29 Once per day, a zombie lord can choose to
either animate a horde of zombies or slay a living
creature with its touch, instantly animating the
corpse as a zombie. A zombie lord exerts total
control over nearby mindless undead, and can
even scry through their senses. Zombie lords can
communicate with any undead creature.
"I tried to help. I wanted to help," the outlander
priest gibbered, clutching the sun-medallion at his
chest. The smell was becoming more intense--
piercingly sweet and heavy with corruption. "I
didn't know..."
"You try to raise him from the dead," Patte de
Poulet said, his voice flat. "The more fool you,
m'sieur. Now he come to thank you himself, no?
Only the Lord of the Dead can help us now, if he
choose to."
The smell had become something physical, a
miasma that tore at the nose and mouth like a
noxious chemical. I felt the bile rising in my
throat, but fought it down; the outlander was not
so strong of stomach, and doubled over, clutching
at his chest and vomiting.
Interview with Marcel Rondeau, from the working
notes to Van Richten's Guide to the Walking Dead
Zweifalk [Ravenloft Gazetteer II]
Zweifalk [Ravenloft Gazetteer II]Zweifalk [Ravenloft Gazetteer II]
Zweifalk [Ravenloft Gazetteer II]
JWM: Zweifalk - Often CE Tiny Magical Beast,
CR 3. A vicious, two-headed falcon, of about the
same size and intelligence as a dog. Native to
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about zweifalks. When a character
makes a successful skill check, the following lore
is revealed, including the information from lower
DC Result
13 This two-headed hawk is a zweifalk. This result
reveals all magical beast traits.
18 A zweifalk is a savage and highly territorial
predator that often aims for its victim’s eyes,
attempting to permanently blind them
23 Although the process is difficult, zweifalk
chicks can be trained, though they often turn on
heedless hawkmasters.
A shrill double scream rang out among the peaks,
and we saw the commandante's zweifalk stoop on
Goras' raven. Goras swore; ducking aside, the
raven began to fly toward us.
"No!" Schwartzer said, grabbing his arm, her face
contorted in anger and fear. "You'll lead it right to
"It's my familiar," Goras spat back at her. "Falcons
aren't dogs; they can't use this thing to track us."
"Oh yes, they can," Schwartzer replied. "I've
trained them to do it myself, when I served the
journal of Antho Stormbound
“The three wagons were filled with sullen children
orphaned by the Dead Man’s Campaigns and
general misfortune. We had orders to show them
every kindness and that we did. They were
delighted with the attention and even the
thunderous arrival of the Kingfuhrer suppressed
only a little their gaiety. Drakov entered their
midst, smiling broadly, swooping a pair of strong
looking boys up onto his shoulders, kneeling down
to put pleasantries to others. After a few minutes
he cried out that it was time for the games to
begin. Each child had to lift a stone, a heavier one
for the boys and a lighter one for the girls, and
those who succeeded where sent to the first
wagon. The boys and girls who remained were
then separated and a footrace was set in motion for
each sex. The quicker half of the contestants were
dispatched to the second wagon. Vlad then
personally administered a test of mathematics to
each of the remaining children. Those who passed
it ended up in the third wagon. The old warrior
then announced a game of hide and seek for the 6
boys and 5 girls who were left. They scurried out
of sight as the wagons pulled away and we
brought forth the first of the zweifalks. Vlad took
the raptor upon his arm, removed the two hoods,
and threw it into the air with a cry to hunt down
and slay the weak. This it did with the greatest
proficiency, as did its brothers and sisters in
succession, during a scream filled quarter hour that
haunts me still.
-Gustov Petroff, hawksman and horse smuggler
wanted for desertion from the Falkovnian army,
relating the event that drove him from his