HELOC Program
(Program offered in partnership with TCF Bank)
This is a business-to-business communication provided for use by mortgage professionals only and is not intended for distribution to consumers or other third
parties. It is not an advertisement; as such term is defined in Section 2 26.24 of Regulation Z. Product information is subject to change without notice. HomeBridge
Wholesale is a division of HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc. NMLS #6521 © HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/21/20
1-2 Unit Primary Residence
First Lien Purchase, Rate/Term or Cash-Out Refinance Transactions
1, 2, 4
Maximum Combined Loan Amount
(First and HELOC)
Credit Score
Current Prime Rate
Plus Below Margin
85.01% - 89.99%
80.01% - 89.99%
80.01% - 89.99%
80.01% - 85%
60.01% - 80%
60.01% - 80%
60.01% - 80%
≤ 60%
≤ 60%
≤ 60%
≤ 60%
1.49 %
1. 85.01% to 89.99% CLTV: Maximum HELOC amount is $350,000
2. 85% CLTV and below: Maximum HELOC amount is $500,000
3. Floor is the greater of 51 bps below the initial start rate or 4.99% unless the initial start rate is < 4.99% then the
floor is equal to the initial start rate
4. The applicable Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac CLTV limits apply when lower than detailed above (e.g. the maximum
CLTV on Fannie Mae 1-unit owner-occupied cash-out transaction is 80%; the 80% CLTV limit applies)
1-Unit Second Home
First Lien Purchase, Rate/Term or Cash-Out Refinance Transactions
Maximum Combined Loan Amount
(First and HELOC)
Credit Score
80.01% - 85%
80.01% - 85%
60.01% - 80%
60.01% - 80%
≤ 60%
≤ 60%
≤ 60%
1. Maximum HELOC amount is $250,000
2. Floor is the greater of 51 bps below the initial start rate or 4.99% unless the initial start rate is < 4.99% then
the floor is equal to the initial start rate
3. The applicable Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac CLTV limits apply when lower than detailed above (e.g. the
maximum CLTV on Fannie Mae 1-unit owner-occupied cash-out transaction is 80%; the 80% CLTV limit
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HELOC Overview
Minimum HELOC amount is $25,000
Maximum HELOC amount for a primary residence is determined by CLTV:
- 85.01% to 89.99% CLTV: Maximum HELOC amount is $350,000
- 85% CLTV and below: Maximum HELOC amount is $500,000
Maximum HELOC amount for a second home is $250,000
Exceed conforming and high balance loan limits using a combo loan instead of a Jumbo
Available with Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac transactions; this is not a stand-alone HELOC
The borrower can avoid mortgage insurance and mandatory impounds on the first when doing HELOC concurrently
Draw period: Years 1-10; interest-only payment required during draw period
Repayment period: Years 11-30; principal and interest payment amortized over remaining term
No prepayment penalty
Borrower qualified on back-end DTI only; 45% back-end DTI except:
- < 720 FICO and credit report indicates 5 or more credit inquiries in prior 6 months; max back-end DTI 38%
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Required Documents
TCF Notice and Authorization Concerning Your Loan Application (TCF 765 RLU-WSL)
Signed by all borrowers (all states)
TCF HELOC Qualifying Worksheet (TCF 1017 RLU-WSL). Required for all transactions
(all states). Completed by Homebridge Underwriting
TCF Pre-Application Disclosure and Fee Agreement (TCF Doc 1328 RLU/H) New York
only signed by all borrowers
TCF Anti-Coercion Insurance Notice (TCF 1376 RLU) Florida only signed by all
TCF Net Tangible Benefit Worksheet (TCF Doc 1545 RL) Maryland refinance transactions
only signed by all borrowers
Mortgage statements for any other financed properties owned by the borrower (if
taxes/insurance not impounded documentation showing amount of taxes/insurance paid is
DU/LP Findings for first mortgage
A written VOE or year-end paystub if bonus/commission/OT income is used for qualifying
(regardless of percentage received)
TCF issues the Command Credit HELOC Disclosure, the CFPB HELOC Booklet and the
BSA Disclosure directly to the borrower (not required to be signed/returned)
A separate 1003/1008 is not required; the information from the first lien 1003/1008 is used
An LE or CD is not issued on HELOCs; HELOCs are consumer loans and not subject to
Not required
Age of Documents
Income documentation cannot be older than the applicable requirement for the first lien
The credit report must be ≤ 80 days old at the time Homebridge submits the HELOC to
The appraisal cannot be > 120 days old at the time the desk review is ordered by TCF or
> 150 days old at closing
A full appraisal on the first lien is required (see Appraisal Waiver/ACE Offer topic below for
exception), and
A desk review, ordered by TCF, is required
Appraisal Waiver/ACE Offer
A Fannie Mae appraisal waiver or a Freddie Mac ACE offering on the first lien is eligible, in
lieu of a full appraisal, subject to Homebridge review for TCF eligibility
An AVM, Property Condition Report (PCR), and/or desk review, ordered by TCF, will be
required on transactions where an appraisal waiver was offered and accepted on the first
An appraisal waiver/ACE is not eligible on the following transactions; a full appraisal will be
- Purchase transactions with a CLTV > 80%
- HELOC amount > $250,000
- Combined loan amount (first lien and HELOC) exceeds $899,900
- 2-unit or second home transactions
Asset documentation not required
Not required for HELOC
AUS Findings from first mortgage required
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Available Markets
All 50 states with the exception of:
West Virginia
NOTE: Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are also ineligible
Borrowers Eligible
U.S citizens,
Permanent resident aliens
̵ An unexpired “Green Card” issued by the USCIS. A copy of the front and back required
Non-permanent resident aliens.
̵ The non-permanent resident alien must live and work in the U.S. and provide all of the
̵ Copy of unexpired passport, and
̵ An eligible unexpired visa (refer to Homebridge Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac
guidelines, as applicable, for acceptable visa types), and
̵ I-94 Form (Arrival/Departure Record) or I-797A (Notice of Action)
Non-occupant co-borrower
- All borrowers will be credit qualified
- Only one (1) borrower is required to be on title
- Only one (1) borrower is required to occupy the property as their primary residence
Borrowers Ineligible
Borrowers with diplomatic immunity
Foreign Nationals
Borrowers without a social security number
Borrowers previously convicted of mortgage fraud
Conversion of
Primary Residence
If the borrower is converting their current primary residence to an investment property the
following is required to use proposed rental income for qualifying:
̵ A copy of a 12-month signed lease agreement, and
̵ 75% of the gross rent may be used to offset PITI
NOTE: No prior landlord experience required and no equity requirement for the departing
Credit Report/Scores
Credit Score
Minimum credit score varies by loan amount/LTV etc. Refer to the matrix on page one for
The primary borrower (the borrower with the highest income) must meet the minimum credit
score requirement. There is no minimum credit score for the lower wage earner.
The representative credit score is determined as follows:
- If there are three (3) valid scores, the middle score is used. If two of the three scores
are a duplicate, the duplicate score is used.
- If there are two (2) valid scores, the lower of the two is used
- If there is one (1) valid score, that score is used
A total of 3 tradelines (between all borrowers) with one seasoned a minimum of 3 years
NOTE: An installment tradeline is not required
Accounts may be opened or closed
NOTE: Authorized user accounts do not qualify as a tradeline
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Residence Pending
The borrower’s PITIA payment may be excluded from the DTI calculation subject to the
A copy of the fully executed purchase contract/agreement is provided, and
The transaction for the current/departing residence will close within 60 days of loan closing
on the HELOC transaction
Derogatory Credit
Chapter 7 or 11: 4 years from discharge date
Chapter 13:
- 2 years from discharge date, OR
- 4 years from dismissal date
Foreclosure/Short Sale/Deed-in-Lieu
A 4 year seasoning including any real estate transaction settled for less than owed (including
loan modification with principal reduction/forgiveness) is required
Disputed Accounts
Disputed accounts require proof of resolution
Maximum 45% DTI back end only; no front end limit. See exception to 45% DTI below
Maximum 38% DTI (back end) when the following applies:
- The primary borrower’s credit score is < 720, and
- The credit report indicates 5 or more credit inquiries in the previous 6 months
The borrower is qualified using a P&I payment at 2% over the start rate
NOTE: 401(k) loans are not included in the DTI calculation. Account statement must be
provided to document the account balance is greater than the amount of the loan
secured by the account
W-2 Employees
A one year employment history is required; education may be combined with employment to
satisfy the one year requirement
Gaps in employment are acceptable; any gaps greater than 30 days will require a signed and
dated letter of explanation from the borrower
2-year employment history required
$295 origination fee (deducted from HELOC at closing)
$75 annual maintenance fee (charged on first statement)
A separate title fee applies when the HELOC is > $250,000. A Jr. Lien or Flag policy is
required. Title insurance is also required when there is a third lien to ensure the HELOC is
in second lien position
Financed Properties
Copies of the mortgage statement for any additional properties owned/financed by the borrower
including any properties owned through an LLC in their ownership is ≥ 25% are required.
NOTE: Documentation of taxes and insurance required if not impounded with the loan.
Flood Insurance
Flood insurance premiums must be paid in full prior to loan documents
Gift Funds
Gift funds are allowed; no minimum borrower contribution required
Gift of Equity
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HELOC Amount
Minimum HELOC Amount Owner-Occupied and Second Home
Minimum HELOC amount: $25,000
Maximum HELOC Amount
Owner-Occupied Primary Residence
̵ 85.01% - 89.99% CLTV: $350,000
̵ 85% CLTV: $500,000
Second Home
̵ 85% CLTV: $250,000
2106 Expenses
2106 expenses are not deducted from income
Alimony/Child Support
Eligible subject to:
A copy of the filed Separation Agreement or Divorce Decreed required
Three (3) months bank statements or cancelled checks to document receipt
Documentation indicating a minimum of 3 years continuance must be provided
Asset Depletion
Eligible subject to:
70% of the borrowers account divided by 360
Borrower must be eligible to withdraw funds without penalty
Bonus Income
Bonus income is generally averaged over 24 months. A written VOE or year-end paystub from
prior year (regardless of percentage of income) is required
Commission/OT/Shift Differentials (Variable Income)
Income is averaged using current YTD and previous year. A written VOE or year-end
paystub from prior year (regardless of percentage of income) is required
If income for current year indicates decline of 20% or more the previous 2 years income will
be averaged
Borrower on Leave
If the borrower is returning to work prior to the HELOC first payment due date (the 23
the month after the loan has funded) the borrower’s last paystub prior to the leave will be
used to calculate the full-time base income for qualifying
If the borrower is not returning to work prior to the HELOC first payment due date the
income received prior to the leave and any income received during the leave will be used for
NOTE: The borrower must provide written confirmation of their intent to return to work and
documentation must be provided from the employer that states the borrower’s return
to work date.
Declining Income
If income is declining by more than 20% the lower income is used
IRA Depletion
70% of the value may be used to determine income stream
3-year continuance required.
If the distribution is newly established or recently changed a letter from the financial
institution required that states the amount of the distribution and the date of the first
K-1 Income
If the borrower is 100% owner of the business or 100% owner with the co-borrower the
taxable income with depreciation added back is allowed
If the borrower is not 100% owner taxable income is not eligible however guaranteed
payments, distributions, and items affecting shareholder basis can be used
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Income (cont.)
Non-Taxable Income
A 3 years’ continuance is required for non-taxable income. Only the following types of non-
taxable income may be grossed -up 25%:
Social security,
Child support, and
Foster care
Offer Letter/Employment Contract
Income is eligible if the start date is within 45 days of loan closing when the income and the
employment is commensurate with the borrower’s previous position
Rental Income
Rental income is subject to the following:
Schedule E or 12 month signed lease required to document rental income
If the monthly qualifying rental income minus the full PITIA is positive, it may be added to the
borrower’s total monthly income (calculate rental income using 75% of rental income
identified on lease or Schedule E)
Negative cash flow is deducted from the total income when calculating borrower’s DTI
Properties owned free and clear the rental income must be on Schedule E
Refer to the Mortgage on Additional Properties topic for requirements if there is an interest-
only mortgage payment on an investment property
Restricted Stock Units
Eligible for qualifying income subject to:
Documentation the income was received the previous year (tax return, bank statement, etc.)
The income is reflected on the borrower’s current paystub, and
A copy of an employer-generated vesting schedule, showing past and future vesting of
shares is provided
Seasonal Workers and Wages from Tips
Two (2) years tax returns required
Self-Employed Borrower Paid Wages
If the self-employed borrower pays themselves wages, the income is averaged over the
prior year and the current year YTD income.
If the YTD income does not accurately reflect the borrower’s normal earnings (e.g. the
borrower pays themselves at the end of the year and/or borrower receives inconsistent
income through out the year) the following documentation may be obtained to verify wages:
- Two (2) years most recent tax returns, or
- Two (2) years most recent W-2s, or
- Year-end paystubs from the most recent two (2) years
Salaried Borrowers
Current paystubs for previous 30 days with YTD income (minimum 2 paystubs required)
W-2 for previous year or year-end paystub
NOTE: If bonus/OT/commission etc. income used to qualify (regardless of percentage
of income) a written VOE or year-end paystub required
Employment and income commencing after the Note date may be considered for qualifying
subject to meeting Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac requirements subject to Homebridge
management approval
Self-Employed Borrowers
Two (2) years signed tax returns (personal and business, as applicable) and all schedules
required unless one (1) year if allowed by DU/LPA.
Business losses will be subtracted from income
Borrowers with ≥ 25% ownership interest may use ordinary business income for qualifying
NOTE: A P&L that covers 12 months, prepared by a 3
party, is acceptable for the most
recent years’ tax returns if the borrower has not completed their returns (e.g. if 2-
years documentation is required, the 2016 tax returns and a P&L covering 12
months’ prepared by a 3
party is acceptable for 2017 in lieu of the 2017 tax
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Co-Borrower Mortgage Debt and Co-Signed Mortgage Debt
Co-borrower and co-signed mortgage debt may be excluded from the DTI when:
Documentation is provided that another party has been making the payments for a minimum
of 12 months, and
There have been no late payments in the previous 12 months (0x30 in 12 months), and
The borrower does not currently occupy the property, and
The property is not an investment property
Co-Signed Debt - Non-Mortgage
Co-signed non-mortgage debt may be excluded from the DTI when:
Documentation is provided that another party has been making the payments for a minimum
of 12 months, and
There have been no late payments in the previous 24 months (0x30 in 24 months)
Co-Borrower Debt Non-Mortgage
Co-borrower non-mortgage debt may be excluded from the DTI when:
The party making the payments is contractually obligated on the debt, and
Documentation is provided evidencing the other party has been making the payments for a
minimum of 12 months, and
There have been no late payments in the previous 12 months (0x30 in 12 months)
Court Ordered Assignment of Debt
A copy of the Divorce Decree or filed Separation Agreement must be provided to document debt
that was assigned by the court to the spouse/ex-spouse and to exclude from the DTI calculation
Forgivable Employer Loans
Employer loans that are forgivable are not required to be included in the borrower’s DTI
calculation as long as there are no payments due on the loan
Installment Debt
May be excluded from DTI calculation when account has ≤ 6 payments remaining excluding
lease payments; lease payments must be included in the DTI calculation regardless of the
number of payments remaining
Revolving Debt
If a payment is not shown on the credit report, 4% of the balance is used as a payment
Non-Mortgage Debt Paid by Business
Accounts paid through the borrower’s business are not required to be included in the borrower’s
DTI calculation when:
Documentation provided the debt has been paid by the business (bank statements,
cancelled checks, etc.)
There has been no delinquency in the most recent 12 months
Mortgage on Additional Properties
If the borrower owns additional property, second home or investment, and the mortgage
payment(s) are interest-only the borrower will be qualified using the full PITI payment
Payoff of Debt for Qualifying
Payoff of debt with proceeds from the HELOC is eligible for qualifying. Revolving accounts paid
off to qualify do not need to be closed
Student Loans
Student loan payments must be included in the DTI calculation
The payment on the credit report will be used if reported
Payment not reported on credit report or payment is deferred:
1% of the balance of the loan, or
Obtain the estimated payment from the student loan lender/servicer
Income based payments are acceptable
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Mortgagee Clause
Mail Code PCC-2E-I Attn: Escrow Dept.
1405 Xenium Lane
Plymouth, MN 55441
Mortgagee Clause
Flood Insurance
Mail Code PCC-2E-L Attn. Flood Clerk
1405 Xenium Lane
Plymouth, MN 55441
Non-Arm’s Length
Eligible subject to Homebridge Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac matrix requirements (as applicable)
1-2 unit owner-occupied primary residence
1-unit second home
Power of Attorney
Allowed on an exception basis for closing only; cannot be used for the execution of the initial
application and disclosures.
Prepayment Penalty
An early termination fee does not apply
30 year term
HELOC rate is current prime rate plus margin; refer to the matrices on pages 1 and 2 for
applicable margins
Draw Period: Years 1-10; interest-only payments required during draw period
Repayment Period: Years 11-30; principal and interest payments amortized over remaining
term of the loan
Floor: The floor is the greater of 51 bps below the initial start rate or 4.99% unless the
initial start rate is less than 4.99% then the floor rate is the initial start rate
Life Cap: 18%
Properties Eligible
Single family residence
PUDs (attached/detached)
Condominium (attached/detached) Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac warrantable
2- unit owner-occupied
Maximum 10 acres excluding Arizona; maximum 2 acres in Arizona
Properties Ineligible
3-4 unit properties
Investment property
AZ properties with > 2 acres
Manufactured home
Mobile home
Dome, earth berm , or log homes
Properties zoned for agriculture use
Vacant land
Property with a condition rating of C-5
Commercial property
Condominiums < 450 square feet
Cooperative projects
Non-warrantable condominiums
New or newly converted condominium projects in FL without a PERS approval
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Property with an
Unpermitted Addition
Allowed subject to applicable first lien guidelines and the desk review supports value
Not required
Existing subordinate financing must be resubordinated to third lien position. Refer to the Title
Insurance topic below for requirements
Title Insurance
Title from the first is acceptable when HELOC amount is ≤ $250,000
A Junior Lien or Flag policy will be required if the HELOC amount is > $250,000
An additional full title policy for the HELOC amount will always be required if there is a third
lien to ensure the HELOC remains in second lien position
Transactions involving investment property
Transactions involving 3-4 units
Transactions with a property that has a condition rating of C-5
Transactions where the borrower has another open HELOC with TCF; only one TCF
HELOC is allowed