A Journey to What Matters:
Increased Alaska Native Art &
Culture Grant
2024 Guidelines & Application
The CIRI Foundation
3201 C Street, Suite 506, Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone (907) 793-3575 | Toll-Free (800) 764-3382 | Fax (907) 793-3585
www.thecirifoundation.org | tcf@thecirifoundation.org
The CIRI Foundation JWM Project Grant Application Updated 1/12/2024
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Table of Contents
A Journey to What Matters Guidelines
A Journey to What Matters Project Grant Goals
Application Deadline Information
Submission Process
Review Criteria
Project Completion Requirements
Other Important Information
TCF Funding Restrictions
Information to be Submitted Checklist
Application Form
Budget Form
Project Grant Agreement Form
Proposal Narrative Template
Budget Narrative Template
Evaluation Report Form (to be submitted upon Project completion) 13
Pre and Post-Program Artist Evaluation Surveys 15
About The CIRI Foundation
The CIRI Foundation was established in 1982 by Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI). The mission of The CIRI
Foundation (TCF) is to promote individual self-development and economic self-sufficiency through
education and to maintain pride in culture and heritage among Alaska Natives.
The primary goal of TCF is to promote the educational and career development of Cook Inlet Region, Inc.’s
original enrollees and descendants through post-secondary education scholarships and grants, research
and other related educational programs.
The second goal of TCF is to perpetuate the cultural heritage of Alaska Native peoples through programs
and Projects that will enhance appreciation and understanding of Alaska Native cultures among all people.
The CIRI Foundation is an Indigenous led organization that believes in Indigenous values. We want to
help Alaska’s communities thrive. Please let us know how we can support you in this process.
A Journey to What Matters: Increased Alaska Native Art & Culture Grant
The heritage of Alaska’s indigenous people Yup’ik, Inupiat, Aleut/Alutiiq, Athabascan, Tlingit, Haida, and
Tsimshian is rich in diversity and represents traditions that span more than 12,000 years of history.
In order to perpetuate and promote the artistic and cultural traditions of Alaska Native peoples, The CIRI
Foundation developed the A Journey to What Matters: Increased Alaska Native Art & Culture (JWM) grant.
Please note that the JWM grant is focused on supporting tangible Alaska Native art traditions. While
language acquisition, storytelling, dance and theater arts may be part of a proposed Project, JWM grant
funds focus on tangible arts. If you have questions about whether a proposed Project fits within the
definition of “tangible” arts, please contact TCF for clarification.
If you have any questions about filling out the application form or submitting a project
grant proposal for consideration, please contact TCF anytime.
Phone: (907) 793-3575 | Toll-Free: (800) 764-3382 | Email: [email protected]
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2024 Guidelines: A Journey to What
Matters Project Grant Program
The goals of The Foundation’s A Journey to What Matters grant program are as follows:
Promote intergenerational transference of knowledge of Alaska Native artistic and cultural
Support Alaska Native artists
The JWM grant program is focused on supporting tangible Alaska Native art traditions. While
language acquisition, storytelling, dance, and theater arts may be part of a proposed Project, JWM
grant funds may only be used for expenses associated with tangible arts. If you have questions
about whether a proposed Project fits within the definition of
“tangiblearts, please contact TCF for clarification.
A Journey to What Matters Project Grant applications may be submitted to The CIRI Foundation by:
1. Nonprofit organizations that have received an IRS determination of Section 501(c)(3)
status and classification as public charity, including but not limited to cultural centers and
museums, but not including any non-fun
ctionally integrated Type III supporting
2. Tribal organizations that appear in the current Federal Register list of Native entities within
the State of Alaska that are federally recognized and eligible to receive services from the
United States Bureau of Indian Affairs;
3. Qualified nonprofit or tribal organizations as described above as sponsors of Alaska Native
individuals who are selected solely by the applicant organization using objective and
nondiscriminatory criteria;
4. Governmental educational institutions such as public schools, including state institutions of
higher learning.
All applications for A Journey to What Matters must comply with the following guidelines:
1. The A Journey to What Matters Grant shall further The Foundation’s A Journey to What
Matters: Increased Alaska Native Art & Culture Goals, as set out above.
2. All organizations applying must satisfy the eligibility criteria above. Individuals are not
eligible to apply for or receive grants, but an eligible organization may apply as a sponsor
for an individual (as described under Eligibility) where the organization is solely responsible
for the financial administration of the grant and for the selection and oversight of the
3. Grantee programs must directly impact or involve Alaska Native people and communities.
4. The grantee organization must report on the Project’s programmatic progress and financial
expenditures of the grant as specified in the Project Grant Agreement.
5. Preference will be given to grant proposals that demonstrate the ability to obtain at least a
one-to-one funding match.
6. Grantees should plan to complete their Project within 12 months of the Project start date,
unless the Project is a multi-year grant.
7. The CIRI Foundation may consider a Project more than once if there is a significantly
different component described in repeat applications.
8. All Project activities that are funded through the JWM program must take place within the
state of Alaska.
9. Preference will be given for applicants who have not been awarded within the last year.
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Application Deadlines
Complete applications must be received by The CIRI Foundation by the stated deadline. Late
and/ or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applicants are encouraged to submit their application early and call The CIRI Foundation to
discuss Project ideas prior to submission.
Deadlines for the 2024 A Journey to What Matters: Increased Alaska Native Art & Culture
program are March 1 and August 1.
Complete Journey to What Matters Project Grant proposals will be submitted to The CIRI
Foundation Board of Directors at the next scheduled board meeting after the application
Proposal Submission Process
1. Upon receipt of a proposal, The Foundation will send the applicant an acknowledgment
letter via email, which may contain questions and/or requests for additional documents.
Please provide a response to each question or a copy of the document(s)as requested.
2. The Foundation Board of Directors will usually make decisions on proposals within 60 days
following each Project Grant application deadline.
3. Notification letters will usually be sent to the applicant within 5-10 business days of Board
4. If a Project Grant is awarded, a Project Grant Agreement must be signed by both The CIRI
Foundation and the grantee, and a W9 must be submitted prior to release of award funds.
Review Criteria
Grant applications are reviewed based upon the following criteria:
Appropriateness of the Project Grant proposal to The Foundation’s A Journey to What Matters
Project Grant Program Goals and Project Grant Guidelines.
Need for the Project in the field of Alaska Native art and culture perpetuation.
Involvement and collaboration with Alaska Native communities.
The extent to which the Project impacts the targeted audience.
The extent to which the Project impacts the general public.
Clarity of purpose.
Realistically defined tasks to achieve the Project’s goals and objectives.
Demonstration of available funds that support the Project.
Feasibility of Project budget and timeline.
Appropriate and clearly stated Project evaluation plan that shows impact vs. only statistics.
Project Completion Requirements
Upon completion of the approved A Journey to What Matters Project Grant, the following
information must be submitted to The Foundation by the grantee no later than thirty (30) days
after the end of the grant period:
A signed copy of the A Journey to What Matters Grant Program Evaluation Report Form.
A copy of the complete financials for the Project showing all TCF expenditures.
A copy of the materials or news releases that tell about the Project or results from the Project.
Any unexpended balance of grant funds from The Foundation may need to be returned to
The Foundation.
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Any further items requested within the award letter received from The Foundation indicating
Board requirements.
See Section “E” in the A Journey to What Matters Project Grant Program Evaluation
Report Form.
In addition to submitting the information listed above to The CIRI Foundation at the
completion of the grant Project, all grantees must submit a brief story about their
Projects on The CIRI Foundation’s “Share Your Story” link via
Note: The CIRI Foundation requires the Evaluation Report Form within 30 days after the Project
completion (end) date stated on the original proposal, or an official written request for an
extension. If the Evaluation Report Form is not submitted further Grant proposals may not be
considered. Please see evaluation resources online for further assistance:
Other Important Information
1. The final decision for grant application approval is made by The Foundation’s Board
of Directors.
2. Failure to comply with grant criteria of The CIRI Foundation may be grounds for ineligibility
for future grants from The Foundation until the matter has been remedied.
3. Grant awards are effective for the approved Project period.
4. Requests for changes to the Project timeline, budget, or scope must be submitted
in writing to The CIRI Foundation for consideration. If the requested change is
approved, The CIRI Foundation will send a written response making note of this
change within thirty days of receipt of the request.
5. The CIRI Foundation reserves the right to publish any images that are shared with us.
The CIRI Foundation Does Not Fund the Following:
The Foundation does not provide grants for endowments, buildings, or equipment, nor does
it give loans.
Funding will not be considered for Projects that have been completed prior to action on the
proposal by The Foundation Board of Directors.
Foundation grants are not to be treated as conduits for re-granting of funds (example: travel
or scholarships).
Grants cannot be made to other private foundations.
Funds may not be used for lobbying or propaganda efforts to influence legislation of
any type.
If you have any questions about filling out the application form or submitting a
project grant proposal for consideration, please contact TCF anytime.
Phone: (907) 793-3575 | Toll-Free: (800) 764-3382 | Email: tcf@thecirifoundation.org
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The CIRI Foundation JWM Project Grant Application
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To apply for the A Journey to What Matters: Increased Alaska Native Art & Culture Grant from The
CIRI Foundation, the following information and materials must be submitted for full consideration.
Complete Application Form (page 7). Please contact TCF is you need assistance.
Proof of Eligibility, (i) a copy of the organization’s IRS determination letter of Section
501(c)(3) status and public charity classification (if a nonprofit organization), (ii) current listing in
the Federal Register list of Native entities within the State of Alaska that are federally recognized
and eligible to receive services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs (if a tribal
organization); or (iii) statement that the applicant is a public school or state institution of
higher learning.
Proposal Narrative (page 11), including:
1. What is the purpose of this Project?
2. What are the measurable outcomes anticipated from this Project?
3. What activities will be performed to achieve the purpose of the Project?
4. Who is the intended audience for this Project (please include the number of people
expected to participate in the Project, and an explanation of how the Project will impact
and involve Alaska Native peoples during Project development and upon outcome.
Description of how the Project will be shared with others.
Explanation of how this Project will make a difference in the field of Alaska Native art and
Specific Project timeline.
What is the Project evaluation pla?
Statement explaining why your organization is uniquely suited to complete the Project.
Complete Budget Form (page 8) and Budget Narrative (page 11), including:
1. An itemized listing and explanation of how Foundation funds would be used.
2. A detailed listing of all funders to the specific Project or program must also be included.
The detailed fund list must indicate if the proposals to the other listed funders have been
approved, are pending response, or have been denied.
A description explaining how the Project will be impacted if less funding from The CIRI
Foundation is received.
Additional Required Documents, including:
At least two letters of support for the Project - local Alaska Native community
support highly recommended. Letters of reference should include referee’s
signature and contact information.
A copy of the organization’s most recent audited financial statement (if not applicable,
contact The Foundation).
3. A current list of proposing organization’s board of directors.
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2024 A Journey to What Matters Project Grant
The CIRI Foundation JWM Project Grant Application
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Application Form
Project Name:
Project Dates (MM/DD/YYYY): Project Begins: Project Ends:
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip:
Chief Administrative Person: Title:
Phone: Fax:
Active Project Contact:
Phone: Fax:
Non-Profit Status: IRC 501(c)(3): Other (specify):
Organization Federal Employer I.D. Number
Cash Provided by Applicant $
In-Kind Provided by Applicant and Other Sources $
Cash Committed by Other Sources $
Cash Requested from The CIRI Foundation $
Cash Amount Yet-to-be-Identified $
TOTAL Project Budget (Cash only) $
I certify that all information contained in this application, including all attachments and supporting
materials, is true and correct.
Signature: Date:
Authorized Officer’s Name: Title:
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The CIRI Foundation JWM Project Grant Application
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A Journey to What Matters Project Grant
Program Budget
Organization: Project Name:
Amount provided by Grant Applicant
Corporate Support
Other Foundation Support
Other Private Support
Government Support
Other Revenue
Amount requested from The CIRI Foundation
Please attach itemized calculations and explanations for each line item on separate paper. Please clarify
how these line items fit in to overall budget if this is a subset of a larger budget. This information will be
compared to budget explanation. Requests for changes to the Project timeline, budget, or scope
must be submitted in writing to TCF for consideration.
Professional Contract Services
Travel (TCF does not fund)
Per Diem
Space Rental
Equipment Rental
Permission and other fees
Other (specify):
Other (specify):
*Contact TCF to discuss reasonable indirect expenses, if needed
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The CIRI Foundation JWM Project Grant Application
Updated 1/12/2024
2024 A Journey to What Matters Project Grant Agreement
Instructions: Please fill the “Grantee” sections on page 9 and 10 when submitting an application.
For “type of organization”, please refer to the Eligibility section on page 3 to denote if the applying
organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, federally recognized tribe, or other eligible organization.
This A Journey to What Matters Project Grant Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between
The CIRI Foundation, an Alaska nonprofit corporation (“Grantor”) and:
, a
The federal tax law imposes restrictions on the activities and grants of private foundations such as
Grantor. These restrictions are enforced by stringent penalties. In order to ensure that federal tax law
requirements are met, Grantee agrees to the following terms and conditions with respect to the Project
Grant described in the attached notification letter, which is incorporated into this Agreement by
reference. While this grant is to be restricted/intended for use for the purposes described in the grant
proposal, this grant award shall not be deemed to be contingent/conditioned upon the accomplishment
of any specific, measurable barrier (unless that condition is specifically identified below).
1. Grantee represents that it has either (a) received an IRS determination of Section 501(c)(3)
status and classification as a public charity (other than as a non-functionally integrated Type
III supporting organization) under Section 509(a), and that such letter has not been revoked
or modified; or (b) a tribal organization that appears in the current Federal Register list of
Native entities within the State of Alaska that are federally recognized and eligible to receive
services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs.
2. The Project Grant must be used exclusively for the charitable and educational purposes
specified in the notification letter (“Project”), and for no other purposes. Any part of the
Project Grant funds, and any income earned on such funds, that is not used, or that is used for
a purpose other than the charitable and educational purposes of the Project, must be returned
promptly to The CIRI Foundation.
3. No part of the Project Grant may be used to attempt to influence legislation (i.e., to lobby) or
to support or oppose, directly or indirectly, any candidate for public office.
4. If Grantee is sponsoring one or more individuals in connection with this Project Grant, Grantee
acknowledges that it is solely responsible for the selection of any such individual(s) using
objective and nondiscriminatory criteria, and that the Grantor will play no role in such selection
process; for the financial administration of any portion of the Project Grant provided by
Grantee to any such individual(s); and for ensuring that the Project Grant is used solely for the
purposes of the Project.
5. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the Project, the grantee will make a final report to
the Grantor detailing all expenditures made from the Project Grant funds, including salaries,
and supplies and indicating the progress made toward the goals of the Project Grant.
6. The Grantee will indicate the Project Grant separately on its books of account, charge
expenditures made in furtherance of the Project Grant purposes against the Project Grant, and
keep records adequate to enable the use of the Project Grant funds to be checked readily.
7. The Grantee will keep all records pertaining to this Project Grant along with copies of the
reports submitted to the Grantor, for at least four (4) years and make the records available to
the Grantor at reasonable times.
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8. No part of this Project Grant may be used by or for the benefit of any “disqualified person(s)”
with respect to The CIRI Foundation within the meaning of the federal tax law, specifically
Cook Inlet Region, Inc., any officer or director of The CIRI Foundation, the spouse, ancestors,
children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and the spouses of children, grandchildren, and
great grandchildren of any such individuals, and any entity owned more than 35% collectively
by any of the foregoing. Grantee is responsible for compliance with this requirement.
9. Any publications/materials in connection with this Project Grant must state “Funded in part by
The CIRI Foundation(in no smaller than size 12pt font), and must include the TCF logo.
10. Requests for changes to the Project timeline, budget, or scope must be submitted in writing to
The CIRI Foundation for consideration. If the requested change is approved, The CIRI
Foundation will send a written response indicating its approval within thirty days of the
11. Amendments to this Agreement will be effective only if made in writing and signed by
authorized representatives of both Grantor and Grantee.
The Grantor is available to discuss any questions the Grantee may have about the effect of these
terms and conditions or concerns or about the requirements as outlined above. If during the course of
the Project Grant period Grantee seeks more information regarding the application of one or more of
the terms and conditions to a particular problem or situation, the Grantor is pleased to consult with
the Grantee.
Grantee acceptance of these terms and conditions must be indicated below by the signature of the
officer or officers who are, under Grantee’s by-laws or other organizing documents, or the laws
governing the Grantee organization, authorized to execute contracts on behalf of the Grantee
organization. Please make a copy for your organization and return the executed original Agreement to
the Grantor.
This Grant Agreement is hereby agreed to by:
The CIRI Foundation
3201 C Street, Suite 506, Anchorage, AK 99503
Authorizer Signature:
Printed Name:
Organization Name:
Address: _ _
Authorizer Signature:
Printed Name:
The CIRI Foundation JWM Project Grant Application Updated 1/12/2024
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2024 A Journey to What Matters Project Grant
1. What is the purpose of this Project?
2. What are the measurable outcomes anticipated from this Project?
3. What activities will be performed to achieve the Project objectives?
4. Who is the intended audience? In your response please include the number of
people expected to participate in the Project, and an explanation of how the Project
will impact and involve Alaska Native peoples during Project development and upon
5. How will the Project be shared with others?
6. Explanation of how this Project will make a difference in the field of Alaska Native art
and culture.
7. Specific Project timeline.
8. What is the Project evaluation plan to measure Project’s outcome and impact? If you
need assistance developing an evaluation plan, please reach out to TCF.
9. Statement explaining why your organization is uniquely suited to complete the
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1. An itemized listing and explanation of how Foundation funds would be used.
2. A detailed listing of all funders to the specific Project or program must also be
included. The detailed fund list must indicate if the proposals to the other listed
funders have been approved, are pending response, or have been denied.
3. Please explain how the Project will be impacted if less funding from The
CIRI Foundation is received.
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Evaluation Report
Organizations that receive a Grant from The CIRI Foundation must complete and submit this
Evaluation Report and related materials within thirty (30) days of Project completion date in
order to be considered for any future Foundation Grant funds. Please contact TCF if
assistance is needed to complete this evaluation. TCF team members are available to
A. Applicant
Contact Person:
B. Project:
C. Budget: Total Revenues: Total Expenses:
Total TCF Grant: Total TCF Grant Spent:
D. Program Report
Part 1. Describe how the Project was carried out. Please be concise. What was the purpose of
the Project? What did you do? How did you reach your intended audience?
Part 2. Were there any changes in your Project from what was stated in your approved
application to The Foundation? If so, please explain what they were and why.
Part 3. Were you able to fully accomplish the Project and all its activities within the stated
budget and timeline? If either response is “no,” please explain the circumstances of any
Part 5. Who were the individuals that benefited directly from your activities, including CIRI
Shareholder families, other Alaska Natives and the general public; actual total audience,
participants (children, youth and adults), etc. Please include tribal affiliation when
Part 6. If the Project were conducted again, what could be done differently to improve it?
E. Attachments to The CIRI Foundation Project Grant Evaluation Report
Please enclose the following information and/or items with this Evaluation Report:
A copy of the news releases that tell about the Project.
A copy of the Project’s program/s or catalogue/s or published/produced material/s.
A copy of the final Project accounting report.
A check for the unexpended balance of the Grant funds the organization received from
The Foundation, or any Project Grant fund expenditures for a purpose other than
the Project, are to be returned to The Foundation.
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A photo suitable for use in The CIRI Foundation Newsletters or Annual Reports
“Share Your Story” on www.thecirifoundation.org describing the Project- may be
submitted by a participant. (You may also attach a Project summary, highlights, or
story to your Evaluation Report as a supplemental document. Please indicate any
photo(s) you would like to accompany the story posted online. Responses to Part 1 and
Part 2 may serve as a story if no other is provided.)
By checking this box, you confirm there is written permission to use any and all photos or media submitted as part of the
required materials of a JWM project grant on TCF’s website, newsletters, and/or other related publications as appropriate.
This Grant Evaluation Report was completed by:
Signature: Date:
Printed Name: Title:
Please contact The CIRI Foundation if you have any questions about the Evaluation
Report or any supplemental items.
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Pre-program Artist Evaluation Survey (Optional)
Please take some time to complete this brief survey. The information collected in this
survey is requested by The CIRI Foundation (TCF) and a national arts funding organization.
It will be used to assess the diversity of art practices in Alaska and funding needs within
the state. Your responses are voluntary. If participants are minors please do not use name.
Artist name:
Current zip code:
Home community:
Cultural affiliation:
Artistic skills:
How do you think your peers and community would rate your level of artistic skill?
o Novice
o Beginner
o Intermediate
o Advanced
o Expert
How do you think your peers and community would rate your knowledge of cultural arts?
o Novice
o Beginner
o Intermediate
o Advanced
o Expert
Do you make arts and crafts as a form of income?
o Yes
o No
a. If you answered yes to question 3 which of the following is more accurate for
o Sales of arts and crafts are a supplement to other forms of income
o Sales of arts and crafts are a primary so
o Source of income
b. If you answered no, are you interested in gaining tools to help you make an
income from your work?
o Yes
o No
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How satisfied are you with the arts and crafts market?
o Very satisfied
o Somewhat satisfied
o Neutral
o Somewhat unsatisfied
o Very unsatisfied
Level of business and marketing skills
o Novice
o Beginner
o Intermediate
o Advanced
o Expert
Do you make Alaska Native arts and crafts to use within your community
and/or family?
o Yes
o No
From the list below, please mark all of the reasons why you engage in your
artistic practice:
o Recreational/personal enjoyment
o Kinship
o Community development
o Cultural preservation
o Cultural identity
o Cultural revitalization
o Other
Chiqinik! Bas'ee! Hai'! Mahsi'! Chinan! Qagaasakung! Quyana! Quyanaq! Háw'aa!
Way dankoo! Dogedinh! Tsin'aen! 'Awa'ahdah! Gunalchéesh! Thank you!
The CIRI Foundation JWM Project Grant Application Updated 1/12/2024
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Post-program Artist Evaluation Survey (optional)
The Project that you participated in was funded in part through The CIRI
Foundation’s A Journey to What Matters: Increased Alaska Native Art & Culture
(JWM) grant program. The information collected in this survey is requested by
The CIRI Foundation (TCF) as a requirement of this grant funding. Please take
some time to complete this survey. The results will be reviewed and used to
assess the impact of JWM grant funding. If participants are minors please do not
use name.
Artist name:
Project title:
Date: _
1. Current level of artistic skill?
o Novice
o Beginner
o Intermediate
o Advanced
o Expert
2. Current level of cultural arts knowledge?
o Novice
o Beginner
o Intermediate
o Advanced
o Expert
3. Current level of business and marketing skills
o Novice
o Beginner
o Intermediate
o Advanced
o Expert
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Please provide any other feedback that you would like to share about your
participation in this Journey to What Matters: Increased Alaska Native Art & Culture
Project in the space below:
Chiqinik! Bas'ee! Hai'! Mahsi'! Chinan! Qagaasakung! Quyana! Quyanaq! Háw'aa!
Way dankoo! Dogedinh! Tsin'aen! 'Awa'ahdah! Gunalchéesh! Thank you!