American Journal of Veterinary Research 1
© 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by the American Veterinary Medical Association as an Open Access article under Creative Commons CCBY-NC license.
enal lesions have been reported in 40% of cap-
tive chameleons
and 64% of Hermann tortoises
(Testudo hermanni)
at necropsy. As renal disease is
frequent in reptiles, there is a need to develop nonin-
vasive diagnostic tests to detect early stages of dis-
ease. In snakes, collection of uncontaminated urine
is challenging as they lack a urinary bladder, making
Early decrease of ionized calcium and static symmetric
dimethylarginine concentration in a model of renal
tubular necrosis in corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus)
Claire Vergneau-Grosset, DMV, IPSAV, CES, DACZM
*; Julie Pujol, DMV, DES
; Bastien Rubin, BSc
Jacobo Romano Noriega, MVZ
; Carolyn Gara-Boivin, DMV, MSc, DACVP
; Younes Chor, DMV, MSc, PhD
Shannon Ferrell, DMV, DACZM, DABVP (Avian Practice)
; Stéphane Lair, DMV, IPSAV, DVSc, DACZM
Département de Sciences Cliniques, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada
Département de Pathologie et Microbiologie, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada
Département de Biomédecine, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada
*Corresponding author: Dr. Vergneau-Grosset (claire.grosse[email protected])
blood parameters particularly relevant as biomarkers
of renal disease.
Other diagnostic modalities, such as glomeru-
lar ltration rate measurement and scintigraphy,
have been described in reptiles but remain mar-
ginally used in clinical practice due to their limited
availability or patient hospitalization requirements.
Glomerular ltration rate references have been pub-
lished for lizards
and turtles,
but they vary with
hydration status
and ambient temperature outside
of the preferred optimal temperature zone,
plicating clinical interpretation of results. An ideal
To determine if plasma concentrations of symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA), N-acetyl-beta-
(NAG), GGT, ALT, AST, lactate, total calcium, and ionized calcium (iCa) and the calcium:phosphorus ratio are clini-
cally relevant biomarkers to detect early stages of tubular lesions in snakes.
6 adult corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus).
Corn snakes were administered 11 injections of gentamicin at 50 mg/kg, SC, q 24 h in an experimental model of
induced tubular necrosis. Plasma biochemistry and blood gas analyses were performed at baseline and after the 3rd
and 11th injections. Parameters were compared between time points using a paired Wilcoxon test. In 3 individuals,
renal biopsies were collected at baseline before starting injections and at the 3rd and 11th injections, while renal
tissue samples were procured after euthanasia in all individuals.
Renal proximal and distal tubular necrosis and hepatic steatosis were present in all individuals at necropsy. Compared
to baseline, decreased blood concentrations of lactate, ionized calcium, and total calcium and a decreased
calcium:phosphorus ratio were noted. A signicant decrease of lactate and ionized calcium was observed after
3 days. Conversely, no changes in SDMA, NAG, ALT, AST, GGT, and sodium were detected.
Ionized calcium and lactate concentrations were the earliest parameters to decrease compared to baseline values
in this experimental model. While SDMA is a sensitive indicator of renal disease in mammals, this biomarker did not
increase in a model of induced acute tubular necrosis in corn snakes.
Keywords: kidney, NAG, N-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminidase, SDMA, symmetric dimethylarginine
Received September 27, 2023
Accepted November 8, 2023
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marker of renal disease in reptiles should be com-
mercially available and provide a rapid single-point
result with good sensitivity/specicity.
Symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) is a sen-
sitive early marker of acute and chronic renal dis-
ease in dogs and cats.
Since 2019, SDMA has
been included in the International Renal Interest
Society staging criteria in dogs and cats. It has been
detected in Hermann tortoises and proposed as a
marker of renal injury in a retrospective study involv-
ing 28 individuals with hyperuricemia.
intervals for SDMA have also been described in green
sea turtles (Chelonia mydas).
However, the clini-
cal relevance of this marker remains unclear in rep-
tiles. A recent study
has shown that GGT and ALT
activities were higher in the kidneys of healthy water
snakes (Nerodia spp) than in other tissues evaluated.
Therefore these biochemistry parameters could be of
clinical interest if they are increased when compared
to reference intervals in cases with renal lesions.
d-glucosaminidase (NAG) is a lyso-
somal enzyme, which has been described as a marker
of acute tubular necrosis in birds.
It is detectable
in reptile plasma.
Among tested organs, NAG is
found preferentially in the renal tissue of pigeons,
but its tissue distribution is currently unknown in
reptiles. Evaluating the organ distribution of NAG in
snakes would be relevant to determine if this enzyme
is predominantly present in renal tissue.
The objectives of this study were twofold: rst,
to compare the sensitivity of commercially avail-
able blood markers to detect early stages of renal
disease in corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus), and
second, to evaluate the tissue distribution of NAG in
this species. Our hypotheses were that plasma SDMA
and NAG concentrations would be more sensitive
than other biochemistry parameters to detect renal
disease in snakes and that NAG would be mainly
detected in renal tissue as opposed to other evalu-
ated organs in a healthy corn snake.
This experimental study was approved by the
Animal Care and Use Committee of the Université
de Montréal (21-Rech-2134). Seven adult corn
snakes (5 males, 2 females; body weight, 241 to
862 grams) were purchased from a breeder. Animals
were considered healthy after a complete physi-
cal examination, a clinical follow-up over 3 weeks,
and unremarkable fecal examinations (direct smear
and otation in zinc sulfate). One of the 7 snakes, a
4-year-old adult female, was kept as a control in the
same environment as the other individuals involved
in the experiment.
Snakes were kept individually in glass terraria
with a surface of 90 X 45 cm (Exoterra; Hagen Inc).
They were housed in a temperature and humidity-
controlled room set at 29 °C and 38% to 53%, respec-
tively. A warm area at 31°C was provided in each
terrarium by heat lamps. A large water bowl (Corner
bowl; Zoomed) was provided where snakes could
immerse themselves completely. The photoperiod
was set at a light:darkness ratio of 12:12. Paper was
used as substrate, and a hiding box was provided
in the colder area of each terrarium. Snakes were
weighed twice weekly. They were fed thawed mice
once a week. Prey items were oered again after
2 days in case of anorexia. Snakes were not handled
for 24 hours after each successful prey ingestion.
The 6 corn snakes were randomly divided into
2 groups: 1 group (n = 3) underwent a renal biopsy
per week, while the other group (3) only had a sin-
gle renal biopsy before starting the experiment to
conrm the absence of renal histological changes.
The goal of having 2 groups was to evaluate the
potential eects of renal biopsies on skeletal mus-
cular enzymes (ie, creatine kinase, ALT, and AST
independently of the eect of gentamicin. To induce
renal tubular necrosis, SC injections of gentami-
cin (100 mg/mL Gentocin; Merck Animal Health)
at 50 mg/kg
were administered in 6 corn snakes
(5 males, 1 female) in the caudo-dorsal area of the
body daily for 11 injections or until euthanasia. In
case of ecdysis, injections were discontinued for
2 days to allow for complete shedding. Limit points
used during the project were based on a grading sys-
tem established before the study (Supplementary
Table S1). Euthanasia was elected for individuals in
which a score of 3 was reached for any 1 parameter
in combination with a score 2 for another param-
eter or at 21 days as per study design. If gout was
detected during coelomic ultrasounds, which were
performed weekly (MyLab Sigma; Esoate Canada),
euthanasia was also elected.
Before the beginning of the study (time point T0)
and after a 3-week acclimation period, blood samples
were collected in each of the 7 snakes under general
anesthesia with isourane at 5% administered in 100%
oxygen. Blood collection was performed via car-
diocentesis to avoid lymph contamination and was
stored in lithium heparin tubes (Lithium Heparin BD
Microtainer Tubes; Becton, Dickinson and Company).
The procedure was repeated in 6 snakes after 3 injec-
tions (time point T3) and 11 injections of gentamicin
(time point T11). All blood samples were performed
before surgery when applicable, and after at least
a 48-hour fast. Plasma biochemistry panels were
submitted immediately to the Clinical Pathology
Service of the Centre de Diagnostic Vétérinaire de
l’Université de Montréal for each snake and included
uric acid, BUN, total calcium, phosphorus, total
proteins, GGT, ALT, ALP, AST, total cholesterol, CK,
glucose, LDH, NAG, and biliary acid concentrations
using standard techniques (Table 1). The NAG con-
centration was measured using commercial reagents
(Diazyme Laboratories), as described in birds.
Frozen plasma was shipped on ice to measure SDMA
(Idexx Laboratories). No plasma biochemistry values
published in peer-reviewed literature were available
for corn snakes. Reference values obtained from a
global database from various analyzers were used
for interpretation (number of snakes = 65 to 140
depending on parameters).
Blood pH, ionized cal-
cium (iCa), sodium, potassium, chloride, lactate, par-
tial pressure in carbon dioxide, and other standard
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analyte concentrations were obtained on a handheld
blood gas analyzer at 31 °C (Heska Element POC;
Epocal Inc). For pH and iCa, temperature-adjusted
values were calculated as previously described in
Blood concentrations of BUN were mea-
sured on both the biochemistry panel and blood
gas analysis. Since the detection limit for BUN was
3 mg/dL on the blood gas analysis and 0.3 mg/dL on
the laboratory analyzer, plasma BUN concentrations
measured by the laboratory analyzer were used for
statistical analyses. Reference values using the same
blood gas analyzer for free-ranging snakes of the
genus Pantherophis from a previous study (number
of snakes = 19)
and reference values for iCa pub-
lished in ball pythons (Python regius)
exposed to
articial ultraviolet light were used for interpretation.
Surgical renal biopsies were performed under
general anesthesia before the beginning of the study
in all snakes and after 3 and 11 gentamicin injections
in 3 of the 6 snakes. Premedication included 0.5 mg/
kg hydromorphone (2 mg/mL HYDROmorphone;
Sandoz Canada Inc) SC administered 1 hour before
induction and 5 mg/kg alfaxalone, SC (10 mg/ml
Alfaxan Multidose; Jurox Pty Ltée) both in the cranial
third of the body, although no signicant dierence
in anesthesia duration or physiological variables has
been reported in corn snakes among injection sites
for alfaxalone.
Snakes were induced by mask with
5% isourane (USP; Fresenius Kabi Canada Ltd) in
100% oxygen and intubated with uncued endo-
tracheal tubes constructed from a 16-G catheter
(Terumo Medical Canada Inc). Snakes were manu-
ally ventilated twice per minute. Monitoring included
a Doppler ow detector (Ultrasonic Doppler Flow
Detector; model 811-B; Parks Medical Electronics)
placed over the heart and a capnometer (Covidien
N-85; Nellcor). All surgeries were performed in
a temperature-controlled room set at 29 °C. The
caudal part of the snake was placed in right lateral
recumbency. The left kidney was located at a dis-
tance of 90% of the head to cloacal length and visual-
ized by ultrasound. Then, 4 mg/kg lidocaine (20 mg/
ml Lurocaine; Vetoquinol) was injected SC at the
incision site. The left kidney was approached in a
standard fashion. Two mosquito hemostatic forceps
were placed laterally on the kidney for 2 minutes
before obtaining a 3-mm wedge biopsy. Hemostasis
was veried, and the biopsy was placed in a cassette
in buered 10% formalin. If hemostasis was partial,
a 5-mm section of procoagulant absorbable gelatin
sponge (Surgifoam; Ethicon Inc) was placed on the
biopsy site. The coelomic muscles were closed with
a continuous pattern using polydioxanone suture
(PDS 4.0; Ethicon; Johnson and Johnson Medtech).
The skin was closed with interrupted sutures in an
everting pattern using PDS 4.0. An injection of 2 mg/
kg ketoprofen (100 mg/ml Anafen; Merial Canada)
was administered in the cranial epaxial muscles.
Euthanasia was performed under isourane
anesthesia with an intracardiac injection of 100 mg/
kg pentobarbital sodium (340 mg/ml Euthanyl;
Bimeda-MTC Animal Health) and 2 mEq/kg potas-
sium chloride (2 mEq/ml; Pzer Canada) followed
by brain pithing. A complete necropsy was then per-
formed, and tissue samples were taken and xed in
buered 10% formalin, including the kidneys, heart,
lung, liver, spleen, stomach, and reproductive tract.
Four sections along the length of the right kidney
were obtained and examined. Tissues were stained
with hematoxylin, phloxine, and saron using a rou-
tine staining protocol. Histopathologic scoring of
kidney sections (biopsies and necropsy specimens)
was performed, without prior knowledge of individ-
uals and time points by a single veterinary pathol-
ogy resident (SF) under the supervision of a trained
and experienced veterinary pathologist (SL). A total
of 5 randomly selected, renal elds at a magnica-
tion of X200 were evaluated from each biopsy and/
or necropsy submission. Each eld was scored using
a standardized semiquantitative scale (0, within
normal limits/absent; 1, mild changes [< 10% of the
cells or eld aected]; 2, moderate changes [10% to
50%]; and 3, marked changes [> 50%]). Parameters
scored were (1) proximal tubule degeneration,
inammation, and necrosis; (2) distal tubule degen-
eration, inammation, and necrosis; (3) severity of
intraluminal mineral deposition; and (4) intraluminal
urate deposition. Tubular degeneration was charac-
terized by pale, swollen, vacuolated epithelial cells
with a loss of cytoplasmic detail, while necrosis was
dened by cytoplasmic hypereosinophilia, a loss of
cellular borders, and nuclear pyknosis/karyorrhexis.
The median value of the 5 evaluated elds was then
reported as the scored result for each parameter for
the specimen.
Sections of liver from each animal harvested at
necropsy were processed and stained as described
above to check for evidence of hepatic degen-
eration/necrosis. A total of 5, randomly selected
hepatic elds (magnication, X200) were evalu-
ated and scored with a standardized semiquan-
titative scale: (0, within normal limits/absent; 1,
Table 1Analytic methods used to measure plasma
concentration of metabolites in corn snakes (Pantherophis
guttatus) using a laboratory analyzer (Beckman Coulter
DxC 600)
Parameter Analytical method
Glucose Hexokinase, 340 nm
Urea Enzymatic, 340 nm
ALT Henry, 340 nm
AST Henry, 340 nm
ALP Kinetic rate, 410 nm
CK Rosalki, 340 nm
GGT Szasz, 410 nm
LDH Lactate to pyruvate, 340 nm
Total calcium Endpoint, indirect ion selective
electrode, calcium ionophore
Phosphorus Phospho-molybdate, 340 nm
Total cholesterol Enzymatic, 520 nm
Total proteins Biuret, 560 nm
Bile acids Enzymatic, 405 nm
NAG Colorimetric, 505 nm
CK = Creatinine kinase. NAG = N-acetyl-beta-
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mild changes [< 10% of the cells or eld aected];
2, moderate changes [10% to 50%]; and 3, marked
changes [> 50%]). Parameters scored were (1) ste-
atosis, (2) inammation, (3) necrosis, (4) gout tophi,
and (5) brosis. The median of the scored result was
reported for each parameter for the specimen.
In addition to the experimental study, an adult
female corn snake was kept in the same environmen-
tal conditions and was euthanized with the same
protocol. A normal health status was conrmed by
necropsy and a plasma biochemistry panel within
reference ranges.
A wet weight of 0.58 grams from
each organ (kidney, liver, heart, pancreas, small intes-
tine, ovary, and skeletal muscle) was sampled using
a scale with a precision of 0.1 mg (Sartorius Canada
Inc). Each tissue was homogenized for 10 minutes
in a microtube with glass beads and 1 mL of ultra-
pure water (Mini-Beadbeater 96; Biospec Products
Inc). The content was centrifuged at 15,060 X g for
10 minutes (Centrifuge 5425; Eppendorf Canada
Ltd), and the supernatant was submitted for NAG
concentration measurement. The same NAG com-
mercial assay kit was adapted to run on an auto-
mated chemistry analyzer (Beckman Coulter).
Data were analyzed using a statistical analysis
software (R version 4.2.1, R Core Team [2022]. R:
A language and environment for statistical comput-
ing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing. https:// For each blood parameter, the
initial value measured on each individual and the
values obtained after 3 and 11 injections of genta-
micin (time points called T3 and T11 for all snakes)
were compared using paired Wilcoxon tests. When a
parameter had a value below the detection limit of
a test, the lowest measurable value of the test was
used for statistical analysis. A Benjamini-Hochberg
correction was applied to the P values. To evalu-
ate the correlation of biochemical parameters with
proximal and distal tubular necrosis lesions, a linear
mixed model was created with each blood parameter
as the dependent variable (including uric acid, lac-
tate, sodium, total calcium, iCa, calcium:phosphorus
ratio, ALT, AST, and urea), the histologic score as an
independent variable, and the snake specimen as
a random variable. The R package ‘lme4’ was used
for this analysis. The signicance of the variable was
tested via a likelihood ratio test. Data distribution of
the residues of each model was evaluated using a
Shapiro-Wilk normality test. A logarithmic transfor-
mation of the ALT variable was used to achieve nor-
mality of the model residues. The level of statistical
signicance was set at .05.
Baseline blood gas analysis results were
within published reference ranges
except for
1 sample with slightly decreased lactate concen-
tration (1.69 mmol/L; reference values, 2.66 to
20.1 mmol/L).
Baseline renal histology was within
normal limits in all 6 snakes involved in the experi-
mental study, including 2 snakes with mild renal
changes considered incidental and insucient
for exclusion from the study. During the gentami-
cin injections, none of the snakes developed renal
lesions that were detectable on coelomic ultrasound.
Snakes reached limit points at the 11th injection of
gentamicin which justied euthanasia at that time.
Clinical signs developing during the second week
of the study varied by individual and included diar-
rhea, polydipsia, polyuria, lethargy, and anorexia.
Observed renal pathologic changes are summarized
(Figure 1). Since all renal biopsies performed at T11
for the 3 snakes had identical scores as the results
obtained at necropsy, renal scores at necropsy are
displayed for these 3 snakes. As the injections pro-
gressed, the proximal tubules displayed a mild to
moderate degeneration with more frequent, intense
levels of necrosis, while the distal tubules more fre-
quently demonstrated higher levels of degeneration
with less frequent, intense necrosis (Table 2). Little
to no inammation was associated with the afore-
mentioned tubular degeneration/necrosis in either
the proximal or distal segments. Mild to moderate
intratubular mineralization was observed in both
baseline (T = 0) and biopsy/necropsy samples with
no obvious increase in frequency or intensity as the
study progressed. Intratubular luminal urate deposi-
tion was not observed in any submitted sample at
any time point. On necropsy, hepatic steatosis was
noted in all snakes, and 1 snake displayed multiple
hepatic tophi characterized by foci of urate crystal
deposition, hepatocellular necrosis, and a moderate
to marked heterophilic inltrate with macrophages.
Evolution of the plasma biochemistry panel
parameters is illustrated (Figure 2). Uric acid con-
centration did not increase signicantly between
T0 and T3 (P = .22), although there was a tendency
toward an increase between T0 and T11 (P = .06)
and 4 out of 6 snakes displayed hyperuricemia at T11
(reference, 168 to 1,194 µmol/L
Plasma concentrations of ALP, BUN, CK, LDH,
and total proteins did not change signicantly over
time and remained within reference intervals for corn
Plasma CK concentrations remained similar
in both groups. No signicant dierences in SDMA,
NAG, AST, ALT, and GGT concentrations were found
between baseline and any time point. All measured
AST concentrations remained within reference inter-
at all time points except for 2 samples at T11.
Total calcium concentrations and the
calcium:phosphorus ratio decreased signicantly
between T0 and T3 (P = .03) and between T0 and
T11 (P = .03). Two out of 6 snakes had a slightly
decreased total calcium at T3 (range, 3.16 to
3.29 mmol/L; reference, 3.38 to 4.90 mmol/L). No
signicant changes were noted in plasma phospho-
rus concentrations overtime. All 6 snakes displayed
calcium:phosphorus ratios within reference values
at T3.
Four out of 6 snakes displayed a decreased
calcium:phosphorus ratio at T11 (range, 1.4 to 2.1;
reference, 2.2 to 9.7).
On blood gas analysis, iCa decreased signicantly
between T0 and T3 (P = .03) and between T0 and
T11 (P = .03) (Figure 3). All snakes had baseline iCa
concentrations within the published reference range
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for ball pythons (1.67 to 1.91 mmol/L; n = 14).
concentrations fell below reference values in 5 out
of 6 snakes at T3 (range, 1.39 to 1.64 mmol/L) and
in all 6 snakes at T11 (range, 1.02 to 1.46). Lactate
concentration decreased signicantly between T0
and T3 (P = .03) and between T0 and T11 (P = .03).
Figure 1—Histogram of individual median scores of tubular lesions in 6 corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus) under-
going renal biopsies before the beginning of the study (T0) and in 3 corn snakes after 3 injections (T3) and after
11 injections (T11) of gentamicin 50 mg/kg, SC, in the caudal third of the body (renal biopsy or necropsy results).
Table 2—Histologic median score values regarding renal lesions in 6 corn snakes (P guttatus) undergoing renal
biopsies before the beginning of the study (T0), in 3 corn snakes after 3 injections (T3) and after 11 injections (T11)
of gentamicin, and in all 6 corn snakes at necropsy.
Histology median score values
1 BIOPSY 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 NECROPSY 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0
2 BIOPSY 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 BIOPSY 2 2 0 1 3 0 0 1 0
2 BIOPSY 3 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0
2 NECROPSY 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0
3 BIOPSY 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 NECROPSY 0 0 3 1 0 1 1 0
4 BIOPSY 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 NECROPSY 3 0 2 2 0 1 0 0
5 BIOPSY 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0
5 BIOPSY 2 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0
5 BIOPSY 3 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0
5 NECROPSY 0 0 3 3 0 2 0 0
6 BIOPSY 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0
6 BIOPSY 2 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 0
6 BIOPSY 3 0 1 3 3 0 1 1 0
6 NECROPSY 0 1 3 2 1 0 1 0
DTD = Distal tubule degeneration. DTI = Distal tubule inammation. DTN = Distal tubule necrosis. ITM = Intratubular mineral
deposition. IUD = Intraluminal urate deposition. PTD = Proximal tubule degeneration. PTI = Proximal tubule inammation.
PTN = Proximal tubule necrosis.
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At T3, 4 out of 6 snakes displayed lactate concen-
trations below reference values.
At T11, lactate
concentrations fell below the limit of detection
of 0.3 mmol/L in 5 out of 6 snakes. No signicant
changes were observed among time points for blood
pH (P = .31) or partial pressure of carbon dioxide
(P = .09). No signicant changes were noted for
potassium, sodium, and chloride concentrations. At
the third time point (T11), sodium was below the
reference values in 4 out of 6 snakes (range, 141 to
148 mmol/L; reference, 153 to 180 mmol/L).
Proximal tubular necrosis was signicantly
correlated with uric acid (P < .001), total calcium
(P < .001), iCa (P < .001), lactate (P < .001), ALT (P <
.001), BUN (P < .001), sodium (P < .001), and AST
(P = .008) concentrations and calcium:phosphorus
ratio (P = .006). Distal tubular necrosis was signi-
cantly correlated with decreased total calcium (P =
.002), decreased lactate (P = .003) concentrations,
and decreased calcium:phosphorus ratio (P = .001).
Tissue concentrations of NAG detected in the
control snake are depicted (Figure 4). The liver dis-
played the highest NAG concentrations among the
tested organs, although renal tissue accounted for
the second highest concentration of NAG.
The model used in this study was successful in
inducing renal tubular necrosis in all snakes tested.
Alternatively, a contribution of the initial renal
biopsy to the histologic lesions cannot be ruled out.
Regardless, this model enabled evaluation of the
eects of acute tubular lesions on blood parameters.
Parameters found to vary signicantly as renal
tubular pathology progressed were uric acid, ALT,
AST, total calcium, lactate, sodium, and iCa concen-
trations, as well as the calcium:phosphorus ratio.
Interpretation of these parameters remains chal-
lenging in a clinical setting as it relies on subopti-
mal reference values published in textbooks.
be diagnostically useful, blood parameters of snakes
with renal disease should have minimal overlap with
those of healthy animals. Thus, dening narrower
reference intervals for corn snakes would be very rel-
evant to minimize this overlap. At this point, no ref-
erence intervals complying with the guidelines of the
American Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology
have been published for corn snakes. Using a single
analyzer to establish reference intervals and better
dening the seasonality and site of venipuncture
would result in narrower reference intervals. Despite
this limitation, multiple blood parameters were found
to deviate from current reference values used for
corn snakes in this model of induced tubular lesions.
Absolute hyperuricemia was detected in 4 out of
6 snakes after 11 days of daily gentamicin injections,
although this change was not statistically signicant
compared to baseline concentration. One of these
snakes had not eaten during the previous 10 days
so its hyperuricemia was not attributed to postpran-
dial changes. In the other 3 hyperuricemic snakes, a
contribution of postprandial hyperuricemia can not
Figure 2—Evolution of plasma concentration of total
calcium and calcium:phosphorus ratio in 6 corn snakes
(P guttatus) during induction of experimental tubular
necrosis using gentamicin 50 mg/kg, SC, in the caudal
third of the body. The boxes represent the quartiles,
whiskers represent the minimum and maximum, and the
line inside the box represents the median. T0 is the base-
line before starting gentamicin injection, T3 is the sec-
ond time point obtained after 3 injections of gentamicin,
and T11 is the nal time point obtained after 11 injec-
tions of gentamicin. *Signicant variations with P < .05.
Figure 3—Evolution of whole blood concentrations of
ionized calcium (iCa) and lactate measured on blood
gas panel (Heska Element POC; Epocal Inc) during
induction of experimental tubular necrosis using genta-
micin in 6 corn snakes (P guttatus). See Figure 2 for the
remainder of the key.
Figure 4Tissue concentration of N-acetyl-beta-d-
glucosaminidase (NAG) in a 4-year-old healthy adult
female corn snake (P guttatus).
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be ruled out as uric acid can be increased for 8 days
after a meal in corn snakes
, and these snakes had
eaten 4 days prior. However, postprandial plasma
uric acid concentrations up to 2,550 μmol/L were
reported in a previous study,
while the snakes of
the present study reached uric acid concentrations
between 13,338 and 17,778 μmol/L. Thus, hyperuri-
cemia secondary to induced renal disease was sus-
pected. As expected, uric acid proved to be a poorly
sensitive marker of renal tubular lesions as hyper-
uricemia was detected in only some individuals and
at T11 only. Plasma BUN concentrations did not sig-
nicantly increase demonstrating a low sensitivity in
snakes. In addition, BUN is a very nonspecic marker
of renal disease as it increases after brumation and
in cases of dehydration in reptiles.
blood sodium concentration was a poorly sensitive
biomarker of renal disease. Renal tubular lesions can
be associated with decreased active sodium reab-
sorption leading to hypovolemic hyponatremia.
However, blood sodium concentration would only be
a terminal marker of renal tubular disease in snakes.
When evaluating snakes 3 days after initiating
gentamicin injections, lactate, total calcium, and iCa
concentrations and the calcium:phosphorus ratio
were found to be signicantly decreased compared to
baseline values. In addition, the calcium:phosphorus
ratio and total calcium and lactate concentrations
were signicantly correlated with the score of proxi-
mal and distal tubular lesions. Among these param-
eters, only blood iCa and lactate concentrations
were below published reference ranges
in a major-
ity of the study snakes at T3. Although 1 snake had
a lactate concentration below reference values at
the beginning of the study, this snake also showed
decreasing blood lactate concentrations over time.
As signicant decreases in blood lactate concentra-
tions were noted as early as 3 days after the begin-
ning of gentamicin injections, lactate might serve
as an early biomarker of tubular lesions. Recently,
lactate concentrations have gained interest in reptile
medicine as a prognostic indicator in rehabilitated
Increasing lactate concentrations
have been associated with a guarded prognosis,
while other studies
have suggested improved nest-
ing in sea turtles with hyperlactatemia. Reptiles
produce lactate during anaerobic metabolism and
are particularly prone to perform anaerobic exer-
cise compared to mammals. Chelonians are able to
sustain high lactate concentrations during hiverna-
and their renal tubular epithelium can use lac-
tate as a metabolite for glucose production. In the
present study, it is unknown if an increased uptake
of lactate could have occurred at the level of renal
tubular cells, as previously described in colubridae
or if a decreased reuptake of lactate from the pri-
mary urine could have occurred in the proximal
Alternatively, a possible explanation for
lactate changes is that snakes’ reactivity to handling
during induction and venipuncture decreased as
renal disease progressed. Since lactate concentra-
tion is positively correlated with muscle activity in
decreased resistance to handling might
explain the decreased lactate concentration in later
time points. On the other hand, hyperlactatemia has
been described in box turtles with a quiet mentation,
compared to healthy conspecics.
Thus, lethargic
snakes would have been expected to display higher
lactates whereas the opposite was observed in the
present study. Alternatively, lactate may decrease
over time during anesthesia when snakes are ven-
However, it took 6 hours of anesthesia in
rattlesnakes to reach lactate concentrations simi-
lar to those noted at T11,
while blood samples
were obtained within 10 minutes of induction in all
instances in the present study. In addition, acid-
base disturbance was restored after only 12 hours
in a previous study.
Thus, the sole eect of ven-
tilation under anesthesia to explain hypolactatemia
seems unlikely, especially in a context where blood
pH and carbon dioxide remain within normal limits.
Regardless of the cause, further studies should aim
to evaluate the prevalence of hypolactatemia in rep-
tiles with renal disease. Assessing the agreement
between various handheld lactate meters would also
be relevant, as previously performed in sea turtles.
Previous publications have listed the
calcium:phosphorus ratio as the earliest aected
parameter in cases of renal disease in snakes.
and lactate concentrations may in fact be more sen-
sitive parameters using currently available reference
This previous statement regarding the
high sensitivity of the calcium:phosphorus ratio was
based on a retrospective study
in 12 green iguanas
published in a conference proceeding. It should be
noted that iCa concentration is not aected by egg
laying in females
and remains within similar ref-
erence intervals in Indigo snake (Drymarchon cou-
which might make it a more specic indicator
of renal disease than total calcium concentration.
However, iCa may be decreased secondary to hyper-
parathyroidism, and combined interpretation with
more specic markers of renal disease is suggested.
Surprisingly, NAG was not found to be a spe-
cic biomarker for corn snake renal tissue as it was
detected in high concentrations in the liver and intes-
tine in this species. In pigeons, renal NAG concentra-
tion has been shown to be at least 6 times higher
than in other tissues, including liver, intestine, and
This dierence highlights the importance
of species-specic studies to evaluate enzymatic tis-
sular distribution.
In the present study, SDMA proved to be an
insensitive marker of tubular necrosis in corn snakes.
In contrast, a similar experimental model using
gentamicin to induce acute tubular necrosis in rats
resulted in an increased serum SDMA concentra-
A previous retrospective study hypothesized
that SDMA could be an early indicator of renal dis-
ease in chelonians
; this conclusion was based on
the results obtained in 28 individuals showing a
correlation between elevated uric acid and SDMA
concentrations. However, no renal histology was
available, and it is, therefore, possible that this
conclusion was erroneous. Further studies are war-
ranted to determine if SDMA concentrations could
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increase in reptiles aected by glomerular disease
instead of renal tubular pathology or in reptiles with
chronic versus acute renal disease or whether its
metabolism diers between chelonians and snakes.
Pending more studies, SDMA concentration should
not be used as a marker of renal disease in reptiles.
Other diagnostic options are recommended such as
renal biopsy.
Despite hepatic steatosis being noted in all
snakes, AST and ALT did not increase signicantly,
which was surprising as these enzymes have been
found in high quantities in colubrid snake renal and
hepatic tissue.
No signicant increase in plasma
GGT concentrations was detected at any time point
in the present study. This enzyme is thought to be
highly specic as it is detected only in the lungs and
kidneys of snakes and box turtles.
However, the
presence of an enzyme in renal tissue does not neces-
sarily correlate with its elevation in the bloodstream
after tissue damage, as previously demonstrated for
glutamate dehydrogenase in birds.
Similarly, GGT
may be excreted in the urine rather than increasing
in the bloodstream. Although no data are available
in reptiles, GGT has been detected in bird urine.
Further studies should evaluate GGT concentration
in urine in healthy versus renal insucient reptiles.
Limitations of the present study include the
small number of individuals included, but ethical
considerations precluded enrollment of a large snake
cohort. In particular, more healthy individuals could
have been used to evaluate the NAG tissue distri-
bution and evaluate the interindividual variability.
The variations of parameters observed in this study
could be related to renal lesions or could potentially
be associated with repeated handling or other fac-
tors in the absence of a control group. In addition,
signicant disagreement has been described for
several analytes measured by blood gas analyzers
compared to gold-standard techniques in reptiles.
Further studies should aim to evaluate the analyti-
cal performance of blood gas analyzers in reptiles. In
dogs and cats, other novel markers of renal disease
include clusterin, cystatin B, and inosine.
inosine concentration has been shown to decrease in
a model of gentamicin-induced renal disease in dogs
as it is a marker of tubular epithelial cells.
this marker was not available at the time of this study.
In conclusion, iCa and lactate concentrations were
the most sensitive early indicators of renal tubular
pathology in corn snakes among tested parameters.
Although still within reference values, total calcium
concentrations and the calcium:phosphorus ratio
decreased signicantly 3 days after induction of
renal disease compared to baseline values. Further
studies are needed to establish reference intervals
for iCa and lactate in colubrid snakes.
We thank Tristan Juette, statistician for his advice,
Amélie Aduriz for her assistance, and Corinne Géreux from
the chromatography laboratory.
The authors have nothing to disclose. No AI-assisted
technologies were used in the generation of this manuscript.
This project was funded by a grant from the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Funding was also provided by the CHUV Fund, Faculté de
Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal. We thank Hagen
for the donation of the terraria and lights used in this project.
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Supplementary Materials
Supplementary materials are posted online at the jour-
nal website:
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