Molecular Ecology (2004)
, 719723 doi: 10.1046/j.1365-294X.2004.02102.x
© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.
Multiple paternity in clutches of common lizard
: data from microsatellite markers
Laboratoire d’Ecologie, UMR 7625, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 7 quai Saint Bernard, case 237, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France;
Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, UMR 8079, bât. 362, Université Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay cedex, France
The common lizard (
Lacerta vivipara
) is a small live-bearing lacertid that reproduces once
a year. In order to document the poorly known mating system of this species, we present
here an assessment of multiple paternity using microsatellite markers. Paternities were
established within 122 clutches belonging to two wild populations from contrasted areas
and to four seminatural enclosed populations. The proportion of multiply sired clutches
was found to be very high (between 50.0% and 68.2%) and similar among populations,
which suggests that the mating system of this species may be insensitive to environmental
and population conditions.
Lacerta vivipara
, Lizards, mating system, microsatellites, multiple paternity
Received 23 September 2003; revision received 20 November 2003; accepted 20 November 2003
Multiple mating in female animals constitutes one of the
challenging questions about mating systems. In this broad
field of investigation, studies in vertebrates have been domin-
ated for a long time by works on birds and mammals (e.g.
Birkhead & Møller 1992; Smuts & Smuts 1993; Reynolds
1996; Jennions & Petrie 2000) while reptiles, and especially
lizards, have been understudied until recently. In an extens-
ive review, Olsson & Madsen (1998) found evidence of
multiple copulations in 12 out of 20 lizard species studied
for their mating systems. Nevertheless, most of these data
are based on behavioural observations or on counting of
mating scars resulting from the male’s mouthgrip on the
female’s abdomen during copulation. Such data generally
do not indicate if multiple copulations come from the same
male or from different partners, nor if they lead to effective
multiple paternity. Indeed, recent lizard studies using
molecular markers have revealed that effective paternity
can contrast with the estimation given by matings observa-
tions (Olsson
et al
. 1994, 1996b; Gullberg
et al
. 1997; LeBas
2001). Some of these studies also provided original data
concerning mating systems, for instance on mate choice and
sperm competition (Olsson & Madsen 1998).
Lacerta vivipara
is a small lacertid (adult snout-vent
length = 5070 mm, females on average larger than males)
living in peatbogs and moist heathlands, widely distributed
throughout Eurasia. This live-bearing lizard reproduces
once a year and has a short mating period in AprilMay.
With regard to mating system in natural populations,
Bauwens & Verheyen (1985) have detected multiple (two
to three) mating scars in females and they have suggested
that different scars may be from different partners as they
could occur within one to three days. Nevertheless, we
assume that mating scars cannot be used to assess accur-
ately the numbers of partners in this species, at least
because a male can sometimes inflict multiple scars during
a single copulation (personal observation). Behavioural
observations on captive individuals by Heulin (1988) have
proved that females can copulate with more than one male.
However, as the experimental situation (three males and
three females in a small enclosure) may enhance the oppor-
tunity for copulation, this author suggested that polyandry
might be weaker in natural populations. Such a divergence
was observed in the closely related species
Lacerta agilis
where females may mate with more than 15 males in few
days in captivity while they rarely mate more than five to six
times in the wild (Olsson
et al
. 1996a; Olsson & Madsen 1998).
Finally, even if multiple matings occur in
L. vivipara
, there is
no evidence that they lead to effective multiple paternity
within clutches. Here, we present an assessment of multiple
Correspondence: D. Laloi. Fax: (+ 33) (0)1 44 27 35 16; E-mail:
© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd,
Molecular Ecology
, 13, 719723
paternity using microsatellite DNA loci. In order to investigate
variations of the level of multiple paternity, we checked
families from three populations with different environmental
conditions: one natural population from a high altitude area,
one natural population from a low altitude area, and four
experimental populations maintained in seminatural enclos-
ures. This experimental population was located at low
altitude but it was originally constituted with lizards com-
ing from the same area as the first studied wild population.
Materials and Methods
Collection of samples in natural populations
We collected samples in two wild populations in 2000. The
first population is located in mountains of southern France
(Mont Lozère, Lozère, 44
N, 3
E) at an altitude of
1420 m. It has been part of an ongoing demographic and
behavioural study for the past 15 years (Massot & Clobert
2000). The second population is located in northern France
(Forêt d’Orient, Aube, 48
N, 4
E) at an altitude of
about 110180 m.
To obtain clutches, pregnant females were captured
in early July and kept in the laboratory until parturition.
This period corresponds to the second month of gestation,
parturition occurring generally in July or early August.
Females were housed in individual terraria with damp soil
and a shelter. To facilitate thermoregulation, we provided
an incandescent lamp as a heat source for 6 h per day. Each
female was also supplied with water and
After birth, tissue samples were obtained by cutting 2
3 mm tail tip of each female and their offspring, a non-
destructive technique since lizards practice natural tail
autotomy to escape predators. In clutches with incomplete
hatching success, we also took tissue samples from dead
born embryos. Then, all females and their viable hatchlings
were released at the place where the female was captured
within five days after birth, i.e. before juvenile dispersal
et al
. 1994). The mother’s capture point is likely
to be close to the offspring natal site as females are highly
sedentary during gestation (Bauwens & Thoen 1981).
Semi-natural enclosed population
We analysed multiple paternity in seminatural enclosed
populations which has been part of a long-term experi-
mental study of demography and dispersal (Boudjemadi
et al
. 1999a). These populations were originally constituted
with lizards collected during July 1995 from Mont Lozère
and brought to the Ecological Research Center of Foljuif
near Paris, France (42
N, 2
E, altitude 200 m). They
were randomly distributed into four seminatural enclosures
10 m) covered with nets to exclude avian predators,
each enclosure receiving six postgravid females and their
litter, four adults males, and five yearlings of each sex (age
and sex structure similar to natural populations). During
spring 1997 and 1998, gravid females were captured and
kept in the laboratory until they gave birth. The rearing
conditions were similar to those applied for the study of
wild populations. Regular monitoring allowed us to obtain
tissue samples from all males (i.e. putative fathers) in
addition to those of the females and their offspring.
Microsatellite amplification and analysis
Genomic DNA was extracted from ethanol-preserved
samples using Perfect gDNA Blood Mini Isolation kit for
animal blood (Eppendorf). We applied the manufacturer’s
protocol except for the use of a small piece of tissue instead of
blood. To obtain genotypic profiles, we used six highly poly-
morphic microsatellite DNA loci characterized in
: Lv-3–19, Lv-4–72, Lv-4-alpha, Lv-2–145, Lv-4-X
and Lv-4–115 (Boudjemadi
et al
. 1999b). Primer sets were
redesigned for multiplexing purposes. Microsatellite poly-
morphism was analysed using the fluorescent dye detec-
tion method. One primer of each locus was labelled, with
VIC (green) for Lv-3–19, Lv-4-alpha and Lv-2145, NED
(black) for Lv-472 and Lv-4115, and 6-FAM (blue) for
Lv-4-X. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out
in 10
L of a mixture containing 1550 ng of DNA, 50
200 n
of each primer, 300
of dNTPs, 1
L of Qbiogene
10X incubation buffer (50 m
KCl, 10 m
TrisHCl, 1.5 m
, 0.1% TritonX-100, pH 9.0) and 0.25 U of
polymerase (Qbiogene). A PCR multiplex (for Lv-319,
Lv-472, Lv-4-X and Lv-4115) and simplex (for Lv-4-alpha
and Lv-2–145) was performed in a GeneAmp PCR System
9700 thermocycler, using the following profile: an initial
denaturing step of 12 min at 94
C; followed by 30 cycles
of 15 s at 94
C; 15 s at 53
C (56
C for loci Lv-2–145 and
Lv-4-alpha) and 30 s at 72
C, a final extension step at 72
for 10 min. Electrophoreses were performed with an ABI
310 automated sequencer. Allelic size was determined
software version 2.1 by reference to the
ROX 400HD size standard and by comparison
to previously scored samples.
Assessment of paternity and analyses
In natural populations, mothers and their offspring were
genotyped for five microsatellite loci (all but Lv-2–145).
Because actual genotypes of putative fathers remained
unknown, the extent of multiple paternity was inferred
from the genotypes of juveniles after subtraction of mater-
nal alleles. Multiple paternity was first detected by the
presence of three or more paternal alleles per locus. Then,
the minimum number of fathers to explain genetic composi-
tion of each clutch was estimated applying a conservative
reconstruction of the possible paternal genotypes. In the
© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd,
Molecular Ecology
, 13, 719723
enclosed populations, all individuals including potential
fathers were genotyped for the six microsatellite loci. Patern-
ity assignments were then carried out by a likelihood
approach using the
software version 2.0 (Marshall
et al
. 1998). To prevent false identification of father due to
genotyping or reading errors, particularly in natural popu-
lations where offspring’s genotypes could not be compared
to putative fathers, we ignored additional fathers when the
detection relied on a single locus in a single hatchling.
Conversely, such a precaution may lead to some under-
estimation of the number of fathers. This, however, only
occurred in one clutch from the Mont Lozère population.
Results and Discussion
Forty-five females and their 256 offspring from the Mont
Lozère, as well as 15 females and their 79 offspring from
the Forêt d’Orient, were genotyped for five loci. Consider-
ing all loci, both populations do not deviate significantly
from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Among the 45 clutches
from the Mont Lozère, one clutch with only two hatchlings
was excluded from the estimation of multiple paternity as
it was not possible to detect more than two paternal alleles
in such a situation. Multiple paternity was detected in
30 (68.2%) of the 44 remaining clutches, 28 clutches (63.6%)
being sired by at least two males and two clutches (4.6%) by
at least three males (Table 1). Among the 15 clutches from
the Forêt d’Orient, one clutch with only two hatchlings
was excluded from the analysis of paternity. Multiple patern-
ity was detected in seven clutches (50.0%), six clutches
(42.9%) being sired by at least two males and one clutch
(7.1%) by at least three males (Table 1). In both popula-
tions, clutch size does not differ between singly sired and
multiply sired clutches (
= 0.39,
> 0.10 for the Mont Lozère
= 0.13,
> 0.10 for the Forêt d’Orient popula-
tion; see Table 2 for details on clutches’ characteristics).
From the semi-natural enclosed populations, a total of
670 individuals were genotyped for six loci, including 26
clutches in 1997, 36 clutches in 1998 and all adults. The data
from the four enclosures were pooled since the respective
populations did not differ according to the number of
mates (
= 3.88,
> 0.10). However, data from 1997
and 1998 are presented separately as the population
size increased significantly between these two years,
which might affect the pattern of matings. Considering all
loci, the population does not deviate significantly from
Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. The exclusionary power of
paternity assignments vary between 0.937 and 0.999
according to enclosure and year. Multiple paternity was
detected in 15 out of 26 clutches in 1997 (57.7%) and in 24
out of 36 clutches in 1998 (66.7%), with, respectively, six
clutches in 1997 (23.1%) and 10 clutches in 1998 (27.8%)
sired by more than two males (Table 1). Extreme cases of
multiple paternity were two clutches sired by four males
(one clutch of six hatchlings in 1997 and one clutch of 13
hatchlings in 1998) while up to five males were found in
one clutch of 11 hatchlings obtained in 1998. Clutch size
does not differ between singly sired and multiply sired
clutches (
= 0.37,
> 0.10 in 1997;
= 0.06,
> 0.10 in 1998;
see Table 2 for details on clutches’ characteristics).
At first sight, the pattern of multiple paternity seems
to differ between surveyed populations with respect to
the number of fathers: clutches sired by more than two
Table 1 Extent of multiple paternity in clutches of common lizard.
Number of fathers were obtained after inference of paternal haplo-
types from hatchlings genotypes in wild populations and after
paternity assignment in the seminatural enclosed populations
Number (%) of clutches with
Population from Mont Lozère 14 (31.8) 28 (63.6)2(4.6)*
Population from Forêt d’Orient 7 (50.0)6 (42.9)1 (7.1)*
Enclosed population — 1997 11 (42.3)9 (34.6)6 (23.1)
Enclosed population — 1998 12 (33.3) 14 (38.9) 10 (27.8)
*In natural populations, the proportion of litters with 35 fathers
is probably underestimated as a result of the conservative method
applied for detection of paternity.
Clutch size*
% multiply
sired clutches**N Mean ± SE min max
Population from Mont Lozère 45 5.7 ± 1.6 2 9 68.2
Population from Forêt d’Orient 15 5.4 ± 2.0 2 10 50.0
Enclosed population — 1997 26 6.2 ± 2.6 2 13 57.7
Enclosed population — 1998 36 4.9 ± 2.7 1 12 66.6
*Including dead born embryos. **Clutches with only two juveniles were excluded from
the estimation of multiple paternity.
Table 2 Summary of clutches’ characteristics
© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd,
Molecular Ecology
, 13, 719723
males appear quite rare in natural populations while
they constitute about a quarter of the clutches in the
semi-natural populations. Nevertheless, since the males
(i.e. the putative fathers) remained unknown in natural
populations, the conservative method applied for detec-
tion of paternity may have led to some underestimation
of the actual number of fathers. Indirect evidence for this
underestimation can be given applying the inference of
paternity from juveniles’ genotypes, when males are
unknown, to our data set from enclosed populations. This
leads to an identical estimation of the number of multiply
sired clutches, but to fewer fathers in these clutches
than the number obtained by paternity assignment to
known males (only 4.3% of 1997 clutches and 3.6% of 1998
clutches appeared to be sired by more than two males
when paternity was inferred from hatchlings’ genotypes,
while 23.1% and 27.8% were, respectively, found by patern-
ity assignment). Given that this methodological bias
can explain differences in paternity estimation between
natural and enclosed populations, we suspect that the
pattern of paternity does not differ markedly between
the different populations studied. Indeed, when we pooled
the clutches in two classes, singly sired vs. multiply sired
clutches, the level of multiple paternity did not differ
significantly between populations (
= 2.05,
> 0.10).
This constancy of multiple paternity level among various
sites suggests that the mating system of
Lacerta vivipara
may be insensitive to environmental and population
In lacertids, multiple paternity often relate to the co-
existence of conflicting male mating strategies. Most cases
refer to territorial species where territory-holding males
sired the greater part of the hatchlings while floaters may
achieve some matings, leading to multiply sired clutches.
For example, 2362% of clutches are multiply sired in
Scelophorus virgatus
(Abell 1997), 25% in
Ctenophorus ornatus
(LeBas 2001), 6582% in
Eulamprus heatwolei
et al
2002). Cases of multiple paternity in nonterritorial lizards
are more scarce. In
Lacerta agilis
, females have been found
to accept courtship by several males (Olsson
et al
. 1994,
1996a) and four out of five clutches (80%) were sired by
more than one male (Gullberg
et al
. 1997). Males of this
species guard their present female between several hours
to several days following copulation, which is an un-
common behaviour in lizards but can be expected in such
a competitive situation. In
Lacerta vivipara
, males do not
form territory (Avery 1976), they do not exhibit any type of
mate guarding and, until now, there has been no evidence
of various male mating strategies. Further studies should
thus address other possible reasons that could lead to an
almost constant pattern of single vs. multiple paternity in
this species. This might include studies on the benefits of
multiple mating, especially for females, as well as on the
possible existence of more than one male strategy.
We thank Sandrine Meylan and Jean-François Le Galliard for
encouraging discussions, and three anonymous referees for help-
ful comments on a previous version of the manuscript.
Supplementary material
The following material is avaialbale from
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predation associated with reproduction in the lizard
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Bauwens D, Verheyen RF (1985) The timing of reproduction in the
Lacerta vivipara
: differences between individual females.
Journal of Herpetology
, 353364.
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© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 13, 719723
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David Laloi works on behavioural ecology with a particular inter-
est in the plasticity of behaviour. In parallel with the development
of genetic markers for ecological purposes, Murielle Richard works
on reproductive behaviour in lizards and birds. Jane Lecomte’s
research subjects include the dynamics of fragmented animal
populations and ecological risk assessment related to trans-
genic plants cultivation. Manuel Massot studies the evolution of
dispersal, phenotypic plasticity, senescence, and consequences of
climate’s changes, mainly based on a long-term survey of common
lizard’s populations. Jean Clobert is investigating population
dynamics, mating systems, evolution of life history traits and