(Drymarchon couperi)
Dated: August 17, 2016
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) authorizes capture, handling, blood and
tissue sampling, marking (scale clipping), PIT (passive integrated transponder) tag
insertion, and radio telemetry (including surgical implantation of transmitters) of eastern
indigo snakes, pursuant to section 10(a)(1)(A) of the Endangered Species Act (Act),
through issuance of permits to take eastern indigo snakes in response to requests from
individuals for such permits. Permits will only be issued for activities conducted by
qualified persons, as described in permit applications, which benefit the recovery of the
eastern indigo snake.
The Service has developed this protocol which identifies specific capturing, handling,
blood and tissue sampling, marking, PIT tag insertion, and surgical transmitter
implantation techniques to be followed when conducting these activities. This protocol
will be attached to all future permits authorizing these activities. The Service will up-
date the protocol as new information is obtained from on-going studies.
Capturing eastern indigo snakes, even in areas where they are known to occur can be
difficult. Smith and Dyer (2003) conducted a study to determine whether road running
(road cruising), using drift fencing with traps, or using a camera to scope gopher tortoise
burrows would be valid techniques for detecting indigo snakes, and thus offer an
opportunity either directly or indirectly for their capture. The results were disappointing.
In fact, incidental sightings, outside the scope of the research project, resulted in the most
encounters with eastern indigo snakes. Researchers familiar with indigo snakes find that
this is frequently still the case. The Service is continuing to pursue a more accurate
survey method for this species, including the use of detector dogs. With the issuance of a
permit, eastern indigo snakes may be captured by hand after being observed during road
cruising, or other direct observation during general field surveys, and/or by trapping
using stationary cover objects or large box traps (see Rudolph et al. 1999 for a
description of box traps).
Gopher tortoise burrows
If an eastern indigo snake is present or suspected of being present in a gopher tortoise
burrow, a large single-opening funnel trap placed at the mouth of the burrow may be used
to capture snakes as they exit the burrow. Shade the funnel traps and check them 3 to 4
times per day during daylight hours.
Captured eastern indigo snakes may be measured, weighed, sexed, photographed, scale
clipped and/or implanted with a PIT tag; sampled for genetic studies or diagnostic
purposes via blood sampling, skin biopsies, or body (cloacal, oral, and/or skin) swabbing;
and/or surgically implanted with a radio telemetry device (see specific protocols for these
techniques below). Disease may be transmitted within and among eastern indigo snake
populations during handling if appropriate precautions are not taken. Avoid handling
multiple snakes at one time if possible. Use extra precautions when handling ill snakes,
especially if snake fungal disease (SFD) (Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola) is a possibility.
A simple field kit can be made using leak proof containers to hold gauze soaked with a
solution of povidone-iodine, such as Betadine
, to be used for scrubbing, and alcohol for
cleaning areas where scales are clipped and/or sites where PIT tags are inserted.
Appropriate sized examination gloves can be placed in zip top bags.
When handling eastern indigo snakes, the following protocols must be used when
handling snakes for mark-recapture, telemetry, and other purposes:
Disinfection prior to handling
Examination gloves should be worn whenever possible when performing invasive
procedures. If not possible, wash hands with soap and water if a vehicle is
available near the processing site, or with disinfectant hand wash. Repeat after
handling each snake or wear separate disposable latex gloves for each snake.
All equipment used for holding snakes should be washed prior to use (e.g. cloth
bags or pillowcases) or disinfected between snakes.
Clean handling equipment used in the field with isopropyl alcohol or other
appropriate disinfectant (i.e., dilute bleach, chlorhexidine, or other environmental
disinfectant) between each snake. Contact time with the disinfectant is important;
a minimum of 10 minutes of contact time should be used.
Care should be taken to ensure that contaminated items, such as used examination
gloves, swabs, gauze, disinfectant wipes, etc., do not contact cleaned or sterile
equipment or snakes. Contaminated materials should be isolated and disposed of
in sealed bags.
Transport and Temporary Captivity
Use a separate clean cloth bag or pillowcase for each snake. Do not reuse until
washed with soap, bleach, and hot water.
Place each individual snake in separate, well-ventilated, plastic containers for
transport. Their containers should have some substrate or a towel to make the
snake more comfortable and to soak up urine and feces.
Avoid overheating or cool temperatures during transport. The preferred range of
transport temperature is 60 to72 degrees Fahrenheit (º F) (16 to 22 degrees
Centigrade (ºC)).
Containers housing snakes must be secured during transport to prevent sliding,
bumping into other surfaces, and/or tipping over.
Avoid housing snakes in captivity unless necessary for surgery, to treat injuries,
or for placement in the captive breeding colony as part of a Service-approved
action. Currently, only the Central Florida Zoo’s Orianne Center for Indigo
Conservation (OCIC) has approval under this protocol to retain individuals
permanently in captivity for the purpose of breeding and reintroductions. Snakes
captured for the breeding colony must be transported within 3 days of their
capture to OCIC. Each captured snake being temporarily held for the captive
colony must have its own well-ventilated enclosure and kept at the indigo snake’s
preferred temperature zone of 70º to 85º F (21º to 29 º C). The enclosure should
be easily disinfected (dilute bleach, a quaternary ammonia compound such as
, or other broad spectrum disinfectant). Wood enclosures should be
avoided, because they cannot be disinfected. More specifics on housing are
provided below under the SURGICAL TRANSMITTER INSERTION section.
Shed skins
Shed skins may be used for genetic analysis. They should be stored individually (after
drying to prevent mold buildup) in paper envelopes, brown paper bags, or zip top bags
(The Orianne Society undated). Shed skins should be transferred to a freezer as soon as
possible (The Orianne Society undated). Data recorded for each sample should include: a
sample identification number, date collected, state and county where sample collected,
specific location (latitude/longitude, UTM coordinates), and a physical description of the
site where the sample was collected (The Orianne Society undated).
Scale clipping
Examination gloves should be worn when performing invasive procedures such as scale
clipping. If examination gloves cannot be worn, then hands should be free of dirt and
thoroughly cleaned prior to performing any of these procedures. Ventral scale clipping is
one of the most commonly used marking techniques in snake studies. Brown and Parker
(1976) described the technique for ventral scale clipping and provided a scale-clipping
system which can be used for eastern indigo snakes. Scale clips should be taken from the
ventral scales 5 to 25 scales anterior to the vent. The area to be clipped should be cleaned
at least once with a
povidone-iodine scrub and then with a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol
soaked gauze. Examination gloves should be used by the person doing the procedure.
Scales are clipped to remove a rectangular section of scute approximately 0.125 to 0.16
inch (in) (3 to 4 millimeters (mm)) deep and 0.16 to 0.31 in (4 to 8 mm) wide. Use sharp-
pointed dissecting or micro-surgical scissors that have been heat-sterilized (autoclave) or
soaked in isopropyl alcohol or chlorhexidine prior to the procedure. If multiple snakes are to
be clipped, sterilize for at least 10 minutes between snakes
. Care must be taken to remove
all layers of the skin to expose the underlying ventral musculature in a section large
enough to cover half of a given ventral scute (Brown and Parker 1976). The incision site
should not bleed afterwards, but if bleeding occurs use a sterile compress (cotton ball,
gauze) to staunch the bleeding. A liquid bandage may be applied to the site if available.
Scale clips may be taken and used for genetic analysis. If used for this purpose, scale
clips should be immediately placed in individually labelled 1.5 ml (medical standard)
tubes (with screw tops and O-rings) filled with 95 to 100 percent ethanol containing no
additives (The Orianne Society undated). Scale clipping should be done by two
individuals whenever possible; one person to hold the snake and the second to do the
Blood sampling
Small blood samples may be taken from the caudal ventral tail vein for genetic analysis
or diagnostic testing. Depending on the diagnostic testing needs, a 25-gauge needle on a
heparinized 3-ml (medical standard) syringe can be utilized. Alternatively, if only
samples for genetics or infectious disease testing using PCR (polymerase chain reaction
analysis) are needed, insulin syringes work well for small samples and are widely
available at pharmacies. The caudal ventral tail vein (coccygeal vein) is located on the
ventral midline of the tail and can generally be easily accessed. Male snakes should be
sampled distal to the hemipenal sacs. The sampling site should be cleaned thoroughly
with 70 percent isopropyl alcohol. Only veterinarians, or trained field technicians, with
experience taking blood from snakes will be permitted for this procedure.
Skin biopsies
Snake fungal disease (SFD) (Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola) is becoming more common in
various species of snakes including eastern indigo snakes (Lorch et al. 2015, T. Norton et
al. 2015 unpublished data). If skin lesions are present, a diagnosis can be made by taking
a full thickness skin biopsy for histopathology and PCR. In most situations, some form of
local or injectable anesthesia will be needed to perform the procedure. To get accurate
results, the biopsy must be full skin thickness. Observing changes in the dermis is
important for distinguishing SFD from other infections. Also, collecting adjacent healthy
skin with the biopsy is helpful for observing necrosis patterns that are somewhat
characteristic of SFD. Finally, detection of O. ophiodiicola alone should not be
considered a positive diagnosis without supportive histopathology. Samples should be
fixed in buffered 10 percent formalin for histopathology and frozen in an ultralow freezer
or shipped immediately to the participating laboratory on ice packs for disease
identification through use of PCR. Samples must be collected by a veterinarian or well-
trained biologist. If skin lesions are on the head, an experienced veterinarian will need to
do the biopsies. Sterile technique should always be utilized and post-operative pain
management should be considered when appropriate.
Other sampling
Swabbing snakes (oral cavity, cloaca, skin), in the lab or field, may be conducted for
diagnostic purposes.
PIT tags are electronic microchips encased in biocompatible glass that vary in size
between approximately 0.4 and 0.55 in (10 and 14 mm) long and 0.08 in (2 mm) wide
(Gibbons and Andrews 2004). In small snakes weighing less than 7 ounces (oz) (200
grams (g)) and with a total length less than approximately 3.3 feet (100 centimeters), the
smallest PIT tags should be used. Once implanted, PIT tags can be used to verify if
individuals have been previously captured. PIT tags may be inserted subcutaneously
(SQ) by appropriately trained individuals, or implanted into the body cavity by a
qualified veterinarian during radio transmitter placement surgery. Test the tag to be used
with a PIT tag reader before it is injected to make sure it is reading properly.
Subcutaneous implantation
Examination gloves should be worn when performing invasive procedures such as PIT
tagging. If examination gloves cannot be worn, then hands should be free of dirt and
thoroughly cleaned with a disinfectant soap or solution prior to handling each snake.
Clean the area selected for tag insertion with a povidone-iodine scrub and 70 percent
isopropyl alcohol. Optimally, at least two scrubs of each should be done prior to
injecting the PIT tag under the skin with the insertion device and needle provided with it.
Only packaged and sterilized needles and PIT tags should be utilized. If reusing needles
and placing the PIT tags in the needle manually, they should be gas-sterilized rather than
sterilized in liquid disinfectant such as alcohol or chlorhexidine. The PIT tag should be
inserted SQ in the area that was previously cleaned, approximately 15 to 30 scale rows
anterior to the vent (cloaca), along the side of the body (approximately two-thirds of the
snout-vent length from the head). Insertion location is very important in order to help
prevent injury to internal organs. The PIT tag should be placed along the upper side of
the snake, approximately two thirds of the way up between the edge of the ventral scales
and the crest of the vertebrae. To inject the tag, grasp a fold of skin between your
fingers; insert the needle into this fold and depress the plunger completely (The Orianne
Society undated). Keep the needle parallel to the snake’s body; do not force the needle
into the muscle tissue or between ribs. Post-injection, sterilize the site using rubbing
alcohol and use tissue glue to seal and protect the injection site. Scan the tag to ensure it
is reading correctly.
Body cavity implantation
Using sterile technique, a qualified veterinarian may manually place a PIT tag into the
body cavity of an anesthetized indigo snake receiving a radio transmitter (see
SURGICAL TRANSMITTER INSERTION, below). Female snakes will be palpated
to determine if eggs are present and, if present, care taken to avoid impacting them during
tag implantation.
Eastern indigo snakes are particularly amenable to animal studies using implanted radio
transmitters due to their large size, long-range movements, and large home range sizes.
This technique has been extensively studied and is considered an established method for
the study of snake ecology and conservation (Dorcas and Willson 2009). It is described
in detail in Hyslop et al. (2009).
Radio-telemetry devices may be surgically placed in the body cavity of eastern indigo
snakes by a veterinarian** having knowledge of snake anatomy and significant
experience with snake anesthesia and surgery, and holding the appropriate permits
necessary to treat species listed by State regulations and the Act. All snakes must be in
good body condition prior to surgery. Snakes will be prepared for sterile surgery in a
standard accepted fashion. Recently there have been advances in snake analgesia (pain
management) and anesthesia. In the past, surgery on snakes involved using gas
anesthesia (isoflurane) alone. Isoflurane alone was typically administered while the
snake was in a clear plastic tube, and once the snake was relaxed, it was intubated with an
un-cuffed endotracheal tube and maintained on isoflurane. However, isoflurane does not
have any pain management properties so some form of pain management is needed. A
second surgical method provides pain management during surgery and post-operatively
and is preferred for eastern indigo snakes unless professional expertise allows for an
alternate method of pain management. This method, developed by Dr. Darryl Heard
from the University of Florida, has been used successfully on eastern indigo snakes by
Dr. Terry Norton from the Georgia Sea Turtle Center and is summarized below by Dr.
Norton. Metric units are not converted as these units are standard in medical practice.
Surgery using a pain management methodology:
Administer ketamine 5 mg/kg (body weight) + dexmedetomidine 50 micrograms
per kg + buprenorphine 0.03 mg/kg intramuscularly (IM). Place the snake back in
a secure container for 15 to 20 minutes. After this time period, the snake will be
sedated but not fully anesthetized. Then, place the snake in the plastic tube, start
isoflurane at 1 percent and work up to higher level until sedation/anesthesia level
allows intubation with an appropriate sized, un-cuffed endotracheal tube. Intubate
and maintain on isoflurane. Manually ventilate 1 to 2 breaths per minute and less
frequently during recovery. Turn isoflurane off prior to the end of the procedure
and keep as low as possible to maintain the snake under appropriate levels of
anesthesia throughout. Once the isoflurane has been discontinued, administer
oxygen for a few minutes, and then switch to a manual resuscitator such as an
bag to allow CO
levels to rise which will stimulate the snake to breathe.
Reverse the dexmedetomidine with atipamezole at the same volume as the
dexmedetomidine given IM. Use ultrasound for monitoring heart rate; Total CO
monitoring may also be used. Use meloxicam at 0.2 mg/kg SQ at the start of the
procedure for additional pain management.
During surgery, maintain snakes at a temperature around 80º F (27º C). Avoid sudden
temperature changes. Using standard sterile techniques, make a 1.2 in to 2 in (3 to 5 cm)
lateral skin incision and reflect skin ventrally. Follow with a ventral midline incision
through the coelomic (main body) lining to allow access to the coelomic cavity. Place
the telemetry device intracoelomically (within the body cavity). Use transmitters of
appropriate weight and shape. For reptiles, it is generally recommended that transmitters
should not exceed 5 percent of body mass (Plummer and Ferner 2012). However, since
the eastern indigo is a protected species under State and Federal laws, the Service is
requiring that a more conservative approach be taken and that transmitters be no more
that 3 percent of body mass (British Columbia Ministry of Environment 1998). Since 0.2
oz (5 g) transmitters are now available, juvenile snakes of 7 oz (200 g) or greater may be
implanted as long as the required body mass ratio is met. Researchers should be mindful
that a transmitter, meeting the less than 3 percent of body mass standard, may be too
wide, especially in young, slim, snakes. Researchers must strive to minimize the ratio of
transmitter width to body width to the extent possible. Therefore, this might mean that in
some cases, elongate, flattened transmitter packages will be preferred over short,
cylindrical ones depending on their weight and width. Thread sterilized copper tubing, or
similar product, subcutaneously anteriorly, and then thread the transmitter antenna through it.
Make a small skin incision in the area of the anterior end of the tubing and remove the
tubing, leaving the antenna in place. This skin incision is typically very small so suturing
here is usually not needed.
Suture material (for example, size 3.0 to 4.0 polydioxanone
) or nylon) for the main incision in the body cavity is used in a horizontal mattress
or simple interrupted suture pattern to close the skin incision. The coelomic lining is too
thin to suture. To support full recovery, snakes must be held post-surgery at least 2 to 3
days to monitor them for medical complications and to document their resumption of normal
behaviors; all else being equal, the less time held in captivity, the better.
All indigo snakes in captivity for surgery or other health reasons should be kept in strict
isolation. They must be kept in a separate room from all other reptiles, including indigo
snakes from different sites or permanent captives. When holding snakes prior to and
after surgeries, large, well-ventilated terraria under temperature-controlled conditions
with supplemental heating, hide boxes, water bowls, and paper bedding must be supplied
for each individual snake. Snakes must be monitored at least daily and supplied with
clean water and paper bedding as needed. Protective clothing such as gloves and
coveralls should be worn when handling these captive snakes. Antibiotics are not
typically needed if sterile technique was used during surgery. However, ceftazidime at
20 mg/kg SQ or IM, given every 72 hours, is a good broad spectrum antibiotic to use if
deemed necessary.
Eastern indigo snakes should not be captured for transmitter implantation unless daytime
temperatures rise to at least 70º F (21º C). Prior to release, ensure that a minimum of 10
days of thermoregulatory temperatures (70 to 80º F (21 to 27º C)) are predicted in order
to ensure proper healing in the wild, post-surgery. If these conditions are not likely to be
met post-surgery, do not implant radio transmitters.
At the end of studies, all radio transmitters must be surgically removed from eastern
indigo snakes by a qualified veterinarian.
**WARNING: Caution to veterinarians that Ivermectin is NOT to be used as a
prophylactic. It has caused mortality in eastern indigo snakes.
British Columbia Ministry of Environment. 1998. Wildlife radio-telemetry. Standards
for components of British Columbia’s Biodiversity. No. 5. Website:
07.htm#p1516_113774 viewed April 8, 2016.
Brown, W.S. and W.S. Parker. 1976. A ventral scale clipping system for permanently
marking snakes (Reptiles, Serpentes). Journal of Herpetology 10:247-249.
Dorcas, M.E. and J.D. Willson. 2009. Innovative methods for studies of snake
conservation. Pgs. 5-14 In: S.J. Mullin and R.A. Seigel, eds. Snakes. Ecology and
Conservation. Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca, New York.
Gibbons, J.W. and K.M. Andrews. 2004. PIT tagging: simple technology at its best.
BioScience 54:447-454.
Hyslop, N.L., J.M. Meyers, R.J. Cooper, and T.M. Norton. 2009. Survival of radio-
implanted Drymarchon couperi (eastern indigo snake) in relation to body size and
sex. Herpetologica 65:199-206.
Lorch, J.M., J. Lankton, K. Werner, E.A. Falendysz, K. McCurley, and D.S. Blehert.
2015. Experimental infection of snakes with Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola causes
pathological changes that typify snake fungal disease. Download from open access
journal published by American Society for Microbiology: mbio 6(6); e01534-15.
Plummer, M.V. and J.W. Ferner. 2012. Marking reptiles. Pgs. 143-150 In: R.W.
McDiarmid, M.S. Foster, C. Guyer, J.W. Gibbons, and N. Chernoff, eds. Reptile
Biodiversity: Standard Methods for Inventory and Monitoring. University of
California Press, Berkeley, California.
Rudolph, C.C., S.J. Burgdorf, R.N. Conner, and R.R. Schaefer. 1999. Preliminary
evaluation of the impact of roads and associated vehicular traffic on snake
populations in eastern Texas. Pgs. 129-136 In: G.L. Evink, P. Garrett, and D. Zeigler,
eds. Proceedings of the 3
International Conference on Wildlife Ecology and
Transportation. FL-ER-73-99. Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee,
Smith, R.B. and K.J. Dyer. 2003. Preliminary testing and comparisons of herpetological
survey techniques for eastern indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi). Unpublished
report submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jackson Field Office, Jackson,
Mississippi. 15 pp. + figures
The Orianne Society. Undated. Protocol for PIT tagging eastern indigo snakes and
collecting and storing eastern indigo snake tissue for genetic analysis. 5 pp.