Consent Order Page 1
Order No. 2024-017
On this day, in the matter of Quest Trust Company, Houston, Texas (Respondent) was
submitted to the Banking Commissioner of the State of Texas (Commissioner) for consideration
and action.
1. Respondent is a Texas state-chartered trust company, charter number 1050-32.
Respondent is subject to supervision and examination by the Texas Department of Banking
2. The Department has jurisdiction over Respondent and the subject matter of this
proceeding pursuant to the Texas Trust Company Act, subtitle F of title 3 of the Texas Finance
Code (Finance Code).
3. Respondent has been properly notified of its right to an administrative hearing
under Finance Code Chapter 185.
4. The undersigned representative of Respondent has full authority to enter into and
bind Respondent to the terms and conditions of this Consent Order.
5. The statutory provisions at issue in this matter include, but are not limited to,
Finance Code §§ 182.008 and 185.002.
6. Any violation of this Order could subject Respondent to additional regulatory or
enforcement actions authorized by the Texas Trust Company Act and other provisions of Texas
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7. Nothing in this Order diminishes the regulatory or enforcement powers of the
Department, the Commissioner, or the Finance Commission of Texas under the Texas Trust
Company Act or other applicable law.
8. This Order does not restrict the Department, the Commissioner, or the Finance
Commission of Texas with respect to any enforcement action or other recourse regarding any past,
current, or future violations by Respondent. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit
Respondent’s right to contest any future finding or determination of non-compliance.
9. For purposes of this Order and the proceedings related to it, Respondent knowingly
and voluntarily waives:
a. service upon Respondent of this Order;
b. the right to present defenses to the allegations in this proceeding;
c. notice and hearing prior to imposition of this Order;
d. the filing of proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law;
e. the issuance of a proposal for decision by an administrative law judge;
f. the filing of exceptions and briefs with respect to such proposal for decision;
g. any review of this Order by the Texas Finance Commission; and
h. judicial review of this Order as provided by Texas Government Code § 2001.171
et seq., and any other challenge to the validity of this Order.
10. Respondent and the Commissioner agree to this Order solely for the purpose of this
proceeding and without Respondent admitting or denying any of the factual findings of the
Commissioner or violations of law or regulations.
11. Respondent has represented and agreed that undirected cash deposited into
customer accounts that were established after February 22, 2024, along with the proceeds thereof,
shall be kept in new accounts (New Customer Accounts) that are separate and segregated from all
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customer accounts, and the proceeds thereof, established on or prior to February 22, 2024 (Existing
Customer Accounts).
12. Respondent has represented and agreed that undirected cash deposited into Existing
Customer Accounts after April 1, 2024 (Existing Customer New Deposits), and the proceeds
thereof, are being separately tracked and segregated on the Respondent’s book and records from
undirected cash deposited into Existing Customer Accounts before April 1, 2024 (Existing
Customer Legacy Deposits).
13. Respondent has represented that it has mailed corrected monthly reports for
December 2023 that comply with applicable law, including clearly stating the fair market value of
the undirected cash held in brokered certificates of deposits as of the applicable date, and disclosing
in a clear and conspicuous manner that undirected cash may lose value and may not be fully insured
by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or other government agencies.
14. Respondent has represented that it has retained legal counsel who has advised that
the legal requirements for Respondent’s annual IRS reports and forms, including without limitation
Form 5498 reports, are unclear in these circumstances.
15. Respondent has agreed to comply with the terms that are set out in the Order below.
I. Findings
16. The Commissioner has considered this matter and finds as follows:
a. Respondent has filed inaccurate reports regarding its trust business operations with the
Department in violation of applicable regulatory requirements;
b. Respondent has provided misleading statements to its customers that did not disclose
material facts relating to assets entrusted with the Respondent in violation of applicable
c. Respondent has conducted business in an unsafe and unsound manner; and
d. the condition and operations of the Respondent require additional restricted capital to
protect the safety and soundness of the Respondent.
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II. Order
It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DECREED that:
1. Without prior written consent from the Commissioner, the Respondent shall not:
a. make any dividend or distribution of any kind to any shareholders;
b. promise or pay any salary increases or bonuses;
c. elect or appoint new executive officers or directors; or
d. make any further payments to Nathan Long, Quincy Long, or Joedy Patrick, or
other employees who are not involved in the daily operations of the Respondent.
2. As soon as possible, and in any event no later than thirty (30) days after the date of
this Order, the Respondent shall submit corrected quarterly reports for 2023 to the Department in
compliance with all applicable instructions and regulations, including but not limited to the
instructions to value certificates of deposits and other custodial assets at fair market value as of the
report date.
3. Respondent shall promptly comply with any instructions or guidance from the IRS
relating to annual IRS reports and forms, including without limitation Form 5498 reports, including
any instructions to correct reports and forms previously submitted to the IRS. Respondent will
request formal guidance from the IRS on this matter no later than May 3, 2024.
4. Upon the submission of corrected annual IRS reports to the IRS in compliance with
§ 3 of this Order, if any, the Respondent shall submit to all customers copies of such corrected
annual IRS reports and forms for 2022 in compliance with all applicable instructions and
regulations, including but not limited to instructions relating to valuation of certificates of deposits
and other custodial assets at fair market value as of December 31, 2022.
5. The Respondent shall ensure that all further reports to customers (including those
for periods subsequent to December 31, 2023 and entry of this Order) comply with applicable law
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and regulations and provide clear, reasonable disclosure of relevant material facts, including
without limitation the fair market value of the undirected cash held in brokered certificates of
deposits and the risks of loss to that cash.
6. The Respondent shall not invest any undirected cash received after entry of this
Order from any source, including prior investments of undirected cash and new deposits, in any
manner other than (a) demand deposit accounts, including but not limited to checking, money
market, and savings accounts, held for the benefit of customers at federally insured depository
institutions (b) certificates of deposit of a federally insured depository institution with maturity of
90 days or less, (c) United States government securities with maturity of 90 days or less, or (d)
money market mutual funds rated AAAby S&P Global or an equivalent rating from an eligible
rating service, as defined in chapter 152 of the Texas Finance Code, investing solely in United
States government securities with maturity of 90 days or less.
7. The Respondent shall continue to keep New Customer Accounts and Existing
Customer Accounts separate and segregated from each other. In addition, the Respondent shall
continue to track and segregate on the Respondent’s books and records Existing Customer New
Deposits from Existing Customer Legacy Deposits. The Respondent shall only use funds in the
New Customer Accounts and Existing Customer Accounts to make permissible investments in
accordance with § 6 of this Order or to fund customer withdrawals in accordance with §§ 8-9
of this Order; provided, however, that the Respondent may use the proceeds of assets in the New
Customer Accounts for other purposes, including but not limited to funding operating expenses or
restricted capital allocations, as long as (a) the fair market value of the assets in the New Customer
Accounts exceeds the total undirected cash balances of the customer accounts established after
February 22, 2024, and (b) such use is permitted by applicable customer agreements and other
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applicable law.
8. For all withdrawals on account of undirected cash from New Customer Accounts,
the Respondent shall fund such withdrawals only from amounts deposited by such customer into
such accounts.
9. Withdrawals on account of undirected cash from Existing Customer Accounts shall
only be funded from Existing Customer Accounts in accordance with this § 9 of this Order.
a. Withdrawals on account of undirected cash from Existing Customer Accounts shall
be first funded up to the balance of the withdrawing customer’s Existing Customer
New Deposits;
b. Thereafter, withdrawals on account of undirected cash from Existing Customer
Accounts shall not exceed the amount of the withdrawal times the withdrawing
customer’s pro rata interest in those Existing Customer Accounts at fair market
value; provided, however, that Respondent may fund withdrawals in excess of those
amounts from the non-custodial corporate funds owned by Respondent in
accordance with § 13 of this Order; and
c. if Respondent decides not to fund withdrawals from Existing Customer Accounts
in full pursuant to § 9(b) of this Order, or in fact does not fund withdrawals in full,
then from that time (the Non-Payment Date) onward, Respondent shall provide
equal treatment and protection for each customer’s total pro rata interest in the
aggregate of Existing Customer Accounts as of the Non-Payment Date.
10. The withdrawal limits in § 9 of this Order do not apply to internal account transfers,
including Roth conversions, rollovers or client account portability, inherited account transfers,
qualified domestic relations orders, and specific customer account consolidations or separations.
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For internal account transfers, undirected cash balances in the account to which such balances are
transferred shall retain the same character as the undirected cash balances from the account from
which such balances are transferred (e.g., New Customer Accounts or Existing Customer
11. Upon occurrence of the Non-Payment Date, the Respondent shall immediately (a)
provide clear and conspicuous written disclosures to all customers with claims to Existing
Customer Accounts that the customers can only withdraw undirected cash balances in an amount
equal to the fair market value of each customer’s total pro rata interest in the aggregate Existing
Customer Accounts, and such disclosures must state the present amount available for withdrawal,
and (b) provide written notice to the Department of this occurrence. In addition, if directed to do
so in writing by the Department within its sole and absolute discretion, the Respondent shall
immediately provide clear and conspicuous written disclosures to all customers with claims to
Existing Customer Accounts that withdrawals of undirected cash balances are likely to be limited
to an amount equal to the fair market value of each customer’s total pro rata interest in the
aggregate Existing Customer Accounts, and such disclosures must state the present amount
available for withdrawal.
12. For all instances prior to entry of this Order where the Respondent sold, redeemed,
or otherwise liquidated certificates of deposits or other custodial assets in Existing Customer
Account at a loss, the Respondent must immediately make restitution by replenishing that Existing
Customer Account in an amount equal to the amount paid for those securities less the amount
received for those securities.
13. If the Respondent decides to continue funding withdrawals on account of
undirected cash deposited before the entry of this Order using both funds from Existing Customer
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Accounts and non-custodial corporate funds owned by the Respondent, as permitted by § 9 of this
Order, the Respondent shall not pay those withdrawals from the Respondent’s restricted capital.
The Respondent shall make the restitution payments required by § 12 of this Order with non-
custodial corporate funds owned by the Respondent, and without using the Respondent’s restricted
capital. Nothing in this Order reduces the Respondent’s restricted capital or affects the
Respondent’s related obligations to maintain restricted capital as required by applicable law. For
the avoidance of doubt, if it becomes impossible for the Respondent to make the restitution
payments as required by this Order because the Respondent lacks the non-custodial, non-restricted-
capital corporate assets needed to do so, the Respondent shall not be deemed to be in violation of
this Order, but the Respondent agrees that any unpaid restitution obligations will be non-contingent
liabilities and current obligations of the Respondent owed to the customers with claims to the
Existing Customer Account on a pro rata basis, and the Respondent will immediately inform the
Department of this situation in writing.
14. Within forty-five (45) days after the effective date of this Order, the Respondent
and its board of directors shall develop, and submit to the Commissioner for approval, an
acceptable capital plan that incorporates a capital assessment that details the timeframe, source,
and amount of future capital raises to ensure sufficient capital is obtained based on operational
III. Effective Date
This Order against Respondent is effective on the date signed by the Commissioner and is
final and non-appealable as of that date.
Signed on this 26th day of April, 2024.
Consent Order Page 9
/s/ Charles G. Cooper
Charles G. Cooper
Commissioner, Department of Banking
Quest Trust Company
/s/ H. Quincy Long
By: H. Quincy Long, CEO Quest Trust Company
Date: April 25, 2024
Consent Order Page 10
Each of the following directors of Quest Trust Company certifies that he or she agrees to
this Order and has read and understands this Order.
/s/ Emily Bohls
Emily Bohls
/s/ Ashley B. Cash
Ashley B. Cash
/s/ Quincy Long
Quincy Long
/s/ Jeffery Watson
Jeffery Watson
/s/ David W. Wehlmann
David Wehlmann
Date: April 25, 2024
Consent Order Page 11
/s/ Jesse T. Moore
Jesse Moore
Assistant General Counsel
Texas Department of Banking
Date: April 26, 2024