2022 - 2023
Table of Contents
A & M College
Career Services Center
Southern University
T.H. Harris Hall, Suite 1100
E.C. Harrison Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
(225) 771-2200
(225) 771-3272
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Tamara Foster-Montgomery
Executive Director
Franchesca Simmons
Assistant to the Executive Director
Eric Pugh
Professional Development Instructor
Dr. Melanie Johnson
Professional Deveilopment Instructor
Career Services .................................................... 3
......................................................... 5
Making Career Services Work for You
................................. 6
A College Timeline: How to Plan for Success
........................... 7
The Top Ten Pitfalls in Resume Writing ............................... 8
Developing a Winning Resume
..................................... 10
Resume Sample
................................................... 12
References Page Sample
............................................ 12
Developing a Winning CV
......................................... 13
Power Verbs for Your Resume
Email Correspondence
............................................ 15
Work Your Network: Developing a Noticeable LinkedIn Profile .......... 16
Social Networking Websites
........................................ 17
Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
................................. 18
Getting the Most Out of a Career Fair ................................ 19
Creating an Elevator Pitch in Two Minutes or Less
..................... 21
Business Etiquette Blunders and How to Fix Them
..................... 23
Professional Etiquette
............................................. 24
Dining Etiquette at the Interview Meal
............................... 25
Dont Forget the Small Companies
................................... 26
Federal Jobs: Working for Uncle Sam
................................. 27
Ten Rules of Interviewing .......................................... 28
Students With Disabilities: Acing the Interview
....................... 29
Dressing for the Interview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Career Clothes Closet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Are You Ready for a Behavioral Interview?
........................... 32
S.T.A.R. Method of Behavioral Interviewing
.......................... 33
Questions Asked by Employers
..................................... 34
The Site Visit/Interview: One Step Closer
............................ 35
The Art of Negotiating
............................................. 36
Gwinnett County Public Schools ..................................34
Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program............................ 9
Orange County Schools ......................................... 4
Science, Mathematics & Research for Transformation (SMART)
Scholarship for Service Program
................................ 9 3
Career Services
The employment interview ranks among the most important
undertakings in the life of a graduating senior or a student
job-seeker. In many instances, the approximately 30 minutes
spent with an interviewer can significantly affect the entire
course of events in the life of a college student. In view of
the above, the interview becomes a matter of increased
There are several responsibilities placed upon the individual
who is considering an interview appointment with any agency.
One who is sincerely concerned about forming a good initial
impression will be interested in ensuring the following:
familiarity with the company or agency, promptness in
reporting to the interview, proper grooming and poise. These
responsibilities will be discussed in more detail later.
Although it is important that one interested in securing
employment makes every effort to present a good impression,
it is not necessary that he or she becomes so overwhelmed with
interview preparation as to cause anxiety, frustration, calculated
answers or nervousness. In general, all that is required is for one
to learn what is expected of him or her in the job.
Mission Statement
The mission of Career Services is to coordinate and provide
those direct and supportive services required to effect the
compatibility between knowledge acquired by our students
and the employment needs of the public and private sector. As
well as to aid students in developing, evaluating and effectively
initiating and implementing career plan.
Purpose of Career Services
Career Services provides comprehensive career services
to students (and alumni, when possible) to enhance their
educational development. The Center offers assistance:
1. In choosing their careers and college majors,
2. In obtaining appropriate work experience prior to
graduation to enhance their chosen careers and majors,
3. In obtaining information and skills on how to seek
employment and
4. In furthering their chosen careers by obtaining
employment or continuing into graduate or professional
As a unit of the Division of Student Affairs, the Center’s
mission is in harmony with the Divisions Mission. Career
Services provides support and enhancement of formal
educational experiences. As part of the larger community that is
Southern University, the Center seeks to provide career services,
which are not only comprehensive, but also preeminent in the
state and region.
Courses Offered By Career Services
Career Services assists students and graduates in identifying
their individual capabilities, interests, skills and acquired
knowledge for meaningful vocational opportunities beginning
with their freshman year. Career Services provides students,
beginning at the sophomore year, with opportunities for
internships, cooperative (co-op) education jobs and summer
employment. Students are permitted to work full-time and
obtain course credit while on co-op assignments.
Course Description Cooperative Education (COOP200,
COOP300, COOP400)
The Cooperative Education courses (COOP200-01,
COOP300-01, COOP400-01) are courses which a student may
enroll in upon acceptance of an offer of employment for a co-op
position which is directly related to their major. The student
will alternate semesters of work with semester of study, or
may engage in parallel employment of working a minimum of
20 hours while going to school. An evaluation of the student
is done in the areas of (1) judgment (2) relations with others
(3) ability to learn (4) attitude and application toward work
(5) dependability (6) quality of work (7) punctuality and
attendance; course work and the evaluation is graded by the
instructor. The course provides for three academic credit hours
and may be used to satisfy the elective curriculum requirement.
Upon completion of the course the student is expected to
have shown competence in time management, workplace
communication, and an understanding of their major through
reflection and debriefing conducted by the instructor.
Cooperative Education COOP201–Professional Development
Learn how to chart your career through an investigation of
careers, the world of work, and the career planning process.
Emphasis is placed upon assisting the student to clarify and
formulate realistic career goals and an appropriate career plan
and strategy to achieve those goals. Interesting professionals
provide essential information on career development; writing
winning resumes, entrepreneurship, investing, interviewing,
developing a portfolio and a host of other career and life
planning information.
The Aim of Recruitment
The primary purpose of any agency representative’s visit
to a college campus is to recruit the best individual possible
for the agency he or she represents. All employers, civilian
or governmental, are aware of the relationship of manpower
to finished product. As such, agencies are willing to expend
whatever is necessary, within sound economical boundaries, to
attract good potential employees.
A recruiter’s presence on a college campus is not a chance
occurrence. Students should be aware of the amount of
preparation that goes into a recruiter’s visit. Some of the
necessary preparations for the recruitment visit involve the
following: a survey of the agency’s manpower requirements,
coordination with the various placement offices for recruiting
visits and arrangements for transportation and lodging.
Career Services Center
Career Services
P.O. Box 10980
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
(225) 771-2200 Office
(225) 771-3272 Fax
Dear SU Jaguar:
The Career Services Center hopes you will find this year’s edition of the Southern University Career
Guide a valuable resource. It will serve as your guide to using the Center most effectively in the year
ahead. We hope that you will take the time to read it carefully and thoroughly.
The process of seeking employment is a serious one and requires students to register early with the
office. (The interviewing season begins in September and ends in April.) Registering with Career
Services makes it possible to better align full-time, co-op and summer employment opportunities
between you and the many potential employers seeking your academic discipline and abilities. By
participating in job fairs, seminars, employer information sessions, campus interviews, or career
counseling sessions with our staff, you will begin to see the link between your classroom learning and
the world of work.
Our staff is here to assist you in every way we can through a wide range of programs, services and
resources, which are tailored to create the job search skills necessary to keep the SU Jags a “cut above the
rest” in today’s demanding search for rewarding employment.
Visit Career Services (T.H. Harris Hall, Suite 1100) soon and often. Become familiar with our homepage
at and register with our office. Remember, your career search can be
made simpler and more rewarding if you regularly utilize the services provided by the office. Allow this
academic year to launch the beginning of your future success. And above all, remember that we are here
to serve you!
Tamara Foster-Montgomery
4 Southern University and A & M College
Organizations that depend on college campuses to fill their
manpower needs are aware of the tremendous responsibilities
placed on individual recruiters. The recruiter’s objective must
be twofold. He/she must select individuals who have the type of
training and background that will provide the greatest value to
his/her organization. At the same time, the recruiter must also
be aware of the needs and interests of the potential employee.
Failure to consider either of these objectives, in sufficient depth,
may result in a loss to the potential employer and to his/her
The adjective ‘‘responsible’’ is defined by Webster as: ‘liable
to be called upon to answer as the primary cause, motive, or
agent; or able to answer for one’s conduct and obligation.’ In
view of the first portion of the definition, it is implied that
individuals normally have certain motives or causes for their
actions. Whether the actions are reflected as appropriate or
inappropriate, they do affect the actor and other individuals
involved. To ensure that students understand their obligations
and conduct themselves in a manner that achieves the best
possible results from any interaction, we have outlined some
responsibilities required of the student.
Responsibilities of the Student
1. Students interested in securing employment have the
primary responsibility of registering with Career Services.
2. Students should exercise care in filling out the required
information requested in preparation for interviews.
All responses to items, e.g., current address, permanent
address, email address, telephone number and grade point
average, must be accurate.
3. Students who complete user profiles online and plan to
interview for employment are required to upload a neatly
typed resume two days prior to their interview.
4. It is the responsibility of each student utilizing the services
of the Center to have the Registrar’s Office provide the
Center with a copy of his/her transcript.
5. Education majors should make every effort to ensure
that additional forms necessary to complete a “placement
packet” (e.g., evaluation sheets, letters of recommendation)
are returned to the Center as soon as possible. (Education
Majors ONLY.)
6. The absence of any information needed to complete
the registration process may result in the suspension of
7. Prior to his/her first interview, the student should analyze
his/her interests and abilities and carefully consider
his/her career objective. He/she should read available
literature and consult other sources for information about
the employer. He/she should organize thoughts in order
that he/she may intelligently ask and answer questions.
8. In his/her interview, the student should recognize that he/
she is representing his/her school, as well as him/
herself, and should be punctual and thoroughly
businesslike in conduct.
9. The student should promptly acknowledge an invitation
to visit an employer’s premises. He/she should accept
invitations only when he/she is sincerely interested in
exploring employment with that employer.
10. As soon as a student decides not to accept an offer, he/she
should immediately notify the employer.
11. The student should not continue to present him/herself for
interviews after he/she has accepted an employment offer.
12. When the student accepts an employment offer, he/she
should do it in good faith and with the sincere intention of
honoring his/her commitment.
13. The student should keep Career Services advised
concerning employment negotiations.
Recruiters also have certain responsibilities to the college and
its students.
Responsibilities of the Recruiter
1. The number of interviewers brought on campus by an
employer should be adequate to cover the prearranged
2. Recruiters will be permitted to interview only those
students who have officially registered with Career
Services and signed up on their Interview Schedule. All
interviews will be scheduled and candidates seen in the
Center. No recruiting will be allowed in departments,
classrooms, hallways, etc., unless by special permission of
the Director.
3. As soon as possible following an interview, the employer
should communicate with the student and Career Services
concerning the outcome of the interview.
4. The employer should give the student reasonable time to
consider his/her offer.
5. The employer should accept the student’s decline of a job
offer as a final decision.
6. Prior to or at the time of employment, the employer should
clearly explain to the student all conditions pertaining to
1. Go to
2. Click on the “Student Services” tab.
3. Log in to Handshake or sign up to register for your account.
4. Upload your resume.
5. Upon approval your can browse career opportunities.
Services Center
T.H. Harris Hall Suite 1100 • OFFICE PHONE 225-771-2200
Students must schedule an appointment to take advantage of one-on-one resume review sessions and mock interviews.
Contact the center today!
6 Southern University and A & M College 7
A College Timeline
How to Plan for Success
Juniors—Making Decisions
Complete at least five information interview in careers you
want to explore.
Shadow several professionals in your field of interest.
Find out more about career opportunities related to your
Attend career and job fairs and employer information ses-
sions that relate to your interests.
Narrow your career interest areas.
Research potential organizations in the Career Resource
Center and talk to recent graduates in your major about the
job market and potential employers.
Obtain an internship or other practical career
Meet with a Career Advisor to have your resume updated.
Participate in Career Services seminars to learn more about
job search strategies such as networking and interviewing
Seniors—Job Search
Stay up-to-date with the Career Services calendar and par-
ticipate in on-campus recruiting activities.
Participate in interviewing skills seminars or the mock
interview program.
Develop a list of prospective employers with contact names
and addresses from organizations you are
interested in pursuing.
Determine your career-related strengths and skills; deter-
mine what you have to offer an employer.
Visit Career Services to have your updated resume
Visit job listing websites.
Draft a cover letter that can be adapted for a variety of
employers and have it reviewed.
Research information on realistic salary expectations.
Go on employment interviews, evaluate job offers and
accept one!
Explore your interests and abilities through academic
Utilize career assessment tools through Career Services.
Consider volunteer positions to help you build your
resume and broaden your experience.
Collect information on internships, cooperative education,
and other paid work experiences.
Learn about the Cooperative Education/Internship
Program offered through Career Services.
Join university organizations that will offer you leadership
roles in the future.
Attend on-campus career and job fairs to gather informa-
tion on potential careers and employers.
Familiarize yourself with the services and resources avail-
able at Career Services.
Visit the Career Services website.
Attend a resume workshop and create a first draft of your
Choose a major that you will enjoy studying for the next
two years.
Enroll in the Professional Development Class.
Obtain an internship/field experience or other experience-
based education, such as cooperative education.
Take on more responsibilities in extracurricular
Explore at least three career options available to you
through your major.
Attend on-campus job fairs and employer information ses-
sions that relate to your major.
Identify organizations and associations in your interest
areas for shadowing opportunities.
any students go through all four years of college
without ever setting foot in their school’s career services
office. Yet, outside of the academic realm, job seekers
will pay hundreds, even thousands, of dollars for the very same
services that are included free with the cost of tuition.
The mission of career center practitioners is to teach skills
and provide services that will facilitate the career development
and job search process, ranging from assessing your abilities to
negotiating employment offers. Don’t overlook this opportunity;
it could mean passing up the job of a lifetime.
Develop Relationships
Find a career center counselor/advisor and get to know him
or her. Try to meet with your counselor at least several times
throughout your career development process. Appointments are
a great way to stay motivated and to accomplish career-related
A counselor will listen to your concerns and provide objective
advice. You can bounce ideas off him or her, which will help
you think through your options. Furthermore, when unique
job opportunities come in, counselors often alert students who
they know well and think might be a good fit with the position.
Remember, the more you share about your skills and your goals
with the staff, the better they will be able to assist you.
Attend Programs
Many career center practitioners spend the bulk of their time
planning events for students. From mock interview days and
networking nights to resume workshops and career fairs, at any
given time there may be a number of programs going on that can
assist you. Make sure you are aware of what’s taking place. Find
the event calendar, whether it is online, in the paper, or through
an email. As you attend programs, ask thoughtful questions to
make the most of what you are learning.
Don’t Be a Stranger
Your relationship with the career center doesn’t have to end
the day you don’t wear your cap and gown. Many centers offer
services for alumni similar to those for students. If you haven’t
found a job or even formed a plan by graduation, you still might
be able to meet with counselors/advisors, use job listings and/or
computers and attend programs. Check with the career center to
see what is available and what time limits apply.
Programs and Services
In addition to these tips, its helpful to understand more
about a career center’s numerous services. These programs and
offerings may include:
Job Listings and Recruiting Programs
Virtually all career centers have job listings maintained
in-house or by professional online services. Employers can post
positions specifically for your individual college. Further more,
many students will be able to take advantage of on-campus
recruiting programs, where employers collect student resumes
and conduct on-campus interviews for various job openings.
Career Fairs
The beauty of career fairs is that they bring employers to
you. Often held in a large venue, you can browse their available
positions, talk with them informally, and drop off resumes. Fairs
may be held up to several times a year, focusing on different types
of positions, such as internships or nonprofit jobs.
Internship Programs
Internships are the most valuable way to try out different
career fields and gain hands-on experience while you are still a
student. You can build your resume, learn the ropes, and maybe
even get academic credit. You might also pave the way to a
full-time position after graduation.
Career center workshops cover skills ranging from writing
an effective cover letter to honing your interview performance.
Not only can you get pertinent advice from career center staff
and other workshop presenters, but you will also benefit greatly
from being in a group environment with your peers.
Alumni Networks
Many schools offer students access to alumni contacts in
various career fields. These graduates have volunteered to serve
as a resource for information and advice. This can be one of the
most helpful ways to learn about different industries, and can
help you get your foot in the door.
Mock Interviews
When it comes to interviewing, practice makes perfect.
The experience of having a simulated interview with a staff
member can calm nerves, enhance performance, teach you how
to answer tough questions, and prevent you from making big
Resume and Cover Letter Critiques
In addition to the assistance offered during individual
appointments, many offices hold specific drop-in hours where a
staff member can provide a quick resume or cover letter critique.
Written by Jennifer Bobrow Burns, MBA Recruiter/Business School
Relationship Manager at MetLife, Global Leadership Development
Making Career Services
Work for You
8 Southern University and A & M College
The Top Ten Pitfalls in Resume Writing
The three Rs of resume writing are Research, Research,
. You must know what the prospective company
does, what the position involves and whether you will be a
fit, before submitting your resume. And that means doing
research—about the company, about the position and about
the type of employee the company typically hires.
Research the company. Read whatever literature the
company has placed in the career library. For additional
information, call the company. Ask for any literature it may
have, find out how the company is structured and ask what
qualities the company generally looks for in its employees.
Ask if there are openings in your area, and find out the name
of the department head and give him or her a call. Explain
that you are considering applying to their company, and ask
for their recommendation for next steps. Thank that person
for the information, and ask to whom your resume should be
The Internet is another key tool to utilize in your research.
Most companies have websites that include information
regarding company background, community involvement,
special events, executive bios or even past annual reports. Be
sure to take advantage of the World Wide Web during your job
Research the position. The more you know about the
position, the better able you will be to sell yourself and to
target your resume to that position. If possible, interview
someone who does that same job. In addition to finding out
the duties, ask if there is on-the-job training, whether they
value education over experience (or vice versa) and what
kind of turnover the department experiences. Ask what they
like about the position and the company; more important, ask
what they don’t like about it.
Finally, research yourself. Your goal is not just to get a
job. Your goal is to get a job that you will enjoy. After you
find out all you can about the company and the position, ask
yourself honestly whether this is what you really want to do
and where you really want to be. The odds are overwhelm-
ing that you will not hold this position for more than two
or three years, so it’s not a lifetime commitment; however,
this first job will be the base of your lifetime career. You
must start successfully so that future recommendations will
always be positive. Furthermore, three years is a long time to
spend doing something you don’t like, working in a position
that isn’t challenging or living somewhere you don’t want to
One last word of advice: Before you go to the interview,
review the version of your resume that you submitted to
this employer. The resume can only get you the interview; the
interview gets you the job.
1. Too long. Most new graduates should restrict their resumes
to one page. If you have trouble condensing, get help from a
technical or business writer or a career center professional.
2. Typographical, grammatical or spelling errors. These
errors suggest carelessness, poor education and/or lack
of intelligence. Have at least two people proofread your
resume. Don’t rely on your computer’s spell-checkers or
grammar- checkers.
3. Hard to read. A poorly typed or copied resume looks
unprofessional. Use a plain typeface, no smaller than a
12-point font. Asterisks, bullets, under lining, boldface type
and italics should be used only to make the document easier
to read, not fancier. Again, ask a professional’s opinion.
4. Too verbose. Do not use complete sentences or paragraphs.
Say as much as possible with as few words as possible. A, an
and the can almost always be left out. Be careful in your use of
jargon and avoid slang.
5. Too sparse. Give more than the bare essentials, especially
when describing related work experience, skills,
accomplishments, activities, interests and club memberships
that will give employers important information. Including
membership in the Society of Women Engineers, for example,
would be helpful to employers who wish to hire more
women, yet cannot ask for that information.
6. Irrelevant information. Customize each resume to each
position you seek (when possible). Of course, include all
education and work experience, but emphasize only relevant
experience, skills, accomplishments, activities and hobbies.
Do not include marital status, age, sex, children, height,
weight, health, church membership, etc.
7. Obviously generic. Too many resumes scream, “I need
a job—any job!” The employer needs to feel that you
are interested in that particular position with his or her
particular company.
8. Too snazzy. Of course, use good quality bond paper,
but avoid exotic types, colored paper, photographs, binders
and graphics. Electronic resumes should include appropriate
industry keywords and use a font size between 10 and 14
points. Avoid underlining, italics or graphics.
9. Boring. Make your resume as dynamic as possible. Begin
every statement with an action verb. Use active verbs to
describe what you have accomplished in past jobs. Take
advantage of your rich vocabulary and avoid repeating
words, especially the first word in a section.
10. Too modest. The resume showcases your qualifications in
competition with the other applicants. Put your best foot
forward without misrepresentation, falsification or arrogance.
The Three Rs
10 Southern University and A & M College 11
Developing a Winning Resume
resume is a written document that is used to highlight the skills, contributions and experiences that represent the personal brand
you want to portray to potential employers to secure an interview.
Highlight your personal contact information in a way that makes sense for your spacing needs. Include:
o Name, which should be bold and in larger print (14-20 font size)
o Permanent and/or current addresses (listing both signals a transition, e.g., graduation)
o One professional email address without the hyperlink
o One reliable telephone number
o You do not need to label contact information e.g., Email:, just indicate:
This optional statement should focus on your desired job title, if you choose to have one:
o Use phrases such as “To obtain an internship in accounting or finance” or “Seeking full-time employment in engineering
design, research or development”
o You can also include specialized interests/areas of focus to help distinguish yourself
o It is not necessary or expected that you highlight your skills or to extensively express what you want to gain from the
experience in this section
Resume Types
Decide the resume style you prefer to use, based on the message you want to convey to employers:
o Chronological – Highlight information starting with the most recent. Prioritize your sections so you start with the most
important first!
o Functional – Highlight information in categories based on commonly grouped skills. This type is useful for those with gaps in
experience or a wide variety in work history, but can demonstrate similar skills.
Keep the following rules of thumb in mind when preparing the resume:
o Margins – Top: 0.8” - 1; Sides and Bottom: 0.5” - 1
o Font Size and Style – 10-12; simple, readable fonts (e.g., Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman); single spaced
o Balance – white space and text space
o Length – Undergraduate level - 1 page; Graduate and Ph.D. - 2 pages; Education, Nursing and Medicine can have more than 1
o Templates – Refrain from using them! Use resume samples as a guide to create your own document, unique to your skills and
o Order – Heading, Objective (if included) and Education are listed first, in that order
The makeup of your document should be deliberate and powerful:
o Prioritize – Top two-thirds of the page receive priority when highlighting key categories and skills
o Own the Order – Highlight the most relevant categories first; Experience does not always have to follow Education
Reprinted with permission from the Career Planning Handbook of Purdue University.
o Name of institution and location, e.g., Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA
o Official name of degree and major, e.g., Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
o Concentrations, Minors- separate line, e.g., Minor: Organizational Leadership
o Month and year of graduation (future or past); you do not need to indicate expected/anticipated graduation, just indicate
month and year, e.g., May 2014
o Optional overall and/or major GPA and scale, e.g., 3.59/4.0
o Omit high school information, unless 1) freshman or 2) significant or related to field
Highlight employment, volunteer and school experiences that relate to your desired objective:
o Potential titles for this section: Experience, Professional Experience, Related or Relevant Experience
o Use the core four- company name, position held, month/year of start and finish, city and state. Country, if not in U.S.
o Emphasize relevant skills, specific accomplishments and/or contributions
o Bullet formula= Power Verb (Skill) + Identifiable Task + [Method/Purpose/Result]
o Use important keywords and hot topics relevant to your field
o Do not mention names of previous supervisors or advisors (Reference Page Only)
Related or Relevant Courses
o List atypical courses to emphasize exposure to related subjects/skills
o Consider courses taken as part of concentration, minor and/or specialized electives
o Do not include required courses for your degree as they do not distinguish you from other candidates
Do Not Include
o Photographs, marital status, salary requirements, age, race, national origin, visa status or references
References Available Upon Request
o References should not be listed on a resume. An employer typically only asks for them during or after an interview
o On a separate page, list 3-5 references, centered—name, position, company, address, phone and email
o Copy and paste the same heading from your resume to the top of the references page
o Potential titles to consider: Technical/Computer Skills, Language Skills
o Acceptable to categorize or list together if they are all in the same category; just list them, e.g., Adobe Illustrator
o Microsoft Word and PowerPoint are considered universal skills so you don’t need to list them. Only mention Microsoft if you
have extensive knowledge of additional Microsoft Office programs.
o Indicate your level of proficiency and be sure you can use them “on the job
o Skills like communication and teamwork should be highlighted within the context of your experiences; use your bullet
statements to provide evidence of these skills
Additional Sections
Depending on your background, you may want to add additional sections to your resume:
Most commonly listed after Education:
o Study Abroad
o Certifications or Licensure
Experience sections:
o Leadership (very impressive to employers!)
o Activities or Extracurricular Involvement or Student
o Honors or Awards
o Community Service or Volunteer
o Professional Affiliations
o Notable Projects or Class Projects or Projects
Most commonly used for a CV, but could be used for a resume
if they are relevant to your career objective:
o Research
o Teaching
o Publications
o Presentations 13
John R. Smith
901 F Street NW • Washington, D.C. 20004
(212) 573-8888 • [email protected]
University of Thurgood Marshall
Houston, TX
Expected Graduation Date: May 2018
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Chemical Engineering; 4.0/4.0 GPA
Relevant Coursework: Biochemical Engineering I & II, Chemical Process Engineering, Atmospheric
Chemistry & Physics, Biostatistics, Calculus I & II, Abstract Geometry
Microsoft Office • C++ • Java Script • MS InfoPath • Conflict Resolution Skills • GIS • MathCAD • ASPEN •
10-Key • 75 WPM • Fluent in English and Spanish
Summer 2016 Shell Oil Company Houston, TX
Worked with Chemical Engineers in various departments on several expansion projects.
Recommended and implemented renovations program for out-of-date facilities, saving $20 million in new
building projected costs
Managed and completed more than forty (40) projects in less than three (3) months
Designed presentations for supervisor to present to potential clients based upon results and analysis of
Summer 2015 Conoco-Philips, Inc. Phoenix, AZ
Assisted Chemical Technology Group with a focus on the different programmatic needs.
Recommended and implemented new switching center design, which resulted in improved equipment
maintenance and switching operations
Achieved one hundred forty (140) percent growth in productivity for the department
Designed and plan the layout of equipment
Spring 2014 University of Thurgood Marshall Houston, TX
Research Assistant
A volunteered position with Big Brother/Big Sister Program; assisting program coordination, distribution of
materials, event planning, general office needs and field projects.
Trained staff on use of new programs and developed voice-automation system that increased productivity,
which allowed fifteen (15) percent reduction in staffing needs
Recruited and trained over twenty-five (25) volunteers, which saved $500,000 dollars in operating and
administrative costs
Increased the mentoring program participant numbers by seventy-three (73) percent in three (3) months
National Dean’s List; 2016, 2015, 2014 • University of Thurgood Marshall, SGA President • Students in Free
Enterprise (SIFE), Recording Secretary • National Society of Black Engineers • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. •
National Honors Society • National Merit Scholar • Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) Scholarship
Recipient • TMCF 2013 Leadership Institute
Resume Sample
John R. Smith
901 F Street NW • Washington, D.C. 20004
(212) 573-8888 •
Name of Reference, Position
Company or Organization of Reference
Company or Organization Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Name of Reference, Position
Company or Organization of Reference
Company or Organization Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Name of Reference, Position
Company or Organization of Reference
Company or Organization Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Comment: (1) The format of this heading
should reflect that of your resume.
Comment: (2) You can opt to list this
information under the name.
Comment: (3) Repeat as necessary
depending on number of references
References Page Sample
Developing a Winning CV
Curriculum Vitae or CV is a professional document that is used for marketing your background for a variety of purposes, mostly
within academia or research. It can be multiple pages, but should be focused. Use the following tips to help you get started on
your CV. Note: CV format and content may vary between disciplines. Therefore, consult with scholars within your discipline for
current protocol.
Common Uses
o Graduate school admission, graduate assistantship, or scholarship application
o Teaching, research and upper-level administrative positions in higher education
o School administration positions (superintendent, principal, department head)
o Research and consulting in a variety of settings
o Academic departmental and tenure reviews
o College or university service appointments
o Professional association leadership positions
o Publishing and editorial board reviews
o Speaking engagements
o Grant proposal
o Post Doc Application
Foundational Standards
Use the following information from the Developing a Winning Resume on pages 12 and 13:
o Heading
o Objective
o Format
o Content
o Experience
o Skills
Include the following information:
o Name of institution(s) where obtained or working toward a degree, listed in reverse chronological order
o Official name of degree(s) and/or certification(s) obtained or currently working toward
o Add Master’s Thesis, Project and/or Dissertation title(s)
o Name of Advisor
Additional Sections
Depending on your background, you may want to add additional sections to your resume:
o Teaching Experience and Interests
o Research Experience and Interests
o Related Experience: Internships, Practicum and/or Fieldwork
o Grants Received and Academic Awards
o Special Training
o Scholarships and Fellowships
Reprinted with permission from the Career Planning Handbook of Purdue University.
14 Southern University and A & M College 15
Power Verbs for Your Resume
reduced (losses)
resolved (problems)
set goals
Adapted with permission from the Career Resource Manual of the University of California, Davis.
or most of us, sending and receiving email is simple and
fun. We use it to communicate with friends and family
and to converse with our contemporaries in an informal
manner. But while we may be unguarded in our tone when we
email friends, a professional tone should be maintained when
communicating with prospective employers.
Email is a powerful tool in the hands of a knowledgeable
job-seeker. Use it wisely and you will shine. Use it improperly,
however, and you’ll brand yourself as immature and
unprofessional. It’s irritating when a professional email doesnt
stay on topic, or the writer just rambles. Try to succinctly get
your point across—then end the email.
Be aware that email is often the preferred method of
communication between job-seeker and employer. There are
general guidelines that should be followed when emailing
cover letters, thank-you notes and replies to various requests
for information. Apply the following advice to every email you
Use a meaningful subject header for your email—one that
is appropriate to the topic.
Always be professional and businesslike in your
correspondence. Address the recipient as Mr., Ms. or Mrs.,
and always verify the correct spelling of the recipient’s
Be brief in your communications. Dont overload the
employer with lots of questions in your email.
Ditch the emoticons. While a or an LOL (laughing out
loud) may go over well with friends and family, do not use
such symbols in your email communications with business
Do not use strange fonts, wallpapers or multicolored
Sign your email with your full name.
Avoid using slang.
Be sure to proofread and spell-check your email before
sending it.
Neal Murray, former Director of the Career Services Center at
the University of California, San Diego, sees a lot of email from
job- seekers. “You’d be amazed at the number of emails I receive
that have spelling errors, grammatical errors, formatting
errors—emails that are too informal in tone or just poorly
written,” says Murray. Such emails can send the message that
you are unprofessional or unqualified.
When youre dealing with employers, there is no such thing
as an inconsequential communication. Your emails say far
more about you than you might realize, and it is important to
always present a polished, professional image—even if you are
just emailing your phone number and a time when you can be
contacted. If you are sloppy and careless, a seemingly trivial
communication will stick out like a sore thumb.
Thank-You Notes
If youve had an interview with a prospective employer, a
thank-you note is a good way to express your appreciation. The
note can be emailed a day or two after your interview and only
needs to be a few sentences long, as in the following:
Email Correspondence
Remember, a thank-you note is just that—a simple way to say
thank you. In the business world, even these brief notes need to
be handled with care.
Cover Letters
A well-crafted cover letter can help “sell” you to an employer.
It should accomplish three main things:
1. Introduce yourself to the employer. If you are a recent
college graduate, mention your major and how it would
apply to the job you are seeking. Discuss the organizations/
extracurricular activities you were involved in and the
part-time jobs you held while a student, even if they might
seem trivial to you. Chances are, you probably picked up
some transferable skills that you will be able to use in the
work world.
2. Sell yourself. Briefly state your education and the skills
that will benefit the employer. Don’t go into a lot of detail
here—that’s what your resume is for—but give the
employer a sense of your strengths and talents.
3. Request further action. This is where you request the next
step, such as an appointment or a phone conversation. Be
polite but sincere in your desire for further action.
In addition to the guidelines stated above, here are a few tips
to keep in mind:
Make sure you spell the recipient’s name correctly. If the
person uses initials such as J.A. Smith and you are not
certain of the individual’s gender, then begin the email:
“Dear J.A. Smith.
Stick to a standard font like Times New Roman, 12-point.
Keep your email brief and businesslike.
Proofread everything you write before sending it.
While a well-crafted email may not be solely responsible for
getting you your dream job, rest assured that an email full of
errors will result in your being overlooked. Use these email
guidelines and you will give yourself an advantage over other
job-seekers who are unaware of how to professionally converse
through email.
Written by John Martalo, a freelance writer based in San Diego.
Dear Ms. Jones:
I just wanted to send a quick note to thank you for
yesterday’s interview. The position we discussed is
exactly what I’ve been looking for, and I feel that I will be
able to make a positive contribution to your organization.
I appreciate the opportunity to be considered for
employment at XYZ Corporation. Please don’t hesitate to
contact me if you need further information.
John Doe
16 Southern University and A & M College 17
Work Your Network
Developing a Noticeable LinkedIn Profile
echnology has revolutionized the hiring process. In 2003,
LinkedIn introduced an online business-networking
platform that gave candidates and recruiters unprecedented
access to over 332 million users across the globe, making the search
for the right job and the right candidate a more efficient process. As
a current or recent graduate, you may be unsure about how to best
use LinkedIn. Is it like Facebook? What information should be in my
profile? How do I use it to network or find a job?
Is LinkedIn Like Facebook?
Nope, LinkedIn isnt like Facebook. LinkedIn isn’t about
personal details, like what you did last weekend. While you have
a profile and a profile picture, the focus is business. This platform
is where you showcase your educational background, relevant
experience, volunteer experience, your skills, knowledge of your
desired industry, interaction with other business professionals,
and communicate your “value proposition” to employers.
What Should Be Included In My Profile?
A polished LinkedIn profile is the crux of successful online
networking. Consider your profile your first impression to a global
online business community. While that can feel a bit intimidating,
dont overthink it. It’s easy to create a profile you can be proud to
share with other professionals. To help you get started, use the
following tips for constructing a professional profile beyond just
your work experience.
1. Headshot
LinkedIn profiles that have a headshot are more likely to be
viewed by recruiters. Unlike your Facebook picture, your LinkedIn
picture should be business-oriented. Your profile picture should
be a preview of what it would be like to see you come in for an
interview. Look professional and smile. Keep in mind that selfies
are strictly prohibited if you want to land the job!
2. Keyword Rich Headline
The second most important piece of your profile is the headline.
This is an opportunity to announce to the global business
community who you are or who you seek to become. Use this
prime real estate to your advantage by incorporating keywords
from your desired job or industry.
3. Summary
The summary section is your 30-second elevator pitch. Use
this section to introduce yourself and highlight significant skills,
qualifications, and interests in your desired field. Be sure to
communicate passion and enthusiasm for the industry and the work.
4. Education
The education section is the place to list your full degree, indicate
your institution, and graduation or anticipated graduation date.
Be sure to include any minors, study abroad experiences and
certificate programs related to the degree.
5. Language
Share that you have the ability to speak a second language; include
the language and proficiency level. Sharing this information can
give you a competitive advantage over other candidates.
6. Samples of Your Work
LinkedIn offers a great feature for users to upload samples
of their work. Showcasing samples of presentations, research
projects, senior capstone assignments, and portfolios add value
and credibility to your profile.
7. Volunteer Experience
Employers take note of volunteer experience. Be sure to include
the name of the organization, your role within the organization
and length of involvement. Also include details such as
fundraising results, event coordination, management experience
and more. Your volunteerism, in many cases, can be as valuable as
work experience, especially if it is related to your desired industry.
8. Awards and Honors
Highlight any awards and honors received during your
collegiate academic career including nonacademic awards
received for community or civic engagement. List the full
name of the award (avoid acronyms), awarding organization or
department, and the year the award was received.
9. Select Your Skills
Identify your top industry-specific, technical and general skills.
Adding this information to your profile will allow others to endorse
your skill set, giving you instant credibility. A solid list of at least 8-10
skills demonstrates value and capability.
10. Share Your Interests
Disclosing your personal interests and hobbies can help
demonstrate your work-life balance. Personal interests can
sometimes score a few extra “top candidate” points, but be sure
to avoid sharing too much personal information. Remember, the
LinkedIn profile is a platform for professionals.
How Do I Network To Land The Job?
Now that you have completed your profile, land the job by using
these top features to start connecting with other professionals:
Customize the Invitation to Connect
Every time you send a message to connect with someone on
LinkedIn, make sure that you customize the text. Share who you
are, why you want to connect, and how you found or know the
individual. For example, if you met them in-person, tell them
where you met and when.
Alumni Connections Feature
LinkedIn offers users a dynamic tool that connect individuals
who share the same alma mater. Search for alumni who are
practicing in your desired field, have the same degree, attended
your institution during a specific time period, and more. Many
individuals are happy to assist their fellow alumni with career
advice and even hire alums. Don’t forget to showcase your school
pride in that customized invitation to connect!
Follow Companies, Join Groups, and Connect with Recruiters
Start following your dream companies on LinkedIn and join
industry specific groups. Be the first to know about company news
and job postings. As you start following companies, make note of
who is posting updates and job announcements. Use those clues to
connect with recruiters and company leaders.
Share Content
Position yourself as a knowledgeable resource. Share interesting
industry or work productivity articles. Comment on posts shared
by others in your network. Reinforce your professional brand by
sharing your knowledge and perspectives.
Gala Jackson, M.Ed. is a Millennial Expert & Career Management
Consultant with InterviewSnob, a career consulting boutique for
millennials. Connect with Gala @interviewsnob and check out her website
Social Networking Websites
areer professionals—and parents—are warning young
job seekers that using social networking sites, such
as Facebook and Twitter, may be hazardous to your
career. After all, do you want your potential employer to see
photos of you at last weekends party? Certainly, those photos
could diminish your prospects of landing a job. However,
more job seekers are using social networking to enhance their
preparation for interviews, garner an advantage over less-wired
peers, and even gain an edge with recruiters.
One example of a constructive use of social networking
websites is gathering background information about the
recruiters with whom you will interview. By finding out about
topics that will interest the recruiter, you may gain an upper
hand in the interview process. In addition, stronger connections
with a potential employer can be made by talking about
the clubs he or she belongs to and even friends you have in
common—information that can be discovered on Facebook.
Research on professional sites like LinkedIn can also be
used to prepare for site visits. By using the alumni connections
available through LinkedIn, you can gain added insight into
potential employers. If you are interviewing with a company,
search for alumni who are working there. You can have
conversations with alumni via LinkedIn that you wouldnt have
in an interview, such as, “do you like it at the company” or “can
you negotiate salary?”
Networking Rules
When you seek and maintain professional connections via
social networking sites, follow the same etiquette you would if
you were networking by phone and in person. Remember that
every contact is creating an impression. Online, you might tend
to be less formal because you are communicating in a space
that you typically share with friends. Just as you would not let
your guard down if you were having dinner with a potential
employer, you must maintain a positive and professional
approach when conversing with networking contacts online.
Ask good questions, pay attention to the answers, and be
polite—this includes sending at least a brief thank-you note
anytime someone gives you advice or assistance.
If It’s OK for Mom, Its OK for
The more controversial aspect of the interplay between social
networking and job searching is the privacy debate. Some
observers, including career counselors, deans, and parents,
worry that students put themselves at a disadvantage in the job
search by making personal information available on Facebook
and Twitter pages. More and more companies are using such
websites as a screening tool.
Concern about privacy focuses on two areas: social life and
identity/affiliations. Parents and career counselors argue that
job-seekers would never show photos of themselves at a party in
the middle of an interview, so why would they allow employers
to see party photos on a Facebook page? Students often respond
that most employers do not even use social networking sites and
that employers already know that college students drink.
While it may be true that senior managers are less likely to be
on Facebook, young recruiters may be active, and in many cases,
employers ask younger employees to conduct online searches of
candidates. Why risk losing a career opportunity because of a
photo with two drinks in your hand?
It’s easy to deduce that if an employer is comparing two
candidates who are closely matched in terms of GPA and
experience, and one has questionable photos and text on his
or her online profile and the second does not, that the second
student will get the job offer.
Identity—Public or Private?
Identity and affiliations are the second area where social
networking and privacy issues may affect your job search and
employment prospects. Historically, job-seekers have fought
for increased protection from being asked questions about their
identity, including religious affiliation and sexual orientation,
because this information could be used by biased employers to
discriminate. Via social networking sites, employers can now
find information that they are not allowed to ask you.
Employers can no longer legally ask these questions in most
states, however, some students make matters like religion,
political involvement, and sexual orientation public on their
web pages.
You would never include religious and political affiliations
as well as sexual orientation or transgender identity (LGBTQ)
on your resume, so do you want this information to be available
via social networking sites? There are two strategies to consider.
One approach is that if you wish to only work for an employer
with whom you can be openly religious, political, or LGBTQ
then making that information available on your web page will
screen out discriminating employers and make it more likely
that you will land with an employer open to your identity and
A second approach though, is to maintain your privacy
and keep more options open. Investigate potential employers
thoroughly and pay special attention at site visits to evaluate
whether the company would be welcoming. This strategy
is based on two perspectives shared by many career
professionals. First, as a job-seeker, you want to present only
your relevant skills and experience throughout the job search;
all other information is irrelevant. Second, if you provide
information about your identity and affiliations, you may be
discriminated against by one person in the process even though
the company overall is a good match.
Written by Harriet L. Schwartz.
Strategies for Safe and Strategic
Social Networking
1. Be aware of what other people can see on your page.
Recruiters use these sites or ask their colleagues to do
searches on candidates.
2. Determine access intentionally. Some career counselors
advocate deactivating your Facebook or Twitter
accounts while job searching.
3. Set a standard. If anything appears on your page that
you wouldnt want an interviewer to see, remove the
offending content.
4. Use social networking to your advantage. Use these
sites to find alumni in the companies that interest you
and contact them before you interview in your career
center or before a site visit. In addition, use social
networking sites and internet searches to learn more
about the recruiters who will interview you before the
18 Southern University and A & M College 19
Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
he social media profiles of job candidates are an area
of scrutiny for recruiters. In fact, there are now even
online research analysts who will comb the internet for
damaging information on a firms applicants. (On the flip side,
there are “scrub services” that will clean up a job hunter’s digital
footprint.) Here are some simple ways to take a DIY approach to
scrubbing your online presence.
Google Your Name
Search for your name online occasionally to see what comes up,
or set up automatic name alerts at You may
discover results for many people with your same name, possibly
with embarrassing or outrageous content. To find the real “you,
try tweaking your name (e.g., Sam versus Samuel) or add some
additional identifying modifiers (perhaps your city or school).
Search for your name on all the networks to which youve ever
belonged, including Facebook and YouTube. (Recruiters check
everywhere.) After a thorough review, ask yourself: Will this
social media profile foster callbacks, interviews and job offers? If not,
keep reading.
Keep Some Mystery
“Most new grads grew up texting, Skyping, Tweeting,
Facebooking and reading or creating blogs,” says Jenny Foss,
who operates Ladder Recruiting Group in Portland, Ore. “Older,
more experienced competitors aren’t ‘native social media
people.” That’s the plus; the minus is you have to shift your
mindset from “impressing the guys” to “promoting myself as a
polished professional.
Foss recommends you adjust the privacy settings on your
accounts. But you’re not safe even then since companies can
change privacy policies. When possible, it is better to remove
negative or overly private content than hide it.
There’s No Swimsuit Competition
Recruiters will judge you by your profile photos. Do they tell the
right story? “Don’t post sexy photographs of yourself online. Don’t
even be too glamorous. Thats a really big turnoff to employers,”
says Vicky Oliver, author of 201 Smart Answers to Business Etiquette
Questions. “Dress in photos as you would in an interview.
Remove unflattering pictures, videos, and unfavorable
comments youve posted on social networks. Post a high-quality
headshot, the same one across all platforms. Important: Don’t
forget to check out photos where friends have tagged you on
Facebook. If you’re pictured at a party with a drink in hand,
delete the tag. Adjust privacy settings to prevent that from
happening again.
Blot Out the Bitter
Have you ever gone online while under the influence or
in a foul mood? Bad idea. “Whatever you wouldn’t do at the
networking event, dont do online,” says Oliver. Some examples
of social media gaffes: Posting about parties, dates, getting into
posting wars with your friends, or using obscenities, faulty
grammar, typos, or cryptic texting shortcuts.
“I personally would never put a thumbs-down sign on
someone’s comment,” Oliver says. “I would not write anything
negative, no snippy commentary at all.
Get LinkedIn
This is the single best social media platform for job seekers
because of its professional focus. Some savvy employers are now
even requesting LinkedIn profile info as part of the job application
process. One of the most powerful aspects of this profile is
the recommendations from previous bosses and co-workers.
Testimony from others is proof positive of your professionalism.
Make good use of keywords and set up links between all your
social media profiles. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Blogspot
all rank high in Google searches.
Witness Protection Program
Some job seekers are so concerned about privacy they’ve
gone into lockdown mode and blocked all of their profiles.
Unfortunately, that makes recruiters wonder what they’re trying
to hide. Plus, many of them seek employees with social media
skills, so cleaning up what’s out there is usually better than
shutting it down.
What Would Your Mother Say?
Many career coaches and recruiters say that the rule of thumb
for social media content is: Would you want your mother or
employer to see it? No? Then dont post it.
“Self-censorship is the main key,” says Alexandra Levit,
author of Blind Spots: The 10 Business Myths You Cant Afford to
Believe on Your New Path to Success. “Always think before you
post, because if there is a single person out there who you don’t
want to see your content, I guarantee it will get back to them.
You may be too close to the situation to judge what’s
appropriate or not, so it can be helpful to have a second pair of
eyes to look over your profiles. Select someone who’s about the
same age as your target employers, experienced in your field, or
at least in the hiring process.
Netiquette Tips
Dan Schwabel, a personal branding expert and author of Me 2.0,
offers these tips to keep your digital reputation clean:
Don’t over-promote yourself or people will get turned off.
Do share industry insights, useful resources, quotes and
facts with your audience.
Don’t send your resume to employers on Facebook.
Do build a relationship through tweeting before you email
Don’t come to an interview without researching the company
and the hiring manager online, using LinkedIn first.
Written by Jebra Turner, a former human resources manager, who writes
about career issues, and other business topics. She lives in Portland, Ore.,
and can be reached at
Content You Should NEVER Share
These may seem really obvious, but people lose jobs (and job offers)
every day because of them:
Don’t refer to a company by name; they may get alerts when
mentioned online.
Don’t complain about your job or boss.
Refrain from making snarky comments about co-workers or
Don’t reveal your drug/drink habits.
Never make discriminatory or inflammatory remarks.
Don’t share intimate relationship details.
Don’t brag about skipping work, playing games or sleeping
on the job.
Do not broadcast an employer’s confidential information.
Getting the Most Out of a Career Fair
any employers use career fairs—both on and off
campus—to promote their opportunities and to
pre-screen applicants. Career fairs come in all shapes
and sizes, from small community-sponsored events to giant
regional career expositions held at major convention centers.
Most career fairs consist of booths and/or tables manned by
recruiters and other representatives from each organization.
For on-campus events, some employers also send alumni
representatives. Large corporations and some government
agencies have staffs who work the career fair “circuit” nationwide.
An employer’s display area is also subject to wide variance. It
could be a simple table with a stack of brochures and business
cards and a lone representative or an elaborate multi media
extravaganza with interactive displays, videos, posters and a
team of recruiters.
Fashions and Accessories
Generally, the appropriate attire for career fair attendees is
more relaxed than what you’d wear to an actual job interview. In
most cases, “business casual” is the norm. If youre unsure of the
dress code (particularly for off-campus events), it would be wise
to err on the overdressed side—you’ll make a better impression
if you appear professional. Think of it as a dress rehearsal for
your real interviews!
Remember to bring copies of your resume (or resumes, if
you have several versions tailored to different career choices),
a few pens and pencils (have backups—they have a way of
disappearing), a folder or portfolio and some sort of note-taking
device (paper or electronic pad). Keep track of the recruiters
with whom you speak and send follow-up notes to the ones who
interest you. Dont bring your backpack; its cumbersome for
you, it gets in the way of others and it screams “student!” instead
of “candidate!
Stop, Look and Listen
Keep your eyes and ears open—there’s nothing wrong with
subtly eavesdropping on the questions asked and answers
received by your fellow career fair attendees. You might pick
up some valuable information, in addition to witnessing some
real-life career search “do’s and don’ts.
In order to maximize your career fair experience, you must
be an active participant and not just a browser. If all you do
is stroll around, take company literature and load up on the
ubiquitous freebies, you really haven’t accomplished anything
worthwhile (unless you’re a collector of key chains, mousepads
and pocket flashlights). It is essential to chat with the company
representatives and ask meaningful questions.
Here’s a great bit of career fair advice from Stanford
Universit y’s Career Fair guide:
“Create a one-minute ‘commercial’ as a way to sell yourself
to an employer. This is a great way to introduce yourself.
The goal is to connect your background to the organizations
need. In one minute or less, you need to introduce yourself,
demonstrate your knowledge of the company, express
enthusiasm and interest and relate your background to the
company’s need.
You’re a Prospector—Start Digging
The questions you ask at a career fair depend upon your
goals. Are you interested in finding out about a particular
career field? Then ask generalized questions about working
within the industry. If youre seeking career opportunities with
a specific employer, focus your questions on the application
and interview process, and ask for specific information about
that employer.
Fair Thee Well
By all means, try to attend at least one career fair before
beginning your formal job interviewing process. For new
entrants into the professional career marketplace, this is a good
way to make the transition into “self-marketing mode” without
the formality and possible intimidation of a one-on-one job
interview. Its an opportunity that’s too valuable to miss.
20 Southern University and A & M College 21
A Few Words About Career Fair Etiquette
1. Dont interrupt the employer reps or your fellow job-seekers.
If someone else is monopolizing the employer’s time, try to
make eye contact with the rep to let him or her know that
youre interested in speaking. You may be doing a favor by
giving the recruiter an out. If all else fails, move to the next
exhibit and plan to come back later.
2. If you have a real interest in an employer, find out the
procedures required to secure an interview. At some career
fairs, initial screening interviews may be done on the spot.
Other times, the career fair is used to pre-screen applicants
for interviews to be conducted later (either on campus or at
the employer’s site).
3. Sincerity always wins. Dont lay it on too thick, but dont
be too blasé either. Virtually all employers are looking for
candidates with good communication skills.
4. Don’t just drop your resume on employers’ display tables.
Try to get it into a person’s hands and at least say a few
words. If the scene is too busy and you can’t get a word in
edgewise, jot a note on your resume to the effect of, “You
were so busy that we didn’t get a chance to meet. I’m very
interested in talking to you.” Look around the display for
the recruiter’s business card (or at the very least, write down
his or her name and get some literature with the company’s
address) and send a follow-up note and another copy of your
5. If you know ahead of time that one of your “dream
companies” is a career fair participant, do some prior research
(at minimum, visit their website. A little advance preparation
goes a long way and can make you stand out among the
masses of other attendees.
To get the app:
1. Look up "SUBR Career Services Center" on the Google Playstore or Appstore
2. Dowload the App
What Is an “Elevator Pitch”?
An “Elevator Pitch” is a concise, carefully planned, and
well-practiced marketing message about your professional self
that anyone should be able to understand in the time it would
take to ride up an elevator. It should contain a “hook” or “theme”
and go no longer than 60 seconds; resonate with your unique
personality and interests and contain a follow up request for a
business card, a referral, or future meeting.
Why Do You Need It?
It helps get your foot in the door with potential employers
whether on the phone, email or in person at a conference, chance
social networking event, or through an informal face-to-face
chance encounter through a friend or relative. You will have
a “ready-made” two sentence to answer the “Tell Me About
Yourself” or “What are you hoping to do when you graduate?”
It forces you to figure out what your primary skill sets are
and what makes you valuable.
It helps you do the hard work needed to deliver an effective
cover letter” that entices an employer to read your resume
and grant the interview.
Common Mistakes By
Recent College Graduates
Lack of confidence in what you have to offer. —“I dont have
a lot of experience yet.
Lack of focus or goals. —“I have a lot of interests and don’t want
to limit myself.
Inability to articulate the learning and skills gained from
one’s academic major. —“I know my major has nothing to do
with my interest in starting my own business, but
Using Career Labels to Get Started
Begin with your education or areas of career experience and
follow up with your primary “soft” skill your strongest area
of expertise. Examples:
International Trade and Immigration; strong writer
MA International Relations; aptitude for policy analysis
BA Finance; supply chain, logistics
Human Resources; strong customer service skills
Developing Your Elevator Pitch
Write down your “Hard Skills” (your academic, volunteer,
internship and work experiences).
Write down your “Soft Skills” (describe who you are and
how you operate).
The Purpose of Your Elevator Pitch
This short 15-30 second sound bite concisely and
memorably introduces you. It allows you to succinctly and
positively position yourself in the mind of the listener.
Your first objective during an elevator pitch is to get them
to like you—because if they don’t like you, they might just
take the stairs next time.
Profession—what you do—your professional identity.
Consider stating your true profession rather than your job
title Ex: Trainer or Learning and Development Professional;
HR Generalist or Human Resources Business Partner
(students-aspiring HR professional after graduation). “I
teach, create, develop.’” People who do are just seen as
doers; people who inspire, teach and create are seen as
experts. State this in the present tense (“I am, not “I was”).
Expertise —the competencies or skills you use to perform
your work. “Competency” is a set of behaviors that describe
excellent performance in a particular work context; a
bundle of skills. A “skill” is something you can do well.
Types of businesses—name the environments in which
you have worked or want to work in. Ex: nonprofit, startup
companies, Fortune 500 companies, government agencies,
Special strengths —the things that make you different
from others who perform the same work (your
competition). Do you have a special certification, unique
approach to a problem, or exceptional technical knowledge?
Connection to groups such as SHRM?
An elevator pitch isnt much good if first you don’t come
across as a credible, likeable individual. To achieve that,
remember your business etiquette. The first thing you have to
do is introduce or re-introduce yourself. Stick out your hand,
and put your face and name back in context for them. Only then
should you explain how they can help you. And after you deliver
a pitch, try to give a really brief review of your talents, education,
or skill set.
30-60 seconds in length
Practice so that the delivery is natural, conversational, and
Sound the part—show confidence and let your passion
show through.
Look the person you’re speaking to in the eyes.
Basic structure to begin with:
Hi, my name is _____________ and I ____________(this can be
your hook). I will be graduating from the College of Business
at Southern University and A & M College with a degree in
___________. Im looking to ______________.
Example 1
Hi, my name is John Smith, and I am a senior Environmental Sciences
major. I am looking for a position that will allow me to demonstrate
my research and analysis skills. Over the past few years, I have been
strengthening these skills through my work with a local watershed
council on conservation strategies to support water quality and
habitats. Eventually, I would like to develop education programs on
water conservation awareness. I am aware that your organization is
22 Southern University and A & M College 23
Develop Your Elevator Pitch
1. Preview the list of organizations participating in the event and plan a strategy for the day. Put together an “A” list and a “B” list of
employers you want to target. Contact your career services office to see what employers may be recruiting on campus.
2. Research all the employers on your “A” list. Look for current facts about each employer, including new products, services or
3. Write down some key facts about the employer:
(a) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(b) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Review job descriptions pertinent to your major for employer requirements. Note specific knowledge, skills, and abilities they seek.
List academic or employment experiences and activities where you demonstrated these skills.
The employer is seeking: My qualifications and selling points:
(a) _________________________________________________________ (a) _________________________________________________________
(b) _______________________________________________________ (b) _________________________________________________________
(c) _________________________________________________________ (c) _________________________________________________________
(d) _______________________________________________________ (d) _________________________________________________________
5. Review the employer’s mission statement and look for key words that indicate the personal qualities the organization
values in its employees. List 2 or 3 of your personal qualities that closely match.
My personal qualities:
(a) ________________________________ (b) _________________________________ (c) ____________________________________
Review the examples. Using the information above, prepare and practice an elevator pitch to use when meeting employer representatives.
Practice your introduction with a friend or career counselor so it sounds conversational rather than rehearsed.
You may want to break your opening remarks into two or three segments rather than delivering it all at once.
Adapted with permission from the University Career Services department at Rutgers University, New Brunswick Campus.
Step 1: Research the Employer
Step 2: Develop Your Introduction
involved in water quality projects. Can you tell me how someone with
my experience may fit into your organization?
Example 2
Hello, my name is Carol Smith. I am a Computer Science major and I
hope to become a computer programmer when I graduate. I have had a
couple of internships where I worked on several program applications
with a project team. I enjoy developing computer applications for
simple business solutions. The position you have listed in Jobs4Jags
seems like it would be a perfect fit for someone with my skills. I would
like to hear more about the organizations and the opportunities that are
Business Etiquette Blunders
and How to Fix Them
“On an interview, youre dressing to get hired, not dated,” says
Yate. “Your dress must be conservative and clean cut. It shows
respect for the occasion, job, company, interviewer, and most of
all—for yourself.
Dining Disaster
You may have an opportunity to interview at lunch or dinner.
It can be doubly nerve wracking to think about what you’ll say,
as well as how to keep the spaghetti on your fork. “If you eat like
a caveman with a mastodon on your plate, you won’t be invited
to dine with the chairman of the board, or important clients,
Yate says. Dont drink, even if your interviewer does, so that you
can keep your wits about you, and be courteous to the wait staff.
Consider ordering an easy-to-manage entrée.
Clueless About the Employer
It’s so easy to do online research, that there’s no reason for you
not to know about a prospective employer—the company and the
individual. How much will employers care if you don’t do your
due diligence? One applicant at IBM was asked if he knew what
those three letters stood for. He did not. Next! (In case you ever
interview at IBM, the answer is International Business Machines.)
Annoying Devices
“We get complaints about candidates taking a cell phone call,
or checking email, or texting in a meeting,” says Kathleen Downs,
recruiting manager at Robert Half International in Orlando, Fla.
“It’s a mistake to not silence a phone during a meeting. Even in the
waiting room, weve had phones go off and it’s an inappropriate
ring tone, like a hip-hop song with swear words.
Make sure you have a greeting on your voicemail—some
employers wont leave a message if they aren’t sure they’ve
reached the right party. And if your phone number is blocked,
they can’t call you back if you dont leave a message. “Ive called
candidates and gotten obnoxious voicemail messages, ‘You know
who this is. You know what to do,’” she says. That’s not the way to
win over a recruiter.
Poor Profile
Employers often complain of inappropriate photos or comments
on an applicant’s social media profile. “You can try to make that
info private, but somehow, someway, there’s a way to get to it,
Downs says. She has her Facebook profile set to private, and directs
business contacts to her LinkedIn profile. “Don’t ever post anything
racy. For example, dont post a picture of yourself in a bikini—even
if you look good!
Tattoos and Piercings
Tribal tattoos, hair dyed colors not seen in nature, or dreadlocks
may turn off conservative employers. If your personal style
doesn’t go over well in interviews, cover up (easy with some
tattoos) or get a makeover ASAP.
A guy with a piercing came to an interview with a tongue ring
in,” says Downs. “I told him to go to the restroom and take it out. It
was stuck. He had to go to the tattoo parlor a few miles away and
have it cut out.
If your personal style is more important to you than a position
with a company, spend a little more time researching the corporate
culture of a company before you apply, so you can find the right fit.
Written by Jebra Turner, a former human resources manager, who writes
about career issues, and other business topics. She lives in Portland, Ore.,
and can be reached at
etting a handle on business etiquette is even more
important in this digital age, when the HR process is in
flux and the “rules” aren’t always clear. Here are some of
the top etiquette complaints from recruiters, and ways you can
avoid those mistakes so that even old-school interviewers will be
impressed with your good manners and social graces.
No Show = No Job
This should go without saying, but actually showing up to an
interview is necessary to lock down a job offer. Yet, too many
candidates casually blow off interviews. One of the easiest
ways to make a good impression is to arrive for interviews 10-15
minutes early, so you have plenty of time to get settled and
perhaps check your appearance one last time.
If something pressing does come up, immediately call to cancel
or reschedule. Decided you don’t want the job after all? Dont just
disappear. It’s not only rude, but every industry has a grapevine,
and word of flakiness gets around. Failing to show for an
on-campus interview can have even more severe consequences,
so make sure you know the cancelation and no-show policy.
Too Negative
“Keep your emotional baggage outside the interview door,” says
Peggy Klaus, author of BRAG! The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn
Without Blowing It. We all have days when the alarm doesnt go off,
the weather is a mess, and there’s no parking spot. Don’t whine.
Be enthusiastic, eager, flexible, and most of all—likeable. “Do not
expect the interviewer to entertain you, or do your job for you by
drawing you out,” she adds.
Sending a thank-you note is an important way to demonstrate
good manners. It doesnt have to be handwritten, but it should be
considered and specific. “An email is fine, but make sure it shows
thought and effort,” says Klaus. “Dont do it in the elevator on the
way down. Do it with forethought, so you can translate what you
got out of the interview.
If you do a round of interviews with three people, say, then
send three slightly different thank-you notes that day, or the next.
(Get business cards so you have everyone’s contact information
close at hand.)
Too Familiar
When emailing someone you dont know well, be a bit formal:
Capitalize words, don’t use texting shorthand, and start with
a salutation. “You don’t send an email to a New York Times
bestselling writer and say ‘Hey, I need to know,’” complains
Martin Yate, author of [NYT bestseller] Knock ‘em Dead, the
Ultimate Job Search Guide. “No, you start with ‘Dear Martin…’ and
finish with ‘Thank you for your time. Sincerely, your name.
“Similarly, if everyone in the office calls your interviewer ‘Sam,
adjust that to ‘Ms. or Mr. Jones,” says Yate. “Be respectful of the
people who can put food on your table.
What Dress Code?
Dressing appropriately for an interview is a balancing act.
One level in formality above what people normally wear on the
job is just right. For men, if youd wear khakis and a polo shirt on
the job, wear dress slacks and a blazer to the interview. Women
should follow a similar “step up” plan. (Scope out company dress
codes during informational interviews.)
24 Southern University and A & M College 25
Professional Etiquette
our academic knowledge and skills may be spectacular,
but do you have the social skills needed to be successful in
the workplace? Good professional etiquette indicates to
potential employers that you are a mature, responsible adult
who can aptly represent their company. Not knowing proper
etiquette could damage your image, prevent you from getting
a job and jeopardize personal and business relationships.
Meeting and Greeting
Etiquette begins with meeting and greeting. Terry Cobb,
human resource director at Wachovia Corporation in South
Carolina’s Palmetto region, emphasizes the importance of
making a good first impression—beginning with the hand-
shake. A firm shake, he says, indicates to employers that
you’re confident and assertive. A limp handshake, on the other
hand, sends the message that you’re not interested or qualified
for the job. Dave Owenby, human resources manager for North
and South Carolina at Sherwin Williams, believes, “Good
social skills include having a firm handshake, smiling, making
eye contact and closing the meeting with a handshake.”
The following basic rules will help you get ahead in the
Always rise when introducing or being introduced to
Provide information in making introductions—you are
responsible for keeping the conversation going. “Joe,
please meet Ms. Crawford, CEO at American Enterprise,
Inc., in Cleveland.” “Mr. Jones, this is Kate Smith, a
senior majoring in computer information systems at
Northwestern University.”
Unless given permission, always address someone by his or
her title and last name.
Practice a firm handshake. Make eye contact while shaking
Shirley Willey, owner of Etiquette & Company, reports that
roughly 80% of second interviews involve a business meal.
Cobb remembers one candidate who had passed his initial
interview with flying colors. Because the second interview
was scheduled close to noon, Cobb decided to conduct the
interview over lunch. Initially, the candidate was still in the
“interview” mode and maintained his professionalism. After a
while, however, he became more relaxed—and that’s when the
candidate’s real personality began to show. He had terrible table
manners, made several off-color remarks and spoke negatively
about previous employers. Needless to say, Cobb was unim-
pressed, and the candidate did not get the job.
Remember that an interview is always an interview, regard-
less of how relaxed or informal the setting. Anything that is said
or done will be considered by the interviewer, cautions Cobb.
In order to make a good impression during a lunch or dinner
interview, make sure you:
Arrive on time.
Wait to sit until the host/hostess indicates the seating
Place napkin in lap before eating or drinking anything.
When ordering, keep in mind that this is a talking business
lunch. Order something easy to eat, such as boneless
chicken or fish.
Do not hold the order up because you cannot make a deci-
sion. Feel free to ask for suggestions from others at the table.
Wait to eat until everyone has been served.
Keep hands in lap unless you are using them to eat.
Practice proper posture; sit up straight with your arms close
to your body.
Bring food to your mouth—not your head to the plate.
Try to eat at the same pace as everyone else.
Take responsibility for keeping up the conversation.
Place napkin on chair seat if excusing yourself for any
Place napkin beside plate at the end of the meal.
Push chair under table when excusing yourself.
Follow these simple rules for eating and drinking:
Start eating with the implement that is farthest away from
your plate. You may have two spoons and two forks. The
spoon farthest away from your plate is a soup spoon. The
fork farthest away is a salad fork unless you have three
forks, one being much smaller, which would be a seafood
fork for an appetizer. The dessert fork/spoon is usually
above the plate. Remember to work from the outside in.
Dip soup away from you; sip from the side of the spoon.
Season food only after you have tasted it.
Pass salt and pepper together—even if asked for only one.
Pass all items to the right. If the item has a handle, such as
a pitcher, pass with the handle toward the next person. For
bowls with spoons, pass with the spoon ready for the next
person. If you are the one to reach to the center of the table
for an item, pass it before serving yourself.
While you are speaking during a meal, utensils should be
resting on plate (fork and knife crossed on the plate with
tines down).
Don’t chew with your mouth open or blow on your food.
The interviewer will usually take care of the bill and the tip. Be
prepared, however, if this doesn’t happen and have small bills
ready to take care of your part, including the tip. Never make an
issue of the check.
Social skills can make or break your career. Employees have
to exhibit a certain level of professionalism and etiquette in
their regular work day, and particularly in positions where
they come in contact with clients. Be one step ahead—practice
the social skills necessary to help you make a great first impres-
sion and stand out in a competitive job market.
Written by Jennie Hunter, a professor at Western Carolina
ips and strategies to help you successfully navigate the
interview meal with poise and polish.
I. Accepting the Interview Invitation
RSVP (répondez s’il vous plaît=please respond) to the
invitation within 24 hours.
Write down the date, time, location and the name and
phone number of the person with whom you will meet.
Also ask exactly where to meet inside the restaurant.
Verify the information the day before the interview.
II. The Day of the Interview
Arrive a few minutes early to organize yourself and
check your appearance.
Turn off your cell phone and other electronic devices.
Enter the building with a warm, professional confidence.
Greet your host with a firm handshake and a smile as
you introduce yourself.
III. Before You Are Seated
Follow your host’s cue and wait to be directed to take a
seat at the table.
Enter your chair from the right.
IV. After You Are Seated
Do not place keys, phones, purses, sunglasses or
other items on the table.
Wait for your host to place their napkin on their
lap before you do. Sometimes the waitstaff will
place your napkin on your lap for you, so be
Fold the napkin in half and place it on your lap
with the crease facing your waist.
Use good posture and do not cross your legs
under the table. Keep both feet flat on the floor, or
cross your ankles.
Avoid touching you hair and face and do not
apply makeup at the table.
If you must excuse yourself, exit from the right
side of the chair, place your napkin on the seat of
your chair and remember to slide the chair under
the table until you return. When you return, enter
your chair from the right and place your napkin
on your lap.
Study the place setting for a moment and follow
your hosts lead before taking a sip of water or disturbing
the silverware.
V. Ordering
Follow your host’s cue and pay attention to any
recommendations they make regarding menu selections.
It will be a hint from them as to the level of hospitality
they wish to extend to you. If you are not given
recommendations you can ask for one. Try to select a
menu option comparable to what your host orders.
Remember to order menu items that are neat and easy
to eat with a knife and fork such as chicken breast, cut
vegetables and roasted potatoes. Do not order messy
food such as spaghetti or lobster.
Do not order alcohol during an interview as you will
need to be focused and mentally sharp to make the best
impression possible.
Do not smoke during the interview.
VI. The Four-Course Place Setting
1. Bread plate
2. Butter spreader
3. Napkin
4. Salad fork (if the salad will be served before the main
5. Dinner fork
6. Place plate
7. Dinner knife
8. Salad knife (if the salad will be served before the main
9. Soup spoon
10. Water goblet
11. Iced tea glass
12. Dessert spoon
13. Dessert fork
VII. Navigating the Place Setting
Your bread plate will always be on your left.
Your dinner plate will always be in the center.
Your glassware will always be on your right.
Forks will always be on your left and knives on your
Begin using silverware from the outside and work your
way in toward the dinner plate.
Sonia Zubiate, Etiquette Coaching, Training and Consulting
March 2011©
Dining Etiquette at the Interview Meal
Place Setting
26 Southern University and A & M College 27
Don’t Forget the Small Companies
ost students concentrate their job search on Fortune
500 corporations or other large, well-known
companies with defined and approachable personnel
departments. And in an economic climate that has proved
challenging for small business, it would be easy to follow the
path of “most students.
But dont count out the small companies just yet. Small
businesses have been at the forefront of innovation, economic
growth and job creation, and there’s no reason to doubt they’ll
continue to find themselves in this position in the future.
Generally, any business with 200 or fewer employees is
considered a small company. Whether the business has 20
employees or 20,000, the research you do in preparation for an
interview opportunity will be the best gauge of the company’s
outlook. As weve seen, large companies can be just as shaky
as small ones, so the questions really come down to; “Is a
small company right for you?” and “Are you right for a small
company?” There are several things to consider when deciding
between working in a large versus a small company.
Is a Small Company Right for You?
Small companies tend to offer an informal atmo sphere,
an all-for-one camaraderie and require more versatility
and dedication on the part of the company and workers.
Small companies are usually growing so they are constantly
redefining themselves and the positions within them. Look at
the following list of small company traits and consider which
are advantages and which are disadvantages for you.
You are given more responsibility and are not limited by
job titles or descriptions.
Your ideas and suggestions will be heard and given more
Career advancement and salary increases may be rapid in a
growing company.
You have less job security due to the high rate of failure for
a small business.
You have the opportunity to be involved in the creation or
growth of something great.
You may be involved in the entire organization rather than
in a narrow department.
You may be eligible for stock options and profit sharing.
The environment is less bureaucratic; there are fewer rules
and regulations and thus fewer guidelines to help you
determine what to do and whether you’re succeeding or
Successes and faults are more visible.
Starting salaries and benefits may be more variable.
A dominant leader can control the entire organization.
This can lead either to more “political games” or a healthy,
happy atmosphere.
You must be able to work with everyone in the organization.
Are You Right for a Small Company?
Because most small companies do not have extensive training
programs, they look for certain traits in potential employees.
You will do well in a small company if you are:
• Self-motivated
A generalist with many complementary skills
A good communicator, both oral and written
Enthusiastic A risk-taker A quick learner
Responsible enough to get things done on your own
There are fewer limitations, and it’s up to you to make the
best or worst of that freedom. A small business often has a
strong company culture. Learn that company’s culture; it will
help you on your way up the corporate ladder.
Finding a Job in a Small Company
One of the biggest hurdles to finding a job in a small
business is contacting a hiring manager. Good timing is
critical. The sporadic growth of many small companies can
mean sporadic job openings, so you need to network. A small
business tends to fill its labor needs informally through
personal contacts and recommendations from employees.
Job hunters must find their way into the organization and
approach someone with hiring authority. This means you must
take the initiative. Once you have someone’s attention, you
must convince him or her that you can do something for the
company. How do you find information on small companies?
Try these techniques:
Contact the chamber of commerce in the area you would
like to work. Get the names of growing companies in
the industry of your choice. Peruse the membership
Participate in the local chapter of professional trade
associations related to your career. Send prospective
employers a cover letter and resume, then follow up with
a phone call.
Read trade publications, business journals and area
newspapers for leads. Again, follow up.
Speak with small business lenders such as bankers, venture
capitalists and small business investment companies listed
in directories at local libraries.
Keep the following differences between large and small
companies in mind as you conduct your job search:
Large Company Small Company
Centralized Human Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No HR
Formal recruiting program
. . . . . . . . . . . . No full-time recruiters
hiring procedures
. . . . . . . . . . . . No standard hiring procedures
Keep resumes on file
. . . . . . . . . . . . Usually wont keep resumes
Interview held with Interview often held with
recruiters and managers . . . . . . . . . . . . the founder or direct boss
Career section
on website
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Little/no career section on website
Hiring done months in
advance of starting date
. . . . . . . . . . Hired to begin immediately
Formal training programs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On-the-job training
Predetermined job categories
. . . . . . . . . . Jobs emerge to fit needs
Always do your homework on the company, and persuade
them to hire you through your initiative and original thinking.
If you havent graduated yet, offer to work for them as an intern.
This will give you experience, and if you do well, there’s a good
chance that a job will be waiting for you on graduation day.
Adapted with permission from the Career Resource Manual of the
University of California, Davis.
Federal Jobs: Working for Uncle Sam
o you want to work for the federal government? You are
not alone. Uncle Sam employs approximately 2.1 million
civilian workers worldwide. Federal employees receive a
generous benefits package, and as of 2015 they earned an average
salary of $84,153. As the largest employer in the U.S., the federal
government offers a variety of career opportunities unparalleled
in the private sector. Federal employees work with (and create)
cutting-edge technology. They create policy, programs and
services that impact the health, safety and welfare of millions of
people worldwide.
But with these benefits come bureaucracy. If you do not like
working within a system and following a defined chain of
command, a federal job might not be for you. This bureaucracy
is evident in the hiring process as well. Federal agencies follow
strict hiring procedures, and applicants who do not conform to
these procedures are left by the wayside. Typically, the federal
hiring process can stretch on for months. In fact, many career
professionals recommend that students applying for federal jobs
begin the process at least two semesters before their graduation
Types of Federal Jobs
Federal jobs are separated into two classes: competitive
service and excepted service positions. Competitive service
jobs, which include the majority of federal positions, are subject
to civil service laws passed by Congress. Job applications for
competitive service positions are rated on a numerical system
in which applications are awarded points based on education,
experience and other predetermined job qualification standards.
Hiring managers then fill the position from a pool of candidates
with the highest point totals.
Hiring managers for excepted service agencies are not
required to follow civil service hiring procedures or pick
from a pool of candidates who have been rated on a points
system. Instead, these agencies set their own qualifications
require ments, as occurs in private industry. However, both
competitive service and excepted service positions must give
preference to veterans who were either disabled or who served
in combat areas during certain periods of time. The Federal
Reserve, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National
Security Agency are examples of some excepted service
agencies. It’s important to note that even agencies that are not
strictly excepted service agencies can have excepted service
positions available within them.
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) acts as the
federal government’s human resources agency. OPMs website
( is expansive and contains a wealth of information for
anyone interested in federal jobs, including federal employment
trends, salary ranges, benefits, retirement statistics and enough
links to publications and resources to keep a research librarian
busy for days. Linked to the OPM site is the USAJOBS site
(, which has its own set of tools and resources that
will be familiar to any standard job site user. USAJOBS acts as a
portal for federal employment with thousands of job listings at
any one time.
Searching for Federal Jobs
Federal agencies now fill their jobs like private industry
by allowing applicants to contact the agency directly for job
information and applications. However, most of these positions
can be accessed through the USAJOBS site. All competitive
service positions must be posted on the USAJOBS site, and
although agencies are not required to post their excepted service
positions on USAJOBS, many do.
Registered visitors to USAJOBS can create and post up to five
resumes, which can be made searchable, allowing recruiters
from federal agencies to find resumes during applicant searches.
Applicants can also use these resumes to apply directly to
jobs that have an online application option. In addition, job
applicants can create as many as ten “search agents,” which
search for job openings using certain criteria (such as location,
job type, agency, salary requirements), and email matching
postings directly to their inbox. Applicants can also search for
jobs directly using the “search jobs” button on the USAJOBS
Remember, excepted service positions are not required
to be posted on the USAJOBS site. If you are interested in
employment with an excepted service agency, be sure to visit
the recruitment section of its website for postings that may
not have made it onto the USAJOBS site. It is often worthwhile
to look at the sites of agencies that you do not associate with
your field of study. If you are interested in the environment,
you should definitely visit the EPAs website. But you should
also make sure to visit the websites of other agencies that you
dont associate with your major. It’s not unusual for a biology
major, for example, to find a job with Homeland Security or the
Department of Defense.
How to Apply
There is no general way to submit an application to OPM or
to individual federal agencies. Instead, students should refer to
each job posting for specific directions. Whether for competitive
service or excepted service positions, federal job postings can
be intimidating. A typical posting can run over 2,000 words
and include sections on eligibility requirements, educational
requirements, necessary experience, salary range, job duties and
even a description of how applicants are evaluated.
Most importantly, all federal job postings include a section
titled “How to Apply.” Instead of letting this avalanche of
information overwhelm you, use it as a resource to help you put
together the best application possible, paying particularly close
attention to the “How to Apply” section. If you do not follow
the instructions and procedures closely, your application may
not be processed. “I would emphasize that applicants should
carefully read the ‘fine print’ of all printed and online materials
and applications,” says Dr. Richard White, Employer Relations
Coordinator, Drew University. “Applicants who dot all their i’s
and cross all their t’s gain a competitive advantage and rise to
the top of the application pool.
Federal agencies require specific information on your resume
before it can be processed. The OPM created the USAJOBS
Resume Builder in an effort to help applicants create a resume
which can be used for most government agencies—go to to get started. Agencies may also request that
you submit additional forms for application (many of which
are available on USAJOBS). Strictly following the “How to
Apply” instructions will ensure that your application has all the
information necessary.
Written by Chris Enstrom, a freelance writer from Nashville, Ind.
28 Southern University and A & M College 29
Ten Rules of Interviewing
efore stepping into an interview, be sure to practice,
practice, practice. A job-seeker going to a job interview
without preparing is like an actor performing on open-
ing night without rehearsing.
To help with the interview process, keep the following ten
rules in mind:
Keep your answers brief and concise.
Unless asked to give more detail, limit your
answers to two to three minutes per question.
Tape yourself and see how long it takes you to fully
answer a question.
Include concrete, quantifiable data.
Interviewees tend to talk in generalities. Unfortunately,
generalities often fail to convince interviewers
that the applicant has assets. Include measurable
information and provide details about specific
accomplishments when discussing your strengths.
Repeat your key strengths three times.
It’s essential that you comfortably and confidently
articulate your strengths. Explain how the strengths
relate to the company’s or department’s goals and
how they might benefit the potential employer.
If you repeat your strengths then they will be remem-
bered and—if supported with quantifiable accomplish-
ments—they will more likely be believed.
Prepare five or more success stories.
In preparing for interviews, make a list of your skills
and key assets. Then reflect on past jobs and pick
out one or two instances when you used those skills
Put yourself on their team.
Ally yourself with the prospective employer by
using the employer’s name and products or services. For
example, “As a member of __________, I would care-
fully analyze the __________ and __________.” Show
that you are thinking like a member of the team and
will fit in with the existing environment. Be careful
though not to say anything that would offend or be
taken negatively. Your research will help you in this
Image is often as important as content.
What you look like and how you say something are
just as important as what you say. Studies have shown
that 65 percent of the conveyed message is nonverbal;
gestures, physical appearance and attire are highly
influential during job interviews.
Ask questions.
The types of questions you ask and the way you ask
them can make a tremendous impression on the inter-
viewer. Good questions require advance preparation.
Just as you plan how you would answer an interview-
er’s questions, write out specific questions you want
to ask. Then look for opportunities to ask them during
the interview. Don’t ask about benefits or salary. The
interview process is a two-way street whereby you and
the interviewer assess each other to determine if there is
an appropriate match.
Maintain a conversational flow.
By consciously maintaining a conversational
flow—a dialogue instead of a monologue—you will
be perceived more positively. Use feedback questions
at the end of your answers and use body language and
voice intonation to create a conversational interchange
between you and the interviewer.
Research the company, product lines and
Research will provide information to help you decide
whether you’re interested in the company and impor-
tant data to refer to during the interview.
Keep an interview journal.
As soon as possible, write a brief summary of
what happened. Note any follow-up action you
should take and put it in your calendar. Review your
presentation. Keep a journal of your attitude and the
way you answered the questions. Did you ask ques-
tions to get the information you needed? What might
you do differently next time? Prepare and send a
brief thank-you letter. Restate your skills and stress
what you can do for the company.
Written by Roseanne R. Bensley, Career Services, New Mexico State
In Summary
Because of its importance, interviewing requires
advance preparation. Only you will be able to posi-
tively affect the outcome. You must be able to compete
successfully with the competition for the job you want. In
order to do that, be certain you have considered the kind
of job you want, why you want it and how you qualify for
it. You also must face reality: Is the job attainable?
In addition, recognize what it is employers want in their
candidates. They want “can do” and “will do” employees.
Recognize and use the following factors to your benefit as
you develop your sales presentation. In evaluating candi-
dates, employers consider the following factors:
• Ability Character
• Loyalty Initiative
• Personality Communication skills
• Acceptance Work record
• Recommendations
• Outside activities while in school
• Impressions made during the interview
he traditional face-to-face interview can be particularly
stressful when you have a disabilityespecially a visible
disability. Hiring managers and employers may have
had little prior experience with persons with disabilities and
may react with discomfort or even shock to the appearance
of a wheelchair, cane or an unusual physical trait. When this
happens, the interviewer is often so uncomfortable that he or she
just wants to “get it over with” and conducts the interview in a
hurried manner. But this scenario robs you of the opportunity to
present your credentials and could prevent the employer from
identifying a suitable, qualified candidate for employment.
It is essential that you understand that interviewing is not
a passive process where the interviewer asks all the questions
and you simply provide the answers. You, even more than
applicants without disabilities, must be skilled in handling
each interview in order to put the employer representative
at ease. You must also be able to demonstrate your ability to
manage your disability and be prepared to provide relevant
information about your skills, experiences and educational
background. In addition, you may have to inform the employer
of the equipment, tools and related resources that you will need
to perform the job tasks.
To Disclose or Not to Disclose
To disclose or not to disclose, and when and how to disclose,
are decisions that persons with disabilities must make for
themselves during the job search process.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you are not
legally obligated to disclose your disability unless it is likely to
directly affect your job performance. On the other hand, if your
disability is visible, it will be evident at the time of the interview
so it may be more prudent to acknowledge your disability
during the application process to avoid catching the employer
representative off guard.
Reasons for Disclosing
You take a risk when you decide to disclose your disability.
Some employers may reject your application based on negative,
preconceived ideas about persons with disabilities. In addition,
you may feel that the issue is too personal to be publicized
among strangers. On the other hand, if you provide false answers
about your health or disability on an application and the truth is
uncovered later, you risk losing your job. You may even be held
legally responsible if you failed to inform your employer and an
accident occurs that is related to your disability.
Timing the Disclosure
The employer’s first contact with you will typically be
through your cover letter and resume, especially if you initially
contacted the organization. There are many differing opinions
on whether one should mention the disability on the resume
or in the cover letter. If you are comfortable revealing your
disability early in the process, then give careful consideration
to where the information is placed and how it is stated. The
cover letter and resume should primarily outline relevant
skills, experiences and education for the position for which you
are applying. The reader should have a clear understanding
of your suitability for the position. Therefore, if you choose
to disclose your disability, the disclosure should be brief and
placed near the end of the cover letter and resume. It should never
be the first piece of information that the employer sees about you. The
Students With Disabilities:
Acing the Interview
information should also reveal your ability to manage your
disability while performing required job functions.
When You Get the Interview
As stated earlier, it may not be wise to hide the disability
(especially a visible disability) until the time of the interview.
The employer representative may be surprised, uncomfortable
or assume that you intentionally hid critical information. As
a result, more time may be spent asking irrelevant and trivial
questions because of nervousness, rather than focusing on
your suitability for the position. Get assistance from contacts in
human resources, your career center or workers with disabilities
about the different ways to prepare the interviewer for your
arrival. Take the time to rehearse what you will say before
making initial contact. If oral communication is difficult for
you, have a career services staff person (or another professional)
place the call for you and explain how you plan to handle the
interview. If you require support for your interview (such
as a sign language interpreter), contact human resources in
advance to arrange for this assistance. Advance preparation puts
everyone at ease and shows that you can manage your affairs.
Tips on Managing the Interview
Prior to the Interview
1. Identify a career services staff person to help you prepare
employers for their interview with you.
2. Arrange for several taped, mock interview sessions to
become more confident in discussing your work-related
skills and in putting the employer representative at ease;
rehearse ahead of time to prepare how you will handle
inappropriate, personal or possibly illegal questions.
3. If your disability makes oral communication difficult, create
a written narrative to supplement your resume that details
your abilities.
4. Determine any technical support, resources and costs that
might be necessary for your employment so that you can
respond to questions related to this topic.
5. Be sure that your career center has information for
employers on interviewing persons with disabilities.
6. Seek advice from other workers with disabilities who have
been successful in finding employment.
7. Review the general advice about interviewing outlined in
this career guide.
During the Interview
1. Put the interviewer at ease before starting the interview by
addressing any visible disability (if you have not done so
2. Plan to participate fully in the discussion (not just answer
questions); maintain the appropriate control of the interview
by tactfully keeping the interview focused on your
abilities—not the disability.
3. Inform the employer of any accommodations needed and how
they can be achieved, thereby demonstrating your ability to
manage your disability.
4. Conclude the interview by reiterating your qualifications
and giving the interviewer the opportunity to ask any
further questions.
Written by Rosita Smith.
30 Southern University and A & M College
Dressing for the Interview
epending upon your fashion style, whether it is the latest
trends for the club scene or merely college senior casual,
a job interview may be cause for some drastic wardrobe
For your interviews, some of your individualism might
have to be shelved or kept in the closet. In most business and
technical job interviews, when it comes to your appearance,
conservativism and conformity are in order.
While many companies have adopted the “office casual” dress
code, don’t try to set new standards in the interview. When in
doubt, it is better to be too conservative than to be too flashy. For
men and women, a suit is the best bet.
Here are some guidelines:
A two-piece suit will suffice in most instances.
Solid colors and tighter-woven fabrics are safer than bold
prints or patterns.
Bright ties bring focus to the face, but a simple pattern is best
for an interview. (A tip for larger men: Use a double Windsor
knot to minimize a bulky appearance.)
Wear polished shoes with socks high enough so no skin is
visible when you sit down and cross your legs.
A suit with a tailored blouse is most appropriate.
Although even the most conservative organizations allow
more feminine looks these days, accessories should be kept
simple. Basic pumps and modest jewelry and makeup help
to present a professional look.
Pants are more acceptable now but are not recommended for
Staying Within a Budget
For recent graduates just entering professional life, additions
to wardrobes, or complete overhauls, are likely needed. Limited
funds, however, can be an obstacle. Image consultant Christine
Lazzarini suggests “capsule wardrobing.” For example, by
mixing and matching, she says, an eight-piece capsule wardrobe
can generate up to 28 ensembles.
Before shopping, Lazzarini advises establishing a budget, 50%
of which should be targeted for accessories. For women, “even a
brightly colored jacket could be considered an accessory when it
makes an outfit you already have look entirely different.
The most important piece in any wardrobe is a jacket that is
versatile and can work with a number of other pieces, according
to one fashion expert. This applies to men and women. “If you
focus on a suit, buy one with a jacket which may be used with
other skirts or trousers,” says a women’s fashion director for a
major national retailer. “Then add a black turtleneck or a white
shirt. These are the fashion basics that you can build on.
A navy or black blazer for men can work well with a few
different gabardine pants. Although this kind of ensemble
would be just as expensive as a single suit, it offers more
One accessory recommended by company representatives is a
briefcase. “When I see one,” says one recruiter, “it definitely adds
to the candidate’s stature. It is a symbol to me that the individual
has done some research and that he or she is prepared.
A Final
And, of course,
your appearance is
only as good as your
grooming. Create
a final checklist to
review before you
go on an interview:
Neatly trimmed hair
Conservative makeup
No runs in stockings
Shoes polished (some suggest wearing your sneakers on
the way to an interview and changing before you enter the
interview site)
No excessive jewelry; men should refrain from wearing
No missing buttons, crooked ties or lint
You want your experience and qualifications to shine. Your
appearance should enhance your presentation, not overwhelm it.
Taking a Casual Approach
“Office casual” is becoming the accepted mode
of dress at more and more companies. The rules,
however, for casual attire are subject to tremendous
company-to-company variance. At some, “casual day”
is a Friday-only observance, where the dress code is
slightly relaxed—a sports coat and slacks for men and
slacks and a sweater for women. At others, especially
entrepreneurial computer companies, its shorts and
sandals every day.
The safest fashion rule for new employees to
follow is dress about the same as your most conservatively
attired co-worker. As a new hire, don’t try to “push the
boundaries” of casual attire.
Fashion Arrests
Never wear denim jeans or shorts unless the vast
majority of others do.
Don’t dress too provocatively—youre at work, not at
a dance club.
“Casual” doesnt mean “sloppy”—your clothes
should always be free of stains or holes.
Workout wear belongs at the gym.
Play It Safe
Chinos or corduroy slacks are usually a safe bet for
both sexes.
As for formal business attire, buy the best that your
budget will allow.
If you will be seeing clients, dress appropriately for
their workplace, not yours.
Go to the mall—most department and specialty
stores have sections devoted to this style of
office attire.
What is the Career Clothes Closet?
The Career Clothes Closet will aid our students in looking their best in the professional world. As a student,
it may be hard to attain funds to purchase appropriate interviewing attire. Therefore, the Career Services
Center has implemented a program called the “Career Clothes Closet” that will ensure students a start in their
future endeavors. We will provide students with “new or gently used” clothing donated by alumnus, business
professionals, faculty, staff, students and other professional organizations. Students are not required to return
the clothing; it is for keeps for the benefit of their future.
In order to participate in this program, students must:
• Bring a current SU I.D, unofficial transcript and complete an application of request (Hardship Application Form).
• Bring an updated resume for critiquing by one of the career counselors.
• Schedule a mock interview with our mentors/professionals/counselors.
• Attend two information sessions or two events sponsored by Career Services or other academic units.
After requirements are met, the student may choose their business attire of choice for the interviewing
experience. For more information on the Career Clothes Closet, call us at (225) 771-2200. All questions
concerning the Career Clothes Closet should be directed to Mrs. Tamara Foster-Montgomery or Ms. Kathy Scott.
Donations are solicited from alumnus, business professionals, faculty, staff and
students. Appropriate donation items include...
• Men’s business suits (black, navy or gray)
• Women’s business suits (black, navy or gray)
• Button-up business professional shirts for men and professional suit appropriate blouses for women
• Professional slacks for men and women
• Conservative ties
All donated attire MUST be…
• Appropriately cleaned
• Placed on hangers
Delivered to:
Career Services Center
E.C. Harrison Drive
T.H. Harris Hall, Suite 1100 Baton Rouge. LA 70813
Tamara Foster-Montgomery • T.H. Harris Hall Suite 1100 • phone 225-771-2200 •
Career Clothes Closet (CCC) Open:
Fridays Only 12:00pm – 2:00pm
32 Southern University and A & M College 33
Are You Ready for a Behavioral Interview?
ell me about a time when you were on a team,
and one of the members wasn’t carrying his or
her weight.” If this is one of the leading questions
in your job interview, you could be in for a behavioral inter-
view. Based on the premise that the best way to predict future
behavior is to determine past behavior, this style of interviewing
is popular among recruiters.
Today, more than ever, each hiring decision is critical.
Behavioral interviewing is designed to minimize personal
impressions that might cloud the hiring decision. By focusing
on the applicant’s actions and behaviors, rather than subjective
impressions that can sometimes be misleading, interviewers can
make more accurate hiring decisions.
A manager of staff planning and college relations for a major
chemical company believes, “Although we have not conducted
any formal studies to determine whether retention or success
on the job has been affected, I feel our move to behavioral
interviewing has been successful. It helps concentrate
recruiters’ questions on areas important to our candidates’
success within [our company].” The company introduced
behavioral interviewing in the mid-1980s at several sites and
has since implemented it companywide.
Behavioral vs. Traditional Interviews
If you have training or experience with traditional inter-
viewing techniques, you may find the behavioral interview quite
different in several ways:
Instead of asking how you would behave in a particular situ-
ation, the interviewer will ask you to describe how you did
Expect the interviewer to question and probe (think of
“peeling the layers from an onion”).
The interviewer will ask you to provide details and will not
allow you to theorize or generalize about events.
The interview will be a more structured process that will
concentrate on areas that are important to the interviewer,
rather than allowing you to concentrate on areas that you may
feel are important.
You may not get a chance to deliver any prepared stories.
Most interviewers will be taking notes throughout the
The behavioral interviewer has been trained to objectively
collect and evaluate information and works from a profile of
desired behaviors that are needed for success on the job. Because
the behaviors a candidate has demonstrated in previous positions
are likely to be repeated, you will be asked to share situations in
which you may or may not have exhibited these behaviors. Your
answers will be tested for accuracy and consistency.
If you are an entry-level candidate with no previous related
experience, the interviewer will look for behaviors in situations
similar to those of the target position:
“Describe a major problem you have faced and how you dealt with
“Give an example of when you had to work with your hands to
accomplish a task or project.”
“What class did you like the most? What did you like about it?”
Follow-up questions will test for consistency and determine if
you exhibited the desired behavior in that situation:
“Can you give me an example?”
“What did you do?”
“What did you say?”
“What were you thinking?”
“How did you feel?”
“What was your role?”
“What was the result?”
You will notice an absence of such questions as, “Tell me about
your strengths and weaknesses.”
How to Prepare for a Behavioral
Recall recent situations that show favorable behaviors
or actions, especially those involving coursework, work
experience, leadership, teamwork, initiative, planning and
customer service.
Prepare short descriptions of each situation; be ready to give
details if asked.
Be sure each story has a beginning, a middle and an end;
i.e., be ready to describe the situation, your action and the
outcome or result.
Be sure the outcome or result reflects positively on you (even if
the result itself was not favorable).
Be honest. Don’t embellish or omit any part of the story.
The interviewer will find out if your story is built on a weak
Be specific. Don’t generalize about several events; give a
detailed accounting of one event.
A possible response to the question, “Tell me about a time when
you were on a team and a member wasn’t pulling his or her weight”
might go as follows: “I had been assigned to a team to build a canoe
out of concrete. One of our team members wasn’t showing up for
our lab sessions or doing his assignments. I finally met with him in
private, explained the frustration of the rest of the team and asked if
there was anything I could do to help. He told me he was preoccu-
pied with another class that he wasn’t passing, so I found someone to
help him with the other course. He not only was able to spend more
time on our project, but he was also grateful to me for helping him
out. We finished our project on time and got a ‘B’ on it.”
The interviewer might then probe: “How did you feel when
you confronted this person?” “Exactly what was the nature of
the project?” “What was his responsibility as a team member?”
“What was your role?” “At what point did you take it upon
yourself to confront him?” You can see it is important that you
not make up or “shade” information and why you should have a
clear memory of the entire incident.
Don’t Forget the Basics
Instead of feeling anxious or threatened by the prospect of
a behavioral interview, remember the essential difference
between the traditional interview and the behavioral interview:
The traditional interviewer may allow you to project what you
might or should do in a given situation, whereas the behavioral
interviewer is looking for past actions only. It will always
be important to put your best foot forward and make a good
impression on the interviewer with appropriate attire, good
grooming, a firm handshake and direct eye contact. There is no
substitute for promptness, courtesy, preparation, enthusiasm
and a positive attitude.
S.T.A.R. Method of Behavioral Interviewing
Behavioral Question and Answer Example: “Describe a time when you demonstrated effective problem-solving skills.
Describe the setting in which your interview response takes place.
What were you doing? Who were you working with? What project were you working on?
Example Answer: “During my role as an Event Planning Intern at Company X this past
summer, I managed all of the details and supervised a group of five in order to successfully host
certain events.
LISTEN to the question
THINK of an event, scenario, project, situation
ORGANIZE your thoughts within 5-8 seconds
SHARE your story effectively using the following method
Explain how the situation changed, and how you were expected to address this change.
What was the goal you were striving to accomplish, or the problem you were trying to solve?
Example Answer:After reviewing the company’s annual report, I noticed that the attendance
at our events had dropped by 30% in the past 3 years, and I wanted to find a solution to this
Clarify the specific action steps that you took in order to address the task at hand.
Demonstrate and mention skills that you utilized in each step.
What did you do to resolve the problem or reach the goal?
Present your key strengths confidently in the Action Step.
Example Answer: “First, I collected feedback by sending out a questionnaire to past attendees
and partners on ways to improve our events. I gathered this research, and used it to design a
new, more effective promotional packet using Software X.
Explain how your actions contributed to the overall end product.
How did the situation end? What did you learn from this experience?
Include concrete, quantifiable data to provide specific details in your response.
Example Answer: “Company X was able to utilize both my solutions and feedback from the
community to host even better events. After implementing some of these strategies, we raised
attendance to our events by 20% in the first year. I learned that it is essential to continually adapt
strategies through marketing and research to increase participation.
When answering behavioral based
interview questions, you need to answer
with specific examples with the actions
you made. Telling us about a time your
group did something does not tell us
about you.
The importance of clear articulation
of experiences and desires is very
important. The better they are able to
clarify and communicate, the better they
will set themselves up for future success.
They are there to sell themselves just like
we are there to sell ourselves. Come with
enthusiasm! Show us why we should
hire you! And have good examples
relating to their field of study.
Reprinted with permission from the Career Planning Handbook of Purdue University.
34 Southern University and A & M College 35
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What are your hobbies?
3. Why did you choose to interview with our organization?
4. Describe your ideal job.
5. What can you offer us?
6. What do you consider to be your greatest strengths?
7. Can you name some weaknesses?
8. Define success. Failure.
9. Have you ever had any failures? What did you learn from
10. Of which three accomplishments are you most proud?
11. Who are your role models? Why?
12. How does your college education or work experience relate
to this job?
13. What motivates you most in a job?
14. Have you had difficulty getting along with a former
professor/supervisor/co-worker and how did you handle
15. Have you ever spoken before a group of people? How
16. Why should we hire you rather than another candidate?
Questions Asked by Employers
17. What do you know about our organization (products or
18. Where do you want to be in five years? Ten years?
19. Do you plan to return to school for further education?
20. Why did you choose your major?
21. Why did you choose to attend your college or university?
22. Do you think you received a good education? In what ways?
23. In which campus activities did you participate?
24. Which classes in your major did you like best? Least? Why?
25. Which elective classes did you like best? Least? Why?
26. If you were to start over, what would you change about
your education?
27. Do your grades accurately reflect your ability? Why or why
28. Were you financially responsible for any portion of your
college education?
29. What job-related skills have you developed?
30. Did you work while going to school? In what positions?
31. What did you learn from these work experiences?
32. What did you enjoy most about your last employment?
33. Have you ever quit a job? Why?
34. Give an example of a situation in which you provided a
solution to an employer.
35. Give an example of a time in which you worked under
deadline pressure.
36. Have you ever done any volunteer work? What kind?
37. How do you think a former supervisor would describe
your work?
Career Goals
38. Do you prefer to work under supervision or on your own?
39. What kind of boss do you prefer?
40. Would you be successful working with a team?
41. Do you prefer large or small organizations? Why?
42. What other types of positions are you considering?
43. How do you feel about working in a structured
44. Are you able to work on several assignments at once?
45. How do you feel about working overtime?
46. How do you feel about travel?
47. How do you feel about the possibility of relocating?
48. Are you willing to work flextime?
Before you begin interviewing, think about these questions
and possible responses and discuss them with a career
advisor. Conduct mock interviews and be sure you are able to
communicate clear, unrehearsed answers to interviewers.
hile on-campus screening interviews are important,
on-site visits are where jobs are won or lost. After an
on-campus interview, strong candidates are usually
invited to visit the employer’s facility. Work with the employer
to schedule the on-site visit at a mutually convenient time.
Sometimes employers will try to arrange site visits for several
candidates to take place at the same time, so there may not
be much flexibility…but you’ll never know if the employer is
flexible unless you ask.
1. An invitation to an on-site interview is NOT a guarantee
of a job offer. It is a chance to examine whether or not you
will be a good match for the job and for the organization.
2. If invited to an on-site interview, respond promptly if
you are sincerely interested in this employer. Decline
politely if you are not. Never go on an on-site interview
for the sake of the trip. Document the name and phone
number of the person coordinating your trip. Verify
who will be handling trip expenses. Most medium- and
large-size companies (as well as many smaller ones)
will pay your expenses, but others will not. This is very
important, because expenses are handled in various
ways: 1) the employer may handle all expenses and
travel arrangements; 2) you handle your expenses and
arrangements (the employer may assist with this), and the
employer will reimburse you later; 3) the employer may
offer an on-site interview, but will not pay for your travel.
3. Know yourself and the type of job you are seeking
with this employer. Don’t say, “I am willing to consider
anything you have.
4. Thoroughly research the potential employer. Read
annual reports, newspaper articles, trade journals, etc.
Many companies have websites where you can read
their mission statements, find out about long-term goals,
read recent press releases, and view corporate photos.
Don’t limit your research only to company-controlled
information. The internet can be a valuable investigative
tool. You may uncover key information that may
influence—positively or negatively—your decision to
pursue employment with a given organization.
5. Bring extra copies of your resume; copies of any
paperwork you may have forwarded to the employer;
names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of
your references; an updated college transcript; a copy of
your best paper as a writing sample; a notebook; a black
and/or blue pen for filling out forms and applications; and
names and addresses of past employers.
6. Bring extra money and a change of clothes. Also, have the
names and phone numbers of those who may be meeting
you in case your plans change unexpectedly. Anything
can happen and you need to be ready for emergencies.
7. Your role at the interview is to respond to questions,
to ask your own questions and to observe. Be ready to
meet people who are not part of your formal agenda. Be
courteous to everyone regardless of his or her position;
you never know who might be watching you and your
actions once you arrive in town.
8. Dont forget your table manners. Plant trips may include
several meals or attendance at a reception the night before
The Site Visit/Interview:
One Step Closer
your “big day.” When ordering food at a restaurant, follow
the lead of the employer host. For example, dont order
the three-pound lobster if everyone else is having a more
moderately priced entree. If you have the “dining jitters,
some authorities suggest ordering food that is easy to
handle, such as a boneless fish fillet or chicken breast.
9. Many employers have a set salary range for entry-level
positions and others are more negotiable. Though salary
should not be brought up until an offer is extended, it is
wise to know your worth in advance. In as much as you
are a potential employee, you also represent a valuable
skills-set product. You should know what kind of product
you have created, its value and what the company is
willing to buy. Contact your campus career center to obtain
more information on salaries.
Take note of how the
employees interact,
and also assess the physical
work environment.
10. Soon after the site visit, record your impressions of your
performance. Review the business cards of those you met
or write the information in your notebook before leaving
the facility. You should have the names, titles, addresses
and phone numbers of everyone who was involved in your
interview so you can determine which individuals you
may want to contact with additional questions or follow-up
information. A thank-you letter should be written to the
person(s) who will be making the hiring decision. Stay in
touch with the employer if you want to pursue a career
with them.
A site visit is a two-way street. You are there to evaluate
the employer and to determine if your expectations are met
for job content, company culture and values, organizational
structure, and lifestyles (both at work and leisure). Take note of
how the employees interact, and also assess the physical work
Just as any good salesperson would never leave a customer
without attempting to close the sale, you should never leave an
interview without some sort of closure. If you decide that the
job is right for you, dont be afraid to tell the employer that you
feel that there is a good fit and you are eager to join their team.
The employer is interested in hiring people who want to be
associated with them and they will never know of your interest
if you dont voice your opinion. Keep in mind that although
the employer has the final power to offer a job, your demeanor
during the entire interviewing process—both on and off
campus—also gives you a great deal of power.
Written by Roseanne R. Bensley, Career Services, New Mexico State
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n area of the job search that often receives little attention
is the art of negotiating. Once you have been offered
a job, you have the opportunity to discuss the terms
of your employment. Negotia tions may be uncomfortable
or unsatisfying because we tend to approach them with a
winner-take-all attitude that is counterproductive to the
concept of negotiations.
Negotiating with your potential employer can make your
job one that best meets your own needs as well as those of your
employer. To ensure successful negotiations, it is important to
understand the basic components. The definition of negotiation
as it relates to employment is: a series of communications (either
oral or in writing) that reach a satisfying conclusion for all
concerned parties, most often between the new employee and
the hiring organization.
Negotiation is a planned series of events that requires
strategy, presentation and patience. Preparation is probably
the single most important part of successful negotiations. Any
good trial attorney will tell you the key to presenting a good
case in the courtroom is the hours of preparation that happen
beforehand. The same is true for negotiating. A good case will
literally present itself. What follows are some suggestions that
will help you prepare for successful negotiating.
Gather as much factual information as you can to back up the
case you want to make. For example, if most entering employees
cannot negotiate salary, you may be jeopardizing the offer by
focusing on that aspect of the package. Turn your attention to
other parts of the offer such as their health plan, dental plan,
retirement package, the type of schedule you prefer, etc.
Psychological Preparation
Chances are that you will not know the person with
whom you will be negotiating. If you are lucky enough to
be acquainted, spend some time reviewing what you know
about this persons communication style and decision- making
In most cases, however, this person will be a stranger.
Since most people find the unknown a bit scary, you’ll want
to ask yourself what approach to negotiating you find most
comfortable. How will you psyche yourself up to feel confident
enough to ask for what you want? How will you respond to
counteroffers? What are your alternatives? What’s your bottom
line? In short, plan your strategy.
Be sure you know exactly what you want. This does not mean
you will get exactly that, but having the information clear in
your head will help you determine what you are willing to
concede. Unless you know what you want, you won’t be able to
tell somebody else. Clarity improves communication, which is
the conduit for effective negotiations.
Rehearse the presentation in advance using another person
as the employer. If you make mistakes in rehearsal, chances are
that you will not repeat them during the actual negotiations.
A friend can critique your reasoning and help you prepare for
questions. If this all seems like a lot of work, remember that if
something is worth negotiating for, it is worth preparing for.
Dollars and Sense
Always begin by expressing genuine interest in the position
and the organization, emphasizing the areas of agreement
but allowing “wiggle room” to compromise on other areas. Be
prepared to support your points of disagreement, outlining the
parts you would like to alter, your suggestions on how this can
be done and why it would serve the company’s best interests to
accommodate your request.
Be prepared to defend your proposal. Back up your reasons
for wanting to change the offer with meaningful, work-related
skills and positive benefits to the employer. Requesting a
salary increase because you are a fast learner or have a high
GPA are usually not justifiable reasons in the eyes of the
employer. Meaningful work experience or internships that have
demonstrated or tested your professional skills are things that
will make an employer stop and take notice.
It is sometimes more comfortable for job-seekers to make this
initial request in writing and plan to meet later to hash out the
differences. You will need to be fairly direct and assertive at this
point even though you may feel extremely vulnerable. Keep in
mind that the employer has chosen you from a pool of qualified
applicants, so you are not as powerless as you think.
Sometimes the employer will bristle at the suggestion that
there is room to negotiate. Stand firm, but encourage the
employer to think about it for a day or two at which time you
will discuss the details of your proposal with him/her. Do not
rush the process because you are uncomfortable. The employer
may be counting on this discomfort and use it to derail the
negotiations. Remember, this is a series of volleys and lobs,
trade-offs and compromises that occur over a period of time. It
is a process—not a singular event!
Once you have reached a conclusion with which you are both
relatively comfortable, present in writing your interpretation
of the agreement so that if there is any question, it will be
addressed immediately. Negotiation, by definition, implies that
each side will give. Do not perceive it as an ultimatum.
If the employer chooses not to grant any of your requests—
and realistically, he or she can do that—you will still have
the option of accepting the original offer provided you have
maintained a positive, productive and friendly atmosphere
during your exchanges. You can always re-enter negotiations
after you have demonstrated your worth to the organization.
Money Isn’t Everything
There are many things you can negotiate besides salary.
For example, benefits can add thousands of dollars to the
compensation package. Benefits can range from paid personal
leave to discounts on the company’s products and services. They
constitute more than just icing on the cake; they may be better
than the cake itself. Traditional benefits packages include health
insurance, paid vacation and personal/sick days. Companies
may offer such benefits as child care, elder care or use of the
company jet for family emergencies. Other lucrative benefits
could include disability and life insurance and a variety of
retirement plans. Some organizations offer investment and
stock options as well as relocation reimbursement and tuition
credits for continued education.
Written by Lily Maestas, Career Counselor, Career Services,
University of California, Santa Barbara.
The Art of Negotiating The Cost of Living Index
he following is a selection of cities where many graduating
students accept offers. The cost of living index is based on the
composite price of groceries, housing, utilities, transportation,
health care, clothing and entertainment in each city listed.
Use the calculation to compare salaries in different cities.
For further information about the data below, please refer to www.
To compare information from other sources, refer to these
websites: and
Average City, USA
Birmingham 78
Montgomery 89
Anchorage 143
Flagstaff 119
Phoenix 99
Tucson 92
Little Rock 88
Fresno 105
Irvine 215
Los Angeles 164
Sacramento 113
San Diego 164
San Francisco 243
San Jo 197
Boulder 155
Colorado Springs 101
Denver 115
Hartford 109
New Haven 113
Stamford 167
Wilmington 98
Miami 119
Orlando 92
Atlanta 97
Honolulu 199
Boise 107
Chicago 103
Springfield 87
Bloomington 98
Indianapolis 89
South Bend 83
Des Moines 82
Iowa City 105
Kansas City 85
Lexington 95
Louisville 87
Baton Rouge 90
New Orleans 99
Portland 118
Baltimore 88
Boston 161
Ann Arbor 111
Detroit 73
Lansing 82
Minneapolis 108
St. Paul 102
Kansas City 94
St. Louis 84
Billings 107
Missoula 110
Lincoln 91
Omaha 88
Las Vegas 99
New Jersey
Atlantic City 100
Princeton 162
Newark 122
New Mexico
Albuquerque 101
Santa Fe 120
New York
Albany 102
Buffalo 74
New York City 168
Syracuse 89
North Carolina
Chapel Hill 128
Charlotte 94
Raleigh 101
North Dakota
Fargo 98
Cincinnati 83
Cleveland 79
Columbus 82
Dayton 76
Oklahoma City 89
Tul sa 85
Portland 126
Philadelphia 96
Pittsburgh 84
South Carolina
Charleston 109
Columbia 99
South Dakota
Sioux Falls 95
Chattanooga 88
Memphis 73
Nashville 99
Austin 107
Dallas 106
Houston 98
San Antonio 92
Salt Lake City 115
Burlington 124
Richmond 95
Virginia Beach 110
Seattle 154
Washington, DC 154
West Virginia
Charleston 91
Madison 116
Milwaukee 85
Cheyenne 103
Salary Comparison Equation
City #1 x Salary = $_______
City #2
What is the New York City equivalent of a
$50,000 salary in Chicago?
New York City 168 x $50,000 = $81,553
Chicago 103
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